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Your name is David "Gunny" Rockefeller, no relation.
A veteran of the united states marine corps, you find yourself in a far-out situation after an all-too-close encounter of the third kind!

In the last thread you returned to Xebric station and found it absolutely riddled with issues, including pirates, resource scarcity and the deactivation of many of the station's Nanofabricators.
But you didn't return from Earth empty-handed. Now armed with all of earth's knowledge and a few good ol' boys who you'd happily trust your back to, you're feeling pretty good about it.

Right now, your main concern is the bug infestation which has caused a food shortage on the station. With thousands of people to feed, it's something that needs taking care of immediately.

The pirates who had been pecking at your dying station like a flock of vultures were almost immediately handled by one all-out volley from the Metal Gear, which left you with quite a few prisoners.
Two hundred more mouths to feed is nothing to laugh at. Ordinarily you aren't big on slavery, but for a bunch of pirates who are lower than dirt, it makes sense for them to pay off their debts.

So after about half a week of training, you separated the wheat from the chaff and formed about twenty teams of ten to go on a bug-hunt.
It's only a temporary solution, but if you can bring back some good live samples for Doctor Lyna, she might be able to devise an effective poison for them.

That's why you'll be going personally as well, to ensure you get the samples you're looking for.
You had planned to go with just yourself and SHODAN, but after hearing about what was happening, Pickle and Redbone signed themselves up as well.

Well, with the three of them by your side, you're sure you won't encounter any issues.

...Or will you?
Find out this time, on Humanity Fuck Yeah!

>Last Thread: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6019065/
>All Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=humanity+-+fuck+yeah%21
>Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rNxD6ccWY5M48dLWuTWdr5LiYLuS_YIAMKlTLw42eeo/edit#gid=0
>Discord Link: https://discord.gg/PYJ7Aa3zQF

Your name... is not 'David "Gunny" Rockefeller'. Your name is Ronnie. Or just 'Ron' to your friends.
And somehow, don't ask how, but somehow, you've ended up as the leader of the 21st New Xebric Pirate Raiders.

Which is actually just a group of ten men, who are as far as you can tell, completely randomly selected from a dozen different pirate groups.
You only know one of the men in your group, Kazzek, and unfortunately he's not very fond of you.

You aren't sure how long it's been exactly, but probably about half a week ago the ship you were serving on was badly damaged, along with many others.
Nobody knows exactly what happened even now, but everyone who survived was imprisoned after that.

The station you're on is shockingly cold, and it looks like it's been torn apart by heavy machinery in places.
It's also very, very empty. Something feels odd about it.

The day after you'd been imprisoned, a man who you've come to know as the station administrator came to visit your cell.
He faced you all alone without a hint of fear in his eyes, as if the thought of being attacked or killed hadn't even been a consideration.

And he almost immediately showed you why that was.

As soon as he opened the cell door, one of the others immediately tried to attack him and escape. You don't blame him, you might have done the same.
Gods, you're so glad that you didn't. That could have been a mistake that ended your life.

The Administrator, who you now know is called 'David', didn't even move.
He simply thrust his fist out from where he was standing, and yet the impact was enough to stop this pirate captain in his tracks.

And then, as if to finish him, the Administrator kicked the man in his stomach so hard that he was lifted into the air, and knocked over three other people as he was flung into them.

He was strong. Certainly so.
Small but extremely muscular, it was clear that he must be an apex predator from some death world.

You'd never seen one of his kind before, but that's nothing unusual out on the rim, where many of the galaxy's dregs gather.
Still, you were certain that he couldn't possibly take on all of you. There must be fifteen or twenty men gathered in this cell, so as the others whispered to eachother, you made a suggestion.

"Maybe if we all work together?"

"Shut the fuck up, Ronnie." Kazzek immediately replies, shutting you down.

Well, so much for that.
It's pointless to try and overwhelm him if no-one's willing to help.

The administrator dragged one man out of the cell and left the rest of you.
You didn't see him again until the next day, which is when you found out what would be happening to you all.

"These are explosive collars." The administrator explained, as if it were nothing to worry about.

He went over their surveillance functions in great detail, and even demonstrated their stunning ability.
It was clear that he wasn't planning on letting you go.

One by one, he placed those collars on each and every one of you.
>it was clear that he must be an apex predator from some death world.
>meanwhile, humans beings on the weaker side of the primates let alone other animal classifications

Also; fuckin' Ronnie.
Ronnie is my spirit animal now, we must have more of him before his painful demise by bugs
technically we were, and are the apex predator, just not because of our strength. Endurance is what allowed humanity to conquer, and tool usage propelled us to domination
Yes, but, from what Ronnie and the others saw all they know is we are strong as fuck. Which is what makes it humorous to me.

After that, it was like he didn't care what you did anymore.
He simply let all of you out of the cells, and had you line up outside the bounty office.

From there, you walked down the ruined streets, through a tunnel and into the station's industrial district.
You had thought that maybe you'd be loaded up onto a transport ship to be sold as slaves, but apparently not.

At the center of that district, there's a tall tower stretching all the way up to the next level. That was where he was leading you.

On the inside, it had the appearance of an office building.
You all filed in one by one to get out of the cold. Thankfully it was much, much warmer inside.

Malix, the man the administrator had taken earlier, ordered you all onto the elevator.
Only one of them was in working condition, so it took a while for you all to get to the top, six or eight people at a time.

You were one of the last to make the ride up, and when you finally got to where you were going, what you saw surprised you.
It was almost like the surface of some urbworld, with paved streets, sidewalks and... dead grass. But there had been grass, at some point. Isn't that insane?

Grass, on a station. There are even a couple of trees here or there.
And more than anything, it's kinda warm up here.

"Everyone, follow me." Malix ordered. "We're headed to the campground."

You weren't sure what he meant by that. You'd never been camping before.

...As it turns out, it simply means you're going to be sleeping in a field.

When you arrived at the "campground" it turned out to be a public park, with a large pile of supplies and equipment sitting on pallets, waiting to be set up.
Malix opened one of the crates in the pile and tipped it over, dumping out dozens of log-like packets of fabric, each with a bundle of metal rods taped to it.

"These will be our homes for the time being. Watch carefully, i'm going to show you how to set these up."

This part took hours and hours. The whole rest of the day, basically.
Tents... you hate tents so much. They were kind of hard to set up by yourself, so you ended up going around and helping others with theirs.

If you hadn't, then it probably never would have gotten done.

In the end, they were just little domes made of fabric, but... after spending a couple of days shoulder to shoulder with so many other men, it was nice to have some privacy.
And it was a little warmer inside the tent, too. That's good. You like being warm.

It wasn't warm in the jail cells.

After all the tents were set up, you were so tired, you just wanted to rest for the night.
But the sound of banging metal urged you to get up again.

Those who didn't started to get warning beeps from their collars, but only one man who'd already fallen asleep actually got shocked.

The banging sound turned out to be the administrator, who was banging a ladle against a metal cooking pan.
Ah, that's right... it'd been over twenty hours since you last ate, hadn't it?
>inb4 our slave gruel is miles ahead of anything they've ever eaten
>it tastes like shit
>wait it TASTES?!
slaves, soldiers or whoever, the way to get their loyalty is through their stomachs
Even something vaguely chicken noodle soup-like would be mindblowing. Wait until they experience the joy of MSG and chicken salt.

The administrator waited for everyone to gather around, then gave a quick statement about how a bunch of insects had raided the station's hydroponics bay, leading to a food shortage.
You don't really remember what he had said though, because there was a delicious smell hanging in the air that had completely distracted you, and quite a few others.

You still don't know what exactly was in it, but when he lifted the lid off that giant pot and gave it a stir, the whole area was overwhelmed by the smell of meat and vegetables.

You expected to get a nutrient bar if you were lucky. It's what they'd given to tide you over while you were in the jail cells.
But this, it was something else. Something you'd never had before.

"Sorry, but since there ain't much to eat and i gotta feed two hundred of you bastards, the meals are gonna be a little light."

"Wha... what is it?" Someone asked.

"It smells amazing..." Someone else growled, licking their lips.

"Hamburger soup." The administrator replied. "Although there's not a whole lot of hamburger meat in it this time around, it's plenty hearty and should keep you alive."

If not for the threat of an electric shock, he might have been swarmed by hungry prisoners right then and there.
A couple of guys got zapped for fighting over their place in line. Everyone wanted a bowl.

About halfway through, you finally got yours. The administrator personally ladled out two big scoops of soup for you.
It had a deep red broth, which smelled tangy, and sweet, and savory all at once.

The ceramic bowl was quickly heating up in your hands, so you took it over to a row of folding tables that had been set up before you arrived.
Many people had already sat down to eat, but you were still worried someone would steal your food from you.

You used your spoon to pick through the soup. There were little yellow blobs, mushy green things, other mushy green things... and brown chunks of something hard.
There was also oil floating on top. Synth oil you guessed, to bolster the calories in such a small bowl of food. That was what you thought.

You couldn't recognize any of it, but you didn't have much choice, and it smelled delicious anyways, so... you blew on the spoon to cool it off and took a bite.

The flavor was quite literally indescribable.
There was a distinct and almost overwhelmingly powerful taste of vegetables, but you'd never tasted anything like it before.

There were many different textures. Something crunchy, something mushy, something chewy... and the broth was incredibly rich and thick on it's own, like it had been mixed with milk.

But the chewy stuff was what got your attention. That flavor, it couldn't possibly be, could it?
It was. Not in a form you recognized, but this soup had actual meat in it.

That must be what made the broth so rich, surely.

Why would he give meat to a bunch of slaved, though? During a food shortage, at that?
Now you were worried that this might end up being your last meal.
>Now you were worried that this might end up being your last meal.
that's why you give the good (desu, mediocre in our standards) meals back when they return
I can only imagine how this scene would've played out if David was a british commando instead of a U.S. marine.
>Awroight we got ya bread'n'beens, wiv'uh slice'a buttah annuh spought've tea.
Even the ayyyys eat better than British rationing hours.
For as bad as British cuisine got during the blitz, their mastery of pastries and savory foods is still second to none. It's not all beans on toast and jellied eels.
>>6054426 #
Can you imagine what British cuisine was like before they got to the orient? They wouldn't even have had tea...

I'm starting to suspect that it's not that the British were in the habit of starving their prisoners of war to death, but that it was a voluntary choice the POWs chose over the alternative
Just wait until you've had the experience of a freshly baked pumpkin scone, sliced and buttered. They're so good. So good.

Apparently you weren't the only one who was put off by the administrator's generosity.

"What the hell is this?!" A man at the next table over yelled.

Those sitting around him looked to him, confused.

"What? What's going on?"

"There's meat in this! Look!" He yells, pointing to the brown chunks in his spoon.

"Yeah? That's good, ain't it?" Someone replies, sounding annoyed.

"Think about it, dumbasses! Where the hell did they get meat on a station like this! And have you ever tasted meat like this before?!"

There's a pause in conversation as people look between eachother.

"It's not rodent meat, it's not synth fish, it's not even teraphid meat! You tell me, have you ever eaten anything that tastes like that?!"

"I haven't..."

"Me either, actually..."

The people had started to whisper.
And they were whispering things that made you look down into your own bowl with a mix of fear and disgust.

"He said it himself, didn't he?! There's a food shortage on this station! So what do you think we're eating? It's people, man! We're eating other sentients!"

You heard several forks drop, and at least a few people start to retch.
At the same time though, at least one guy was less perturbed.

He turned to his buddy and asked...

"Was there a sentient species that tasted this good...?"

"What the fuck, man."

"I mean, it's not really cannibalism. I'm just saying."

"Dude. Dude."

"What! Fuck you man, i'm hungry."

About this time, the administrator, who was still dishing out food, finally stepped in.
He projected his voice across the entire dining area, so that everyone could hear him over the clamor.

"I hear you all talking shit over there! What, is my cooking not good enough for you ungrateful bastards?"

All attention immediately turned to him.
Some of the folks who had already begun eating looked pissed.

"What kind of meat is this?!" One demands.

"Are you feeding us the flesh of sentients?!" Another yells.

The administrator grinned widely, flashing his teeth at you all.
You know some predators do that as a social gesture, and normally it doesn't bother you, but... coming from him, for some reason, it makes you uneasy.

"And so what if i am?" He asks. "What the fuck are you gonna do about it? Go ahead, nobody's forcing you to eat. But when you start to starve, i bet you'll change your mind in a hurry."

>There was no way you could eat this stuff if it really had... people... in it. You'd rather go hungry than do something like that.
>...He was right. It didn't matter what was in the food, you had to eat whatever he gave you in order to survive, and so you did.
>You don't know if he was telling the truth or not, but you didn't want to chance it. You ended up picking out the bits of meat and giving them to someone else.
>Throw in your vocal support for the administrator, maybe you'll get something out of it. If nothing else, you can probably convince the cowards to give you their meat. Fuck 'em! You're not going to get shocked over them being retarded.
Ronnie sounds like the guy to actually act, even if not always in the smartest way
>Throw in your vocal support for the administrator, maybe you'll get something out of it. If nothing else, you can probably convince the cowards to give you their meat. Fuck 'em! You're not going to get shocked over them being retarded.

RONNIE'S LOGIC: if this were actual sentient meat, the slaves would have been turned into food, not being fed this. Although it is puzzling that he considers this as a food shortage meal
For better or worse, Ronnie is unaffected by Bystander Syndrome.
>For better or worse, Ronnie is unaffected by Bystander Syndrome.
Even in the void of space, autism will find you.
Ronnie ronnie he's our man, if he doesnt survive nobody can!
Shit, man, spoilers!
*muffled laughter*

"You sick bastard!" Someone yells.

Another man threw his bowl in the administrator's direction, missing him entirely.
He immediately got shocked for it, hard. He collapsed, convulsing, until finally the collar let him go.

But the whole crowd was still pissed.
Until you slammed your spoon down on the table, hard enough to make the silverware jump.

"That's ENOUGH!" You yelled, standing up.

All eyes turned from the administrator over to you.
Even the administrator himself, who had already started walking back to his stew pot, spared you a glance.

You aren't sure what made you do this. It was even more unclear in the moment.
You must be an idiot. Sometimes you feel like there's no filter between your brain and your mouth.

"What's enough, you fuckin' loser?!" One man yells.

Kazzek came up from behind and tugged lightly on your shirt.

"Ronnie, shut up, man. Come on, just sit down..." He whispered.

"There's no sentient flesh in this soup!" You asserted. "I'm sure of it!"

"Ah yeah? And what makes you so sure, genius?" The same man yelled across the tables.

...You didn't know for sure, honestly. But you felt like that's wasn't the case.

"...Because, like you said, there's a food shortage."

"Yeah, and that's why-"

You cut him off.

"That's why, if he were feeding people to eachother, we'd be in this soup instead of eating it!"

The clamor died down a bit as people looked between eachother.

"Think about it!" You continued. "We're pirates! We attacked them, tried to starve them out... and they still didn't kill us! Sure, we're enslaved... but look around you!"

You waved your arms at all the people walking around the camp.

"Is there anyone missing?! Anyone who didn't die in the initial fight?! NO!"

"He's right, now that i think about it. Even Dakorr is still here, and he's fat as shit." Someone whispered to the man next to him.

"What about those who DID die in that ambush?!" Someone countered. "He could be feeding us those corpses! Or the ones who were already dead on this station!"

...Shit, he was right about that. It's possible, honestly. But still, you didn't believe it.
Maybe you just don't want to believe it. Is that so wrong, though? Who would ever even do something like that?

"He's not, gods damn it! You should be lucky he's feeding you bastards at all!" You yelled back.

"I'm gonna feed you my fuckin' fist if you don't shut the hell up! Nobody's gonna eat this slop if i got anything to say about it!"

Just as things are getting heated, just as you thought it was about to devolve into a fistfight and get you both shocked half to death...
The administrator appeared behind the man who was yelling at you, and smacked him over the head with his ladle so hard that it completely lost it's shape.

The man grabbed his head in response to the pain, but so did the administrator.
Yanking him around by the singular, antenna-like appendage on his head, he was forced to sit back in his chair.

And then, he whispered into his ear.
>"What about those who DID die in that ambush?!" Someone countered. "He could be feeding us those corpses! Or the ones who were already dead on this station!"
Simple, he'd be rationing it out to the people of the station. Not giving it to these scrubs.
>hard that it completely lost it's shape.
The ladde or the head?
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heh... got it boss
reminds me of Tom&Jerry shenanigans
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"You'll cowards don't even smoke crack."

Whatever the administrator said to him, it must have been horrible.
The man froze stiff, and his expression was as if he'd just come face to face with a wraith.

The administrator patted him twice on the shoulder and simply walked off.

But the man he whispered to was still just stuck, frozen in place for a minute or two, until someone finally asked if he's alright.
That snapped him out of his stupor, but instead of responding, he quickly stood up and walked back to his tent without eating.

"Hey, if he's not eating that, i call dibs!"

Someone grabs his bowl and guards it jealously next to their own.

"Seriously, Ronnie. You gotta learn when not to speak up, man. If you do something to grab that freak's attention and he kills you, i'm not bailing your stupid ass out." Kazzek chided you.

You didn't particularly think you'd done anything special, but maybe you were wrong.

Dinner is mostly quiet after that. Most people eat. Some don't. Others eat their portion for them, that's just how it goes.
For your part, you eat it all. You really don't think there's anything bad in the food. Probably.

...And it helps that it's so delicious.


The next morning, you woke up in your tent practically brimming with energy, despite how little you'd eaten the night before and the whole day before that.
Stretching your limbs, you exited your tent and immediately saw the administrator was once again walking around the camp, and seemed to be gathering people up.

Turns out you were right, and before long he's got the whole camp rounded up.

You're taken to an empty field where several tables have been set up, and what look like practice targets had been placed quite some distance away.
You'd thought the targets were much too far out for phaser training, and you were right.

The administrator had a different air about him today.
He didn't have that same oppressive tone to his voice as before. Rather, he spoke loudly, clearly and concisely.

Apparently this was called a "Range Day" and, simply speaking, it was aim training... but not with phasers, nor with plasma weapons.
The administrator spoke to everyone over a set of loudspeakers to ensure he was heard well, and described in great detail the form and function of a "Gun".

Guns are... kind of nuts, actually.

Metal tubes that contain explosions just long enough to launch a piece of lead down their length.
Why lead? Isn't that stuff poisonous? Why explosions? Couldn't you just use a coilgun?

You don't get it, personally. But the administrator, who now insisted on being called "Instructor", seemed very passionate about them.

After he's done with his explanation, he split all of you up into eight big groups and had you gather around for a close-up demonstration.
Together with him are several others that you haven't seen before, including a Caithan and two more of his kind.

You end up stationed at the table manned by the Caithan.
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[Lust intensifies] in Ronnie
>don't stare at her arms don't stare at her arms don't stare at her arms don't sta- gods damn she's built, how did she get so muscular?
>"Are you checking me out?"
>"Oh gods she could crush my skull between her thighs. Oh gods did I say that out load?"
Ronnie is the new Quest mascot. Sorry Princess.
>[dismissive reptilian growling ensues]
Princess will always reign supreme.
See you next thread when you realize how much more screentime Ronnie's gonna get
As soon as the food shortage is solved I want to try an experiment with newly promoted to no longer buttmonkey, Gildur.

"Alright, listen up, all of you. I can't stress enough how dangerous these weapons are, so please pay attention to everything i'm about to tell you." She warned.

Over the course of the demonstration, she disassembled and reassembled a "Pistol", a "Shotgun" and a "Rifle", and took care to explain every working part of each one.
She also pulled apart a "Bullet" and dumped the explosive powder out onto the table, then lit it on fire. There was a big flash, but not much of plume of smoke nor a loud noise to speak of.

You were somewhat distracted during her demonstration, however.
The woman in front of you was rather short for a Caithan. You're certain she's over twenty years old since her mane has grown in.

She's really just that small...

But despite how little she is, she's packed on more muscle than any Caithan you've ever seen in your life. Maybe even twice as much.
You had to wonder, is it that bodysuit she's wearing, just making her look bulky?

That question was answered when she bent down and picked up an entire shipping crate, at least two meters by two meters, and lifted it up onto her shoulder.
Through that skintight suit, you could see her back muscles, bicep and legs bulging. She's a walking slab of rock-hard muscle.

Absolutely freakish. You have no doubt that she's using some sort of drug cocktail to stimulate muscle growth, no doubt shortening her lifespan.
You see it from time to time, being a pirate. People who want to get a little bit stronger, and end up dying for it in the end. Enlarged hearts, hormone regulation issues... it's awful.

You've served with a Caithan or two in your time. You know what they're supposed to look like, and what they're normally capable of, physically.
This woman is an absolute monster. You can't even imagine what she could do to a man in a scrap. Dangerous.

She set the clearly heavy crate down with a thud by the range, and began setting up large blocks of what look like gelatin.
Each one was in the shape of a humanoid torso, and had (you hope) fake bones and organs inside of them, all visible from the outside.

She explained that these were targets used to demonstrate the damage a "bullet" can cause.

After having all of you line up, she then fired a pistol three times into the target.
The damage was immense, far worse than you expected.

She pushed a metal rod through the wounds she'd created, and all but one had gone cleanly through the simulated torso.
The one that didn't had struck the sternum, cracking it, and then stopped against the spine.

You were struck. Even the smallest, weakest "Gun" she had shown you was capable of this much?
Stabbing holes clean through your body, and even breaking bones?

Blood pooled in the fake torso where it had struck the organs. At that moment, you were certain. Getting shot by one of these things, just once... it was a death sentence.

