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  • File : 1259973671.jpg-(26 KB, 400x229, Ghost Slug 2.jpg)
    26 KB Slug Quest 21 Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)19:41 No.7004361  
    Previous Thread: >>7002619

    You attempt to crush the mind of the Omniarch even as it tries to soar away. Mentally, you reach out and you grasp at the pathetic creature's mind. You grip it firmly and you begin to tear it apart - heck, you're strong enough to make a cat go into a coma with nothing but your mind, you can do the same with this bastard.

    A hideous psychic screech comes from the traitor as you tear it apart - and it descends from the sky, just out of range. But you know the damage you did. You can feel it. You practically tore the bastard in half, crippled it. Sent it crashing from the sky and into the forest.

    If you're quick enough, you might be able to find it and end it once and for all.

    Would you like to search or divert your attention to other things?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:42 No.7004374
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:43 No.7004388
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:43 No.7004389
    Leave Fury to constantly torture but not kill the Omniarch in the body of tank. tell him to keep it supressed and in pain and make sure it cannot do anything to his mind. Then go out alone looking for Omni's main mind who tried to escape.

    We will kill him personally, before coming back to do what we please with the left overs in tanks body.
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)19:43 No.7004391
    Track him down.
    Then try to absorb his mind before saying goodbye to all that effort Bio.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:44 No.7004396
    Find it.
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)19:44 No.7004400
    Omniarch in the body of Tank?

    First of all, the Omniarch consumed Tank's mind and Tank's body and tried to evolve into it as much as possible.
    Second of all, the Omniarch proceeded to cannibalise all of its mind except for one to desperately try and escape.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:44 No.7004401
    ...omniarch already fled the body dude. It flew off in a bat which we've just downed somewhere over the forest.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:44 No.7004405
    Find it, end it. This is priority. If it were to get away completely it could perhaps gestate its way into a massive and double-uber psychic beast, even if it couldn't raise an army to fight with.
    >> Ragebrew 12/04/09(Fri)19:45 No.7004407
    Collect it ourself. Only we are able to fully withstand the assault it's mind can produce. Even if it is crippled and weak, it still might be able to over ride some of our weaker children. Bring a small group of them, just so they may watch the fate of those who lie about the will of Slul-Hoggoth.

    Bring it back to the hive, feed it nothing but plants, and leave it in a small, dark hole for the rest of time. Do not torture it, we are merciful, and will do it no harm, but we are wrathful, and it shall be punished.
    >> cool beans 12/04/09(Fri)19:46 No.7004421
    rolled 2, 3 = 5

    head count

    also update on slug girl and whoever else is morphing

    lastly we need to keep 24/7 watch personaly on the omni/fury eggs because holy shit I cant wait to see what kinds of awsome come outa that

    fuck omniarch he is dead to us and we shall ad a new tale of the final punishment of the corruptor of broods to our lore
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)19:46 No.7004426
    How do you wish to try and track it down?

    Using its scent?
    Or the old fashioned way, just looking for it using your eyes, enjoying every second knowing that you'll eventually gut the bastard?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:47 No.7004433

    Agreed - leave Fury in charge of the Spawnlings and to guard the Hive. Chase the Omniarch down ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:49 No.7004453
    Is there something stopping us from doing all three? Didn't we see where it went down?
    Batspawn don't have legs, right? It probably couldn't crawl very well so it couldn't have gotten far.
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)19:49 No.7004457
    There's no way they will acquire anything but a bodilly semblance to those two from just eating them.
    Omniarch consumed Tank's mind with his Mind Steal(tm) ability that's why there was a Tank inside of him in the end.
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)19:50 No.7004462
    I'll keep this in mind too.

    As for the status on the gestating elderspawn - they're the same current.

    The latest batch of eggs will hatch in four days.
    The Fury-Messiah eggs will hatch in a week.
    >> Ragebrew 12/04/09(Fri)19:50 No.7004463

    By psychic sense. We should be able to hear it's pathetic gibbering, as it has lost everything to an "inferior" being. Add in scent and sight, both should be good, as we did eat a bear, and bears got noses of gold.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:50 No.7004465
    using our psychic potential and our best tracker's sense of smell (fury? a speedspawn?)
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)19:50 No.7004471
    All three, emphasis on psychically if that fails.
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)19:52 No.7004499
    Okay. You scan the nearby zones for all sorts of creatures.

    Mundane: Too many to count. The usual.
    Sentients: 107. You know what these are.
    Advanced Sentients: 3. You're able to pinpoint the location of the Omniarch in the distance.
    Sapients: 6.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:54 No.7004518

    Sapients!? Proceed with extreme caution toward Omniarch's location.

    As much caution as a giant slug-bear can muster.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:54 No.7004519
    If we can't find it we could try to psychically obliterate everything in the general direction it flew off in. It would make hunting on that side of the forest really boring though, since it would be more like body collection.
    >> cool beans 12/04/09(Fri)19:54 No.7004522
    rolled 2, 4 = 6

    The fuck are you talking about boy? We had fury impregnate omniarch and a little while avfter we woke up found they had layed the eggs
    the spawn didnt EAT anything and second THEM BEING PHYSICALY AWSOME IS WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT MAN!

    also I want to see how slug-girl is doing because I really want those termite slugs already
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)19:54 No.7004525
    note the position of the sapients quickly please.
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)19:56 No.7004546
    Two are South-East of your location, approximately half a kilometre.

    Four are approximately eighteen meters East of your location.

    ... Wait, what?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:56 No.7004551

    Primarch and loyal (Pre-Messiah) scouting forces after the Omniarch. When Sapients are nearby, use scouts being stealthy. Have Fury take the wounded and confused back to the hive; we don't really need him at this point.
    >> Ragebrew 12/04/09(Fri)19:57 No.7004555

    Summon the children! WE FEAST!
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)19:57 No.7004557
    Oh sorry, mixed up.
    But yeah even with breeding physical awesomeness is all we should expect.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:58 No.7004565

    ...um wat.

    SCOUTAN'. Still go after the Omniarch; we don't have time for humans now!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:58 No.7004566
    Are the sapients humans, or did we show up on some extraterrestrial's psychic radar display?

    Is sapient higher or lower than sentient? Higher than advanced sentient?

    >> cool beans 12/04/09(Fri)19:59 No.7004574
    rolled 2, 2 = 4



    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)19:59 No.7004577
    Sapient is approximately higher level than the standard sentient of your species.

