/qst/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /qst/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

October 2007
752689Epic Gaming MomentsYet another Epic Gaming Moments thread. TDM contributes copious quotes.that damn mouse, epic gaming moments, epic2007-10-30 15 
757447Repo Men, a campaign for WushuA nifty game idea for Wushu inspired by Hellraiser and Dead Like Mewushu, game ideas2007-10-31 2 
November 2007
765406Let's play the FATAL game.Highlighting why FATAL is terrible for newfagsFATAL, game, ohgodImustclawmyeyesout2007-11-03 21 
765913Let's play the FATAL game. - 2The first thread actually hit the image limit.FATAL, game, ohgodImustclawmyeyesout2007-11-03 13 
December 2007
921167DC 80 to crawl up an anusIt turns out that a DC 80 Escape Artist check lets you crawl up someone's anus. Epic lulz ensues.anus, crawl, escape artist, FATAL, epic2007-12-21 176 
February 2008
1178163Black Tokyo/tg/ discovers a truly horrible eroRPG.rape disgusting troll FATAL2008-02-16 15 
1188125Let's Play Black Tokyo!For some reason, nobody wanted to...rape disgusting FATAL hentai virginia2008-02-18 11 
March 2008
1310759Min-Maxed Commoners and HousecatAbyssal Heritor commoners, binder commoners, Pun-Pun commoners, psionic housecats, weeaboo fightan housecats, incarnum housecats, oh my.D&D, commoner, housecat, min-max2008-03-10 15 
1361693More Cat Min-MaxingA continuation of 1310759. Now with Psionics?!D&D, housecat, min-max, psionics2008-03-19 6 
April 2008
1464058Speech TherapySoulstorm main characters receive help with their "problems."METAL BOXES, spess, space, gimpus2008-04-03 32 
May 2008
1671260Your soul and You!Dagda was playing too much Devil May Cry and came up with rules on using souls in RPGs as a commodity.Dagda, Soul, house rule2008-05-07 6 
1680005Rogue Trader ConversionsScriptarius cooks up a batch of Rogue Trader minis for our enjoymentRogue Traders, Conversions, Scriptarius2008-05-07 5 
1820860DoW MinisScriptarius is up to his old tricks and now makes a mini of Carron doing his famous METAL BOXES look.Scriptarius, conversions, DoW, METAL BOXES2008-05-26 0 
June 2008
2047216Little Folk/tg/ brainstorms about a game where all the people in the world suddenly find themselves 2 inches tall.Little Folk, RPG discussion2008-06-21 35 
August 2008
2330098Daemon Santa ClausThe Inquisition sends a report on the Daemon Santa Claus40k, Santa Claus2008-08-13 1 
2388010Thousand Son and GuardswomanDrawfaggotry brings out the original writefaggotry to a tear-jerker story. Also, Macha wrestling. Thousand Sons, baww, d'aww, macha.2008-08-21 4 
2397827Angry GuardA simple conversion idea request spawns a new regiment of guardsmen. Scriptarius also makes an appearance once more.Angry, Guard, Scriptarius2008-08-22 4 
2473820Scriptarius' old works/tg/'s resident conversionfag shows a few of his older works, and reveals new projectsscriptarius, conversions2008-08-31 5 
September 2008
2600159Liches, Redux.The enormous hold-all thread for all of lich-kind.d-day, clerics, liches, undead, lich, house, undead house, and many more2008-09-18 5 
2633247Adeptus Mechanicus WritefaggotryAdeptus Mechanicus Writefaggotry, with a whiff of Eldrad-like dickery. Adeptus Mechanicus Writefaggotry 2008-09-21 3 
2654786This Just Happened In A Game I'm DMingGame absentees and menstruating male dragons and gnomes in tall hats, oh mythis just happened2008-09-24 3 
October 2008
2714934MusicpunkImagine, if you will, a sci-fi/cyberpunk universe where the human genome has been cataloged and preserved...musically.rpg design music2008-10-02 10 
2764879The Ends Justify The MeansA serious discussion of how to make a fairly generic "insane scalpel-happy doctor" villain slightly more interesting, and in so doing present a quandary to her would-be assassins.BBEG, morals, discussion, getting shit done2008-10-09 6 
2838929Fa/tg/uy versus MouseA fa/tg/uy finds a mouse in his kitchen; being only a first-level commoner, he's understandably terrified.mouse, D&D2008-10-22 6 
2850732Angron conversion of HUGE PROPORTIONSScriptarius tacles a new challence - the daemon primarch Angron. The results: HUGE.Conversions, Scriptarius, HUGE2008-10-22 5 
2863830ANGRON conversion part 2Scriptarius continues his work on Angron, and makes a plastic Abaddon and Kharn on the sideAngron, Scriptarius, Conversion2008-10-24 4 
2901271This Just Happened In A Game I'm DMingFUCKING KENDER!this just happened, kender2008-10-29 5 
December 2008
3118172Girl Genius d20A tripfag makes stats for a Girl Genius game.d20, Girl Genius2008-12-06 0 
3122644Mouse Guard RPGAn early look at the Mouse Guard RPG rulebook, character sheets, promises of a MG mod for DFmouse guard2008-12-07 2 
3215569SuccubusA DnD succubus dscussion evolves into talk about the Blood War as well as some talk about the nature of the PlanesSucubus Infinite Blood War Devil Demon Outsider 2008-12-21 2 
3230017Scriptarius Custom Christmas ModelsScriptarius creates a Warhammer 40k model version of Santa and creates a gingerbreadnought with delicious results.Scriptarius, Santa Model, Christmas, 40k Custom Models, Gingerbreadnought, Santa2008-12-23 20 
January 2009
3288492Ruby Art DumpAs the name suggests. The location of the IRC discussions on Ruby Quest is also in the OP post.Ruby, IRC Discussion2009-01-02 27 
3305759Ruby DiscussionSome random ruby speculation with a nice revelation at the end due to an observant anonRuby Discussion2009-01-03 27 
3365327The Inquisitorial Land RaiderScriptarius is converting away yet again.Scriptarius, conversion, Land Raider, kitbash2009-01-11 3 
3404438Conversion Q&A InsomniaScriptarius can't sleep so he answers a good pile of questions about converting.Scriptarius, Conversions, Q&A2009-01-15 5 
3433252"Help!" Succubus ThreadSome guy gets his sorcerer sent to the succubus layer of the abyss. Rapid fire bullshit suggestions from Anon ensue, including telling OP to pretend that he's writing a guide to the abyss.succubus2009-01-18 7 
3443975"Help!" Succubus Thread Part 2OP's character is still trapped in the abyss, but now he orgasms when he kills demons. He is not the demons. Well, not yet, at least. Some drawfaggotry in response to the last thread shows up.succubus2009-01-19 5 
3488573Cursed Itemsfa/tg/uys discuss cruel and/or lulzy cursed items to release upon their unwitting players...cursed items house rules2009-01-23 5 
3501239Necromancer's Code of Honour/tg/ gets together and discusses how to create a society that does not frown upon Necromancy, or at least one that prevents a Necromancer from experiencing moral dissonance over what they're doing.necromancy, chilvalry, bushido, code of conduct2009-01-24 6 
3557509Orktimus PrimeWonder what would happen if a band of Orks looted an Autobot? These pictures show off the Best Conversion EVER.Orks, Transformer, Optimus Prime2009-01-30 10 
February 2009
359916140K MusicalsWhat musical theatre would be approved for general release by the inquisition? /tg/ explores such old Broadway hits as "Springtime for Horus" and "Mekboy on da Roof".Musicals, 40k, Springtime for Horus, Mekboy on da Roof2009-02-03 10 
3630679PCs vs. BeethovenA Player asks for suggestions on how to take down the Epic Musician himself in his DM's Awesome campaignepic, music, beethoven, d&d,awesome2009-02-07 13 
3668696Homeworld in 40k 1What if the Kushani try to take Holy Terra?Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani2009-02-10 12 
3670053Homeworld in 40k 2We just agreed that Kushani are lootier than da orksHomeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani2009-02-10 5 
3671425Homeworld in 40k 3Now we know Orkz can add moar dakka to Kushani Mothership, Progenitors can fuck everyones shit up and are the reason why the nids are running from their previous galaxy, given enough time Hiigarans can be a real pain in the ass or even a major threat to the IoM, and Karan S'Jet is hot and should become The God-Empress if she isn't one already.Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-11 6 
3674599Homeworld in 40k 4Yes it's still going, yes I'm shocked too, yes this IS getting ridiculous.Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-11 5 
3677459Homeworld in 40k 5This is the thread that never end, and it goes on and on my friends...Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-11 5 
3679875Homeworld in 40k 6My God...it's full of stars! Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-11 5 
3687417Homeworld in 40k 7Ancient ones, they watch and listen, Carry our wishes, Took upon themselves to guide us Through the endless skies. Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-12 3 
3693195Homeworld in 40k 8I can see forever...Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-12 6 
March 2009
3931590Mantis LegionScriptarius' quest for an Imperial Guard army takes a turn for the epic as the idea of a psyker-filled night world is created and fleshed outPsyker Guard, Scriptarius, Imperial Guard2009-03-10 3 
3938847World War I CrusadesA picture plus a quick paragraph of story sparks speculation about what if the Crusades had access to World War I chemical weapons.world war 1, crusades2009-03-12 11 
4038731NautilusA bunch of fa/tg/uys develop some fluff for a nautiloid race that lives near volcanic mineral vent deep beneath an ice sheet that floods whole planets for terraforming,Interesting Ideas pop upNautilus,Fluff development,W40K,Deep sea2009-03-21 10 
4061124A Song To Save The World /tg/ debates what song will save the planet in the face of imminent destruction.music, end of the world2009-03-23 2 
4126213Dark Heresy CharactersTales are told of various DH characters and, surprisingly, most are good.Dark Heresy, Uskanda2009-03-30 7 
April 2009
4161791Planescape Magical Faction Girls!The PCs are magical girls imbued with power by their factions, sent by Big Sis Pain-chan to fight evil throughout the planes!D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious2009-04-02 18 
4247421Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 2Oh Jesus, he's actually going to RUN it.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious2009-04-11 12 
4255435Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 3The game ends up actually being run and... nothing is creepy about it! It's actually FUN! Oh Jesus God, what have we done. WHAT HAVE WE DONE.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-04-12 15 
4324227Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 4If this is what happens 'That Time of the Week,' I dread knowing what 'That Time of the Month' will be like. The goddamn magical girls are back again!D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-04-19 11 
4333539HighschoolRPGMaidRPG undergoes a massive overhaul by a namefag and comes out surprisingly well. Calls are made for this to become a canon mod.MaidRPG made better, pleasant surprise, high schoolers, user expansion2009-04-20 16 
4398034Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 5Third session of the Planescape Girls Game, and the last in the adventure! They actually get into a fight for once! There is EXCITEMENT and ADVENTURE!D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-04-26 10 
May 2009
4465475Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 6Fourth actual game-session. This time we go to the beach and Bleaker-tan's Player crit-succeeds at sandcastle-building. ADORABLE.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-05-03 7 
4467075Commissar...Desus?!?Because Creation wasn't big enough to contain his dickery, let's unleash him into the Imperium. Great idea.Exalted, Desus, Commissar2009-05-04 5 
4458881FUCK YOU II'M A D'awwwA "This Just Happened Comic" two parter with an unexpected and amusing ending.This Just Happened, Dragonborn, dawww, FUCK YOU I'M A DRAGON2009-05-04 2 
4518169Army VS Show works + Conversionfag Q&A Conversionfaq Q&A - yet again random useful tidbits for mini converters.Conversions, Scriptarius2009-05-11 1 
4539347Battlefleet HiigaraGeneral Homeworld thread becomes Homeworld in Battlefleet Gothic thread. Shit gets done.homeworld, warhammer 40,000, hiigara, taiidan, kushan, kadesh, battlefleet gothic, bfg2009-05-13 0 
4557916Pastry of Femininity/tg/ comes up with yet another way to be the little girl, this time in the form of delicious cake. You must eat it.delicious cake, transgender, trolls trolling trolls2009-05-16 0 
4590359Imperial survey fleet detects ProtossWhat hapens if an imperial Survey fleet detects a protoss star systemSurvex fleet, Protoss, Imperium, exterminatus, heresy2009-05-19 20 
4657047ITT: Useless or nearly useless magic itemsAwesome Magic ItemsItems, Magic Items, Useless, Joke, Creativity, Ideas2009-05-25 8 