Phasers and Plasma weapons, they could kill. But it depended on how powerful they were, and where they struck.
Smart man Ronnie, we are watching for horny thoughts of our cat gf.
>>6057311 <-- Wrong one

If you were struck by a bullet though, you don't think it would matter.

If it hit you in the leg, you'd bleed out.
If it hit you in the toe, your toe would explode and you'd bleed out.

...And if the gun exploded, you'd get hit in the head with shrapnel and bleed out. You can't say you're a fan of the design.

When you voiced this concern, the caithan instructor simply assured you "Just trust me, they won't explode."

You have trouble believing that.

Regardless, the demonstration continued, and you were subjected to increasingly loud and destructive displays of explosive projectile-launching weaponry.
The pistol wasn't so bad. You'd been given foam ear-plugs and earmuffs, both of which you wore.

You're glad you did. Those who refused weren't reprimanded, which initially led you to believe that they perhaps weren't all that necessary.
However, given how little you could hear and how loud the pistol was despite that fact, and the others who clenched their ears or even tried to run away during it's firing, well...

The shotgun was so loud that you could feel a thump in your chest every time she fired it. By that point every single person was wearing their hearing protection.
The first rifle she used was even louder, which was somewhat surprising since it seemed smaller.

But the second rifle she used was oddly quiet. Even quieter than the pistol, in fact.
Until she started using explosive rounds, that is.

As for the damage, it was varied, but always utterly excessive.

For the shotgun, she showed three types of damage on a single target.
The first was from "Birdshot", and the target was filled with hundreds of tiny penetrative wounds.

You can't imagine the kind of pain that would cause. The bleeding would be awful, and treating the injuries would be difficult, since you'd have to dig out hundreds of lead pellets.
It's the sort of thing that should definitely be outlawed in the federation, but you've never heard of such a weapon in the first place, so who knows if it is.

The second was "Buckshot". Simply put, the lead pellets were made larger.
Each one seemed to do about as much damage as the pistol, crushing bone and tearing apart organs.

But a single round of "Buckshot" struck the target eight different times at once.
Why? They'd be dead after a single bullet wound, wouldn't they? Who are you fighting that you need to shoot them seven more times?

And as if that was somehow not enough, she finished off the shotgun demonstration with "Deer slugs".

"These are for targets that won't go down easily. They won't penetrate armor well, but a bug's carapace shouldn't be able to stop them." She explained.

She fired three deer slugs into the target in quick succession.
The first simply caused the target's head to explode, sending chunks of skull and brain flying everywhere. The second shot hit the target in the chest and caused it to jump nearly off the table.
Next on Garand Thumb...!
Thanks, I have a gun boner now
>"And what do we say about catgirls Micah?"
>"It's okay when they piss on the furniture but not me."
Now wondering how many aliens are from 'loud worlds' that require hearing to develop in a way that protects them from most excessive noises. I imagine they would speak in higher frequencies to cut through deeper sounds with higher clarity.
>Our Cat Gf cant be this hot in a demonstration video
We could have made millions by acting like FPS Russia or Garand thumb, but with cat woman.
Gunsmith Catgirl?

And the third shot severed the spine, basically splitting the dummy in half and causing it to fall over in two pieces, connected only by a hunk of shredded... gelatin.

You were shocked into silence at the damage it caused.
Many people there were.

"Hoooooly shit!"

Most of them.

The Caithan instructor continued her display, ending it off with explosive rounds from the quiet rifle.
They did catastrophic damage, even worse than the deer slugs.

That said, when you're trying to compare "Completely Shredded" with "Even More Shredded", it doesn't really matter at that point.

"...And that's why we never put our finger on the trigger until we're ready to shoot." She explained. "Because one accident can and will leave someone looking like that."

She pointed at the folding table, covered in bits of gelatin and dripping with blood.

"You must always be aware of where you're pointing your weapon. These bullets won't stop when they hit something, they'll punch right through whoever or whatever and kill someone else, too."

She must have drilled those rules into your heads a hundred times before any of you were even allowed to touch one of those weapons.
But you see why, because as soon as she started teaching one of you how to shoot, he almost immediately broke those rules.

Not intentionally, of course. He'd start talking to her, then simply forget he was holding the pistol.
His finger would slip down onto the trigger, where it so naturally rests... or he'd accidentally point his weapon at someone for a moment.

She became furious immediately whenever it happened, and moreso as it kept happening.
After the tenth time or so, she simply began shocking anyone who made a mistake, and informing them of what they did only afterwards.

That helped, you think. People were more afraid of their collars than the weapons for some reason, but you... well, when it was time for you to shoot...

"There, just like that. Keep your shoulders back, and don't lean forwards. Hold your right hand with the left, and keep your grip below the slide." She instructed.

The instructor repeatedly corrected your posture, but you couldn't focus on it for how nervous you were.
She had already explained the "iron sights" a dozen times over, so you understood what you were supposed to do, but your hands wouldn't stop shaking.

That is, until she wrapped her arms around you and helped to stabilize your aim.
You felt something firm pressing against your back, and suddenly all of your nervousness disappeared.

With a shockingly steady hand that surprised even you, you lined up your shot and fired.

...It was a hit.

You were aiming for the "center mass", but struck the dummy in the lower left abdomen.
It was nearly a miss, but you were still happy. The target was set up pretty far away, and only three others had hit it out of your entire group.

"Hey, great shot!" She cheered.

"...I did good?" You questioned.

"Very good, actually! Now, please clear your weapon and set it down."
>That is, until she wrapped her arms around you and helped to stabilize your aim.
>You felt something firm pressing against your back, and suddenly all of your nervousness disappeared.

>ronnie's fw
Tits help focus, he will learn well without them, or be castrated.

On the first day, each of you only got to fire a single bullet from each weapon.
Sometimes two, if it was a close miss.

After that, they ran a bunch of other tests, too.
Physical and mental aptitude tests, with a bunch of strange requirements like seeing how long you can hold your breath, or answering a bunch of hypothetical questions.

It was nothing like the school you attended as a child, where they simply taught you how to fly a specific line of civilian cargo ships.
The questions were so strange, varied and abstract that you honestly had no idea what the correct answer was on most of them, so you just did your best.

You never received a score back on the mental part of the test, but for the physical, everyone's numbers were displayed on a big screen in the middle of camp, for all to see.
You're pretty happy with how you placed. Somewhere in the middle of the top third, better than most of the guys around you.

You've always been pretty confident when it comes to your speed and flexibility, maybe strength a little less so.

...The guys towards the bottom of that list were bullied endlessly that night.
Meanwhile, those who scored higher such as yourself, were treated a little better than usual.

Unfortunately for you, Kazzek scored even higher than you did, and his attitude towards you didn't change in the slightest.
If anything, he was more smug and dismissive of you than usual.

You get the feeling that physical confirmed something he already assumed, and now he's very proud of himself. Whatever.

Your meal that night was some strange sort of bread, which you think was made from nutrient paste... or at least, it tasted similar.
That, together with a creamy stew containing lots of vegetables, and again, some sort of meat... but in larger, more visible chunks this time.

It was delicious, fatty and slightly sweet. You don't know how else to describe it.

There were at least a couple of fights that night, because some people got four pieces of meat while others got five.
You're not sure if you were simply lucky or if the administrator favored you, but you can never tell the others that you actually got seven pieces of meat that night.


The next morning, there was bad news.
Someone was dead.

Apparently they'd snuck out to the range and tried to steal a gun from one of the crates by the range.
You wondered how it was possible, but apparently they'd slipped a piece of cardboard between the electrical contact and their neck, so they wouldn't get shocked.

That was a bad idea, since they made it about a hundred meters from the camp before their collar popped.

It's suspected that he was going to try and hijack a ship to escape the station.
Idiot. They already told him, if the collar ever lost signal it would pop after five minutes. What did he think would happen if he flew away?

The administrator didn't seem bothered by it at all, though. In fact, he didn't even mention it.
>Seven pieces of meat
Our boy's going to eclipse others in strength soon with all this extra protein to convert into muscle.
Wait a minute...
David's not going to put these niggers through gravity training, is he?
>implying he isn't increasing the gravity in camp by a few percent each day
maybe the cream of the crop, but definitely not everyone, nor the most arrogants(looking at you kazzek). we need soldiers, not idiot hotshots; with david is more than enough
I have just now internalized the fact that Redbone and Pickle each had their own group of trainees.
I can only imagine how many of these aliens think the first rule of gun safety is to have fun now.
>The first rule of gun safety is shoot those assholes before they shoot you.
>The first rule of gun safety is to switch it off.
>It's the sort of thing that should definitely be outlawed in the federation
I didn't knew the feds were NAZIS
nah, they're gun-grabbin' commies.
no no, in 1918 germany- nvm
>>6058940 Come on, they are marines first and people second...
>A piece of cardboard between the elctrical contact and their skin.
David did this in purporse didn't he
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Alright, rant time.
People, for whatever reason, get it in their heads that a weapon that's too effective is somehow unfit for use in peaceful society. A "weapon of war" if you will.
Now I understand where they're coming from, being able to rip people to shreds so instantly and so casually is frankly disgusting and terrifying. What I DON'T understand is why anybody would want the government to monopolize that level of force under the very clearly false pretenses of "keeping people safe".
You want to ensure you're not constantly subject to this kind of aggression? You better be ready to project it yourself. The threat of retaliation is the only thing that will ever make an armed aggressor reconsider their actions.
TLDR; pic related, and don't let anybody tell you different. Enjoy your new spot on the NSA watchlist because I posted this shit.
Because the kind of people who constantly fantasize about killing other people think everybody is a secret psycho like they are and don't want to get killed.
I understand that you gringos ammended your constitution to topple a tyrannical goverment (IN CASE OF) and civilians with guns is against what your goverment wants now. Gee, if I were to connect the dots I would say that your goverment is trying to be tyrannical...
And I think there should be an even better version of guns. A button that kills you and your agressor. People wouldn't use it to harm others because they die, and others wouldn't want to risk getting deleted for a dollar. Of course, there would be a looooot of deaths at the start but the survivors will learn that life is something precious worth more than anything else
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>A button that kills you and your aggressor.
You know, if goobermints weren't so shitty as to make so many damn criminals we wouldn't need to worry about any of this shit in the first place. Dang ol world peace'll never happen cause've feddies I tell ya h'wat.
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Well how are you supposed to control things that don't belong to you if they're stable internally?
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Sir I believe that if we gave over total control to the guppies and swore total support to a strong, united, legally just party we would live in a truly free and safe society.
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None of the kiddie shit in your post (I mean, I agree, but that honestly is a very basic, mild take) is going to land anyone on a watch list who isn't on one already.

>A button that kills you and your aggressor.
Pic related
Green anal beads are indeed the most horrifying of weapons. Dumb movie. It was great.

He continued your training that day like nothing had even happened.

This time some of you were broken down into smaller groups of just ten people each, while others were trained in one big class.
You weren't told what the difference was, but if was pretty obvious to you.

Everyone in the larger group either couldn't aim or had a bad attitude, while everyone in the ten-man groups scored higher.

Likewise, everyone in the larger group was being trained on break-action shotguns or phasers, while the ten-man groups were being trained on pump-action shotguns and rifles.
That day, you shot a lot more than one or two bullets.

The administrator taught a lot of you personally that day, and he was assisted mainly by three others of his kind.
The Caithan, the Jek'na, the Kelbhund and, you think he was a Grey, but... you've never seen one before. Anyways, none of them were anywhere to be found this time.

You were ordered to keep all of your shots within a small circle, and any shots outside of that circle were deducted from your score at the end of the day.

You were given five bullets at a time, and ten minutes to use them.
After each shot, you were supposed to stand there and reflect on why you did or didn't manage to hit the target.

...Isn't that obvious? It's because you have no experience using these weapons.

You started to wonder if they were simply dragging the training out. Giving you so few bullets... is it because they don't have very many?
This station was supposed to be dead already, so it's no surprise if they don't have the resources to make weapons like this.

Nevertheless, you did as you were told and took time after each shot to consider how you could have done it better.

A lot of it is just how unsteady your hands are.
The rifle is long and heavy, so it's hard to hold steady when you're gripping it with both hands.

You tried your best to relax your muscles while holding the rifle, and that kept your hands from shaking so much.
The next shot hit closer to the center than before.

Next, you looked at how the Administrator stands when he holds his rifle.

He doesn't hold it like you'd been doing.
His body is twisted to the side, and rather than holding his rifle out and away from himself, he keeps it close to his chest.

You tried it, and that stance actually made your rifle feel a little lighter in your hands.

Your next shot was a little better than the last one.

Like that, you kept looking for ways to shoot a little better with each shot, and by the time you'd spent your ten bullets, you could hit the target every time.
The administrator pulled your target paper and looked it over with a smile. He slapped you on the shoulder and told you that you'd done well.

You don't really want to feel happy about that. This guy just enslaved you, and he's going to use you for who knows what... but at least, if you're doing well, you won't be turned into plant food.

Actually, it turned out to be just the opposite.

"...What is this?"
Let's go Ronnie boy, make us proud!
Alright... so now the story branches back right?
"This my wet-behind-the-ears jarhead is the best grouping of shots I've seen from anyone born in space. Son, I'm proud"
Not yet, i still haven't introduced Garglon. I think you'll like him
Does he gargle?
ooooh alright
Does he spit or swallow?

You asked this question out of genuine disbelief more than anything.

The people around you all got one of a few things for dinner, depending on how well they scored.
Those who scored high were given "macaroni hamburger helper", which was dough noodles coated in some kind of savory sauce, with meat mixed in.

The smell of that was pretty amazing, and just remembering it makes you want some.

Those with average scores were given "spaghetti", which was again, a type of dough noodle, although a different one. This time with a kind of sweet and sour sauce.
It had a little bit of meat in it, but not nearly as much as the hamburger helper. It still smelled really good, though. They also had slices of bread that had been coated in oil and toasted.

And those that scored poorly, well, they were given "nutrient paste bread" and a light noodle soup.
Apparently it's exactly what it sounds like. A type of bread made by mixing nutrient paste with grain flour, and baking it.

Even that is still more than you expected, which would have been bowls of wet nutrient paste slop, or just dry nutrient bars.

But what you were given was something else entirely.

"That's your reward for being in the top ten. Enjoy it, big guy."

You look down at your plate.
In front of you was a gigantic slab of meat that smelled of smoke and fire.

It was slathered in a thick brown sauce and topped with sweet-smelling translucent vegetables. The whole thing must have been at least two pounds.
You were also given a second plate of flame-roasted vegetables, and a tall mug of... fruit juice? Or something similar, in place of water.

The smell was intoxicating, but you were more nervous than hungry.

You weren't separated based on how well you'd scored, so everyone was just eating together.
To you left was a man who scored poorly, stuck eating bread and soup. To your right was Kazzek, who scored on the upper-end of average, stuck eating noodles.

But even the men who had hamburger helper were all staring at you with jealousy. Those too far away to see your plate clearly still stuck their heads up to try and get a look.

"Hey, Ron..." Kazzek says, jabbing you in the side quietly. "That's a huge slab of meat, can't you slip me a slice or two?"

Oh, now he wants to call you Ron, huh.

You watch the others around you whispering to eachother.
You're not sure what to do. You could eat it all yourself, which might piss people off... or you could give some of it away, but there's not enough for everyone...

Which'll piss off whoever doesn't get a bite.

Or maybe... well, you could just swap your plate with Kazzek?
But, to be honest... you don't want to give up this steak, either. It's real meat. You can see the juices flowing out of it. Your mouth is watering from the smell.

>Swap your plate with Kazzek. It's painful, but at least it won't be your problem anymore.
>Pick a few people to dole out some of the steak to. You can easily tell who's the most skilled here by who's eating what...
>You're not giving anything up. You're not sure how exactly, but you earned this meat, and it all belongs to you. Even if it might earn you some enemies.
>You're not giving anything up. You're not sure how exactly, but you earned this meat, and it all belongs to you. Even if it might earn you some enemies.
If you're getting haters, you're doing something right Ronnie.
>You're not giving anything up. You're not sure how exactly, but you earned this meat, and it all belongs to you. Even if it might earn you some enemies.
>Pick a few people to dole out some of the steak to. You can easily tell who's the most skilled here by who's eating what...

Ronnie's gonna need someone to watch his back, might as well bribe em with steak
>Pick a few people to dole out some of the steak to. You can easily tell who's the most skilled here by who's eating what...
homies get slices of steak and kazzek definitely isn't a homie
>>You're not giving anything up. You're not sure how exactly, but you earned this meat, and it all belongs to you. Even if it might earn you some enemies.
>>You're not giving anything up. You're not sure how exactly, but you earned this meat, and it all belongs to you. Even if it might earn you some enemies.

Meritocracy above all
>>You're not giving anything up. You're not sure how exactly, but you earned this meat, and it all belongs to you. Even if it might earn you some enemies.
>You're not giving anything up. You're not sure how exactly, but you earned this meat, and it all belongs to you. Even if it might earn you some enemies.
>Explain to the others, in clear terms, that the distribution of food is practically an order from the Administrator. Subverting the Administrator's orders will just result in everyone getting shocked at best.
Might minimize the rep loss.
>You're not giving anything up. You're not sure how exactly, but you earned this meat, and it all belongs to you. Even if it might earn you some enemies.
>You're not giving anything up. You're not sure how exactly, but you earned this meat, and it all belongs to you. Even if it might earn you some enemies.
>Pick a few people to dole out some of the steak to. You can easily tell who's the most skilled here by who's eating what...

Looking around you at all the others drooling with hunger and jealousy, you made your decision.
Kazzek smiled as you cut off a big hunk of meat, expecting you to drop it onto his plate...

But you shoved it into your own mouth instead.

The smile is wiped right off his face as he watched you chew the surprisingly undercooked slab of meat, it's bloody juices gushing into your mouth in a torrent of flavor.

"Psht, prick." He cussed, turning back to his own plate.

It took you a while to cut the steak up and eat it, and by the time you were halfway through you found yourself completely full.
With your stomach bulging out and a bunch of food left on your plate, you leaned back in your chair and sighed out in satisfaction.

You were getting sleepy...

But not too sleepy to notice somebody reaching over to try and slide your leftovers towards themselves.
You immediately grabbed your steak knife and stabbed him in the hand without thinking.

It went straight through and pinned his hand to the table.

"Oh, shit." You cussed under your breath, expecting a shock at any moment.

But a shock didn't come.

You quickly checked the test function on your collar, and it beeped at you.
That's good. You were sure you charged it, but if you somehow forgot and it ended up running out... you'd be dead meat.

"What the hell, Ronnie?! What'd you do that for!" The man across from you yelled as he tried to pull the knife out of the other guy's hand.

"...I don't remember giving it away, so what makes you think you can take it from me?" You asked.

"You can't even eat it all!" He retorted.

"I said it's mine!" You yelled back.

At this point most people had started eating and were focused on their own food, but now all eyes were back on you.

"It's mine, and i'll slit you open if you try to take it from me." You inform him, calmly.

Both men are slightly taken aback, and say nothing more.
They move off to find a medkit for his hand, while you take your plate back to your tent and hide inside with it.

You end up falling asleep curled around your food, only to wake up later that night just to eat some more of it.
Without a steak knife, you end up having to rip at it with your teeth like some kind of wild animal. And it's tougher now that it's been sitting out, too.

It's still one of the most delicious things you've ever eaten, so you don't care at all.


The next morning, you still had a solid quarter of it left, plus some vegetables.
You ate all of it in your tent before leaving for to get breakfast with the others, since you didn't want to have to fight over it again.

At the table, the guy you stabbed last night kept staring at you, like he was trying to drill holes into the side of your head.

You ignored him and nibbled at your pancakes.
That's what everyone got for breakfast that day. Fluffy bread made from nutrient paste... but drizzled with some kind of sweet, golden syrup. They called it honey.

It was good, but you weren't hungry at all.
Oh no we are turning him human
So this guy is front line material, the type of guy that holds on to live grenades
I'm liking this guy more and more.
Like sure stabbing the dude was a little much imo, but fair. The guy should had asked nicely if he wanted a piece, not demand it. Fuck you.
Uh, the alien, not you Cochrane. You're cool. 10/10 would suck your cock 100% homo.
There is no way to get a more visceral and animal reaction out of something than suddenly grabbing at their food.
Damn right my man.
This post smells like Fadayo

Anyways, it was mostly on instinct.
The meat was so delicious, he straight up went feral over it without realizing.
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Honestly? An understandable reaction. When you're an omnivore, carnivore, or herbivore that's part opportunistic carnivore then, and you gotta settle for space china diarrhea food then I too would stab a bitch that tried to steal the tastiest thing I've ever had in my entire life.

Unrelated note but how wide and breedable are Ronnie's hips?
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I propose we hand out stickers. Seriously.
Some nice vinyl decals for their armor after they finish basic training would be a great way to distinguish shitters from shooters at a glance. I even have some rough designs drafted up if we pursue the idea.
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Wrong, nigga, because that'd be ME.
Gay V Gay, homos under fire. Now on Pay Per View for only $0.35.
might as well give them proper military ranks, because splitting them like this will just make most of them elitist assholes instead of a coherent unit

After breakfast, it was more training again.

After firing twenty rounds, twice as many as the others, you were all sat down and taught about the bugs you'll be killing.
It was a class that made you understand why exactly you were being trained on weapons like rifles and shotguns, but before that, the Administrator pulled you aside.

You were worried that you'd be in some kind of trouble for what you said or did the night before, but that wasn't the case.

"Hey, kid." He greeted, having pulled you aside. "You doing good? What was your name again... Ron? Ronnie? Anyways."

Nonchalantly, he pulled something out of his pocket and placed it in your hand.

