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RULES AND STATS: http://pastebin.com/SeV4Mmqv

You are KARLA WEISS, a Belkan fighter pilot looking to carve your own place in the skies!

"It's just going to be simple stuff today." Samantha says as she points to the map on the table. It was very low tech compared to the digital display table she usually used, but you've only just arrived to Atlas' headquarters in Area B7R, the Pillar, and you and the rest of the Artemis team haven't had a chance to really settle in yet. "You'll be doing a combat air patrol on Atlas' northern boundaries."

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"Expected resistance?" Lilian asks.

"Pretty light. As long as you don't venture too far out of Atlas territory, it's not likely that Dahl or Hyperion flights will challenge you. However, that doesn't preclude hotheads on either side starting shit." Samantha shoots all of you a warning look. "We want to keep conflict to a minimum. Other than that, the most likely opponent you'll be facing will be recon UAVs. I know they're not very challenging targets, but we don't them having their way in our client's airspace."

"Understood." You nod. "Anything else we should know?"

"You might get messages on the emergency band, either from Atlas facilities or independents." Samantha continues. "Of course, you're to put Atlas facilities on a higher priority. Actually, you're discouraged from responding to non-Atlas distress calls, but that's entirely your decision."

>I would help if I can.
>Understandable. We're not a charity.
>Understandable. We're not a charity.

Best night of the week!
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>I would help if I can.
Haha time to mix up tanks and planes
>I would help if I can.
>>I would help if I can.
>>I would help if I can.
But we're still going to protect our primary objective
>>I would help if I can.
>>I would help if I can.

>I would help if I can.
>I would help if I can.
The mission comes first, but I won't ignore someone in need.

>I would help if I can.
>>Understandable. We're not a charity.
>I would help if I can.

Anyone who attacks indies might start shit with us later on anyway.
>I would help if I can.
I wonder how the media would react to some mercenaries blowing up those "independants"
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"I would help if I could." You say.

"Heh, figured you would say that." Samantha chuckles. "You won't be getting any bonus for it, but at least you'd get the bounty for any enemies you down."

"Heh, I wonder if we'll go up against those OB guys again?" Lara grins. "They were pretty tough opponents. I'd LOVE to fly against them again!"

"Of course." You roll your eyes. "Maybe we won't get our fighters totally wrecked this time."

"Bah! That's half the fun!" Lara laughs as she slaps you on the back. "It's not exciting if there weren't some element of danger to it, right?"

"I guess." You sigh.

"Oh, also," Samantha adds. "Quint is here and has already set up shop to start gouging the Atlas guys on whatever crap he's managed to smuggle in with him. If you happen to need anything before the patrol, you better go talk to him now. That's it for the briefing, unless you have any other questions."

>Question? (specify)
>Head to the hangar.
>Head to the shop.
>>Head to the shop.
>>Head to the shop.
>>Head to the shop.
Let's go buy us our Eagle/Flanker!
>>Head to the shop.
>Head to the shop.
>Head to the shop.
I don't know which one I want. Help.
>Head to the shop.

Time for a super flanker
>Head to the shop.
I need a freakin dri--Mudhen.
>>Head to the shop.
>Head to the shop.
new plane time!

so what are we getting, Eagle or Flanker, I can't decide, I like both, the Possibility of the Terminator is delicious but at the same time you can't go wrong with an Eagle.
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Weekly reminder of our endgame.
Super flanker is the correct answer.
Wouldn't mind a STOL/MTD, or a Terminator.
Thats not a Fandance
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Sorry for rough drawing.
Weather here kinda bitch and they sap my stamina.

Idolmaster knowledge is needed.
>Head to the shop.
Exactly, and it will eat them for breakfast.
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You got the wrong pic man.
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Muh wingmates.
Nah, our plan is Eagle/Flanker-->upgrade to current gen Eagle/Terminator-->Black Widow-->AC superplane
I'm in the boat for an Eagle, personally. Solid workhorse.
AC superplane

Shinden 2 is endgame
whatever our endgame plane is, i hope at least the rest of our team will get same or equal planes.
I want the F-16 upgrade. I just love the Falcon.
XL is love
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>Dat Producer
I laughed more than I should have
10/10 would laugh again
We're not upgrading our Falcon, we're way past that, but we will however be keeping our Falcon and not selling it.
Need to get Amy out of the A-10. It's a 40 year old coffin strapped to a gun.

Nope, we're getting a new plane, our Falcon is already becoming obsolete as it stands now and upgrading it is not feasible.

But as a compromise we at least won't be selling the Falcon.
P-san has already a full roster of Cyberidols!
"I'll stop by the shop. I'll see you guys later." You say.

"Sure thing." Lara nods. "Have fun!"

Well, you suppose now was a good time as any to check out what Quint has in stock. You've now got a fair amount of credits, and Quint is sure to have some new goodies in stock.

"Ah, Karla, it's nice to see you!" Quint smiles as you enter his makeshift shop, selling all sorts of "contraband" from cigarettes to candy bars to premium toilet paper. Items worth more than their weight in gold in remote facilities like this. "What can I do for you?

SHOP LIST: http://pastebin.com/u7vr2FqW

You have 34800 credits to spend. Your Falcon is currently worth 10000 credits if you plan to sell it.

>Do you purchase anything?
>Need to get Amy out of the A-10. It's a 40 year old coffin strapped to a gun.
So... whatever that Ground Raptor attack variant is named?

Didn't follow cyberidol, unfortunately... i realize i missing potential joke but eh.
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Remove Stove.
Get her a Fregata
It's like a Warthog with less gun and four engines of Fuck You.
F-15 Eagle - 30000
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Not sure if they'd be combat idols, though.
Oh god you are making me choose.

>Su-27 Flanker

I like the Terminator too much.
god damnit I can't decide.

Merc, what kind of upgrades can the Eagle and Flanker get and what are their stats like?
>>Do you purchase anything?
ugh, decision...decision...
>buy F-15 Eagle
>DO NOT sell F-16
>Su-27 Flanker
Haha we Yellow 13 soon.
>Su-27 Flanker
>F-15 Eagle

I hope that one day we can get or rebuild our Dads Flanker, it could replace our Falcon as our backup/joyride plane.
Eagle, duh.

Also part of me wants to load up a Mudhen in the future
Any upgrades for the Eagle?
Can you at least tell us more about the planes than their cost and "Thei iz good flyers"?
>F-15 Eagle.
Buy the F-15.

Though I hope we get more targets per mission so we can get more money per mission.
Also, if we really buy F-15, start calling our team with 'Buddy' and see their reaction.
>F-16XL upgrade
Pissin' against the tide.
> F-15
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Manga plz.