4678012For the love of the gameSomeone who enjoys 3.5 and 4e gives their thoughts on why people can still love 3.5 despite 4e being popular. Then, eventual trolling.meaningful, discussion, 3.5, 4e, fun2009-05-27 2 
4680279Quirky magic items thread (Mostly UselessMore quirky, useless, or nearly useless magic items.Items, Magic Items, Quirky, Useless, Joke, Creativity, Ideas2009-05-27 13 
June 2009
4730204Talespin And Other Awesome ThingsPossible troll turns into an interesting discussion on turning TaleSpin into a campaign world. BlackSad, Maus, Lackadaisy are added, and it only improves from there.Noir, Pulp, Blacksad, Maus, Talespin, Setting, Nazis, Ideas, Furry, Good2009-06-01 0 
4777651CavemenLazy DM brags about Erectus Racial bonus. Anonymous talks about playing the fluff and crunch in Caveman games.erectus, neaderthal, sapien, Speciazation, bitchfest2009-06-05 5 
4786498Conversionfag Q&A #9001Scriptarius is here yet again!Scriptarius, conversions, 2009-06-06 2 
4852108All Bards custom gameOP fantasizes about Metal Heads rocking up a literal storm. Him and /tg/ work on making a homebrew music-based system.Getting Shit Done, Music, Homebrew, Metal, Bards2009-06-12 3 
48809461984 and Late-Night Philosophy/tg/ attempts to turn 1984 into a viable setting for gaming. The goal may have been accomplished, but it's lost under a torrent of mostly shit- turning into a surprisingly candid and polite discussion on the philosophy of safety over freedom.philosophy, 1984, george orwell, justice2009-06-15 1 
4887950yet more random stuff another thread of random objectswarehouse 23 random awesome 2009-06-16 0 
4898994/tg/ Sings 40KEverything from TMNT to Queen resides here, folks.TMNT, 40K, music2009-06-17 2 
4920604Someone was asking...Awesome piece of Ollanius Pius writefaggotry.Writefaggotry, Ollanius Pius2009-06-18 12 
4984127Who ya gonna call, Ghostbuters!OP asks where he should set his Ghostbusters campaign. Wacky Hi-jinks ensue.Ghostbusters, Humor2009-06-25 8 
5027467Conversionfag Q&A + Imps and =][=Scriptarius and conversions. Nuff said.Scriptarius, conversions2009-06-28 2 
5028025Dwarf WomenAn epic discussion on the nature of dwarf women.dorfs, women, dwarves, elves, discussion2009-06-29 2 
5048847Sunburn and greenstuffConversionfag Q&A: Redux Great deal of scriptarius' work is posted.Scriptarius, Conversions2009-06-30 3 
July 2009
5071148IG discussion + Conversionfag Q&AAs always, this might have something useful to converters - and to those interested in IG.Scriptarius, conversions2009-07-03 2 
5138369Planescape Magical Faction Girls: The Return!They're back! (Last thread wasn't archived.) Now in session 10, the girls are dealing with the Modron March and need help stopping them from trampling a town in Celestia.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-07-12 7 
5173594Realistic Fantasy SocietiesAnon discusses the impact of magic-heavy social structures as opposed to the traditional MIDDLE AGES BUT WITH MAGIC settings.discussion, world-building2009-07-16 5 
5198252Planescape Magical Faction Girls: The Unswerving PathModrons are assholes.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM, modrons2009-07-19 10 
August 2009
5321206WutquestA JonQuest style quest. Equip your +5 cactus armor and get ready to fight some dinosaur train conductors in space.quest, wut, space, train, cactus2009-08-03 1 
5322683That Fucking DwarfA new Shadowrun party has its first session and levels a city block.Dwarf, Zus, Shadowrun, cyberpunk2009-08-03 7 
5363656Meeting PeopleSo what if some pskyer sneezed while explaining murphy's law to a guardsman and caused all the warp and webways and inertialess drives and propellant bladders in the galaxy to stop working and the only way to travel anywhere was on the bus. What kind of conversations would happen while waiting at the bus stop?40k, grimdark, busstop2009-08-07 5 
5388982Damsels in distress Cont'dThe second part of the Pally.Succy highjinks ends!Quest, Sucubbus, Pally, Love, Writefag2009-08-09 1 
5450273Parasite Quest/tg/ becomes a virus, trying to spread itself by mutating other creaturesquest, collective game, metamind, rat, virus, parasite2009-08-14 7 
5477986Black Templar High SchoolWhat if Black Templar Neophyte training was more akin to an awkwardly gay high school?Space marines, gay, black templars, finland, sauna, scriptarius2009-08-17 3 
5483322That Fucking Dwarf #2Zus and friends return for another week of mayhem.Zus Shadowrun Epic Dwarf Cyberpunk2009-08-17 4 
5481134Raging <Blank>A series of rage-related feats found in Pathfinder leads to sore sides. Amusement abounds.Pathfinder, Roleplaying, Amusing, Rage2009-08-17 11 
5492330The High Lords Of TerraExcellent Writefaggotry, even the Adeptus Custodes are funny as shit.Writefaggotry, Humor, Emperor, 40k, Adeptus Custodes2009-08-18 25 
5502411The Lord-Captain MunchausenThe Lord-Captain Munchausen regales us with the misfortune suffered whilst dining with Archmagos Ralwure the Goldenbaron munchausen2009-08-18 7 
5511229How to make a settingSolid thread on making a good setting.game design, d&d, homebrew, useful, dm, gm, world building, ideas2009-08-19 21 
5572527That Fucking Dwarf #3Shit hits the fanDwarf, Zus, Shadowrun, cyberpunk2009-08-24 3 
5578859Victorian Succubusop asks about a steampunk setting with aristocrat succubisteampunk, succubus, victorian, planescape2009-08-25 1 
5605691Monstrous GirlsOP wants a monstergirl thread. What he gets is GRIMDARK and NO GOD NO.monstergirl, grimdark, writefaggotry, horror, discussion2009-08-27 15 
5642930Eclipse Phase Part 3A continuation of the Eclipse Phase threadsTranshumanism, Eclipse Phase, Cyberpunk, PNP, Discussion2009-08-30 1 
5648250Eclipse Phase 4More of the same.Eclipse Phase, Transhumanism, PNP, Discussion, Sci-fi, AI, I wish to be the neotenic2009-08-30 1 
September 2009
5712119India = DwarfistanIn which it is proven that dwarves are the inhabitants of the exotic land of India.dwarf fortress, india, Rhesus macaques2009-09-04 6 
5756362Opening a FLGS #2 (4 or 5?)Tech Priest Naile showing off other game stores and some more discussion.FLGS, Business, Advice, Nostalgia2009-09-07 0 
5770742Opening a FLGS #3Webstore shenanigans.FLGS, Business, Advice, Nostalgia, Webstore2009-09-08 2 
5787450We Are So Small/tg/ gets existential over other-worldy panorama and the stars. We are indeed small, my brothers.discussion, space2009-09-09 8 
5867345Opening a FLGS #4Tech Priest Naile discussing his shop's ideal location.FLGS, Business, Advice, Nostalgia, Lease2009-09-15 0 
5974314Big Bad Evil Gals/tg/ discusses the idea of female BBEGs, if any of them are any good, and the stereotypes generally seen therein. A rather decent discourse, albeit with trolling here and there.Female, BBEG, stereotype, discussion2009-09-23 2 
6012369Alt WWII Thread VIIAlternative WWII thread, with 100% more space age!"WWII", "alt", "quest", "Canadian", "USSR"2009-09-26 2 
6059125nWoD: the Touhoufag HouserulingTouhoufag posts houserules again, and this time ports a bit of Perils of the Warp/Psychic Phenomena into nMage Paradox. An Anon posts Sidereal Paradox converted into Mage.nWoD, Houserules, Touhoufag2009-09-29 1 
October 2009
6139303Creed's GambitAbaddon finally kills Ursarkar Creed, and finds that even in death, the man is a Tactical Genius.Creed, 40k, Tactical Genius, Writefaggotry2009-10-05 24 
6144666Captured rogue planetWorldBuilder starts, well, building a world. Biology, geology and planetology discussions abound as fa/tg/uys debate on the conditions under which a planet travelling millions of years would be captured in the solar system. Includes a huge stellar body almost PLOUGHING THROUGH JUPITER.worldbuilder, science, sci-fi, planetology, custom setting2009-10-05 1 
6171811Trench SettingGeneric "events in the X" turns into the whole setting discussion full of ideas and charactersworld war, setting, ideas, trench, warfare, discussion2009-10-07 0 
6261378Flashy ItemsDM looks for cool items that do nothing until players get really creative. Win quickly follows. D&D, items, creativity, useless2009-10-14 1 
6347204Virus Sword/tg/ discusses an evil, intelligent, magic sword that replicates it's self.intelligent sword, evil, virus, legacy2009-10-20 5 
6442379Alternate Miniature WargamesDiscussion of several alternate miniature wargames ends up listing dozens of companies that produce wonderful spaceship miniatures.Miniatures, Games, Spaceship, Full Thrust, 2009-10-27 4 
November 2009
6516181Advice for StorytellersA no-troll, no-nonsense, honest set of advice for how to become a better DM/GM/Storyteller/Whatever-the-fuck-they-call-it-this-week.DM, GM, rookie, advice, useful2009-11-01 2 
6591184A New PantheonA new pantheon for D&D 3.5 where the gods are legendary musicians.Dungeons and Dragons, music, musicians2009-11-06 11 
6633807A lack of edition wars.Possibly the first and only Pathfinder discussion thread not utterly beset by trolls where discussion that was reasonable could be had.rules discussion, rules, pathfinder2009-11-09 1 
6683737Mass Effect Discussion & ME2 SpeculationTitle pretty much sums it up. Some talk of a Mass Effect P&P.Mass Effect, Discussion2009-11-13 4 
6709859/tg/ and D&D 2nd Edition.Fa/tg/uys discuss the pros and cons of 2nd edition vs newer ones, along other oldfag concepts, with amazingly little trolling.Late Nite, D&D, 2E, 2nd, 2nd Edition, Late Night, constructive arguments, discussion, old school, oldfags, good /tg/2009-11-15 1 
6742471Pacifist White Mage for 4EA pacifist White Mage class for 4E, extensivly laid out.4E, Healer, Class, Houserules, Homebrew, DnD, D&D2009-11-17 8 
6750414World of Derpness/tg/ discusses the most mindnumbing aspects of the old World of Darkness' metaplot.world of darkness, discussion2009-11-18 4 
6838286END OF THE GOD DAMNED WORLD QUEST part 2We find out about mobs of mormons and steal an SUV. After driving around some, we get hit with a frying pan. Jessica sounds like a muscle girl.Collective Game, quest thread, frying pan, "I'm just a defense attorney" 2009-11-24 2 
6882277Orkhammer Many Lotz: Da 'Orork 'EresyThe epic tale of the Emperok and his Primeorkz and the war among them that tore apart the Orkperium.Orks, Horus Heresy, Orkhammer2009-11-27 3 
6929465D&D critters in modern settingSee the title. Also, an interesting side discussion about culture and the music it would give rise to.elves, elf, human, humans, dwarf, dwarves, modern, fantasy, music, kobolds, gnolls, halfling, gnome2009-11-30 2 
December 2009
7124722Deuspora, the Gypsy GodsOP contemplates a setting where exiled gods from fallen pantheons travel from plane to plane subsisting on stolen prayers. Deuspora Gypsy Gods caravan2009-12-14 2 
71608628-Bit Dystopia - Crunchy editionAn attempt to give the setting some dedicated rules descends into rampant fluff writing as usual. The history of the now forsaken Lylat system is mapped out, and Mobius is touched upon. Oh, and there may have been some talk about skills, classes and a D12 system. Setting, homebrew, /v/, vidya, Megaman, Sonic, Mario, Starfox, Samus, corporations, cyberpunk2009-12-17 8 
7183230The Tales of Matthias KrauseFollow the career of the X-Com soldier Matthias Krause through the grim'n'dark world of X-COM.Matthias Krause, Matthias, Krause, X-COM, writefaggotry2009-12-18 3 
7244789Exterminatus Quest 1You are a ganger. Exterminatus is on the way. If only you'd kept that Amasec...Exterminatus quest, Collective game, Exterminatus2009-12-22 0 
7245628Armor Quest, Pt. 1The adventures of a leman russ crew.Armor Quest, Leman Russ, Tanks, Quest, imperial guard2009-12-22 0 
7255333Scriptarius' Xmas SpecialSanta Ork and Gingerbread stompa. Also, apparently estonian hookers.Scriptarius, 40k, orks2009-12-23 16 
7301214Rune Funkin the 70's bands fought on the fields of honor for the number 1 spot and a shiny new record deal. AKA Bard Settingbards, rune funk, funktapus keech2009-12-27 3 
January 2010
7430811Interesting (and terrifying) factsSomeone asks for random, peculiar facts. He gets them. They're good, at first, and then they remain good, but they also turn very terrifying. oh god no my eyes my eyes, miscellaneous facts2010-01-05 5 
7544679Adeptus Evangelion 2: The SequelBlack mesa janitor decided that his 263 page book WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH for /tg/, so he asks Anon to tell him how to make it better. Brainstorming ensues with a grimdark bent.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, supplement, Adeptus Evangelion, AE2010-01-12 20 