"You're doing good, so use that to keep yourself safe. I don't mind if you threaten them a little, just don't maim anyone, alright?"

Once again, he pats you twice on the shoulder and walks off, leaving you standing there, confused.

Looking over what he gave you, it's made of a strange material.
It seems like high quality faux wood, but it's got a nicer texture than that.

The words "Winchester" are carved into the upper portion, which is made of some kind of hard steel.

After a little fiddling, you tugged on it and realized that it's a folding knife.
It's heavy, with a thick blade... but it's razor sharp. You tried to feel the edge and ended up cutting your finger without realizing it at first.

...Why would he personally give you a knife? You couldn't understand it at the time.

Taking your seat in the open classroom, you watch as images are displayed on a large white sheet, using some kind of device you've never seen before.
He goes over the size of the bugs, how fast they are, how they're poisonous, have sharp mandibles, how they can fly, and what they do to the people they attack.

It's like a nightmare. Every word he said made you want to piss yourself, and you weren't the only one.
Some of the men around you have just about broken down, or started sweating heavily just at the thought of facing these things down.

You're sure if you weren't all collared, some of you would have tried to run.

That's when the administrator began pulling something out of a crate.

"...And that's why, you'll all be wearing this." He declared, showing you all a plate of metal with straps dangling off it.

"...What is it?" Someone asked.

"Congrats, you just volunteered to show everyone! Get your ass up here."

The man who spoke up grumbles, but gets up and walks to the front of the class.
There, the administrator picks out a particular piece of metal from the crate and starts strapping it onto him.

"So it's armor?" The man asks.

At that, the administrator suddenly pulls an enormous knife from his boot and slashes at the man.
Sparks fly from his chestpiece, and the knife leaves a scar across it... but it doesn't penetrate.

The man, however, falls on his ass and nearly pisses himself.

"H-Holy shit! What-?!"

"Not just any armor! It's plasteel alloy plated in America's finest AR-500!"
who is this mfdk...
Could be anyone. Hold onto your meat, man.
Fighting against bugs, I'm imagining something resembling medieval plate armor on top of a gambeson instead of the sparse coverage of a modern plate carrier. Or maybe riot gear if we're keeping with a theme
What you want is chainmail. Its lightweight, can protect all the body and you can layer it on top or under other armor
Shark suit
Even better
Chainmail is most certainly not light weight.
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Yeah but SPACE chain mail
Also pic related
Yeah space chain mail, but my rebuttal? Space plate should be just as reduced by the way methods. And plate has the added benefit that you can't have someone spit through it.
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It was a joke reply sorry.
I agree that chainmail is not the way to go. Not even thinking about weight, I trust it would stop stabs well but what about the force behind it? Our alien indentured workers would be crippled anyway. I have no idea what a good anti-stab armor looks ike sadly. And another thing is that every alien is different. How do we account to things like four arms?

A helmet, a torso and back plate, arms & forearms, groin and thigh?
If these are insects, they won't have the same predatory insticts as carnivores (go for the head and neck) in fact, they probably don't bother to kill the prey before consuming it like bears do
There's some merit here, considering alien biology. Remember that many species can die from extreme pain, so recovering from limb loss isn't a common thing. What about plate mail made from ballistic plastic or plastics used in firearm construction.

That or we go light and fast with a chest piece and helmet more to remedy friendy fire incidents and something like slashpro pants and turtleneck with built-in kneepads. Thow on some boots and gloves, and your good.

Maybe offer the aliens a choice on which armor they'll wear.

"Honestly," He continued. "if i sent you out there as is you'd probably get ripped to shreds. But don't worry, we take care of our boys."

The administrator grabbed the fallen man by the neck of his armor and drags him up to his feet, then stabbed at him, three or four times.
Each stab was precisely aimed at a joint or vital organ, and it happened so quick that, if it were happening to you, there would have been nothing you could have done.

"See that? Even the joints and open areas are padded with... well, it ain't kevlar, i dunno what the fuck it is. But it's good shit, i promise. See! He ain't bleeding or nothing."

He shakes the man around to display that he is in fact, not bleeding... before dropping him to the ground.

"Now, it's all rough measurements, but every piece here is fitted specifically for somebody, so it aught to be fine. I'm gonna say a name, and then you come up and get your armor."

They even custom-fitted the armor? How? Nobody ever came to take your measurements.

But, when your name is called and you come to take your armor, you find that it is in fact perfectly fitted to your body.
Almost too well. It even accounts for the slight tweak in your arm, where you'd broken it years ago and couldn't get it healed at a hospital.

The inside of the armor is surprisingly soft, covered in a fabric that has a delicate sheen to it, with plenty of padding beneath that.
You don't know what AR-500 or Kevlar are, but you know what plasteel is. That's the stuff the Federation uses as armor for it's battleships.

You can't print the stuff on a nanofab due to DRM, but you'll sometimes see people salvage the stuff off old wrecks.
Something about how it's made means you can't weld it with a sonicator or with heat, so it had to be cut to shape and used as-is.

This armor doesn't look like something made that way, though. All of it's custom, so it had to be printed.
Does this administrator have ties to the federation? You started to wonder.

He could be a federation hunter. You've heard tales of men who were more steel than blood, who moved with strength and speed unbefitting of a mortal man.

Just fairy tales, though. Nobody you know has ever come across one.
Although, you guess if they did, they wouldn't have lived to talk about it. They don't send hunters after just anyone.

Not that it matters much now. You've already been captured.

You opt to wear your armor immediately, since you never know when someone's going to try and stab you in the back.
And as you've seen, this stuff is pretty damned stab-proof.

The joints are a little stiff, though. Must need breaking in.

"Everybody got their shit?" The administrator asks, before moving on without waiting for a reply. "Good! Now keep up with it. Your ID is stamped on every bit of it, so we'll know who's lost what."

"...What happens if we lose something?" Someone asks.

"Then i'll make you run laps around the station until you shit yourself. And no dinner." He replies succinctly.
>Ronnie broke a bone and healed it the natural way
>Without dying of shock
Is his species from a Deathworld?
>Then i'll make you run laps around the station until you shit yourself
> And no dinner
It would explain why he's such a hotshot, and in reality pretty damn good.
He has potential, I'll give him that. If he can hang during the bug hunts, I would definitely consider scheduling some more specialized training for him. Stuff like Hand-to-Hand, CQB, demolitions, stealth recon, EVA, etc...
If nothing else, seeing how far he and his peers can go would be invaluable if we decide to train more aliens in the future.


Not anywhere most species would want to live, but by no means a death world.
He managed his pain using the drugs available to a bunch of pirates, and managed to get lucky with basic first-aid.

Still, the bones didn't quite heal right because pirates aren't doctors, so his arm is a little crooked.
>Still, the bones didn't quite heal right because pirates aren't doctors, so his arm is a little crooked.
Unfortunate, but not stifling. Pic related.
if (but ideally when) all of them pay their debt to us, i'd like to properly hire the pirates as the station's police/military. by then they'll have a ton of training and will know how we work. its a win-win situation
>pay their debt to us
They wont be our prisoners forever
They tried to starve our people out so they could loot the place, remember?
What eludes me is the concept of being freed
Well, we can't just keep them on a leash forever, and killing them after they do good work for us seems kinda immoral (and out of character).
Besides, these guys have a lot less of an issue with being enslaved than we would, so the perceived threat of retaliation once they're freed is low.
Anyways, we're gonna need more experienced and capable hands sooner rather than later. Might as well give the people we already trained a shot.

Several other men also wore their armor, while others only put on a few pieces or kept it aside.

The administrator watched silently with his arms crossed, looking around the room as this went on, only to order for everyone to put their armor on at the end.
You think you understand why, though. He's watching all of you through your collars, and probably using that to decide who's useful to him or not.

Was it good that you chose to wear your armor? Probably, considering he ordered it on at the end.
That's all relative though, because his next order is for all of you to start running.

And this armor, although it's definitely very sturdy, it's also made of solid metal... and it's heavy.

The administrator removed his shirt and jacket, revealing the same jet-black bodysuit underneath that the Caithan woman was wearing.
You thought she was a monster, but this guy makes her look like a joke. You could grind meat on his abdomen.

To your surprise, not only did he begin running circles around the entire station with you, he actually lead the whole pack.

And unlike a four-arms or a chondrite, his bulky muscles don't seem to have reduced his stamina whatsoever.
He sweats like a fountain as he runs, with steam rolling off his body every time the group stops to take a breath, but he never seems out of breath.

The first of you dropped out after half an hour. Some were simply out of shape, others were species with naturally low stamina...

After an hour, just half the group remained. You were also completely exhausted at this point, but you refused to stop.
Because if you did, you didn't know what might happen to you in the end. All of this is some kind of test, you're sure of it, and your life may well be on the line.

After two hours, just three men are left.

Malix, the man who was taken from your cell at the start of all this, Wort, a white, hairy beast of a man whose species you don't know, and yourself.
Although Malix and yourself both look like you're about to die of exhaustion, Wort and the Administrator don't seem bothered at all.

What's stranger is that, as far as you can tell, Wort is barely sweating.

You must have been on your sixth lap around the station at that point, although you'd completely lost count at some point because your brain didn't work so good no more.
Your chest was on fire, your vision was swimming, and you felt like you were drowning in your own lungs... but finally, you made it back to the starting point.

Some of the men who dropped out hadn't made it back yet, but those who had were all collapsed on the ground or passed out in the seats where you took your "class".

The administrator finally stopped running. He put his hands on his hips, heaved out a single sigh and said, "Alright, i reckon that's good enough.".

You collapsed on the spot, together with Malix.
Wort, an apparent mute, seemed worried and offered the two of you his big, hairless hand.

You didn't have the strength left to reach up and grab it.
Good effort Ronnie. Now somebody get this young man a water bucket and a salt tablet.
Good work people. I will get my asthma treated/under control and work out alongside you I swear
Actually now I have to ask, just how much running did they actually do? Miles, Kilometers, whatever.

A mile in the first ten minutes, then another in the next twenty after David noticed people starting to get exhausted too quickly.
The last three ran a total of about eight miles, give or take. It wasn't a straight path, nor did he take the exact same route each lap.

It was more of a jog for David, but even taking regular short breaks, the others just didn't have the stamina to keep it up.
Think of them like really slow cheetahs. Not only do they exhaust themselves quickly, they also overheat without much (or any) ability to sweat.

Those that lasted the longest were all species who could sweat.
>It was more of a jog for David, but even taking regular short breaks, the others just didn't have the stamina to keep it up.
Regular conditioning and gene therapy really are a match made in Heaven I guess.
>Not only do they exhaust themselves quickly, they also overheat without much (or any) ability to sweat.
>Those that lasted the longest were all species who could sweat.
Huh. Now I'm not saying we do this for our current batch of slaves, but I wonder if wouldn't be possible to give non-sweating species the ability to do so with gene implantation in the future.
It's very much possible, yes.
Obviously we'd have to be selective with it though, as some species just ain't built to lose that much water or sodium that quickly without dying of dehydration or hyponatremia (or already have systems with comparable heat dissipation to sweating).
Some things are easier to manage with bionic implants, honestly.
Or give them suits with cooling loops and evaporators/radiators
Wort is hairy, but still sweats - although lightly. White. Hairless on some parts, such as his hands.
Theory: Species originates from a Desert World with primarily lightly-colored sands, with some arctic tundra zones. Water loss is minimized. Food and water supplies are scarce, so endurance is maximized for roaming. Species never adapted lactic acid buildup in muscles, as it was never beneficial to stop and rest. Probably has really good shock-absorption in limbs to prevent damage during use. Hair is there to prevent radiation damage and possibly to trap moisture in the fur for longer periods to provide a slower but lengthier cooling effect. If theory is correct, then he probably bathes with dust instead of water to inhibit fungal growth.
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So he just dowses himself in Gold Bond and shake off the excess? God I wish it were that easy to bathe.
Like a chinchilla.


You laid there on the ground, verging on passing out for at least a few minutes before the administrator brought out a big orange jug with a spout on it.
This jug was full of something called "Gator Aid" which, to your understanding, is just water with a bunch of salt and sugar in it.

It was sweet, sour and salty, for sure, but it practically brought you back to life.
You're not sure how that works, but it does.

Your group was told to sit and rest for a while, while the administrator wandered off to do gods know what.

Once you'd gotten enough energy back to think conscious thoughts again, you noticed others groups were also being run around like yours was.
One was led by the Caithan, while two others were being run by a human man and woman.

The second male human however, was nowhere to be seen.

You'd seen him, the short one, wearing a mask over his face when he was teaching earlier.
Maybe he's injured, and his lungs don't work properly?

You don't know. You don't know anything about what's going on, and it's making you more and more nervous over time.


About an hour and a half later, the administrator returned, and he appeared to be looking over some charts on his holopad.
He looked around at the people in your group, and started calling out names.

"...Malix, Alteer, Zeff, Kazzek and Ronnie. You'll be part of the 20th. Group up and i'll engrave your patches." He ordered.

You, along with eight other men, lined up shoulder to shoulder as the Administrator applied some sort of logo to your shoulder armor using an automatic handheld laser.
The design was some kind of skull, crossed from behind with a shotgun and a rifle. Underneath was the text "20th Pirate Raiders" and at the top was scribed "Xebric Station".

It looked oddly official, as if you were actually part of some organized group and not just a bunch of random assholes.

"Congratulations." The administrator announced. "You have "passed" the absolute basic of basics training. In one or two days we're sending your asses out on a bug hunt. Any questions?'

...There weren't any.
Rather, everyone kept their heads down, and just kind of looked depressed.

All except for Malix, who did eventually speak up.

"What about the equipment we talked about?' He asked.

"It should be ready by this evening. We'll distribute it on the day of." The administrator replied.

"Alright, that's good. But uh, there's one more thing me and my boys were talking about. I know this is kind of last second, but..."

The administrator rolls his eyes and sighs.

"Just hurry the fuck up and say it, would you? Do you think i'm not fuckin' busy already?'

"Right! Sorry. Er, sir. Well uh, the thing is, we were kind of hoping we could get one of those robots attached to each squad. Droids, i think you called them?"

"Ah, those. They're not robots, they're being piloted remotely by organics." The administrator clarifies.

"Really?' Malix questions, raising a brow.

"Yes, really. Why do you want them, though?"

"...To reduce casualties, honestly. These guys are still basically untrained, and you just know this whole thing's gonna be a shitshow. If we had at least one disposable man in each group..."

"Ah, yeah. I gotcha. Alright, i think we can manage that, but we'll have to rearrange the squads again."

"Sorry, Captain." Malix apologizes.

"Don't worry about it."

>Keep your head down like the rest, you don't need to draw any more attention to yourself.
>Speak up and ask some questions before the bug-squashing mission. (Write-Ins Only)
Does Ronnie know even the first thing about these bugs? Ask for some specifics about the bugs we're hunting.

You literally just attended a class where you learned all about them.
>Request some healthy doses of combat stimulants for the squads. Chances are, a lot of you are gonna die - you know what those bugs can do. Might as well give back as good as you get.
I expect that ronnie has had more than his fair share of experience with combat stims. Maybe not personally, but pirates in general seem like the type to abuse them regularly. And hey, about now is when the withdrawal should kick in for some of 'em...
Hey quick question, does Ronnie know even the first thing about these bugs?
>Request some healthy doses of combat stimulants for the squads. Chances are, a lot of you are gonna die - you know what those bugs can do. Might as well give back as good as you get.
It's a good idea, so I support it.
Coke and meth to make even the nazis say that we went overboard
I'm fairly certain that if David agrees to the request, it'd probably be a modified version of the synthesized adrenaline cocktail Sanig uses in his exosuit.

Things looked like they were winding down and the administrator was about to leave, when you spoke up and asked a question of your own.

"...Instructor, do you think it would be possible to distribute some combat stimulants for this mission?"

...Honestly, you had no idea if he'd accept your request or throw you back into jail for asking.
But after seeing the helmet camera footage from the administrator's own encounters with those bugs, you're certain people are going to die during this.

Pirates are no strangers to using stims. You've even used them yourself a few times before big raids, or when fighting other pirate groups.
They're often addictive and it's easy to overdose on them if you aren't careful, but the advantage they bring in combat is massive.

You've seen a man high on stims get shot in the chest with plasma weapons and keep charging forwards, because he couldn't even feel it.

He died from his injuries after that fight, but you still won it in the end.
You might have died too if he hadn't gone nuts like like, gods bless him.

"What for?" The administrator asked, raising a brow.

"...So we can go out fighting, at least." You reply.

The administrator whispers back and forth with Malix a few times, who shrugs at him.

"Alright Ronnie, you just volunteered for dosage testing. If you survive, we'll have a mix available for you."

To your surprise, he actually agreed.
But wait, dosage testing? What did he mean by that?

"Wha-" You started, only to be immediately shocked and brought to your knees.

"Lab rats don't get to talk back. Malix, grab him. We need to get the equipment ready by tomorrow."

"Yes, Captain..."

Malix grabbed your arm and hefted you back up to your feet.
Suddenly, you were forced to come along with the Administrator, back to his ship.

Still exhausted from the run and having been shocked, you were stuffed into the back seat of a hovercar, which took you down to the main level of the station.
You don't know why, but the administrator had the window down with his arm hanging out of the car, so you felt the rapid temperature change as the outside air blew through.

It's absolutely freezing below the top floor. You don't know why that is, but it doesn't seem to bother that man much.

In the same car with you was a female human, and the Caithan instructor.
The female human rarely spoke, but the Administrator and the Caithan woman seemed very familiar with eachother.

You didn't dare to raise your voice again after getting shocked for it once. There was nowhere for you to but in, anyhow.

On the way back, they spoke mainly about the day's 'training' and equipment issues.
Apparently the Caithan had a few men in her group who did quite well on their run, too. She didn't refer to them by name, however.

You wondered who they were, since there might be some guys from your ship there.

But it was the second half of their conversation that interested you more. You could have called it internal politics, you guess.
Fuckin' Ronnie gonna get drugs with sideeffect of an erection that lasts for years so he'll really be Fuckin' Ronnie for life.
what for, a series of tubes with water on top of places like your armpits and crotch does the same.
>nigga was sleeping at the back of the class again
So, what's in our combat stim? Sugar, a little wheat powder, vitamins- mostly b12, MCT oil, tylenol, ritalin, fish oil, cranberry extract, and just a few molecules of pcp?
It's just a redbull and ibuprofen.
Honestly, I expect the first test dose to be a placebo.
>a series of tubes with water on top of places like your armpits and crotch does the same.
Tell me more

They talked about many different things, most of which you were unaware of.
Apparently the previous administrator of the station was still alive, and the new one, David, hates him with a passion.

They talked for a time about what to do with him since he's just rotting in a prison cell, but determined it was something to put off until later, as they had more pressing issues.

You very much get the feeling that David just wants to kill him, while "Cyl" would prefer to keep him alive.

Next, they talked about their nanofabricators.
Apparently many of them around the station have been shutting down one after another due to... authentication issues?

Maybe the federation has the whole station blacklisted since it's been taken over, you're not sure why else that would happen.
Apparently the plan for that is to make use of the remaining fabricators to produce equipment for "traditional manufacturing processes", whatever that means.

And as you were coming up to the ship, the conversation suddenly switched to the dissatisfaction of the local population, who are finding it a struggle to live on the station as it is.
Apparently that's caused mainly by supply issues, both due to the lack of nanofabs and of food and energy on the station.

None of this is very surprising to you. What's honestly surprising is that the station is still functioning at all despite receiving absolutely zero dark energy or antimatter shipments.

It was honestly a shock when you first arrived and narrowly missed a shot from a long-ranged station-mount railgun.
That sort of thing isn't impossible to rig up on a dead station, but then your scouts reported back that even the main entrance was still intact.

It takes a ton of power to maintain the entry barrier of a station, since it has to be big enough for a whole ship to pass through while holding back the inner atmosphere at the same time.
Usually that's the first thing to go whenever a station is abandoned, and the depressurization always causes tons of structural damage due to the high winds and stuff... exploding.

The entry barrier's not the only thing to go when the power cuts. The gravity generators all go offline too, so stuff floats around and gets pulled through the air. That does the real damage.

You've never seen it yourself, but one of the guys on your previous crew was on a station when it happened, and he described it as pure chaos.
You almost want to see it, but you're as likely to die from floating debris as you are to get sucked out into space.

"Hey numbnuts, quit daydreaming. We're here." David yelled back at you from the middle seat.

You looked out the window to find yourself back at the spaceport, which was in remarkably good condition, but also very empty.
There was only a single ship in the port, and it was the one that almost killed you all the other day.

The air around the spaceport is particularly frigid since there's a big window out into space. That's all you were thinking about.

You should have been rethinking all the choices in your life that led up to that point, because that night was the worst of your life by far.

You were gently escorted up the cargo ramp and into by Malix, where you found yourself surrounded by mountains of cargo crates, all fixed to the ground with rods and netting.
Because it's a pain in the ass to remove, cargo only ever gets secured like that on ships that overwhelm their gravity generator and end up flinging stuff everywhere.

That can happen for a few reasons. Either they change direction too quickly, or the power draw from their weapons is too high and it overloads the antimatter reactor.

And the more you see of this ship, the more you suspect both of those things could be true.
It's nothing like the old scrap vessels you spend most of your time on.

The walls, or what's visible of the anyways, appear to be aluminum or titanium instead of simple iron, evidenced by the fact that they shine silvery white and lack a single spot of rust.

So you're certain this vessel didn't start out as a civilian transport like most improvised warbirds. It must have been military or something similarly high-end.
However, it's clear that it's undergone a massive amount of retrofitting, with wire conduits and pipes running everywhere, and absolutely humongous capacitors sitting around in the cargo bay.

