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  • File : 1314752338.png-(478 KB, 553x943, CommanderQuestPostOne.png)
    478 KB Commander Quest CXXX Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/30/11(Tue)20:58 No.16122771  
    >Last Time: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/16100594/
    >Join the IRC on Sup/tg/ at #CommanderQuest
    >We have a (skeletal) wiki! http://thugaim.pbworks.com/w/page/22231052/FrontPage

    The next morning you awaken early, not terribly so, but early enough considering the fact that all you have left to do is wait for your relief to arrive. After a light breakfast, you see Malcius off and begin to wander the camp as you normally do. As usual it is quite quiet, save for Lena slowly working through her stack of mock staffs, and Catalina clumsily trying to practice with her new whip. Aside from that, the camp is still fast asleep, from the looks of it. For a while you sit and think, still unsure of what you will choose for your houses coat of arms. During that period, Kyria emerges from your tent and begins scribbling down what you assume are runic phrases, and Sansa emerges to wander aimlessly, from the looks of it.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)21:07 No.16122871
    I'm not a regular but as nobody seems to be here and I'd hate to see no repies to this:
    >and Sansa emerges to wander aimlessly,
    Doesn't sound like something that should happen, check up on her.
    >> Generic 08/30/11(Tue)21:10 No.16122898

    sounds like a good enough reason to visit Sansa
    >> Brick 08/30/11(Tue)21:19 No.16123013
    Lets check up on Sansa
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/30/11(Tue)21:22 No.16123043
    Sighing you set off after Sansa. You find the girl sitting atop one of the autowagons looking out over the plains. "Justinian, care to join me?" she asks as you approach.

    Lacking anything better to do, you climb up the wagon next to her "Is something on your mind, love?" you ask after settling down.

    The girl turns over to look at you "Not anything in particular, we simply dont have all that many quiet mornings outside a city. Since there was nothing that needed doing..." she trails off, shrugging.
    >> Maximus 08/30/11(Tue)21:28 No.16123120
    "Out of curiosity, do you have any idea on how Vi's been adjusting to the maniple? I haven't had much time to speak to her with the campaign going on and I'm slightly worried she might be like how Laelith used to be and always staying by herself."

    We're going to need to decide what to do with Vi soon enough so might as well bring it up.
    >> Brick 08/30/11(Tue)21:32 No.16123162
    Far too few quiet mornings indeed...

    along with
    >> 風林火山 08/30/11(Tue)21:42 No.16123305

    "You've been working too hard, my love. Enjoy the morning, relax abit."

    >>16123120 and this.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/30/11(Tue)21:43 No.16123312

    Sounds good to me.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/30/11(Tue)21:43 No.16123320
    You release a contented sigh "I heartilly agree with you, Sansa." after a few moments of comfortable silence, and watching the wind gently rustle the tall grass you open up again "Out of curiosity, how has Vi been adjusting to the maniple? I am somewhat worried that she is going down the same path Laelith had been when the elf first joined us."

    Sansa shakes her head, smiling "No, she is not terribly social, but she is not ostracizing herself. Of course, she has more than a few men chasing after her, and she humors them, but hasnt seemed to become close to anyone in particular."

    You nod slowly as you reply "It is good to know that she is not alienating herself from the maniple."

    Sansa leans over on to your shoulder "It is Catalina that worries me. Save Lena, Laelith, and whichever of us are with the two of them, she hasn't reached out to anyone."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/30/11(Tue)21:44 No.16123329
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/30/11(Tue)21:47 No.16123352
    "I think for now she may just be worried about being seen by the wrong people. Also, she's had a pretty heavy load placed on her shoulders. I think we'll see her shine some more once we get back to Dragonsreach."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/30/11(Tue)21:47 No.16123360
    "Give her time. She's lost her homeland, begun working for a new one, and just had a close encounter with the Goddess of Death.
    "Now, if this state of affairs continues even after we reach Dragonsreach, then there may be a problem."
    >> Maximus 08/30/11(Tue)21:47 No.16123361
    "I imagine that it'll take some time to get her out of her shell. Her father didn't help make her very outgoing and now she's staying with soldiers who she had tried to kill a few weeks back. The girl's probably still terrified of saying or doing something wrong around the wrong person and being hurt."
    >> Generic 08/30/11(Tue)21:52 No.16123437
    "The girl is only now gaining the confidence each of us possess, after a lifetime of being told she was nothing but a burden to her family for eating her fill. Best to not rush her into making friends."
    >> Brick 08/30/11(Tue)21:54 No.16123463
    "With the life she lived before joining the maniple I can hardly blame her. Her father thought of her as no more then a useful tool and her siblings didn't seem to care for her at all. Hopefully she will come out of her shell in due time."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/30/11(Tue)22:07 No.16123653
    You smile warmly "Considering how she was raised to see herself as nothing of a burden, I think she is doing just fine."

