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!!0ZviLFh59My 02/18/12(Sat)21:17 No.18005580 File: 1329617837.jpg-(1.89 MB, 1920x1080, 1276170737083.jpg)
"I'm h-" you hear Miyafuji say from the doorway, then a sharp gasp as she sucks in air. "You're hurt!"
"Shot in the head," you say, a tremor in your voice. "She needs all the juice you can pump into her, now!"
The girl hesitates a second, but moves before you can snap at her. She tugs at your hands, and you reluctantly let them fall away. Miyafuji blinks.
"It grazed her."
The moment of cartridge detonation mere seconds ago is burned, seared into your mind. You remember the angles involved clearly.
"BULLSHIT," you snap.
"Dust bunniezzzz" Minna slews.
"She'st talking, she's conscious, there's no ho- no serious- no-"
"No entry wound," Trude's tense, scared voice breaks in.
You lean over and look closer.
"Hoppitty along," Minna says seriously. "Arrest them trude, canot hop inhere."
"But this is serious," Trude says.
"What," you say.
"You're bleeding real bad," Trude says.
"She can't understand you," you say, gathering up the sheets to reapply the compress.
"No, YOU," Miyafuji scolds you. "Sit down."
You look at her like she's insane. "We need to get Minna to the infirmary. Hold her head."
Instead, Trude holds your arms. You don't remember her moving, but soon you're leaning against the side of the bed, your arms pinned down by somebody's thighs, and Miyafuji is applying those sheets to your leg. Minna's muttering vauge orders about arresting everybody and letting Bismark sort 'em out, or something. |