    Sapients are human.
    >> MadSlug 12/04/09(Fri)19:59 No.7004581
    Shit! Burrow! Hide! Hide the bodies! DIG AND HIDE! DIG AND HIDE!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:00 No.7004591

    Can we telepathically communicate with our spawn over distances? If so, contact Fury and tell him we need a Batspawn out here right away to scout these Sapients.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:01 No.7004595
    Psychic invisibility-shield. It's quite simple. Simply project the idea that you aren't important, like "hey, i'm just a bush. Don't look at me, I'm just some plant, totally normal" sort of thing.
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)20:01 No.7004600
    Right don't worry.

    Get Fury after the Omniarch, to kill him if must.

    Personally, mind probe the humans to see if its the Omniarchs. Paranoid.
    Lastly, if not, Blast them with disinterest/fear depending on how much they've seen.
    >> cool beans 12/04/09(Fri)20:02 No.7004607
    rolled 2, 2 = 4

    well actually now that I think about it thats probly a search party for those the omniarch killed to make dopplegangers
    we should find their intent and magnify hopelessness in them
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:02 No.7004614

    >> Ragebrew 12/04/09(Fri)20:04 No.7004624
    Probe their minds lightly. I am sure they are not used to the touch of a psychic mind, and will either be confused or indifferent to the sensation.

    Lets see why they are here, and what they want.
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)20:07 No.7004664
    Combining the options.

    Eighteen metres to the East of the muddy glade that your hive is situated beneath is an area of undergrowth. You order a group of your children to go hunting - you will catch up with them very shortly. They're to find the Omniarch. Fury is to take the rest and keep the Hive secure - they do so. You keep a bodyguard of five of each spawn, just in case the humans try something.

    Now that you have noticed then, you notice a variety of objects pointed at you. Four cylinders. Three of them are long, thin and hollow. One of them is much fatter and shorter, attached to a box of sorts. It's tipped with glass.

    You probe their minds, sending one of the Batspawn to hover over them, to observe them as you guard the surface, trying to pretend you haven't noticed them.

    The intention? To observe you. They know you're there.
    How much have they seen? The entire damn fight.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:08 No.7004677
    Well shit.
    >> Ragebrew 12/04/09(Fri)20:09 No.7004680

    They were recording the battle! KILL THEM ALL! Whatever they have as weapons, I doubt a swarm of runnerspawn will be stopped by it! They threaten the hive! They could reveal us to the scientists! Those who sought to kill us before we became great! PURGE THEM!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:09 No.7004685
    OH GOD! Take cover. Mind probe them.
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)20:10 No.7004687
    Probe them for what?
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)20:10 No.7004688
    Fear Fear Fear Fear Fear
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:10 No.7004691

    Focus all our mental efforts on one of the humans. Compel him to shoot the human with the glass box in the head. Fill him with feelings of hate toward this human, of utter disgust and loathing, a need to kill him right now.

    We don't want to spread ourselves too thinly once again, it's best to try to dominate just a single one.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:10 No.7004693
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:11 No.7004703
    Their intentions, how much information they have, who they are, what are they doing here. etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:12 No.7004708
    There is no cover. They have seen all. We need to kil lthem all.

    Get those we just sent off to circle behind the humans and surprise them... pincer movement!
    >> Ragebrew 12/04/09(Fri)20:12 No.7004710

    Get your sluggy asses in here!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:12 No.7004713

    Fill them with fear. Fill them with abject terror. Make them drop what they're holding and RUN.

    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:13 No.7004717
    Whatever happens here needs to be abrupt and simultaneous, and non-violent if possible. They came with guns and a camera, this means they were expecting danger and a spectacle. If we simply kill them that just adds to whatever legend sent them here in the first place. We can either try to crack on them psychically now, or if it's not within our power to make them forget what they saw, capture them and do the psyking over time.

    Alternatively overpower one, have him shoot the others and implant within his mind the memory of a horrible hunting accident?
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)20:13 No.7004718
    Alright, get one into the most absolute rage at his neighbours. Fisticufs.
    Then we call fury and the hive, but not the hunting party.
    We try to kill them to remain a secret.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:13 No.7004719

    Yes, that's a great idea. Let them go and report what they've seen to the Government so they can drop a nuke on the site, or use Agent Orange. Magnificent.
    >> MadSlug 12/04/09(Fri)20:13 No.7004723
    I like the cut of your jib. We should combine this with >>7004708

    We need to take these guys out now before they bring more humans.
    >> cool beans 12/04/09(Fri)20:14 No.7004730
    rolled 5, 2 = 7


    Im feeling sadistic >:)
    Lets stun them with our minds and bring them to the hive along with all the guns and cameras they have
    then interogate them on how many humans know of us

    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)20:14 No.7004733
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:14 No.7004736
    YOU IDIOTS! If they are broudcasting this fight and have sent it out how long do you think it will take for the military to come kill us if we kill them? We need more info.
    >> Bill Murray !!WYG9L8p7tJh 12/04/09(Fri)20:14 No.7004737
    Fear in of itself may make them flee, then we're screwed.

    Use fear + confusion + MASSIVE FEELINGS OF INTIMIDATION!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:15 No.7004738
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    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)20:15 No.7004743
    Since you've got the time and they're more than happy to wait there, observing you for the time being, you probe deeper. You've evolved a lot since your previous encounter with humans. You can do much more with them now.

    They're part of a scientific expedition from a geographic location. The name they give it means nothing to you. They're documenting several new species that have appeared and assessing their origins and how dangerous they are to the environment. They're also assessing whether these new species are a result of some for contamination and assessing whether these species should be allowed to continue, or to be exterminated.

    The new species are you, and your kind.
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)20:16 No.7004750
    We can't stun them all. That's a step beyond outright mindblast killing them all which we can't do, if we could we would.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:16 No.7004751

    They won't believe them. Does the government nuke the forest whenever there's a Bigfoot sighting? That besides, getting them to kill each other works better anyway. Then more human DNA.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:16 No.7004753
    Oh shit. Open diplomatic relations!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:17 No.7004756
    Should we try to somehow imprint the feeling of allowance so they will let us continue to live?
    >> Covenant 12/04/09(Fri)20:17 No.7004758

    We need to pick them off until there are a manageable number left (one or two). Once that many are left alive, we can manipulate the evidence (or brainwash the humans) to fabricate whatever story we like.

    To that end, convince one to shoot another.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:17 No.7004761
    Do we know if the information they are gathering is being broadcast to some filthy human equivalent of our glorious mental network? Some... fascimile of it using wires and radiowaves? *spit*

    Either way... Pincer movement and fill one with a gun with RAGE for the one with the camera.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:17 No.7004764
    >They're also assessing whether these new species are a result of some for contamination and assessing whether these species should be allowed to continue, or to be exterminated.