You don't know how many lasers this thing has, but it's a lot. There's nothing else that draws that much power. This ship was made to kill.

"Hey, who turned down the gravity?" A sweaty human man asks, popping his head around the corner as you're about to exit into a hallway.

"Sorry Pickle, we got guests." David replies, pointing back to you and Malix.

"Well fuck 'em, i'm in the middle of my set. Turn that shit back up." He demands.

However, he leaves before anyone can reply.

"...Go ahead and double it. They'll live." David sighs.

The human woman with you closes her eyes as if concentrating on something, and suddenly an enormous weight presses down on you.
It takes you somewhat by surprise, simply because it's so much heavier than you expected.

Malix also groans momentarily under the strain, but you both stay standing.
Everyone else seems completely unaffected.

"Higher!" The man yells from another room.

"Goddamnit pickle, our gen doesn't have enough zones for everybody. Just add another plate and quit being lazy!"

"Fuck you!"

David ignores him.

As you're walking down the hall and enter what appears to be the medbay, you see the Pickle man through the door at the far end of the ship.
He's hefting enormous iron plates onto a metal bar, two at a time. What the hells is he doing in there?

"Ronnie, over here." David beckons, patting a steel table that doesn't look too inviting.

You slowly walk over, the weight of the gravity and your current situation oppressing you both physically and mentally.

"W-What are we doing here?" You ask.

David pushes you over onto the table.
Dammit Pickle. Ain't nobody wants to pick up those heavy ass weights.

The next few hours were a blur of highs and lows that you can't adequately describe.

You were hooked up to all kinds of machines, including a filter that scrubbed chemicals out of your blood.
David explained every little thing that he did to you as he did it.

You were pumped full of dozens of different chemicals, only some of which you can remember the names of.

Cocaine, methamphetamine, adrenaline, caffeine. You'd never felt so amazing and so close to dying at the same time.
They started with extremely tiny doses, and worked their way up until it started having an effect.

After that, they'd monitor you for ten minutes, up the dosage, wait another ten minutes... over and over again, until your heart started to give out, or you started having seizures.

Then they'd scrub your blood clean of the drug, do a "reset" of your metabolism and brain chemistry by pumping you full of some clear liquid, and start all over.
The first round of tests was to determine a fatal dose, based on your weight and metabolic rate.

Your species is a fairly common one, with plenty of medical data available, so they'll use that to translate their data roughly to other known species.
That's what you were told, anyways.

But the process left you exhausted, mentally speaking.
Although each high didn't last long before it was scrubbed, each one was both unique and overwhelmingly intense.

You experienced a whole universe of new feelings and strange understandings in a matter of hours, with no time to process it all.

And that was when they started working on the "combat mix".

Apparently these individual drugs on their own weren't good enough, even though some of them made you feel like you could have lifted a hovercar over your head.
No, they wanted to find a mix of drugs that suppressed or elevated your bodily functions to... to... fuck, you don't know.

All you remember past that point is being flooded with a mix of drugs, including things like anti-seizure meds and anti-psychotics, until you didn't even know where you were anymore.
And that led up to today, where this morning you woke up with a massive headache.

"Yo Ronnie, you good?" The Pickle-man asks, smacking you across the face to wake you up.

You groan. The overhead lights sear your eyes as you open them, and your head is absolutely pounding.
The room feels like it's spinning at a thousand miles an hour as you sit up, only realizing afterwards that your limbs are no longer bound, and you're no longer hooked up to those machines.

"What... what happened?" You groan.

The Pickle-man chuckles.

"You had a hell of a party, from what i heard. Lucky bastard, Gunny don't let us print our own nose-candy..."

"...What?" You grumble.

"Hey, get your ass up. Breakfast's ready." He replies, ignoring you and walking off rather quickly.

You stand up, finding the gravity has gone back to a normal, sane 0.3G. But you also find that your chest hurts a bit, and your mouth is unbelievably dry.
>Turn it higher, pickle yells
>Then he has to set them back on the rack
>Turn it lower, pickle yells
So annoying
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What a great episode... it actually shows Aisha's nippies in another scene! But they are not colored... the Ctarl Ctarl either have skin-colored nipples or the animators weren't so bold
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Her being so confident, teasing and playful is just... great
>But you also find that your chest hurts a bit, and your mouth is unbelievably dry.

Sounds like a mild heart attack.
I think the animators werent bold enough. The nipples are clearly hidden by the arms.
do you thinj she has pink or brown nipples
Very light brown base but bright pink nips
No no, I won't put the screenshot with nipples...
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>get off work
>check thread
>mental illness

yeah that tracks
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But I love her...
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You stumble out of the medbay and into the hall, unsure of where to go.

A Kelbhund and Jek'na are standing out there, chatting while they eat.
They turn their attention to you briefly as you come into view, and point you in the right direction.

Your nose catches the scent of something delicious as you near the kitchen, but you're stopped in your tracks as the door opens, and a second human woman steps out with two plates of food.

You momentarily hope one of those is yours, but she continues on and takes them both... into the bunk room, apparently.
You catch a momentary glimpse of a very elderly-looking human lying in one of the lower beds there.

This crew is so confusing to you.

Continuing into the kitchen, you find it absolutely packed, as it clearly wasn't made to hold this many people.
All four spaces are taken up at the dining table, and another man who you recognize as one of the human instructors is also eating while standing, leaned against the counter.

David immediately notices your entrance and waves you over.

"Morning. Tough little bastard, ain't ya? Bet you feel like shit, though. Come and get you some grub." He orders, albeit in a friendly tone.

There's a fifth seat, a barstool, pulled up to the side of the table for you. It's very cramped in here.

"...What happened last night? I don't remember much..." You groan, the bright overhead lights still stinging at your eyes.

"Ah well, you know. You started to get kind of out of it after the first few hours. Don't worry though, we got all our preliminary tests done." He smiles.

"I still can't believe you agreed to drug them up like that..." The caithan complains.

"Hey, they're pirates. If they want some "performance enhancers" i'm fine with it, as long as they actually use it in combat and not just for fun."

"That stuff will wreck their organs if they take it more than a few times a month, you know." The Grey adds on.

...Yeah, you don't doubt that.

"Actually, my chest kind of hurts... am i gonna be alright?" You ask.

"Should be. You had a bunch of heart attacks during testing, but we gave you a dose of mechanites to repair the damage. You should be good in a couple of days." David replies.

You don't like how nonchalant he is about that. Heart attacks are usually fatal...
Wait, mechanites? Do they have that kind of medicine to spare on this station? That stuff's expensive...

No, it's not your problem. Actually, it's literally the opposite.

You smack your lips together. You need something to drink...

"Cotton mouth? Here." One of the human instructors offers. This one... you think his name was Red? Something like that.

The Red-man offers you his drink, which you accept.
Your face contorts as you take a sip. It's the strongest, sweetest, most sour thing you've ever tasted in your life.

"Gah, what is this?!" You cry out in shock.

"...Grape juice?" The Red-man replies, raising a brow.

No, hold on. As the intensity fades, it's... actually kind of good.
I could go for some sparkling cider now. Thanks, you fuck.
Toss this boy a proper southern lemonade and watch him get diabetes in real time.
ew indirect kiss

"You know you're supposed to water that shit down, right? That's why it says 'from concentrate' on the bottle." David points out.

The Red-man just shrugs and drinks straight from the jug.

David rolls his eyes and grabs the glass out of your hand.
He waters the 'grape juice' down in the sink, then hands it back to you.

It's... much better this way. Still sour, but very flavorful.
Your whole mouth still squeezes in on itself with every sip, but it's delicious.

And it makes you salivate furiously...

"Better?" David asks.

"...Yes, thank you."

"Good, grab something to eat. We gotta go in like, half an hour." He orders.

You look over the food sitting on the counter, but you don't recognize any of it.
There's something shredded. Burnt meat cylinders. Giant eggs of some sort... all of it slathered in a sweet-smelling oil.

There's also some sort of fruit platter, but again, you don't recognize any of it.
It all smells amazing, though.

You grab one of the meat cylinders and some fruit, along with one of those big eggs... which doesn't seem to be fully cooked.

Looking around the room though, nobody else seems to care. Half the people here are eating it without a care in the world.
Oh well, you're unlikely to get a disease out in space anyways. Probably.

There's nowhere to sit, so you stand while you eat, next to the Red-man.

What can you even say? It was all indescribable. Intensely flavored meat, rich and creamy eggs, fruit that was sweeter than nectar...
All of it must be expensive. You don't know where you'd even get something like that on the rim, so it must be imported from the core worlds.

You thought you'd grabbed a lot, but you finish eating quickly, and despite your swelling stomach, your appetite only seems to grow.

But you're dragged out of the ship before you can grab anything else.
Well, not quite. You stole a 'sausage' literally as you were being dragged away.

"SHODAN, grab an extra gyro and a box of rounds." David orders, as you're exiting through the cargo bay.

Once you're outside, she tosses the rifle to you, and you barely catch it out of surprise.

"Wait, what's this for?" You ask, confused.

"We're going on a test run today, before we send you all out tomorrow." David explains. "I got a scientists who wants samples of these things, and i don't expect y'all to bring anything back alive."

"So... i'm coming with you?" You question.

"You and Malix, yeah. The two of you scored highest in the rankings, so i want you out on the field before the rest of them to gain experience."

A hovercar arrives moments later with Malix already waiting inside.
It seems only the administrator and this "SHODAN" girl are coming with you, everyone else has stayed behind.

>Where are all the others? Don't we need a larger team for this?
>What's the plan? How are we supposed to capture these bugs if they're so fast and violent?
>Keep quiet, and just do what you're told for now.
>>What's the plan? How are we supposed to capture these bugs if they're so fast and violent?
>What's the plan? How are we supposed to capture these bugs if they're so fast and violent?

Also, suggest maybe using some bait, preferably the sausage and certainly not you
>Where are all the others? Don't we need a larger team for this?
>What's the plan? How are we supposed to capture these bugs if they're so fast and violent?
>What's the plan? How are we supposed to capture these bugs if they're so fast and violent?

diabeetus is no joke
>Just eat your sausage quietly.
>>What's the plan? How are we supposed to capture these bugs if they're so fast and violent?
We zappin da bugs, boss?

"So... what's the plan, exactly? Don't you think we need a larger team for this?" You ask, staring down quietly at your sausage.

"Nah, we're good." David answers back, immediately. "If we were talking about wiping them out, yeah... but that's what you fuckers are for.
No, today we're just picking up samples and getting a little experience. If it gets too hairy, we're pulling out."

"To be clear," SHODAN explains, looking directly at you. "that means there is no plan."

"...Oh. Okay? So...?"

You're confused. How can there not be a plan? You don't know what you're doing? At all? Not even a little bit?"

You look back and forth between SHODAN and David, expecting some kind of explanation, but there isn't one.

"Don't tell me we're just running in there and shooting shit?" You question.

David sighs.

"No? Have you been listening at all, numbnuts? I told you, we're looking for pristine samples. That means no gunshot wounds."

"Then what's the rifle for?" You question.

"Oh my god." David exclaims quietly. He leans forwards in his seat and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"The rifle is for defending yourself should the situation go awry. You cannot expect to know how things will turn out, and so must be prepared for any situation." SHODAN explains calmly.

"Yeah, i get that much... but how are we supposed to capture the bugs without killing them, or even shooting them?" You ask, directly to her.

"We have prepared a number of possible means for accomplishing that task. Please wait until we arrive for further instruction."

...Alright. So it's not like there's actually zero plan. They have actually planned for how to do this, just... they also haven't in a way, you guess.
You really don't like this. It feels stupid. It feels like you're walking into a deathtrap on purpose, for no reason.

David glances back at you and sees the worry visible on your face.
He lets out an annoyed sigh before speaking to you.

"This is how we do shit, Ronnie, so you'd better get used to it. You'll be given tools and a goal, but how you reach that goal is up to you. In the end, all that matters is getting it done."

Doing everything ad-lib... that's nuts. This isn't a speech or something, you know?
You're about to put your lives on the line and he's telling you to ad-lib it.

Fucking nutjob.


The hovercar ride is a somewhat long one, taking you down to the middle layers of the station where the greenhouse is located.
You learned in yesterday's class that the bugs have been stealing food from the greenhouses, so if there's anywhere you're likely to find them, it's here.

When you arrive, David and SHODAN exit the vehicle without a word, and start digging through the vehicle's trunk.

They lay out several hard suitcases full of equipment, popping each of them open and looking them over.

"What do you think, SHODAN? Chemicals first, or the tesla gun?" David asks.

"Ideally i'd like to test both." She replies.

They both look up at you and Malix, who are busy gawking at all the unrecognizable equipment and doodads.
You two look between eachother and shrug.

"Alright, so here's the deal." David announces. "One of you is gonna be using a chemical sprayer that may or may not do jack shit. It's medium-range at best and involves wearing a protective suit.
The other one of you is going to be using a prototype tesla gun that, well... basically it shoots lightning. You don't have to wear a suit for that one, but... i'd recommend it. So, who's taking what?"

"What's in the chemical sprayer?" Malix asks.

"Neurotoxin." David replies tersely, crossing his arms.


"What happens if i get hit by the tesla gun?" You ask, gingerly.

"Maybe nothing, maybe it stops your heart." He replies.


>Is there a third option? Maybe something less dangerous?
>I'll take the chemical sprayer... i guess?
>I guess... i'll take the tesla gun?
>I'll take the chemical sprayer... i guess?
If we're suited up it should be fine(?)
>"Neither of those is going to produce a pristine sample, you know. Both are going to do a number on the internal structures. Shouldn't we just, I don't know, freeze one somehow? Lure it under a big bucket of liquid nitrogen? Could try to inject it with cryostasis drugs beforehand if you want it to be alive when it thaws. Or we could just use some heavy duty netting and tranquilizers to drag one in the hard way."
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>>I'll take the chemical sprayer... i guess?
>I'll take the chemical sprayer... i guess?

Whatever we don't choose, we gotta worry about friendly fire from. Decontamination is gonna be a hell of a game of Simon Says but gimmie the NBC Suit.
Couldn't they have just lured one into a container, or drop a cage on one...?
The arc thrower and especially the chemicals seems like something best done in a lab.
If I had to choose though;
>I guess... i'll take the tesla gun? (And the suit)
Decon is a bitch, and who knows what it'll do to us if we get contaminated.
>I guess... i'll take the tesla gun?
Bug zapper is the safest for Ronnie
>I guess... i'll take the tesla gun?
>I'll take the chemical sprayer... i guess?
>>I'll take the chemical sprayer... i guess?
hey it's a SPRAYER... can't we prepare one or two mines of the spray stuff? Claymore but with dense toxic gunk
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"Dibs on the tesla gun!" Malix yells, before you even get a chance to think it over.

You grimace slightly at the thought of spraying some unknown toxin all over the place, but... at least there's a protective suit, right?

"Here." David says, handing you a thick mat of off-green rubber.

"...What is this?" You ask.

"It's your sprayin' suit. Replace the filter on the mask after every tank of toxin."

You unfold the rubber mat and find that, it is in fact your "sprayin' suit".
It only vaguely looks humanoid, and it seems like it's going to be really hot and difficult to move in.

"Why is it so thick?" You complain.

"Well for one, you don't want the fog diffusing through the suit, and for another, that goes OVER your armor. So, y'know... don't get stabbed or slashed too much."

"The suit is made of a self-healing rubber and is capable of sealing itself to a degree, but large cuts will likely damage your suit's seal." SHODAN explains.


So if you get slashed or stabbed too much, poison gas might pour into your suit and kill you.
That's good. No, that's real great.

You'd have to be an absolute maniac to use something like this willingly.

"Haha, oh wow!" Malix exclaims.

A moment later, you hear the loudest electrical buzzing you've ever heard in your life, and it's accompanied by brilliant white flashes...
He's holding something absolutely ridiculous looking, which is hooked up to a big backpack full of electronics.

And it's shooting gigantic blasts of lightning out at least fifteen to twenty feet in front of him.

"This is amazing!" Malix yells over the noise.

"Yeah, it's real fun!" David agrees. "But you might want to chill on that! You're gonna drain the battery holding it down like that!"

"Oh, right. Right... sorry." Malix apologizes.

"The energy drain of an unfocused blast like that is actually quite minimal, Captain. There is only significant current draw once the arc makes contact." SHODAN tells him.

"Yeah, but every little bit counts... wouldn't want to be in a shitty situation and wishing you had one more blast left in that thing." He counters.

"That is very true." She agrees.

While they're chatting about the tesla gun, you look over your new toy, which is marked with a skull and bones, along with several other mildly distressing warning labels.
It has a backpack, similar to the tesla gun, but instead of electronics it has several slots for different chemical containers...

"How the hell does this thing work?" You grumble.

SHODAN quickly walks over and begins explaining it all to you.
Unfortunately, almost all of it totally goes over your head.

Sodium silicate this, pressure guage that, proper mixing... you don't know.

Still, you memorize what tank goes where and what the settings are supposed to be at, so you can ensure they stay that way.
However, you're afraid to pull the trigger on this sprayer.

She said it would mix the poison with a chemical that forms little glass needles in the air.
>Sodium silicate this, pressure guage that, proper mixing... you don't know.
>Still, you memorize what tank goes where and what the settings are supposed to be at, so you can ensure they stay that way.
Point towards the enemy Oorah!!
Oh god, he truely is a baby Marine.
We should get him his very first crayon set, so we set him on the straight path

You end up needing help to get yourself stuffed into that damned rubber suit.
It doesn't look anything like the armored suits everyone on David's crew were wearing. It's clearly a rush job, so you hope it holds.

"Don't worry, man. The suit's woven with kevlar, it's actually pretty tough. Just keep that helmet sealed and you'll be fine, alright?"

David smacks you twice on the head, pretty hard.
But through the armor and padding, you don't really feel it.

That does make you feel a bit better. It's really heavy, though.

"Alright, does it fit good? Great. So, it's got a VI in the helmet, that'll control the thermal and NV cameras. You've got water cooling, don't expect that to last if you get cut up, though..."

David goes over a whole list of shit which you don't really understand, but you get the gist, which is that this suit is packed full of way more tech than it looks like.
Then again, it just looks like a lump of rubber, so you weren't really expecting anything at all.

He then goes over the lightning gun's functions with Malix, who already seems to have made himself acquainted with it.

"So, like SHODAN said, those big tendrils aren't actually dangerous themselves, don't worry about that. But you see this second trigger here?"

"Yeah? What's it do?" Malix asks.

"That's the go button. You hit that go button, it fires a phaser shot and creates a direct plasma channel to your target. The HV coil keeps that channel open as long as you hold the first trigger."

"What, like this?"

Malix aims the lightning gun at a nearby street lamp. It's too far for the gun's electric tendrils to reach at the moment, but as soon as he pulls the second trigger down, that changes.

All those tendrils go away, and a single, thick tendril of lightning appears, bridging the thirty foot gap in an instant.
It rises slowly into the air along with a low, rumbling hum that fills the air, indicative of the power behind that bolt.

It lasts for a good five seconds before finally cutting out, and that hum is replaced by a high, whiny beep from the gun.

"...Yeah, just like that. When the phaser makes contact with something and the channel opens, it starts dumping it's caps into the target. Now on a humanoid it would be instant death...
But these bugs don't have hearts to stop. They do have big fat nerve gangleons though... probably. This should stun the hell out of them pretty quick, so you don't need to hold down the trigger."

"Why's it whining at me, though?"

"Because you discharged the caps, dumbass. It'll take a good ten seconds to recharge from the battery when you do that, so again, don't hold down the fucking trigger unless you have to."

"Alright, boss... geeze." Malix huffs, rolling his eyes.

David chuckles and shakes his head.

"Holy shit, this is what i'm working with right now? Okay. No, that's fine. Nobody's going to cry for you when you're dead, you fucking retard."

Malix looks at you and shrugs, while David just walks off and leaves him.
>David is unbothered
It really shows when he is done with somebody...
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David and SHODAN only share a few words between eachother during their own prep.
You're starting to notice this, but they seem to intuitively understand eachother, even without so much as a glance.

It makes you wonder if those two are actually mates.

The both of them are wearing some sort of heavy armor today, with a similar black sheen to their bodysuits that reminds you of an insect's chitinous exoskeleton.
However, it doesn't seem to impede their movement in the slightest, and you can even still hear them clearly after they put their helmets on.

David has two rifles slung over his torso, a "Gyro-Rifle" like the one you were trained with hangs in the front, and a different sort of rifle you don't recognize hangs from a strap on his back.
The rifle on his back bares much closer resemblance to a shotgun than the gyro rifle, but it's clearly different to both of them.

"Instructor, what sort of rifle is that on your back?" You ask, curious.

"Oh, this? It's a tranq gun, air-powered. I'm gonna try hitting them with sedatives from a distance." He explains. "We're just trying everything today."

That could work, you guess.

SHODAN... doesn't seem to be taking any sort of special weapons with her though.
Or, so you thought. Until she pulls a sword out of the trunk of the car and hangs it from her hip.

"...Should i even ask?" You mumble.

"In the case that nothing is particularly effective, we will give up on bringing the samples back fully intact. At that time, i will focus on removing their limbs in order to neutralize them." She explains.

Got it. Yep, sure.

Besides that, she's wearing a backpack full of who knows what, but that's it.
She seems to be the least prepared out of all of you, for whatever reason.

"Alright!" David announces, having finished his prep. "I shouldn't have to explain this, but keep your distance from eachother. We don't need anyone inhaling glass or getting shot with lightning."

"Yes sir!" You reply.

