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  • File : 1284683366.jpg-(469 KB, 800x1067, 0c92610550182783845f590abbb9fa20231a5cd9(...).jpg)
    469 KB VieraQuest III OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/16/10(Thu)20:29 No.12115979  
    >Oh boy, here we go.

    The world of Ivalice took a very different path in its iteration in VieraQuest. Much like our own world, magic (that is, any force perceived as true magic) is used only by the very powerful or the very deranged, and to flaunt it in public would be foolhardy at best. Technology has become the art of choice among the people, and life, from our relative position, has continued as normal, with a few exceptions. Alongside the realm of Man, the Humes, dwell four other races:

    The proud, reptilian Bangaa, warlords of the deserts and pirates of the high seas,
    The diminutive but crafty Moogles, traders to all and enemies of few,
    The sagacious Nu Mou, a nomadic and reclusive race thought by many to be only legend,
    And the lithe and enchanting Viera, forest folk who dwell both closest and most removed from Men.
    >> Glutton 09/16/10(Thu)20:30 No.12115998
    How the fuck is she holding that bow up..?

    And what the hell is she standing on? This picture makes no sense, she'd fall over..
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)20:32 No.12116015

    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)20:34 No.12116032
    >How the fuck is she holding that bow up..?
    Her toes are holding onto it.
    >And what the hell is she standing on?
    Left foot is on the ground or some other solid surface.

    Not that complicated.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)20:36 No.12116049

    what kept you, OP?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)20:36 No.12116050
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    >mfw vieraquest is back on schedule
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)20:36 No.12116051

    She's holding it up with her foot. You can see her gripping it with her toes. I don't know what she's standing on at the floor is cropped out, but she isn't falling over because she's just that balanced/strong, I imagine.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)20:36 No.12116055
    >human body
    >Viera, race of amazons with incredible agility, dexterity, and the like
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/16/10(Thu)20:38 No.12116069
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    >Er, whoops. This is part IV. My bad.
    >Previous Threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=VieraQuest

    After conversing with the sisters over your somewhat odd visual and auditory hallucinations of the last few days, you all decide to head to the Viera settlement to discuss the issue with the elders. After a somewhat tense return home, you find out that due to some misuse of ceremonial alcohol, you have become able to detect the flow of Mist on the planet and forecast its strength based on the phases of a possibly invisible second moon. After leaving the village, you and Elma have a run-in with one of the local fauna, and summarily dispatch it. Upon returning home, you have decided to go to sleep. As has been the case recently, however, your sleep is troubled, and you find yourself in a very vivid dream. At least, that's what you hope, because otherwise you've been transported to an inky black plane of pure nothingness populated by the whisperings of the arcane forces that control the elements of nature and life.

    You can't see farther than ten or fifteen feet in any direction, and the whispering is omnipresent. You're sitting on what appears to be cold stone, and you're wearing what you had worn to bed-- pretty much nothing save for a light shirt and threadbare shorts. The climate is not unpleasant, but you're not sure if this is a dream or another one of your spontaneous relocations.

    What do>?
    >> Glutton 09/16/10(Thu)20:38 No.12116071

    Look at where her toe is grabbing it, look at the bowstring. The front of the bow would want to fall forward and twist in her grasp...

    She would also fall forward from the way her body is positioned, as well with the weight of the arrows and spyglass.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)20:41 No.12116093
    Listen into the voices.
    We might not be Viera but we can still tune in slightly, thanks to our apparent drinking problem
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)20:42 No.12116095
    tap the stone your sitting on to see if crazy shit might happen, but for the most part sit and use your senses
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)20:42 No.12116098
    Okay, okay, I'm gonna nip this one in the bud. The Viera in the picture is in mid-jump, getting ready to sniper a Bangaa downwind. She's holding the bow with her toes while she judges distance and wind speed with the spyglass. Before she hits the ground she will have executed a flawless triple-axle and planted an arrow in the back of the Bangaa's head.

    Can we get on with the quest now?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)20:42 No.12116103
    Choose a direction at random and sprint.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)20:42 No.12116111
    Except all of those are covered by the fact that she's a Viera(agile, dexterous, strong) who has likely been doing shit like this for most of her life(which is probably a long ass time).
    Seriously, do you ever stop shitposting?
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/16/10(Thu)20:52 No.12116174
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    >I was sick. That, and school has decided to give me ALL ART ALL THE TIME ALL AT ONCE. If you're an art student, I do not suggest taking several studio classes at once.

    >Poke around a bit and listen.

    You tilt your head slightly, trying to make sense of the voice(s) around you. Like the voice that has taken up residence in your head, it is unintelligible-- what registers as any more than a buzz is spoken in a language you do not recognize. You tap lightly on the stone beneath you, but fail to register any sort of sensation, like you were knocking on air. Maybe this is a dream after all? You resist the urge to sprint off in a random direction, just in case you're wrong and you are in fact in an empty pool or a warehouse full of high explosives. Just as you're about to sit down again, however, a section of the intangible wall of voices somewhere to your left suddenly becomes more distinct, like a radio going into tune. You can't recognize the voice, per se; it registers as more of an impression of what the person speaking is like. The meaning behind the voice, however, is clear:

    "Follow me. Come, this way."

    As if to beckon you further, an orb of light appears low to the ground just a few feet from where you are sitting, illuminating more of the featureless floor and bathing you in a soft cyan light.

    "Come, we have work to do."

    You stare at the light for a few moments, a bit puzzled. As much as you like following directions, you're still not sure where you are, and based on your recent track record with intangible objects, this could get very bad very quickly.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)20:54 No.12116200
    "What work?"
    Question its motives.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)20:55 No.12116208
    Demand to know who/what is there, and go with the orb of light.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)21:06 No.12116277
    Follow the orb. It's not like we have ANYTHING TO DO, anyways.
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/16/10(Thu)21:09 No.12116298
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    >Question the orb. Find out what it knows.

    The orb bobs a bit in response to your questioning, almost as though it's impatient.

    "We do not have time for trifling questions. Follow me and all will be made clear. I am here to guide you."

    You consider that kind of a stock answer, but shrug and follow the orb as it scampers (can orbs of light scamper?) off into the darkness, which you can now see is permeated by a shifting, formless mist. As you gaze into the fog around you, you are shocked to see your own face reflected back in the light of the orb-- this is no ordinary mist. You follow the light for some time, though time is pretty hard to gauge in a place like this, and soon you spy a shape in the distance. It is a vague, amorphous shape, but you can tell at least that it's getting closer. Soon enough, you come upon what appears to be a massive crystal, about one and a half times your height. The crystal is dull and clouded, and it's impossible to make out the dark shape inside, though it seems vaguely familiar. As you attempt to peer into the depths of the stone, the orb speaks again, this time in a voice that you can actually hear:

    "This is a shard of the Great Crystal, known in ancient times as the Starseed, messenger of the heavens. Now it lies dormant, its power lost. Your recent exploits have attuned you partially to the shard, and you now have a rare opportunity. Through much trial will the shard be restored, its prisoner freed, and the pact fulfilled. Will you embark on this journey?"

    You resist the urge to laugh. What the heck is this thing talking about? A million questions run through your head, but the light speaks again, coming to rest on the top of the massive crystal.

    "Think back to your recent trials. Remember what you have been told. Consider it well before you answer."
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)21:16 No.12116340
    "Correct me if I'm wrong, but this sounds pretty much perfect for a prison for demons. Gonna need more information before I make a decision."
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)21:23 No.12116388
    Epic adventure or life as Joe Normal working a 9 to 5?

    It's questing time
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)21:24 No.12116398
    "My eyes do not betray me, what is it that I can see dormant within this shard?"
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/16/10(Thu)21:36 No.12116488
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    >Make the obvious choice, but voice your concerns.

    In response, the light floats down to a spot about two feet away from you, pulsing slightly. The light speaks again, its tone understanding but anxious.

    "Your misgivings are understandable, Hume. I trust this will convince you."

    The light of the orb steadily grows brighter until you can no longer look at it, illuminating a massive area of the featureless plane. When your gaze returns to the orb, you find that it has transformed into a small creature about the size of a house cat. Its multiple tails flow lazily in a nonexistent breeze, and a large, crimson jewel is set into its forehead. Its long ears twitch slightly and it cocks its head at you, speaking again.

    "I am Carbuncle, Terrestrial Avatar of Light and messenger of the Great Crystal. The form you see before you now is only a projection of my true self, which is now one with the Cryst you see before you. My absence in the world has caused an imbalance that must be corrected, and your unique position may allow you to assist in my liberation. I ask you again: are you prepared for this task? I will, of course, do all that I can to assist you and your companions, as well."
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)21:39 No.12116514
    do it, the faster we end this "dream" , the quicker we can get this ball rollin

    Oh, and make sure to remember EXACTLY what happened here, so that we can explain it to the girls
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)21:47 No.12116598

    Hell yes, Carbuncle. Let's get this show on the road.
    >> Vaalintine 09/16/10(Thu)21:50 No.12116638
    Sure, as long as we can count on him to stick with us.

    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)21:52 No.12116656
    so, we ever establish what killer awesome ability the cestus give us?
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/16/10(Thu)21:53 No.12116667
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    >I keep finding myself stuck between making this manageable quest-wise (i.e. having decisions that actually make sense) and keeping these posts within the proper length, hell, this one's probably too long. At any rate, I apologize if I get a little slow sometimes.

    >Get the ball rolling.

    The creature calling itself Carbuncle nods, and you find yourself looking between it and the crystal incredulously. Carbuncle rises from the ground, floating to just about eye level with you. It glows faintly, and its fur and tails rustle slowly.

    "I understand. Please give this to your young friend-- the one who heeds the word of the Mist most closely. I am sure she will be in need of my aid, and it is through her that I am to be called into your world."

    With that, Carbuncle wraps its tails around it, shining brilliantly once again. In its place floats a crimson jewel about the size of a peach. You snatch the softly vibrating gem out of the air--

    And find yourself lying on your bed, drenched in a cold sweat. You look around the room blearily, and open your fist as the details of the dream come back to you. Somewhat surprisingly, there's nothing there. You can find no sign of Carbuncle's jewel anywhere in the apartment. Must have been a dream after all. You prepare for the day, all the while turning over the Avatar's words in your mind.

    As you are busy crunching on a piece of toast and idly flipping channels on the TV, you hear a knock on the door. Peeking through the window you recognize Fyna's short-cropped hair and open the door. She looks troubled.

    "Is this a bad time? We've got a bit of a problem."
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)21:55 No.12116699
    "let me take a wild guess..."
    *explain the jewel
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/16/10(Thu)21:56 No.12116710
    >No, not yet. There's an idea-- you guys can make one up. It'll be our super-secret finishing move that costs a buttload of MP and can only be used when the enemy is in critical health. Are we still calling the weapons Bolt and Mercury?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)21:57 No.12116728
    Ask what's wrong
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/16/10(Thu)22:06 No.12116867
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    >Guess, and explain the dream.

    Fyna gives you a puzzled glance.