    Guys, if we get on the endangered species list nothing short of divine intervention will get the humans to kill us. We need to insinuate a feeling of awe and protectiveness into these folks.
    >> cool beans 12/04/09(Fri)20:17 No.7004767
    rolled 5, 5 = 10

    Yep phsychic stun em and drag them to the den for a nice... long... talk

    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:18 No.7004768

    communicate. We're a high level fucking telepath, and they have functioning brains.

    Tell them to drop everything they are holding. Now. Or else you will swarm them, and then you will kill them, and then eat them, and gain there power through eating them.

    We out number you, humans. And I, the Patriarch, have not forgotten what your kind has tried to do to me before, so long ago. My people have taken a great blow today. Do not give us reason to take it out on you.

    Now drop everything. If you do not, we will know, I will know, and we will run you down. How fast can you run, humans? How long? I assure you; we can run faster, and much, much longer.

    If that doesn't work, eat the bastards.
    >> Ragebrew 12/04/09(Fri)20:19 No.7004780

    So, they think we are a hazard to the enviroment, eh? They think we are just some run of the mill critter, coming out of the woodworks?

    I say we make an impression, and a good one at that? We reveal ourselves, and act kinda like a confused bear. Sniff the ground near them, make a confused noise, and see how they react. Look like we have no interest in them what so ever, and get a little closer, sniffing at them. If they make a hostile action, don't respond, just look up with a bored expression, and relieve ourself on one of their shoes before leaving.

    While we are distracting them, order the majority of our runners to sneak around behind them, and wait for them to think "Well, it was just a spat, they didn't attack us, and when they are packing up to head out, swarm them with runners! Take out the ones with the guns first!

    Or, we could just be passive towards them entirely, make it seem that we are not a threat in the slightest.
    >> MadSlug 12/04/09(Fri)20:20 No.7004782
    This idea has merit. but first we need to position our troops behind them...

    We need to try to subtly surround them.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:20 No.7004788
    This, if we can get them to simply walk away, especially getting them to report to whoever their masters are that we are to be protected I think the gains will be much greater then four human corpses can provide. If we need to capture them to do this then so be it.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:20 No.7004793
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    >> Drake 12/04/09(Fri)20:21 No.7004805
    Confront them, Communicate, the only thing we can do for the moment is see if Diplomacy is an option.
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)20:22 No.7004814
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)20:23 No.7004820
    The information is being broadcast back to the research camp at one of the old swamp houses, where a research site has been erected around a site where a local found thousands of these strange creatures massacred. This was over a week ago. Since there, several experiments have been conducted. They want footage of live specimens and possibly even a fresh sample.

    Leaving a small group as 'bait', as it were, the rest of you split off into two groups, slipping into the undergrowth off to the sides, so that you may flank them. They continue to film the remaining group. One of them fits a projectile into its cylindrical object.

    - Convince one to shoot another
    - Fill them with fear, make them leave
    - Attempt communication
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:24 No.7004828
    Communicate. Ask them what they are doing in your territory.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:24 No.7004833
    Attempt communication.
    >> Covenant 12/04/09(Fri)20:24 No.7004834

    The camera's already got evidence against us. And if we make them go back claiming we're endangered and should be protected, they'll actively look for us to study and protect us. Which is bad.

    We need them to be unsure we even exist. Or at least, we need to stop them gaining intelligence on us which would help them destroy us. Fight.
    >> MadSlug 12/04/09(Fri)20:25 No.7004843
    Communicate. Warn the one fitting the object into the tube to stand down.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:25 No.7004844
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    Destroy humans, build up army, take town, profit!\

    Use you mind to do it. Try to get them to attack each other/confuse the fuck out of them.

    We took that bum out no problem; a couple of labcoats will go down easily enough.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:25 No.7004849
    oh god. Stun guns. And I thought we ate all those bodies?

    I say communicate. Better get this over with while we can.

    If they try to stun one of us, have our forces emerge around them. Do not attack, for that would simply cause the humans to react with outright violence towards us, but let them know that their attempts at taking one our children hostage has been noted, and has been found... impolite.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:26 No.7004850
    They know we exist, if we prove hostile they will destroy us. Communicate.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:26 No.7004852
    have the one fitting the projectile turn on one of the other gun wielding ones
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)20:26 No.7004854
    I retract my vote of inspired awe

    Convince one to shoot another
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:26 No.7004859
    attempt communication
    but make sure they realize that we are a bit testy after a REALLY FUCKING BAD DAY
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:27 No.7004869

    I vote for this also.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:27 No.7004870
    >Destroy humans, build up army, take town, get wasted by army.

    No thanks.
    >> cool beans 12/04/09(Fri)20:27 No.7004873
    rolled 4, 2 = 6

    We warn them this
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)20:28 No.7004880
    "Stand down, sapient. You don't hurt us and we will not hurt you."

    They all stand there, shocked, looking at one another in astonishment. Responses vary greatly.
    "Uhm... Can... You... Hear... Me?"
    "Is... Is this what I think it is? How can you do this?!"
    "W-what are you?"
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:28 No.7004881
    Communication. We are, in some way, self aware. Therefore if people knew we existed, they would try to protect us out of scientific curiosity, or even out of our "rights." We can tell them about the Omniarch, and his plans to usurp the humans. We could find a great ally in them.
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)20:28 No.7004884
    No they know on the basis of one farmer.
    Apart from these 4 noone concretely knows we are real.
    Then raid the outpost
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:28 No.7004892
    Communicate, warn them that kidnapping one of us will be met with violence.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:28 No.7004893
    Probe around to see which one the man who's just loaded a cylinder into his tube likes the least, and then have him empty his tube into that man's brainpan.
    >> Ragebrew 12/04/09(Fri)20:28 No.7004894
    I will throw my vote in with the communicate group, since that seems popular.

    We are a sentient species, and should prove as such. Do some simple math for fucks sake.

    Make ourselves known, walk up to them, and greet them in a friendly, but protected manner. They are in our home, but we will give them the benefit of the doubt and be peaceful.

    If they try to take us alive, the spawn are to rend them to pieces!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:30 No.7004908
    "We are the Slulim (replace with better name) and I am our Patriarch. Relinquish your weapon-tools and we shall discuss these matters with you."
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)20:30 No.7004912
    Reposting the update, since you guys didn't notice it. You all advocated communication.

    "Stand down, sapient. You don't hurt us and we will not hurt you."

    They all stand there, shocked, looking at one another in astonishment. Responses vary greatly.
    "Uhm... Can... You... Hear... Me?"
    "Is... Is this what I think it is? How can you do this?!"
    "W-what are you?"
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:30 No.7004913
    We have had a... very bad day, sapient. I would suggest you leave.

