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Still no clue.
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Related Steam group worth checking out: http://steamcommunity.com/gid/103582791435338813

Finally back home safe and sound. What could go wrong?
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Fact: everything that happens today will be nice
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Daily reminder that /u/ will go to any lengths to justify their ships.
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kek, lel, kek
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Only happy times ahead.
Till they have to slap Ragyo's shit.
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>mfw I want them together
>mfw this autism
"You seem to be the only one having trouble understanding.", you point out.

"What was that?!"

You roll your eyes. "Geez, settle down. What I'm saying is, we've explained what happened to everyone. We resisted those Kamui the best we could, but after what we've been through recently..." You trail off. You don't want to think about this.

Satsuki puts a hand on your shoulder, and continues for you. "Those past two weeks have been a huge strain on us, both physically, and mentally. That was exactly Ragyou's intent. Had she attempted forcing Kouketsu on us upon capture, we would've easily resisted."

"I won't deny that we were conscious during what happened, but we weren't really ourselves.", you add. "Mental refitting doesn't work on us, so Ragyou resorted to this instead. It's a similar kind of thing. We're just glad our friends stopped us before things got irreversibly bad."

Having listened intently to the two of you, Kinagase looks to the side. "...I guess you're right."

You tilt your head. "Huh?" That was easy. Too easy, you feel.

He doesn't respond. Mikisugi, who has been listening in on your conversation, chimes in.

"Don't worry, you've made your point to him. He just hates being wrong."

You shrug. You and Satsuki didn't really leave him much space to manuever with your explanation. Perhaps you should do that more often.

[ ] Talk to (custom)
>[x] Talk to Dad

"Why didn't you save us sooner you dick!"
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>[x] Gotta talk to my dad
>[ ] Talk to Soichiro

>[x] Talk to Dad
>[ ] Talk to Dad.
>Talk to Senketsu and Junketsu
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They'll get their hugs and ironing soon.
Tsumugu getting fucking TOLD
"I think we need to have a long talk with dad.", you say to Satsuki. She nods.

While he was present on the bridge to greet you, your father quickly returned to the lab. It isn't a surprise, considering he's just received a large amount of Life Fibers to work with. What's odd is that he doesn't seem too eager to talk to you.

The two of you head down to the lab, where you see only Iori. He seems to be analyzing Sanageyama and Inumuta's uniforms.

"Hey, four-eyes. You missed us barging in here?", you ask with a grin.

He bows to Satsuki, but does not respond.

"Come on, no deadpan retort?", you ask.


"Leave him be, Ryuuko. He's doing his best not to break character, I think.", Satsuki tells you telepathically.

You shrug. She would know, you suppose.

[ ] Ask him about the uniforms
[ ] Ask him about where Souichirou is
>[X] Ask him about where Souichirou is
gotta find our dad
Well it was either that or trying to say that they shouldn't have been weakened after 2 weeks of physical and mental torture. Being TOLD was the better option.

[X] Ask him about where Souichirou is
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>[x] Ask him where Souichirou is
nerds gonna nerd
>[X] Ask him about where Souichirou is
Gotta find out who [insert verb] my dad!
gotta find out where our dad is
>[x] Ask him about where Souichirou is

Also: Poke him. Just to see what happens. Possibly decry "boop" as we do so.
Seconding this, mainly because it's something Ryuko would do, and it's funny.
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OP is asleep post eating.
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chyuko a best ryuko
"Is our father not here?", Satsuki asks.

"Doctor Kiryuuin is deeper in the lab. He's asked me to tell anyone looking for him not to disturb him at the moment, however."

Guess he really is busy.

"So, uh, what are you up to with those?" You point to the uniforms.

"Since we've gathered a large amount of Life Fibers, and considering the recent losses in Three-Star uniforms, we would like to start producing new ones. For that purpose, I'm analyzing those for some data I can use to improve designs.", Iori answers. Guess he's more eager to talk when it's about his job.

"How long do you think it will take, Iori?", Satsuki asks.

"Well, this will probably be the last line of Ultima Uniforms ever made, so I would like to make it count. Given some of the new ideas I'd like to implement, the preparations and production might take up the whole week."

"Take your time."

Now that you think of it, nobody explained to you how did Nonon and Mako manage to wear Junketsu and Senketsu. Were the resistance tests they took inaccurate?