Also, where's the art with karla and pixy redoing the scene from monty python and the holy grail?
We've been doing that since we chose to be Pixy in the airshow.
We seem to be getting more fodder when we dont' encounter higher value targets or we get to choose between the two
Probably because Knight route, right?
Oh yeah, that. After Ice/Slider/Katya Lewd/outright H for SW89

Karla is pretty much this generation's Pixy anyway other than the founding a terrorist organization part.
>other than the founding a terrorist organization part.
not yet.
>>than the founding a terrorist organization part.

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Yep. Don't you remember?
>Buy dat Eagle

Maximum buddytimes
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This pleases the Lewdites.
>Don't you remember?
My memory on that section mostly about how we almost get killed by those two Flankers and how Karla re-enact Solo Wing part, the rest is kinda blurry.
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Hey Merc
These babies when?
Seems too A2A focused for her. Maybe an FB-22 or the YR-99, if we get crazy.
So, I'm not saying that we should figure out a way to combine FAEB bombs and LASM's.

Oh wait, that's exactly what I'm saying.
Nigga it's a pureblood attacker. On Speed.
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More importantly, when are we getting THESE babies?

The Fregata is the bomber version of the YR-99...
That's the YRB-89, do you even Skies of Incursion?
There's not much to explain. Figure out a way to put a fuel air explosive warhead on a anti-ship missile. Better yet, you could figure out some way to put it on a large version of 4AGM's for maximum warcrimes.
Wouldn't it just be a LSWM at that point?
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Okay, just to confirm, you guys want to buy the F-15 Eagle?


So up-sizing link related?

I voted for the Su27 but we lost fair and square.

To be honest, I hate the F-15 S/MTD.

The Eagle's boring. There. I said it.

So do I. If we're going to go with an aircraft that we could eventually upgrade, I'd rather an F-14.
But the 15 upgrades so very well.
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Is our supplier trustworthy? Hasted Pic related.
Boring. And ugly. And no gun either.
Incredibly trustworthy. Super-duper trustworthy. Trust me on it, he's a guy you can trust.
>Is our supplier trustworthy?

Not with that nose. Nice job by the way.
>Dat serious Karla
>Dat large nosed Quint
this is strangereal, if we want it to have a gun, it'll have one.
I don't get it, why is Karla talking with Igor's younger brother?
The NIGHTHAWK has a gun, why do you think the STOL won't?
Great job, Mudhen!
But the F-14 is a dead end past the D model...

With the Eagle you can go towards the Active Eagle, or towards the F-15J Kai+ Slam/Strike/Silent Eagle path.

Though I'm interested to know where the default Eagle stands, our Phantom was a 'Super Phantom', and our Falcon was roughly Block 30 equivalent, so that would mean the Eagle wouldn't be stock, but more likely an E model or something similar.

They actually made a conformal gunpod to get around that issue but by then the STOL/MTD became a testbed rather than a production fighter so it wasn't needed.

Also in AC the S/MTD has a gun, like everything else in AC, including the fucking Nighthawk.
It's still boring though. And still ugly, like DAYUM.

>That nose

I think I saw it somewhere.
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"I think I'll take the Eagle." You say, pointing to the faded picture in Quint's catalog.

"Hm, solid choice!" Quint nods. "Just so happens we got one ready and waiting! Want us to get it out of storage? We can probably whip Smokey into getting it in place before your patrol."

>I'll take the Eagle.
>I'll stick with the Falcon for the moment.
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Always pictured Quint like this.
Nice. Though the positioning of the cane looks kind of awkward to me.
Indeed I saw it elsewhere too, a pity that particular quest isn't around anymore.

>>I'll take the Eagle.
>I'll take the Eagle.
>But the F-14 is a dead end past the D model...
Nope. Quickstrike and ASF-21
>>I'll stick with the Falcon for the moment.
One last ride.
Plus, it won't have the proper paint scheme.
>>I'll stick with the Falcon for the moment.
Stick with the Falcon. Get the Eangle painted in the usual colors.
Oh right, and:

>$4800 remains.
>>I'll take the Eagle.
>I'll take the Eagle.
Break the baby in
Probably the C, most AC games have the C as the first unlockable Eagle.
>I'll take the Eagle.

Both of which can't even compete with the Terminator upgrades or the late/current variants and next-gen variants of the Eagle.
Karla's glare is arousing...
>>I'll take the Eagle.
Let's break this bad boy in
>I'll take the Eagle.
>I'll take the Eagle.
We don't want to 'break the baby in' on a flight where we might encounter resistance.
>I'll take the Eagle.
Nothing in the briefing screamed AtG.
>>I'll take the Eagle.

>I'll stick with the Falcon for the moment.

Memories, so many of 'em.
>I'll stick with the Falcon for the moment.

We'll break it in later
But you don't really need to have the super duper elite upgrades either, because Ace Combat. And even then, by the time you get to situations where an ASF-14 can't really cut it, that's when you get an F-22 or F-23 or whatever.
>I'll stick with the Falcon for the moment.
One last hurrah for the Viper...
>>I'll take the Eagle.
>>I'll stick with the Falcon for the moment.
>I'll take the Eagle.
The odds are pretty good that we will need every AtA advantage we can get.
Sort of a crap attempt at an Area88 joke. Probably shouldn't have rushed it though.
Oh good, I was worried for a minute.
That may be more appropriate!
Certainly not the only problem with it, haha. Just wanted to get it posted while we were still talking to Quint.
Almost missed this! Great work.

>I'll stick with the Falcon for the moment.
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>Area 88
Now you made want to see Karla duel the Flaming Unicorn.
Yeah I figured as much, but couldn't help but focus on the Super Schnoz.
Now imagine...
Karla is about to engage enemy. Four of them.
As they getting closer, suddenly all of them are shot down, and a Lone F-8 emerge.

Insert appropriate music here.
>Implying they wouldn't team up to stuff OB with missiles.
What are our Eagle Upgrades Merc? Can we shoot for an S/MTD? Because that's my Planefu and I want Karla to become Maneuverability Incarnate.
>I'll take the Eagle
We live dangerous, fuck a shakedown run.
Why not go full Active past the S/MTD
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"I guess I'll take the Eagle." You say. "Ship it over to our hangar, okay?"

"Ha, Smokey's gonna throw a fit when he finds out he's gotta do last minute work!" Quint throws his head back in laughter. "All right, we'll get that baby ready for you in no time."

Cheered up by your fresh purchase, you head back to your hangar, where you see a brand new F-15C Eagle being towed into the hangar. Goddamn, Quint worked FAST. Already, you could see Smokey throwing a fit. However, you knew he'd do the job out of professional pride.

"You're a real piece of work, ordering a new plane at the last second like that." Smokey grumbles.

"But you can do it, right?" You ask.

"Of course I can! Doesn't mean I gotta like it!" Smokey shakes his head.

"Oh, nice! We got matching birds now!" Lara laughs as she hugs you from behind. "It's like we're sisters now or something!"

"Great, now we'll just have more trouble telling the two apart." Amy rolls her eyes.

