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  • File : 1315087142.png-(402 KB, 600x600, IRONHEARTCOVER.png)
    402 KB IRONHEARTS War Room: Kolstec Predeployment. IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/03/11(Sat)17:59 No.16168534  
    Battle is slated to begin at approximately 2100 Est time. Report to the defense line by then for roll call.

    This will be a long night, Hellghast, review your established defense plans while the others prepare the defenses.

    Post defense alterations now as if you had 2 turns of peace. Gunther or Mana may post the final versions.

    They will be finalized by 2000.
    >> [Sa]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/03/11(Sat)18:12 No.16168656
    "Put me where you need eyes, sirs."

    If our roster ends up allowing, I'd like to platoon some Sturm Scouts.

    >+1 squadmate
    >> Ghost of Lankest !cCsMsaA4k2 09/03/11(Sat)18:26 No.16168777

    He just gave EVERYONE that deploys TWO turns of FREE actions. USE THEM. Makes walls, dig holes, BUILD TURRETS. Don't just stand there twiddling your thumbs!

    And someone tell Jathan to stop crying like a damn baby!
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)18:27 No.16168789
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    This is the basic plan to improve from, I'd like IC though on if it'll work so I can do change to it before the deadline.
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/03/11(Sat)18:29 No.16168817

    Tunneling approved, there will also be "portal" doors in the mine to allow easy travel.
    >> [Sa]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/03/11(Sat)18:38 No.16168892
    ...Portals. You're giving us access to portals.

    What can these portals DO exactly, and who can set them up?
    >> [M] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/03/11(Sat)18:39 No.16168906
    Oh good, I made it! What to do, what to do...
    >> Pvt. Kess !Kdt2kegU6U 09/03/11(Sat)18:39 No.16168908

    Point A.

    Goes to Point B

    by door.

    >> Pvt. Kess !Kdt2kegU6U 09/03/11(Sat)18:40 No.16168912

    You wait the three hours it takes to set up and just

    Get Comfortable.
    >> [Sa]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/03/11(Sat)18:41 No.16168920
    So you stand at point A, open a door, and oh look there's point B staring you in the face?
    >> [Hm1]Pvt. Isane !!VMJuvVuY6J8 09/03/11(Sat)18:42 No.16168933
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    Just made a quick sketch to make things easier. I'd like my squad (preferably a platoon) of [Hn] to start out within the blue circle, on level 5 of the road. I believe that should give me an improved view of the battlefield, except for the shaded red areas I have indicated.

    I'd like to fire a few shots at our last peaceful turn, so they land right after the enemy shows up. If you can, could you give us a map with all the hexes on it so I can plan those shots accordingly.
    >> Pvt. Kess !Kdt2kegU6U 09/03/11(Sat)18:44 No.16168948

    If you're retarded.

    I think it just means that you get there within a phase without any movement penalties.
    >> [Sa]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/03/11(Sat)18:46 No.16168969
    So they're connected. OK. I derp'd.
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)18:47 No.16168973
    Platoon are going to people holding the line first, we'll see after that.
    >> [IRNSNL][P-Gr]Cpt. Gunther !3QUDPTn2Js 09/03/11(Sat)18:49 No.16168998
    Oh boy, here we go!

    So does the cannon work, and who's gonna get to fire it?
    >> [Hm1]Pvt. Isane !!VMJuvVuY6J8 09/03/11(Sat)18:50 No.16169000
    Understood Major, and that's fine by me. It will be helpful to be able to triple how many shots I put out but those up front will definitely need more manpower.
    >> [3As] Pvt. Kess !Kdt2kegU6U 09/03/11(Sat)18:53 No.16169028
    Platoon, Eh ?