    "What the hell are you talking about? No, space cadet, another Guild's trying to annex ours, and Elma's none too happy about it. She and Laya are fighting. I tried to break it up but I can only take so much of... of..."

    Fyna makes several rather complicated hand gestures and sighs, defeated. You pat her shoulder, your toast hanging from your mouth. She looks at you a bit sheepishly.

    "Mind if I chill here for a bit until things cool down? Nieve still hasn't given up and I think if I stay there it's gonna come to blows."

    Naturally, you nod and let her in, scarfing the remainder of the toast. Fyna stretches out on your couch, eying the television with minimal interest. She tosses an envelope onto your coffee table, which has evidently seen better days; aside from being already opened, the envelope looks like it has been run over by a truck. Fyna nods at it, looking irritated.

    "Got that on our doorstep a few hours ago. Some big-shot Clan around here apparently doesn't like the fact that we're a registered Guild on their turf, and want us gone."
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)22:07 No.12116890
    How big-shot are we talking, here?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)22:16 No.12116997

    well thats no good, Read the letter, lets see if we can do anything to help the girls.
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/16/10(Thu)22:21 No.12117079
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    >Just how big is "big?"

    You open the letter at Fyna's urgings, noting that it is printed on a very professional, custom-designed stationary emblazoned with a cow skull and crossed swords. The very concise letter reads as follows:

    "To whom it may concern,

    We, Clan Exguard, have come to the understanding that you have registered as a Guild in the immediate area. This area falls under our jurisdiction as per Clan bylaws, and your continued operation will be seen as a challenge to our position. We as that you meet at the following location within 24 hours to negotiate the terms of your Guild's induction into Clan Exguard, or else cease all Pact-related activity at once.

    Joshua Kismet, Clan Ace"

    You frown and close the letter, noting that Fyna has placed a hand over her eyes.

    "Uggh, these punks think that just because they're the most well-funded clan in the area they're allowed to bowl over private Guilds like ours. 'Challenge their position?' Hah! They outnumber us five to one, easily. Anyways, Elma wants to fight them for our right to exist as a Guild, and Laya is upset at even associating with other Pactmakers. Frankly, I don't like the idea of joining some Hunt Club bullshit organization, but the way I see it we don't have much of a choice."

    You ponder the situation for a moment. Elma's far too prideful to consider being under someone else, and you have no idea what Laya's so upset about. Of course, it might be worth it to attempt to reason with these Exguard people, assuming you're able to actually meet with them.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)22:26 No.12117142

    let tell her we have to go somewhere real quick and that she can chill here for the time being.

    Follow the return address and find these punks, maybe we can do something stupid awesome to stop our guilds takeover.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)22:30 No.12117211
    well, we still have the request of that avatar, perhaps we can quest for a bit, then when are clan gets bigger, come back and take over this other clan. make this proposal, and if she asks why, explain to her the "dream" and how this relates to what we told her at the door
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)22:30 No.12117217
    Or at least scout them out a bit, yeah?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)22:32 No.12117241
    Considering we don't even really know that much about Fyna we could stay and talk to her for a bit before talking things over with the others. I doubt we could do much on our own.

    >tragene affection;

    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)22:33 No.12117258
    this, then
    this, then propose to the group we do
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)22:40 No.12117346
    Hell yes, Viera Quest.

    This person is correct, and I second doing such a thing
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/16/10(Thu)22:49 No.12117477
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    Fyna lays back for a bit, not speaking, and you finish a few chores you had left to do around the house. As you sit back down, Fyna eyes you curiously.

    "You know, if I didn't know better I'd say that this was one of those pre-ordained things. You know, new town, new people, and all of a sudden all this crazy stuff starts happening. Really, though, it's just the same old same old-- politics and people with sticks up their asses. Hell, my mother's got a whole forest up her ass."

    You find yourself unperturbed by Fyna's gruff language; it's almost refreshing. The two of you talk for a while, the topics shifting between the situation at hand, recent events, and Fyna herself. She laughs when you confess that you haven't really had time to get to know her.

    "There's not much to know. Like the other girls I just got tired of sticking to tradition and wanted to see the world. 'Course, I've been to Hume cities before, I used to go with the merchants and traders when I was a kid. Never really met any Humes before, though, especially not one as interesting as you."

    She smiles roguishly at you and runs a hand through her dove-white hair. You can't help but grin back at her.

    "Well, I should probably get back soon, see if they've killed each other yet. Poor Nieve's probably at her wits end by now. You should come too, I guess; I'm sure Elma would just be beside herself at the thought of spying on these high-society types."

    You nod, but soon realize the implications of the suggestion. If Elma really is as upset as she sounds, would a stealth mission be the best thing to bring her on? You can just envision Elma leaping from an air vent like some kind of seven-foot-tall bronze Sam Fischer, snapping some poor kid's neck and howling for blood. Maybe it would be best to go with someone who has more of a level head... Of course, the thought of doing this behind Elma's back is almost as terrifying.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)22:50 No.12117493

    Well, I believe our character is pretty level headed. To the conflict!
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)22:51 No.12117514

    I say we go by our self, nobody except the girls know we are in the guild. We can do the sam fisher thing ourselves without any( I hope) repercussion
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)22:52 No.12117529

    And when I say that, I mean we should go act as a level headed meditator, trying to get the chicks to stop fighting.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)22:54 No.12117549
    or, we could pose as someone wanting to join the guild, and get as much info about the guild, in addition to the guilds building of operations, before we "decline" joining them. Make sure to leave a note on the girls door so that they can rescue us should "declining" to join the guild goes awry
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)22:55 No.12117574

    thats a good backup

    lets play some pretend!
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)23:25 No.12117974
    OP dead, or is he writing up like 3 posts?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)23:27 No.12118001
    maybe hes summarizing our trip to the guild?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)23:32 No.12118055
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    bump with OP's interpretation of Elma
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/16/10(Thu)23:32 No.12118059
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    >Apologies for the delay, had a few phone calls.

    You walk Fyna to the door, apologetically stating that you've got some business to take care of. Immediately after she leaves, you set about finding the location of Clan Exguard. It's surprisingly easy, and you soon have an address and website from which to glean information. A half-formed idea slowly forms in your head, and soon you find yourself parking in front of an ornate and well-worn building downtown, after leaving a note explaining yourself on your door, just in case.

    As you step out of your car, a huge figure strides powerfully across the front lawn towards you.

    "And wot business 'ave you got with us, 'Ume? We ain't havin' no tours today."

    You stare at the bangaa and then at the halberd lazily slung across his back, then state that you're interested in joining the Clan. The bangaa eyes you suspiciously.

    "We ain't had no applicants. You got any qualifications, then?"

    You're about to answer when the front door to the building opens, and a figure saunters forth. The man you see before you is clad head to toe in white, with several sashes and bangles affixed to his garb. You notice the glint of armor beneath his coat, and two scabbards at his waist. The man looks down at you from atop the steps leading up to the building, regarding you like one would regard something old in a refrigerator.

    "Brago, who is this man, and why have you not escorted him off of the premises? I will not have any salesmen bothering my men anymore."

    The bangaa snarls quietly, a scowl stretching across his leathery face. "This'un's wantin' to join the Clan, sir. Says 'e can fight."

    The man is soon pacing slowly around you, looking you up and down. You feel a bit like a pine tree in late December. "Ah, an applicant, why didn't you say earlier? Well, man, out with it; why should I, Ace Kismet of Clan Exguard, give you a chance to join us?"
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)23:35 No.12118103
    "I punched a crocodile to death."
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)23:35 No.12118106
    EXAMINE info from website. Maybe we can tell him something he wants to hear based on how they advertise?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)23:36 No.12118112
    There anything nearby to dramatically crush with our fist?
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/16/10(Thu)23:46 No.12118228
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    Luckily, you came prepared. Without saying a word, you pop the trunk of your car, exposing its contents to the Brago and Ace Kismet. Within the trunk is the still-thawing tail of the baritine croc from the previous day, wrapped tightly in plastic wrap for preservation. Kismet cocks an eyebrow at you, chuckling slightly.

    "I do hope that you have more than this, my friend," he looks you over again, and you fight the urge to slap the turban off of his head, "I'm afraid a little 'gator tail isn't enough to win you a spot under our banner."

    You had read stories about this on a few websites dedicated to reviewing Clans before heading here; though the skill of Ace Joshua Kismet is renowned on the battlefield, he's a bit of a douchebag. In response, you reach into your bag, revealing your trump card: Bolt and Mercury, your ashwyrm cestus. Kismet's grin slowly widens and Brago mutters a few Bangaa curses under his breath as you slip the knuckles on, wrapping your fists tightly. The weapons are already beginning to feel like extensions of your body at this point, due to some late-night practice and your constant fiddling.

    "Well then, you never said you were a monk. I know it's not orthodox, but Brago, you've been warming the bench for some time now, correct? Why not spar with this fellow for a bit?"

    You glance back at the hulking form of Brago, who suddenly seems a lot bigger. He clenches his fists a few times, a low growl escaping his crocodilian maw. You glance back at Kismet, who smiles at you vacantly, as though he were talking to a practice dummy.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)23:48 No.12118254

    Cleave and smite! Cleave and smite!
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)23:51 No.12118283

    If not, then outright kill the bangaa with some clever footwork and jabs to the head, cutting him up as you pull back your arms would be a good bonus
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)23:52 No.12118294
    >Make up ability.
    >It's the finishing move.
    What was that one move used in Fist of the North Star? There was a metric shitton of punching going on there. Either way we should use it.

    "I'm pretty skilled when it comes to punching the ever-living shit out of things."
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)23:52 No.12118295
    Simple motions, wait for his attack--it'll be fast and hard. Evade that, and then commence beating his ass like a drum.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/10(Thu)23:55 No.12118322

    look at him and say this.

    "your shoes are already untied"

    when hes distracted attack while shouting "YOU WA SHOCK!"
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)00:09 No.12118506
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    The two of you are escorted by Kismet around the side of the building to a large bowl-like indentation carved into the earth. The soil beneath your feet gives way to red clay, and you and Brago take your places on opposite ends of the circle. Kismet stands off to the side, watching with detached amusement.

    "Ah, yes, one more thing before you start-- no need for unnecessary bloodshed, eh? I've gotten quite used to having Brago watch the front porch and we certainly don't want you spreading any nasty rumors..."

    With that, the Ace produces a long, thin case from his coat, opening it to reveal a thin deck of cards. Brago groans.

    "Oi, why one o' them here? Izzat really necessary, boss?! Jus' gonna rough 'im up a bit is all..."

    Kismet smiles at Brago, silencing the bangaa. "Cease your whining, I have no intention of calling a judge for something as simple as this. Not a real one, at least... we'll use one of these."

    Joshua flicks one of the cards into the air, which seems to fall extremely slowly before disappearing in a thin puff of smoke. As the smoke clears, a tinny, hollow voice rings across the battle field, reminding you a bit of a barker at a horse race. The voice seems to emanate from a small, armor-clad doll floating in the air off to the side of the arena.

    "To maintain Order is the Judge's calling. Let it be known that the Order of this place shall not be disturbed! Participants, commence!"