"Hey, you're one to talk. You're still flying the same Warthog you got when you joined up." Lara retorts. "Maybe you should upgrade, like to the Lightning-"


"Anyways." Smokey says, completely ignoring the duo. "What do you want to load up for? It's certainly going to be an AA mission."

Mission (FUGA), start-o~!
our shakedown run will be a chill patrol against UAVs
Get ready for an OB encore.
Don't think we need QAAM yet, and we are in air patrol.
Ah Amy. A girl after my heart.

Also, just sayin' but we should have gone with the XL. Then we could have both 4AAM's AND QAAMS.
Or two sets of 4AAMs.

But no, everyone has to go boring generic Eagle.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

1: 4AAMs
2: QAAMs

If we run into any of those Round Table Ghosts or Galm 1 again I want us to be ready with Bullshit Missiles.

Amy confirmed for hating F-35's.
Bullshit Missiles? Really?
>But no, everyone has to go boring generic Eagle.
>But no, everyone has to go for the massively superior upgrade and I'm salty that we couldn't stay obsolete and underpowered and get shot down.
If they're AC04 QAAMs, he's not wrong.
is CAS a typo?
>Amy confirmed for not knowing shit
Looks like Amy will be going for a Strike Raptor if she does decide to upgrade.
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Either works. I just want us to Fly one with those extra Wings soon. It's such a beautiful Aircraft, majestic even.

OB party!

Close Air Support.
Eagle is better on air combat, and i will keep support anyone who want to upgrade our Falcon into XL in future.
It's not "massively inferior" nor is it underpowered or even obsolete.
Nope. Amy is just pointing out the f-35 is a joke as far as Close Air Support (CAS) is concerned.

Sounds nice. Though I prefer she'd Mudhen the place.
The QAAM's are what you use when you want to fight someone who has a superior plane and has bullshit plot powers, they are made to fuck up boss characters.
>Amy is just pointing out the f-35 is a joke as far as Close Air Support (CAS) is concerned.
But that's wrong. Is the F-16 shit for CAS?
And that it is also a piece of shit plane.
Honestly, the Viper and Lightning are miles apart in terms of CAS performance.

I'd much rather stick to the thin Viper over a "Muh Stealth" bird any day.

Muh wingmate.
>Honestly, the Viper and Lightning are miles apart in terms of CAS performance.
How so? Why do you think that? The evidence points that the Lightning is superior to the Viper in all ways for it.

Isn't this all pointless anyway, Amy's not upgrading anytime soon and we're not CAS fighters, so we're just pissing in the wind.
Why is the F-35 shit?
It's kind of a jack of no trades.
Mate, I can't stand willful ignorance.
Because Marines
Yep, without them being fucking speshul snowflakes demanding that they get their own fighters with retarded requriements the F-35 would be soo much better than it is.
Good enough reason for me.
Without them we would have the F-32 instead. We could have had the dopiest looking plane ever!
Multirole aircraft are anything but useless. Do you think the F-16 or F-15E are bad planes? Do note that actual TACPs prefer the F-15E as their CAS aircraft of choice.
What, the F-35B has caused the fighter to be awful? Not really. The F-35 has got similar maneuverability to the F-16. The A and C variants both have good payloads.

The F-35B also increases power projection capabilities by a substantial bit for a large number of countries. Now LHDs are even more effective. The Brits aren't stuck with AV-8s on their Queen Elisabeth.
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What the fuck am I looking at? It's like the Raptor wouldn't stop wolfing down hotwings or some shit.
>It's like the Raptor wouldn't stop wolfing down hotwings or some shit.
>It's like the Raptor wouldn't stop wolfing down hotwings or some shit.
I laughed.
The X-32's VTOL system sucked.
Happy stealth plane is happy, that's what is.

Although I still don't get why the x-32 has a belly like that.
You're looking at a better plane than the F-35B with massively improved VTOL/STOL capabilities, that actually made it in under budget, but lost because of politics and LM being corrupt as fuck.
Don't worry, General Resource will revisit the design and improve it.
Funny how when they finally completed it after being shafted with getting less funding it actually outperformed the X-35B...
>That Open Mouth

So... it's an F-16 with Downs?
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"I'm in the mood for QAAMs." You say. "Never know when you might need them."

"All right." Smokey says, and them mutters under his breath. "Right, and I gotta pain the damn thing too..."


"Okay, who's turn is it?" Lara asks.

"Ooooh! Oooooh! It's mine!" Amy says as she throttles up her Warthog.

Currently, your flight was flying combat air patrol over the skies of the Round Table. However, all you could see was endless blue sky and endless brown desert. Hell, even your radar scopes were completely clear. Not even a single speck of cloud cover or flock of birds.

So now, you were all basically relieving your boredom by downing the numerous drones you caught in the most creative ways you could. Lilian and Lara simply gunned theirs down, but you had the feeling Amy had something else in mind. You see her Warthog sidle up next to the target UAV, putting her left wingtip right under the drone's right win. Then, with a simple push of her stick, she tilts her wing up, sending the drone into an irrecoverable spin as it tumbles to the ground, shattering like glass on the desert sand below.

"All right, Valk, it's your turn." Amy says. "I think I saw another one just up ahead.

Sure enough, you could see yet another recon UAV, just puttering along leisurely.

>Be efficient. Take it out quickly.
>Be show. Let them know exactly who they're messing with.
Too stable, not enough firepower.

>General Resource Shit/10
I wonder if it will be possible to purchase something BIG later, like REAL bombers. Hell, maybe something like B-1/2s or AC-130/b-52s? I know Ace combat is all about those dogfights and stuff, but seeing amy BLAZING THE EARTH to oblivion sounds fun, while the rest of the crew is dominating the skies with missile massacre.
>>Be show. Let them know exactly who they're messing with.

>>Be show. Let them know exactly who they're messing with.
>Be efficient. Take it out quickly.
>>Be efficient. Take it out quickly.
>Be a Showoff, let them know exactly who they're messing with.

Get in their faces, if they want to know what they're up against, let them. And let them know they're gonna need a bigger force than UAV's.
>>Be efficient. Take it out quickly.
I'm not saying multirole is useless, but the way the f-35 does it, it's barley an upgrade from our current 40 year old hardware. Sure it's got added stealth, but it's way to expensive. It's trying to do too many things, for too many people. It's all compromise.
>Be show. Let them know exactly who they're messing with.
>>Be efficient. Take it out quickly.
no need to show off and attract unwanted attention on a simple CAP
>>Be show. Let them know exactly who they're messing with.

Style all over them.
Oh really? This is coming from the plane that couldn't fly supersonic and take of VTOL.
>Be show. Let them know exactly who they're messing with.
>>Be efficient. Take it out quickly.
We Belkin.
>Be efficient. Take it out quickly.
Of course, we already have the BE POLITE and HAVE A PLAN TO KILL EVERY ONE YOU MEET down pat.
>Be efficient. Take it out quickly.
Not worth the effort, really.
No. The Marines caused the F-35 to be worse than it could possibly have been.