7572034Adeptus EvangelionAnonymous had many a question and the Black Mesa Janitor did deliver. A brainstorm followed shortly after as many alternatives and extensions to the setting were discussed.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, supplement, Adeptus Evangelion, AE2010-01-14 12 
7723751Huge WH40K shipA request for the stats of an Emperor class battleship scaled up to the length of 1 AU leads to fun for all.WH40k, battleship, chaos, mechanus, DH2010-01-23 137 
7725665AdEva LogsBlack Mesa Janitor posts the requested logs of some online Adeptus Evangelion logs, and kicks off another AE brainstorming thread.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, supplement, Adeptus Evangelion, AE2010-01-23 12 
7738962The High Lords of TerraPreparing for the release DH: Ascension, /tg/ speculates on the nature, personality, and appearance of the various High Lords of Terra. An amazing writefag steps in and shit gets off the hook, showing the power of /tg/ to create way better fluff than GW. Thread starts to get awesome around 7740401.40k, fluff, writefaggotry, high lords of terra, emperor, custodes, navigators2010-01-24 26 
7809299Reincarnation Would SuckWhat if modern-day scientists figured out how to cheat death, via a process that replaces the mind of a 9-year-old with your own? /tg/ discusses ethics & tries to predict what'd happen to society.Dagda, World Building, Cyberpunk, Ethics, Serious Business2010-01-28 2 
February 2010
7915533Mass Effect characters playing tabletop gamesAn interesting idea is brought up. What kind of players would the characters of Mass Effect make if presented the opportunity? Epic win results. Later turns to noral discussion but stilla good read.Mass.Erect,Efect,Shepard,Win,Epic,Garrus,Tali,Thatguy2010-02-04 2 
7941402Mass Effect Discussion Thats right, A mass effect discussion based on whats right or wrong. Whats technically good or evil, and just mindless speculation about ME3ME, Mass Effect, Disccusion, Good vs Evil, Right vs Wrong, Just Plain Fun2010-02-06 0 
7979986/tg/ - comics and AustrailiaAn image dump of a /tg/-related webcomic leads to a fascinating discussion of Austrailia and its local fauna.Austrailia, awesome, fuck yeah, D&D, bad players2010-02-08 0 
8021318American Villians Soviet HeroesAn awesome setting for those who like Alternate TimelinesSetting, Soviet Russia, Heroes, Villians.2010-02-11 1 
8125161To Serve DragonsA while back, I started a thread about cuisine made from dragons. I decided to expand on that idea since that time, giving common properties of various types of dragons, so you can invent your own dragon-cuisine based dishes.Delicious, Food, Cusine, Dragon, D&D2010-02-17 0 
8135162RiderquestA journey of one hero and his pursuit of Justice, and his adventures for today.Kamen, Rider, Kamen Rider, Justice, Lawful Good, Good, Friend, /m/, quest, thread, quest thread,2010-02-18 2 
8151409Adeptus Evangelion Discussion/tg/ discusses Ad EVA some more, updates about the next version are revealed. Some anon's detail their current campaignsEvangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, Mecha, Mech, Adeptus Evangelion, Fuck yeah, AE2010-02-18 4 
8156243Charmander Quest #27Figured I'd archive this since the GM seems to have taken an hour-long potty breakCharmander Quest, Charmander, Pokemon, Quest, Pokémon, Gratuitous use of ascii2010-02-19 2 
March 2010
8480716Adeptus Evangelion FluffBMJ asks for pieces of original content to help make his next gift for /tg/ all the more special. The fa/tg/uys prove their worth like champs. AdEva, AdeptusEvangelion, Evangelion, writefag, epic2010-03-09 17 
8545021Samus StatsSamus Aran is Stated in every system EXCEPT forty-k.Samus, NES, State, me, Fantasy, 2010-03-13 1 
8546647The Tower in the DragonAttempt to troll with macrofur art turns into civilized discussion about the practical ways to resolve the situation within the D&D universe. Never change, /tg/.Dungeons and Dragons, Dragon, Tower, discussion2010-03-13 5 
8580300good succubus worldbuildingRequest for "Make succubi good but not shitty or fapfest" workssuccubus, worldbuilding, god, YHWH2010-03-14 2 
8587949Mecha musume gone grim darkA "This is your <x>" thread goes horribly wrong in all the right ways involving girls in war machinery.grimdark mecha_musume mecha loli war2010-03-15 2 
8619572/tg/ Movie trailers/tg/ puts on its Director Cap and makes some Movie Trailers based off characters and campaigns. Lights. Camera. Action.Trailer, Awesome, Movie, oh/tg/thisiswhyIloveyouso2010-03-17 3 
8633133True Tales of the Great CrusadeAwesome writefaggotry set during the Great Crusade about a wounded Imperial Army vet from Terra trying to retreat back to friendly lines on an icy death-world and the straggler who follows him.40k, writefag, manly tears, Great Crusade, Emprah2010-03-17 31 
8843611Bard's MusicThe party's bard controls the theme music. What should he play?Bard, music2010-03-29 1 
8846702LOST PRIMARCH QUEST PART 3Two hundred years after Part 2, Rachnus and his brother Alpharius plan the assault on a renegade human world suspected of sorcery. Rachnus recalls the death of his adoptive father Maloris, and he along with the Silencers (The Legion's Nulls) prepare to make planetfall.RACHNUS, RAGEOUS, LOST, PRIMARCH, ANGRY, SPIDERS, MALORIS, FUCK, ALPHA LEGION2010-03-29 10 
8845653Ace Attorney Investigations: 40k, Part 2What started off as a clean cut investigation into the murder of Inquisitor Tyrell Badd descends into confusion and tentacle rape.40k, Inquisitors, Ace Attorney, confusion2010-03-29 2 
8866464LOST PRIMARCH QUEST PART 4Rachnus Rageous and his Silencers land on the warp-infested planet, and make their way to the capital city's heart, only to find... Daemons.RACHNUS, RAGEOUS, LOST, PRIMARCH, ANGRY, SPIDERS, MALORIS, FUCK, EMPRAH, TZEENTCH, OMEGON, ALPHARIUS, ALPHA LEGION2010-03-30 10 
8871718Enter the SargeFairly normal "what if" thread leads to our first encounter with Sarge, a badass wood elf on the edge, and leading role in the upcoming film epic: Full Metal Bodkin.Elves, Eldar, Sarge, All Goblins must fucking Hang, Fluff2010-03-30 14 
8874104Not-so-Bitter BetrothalL5R Storytime about a Mantis Bushi and his drinking, swearing & fighting black sheep of a Crane bride.L5R, marriage, Crane, Mantis, Bushi, Storytime2010-03-30 25 
8881939Gundam40kA "really stupid" idea turns out to be awesome in retrospect.Dark Herisy, Adeptus Evangelion, Epic, Setting2010-03-31 2 
8879803LOST PRIMARCH QUEST PART 5Rachnus and Alpharius conquer the chaos-ridden planet, and the Emprah calls for a family reunion!RACHNUS, RAGEOUS, LOST, PRIMARCH, ANGRY, SPIDERS, MALORIS, FUCK, SMURFS, ALPHARIUS, TIALOC, SKY SERPENTS2010-03-31 7 
April 2010
8904549LOST PRIMARCH QUEST PART 6Isstvan V, the glassing of Rachnus' homeworld, and the capture of Tialoc.RACHNUS, RAGEOUS, LOST, PRIMARCH, ANGRY, SPIDERS, MALORIS, FUCK, ISSTVAN V, SKY SERPENTS, TIALOC, ALPHARIUS, HORUS HERESY2010-04-01 5 
8909497Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Season 1Planescape: Magical Girls finally returns a year after it was created, on April 1. The Great Modron March has concluded. Game is still awesome. D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM, modrons2010-04-01 10 
8915259Scriptarius does requestsScriptarius adopts a tripcode for April Fools, but makes up for it by doing conversion requests.Scriptarius, conversion, april fools2010-04-01 2 
8943116Adeptus Evangelion WorldbuildingBMJ kinda asks for /tg/ to help expand the Eva universe as a setting. Undersea relic hunters and UN counterinsurgency results.AdEva, Adeptus Evangelion, Setting2010-04-03 12 
8963143LOST PRIMARCH QUEST PART 9Generic puttering around in the aftermath of the heresy - Also, NECRONS!RACHNUS, RAGEOUS, LOST, PRIMARCH, ANGRY, SPIDERS, MALORIS, FUCK, SMURFS, ALPHARIUS, TIALOC, SKY SERPENTS2010-04-04 5 
8965303Adeptus Quest 1Techpriestess Lyra and Servitor Peg-Leg get really fucking lost on a horrible rock with Orks and possibly-Heretical Space Marines and all they wanted to do was save their ship. Adeptus Quest, 40k, AdMech2010-04-04 0 
9071581Costco survival4Chan island converted into Costco, where /tg/ tries to surviveWalmart, homebrew, discussion, 2010-04-09 3 
9096275XX Legion DiscussionEveryone is Alpharius (or Omegon). /tg/ comes up with a new wordfilter.Alpha Legion Alpharius Omegon Primarch2010-04-10 1 
9115941Magic the Gathering combosNeckbeards discuss carb combos designed for maximum troling.MTG, Magic, dicussion2010-04-11 3 
9114489Adeptus Quest 2Techpriestess Lyra, her faithful Servitor Peg-Leg, and Space Marines fuck up orks and more besides and OH FUCK WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT OH OMNISSIAH AND ALL THE SAINTS. Adeptus Quest, 40k, AdMech2010-04-11 2 
9131274Derpuhpus QuestEVOLVE OR DIE, BITCHESderpuhpus quest, evolution2010-04-12 11 
9135028Derpuhpus Quest, Part TwoIn this chapter, the derpuhpi explore the stromatolite maze, impress some scorpions and everyone tries to roll 44 d4s. Hilarity ensues.derpuhpus quest, evolution, quest2010-04-12 7 
9152419Derpuhpus Quest, Part ThreeOur intrpid derpuhpi discover floating cephalopods, giant land squid and the fact that floating cephalopods are explosive enough to launch giant fish across a shallow sea.derpuhpus quest, quest, evolution2010-04-13 5 
9157328Derpuhpus Quest, Part 3.5In this short iteration, the derpuhpi settle a brief disagreement, check the state of their derpuhpotami and discover stoneworking. Then OP starts stalling.derpuhpus quest, quest, evolution2010-04-13 4 
9161878Spiders and snakes and cassowarys, oh myWhat starts as an initiative roll against giant spiders turns into a huge discussion about the dangerous little things of the world.Discussion2010-04-14 0 
9180661HadestownAnon introduces /tg/ to Hadestown, a folk opera that transposes Greek Mythology to Depression Era America. Other anons go on to expand the setting. Greek Myths, Musical, Opera, Setting, Depression2010-04-14 7 
9211961For the Glory of Rome!/tg/ puts on its history hat, and begins speculating on various What-Ifs regarding Rome, from the battle of Crecy to possible engagements with the Han Dynasty of China. Rational and decent debate ensues, minds are blown, and once again we prove that /tg/ is only civil and reasonable when completely off board-topic.Rome, History, War, Speculation, Awesome, Titus Pullo2010-04-16 6 
9217744Adeptus Quest #3In which we narrowly avoid falling to Ruinous Powers and show the a daemon the power prayer.Adeptus Quest, 40k, AdMech2010-04-16 0 
9251334Commissar RangersA thread about what would happen if Horus came back to fight Terra turns into a discussion about the Chaos-Stomping Commissar Rangers and their fights with Chaos.Commissar, Power Rangers, Horus Heresy, What if,2010-04-17 18 
93060004chan Helps Cancer Research/tg/ responds to a thread copied over from /sci/, then a bunch more boards get involved. Vote as much as you can, as long as you can. http://www.refresheverything.com/kanziuscancerresearchgood cause, cancer, copypasta, crosspost2010-04-20 12 
9307396Chaotic Wild Magicwhat evil happens when a spell is fumbled, flubbed or otherwise fucked upFumble, Magic, Spellcasting, enthusiasm2010-04-20 0 
9336777Scriptarius Q&A, with HUGE THINGSScriptarius tries to decide on a head for ANGRON, WHO IS HUGE. And some other stuff happensScriptarius, Conversions, Q&A, ANGRON, HUGE2010-04-22 0 
9355434Scriptarius finishes ANGRONAfter almost 2 years, one of /tg/'s long running projects comes to an end as Scriptarius finishes his massive ANGRONScriptarius, conversion, ANGRON, HUGE2010-04-22 4 
9366674Adeptus Evangelion ProgressAnother AE thread with reports on what's left to be done, logs of the running games, and people checking in with their experiences.AdEva, Adeptus Evangelion, Logs2010-04-23 5 
939166040k replaced with animated mouseswhat happens when you mix dark herisy and mouse guard. Awesome happens thats what.Dark herasy, Mouse guard, 40k, mice2010-04-24 2 
9391452Adeptus Quest 4Lyra punches Daemons into oblivion, and GOOD END is achieved. Adeptus Quest, 40k, AdMech2010-04-24 0 
9510598Fixing the AssassinThe 4e Assassin class is crap. /tg/ debates ideas for how to make them worthwhile. Lots of math ensues.4e, houserules, Assassin, D&D2010-04-30 1 
May 2010
9568405Adeptus Evangelion: AT, N2, JA, and other 2LAsAdeptus Evangelion thread discussing the role of Jet Alone, the functioning of the AT Field and its interaction with N2 mines, with a side discussion on the source of the AT Field and its implications for Angel psychology and NGE's philosophical/theological basis.AdEva, Dark Heresy, Adeptus Evangelion, Evangelion, anime, mecha, AE, DH 2010-05-03 4 