    Sansa pouts "That still is no reason for anyone to have so very few friends."

    You lean over to kiss Sansa lightly on the cheek "And that, is one of the reasons I love you. I see no reason to rush the girl, but if she seems so lonely to you, I see no harm in trying to pry her out of her box a little more. The confidence gained from more people close to her would do her wonders no doubt."

    Sansa grins at your praise "Well, if Lena weren't so worried about not hurting or offending others, we never would have been able to recruit the girl." You nod in agreement as the two of you fall back into a comfortable silence.

    >so, what now?
    >> Maximus 08/30/11(Tue)22:09 No.16123675
    I say we settle this matter on what to do with Vi. That or talk to Kyria about how ready she thinks the anti-mage runes are working and then perhaps we should get working on a mage hunters doctrine to lend to other maniples. I believe the Emperor's son said the 7th would have to be involved in that.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/30/11(Tue)22:11 No.16123708
    Let's do the one thing we didn't get around to last thread: Elementalism Training!
    >> Brick 08/30/11(Tue)22:14 No.16123742
    Lets see if Catalina has asked for help from Vi regarding her whip.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/30/11(Tue)22:16 No.16123769
    From what Kyria was saying last session, she probably needs more time to make any progress on the anti-mage runes.
    So we should probably determine what to do with Vi. I think she should stay with the maniple's medicae, helping to produce pharmaceutical plants and medicinal herbs.

    Also, agreeing with >>16123708 to do some more elementalism training.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/30/11(Tue)22:22 No.16123835
    >well, roll for elementalism training then
    >> 風林火山 08/30/11(Tue)22:22 No.16123841
    rolled 50 = 50


    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/30/11(Tue)22:22 No.16123844
    rolled 87 = 87

    Alright then.
    Rolling for elementalism training.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/30/11(Tue)22:23 No.16123846
    rolled 36 = 36

    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/30/11(Tue)22:23 No.16123862
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    Yep. It's commander quest.
    >> 風林火山 08/30/11(Tue)22:25 No.16123884
    rolled 7 = 7


    What CQ session would be complete without t/g/ dice? Ahaha.
    >> Generic 08/30/11(Tue)22:26 No.16123893
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    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/30/11(Tue)22:26 No.16123897
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    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/30/11(Tue)22:31 No.16123966
    After a while, you give Sansa another kiss, before hopping down from the wagon, and heading off to train some. After a few hours, you make your way to the edge of the training field, exhausted, and not feeling particularly successful. You force yourself to smirk, at least your control got better. as you gulp down water, you notice Catalina leaning up against a weapon rack next to you, her 'whip' slithering about in front of her aimlessly. Rubbing some bruises she looks up to ask you "How did your training go?"

    You shrug "I didnt get any worse at least."

    Catalina nods dejectedly "I used to be mediocre with a whip, and, even though I was terrible with other weapons I thought that I may still be skilled enough to protect myself..."

    >Steady Focus increase!! Rolls under a 90 no longer cause self harm or damage to friendly units!
    >> Brick 08/30/11(Tue)22:31 No.16123968
         File1314757908.jpg-(24 KB, 413x395, laugh and drink real.jpg)
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    Oh /tg/ dice, you so crazy
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/30/11(Tue)22:33 No.16123991
    rolled 16 = 16

    >Steady Focus increase!! Rolls under a 90 no longer cause self harm or damage to friendly units!
    At least it wasn't a total loss.

    Ask Catalina if she's had a chance to ask Vi about getting her help.
    >> Maximus 08/30/11(Tue)22:35 No.16124006
    "You just need more practice. And eventually a real opponent to practice with. There are many in the maniple that could help you such as Colin, although I could assist if you'd like. Have you spoken to Vi yet about your whip?"
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/30/11(Tue)22:35 No.16124014
    >> Brick 08/30/11(Tue)22:37 No.16124040
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/30/11(Tue)22:53 No.16124266
    >I seem to have derped when I typed, it should be rolls less than 98...

    You smirk and hand the girl a cup of water before sitting down next to her on the ground "You simply need more practice. And there are many people who would help you with that, Collin would be the best choice, though any of the other captains, or members of my retinue should be able to help you, myself included."

    Catalina perks up, then glances around nervously "You mean, even Lena..."