Look at it this way. Despite the hate between the two branches, for the most part fighters and ground ponders from both can be built well along the same lines. Big engines, strong frame, kickass avionics. But when you throw V/STOL into the mix and tie the entire program basically to the fate of that particular section, which I might add is not an easy thing to do when a plane is designed from the ground up for that, you make the project so big that it can't fail, and also have to make design sacrifices.

What they should have done is had two separate programs. One belonging to the Navy and Air Force, one to the Marines. If you want to, you can share engines or avionics or whatever. Then, if you ran into a problem with either section, you don't bring down a big giant program spanning your entire military. Plus, each individual program would more than likely deliver better results.

Granted, it's debatable whether the marines actually need their own aircraft.
>>Be efficient. Take it out quickly.
>Be efficient. Take it out quickly.
Ger- er, Belkan efficiency.

Good 'ol QAAMS, bullshit when you need them, and when you don't!

Fuck NTDM QAAMshitters
>>Be efficient. Take it out quickly.
>Be efficient. Take it out quickly.
Of course. The STOVL design did cause some compromises. However, as you said, it only made it worse than it possibly could have been. One still needs to remember, despite not being all that it could be, it is still a very good aircraft. Once it reaches FOC, it'll probably be the best multirole on the planet.
Additional things to remember, the B variant did not fuck up the A and C variants too badly.
>>Be show. Let them know exactly who they're messing with.
Burn them with afterburner!
>>Be show. Let them know exactly who they're messing with.
catch it in our jetwash or something
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Man, I wish we can fly a shit plane again, like a Skyhawk or something.
Also, apparently the Skyhawk was still part of the Ace Combat roster in AC2.
Yeah it did, not only did it delay their production by half a decade or more, it also being a fucking retarded requirement of the same program meant both the A and C had to be built around the B frame which means they couldn't be optimized for their roles.

Sure they are great, but compared to what they should be? Fucking nothing at all, and over budget and schedule by several orders of magnitude.
Because it was designed that way.
This is hard to explain because there's not really a project that you can point to and say "LOOK! This is MUCH better. We should have done this" but imagine what the Navy and Air Force could have done if STOVL wasn't a requirement.
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>ACQ thread
>Arguments about the F-35
Merc Started it.
I'm amazed there was no blood over the F-15/Su-27 purchase though.
Most people were happy with either choice really.

Plus we have a lot of Ace Combat Zero fans in here and nobody will turn down going more Pixy.
We'll get Dad's Flanker or rebuild one like it later on, don't worry.
Seeing as it was designed from the get go with VTOL in mind, as well as the power projection VTOL provides, your best argument would be that the A and C should be on a different airframe. However, imagine how much more time and money that would have cost. Just look at the single purpose F-22. These things are insanely expensive even for just a single type. There are time and budget overruns. Another program would effectively double the cost, for not too much gain. Further, by purchasing fewer F-35s you drive up the unit cost of the F-35B by a prohibitive amount, as the program cost is not spread out over as many aircraft. It's what happened to the B-2 and, to a lesser degree, the F-22.
I'm still astonished at that bit.
You don't really do anything fancy. You just line up the UAV in your gunsights and fire off a quick one second burst from your cannon. The gun barks for a moment, spitting a handful of rounds at the UAV, but that's all it needs. The UAV breaks apart under the assault, the pieces falling like leaves.

"Pffft, boring." You hear Amy snort.

"It got the job done, didn't it?" You reply coolly.

"Awwww, this is no fuuuun!" Lara whines. "I want something to happen already!"

"You should know the saying, Lara, be careful what you wish for..." Lilian says cautiously.

"Head up, girls, I'm picking up a distress signal on the emergency band. Apparently there's an independent mining facility under attack by OB forces." Loki interrupts. "Oh, this might be a problem."

"What?" You ask.

"The signal's originating from an area very close to Dahl airspace." Loki warns. "If you head into that area, you might provoke a response from them."

"What sort of opposition are we talking about here?" Amy asks.

"Mostly ground forces, with helicopter support." Loki responds. "No sign of fighters or other aircraft in the immediate area."

>It's not worth the risk.
>We'll take the risk.
If I could have gotten more people for it, I would have gone to the mat for a Tomcat.

I stand by my position that Eagles are boring.
Seems many people is okay with both actually, so even their initial choice is lost its not a big loss.

>>We'll take the risk.

Boring but works.
>We'll take the risk.
When things seem all too simple that shit gets complicated fast.
>We'll take the risk.
>>We'll take the risk.
>We'll take the risk.

One Belka is everyone's problem, and having people owe us favours is always useful.
>>We'll take the risk.
Take the Risk, but only on the condition that the Wildcards try to charge the Company for services rendered. Jet Fuel ain't cheap.
>>We'll take the risk.
>>We'll take the risk
>We'll take the risk.

Hmm, I wonder what Loki looks like.
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>MF drawing Loki

His AWACs has that motherfucking cat plastered on it.
>We'll take the risk.

I don't think we'll stick to the F-15 through it's entire upgrade cycle, which would be what would bother me the most.

Let's hold out for a sweet F-22 or something next.
>We'll take the risk.

Angels inbound!
We're likely going to upgrade to the S/MTD and then get the Black Widow after that.
"Yes, Valk?"
"Have you ever think to change your insignia?"
"Whats wrong with it?"
"We have to suppress the urge to shoot at it whenever we see you"
"...that explain many things, actually."
Seconding that S/MTD upgrade, but what exactly makes the YF-23 a better choice than the F-22?
Alternative fighter, I guess?
People here seem to like the relatively obscure planes
The YF-23 was faster, more stealthy, and had superior avionics by far. The F-22 had maneuverability and the possibility of a naval variant.
I'm serious, or even a PAK-FA? They're all Stealth Fighters, and we're prioritizing Mobility and Speed aren't we? Why not go with it if we don't give a fuck about Stealth?
The PAK-FA doesn't look like it'll have a substantial edge over the F-22 in anything but avionics. The F-22 badly needs upgraded avionics.
F-22 Raptor
>I wanna be Mobius

F-23 Black Widow
>Sexier Raptor

>because Merc didn't give us Berkut.

And Merc, did you receive my Email?
the Black Widow was actually a better dogfighter, the Raptor more a BVR fighter.
>Because Merc didn't give us Berkut.

Damn Straight, if the Berkut was available I think we'd all be pulling for that.
>Why not go with it if we don't give a fuck about Stealth?
Because the PAK-FA is a piece of utter shit, and the Black Widow is leagues ahead of it in every aspect.
You've got that reversed. The F-22 was chosen because it was more maneuverable and better in a dogfight. The reasoning behind this was that stealth would push down engagement ranges, so a confrontation between two stealth fighters would be a dogfight rather than BVR.