    You only have a moment to wonder what is going on before Brago lets out a gruff bellow and charges, halberd at the ready.

    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)00:14 No.12118555
    Sidestep, grab is halberd, and kick the weakest part of his legs to get is ass flat on the ground, from there kick the halberd out of his hands and lay into him in a full mount
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)00:15 No.12118573
    disregard this didn't read it all the way
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)00:19 No.12118608
    Deflect, move into the range where a pole-arm is useless, and kick one of his knees in backward?

    I think technically that is avoiding bloodshed.
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)00:25 No.12118657
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    >Ground and pound! Ground and pound!

    As the onrush of bangaa and steel near you, you crouch into a ready stance, easily sidestepping the furious charge. You turn just in time to see Brago dig his spear into the clay, using it like a fulcrum to swing around to face you without losing too much momentum. Still, the charge has left him somewhat unbalanced, and you see your opportunity.

    You realize that the best way to neutralize his reach advantage is to get in close, so you attempt to roll behind him, closing the distance between you as much as possible. Brago answers with a flick of his spear, sending the wickedly bladed head whistling towards your own. You manage to dodge the tip of the weapon, but the thick pole impacts your neck, stunning you for a moment. You end up skidding practically into Brago as a result, knocking him off balance even more. Recovering, you deliver a quick jab to the outside of his left knee, causing that leg to buckle. The massive lizard-man slumps to the ground for a moment, and you rebound, shoulder tackling him with all your might.

    Surprisingly, the Bangaa hits the dirt, his halberd clattering off in another direction. You manage to get a few clean hits in, but they're body blows that only serve to make Brago angrier. He howls in your ear as the two of you grapple, making your head ring like a can full of rocks. You feel his hands clamp around your shoulders like a vice, and soon you are tumbling onto your back, cast off like a bothersome parasite.

    Brago leaps for you, his halberd forgotten. You feel time slow, your right arm seeming to take forever to wind up. You call on your inner nexus to the Mist, a candle deep inside you that flickers and flares as the Mist flows past it into the outside world. You feel the flame grow, and Bolt roars to life with white-hot energy, searing your knuckles as you answer its call with your own voice.

    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)00:30 No.12118712
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)00:32 No.12118731
    so a falcon punch that sends his ass flying?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)00:32 No.12118735
    I just don't know enough about unarmed combat to be of any help with this
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)00:39 No.12118809
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    You feel the hit more than you see it; the impact sends a tremor down your arm and through your entire body. The effect is instantaneous; Brago might as well have been hit by a bus. The Bangaa is knocked clean out of his leap and sent spinning to the ground as you follow through with the hit, your left arm crackling with energy. You feel... it's hard to describe the feeling. You're currently feeling a strange mixture of disdain, frustration, rage, and mercy, all at once. This is the first time you've really had a chance to loosen up since this whole nonsense began, and you're sure it shows.
    Brago lurches up again, his face a bloody mess. The punch caught him square in the side of the face, and it appears his jaw is broken, several of his long canid teeth having been knocked out by the blow. Nevertheless he is determined to remain standing, and you stare him down, the combat high fueling a victimless fury inside of you. You bellow at him to get up, to attack you again, and Mercury crackles in agreement. Another hit would surely render him unconscious; it might even kill him.
    Kismet watches silently, vague amusement playing across his eyes. Before you're able to further admonish your opponent, the tiny Judge floats into view, its comically small sword raised above its disproportionately large helmet.

    "Participant Brago has been rendered unable to continue. This engagement will now cease. The Law has been upheld."

    Part of you cries out to finish this, to ignore the comical excuse for a referee and show these pompous assholes what you can really do.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)00:42 No.12118837
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)00:43 No.12118841
    Time to simmer down. We've won. Bask in the feeling of victory.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)00:43 No.12118848
    stop fighting and bow to Brago. Thank him for the fight, perhaps we should make a excuse to get back to the girls after seeing if he will let us join or tell him the real reason why we showed up?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)00:43 No.12118850
    But there has to be a reason he used that stupid little card thing. I mean, normally who's going to listen to a tiny thing like that unless they didn't want to disobey. So it must be able to do SOMETHING to prevent rule violations, otherwise it'd be useless.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)00:44 No.12118857
    Hell no. We're not an animal; we control this. Deep breath. Think.

    ...What would Nieve say?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)00:44 No.12118863

    Now would be the best time to calm down, tiny judge is still a judge. Goosefraba
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)00:45 No.12118874
    She would get all drunk, pressing her chest into hours, basking us in her scent.

    Uhhhhh. Maybe make some sort 'shit, oops' gesture, then help the dude up with a hand.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)00:46 No.12118876

    The last thing we want to do is lose our cool, especially since it's eventually going to come out that we're not actually going to be joining their guild, and when that happens, we want to make it clear we're not out to damage them. I think we've messed up this guy's face enough.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)00:47 No.12118893
    I don't know about Nieve, but Elma would definitely cheer us on. Inwardly at least.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)00:48 No.12118914
    Would she? There's toeing the line and there's crossing it. Besides, this story's gonna be even better. "I kicked a bangaa's ass so hard he saw the curvature of the earth."
    Hell, maybe we should see if we can collect a tooth as proof.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)00:50 No.12118931
    nah, the halberd would have been better, but unless its broken, I don't think he would be very cool with that. Besides, its the end of the engagement, so the judge would card our ass in a second
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)00:50 No.12118932
    Call our now downed opponent a lizard.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)00:55 No.12118979
    >it's eventually going to come out that we're not actually going to be joining their guild, and when that happens, we want to make it clear we're not out to damage them.
    When we say we're not going to join we should explain it away as needing to train more before feeling worthy or some such tripe.
    >I think we've messed up this guy's face enough.
    Yes, we have. This was just an audition at any rate.
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)00:58 No.12119006
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    The urge passes, and the world begins to come back into focus. Mercury ceases its howling, the heat dissipates. Brago slumps to the ground, groaning. The Judge turns to you, its visor inches from your own face.

    "Participant, you have upheld the Law even in victory. We recognize you as the victor of this engagement. Farewell."

    One puff of smoke later, and the judge disappears. You turn to Kismet, who has stood, looking somewhat smug.

    "Well then, it appears you DO have some ability, then. Of course, the weapon does make the man, contrary to what others might tell you. As for you," he turns to Brago, who is clutching his face. The bleeding has mostly stopped due to judicial magic, but you're certain the bangaa is going to be left with another scar to talk about. "Go clean yourself up and see a medic. We'll discuss this later."

    Brago hobbles slowly inside, still clutching his face. Kismet paces around in his idle way, scratching his thin blond goatee thoughtfully. He kneels momentarily to examine Brago's halberd, chuckling to himself and turning to you, arms spread wide.

    "Well, it appears you can beat our doorman, at least. To that I say bravo, at least. Now, as for your interest in our Clan, I'm afraid that we are not accepting applicants at the moment and we will have to send you--"

    The Ace is interrupted by a loud a derisive laugh. The two of your trace the source of the sound to the top of the hill that leads down to the practice arena, and the tall, lithe figure that stands there. Soon, the figure is joined by three others, and your eyes go wide.

    Oh shit, it's the girls. Elma eyes Kismet with disdain, the letter from Exguard as well as your own clenched tightly in her fist. The other girls look a bit more wary. All of them are decked out in the gear of their respective professions, and you wonder if you've just started a serious fight.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:01 No.12119047
    Look back at Kismet with epic shit-eating grin. "Best laid plans, huh?"
    Wave the girls over, feel like a boss, even if everything just fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:01 No.12119048
         File1284699718.jpg-(27 KB, 408x486, Facepalm - Knightpalm.jpg)
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    Oh sweet sonuvabitch.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:02 No.12119050

    If not that, then grab the dude like a hostage, and have the sharp end of the cestus to his neck.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:02 No.12119053

    Before they can do anything stupid jump up there and cover her mouth saying that these guys follow you around every now and then. laugh it off. if that doesn't work then say "It can't be helped. I'll have to use "that""(that should make him shit his pants)
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:03 No.12119065
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    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:03 No.12119071

    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:03 No.12119076
    Also, maybe we should try to get ahold of Brago. His boss clearly just set us up for a fight for no fucking reason, knowing full well he wasn't going to take an applicant.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:06 No.12119094
    No no no. Wait and see what the girls do. They might be playing along.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:07 No.12119098
    I see one way to fix this.

    Let out a 'fuck', then walk over to the girls to explain our attempt to infiltrate the guild. Maybe they will hear our honest sincerity, and not assume something bad.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:07 No.12119114
    No, you fucks. The dude wants to absorb our guild. We can't give him anything he can use against us - like assault.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:09 No.12119141
    Do you morons even have any brains in your thick skulls? That has to be the stupidest course of action we could take. You'll start a guild war and our guild will be crushed by their superior numbers. Dumbasses.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:10 No.12119148
    doubt it, kismet knows it a bunch of viera that is on his turf, elma laughed at the display, and kismet was planning on not letting us in regardless, there is no diplomacy or infiltration at this point. The girls are also decked out in gear, this is a fight
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:10 No.12119150
    We already left a note on their door, we should be good on that end.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:11 No.12119173
    Holding a leader hostage or killing him will cripple his clan, if his doorman is any indication as to how intelligent the rest of the members are.
    >> Slacker Khornate Cultist 09/17/10(Fri)01:11 No.12119177

    ...or not, whatever, 's all cool.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:12 No.12119183
    No. We left a note for them explaining what we were going to try and do. They may not be here for a reason that would blow our cover. Remember that the message the girls recieved said the clan wanted a meeting.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:14 No.12119212
    Clearly kismet will force us to prove our loyalty to him and allow us to join by fighting the girls, assuming he hasn't made the connection that we are in league with the girls.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:14 No.12119214
    What makes you think that?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:16 No.12119230
    The laugh could have been directed at Kismet. Possibly because they saw us beat down the lizard.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:16 No.12119233
    Several FF tactics games. Plus, its worth a shot as opposed to standing there like a jackass
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:19 No.12119261
    A jackass? Our cover has not been blown. Standing there is not blowing our cover. The girls have not blown our cover. Yet. Let's not be too hasty.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:22 No.12119294
    So, tell me when its appropriate to negotiate with a opposing clan, when your in your battle gear. I doubt kismet is just gonna let me idle about while he deals with the girls, assuming he hasn't taken their presence as a deceleration of conflict
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)01:22 No.12119296
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    >Damage control.

    Kismet looks for a moment at four Viera, then back to you. Laughing again, he spreads his palms in a gesture of honest curiosity.

    "And... who might you be? Another set of applicants? I thought the Viera stayed away from the Pact, or are you another bunch of rebels away from home for the first time?"

    You see Laya flinch, but Elma holds up a hand. Her voice is cold and low. "We're the Guild you're trying to take over, Ace Kismet of Clan Exguard. We've come to tell you that we are not our elders. We will not go quietly."

    At this, you jog up the hill to the girls, putting on your best "it's about time" face. Elma's gaze doesn't waver from Kismet, but Nieve stares at you in disbelief.

    "What's going on? We saw your note-- what were you thinking?! Do you have any idea how big this Clan is?"

