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!!0ZviLFh59My 03/19/12(Mon)19:53 No.18384820 File: 1332201206.jpg-(64 KB, 600x800, 5f71c1f003da61429ffd3cb05d297b(...).jpg)
As the cries of Waltrude and Robin's earnest conversation roars behind you, you continue trotting back towards the "swimming area" the rest of the Witches were at - and your crew. You cradle the Ithaca 37 in the crook of your arm, just in case you see any Marines. Well, except Kathy. She's cool.
As you near the spot, you hear the whoops and howls of young women diving off the rocky cliff and into the deep, cold tide-pool below. Acting on a sudden thought, you take the path up the back of the little bluff with some idle idea of beanbag-sniping from the high ground.
"Last warning, froggie. Back off, or I'll beat you to death with your own arms."
You freeze, spooked to your core despite yourself. That's definitely Ian using the Voice - right down to the wonderfully understated threat.
"You wouldn't hurt me," you hear Perrine say softly.
"Don't be so sure," Ian says, but the edge has gone out of the Voice. Ian's in trouble now, you know - he's got a stubborn gentlemanly streak, and he'd never pound in the face of a fifteen-year old girl with a crush.
Even a psycho creepy stalker with a few screws loose.
On the other hand, Ian's cool-cucumber act has occasionally struck you as a little unhealthy. He's cool, all right, but he keeps everyone at emotional arms distance because of it, which is dangerous, unhealthy, unbalanced and will inevitably have negative consequences. You shake your head disapprovingly. It'd be good for him to have a girlfriend, for a change - or just a girl.
The fact that you're still pissed off about the Fairbain-Skyes dagger he gave your sister is completely besides the point, of course.
>Yeah, he needs some Perrine. Enough bullshit, let her work. >Bro's before hos. DYNAMIC ENTRY >This just ain't the way to let it happen. Intervene. |