/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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July 2009
5202277I hope this finds you wellA jaded gamer shares a tale of innocence regained, tears are shed.epic, heartwarming2009-07-19 11 
January 2010
7425040That fucking castle/tg/ gets all nostalgic about toys. Heartwarming read, for the whole familytoy, castle, heartwarming2010-01-04 3 
August 2010
11730759The Story of Super DaveAn anon tells the story of Super Dave's finest hour.Story, heartwarming, IRL2010-08-19 184 
May 2011
14972739/tg/ software game projectbecause sometimes the visual part of vidya games is a bit 'o' the lie B&hamkun startssoftware game project, /tg/, drawin'2011-05-19 0 
April 2012
18532456Shadowrun Storytime 8The team goes to Lagos, and runner-on-runner violence happens! Geppetto kills a guy in a really fucked-up way. Also Nextwave!Shadowrun, Storytime, Storytiem, Shadowrun Storyime, Twodee, 2D, Dervish, Geppetto, Bend, Lagos, Nextwave2012-04-02 72 
August 2013
October 2013
27685205Heartwarming General/tg/ shares heartwarming stories from the games paststorytime, story, heartwarming2013-10-13 5 
April 2014
31581725The Bugs are our BrosOP requests help in fleshing out a race of horrifying insectile monsters allied to humanity. /TG/ pulls through. Then writefags and drawfags show up with awesomly heartwarming results.Bugs, aliens, xeno, humanity, heartwarming, worldbuilding, fluff, writefags,2014-04-20 24 
June 2014
32582835Cute Horror-Like Supernatural Happenstances 2More spooky-cute stories of happy hauntings and musings on the magic and mysticism of Merlin Township are to be found in this second thread. Come sit a spell in the Bluebell Diner, have yourself a slice of pie and a damn fine cup of coffee and enjoy.Horror, monsters, cute, ghosts, haunted, town, heartwarming, Merlin Township2014-06-05 26 
33087664The Overlord Who Could Not Be EvilStorytime of a wannabe Dark Lord whose attempts at "evil" all backfire making him beloved by the people as a great hero, much to his displeasure. Wipes out a religion? Later everyone finds out it was into human sacrifice. Imports evil creatures such as liches? Necro-industry! Kicks a puppy? The damned thing was a plague carrier!Overlord, Evil, Heroic, Failure, Story, Writefag, Heartwarming,2014-06-30 20 
January 2015
37132287Explaining the real world to utopia's nativesOP ask /tg/ how we would explain the IRL world and it's problems to an innocent native of a fantasy realm where bad things can't happen. Writefags arrive and heartwarmingness results.Ethics, writefags, heartwarming, evil, good, Alfred Pennyworth 2015-01-04 7 
March 2016
46101967Humanity's Last WordsAyy lmaos ask the last human what our species's epitaph should be. /tg/ discusses.feels, heartwarming, munchkin, worldbuilding, cloning instructions, you just lost the game, extinct,2016-03-19 6 
May 2016
47067831Vat-cloning and robots worldbuildingOP complains about robots with artificial wombs being magical realm. /tg/ proves otherwise with stories and worldbuilding.vatclone, artificial womb, robots, engine heart, heartwarming, worldbuilding, kriegers,2016-05-04 11 
October 2016
49723017Releasing PrometheusShould modern humanity should try to rescue Prometheus from his eagle torture? Of course we should. The dude did us a huge solid.setting, ethics, heartwarming, debt, greek mythology, gods, titans, zeus, zeus is an asshole, prometheus, eagle, liver, chains, hfy,2016-10-11 7 
June 2017
1539908 The Great War Quest Ferdinand Von Brant, Son of Fredreich Von Brant, Joined the Clankers Navy boot-camp and makes friends.GreatWarQuest, WW1, Collective Game, Leviathan Series, HerrAdmiral2017-06-09 4 
1566834The Great War Quest # 2A Celebration for graduation. Ferdinand Von Brandt get invited to a party and decide to woo some noblesGreatWarQuest, WW1, Collective Game, Leviathan Series, HerrAdmiral2017-06-17 1 
July 2017
1630619 Great War Quest #3The end of the party. Von Brandt got caught in the machination of the higher noble and he finally decide to be in the Black FleetGreatWarQuest, WW1, Collective Game, Leviathan Series, HerrAdmiral2017-07-13 1 
February 2018
2278441The Wizard's Apprentice Chapter 1A young lady starts her apprenticeship with the great Wizard of the West. But first, meeting sone of the faces in the wizard's village.DesertRedQM, TWA, Collective Game, quest, fantasy, magic, wizard2018-02-15 2 
March 2023
87927878MEATWARS Political Compass/Tg fills in a political compass that measures Flesh, Steel, Rot, and Robustness, and does a little worldbuildingSetting, Political Compass, Meatwars, Body horror, Worldbuilding2023-03-14 11 
88069752Meatwars fluff pt.1: Making Maps/tg/ begins hammering out the world of Meatwars, with several factions added, and a world built.Wordbuilding, Meatwars, Factions, Setting, Body horror,2023-03-20 1 
November 2023
5780952Meatwars Quest #1Zanasai, an agent of a once great empire goes on a seemingly routine mission to destroy a cultmeatwars, sci-fi, body horror, post-apocalyptic, survival2023-11-13 1 
March 2024
5896411Bretwalda Quest Intro and Chargen Adventure in the 9th century. Character generation and the beginnings of a story.Historical, Adventure, Action, Bretwalda2024-03-13 3 
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