    You stammer out an apology, and Fyna chuckles at you, a little nervously. "I told you you shoulda come with me. Elma's talkin' about challenging this guy to a duel."

    You and Kismet raise your eyebrows simultaneously at this. You look at Elma in shock, Kismet with intrigue.

    "Oh, then you must be Elma Blueblood, the 'leader' of your little group. Tell me, how does it feel being alienated among your own people for breaking TWO taboos?"

    Fyna instinctively reaches out to grab Elma's arm, but the older Viera doesn't budge. Without turning, she addresses you.

    "You still have some fight left in you? We're gonna have a full on engagement here in a minute, and I don't want any slack from you. Got it?!"

    Your mind is racing. What the heck is Elma talking about? Is it even possible to use reason with her at this point? Another part of you revels in the conflict to come, and that worries you.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:23 No.12119308
    "Ma'am, I will beat wholesale ass in your holy name. Let's do this."
    >> Slacker Khornate Cultist 09/17/10(Fri)01:24 No.12119319
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:25 No.12119329
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    >and they said a preemptive strike was a bad idea

    real smooth guys, what a wasted opportunity
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:27 No.12119362
    I wish I could figure out how to give that special dream gem to Nieve. A summon could really be handy right about now.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:29 No.12119371
    There are laws to be followed for this sort of thing, as the tiny card judge pointed out. We could have really screwed thing up by attempting an ambush.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:29 No.12119375
    It tends to happen in moments of crisis. Fortunately, we are damn good at finding those.
    I'd rather not piss him off before we have to. If he calls down the entirety of his guild's available force on us, we're crushed. If he thinks he's working from a position of strength, his arrogance--he's got it in spades--might give us an advantage.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:30 No.12119379
    I was still under the assumption that kismet use the card to call the judge, considering there was no judge around when we were fighting that gator
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:30 No.12119381
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)01:31 No.12119388
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    >Side Action: Examine SKILLS.

    The rush of combat has unlocked the latent power of your ash-fang cestus, Bolt and Mercury. This gives you access to the realm of Mist for use in combat, as well as allowing you several new skills.

    >Skillset: Fistfight
    >Learned skill "Beatdown!"
    >Learned skill "Far Fist!"
    >Learned skill "Whirlwind!"
    >Learned skill "Blitz!"

    >Learned Technique "Thousand Seals: Fist of the Wroth God" (Bolt only, right-handed technique)
    >Learned Technique "Thousand Seals: Howl of the Wroth God (Mercury only, left-handed technique)
    >Learned Technique "Hundred-Thousand Seals: Midnight Sun (???)
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:32 No.12119390
    That was a wild animal, this is a guild fight. Even if law isn't a perfect analogy to what we've got, it's still an assault. And if you look at it in "two opposing factions" terms, you come to the negotiation table and cockslap the opposition before the talks begin. Nobody's gonna be happy with you there.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:34 No.12119413
    regardless if it was a wild animal, it was still a fight, and judges are used even in fights with wild animals

    regardless, the girls are obviously here to fight
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:34 No.12119422
    I forgot, is blitz the move that lets you hit two squares?
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)01:36 No.12119436

    Blitz is an accurate but weakened strike. If I remember correctly it never misses.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:36 No.12119438
    That's strikethrough or something like that. I think Blitz is a fast, low-damage attack with good accuract.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:38 No.12119452
    No, currently Elma is here to challenge Kismet to a duel. There are rules for this sort of thing. This could be one on one. Or we could beat him down before anything is established and it could be all of Clan Exguard vs the 5 of us.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:39 No.12119464
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    >"Hundred-Thousand Seals: Midnight Sun (???)
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:39 No.12119468
    she JUST said to us that we are gonna be in a full engagement
    that also doesn't change the fact that she didn't announce the duel to kismet until after they showed up
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:40 No.12119479
    I'd like to take Nieve off to the side a bit and explain about Carbuncle and the dream and the thing we were supposed to give her while Elma and Kismet do whatever they do.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:42 No.12119503
    That's got to be the big finish. Use after FotWG and HotWG.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:42 No.12119505
    OP, how long are you gonna go tonight? I love VieraQuest, but I also love sleep.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:56 No.12119661

    That should probably wait; it makes more sense to try and use the guy's arrogance. Let him fight alone against us - if he can't handle a fist fighter and a buncha girls, what right does he have to run a guild this way?
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)01:56 No.12119664
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    >Sounds reasonable.

    As Elma and the Ace of Exguard stare each other down, you turn to Nieve, who is looking between you and Elma, concerned. You notice that in addition to her usual Elementalist's attire, she is carrying a long wooden staff that ends in a broad, flat head. Hanging it are several baubles and trinkets, one of which you recognize...

    It's Carbuncle's ruby! You nudge Nieve, and the two of you recede far enough to be out of earshot of the Paladin. You quickly explain your dream of the previous night, and Nieve listens, somewhat awestruck.

    "Y-you met a Terrestrial Avatar? And it gave you a quest?! That's incredible! What did it look like? Was it scary? Why did it choose you? I mean, not that I wouldn't choose you for a quest it's just--"

    You reach out and touch the ruby, which glows faintly, silencing Nieve. Her eyes lose focus for a moment, and she looks like she is listening to a far-off voice. Shortly, she shakes out of her reverie and turns to you, her eyes even wider.

    "I... uh, this might sound a bit crazy, but there was this blue... thing right behind you and it said... Well, I guess you already know."

    You nod. You guess that's what Carbuncle had meant, though you're a bit irritated that it hadn't been more clear. The two of you rejoin the others, and you notice that Kismet has been joined by four others.

    "In the spirit of fairness, this will be a five-on-five engagement. I am a charitable man, after all. We shall meet at the engagement hall at sunset to determine once and for all the fate of your Guild and its members. Agreed?"

    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)01:58 No.12119682
    >Probably until the end of the engagement. Not a whole lot longer, but there's always the archives.

    Elma nods, having not moved an inch from her previous position. You notice that her left eye has turned black and amber, the slit pupil fixed in a bestial gaze upon Kismet's throat. The man can only laugh. Elma's voice is barely audible, but you're certain that Kismet gets the message.

    "Of course. We'll be there."

    Kismet claps and motions to his clanmates, who file inside the Clan Hall. He waves jauntily to your group, and you once again resist an urge to set upon him like a wild dog.

    "Splendid! We'll see you in a few hours, then. Just remember, if we win you will give up your aethyrite and cease all activity as a Guild. Well, until then...!"

    As soon as the heavy oaken door closes, Elma lets out a breath through her nose. The grass beneath her feet vaporizes instantly, leaving a charred circle in the dirt. She turns and stalks back to the front of the hall, all business.

    "We need materials. Laya, I need you to be in full swing, we have three hours. Let's hit the Mog Market." She turns to you, and it takes all your willpower not to flinch. "You're driving. I don't have any more money for the bus."
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:58 No.12119685
    >We shall meet at the engagement hall at sunset to determine once and for all the fate of your Guild and its members. Agreed?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)01:59 No.12119698
    >Let's hit the Mog Market.

    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:01 No.12119713
    "Just so we're clear, is it against the rules to try to hit him with a building?"
    Drive, try to remain the anchor of calm in all this. The girls are all going to be stressing in their own ways, helping them keep their heads on straight will let them help you keep yours. Get all the information you need to know.
    >> Poisoner 09/17/10(Fri)02:02 No.12119726
    Hey, do Moogles have flamethrowers? That could be fun.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:03 No.12119737
    Right. Silent treatment here we come. I hope.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:03 No.12119739
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    >implying Moogles wouldn't have the most kupo of all weaponry
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:04 No.12119751
    they don't, they have guns, they have magic, they have bazooka's, but no flamethrowers.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:06 No.12119767
    I say we propose to stock up on some ethers on the off chance we do not have some to give to the magical members of the party
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:15 No.12119851

    Right then. We need to stock up on healing items, and perhaps purchase an accessory or two for ourselves. Also, what ability does our monk's garb grant us?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:22 No.12119912
    I now have this hilarious mental image of some poor bus driver having a nervous breakdown when four seven foot tall bunnies covered in swords climb on board demanding tickets.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:25 No.12119944
    that makes little sense if you consider that its normal in OP's version of Ivalice. You probably have something ridiculous like a moogle bus driver
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)02:25 No.12119954
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    >Keep a level head.

    The Mog Market is in a separate district of town, one populated entirely by Moogles. As you drive down the rustic cobblestone streets, you can see that from every door, window, and rooftop flit the tiny, fuzzy-eared, pompom-toting masters of gadgets and gizmos. As you pile out of the car, Elma hefts a bag over her shoulder from the trunk, along with the baritine tail. You almost protest, but remember that you have no idea how to cook the thing, anyways, or if it's even any good to eat. The five of you enter a rather run-down looking building on a side street, and you are immediately greeted by an elderly moogle wearing a wide, flat beret and large goggles.

    "Yes, customers, what can I do for you, kupo?"

    Elma lets the bag she is carrying fall to the counter and places the baritine tail firmly in front of the shopkeeper.

    "We're here to trade. Show me what you've got."

    As the shopkeeper leads the two of them over to a wall laden down with what look like bones, machine parts, and chunks of unidentifiable material, you slowly drift through the aisles, looking for anything that will pique your interest. You notice a few things stashed in small boxes and on top shelves: A tiny box containing a few jet-black gears, a splintered section of behemoth horn, and a device you can't identify in a glass bell. You bring these objects over to the others, the shopkeep perking up as you draw near.

    "Ah, yes, yes, kupo. We can do something with this. What do you say, missy?"

    Laya is silent, scrawling figures on a pad of paper. Elma looks impatient.

    You ponder your choices. You could suggest something to the moogle machinist and Laya to craft for you, or you could peruse some of the pre-made arms lying around the shop. The moogle seems happy with what Elma brought to trade, so cost doesn't seem to be an issue.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:28 No.12119981
    Look for a shotgun.

    Pray to EVERY GOD I KNOW this world has shotguns.
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)02:28 No.12119986
    >the two of them

    Aargh, this got confused because I had to cut the post down. Meant Elma and Laya.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:29 No.12119996
    doubtful, they have rifles, cannons, and pistols, but no shotguns.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:30 No.12120006
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:31 No.12120014
    we need suggestions from the merchant so we can get laya to craft a gun for us. Shooty shenanigans should be had in this coming encounter.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:34 No.12120030
    "I won't lie. We're in some serious business here. If there's any advantage you can give us, let us know. We'll be grateful--and we remember friends."
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:34 No.12120032
    a trench knife.
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)02:34 No.12120033
    >A review of found items:

    -Jet-black gears: These gears fill you with dread. You shudder to think what kind of machine they came from.
    -Behemoth Fragment: It takes quite a bit of effort to shatter a behemoth's horn-- whether or not it's still alive!
    -Strange Device: This device looks like it's still in working order, despite the case it's being incredibly worn. It emits faint heat.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:35 No.12120044
    so some sort of doomshot ability?
    I'm all for it. Maybe if we learn it, then switch over to monk, we can punch people and watch as they die right in front of us
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:36 No.12120047
    But if we switch our weapon to a gun won't we be unable to use the attacks we've learned?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:37 No.12120055
    Maybe we can develop the Bolter and Chainsword support tech.

