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!!DiJrnAJDGNk 01/19/12(Thu)13:26 No.17595748 File1326997593.jpg-(161 KB, 1024x768, bearcubs.jpg)
 When we tried to steer things back to the game, That Guy was insistent that the city was better off without the 'weak, effeminate' Prince and would do better with a 'strong, straight' ruler at the head. Which, he left unsaid but implied pretty fucking hard, would be himself or at least one of us. He seemed to genuinely think that the story the GM had set out for us expected us to murder and usurp the ruling family of the city based solely on the sexual orientation of the heir.
At this point, the Bear apparently could take no more. He stood up and walked around the table to That Guy. He seized That Guy under the shoulders and LIFTED him from the chair. Remember how I said he was over six foot, but kind of slouched so he wasn't intimidating? Yeah. Not anymore. He was looming, towering even, over That Guy, who was about five six and a hundred pounds sopping wet.
"Listen to me, you little piece of shit. I have made bigger and better men than you BEG FOR MORE."
The Bear grabbed That Guy by the shoulders and lifted him bodily off of the ground.
I swear to god, the Bear literally CARRIED That Guy out of the room, down the hall and OUT OF THE HOUSE, deposited him on the sidewalk ("like the trash he is", he later said) and then went back inside, before cracking open a beer. That Guy knocked on the door and rang the bell a few times, but we decide to ignore him.
We... pretty much had to draw a line under the session there for obvious reasons and I'm not sure if the campaign is still going to happen but... So, that's the closest thing to an 'end' this story really has, because I get the feeling it's not over. I do get the feeling The Bear is my best bro for life, though. |