    Also, I would suggest that those of you with the... tube... things... put them down. On the ground. Slowly.

    We are not exactly in the best of moods today.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:31 No.7004920
    These four. The ones back at their base and whoever else they've sent the THOUSANDS OF BODIES TO.


    >> Drake 12/04/09(Fri)20:31 No.7004923
    "We know you are here to study us, we know you are thinking of capturing one of us.
    I will not allow it.
    My Children have been hurt too much already. I have just lost a precious son and I will not lose anyone else."
    >> Antonin 12/04/09(Fri)20:31 No.7004928
    "I am Highest Priest of Slul-Huggoth. I will speak with you later on what resides in your thoughts. I have business. Will some of you help me? Are you carrying weapons?"

    No backstory aside from that. They know we've created religion, they know that we are advanced enough to plan ("will"), and they know we are not immediately hostile. We need to fuck up Omniarch. Now. Deal with these guys later.
    >> MadSlug 12/04/09(Fri)20:32 No.7004934
    "I am the Patriarch. Lower your weapons... we have had a trying day."
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)20:32 No.7004935
    Man, if we're in the human's hands in this state its game over.

    I back>>7004893
    >> Sauber !f1v85QnTcU 12/04/09(Fri)20:32 No.7004938
    Stop trying to be melodramatic.
    Just explain that the bodies were the byproduct of a war between traitors and that we've attained sentience and don't want to be filmed, followed, or "sampled", and that if they want to tell the world about us, fine, but if the world throws a shitfit and tries to exterminate us, we'll shoot them with mind bullets.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:32 No.7004939
    We need to be non-threatening, but firm. We also need to keep our more gruesome capabilities a secret. For now we are just a mutated bear that can talk with its mind. We don't let to need them now how rapidly we can evolve or just what kind of crap our brain can pull off.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:33 No.7004946
    turn towards them
    "Look, sapients
    I've had a really bad day
    I just had to kill one of my most loyal, son and friend. And had my most heinous of foes slip through my fingers, yet again.
    Now, DROP your tools or you WILL be destroyed"
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:33 No.7004947
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    Use communication as ruse!
    You're fucking dreaming if humans won't fuck us over.
    Kill them: claws, MIIIINNNDDDD BUULLLEEETTTTSSS, and harpoons.

    We need to erase all evidence of our existence and then get the fuck out of this area before more humans come looking; somewhere remote so we can build our race up.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:33 No.7004951
    I thought it was in tune to the mood.

    I feel kind of sad now.
    >> Covenant 12/04/09(Fri)20:34 No.7004957

    Agreed. You're all being naive. I wouldn't be surprised if this was exactly the same group of people who said 'Oh, let's walk into the Omniarch's camp and wait for him to kill us, lulz'.

    Our best chance for survival is killing these humans and then taking the experiment site. The more they know of us, the worse our hope to survive.
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)20:34 No.7004961
    If we give up now its game over. Coax them into inter-violence.
    >> Ragebrew 12/04/09(Fri)20:35 No.7004964

    "Yes, I hear you, and understand you, fully. How else would I be able to speak to you?" to the first

    "I do not know what you think this is, as your minds are very intricate and capable of creating vast creative works. But if you believe it to be some massive beast, speaking to you directly into your mind, then yes, this is what it is." To the second

    Project a feeling of calm to the one freaking out, ease the mind so he does not attack anyone. If that fails, tell the other three to restrain their friend if they wish to speak with us further."

    "We are the children of Slul-Hoggoth, father and care giver of our kind. We need no other explination than that." to the fourth.
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)20:36 No.7004977
    One of the humans is panicking, waving his gun around. It's the one who loaded it. He's shouting and yelling violently. You can interpret the meaning from the thoughts.

    "What the fuck! What the fuck! Come out! Come out, you bastards! What the fuck is this shit?!"

    This is only causing further panic amongst the other humans, who are equally freaking out. One of them attempts communications though.

    "Can... Can you stop this?! You're scaring Mikhail! Can't you speak or something, this is... We don't understand."

    They're very, very disorientated by this new experience of mental talking and new intelligence on the planet.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:36 No.7004979
    Yeah, but one of this humans already have a camera with them. A camera that is reporting directly to the research camp. If we assaulted them now, it would go straight to the camp, letting the camp know what's going on and prepare. It's better to get all the humans in one big mass, and then massacre them all in one big go.
    >> Drake 12/04/09(Fri)20:36 No.7004982
    Project Calm.
    >> MadSlug 12/04/09(Fri)20:37 No.7004989
    If we can capture these humans then we can try and brainwash them and send them back with reports that the rumours of our existence were greatly exagerated... then we'll have some nice loyal sleeper agents.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:37 No.7004993
    Make him chill the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:37 No.7004994
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    Kill Mikey and then the others.
    Stun with mind: warp it, break it, bend it, SMASH IT!

    Have brood swarm.
    Then travel to observation site to finish the deed.
    >> Bill Murray !!WYG9L8p7tJh 12/04/09(Fri)20:38 No.7004998
    More like project: get their brains to produce dopamine.
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)20:38 No.7005001
    Okay agreed, Calm.
    Then vote to go with them back to the Site.
    >> Ragebrew 12/04/09(Fri)20:38 No.7005005

    Focus solely on the one that is calm. "We can not speak, as you say. Our bodies do not possess the proper organs. If you are willing, we will speak through you, and only you. You are able to withstand this strange experience well, unlike your friend."
    >> cool beans 12/04/09(Fri)20:38 No.7005008
    rolled 3, 1 = 4

    Alright change of plans
    anyone knowing of us is bad and unfortunatly killing everyone will not undo this

    but it will slow them down

    order one of the two groups of young in the forest to capture these humans and break their tools and the second to go to the swamp houases and if possible destroy all evidence and bring those humans here
    >> Covenant 12/04/09(Fri)20:38 No.7005009

    If we start going down that route, the peacefags will start trying to open diplomatic negotiations with the UN so we can create our very own Slug-Israel and live in peace.

    Boring and unlikely.
    >> MadSlug 12/04/09(Fri)20:40 No.7005026
    Which is why we calm them, lobotomise them and rewrite them in our own image.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:40 No.7005031
    Project safety, tell the man to stop waving the tube about as he will hurt someone.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:40 No.7005033
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    We don't want MORE humans around (could be others at site). We need to dispatch this group: either death or some sort of catatonic state.

