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!!0ZviLFh59My 05/08/12(Tue)19:37 No.19029532 File: 1336520252.png-(35 KB, 510x271, 1258406021877.png)
Things I have learned on /k/:
1. The Glock, one of the finest polymer-frame handguns manufactured, EXPLODES LOLOLOL
2. The Sherman tank SUCKS LOLOLOL because it couldn't slug it out with tanks twice its weight.
3. The US Air Force should be using Extra 300s with open cockpits so the pilots can use 1911s, because maneuverability is the only thing that matters in a fighter.
4. The Mini-14, a rifle based on the M-14, which is in turn based on the M-1, (two of the most rugged battle rifles in history,) is a piece of shit, and Ruger, a company with a good reputation for quality, is also shit.
5. Aircraft carriers, which offer the most complete means of power projection ever devised short of ICBMs, are as good as dead because of:
5a. -a magical chink missile that isn't in service yet, 5b. -cavitating torpedoes, that cannot see out of their own cavitation bubble, much less steer, 5c. -the Sunburn, a Russkie missile the US Navy has had years to develop countermeasures for - and have.
6. Revolvers are delicate pieces of shit because their childishly simple pawl-and-ratchet mechanism rivals Swiss watches for fragile complexity.
7. Revolvers are delicate pieces of shit because their very simple pawl-and-ratchet mechanism rivals Swiss watches for fragile complexity.
8. The M-92F Beretta (weight, 970 grams) and M1911 (1,105g) are huge, heavy pieces of shit, but the the IMI Jericho 941 (1,000g) the CZ-75 (1,120g) and Browning Hi-Power (1,000g) are light and easy to carry.
9. The NATO 5.56mm/.223 is a magic fragmenting bullet that explodes on impact to create OVER 9,000 wound vectors, but the FN 5.7mm, the exact same bullet moving at slightly slower velocities, is shit. |