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04/02/12(Mon)03:45 No.18546585 File: 1333352734.png-(8 KB, 561x257, symbol.png)
 This was a quick and dirty impression of Anode (and Cathode's) symbols that I threw together--the arrow-tails need to be longer, but you get the idea. >>18546387 >>18546338 >>18546300 >>18546297 "You're insane," you snarl, leveling your arms as you ready a pair of missiles. "A butcher."
"Butchers are artists too," he replies evenly as you fire. He wheels between them, one impacting behind him and the other in front, throwing up a pair of shrapnel walls. He stops, sizing them up...and then puts an arm through one. You hear the slashing of the razor-chaff and the ringing of metal on metal as some pieces cut, others glance off, and some embed. He pulls his arm back, gazing at it interestedly even as silver-black blood pours from a half-dozen wounds. "...Fascinating," he says detachedly, before looking up at you. "I will be taking that."
"Like hell," you snap, charging after him, lowering your lance. He dives to one side--through the cloud, netting him a few more cuts--and you quickly turn on your heel, activating your Raikousen. You're on him before he's cleared the shrapnel, but he's too fast to score a hit on.
A bright flash and a crack rings out as your electric wake suddenly arcs through the chaff cloud. In an instant, the slivers of metal are white-hot and glow as the electricity from your capacitors floods the air with a lethal field of energy.
...And, when the smoke clears, you see Jagwire was not affected by it at all. He quickly steps into you, hunching and suddenly turning into a blurring razor. You bite back a scream as he spins up like a bladed wheel, scoring up your front as he slams into you, sending you sprawling back down the hallway.
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