    We cannot be friends; humans are dicks!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:42 No.7005049
    I just thought it would be a better idea to get all the scientists in the camp, some of them yelling gibberish about telepathic super animals, and then overrunning it while they are all in one big confused huddle.
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)20:42 No.7005052
    You attempt to calm Mikey. The result is surprisingly successful. He stops panicking and just falls on his ass, panting as he recovers.

    "Fuck... That... That was intense and... This... This kinda feels good."

    You subject the other humans to a similar experience. You can bend their minds quite easily. Doing anything major would probably be quite difficult - but this kinda thing is quite easy.

    "I... I suppose we can take you back. This... Well... The others won't believe this... Phew."

    They don't seem to notice the voices buzzing through their ear pieces - through their minds, you're able to decipher these words as orders. Orders to keep the footage running.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:42 No.7005055
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    I'm always astonished by anonymous' unfailing capacity to always choose the worst possible resolution to any situation.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:42 No.7005056
    Human are animals too, I'd slap that fucker.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:43 No.7005061
    try to mimic their language using our mouth as they are, while projecting the same message to them mentally
    mind bend them towards calm
    lower self into non-threatening pose

    There are no others like you for about half a kilometer (not sure how we would put this IC), It is indeed the vaguely bearish thing that is speaking to you
    Mikhail, please calm down, you are scaring your spawnmates.
    I am not certain if I can quite mimic your language fully but I will try, I will use telepathy as a backup, hope that will be sufficient. I feel that clear communication is vital in this our first meeting

    send some minions out to find Omniarch, bring back to Fury, he is in charge until we finish talking with the humans
    >> Bill Murray !!WYG9L8p7tJh 12/04/09(Fri)20:43 No.7005067
    Have our brood head to the cabin station and surround it form a distance, hidden within the trees. We can't let these guys leave.

    Hopefully they aren't relaying it someplace else.
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)20:44 No.7005070
    Minions are already out hunting for Omni. No report so far.
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)20:44 No.7005079
    Alright before we go back to the fuck cabin, how's the Omniarch situation shaping up?
    >> Drake 12/04/09(Fri)20:44 No.7005080
    Bring everyone who is out in the open with you. Tell Everyone still in the hive to wait until you are out of sight, gather the eggs and those gestating and get the fuck out of dodge.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:45 No.7005083
    Could you turn off that... glass thing you have in your hands please? It is very large and slightly frightening. Also, out of curiosity, how many other sapient are in the area?
    >> MadSlug 12/04/09(Fri)20:45 No.7005085
    Can we confirm from their minds how many humans are back at their base?
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)20:45 No.7005088
    Minions are still hunting for Omni.

    No sign so far, they're still searching the undergrowth.
    >> cool beans 12/04/09(Fri)20:45 No.7005090
    rolled 1, 3 = 4

    have them shut of the cameras

    Then we wipe the camp clean of all debri ours and theirs
    >> Bill Murray !!WYG9L8p7tJh 12/04/09(Fri)20:45 No.7005096
    We have 4 humans here, and 2 back at their cabin station.

    We can take them out. Easily, I'm sure. But we need to be sure they aren't relaying this.
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)20:45 No.7005099
    We don't need anyone else.
    We either do this alone or its impossible.
    >> Covenant 12/04/09(Fri)20:46 No.7005107

    Focus on enslaving/dominating the humans. Preach to them of Slul-Hoggath and his will. Meanwhile, Fury and the Spawnlings rush to the human camp and slaughter everyone found there. And destroy all technology they find.

    The more the government learns of us, basically, the more boned we are.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:46 No.7005113
    okay, follow them to base camp on the condition that all other human teams will return as well. Make sure they understand that we will not take kindly upon any attempt to hurt or disturb our brood

    tell Fury he is in charge until we return and that he is not to engage the humans unless engaged
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:47 No.7005116
    NO NO.

    We do NOT need anyone learning about mind control right now, so whatever it is the people on those ear pieces are saying is what these four need to be doing.
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)20:47 No.7005122
    Tell EVERYONE to look for him and kill him if they must. Preferably ask for his last words before they do it, please.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:47 No.7005125
    No no no. We're not letting the humans lead us into trap. Negotiations will occur out here in the open.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:47 No.7005129
    out of curiosity, what makes up the group they are examining?
    >> MadSlug 12/04/09(Fri)20:48 No.7005134
    I agree with this but we should start off subtle. Answer a few of their questions and fill them with gooood feelings when we respond. Beat them into submission with lavender scented pillows.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:48 No.7005139
    SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! Get Fury to take everyone he can and get the fuck out of here.
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)20:48 No.7005144
    We mean to kill everybody involved you do know that.
    >> cool beans 12/04/09(Fri)20:49 No.7005155
    rolled 1, 5 = 6



    you said most of our spawn left so just redirect all of those to the camp to clear that shit

    omni despite what the fucktards who dont listen say is not a priority
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:49 No.7005160
    we are in no why letting us go alone in their man camp. Remember our beginnings! Remember the sewers! Remember the drain! We will not be able to do something like that again, especially if we get pegged by stun darts! We are to big to go down any drains!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:50 No.7005175
    or enslave. I think the mental conditioning plan has it right. If we control these humans and the ones back at the base then we control how much info the humans get about us,
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)20:50 No.7005181
    There seems to be a big split between:
    - Follow back to camp for whatever reasons with spawn backing you up
    - Slaughtering them all right on the fucking spot.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:50 No.7005182
    Project the feeling of ORGASM. Then EAT THEM.
    >> Covenant 12/04/09(Fri)20:50 No.7005183

    Agreed. First, the cameras need to go off. Then we contact Fury telepathically (which we're able to do) and order him to get to the research site.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:51 No.7005184
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    Use mind power to control humans.
    Go back to base camp and try to secure the feed. Hopefully, the people in the earpiece are in the camp.

    Either way we must erase all trace of our existence and get the fuck outta dodge.

    SO PLAN:
    1. Mind Control Until we Reach Camp!
    2. Lock Down Camp With Mind Control/RIPNTEAR!
    3. Destroy Evidence!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:51 No.7005188
    Why is everyone rushing to ATTACK KILL? Humans will respect peaceful intelligent life.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:52 No.7005197
    First one, continuously reinforcing our gentle assimilation of the human minds.
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)20:52 No.7005201
    Well we mean to go there with the impression of peace, dope our human friends first, with doping thoughts.
    Potentially give everyone to come to the cabin afterthey've found Omniarch.
    Seems better than good to me.
    >> Ragebrew 12/04/09(Fri)20:52 No.7005203
    Attempt to give them a rush of "JOY" and see what happens. If a simple calming thought is enough to knock them on their ass, think what we could do if we over whelmed them with wave upon wave of JOY.