"You got it, boss." Malix replies a moment later.

"Good. That said, don't stray too far from eachother. We've all got transponders that'll ping our relative locations on the HUD, so keep track of those red dots and stay close."

"Yes sir!" You bark once more.

Malix just sighs and starts walking after David, who didn't wait for a response.
You're going to be passing through a tunnel into the greenhouse district, which, honestly, is a place you've never been to before on a station.

You know they grow plants there, but the how and why is unknown to you, so you have no idea what it looks like.

>Stick close to Malix
>Stick close to David and SHODAN
>Just keep your distance from everyone, in case you have to spray this poison.
>Just keep your distance from everyone, in case you have to spray this poison.

We have one job.
>>Just keep your distance from everyone, in case you have to spray this poison.
>>Just keep your distance from everyone, in case you have to spray this poison.
>>Just keep your distance from everyone, in case you have to spray this poison.
>Just keep your distance from everyone, in case you have to spray this poison.
>Just enough that Ronnie can nibble some plants on the way in
>>Just keep your distance from everyone, in case you have to spray this poison.
Let's not- yeah everybody gets it

As you enter the tunnel, you notice SHODAN and David are spaced kind of far apart from eachother, though they're still leading the pack.
Likewise, Malix and yourself are pretty far apart as well.

You guess that makes sense. You wouldn't want to shoot eachother... possibly with lightning.
You're not sure how far this poison sprayer reaches, but you wouldn't want to coat everyone in it.

You have one job right now. Alright, two, actually... stay away from your teammates and spray bugs.
That's doable. You can do that.

Maintaining pace, you keep a good fifteen feet between you and everyone else.
It does make you feel a bit isolated, but oh well.

The tunnel seems to have been carved through one of the asteroid's inner structural walls, so the surface is pitted with craters and holes that lead who knows where.
Bugs could be living in any of them, and you're forced to shine your helmet-mounted flashlight around to check them.

Fortunately, there don't seem to be any... until there are.

You aim your light up at one of the larger craters on the ceiling, and it's just sitting there, staring at you all.
As the light washes over it, you hear it chittering, and it begins to stir.

"B-BUG! ON THE CEILING!" You yell out.

The other's lights immediately focus on it... except for David's, who stays focused ahead of him.
The bug seems startled by the light, and skitters off into the crater before anyone can fire at it.

Malix clicks his tongue, sounding annoyed.

"Tch. Almost had it..."

"Gotta be quicker than that, Malix." David replies in a deadpan tone, his gaze still focused steadily ahead.

"How do we get up there?" Malix questions. "It's like, thirty or forty feet to the top."

"We don't. Keep moving." David orders.

"Ah, come on! There it was, right in front of us!" Malix groans. Still, he follows David's lead.

There are a few more bugs in the tunnel before you reach the end, but all of them make every effort to avoid you for some reason.

"Instructor, why aren't they attacking us? I thought these things were vicious?" You ask.

"They are." He explains. "But they prefer to attack in numbers, or through ambush. If they're alone or you spot them first, they're likely to run."

"Cowards." Malix spits.

"If we could find a nest, we could force them to come to us." David continues. "But most of the corpses on the station have already been eaten."

>What if you made a dummy corpse, and coated it in rot-stink?
>They still have to be laying eggs somewhere. Where do you think that is?
>Maybe we could use someone as live bait. Make them think they're ambushing them, when really they're getting ambushed.
>>Maybe we could use someone as live bait. Make them think they're ambushing them, when really they're getting ambushed.

I nominate Malix.
>What if you made a dummy corpse, and coated it in rot-stink and ask the administrator if he has a tracker chip with him so he can put one on the dummy it so when the bugs drag it back to it's nest we'd know where they are?

>They're starving then? I wonder if we killed one, if other would eat it.
>They're starving then? I wonder if we killed one, if other would eat it.
>>We use Malix as bait

You pause momentarily as your brain starts working.

"Maybe they're starving, then? Maybe we could lure them in with some kind of bait..." You suggest.

"We've already considered it. Problem is, there's not a lot of corpses on the station right now."

"...Do you think they'd eat one of their own corpses?" You further suggest.

"Maybe." David says, continuing to walk. "Could be worth a shot."

"And hey," You chuckle. "If that doesn't work, we can always toss Malix out there as live bait!" You say, half-jokingly.

At that, David suddenly stops walking and looks back not at you, but at Malix... for an objectively short, but oddly uncomfortably long time.

"Don't tempt me." He says, before continuing on.

As you're nearing the exit of the tunnel, there's one last insect watching your advance, but this time David doesn't just pass it by.
Instead, he raises his gyro-rifle and fires a single round, causing it to drop from the ceiling and land in a squirming heap of sharp legs, mandibles and stingers.

Seemingly unperturbed, he walks right up to it and stomps his foot down, shattering it's exoskeleton and severing the tail which contains the stinger.

He then pulls out a handgun and fires three more rounds into the bug's thorax, which still doesn't silence it.
However, it's clear that it's critically injured and can't seem to get to it's feet.

"...Ronnie, get over here. Let's test how effective that poison is." He orders, backing off from the bug to give you room.

"Yes sir!"

You get relatively close to the squirming insect, then spray your chemicals all over it.

It's really weird. Almost as soon as the spray hits the air, you see a sort of white, glinting fog appear that coats everything it touches.
There's no big boom, no lightning, no fireballs... just a quiet hiss and what almost looks like a fog made of frost.

Your fog sticks to the insect's shell as well as it does to the ground and even the air around you, and the insect shrieks as it does so.

You can hear a grinding noise every time the bug moves now, the sound of glass grating against glass.
It's in it's wounds, it's joints, even the air holes it uses to breathe. That's awful. You can't imagine how much that would suck if it was you.

And whatever poison is mixed it, it seems to be really, really effective.
Within seconds, the insect stops wriggling and starts... vibrating. You think it's having some kind of seizure, but... do bugs have seizures? Is that possible? You don't know.

In any case, that does last long either, as the shaking stops and it's legs just begin to twitch rhythmically.
Every few seconds they'll tense up and slowly relax... tense and relax... tense and relax.

And that cycle is slowing down each time. You're pretty sure it's already dead, but you don't know if that's because of the poison or the gunshot wounds...

"Looks effective. Open wounds probably sped it up though." David casually notes, having just watched the same thing you did, unbothered.
Ya know, this glass mix might not be the best thing to spray around willy-nilly, but I think it could work great as a grenade payload.
That said, I'd also like a toggleable solvent payload for the aero-glass itself. That way you can move up into cleared area without walking into the death mist.

The glass is specifically designed to work against bugs, by acting as a physical irritant.
It grinds through their shell and allows the poison to enter their bodies.

On a microscopic scale, it's just billions of little glass needles coated in neurotoxin.
As the crystals form in the air, they force the toxin mix out of their structure and onto the surface, where it dries as the solvent evaporates.

Which means that with a little modification it can also be used as a flamethrower.
>On a microscopic scale, it's just billions of little glass needles coated in neurotoxin.
Can't that also cause cancer if the needles are small enough? To say nothing of what they'll do if anybody accidentally breathes them in.
Neurotoxin microscopic needles?
If we even have trouble with the nanofabs we can just do a little fine tunning with this buggers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wibdMvVusmo I bet the reptilian scientist can do a little snip here and there and create a (relatively) large microbe with funky nematocysts and tailored payload. Of course, that still begs the question to how to penetrate the exoskeleton..
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Tfw we just poisoned diatomaceous earth dust and threw it on bugs
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oooh cool
Based beyond belief.

"The glass hangs in the air for quite a while." SHODAN notes, looking around at the sparkling dust in the air.

"Yeah. Low gravity... and there's a light breeze. Can't use it without a protective suit at the last." David determines.

SHODAN walks up to the still-twitching bug and chips some of the rapidly hardening glass off with her finger, turning the flake over in her hand.

"Adhesion looks good. That might end up working after all."

"Think it's worth a shot?" He asks.

"I believe so."

Both of them turn to look at you simultaneously, causing you to take an instinctive step back.
Gods, it's creepy how they act together.

"Ronnie, spray a thin layer on the tunnel wall over there, then take a step back." David orders.

You follow his orders somewhat nervously, swapping the noddle and spraying the liquid from your tanks in a thin sheet.
It rapidly begins to turn the cave wall white as glass crystals form on the surface.

But then something unexpected happens.

SHODAN fires some kind of laser at the spray, causing it to burst into a brilliant orange wall of flame.
Where was she hiding a laser weapon? Is it that box she's got strapped to her ass? You don't know.

The flames initially burn very cleanly, but that quickly shifts as the white wall of glass chars black, and plumes of heavy soot roll off and along the ceiling of the tunnel.

"What the hell is in this stuff?" You question, looking down at your own spray gun.

"That's the cyanoacrylate burning." David explains. "There's not a lot of it in there, just enough to set quickly and stick to the bug's shell, but it still burns well once the solvent is gone."

The now tarry surface and burps sickly black smoke before finally petering out a few seconds later.
What's left is a mixture of foamy carbon and glass powder, which SHODAN scrapes away with her finger, rubbing the residue between them to examine it.

"The needles don't form properly when the mix is ignited. Much of the toxin was likely burned away as well." She announces.

"So it's one or the other, huh?" David sighs. "Well, that's fine. We'll get the mix tuned and the ignition system figured before we send it out tomorrow."

They don't even look back at the huge char mark on the wall as they walk out of the tunnel, dragging the twitching corpse of the bug along with them.
You feel a bit of horror as flakes of what are probably horrendously carcinogenic and neurotoxic ash float down from the ceiling and land on your suit.

It feels gritty as you try to wipe it away, leaving a smear on the surface. There's glass in it.
You can't believe you're spraying something like this in the greenhouse where your food is supposed to be grown.


As you exit the tunnel yourself, you're somewhat surprised to see tall towers of brutalist concrete buildings, each with open walls and very bright lining that shines out onto the streets.
It's a stark contrast to the rest of the station, which is currently very dark due to a lack of power.
Now the good stuff...
Hey so the tesla gun is single target and the neurotoxin is an AoE spell? And since the glass and stuff is nasty and sticky I bet the bugs will get distracted trying to take it off when we spray 'em so that compulsive grooming will "kick in" before the neurotoxin does. I guess in-universe people already know but we have to learn from where do the bugs breathe from. If its their mouth or their ass abdomen because that and their open mandibles seem to be the only places where the neurotixin will get fast, compared to the needles sneaking inbetween joints.
Also I wonder if the bugs have good eyes or rely more on their antenna because the glass will surely frick the latter
Do we have time to test a sonic weapon too? Maybe one that vibrates their exoskeleton or their antennae. Could be very useful. Also as an addendum, maybe try to keep some eggs in captivity/cryo pods, they may prove useful in a protracted guerilla campaign as a
They have spiracles lining the majority of their body, so spraying them just about anywhere will introduce some amount of toxin and inhibit their breathing.
As for whether they have good eyesight or not, you aren't sure, since you haven't captured or done tests on one yet, but they seem to live just fine in low light environments.

Not in the field, but it could be done easily after bringing back some live specimens.
>protracted guerilla campaign
so you want to leave a station/space ship unusable because it's full of bugs that you will have to deal with later? I guess if we know enough of their biology we can create a easy to diffuse venom and release it into the station/ship air... or tune the bugs and implement a death timer...
Technically speaking you could get rid of the bugs pretty easy with environmental controls or just flooding the place with a short-lived neurotoxin.
*As an area denial weapon

Think of them as biological weapons; you ship a crate with a few eggs to a base, a few days later they're overrun with the fuckers at best, at worst they're busy trying to contain them. If we are familiar with their biology, we can have a sort of kill-switch ready so we can deal with them en masse if need be. That though begs the question, that since the Feds also use them as such, do they have an exploitable weakness built in, or did they count only on spacing the station?

And in that light, all throughout the streets, crawling along the walls and ceilings, and even occasionally flittering through the air... are hundreds upon hundreds of giant insects.

You see them walking in lines here and there, carrying entire plants in their mandibles and disappearing off into one dark hole or another.
It's... absolutely terrifying. If one or two or them attacked, you're sure you could fight them off together with the others, but this?

If they swarmed you all right now, you'd be done for. No chance you'd survive.

"H-Holy shit." You mutter. "We... we gotta go back, right?"

You look to David, who's calmly looking at the scene around him.
He sees the same thing you do. There's no way you're going to walk into that.

It's not like he has a death wish-

"Keep close and follow me." He orders.

"Holy shit, what?" Malix blurts out.

David stops and stares straight at him.

"I said stick close and follow me. That's an order."

You look between David, who's already walking into that nest again, and the tunnel behind you.
There's nothing you'd like more than to run right now, but you've still got that godsdamned collar on.

At best you'd get electrocuted. At worst, he might pop your head off for disobeying orders.

So what, your options are to die running or die walking forwards?
No way. No fucking way.

"Hey." You shout. "Have you got a screw loose? You see that, don't you?!"

"They're workers!" He shouts back. "Now hurry up, you look like a juicy meal all by yourself."

Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit.
Does he know something you don't? "They're workers"? Is that supposed to mean something?

You're pretty sure they can eat you regardless.

But you guess you don't have a damned choice. Reluctantly, you follow behind the other three.
Your heart pounds and you begin to sweat as you walk deeper into the nest.

This is insane. You're all going to die.

You watch in horror as David literally walks straight up to one of the trails of insects, getting close enough to reach out and touch them.
You don't dare to get that close yourself, and neither does Malix. Only SHODAN stays by his side as one of the insects momentarily stops and takes notice of him.

It feels him out with it's antennae as if tasting him, but makes no attempt to eat him. Instead, it jumps back into the line and continues on, ignoring him.

"Perhaps their behavior is similar to that of ants?" SHODAN suggests.

"Might be. Smaller mandibles, no stinger... no wings, either." David notes.

This guy is fucking nuts. He just walked right up to them on a hunch? That MAYBE they're similar to some other species he knows?
Fucking nutjob. What an absolute godsdamned lunatic, holy shit.

He's really going to get you killed.

>Wait, no wings? Didn't you see some of them flying around a second ago?
>Just stay on alert and wait for orders, you have no idea when you might get ripped in half in here.
>Gently remind David that the current situation is generally unfavorable and you'd like to make a tactical retreat in order to reassess your approach.
>Tell Malik to watch the flanks, while you watch the fucking ceiling. You KNOW some of these fuckers can fly.
>that since the Feds also use them as such
the bugs were an accident the feds didn't make 'em
+1 to this. Malix is still a known quantity.
This. He probably can get through them with SHODAN... but the two of us are the weakest links.

Take advantage of our weapons attributes.
>Tell Malik to watch the flanks, while you watch the fucking ceiling. You KNOW some of these fuckers can fly.
Makes sense, support
>Watch the ceilling
>Our weapon sprays a cloud of microscopic glass neurotoxic stingers
>Shooting up
Are you being retarded in purporse?
Seems pretty in-character.
>>Tell Malix to watch the ceiling, while you watch the flanks. You KNOW some of these fuckers can fly.

This is a bit better.
This >>6073800 I guess.
In any case, we're probably the best equipped for dealing with swarms right now (chem/flame thrower + water-cooled NBC suit).
Ceiling *and* rear

"Malix!" You shout. "I saw some of those fuckers flying around before, so i KNOW they're here! I'll watch the sky, so you watch our ass, and-"

"Woah, woah, woah! Hold on there, pal. First off, since when do i take orders from you? And secondly, why the fuck are you watching the sky? You gonna shoot that shit up in the air?"

Malix kicks you in the shin, but you don't really feel it through the thick rubber of your suit.

"Dumbass! If i shoot this thing in the air nothing comes back down, so put that somewhere else!" He cusses.

David and SHODAN don't seem to be paying either of you any attention. Instead, they're whispering between themselves.

"Did you catch anything?' David asks her. "I was focused on the ground."

"Yes, Captain. At least three winged individuals took flight after we came out of the tunnel."

"And when were you gonna tell me?"

"My apologies, Captain. I did not believe it was relevant."

"Well, it might be. Could be guards on alert, or..."

As they're talking, you hear a loud chittering noise.
Looking behind you, you notice the line of worker insects in front of you has parted, and three, much larger individuals are coming your way from that direction.

"Oh, boy. Haven't seen one of those before." David comments, unperturbed.

"Uh... guys?' Malix calls out. "Above us..."

Looking up, you see not three, but FIVE flying insects circling overhead. Oh, that's not good.

David chuckles as he spots them and lets go of the insect corpse he was carrying.

"Now it's getting interesting. Alright, looks like we won't be needing this shit after all. Everyone focus, twelve o'clock! Keep the leftmost alive, we only need one sample!" He yells, shouldering his rifle.

You redirect your attention towards the front of the group, towards the large insects headed your way.
They're extremely large and shockingly fast despite it, so it won't be long before they reach you.

David must want to take them out before that happens...

As he and SHODAN open fire with their gyro-rifles, one of the bugs shrieks in pain and rears back, opening up it's underbelly, which quickly gets shredded by bullets. Er, rockets...
It quickly collapses into a twitching heap, but the other two are still coming, while David and SHODAN have spent their ammo and need to reload.

Malix runs to the front and unloads his tesla rifle into it as soon as it's in range.
The undirected arcs channel into a tight beam as he fires the phaser, which acts as a guide for the electricity.

The ant is a large target and he strikes it easily. The whole ant seems to glow as electrical arcs snake underneath it's chitinous shell and shine through to the outside.

...But he doesn't let off the trigger like he's supposed to. Instead he keeps it held down until the gun errors out again.

"Ah, shit! Godsdamnit, i forgot about that!" He cusses.

The second ant has been thoroughly fried, but the last one has already closed the distance, and it's about to grab Malix in it's pincers!

Roll me 1d100, best of 3. Higher is better.
Rolled 51 (1d100)

Rolled 6 (1d100)

Rolled 6 (1d100)

Rolled 61 (1d100)

Shiiiit... malik why tf you run to the front if we were supposed to fire our neurotoxin
Rolling just because
Rolled 90 (1d100)

Could always switch to the gyro rifle, though I don't know if it'll have enough stopping power to drop it immediately.
Having Malix drop down might spare him from harm if we use the flamer, which could buy him enough time until David and SHODAN reloads.

You don't know how long it'll take the two of them to reload, but you know it takes you at least a few seconds, assuming you don't fumble and fuck it up.
All you can do is use what you've got in your hands and try to keep that thing off him long enough for the instructor to kill it... hopefully.

You've been keeping your distance from the others, so you've already got a fairly clear shot from where you're standing.

You pull the trigger and blast the giant insect directly with the deadly chemical mix, coating it's shell in a thick liquid coating rather than a fine mist.
It rears back in pain similar to the other one, particularly when the mix gets onto it's eyes... but that's not enough to stop it for long.

As soon as it's front feet hit the ground again, it lets out an ear-piercing hiss and clacks it's mandibles at Malix before charging in.

At the same time though, both SHODAN and David should have finished reloading... however, SHODAN has tossed her rifle aside.

She rushes ahead of Malix, grabbing the giant insect's pincers with her bare hands and digging her heeled boots into the pavement, stopping it's charge.
Holy shit, there's no way she's all meat and bones with strength like that. No doubt she's a heavily enhanced cyborg of some sort.

The insect tries it's best to gnash at her, and both of them seem to be struggling, with the and twisting it's head side to side and shaking under the strain...
While that's happening, David fires his gyro-rifle from the hip, and although hit shots seem to land accurately, the rockets don't manage to penetrate the insect's exoskeleton for some reason.

At this point, you start to consider switching to your own gyro-rifle, but you just saw that it didn't do anything...

It hasn't been ten seconds yet, either, so Malix can't use the tesla rifle yet, either.
Shit, you're not sure what to do. It's all happening too fast, you don't have time to think...

You feel your brain lock up with indecision.

But then, David also tosses his rifle aside... and grabs the oversized knife he keeps in his boot.
He runs and leaps through the air at the insect, bending his whole body into a U shape as he plunges his knife into the insect's neck joint.

With a primal roar that terrifies even you, he forces the blade through it's neck with both hands, severing it halfway... and SHODAN finishes the job.

With the ant's neck half-severed, she silently heaves, her muscles bulging wildly as she twists it's head, ripping it the rest of the way off.
You can hear the metallic joints of her bionics creaking as she forces them, most likely, well beyond their rated limits.

The head must weight over a hundred pounds, but she tosses it through the air like it's weightless, allowing her to step back away from the headless body, which is now running about randomly.

You realize you'd been holding your breath this whole time, but as soon as you're about to sigh out in relief, you hear David yell.

"Eyes up! Four more above!"
¡¡Switch to the gyro rifle!!
+1 for gyrojet then open up with the sprayer when they close in.
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219 KB PNG

Immediately, your first thought is to switch to your Gyro-Rifle, since you can't hit them with the sprayer all the way up there.
However, as you're in the middle of trying to grab and shoulder it, you feel someone pulling you aside.

It's Malix. He yanks you hard enough that it throws you off-balance, and you fall to the ground as a result...
Thank god for that, because a long, sharp stinger passes right in front of your face as you hit the ground.

"Shit!" You cuss, bringing your rifle up from a laying position, to aim at the insects above you.

"Kill 'em, boys!" Malix yells.

"Goddamnit, leave one alive!" David yells back.

You, Malix and SHODAN shortly after all start firing up at the flying insects.
They're fast-moving targets, darting around in unpredictable patterns that make them hard to hit...

Honestly, you're not sure you hit any of those shots.
Shit, did you remember to turn on the aim assist? ...You didn't. Whoops.

Well, it's on now. And despite that, one of the insects falls from the sky and splatters itself on impact.