The Black Widow having superior avionics and speed point to superior BVR performance.
Nope, YF-23 a best.
>The reasoning behind this was that stealth would push down engagement ranges, so a confrontation between two stealth fighters would be a dogfight rather than BVR.
U wot m8? they built the raptor purely for BVR, it was another Vietnam saga where they completely ignored dogfighting and wanted to slap longrange missiles on it.
I wonder.

"We'll take the risk." You say. "Just give us a heads up if you see anything incoming."

"Roger that. Good hunting, Wild Cards." Loki says.

Your flight then vectors farther north, past Atlas' northern boundary and into the contested space that lay between the three corps' territories. Out here, it was truly the Wild West, with the small independent groups out here trying to strike it rich in these barren sands, and braving both the elements and those that would try to take advantage of them.

"Down there! Eleven o' clock!" Lilian calls out.

You turn your head to see the telltale signs of tracers flitting back and forth. Plumes of dust and sand signified vehicles on the move, as darker columns of smoke rose from what looked like a walled complex built into the side of a large hill.

"-I repeat, this is Daybreak Point, we need immediate assistance!" You hear a scratchy voice screaming over an open channel. "We're under attack by bandits!"

Bandits, One Belka, you suppose they could be pretty synonymous out here.

"Daybreak Point, this is Wild Card One from Artemis." Lara calls out. "We're here to help. Can you confirm that all hostiles are outside your perimeter?"

"Yes! Yes!" The panicked voice says. "Everybody's already taking shelter inside! Please, we have women and children with us!"

"Copy that." You say before keying the radio off. "Amy? It's time to do your thing."

"Awww yeeesssssss." Amy says with glee.

"What about us?" Lara asks.

>We'll stay on CAP in case any enemy birds come.
>Let's take out those helos, at the very least.
>Sucking the Widow cock that hard.

Berkut a best and you know it.
Crap, Loki is actually a fucking cat with a headset.

>Let's take out those helos, at the very least.
>>Let's take out those helos, at the very least.
>Let's take out those helos, at the very least.

Might as well suppress those air units
>Stay on CAP

Let Amy shine here.
"Lilian, would you kindly take care those Helos? I and lara will see if their buddy will show up."
>Let's take out those helos, at the very least.
>>Let's take out those helos, at the very least.
This is patently false. Why would it have thrust vectoring? Why would its tail be so prominent? There's a reason it goes 30:1 only starting on the defensive with a Luneburg lens.
Send Lilian to take the copters while Lara and we take CAP.
So what's available with custom order?
Changing my vote to

>Let's take out those helos, at the very least.
>>Let's take out those helos, at the very least.

Inb4 pincer attack.
>>Let's take out those helos, at the very least.
Let's go dragonfly-hunting.
I want to get a Cessna 172 just to troll around in
I would go with the Hawk personally.
Just get some Yukes with nuggets in there and you've got an effective, cheap COIN plane
>Let's take out those helos, at the very least.
We should get an An-2 then!
Either Biafra Baby, Skyhawk, or VF-1J
Hell even Ghostrider would work.
>Not Pa-Pa-Sha
Step up your game, buddy.
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Why stop there? Get an An-225, fill it with automated nuggets, point them everywhere, fly over Afghanistan. Boom, problem solved, kebab removed with a prejudice.
"2000 volts coming up"
"He's fried..."

Great now I need to reinstall RA2 again.
How many (automated) nuggets can we fit in an an225?
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I got RA2 and Yuri's Revenge on my toaster, hah!
Beats me. The automation for nuggets would be the most difficult part to calculate, followed by ammo storage and firing ports
Now i imagine Raikov lead the good general mens like in the picture and visit ol' Volgin for a nice payback.....

"For Mother Russia"

Time to play Yuri, I guess.
>Comrade Colonel
>What? Can't you see I'm busy crotch-grabbing?!
>You might want to see this
>How are you Volgin?!
>Tactical Vodka bombers
>Legions of tesla troopers and Apocs
>Terror Drones, terror drones everywhere
>The Vodka blimp
Every time

Your feeling of helplessness is your best friend SAVAGE!

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"All right, let's give them a taste of the Wild Cards!" Lara whoops as she puts her Eagle in a dive. She lines up a pair of Huey gunships. She lets loose a burst of cannon fire, peppering both helos and sending them spinning out helplessly to the ground. Meanwhile, you can hear Amy laughing maniacally as she dives into the swarm of light vehicles surrounding the mining facility. Rocket pots shriek and her GAU-8 roars, raining fire and death down upon the hapless ground forces below. Lilian assist by dropping several iron bombs as well, further scattering the ground forces as explosions tear great holes in the ranks.

Meanwhile, you dive down and zero in on a pair of Apaches. Those nice, juicy targets. Apaches were expensive pieces of equipment, after all.

>roll 3d20 (AtA and GUN roll. Lower is better.)
Rolled 4, 2, 3 = 9 (3d10)

Let's roll.
Rolled 15, 12, 19 = 46 (3d20)

Rolled 2, 8, 10 = 20 (3d10)

You mean d10 right?
Rolled 4, 7, 2 = 13 (3d10)

Rolled 5, 5, 12 = 22 (3d20)

Looks like we did it.
Rolled 6, 6, 7 = 19 (3d10)

just in case...
Doh! It was supposed to be d10s!
Rolled 1, 12, 1 = 14 (3d20)

Rolled 5, 10, 4 = 19 (3d10)

uhh D20s?
Rolled 9, 1, 9 = 19 (3d10)

Oh well, everyone makes mistakes. At least we got d10s rolling.
Rolled 2, 3, 6 = 11 (3d10)

So, which do we count?
I really want to see a Tanya witch now. She would be like a loud version of Tarin.
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The two Apaches never stood a chance. You cannon rips the front one in half, while your two missiles completely evaporate the other in a cloud of fire and shrapnel. With their air support suddenly gone, the OB forces on the ground quickly begin to retreat. They obviously were not expecting air support and were practically running for their lives now.

>Chase them down. Nobody escapes.
>Let them go. It's not worth chasing them
Come at me Yuri.

I think shit-scribbler already did one, though I can't link it to ya.
>>Let them go. It's not worth chasing them
>Let them go. It's not worth chasing them
>Let them go. It's not worth chasing them
>>Let them go. It's not worth chasing them
>>Let them go. It's not worth chasing them
There is no honor in chasing running dogs.
....Ask Loki to keep eye on them for a while.
>Let them go. It's not worth chasing them
>Let them go. It's not worth chasing them
A witch running about with a pair of auto-pistols, gunning down dozens of soviets.

>Let them go. It's not worth chasing them

This makes GuP so much better than it was.
>Let them go. It's not worth chasing them
>Let them go. It's not worth chasing them

Secure the zone from air threats
>Let them go. It's not worth chasing them
>Elsa jokes go here
>no honor in chasing dogs
>Let LOKI keep an eye
The irony is strong in this one.
Détruire tout, c'est une obligation!
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We don't chase them further anyway, but its better to have Loki keep eye on their direction.

