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02/05/10(Fri)12:22 No.7936164 File1265390521.png-(186 KB, 800x672, 1263368016759.png)
 On the way back, Captain Fontaine explains the chain of command.
"As of now, I have full authority on Strategic planning, whilst you retain full control over tactical matters. However, Garma has made it clear that your strategic level ideas are to be taken seriously, however Lieutenant, if I think you're barking up the wrong tree, I'll be sure to let you know. Also, if I can think of a better way of doing things, then you'll soon hear about that as well. That said, hopefully there shouldn't be any problems. Also, I've begun looking for unit operator to help coordinate strategic and tactical command, and also to help you out with all of the paperwork. If I find anyone, I'll send them your way. With that, welcome aboard the Outer Heaven. I hope it'll be a long and fruitful stay."
You are dismissed to stow your gear within your quarters.
You are currently aboard the Outer Heaven, in your Quarters on route to California. The journey is expected to take 6 hours.