There's still three, though... wait, weren't there five to begin with?
You frantically look around for the missing insect, and sure enough, there it is.

It's lowered itself to the ground and is making a run up to stab at Malix with it's stinger, like it tried to do with you.

"Malix, to your left!" You shout.

You fire the last few rounds in your magazine at the insect, but you can't tell if they hit or not.
If they did, they didn't do enough damage to stop it...

However, Malix takes care of the problem himself.
With the Gyro-rifle in one hand and the tesla rifle in the other, he unloads both weapons at it.

The tesla rifle ends up being what takes it down, with the electrical arc making contact maybe a second before the bug would have stabbed him.
It seizes up mid-flight and falls to the ground, not having been that far off it to begin with. It slides the remaining distance and crashed into him, knocking Malix off his feet.

At the same time, you hear SHODAN firing another full mag of gyrojets into the air, and looking up, you see another two insect start to fall.

There's one more left, just doing circles up there...
Should you shoot at it? The administrator wants it alive, but...

"Hold fire!" David calls out.

Looking to him, you see him calmly taking the second rifle off his back, shouldering it, and aiming it... no scope, just ironsights.
He continues to aim up at the insect for an unusually long time, before finally firing.

The rifle isn't very loud, and it sounds different from the other guns you'd tried. You think he said it was air-powered?

It doesn't look like his shot did anything, but after watching his target for a moment he seems satisfied.
He then opens his shirt pocket, removes a large needle covered in feathers from it, and loads it into his rifle.

Then, he turns and fires it into the large ant Malix had shocked before... and he does this three times, for some reason.

>It doesn't look like his shot did anything, but after watching his target for a moment he seems satisfied.
I am guessing this David guy is happy he scored that hard shot

Malix calls out to David, pointing him at the flying insect you'd taken down with him.

It's got a few bullet wounds along it's torso, but most of them went through it's wings.
Still, it's alive, and twitching quite violently, as if it's still trying to sting anything nearby.

The tesla rifle has thoroughly stunned it though, and it can't seem to get control of it's body, which is wracked with spasms.

"This one's still alive, too. Want me to deal with it?" Malix asks, leveling his Gyro-rifle at the creature.

"...What do you think, SHODAN?"

The human woman looks up at the last remaining insect circling overhead.
It's still flying, by every few seconds it's wings just stop beating, and it drops several feet.

When you look up at it yourself, you suddenly feel dizzy and end up falling back on your ass.

"Woah..." You mumble to yourself.

It's only now that you actually notice how heavily you're breathing, and how hard your heart is pumping.
Your chest hurts again.

"You good?" Malix asks, to which you nod and wave him off.

"I believe that one will land shortly." SHODAN states, ignoring you. "However, this one is still in usable condition, and i believe it is worth taking back with us."

"Alright." David agrees. "I'll tranq it, you three start dragging these corpses back to the tunnel. We might be able to use them as food, or bait..."

You try and fail to shake off your wooziness, but manage to get back on your feet after Malix lends you a hand.
Your hands are shaking, and you feel strange. Almost like you're floating just outside of your own body.

"Hey, that wasn't too bad back there!" Malix tells you as you're dragging one of the flying insects together. "You been in a few scuffs before?"

...You have. Nothing quite that dangerous, you don't think. That big bug could have crushed you like a little bug.
Even with your armor, you don't know... it's pincers might have cut you right in half.

>Open up to Malix a little. He's a slave like you, and he did save your ass earlier, so...
>Just keep quiet. You don't feel too great right now, and you don't really want to get involved with him.
>Deflect, ask about him instead. He seems like the talkative type.
>Open up to Malix a little. He's a slave like you, and he did save your ass earlier, so...
He's a jackass, but we're probably gonna be stuck with him for the time being. May as well make nice.
>Open up to Malix a little. He's a slave like you, and he did save your ass earlier, so...
>>Open up to Malix a little. He's a slave like you, and he did save your ass earlier, so...

campfire time...
i un wanna vote for this...
>>Open up to Malix a little. He's a slave like you, and he did save your ass earlier, so...
Seems like adrenaline withdrawal. Did we get drugged at some point during the fight?
>Open up to Malix a little. He's a slave like you, and he did save your ass earlier, so...

"Uh... yeah, i guess." You reply, not sure where to start.

"Same, brother. Same. You were on that little scrapper, weren't you? With the red paintjob?"

"Yeah, the Starshine. It got shredded in the ambush... broken down for iron by now, according to the others."

"Ah, that's a shame. You get attached to little ships like that, don't you? All cramped up together, it's like a second home." He smiles.

Malix drops his side of the insect with a sigh, leaving you to finish dragging it the last few feel while he puts his hands on his hips and stretches out his back.

"Where were you sailing before this whole shitshow, though?" He asks.

"In the Simia cluster. You know that whole deal, right?"

"Ah yeah, the Feds are duking it out with that pirate king, what was his name again? Arget? Arfet...?"

"Argent. They've-"

"Oh yeah, Argent! I remember now." He says, cutting you off.

"...They've been going at it for months now, but recently a group of low-worlders formed their own "federation" of sorts art started pushing back, got sick of paying taxes i guess..."

"Oh? You don't say?" He grins, before clicking his tongue. "Damn it, if i wasn't stuck here i'd be all over that."

"Yeah." You sigh. "It's been great scavving, but things started heating up a lot. A fed cruiser got taken out, somehow... and whatever was on there, they want it back."

"Sounds juicy! Not often you get to scavenge federation tech, wonder what they found?"

"Don't know, don't want to know. Whatever it was, they sent two whole fleets out there and have been tearing both the low-worlders and Argent's crew apart. They were just playing with them before.
Anyways, i wouldn't get within a hundred lightyears of Simia right now. Give it a year, maybe... be harder to scavenge by then, but with that many dead ships, it won't matter."

"Hah, it'll all be picked clean by then. A real man's gotta steal fruit from under the slyvern's nose." Malix insists, crossing his arms and puffing out his chest.

"And get his head bitten off in the process." You snort.

He wags his finger at you.

"Only if he gets caught, and i don't intend to get caught."

You stare at him in silence for a moment, then point at your neck.
Yours is covered up by the rubber suit, but his slave collar is still clearly visible.

"Ah, well, you know... nothing anybody could have done about that, right? Who expects one ship to shred a whole fleet in one move? You'd be crazy to suggest it."

"Uh huh. I'm not as green as you probably think, you know. We both know shit happens, people die basically at random sometimes... and some risks ain't worth the reward."

"Whatever." He huffs. "I'll never make my ambitions a reality if i'm too afraid to stick my ass in the fire once or twice. I don't want to live like my brothers, as chattel..."


"Yes, i realize that's what we are right now!" He yells, sounding annoyed. "But only for now. I still see the light, brother. A way out of this..."
Does he forget the mind reading... whatever he is entertaining
Ronnie has been promoted from Fuckin' Ronnie to headass Ronnie. However, Malix is officially fucknugget Malix.
>"Stow that thought you idiot!"

"Get your thumbs out of eachother's asses and move those fucking corpses!" You hear David yell, from about a hundred feet away. Wow, he's loud.

The both of you immediately start walking while you talk.

"Malix, i don't know how you expect to get out of a bomb collar. You should already know, it shocks the hells out of you if you even try." You groan.

"I'm not talking about forcing my way out, brother. Don't worry about, you'll see. Me and you, maybe, we'll get out of this together, huh?"

"Please, do me a favor and leave me out of whatever you're doing." You sigh.

You know everything you're saying right now is being recorded. So does Malix, and that means he just doesn't care.
You don't know if he's stupid or crazy or what. You just hope he doesn't drag you into it and get you killed.

Honestly, you cant say your experience as a slave so far has been comfortable, especially with the harsh training and... medical experiments. That was really your own stupid fault, though...
But you haven't been beaten or violated even once since being captured, which is something to be grateful for, since slaves are rarely so lucky.

And the administrator seems to think you're at least somewhat useful, so if you can keep this up...
Well, you might die if you keep this in particular up, but... once the bugs are cleared, surely things will calm down, and maybe you can settle into a high position of some sort...

If Malix was smart, that's what he'd be doing, too.


The flying bugs are already pretty heavy, but the larger ones that attacked from the ground are impossible for you and Malix to move, even together.
It's actually pretty impressive then, when SHODAN and David each grab an antenna and heave, managing to drag the corpses into the tunnel without too much effort.

Well, you say "corpses" but, only one of them is actually dead.

The other is heavily sedated, but the other one is just kind of... standing there.
It ran around for a while after it's head was cut off, but now it's not really doing anything.

David and SHODAN have gone off to to collect that last flying insect after it took off and crashed onto a rooftop, while you and Malix have been left here to guard the tunnel and report any activity.
Its already been ten minutes and they haven't come back yet, so you aren't really sure how long it'll take to bring it back here.

>Try messing around with the headless behemoth, see what it does when you poke it
>Just stand by the tunnel and keep watch in case any more guards show up
>What the hells is Malix doing? Is he breaking into one of the buildings over there?
>Just stand by the tunnel and keep watch in case any more guards show up
If Malix wants to go be retarded by himself, he's free to do so. We have orders.
>Just stand by the tunnel and keep watch in case any more guards show up
>>Just stand by the tunnel and keep watch in case any more guards show up

Malic for fucks sakes, what the hell do you think you're gonna loot here? I'd rather not get my ass ventilated by a bug sneaking up on me.
>>Try messing around with the headless behemoth, see what it does when you poke it
Let's ride it into the sunset
>>Just stand by the tunnel and keep watch in case any more guards show up
I hope Malix is just looking to take overwatch and not needlessly stirring up trouble. There's no telling what might be in those buildings at this point.
Also, how is the lighting here? It appears the cavern is lit, but what about the buildings?
The buildings are lit up light daylight, literally, because they're almost all greenhouses.
A lot of that light is also spilling out onto the streets below, because there aren't many solid walls or windows.
>Just stand by the tunnel and keep watch in case any more guards show up
Just do our job and if Malix does something stupid, that's on him.
>Try messing around with the headless behemoth, see what it does when you poke it

Test flamethrower mode on it
>Just stand by the tunnel and keep watch in case any more guards show up
Rolled 51 (1d100)


You choose to do as you were ordered and to stand by the tunnel to watch out for any more incoming insects.
Malix... you don't know what the fuck he's doing right now.

"Malix!" You yell, staying put where you are. "What the hells are you doing?!"

"What does it look like?!" He yells back. "I'm loot- i mean i'm uh, recovering resources! For the rebuilding effort!"

As he says this, he gets frustrated with the door and ends up blowing the handle off with his gyro-rifle.

"Hah! Hahaha!" He cackles, kicking the door open.

Malix disappears into the building, leaving you alone outside.
You don't think you've ever been more nervous in your life, sitting at the entrance to a hive of bugs that could rip you in half with one motion.

Almost to the point that you start to regret not going with Malix, no matter how stupid what he's doing may be...

But you also don't want to get on the administrator's shitlist for failing to follow orders.
If only you didn't have this damned collar on, you could get away with something small like looting a single building, but...

Suddenly, you hear something moving behind you.

You spin around, bringing your toxin-thrower to bear... but all you see is the pile of insect corpses you're left guarding.
Turning on your headlamp, you look around the darkened tunnel, but don't see anything except the occasional hole in the wall.

There could be a bug in any one of those, but...
One of the corpses in front of you twitches, making a slight chittering sound as exoskeleton rubs against exoskeleton.

It's certainly dead, but it's nerves are firing off here and there.

Sighing out in relief, you turn back around and do your best to stay alert.
There are plenty of insects around, hundreds in fact, but most of them appear to be the "workers" as David called them.

They're big, still... some as small as as a child, others as large as you or Malix, if you were crawling on all fours.

But compared to the headless giant over there, that's nothing. Even you could... probably kill one of those. If you had a stick or something.
And the most important part is that they seem to be ignoring you entirely. You're not sure why, but they don't even look at you as they pass by with veggies stuck between their mandibles.

You watch them as they work for a while, and notice that some of them are actually carrying eggs around rather than food.
But you can't see the start or the end of the line, if there even is one, since they seem to come and go from the buildings at random...

Where are they all headed, you wonder?

...Man, it feels like David and SHODAN have been gone for a really long time now.
Is it because you're by yourself? Every second that ticks by feels like a whole minute, maybe even two.

>Roll 1d100, best of 3
Rolled 77 (1d100)

Rolled 23 (1d100)

Rolled 49 (1d100)

Rolled 72 (1d100)


You hear chittering again. Faint, this time... but the helmet you're wearing is amplifying the sound around you, making you more aware than you'd normally be.
Maybe it just sounded a little different from before, you're not sure. But you decide to turn around again, just to make sure nothing's actually behind you.

...But this time, there is.

You immediately tense up in surprise.
However, it's only one of those workers.

You're not sure where it came from. The ones hiding in the tunnel all had wings, you think...
This little guy's pretty sneaky, though. You didn't hear him walking up at all.

It's inspecting the piles of dead insects, feeling around the corpses with it's antennae and even tasting at the juices slowly trickling from their wounds.
It then tries to grab one of the corpses and move it, but finds it far too heavy to do so.

Eventually it gives up and lets go, then turns to leave, ignoring you like the rest.

>Give it a coating of neurotoxin. Your tox-sprayer is perfect for bugs this size, and situations like this...
>Just kill it. You don't want to deal with it running off and maybe alerting a guard or something.
>Leave it be. The others should be back soon, and it doesn't really matter if it ends up dragging off a dead bug or two.
Shoot it before it brings back more workers
>A hearty spray of neurotox
Let's go safe...
>ignoring you like the rest.
>Give it a coating of neurotoxin. Your tox-sprayer is perfect for bugs this size, and situations like this...
Yeah, I don't know if Ronnie knows this, but it'll probably leave a scent trail that will bring a whole lot of workers to clear out everything
>>Give it a coating of neurotoxin. Your tox-sprayer is perfect for bugs this size, and situations like this...

We need to move. The worker probably checked out the corpses for recycling.
Piling the up like this is probably a gigantic beacon of pheromones and dead juice smell.
uh oh the first line is a mistake ignore that one lol
omg I cant believe it, that is not even my post

updates for this quest come late for me so I didnt notice it was not mine from exhaustion
>jam one of the corpses with a neurotoxin tank. with any luck the workers will detonate the tank inside their hive, or wherever the fuck they live
Ask the VI in the suit if it can fashion a time release toxin, then see if the worker will take the tank back with it while the tank releases the gas everywhere it goes
>>Give it a coating of neurotoxin. Your tox-sprayer is perfect for bugs this size, and situations like this...
You gonna ask chatgpt to craft you a birdhouse next?
Roll me 1d100, best of 3.
DC 30
Rolled 37 (1d100)

Rolled 53 (1d100)

Rolled 20 (1d100)


You're worried that this thing's going to bring friends back with it, whether it's more workers to clear the bodies or guards to kill whatever killed them (that being you).

You make your choice and pull the trigger on your tox-sprayer, sending a fine mist of ungodly chemicals into the air.
They turn into a white mist as they travel, and thoroughly coat the insect's whole body, along with the whole area around him.

That gets an immediate reaction as the worker clicks it's mandibles together and hisses in apparent pain, before turning back to look at you.
Well, it tries to look at you, anyways.

It's eyeball clusters are currently coated in glass and toxins, so it can't see very well.

You simply step aside as it runs at you, albeit surprisingly quickly, and it misses you entirely.
The creature runs into the tunnel wall headfirst and bites at it vigorously for a few seconds until the neurotoxin starts kicking in...

It has a seizure, similar to the other one you sprayed, and then falls over onto it's side, where it then begins scooting around in circles.

Gods, that freaks you out. You can't even imagine what that must be like, or what this toxin would do to you if it got into your system.
Please let this suit hold. Please, gods.

"No punctures, no punctures, no punctures..." You murmur to yourself, while waiting for SOMEBODY to get back here.

The first person to do so ends up being Malix, who seems mildly irritated.

"Malix!" You hiss. "What the hell were you doing?! I almost got eaten while you were gone!" You tell him, pointing to the singular bug that you handily took care of.

He stares at it for a moment before just moving on, mentally speaking.

"Uh huh, whatever. Hey look, there wasn't much for look in that building, but i found a nutrient paste dispenser! And it still works, look!"

Malix holds up an insulated bag stuffed full of... dehydrated nutrient bars. Great.

"Okay? That's great, i guess..."

"What, are you kidding? There's a food shortage, you know! We can sell these back at the slave camp... well no, i guess we're eating pretty good back there... but the locals for sure will want these!"

Actually, yeah. He might have a point there.
It might not fetch a lot, but you have literally nothing to your name right now.

>How much paste is left in that thing? I'll haul as many bags as i can hold.
>Malix, these literally aren't even worth the effort of carrying them. We have to haul these ants back, too...
>Shouldn't we be letting the administrator know that there's a working dispenser in there instead?
>"Malix, they're feeding SLAVES the best food I've ever eaten. Just imagine what the locals are eating! What are we gonna get for a couple dozen crappy nutrient bars?"
>"Shouldn't we be letting the Administrator know that there's a working dispenser in there instead?"
>"Malix, they're feeding SLAVES the best food I've ever eaten. Just imagine what the locals are eating! What are we gonna get for a couple dozen crappy nutrient bars?"
>"Shouldn't we be letting the Administrator know that there's a working dispenser in there instead?"
>We have to haul these ants back, too...
>Plus the guns
>Dump the bags on the bugs and drag them all together

David should be informed of the dispenser with proof it works :^)
>I've got some of this... crap on me. I'd just contaminate it. Nice find though.
>Hey if we INDENTURED workers are eating this good maybe the locals are eating better
>Shouldn't we be letting the administrator know that there's a working dispenser in there instead?
I've got a bad feeling about this...
>>Shouldn't we be letting the administrator know that there's a working dispenser in there instead?
"These collars are constantly recording us, you absolute fool"
I like to imagine that because Ronnie's actually exercising regularly and being properly fed for the first time in his life, he's also experiencing an increase in red blood cell production.
That would mean more oxygen is getting to his brain, which would explain his sudden and profound ability to employ critical thinking.

"Have you stopped to think about this for even half a second?" You question.

Malix raises a brow and stares at you, shaking his head as if to urge your explanation on.

"Malix, nevermind me and you. You saw what they were feeding even the worst performers, didn't you? Even they got enough nutrient paste and... bread... to fill their stomachs plenty!
Some of them have even GAINED weight! Have you ever heard of such a thing? So what if there's a food shortage! If they call this a shortage i can't imagine what they'd feed us normally!"

"That's just because they're using as as muscle, Ronnie. I'm sure they'll stop feeding the ass-draggers the second their bug problem is taken care of, and what then?"

He pats the side of his insulated bag.

"These nutrient paste bars, as long as they stay dry, they don't go bad! This isn't just food for now, it's food for later, too! Ever heard of stockpiling, retard?!"

"I have, and i bet the administrator has, too! That's why we should be telling him about the damned dispenser instead of trying to steal it out from under his nose!"

As soon as you say that, Malix lunges forwards and pushes you over.
You trip on the corpse of a bug behind you and stumble into the tunnel wall.

He forces his forearm against your throat, pushing you against the wall. You can hear the collar around his neck ticking as it shocks him, and his grunts as he tries to ignore it.

"You little bastard, who the fuck do you think you are?!" He screams at you. "You don't want a cut then fine, but don't you DARE to dream that you're gonna fuck me out of my scav!"

Fucking psycho. There's something wrong with his head, to just flip on you out of nowhere like this.
But there are plenty of people like that amongst pirates, too. Not a lot, but enough that this isn't your first time dealing with this, and his threats don't scare you.

>You've got that folding knife the administrator gave you in a sheath on your belt... maybe if you poke a hole in him, his ego will deflate a little.
>Try to calm him down. Tell him you're not going to take anything from him, or mention it to anyone. If he wants to bite the hand that feeds, that's on him.
>You don't have to do anything. You know how bad those shocks hurt, and he's probably just barely standing. If he really tried to kill you, his head would pop. Just let it happen.
>You've got that folding knife the administrator gave you in a sheath on your belt... maybe if you poke a hole in him, his ego will deflate a little.
We might make an enemy of Malix, but we can't just let him walk all over us. Let's give him a new asshole.

>Tell him if he doesn't like the idea of telling the Administrator, that's fine, you can keep a secret but he needs to keep his hands to himself. Rough him up a little using hand to hand, just enough to get the message across.
this, and add in,
>He can hear us anyways you dumbass, these things record us, I'm not getting fried because you in bug infested shitpit
support. Malix is still one of the best soldiers David has, so it's in self-interest to keep him hole free. Not bruise free.
>Knife him
The microphone heard him already, he is not being shocked randomly.. I would vote to deescalate the situation but the way we made this alien we made him, come on all the votin was not for nothing is very benefitial as the new indentured captain for David.
Ohe way is to let the collar do its thing but I have a feeling Ronnie would be rewarded for being proactive
>We might make an enemy of Malix
I mean, it's either his enemy or his bitch there is no middle ground
>>You don't have to do anything. You know how bad those shocks hurt, and he's probably just barely standing. If he really tried to kill you, his head would pop. Just let it happen.
Keep goading him verbally too
>You're not too bright, are you? Too many Stims? Blows to the head? You should stop pushing your luck.

one of the best soldiers David has, so it's in self-interest to keep him hole free. Not bruise free.
He may have some skill, but with his temperament, lack of intelligence, and ego that just makes him even more of a liability. He's going to be wearing that shock collar until the day he dies, and the odds are decent that today is the day he graduates from wearing the collar.
We are our own strove
>"YOU FUCKING RETARD, YOU DON'T HAVE A PROTECTIVE SUIT! Get the fuck off me! There could be traces of neurotoxins all over me!"
Yeah malix is dead.
TRIPS OF DEATH CONFIRM, Malix has gone full retard and is smearing and huffing the bad goop.
Lol. Lmao.
Trips don't lie. Malix is going to die one way or the other.
>"YOU FUCKING RETARD, YOU DON'T HAVE A PROTECTIVE SUIT! Get the fuck off me! There could be traces of neurotoxins all over me!"
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Finally found it.
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"...You idiot. Did you forget that i'm covered in neurotoxin right now?"