    ...They have a bolter in stock, by any chance?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:37 No.12120060
    You've forgotten the first rule of pirate combat.

    A gun is either first or last.

    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:38 No.12120076
    aside from far fist, which is just a ranged monk ability, the other abilities are useable with guns. So we can beatdown people from across the room with boolets

    hence shooty shenanigans
    >> Poisoner 09/17/10(Fri)02:39 No.12120087

    Either we get to use the ability, or we channel it through bullets. Assuming FFTA mechanics.
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)02:39 No.12120090
    It's pretty obvious we're building a gun here, so all you guys have to do is decide what kind of gun it is. Remember that we're not experienced with ranged weapons yet, so complicated firearms are probably not a good idea.
    Since this is kind of a hybrid FF system, I'm going to forgo the AP system. When new abilities are acquired, consider them learned, and use of one weapon does not necessarily prohibit the other in battle.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:40 No.12120091
    Better to ask this now: will a gun benefit us at this point in time?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:40 No.12120094
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    I've got it!

    Wrist-mounted revolvers!
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:40 No.12120098
    We started out knowing the fistfight skillset and we have improved along that line. Why do you want to go into battle with a weapon we have no skills with? We won't have any time to train with it. We don't even have the skillset for it.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:42 No.12120111
    Disregard. It figures the answer gets posted shortly before me.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:42 No.12120113
    depends on what the enemy will be bringing to the table in the fight, and what the other party members are gonna be rolling as
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:42 No.12120118
    what about some kind of forearm guards? That way we can block weapons with ease
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:42 No.12120119
    I say a smallarm. Something like a pistol. Revolvers are unwieldy for new users, so probably magazine-based. Plus we can equip one of our cestus in the off-hand.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:43 No.12120121
    1. Guns are part of the Monk skillset(?)
    2. Guns kill things really well.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:43 No.12120125
    I've never played tactics, so help me out here. Will we be able to use our move and specials even though we are using a gun?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:44 No.12120130
    how about a fistclaw/gun combo? fistclaw on dominant arm, and pistol being held in the other? That way we can at least use that uber attack we raped that bangaa with earlier
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:45 No.12120135
    Two words: Caster gun.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:46 No.12120146
    for the most part yes. far fist is just a ranged monk attack so its useless. Beatdown can be used by a gun, blitz can be used by a gun, and whirlwind is a small burst around us, so no gun use with that ability.

    also our uber abilities can't be used with the guns because the abilities require the cestus
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:47 No.12120152
    Dood, wrist-mounted revolvers.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:48 No.12120164
    DOOD >>12120152
    We can TOTALLY strap guns to our forearms in a way that doesn't get in the way of the rapepunching.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:48 No.12120166
    Air Render is a simple monk distance power. Far Fist is an area of effect. That could be very useful.
    >> Crix !!nLvSV/0cRma 09/17/10(Fri)02:48 No.12120169

    In Final Fantasy Tactics, guns were probably the strongest ranged weapons, but they were limited to the Orator/Mediator class, and Mustadio's special class, however a support skill allowed any class that took it to use firearms

    In FFTA the only class that could use fire arms was the Moogle Gunner

    Firearms typically had the longest range, usually 7-9 squares away and were unaffected by terrain elevation, but because of this you could hit allies if you were not careful
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:51 No.12120194
    Can we at least ASK to see if slapping revolvers to our arms will work? Worst case scenario, we get a Moogle laughing at us.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:51 No.12120196
    sorry, I forgot we had air render.
    You know what would make for an awesome ability to have? Sidewinder.

    Buttfucks any monsters within range. I'm not saying its gonna be useful now, but still, we should consider being a hunter and/or ninja in the future
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:52 No.12120203

    to be fair, they later introduced a Bangaa class that could use cannons, but it wasn't very good. As always, humans are god tier though.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:53 No.12120210
    and wasting the time of our teammates. I think we should at least have the cestus equipped so we get brownie points from elma, even if its just 1.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:54 No.12120220
    lets make pistols for our feet, we'll be male Bayoneta! Bayonetor? Bayonet-keith? Bayonetothan?

    >excles useful

    captcha likes my idea
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:54 No.12120223
    are you saying ether shell and mortar are not awesome abilities?

    regardless, OP, lets make a pistol with doomshot as an ability
    >> Crix !!nLvSV/0cRma 09/17/10(Fri)02:54 No.12120225
    Wasn't FFTA2 the game where you started with 0MP

    and that class had a shot that restored quite a bit.

    Why would they do that anyway.
    >> Ursus Rex 09/17/10(Fri)02:55 No.12120234
    >everyone talking about more weapons
    >we've shown we can hit very effectively
    >we have no sort of armor or other equipment

    Seriously, unless I've missed something can we at least get some bangles or something? And some potions?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:56 No.12120238
    Guys this is a stupid idea for now. If we lose this next fight the girls lose their aethyrite and have to disband the guild. We are going to need our specials, which means we won't be able to use a gun. The gun should be for later, like when we actually have time to train with it.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:56 No.12120243
    Elma will totally be impressed by the sheer audacity of taping guns to one's wrists. Even if it's the worst idea ever.

    Also we can still ask about a doomshot pistol while we're at it.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:57 No.12120247
    Anyone familiar with a pile bunker?


    it's on the robot's right arm. Basically uses rounds to fire spikes/stakes into enemies at close range or cause explosions.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)02:58 No.12120249
    this, make some doomshot pistols, and train with it later when we are not currently preparing for an important fight.
    >> Crix !!nLvSV/0cRma 09/17/10(Fri)03:01 No.12120275
    Doom is a pretty awful ability, if you've ever played any FF game you would know this.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:03 No.12120296
    as opposed to?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:04 No.12120301

    I say we should go with pistol shoes, Be the man Bayoneta!
    >> Crix !!nLvSV/0cRma 09/17/10(Fri)03:05 No.12120315
    Just about any other status effect aside berserk, but even that's more useful.

    Doom normally has an awful hit rate, and anything that can't be killed in three turns is immune to it.

    Think of it this way, if one of your units gets doomed you have plenty of time to cast auto life, or just recklessly charge that unit in and then they'll either have to waste attacks on that unit or let it hit them until doom finally goes off.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:06 No.12120318
    Can I see some armor?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:06 No.12120321
    Making things explode with our fists.

    And it's kind of stupid to shoot someone & then give them 3 turns to live. In my opinion it's always screamed 'Please rape my face'.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:06 No.12120324
    Inquire of the Moogle merchant as to armour and arms. And also the ludicrosity of WRISTSHOTGUNS
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:07 No.12120331
    I would really rather get some monk appropriate gear than guns we can't use effectively
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:07 No.12120332
    But we could totally be Kenshiro with that ability.

    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:07 No.12120335
    Why are we under the assumption that we are going to miss with this pistol all of a sudden just because the bullets cast doom on a target? so far we've dictated battle without a whole hell of a lot of mechanics from the game involved

    but fine, If you don't think doomshot is a good idea, lets try blind
    >> No Man 09/17/10(Fri)03:08 No.12120338
    Can you believe this wasn't archived yet?

    Oh, and OP, this is IV, not III. Not to nitpick, but hey.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:08 No.12120344
    Agreed. Let's get our defenses shored up.
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)03:08 No.12120345
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    >This is a good point.

    New weapons are fine and all, but you'd rather stick to what you know; despite beating Brago and a wild crocodile, you know you're not exactly the best fighter around. A new weapon would be great to try out later, or use in a pinch, but you're plenty satisfied relying on Bolt and Mercury.

    Some time later, the five of you depart, having stocked up not only on weapons and (in your case) better armor, but a few restorative potions and potables as well. Elma takes a quick inventory before you head out, and as you leave you can't help but think of what the aged moogle told you:

    "Weapons forged in bloodlust are powerful, yes, but also very dangerous. You found some kupo materials there, boy, but be careful - creating weapons like that is one part experience and two parts luck, kupo!"

    As you climb into the driver's seat and adjust your new WYGAR, you think again of the sealed box containing the mooglecrafted weapons nestled somewhere in the trunk. You've got to remained focused, though, and you set about mentally preparing yourself for the fight ahead. No one talks on the way to the engagement hall, not even Fyna, who is busy polishing a broad pearl-colored blade. Laya is mumbling spells to herself, staring out the window. Nieve remains fixated on Carbuncle's Ruby, and Elma can do nothing but stare straight ahead, her eyes narrowing as the engagement hall comes into view. It seems that word of the clan fight has reached the general public, and a sizable crowd has amassed to fill the large arena.
    >> Ursus Rex 09/17/10(Fri)03:08 No.12120347
    Please can we look at armor? We have bitchin weapons, we've shown the ability to kick the ass of one of this Clan's warriors already. We're just lacking in the equipment that protects and augments us. Stuff that buffs attack, defense, it's the best idea.

    We can save this oddball equipment for our super-badass weapon, but we're working against teh clock.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:10 No.12120357
    Yeah but we had already had a bit of training time before that battle. We won't have time to train with the gun. and our new specials are useless with a gun. You really want to go into what may amount to a boss fight with a weapon we only have basic moves for?
    >> Crix !!nLvSV/0cRma 09/17/10(Fri)03:11 No.12120358
    That went off after 7 seconds though.

    And monks can already get pummel.

    Normally when doom is a spell or ability, it has an awful hit rate.

    If it's an added status effect to an attack/damage spell it has an very low chance of actually giving doom.

    Blind is one of the best status effects.
    And it even worked on the final boss in FFTA.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:13 No.12120382
    Stay focused. Decommission a single threat at a time with everyone unless you can hit multiple enemies at once, and make sure they don't do the same to you. Ask who's hardiest. They're going to try to take the heat.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:15 No.12120396
    I want to know jobs, abilities, and any noteworthy equipment
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:15 No.12120398
    Do we know how these fight work? It's 5 on 5, but is it a free for all or 5 separate duels?
    >> Ursus Rex 09/17/10(Fri)03:15 No.12120401
    Okay, stay frosty. You're a monk which means you can lay down some powerful attacks, but you're still inexperienced here and regardless of channeling the Mist it's wise to assume you're not the most powerful person here. Listen to the others and don't try to be a hero, these girls have probably went through crazier shit than this and to try and protect them like some dumbass white knight will just help no one.

    Above all, trust in your Pact-Mates.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:16 No.12120406
    its 5 people, against 5 people. If kismet sets up a judge, then we have some more rules, but other than that, nothing else.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:21 No.12120447
    Exit the vehicle as smoothly as possible.

