/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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February 2011
14039948Resolution Systems for GM'sMath heavy resolution systems using d6 and d20 are presented as ways around the usual vagueness of damage infliction. Also conversation on non-die related systems.GM, PnP, resolution, system, damage, math, complex, useful2011-02-26 1 
May 2011
14934781MathquestThe story of a lonely variable, who soon finds himself mixed up in crazy shenanigansMath, Quest2011-05-16 0 
15041421Pencil...Dice?Anon proposes that pencils can be substituted for six-sided dice. Math and SCIENCE! ensue./tg/ gets shit done, science, math, dice2011-05-25 26 
September 2012
20791525Zerg Quest CIVBoarding actions against the Xel'Naga begin, despite petty arguing. That's cool, I was playing StarFox for that part.Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Xel'Naga, Fabulous math, Throw zerglings at your problems, They're in the ceilings!2012-09-20 7 
February 2013
23116382Aftermath 1 (argonianquest)You're an Argonian forced into exile to the north. It's... really cold in skyrim.Aftermath, Collective Game, Quest, TES, the elder scrolls2013-02-14 13 
July 2013
26102599Vampire Population Dynamics/tg/ uses biological models and mathematical statistics for studying the vampire population of the world. Count von Count would be proud.vampire, math2013-07-19 10 
December 2013
28734574Iron Father SmashfuckerAnon Mathhammers how one Chapter Master can fuck up other deadly characters.40K, Mathhammer, Iron Hands, Smashfucker, Space Marines2013-12-09 8 
28818975Smashfucker revisitedAnon returns again with some corrected results about Iron Father Smashfucker and his battles40K, Mathhammer, Iron Hands, Smashfucker, Space Marines2013-12-12 4 
January 2014
29832663Monster Girls Quest 101Monster Girls Quests, Collective Game, Monster Girls, QuestWhere we deal with the aftermath of battle, too much things to do for a single man. 2014-01-28 5 
July 2014
33397606Chaos Gods Poll OP tries to correlate personality/relations and the preferred Chaos gods of anonssurvey, statistics, 40k, chaos, science, math, nurgle2014-07-14 1 
October 2015
43357730Crusader Quest 38Mathilde resolves the conspiracy in RamlaCrusader Quest, Deus Vult, Mathilde, HistoricalFiction,2015-10-30 13 
January 2016
45119754Crusader Quest part 44Mathilde is introduced to JerusalemCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Mathilde, HistoricalFiction,2016-01-31 11 
February 2016
45166151Crusader Quest part 45Mathilde conspires in Jerusalem on her brother's behalfCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Mathilde, HistoricalFiction,2016-02-02 12 
March 2016
46210187Crusader Quest part 46Hugo's TrialCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Mathilde, HistoricalFiction2016-03-24 13 
46276584Crusader Quest part 47The march to Ascalon beginsCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Mathilde, Wilhelm, HistoricalFiction2016-03-27 12 
July 2016
48376198Crusader Quest part 51We fend off a saracen sally but not without losses while Mathilde shares a tender moment with EliasCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Mathilde, HistoricalFiction,2016-07-21 13 
August 2016
48575109Crusader Quest part 53The politics of the camp demand attentionCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Mathilde, HistoricalFiction,2016-08-02 13 
48816723Crusader Quest part 55Hugo seeks advice about his situationCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Hugo, Mathilde, HistoricalFiction,2016-08-16 13 
49047174Crusader Quest part 56The Walls of Ascalon are capturedCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Mathilde, HistoricalFiction,2016-08-29 14 
September 2016
49172151Crusader Quest: The EndOur story draws to a close.Collective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Mathilde, Hugo, HistoricalFiction,2016-09-05 27 
588958Civ Thing Aftermath Adventure #1The sequel to Civ Thing where all the tribes are enslaved by The Kingdom. Salt levels are at a dangerously high state.Civ Thing, Civ Thing Aftermath, Collective Game, notapaladin2016-09-20 1 
600481Civ Thing Aftermath Adventure #2Switched viewpoint over to the goblins for this one. Ended in failure.Civ Thing, Civ Thing Aftermath, Collective Game, notapaladin2016-09-21 1 
606300Civ Thing Aftermath Adventure #3This time it's a double feature of Elves and Dragons. One ended in failure and the other didn't.Civ Thing, Civ Thing Aftermath, Collective Game, notapaladin2016-09-25 1 
625596Civ Thing Aftermath Adventure #4Barbarians get salty as their Chief betrays their religion and joins a war against the barbarian God BrockCiv Thing, Civ Thing Aftermath, Collective Game, notapaladin2016-09-29 1 
October 2016
637485Civ Thing Aftermath Adventure #5Manlets get another chance to be the hero. Then they ate shit and got stabbed in the face.Civ Thing, Civ Thing Aftermath, Collective Game, notapaladin2016-10-02 1 
652414Civ Thing Aftermath Adventure #6Barbarians are shown to be delusional wusses. There was also an elf kid.Civ Thing, Civ Thing Aftermath, Collective Game, notapaladin2016-10-10 1 
690158Civ Thing Aftermath Adventure #7return of a manletCiv Thing, Civ Thing Aftermath, Collective Game, notapaladin2016-10-21 1 
699213Civ Thing Aftermath Adventure #8Triple feature. Only 1 ended with somewhat successCiv Thing, Civ Thing Aftermath, Collective Game, notapaladin2016-10-21 1 
741672Civ Thing Aftermath Adventure #9A dragon and elf cements their places in Civ Thing 2, whenever that is.Civ Thing, Civ Thing Aftermath, Collective Game, notapaladin2016-10-26 1 
749863Civ Thing Aftermath Adventure #10Final episode. Brock gets rekt and barbarians still suck dick.Civ Thing, Civ Thing Aftermath, Collective Game, notapaladin2016-10-28 1 
November 2017
56200296Demon Hunter Halloween 2017 Aftermath/tg/ counts casualties and takes inventory of survivors. It does not look good.halloween, 2017, aftermath, demons, skellingtons, spooky, scary, skeletons, survivors, demon hunters, hunters2017-11-03 3 
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