    It takes nearly three minutes of you trying to figure out what Catalina is asking before you burst out laughing "Lena? No, no, no... of course not Lena. Were it not for her arcane talent she wouldnt be able to hurt a fly!"

    Catalina breathes a sigh of relief "Thats... reassuring. I was worried that you would have to assign me a bodyguard as well."

    as the girl finishes the first half of her water you chuckle as well "I doubt that you would need one, considering how effective your golems can be." Catalina pauses to think, then nods before taking another drink. You continue "So, have you talked to Vi yet?"

    The girl sets her cup down to respond "I have and... she is working to craft several toxins for my whip... though I am glad that I did not have any on it yet, I may have injured myself."

    You smile "That is good to hear. Did she tell you when they would be ready?"

    Catalina shrugs "Sometime before we reach the capitol I believe." she pauses to adjust the buns she has her hair tied into before haltingly asking "Were... were you serious when you said that you would be willing to help me train?"
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/30/11(Tue)22:56 No.16124305
    "Absolutely. I don't know if you've noticed, but I can take quite a beating."
    >> Maximus 08/30/11(Tue)22:56 No.16124307
    "I'm not the expert in combat within the maniple but yes, I was serious. I can't say I'll always have time to train you while on campaign of course, but I would be willing to help."

    Hmm. Was hoping she's go to Collin so she'd have a little more contact with others in the maniple but maybe it's still too soon.
    >> 風林火山 08/30/11(Tue)22:59 No.16124358

    Well, she wants to 'get to know us better.'

    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/30/11(Tue)22:59 No.16124364
    And maybe fighting against an unconventional weapon will do us good. Though if possible, we should get Collin to help, show/tell us what we're doing wrong.
    >> Brick 08/30/11(Tue)23:02 No.16124405
    Well, she could begin with us and work her way up to Colin.
    >> Generic 08/30/11(Tue)23:04 No.16124424


    It may help if Collin observes, as well. Unless we have someone else that uses whips.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/30/11(Tue)23:08 No.16124472
    rolled 88 = 88

    >> Maximus 08/30/11(Tue)23:09 No.16124486
    rolled 35 = 35

    Oh Commander Quest... Why do the dice hate you so?
    >> 風林火山 08/30/11(Tue)23:12 No.16124512

    I'm just waiting for the time we roll 100, 100, 95 for one round of combat.
    >> Loec 08/30/11(Tue)23:12 No.16124518
    rolled 15 = 15

    Because they are fickle masters, and Laelith isn't here.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/30/11(Tue)23:21 No.16124623
    Call it a botch for whip training?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/30/11(Tue)23:21 No.16124634
    rolled 4 = 4

    Since this seems to be shaping up to a non-combat session, voting for botch.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/30/11(Tue)23:22 No.16124638
    You smile warmly "That is what I said, isnt it? Were you looking to train more now, or some other time?"

    The girl tries to ape your smirk, but fails rather miserably at it "We both seem to be free, so... now, I suppose."

    You nod and stand up "Would you mind if I fetch Collin to observe us, and give you pointers?" the girl shakes her head, so you set off to find the dwarven blademaster.


    "No, Justinian, ye'were originally in'a Light Spear battalion. Lets'nae try the poor girl too hard. A trainin spear'an padded leathers." You sigh, and turn around from the direction of your tent tot he training supplies rack. "Oh, are ya afraid'a some pain then?" he shoots at your sigh.

    You shake your head, and square off against the girl, who is immediately corrected on her stance and how she is holder her weapon. Nearly an hour of sweating in the thick leathers later, and Catalinas stance is finally acceptable. Standing sideways at you, whip trailing behind her arm tense, but not tight, and weight on the balls of her feet and her left, forward, arm held at ever so slightly behind her back, and mostly straight save for the crooked elbow the girl looks either ready to wet herself, or begin the bought. "I... I'm ready when you are, Commander." she announces nervously. You chuckle as soldiers are already gathering to watch the spar.

    >well, if you want you can burn your first botch on those last three rolls for your training roll, or you can roll for it.
    >Your rolling to train Catalina, not yourself, as she isnt anywhere near skilled enough of a melee combatant to improve your skills.
    >> 風林火山 08/30/11(Tue)23:28 No.16124685
    rolled 34 = 34


    Botch then.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/30/11(Tue)23:29 No.16124702
    Botch sounds good to me.
    >> Brick 08/30/11(Tue)23:32 No.16124746
    Botch sounds good to me
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/30/11(Tue)23:50 No.16124946
    You smirk again, despite the heat "Born" you reply evenly. At that the girl steps forward, and lashes out with her whip. It is fairly simple for you to step aside and allow it to wrap your training spear. Seconds later you pull free and drop into a normal soldiers stance. Reminding yourself to not go too hard on the girl you move in for a trio of stabs at the girl, who just barely manages to avoid all three. "Quicker on your feet girl!" Collin shouts. Catalina grunts, dances back, then lashes out at you again from the edge of her range, cracking at your hand, and causing your next thrust to falter.

