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03/20/10(Sat)22:40 No.8692770 File1269139248.jpg-(66 KB, 595x595, 1263308173429.jpg)
 The dark side of Valor is Taint. If Valor is good, Taint is evil. If Valor is justice, then Taint is cruelty. If Valor is honesty, Taint is deceptiveness. And there are Cloaks who draw upon Taint instead of Valor. These are called Daggers. A Cloak is a hero, but a Dagger is a villain.
Daggers are generally self serving where Cloaks are self-sacrificing, and use their powers to further their own agenda. This might not necessarily be taking over the world, but more than a few Daggers seem that way inclined. Daggers tend to be prone to violent and criminal behaviour; they might choose to become a crook rather than get an honest job, or they might use their powers to rise up the corporate ladder on a pile of corpses. But in the same way as Valor is finite, so is Taint.
A Dagger does not necessarily have to be evil in the same way that a Cloak does not necessarily have to be good. Anti-heroes are more likely to be Daggers than Cloaks, for example, and it might remain unclear as to which one a particularly brutal defender of justice is.
The only surefire wire to tell a Cloak from a Dagger is their Corona. This is the 'tell' that shows up when they are drawing upon large amounts Valor or Taint to power their abilities. A strongman lifting a person over his head might not present with a Corona, but he would when holding up a falling building.
A Valor Corona might be a burning white aura, a heavenly choir singing just on the edge of hearing or an irresistible impulse to swoon at the Cloaks presence. The Corona is heroic, obvious and clearly positive. A Daggers Corona might present as looming shadows, an ominous aura or an oppressive taste in the air. It is unsettling, grim and negative. |