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05/10/11(Tue)13:36 No.14879597 File1305048998.jpg-(19 KB, 500x494, 1284267422155.jpg)
 >>14879299 Thankfully running wasn't the strong suit of someone used to just throwing area of effect spells at things and receiving praise. If he had gotten into insta-kill range that would have been the end of the story.Pic related narrowly avoided The bad news is that going back to the tavern was probably not going to end well. The good news is, lowbie sleeping quarters were a PVP-free zone, at the expense of basically sleeping in a shitty barracks. So we decided to just go back and rest up for tomorrow, we needed to be early for our plan to work.
Now I'd like to say that we had planned to rush into the dungeon and clear it ourselves, come back, be smug, the end. But we were still only lvl 3, and this was a dungeon Peacock was recruiting a party for. So we'd do them one better. Why bother recruiting a big posse when he's already done the work for us? Just sneak in after them, let them take all the fights, we'll grab the loot and the shard. I would like to point out that it was a patented The Colonel(tm) plan, so we didn't really see a way that it could fail. Overconfidence is a dangerous thing.
The next morning we all got as prepared as we could. Spent basically all of our cash on potions, I bought a sticker that made my crossbow +2, Furfriend bought an enchantment for his shield so he could block spells with it, The Colonel got some stuff that made his clothes damage resistant like chain mail, and Douchemiester basically loaded himself up for bear with spell recharges. He also slipped off for a bit while we were shopping. When we asked him where the hell he went, he just said “It's a poor fool that goes into hell without insurance”
We told him to cut the shit and tell us but he insisted on being vague, we figured he just had a potion of not die or something. |