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01/20/12(Fri)20:59 No.17612390 File1327111189.png-(14 KB, 272x238, 1292236648545.png)
 Patton stares you down. "So, what passed between you two?"
"I was going to ask if she was going to court-martial me for headbutting her."
Patton blinks.
"I'm sorry, pilot. What did you just say?"
"I was going to ask if she was going to court-martial me for headbutting her."
"You... headbutted... your commanding officer."
"Wing Commander Wilcke ordered me to stay back while she entered the Martian ship alone; tantamount to suicide. Then I headbutted her and did it myself."
"So you disobeyed a direct order, then physically assaulted your commanding officer," Patton breathes. His face hasn't changed a millimeter, but his natural tenor is getting a bit squeaky and strained.
"Yep. So if somebody killed her after all the trouble I went through, I'm going to gut the lousy son-of-a-bitch and hang him from a flagpole by his balls. Sir."
"Trouble. Describe this... trouble," he says, making a little rolling gesture in the air with his cigar. "Summarize the events of the action last night."
You tick off the points on your fingers. "Woken up by Sean - my radar operator - led into the hall, he kicks in Erica's door, tentacle drags her out, HE jumps out after her. I run downstairs, find Miyafuji, we go around the castle, find Erica, Sean, Martians, kill Martians, come here, find THOSE assholes -" you point to the pureed Martian gun crew - "go through the building, find Minna attacked by Martians, kill Martians, get to hangar, ambushed by Martians, kill Martians, Miyafuji and Erica take off, me and Minna borrow Charlotte's motorcycle, circle around front, Sakamoto gets on, we charge the Martians on the motorbike and Sakamoto jumps off then we get off and Minna goes stupid and I headbutt Minna and charge into the alien ship and get my ass kicked and Sakamoto fucks them all up and then I went to sleep."
General Patton is silent for three entire seconds. |