    "I kindly request you turn off your recording device. I would like our talks to be private." Mix in a little trace of command and suggestion with that as well.

    With a little effort, I bet would could make a human cult of Slul-Hoggoth out of these guys!
    >> Bill Murray !!WYG9L8p7tJh 12/04/09(Fri)20:52 No.7005204
    I'm okay with this.

    I recommend a mass exodus soon. Relocating somewhere new. The food supply here has to be dwindling, and we're clearly making a lot of ruckus.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:52 No.7005206
    Follow, send fury, eggsacs and gestaters away with any Spawn we can spare.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:52 No.7005207
    okay, how about we just take a nice refreshing walk then? I'd rather not have them this close to the hive

    and tell Fury to relocate the hive as soon as everyone has returned
    >> MadSlug 12/04/09(Fri)20:54 No.7005233
    I'm cool with the mind control plans. We should probably return to their HQ so we can get all six stunned together.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:54 No.7005234
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)20:54 No.7005236
    Me too. I'm okay with this.

    In the mean while everyone hunts for Omniarch then comes to Shack straight after. Two birds, one stone.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:54 No.7005240
    I agree we should cease these human inferences as soon as possible, but what would happen if the government suddenly finds out that the team they sent out to investigate these new, potentially dangerous, creatures have suddenly disappeared off the face of the earth? And all their equipment mysteriously smashed?

    We need to tread carefully here.
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)20:55 No.7005246
    Okay. Based on suggestions:

    - Half spawn gather eggs and gestation pods, leave for more fertile ground where you will be harder to find
    - Half spawn follow you back to the base camp - a quarter of this number accompany you openly. The rest can flank and encircle the camp.

    You like the idea of this?
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)20:55 No.7005254
    Oh, and also:

    - Lots and lots of soothing thoughts - test out possible mind control.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:56 No.7005261
    Exactly. We need to make these humans loyal to our hive.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:56 No.7005262
    no, everyone with us does so covertly
    the less these humans know the better
    and they know too much already
    >> Bill Murray !!WYG9L8p7tJh 12/04/09(Fri)20:56 No.7005264
    Fuck that. When did this quest fill up with pussies.

    If shit comes down, we evacuate, hide miles and miles away. Even if we ourselves die, we can have some undersea spawn continue on if needed.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:56 No.7005270
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)20:56 No.7005273
    But we don't MEAN TO DIE in the SHack.
    Everyone must find Omniarch. Then come to base, we know where it is, mentally.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:57 No.7005275
    Es ist gut.
    >> cool beans 12/04/09(Fri)20:57 No.7005281
    rolled 3, 1 = 4

    Guys think like we would with this information
    "this is something huge" "this will make us rich!" then think of how coniving we are

    if we dont kill them now they will fucking ruin us and inform the entire fucking world about us
    right now they have a studio with video of us and some outdated creatures

    but if we nip this in the bud their knowledge of us will be reduced to one organisation having samples (which they have undoubtably have hauled away) and by god thats good damadge control

    so lets kill these guys and immediatly work on taking that city hostage
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:57 No.7005290
    continually assail them with calm and happy
    positive reinforcement brainwash abound!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:57 No.7005291
    I like this plan.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:58 No.7005299
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:58 No.7005302
    ...and how will their wishes be a problem when we MIND CONTROL THEM
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:59 No.7005307
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    We should take all spawn with us; if we can't lock down this human expedition, then we are fucked.


    We are fucked either way; their bosses will know something is up. I doubt we have enough skill to erase a human mind without damaging it (though that would be the best option).
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:59 No.7005318
    No mind control, no hostility. Be open with them about what we are and how we survive (skipping over the whole "ate a human" part). Ask to be left to ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:00 No.7005327
    we all became pussies when we decide we didn't want the entire god damn military coming down on our heads.

    We're still going to kill these motherfuckers, one way or another, we just want to make sure we do it as cleanly and as professionally as possible. We just charge these guys like Kharn the mother fucking Betrayer, and we get set on the national extinction list faster then we can run.
    >> MadSlug 12/04/09(Fri)21:00 No.7005328
    Best Option: Mind CONTROL
    Next Option: Mind Wipe
    Bad Option: Slaughter
    Worst Option: Surrender
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)21:00 No.7005340
    Next step is evacuation into the seas...

    Go ahead Bio. I've decided Omniarch will respect us for covering up his mess so we may have gained an allie.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:01 No.7005345
    If we do mind control right they won't even know we're doing it.
    >> Bill Murray !!WYG9L8p7tJh 12/04/09(Fri)21:01 No.7005347
    Are you fucking stupid?

    I have had enough of this pussy footing bullshit. We're a fucking monster. Let's be a monster. Especially a smart monster. We're going with the humans to their shack. But we are not going to fucking let these guys go. They'll fucking trap us, dissect us, and study us. They die. We survive, expand, and conquer.

    Grow a fucking pair.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:01 No.7005351
    I say both. Both of these options seem very good. And keep scanning for more sapients that could be in ambush around or in the camp.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:02 No.7005365
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    I second this.

    Let's be a bad-ass and mentally fuck these guys up.
    Also, we should eat them.
    >> Ragebrew 12/04/09(Fri)21:03 No.7005377

    Why kill them when we can have human minions? Their minds are not suited to withstanding psychic powers, as proven already. If we could turn them into devout followers of Slul-Hoggoth, but not be retards in the process, we could have human minions, able to work in the city and in civilization, places we can not go yet.

    We should try to control them before we slaughter them.
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)21:04 No.7005383
    It will be found out in the Shack.
    >> MadSlug 12/04/09(Fri)21:04 No.7005385
    We need to try and make sure that other humans dont realise they are enslaved. But that's something to work out later. First we just need to incapacitate these current humies.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:04 No.7005386
    What part of their minds mentioned study and dissection? If they try it we can fight back, but they seem more surprised than SCIENCE.
    >> Bill Murray !!WYG9L8p7tJh 12/04/09(Fri)21:04 No.7005394
    Kill, enslave, what the fuck ever. We are a badass. We dominate.

    We don't act like a fucking pussy. Unless it's part of an ingenious trap.
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)21:05 No.7005399
    As soon as the Omniarch is located - and taken to Fury, who will proceed to contain and subdue the bastard with sadistic pleasure - you follow them towards their encampment with two thirds of your spawn, while a third escort Fury away to a new, safer, more secure location. Your followers are hiding the shadows as you let the humans guide you.

    As you follow them, you fill their minds with positive thoughts, happy thoughts, nice thoughts. They noticibly relax and seem to enjoy being around you, for reasons they don't quite understand - they don't even notice how much of an effect you're having on them. Finally, however, you arrive. The battlefield has been covered up with several white tents concealing the site from the public and within these zones, tests are being conducted on the humans.