    "I'm no girl!" Catalina announces as she sidesteps your next thrust and manages to land a strike on your back. Not enough to get through your padded leathers, but, were you a weaker man it would be enough to drop you to a knee. As it is, you simply spin around and crack the shaft of your spear into the girls balance arm, which pushes into her body, then sends her sprawling.

    Collin barks out a laugh as the girl stands "I donn'ae care if yer of age with the Commander, I'm four times again his age. Your a girl, an'were he not the commander he'd be boy." Catalina grunts again and strikes at you, but you easily dodge before lashing out at her again, forcing her back for several steps. "An why cannae'I hear that whip cracking?" Catalina growls, and lashes out with all her apparent might, and only managing to get a nasty hiss as the whip bites through the air before you block it.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/30/11(Tue)23:51 No.16124959

    Catalina is sprawled out on the ground, dripping sweat, panting, and thoroughly bruised. Despite this, Collin is standing over her listing things off "Ye need to work on yer footwork, learn'ta get more momentum behind your strikes... and improve yer balance." Collin pauses to breathe "An that whip can strike on its own too. Hard for a man to skewer you when he's being bit by a bone snake. Good tactic'ta learn for getting space between you an'yer foe. I want a noticeable improvement in all four before next week."

    Catalina nods, sighs, and drops back to the ground. chuckling you head off to return your training gear to its rack, doing your best to ignore the bruises the woman gave you. Despite what Collin said, she can swing that whip surprisingly hard. "Stand up sweetie, or you'll cramp." You hear Sansas voice coo to Catalina.

    Mixed in with the sounds of the girl being helped up, you hear her reply "You arent old enough to call me sweetie, nor are we close enough. I am..."

    You hear SAnsa chuckle "Of age with Jsutinian and I, I know. You just make the cutest face when your irked about that, and levity is the best remedy for the sort of exhaustion your feeling. If you like, I could help you with your footwork..." Smiling, you turn off into the camp to let the two girls talk, after acknowledging the two, of course.

    >so, what now?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/30/11(Tue)23:55 No.16125002
    rolled 30 = 30

    Combined Arms drills with the Elementalist Combat Teams. I want them training with each other, and in drills with the units under Gaius and Cornelius' commands, as well as with Urist's Warlords.
    Advance or stay in position with the infantry as a screen, and the elementalists providing pin-point fire-support.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/30/11(Tue)23:56 No.16125011
    Can we get a count of this campaign's loot at some point when Sansa's ready?
    >> 風林火山 08/30/11(Tue)23:58 No.16125041

    Reposting an idea.

    Train the skywing to be able to recover if they fall off their mounts. A specialised call of some kind.

    Have them jump off their mounts at a good height one at a time while calling for their mounts. A couple of skywing members should be on standby to catch those whos mounts do not respond. Add a wind or a water elementalist for added just-in-case protection.
    >> 風林火山 08/31/11(Wed)00:02 No.16125073

    Also, have we scanned our comrade's maniples for elementalist and mages? If we have not, we'd better do so.

    Our corp of elementalist and lena can instrust those who are here before they get sent to the academy.

    We also need to INTERROGATE prisoners.
    >> Maximus 08/31/11(Wed)00:10 No.16125153
    Some more combat training might be worthwhile. And based on how Vi's acted in the past, it might be appropriate to decide if she's going to be harem'd or not. I'm a little unsure how things will go at the wedding until that's decided.
    >> Generic 08/31/11(Wed)00:12 No.16125170
    We still need to get Lennis' men scanned and start training the arcanists, and I assume we're going to scan the ghorat as well?
    >> 風林火山 08/31/11(Wed)00:13 No.16125173

    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/31/11(Wed)00:16 No.16125203
    I don't think his ghorat is here, and I don't think we can afford the time to go and find it.
    But I agree that we should scan those of his men that are here for any arcane talent.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/31/11(Wed)00:17 No.16125211
    >You already screened Lennis' riders, so unless you wanna ride out to scan his entire Ghorat thats already done. And Autronius already scanned the prisoners himself, so no interrogation needs doing.

    >so, aside from new training regimens, and deciding about Vi (which is just something you guys need to duke out in here, along with your family Coat of Arms) is there anything else you want to do before the timeskip back to DragonsReach?
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/31/11(Wed)00:20 No.16125244
    Eh, I'm not all that against including her in the harem anymore. Majority vote, and I leave the dialogue choices to the rest of you.

