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10/22/11(Sat)17:15 No.16707281 File1319318110.jpg-(1.14 MB, 2904x1687, Starmap.jpg)
 You watch Azakniel lecture the recruit for a hour. Then you have a small talk with him, and try to learn his opinion on sisters of battle. He seems to be neutral on the matter though he tells you that it really depends on the sisters. You thank him then leave the hall promising recruit that you will tell them the story another time.
_________ 2 weeks after___________________
You look at the report which your comm master relayed to you.
-You 2nd and 3rd companies succeeded in defeating the orks. Total losses are 12 marines plus 1 assault bike. Other than that mission was a success. More deailed reports are included if you wish to read.
-Sisters of battle just entered the sub-sector and now making way for our battle barge. We should ready for our meeting with canonness.
-A dataslate is found in the sub-sector's governors palace. İt contains a message from the mantis warriors. A warning and distress call which seems to be intercepted and blocked on governors orders. Though he says he is ordered by an inquisitor to do we dont know its true. Governor is executed for treason. Upon inspection message source seems to be sub-sector of Orlath. Message is about a splinter hive fleet going directly for the segmentum solar. Though our sector its not on the path of this fleet it seems Mantis Warriors are caught by this fleet and now stranded on a planet near orion arm, which is one week warp travel away from our sub-sector.
-62 recruits survived the implantation and are now battle-brothers. Argath reports that its time for us to also send his adepts to mars. Fenix also reports us that from the three only two of recruits with psy potential survived the implantion and now are studying under him as lexicanums.
-Reports from the Pyrax tell us that forge-world progressed well and its factoriums are now more capable. Also life standards are improved. |