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!qQigT1sixA 03/21/12(Wed)01:12 No.18400698 File: 1332306779.jpg-(71 KB, 680x374, Deus_Ex_Human_Revolution_Conce(...).jpg)
Obviously, although the team didn't know which room the target was in, 2D could spoof his way into the system using the spider's AccessID, and find out that way. One problem remained, that of astral security. Spirits were doubtless patrolling upstairs, but 2D wouldn't be able to spot them, so there was a chance that Geppetto, being a dual-natured creature, would pop into the target's room right in time to be nuked by a fire spirit.
Still, it was the best plan the team had, and they decided to go with it. Dervish shadowed the day spider as he took the elevator down from the security room to the lobby, stepping into the locker rooms so he could take off his uniform--which incidentally sported a biomonitor, so the moment he had it off, being knocked unconscious would no longer pop on the security system.
The spider strolled, humming, to his car, and the moment he'd unlocked it Dervish put him into a sleeper hold, shoved him into his car, and bound and gagged him. 2D jogged from camera blind spot to camera blind spot to make his way to the car, where he took the spider's commlink and texted the night spider:
>Dude don't come in today, I need the overtime hours to buy Stacey a Christmas gift.
2D, thumbing through the day spider's contacts, had found his daughter. The night spider replied,
>You are such an ass, I was already like two blocks out. Whatever, but you owe me one, okay? I need a steady cash flow, too.
2D took the opportunity to yoink the profile specs of the night spider, if he needed to pretend to be him in the immediate future.
>Thanks man, you don't know how much this means to me. Coffee's on me for a week. |