[ ] Ask Iori about it
[ ] Go see dad anyway
[ ] Leave
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>[x] Ask Iori about it
>[ ] Go see dad anyway
Tell us everything dad! EVERYTHING!!
>[x] Ask Iori about it
>Ask Mako and Nonon about it
Let the nerd work
>[X] Ask Iori about it
which will inevitably lead to

>[ ] Go see dad anyway
>Ask Mako and Nonon about it
Also, ask Nonon and Satsuki to work out their repressed issues.
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>[ ] Ask Iori about it
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We already got over this. It was just a phase Satsuki was going through and it was Koketsu pushing those thoughts back into her mind.
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/u/ pls

No, there's some complexity going on the two probably need to iron out and clarify how everybody feels about everbody. Not necessarily to go "kissy-kissy", but there's some baggage there that needs to be "unpacked" as it were. Kouketsu wouldn't have had anything to push on if there wasn't already something still there.
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And now I sleep.
Nothing better than story time in the morning.
Is it bad that the very suggestion of Ryuko in a straight relationship makes my blood boil? I mean I try to think that she's just a cartoon character and that I shouldn't care but that picture still makes me want to punch someone.
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nope, Ryuko's heart belongs to Senketsu but it's fun to pretend sometimes
I'm very certain Satsuki would rather keep those thoughts to herself and besides, Ryuuko made Nonon open her eyes and see that the world doesn't revolve around her boss.


I'm sure she'd rather too, but it might not be the best and most healthy way to go about things. Just saying.

Again, they don't have start making out, just they should have a sit-down conversation about how they both feel, if for nothing else than to reaffirm the decision made a few years ago is the one everybody still agrees with.
I think you missed my point.
I can only imagine her in a relationship with Satsuki or me
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>just they should have a sit-down conversation about how they both feel, if for nothing else than to reaffirm the decision made a few years ago is the one everybody still agrees with.
Wouldn’t mind this, some closure one way or another wouldn’t hurt.
I don't think it's weird at all. To me, Ryuko has two OTPs: Sisterly bond OPT with Satsuki, and platonic love with Senketsu.

I just can't imagine her with anyone else.
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>I just can't imagine her with anyone else
Ragyo disagrees with you.
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Ragyou can go fuck herself
she probably is right now anyways
make way uzusuki coming through
9/11 it's ok
Takasuki superior.
Also, since Satsuki is back at Nudist Beach HQ now Takarada can finally get his date.
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Hmmm while that pic did bring up a point. I guess I can see Ryuko x Nui sister bond, as well.

So long as it doesn't pass that like pic related.

Speaking of which, do you guys think we'll be able to redeem the nui?
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>redeem the nui?
Sure, as long as we got friendship we can accomplish anything.
From the events that recently transpired, that is most unanimously likely.
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Do you guys think we should give her a hug next time we see her and apologize for being bitches while Ragyo'd?

Apologize: yes.
Hug: Maaaaaaaaaaaybe.
She's at the point of no return IMO. We gave her the offer twice, she's seen enough evidence that Ragyou doesn't give a shit about her, and now that Ragyou isn't present she has a chance to escape. If she doesn't take it she'll probably stay loyal to the end.
Eh, I guess the hug is debatable.
Think we should accept her as our little sister, though?

Also, on an unrelated note, anyone else having trouble with captcha? It keeps giving me numbers, but doesn't accept it when I put them in, making it so I have to refresh until it hits words again.
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Apologies are in order so yes.
>Nui getting a hug
About as likely as Senketsu gets his hug, Maiko making an appearance and Takarada getting his rightful date.

If she feels like hugging, we could pull her in, but last time we hugged, she stabbed us, and then after that evil us told her we were gonna kick her shit in. So not saying that's a for sure.

Accepting her as family seems fair, since she's kind of a half-sister. And as far as we know, she's not as shitty a family member as Ragyo. Apart from that time she tried to kill our dad.
>About as likely as Senketsu gets his hug
but anon! he did get his hug!

it was indirect but still
Shit, you’re right.

