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02/26/11(Sat)15:53 No.14051420 File1298753638.jpg-(73 KB, 245x320, 320.jpg)
You all load up into Ecto 13 except for Professor Aleron, who takes the U-Haul Truck, and head back to the HQ, to do one more sweep through, and assessment.
One the way back to HQ, you pick this up on your Car radio.
"Hello PineBox, you no longer have to be afraid of the dark. Exorsystems is here. Feelings of dread in your basement, maybe its nothing, or MAYBE its a boggart. Cant sleep at night, sounds like some one is walking around your home, but no ones there when you check... it could just be the house settling, or it could be a poltergeist.... Find out today, Exorsystems is offering a low cost on site inspection! Call us Today 1-888-NO GHOST |