    >Coat of arms
    serpentine white dragon over a star-filled midnight blue field, with crimson trim.
    >> Generic 08/31/11(Wed)00:22 No.16125268
    We should travel to/meet his ghorat, since he only had roughly 25 men to be scanned.
    >> Maximus 08/31/11(Wed)00:22 No.16125270
    I'm for adding Vi. We might as well do some combat training in the time skip back. I can't think of anything else really other than perhaps send a few peeps out to scan Lennis' ghorat.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/31/11(Wed)00:23 No.16125289
    wait.... make the dragon silver. with white eyes.
    >> Maximus 08/31/11(Wed)00:27 No.16125338
    I kind of liked that idea of having the 5 stars representing the two pantheon's. Although that might be a little bold until we're actually the 7th.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/31/11(Wed)00:29 No.16125363
    Eh, I'm not sold on the bifurcated stars thing.
    >> Maximus 08/31/11(Wed)00:38 No.16125439
    If it's not going to take too long, I say let's hit up Lennis' ghorat and scan his men like we said we would. The sooner the better for his ghorat.

    And I still think we should combat train at some point. More stances is never bad.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/31/11(Wed)00:43 No.16125482
    Alright, I'm good with hitting up the Ghorat.

    Who knows, maybe we'll find another girl to add to the harem.
    >inb4 pax takes me seriously
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/31/11(Wed)00:52 No.16125593
    I'm okay with hitting up his ghorat as long as it doesn't affect our timetable too badly; remember, Jayne's already got the wedding scheduled.

    As for adding Vi to the harem...I'm not against it, but I do worry sometimes that maybe we're getting too many girls. The more we have, the more opportunities for the Cult to attack us.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/31/11(Wed)01:01 No.16125676
    >So, right now your coat of arms will be a serpentine dragon of some color over a midnight blue field with red trim. possibly 5 biffurcated stars, one for each pair of gods.
    >and the Vi deal still seems to be up in the air.

    You spend the rest of the day setting up training regiments for you maniple. Most of the work goes into getting your elementalist cadres becoming more comfortable with supporting different sorts of battalions, especially line battalions. From the look of it, you will need to have at the very least the captains, if not the entire battalions trained to deal with working with arcanists as well. The rest of the time you spend setting your Skywings to train to emulate the insanely dangerous aerial stunts the uurlanthi aireal cavalry were going thrugh earlier int he campaign.

    By the time you have your men training, you notice that Lennis and his riders are preparing to depart with his riders. "Justinian, my friend, as much as I would like to remain, I feel it is time for my men and I to depart now that the fighting is done."

    You nod as the big Kharynchek clasps your hand, and pulls you into a quick, one-armed hug. "I would be remiss if I were to hold you here. However, since I already screened your warriors here, I was thinking that it would be prudent for me to check the rest of your Ghorat for arcane potential."

    Lennis strokes his beard for a moment before replying "So long as you can keep pace, I have no qualms with that that friend."

    As if from nowhere, Jayne cuts in "I believe that I will ride with you as well. Poor Spite would not be able to keep up with Kharynchek WarCoursers... even with destriers to slow them down."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/31/11(Wed)01:01 No.16125685
    You chuckle, and plant a quick kiss on Jaynes cheek "I would be lost without you, love."

    Lennis laughs "We leave at sunset, my friends."


    It takes the better part of the next two days to reach Vohzd Lennis' ghorat. Which is surprisingly large, though rather dirty around its edges. All about are woven, dried grass fences holding in foals and older, less healthy horses. All of the round tents are covered in horse-leather and fur, and look quite easy to erect or take down. Lennis smiles "And here we are, my home." after that, he shouts out a quick set of what you can only assume to be orders in his peoples harsh, guttural, traditional tongue. Then, he turns to you again and informs you "For tonight, you have my hospitality, tomorrow you can check my people. I will have a tent set for you and your wife. The evening meal should be ready at my tent in an hour, if you wish to join me."

    >so, what do you want to do in the Lennis ghorat, since you have the night?
    >> Loec 08/31/11(Wed)01:05 No.16125723
    What, you don't want us to build our own mini-cult out of harem members and troll the lordfathers with our superior leadership and cult-building skills?
    >> Maximus 08/31/11(Wed)01:07 No.16125742
    Join Lennis for his meal. Might be a chance to meet that son of his he's always going on about. I can't really think of anything specific we'd want to do at this point though... Perhaps wander around the ghorat and see if we can find anything interesting we might want to adapt for our own tactics or something.