Goddamn Ima go yar har me a copy of RA2 now.
>Implying GuP was bad


No i mean, a CAT is keepin an eye on DOGS
...that bruise the joke a little, damn me to be dense.
"Time is running out!"

Frank Klepacki is a genius.
Needs more >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZFeBx8kK7k
Here's an idea.
Strangereal RTS.
Frank K and Namco Sound Team joining forces.
Westwood/Petroglyph hand in hand with BamCo.
Norio Wakamoto as lead VA.
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"It's not worth chasing them." You say as you pull up, gaining altitude.

"Says you." Amy grunts. "I was having fun!"

Yeah, well, ground targets don't exactly pay the bills." You point out.

"Well, not like we're doing anything better." Amy says.

"I say we did do a good thing." Lilian steps in. "Look!"

Down below, you could see a few dozen people on the ground, waving flags and pieces brightly colored cloth, no doubt thanking you for you assistance. You waggle your wings in response as you fly past. Even if you weren't getting a direct monetary benefit out of this, it felt nice to do, anyways.

"AND REMEMBER YOU SENT YOU PACKING!" You hear Lara cheer as she does a flyby over the retreating OB forces, making sure they get a very good look of her plane and emblem. "And don't come back!"

"Heads up, girls, I'm picking up incoming contacts. Almost a dozen." Loki warns. "Most likely Dahl planes coming to challenge you. If you break off now, you should be able to outrun them."

>Time to leave.
>Time to fight.
>>Time to fight.
Sounds like fun.
>Time to leave.

No use making a pointless engagement

What war?
>>Time to fight.
Time to take down something that does pay the bills.
>>Time to leave.

Open net
We saved your asses here.
>>Time to leave.

No need to make things worse around here.
>>Time to leave.
We did our bit.
>>Time to fight.
>Time to leave.
>Time to leave.

Don't need to start shit.
>>Time to leave
>>Time to leave.
We know our boundaries.
>>Time to leave.
"hey, wanna play 'who can run faster?'"
"Are you mocking me, Valk?"
"...seriously Magnet, try to get some faster plane as backup"
>Time to leave.

Hmm, maybe the Continental War? Same dynamic as the Allied Campaign from RA2, if you look at it.
>>Time to leave.
We're not here to fight them.
Can't help but think there's some offshoot group from AWWNB called A World Without Logos

You're going to have to be a bit more specific. Usean, or Anean?

I never played C&C plsnobully
>>Time to leave.
Suddenly I'm in the mood for some fast, smooth Jazz.


The Osean continental war, aka Mobius 1's stomping grounds.

Also you need to get yourself some C&C bruh. For srs
>The Osean continental war, aka Mobius 1's stomping grounds.
So Mobius 1 and Yellow 13 counts as heroes unit then?
USEAN Continental.
There was no Osean Continental War, just the Circum-Pacific.
More like superweapons.
>Mobius 1

It does sound like a nice campaign though. I would thoroughly enjoy actually getting ISAF ground forces to do something other than act as targets for frustrated friendly fire
Looking at you, Whiskey Corridor

Jazz, you say?

I raise with Jazz with a Noir flavor. Enemy squadron will be a team of two aces that speak like hard-boiled detectives.
>Now, count up your sins!
Oh wait, was that Kamen Rider Skull or W?

IKR? Too bad the Ace combat mod for generals died...

Rolled 16, 1, 15 = 32 (3d20)

"I think it's time to leave." You say. "No sense escalating the situation."

"Aw, and I was thinking we'd be able to get a fight in!" Lara sighs. "Fiiiiiine."

Your flight vectors away, turning back south to reenter Atlas airspace. However, as you check your scopes, you realize the Dahl planes were still chasing you.

"Loki, are you seeing this?" You ask.

"I am. Looks like they want to pick a fight." Loki says. "You better pick up speed, just in case."

>roll 1d20. In this case higher is better.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

Rolled 8 (1d20)

Rolled 2 (1d20)

Did one just stall out?
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 4 (1d20)

Rolled 10 (1d20)

that was W.
>Now, count up your sins!
In ace combat, that should be either:
>Now, count up your shots!
>Now, count up your kills!
Such a general existed?
...are there records of what they did?
If higher is better, then >>38054701 wins.
Otherwise it's >>38054708

Really sad to see this mod go. It had a lot of potential.

>Karla as W
wait, who'll be her partner?

Also, appropriate desert music.
Aiming high, rolled >>38054701
All hostile rolls below ours, so they broke off or cratered
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Damn, looked like it had potential
But that's just a first impression
I figured the dev team ran into some scripting problems or somesuch, but still, damn.

At least Yuri has these
who else in our squad has an eagle?
Or there could be an enemy ace squad that goes by the reputation as the "Hard-boiled" aces.
Captcha: My Valentine
b-but....captcha chan.........

Lara has one.

And she definitely loves to NOT A POUND
That's a tallyho-worthy formation
Now I really wish I had gotten into C&C
There's also

Still can man. Go buy or pirate the C&C complete collection.
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The best part of this is I HAD received a copy, but was bloated with schoolwork at the time, and lost track of it
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I'm sorry.
You thought that was bad

There was an attempt to add Excalibur to the Allies' late game defensive structures. It was good for awhile before it was removed for being OP.
You and your wingmates throttle up to gain speed. On your radar, you can see the Dahl planes giving chase, but they quickly give up and turn around.

"Well that was a bit anticlimactic." Lara sighs.

"It was for the best." You assure her. "No sense starting shit with them."

"I guess." Lara grumbles.

"Loki, you have anything on your scopes?" Lilian asks.

"Nothing." Loki assures you. "Looks like the Dahl planes have given up."

"All right." You nod.

>Seems like nothing else is going on. Might as well return to base.
>Stay on patrol a little longer.
>Seems like nothing else is going on. Might as well return to base.
>>Stay on patrol a little longer.
>Stay on patrol a little longer.
>Stay on patrol a little longer.
>>Stay on patrol a little longer.
>>Stay on patrol a little longer.
>Stay on patrol a little longer.
Watchful eyes
Join the club
>Stay on patrol a little longer.
No reason to head back yet. We should finish up our patrol.
>>Stay on patrol a little longer.
Don't get the complete collection. It's much harder to mod. Try to get them piecemeal.
>>Seems like nothing else is going on. Might as well return to base.
>Stay on patrol a little longer.
>RTB after patrol
>Energy source detected
>>Stay on patrol a little longer.
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I'm lacking in my Jaeger quota tonight....

Quick think of something Valentine's day related for ACQ!
>Stay on patrol a little longer.

Mother Belka is calling. Heed her call?

Aside from flying a two-seater with him?
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pic related
what about chocolate.

.... I thought of something horrible....

Karla's version of giving chocolate is to tease Jaeger by having a Hersey's Kiss inbetween her lips and gets close to him and ultimately teases him by eating it and giving him some regular choclate.