9639988Full Thrust fleet designA Full Thrust fleet challenge turns into a general discussion of the gameFull Thrust2010-05-07 0 
9692211Adeptus Evangelion 2.0Black Mesa Janitor & the dev team deliver the new version of AE. Good times for all.Adeptus Evangelion, Black Mesa Janitor, Dark Heresy, Homebrew2010-05-08 27 
9825103Cool story magus.Someone posts an image with no description, results in a thread full of plays on `cool story, bro`not serious, magic2010-05-15 22 
9895404ITT: Stupid ideas you've heard from your PCsRetarded PCs, New player experiences and pony farmsdiscussion2010-05-18 3 
9964602Several words about WoD..."/tg/, I'm interested in getting into World of Darkness, but I hear a lot about nWoD and oWoD. Is either of the versions better than the other? What's the difference in a few words?" The fa/tg/uys have more than just a -few- words...owod, nwod, debate, discussion2010-05-22 0 
100504684chan D&D gameEvery board of 4chan makes a character for a D&D game. /tg/ is a dorf paladin, /x/ is an alienist, /a/ is a swordsmage, /b/ is a cancer mage, fittingly.4chan house, boardfaggotry, campaign ideas2010-05-26 3 
100554334chan D&D Game pt. 2Continuation of 100504684chan house, boardfaggotry, campaign ideas2010-05-26 1 
10078442Adeptus Evangelion: WWEBMJ drops by to ask /tg/ about fluff for World War EvaAdeptus Evangelion, Black Mesa Janitor, Homebrew, Dark Heresy2010-05-27 7 
100773774chan D&D Game pt. 3Continuation of 10055433 -saved only for continuation purposes-4chanhouse, boardfaggotry, campaign ideas2010-05-27 0 
10088662Opera House EncounterOP asks for help with BBEG encounter in an opera house. Anon swiftly delivers with a BBEG subversion into mindfuck territory.BBEG, mindfuck, opera house2010-05-27 1 
10098576The Worst DM In HistoryThread begins with a poster raging over a familiar that sponatneously dies of hunger. Thread moves on to the tale of a player knocking his DM unconcious with a Player Guide.Worst DM Ever Assassin Lazerus Familiars2010-05-28 48 
10098159Realistic Spaceship ConstraintsWhat do you need to pay attention to when making a hard-physics spaceship? How do you dump heat? Is there really no stealth in space?space, spaceships, discussion2010-05-28 3 
10111656Power Keg of JusticePaladins don't fear falling. They look forward to it.paladin, falling, power keg of justice, bad ass2010-05-28 25 
10144522D&D 4chan part 4continuation of 10077377boardfaggotry, 4chanhouse, campaign, ideas2010-05-30 0 
June 2010
10516939Dino Quest : Genesis/tg/ embarks upon its quest to survive as a Raptor in a world full of fighting and hardship. Watch as we grow form a small insignificant creature into something much greater....Dino Quest, Collective game, Raptors, Dinosaurs, HONK HONKs, Delicious Meats, Fighting, survival, 2010-06-16 6 
10536728Lich University 2: MINION HOOOOUSE!The shenanigans continue.Ravelor, Unversity, Minion House2010-06-17 13 
10590303Paladins of BDSMDespite the name, this was the result of a challenge to create a Lawful Good Deity of BDSM. And surprisingly, some good discussion and plot ideas were had. Paladins, Xiombarg, Loviatar, gods, fluff, discussion2010-06-19 16 
10670113OctoSamurainew villain octosamuraisamurai, octopus, new villain, villain2010-06-22 15 
10702457Spetsnaz Deathsquad in the UnderdarkSetting gets posted.hilarity ensues. including write faggotry!Spetsnaz,Underdark,Writefaggotry,russians2010-06-24 63 
10757102Feral World ReligionSome things got lost in translation... or not.Feral world, 40k, sororitas, salamanders, space marines, horus heresy2010-06-26 39 
10816539Spetsnaz Deathsquad in the Underdark 2: The People's Republic of FaerunMaxim's Squad of Russian badasses continues to badass it's way through Faerun. They now have their own country too. writefaggotry, soviets, russians, underdark, faerun2010-06-29 21 
July 2010
10944812Spetsnaz Deathsquad in the Underdark Part 3Maxim's Squad of Russian badasses once again continues to badass it's way through Faerun. Now with warforged singing Russian Tankist's hymn.writefaggotry, soviets, russians, underdark, faerun, spetsnaz2010-07-05 11 
10964326craziest shit you have ever done in game/tg/ shares tales of some of the Craziest things they've ever done. New Namefag Waffle House Millionaire all but steals the show with the tale of Old Man Hendersonstorytime, crazy shit, Old Man Henderson, dashingbastard, Waffle House Millionaire2010-07-06 66 
August 2010
11513921The Most Dangerous LARP, all partsThe whole story. SHOW ME YOUR HONOR.LARP, Game, Dangerous, Final2010-08-04 42 
11509495Battle-Captain Picard and other storiesAn Iron Fist is transferred to the Enterprise, Riker is stuck on a Battle Barge. Also Khornate Klingons, the Bork, and Troy is EATEN BY DEMONS.Warhammer 40000, 40k, Star Trek, Falvius2010-08-04 12 
11574230What's Buried BelowA post-apocalyptic setting is created from the safety warnings surrounding real life nuclear waste dumps. Atomic priesthoods and underground horrors ensue.homebrew, discussion, setting2010-08-10 10 
11600995Zerg Quest VIIAnon hacks the Confederate Intelligence network, personally organizes the Invasion of Aiur, and THEN the epic starts.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, fleshlings, Starcraft, KINSTOOOOON!!!, Giant fucking crystals, Shit just got real2010-08-10 13 
11608498Survival Quest 2/tg/'s exploration of the haunted house continues. One fa/tg/uy's dream of vomiting is fulfilled. Shit continues to be creepy.Survival Quest, Collective Game, Creepy, Fetuses2010-08-10 11 
11618035Carry On My Wayward Sonsome very well written 1k Sons fictionsThousand Sons Chaos 40k2010-08-12 36 
11633488Worst DMsThread starts strong, then begins to stall. Then anon tells about his former flaming failure of a GM.Gming, worst, puns, more puns, discussion2010-08-12 18 
11665005Mysterious, dark and brooding charactersThe OP complains about dark, brooding characters in his campaign. It ends up with an idea of brooding guild and how brooding should be distributed to the publicDark, brooding, mysterious, funny2010-08-14 26 
11689755Confessions of A Wayward Son (Part II)the epic continues. Thousand Sons 40k Writefag2010-08-17 23 
11702594Zerg Quest VIIICerebrate Anon has conquered Aiur, but lost the Protoss. To celebrate, it absolutely ruins the life of a single Terran man. Kerrigan is born.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Mengsk, Kerrigan, I have no mouth and must scream2010-08-17 22 
11789156Confessions of a Wayward Son VIWorld's Slowest Writefag continues the sagaThousand Sons, Writefag2010-08-23 23 
September 2010
11984704Disney's 'The Little Heretic'Commissar Sebastian sings about The Little HereticMermaid, Disney, Warhammer 40K, 40K, Chaos, musical, lulz2010-09-07 32 
12141617DuskWood Hearts IIJoseph Evans and Cú Airúath Siblaid start the storytelling proper, and begin retelling their Inquisitorial mission alongside the Robo-loli, Rip and Knife-ophile, Lupus.story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-09-19 11 
12161415DuskWood Hearts IIIJoseph Evans and Cú Airúath Siblaid continue the storytelling, retelling the record of their first two battles alongside the Robo-loli, Rip and Knife-ophile, Lupus.story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-09-21 9 
12171225DuskWood Hearts IVJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today they storm the Red's stronghold and finally get Hart.story, dark heresy, Duskwood Hearts2010-09-22 8 
12236243DuskWood Hearts VJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today they have drama in space, land on a swamp world, and someone almost gets shot in the head!story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-09-27 7 
12261962Who was there when Horus slew the Emperor?Strangely, more than quite a few.horus emperor 40k spartacus humor2010-09-29 20 
October 2010
12317098DuskWood Hearts VIJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today, there's a cult ritual, a dismemberment, nightvision goggles, and someone gets engaged!story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-10-04 7 
12402526Pokemon Crusade Quest IIMartellus leads his division against the Saracen scouts, then captures a Drapion. Manly speeches are said and a tournament is arranged.Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Crusade, Crusades2010-10-11 2 
12400927DuskWood Hearts VIIJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today, there's an interrupted wedding, another crazy person joins, an- WTF DID HE DO TO THAT DINOSAUR!?!story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-10-11 7 
12447189Starship Troopers DiscussionVarious fa/tg/uys sit around the proverbial water cooler and discuss the strengths and merits of the Starship Troopers political system.discussion, Starship Troopers, politics, Fascism2010-10-15 9 
12456333Civilized weapon discussion?!? on my /tg/!?Even the troll is civilized and polite once called out. At any rate, historyfags go!epee, foil, sabre, weapons, discussion, medieal weapons2010-10-16 3 
12481769DuskWood Hearts VIIIJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today, there's an ambush, rotting gorillas, hammer-space hijinks and two team members are more insane than previously thought!story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-10-18 7 
12481821Napoleonic HeresyDevelopment thread for a Dark Heresy supplement taking place in the Napoleonic Era.Dark Heresy Napoleon Napoleonic Era Muskets Setting Building Rules Development2010-10-18 2 
12507912Design Your Own Zombie ApocalypseA discussion on various zombie types, traits, abilities and plausibilities. Everything from SCIENCE!!! to "I don't gotta explain shit"Zombie, discussion, fluff, zombie apocalypse, apocalypse2010-10-20 0 
12516400Discussion of AngelsA "stat me" post winds up with an in-depth discussion of how biblical angels are eldritch-horror materialDiscussion, Angels, 2010-10-21 10 
12526117What happens when a starship goes into a Black Hole? LETS FIND OUT.Some DH players shoot a ship straight into a black hole. Wat do.dark heresy, space, rush, lear, dm, black hole2010-10-22 0 
12526343Bretonnia Discussion/tg/ discusses The Kingdom of BretonniaBretonnia, knights, warhammer, fantasy, WFB, discussion, knight2010-10-23 2 
12582554Most Trustworthy of EightOP posts interesting question, /tg/ responds with class and many lols are had.Trustworthy, DM help, epic2010-10-27 4 
12591492Shi/tg/ets done SaturdayWhats starts as reminiscense of old /tg/ projects that were never finished ends with the resolve to start a weekly thread to actually get shit done on these old projectsshit gets done, /tg/, discussion, homebrew, rules, crunch2010-10-28 3 
12591983temptationsThread starts out asking about /tg/'s dirty little gaming secrets, gets derailed with an argument over Paladins, and ends in story time. /tg/ in a nutshellstorytime, dirty little secrets, Waffle house Millionaire2010-10-28 4 
12594371Most Trustworthy of SixteenOP continues with a new 8.Trustworthy, DM help2010-10-28 0 
November 2010
12692444AdEva AwesomenessTales from an awesome AdEva campaignAdeptus Evangelion, Awesome, Metal2010-11-06 1 
12692497Trustworthy? 32-40Ribbonfag asks /tg/'s opinion of eight more.Trustworthy, DM help, characters, portraits, ribbonfag, first impressions2010-11-06 1 
12715002Airship discussionThe elegant gentlemen of /tg/ discuss the feasibility of airships in modern times.zeppelins, airships, discussion2010-11-08 1 
12717096DuskWood Hearts IXJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. A funeral, a genocide, crippling depression, someone gets dramatically slapped, and there are fancy clothes!story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-11-08 7 
12785312Jester ThreadA discussion of Jesters are archetypes, player character, historical figures, and also as a reoccurring figure in media. Filled with historical anecdotes and tons of Harley Quin pictures.D&D, 3.5, jester, fool, harlequin, Harley Quin, fluff, story, funny, roleplay, character, discussion, character, history, anecdote2010-11-15 7 
12798995DuskWood Hearts XJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Murders on a funeral worlds holiday? What are the odds!?story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-11-15 8 
12799478ShadowrunShadowrun fans swap epic campaign stories, character building tips, opinions on game mechanics and fanart.Shadowrun, discussion, adventure, character2010-11-19 0 
12875873Locate City NukeLCN discussion ends up bridging D&D to Square/Enix settings, Fallout and more.locate city nuke, lcn, rules abuse2010-11-21 1 