Two approaches to this:
1. Claiming it doesn’t count if it’s an indirect hug and/or not with Ryuko.
2. Getting hyped about this meaning that anything can happen now and how this means Takasuki, Maiko and/or Takamaiko confirmed.
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what are you implying?
Eh, shipping one jew with another jew, could be worse.
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>what are you implying
Not sure myself.
>no Doshsuki
>no Maiyo
>could be worse
"Say, Iori, I've been wondering something. How did Mako and Nonon manage to wear Senketsu and Junketsu?", you ask.

"We were under the impression their level of affinity only allows them for wearing Three-Star uniforms. Was that not correct?", Satsuki adds.

Iori goes a little pale. This is not a reaction you were expecting.

You wave your hand in front of him. "You there?"

He looks away. "How to put this... after you were captured, your father artificially increased their affinity, as a backup plan."

"Well, it paid off in the end. How, though?"

"With what he described as a "Life Fiber vaccine". It stimulated their bodies to increase their resistance to Life Fibers. However, as a result, it put them out of commission for two days."

Well, that sounds a bit rough. Seems there were good reasons for it, however. Why does Iori still look like he has something to say, though?

Satsuki is wondering the same, it seems. "Iori?"

"...The problem with this vaccine is, Doctor Kiryuuin admitted it was potentially lethal."

"...What?", you say.

Satsuki's expression darkens considerably. "Did they know the risk?"

Iori stays silent.

"Did they know the risk, Iori?" Her tone chills the air around her.

Iori doesn't dare meet her gaze. "...They didn't know anything about this at all, not until afterwards. I've only found out myself because I got curious about Doctor Kiryuuin's research."

Without saying anything more, the two of you storm off deeper into the lab.
>Without saying anything more, the two of you storm off deeper into the lab.
Gotta find out how to kill my dad!
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This is going to get bad I can feel it
Maid + Ragyo?
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>"...The problem with this vaccine is, Doctor Kiryuuin admitted it was potentially lethal."
pic related
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Maiko + Piyo
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>our faces when dad tries to explain this
>Maiko + Piyo
I don't think you can marry food in Japan. PoF tolerace is great, sure, but food?
> Requesting update on Satsuki / Ryuuko OTP status, thanks.
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>straight from one psychopathic murderous parent to another
being scistors is suffering
they are confirmed NEVER HAPPENING AT ALL EVER
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deader than Maiko and the two-stars
>believing the Makocaust actually happened
It’s all a ruse I tell you!
inb4 Vore rights activists
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_____ ;_; _____
Who will do the talking, then?

[ ] Ryuuko
[ ] Satsuki
>[ ] Satsuki
Voice of reason right here.
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>[x] Satsuki
RESOLVE, time for, etc.
>[X] Ryuuko

Just cause.
>[ ] Ryuuko

Always pick best girl
>[x] Satsuki

But anon, everyone is best girl.
>[ ] Satsuki
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That's not how you spell Satsuki.

I agree all girls are best, except for Nui.
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I respectfully __agree
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It's 5 AM here, so I'll be leaving for now.
I only got to sleep 3 hours last night, hence the delayed start, but I'll be able to run at the usual hour tomorrow.

I suddenly have a sense of deja vu


Sleep tight OP, don't let the Life Fibers that your bed is secretly made of bite.
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I like Nui.
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sweet dreams op
Later, OP.

I hate canon Nui.Though I'm starting to warm up to quest Nui though.
Same here. Canon Nui I find cute but don't like, but this Nui and some others I enjoy.

I really hope we can redeem her

Nui is startlingly adorable out of context.

That context is her opening her fat fucking squishy mouth.
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>Fat fucking squishy
You mean her adorable smile?

I think its more when she is cheerfully dancing in the rain of blood.

One of these things is not like the other...
>just noticed it
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And bump.

Looks like it's time to put the boot to dad, medium style.
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Now with Mid-day bumps.
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Tea time, motherfuckers.
>you will never, ever lick Ryuko's sparkling eyeballs
How does a short one-off spinoff sound?
>[x] Proceed cautiously
Is it featuring best girl Maiko?
You are Matoi Ryuuko, the one from this quest, though you're not quite sure what that bit means. Through circumstances completely unknown to you and your sister, the two of you were transported to what appears to be an alternate timeline. A different spot in that timeline, too.

You and Satsuki are standing on a bridge. Not just any bridge, THE bridge. The one connecting Honnouji Academy to the Japanese mainland.

"So, this is Honnouji-"

Satsuki puts a hand over your mouth. "Don't."