    "Hear that you apes !? Cowboy up and follow me if you wannu LIVE FOREVA"
    >> [Sa]Finch !53bY5ndrTA 09/03/11(Sat)18:55 No.16169053
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    >purchasing +1 ACTION
    >0 XP remain

    (also, is it possible to put foxholes/bunkers/barricades on the GREEN areas that could at least make an arty/rocket strike on that area survivable?)
    >> [C] Magus !oQXbMGJNqs 09/03/11(Sat)19:01 No.16169104
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    I'm using me actions to drop an array at the red circle, move to the blue circle, and then make a steel wall at the place I marked.
    >> [C] Magus !oQXbMGJNqs 09/03/11(Sat)19:02 No.16169123
    If I can get a platoon, I'll be able to put up more walls and arrays.
    >> [SRPNT-S]Agent/Cpl. Vipera de Firmus !1/Y/FThShM 09/03/11(Sat)19:04 No.16169138
    >> Alphonse's ghost 09/03/11(Sat)19:06 No.16169154
    I sure hope the word that was supposed to go next was "line".
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/03/11(Sat)19:13 No.16169227
    theres already a wall there.

    lvl 2.5
    >> [Sa]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/03/11(Sat)19:15 No.16169240
    I do hope we actually have a PLAN to deal with the Huge Tanks the Voss fielded last battle, as opposed to a vague sort of "Hit it with everything that makes sense".
    >> [C] Magus !oQXbMGJNqs 09/03/11(Sat)19:19 No.16169279
    >> [P-Tr] Jenkins !C5w9flSi1w 09/03/11(Sat)19:21 No.16169296
    i'll be at the purple square underground acting as getaway car.
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)19:21 No.16169301
    Yep, The plan is to kill the officer before they can be called.
    >> [Ab]Sgt.Hodr !zBAepKDyw. 09/03/11(Sat)19:25 No.16169337
    Sarge's now on'the clock.
    Ready fer some planny-type work.

    >[5.5hp | 2actions | 4move | +1hit Sluggers[1.5dmg] | +2hit WOLF | +1 Squad Member]
    >> [P-Ss]Pvt. Springer !u/EYfo0o8s 09/03/11(Sat)19:34 No.16169439
    I'm no engineer, so I have no idea how to improve our defenses. If anyone needs help setting up their own defenses I can help with that.

    >2.5 armor
    >Armored Cockpits
    >3 Striders.
    >> [Ab]Sgt.Hodr !zBAepKDyw. 09/03/11(Sat)19:45 No.16169542
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    >Will choose to do this if possible only.
    >Need Maj/Cpt greenlight for this action.

    >I'd like to spawn as E, use the shaft to get down to the walls, and split my team to place turrets on the battlements as Anti-Air/Chasm-hopper countermeasures. Red 1st priority, yellow secondary. I have +1 action so I'd be able to spawn flags on both sides of the street if needed in the time alotted.
    >I'll want to do this if able to switch back to Ab before mission start.

    >[5.5hp | 2actions | 4move | +1hit Sluggers[1.5dmg] | +3hit WOLF | +1 Squad Member]
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)19:55 No.16169656
    fine by me
    Are you sure you want to do this? you'll probably sit there doing nothing the whole mission.
    >> [M] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/03/11(Sat)20:12 No.16169830

    Major, I'd like to deploy on the right ridge on the second (green) barricade. I can drop grenades from there and pop smoke grenades to cover the retreat of any forces from the first (orange) barricade.

    Of course, your orders come before my preferences. Put me where you need me, Major, and I'll be willing to serve.
    >> [Hm1]Pvt. Isane !!VMJuvVuY6J8 09/03/11(Sat)20:14 No.16169855
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    Going with what Hodr did, I'd like to spawn as E and put up a few things with Mana's permission. The thick orange line of barricades to give me some cover first, plant a flag next, and then if possible a normal turret on the triangle.
    Then I'll switch back to Hn and make sure I'm set up and in cover behind the barricades.
    I believe I should have enough action to do all this, but I'll wait and see what else goes on before trying to fire a few mortar shots to where the enemy will start.

    Upgrades: +1 Action,+1 Health, +1 Overwatch Action, Can full round action to double range.
    +2 Health from Mana, +1 Heavy Weapons damage from Gunther.
    >> [Ab]Sgt.Hodr !zBAepKDyw. 09/03/11(Sat)20:15 No.16169859
    I'd suggest, if anything, start at redline and pop flares N before you decide fall back.
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)20:18 No.16169899
    I don't mind, but I'd rather have all of you starting at the orange line, then fall back as you see fit.
    >> [M] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/03/11(Sat)20:23 No.16169965

    That's right--this'll be a night defense. Smoke would probably just make everything more confusing. Flares, though--I can do that.