    As you approach this area, you detect at least thirty sapients - apparently the two other ones were just other scouts.

    Do you wish to continue?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:05 No.7005409
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:06 No.7005420

    Confuse the, make them forget about us or at least be unsure, run like hell. It'll buy us time.
    >> Bill Murray !!WYG9L8p7tJh 12/04/09(Fri)21:06 No.7005422

    They fucking studied the shit out him. We're a fucking monstrous being that they just video taped destroying a human snail hybrid looking motherfucker.

    ET we ain't.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:07 No.7005426
    Why the hell do you think we are going to be surrounding the shack?

    Option 1:Mindrape
    Option 2:Rip and Tear
    Option 3:Rip and Tear, run like fuck to the ocean, eat fish, gestate, Become deep ones.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:07 No.7005437
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    Now we are boned.
    Unless we can mentally dominate/confuse the entire group, we need to leave ASAP!

    I think we can; we made the city stop in its tracks once.
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)21:08 No.7005440
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:08 No.7005442
    30 full sapients? Can you tell anything from their minds? What kind of people are we dealing with here? Are they all scientists? How many security guards?

    Who has the strongest mind? Who is the alpha male?
    >> cool beans 12/04/09(Fri)21:08 No.7005445
    rolled 1, 4 = 5

    yes continue
    >> MadSlug 12/04/09(Fri)21:08 No.7005452
    Shit. We need to pause for a moment and scan the human minds to see if we can tell which are "warriors" and which are non-combatants.
    >> Bill Murray !!WYG9L8p7tJh 12/04/09(Fri)21:08 No.7005455
    It'll buy us a day.

    We need to wipe these guys out TODAY.

    Increase our aura of X-TACY! These humans need to get dopamined the fuck up. They need to be so content that they don't even mind that we're slaughtering their friends.
    >> Ragebrew 12/04/09(Fri)21:09 No.7005468
    We take the calm approach to begin with! We are a fucking huge muscled beast that can blast entire areas with our fucking mind!

    These humans are all scientists, I am for thinking. Weapons are most likely limited to the scouting group. We mass "JOY" them, and fill them with adoration of what is obviously a superior being.

    Get their guards down, get them feeling like we are friendly and nice. Play their games, for now. The moment we order it, have our spawn rush in and devour them!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:09 No.7005470
    Discover everything you can. Have they broadcast the information yet? Are they SCIENCE! Or peace ad love hippies? What it the situation?!
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)21:10 No.7005473
    Eight security. The majority of them are highly professional scientists.

    The tents are built up around the shack. The various swampy rivers are bridged using various planks and so on. They've made this place quite hospitable in the week they've been here.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:10 No.7005474
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    only way to survive; mental fuckery, wot wot.
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)21:10 No.7005475
    Lets fucking find out who the lead is and make a mind control buddy.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:10 No.7005484
    Fury is leading an exodus to a more secure location. Even if we fall here, fury can lead on our people on. How many of our hive do we have? Can we get a unit read out here?
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)21:11 No.7005496
    They're SCIENCE!

    They haven't sent the feed off to their employers yet.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:11 No.7005500
    So they've been here for a full week here. Try and find out what they have learned from the corpses via mind probe.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:12 No.7005509
    Who are their employers?
    >> MadSlug 12/04/09(Fri)21:12 No.7005512
    Well thats a little less scary. As others have said we need to try and summon more of the swarm to surround the area if we can and pump up the GOOOOD VIBRATIONS! Especially focusing on the Fighting-Men.

    We also need to confirm how they communicate with their superiors and when.
    >> Covenant 12/04/09(Fri)21:12 No.7005519

    Incite hostile feelings in one of the security forces, directed at the other security forces. From outside the shack.
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)21:13 No.7005528
    15 Deepspawn
    15 Speedspawn
    24 Batspawn
    15 Tentaspawn

    The Batspawn are pretending to be high-altitude birds.

    Doing a surprisingly good job.
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)21:13 No.7005533
    The name doesn't mean anything to you at all. It's just a fancy detail.

    "The Russian Government".
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:14 No.7005540
    can we find out who the human hive leader here is then? And how's our swarm doing? still encircling the sight? Do we have any possible idea, or can get any possible idea via mind probe, how fast they could send things to their superiors? If, or more importantly, when we decided to rush them, we don't need them sending some shit to their superiors mid battle.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:14 No.7005542
    Wow. We need to start planting little seeds of love for us in everybodies head. When they look at us they must see a God.

    First impressions are everything.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:14 No.7005544
    So THAT'S where we are.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:14 No.7005547
    >> cool beans 12/04/09(Fri)21:15 No.7005556
    yep kill em

    make em so happy they dont care and just kill them

    with this information it just doesnt fuck8ng matter what we do
    we saved ourselves
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)21:15 No.7005558
    Lets not use them. They can't do anything against fortified humans, they're crude beasts.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:16 No.7005559
    NO! We need to stay on message.
    Empathic feelings of "LOVE US! WORSHIP US! OBEY US!"
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:16 No.7005565
    get them to love us,
    then get them to return to their employers with nothing

    failing that, get them to love us
    then kill them all

    except for the one who remained calm during our first encounter... I kinda like her
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:17 No.7005572
    That's... not actually that bad. Can we get any kind of a date out of these people's minds?

    Also, and this is important, in any of the scientist's knowledge of the security, does the word 'spetsnaz' come up anywhere?
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)21:17 No.7005578
    No. According to them, you're at a sleepy little seaside town called Sulina, at the border between Romania and Ukraine.

    When the location was discovered two weeks ago, there was quite a bit of backdoor political hubbub. However, in the end, the Russians got the rights and sent over a government-funded scientific team to examine this strange new species.

    >> Ragebrew 12/04/09(Fri)21:18 No.7005589
    Get them happy, joyful, enough to forget about the research. Then gather them all together, pumping them with the love of Slul-Hoggoth, and get them to convert.

    Conversion by the sword however. Anyone who does not wish to help our brood, is killed.
    >> Bill Murray !!WYG9L8p7tJh 12/04/09(Fri)21:18 No.7005590


    I assumed this entire time we were in the Pacific Northwest. Washington or something.

    God damn, my entire worldview is flipped upside down.

    Change name from Patriarch to GLORIOUS LEADER!
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)21:18 No.7005593
    We are being taken to the leader I presume. If not, make it so we are being taken to the leader. When there we mind control him to giving out a positive report.
    Then we get to figuring a way out of this bitch.
    Ignore spawn for now please.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:19 No.7005598
    except for the one who remained calm during our first encounter... I kinda like her

    Yes. keep this one. She is receptive, She may be useful. If we cannot enslave all. Destroy all other and keep one for later uses
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)21:19 No.7005599
    It's the 27th of September, 2010.