You see Malix's eyes widen through the darkened glass of his helmet, and after his gaze turns to the rubber suit you're wearing, he immediately removes his arm.
He runs his fingers along his metal armguard, and you can hear the sound of glass grinding as he rubs the white powder between his fingers.

He's not focused on you right now, and you're not one to give up an opening like that, so you kick him right in the balls.

That almost immediately drops him, but this asshole needs to be taught a lesson, so you roll him over with your foot and kick him in the ribs.
...You get a warning beep from your collar for that, but it's worth it.

"You're not just an idiot, Malix. You're a dangerous idiot..." You sigh.

"What's going on over here?" You suddenly hear.

It's David and SHODAN, of course. Nobody else would be out here.
David is dragging an unconscious worker insect behind him, while SHODAN is holding a clutch of eggs in a net with one hand, and that sword you saw from before in the other.

The sword is dripping with yellowish bug goo... did she really use that thing in combat?

"Instructor! Uh... i uh..."

You struggle to come up with a good explanation for this. Malix is currently curled up, cradling his balls at your feet after all.

"Don't answer that." David interrupts. "I saw everything, so don't even worry about it.

David throws his worker insect onto the "living" pile in the tunnel, giving the other one you'd tox'd a quick glance before turning back to Malix, for whom he squats down to whisper into his ear.

"Haha, you're in so much fucking trouble."

That's all he says.
He doesn't shock him, or beat him, or even reprimand him.

He just laughed and moved on, which is somehow scarier. You almost feel bad for him... eh, nah. Nah, you don't.

"This one still alive?" David asks, pointing his thumb at the worker you took down.

"Y-Yes, instructor. I hit it with the neurotoxin. Uh... Malix, he might also have a little... on his skin..."

"Oh yeah? Well that's fine, we'll see what it does to him. I don't think it absorbs through the skin all that fast, and it's a fairly low dose, but... who knows, maybe it'll be useful."

David stretches his arms out behind his head.

"Besides, today's all about learning, right? Learnin' 'bout bugs, learnin' who can follow orders... learnin' who's top dog, apparently. Why not learn what happens when you accidentally spray an ally? Could happen, you know!"

"No, please..." Malix groans.

"Hey bud, i gave you a chance. Broke bread with you and everything, you know? You want to lie, cheat and steal, that's fine... but not on my station. Not to me, you understand?"

"I... wasn't... i mean... it's not really stealing, is it? It's just some paste... i just wanted to make a buck!" He whines.

"Ah yeah, see, that's the problem there. Everything on this station belongs to me, and i don't give a shit how you justify it to yourself."
>everything that the light touches is mine
>and everything it doesn't touch, too
>in fact, everything within a 12 mile radius in every direction is mine, capiche?
>Whatever in creation exists without my knowledge exists without my consent.
Rip and backing, dumbass gonna die
Everyone should get a chance at redemption, but sometimes you gotta realise that there's only one chance, not another.
>What would Cylia do?
>it is me! Cylia, and i say KILL THEM ALL!
Did they... touch your belly?
Not much Ronnie can or should do in this situation except try to advocate for Malix but interrupting David is... haha yeaaah not gonna happen,
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David rips the sprayer nozzle out of your hands and pulls you along with him as he walks over to Malix and lightly stomps down onto his stomach, pinning him in place.

"Which end do you want it in, boy? Top or bottom?" He growls.

"Wha... what?!"

You feel like you're about to be exposed to something horrific, but thankfully it's interrupted before it can proceed any further by a light coming down the tunnel, followed by an ungodly noise...
It gets both louder and brighter until you almost want to cover your ears, but then your helmet starts to dampen the noise automatically.

It's a really nice helmet...

"Shit, y'all been busy!" One of the human instructors, the Red-man says, leaning his torso out of possibly the strangest vehicle you've ever seen in your life.

"Busy fuckin' off." David replies, dropping the nozzle, which you hastily pick back up. "You're early, something happen?"

"Naw, i'm just lookin' around. Shit, this place looks like a commie block, don't it?"

"Yeah a little bit. You gonna help us load this shit up?"

"I was just gonna supervise, but you got a lot, huh?"

"Yeah it's a shitton of 'em out here, and they're a little aggressive. We got a few live samples though, that pile over there..."

"...Damn, Gunny. I don't think we can fit but one of them big'uns on the trailer."

"S'alright, we can toss the rest in the bed. I don't think it'll kill 'em."

Your translator can hardly keep up with what they're saying as they chat with eachother. It even throws a few errors, something you've only seen once or twice...
But the Red-man does help with loading up the insects, while "Gunny" shoves Malix into the cab of the truck and straps him into the seat, telling him not to go anywhere.

It takes all four of you, not including Malix, to drag the insect up and onto the large metal trailer attached to the back of this strange vehicle.
Shortly after that's done, it occurs to you that there's only room in the vehicle's cabin for two people... and a child, maybe.

Are you going to stay here with the bugs, or walk home?
You're done, right? You can leave?

"Alright, Ronnie. It's just you, me and SHODAN now." David announces with a big grin.

"...Huh? Are we not done?"

"No, Ronnie. We're not done. Red's gonna have to make at least a couple trips to get these bugs outta here, you know? And besides, i want to check out that nutrient paste dispenser."

"It would serve us well on the carrier if it's still in good condition." SHODAN tells you.

What carrier? You didn't see any carrier when you came here.

"Alright, just follow us for now, and put away that sprayer. No sense contaminating the greenhouses." David orders.


David and SHODAN waltz into the greenhouse that Malix broke into without an ounce of fear, although you can clearly see they're checking every corner as they walk.
However, the inside of the building is mostly open, with a large portion of it dedicated to hydroponic basins.

You can see a dozen or so worker insects on this floor alone, skittering about and messing with the plants.
Some of them are sucking up water from the basin to drink, while others are just... huh, what are they doing, actually?

This building has lots of vines covered in a white waxy substance that reminds you of hoverhauler fuel, and the bugs are just kind of... licking at them.
It almost looks like they're nibbling on the vines, but you don't see any damage to any of them. They run their mandibles up and down the vines repeatedly, then move on to another one.

You don't really care what they're up to, but it seems to have piqued David's interest. He stops to take a careful look at what's going on.

"Are they eating it?' He mumbles.

He leans over the basin and looks down into the water, then scoops up a handful of wax flakes which are floating on the surface.

"They appear to be removing the wax secretions, without damaging the plants themselves." SHODAN observes.

"Look at that that." David says, pointing to the bug you saw drinking a moment ago. "It's chewing the wax..."

You silently observe for a few more minutes as the bug chews the wax into a paste, then regurgitates it onto it's own shell, before spreading it around on it's body with it's legs.
It looks like a lengthy process, but you can see the end result in some areas. The bug's exoskeleton has become clean and shiny looking.

"For moisture retention, you reckon?" David guesses.

"Possibly. The air has become quite dry as temperatures on the station have dropped." SHODAN replies.

"These guys over here aren't flaking off the wax though." He observes.

"Yes, it appears to be cleaning the vine instinctively. However, there are no parasites here that i'm aware of."

"Not like a bug would know that. They don't know this shit's flammable either." He chuckles.

Moving on, you find an area further inside the building that seems to be meant for people.
There are chairs, desks, computers and, yes, even a nutrient paste station and lunch room. People must have come here to eat.

"It's pretty big, huh?" You comment.

"Huge, actually. The one on the metal gear is tiny compared to this... or at least, the part you can see is." David tells you.

...They have a nutrient paste dispenser BUILT IN to their ship?! Lucky bastard! You can't even count the times you were stuck on a ship in warp for weeks with nothing but dehydrated nutrient paste bars.
Those things, you gotta be careful with them... if you don't drink enough water, they'll plug you up, set in your stomach like concrete... you know a guy who died that way. Poor bastard.

David walks up to the dispenser, lets it scan him for a moment to determine his biological makeup and metabolic requirements, then dispenses a lovely bowl of slop, which he dips his finger into and has a taste.

"Same as ever, completely inedible." He shrugs.

Next, he dispenses a nutrient paste bar. They come either wrapped or unwrapped, your choice.
Delicious, delicious kibble
Now that we are in the stage with more humans running aorund the station, make it so it's very rare, as in, 3 out of 100 people for people to be aroused by aliens. And not in an acquired sense rather it just doesn't click for them. When faced with a shapely ass with waspish waist or nice tear drop boobs they can SEE how that's hot but their just aren't aroused. The can even touch the titty and they sure it feels nice but it's whatever.
The rockefeller siblins are the weird fucks
Iwonder if the temperature if affecting their behavior and the cold is making them more aggressive like bears before hibernation.

Also, those flamethrowers might be super effective but also carry the risk of runners setting fires. Hmmm.
I doubt that the station is flammable in general. Remember, metal built onto rock. Only the rich places have anything wood-ish. Of course, we have some exceptions like fuel storage or textiles...

He nibbles a corner off and chews it momentarily before spitting it out.
Have they spoiled...? They'd have to be really, really old...

"Yep, still tastes like eating sawdust."

Oh. Yeah, they're very dry and grainy, even fresh...

"Here." He says, offering SHODAN the bar. She takes it and bites half the whole thing off in one go... wow, how can she swallow that?

David then pokes his head through a side-door, which seems to contain the rest of the paste dispenser.
There's all kinds of machinery in there that you don't recognize.

"Oh, good! It's all one unit." He immediately declares. "We'll have to get a crew out here with a truck, take out this wall... a couple of walls... but yeah, we can use this."

"I will order the fabrication to begin immediately, Captain." SHODAN replies.

"Give it a sleeper cab, for funsies." He grins.

You aren't sure what they're talking about, but David always seems very happy when he's talking to this woman.
It's almost enough to give you whiplash, when not long ago he was about to keep you from sleeping with what he was going to do to Malix.

You can't hear a trace of that anger in his voice anymore. It just disappeared like it was never there to begin with.

Is there something wrong with him after all?
You thought he was crazy, but not like... genuinely crazy. He almost seems broken, somehow.

You think it might be best to avoid David as much as possible in the future, and stay on his good side when you do have to interact with him.
Nothing good is going to happen to you if you don't, that's for sure.

"...What was that?" David suddenly asks, whipping his head around to look behind you.

You freak out, expecting something to be there, but when you turn around, there's nothing.

"One moment, Captain." SHODAN says, making her way back towards the building's entrance.

You feel compelled to stick your head out the door to watch what she's doing, but David simply leans against the wall and waits for her with his arms crossed.
As the moments pass, you feel like you can hear something besides the chittering and clacking of bug feet on concrete inside the building. Screeching, maybe?

Something's screeching outside, but it's very quiet. How did he hear that?

SHODAN makes it to the entrance of the building, but instead of peeking outside, she removes the metal box from the small of her waist and just... chucks it outside, before walking back to you.

"One moment, Captain."

"Sure, take your time."

A few moments pass in silence with no explanation. Nobody says or does anything. You're so confused.
Then, a video feed pops up on your helmet out of nowhere.

It's... an overhead view of the tunnel leading into the district. There are three or four insects visible at the tunnel entrance, skittering around the pile of corpses you left there.

Oh. Oh no.

Several more begin flying in from all directions. They're swarming your only exit.

"Haha, ruh roh." David chuckles.
Haha time for bullets
I sometimes forget David is clearly insane, even to those moderately familiar with him. Ronnie's perspective is good at showcasing this, if nothing else.
Watch in terror as David improvises a fire weapon.
>Watch in terror as David improvises a fire weapon.
There could be potential with the lightning gun if we could get some sort of conductive aerosol in the air.
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So he is going to duct tape the lightning gun to the chem sprayer?
>He almost seems broken, somehow.
>F u n c t i o n i n g
Yeah, that line caught my eye, too. David has seen some shit, that was before alien abduction and fighting literal demons.
>"Haha, ruh roh." David chuckles.
This is when David makes the sound decision of calling for back up. Por favor

"Shit. Shit, shit, shit!" You cuss to yourself.

"Well now, hold on, calm down, son... let's just give it a minute and see if they fuck off." David tells you, patting your shoulder.

You wait, but more and more of them seem to keep coming, almost all of them flying in from random angles, with very few of the larger ground-based guards patrolling around.
It gets so bad that they start crawling over eachother around the pile of corpses, and you can hear the beating of their wings through the windows on the upper floors of this concrete building coffin.

Eventually, one of the insects spots the drone flying around and attacks it. You watch the camera feed shake as it's grabbed out of the air, and stare straight down the insect's maw as it struggles to chew it up with it's mandibles.

It does succeed though, and the drone goes offline, accompanied by a spark on the feed before it cuts, and a pop you can hear from inside.

"I liked that drone." SHODAN states monotonously.

"Sorry. It was due for an update anyways though... i'll see if we can recover it later. Still got a subspace signal?"

SHODAN shakes her head.

"Damn. Well, it probably spit the thing out when it popped. It'll be around here."

There's a massive swarm of pissed off insects with razor-jaws and venom stingers just outside, and he's worried about a drone.
No way, there's definitely something wrong with him. Something wrong with both of them, actually. You don't think this woman has expressed a single emotion this entire time.

Please, gods... any of you out there, if you're listening, don't let this be the end.

"Okay, so... one thing i've learned about this shithole is that the sewers are good for travel. Now, considering the amount of water over here, well... i'm sure it's mostly recycled, but there should still be one. SHODAN?"

"Searching local maps now, Captain."

"Great. Hey, gimme a sec, i gotta make a call."

Both of them ignore you completely. SHODAN stands still and lifeless like a doll, doing who knows what... while David chats away over the radio like nothing's wrong.

"Hey, Red! You made it back to the docks yet? ... Uhhhh yeah, we got a little issue over here, you're gonna want to hang back. Hey listen, you remember the big armor suit? Yeah, in the black crate. Sanig can get you up to speed on it."

SHODAN seems to finish her task rather quickly, but David spends about five minutes on the radio explaining shit you don't understand to the Red-man.
Honestly, trying to make sense of it fries your brain, but you recognize three important bits. Big suit of armor, tower shield and chaingun.

Now, you don't know what a chaingun or tower shield are, but you know they involve a big suit of armor, so you can guess.

However, you don't know if you've got enough time to wait on whatever reinforcements the Red-man's coming with.
You start to hear scratching outside, which turns to angry screeching and banging on the outermost door.
We went from Arachnophobia to EDF. Fuck these bugs are weird.
>Red gets in the power armor
He is going to be so mad he doesnt have one after he is done living his dream
he's gonna enjoy the 100% oxigen that's for sure
Oh yeah. I'm curious to see how his style in combat compares and contrasts David's.
I imagine Red's gonna try and do backflips and start pitching bugs like baseballs in the fucking thing.
I would love a sawed-off GAU-19 firing 12ga shot shells mounted on a clown car...

You look down at the yellowish bug-blood on your suit. There's some smeared on David and SHODAN as well.

"Oh gods, they can smell us." You mumble to yourself.

"Huh, shit. You might be right about that. Oh well, what's done is done." He shrugs.


You're definitely starting to freak out. You don't think it's unreasonable to be freaking out in this situation, either.

"Yeah, you're right. Okay."

David calmly walks out into the break room and looks around. He spots a couch in the corner of the room and quickly jogs over to it.

What the hell is he doing?

"Ronnie, grab one of these cushion covers! Quick!" He urges.

...You don't know what the hell he's planning, but you don't what to do in a situation like this anyways, so fuck it.

All three of you remove a cushion cover from the couch cushions, and David leads you over to the hydroponics area, where he starts using the fabric covers to skim wax out of the water.
SHODAN follows suit, and so do you shortly afterwards. A short while later, all three of you have... wet sacks full of wax.

"Great! Give me those. SHODAN, you know what to do." He orders, taking the other two sacks from you and tossing them in front of the entrance door, which is now bulging inwards from the insect's pounding...

As he does that, a sharp insect leg actually manages to pierce through the door, causing David to jump back.

"Woah! Hah, they're really pissed, huh? Alright, SHODAN! Hit it!"

Fucking nutjob. He actually sounds excited for this.

At his order, SHODAN raises her hand, and... what the hell? She fires a laser from the palm of her hand. That's some kind of bionic for sure, but... damn, it's powerful!
The laser sweeps across all three sacks of wax, setting them alight despite them being drenched in water. They spit and sputter as they burn, and the whole pile rapidly turns into a burning heap.

Black smoke rolls off it, slowly filling the room and creeping it's way upstairs.

The worker insects, affected by the smoke, quickly drop what they're doing and begin making their way up the stairs... probably so they can exit the building through the windows.
Shit, you hope the other insects don't find their way in through there. They seem to be focused on the door for now, though...

And just as you're thinking that, the entrance door bursts open, spreading burning wax fuel even farther as it slams into the burning bags, and causing the flames to roar up.

The insects try to charge in, but are blocked by the one in the lead, who tries to back away from the flames... but he's being pushed into those flames by the ones behind him, and shrieks in pain.

It's wings catch fire almost like paper, and it begins running around frantically just inside the building, while the others behind it see the flames rolling through the door and start to back off.

"Shit, it's headed for the hydroponic vats!" Gunny calls out.
>Roll me 1d100, best of 3
DC 60
Rolled 62 (1d100)

Rolled 50 (1d100)

Rolled 38 (1d100)

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Rolled 6 (1d100)

YOOOOO dude... saviour

Almost all at the same time, David places his body inbetween the insect and the hydroponic vats, as if he's somehow going to stop the burning insect from bowling him over.
Meanwhile, SHODAN unsheathes her sword, which immediately fills the room with an ear-grating high-pitched whine... but neither of them see you raising your gyro-rifle, and before either of them can do anything, you unload into it.

The gyro-rifle is able to pierce the thinner shell of these smaller, flying insects without bouncing off, and once lodged inside they continue to burn for a second or two, causing flames and smoke to billow from the entrance wounds...

Gods, what a nasty way to go.

"...Huh. Well damn, Ronnie. Way to go!" David praises.

The grating hum of SHODAN's sword disappears, and she quickly sheathes it again.

"Excellent work, Ron." She adds.

Oh. Well, you guess you did good, there.
You kind of just moved without thinking, but... it worked out.

However, there's still the issue of the insects outside. That fire doesn't look like it'll burn out any time soon, but you're worried they'll find another way inside before long.

"You find anything on the maps yet, SHODAN?"

"Yes, Captain. There is a manhole outside, 35 meters from this building. All the drains from here are far too small to enter."

"Well, shit. You think we can make that run?"

"I am uncertain, Captain. I would need to surveil the situation outside. The smoke on the second floor may provide sufficient cover."

"You won't be able to see through the smoke, though..." You point out.

"I am equipped with a thermal imaging sensor, capable of piercing the smoke. A thicker cloud would actually be beneficial, Mister Ron." She informs you.

"Oh, alright..."

You guess her helmet has a thermal camera. Theirs look a lot fancier than yours, so you don't doubt it.

"What do you think, SHODAN?" David asks her. "We could just go for it, don't give 'em time to think about it before we're already in the tunnels."

"It may prove fatal in the case that we fail, however."

"Yeah, so would staying here, though..." He sighs. "And if they do see you up there, they'll definitely come crawling through the windows."

David crosses his arms, tapping his fingers on his bicep as he thinks.

"We could set a bigger fire by the door, make more smoke..." He suggests. "But we'd risk bringing the building down, weakening the concrete like that. Might set the whole place on fire, too."

"Alternatively, i could serve as a sacrificial distraction while you make your escape, Captain. I am certain my frame would be undamaged, however, the skin and some components would likely be lost."

David turns to look at you for a moment with a predatory glint in his eye, visible even through the darkened helmet...
You don't like the way he stared at you, even if it was only for an instant.

"So Ronnie, you got any bright ideas?" He asks you, perhaps trying to cover up that murderous intent you just felt.

"Uh.. well..."

You don't dare to suggest that SHODAN sacrifice her life to let you two escape.
Can't even call that a mistake, it would just be suicide. That's the feeling you get...

>Set a bigger fire for SHODAN. Even if the building comes down, it'll be after we're gone.
>Just go for it. The bugs are so focused on the door right now, they probably won't notice if you just jump out the window and run.
>...Maybe we can just hold out here until the Red-man arrives? They aren't coming in yet, so...
>...Maybe we can just hold out here until the Red-man arrives? They aren't coming in yet, so...
If it were literally any other building, I would have gone for building a larger fire. Holding up here and waiting for Red to cut us a path seems like the next best option.
Is there a back door? Cause if so, maybe bringing down the building on em while we run off might be the right play
>"Insects like this usually identify their family through smell, don't they? We have a corpse right here. We could cover up our scent with it, and make our way to the manhole with that extra bit of help."
My brother in christ this is the HYDROPONICS INSTALLATION.
>"Insects like this usually identify their family through smell, don't they? We have a corpse right here. We could cover up our scent with it, and make our way to the manhole with that extra bit of help."

Good write in , could go either way. I like it.
Ronnie is average human smart. That's not bad for an alien.