Karla's mom....syrup and that's it....
Karla singing "My Love is Asset Protection" on open channel.
>Mother Belka is calling. Heed her call?
Karla's mom: "I have no daughter."
progress on the flamenco dance sketch between Valk and Jaeger has been put on hold by real life and college. I still plan to finish it.
Jaeger sings My girlfriend is a pilot.
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Somewhat related


Inb4 OB already has plans of all the superweapons destroyed up to that point and are nearly done constructing them
Jaeger and Karla singing 'A Whole New World' together.
and signalling the start of rise of Strangereal version of Mitrhil
>Inb4 OB already has plans of all the superweapons destroyed up to that point and are nearly done constructing them

Inb4 they just slapped them all together into one superweapon.
Jaeger Pls.

Zentraedi in Strangereal Soon(TM)?

I bet Sosuke would be a good foil for Jaeger.
"We'll stay out here for a little while longer." You say. "We're still good on fuel and ammo."

"Roger that.

"Wild Cars, this is Irons." You hear your employer over the radio. That was odd, having your client speak directly to you.

"Sir? What's this about?" You ask.

"Sorry to spring this on you so suddenly, girls, but we've got a situation." Irons says. "There's a plane that will be exiting Hyperion airspace shortly. Now, it is imperative that this plane leave Hyperion airspace and reach the Pillar safely. Is that clear?"

"Roger that." Lara says. "What's so special about this plane?"

"I'm afraid that's classified." Irons says sternly. "Just make sure it gets here."

>Come on, we're putting our lives on the line here!
>Roger that.
>Simply reconstructing them
>Not combining the-
Oh goddamnit >>38055211 you beat me to it
>Roger that.
"I figured you'd say that, this is going to cost you extra."
>>Roger that.
>Roger that.
You know...this situation seems oddly familiar in real life. I just can't put my finger on it....
>>Roger that.
We can pry on it later.
>Roger that
I'm sure we'll figure out what it is when we see it
"You are aware of our increased rates for such blind missions right?"
>Roger that.
Rather spend the time flying to the bird than wasting talking.
>I'm afraid that's classified.
>Irons as Mikuru
Cannot unsee!

So it has Megalith's unique architecture, protected by Stonehenges, with a Massive Excalibur as the main gun?
>>Roger that.
>So it has Megalith's unique architecture, protected by Stonehenges, with a Massive Excalibur as the main gun?

It also flies.
>>Roger that.

We'll figure it out when we see it. And then probably yell at someone.
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>Roger that.
Like this?
>Roger that.
>>Roger that.

Haggle for an increase?
Karla: "Look at that. How unoriginal, just slapping things together."
Other: "I think that's not the problem here, Valk..."
>Detlef Fleisher'sWetDreams.jpg
>>Roger that.
Probably something like this:
It's an Aigleipnirhengecalibur with Varolac escorts
I fail to see a problem
Maybe the fact it costs more than the annual GDP of the entire planet?
>I fail to see a problem
Aside of originality, its a problem if it aiming its gun/missile/laser to you.
Again, I fail to see the problem. Remember, nations in strangereal have done more with less
Hell, Estovakia was practically Afghanistan, and it still built the Estovakian Aerial Fleet
See, you get it mangafag. It's the ultimate airborne power projection tool
Now is the gun/missile/laser seperate, or are they put together as well as some single macrocosm of a projectile?

This is an important question
Why it's a Gumisslaser of course
Some unholy amaglam of all three
Plus ADFX-02 tier ECM
Let's take this to 11
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I am starting to believe OB is a combination of Grey Men, Gauron, and some Erusean moneybags.
Forget Detlef Fleisher.
That is Ork ultimate dream.
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"Roger that." You sigh. It's not like this was something that didn't happen. "Let's go."

Your flight then heads on a northeast vector towards Hyperion territory. You've been warned ahead of time that Hyperion was much more aggressive in defending its territory than Dahl was, so you had to be wary.

"Picking up contacts on the radar." Loki announces. "One plane broadcasting a civilian IFF and six Hyperion planes. Possibly Flanker-types."

You squint your eyes as you try to look ahead, and sure enough, as you HUD tags them, you can see a small private jet being tailed by six Flanker-Cs, no doubt trying to force it down.

"All right!" Lara grins. "How are we gonna do this?"

You think for a second. You could open up with missiles, so you could engage them sooner and try to catch them by surprise. However, there was always the risk of accidentally hitting the civilian plane. Maybe you should go in for guns instead?


We need to range them first
Shoo away the flies

Overwhelming first strike. And did we take the 4AAMs or QAAMs?
Odd that we're being given the choice, so I'll choose guns.
QAAM should have less risk hitting the civi.

They might panic and shoot down the jet if their missile warnings go off.
When are we running into Mr. Trogue?
QAAM iirc
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Rolled 3, 9, 5, 10, 5, 6 = 38 (6d10)

"Let's open up with missiles." You say. "And MAKE SURE you ID your target!"

"Jeez, what do you think we are, nuggets?" Amy snorts.

"Yeah, who'd make a stupid mistake like that?!" Lara laughs.

There's an awkward silence.

"...you guys are mean." Lara mumbles.

"Come on girls, let's focus!" Lilian rallies you. "We're in missile range!"

>roll 3d10 (AtA roll. You need a 6 or lower.)
Rolled 1, 4, 1 = 6 (3d10)

Here comes the snow!
Rolled 1, 5, 4 = 10 (3d10)

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Rolled 2, 8, 2 = 12 (3d10)

Damn son.
With multiroll sets Merc takes the one with the most successes so you don't have to worry about a fail overriding others.
Lara, you rolled a 10 and didn't PID your target. Good job.
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Rolled 6, 4, 3 = 13 (3d10)

here comes the blizzard!


Fuck yeah!
Bearpoop a shit.
Small nitpick, you NEVER say "repeat" on a military radio frequency. "Repeat" is a field artillery fire command that means "shoot the last fire mission again the exact same way", so saying it at the wrong time can get people killed.
those were civilians calling for help. they dont know or care.
At least we halfed their numbers much better odds now.
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You're first to fire, your 2 standard missiles and QAAM lancing out to meet the enemy. They streak past the civilian plane and into the Flanker-Cs behind it. You see three planes explode instantly. Another Flanker-C panics and tries to break, only to swerve directly into his wingman, sending both planes tumbling to earth.

"Did... did you just take out five planes with three missiles?" Amy coughs.

"That is quite unprecedented..." Lilian agrees.

"Niiiiiiice." Lara laughs.

You, on the one hand, were very glad that guncams were a thing. You doubt anybody would believe what happened otherwise.

Meanwhile, the sixth, and last, Flanker-C immediately pulls a hard 180 degree turn and flees.

>Chase him down.
>Let him go.
>>Let him go.