    Of course, Major. We'll try not to disappoint.
    >> [Sa]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/03/11(Sat)20:29 No.16170025
    If a Sturm user moves, then overwatches, fires on the enemy phase, can they then move on the next action phase, and overwatch again?
    >> [Hm1]Pvt. Isane !!VMJuvVuY6J8 09/03/11(Sat)20:31 No.16170043
    I know you would, it's just that if I am going [Hn] I'd be better off staying near the rear and slinging mortar rounds constantly.

    Also, I know we'll have our [M]s shooting flares, but do we have any other light sources?
    >> [P-Ss]Pvt. Springer !u/EYfo0o8s 09/03/11(Sat)20:33 No.16170065
    If we have any casters, and assuming I can place arrays while riding my Striders, I'll place some arrays at the black marks indicated, on either side of the first line of defense. This'll let our casters unleash some damage on the Voss as they make their initial push, or allow us to erect walls to slow them down as we fall back.
    >> [P-Ss]Pvt. Springer !u/EYfo0o8s 09/03/11(Sat)20:33 No.16170072
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    Map to go with this.
    >> [M] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/03/11(Sat)20:33 No.16170073

    Speaking of flares, once we drop 'em out into the environment, how many phases do they stay lit?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:35 No.16170086

    iirc sturms are act OR move

    overwatch is an action

    [Sa]s can't move and overwatch at the same phase
    >> [Sa]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/03/11(Sat)20:39 No.16170127
    Loadout sheet says "Move or shoot". I assume this means I can move, and hack radios or spot, or take any action I normally could other than shooting.
    >> [Mnky][M1] Pvt. Armitage !!b5IxBuu9REZ 09/03/11(Sat)20:40 No.16170147
    Using one action from both turns to fire two flares out into the night. Spread out as far as possible. Using second action to plant flags around the backline, L7 and SW L9.
    >> [Mnky][M1] Pvt. Armitage !!b5IxBuu9REZ 09/03/11(Sat)20:52 No.16170261
    Forgot upgrades
    > +2 Range, +1HP, Monkey Aspect (+1 Action, terrain does not impede movement, automatic stealing, automatic reloading at end of turn)
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)21:12 No.16170437
    going afk for 30 minutes or so...
    >> [Sa]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/03/11(Sat)21:16 No.16170492
    Weren't there some Clovis troops on standby for deployment? Do we have access to them?
    >> [M] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/03/11(Sat)21:20 No.16170544

    They're our air support, aren't they? We're gonna need to clear the skies, though, before we can call 'em in.
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)21:37 No.16170708
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    >final version
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/03/11(Sat)21:38 No.16170712
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    >> [3As] Pvt. Kess !Kdt2kegU6U 09/03/11(Sat)21:39 No.16170716
    Put me in Zone A .
    >> [Sa]Finch !53bY5ndrTA 09/03/11(Sat)21:40 No.16170719
    >request deployment at C
    >> [Sa]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/03/11(Sat)21:41 No.16170730
    Reporting for duty at A! Scouts overwatching down the left canyon from the battlements! Priority targets only, will fire out of my listed range if necessary.

    Requesting Sa platoon!
    >> [Rtrvr][I]Soapworth !!lIURwBKIw5c 09/03/11(Sat)21:41 No.16170736
    "Reportin' fo duty."
    >> [Ab]Sgt.Hodr !zBAepKDyw. 09/03/11(Sat)21:41 No.16170737
    Hodr Reporting.
    If defense placement is after deployment, B so I can get those AA guns up.
    Otherwise A
    >> [C] Mage !oQXbMGJNqs 09/03/11(Sat)21:44 No.16170760
    Reporting to D
    >> [Mngs][vV1] Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)21:44 No.16170761
    Reporting to A

    5.5 armor 4 act 6 move
    >> [IRNSNL][P-Gr]Cpt. Gunther !3QUDPTn2Js 09/03/11(Sat)21:45 No.16170766
    Reporting at B.
    >> [P-Tr] Jenkins !C5w9flSi1w 09/03/11(Sat)21:45 No.16170771
    I'll be back behind enemy at the purple square in the Majors plans for retreat.
    >> [P-Ss]Pvt. Springer !u/EYfo0o8s 09/03/11(Sat)21:46 No.16170776
    Reporting to A.