    Ask the girls if they've ever seen Reservoir Dogs because by god that would help right now.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:23 No.12120463
    Just a reminder: someone's archived this already so be sure to vote it up if you want it to stay. The first 3 threads have pretty healthy scores. Good job, people.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:26 No.12120486
    "Elma, whatever happens, I want you to know...I have always loved you....'re breasts."
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:34 No.12120563
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)03:36 No.12120595
    >Man, Firefox REALLY doesn't want me to post.
    >Examine PARTY:

    -Job: Monk
    -Abilites: Fistfight, Forbidden Techniques
    Weapon: Bolt (R. Hand), Mercury (L. Hand).
    Armor: Wygar (Body, light armor), Power Sash (Accessory)

    -Job: Blue Mage
    -Abilities: Blue Magic (Dragon Force, Flame Breath, Bolt Breath, White Wind, Lv. 3 Defenseless, Goblin Punch)
    Weapon: Manganese Saber (1h curved sword)
    Armor: Blue Coat (Body, light armor), Outcast's Bands (Accessory)

    -Job: Spellblade
    -Abilities: Swordcraft (Oil Blade, Maim Blade, Slow Blade, Doom Blade, Drain Blade)
    Weapon: Pariba Blade (1h blade)
    Armor: Wanderer's coat (Body, light armor), Bone Gauntlets (accessory)

    -Job: White Mage
    -Abilities: White Magic (Cure, Curaga, Esuna, Regen, Raise, Holy)
    Weapon: Nirvana Staff (2h staff, holy element)
    Armor: White Robe (Body, robes), Gilt Timepiece (accessory)

    -Job: Summoner
    -Abilities: Blood Pact (Carbuncle, proto-Ifrit, -Shiva, -Titan)
    Weapon: Cheer Staff (1h staff)
    Equipment: Summoner's Garb (body, robes), Carbuncle's Ruby (Accessory)
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:39 No.12120622
    Ask Elma what the plan is.

    If the first words out of her mouth aren't "I'm not sure" or "I'm thinking" then we best be bodily restraining her until we have a valid plan.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:39 No.12120624
    >cheer staff
    Awesome, she can bludgeon us to life if she or Laya run out of juice.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:40 No.12120628
    alright, so laya and nieve are gonna be in the back casting regen and boosting MP so nieve can call in our trump card.
    Elma will be in the heat of battle
    and fyna will protect the girls in back
    So what are we gonna do?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:41 No.12120644
    That is the silliest, most amusing mental image I've had in a while.

    "Please wake up!" *whack whack whack*
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:42 No.12120649
    If I remember right, in FFTA there were a handful of items that healed on a basic attack, and cheer staff was one. It was also good for taking a shillelagh to undead kneecaps.
    >> Ursus Rex 09/17/10(Fri)03:43 No.12120654
    Whatever we're told to do. And we'll nod and say "Yes ma'am" because we know we've not handled things that well by escalating this by charging in alone.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:44 No.12120659
    >run out of juice.

    "Hey Nieve, mind if I borrow your cheer staff?"
    "I thought you were going out with Laya tonight."
    cue porno music and/or horrible beatdown
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:46 No.12120682
    we have a brain, and for the most part elma has been fine with how we fight, hell we may even need to challenger her on some orders, cause even if she designated herself the leader, everyone still works as a team.
    >> Ursus Rex 09/17/10(Fri)03:48 No.12120710
    I'd think the fact she hasn't done much more than give us cool orders and take our chunk of loot from the kill the other day to prepare for this battle indicates we done did a fuckup. The fact they all showed up in full battle gear doesn't help, and the fact we're now going straight into combat after we pretended to be interested in joining the other Clan just makes it seem like we were trying to subvert them and steal their territory.

    Just because no one's torn us a new one yet doesn't mean they're happy with us. And they're all still more experienced than us, especially in battles like this.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:48 No.12120714
    >So what are we gonna do?
    Punch the ever-living shit out of people, obviously.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:53 No.12120755
    Listen to leader, but begin channeling the rage. Let it flow through yourself, feeding your strength and sharpening your senses. Look within for the island of furious calm, that place of perfect crystalized killing intent.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:55 No.12120783
    Hardly has there been any orders from her I would consider "cool". Regardless, we put for the effort to scope out the enemy, because a guild annexing us is not cool, and while Elma has seen first hand that we aren't terribly knowledgeable about this whole thing, She's also seen how resourceful we can be.

    It is of my opinion that the protag going to scope out the place was the perfect opportunity for elma to act, and it even stopped the fighting that was going on between the girls.
    >> The DEE-VINE Kamina! !!XtVtC3ickAm 09/17/10(Fri)03:58 No.12120808
    Damn if I ain't late to the party.

    >You're currently feeling a strange mixture of disdain, frustration, rage, and mercy, all at once
    So we just gave him the good ol' God Finger? fuck yeah.

    This may have zero relevance for the immediate conversation- but I'm seconding the suggestion that we seek PILE BUNKERS as a form for our upgraded monk weaponry, and suggesting that one of our SPECIAL TECHNIQUES involves sending our target airborne and following them skywards to deliver a spinning backhand or ride them back to the ground below.

    Anyway, don't mind me, f5 and let the carnage commence.
    >> Ursus Rex 09/17/10(Fri)03:59 No.12120823
    I'm of the opinion it showed we're immature and we stepped out of our bounds. We didn't even have the respect for them to inform them of our idea, regardless of how we felt Elma would react.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)03:59 No.12120832
    And then punch an enemy so hard they turn into a chocobo. Now THAT would be one hell of an ultimate attack.
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)04:01 No.12120840
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    As the five of you enter the arena, the crowd swells. Kismet stands in the center of it all, bowing and gesturing to the people in the stands. His clanmates stand around him, weapons at the ready. You spy a Hume Ninja, two Bangaa Dragoons - one of which you recognize as Brago, now quite scarred - and a Moogle Black Mage. Warily, your group advances, and you remember the pep talk Elma gave you all before you entered:

    "Can Exguard is known for their fantastic teamwork. The Ace is gonna hang back and support his teammates until it's absolutely necessary for him to get his hands dirty. The others are no pushovers, but if we divide and conquer then we should come out on top. Remember what's on the line, here. Don't give any quarter."

    You scan your opponents slowly, searching for the weakest link. The obvious choice would be Brago, but the Moogle probably won't stand up to more than a couple solid blows. On a platform above the arena, an armored figure steps forward - an actual Judge, far removed from the substitute Kismet had summoned earlier. His voice booms through the arena, proud and strong. You can't help but feel that his voice sounds hollow, like he's speaking through a tube.

    "The Judges exist to uphold The Law. The engagement, the wager, all are honored. The Law will be upheld. Order will be enforced. Participants... commence!"

    >Continued. I'm trying to make this as clean as I possibly can to avoid confusion, so I may be a bit slow. Er.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:03 No.12120852
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    Honestly, reading this thread makes me think that maybe berzerker would be a better fit as a sub-class than gunner.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:03 No.12120854
    >Don't give any quarter.

    Well, I guess SOMEONE doesn't donate to the local veteran's relief fund.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:05 No.12120869
    WHAT BONDS? Hardly was there a mention of boundaries for the guild. Moreover, There is nothing immature about taking initiative. Sure, maybe if elma told us EXPLICITLY not to do anything, or even hinted at it, we would have done something disrespectful, but like I said, lack of boundaries.
    >> The DEE-VINE Kamina! !!XtVtC3ickAm 09/17/10(Fri)04:05 No.12120872
    Right off the bat, I say their BM's priority will depend on how fast Nieve can get off Carbuncle. That goes up right out the gate, the BM isn't gonna be doing any offensive casting. outside that, I say defer to Elma, focus on her target.
    >> The DEE-VINE Kamina! !!XtVtC3ickAm 09/17/10(Fri)04:07 No.12120886
    to justify assisting on Elma: Brago might seem the softer target of the two dragoons, but a) he's probably fully healed aside from cosmetic damage, and b) Elma probably does have a better eye for this sort of decision.
    >> Ursus Rex 09/17/10(Fri)04:07 No.12120889
    I don't think it takes much sense to understand that if you're part of a larger group, and you're expected to operate as part of a team, that going off and doing things that could look poorly upon the entire group without consulting anyone could be seen as a bad idea.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:08 No.12120893
    that, but we also gotta remember that the dragoons could have jump, which is deadly if it hits, and a ninja could be troublesome if he gets confuse or silence out.

    Maybe focusing on bango first, then helping other party member will be good.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:09 No.12120902
    Make a move toward the Moogle, coax the fighters to intercept.
    Then drop a Far Fist down in the midst of them. Hopefully that'll also take sufficient time for the girls to work their magic.
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)04:10 No.12120913
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    Following Elma's cue, the five of you form a tight cluster, careful to keep an eye on the Moogle for any upper-level black magic. Elma busies herself casting protective spells, a guttural roar escaping her lips as an ethereal dragon engulfs you, filling you with an incredible feeling of invincibility. When she speaks, you can hear the beating of massive wings.

    "Give 'em all you've got! Aim for the heavy hitters first, and take out that black mage!"

    You, Elma, and Fyna rush forward, as Nieve and Laya hang back. Nieve's spells - pacts formed with the elements of the Mist - will take the longest to cast, and she needs to rely on Laya for support.

    You meet one of the bangaa head-on, barely avoiding getting skewered from above and planting one of your fists squarely into the lizardman's gut. You hear him gag as your bladed fist bites deep, and he clutches at the resulting gash. You kick his weapon away, just in case. One down, four to--

    >> The DEE-VINE Kamina! !!XtVtC3ickAm 09/17/10(Fri)04:14 No.12120949
    I like this plan- but again, emphasis on dropping Carbunkle if we can. Their mage may be soft, but if we can force him to stand there like an idiot until reflect fades, that's the two blows we'd need to take him down turned to someone who'll actually be able to attack and react instead of sitting there casting while we turn their face to custard.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:17 No.12120970
    we could always focus on helping the other fighters, and distract the moogle with a far fist? Its area affect should help if any enemies are protecting him
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:18 No.12120973
    >turn the Moogle's face to custard
    DOUBLE custard!

    Make his head explode.
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)04:22 No.12121009
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    The air around you begins to superheat, and in moments it's like being inside an oven. You look over just in time to see the moogle firing off a high-level Fire spell, enough to seriously wound you if not put you out of the fight altogether. You do your best to roll out of the way, but get caught in the backdraft of the explosion. Dazed and scalded, you scramble to your feet just in time to avoid Brago's spear. The bangaa roars, a wild fire in his good eye.

    "Aye, boy, now 'ere's a fight! I won't be droppin' from this one any time soon! Gahahahaha!!"

    Your fists beg to differ, and a well-placed blitz sends the bangaa skidding backwards, gritting his teeth.

    "Ohoho, ye've still got yer fight I see! Good-- 'cuz I 'ate slaughterin' them that can't fight back!"

    The sounds of battle are all around you. Nieve and Laya are doing nicely-- Nieve has summoned an avatar of Ifrit, a mere shadow of the power she could possess, to spew molten power in every direction. Laya is keeping the ninja at bay with blasts of Holy, though you know she can't keep it up for long. Fyna has already dispatched the black mage, tossing his limp form to the wall. Elma and Kismet are locked in a brutal show of swordplay, flashes of gold and turquoise mixing with howls and holy incantations. Once again you find yourself facing Brago, and once again the flame inside you grows. The combat high is kicking in, and you feel tempted to let go-- to take all your frustration and helplessness out in a place where death is as preventable as mold.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:24 No.12121028
    Stay cool. Save that inner fire for when it's needed. Be cautious--he'll expect us to wait for openings like last time. If you've got the time, throw a Far Fist or an Air Render at that ninja.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:25 No.12121037
    I really hope our protag doesn't gain berserk and confuse on his own like that, shit will be really annoying

    Regardless, unleash hell on brago, start off by a palm to the chest, a nasty uppercut, then your uber ability right to his gut
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:25 No.12121038
    >exciting fight scene
    Sorry, I'm having trouble concentrating.