Let him spread tales of our might!
>>Let him go.
>>Let him go.
We need people to spread the legend....and we kinda need to make sure this plane lands safely.
>Let him go.
Now back to the airliner!
>Let him go.
>Let him go.
Kinda feel bad. No glory for the girls.
>>Let him go.
>Let him go.

We still need to get a setup to blast Ride of the Valkyries over an open frequency.
>Let him go.
>Let him go.
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>>Let him go.
>Strangereal's newest superweapon is macross 7 tech
I wouldn't know how to feel about this
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Accept it, it is the way of the future!
>Let him go.
We don't shoot at yellow targets.
>Let him go.

Hushed whispers circulate through barracks around Strangereal. Rumors that if a nugget hears opera music, their wheels will never land, as a Valkyrie has condemned them to Hel.
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>some schmuck takes to flying around B7R blasting a certain song over an open frequency from his custom red Bearpoop
>he never actually bothers to shoot anyone down, but it's said those who meet him are doomed all the same
>doomed to forever manually hear Planet Dance
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Entire formations disappear into the clouds as though following the alluring sound of a woman singing.
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>MFW it's Saturday Night
Welp, time to launch some Valkyries!
>Xenoforce intensifies

Also Basara as an Ace of the Round Table, Y/N?
Oh hey, I found the pilot you're talking about, Anon..


Imagine Karla doing this to seduce the Jaeger.
"Bard of Round Table" is not as cool, though.
>Brave Sir Robin intensifies
Come on, there's gotta be a cool moniker for Basara as a Round Table ace.

Like Crimson Humbucker or something
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You throttle down, deciding to let the last Flanker-C go. After all, your objective was the civilian bird.

"Man, you're just way too nice sometimes, Valk." Lara chuckles. "Just letting enemy pilots go like that."

"What, would you have chased?" You ask.

"Nah, it's not really sporting to shoot a guy in the back."

"Hey, I could always use the extra cash." Amy grumbles.

"Magnet, your plane can't even catch up a glacier, much less another plane." Lara snickers.

"Why you-!"

"Now girls, I think we should focus on escorting this plane!" Lilian wisely interrupts.

The rest of the trip is rather uneventful. Having taken out the pursuit force so quickly, it appeared that Hyperion just didn't have time to regroup by the time you were safely in Atlas airspace. During the entire way, the civilian bird doesn't even speak to you at all, nor does it respond to any of your hails. It just flies straight for the Pillar.

"Hey Valk, don't you think this bird is a bit... creepy?" Lara whispers, as if they could hear the conversation. "Like, why won't they talk?"

"Do they have any reason to?"

"I guess not, but it's kind of the polite thing to do, considering what we did for them!"

"Well, not everybody is polite." You sigh.

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With that, the civilian plane lands at the Pillar without a word, where it's ushered away to a hangar as quickly as possible. Even though you outwardly didn't show any interest, you were still more than a little intrigued at what this plane was about. Well, not like you could do anything about it.

After you land and disembark your plane, you find Irons there, ready to greet you again.

"Good job, Wild Cards!" He smiles warmly. "You have no idea what you've done for us! Oh, I wish I could tell you, and maybe I will someday, but just so you know, you did a damn fine job! And Karla, that missile kill! Oh, that's going on the net tonight!"

"Um, thanks?" You blink.

"Well, anyways, good job, girls. You did good, and thanks to getting that plane home, we have BIG projects planned for the future." Irons smiles. "Very big plans."



2 AH-64: 300 x 3 = 600
5 S-30: 1200 x 5 = 6000
1 S-30 (disabled): 1200 x .5 = 600
Bonus Pay: 10,000

Total Treasury: 22,000

>And that's it for tonight! As always, next thread is next week! And don't forget Cyberpunk Idols on Saturday and PJ Witches on Sunday!
Thanks for the thread Merc.
Thanks for the run, Merc. See you next time!
Thanks for the run boss.
Also Macross tech when

>Silent plane
I'm willing to bet it has a COFFIN.
Thanks for running!
>Total Treasury: 22,000
Nice! We need to go see what upgrades we can get for our Eagle next thread and how much they cost so we can plan for them.
Or something super secret.
Thanks for running Boss.
Damn you Irons, ya sneaky bastard.
Or someone super secret.
[spanish guitar intensifies]
Oh, could it be the elusive
>Green-haired witch?
>Parts of Alien Spacecraft-1?
>Parts of the mega-stone-calibur?
>final showdown
>have to fly against the butterflies
>red Berkut arrives
>get on an open channel and try to talk the girls down
>[Angel Voice intensifies]
>Wrenloft-induced nat 20
Yeah, though a little snow wouldn't hurt too much.

Like an AC Super weapon?
>Aigaion out of fucking nowhere
>ISAF colors?!
>Female voice comes on all channels

Thanks for the run, Boss man!
>>Wrenloft-induced nat 20

If that happens.... it'd be fitting as that's what happened on the first quest Karla appeared in.
>a little snow wouldn't hurt too much
That's the sortie before, like ACES. This one's more like The Unsung War (the level, not the whole game). And the big final epic battle we get to listen to his OTHER song.
Man, imagine Lynn Minmay taking part in the last battle of the Emmerian or Belkan Wars.

So... when is Irons gonna start a new World War?
Meh. Minmay's primary effect (outside of DYRL, which is an in-universe film based on the events) was in providing a shot of pure, concentrated Culture Shock to the Zentraedi forces causing a mass scale mutiny.
Basara is straight-up Musical Space Magic.
>we have BIG projects planned for the future." Irons smiles. "Very big plans."

... I don't trust you. You're about to do something bad, aren't you
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Yeah, well.

... Dammit, I really, REALLY want to see a Round Table square-off between Valk, Flaming Unicorn, Basara, and Fronk now.
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>all these people discussing possible enemy aces
>nobody is worrying about the one we SHOULD be afraid of
>nobody is worrying about meeting a blood red MiG-29
Next Belkan-Osean-War confirmed
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>Final Showdown for the title of Demon Lord
>Shu Shirakawa in a souped-up KFir
>Shin Kazama in the Last Gunfighter
>Karla in a Falken
>Char Aznable in a dinky Mig-21bis
>Cipher, duh
>Basara Nekki
>Mobius 1
I just realized a massive problem: no mention of Max Jenius.
FUck, you're right.

That's it, somebody make a Max and Milia a part of ACQ canon.
>implying Max isn't known in the Ace Combat 'verse as Mobius One

No, see, merc was... ah... unusually active in some discussion about some things I'd done in 89. Things that would have involved members of desdiv6...

desron6 a cutest.

too much curry induced hnnnghs
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>implying we won't wind up having to go Arvel Crynyd ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RW_hGOFukMQ ) on some sort of crazy superweapon
>implying we won't have just enough time to tell Jaeger "I love you" before we make our final run
>implying the Macross song that plays won't be Diamond Crevasse
>If we are reincarnated and can meet again some day,
>Please find me and hold me tight,
>And make sure you don't let go again.

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