    >2.5 armor
    >Armored Cockpits
    >3 Striders.
    >If gatlings are heavy weapons, Gatling damage 3 from Gunther's command bonus.
    >> [Mnky][M1] Pvt. Armitage !!b5IxBuu9REZ 09/03/11(Sat)21:46 No.16170778
    Reporting for front line duty.

    > +2 Range, +1HP, Monkey Aspect (+1 Action, terrain does not impede movement, automatic stealing, automatic reloading at end of turn
    >> [C] Magus !oQXbMGJNqs 09/03/11(Sat)21:47 No.16170790
    That's me, I had a brainfart.
    >> [Hr]Pvt. Hewitt !!kb8C2eH4QEa 09/03/11(Sat)21:49 No.16170807
    Reporting to B.
    >> [M] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/03/11(Sat)21:49 No.16170812
    Deploying at B.

    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)21:50 No.16170814
    Ummm anyone can tell what is this? seems a roll game... how i get in?
    >> [Mngs][vV1] Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)21:50 No.16170815
    I need your position soldier,
    otherwise 12/17
    >> [Ab]Sgt.Hodr !zBAepKDyw. 09/03/11(Sat)21:51 No.16170829
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    hey buddy.
    Pick a class, secure your name, and report in, we're just about to start.
    >> [Ab]Sgt.Hodr !zBAepKDyw. 09/03/11(Sat)21:52 No.16170834
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    Here's the class sheet
    >> [P-Ss]Pvt. Springer !u/EYfo0o8s 09/03/11(Sat)21:52 No.16170836
    Requesting Strider platoon if points allow. We'll need all the staying power we can get on the front line.
    >> [Rtrvr][I]Soapworth !!lIURwBKIw5c 09/03/11(Sat)21:52 No.16170837
    Put me at A
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/03/11(Sat)21:55 No.16170861
    >> [Mngs][vV1] Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)21:56 No.16170868

    springer and finch request for a platoon is granted, same for finch.
    If I missed you tell me so, this roster is complicated.

    [Mngs][vV1] Mjr.Mana

    [3As2] Pvt. Kess

    [Mnky][M1] Pvt. Armitage


    [P2-Ss]Pvt. Springer

    [Sa2]Pvt Vahn

    [M2] Pvt. Paisley

    [Hr1]Pvt. Hewitt

    [IRNSNL][P1-Gr]Cpt. Gunther


    [C1] Mage
    >> [IRNSNL][P-Gr]Cpt. Gunther !3QUDPTn2Js 09/03/11(Sat)21:58 No.16170881
    If we still have slots, I'd like to take a couple of BiTanks as support.
    >> [Sa]Finch !53bY5ndrTA 09/03/11(Sat)21:58 No.16170882

    (uh, did not request for a platoon, I believe you mean Vahn)
    >> [Hn1]Pvt. Isane !!VMJuvVuY6J8 09/03/11(Sat)21:58 No.16170883
    "Mortar team ready for a fight, let's see those Voss just try and take this city!"

    Spawning at E. If we still get those two phases of peace, I'd like to plant a flag on that repair building and move over to be set up right in front of that 'A' door.
    If possible I too would like to platoon, 15 shots will be a lot better than 5.
    >> [P2-Ss1SsSs]Pvt. Springer !u/EYfo0o8s 09/03/11(Sat)21:58 No.16170889

    Roger, affixing callsign. I'll make good use of these reinforcements.
    >> [Sa2]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/03/11(Sat)21:59 No.16170892
    A, Ma'am. Vahn is at A with a platoon, Finch never requested a platoon.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)22:01 No.16170921
    Ummm any restrictions to roll?
    >> [Mngs][vV1VV] Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)22:02 No.16170924
    Oh god I hate this job 19/20