12911833I AM VIKTOR REZNOV AND I WILL HAVE MY REVENGEOP asks for pics of space russians. Showing /tg/s natural ADD we quickly switch topics to Reznov worship. From there the thread derails into political debate. BUT LO WHAT IS THIS? The debate ends, and the parties agree to disagree.discussion, russia, communism, Reznov, Viktor, Call of duy, war, debate2010-11-24 3 
12975793Complaints about Adeptus EvangelionCharacter death in AdEva is too much to handle.adeptus evangelion, adeva, discussion2010-11-30 2 
December 2010
13000992Mouseguard: The Call of SteveIa! Ia! Steve ftagh The Cyclopean Nightmare of the Combine Tractors and other stories.Mouseguard, Steve, Chtullu, Humanity, Sanity check2010-12-03 5 
13030117Goofus and Gallant QuestAre you a Goofus? Or are you a Gallant?Goofus and Gallant Quest, Quest2010-12-05 2 
13032814Goofus and Gallant Quest: The ConclusionAnd so it comes to a disappointing end.Goofus and Gallant Quest, Quest2010-12-05 2 
13043559Planes & Mercs Quest #2OP still not back, but discussion continues. Mostly on related music and sexy sexy fightersPlanes and Mercs, planes, mercenaries, spin-off, jets, air combat, music2010-12-08 1 
13072673Serious discussion about slavery in your game.Specifically how it can be used constructively in campaign or character backstory, and its pitfalls in being used such a way.Serious, world building, setting, slavery, fantasy, campaign setting2010-12-08 7 
13115808Tall Tales of AdEvaAnon requests stories from other Adeptus Evangelion players. Awesome ensues.AdEva, Adeptus Evangelion, Storytime, My Campaigns, Evangelion2010-12-13 5 
13126445The AdAngelic VersesBlack Mesa Janitor requests draw and writefags to flesh out Angel concepts for a new expansion of AdEva. Dozens of submissions of "forgotten" Dead Sea Scrolls for SEELE ensure.Adeptus Evangelion, AdEva, Drawthreadd, Writethread, BMJ, Original Content, Game Design2010-12-13 6 
13131150AdEva GMing AdviceGM asks for advice for Adeptus Evangelion. Lots of advice is given. Many tips for running a game of AdEvaAdEva, Adeptus Evangelion, NGE, 2010-12-13 5 
13153384Shy GuardsmanThe story of Klightus Sister Bethany.Klightus Sister Bethany Shy Guardsman2010-12-15 39 
13165814Zerg Quest XXIIIAfter squandering some resources, the Swarm finds that Kingston's assault is Blitzkrieging through the third-wave colonies. Gorn and Warbrate work together to fight it back, and Anon turns to Bernie for an offensive.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, KINGSTOOOON!!!, Quest Thread, Bernie, May our children forgive us2010-12-16 11 
13213415Officio Assassinorum: The GameWhat started as a request for scans ended up becoming the brainchild of /tg/, a video game fashioned after the Officio Assassinorum and their assassins.Disscussion, video game, 40k, Assassin, Eversor2010-12-19 8 
13220238Random Generation: The QuestThe pinnacle of all random generator threads.random generators, story, quest, hilarious2010-12-20 2 
13254364Reverse Chivalry FollowupOP brings back more stories of his abusive paladin wife.paladin, chivalry, domestic abuse, storytime2010-12-23 24 
13263140The 3rd annual Scriptarius Xmas ThreadTHE GINGERPEROR! There is no God.Scriptarius, Conversions, HUGE2010-12-23 79 
13303204DM Wants Game MusicHello, /tg/. I am in need of orchestral music for DnD battle scenes. What sort of stuff do you use?DM, GM, resources, music2010-12-27 1 
13305334Mysterious OwnerA Mysterious Owner comes to show /tg/ some of his items."Mysterious Owner, Trees, magic items" 2010-12-27 7 
13305145The Eternal Orb/tg/ collaborates on creating a custom setting with each post adding to the world. Plotlines, BBEGs, civilizations and more are created as this melting pot of ideas comes to a boil.homebrew, custom setting, the eternal orb, eternal, orb, kollinan, The Red Lady, Halvergan2010-12-28 0 
13311710Adeptus Evangelion REDACTED ReleaseTeam AdEva does it again with a visually stunning GM supplement that they made for /tg/ as a christmas gift. Adeva, Adeptus Evangelion, BMJ, Sachiel, REDACTED, Evangelion, Homebrew2010-12-28 15 
13331994Shy Guardsman IIContinuation of the story of of Klightus and Sister BethanyKlightus Sister Bethany Shy Guardsman2010-12-30 29 
13333185/tg/ island: we get shit done editionwe get shit done in describing what we would do in the classic "4chan archipelago" situation. We work out damn near everything to near-plausabilityisland thread, archipelago, survival, discussion, collective effort2010-12-30 3 
January 2011
13343822Battle-Brother Marcus Flavius of the Starship EnterpriseExchange program trades Riker for an Imperial Fist battle-brother. Hilarity and awesome ensue.Marcus Flavius, 40k, star trek, crossover, hilarity ensues2011-01-01 6 
13378007Apocalypse BrainstormingComing up with some creative new ways for society to be destroyed.apocalypse, apocalyptic, discussion, brainstorming2011-01-03 0 
13385827Why /tg/ cannot be trustedA DM comes to ask /tg/'s advice on his players' genocidal behavior, only to find that one of his players very recently came to /tg/ for the same purpose! hilarity ensues, and much aid is given by the most beneficent board.Orcs, Pathfinder, Genocide, Massacre, Warlord Mustache2011-01-04 10 
13404195Any sword material you want (part 2?)Metallurgist grognards discuss possible materials to make swords out of and the reasons for doing so, among other things. Continuation of another thread.swords, metallugy, technology, weapons, discussion2011-01-05 1 
13410794SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS RPGAnon is running a one shot of Shadow of the Colossus rpg inspired partly by The Mountain Witch. Lots of good ideas here.Shadow of the Colossus, SotC, One Shot, The Mountain Witch, Nico2011-01-06 11 
13444943Shy Guardsman IIIThe story of Klightus and Bethany continues to continueShy Guardsman, Klightus, Bethany, Amaia, Guardsman, Sisters of Battle2011-01-09 27 
13448007Warehouse 23, BRITFAG EDITIONAnon proposes a Warehouse 23 thread , populated by underused and cheesy '60's scifi relics. Awesome ensues.Warehouse 23, science fiction, magic items, artifacts2011-01-09 3 
13446636Goofus and Gallant Quest II/tg/ continues to ruin the lives of little children.Goofus and Gallant Quest, Quest2011-01-09 3 
13499509Zerg Quest XXVICerebrate Anon brings the Brood to Dagobah, where it is given the broad and mysterious choice of what other sci-fi plotline will enter into the ZQverse. The result is less catastrophic than it could have been, but still has game-breaker potential. What the hell is going on? Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Quest Thread, Fallout?, Terminator, Crossover, CA has obviously jumped the shark2011-01-13 11 
13504947Stargate-inspired AdEva gameSome fluff on a really awesome-sounding AdEva game inspired by Stargate, with added pics of RitsukoAdeva, Adeptus Evangelion, Ritsuko, Stargate, Lovecraft2011-01-13 6 
13510539The Case Files Of 30 Meter MurphyIn which a Arbitrator, Assassin & 2 Psykers try to investigate a tech-cult without getting themselves killedDark Heresy, 40k, Storytime, Adeptus Arbites2011-01-14 4 
13541792Shy Guardsman IVThe final part of Klightus' and Bethany's story.Shy Guardsman, Klightus, Bethany, Amaia, Wiprecht, Guardsman, Sisters of Battle2011-01-16 29 
1363107840k Army Theme MusicWhat the title says, however look out for the stuff some NINfag links to.40k, Music2011-01-24 2 
13659440Physical Stat Casting/tg/ discusses the possibility of spellcasting using the three physical stats. Hilarity ensues.flex sorcery, muscle wizard2011-01-26 7 
13665924Thousand Sons discussion/tg/ chatting about the Thousand Sons, making several unexpected fluff connections.40k, Tzeentch, Thousand Sons2011-01-27 4 
13680077The Case Files of Castus "30 Meter" Murphy Pt. 2"30 Meter" Murphy rides again with an enthralling retelling of his adventures.Dark Heresy, 40k, Storytime, Adeptus Arbites2011-01-27 1 
February 2011
13820130Adeptus Evangelion: USSR EditionA discussion of possibilities for setting AE in the Soviet Union.adeptus evangelion, russia2011-02-08 8 
13831467The Lime-Flavored CampaignIn which /tg/ makes widely varied pc's with one thing in common...they're all gelatinous cubes.Gelatinous cubes, cube, races2011-02-09 5 
13904170Klightus and Bethany get marriedAt long last, Shy Guardsman gives us the long-awaited account of Klightus and Bethany's wedding. What better day than Valentine's Day to tell the story.Shy Guardsman, Klightus, Bethany, Amaia, Wiprecht, Guardsman, Sisters of Battle2011-02-15 35 
13928781Octoquesta simple roleplay as an octopus turns in to a horrifying example of what /tg/ can make with a simple "wat do".Quest, octopus2011-02-17 38 
13939056Mission compromised!As an anon asks /tg/ for help tracking down an infiltrator among his Deathwatch squad, it is revealed that the traitor is either the informer, him, no one, or everyone. Heresy ensues.Alpha legion, Deathwatch, infiltrator, Alpharius Omegon2011-02-18 12 
13985074Soviet Russia in spaceAnother planet creation thread for DH, resulting in a planet with a moon with lots of technology and an interesting society.Drak Heresy, DH, planet creation, Soviet Russia, 40k2011-02-22 5 
13990856ShadowRussia Pt. 3The group recovers from getting its shit kicked in and somehow our plucky comrades manage to complete their first run. Then Gunbunny starts taking wetwork contracts.ShadowRussia, Shadowrun, story, russia, cyberpunk2011-02-22 2 
14016938Zerg Quest XXXIIAnon tries to convince VoidGate to give up some of its secrets, which turns into a stunted philosophical debate. Over Shakuras, Anon has an hour-long awkward pause before letting the suspicious craft zoom off to one of the most populated planets in the Sector. Cerebrate Anon then ran off for...personal business.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Diplomacy, Awfully Suspicious Ship, Cut Short Due To Coitus2011-02-24 12 
14021320Ethics of UtopiasStandard 40K vs Star Trek thread derails multiple times, finally ending up as various anons picking apart each other's perfect societies.utopia, discussion2011-02-24 3 
14028916BattleTech history and discussionDiscussion of BattleTech nationalities becomes a comprehensive rundown of the BT timeline and various BT discussion.battletech, mech, discussion2011-02-25 2 
14032179Dr. Seuss as a Call of Cthulhu campaignIn this totally awesome and completely spine chilling thread: One unsuspecting Anon makes us all realize that Dr. Seuss was working for Cthulhu the whole time and no one even thought of itLovecraft, Dr. Seuss.2011-02-25 54 
14035934Ghostbusters Quest pt. 1We start up our branch of the Ghostbusters, pick out a fallout shelter as a base, hire a team, and clean out our base of unwelcome squatters/ghosts.Ghostbusters Quest, quest, collective game, Ghostbusters2011-02-25 32 
14042015Sayin' Aaaaayyooo/tg/ throws more than their hands upmusic, fun, parody2011-02-26 31 
14039948Resolution Systems for GM'sMath heavy resolution systems using d6 and d20 are presented as ways around the usual vagueness of damage infliction. Also conversation on non-die related systems.GM, PnP, resolution, system, damage, math, complex, useful2011-02-26 1 
14048466Ghostbuster Quest Pt. 2The players finish clearing out the New HQ, and deal with the Gremlin population problem.Ghostbusters Quest, quest, collective game, Ghostbusters2011-02-26 23 
14062278Ghostbuster Quest Pt. 3The next installment of Ghostbuster Quest. The Team fixes up the HQ, and Returns the Father Gremlin to his Wife at the JunkyardGhostbusters Quest, quest, collective game, Ghostbusters2011-02-27 21 
March 2011
14080098Pokemon MtGOP tries to concoct a working fusion of Pokemon flavor and Magic the Gathering rules, with /tg/'s help.Pokemon, Magic, Custom Cards2011-03-01 1 
14100357Cyblum Dell IIBuilding off of the previous thread, further expounding about a plot hook concerning the Festival of the Solstice is had. Also, military, government, religion, and racism are all touched upon. This is all because of one picture: textbook /tg/ getting shit done!original, setting, fluff, low magic, fantasy, cyblum, cyblum dell, dener, taraklet, brogitarius, yak2011-03-03 7 
14104585Zerg Quest XXXIIIThe suspicious ship with a long name arrives over Moria and Anon tries to keep shit from getting real. Horrible bluff checks follow. ZergTV makes its debut on the airwaves.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Awfully Suspicious Ship, Bluff Check, /tg/ dice2011-03-03 11 
14152616IRL Machine Spirit MomentsA discussion of divine Machine God intervention. 40k adeptus mechanicus machine spirit tech-priest2011-03-07 17 
14161747Ghostbuster Quest Pt. 4The Ghostbuster get a call to the local Post office in Pinebox, and begin taking care of Business. Ghostbusters Quest, quest, collective game, Ghostbusters2011-03-07 21 