[ ] Head to the academy
[ ] Consider your situation, and panic
>[ ] Consider your situation, and panic
some crazy shit going on here
>[x] Head to the academy
Is this an official dream sequence?
>[X] Head to the academy
Do it!
Don't expect many votes, so I'll just count those.
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>[ ] Consider your situation, and panic
Against your better judgment, you decide not to worry about any and all possible implications your situation could have, and proceed to the academy.

Suddenly, Satsuki stops. "Wait."


"Maybe it's not such a good idea to just walk in. We don't know what this timeline is like."

[ ] Who cares?
[ ] This is a sneaking mission

>For on votes late
yup, this is official
>[ ] This is a sneaking mission
>[x] Who cares?
I'm motherfucking Ryuko.
If we have jersey devils
>who cares
>stealth mission
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>[ ] Who cares?

It's what I do.
[ ] Who cares?
We got eachother, 'nee-san! What could possibly go wrong?
You shrug. "Who cares? If somebody gives us problems, we can just kick their ass."

"...That's not exactly what I had in mind."

Regardless, you proceed through the three housing tiers, and up to the school, receiving curious looks on every step. Looks like this is a time period before everything went to shit, though it's hard to tell when, exactly.

Finally, you pass through the academy's main gate. The courtyard is empty. That must mean classes are underway.

[ ] Head to Student Council chambers
[ ] Look around
>[x] Head to Student Council chambers
Ain't no stupid timeline bullshit gonna stop us from being in charge here.
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>[ ] Head to Student Council chambers

I won't be late this time!
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[X] Head to Student Council chambers

Screw caution, this is an alternate timeline.

Also: [X] Start eating the lemon we snagged as a snack
"Let's just head to the tower, I guess.", you say.

You enter the school building, and head straight to the elevator leading up to the tower. You enter the main room, where the Devas are sitting. It seems this is a time before Naturals Election, as they're all wearing what looks like their Mk 1 uniforms. You notice that there's only one throne in the back, what's all this about?

They all turn their attention to you.

"Lady Satsuki... and Matoi?!" Their eyes widen in shock.

Suddenly, the door behind the throne opens, revealing... Satsuki?

The Devas look at her, and back at the Satsuki next to you. "Lady Satsuki?!"

[ ] Surely this can be resolved in a civil manner
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>[x] Surely this can be resolved in a civil manner
just kidding
[X] Surely this can be resolved in a civil manner
And when that inevitably fails, THEN we panic
[X] Surely this can be resolved in a civil manner
Double 'nee-sans!
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Also, if we need to find out which one is ours, we have the benefit of the telepathic link.
Unless for some reason we don't.
>2 Satsukis
>1 Imouto
Duking it the fuck out is civilized, right?

Does this mean that there's another Ryuko running around, too?

We probably just got teleported to the canon timeline.
Also if it does come down to a fight, we should win easily. We're higher 'level' since we've had more life fibers to eat, and our sis is also a hybrid, too.

Unless we're lacking our Kamui. Do we have the Ketsu bros with us?
according to how >>32754574 was counted, yed
Why punch yourself, though? That seems sort of counterintuitive.
I said 'if.' And I'd rather us punch our other-us rather than make our sister punch other-us.
"Surely, this can be-" You start.

"Who are you?", the other Satsuki asks, drawing Bakuzan. "And what are you doing here, Matoi?"


"There's two of Lady Satsuki, and two of me?" Junketsu is as confused as you are.

Satsuki approaches the other one, causing her to assume a combat stance.

"I said, who are you?!"

"You.", Satsuki answers. "Though, a different you, it seems."

"What is this nonsense?!", the other one asks. "Wait, that hair... you're not fooling me!"

She suddenly activates her Kamui.

"Life Fiber Override: Kamui Junketsu!"

She charges at Satsuki, who draws her own Bakuzan, and blocks the strike without much effort, surprising everyone but you.

"What are you?!", the other Satsuki asks.

"You.", Satsuki repeats. "A different you."

[ ] Tell Satsuki to stop being cryptic
[ ] Watch, it's fun
>[x] Watch, it's fun
Also remind the Devas that your title is Lady Ryuko
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>[ ] Watch, it's fun
Actually nevermind. Not like our satsuki will actually try to kill other one, and not like the other one can hurt ours.