    [Mngs][vV1VV] Mjr.Mana

    [3As2] Pvt. Kess

    [Mnky][M1] Pvt. Armitage


    [P2-SsSsSs]Pvt. Springer

    [Sa2SaSa]Pvt Vahn

    [M1] Pvt. Paisley

    [Hr1]Pvt. Hewitt

    [IRNSNL][P1-Gr]Cpt. Gunther


    [C1] Mage

    [Hm1HmHm]Pvt. Isane
    >> [Sa2]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/03/11(Sat)22:03 No.16170939
    Again, A please.
    >> [Sa]Finch !53bY5ndrTA 09/03/11(Sat)22:04 No.16170953

    (all rolls are d10, low rolls are good, high; bad)
    >> [Mngs][vV1VV] Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)22:04 No.16170954
    You can choose whatever you want... except a Gr I guess


    [Mngs][vV1] Mjr.Mana

    [3As2] Pvt. Kess

    [Mnky][M1] Pvt. Armitage

    [Sa2SaSa]Pvt Vahn


    [P2-SsSsSs]Pvt. Springer

    [M1] Pvt. Paisley

    [Hr1]Pvt. Hewitt

    [IRNSNL][P1-Gr]Cpt. Gunther


    [C1] Mage
    >> [3As2] Pvt. Kess !Kdt2kegU6U 09/03/11(Sat)22:05 No.16170960
    Affixing, Callsigns;
    WE'RE GETTING SPORTY HERE, BOYS AND GIRLS. And be sure to keep an extra knife in you boot !
    >> [Hn1]Pvt. Isane !!VMJuvVuY6J8 09/03/11(Sat)22:05 No.16170968
    Sorry to be a bother and it's my fault, but I forgot to change to [Hn], so just making sure so I spawn as what I meant to spawn as.
    >> [Sa2SaSa]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/03/11(Sat)22:06 No.16170976
    Let the hunt begin.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)22:07 No.16170980
    I can roll a vanguard Knights? if so what i should put on the name?(Iknow my name, but ranks and stuf?)
    >> [Mngs][vV1VV] Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)22:07 No.16170985
    i hope we won't get too much mission like this one...


    [Mngs][vV1] Mjr.Mana

    [3As2] Pvt. Kess

    [Mnky][M1] Pvt. Armitage

    [Sa2SaSa]Pvt Vahn


    [P2-SsSsSs]Pvt. Springer

    [M1] Pvt. Paisley

    [Hr1]Pvt. Hewitt

    [IRNSNL][P1-Gr]Cpt. Gunther


    [C1] Mage

    [Hn1HnHn]Pvt. Isane
    >> [P2-Tr] Jenkins !C5w9flSi1w 09/03/11(Sat)22:07 No.16170989
    I seem to be missing
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)22:08 No.16170998
    [V2] Pvt."name"#trip
    >> [P2-Ss1SsSs]Pvt. Springer !u/EYfo0o8s 09/03/11(Sat)22:08 No.16171004

    For that, you'd put [V]Pvt. Your Name. You'll probably be [V2] because we've only got one other Vanguard.
    >> [Ab1]Sgt.Hodr !zBAepKDyw. 09/03/11(Sat)22:09 No.16171009
    "There'ain no falling back tonight Ghasts. Either we're turnip feed or we're real Ragnyllians."

    "So any misconceptions that we can "fall back" should be out of yer' minds."

    "The El Tee along with several of'r friends gave it all up in in the'Finger, just so we can have this chance to kick the Voss 2nd Army off RAGNYLLIAN soil. Don't waste it. Don't cower."

    "There ain't no going to hell. There ain't no 'eaven awating you. Your orders are as follows, Kill Voss, keep killing Voss, and live to keep killing Voss the next day."

    "Knuckle up, 'ghasts.
    >> [V2]Pvt. Vrak !FZgnQVcDsw 09/03/11(Sat)22:09 No.16171026
    Vanguard Knight Vrak, reporting for duty sir! send me to the front line!(To A please)
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/03/11(Sat)22:10 No.16171032
    Named changed accordingly.