    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:26 No.12121044
    But do these hands of ours glow with an awesome POWER? Do their burning grips tell us to defeat them? Do we feel the urge to give them our love, our anger, and all of our sorrow?

    Well...probably not our love. The frustration & helplessness will suffice there.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:26 No.12121045
    Yell to Fyna to help Laya with the ninja.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:26 No.12121046
    it's like the F is pointing at her ass
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:26 No.12121047
    >The combat high is kicking in, and you feel tempted to let go-- to take all your frustration and helplessness out in a place where death is as preventable as mold.

    I find this idea very tempting, but one question first. What exactly is against the rules in this competition? We wouldn't want to get our team disqualified now would we.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:28 No.12121057
    killing might be allowed, considering the lethality of the weapons, and the status of the moogle, other than that though, nothing really.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:29 No.12121072
    We'll be giving plenty of love later, if you know what I mean.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:30 No.12121080
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    Engage the rapeface.

    "If you can't take a newbie monk one on one, Brago, you should just leave now. No use ruining your face. Or is that your ass? I can't tell through all the shit."
    >> The DEE-VINE Kamina! !!XtVtC3ickAm 09/17/10(Fri)04:31 No.12121088
    >Check SKILLS: Thousand Seals: Howl of the Wroth God.

    If this and "Fist of-" are significantly different in execution, start setting Brago up for the other barrel. Either way, he'll likely be looking for disarm/trip, so try to feint and get behind him.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:31 No.12121092
    That won't fly, he lives and breathes that kind of banter.
    Bring up how little his boss cares about him--like I said before, he set up a fight just to watch someone get hurt knowing there was no job offer to be had.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:32 No.12121102
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:33 No.12121108
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    Dude, not done yet.

    Wait for his response.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:36 No.12121128
    >The combat high is kicking in, and you feel tempted to let go-- to take all your frustration and helplessness out in a place where death is as preventable as mold.

    You know, a thought just occurred to me. Do we a a limit break meter? And if so, is it full at the moment?
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)04:37 No.12121136
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    You and Brago stare each other down, each waiting for the other to make the first move. You wind up, willing your fist to reach across the distance...

    ...And smack the Ninja right out of the air behind Laya. The cloaked assailant bounces once before regaining his footing. You can tell you've shaken him up at least. Nieve's avatar of Proto-Ifrit has dissipated, and she is now busy invoking another avatar, a blue-white glow surrounding her.

    Back to Brago. Spinning his halberd like a quarterstaff, he sweeps for your feet, which you easily dodge-- only to feel the bladed head of the weapon bite into your shoulder. You grit your teeth and lunge forward along the haft of the weapon, using it as a guide to Brago himself. Your left fist crackles and burns, a fire-element strike catching Brago in the ribs. He buckles to his knees, gasping and singed. You clap a hand over your shoulder but surprisingly find the wound is slowly mending. Laya waves to you from across the arena, her staff held aloft.

    Nieve has finished summoning Carbuncle, and the blue-furred creature runs up alongside her, looking at you. You are soon joined by Laya, who looks around nervously.

    "I lost the ninja a little while ago-- I think he's hidden somewhere. How are Fyna and Elma doing?"

    Your answer comes in the form of a crackling bolt in the middle of the arena-- another one of Elma's breath spells.

    >Dammit I hate the post length limit sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:38 No.12121140
    no, not really, If we get lucky, we can gain an opportunity action like giving 3 people hast, beating the shit out of a single target, making 2 people tough as nails, or boosting strength
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:38 No.12121146
    "Stay together, keep your eyes open, and keep Laya safe. Let's move."

    One possible threat: Phoenix downs on beaten enemies. Make sure the ninja didn't skulk off to heal the others.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:40 No.12121164
    if fyna isn't busy, get the gang together to help elma, also make sure everyone keeps an eye out for that ninja
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:44 No.12121187
    Frustration and helplessnes are fuel, fuel for your rage. Rage is the truest feeling; love and hate can mix but rage, rage is pure, elemental! Become one with the anger, take your place as an avatar of war.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:45 No.12121198
    >Nieve has finished summoning Carbuncle, and the blue-furred creature runs up alongside her, looking at you.
    Does he/she/it want something?
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)04:48 No.12121216
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    Elma's fight is apparently going badly, even with the inclusion of Fyna; the two of them are a flurry of blades and magic, Fyna's precision matched only by Elma's raw power. Through it all, the Ace lazily deflects and redirects, his knightswords flashing and a mystic shield rendering all but the most damaging of spells useless.

    Laya looks to Nieve, who nods and turns to you. The three of you are about to join the fray when you hear a wheezing growl-- Brago is back on his feet, clutching his side and leaning on his spear. The Viera look at you, but you wave them off and they comply, going to join the effort against Kismet. Brago grins wickedly, the air around him crackling with power.

    "Yeh'll soon wish ye'd kept yer wood-whores around, 'Umie - ain't no keepin' a Bangaa down... 'specially not a Dragoon!"


    You step back, the force of the spell like a howling gale, drowning out even the roar of the crowd. You didn't think it was possible, but Brago looks even bigger than before, and he looks as though pain won't be a problem. In an effort to preempt his next move, you charge, calling on your dwindling Mist reserves for another FIST OF THE WROTH GOD. Brago bats you aside like a paper toy, and you hit the wall with enough force to blur your vision.

    "Tha' trick won't work on me twice now, boy. Now 'old still an' die like a proper man."
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:49 No.12121223
    "Your clan master seems to think different."
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:52 No.12121239
    "The only whore you'd be familiar with is your mother you overgrown lizard." start running around him just out of reach and far fist his ass until the others can help
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:52 No.12121240
    He hasn't seen the Howl of the Wroth God yet has he? Also, we have counter right?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:53 No.12121246
    we do have counter, but he just chucked out ass
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:53 No.12121250

    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:54 No.12121258
    "Fuck it. One healing spell and then you two go help the others. I'll keep him busy. Just keep an eye on me if the ninja shows up."
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:54 No.12121259
    Looks like it's time for some
    >Technique: "Hundred-Thousand Seals: Midnight Sun (???)
    We need to say something to the effect of "You're already dead" before we feed him his halberd.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:55 No.12121261
    >Now 'old still an' die like a proper man.

    "A real man could never die when he has four beautiful women relying on him."

    HotWG his ass. (I'm assuming from the name that it is an AOE or ranged attack, am I wrong?)
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:56 No.12121265
    To be honest I suggested this just because I wanna know what it does.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:59 No.12121283
    "Death? Ha! You know little of us, and even little of our ways. You know not of our tenacity, our strength, or our willpower. Oh, and don't talk about ladies like that. It's rude, chunderfuck.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)04:59 No.12121286
    I'd like to see it in action too, but i also kind of want to save it for Kismet.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:00 No.12121299
    Personally, I think we need to keep the banter (mostly) civil and punctual. Therefore, I suggest:
    >"Now 'old still an' die like a proper man."
    "Let me show you how a man dies. And don't talk about ladies like that. It's rude, chunderfuck."
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:01 No.12121304
    This was me, and I want to change my dialogue suggestion to: "What kind of man could die when he has four beautiful women relying on him?"

    It sounds better.
    >> The DEE-VINE Kamina! !!XtVtC3ickAm 09/17/10(Fri)05:02 No.12121307
    Save that shit damnit. We've still got Howl of the Wroth God, and their Ace seems to be sitting pretty against Elma.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:03 No.12121312
    Actually it's both Elma and Fyna now.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:03 No.12121314
    I did too until I remembered this.
    >calling on your dwindling Mist reserves for another FIST OF THE WROTH GOD
    We ain't got much left in us at this point.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:03 No.12121316
    You know you feel the delicious whisper of killing rage tugging at your mind. Pain won't be a problem for you either, if you learn to drink it in. It's fine delicious wine for what you could become...
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)05:04 No.12121317
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    At this quip, Brago's face contorts into a mask of rage, and he lashes out with his halberd, gouging a long, deep furrow into the solid arena wall.

    "Don' ya be tryin' ta humiliate me 'ere, boy! I AIN'T GOT NO USE FER CRAP LIKE THAT!"

    Taking advantage of the momentary reprieve, you circle around the bangaa, taking advantage of his increased bulk. As you expected, Brago's agility has dropped to practically zero, and at this close range his halberd is useless. He makes a few grabs for you before crouching down and leaping straight into the air, with you directly beneath him.

    You look up just as Brago reaches the height of his jump - it's too late to try to dodge, so you'll have to meet his attack head-on. Mercury roars to life as the second part of your Thousand Seal technique triggers, and you leap as high as you can, bundling as much of your body's tensile strength into your left arm. Just before the point of impact, you strike.


    A massive, bestial head materializes around your fist, letting loose a howl that halts Brago in his descent and sends you rocketing back towards the ground. As you land, you give one final push, and the roar increases, slamming Brago against the high wall. He plummets back to earth with a sickening thud soon after, and you practically collapse. You struggle to your feet and slowly advance on the maelstrom engulfing the center of the arena. It's impossible to tell who's winning at this point, and even with Laya's white magic the other girls are having a hard time keeping up with Kismet, who seems to be a bottomless fountain of stamina.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:05 No.12121327
    We've got nothing. FUCK IT, GUTS OR GLORY, LADS
    Run in and grab Kismet. Literally, just grab him and hold on and let the weight drag him down a bit.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:07 No.12121337
    ...Unless, of course, we've got the stuff for some Air Render. Then harry him, if it seems effective.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:07 No.12121340
    This cheap ass mother fucker needs to go down, if he hasn't noticed you yet, kick him in the head to get him off guard enough for the girls to strike, in the mean time air render for a precisions strike to his knees
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:09 No.12121348

    lets make like gutts and give in to the hounds of war. hopefully though we don't attack our friends like gutts.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:09 No.12121352
    We gonna get ganked by the Ninja while stumbling our ass over to the fight.

    Now if only there was a way to break out Midnight Sun...
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:09 No.12121354
    We need to learn chakra. I've always found that to be the most overpowered of the monk skillset.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:10 No.12121356
    We have ethers right? We need one now.

    We should try and figure out exactly what is happening in the fight versus Kismet before jumping in. And look for that ninja too.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:12 No.12121369
    First, make SURE he's down for the count this time!

    Do we have any way to replenish mist? I know we can hear it (kind of), but can it hear us? Can we call for more?