    ... 2010 years after what? Some Christ guy, apparently.

    Humans are strange.

    And why September? What an odd fucking name. Doesn't even mention slugs.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:19 No.7005601
    >I kinda like her.

    Uh, oh. The monster rape. ...It begins.

    In seriousness. Test out our powers, then kill all but a managable number and then leave the area as a whole for safer ground.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:20 No.7005608
    no, of course not. None of this means anything at all. It does not, certainly, mean that there is any way at all that this could, in any way, result in a huge multi-national political shit fest if things go badly. In no way possible could any of that mean anything to us at all. I would still suggest we treed carefully though. We are in the lions den after all, or at least very close to its entrance.
    >> MadSlug 12/04/09(Fri)21:20 No.7005610
    Still supporting heading on into the base while trying to manipulate aaaall the humans minds.

    Make them love us... and then try and network their love together so it reflects back and forth, reinforcing their feelings of obedience to ourself!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:20 No.7005611
    Describe the four humans.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:22 No.7005634
    Political names and meaning are obviously nothing to us. Do we understand the scope and force of destructive might the sapiens can bring to bear on us, do we full realise the extent of this, or are we still infering small details
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)21:22 No.7005637
    Enough information requesting.

    You make your approach, while your young remain hidden. You fill all of the individuals who approach with feelings of admiration and joy upon spotting you, as well as calmness. They talk amongst themselves, albeit excitedly, as they keep their distance - as commanded by you.

    According to the thoughts you're gaining from them, they're making all sorts of wild speculation about how you exist - and they're also discrediting any of the claims of telepathy as nonsense.

    It's quite a strain, stretching your influence over all of them at once - you don't affect all of them so well as the same time. Small groups are better.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:22 No.7005638
    rename month Slugtember. And is the camp reacting to us in anyway? Can they see us?
    >> cool beans 12/04/09(Fri)21:23 No.7005650
    your humor is intoxicating bio

    but seriously kill everyone and destroy all the bodies from the battle as well as their machines we may have this under control now but if one fucking person snaps out of it we are done and ol vladdy comes to butcher our asses and send us to siberia for study
    >> Bill Murray !!WYG9L8p7tJh 12/04/09(Fri)21:23 No.7005651
    Every month is Slugtember.
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)21:23 No.7005654
    At the moment, they only possess a handful of lethal projectile weapons with them.

    However, you realize the full potential of what humanity is capable of - compared to that, this tiny expedition is nothing, thankfully.
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)21:23 No.7005655
    Who is the leader. Mind Control the leader NOW!!!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:24 No.7005665
    Start on one tent or cluster or whatever at a time. Make them feel confused, panicked, insane. Go on from them to the next, and the next...
    >> Bill Murray !!WYG9L8p7tJh 12/04/09(Fri)21:25 No.7005684
    Try and make the isolated ones fall asleep. Those that are alone in a tent. Alone at the perimeter. A deep sleep.
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)21:25 No.7005687
    If we cant identify the leader for mind control then homing beacon for EVERY SINGLE HUMAN to gather. Cluster Fuck.
    >> MadSlug 12/04/09(Fri)21:25 No.7005689
    I agree with this plan. We also need to try and keep them from making any attempt at outside communication.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:26 No.7005696
    of course these rumors of telepathy are nonsense. That would be completely impossible. And ridiculous.

    As ridiculous as, say, dissecting another thinking sentient without their permission. And now that your really thinking about it, don't these creatures appear to be sentient?

    You begin to suspect you may be entering a kind of grey moral zone. Also, tranquilizing them without their permission would probably go right in the same category.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:27 No.7005710
    Ask if we can show a small group something important as we wish to trust them and share our love and knowledge with them.

    Play with their minds, eat them. All that good stuff.
    Come back for more. Keep doing it and splitting them up into managable numbers. Learn as much as we can from them while also learning how they can be usefull to us.

    Then we need to leave.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:28 No.7005715
    I like where you're going with this but we probably shouldn't let the word "sentient" get anywhere near their reports.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:28 No.7005725
    also, you begin to suspect that you will need to gather more intel on these creatures before sending anything to your hive-leaders. Much, much more intel. With the creature's permission of course. Maybe chat with him over a squirrel or something.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:30 No.7005754
    well, what word would you suggest to use to stop them from thinking about things like cutting us up after they traq us with massed volley fire?
    >> Bill Murray !!WYG9L8p7tJh 12/04/09(Fri)21:30 No.7005755
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)21:31 No.7005761
    The one who disbelieved your telepathy is a dark skinned male. Fairly short, fairly chubby. Yet again, comes from a location you do not give a shit about. Housh
    The one who was curious about you is female. Also small. Fair skinned. Fair haired. Location you don't care about. Alexia.
    Mikhail is tall, masculine, fair hair, fair skin. Relationship with Alexia. Same location as Alexia, doesn't really matter.
    The final one who was quite scared of you is both light and dark skinned. Kinda like your original skin, but yellowy. Tian.

    Based on your other opinions, you try to make them consider harming you or even trying to take a sample of you a crime - since you are, of course, such a wonderful - albeit terrifying - creature. You isolate the leader, individual called Filipp. Serious chap - but you try to enter his mind.

    It's difficult. If you try to control his mind, your influence over the others will be drastically reduced. Do so anyway?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:32 No.7005783
    Oh God.
    Either we try and take control of him OR we try and turn the rest of the camp against him...
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:33 No.7005787
    Do so.
    >> Macleod 12/04/09(Fri)21:33 No.7005792
    Is this the leader of the base, or just expedition leader? I mean to control the leader of the base man.
    >> Bill Murray !!WYG9L8p7tJh 12/04/09(Fri)21:34 No.7005806
    Put the others into a serious dopamine binge, then enter Filipp's mind.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:34 No.7005808
    Do we know anything about Filipp? Control could be easier if we get him to calm down a bit. Or is it that we can't really get in his mind at all? Mind like a steel ball kind of thing?
    >> Bio !LzFfkxZBAY 12/04/09(Fri)21:34 No.7005811
    New thread: >>7005784
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:34 No.7005814
    >> Ragebrew 12/04/09(Fri)21:36 No.7005832

    Well, we have given them a feeling of delight in our being. It is unlikely that the moment that fades, they will suddenly turn hostile. Maybe a bit indifferent, but we could force them to be nice again, I am sure.

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