    >> [Mngs][vV1VV] Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)22:11 No.16171048
    You'll start at A


    [Mngs][vVVV1] Mjr.Mana

    [3As2] Pvt. Kess

    [Mnky][M1] Pvt. Armitage

    [Sa2SaSa]Pvt Vahn


    [P2-SsSsSs]Pvt. Springer
    [P3-Tr] Jenkins

    [M1] Pvt. Paisley

    [Hr1]Pvt. Hewitt

    [IRNSNL][P1-Gr]Cpt. Gunther


    [C1] Mage

    [Hn1HnHn]Pvt. Isane
    >> [C1] Magus !oQXbMGJNqs 09/03/11(Sat)22:11 No.16171049
    Got it, sa!

    I'll try and slow them down from reaching the back lines as much as I can.
    >> [Mngs][vV1VV] Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)22:13 No.16171082
    last minute correction verify you're all there


    [Mngs][vVVV1] Mjr.Mana

    [3As2] Pvt. Kess

    [Mnky][M1] Pvt. Armitage

    [Sa2SaSa]Pvt Vahn


    [P2-SsSsSs]Pvt. Springer
    [P3-Tr] Jenkins

    [M1] Pvt. Paisley

    [Hr1]Pvt. Hewitt

    [IRNSNL][P1-GrBtBt]Cpt. Gunther


    [C1] Mage

    [Hn1HnHn]Pvt. Isane
    >> [M1] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/03/11(Sat)22:14 No.16171090

    Still here, ma'am. But am I M1 or M2? I was thinkin' Armitage would be M1...
    >> [V2]Pvt. Vrak !FZgnQVcDsw 09/03/11(Sat)22:14 No.16171096
    Thanks you sir!
    They will not reach the back lines if they don't kill me first.
    >> [Ab1]Sgt.Hodr !zBAepKDyw. 09/03/11(Sat)22:16 No.16171108
    Also, posting for good measure. (dat +1 squaddie.)

    >[5.5hp | 2actions | 4move | +1hit Sluggers[1.5dmg] | +3hit WOLF | +1 Squad Member]
    >> Ghost of Alphonse 09/03/11(Sat)22:16 No.16171117

    Put up the defenses.
    >> [Mngs][vV1VV] Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)22:17 No.16171124
    M2, like I said this is probably the biggest we ever did and the different spawning point don't help.
    >> [C1] Magus !oQXbMGJNqs 09/03/11(Sat)22:19 No.16171153
    : (
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/03/11(Sat)22:19 No.16171155

    Thanks for the clarification, changed accordingly.
    >> [SRPNT-S]Agent/Cpl. Vipera de Firmus !1/Y/FThShM 09/03/11(Sat)22:20 No.16171170
    did you forget me?
    >> [Hn1HnHn]Pvt. Isane !!VMJuvVuY6J8 09/03/11(Sat)22:20 No.16171176
    "Armitage, got a second? Sorry I won't be out on the front with ya and the others, but uh... just take this, for good luck eh?"

    Isane hands her a single grey flower, before running off to her own position.
    >> [Mngs][vV1VV] Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)22:22 No.16171198
    >because it's the first time you post since the roll call

    [SRPNT-S1]Agent/Cpl. Vipera de Firmus

    [Mngs][vVVV1] Mjr.Mana

    [3As2] Pvt. Kess

    [Mnky][M1] Pvt. Armitage

    [Sa2SaSa]Pvt Vahn


    [P2-SsSsSs]Pvt. Springer
    [P3-Tr] Jenkins

    [M2] Pvt. Paisley

    [Hr1]Pvt. Hewitt

    [IRNSNL][P1-GrBtBt]Cpt. Gunther


    [C1] Mage

    [Hn1HnHn]Pvt. Isane
    >> [Sa3]Finch !53bY5ndrTA 09/03/11(Sat)22:23 No.16171210
    >> [Mnky][M1] Pvt. Armitage !!b5IxBuu9REZ 09/03/11(Sat)22:27 No.16171253
    Armitage just blushes, and opens her mouth, but nothing comes out. She nods firmly, and after a moment finally squeaks "I'll do my best"
    >> [SRPNT-S]Agent/Cpl. Vipera de Firmus !1/Y/FThShM 09/03/11(Sat)22:30 No.16171286
    Yeah, i fucked up verification and didn't notice.

    anyways, dropping the gigantic goddamn upgrade thing followed by statline
    Aspect: Serpent (+1melee rating, silenced weapons, camoflage)
    Aspect upgrades:
    SnakeCamo(always count as hidden)
    another +1 melee rating for a total of +2
    +1 melee damage
    the ability to doublestrike in melee.