14200338AdEva, Indian StyleDM proposes Aztec AdEva game (not knowing RaXephon did it better); other anons follow up with their own Amerind inspired campaigns.AdEva, Adeptus Evangelion, Eva, Homebrew, Campaign Settings, Aztec2011-03-11 1 
14249377Dem GorgansWhere /tg/ discusses Medusa culture and snake hair salons.medusa, gorgons, yuan-ti, snake hair, salons2011-03-15 3 
14274590Useless powers/tg/ creates bunch of useless powers, handy in any setting.ideas, useless, powers2011-03-18 13 
14290836Sorcerer Quest 6We use master oration to stir the burning heart of justice present in all good creatures to get us some gnoll-ish allies.sorcerer, sorcerer quest, quest, collective game, gnolls, JUSTICE2011-03-19 5 
14293240Tavern MusicOP requests good setting music for taverns. Good music ensues.tavern, music, dump2011-03-19 0 
April 2011
14428415Fish in the Fjord/tg/ discuss about the game Fish in the Fjord and the upcoming supplementFish in the Fjord, discussion, 2011-04-01 1 
14434868Ribbonfag's goodbye?Ribbonfag (who was apparently responsible for more of the awesome of /tg/ than was previously known) tells us the story of his time on /tg/.ribbonfag, sad, janitor, mod, ban, injustice2011-04-01 22 
14457593Japanese/western art/animation discussed in detailA civilized, reasonable and detailed discussion of comic and animated art from the east and the west. Complete with many visual examples and a surprising lack of bigotry. You don't even need the other boards.civility, disscussion, animation, anime, weeaboo, comics, cartoons2011-04-03 7 
14571645Abyssal Jaws 2The creation of the Piranha-based Space Marines, Now with more writefaggotryWH40k, Abyssal Jaws, Maresia, Deathwatch, homebrew, Space Marine, custom chapter2011-04-13 2 
14576739More Ad-Eva discussionAd Eva discussion, and a discussion on logic in the Evangelion universeAdpetus Evangelion2011-04-13 0 
14584140Abyssal Jaws 3Continuation of the creation of the Piranha Based Space Marines, now with more delicious giblets.WH40k, Abyssal Jaws, Maresia, Deathwatch, homebrew, Space Marine, custom chapter2011-04-14 2 
14584699Nasty Horrible Magic SystemsOp wonders about magic systems that are well... Nasty and horrible. Anon delivers.magic, torture, rape, death, nasty, horrible, discussion, setting2011-04-14 2 
14569864Obscure or Underappreciated RPGsA discussion on various RPGs which seemed to have been thrown under the rug by /tg/ and the world.discussion, meta2011-04-14 1 
14591373New World WarriorsOP makes Dwarf Badger Riders, and fa/tg/uy creates silly stereotypes on WARwar, homebrew, dwarfs, USA, fantasy, canadians, north america, New World Warriors2011-04-15 0 
14606889Abyssal Jaws 4More discussion and writefaggotry on the Abyssal Jaws chapter of Space Marines.WH40k, Abyssal Jaws, Maresia, Deathwatch, homebrew, Space Marine, custom chapter2011-04-16 2 
14612827Marche of FFTA"The Stealthiest Lawful Evil Protagonist in the history of Lawful Evil protagonists."Lawful Evil, Lawful Good, BBEG, troll, trolling, final fantasy tactics, final fantasy tactics advance, fft, ffta, fantasy, paladin, discussion2011-04-16 8 
14601830Eclipse Phase generalOP posts link to Eclipse Phase PDFs.eclipse phase, scifi, science fiction, pdf, setting, discussion2011-04-16 0 
14662402Zerg Quest XXXIXA new cerebrate! Isn't it cute or something? Meanwhile, VoidGate continues to prove that even machines can be showboating sons of bitches.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Skynet, Massive Overuse of Nuclear Weapons, Acronyms for fun and profit2011-04-21 11 
14668953Portal-Adeva crossoverCave Johnson here. Here at Nerv we're making giant abominations wrapped in four feet of metal armor to defend the Earth from alien attack. Now the lab boys say we should be using well-trained men to pilot these, but the last budget came up a bit short, and so I said to them, "Hey, my boy loves these things! He can pilot one!"Adeva, Adeptus Evangelion, Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Portal, Portal 2, Aperture Science, Cave Johnson2011-04-21 36 
14669024Why you should never got to TatooineThis thread perfectly demonstrates why going to the planet of Tatooine in any starwars rpg is a bad ideaTusken Raiders, Sand People, MSPA, Herp Derp, Sci Fi, Star Wars2011-04-21 39 
14672352Abyssal Jaws 5More discussion on the chapter and a bit of fluff.WH40k, Abyssal Jaws, Maresia, Deathwatch, homebrew, Space Marines, custom chapter2011-04-22 0 
14728603Abyssal Jaws 6Details on the planet of Maresia and its moon of Noxyssus are fluffed out. WH40k, Abyssal Jaws, Maresia, Deathwatch, homebrew, Space Marines, custom chapter2011-04-27 5 
14720935Ãœbermarines/tg/ creates a new custom chapter: The (Almost) Perfect Space Marines The Ãœbermarines!!Ãœbermarines, custom chapter, deathwatch, spacemarines, ubermarines, ultramarines, warhammer 40k2011-04-28 0 
May 2011
14785908Humanity Story TimeOP tells the story of how he brings A GM and a Game store worker together and brings a party down.Humanity fuck Yeah, Story Time, Zarus2011-05-02 17 
14789957Abyssal Jaws 7More discussion on fluff and other such nonsense.WH40k, Abyssal Jaws, Maresia, Deathwatch, homebrew, Space Marines, custom chapter2011-05-03 2 
14800654OP wants to open a FLGSFLGS advice requested, arrives in spades. Plenty of useful business advice. Includes tales of awesome local gaming stores and hives of scum villainy. But mostly scum.FLGS, original content, business, store, advice, game, gaming, advice2011-05-04 8 
14818905Emperor's SpudsIn the grim darkness of the 41st Millenium, there are only potatoes.space marines, homebrew, custom chapter2011-05-05 3 
14827675Joe's Bar 2Never change, /tg/bar, music, classy2011-05-06 6 
14828540Tuskan Quest/tg/ takes on the role of an amnesiac Tusken Raider. A Sandstorm is seen. Podracers are shot at. A kill is scored.Tusken Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Quest Thread, Tusken Raider, Star Wars2011-05-06 16 
14840615Space Pirate/Metroid Dwarf FortressThey did it. We can't archive the idea and not archive the result. Alpha version of Space Pirate fortress.Space Pirate, Metroid, Dwarf Fortress, OC, Samus, Mod2011-05-07 7 
14833572Abyssal Jaws 8Even more discussion on fluff and other such nonsense.WH40k, Abyssal Jaws, Maresia, Deathwatch, homebrew, Space Marines, custom chapter2011-05-07 1 
14847413Guardians Exemplar 1The long-awaited sequel to the Ãœbermarines. Contains all the infomation from a number of threads which never got archived.WH40k, Guardians Exemplar, Deathwatch, homebrew, Space Marines, custom chapter2011-05-08 2 
14868050Abyssal Jaws 9The fluffing out of the Maresian SeaGuard begins.WH40k, Abyssal Jaws, Maresia, Deathwatch, homebrew, Space Marines, custom chapter, Maresian SeaGuard2011-05-10 0 
14972306NASCAR Genesis: EinherjarEvangelion + Norse Mythology + Nascar. One of the most inventive and awesome uses of Adeptus Evangelion /tg/ has ever seenAdeptus Evangelion, Homebrew, Storytime2011-05-19 16 
14958866Alternative TTGsDiscussion of many TTGs as alternatives to GWTTG malifaux infinity warmahordes flames of war brushfire mercs battletech heavy gear2011-05-20 1 
15009660Time Travel CampaignsA thread for stories about time travel in people's games takes a turn for the epic when a stranger tells a heart-wrenching story about Asmodeus the Paladin. /tg/ weeps, and then someone who may or may not be the writer reveals a terrible secret, leaving /tg/ feeling confused and slightly inspired.time, time travel, story time, storytime, story, paladin, asmodeus, writefaggotry, manly tears2011-05-22 8 
15023363another LARP threadafer a summer style start the thread turns out into a general larp discussion and at the and focusing into the rules of different larpslarp discussion rules advice2011-05-24 1 
15092314The Greatest Party EverA tale of dungeons and dragons, eternally retold. THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO!Awesome, Game Session, Thousands of years ago, Dungeons and Dragons, GM, Epic, BBEG2011-05-29 2 
June 2011
15118555Commander Quest XCVWe deal with the clean up of the ambush, have a few words with our staff and elementalists. Then we have a quick talk to Quintus, which is actually kinda awkward towards the end.Commander Quest, Roman Fantasy, Pax, Collective Game, Quest, Justinian Trentz2011-06-01 14 
15182129Boone Quest part 3Boone and gang return to kill rampaging 'nids and kick some balls. Several times.Boone, Calliban, C-16, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Culexus, drawfag, Quests2011-06-07 31 
15222728Cat RogueOP is polymorphed into a house cat. /tg/ helps him make the best of it.cat rogue, house cat, animal PC2011-06-11 90 
15234592Cat Rogue update 1OP's character has been polymorphed into a housecat. Is he a bad enough dude to set a group of were-tigers against a group of bandits? Hell yes he is! Puns follow.cat rogue, house cat, animal PC2011-06-12 34 
15260251Cat Rogue part 2OP of the first cat rogue comes back with awesome results.cat rogue, house cat, animal pc2011-06-14 45 
15278303Golden Aquilas 3More horribly beautiful writefaggotry and Sue creation.Female marines, girls, mary sue, heresy, awesome, perfect, chapter creation, Warhammer, Emperor, Half-eldar, awful, horrible, kawaii, custodes2011-06-16 10 
15287443Golden Aquilas 4More writefaggotry, including the tale of the Aquila's only ever male marine.Female marines, girls, mary sue, heresy, awesome, perfect, chapter creation, Warhammer, Emperor, Half-eldar, awful, horrible, kawaii, custodes, Golden Aquilas2011-06-17 10 
15304371Gelatinous Cube Quest pt 1We are a sapient Gelatinous Cube, searching for identity and things to eat. We pick up Mr. Tulip, the sapient Mimir as a travel companion.Gelatinous Cube Quest, gelatinous cube, quest, collective game, -ing2011-06-18 10 
15322899Cat Rogue Update 3OP's party travels through a tundra, inadvertently kills a Solar. The golem-books become important.cat rogue, house cat, animal PC2011-06-20 33 
15350349Golden Aquilas 5Crunch gets done and a rival warband of Chaos Sues is created.Female marines, girls, mary sue, heresy, awesome, perfect, chapter creation, Warhammer, Emperor, Half-eldar, awful, horrible, kawaii, custodes, Golden Aquilas2011-06-23 7 
July 2011
15590031Abaddon QuestThe adventurers of Warmaster Abaddon. Arms are found, Black Crusades are called and bitches are raped.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest2011-07-15 39 
15593949Abaddon Quest IIThe Black Crusade grows. Champions are rallied, the warp get's another psychically asskicking, and Abaddon proves to be extremely badass with bionic arms.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Dice Gods, Doomrider2011-07-16 35 
15596109Abaddon Quest IIIAbaddon becomes Kamina. Punches the warp once more and travels into the past for the 14th Black Crusade.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Punching2011-07-16 37 
15612380Abaddon Quest VAbaddon yells at Ahriman, discovers a loyalist Alpha Legion dreadnought, and cock-slams raptors.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-17 22 
15612439Seemingly Useless ItemsA collection of silly and seemingly useless items for campaignsuseless, items, funny2011-07-17 9 
15616064Abaddon Quest VIAbaddon experiences the joy of fatherhood.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-18 23 
15626041Abaddon Quest VIIAbaddon informs his waifu about the current situation and chats with his abomination of a child.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-19 25 
15647815Abaddon Quest VIIIAbaddon starts planning for his wedding and the eventually corruption of the Eldar.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-21 22 
15653270What are your opinions on the Krogan genophage?Anons start discussing morality, genocide, human bias, the value of synthetic life, etc. A lot of thoughtful discussion.Discussion2011-07-21 5 
15681044Abaddon Quest IXAbaddon plans shit during war council and has a space battle with the Eldar. Awesome ensues.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-24 21 
15701229Abaddon Quest XAbaddon manages to captured a powerful eldar seer after boarding her flagship.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn2011-07-26 21 
15715280Quest Thread Time (Monmusu Quest)Chrome makes a quest thread for us on the fly. Things start slow.Monmusu Quest, Quest thread, Chrome, Collective Game2011-07-27 3 
15734989Abaddon Quest XISex. Bloody violence. Violent sex. Popcorn. We've got it all, bitches.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Hot, Sex, Violence2011-07-29 23 
