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!PmqM6b1Vqg 05/11/11(Wed)21:22 No.14895561 File1305163325.jpg-(1.69 MB, 1280x1024, WP_Emrakul_1280x1024.jpg)
 I use my bardic music to enhance my perform: oratory to full power. My voice now screams out in 5 tones at once (Baby, Child, Man, Demon, Singing falsetto) with volume to let the whole assembled throng hear. >I summon no God. I summon one of the most powerful outsiders ever to exist. >"I summon this." as I pass a brand-new MTG card face down to Kai. >Picrelated.jpg
I sit back and let my nemesis tremble and quiver in sheer rage. Kyle and Grace are silent until now. They demand Kai shows them what I summon. They lol I lol In Sal the bleak's 5-tone deafening voice, as the eater of reality forms behind him, he speaks. "I have died in my soul and died in my heart. My body died with them and now I am whole. I am the great entropy of your world. >With my first voice, I sang the song to end my needs, and as a babe, they were filled. >With my second voice, I sang the song to end my ignorance, and as a child, my mind was filled. >With my third voice, I sang the song to end my woes, and as a man, my heart was filled. >With my fourth voice, I sang the song to end my thirst, and as a monster, my body was filled. >With my fifth voice, I sang the song to end my loneliness, and as a musician, my soul was filled." ... Then, as Emrakul is fully formed, I turn to face it. >And. With my sixth voice... I shall sing you the song, that ends the world. Now, mortals, watch. WATCH! As the void is filled.
/campaign /STORYTIEM!!! |