This, remind them of our title. For the laughs.
Be right back.
inb4 we badend the show timeline

Okay, enough of that silly shit for now, maybe will continue it later (so much for one-off).
Going to start at the usual time.
what a buzzkill
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What a clever ruse.
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>That bottom part
No matter the circumstances, experimenting on people without their consent or knowledge is unacceptable, especially if the results are potentially dangerous. You find Souichirou sitting in a chair next to a desk, facing you. It seems he's heard your heels clacking against the metal floor.

"Ryuuko, Satsuki. I'm sorry, but I'm a bit busy right now-"

"Your work will have to wait, father.", you cut him off.

Your cold tone informs him what's going on. "...It's about Nonon and Mako, isn't it?"

"First and foremost, yes.", Ryuuko says. "Not only that, though."

"I did what was necessary. I didn't want to do it, but as you saw yourself, it indeed turned out to be vital."

The answer doesn't satisfy either of you. Especially Ryuuko. "Was not telling them anything also necessary?! They could've died, and they would have no idea what killed them!"

"I realize how terrible it is, Ryuuko. I realize it fully. However, I just had no guarantee that they would agree to it."

"Father.", you say. "You could've informed them. Have you already forgotten how you asked if I would trust the Devas with my life? I still stand by my word, and extend it to Mako."

"Same for me.", Ryuuko chimes in. "They've put their lives on the line to save us today. I'm sure they would've done the same had you asked them before injecting them with liquid poison."

"...Shirou said the same thing.", your father says. "I've explained everything to them as soon as they recovered, and apologized to them. They understood the necessity."

Ryuuko sighs. "I still don't like what you've done, but I guess there's no point in talking about this any further."

As Ryuuko mentioned, there is another thing you would like to talk to Souichirou about. Ragyou's version of the history shared between them differs from your father's.

[ ] Inquire about it
[ ] Ask about the Four-Star uniforms
[ ] Leave
>[x] Inquire about it
[ ] Inquire about it
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>[ ] Inquire about it
Story time, daddy.
>[x] Inquire about it
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Science Ragyo, how did you get so Science?
Seems like Ryuuko gave up too easily there. She should have at least held out for lunch money or something.
>[ ] Inquire about it
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>still no satsuki figma/nendo
it hurts to live
"There is yet another thing that we need to discuss, father.", you say.

"I'm sorry girls, but can we talk at length when I'm not busy? I would like to be able to dedicate my full attention to my work and to our conversation individually.", he says.

It doesn't really seem like he's trying to avoid talking.

[ ] Yes
[ ] No
>[x] Yes
I suppose we can talk later, his work did just save our butts and surely there's something else we can be doing.

>[x] Yes

Alright, but SOON.

What's he working on, anyway?
>[x] No

It can wait this time.
Er... yes

poor reading comprehension on that one.
>[ ] Yes
It pays to wait.
>[ ] Yes
[ ] Yes
>[x] Yes

I'm waiting. Old man.
It's a (permanent) disguise, he's no older than Ragyo.

He's older than we are.
So is Gama, should we start calling him that too?

Also, Ragyo/Soichiro are at least in their 40s, if not older. While not exactly elderly, in comparison to some (late) teenagers, they're "old".

He's a pervert with an old man's face so yes.
And in any case, "old man" is just another way of saying dad, regardless of age.
fair enough.
on a scale of 1 to 10 how mad does nissan get when imouto calls her old?

Probably no more than a 3. I can't see her getting too upset. She probably throws it right back in her face saying she is more mature and has to babysit her.
>"No, Ryuuko, I don't remember giving you permission to stop rubbing my shoulders"
then later she returns the favor
muh heart

You have to do what the babysitter says
Otherwise you get the punishment
rubbing her feet too
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she's nice though and gives you a choice
you can either serve your punishment, or she can tell mom you were being naughty when she gets back home
You nod. "Very well."

"In the meantime, the two of you should rest. I doubt you want any reassurance from me, but know that I will do everything I can to ensure Ragyou pays for what she's done."

The two of you decide not to answer to that. You want to make her pay yourselves.

You leave the lab. There is still a good while until the Naked Sun arrives at Osaka. While you would like to rest as your father suggested you to, there isn't much opportunity to do so at the moment.

