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01/13/12(Fri)17:37 No.17531959 File1326494277.jpg-(101 KB, 431x450, lumberjack sion vs maokai.jpg)
 >Decide to read the rulebook thoroughly and repeatedly, so we can be sure to play by the rules, help them get over edition change, and keep things in order. >Everyone is on board to start playing by the rules, even Halfling says it is a good idea. >He consistently breaks the rules and gets told no, offered replays on his turn when his strategies hinge upon breaking the rules >Pouts when told he can't assault my skimmers, slide models around to the back of said skimmer for an extra 5 inches of movement, and then declare it a multi-assault. >Pouts when told he should switch to the newer Chaos codex, even when we buy it for him >Pouts, pouts, pouts. >Calls me a rules-lawyer, tells me by using skimmers and Kroot to deny assault I'm min-maxing >States he isn't going to keep playing 40k and takes a hiatus from the game, which effectively shuts down the whole group because his house has a the table we use, the terrain we all built together and is the middle-way between the players of the group (as well as the fact that him and his brother are half our group). >I pay out of pocket for materials to build a new table, clear room for it in my basement, set up a game room (fridge, table made of foam with grooves cut in it to represent rivers and mountains, sofas to chill on, a painting area, the works, a secondary table for 4x4). >Doesn't really matter, because my house is a half hour out of the way for the two remaining players, and Halfling's brother isn't coming alone. >Roll with it, recruit my brother, he starts up an Eldar force, paints like shit and doesn't understand much but he is learning. >Eventually manage to get the WHOLE group together at my house, 1500 points, 6x4 |