    We might also run into that kid we sent here.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/31/11(Wed)01:10 No.16125774
    Well, one of the best ways to get to know your neighbors is to share a drink and a good tale.

    So, drink and swap battle stories.
    >> Loec 08/31/11(Wed)01:10 No.16125777
    >Might be a chance to meet that son of his he's always going on about.

    Didn't we meet him the last time we were hanging around with the nomads?

    But yeah, I can't really think of much it would be practical to do in one night. It would be interesting to get some training in how they fight, but... Probably not enough time for much of that.
    >> Laurentius 08/31/11(Wed)01:16 No.16125847
    at some point we should check on the kid we sent to them
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 08/31/11(Wed)01:22 No.16125918
    rolled 70 = 70

    Definitely agreeing with this here.
    Also, I the serpentine dragon thing is A-OK with me. It being white is preferable. It being a coat of arms means we REALLY probably won't have enough detail or it being large enough for us to even put eyes on it without it looking a bit goofy. Also, the I'm for the bifurcated stars since it was my idea....at least the bifurcated part. The different colors will represent the different deities and their elements, though since we aren't the 7th yet we should just play it off as the accents to the midnight part of the dragon. Perhaps we can have the dragon coiled around something: a spear, or sword maybe?
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/31/11(Wed)01:23 No.16125941
    I was thinking a tower, to represent the seige of Northmont (or, wherever the hell that place was)
    >> Laurentius 08/31/11(Wed)01:27 No.16125984
    I would say a spear since we started out as a spearman
    >> 風林火山 08/31/11(Wed)01:28 No.16125999

    seconded. We cannot allow feelings of resentment to fester into open rebellion.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/31/11(Wed)01:30 No.16126011
    So, share a meal with Lennis, practice our diplomacy, and ask about the kid we sent his way.

    That pretty much sums it up, I think.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:32 No.16126030
    Last time we were talking about our coat of arms being a red and black dragon(reference to the legion and our nickname) in a midnight blue background with stars representing the gods, we could have 10 stars instead of 5 bifurcated stars.
    >> Maximus 08/31/11(Wed)01:33 No.16126051
    A small part of me is hoping we'll see something interesting we can integrate into our maniple in some way. With our NV paste's weakness being revealed, we need to find some new things for us to use.
    >> Laurentius 08/31/11(Wed)01:34 No.16126068
    This has my support though I would prefer the bifurcated stars
    >> Generic 08/31/11(Wed)01:35 No.16126073
         File1314768912.png-(74 KB, 1400x1400, Trentz_Heraldry_TRO_mockup_002.png)
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    horrid mockup of TRO's suggestion for heraldry, for visual reference
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/31/11(Wed)01:40 No.16126129
    You nod, and promise that you will be there, The first thing you and Jayne do is head over to your tent, which is ready by the time you find it. Your Uursan, which are an object of awe to the hordes of children following you about. Jayne chuckles "Why do I have the feeling that this will be just like our villa in a few years?"

    You laugh "Villa, we will have a room in a refurbished fortress. And how do you know that we will have this many children?"

    Jayne shakes her head "We will need a villa in DragonsReach, if only for when you are advising the Emperor. And you are already set to marry four women, are about to begin seriously courting a fifth, possibly sixth, and one of those two is a life elementalist. None of us will die in childbirth, I have no reason to doubt that you will find a way to impregnate both Laelith and Kyria several times... I see no reason why we wouldnt have this many children."

    You sigh, somewhere between proud and guilty "I havent made any moves towards Catalina or Vi yet. And despite the fact that duty will require my living in Dragonsreach at least half of the year, with how much our current Emperor calls his council, it still will not be this... shabby of a villa." you finish, as you slide from Spite and tie his reigns off on the post outside your tent.

    Jayne sighs as she steps inside, rubbing her legs as she strips from her riding leathers "These are surprisingly cozy." she observes.

    You trhow down your saddlebag, which had your spare cloths "The sleeping pallet looks uncomfortable compared to a cot, and the table is a bit low for a chair."

    Jayne shrugs, both to show her indifference, and to slide form her top "Something nice love, though I do hope you didnt bring any of the finer cloths that I packed for the off chance of political happenings."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/31/11(Wed)01:41 No.16126136
    Smirking you toss Jayne her change of cloths before changing yourself. Once both of you are more comfortable, you step out into the crisp early night air. As you make your way through the camp, you hear more than a few men arguing rather heatedly. Upon further inspection, you see that most of the groups have several horses behind each man. Though, when you see one argument resigned, you realize that the are almost all debating about breeding their horses, and what other goods must be exchanged to make the transaction fair. Elsewhere you see groups of men sparing, all with live steel, using the same incredibly aggressive technique Bellatrix originally fought with.