[ ] Return to the bridge, and wait
[ ] Talk to...
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Hey guys, whats happen-
Oh my~.
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>[x] Talk to each other
>[ ] Talk to Nonon
Haven't spoken inna while, have we?
>[ ] Talk to the Devas and Mako.
"So... how have you been, guys?"
>Talk to cute clothings
>[ ] Talk to...
Nonon and Mako
>[ ] Talk to Nonon
>[x] Talk to the devas
>[x] Talk to Nanon and Mako

>[x] I'd rather take the punishment
>[x] Talk to... Nonon
"So, uh, yeah, about that whole nearly murdering you thing..."
That seems to be it.
[ ] Talk to her together
[ ] Talk to her alone
>[x] Talk to her alone
>[x] Talk to her alone
>[x] Talk to her together
>[ ] Talk to her alone
this is a matter between nonon and satsuki
>[x] Talk to her alone
>[ ] Talk to her together
>[ ] Talk to her alone
>[ ] Talk to her alone
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No skeletons yet, we're doing good.
"A moment of silence for whatever may come next."
"Ryuuko, could you return to the bridge for the time being?"


"I'd like to talk to somebody, alone."

"Oh, okay. Mind if I ask who that is?"

[ ] Tell her
[ ] Don't tell her
[ ] Tell her
No point in bein' dishonest.
>[ ] Tell her
>[ ] Tell her

Keeping secrets from you neesan is most dishonrabu
>[x] Tell her
>[x] Tell her
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>[ ] Tell her
I feel bad for almost making her a foot shorter.
>[x] Tell her
>sorry about that time when I ignored you forever
>and that time when I moved with Ryuuko and didn't tell you
>and that time I shared a bathroom with Ryuuko but not you
>and that time we switched bodies and didn't tell you until you thought you were on a date with me
>and that time I tried to kill you
There isn't a point in keeping this a secret from her.

"It's Nonon. I need to... confirm something with her."

"I actually want to talk to Nonon too, but that can wait. You sure you want to take that nosy shirt with you, though?", she smirks, looking at Junketsu.

"I-I would never betray Lady Satsuki's trust!", Junketsu says.

Thing is, Nonon knows Junketsu is a person, and can hear others, even if they can't hear him. While you trust Junketsu not to say anything, Nonon might not be comfortable with him being there for the conversation.

[ ] Keep him on
[ ] Leave him with Ryuuko.
>[X] Leave him with Ryuuko.
>[x] Keep him on

Oh boy here we go
>[x] Leave him with Ryuuko.

Truly one on one conversation
>[x] Leave him with Ryuuko
but also
>[x] Put some other clothes on before you talk to her
Tune for Satsuki and Nonon's talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ss0kFNUP4P4
>[ ] Leave him with Ryuuko.
"It's not you, Junketsu, it's Nonon."
>[ ] Leave him with Ryuuko.
>[ ] Leave him with Ryuuko.
no kamui
no imouto
final destination
>[ ] Leave him with Ryuuko.
You're great and all, but your eyes may put her off, nothing personal.
No, it IS him
But it's only because he'd be a third person in one-on-one conversation
>[x] Leave him with Ryuuko.
>[x] Promise a good ironing and fabric softener later
Just because they're having this heart to heart doesn't mean they're gonna go all /u/, right?
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Damn it, captcha.
We better not, remember when that almost happen last time?
Keep it in your pants, girls.
Admitting that they like each other (If that were the case here, which it's not) wouldn't really be /u/ (other than, you know, two girls in love and all), so long as it didn't turn into something straight out of a doujin like some people want.
>Satsuki treats Junketsu right but friendzones him
>Ryuko genuinely cares for Senketsu but is abusive
being PoF is suffering
[X] Leave him with Ryuuko.
"I trust you, but this is for Nonons sake"
"Sorry Junketsu, but I'll have to leave you with Ryuuko."

"Milady?!" He seems hurt.

"I trust you, but I want this to be a one-on-one conversation. I hope you understand."

"...Of course, Lady Satsuki."

"You're not gonna chase after her in underwear though, are you?", Ryuuko asks. "The mental image is amusing, but she might end up in the infirmary."

A fair point. You step back into the lab.

"Iori, I need to temporarily change out of Junketsu. Is there anything that I could wear?", you ask.

"Hmm..." Iori starts browsing through stacks of design papers. Eventually, he picks one.

