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06/04/10(Fri)19:59 No.10278798 File1275695954.jpg-(222 KB, 944x800, f980959d2234dc5c76f45a376c8047(...).jpg)
 Your team rushes forwards. You can see several other squads on both sides pushing forwards and exchanging fire. It's begun. You're target, the Dolos has over extended itself forwards, exposing itself as it moved out of it's escorting Chivvay's fire arcs. Beams from Kycillia's Gwaidan lance past you to carve large gouges through the thick armour of the Dolos, but it's huge size means that it takes the salvo. The barrage does cover your advance somewhat, which is probably how the first squads to launch out of the Dolos miss you and you're able to get an opening salvo off against the large launch tubes before they turn around to rectify their mistake.
The combined fire of your team devestates 2 of the 7 catapults, they'll need clearing to be usable again. You see 6 Zaku's lead by a Rick Dom in your rear camera, you disengage from Jolyne and turn to face them. "Zolomon, you and Jolyne keep working on those launch catapults, Hovis you deal with anything else that comes out. I'll handle these guys."
You dash towards them your Bullpup rifle and Boxer Shield at the ready.
You nimbly dodge the Rick Dom's Bazooka shot and as it attempt to decellerate to get out of the way you use your boxer shield and with a might punch shear one of it's legs clean off, reducing thrust by just under 50%. It tumbles out of way as the remaining Zaku's attempt to encircly you. 3 are the superior F2 type, 1 is an S type, the rest are the older F model. You dash between their bullets and bazooka's and get in close enough to direct a stream of bullets a the S types gun arm. You then kick it's head clean off. The suit tumbles backwards.
Behind you you see yet more explosions from Zolomon and Jolyne attacking the gates, and Hovis's Bygro speeds past you, a pair of Zaku's grabbed deftly in it's claws, rotating at terrific speed, probably as to rend the pilots unconcious.
So far. You think as you dodge another burst of 120mm shells, so good. |