/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

May 2016
40371Adventure Game Cultural Civ3 different tribes (and later another) due different usually stupid things.Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee2016-05-08 2 
65576Adventure Game Cultural Civ #2Magic and winter happen. Various artists also visit the thread and create lots of art.Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee2016-05-08 5 
84743Adventure Game Cultural Civ #3Billy the Magus meets the tribes and grants them technology and magic- but also warns of an impending disaster.Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee2016-05-19 1 
127333Adventure Game Cultural Civ #4 (Finale)The battle for the island begins and ends. The quest comes to an exciting end. Sequel hinted at.Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee2016-05-21 2 
June 2016
225068Adventure Civ medieval #1The four tribes have advanced to the medieval ages!Adventure Civ Medieval, Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee, Collective Game2016-06-15 1 
269671Adventure Civ medieval #3The autism and memes continues. Opee gets hit with a plague and then infects it with everyone Adventure Civ Medieval, Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee, Collective Game2016-06-29 1 
July 2016
306328Adventure Civ medieval #4Things happen and Treetards go full retard Adventure Civ Medieval, Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee, Collective Game2016-07-04 1 
373162Adventure Civ medieval #5Giants n shieet Adventure Civ Medieval, Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee, Collective Game2016-07-24 1 
397054Adventure Civ medieval #6The end of the copper engineers and tree rebels. RNG must hate them Adventure Civ Medieval, Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee, Collective Game2016-07-31 1 
August 2016
431693Adventure Civ medieval #7The finale of the medieval era for the civs. Engineers are still cowards Adventure Civ Medieval, Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee, Collective Game2016-08-05 2 
September 2021
4983711Knight Quest #14 (5) Knights, 1 Holy Grail, 1 Shitty GnomeCollective Game, notapaladin, opee, knight2021-09-27 6 
October 2021
5003665Knight Quest #1Definitely not sewer exploration with definitely not mutantsCollective Game, notapaladin, opee, knight2021-10-24 6 
December 2021
5035917Knight Quest #3Correctly numbered this time. The Weeb has a competency problem and OP rigs dice.Collective Game, notapaladin, opee, knight2021-12-13 1 
February 2022
5102308Knight(s) Quest #4The gang fights some chairs, trash mobs and discover enemy knightsCollective Game, notapaladin, opee, knight2022-02-13 0 
March 2022
5154329Knight(s) Quest #5Featuring Sober Mob Knights from the Devil May Cry™ series and Goblin Culture Collective Game, notapaladin, opee, knight2022-03-23 1 
May 2022
5225941Knight(s) Quest #6Little progress is made and OP gets banned for being a filthy dice riggerCollective Game, notapaladin, opee, knight2022-05-28 1 
July 2022
5285876Knight(s) Quest #7The Grail is secured from ass-clapping cultists and Episode 1 of Captain Knights: Civil War™ occurs.Collective Game, notapaladin, opee, knight2022-07-02 2 
August 2022
5334602Knight(s) Quest #8The knights complete their quest and every thing may or may not be all a dream Collective Game, notapaladin, opee, knight2022-08-01 1 
June 2024
6004856Cultural Civ - Thread 1Multiplayer civilization game. Five groups of schmucks tries to avoid the wrath of Opee's dicerolls.multiplayer, civquest, drawquest, cultural civ quest, opee2024-06-23 5 
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