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05/19/10(Wed)22:42 No.9928707 File1274323364.jpg-(161 KB, 502x582, TessaBrick.jpg)
 We've had a bunch of these, too. My favourite is Brick the Steadfast, Ogrun Rogue.
We were playing an Iron Kingdoms game, and quite a ways in, we're chilling in a bar in Bainesmarket, talking about whatever bullshit was going on at the moment, and an Ogrun sitting nearby just randomly throws into the conversation, mostly as a way for the DM to point out that we weren't being incredibly secretive in our talk.
My Rynnish bard/truenamer, Tessa, turns to the Ogrun, throws out her arms, and holler, "Brick the Steadfast! How you doing?!" The DM goes with it, and we start up a conversation, talking about "the gang" back at Five Fingers and how things have been (my PC's backstory was that she was a slave in Cryx, escaped and joined a gang in Five Fingers, and was currently ducking slavers trying to reclaim her), and he even bullshits a name of the gang, the "Bricking Crew".
He invites Tessa out for a night on the town, and they go to a carnival, play some games, and have a lovely evening, with him trying to convince her to leave the party and come back, assuring her that things were safe and admitting feelings for her. All the while, another PC who had a thing for her (much to her chagrin) was following them around town, suspicious of Brick. At the end of the night, Brick and Tessa parted, agreeing to meet back up at Five Fingers once their respective jobs were done with, and Bill, the PC who had been stalking them all night confronts her back at the inn, which leads to a beatdown and the other PCs pulling him out of the room. It was quite silly.
Cue a campaign later, Brick and Tessa, along with the rest of their gang, were important NPCs we had to deal with in Five Fingers.
Pic poorly drawn but related. |