"Five minutes, please.", he says, revealing the third star in his uniform.

As promised, within the span of five minutes, Iori creates a nice-looking black longcoat. You change into it from Junketsu, handing the latter to Ryuuko.

"This will do nicely. Thank you, Iori."

"Not a problem at all."

Ryuuko examines your new look, and snickers.

"...What is it?", you ask.

"No, nothing.", she says, wiping a tear. You watch in bewilderment as she leaves the lab, laughing to herself.

Regardless, you should find Nonon now. Last time you checked, she was not on the bridge. Most of the vital facilities of the headquarters are still on the ship. She could be in one of them.

[ ] Training area
[ ] Infirmary
[ ] Look around the deck
>[ ] Look around the deck

I don't she hows she's had enough time to be training again already and she didn't seem injured soooooo.
>You watch in bewilderment as she leaves the lab, laughing to herself.
Whats so funny?

>[ ] Training area
She imagined Satsuki flashing to Nonon
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>[x] Training area
>Whats so funny?
My guess is that right now Satsuki looks like one of those perverts that flash their genitals in public
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Oh god Satsuki has nothing but underwear under the trenchcoat
She looks like a streaker

This will be amusing......
Well I'm slow.
>[x] Training area
Ryuuko got a dirty mind (which makes sense, since /tag/ controls it)
Guess it will be that, then.
>[ ] Training area
autocorrect bls
Remember, when Satsuki asked if Nonon loved her, Nonon didn't actually deny it, she just said that 'she wouldn't let it get in the way of their friendship.'

Dis gonna be goood....
That's not what she said, though.
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Well, kinda, but my memories is a shit and I think she slapped her when they're younger because of it too.
I suppose we need a betting pool for this.
500 zeni on no lewd (what odds do I get?).
no odds, we won't let it get lewd, RIGHT GUYS?
Why do I get this sneaking suspicion that what Satsuki experienced when Nonon saved her wasn't her feelings but Ryuuko's? Too many skeleton's has made me paranoid I guess
So the options are:
Handholding (maximum lewd)
No lewd, just friends
OP letting Anons decide
Is there a difference at this point? Obviously Nanon still has a favorite (although less so now than earlier) but Ryuuko seems to appreciate her as much as Satsuki does.
Gonna vote for handholding
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Yep, They both love Nonon as friends just as much.
Not really no, just thought it might be something that could throw a spanners into the works to be honest.
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Handholding with extra blushing.
Lets hope these kids behave like adults and use their grown up words.
How? Do you Satsuki's going to walk up to her and say "thanks for saving me, also I don't care about you"?
Sorry for the delay, had some technical issues to solve.
While you don't expect Nonon to be already training after what she's been through today, it won't hurt to check the training area.

Indeed, she doesn't appear to be here. You can see Sanageyama and Gamagoori, however. They are not training. Rather, they appear to be simply talking.

They notice your arrival, and bow. "Lady Satsuki."

[ ] Talk to them
[ ] Ask if they've seen Nonon
[ ] Go look for Nonon yourself
>[X] Ask if they've seen Nonon
Include obligatory courtesies such as asking about their health. But we really need to talk to Nonon.
Oh no that's not the perspective I'm looking at this from. I was thinking maybe that Satsuki's and Ryuuko's feelings towards Nonon got mixed after the whole Coldfibers ordeal. Still the more I think about it the more retarded it sounds
>[x] Ask if they've seen Nonon
>[x] Talk to them
>[ ] Ask if they've seen Nonon

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>[ ] Talk to them
Gotta talk to our friends too.
"I have to again apologize for what happened earlier. I hope you are both unscathed."

"What happens to us matters not, Lady Satsuki.", Gamagoori says. "We're glad we've managed to help you and Lady Ryuuko recover, however."

Sanageyama nods. "We're fine, though.", he adds.

"I'm looking for Jakuzure.", you say. "Do either of you know where she is?"

"I haven't seen her since we've all gathered on the bridge.", Gamagoori says.

Sanageyama frowns in focus. "...I can't find her. She doesn't appear to be below deck, at the very least. Sorry I couldn't be of more help, Lady Satsuki."

"That narrows it down. Thank you."

If she's not below deck, then she has to be somewhere on it. You step outside. The sun is already setting into the sea.