    If so, stagger up to the wall and lean our back to it, watching for the ninja. Gather more mist, as much as we can hold. The enemy leader deserves our very best.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:17 No.12121408

    Take his halberd, throw it at Twin-Swords the Cheapass.
    Won't do anything, but it will probably make him go 'oh shit wha-'
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:20 No.12121430
    That F@$ing ninja is making me paranoid. Where the hell is he
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:21 No.12121438
    Watching. Waiting...for the perfect moment to strike...
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:23 No.12121447
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    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:30 No.12121515
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    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)05:36 No.12121540
    >This is smart and you should feel smart. What's a major part of FFXII Quickening Chains? Mist Charge!

    You breath deep, attempting to get a second wind. You plead silently with the Green Word as you attempt to temporarily block out the clashing metal all around you. The same indistinct voice is there, but you feel that you can only observe, not manipulate the flow. Opening your eyes again, you spy Brago's halberd, forgotten at your feet. Hefting it, you gather what's left of your strength and pitch it towards Kismet.

    The missile doesn't quite find its mark, but manages to graze the feathers on the Ace's hat, knocking it off. Before the gaudy thing can even reach the ground, it is torn to shreds and immolated by the volatile magic of the vieran sisters.

    At this moment, the action freezes; Kismet pins Elma and Fyna's blades with his own, one on either side. He glares at you, any trace of his previous arrogant vacancy gone. His blades flicker white only for a moment, giving you just enough time to make a desperate dash forward, towards the girls. You know what's coming next.


    Holy flame rips across the arena, carving a massive cross into the ground. You manage to tackle Fyna out of the way in time, knocking her blade out of her hands. The both of you land hard, skidding to a stop some five feet from the epicenter of the attack. Nieve and Laya can only watch in horror as Elma collapses to the ground, completely motionless.

    Kismet laughs, his voice full of malice. "Hahaha! That's it? That's all you can take? Just one and that's it? HAHAHAHAHAHA!! How sad!"

    Kismet kicks the motionless Elma once, for good measure. You feel something change iniside you, as the currents of Mist shift to blow outward through your body, stoking the fire within.

    There's that second wind.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:39 No.12121566
    Remodel his face.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:40 No.12121573
    I just want to say something. I've been the voice of caution in this thread. Through the evening, I've been advocating the safe and controlled approach, keeping calm and carrying on.

    Destroy him.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:40 No.12121574
    It's all good baby, laya has raise remember.

    Pull out hundred thousand seals midnight sun
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:41 No.12121583
    I suppose now would be the poin to use Hundred-Thousand Seals: Midnight Sun, but I really wish we knew what it did. Maybe we should try something else first.

    Any suggestions? I'm drawing a blank.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:41 No.12121584
    We need to point at him & inform him of the fact that he is already dead.

    And then use Midnight Sun.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:43 No.12121594
    >Any suggestions? I'm drawing a blank.
    I suggest we end his arrogant ass.

    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:44 No.12121598
    motion for someone to get elma out of the way so laya can raise her

    Then destroy the section of the building that contains assmet
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:44 No.12121603
    Great. And let's be ready with a counter just in case the ninja shows up at any time.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:47 No.12121617

    that ninja won't be able to defeat the fist of the north star!
    >> The DEE-VINE Kamina! !!XtVtC3ickAm 09/17/10(Fri)05:50 No.12121651

    "These fists of mine course with the rage of the wilds. My every muscle screams for your defeat. Take This! My Fear, my hate, and ALL OF MY FURY!"
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:53 No.12121672
    Where is the ninja though? We need to stay on guard, yet act both defiant and cornered. We must give not a hint we have a trump card. No "you are already dead", no "face my fury!", no warning at all. Once our target is in range, let loose with no warning.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:54 No.12121684
    And then we strangle the shit out him while foaming at the mouth, right?

    >ortmon Lohengrin.
    I always liked that word, Captcha. Lohengrin. It's just nice to say. Lohengrin. Lohengrin.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:57 No.12121706
    The dude's an arrogant fuck & we look like we're about to keel over. He's not gonna suspect a damn thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)05:58 No.12121716
    Before we go all nuts, can we at least tell the girls to watch out for the ninja?
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)05:59 No.12121718
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    You rise slowly, the Mist rippling the air around you, casting grotesque reflections of what has just transpired... and what is about to. Bolt and Mercury burn simultaneously, each howling with rage and indignation. Your voice is indistinguishable from theirs. Kismet laughs again, leveling one of his swords at you.

    "I am a veteran of over a hundred victories. I have fought entire clans to a standstill on my own. I have hunted the rare and dangerous beasts that roam the hidden places of this world. I am Joshua Alvarest Kismet, Ace of Clan Ex--"

    You don't let him finish. Rocketing forward, you aim a deadly bladed fist for his jugular, which clashes against the gold and purple of the paladin's holy swords.


    Kismet holds his ground for a moment, but you've only just begun. You follow through with the punch, shattering one of the Ace's blades and sending him bouncing across the ground, finally coming to rest at the base of the west wall. You advance slowly, purposefully, great clouds of smoke billowing from your nose and mouth. You are channeling the source of your weapons' awesome power, a mighty ash wyrm-- made low by the gods but forever unattainable by man.

    Kismet staggers to his feet, casting aside his broken arch sword. His remaining blade glows white once again, and he charges, attempting to slash you with the sanctified brand.

    He never makes it. You grab his sword arm, pummeling his midsection with your free hand.


    The blow all but annihilates the paladin, blades of wind slashing at him from every direction as you subject him to the full force of the second stage of your attack. Finally, you fling your opponent bodily into the center of the arena, turning slowly to face him. Once again, Kismet rises, and once again he wears that same cocky grin. Your walk gives way to a run, and then to a sprint.

    This is it.
    >> The DEE-VINE Kamina! !!XtVtC3ickAm 09/17/10(Fri)06:00 No.12121726
    if by "strangle" you mean "beat into a fine red mist" yeah.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:01 No.12121733
    FINISH HIM. If fortune is kind to us, maybe we can even pull off a bunny team attack.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:02 No.12121737
    clothesline this fucker and kick his fucking face in
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:02 No.12121738
    Of course. I always enjoy a nice, warm mist after a good workout.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:02 No.12121744

    "Hundred-Thousand Seals: Midnight Sun right now
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:07 No.12121769
    Son of a bitch where's that F#@$ing NINJA!?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:09 No.12121777
    He killed OP so now we're stuck waiting.

    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:11 No.12121787
    I wouldn't mind having Carbuncle's reflect on us right about now. It feels like something could go very wrong any moment now. Like we exhaust ourselves and take out Kismet, only to find that ninja has finished the girls and we are to weak to fight him.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:11 No.12121789

    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:13 No.12121795
    You know, reflect wouldn't really help in that situation.
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)06:15 No.12121806
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    You meet the paladin at full speed, slamming into him and forcing him backward. Your right arm goes back, then forward, a jackhammer blow. The left follows suit. And again. And again. Faster and faster your fists pummel Kismet, becoming little more than a white-hot blur. He is on the ground now, but still you continue, turning the sand beneath you to glass with the intensity of your assault.

    Finally, you wind up for a haymaker, a projection of an ancient ash wyrm filling the arena. The wyrm howls, shaking the walls with its phantom screams, and your fist glows so brightly that you can no longer see. You feel the blow connect, and all is silence.

    What seems like hours pass, and eventually your vision clears. You look down at your fists, now badly burned. At least you look better than Kismet, who appears to have been gored by a King Behemoth while simultaneously being trampled by a herd of Aspidochelone. You fall to the side, exhausted. You feel rather than see or hear the girls run up to you, Fyna carrying a still-unconscious Elma. From somewhere far away, you hear the booming voice of the Judge.

    "...Clan Exguard has fallen in battle. Let it be known that Order has been upheld. All participants will be treated as necessary immediately. We recognize the opposing Guild as the victors. This engagement is decided."
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:18 No.12121822
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    Mutter something incomprehensible about wishing Elma had seen that and pass out. Sleep the sleep of champions.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:20 No.12121832

    then pass out
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:20 No.12121833
    Raise a fist as high as we can and squeeze out a "Woo" followed by the, without a doubt, deserved "Ow".
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:24 No.12121847
    "can I get a little help here?"
    Have someone heal your hands, then drive home so everyone can nap
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)06:25 No.12121853
    rolled 2 + 0 = 2

    As for the fate of that ninja... Gonna roll me a d20 to see what happens to him. Here we go...!
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:26 No.12121857
    But... but... what happened to the ninja?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:26 No.12121860
    in his shitty attempt to flee, he falls off the top of the building and breaks his neck, effectively killing him
    >> The DEE-VINE Kamina! !!XtVtC3ickAm 09/17/10(Fri)06:29 No.12121877
    I vote for a muttered apology to Elma as our last words before blacking out.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:30 No.12121885
    There's no need for an apology now, we just annexed THEIR clan.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:30 No.12121887
    I'd say a muttered apology to all the girls would be more appropriate.
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)06:31 No.12121890
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    >Oh man, he failed that hard. So hard. Some ninja.

    You open your eyes just enough to see that the girls are kneeling around you. Nieve has your head in her lap. Laya is tending to Elma, who weakly gives you a thumbs-up, which you return. Fyna is chuckling and shaking her head, as if she knew this would happen all along. Suddenly, a thought crosses your mind, and you rise up on one elbow, looking around.

    "...What ever happened to that Ninja...?"

    Laya looks up from Elma and motions toward the far end of the arena. "Apparently he was invisible the whole time, but he was caught in that attack the clan leader used. The poor man was wearing a Dark Garb as well, so it was particularly effective against him."

    You let your head fall back into Nieve's lap, sighing with relief. So much for that. Soon, without you realizing, you fall asleep in the middle of the arena, the crowd still cheering wildly.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:33 No.12121898
    >> OP !!SHtmW8nGled 09/17/10(Fri)06:35 No.12121911

    Yep. Pretty sure this has hit the bump limit anyways, and I can hear birds outside my window. Oh God.

    As for that Ninja, just so you know, if I had rolled a 10 he would have snuck up on one of the girls and attacked them, only to have the Judge warp down and pretty much kill him for breaking the Law. I would have revealed a bit more about this world's Judges as well, but that can wait.

    As always, thanks for participating, and I'll see you next time!
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:38 No.12121923
    >Pretty sure this has hit the bump limit anyways
    Autosage should be 300 replies. I'd say we're at...150? 175? Maybe 200.

    Either way: see you...later tonight I guess since it's like 6:40 in the damn morning.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:40 No.12121933
    >328 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> The DEE-VINE Kamina! !!XtVtC3ickAm 09/17/10(Fri)06:41 No.12121936
    Try more in the ballpark of 330.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:43 No.12121944
    Fucking really? Damn.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)06:48 No.12121959
    So, wait, reading over those last posts, did we actually perform Midnight Sun, or just channel the dragon our weapons were made from and go apeshit on the ace after softening him up with the Fist and Howl?
    >> The DEE-VINE Kamina! !!XtVtC3ickAm 09/17/10(Fri)06:51 No.12121969
    Yes, I think. I'm willing to wager the phantom wyrm was a projection of our weapons into the attack itself.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/10(Fri)12:48 No.12123898
    Vast amounts of DATASS and fuckwin.

    Thanks for another awesome read, OP. Can't wait for the next session.

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