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!!GzWmGH6V4eu 01/23/11(Sun)21:26 No.13634611 File1295836014.jpg-(67 KB, 426x599, 1267722574536.jpg)
 >>13634503 Aight. I should mention up front, this was our first experience with Shadowrun, and things got...odd.
I guess the easiest thing to do would be to start off with the players:
First is the one we'll call Gunbunny. In a Shadowrun game set in 2072 Russia, this guy makes a dwarf mercenary from the UCAS. Worked for the UCAS government and then for Ares for around 30 years. Now he's retired and living on a nice pile of hush money in St. Petersburg with all his tacticool equipment, but he gets The Itch and has to go shadowrunning to scratch it every now and then. Unless absolutely required to do otherwise, he walks around in full body armor with a closed helmet and at least five guns on his person at all times.
Next up is the hacker, dubbed Half-Life. A native Russian, he drives the van and has a commlink that gets its Matrix signal from space. The aforesaid van has enough sensors to diagnose a pimple on a troll's scrotum from 500 meters. He also pilots numerous drones, including a GM Doberman with an assault rifle and a flashbang grenade launcher.
Then we have the Face. An elf adept with kinesics, facial sculpting, the works. Good at talking the pants off anybody, as you will see.
The mage, who we'll call Crazy Ivan. Along with the usual mage staples like Improved Invisibility, Physical Mask and Clairvoyance, he also took some AoE spells for combat. In fact, he only took AoE spells for combat.
Lastly, there's an ork gunslinger adept, aka Cowboy. He has nowhere near as many weapons as Gunbunny, but he does have better ones, including a revolver that blows cat-sized holes in people. He's also a street ganger and the only one with lower than Medium lifestyle. |