    You reach Lennis' tent just as his wife, a slight, pretty thing, red of hair and tan-skinned, with warm features, is setting the meal out. "Ah, Justinian, just in time!" Lennis greets you from his position at his table, sitting cross-legged, with a cup of some strong-smelling fluid before him. "Sit at my right side, your wife past you, if you would. The meal will be ready as soon as my son enters the tent. He is negotiating breed-trades with our recent acquisitions no doubt."
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/31/11(Wed)01:48 No.16126224
    "Ah, so that is the argument I saw earlier." add in some point "Your people do quite well for yourselves so far from other towns. Is it hard to find decent metals out here for tools and the like?"
    >> Laurentius 08/31/11(Wed)01:52 No.16126270
    sounds good to me. be sure to thank him for the hospitality
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/31/11(Wed)02:16 No.16126473
    Supporting these two.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/31/11(Wed)02:17 No.16126483
    You chuckle "So that is what half of your Ghorat seemed to be arguing over during my walk over." As you make your reply, Lennis wife sets out a plate before you, along with several platters. One smells of spiced horse-meat, another has some sort of flat bread on it, and the third an assortment of greens and vegetables you have never seen before.

    Sansa serves herself after Lennis and you, and, after taking a bite, and smiling as she savors the flavor and swallows quips "Thank you very much for your hospitality Lennis. I am surprised at how well your Ghorat is doing during these violent times."

    Lennis nods as his son sits and passes around cups of drink. You sample it, the body is akin to that of the mystery drink you have so very much of, but the flavors are all wrong. "I had a large Ghorat, and my second son and heir is a skilled enough raider that whatever Uurlanthi marauders think to take we replace easily." the big man sighs "In fact, he seems to have left to do just that during my absence, otherwise I would have introduced you to him." the man notices your fascination with the drink you were given "You like our vodka then?"

    You nod "It is somewhat akin to the drink I have been trying to discern the name of for the entirety of my career as a commander."

    Lennis laughs "I had been hoping you would be able to tell me what that drink is. But alas, I suppose it is not to be." he casts a sidelong glance at Jayne, who is explaining your history with the drink to the Lennis' present son. "So, Justinian, when are you and your betrothed to marry?"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/31/11(Wed)02:18 No.16126487
    You look to Jayne, who, after finishing the food in her mouth, replies "In three weeks time in DragonsReach. You and your family are welcome to attend if you can make the journey. Once you reach DragonsReach, we should be able to find you lodgings."

    Lennis nods, smiling "I should be able to make the journey, though at least one of my sons will have to wait behind."

    You smile "I am glad to hear that." the smalltalk continues for a time, before you ask "How is the outcast I sent your way faring?"

    Lennis wife looks to you "The child is doing well. He was taken in by a family who recently lost a son of his age. By now he has forgotten most of his past, or so it would seem. Young children are ever so adaptive in that manner." she replies in a quiet, gentle voice.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/31/11(Wed)02:20 No.16126508
    "Very shortly after we arrive in Dragonsreach. Mi'lady Jayne has been telling me I should design my coat of arms before then. I have some ideas, and they all more or less revolve around what they've been calling me back home."
    >> 風林火山 08/31/11(Wed)02:21 No.16126510

    "If there is a chance, I would like to speak with him. His brother misses him and he would probably appreciate a letter from his kin that he is doing well."
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/31/11(Wed)02:22 No.16126516
    herp, missed the cont'd
    >> Maximus 08/31/11(Wed)02:23 No.16126521
    "I hope that is the case. His father was a traitor to Degnar but to carry such punishments to children so young as well... Regardless of how he's faring now, I imagine I should avoid him regardless. If he's anything like his brother, I doubt he'll appreciate the sight of me anytime soon."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/31/11(Wed)02:23 No.16126522
    "I see. Truth be told, that is a relief to me, that at least one of the children seems to be doing well. His older brother, unfortunately, is proving to be more stubborn. I only hope that his sister, and their mother, are adapting to their new situations as well."
    >> Laurentius 08/31/11(Wed)02:25 No.16126533
    second, though that may stir up some memories from the past for the kid. Maybe we should talk to the kids parents first?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/31/11(Wed)02:26 No.16126541
    Would that really be useful, if the boy really has forgotten most of his past already? Not only that, but what if it forces painful memories to surface, and he is still too young to have developed the coping mechanisms to deal with such memories.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/31/11(Wed)02:27 No.16126550
    I'm gonna say no to this one, Fuur. sorry. If we saw him, it may only cause an incident.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/31/11(Wed)02:30 No.16126565
    Clarification: voting against meeting with the boy right now.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/31/11(Wed)02:51 No.16126757
    Some combination of these two sounds good to me.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/31/11(Wed)02:52 No.16126761
    >>16126483 >i derped, Sansa isnt here, that should be a Jayne.