    Scout upgrades
    +1 hp Total of 2.5 before command hp
    +1move total of 5
    +5 actions total of 6
    +1 squad member total of 2

    2xS 2.5hp 5m 2x6 act
    Serpent (+2 melee rating, +1 melee damage, Double strike in melee, Silenced weapons, Camo, Snakecamo)
    >> [V2]Pvt. Vrak !FZgnQVcDsw 09/03/11(Sat)22:39 No.16171369
    Sir what are we waiting for?!
    >> [IRNSNL][P-Gr]Cpt. Gunther !3QUDPTn2Js 09/03/11(Sat)22:40 No.16171381
    We're waiting for IC to generate the map. He's got to draw them from scratch to account for our units and actions, so each phase takes at least an hour for him to finish.
    >> [V2]Pvt. Vrak !FZgnQVcDsw 09/03/11(Sat)22:43 No.16171401
    ok, Off roll emmm can you tell me the sex of every player in game?(due to calling everybody "Sir" it's strange)
    >> [Sa2SaSa]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/03/11(Sat)22:46 No.16171433
    Aww but that's the fun part, findin' out fer yerself.

    (Hint, we have lesbians. The rest is up to you.)
    >> [V2]Pvt. Vrak !FZgnQVcDsw 09/03/11(Sat)22:48 No.16171461
    I think i will get my face slaped... a lot of times.
    >> [Mngs][vV1VV] Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)22:49 No.16171471
    Do we? I don't pay attention most of the time.
    >> [V2]Pvt. Vrak !FZgnQVcDsw 09/03/11(Sat)22:50 No.16171491
    Armitage and Isane right?
    >> [Ab1]Sgt.Hodr !zBAepKDyw. 09/03/11(Sat)22:51 No.16171499
    The sarge likes women. The sarge is a lesbian.
    >> [Mngs][vV1VV] Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)22:52 No.16171506
    Like I said I don't pay attention to most of the rp unless it concern me.
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/03/11(Sat)23:22 No.16171896
    As a random game announcement.

    I will enact a level cap after this game. 6 upgrades.
    This doesnt include Commander upgrades, or
    Aspect Upgrades which also have a 3 upgrade cap.

    So Again, that's
    >Class: 6
    >Aspect: 3
    > [DemiHuman]: 6
    Upgrades you can purchase

    Extra XP can then be used for the following:
    >Other classes
    > EXP share
    > and training your Legacy Character in which 1/2 of pooled exp can transfer. [Once you hit Logistics Level 3]

    Characters who are already over the cap can remain as is- Congratulations, you are the last of your dying breed.
    >> [V2]Pvt. Vrak !FZgnQVcDsw 09/03/11(Sat)23:24 No.16171933
    Cool... i'm going to die.
    >> [Sa3]Finch !53bY5ndrTA 09/03/11(Sat)23:32 No.16172025
    (oops don't think I'll be able to stay, go ahead and drop me from the roster, good luck)
    >> [Mnky][M1] Pvt. Armitage !!b5IxBuu9REZ 09/03/11(Sat)23:32 No.16172026
    I have errands to run. Someone from STG bot me
    >> [Mngs][vV1VV] Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)23:38 No.16172106
    >Nothing going over IC caps unless I dump it all somewhere which I won't same it doesn't make sense.
    >> [Cf]Pvt. Regal !!L2zyfu679cs 09/03/11(Sat)23:42 No.16172155
    If people are dropping out maybe I could be added to the roster?
    >> [Mngs][vV1VV] Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/03/11(Sat)23:44 No.16172194
    I'm not sure IC is currently reading the thread seeing as he was drawing enemies when I last talked to him, please join when the first action phase start if you aren't there when he post. you'll be [Cf2]
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/03/11(Sat)23:48 No.16172234
    Action Phase will begin shortly.

    Compiling first post.
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/03/11(Sat)23:53 No.16172279

    GO GO GO GO !!

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