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!USSR.tgXbk 02/11/12(Sat)01:40 No.17893649 File1328942410.jpg-(246 KB, 1275x1754, d02side2.jpg)
This was where Teh Sidekick busted out his Pop Culture skill and challenged plastic surgery zombie Michael Jackson to a Thriller dance-off. Yes, he had the balls to try to out-Michael Jackson Michael Jackson himself, just by watching Michael Jackson's moves - because, remember, Thriller wasn't released in 1976. This went on for several rounds, during which Sidekick kept Michael Jackson busy and prevented unknown horrors from being unleashed on the rest of the party.
But Ann had other plans. She had used her Climb Like a Monkey skill to bypass the whole room and was standing on the stairs to the roof. Looking for something to do, she realized that Michael Jackson was the only Thing she could Shoot Dead, so she did. Predictably, what with Thriller playing and zombies around and the amount of plastic in his body, this did not stop Michael Jackson. It did, however, infuriate Sidekick that someone would try to interfere with the sacred dance-off, so he flew into a Nerd Rage. His rage was so great (critical success) that he spontaneously zombified himself in order to conform to what he saw as the changed rules of the contest - if Michael Jackson was now a zombie, he would out-zombie Michael Jackson himself!
During all this, Hiro continued throwing Stars and Stripes Forever and decapitating zombies. Since "forever" was part of the name, they had to be infinite, right?
Black Guy looked around, saw that everything was covered, and Hid in Blackness.
>andonpvi fought
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