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10/31/11(Mon)06:43 No.16794232FFFFFUUU- This disorganized piece of bullcrap of a company... Sorry, gotta vent.
Anyway, aside from totally unfairylike of us building a warren, we need to start squishing pods for sparkles. Soon. We have to many low-sparkle gurlz. They are just easy prey for any fairy raiding parties that come soon.
Also, I suspect cunning comes with extra sparkles, unlike Trixie, who is hearing voices of the tg hivemind under that pinkish-purple mop of a hair of hers.
Thoughts: 1. Can we train ourselves in order to pick what powers we get next level up? 2. Mobz are nice, but if there aren't any Waaagh-system in place, maybe we ought to supplement our grotz- I mean, bratz with save-or-suck techs, like archery (hallucinogen shroom), traps (sapped nets, pits, big rocks, springed branch, etc.), fortress-building, also some games like hide-and-seek (improve personal stealth/spot), tag and wrasslin' (stamina), etc. 3. Nominating Bloomstar as waifu so that Twinkle got jealous and Backstab us!!! What tragedy! What drama! What fun! 4. Ignore number 3 5. Farm hallucinogen mushroom as commodity in exchange for sparkles 6. In the same vein, try other stuffs like keeping Beetle and Larvae near magic source 7. Waitaminute, investigate screams first, then farm 8. IS MAH DRAWINK' GUD? Trixie was made in cute-mode, not alien-fae image. Should I do the others? 9. Continue the thought that sparkles are yourself, that you-part-of-me 'philosophistry'; it fits 10. I need more sugar |