15764064Druid QuestShit gets weird when we become a druid after eating mushroom soup; /tg/'s a dick sometimes.druid, quest, mushroom, badger, old, man, malam2011-07-31 2 
August 2011
15770652Abaddon Quest XIIAbaddon and the gang makes planetfall on Terra via bikes to rescue Typhus. More dinosaurs die, a mysterious servant of Malal is discovered/killed and chaos rocks out in the jungle.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-08-01 20 
15818442Abaddon Quest XIIITyphus is rescued, the eldar learn of Nurgle, another Malal cultist is found and captured, warcouncil is called, Kharn shows his true love and Ahriman finally snaps. Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love2011-08-05 25 
15823037Abaddon Quest XIVAhriman fucking snaps and gets snuffed by Abaddon.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love2011-08-05 23 
15884391Cat Rogue Update 4Cat Rogue gets chased by demons and abducted by a crazy cat lady. New partymembercat rogue, house cat, animal PC2011-08-10 31 
15891865Abaddon Quest XVWar council ends, a rape orgy begins, awesomeness ensues and a god is born.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love2011-08-11 21 
15894168Abaddon Quest XVIAbaddon makes a breakthrough with the High Seer, then a hug births Slaanesh and and Abaddon Punches the Warp, again.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love, Slaanesh2011-08-11 20 
15926413Abaddon Quest XVIAbaddon explores the plot of the Malal cultists.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Khorne2011-08-14 22 
15974215Zerg Quest LIVEcological disaster complete. Mantalisks ahoy! Ooo, charts and graphs!Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Manta Ray Feudalism, Sir Geoffrey of Zerg, Exciting Research, Ballustrades2011-08-18 11 
16002326I just came back from the strangest gameOP tells the tale of a crazy goth he gamed with and the girl on a chain he had with him; /tg/ rages with bearded, hero fury.creepy, Goth, Heroic, whiteknight, glorious, /tg/2011-08-20 17 
15990640Melek Tau - the psionic peacocksIn their world, beauty is power, and they are the most beautiful. Peacock feathers and camp-gay elegance everywhere. Also, psychic knife-fighting. To them, David Bowie is Chuck Norris. FABULOUS!peacocks, psychic, psionic, beautiful, FABULOUS, bitch you did not just diss my haircut2011-08-20 23 
15995716DF GeneralWe discuss war platypus and give general advice.Dwarf Fortress, DF, platypus,2011-08-21 0 
16008732Erebus QuestAn arcane experiment awakens and decides what to do with its new-found, godly powers.Erebus Quest, Collective Game2011-08-21 3 
16017027A Questus Mechanicus 1Tech Adept Faustinius Heregaster wakes up, kills a fat guy, and serves his Mech Lord.Fabricator Locum Sebastopol, A Questus Mechanicus, quest thread2011-08-22 7 
16028538Muscle Wizards/tg/ makes Muscle wizards happen.Muscle Wizard, Cancer Mage2011-08-23 21 
16037299Traditional Anthropomorphic GamesI canhear yoou groaning from across the net, but I'm saving this thread not just for the wealth of playable furry games, but for >>16038331 this tale of 'HURR DURR YIFF IN HELL' gone too far. Sin is when we treat people as things; this applies to all people, those we feel compatibility with and those who like what we do not like.Anthropomorphism, Furry, Mouse Guard, Storytime, righteous rage, Yiff in Hell, asshole, assault 2011-08-23 25 
16042017A Questus Mechanicus 2Tech Adept Faustinius Heregaster loots, gains minions and prepares to trap HERETICAL SPIES.Fabricator Locum Sebastopol, A Questus Mechanicus, quest thread2011-08-24 7 
16052444Adeptus Evangelion: Cold WarIt is 1961. It has been fifteen years since the Second Impact. Pilots are from the respective countries in either NATO and Warsaw. Their mission? Desperately work together while making the other side look weaker.EVA homebrew setting worldbuilding AdEva Adeptus Evangelion AdeptusEvangelion Neon Genesis NGE fluff2011-08-25 2 
16077369A Questus MechanicusHeregaster decides to make some robo-booty and Solid snakes his way through a warehouse.A Questus Mechanicus, quest thread, Fabricator Locum Sebastopol, Collective Game2011-08-27 7 
16090341Musical RPing (Shuffle) Starting off as a question of RPGs based off music, something epic spawnedRPG, Shuffle, Music, Magic2011-08-28 0 
16095404Let's play Musical AlignmentsI know, I know, it's an alignment thread, started by a tripfag. but I mean, there are some good thematic songs in here. Hell, it has its own public youtube playlist http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAFFA2BBD38B0A1ED also, White knight fags are now called Don Quixote (plural - Don Quixotes). deal with it.espagnoll, music, alignments, deal with it, youtube2011-08-29 4 
16097053Spider CultureDevelopment of a spideroid culture. Discussion on art and language.Spider, Art, Music, Culture, Nation2011-08-29 13 
16113211Muscle Wizard gets stattedRe-exploring the "Muscle Wizard" concept from a while back, this time given a stat listing and a rundown of details.muscle wizard, mighty flex, strength casting2011-08-30 5 
September 2011
16170996The PC's childA child grows up with her hilariously neglectful parents, accidentally leaving her to be raised by monsters for months at a time.Backstory, Parental neglect, Humor, rusty venture2011-09-05 11 
16204515Unfantastic Fantasy OP wonders why modern fantasy is so earthly and non-bizarre. Discussion is had and one fa/tg/uy tells of his magi-tech setting with robo-dragons and zombie goblins.fantasy, settings, discussion, tolkien, D&D, awesome2011-09-07 7 
16346534Der Emprah's FaceA noble Anon rescues a long forgotten song from /tg/'s distant past. Soon, others join in, causing all of /g/ to lift up it's vocie in songSongs, Music, Parody, 40k, Der Emprah's Face, 2011-09-20 10 
16400855Abaddon Quest XVIIIOP returns to us and it may turn out that a senile crazed terminought is behind the Malal cult.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2011-09-24 22 
1641893140k: The MusicalLyrics and music to the proposed 40k musical40k, Guard, Space Marine, Musical2011-09-25 5 
16436924Deus Ex: MagickaA new spin to the Deus Ex series- magipunk. The main character, one mean satyr with a meaner kick named Ann O'Bedlam, awakes to find that her limbs have been replaced magically augmented metallic limbs. Deus Ex, Cyberpunk, Fantasy, Goat, Satyr2011-09-27 2 
16460241Yahweh in 4EDiscussion of the Judeo-Christian God's place in D&D. Pictures, fluff, and stats of Jesus Christ.God, Jesus, Christ, Yahweh, D&D, 4E2011-09-30 20 
October 2011
16511386The Editors: A Setting In ProgressOP has an idea about sending agents in to remove Mary Sues from canon settings. A few like-minded Anons later, a meta-fanfiction setting is born.game design, world building, discussion, planes, Mary Sue, settings, metafiction, game ideas, 2011-10-04 22 
16529282The Editors IIWe continue world-building our freshly popularized meta-fanfiction campaign setting.game design, world building, discussion, planes, Mary Sue, settings, metafiction, game ideas2011-10-06 10 
16576071Warehouse World/tg/ is stuck inside a Costco for the rest of their lives. Alliances are forged, Assassinations are planned, and Oreos are eaten. /tg/, Collective Games, Warehouse World, Costco2011-10-10 20 
16676293Let's Discuss Fantas-PH'NGLUI MGLW'NAFHGATHER SACRIFICES. Also, some interesting discussion on elder gods and eldritch horrors.cthulhu, shoggoth, elder gods, gods, horror, slaanesh, sacrifices, discussion2011-10-20 5 
16680180/tg/'s most glorious character deathsIn which we relate some of the best PC deaths we've seen, including a Hunter calling YOU SHALL NOT PASS to clockwork minions, a Guardsman calling in Exterminatus on his own position, and a cleric of Kord who died arm-wrestling Kord himself.storytiem, D&D, Dark Heresy, Hunter, stories, deaths, glorious2011-10-20 8 
16696114HENSHIN! RPG development revivalAnybody remember that Toku themed game in development long ago? One user starts dumping ideas and refinement to get the ball rolling and get the damn thing past its alpha status Kamen Rider,Homebrew System,/m/,JUSTICE2011-10-23 12 
16757865How to enjoy 40kA quick guide to enjoying 40k turns into wethammer.OUTRAGEOUS, 40k, wethammer2011-10-28 26 
16767432Pandemic: The QuestWhat started as a seemingly 'ordinary' virus quest gave birth to Solipsis, a memetic entity that inspires euphoria in humans and seeks to spread the concept of its own perfection.Collective Game, Pandemic Quest, Quest, Virus, Solipsis, Euphoria, Pandemic, Perfection2011-10-29 13 
November 2011
16851030Abaddon Quest XIXAbaddon visits the Eldar bitches, becomes a mince pie and grows a tentacle beard.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2011-11-06 26 
16864773Waiting for TG Meta Quest: Server Migration EditionWaiting for Thread 14, Server Migration leaves us waiting for couple days. We discuss tactics, wishlists, and ideas.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines, Ahzek Ahriman, Thousand Sons2011-11-08 6 
16877258/tg/ Meta Quest 14We are able to open negotiations with Ahriman with the help of the Knights Inductor. We capture and interrogate an agent of the Shipper Union. And we find out that instead of wizards, we got a vaudeville act when we asked for Aurors.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines, Ahzek Ahriman, Thousand Sons2011-11-08 10 
16880285The Triumphant ReturnWaffle House Millionaire returns, surprisingly fun time is had by all, many stories are told.Waffle House Millionaire, storytime, epic2011-11-08 15 
16885981Strange PricesA mysterious stranger sold me a thread, but his price was that I archive it. I did.mysterious stranger2011-11-09 22 
16887973/tg/ Meta Quest 15Ahriman says Ring of Power or no deal. We try to brainstorm how to sneak into Barad-dûr to steal a Ring, when someone mentions Ringil, the sword of ice that crippled Morgoth, Sauron's boss. And thus was born a plan to retrieve Ringil from its resting place and troll Sauron as distraction, in order to steal a Ring.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines, Ahzek Ahriman, Thousand Sons2011-11-09 15 
16891353/tg/ Meta Quest 16It takes us a while, and the ghost of an elf face-palming at us, but we finally solve the final riddle protecting Fingolfin's Cairn and Ringil. Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines, Ahzek Ahriman, Thousand Sons, Fingolfin2011-11-09 15 
16899605/tg/ Meta Quest 17Darius Forte, newly promoted Hero from among the Knights Inductor, takes possession of Ringil. We then pick up some other magic swords, and prepare to troll Sauron.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines, Ahzek Ahriman, Thousand Sons, Fingolfin, Gurthang2011-11-10 13 
16908940GiantsWherin /tg/ discusses Giants of various myth and how to make them relevant again.Giants, myth, norse, celtic, russian, RPG,2011-11-11 30 
1702304340k faction rolltables galoreSomeone's looking for Rites of Battle-esque faction creation rolltables. /tg/ responds in kind.warhammer 40k, 40k, rolltables, chapter creation, custom, homebrew2011-11-26 5 
December 2011
17066065Monsterfluff, Part 2Post a picture of a monster and write the fluff for a monster above, now with a growing setting around the fluff!monsters, writing, game design, resource, Tabula Gloria, For'Channar, Vashial, Phrennoack, Uralaya, Garvenus, Weylos, Drakonid, Benalor2011-12-01 2 
17127438/tg/'s foreign relations protocol/tg/ reports from around the world on the wonderful day they've had/tg/, Britain, Australia, Japan, Scotland, Germany, funny2011-12-07 12 
17145726StorytimeSamurai, Chosen of the Emperor, Prisioners rocking out; oh mystorytime, awesome, japan, glorious2011-12-09 10 
17196695Adeva 2.5 Fluff and Art Explosion 2It continues! The original content being generated by /tg/ could not be contained! BMJ, AdEva, AdeptusEvangelion, Evangelion, Homebrew2011-12-13 1 
17257411Organ Construct BardSomeone posts that their bard became augmented by a group artificer and is now part organ, discussion about a necrobard followed and many good ideas were shared.Bard, character, Necromancer, artificer, game ideas, villain, dirge, music, funny, D&D, construct2011-12-18 6 
17303960For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st CenturySonia Bethany Reynard joins the Space Fleet of House Jarik-Dremine and sees combat. Thread ends early when OP get wordfilter banned.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice2011-12-23 34 
17310428Scriptarius Christmas Thread IVScriptarius returns for his traditional xmas thread with a 1:1 gingerbread Chainsword and some minisScriptarius, Christmas, Gingerbread, Conversion2011-12-24 11 