The deck is very spacious, but also largely unobstructed, allowing you to take a good look around. You quickly conclude that Nonon is not at the front, which leaves only the back.

Sure enough, you find her near the engine. She's accompanied by Mako, it appears. They're both sitting on the edge of the deck, their legs dangling freely above the sea. They quickly notice you.

"Lady Satsuki! Huh, why are you not wearing Junketsu?", Mako asks.

"Yeah, did something happen?", Nonon adds.

[ ] Ask them why are they sitting here
[ ] Sit beside them
>[x] Sit beside them
>[X] Sit beside them
Its time for the talk Nanon.
>[x] Sit beside them
>[X] Ask them why are they sitting here
>[ ] Sit beside them
>[x] Sit beside them
>[ ] Sit beside them
>[x] Sit beside them
Huh, why is Mako here?
Nonnon x mako are shipped. We can finally get back to mind melding and synchronizing with sis.
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Soon, Anon, lets just enjoy the sunset.
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So much forbidden love...
In this quest I can't see how ryuko x satsuki can't happen. I mean they have literally melded minds just because they are sisters shouldn't stop them. Also naked chaste cuddling happened and they both liked it.
You sit beside the two, next to Nonon.

"I just want to talk.", you say. "Junketsu is with Ryuuko."

They both give you puzzled looks.

"Anyway, how come the two of you are sitting here alone?", you ask.

"I've found Nonon-chan here, so I thought I should keep her company!", Mako answers. Nonon-chan? Guess they got somewhat close over the past two weeks.

"I'm just... resting, I guess.", Nonon says. "I don't blame you or Ryuuko for what's happened there, but it was still pretty rough."

"Again, thank you both for being there for us when we needed it. I don't want to think what would've happened if you didn't step in.", you say.

Mako suddenly gets up. "Oh! I need to go to the infirmary, they might need my help there! Sorry Lady Satsuki, Nonon-chan!" She storms off.

That's awfully convenient. If it wasn't Mako, you'd wonder if she somehow figured out why you're here. Or maybe you're underestimating her, and that's exactly what happened?

[ ] Talk about what happened earlier
[ ] Get straight to the point
>[x] Talk about what happened earlier
Straight to the point and get straight to the scissor sisters.
>[ ] Talk about what happened earlier
>[X] Talk about what happened earlier
Sorry for being so edgy earlier
>[x] Talk about what happened earlier
>[ ] Talk about what happened earlier
>[X] Talk about what happened earlier
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It almost turned them into Disco Sisters of their own will.
Let them be sweet sisters and nothing more.
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Yeah they are.
It can't happen because every time you fuckers bitch enough for op to give us a /u/ choice we vote it down. Get over it.
Shouldn't happen, anyways. Incest is totally not cool.
Who says them synchronizing will lead to /u/. Kiss and a powerup, it's a win win for both sides. If we wanted /u/ we would of said "I like it" during our naked cuddle session.
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>Last time they tried that they got knocked the fuck out
>They're even more fucked up from the rapecage since
Do us all a favor and cut your dick off before you bad end us.
We're just stating what we're seeing: those two are sharing memories, thoughts, etc and the connection is getting stronger. This is either going to end in /u/ or them becoming the same "person".
"I'd like to talk a bit about what's happened earlier, if you're fine with that.", you say.

"I'm fine with it, but I didn't think you would want to talk about it so soon. Saving you was rough, but you had it even worse."

"Maybe that's why I want to get it off my chest. Is there anything that you would like to know, or find unclear?"

"Well... the two of you never told us how did you end up like that, wearing those outfits. I'd like to know that, if you don't mind."

[ ] Tell her
[ ] Maybe another time
>[X] Tell her
How DID that happen?
>[ ] Tell her

If anything I WANT TO KNOW.
>[ ] Tell her
>[ ] Tell her
Total honesty.
>[ ] Tell her
>[x] Tell her
>[x] Tell her

Well, Nonon's not a qualified therapist, and there is no therapy couch, but talking is good if you can manage it. The only other person to talk about it was already there, so there's only so much you can discuss without going "Yeah, I know, I was there".
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And that's me done for tonight.
Good night all.
Me too. The thread's almost dead, and I don't plan on running long enough to merit for a new one.
Archived http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html
good night op
Good night OP.
apparently shitposting is only OK if you have a picture of bane with it

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