    You nod, happily "Truly, I am glad to hear that the lad is doing well. Since his father was punished for treachery, I have only been in contact with the lads brother, who is not taking the change well at all. I would almost say that I would like to see the boy, but, if he seems to have moved on I do not wish to disturb his recovery."

    Lennis nods "It is harsh what your people do to a traitors family, but, that does lead to very few defecting from, or betraying your nation." The smalltalk continues late into the night, though after a while, the conversation dies down. As you leave the tent, your stomach is full, and you are feeling quite content. Seconds later you hear the mans son fleeing from the tent. When you turn to look at the lad he quips "Certainly, you have been unfortunate enough to nearly catch your parents fucking at least once?"

    You chuckle "I suppose that would compel me to leave a tent fairly quickly as well."

    Jayne shakes her head as the young man stalks off into the camp, most likely to his own tent. "Luckily for us, no one will need to be scared out of our tent tonight." she purrs, wrapping her arm around you.

    You grin "I knew there was more to your wanting to come along on this trip than 'poor Spite'"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/31/11(Wed)02:52 No.16126771
    Jaynes grin becomes almost predatory "And now I have you all to myself." she whispers in your ear as the two of you pass into your tent.


    The next morning, the two of you do not so much wake up, as realize that it would be suspicious if the two of you were not out and about. So, sighing with some strange mix of content and disappointment, you both dress, and leave the tent. It takes the better part of the day to screen the entire Ghorat, but, it proves to be a sound choice. Many of the arcanists, who were quite numerous, were life elmentalists. Add to that a smattering of air and earth elementalists, and a handful of mages, and the picture is complete. You leave your spare training material with the Vohzd, and by late afternoon, are done with your business. "So, Justinian, do you want to be on our way now, or spend the rest of the day wandering the Ghorat?"
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/31/11(Wed)02:57 No.16126816
    We shouldn't dawdle too long. Make sure we've said our goobyes, and get to going.
    >> Generic 08/31/11(Wed)03:00 No.16126855
    Perhaps we should arrange some sort of regular check-in with Lennis' ghorat, since they seem to have a decent population of life-elementalists. It would be bad if Louky managed to snatch some and start a hive without us knowing.
    >> Laurentius 08/31/11(Wed)03:04 No.16126886
    "I was wondering if you would allow me to scan your ghorat for any potential elementalists?"
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/31/11(Wed)03:05 No.16126906
    uh... we just did that, Laur.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/31/11(Wed)03:12 No.16126959
    Anyway, seconding suggestion from IRC that since they have a large-ish amount of life elementalists, a regular check-in should be done, since LE's are primary targets of Loukys.
    >> Generic 08/31/11(Wed)03:14 No.16126972

    so uhh, i guess i second that.
    >> Laurentius 08/31/11(Wed)03:15 No.16126983
    oops missed that part
    >> Taffer 08/31/11(Wed)03:16 No.16126993
    I agree

    I was thinking when we get our school set up, the constant checks could become recruitment visits for more magic users. But thats for later
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/31/11(Wed)03:17 No.16126999
    Smirking you reply "We had best say our goodbyes and be on our way, love. We dont want to fall too far behind the maniple."

    Jayne nods in agreement, and sets off to pack your belongings and to prepare your mounts for a long ride. By early evening you had said your goodbyes, and set up a schedule to regularly check in on this Ghorat. Which was not all that difficult, when you reminded Lennis of the threat of Loukys moving on his Ghorat as it would be a rich target for the things were they in search of a source for a new hive. So your brief visit ends as the sun begins to set as you and Jayne ride into the sunset in pursuit of your maniple.

    >well, this is a convenient place to stop, so I will.
    >someone archive ;please
    >I'll be aback Thursday at 10:30 11ish if at all, as I work late. If not I'll be back Tuesday at 9:30 10ish as I work late (but not as late) that day.
    >the schedule will be getting a bit more erratic now that the semester is back in session, and most of my classes have lectures at weird, crazy late times.
    >if you have any CQ/setting questions just email me at paxcomquest@yahoo.com
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 08/31/11(Wed)03:35 No.16127160
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    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)03:36 No.16127172
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