Maybe the thing that aliens really need is just nutrition and stress
>>"Insects like this usually identify their family through smell, don't they? We have a corpse right here. We could cover up our scent with it, and make our way to the manhole with that extra bit of help."
x3 on the good idea
+1 from me, way better than relying on a high roller for next turn...
I vote to make Ronnie our baby Jurgen
>"Insects like this usually identify their family through smell, don't they? We have a corpse right here. We could cover up our scent with it, and make our way to the manhole with that extra bit of help."
We still have the chem-sprayer (do we still have the arc-thrower?). The fuel/ammo canister for it could make for a decent chemical/fire bomb, or we could just use it as-is on the bunched-up bugs hanging around outside.

If we could figure out what's drawing them to us, we could maybe set up a decoy to make them think we're still in the building.
If it's noise, perhaps something could be rigged up using what's onsite. If it's the smell of bug blood, then covering ourselves in more of it isn't going to help us.

Paraffin (wax) can also be used for rocket fuel. If we have something to oxidize it with we could either make another flame thrower or a pretty decent trap (such as flame fougasse, if we are willing to risk some collateral damage).
This idea seems too smart for Ronnie. He's pretty unga bunga.
>>"Insects like this usually identify their family through smell, don't they? We have a corpse right here. We could cover up our scent with it, and make our way to the manhole with that extra bit of help."

"Uh.. well... insects use pheromones to smell eachother, right? Maybe if we, i dunno... rub some bug pheromones on us, they'll think we're one of them?" You suggest.

David and SHODAN both stare at you in silence for a few long moments, punctuated by the chittering and clacking of exoskeletal legs and the burning insect carcass in front of you.

"Yeah, thanks Ronnie. If you want to dig through there and go looking for the stink-sac to rub on yourself, go right ahead, but i don't think that's gonna work out." David sighs.

"What? Why not?!" You ask, confused.

David just shakes his head, while SHODAN is the one to answer.

"Pheromone secretion is a natural biological behavior of many insects, and is often used as a signalling device to other insects for the purposes of mating, marking and warding, amongst other activities."

"Okay... and?"

"Meaning, there is more than one pheromone gland of unknown size in the insect's body, and each one secretes a different chemical.
However, without any data on said insect, which is what we're here to collect, it is impossible to know where the precise gland we would need is located, nor do we have the tools to extract it without damaging the surrounding tissue."

"Also, we just set this fuckin' thing on fire and shot it full of holes, so i'm pretty sure it's burnt all to hell." David points out. "Good idea otherwise, chief."

"Oh..." You reply, dejectedly.

Well, you tried. You don't know a whole lot about insects... you only lived planetside for a couple of years when you were younger.

"They're starting to get real restless out there." David informs you, looking through the flames at the door. "I think they're looking for a way inside."

"The smoke may ward them off for a time, however, i do not expect that to last. These insects seem particularly aggressive." SHODAN adds.

"Alright, fine. Fuck it, we don't have time for this, let's just book it and hope for the best. Sorry SHO, if they catch our tails, you might have to hold 'em off..."

"I understand, Captain. There is no need to apologize, this body was always meant to be sacrificed in combat."

Wow, this woman is really, really loyal to the administrator. You can't imagine being willing to die, no less in such a horrific way, just to save someone else...

"Ronnie, make sure your helmet's sealed, that smoke'll choke you out quick. You good jumping from the second floor?"

"Yes, it shouldn't be too bad with station gravity. My homeworld was 0.5g!" You exclaim proudly.

"Cool, you won't break your legs then. Alright, now when we run, if they start chasing us, i want you to just throw that wand over your shoulder and hold down the trigger. Spray might hold 'em off a bit, who knows."

"Yes sir, instructor, sir!" You salute.

David holds your hand as he leads you up the stairs through the billowing smoke.
Both him and SHODAN seem to have no trouble seeing at all and can easily tell where they're going, so you just have to trust them...

He leads you up to a window, which you can barely see out of, and tells you jump on the count of three.

"Pucker up, fucker! We're jumping on three!"

"Wait, i don't-"


"I gotta prepare myself mentally!"


"Ah, shit!" You cuss.


He pulls you with him as he jumps, and you land with a hard thud on the ground below.

Already, there are a couple of insects skittering around... and they seem to notice you.

"Now book it!" He yells.

>Roll me 1d100, best of 3
DC 50
Rolled 4 (1d100)

>David holds your hand
So are we his bitch now?
Rolled 43 (1d100)

Rolled 40 (1d100)

We had a good run
Rolled 10 (1d100)

Hey look, a crit
Rolled 1 (1d100)

Rolled 24 (1d100)

SHOdAN... she'll have to use a droid for a while I guess.
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Alas, poor Ronnie, we hardly knew ye.
He gets to have fresh new robo legs
Fuck legs.
On the upside, we made a very comfortable cushion for David's fall.

You feel your knees and shins ache from the impact as you hit the ground, but SHODAN and David don't seem affected at all.
They take off like a dart, and while you try to follow, you immediately realize how much slower you are than both of them.

Shit, was this his plan all along? Is he going to leave you behind to die, so he can get away?

It doesn't take long for the bugs in the area to notice the three of you running around, but they're slow to react.
They stare at you for a few stretched out moments before turning to chase you. And they're fast, gods they're so fast.

They beat their wings as they run along the ground to speed themselves up, kicking up dust and dirt as they barrel towards you.

You do as David told you, throwing the tox-sprayer over your shoulder and just holding down the trigger, hoping the poison would impede their vision or burn enough to slow them down.
Who knows if it's working, you're too afraid to look behind you, but you can hear their wingbeats getting closer.

You follow them into an alleyway between buildings.
David and SHODAN feel so far away, and even though you're running as fast as you can, it's like you're trudging through water compared to them.

They reach the manhole long before you do, and you watch as SHODAN digs her fingers into the gap between the concrete and steel cover, ripping it up like nothing.
That's when you feel something grab you... or rather, it grabs onto the sprayer nozzle in your hands, which is attached to you.

A flying insect has grabbed the nozzle in it's pincers, and is stabbing you over and over again with it's venomous stinger.

You feel the impact like someone punching you in the ribs, but there's no sharp pain of being stabbed...
Your suit is stopping the stinger from going through. He wasn't lying about armor being woven into it, you guess.

The insect rips your sprayer nozzle apart with it's jaws, and liquid toxin spills out onto it's head and thorax, then all over the ground... and all over you as well.
Having gotten into it's eyes, it's screeches from the pain and latches itself onto you with it's legs, then starts biting at you violently. You can feel the pressure on your arm and shoulder.

If it weren't for the metal armor under your suit, you think your arm would be broken already. This is it, you're going to die...

Or so you thought.

A heavily muscled arm passes in front of your eyes, and in the next moment the insect's head has nearly been cleaved in half.
Barely an instant later, David's leg, which might as well be a pillar of stone, slams into the insect's body and crushes it's exoskeleton, ripping off some of it's legs and launching it away from you.

The insect lands in a ruined heap, it's wings vibrating and trying to beat as it twitches it's last.

Another moment passes. Everything feels like it's moving so slowly, but also at a hundred miles an hour.
You've never felt something like this before. It's terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.
Suit integrity?
>Suit integrity?
>Internal organs?
Separated following enemy action

David rips the tox-pack off your back and stabs into one of the tanks with his knife, causing the pressurized fluid to spray out all over him, and onto the ground.

More insects are coming. They're right behind you, at least a dozen of them...
He saved you in the moment, but is he going to end up dying, too? You feel a wave of guilt wash over you, knowing that moments ago, you suspected him of leaving you to die.

He sees the coming too, and with the sort of strength that only cybernetic enhancements could afford, grabs you by the handle on your collar, which you'd honestly been curious about until now, and drags you with him faster than you could run.
Once he's made a bit of distance between him and the puddle of flammable liquids, he calls out.


At his command, she once again fires a laser from that arm of hers, instantly igniting the puddle of flammable liquids.
The flames fill the alleyway, just as they did in the doorway before. It stops most of them, but this time a few of the insects are able to jump over the flames by utilizing their wings.

Without looking back, David makes his run to the manhole and stuffs you inside headfirst. You fall five feet or so, smacking your helmet against the concrete tunnel...
You blink involuntarily, and when your eyes open, you're greeted by a rather unflattering angle of the administrator's undercarriage.

Above him, SHODAN is still outside, holding the manhole cover.

You wonder why she hasn't jumped in just yet, until she braces her whole body and swings the manhole cover with what looks like all of her strength.
The metal disk rings like a brass bell as it slams into the insect that was charging at her, crushing it's head into paste and sending it flying into the one behind it, bowling it over.

She then jumps down the hole while holding the manhole cover over her head, landing in a squat over your head as the cover falls into place, sealing you inside together.

There's maybe two seconds of silence above you before you hear the sound of their legs, clattering against the concrete and over the manhole cover.
There's an absolute swarm of them up there now. You were absolutely seconds from being ripped apart.

"Alright, i think we're good..." David sighs, flicking on his headlamp. SHODAN does the same.

You though, you just lie there, unable to move or speak.
Your whole body is shaking, and you almost feel like you're floating or something.

"You good, Ronnie? Almost bought it back there, huh?"

You don't know what that means. You didn't buy anything. You don't want to buy anything.

"I believe he is in shock, Captain."

"Well, he'll get over it. Get your ass up, you're a raider now." David demands, pulling you up to your feet.

The pain in your arm snaps out of your stupor just enough to respond.

"Y-Yes sir..."

Shallow breaths, Ronnie. Shallow breaths.

"What's wrong with your arm?" He asks, looking you over.

"Ah... b-bug..."
I think Ronnie's blorbler is a little fucky after all this. And maybe the kloklar is torn because of the two story high fall
Hey, we still have all our pieces, rad.

David roughly grasps your arm as he inspects it, which only makes it hurt more, but all you can do right now is groan in response to it.

"Ah, you're fine. Didn't even cut into the suit, you just have some muscle bruising."

"Ow." You whine.

"Oh get over it, you big baby." He chides.

David looks back and forth down each direction the tunnel runs.
Behind you is a fork, heading in two directions. There's a trickle of water flowing from both forks, draining in the opposite direction.

"Which way, you reckon?" He asks.

"Since the buildings have rather small drainpipes, i believe our only option is to find another manhole or to follow this drain back to the main sewage line." SHODAN tells him.

"Well i don't-"

David pauses just as he's about to speak, and hushes both of you.

"...Hear that?" He asks.

No, you don't. Even with the fancy helmet.

"Another insect." SHODAN informs you. "There may be an opening we're unaware of. It would be a problem if they made their way down here."

David and SHODAN both point their lights downstream, and only now do you think to turn your own on as well.
However, you're the first to raise your gyro-rifle, prompting them to do the same.

It's a tense few moments as the bug approaches, splish-splashing through the water, louder and louder, eventually enough for you to hear it...

So you're thankful that when it finally appears around the bend, it's just a little tiny guy, maybe the size of a cleaning robot... and it's carrying something.
David almost seems disappointed, while SHODAN maintains her guard.

"What's that in it's jaws? An egg?" David asks.

"It appears to be, Captain."

The (relatively) tiny insect stops for a moment as it spots the three of you, but after a few moments it continues on, simply walking around the lot of you, even crawling up the side of the tunnel at one point.
It then continues on down the left fork of the upstream tunnel without a care in the world, just like the workers up above.

"...Alright then. So i guess there's a spawning nest up that way. We've already got some eggs, but i didn't see even one of those little guys in that pile back there."

"The egg it was carrying had larvae visible inside. Perhaps the ones we collected were infertile, or awaiting fertilization." SHODAN suggests.

"Kinda makes you curious, don't it Ronnie?" He smiles at you.

Oh gods, you don't know how much more you can take of this.
You'd have been better off as a work slave in the core worlds. What's happening to you, Ronnie?

"Ah, come on, don't make that face." David says, hitting you in the side, painfully, with his elbow. "We're doing important work here, come on, man. You up for it or what?"

>...Alright, let's head upstream and collect some damned eggs, or something. I don't even care anymore.
>No way. We almost died back there, and this damned suit would have made it a slow death, at that. I don't want to be here!
>What about the third path? Maybe we could just... hide there for a while, until the Red-man arrives with backup.
>...Alright, let's head upstream and collect some damned eggs, or something. I don't even care anymore.
>Also, if there are worker and warrior castes... why not a queen? That's where these eggs would be coming from, right?
>...Alright, let's head upstream and collect some damned eggs, or something. I don't even care anymore.
>Also, if there are worker and warrior castes... why not a queen? That's where these eggs would be coming from, right?

finally ronnie's acting like a proper soldier!
>>What if instead of grabbing eggs we map where all that is happening so we know where to strike later? Maybe there is a queen that lays eggs and we can snipe her down today...
Killing grown adults is one thing, but without burning the nest... fucking insects man, they come programmed to do stuff they don't need adults to teach them.
>...Alright, let's head upstream and collect some damned eggs, or something. I don't even care anymore.
At least David seems the type to take responsibility.

So what does our gear look like, now? Just our suit and our rifle? If there is water available, it might be a good idea to clean our suits/armor off from any ichor. Who knows, maybe they DO use scent to find intruders. Can't hurt.

You have a hot, sweaty suit made of kevlar and rubber, over a set of light metal armor underneath.
For weapons you've got the Gyro Rifle and a folding pocket knife.

Depending on how you look at things, you also have David and SHODAN as backup weapons.
>"You're acting like I have a choice in the matter. Let's just get on with it before I die horribly, or something worse. You'll probably be fine either way."
Ronnie is gonna hit his resigned depression arc
>depression arc into boat arc into war arc
Ronnie got hit with the "interesting times" stick.
>+1 recon the way
>replacing gildur
Gildur gets promoted?


You brush David off of you.

"You're acting like i have any choice in the matter. Whatever, let's just get this over with so i can die whatever horrific death awaits me."

"Drama queen." David scoffs.

"I don't know what in hells made you think this was a good idea in the first place!" You snap. "Do you not care if you live or die?!"

David looks to SHODAN who shrugs, then back to you.

"What, are you retarded?" Is his response. "Of course i don't want to die. Do you see me standing there while i'm getting gnawed on like a fucking vegetable? No, of course not! From where i'm standing, you're the one not trying hard enough."

Turning around, he digs a box of gyrojet rounds out of SHODAN's backpack, and shoves it into your chest.

"Now, reload your fuckin' mags and get ready, cause we're going down that tunnel, and we're gonna kill anything in our way, and then we're gonna go home, get piss drunk and eat steak and fuckin' potatoes for dinner. Got it?"

"...No, not really. Why are you drinking piss?"

Drugs? It has something to do with drugs. Your translator isn't making any sense of it right now.
You heard rumors of someone in another crew who used to get high off fermented caithan piss. Supposedly he died after walking into an airlock and spacing himself.

...You know he's got at least one caithan on his crew, but you really hope that's not what he's talking about.

"I'm gonna fuckin' kill you." David grumbles.

"Yeah, that's what i've been saying." You reply, causing him to grab and squeeze both of your shoulders uncomfortably tight.

He sighs a lot, like a boiler letting off steam. You get the feeling he's under a lot of pressure...
But that's his own damned fault. Look at the situations he puts himself into!

His sighs turn into a weird sort of chuckle, then he spins you around and pushes you in the direction of the tunnel.

"Just go. Go that way, alright? Don't fuckin' say anything else, and just walk." He orders.

"...But what if we end up encountering a queen or something?"

"Un-fuckin' believable."

"What?! If there's eggs there's gotta be a queen! With... guards. Somewhere."

"SHODAN." He calls out, turning back away from you as he cradles his head in one hand.

"Mister Ron." SHODAN calls to you. "Your fears of an insect queen are well founded, however, you have been ordered to remain quiet for the time being. Any further quips or suggestions will be considered as insubordination."

"...What does that m-GHK!"

You're cut off as the collar around your neck gives you a short jolt.
Honestly, you'd almost forgot you were wearing it for a second.

"No talking." She orders.


Shocked again. Not even an apology, alright... fine...
You didn't have anything to say that they wanted to hear anyways.

Of course you want to leave. You shouldn't be here in the first place. Your shoulder is messed up, you lost that shitty tox-pack...
Today is just awful. And you still feel like you're floating. Is any of this even real?
Another outburst like this and we'll get a coaching on the importance of PMA, I reckon.
small talk is for R&R, Ronnie, not now
>small talk is for R&R, Ronnie, not now
With pirates it's always R&R
hyuck hyuck :^)

The shocks will continue until morale improves.

SHODAN shoos you on ahead, and you start walking without really thinking too hard about it.
Thinking is bad. Bad things happen when you think. Yeah, that's what your brain is telling you right now.

But you're also completely spaced out because you almost died just now, so you aren't entirely sure you're thinking straight at all.
Does it matter, though? You're being herded towards your death. In front of you, it's bugs. Behind you, it's two cyborgs who can move too fast for your eyes to track.

You start chuckling to yourself.

"Oh great, he's losing it." David grumbles.

This is so fucked.

Fine. Just kill everything in your way, right? Kill 'em all.
You look down as you walk, watching yourself reload the gyro-rifle mags you spent before.

Little metal cartridges, oddly heavy things. You can't even imagine what's inside them, or how they work like they do.
They're nothing like the weapons you're used to, and they function off entirely different principals.

Controlled explosions. So stupid, who thinks of shit like this?
It's amazing the whole rifle didn't just blow up in your hands when you tried to use it.

As you're thinking that, the whole tunnel vibrates, and dust falls from the ceiling.
In nearly the same instant, you hear a deep, booming thud in the ground.

"Oh hey, Red's here. Damn, that was quick."

"Mister Masterson appears to be quite eager to use the equipment you've loaned him." SHODAN informs.

There are three more thuds in quick succession.

"Is that my grenade launcher?' David questions.

"No, Captain. It seems he's printed his own. 40mm Belt-fed."

"Of course. Well, leave that mess to him. We'll do something about the meat afterwards."

"I have already arranged for a fleet of refrigerated trucks, Captain. They should be ready within an hour or two."

Inbetween explosions, you hear another insect coming up behind you.
It's carrying an egg like the first one, but it looks deformed, almost folded in half...

"Well that didn't look right." David points out.

"Interesting." SHODAN comments.

You continue to walk along the tunnel for some distance, listening to the sound of battle above.
It comes through especially clear whenever you pass under a manhole cover, or by one of the many little pipes dribbling water into the tunnel.

Eventually the explosions stop, and are replaced by an unfamiliar sound... almost like the rattling of a jackhammer.
It brings back back memories of your time on an asteroid mining crew.

You do your best to ignore it and just keep walking.
Thinking is bad, Ronnie. Don't think about it. Don't think about anything.

Something blocks your path. A strand of clear goop, almost like a stream of water, but solid enough to hang in the air.

You look up to shine your headlamp on the ceiling, and see a cluster of eggs stuck there with globs of the stuff.
Some of it drips down onto you and coats your suit. You try to wipe it off with your hand, but it just gets everywhere.

You're thinking about it.
>Fine. Just kill everything in your way, right? Kill 'em all.
Now you're gettin' it!
I hope it's this bugs eggs and not some OTHER shit
>You're thinking about it.
do it ronnie. let the intrusive thoughts win

While you're silently freaking out, SHODAN gently pushes you aside to look at the egg cluster in greater detail.

"Interesting. Eight out of eleven fertilized eggs appear to show signs of genetic defect." She says.

"How do you know the empty one's ain't fertilized? Could be they all are, but those didn't even get to the point of cell division." David replies.

"That may well be the case, Captain. It appears something may be wrong with the queen."

"...Well, if it's genetic mutation... you don't think?"

"Redsang is a likely culprit." She nods. "These insects have been scavenging corpses, after all."

"Uhg. I don't know what's worse, this or mad cow." He says, sounding disgusted.

Another little insect crawls past your feet, carrying yet another egg. This one is empty.
Both David and SHODAN watch closely as it walks by.

"That's weird though, ain't it?" David ponders.

"I would have to agree, Captain."

You want to ask. You can't follow this conversation at all, but you'll be shocked if you say anything.
Don't think, don't think, don't think...

Moving on down the tunnel, the sounds of battle get quieter and quieter...
They don't stop, you're just getting farther away.

You wonder how the Red-man is doing. He must have a lot of men with him to take on that many bugs at once.

...The tunnel opens up suddenly. There's a large room with a huge metal structure sitting in the middle of it.
You're not sure what it's for, but it seems to have had a hole chewed in it by the insects.

Water slowly drips from pipes in the ceiling, down into what you assume is the open top of this metal structure... and then right out through the hole in the bottom again.

"What is this thing?" David asks.

"It appears to be a clarifying tank. Excrement would have been collected here, and the solids settled out via sedimentation, using chemicals to coagulate the particulates."

"So it's a shit bucket, great. Why the hell is it so clear down here, then?"

"I would imagine that the insects have cleaned up any and all waste in these tunnels. Both for hygienic reasons, and as a source of nutrition." SHODAN explains.

Shit-eating bugs... that's just disgusting.

"Oh, wow. Come look in here..." David calls out, having leaned down to shine his light inside the hole in the clarifier.

Looking in there yourself, you see the bottom is covered in piles upon piles of eggs, a thousand of them at least, all sitting in a few inches of water.

"This area makes an excellent nesting ground, Captain. The presence of water combined with warmth from the steam pipes above are likely ideal for them." SHODAN further explains.

You look up above you and discover that there are in fact a number of pipes running along the ceiling, and the wet surface around them is steaming ever so slightly.
These tunnels must be warm compared to the surface.

"Ah, yeah... those go to the hydroponic basins, don't they? We had to divert a lot of power to this area, i remember that..." David grumbles.
>You wonder how the Red-man is doing. He must have a lot of men with him to take on that many bugs at once.
Also we should destroy these... if we only had some poison...
New bread

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