17316672The Editors IIIContinued development of the setting, incorporating elements from /tg/ Meta Quest. The Cold War with the TSAB is lightly touched upon, and relations with the other Meta-aware factions.game design, world building, discussion, planes, Mary Sue, settings, metafiction, game ideas, Editors, The Editors2011-12-24 8 
17321717The Parrot Shipping CompanyAnon GM turned a simple character trait into full-fledged game experience for one PC, but made it simple enough that it doesn't piss off the rest of the party.OC, Homebrew, Macroeconomics, Houserules, GM, DM2011-12-25 17 
17334234Adeptus Evangelion v2.5 BetaIt's Christmas, so that means Black Mesa Janitor is back with mentally damaged children for us all to enjoy!Evangelion, Adeptus Evangelion, AdEva, Black Mesa Janitor2011-12-26 28 
17341283Adeptus Evangelion 3.5 Alternate Version releaseClaimed Ex-member of the AdEva development team releases what could have been after the release of the 2.5 Beta in another thread.Adeptus Evangelion, Drama, Alternate, AdEva2011-12-27 3 
17351359Warhammer 40k: Heretical Love Part XISexy times with the sisters of battle.Collective Game, Heretical Love quest, 40k, quest, warhammer, XI, max decarus, heretical love, papa-n 2011-12-28 30 
17342370Old Man Henderson Narrated Voice actor StephanosRex narrates the Old Man Henderson and other /tg/ storiesstorytime, Old Man Henderson, Cthulhu, Waffle House Millionaire, audio, voice acting, storytiem, /tg/, space marine2011-12-28 33 
January 2012
17387115Warhammer 40k: Heretical Love Part XIIRock off with Ork warboss Collective Game, Heretical Love quest, 40k, quest, warhammer, XI, max decarus, heretical love, papa-n 2012-01-01 30 
17423231For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century IISonia Bethany Reynard finishes her first combat mission. Despite a few unfortunate rolls, everything went better than expected. Ends with the players starting some kind of fight club.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice2012-01-05 21 
17434182Warhammer 40k: Heretical Love Part XIVHelp the blueberry find her brother. Collective Game, Heretical Love quest, 40k, quest, warhammer, XI, max decarus, heretical love, papa-n 2012-01-05 28 
17469578Pimpin' is easy, Genocide is hardElves discussing the best race to ally with whilst killing the rest before the talks go downhillElves, Humans, Goblins, confusion2012-01-09 22 
17472313Sorcerous SpaceThe aliens of outer space are not the technological wonders we have envisioned, but rather long-living races of magically-adept beings.setting, homebrew, magic, technology, humans, aliens, Sorcerous Space, Laws of Physics, Ideals of Magic2012-01-09 14 
17483106Sorcerous Space discussion part 2Further discussion of setting ideas for Sorcerous Space a setting where humans live in an anti magic field and aliens are all wizardssetting, homebrew, magic, technology, humans, aliens, Sorcerous Space, Laws of Physics, Ideals of Magic2012-01-10 3 
17485327Stephanos NarratesStephanos Rex returns to /tg/ for some awesome voice acting. storytime, Old Man Henderson, Cthulhu, Waffle House Millionaire, audio, voice acting, storytiem, /tg/, space marine2012-01-10 13 
17503191Heretical Love XVFun times with Tau, emps comes up with a plan to fight chaosCollective game, paPa-n, heretical love, max decarus, quest, heretical love xv2012-01-11 28 
17503738For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century III Sonia Reynard checks to see if she would cut it as a Marine by joining a boarding action. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-01-12 15 
17543409Warhammer 40k: Heretical Love Part XVIMax gets lovey with the tsunseer. Eight fights off some magpies after Max's gear.Collective Game, Heretical Love quest, 40k, quest, warhammer, XI, max decarus, heretical love, papa-n 2012-01-15 29 
17542150For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century IVContinuation of previous thread's boarding action. Team chooses to disable the engines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-01-15 14 
17547932Kamen Rider WARP CORE BREACHIn what starts as another request for a nonexistent toku RPG, a fa/tg/uy gives a short storytiem about being sent into orbit and then Rule of Cooling back to earth. kamen, rider, warp core breach, henshin, justice, teleporting is for wimps and children2012-01-15 7 
17585606Warhammer 40k: Heretical Love Part XVIIHigh Seas adventure with the Dark Eldar twins. Collective Game, Heretical Love quest, 40k, quest, warhammer, XVII, max decarus, necron, pirates, heretical love, papa-n2012-01-18 28 
17600000Formless Quest IVThe Nazi reinforcements found a challenge that was more than they expected, for their tanks died, and soon will their troopsCollective Game, formless quest, Nazi, Tanks, Proteus2012-01-20 6 
17609064Warhammer 40k: Heretical Love Part XVIIIthe emperor's plan starts, and Max takes the khornate daemonette to the Blood Bowl game.Collective Game, Heretical Love quest, 40k, quest, warhammer, XVIII, max decarus, blood bowl, heretical love, quest, papa-n2012-01-20 28 
17605495Chapter Quest IIIRising Sons are ambushed by pirates in Nordgrim, but manage to bluff their way out and find traces of STC.Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Master, ambush, corsairs, pirates, Sororitas, space marines, chapter, simulation2012-01-21 7 
17611512The Magus DilemmaWhat /tg/ assumes will be a THAT GUY story, turns into a twist that we didn't see coming, and the OP has no idea what to do next. We try and come up with reasonable approaches.magus, warlock, homonculus, clockwork heart, advice, 2012-01-21 13 
17614648WArhammer 40k: heretical love part XVIII OVERTIME Party with chaos (again), gift from papa nurgleCollective game, Max decarus, warhammer, malal, papa-n, heresy, heretical love quest, xviii, OVERTIME, 40k, quest, 2012-01-21 27 
17618098Chapter Quest IV - First BloodRising Sons answer Tyr's plea to bring them food from Stygia(agri-world in Sub-Sector Tyranus). On their way back they are ambushed by Dark Eldar corsairs and Chapter Master himself loses an arm in epic battle aboard Dark Eldar flagship. Despite this, Rising Sons prevail and even manage to take over one of the ships. Tyr is saved and Rising Sons grow even stronger.Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Mandrake, Chapter Master, ambush, sub-sector, STC, warhammer 40k, Space Marines2012-01-22 9 
17629470PaladinsThis is how I Paladin. And /tg/ Paladins well.Paladin, music, awesome2012-01-23 10 
17658488For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century VThe long awaited boxing match takes place and we spend 3 week's pay to make sure we're ready for it.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Boxing2012-01-25 13 
17670430Warhammer 40k: Heretical Love Part XIX rest and relaxation with KaleshiCollective game, Max decarus, warhammer, malal, papa-n, heresy, heretical love quest, xix, 40k, quest, 2012-01-25 27 
17675827Warhammer 40: Heretical Love Part XIX OVERTIMEovertime titan vs reaver heresy. Collective game, Max decarus, warhammer, malal, papa-n, heresy, heretical love quest, xix, 40k, overtime, quest,2012-01-26 25 
17679146Oh, what tangled webs we weave.A fa/tg/uy offers a technique towards more compelling storytelling by sewing together the goals and beliefs of multiple PCs. Complete with demonstration.GM, DM, PC, advice, story, discussion, roleplaying2012-01-26 81 
17680847Warhammer 2012Discussion of the current WH2012 meta game40k, not serious, original content, Meta2012-01-26 13 
17711900Warhammer 40: Heretical Love Part XXHunting down whoever injured Eight. Collective game, Max decarus, warhammer, malal, papa-n, heresy, heretical love quest, XX, 40k, quest, warhamer 40k 2012-01-29 25 
17717366Warhammer 40: Heretical Love Part XX OVERTIMEovertime, max and 8 wax historic about his past. recovering from killing the psyker.Collective game, Max decarus, warhammer, malal, papa-n, heresy, heretical love quest, XX, 40k, quest, overtime, warhamer 40k 2012-01-29 26 
17723250Chapter Quest IX - Storm Within the StormRising Sons decide to rush to help their vassal-world Nordgrim that is about to be locked within a warp storm, but when they get there, things are even worse than expected.Chapter Quest, Quest, Chapter, Collective Game, Rising Sons, Adeptus Astartes. zombies, Chapter Master, Space Marines, Warp, storm, Nurgle, Witchhunters, feudal2012-01-30 12 
17729084Elves discuss Human OverpopulationElves are in danger of being overrun by the rampant sprawl of human promiscuity and technological advancement. Potential solutions and superiority of elves are discussed.elves superior humans disgusting orcs barbaric overpopulation2012-01-31 2 
February 2012
17750948For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century VIThe beginning of a space battle before the thread dies from a lack of participation because everybody is busy bitching about the moderator in various meta-threads.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice2012-02-01 14 
17756644Warhammer 40k: Inquisitor Ramsay's Cafeterium Nightmares Pt. 1Write-faggotry describing the exploits of an Ordo Culinatus Inquisitor as he travels the Imperium to help struggling Cafeteriums.Ordo Culinatus, Inquisitor, Ramsay, 40k, WH 40k, Cafeterium, writefaggotry, story, fluff, Warhammer 40k2012-02-01 8 
17762102Warhammer 40: Heretical Love Part XXIMax has a meeting with tau-girls brotherCollective game, Max decarus, warhammer, papa-n, heresy, heretical love quest, tau, XXI, 40k, quest, warhamer 40k 2012-02-01 25 
17817039Wise Words From Veteran Adventurers/tg/ muses about what veterans would say to new adventurers. What transpires is awesome.awesome, discussion, getting shit done2012-02-05 38 
17785546Another TGquest planning threadarchived so future readers can see our thought processesCollective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Sapphy, Kingdom Hearts, Holtz, DOSH, WhyOnEarthIsOrzStillATagTheyWentAway40ThreadsAgo, Orz, OrzAreStillATagBecauseWeAreWaitingForThemToComeBackAndBiteUsInTheAssForStupidity2012-02-06 6 
17830158Horus RevolutionAn alternate universe 40k. Horus is the one on the Golden Throne, barely alive, as the Legions won the war and took Terra. Those who remained loyal to the Emperor must now survive as rebels in the Webway. 40k, alternate universe, Golden Throne, Horus Revolution, Warhammer 40,000, Webway2012-02-06 10 
17844554For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century VIIRecon in spess! We stumble upon a legendary ghost ship and have a moral dilemma placed before us. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-02-08 11 
17846817Nokia Exterminatus"What if Exterminatus is actually a Nokia 3310 dropped to orbit by an Inquisitor?"Nokia, 3310, Exterminatus, funny, 40K, humor2012-02-08 27 
17858278Warhammer 40K: heretical love part XXIIContinuation of SoB thread from previous.Warhammer, 40k, quest, heretical love, papa-n, heresy, sisters of battle, quest thread, warhammer 40k, writefaggotry, max decarus 2012-02-08 25 
17876480Abaddon Quest XXA Titan is thrown against the ground and broken, learns HOKUTO ZANKAI KENCollective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2012-02-10 25 
17907864Spore Collection, Inc.That GM who made the Parrot Trading Co. is back. What starts as a thread about overpreparation results in the creation of a fungal collection company that has Pigmen armed with Browning Machine guns and flame throwers called Baconators.original content, GM, DM, Houserules, Homebrew2012-02-12 8 
17917036Warhammer 40K: heretical love part XXIIITwo threads remain Warhammer, 40k, quest, heretical love, papa-n, heresy, quest thread, warhammer 40k, writefaggotry, max decarus 2012-02-12 24 
17914370Devil-In-TrainingA demon comes to /tg/ for help in landing his first "sell your soul to the devil" Faustian bargain. The neckbeards flex their BBEG muscles and offer what help they can.deal with the devil, demon, devil, evil, Faustian bargain, Punisher’s daughter, Screwtape, sell your soul, Wormwood2012-02-13 10 
17923444Warhammer 40: Heretical Love Part XXIII OVERTIMErecovery of hat-chan (again), with help from the orks.OVERTIME, Warhammer, 40k, quest, heretical love, papa-n, heresy, quest thread, warhammer 40k, writefaggotry, max decarus2012-02-13 25 
17947370For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century VIIIWe get the ship back to base, face some quarantine time then head home before the Ruling House can decide if they want us kept quiet.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-02-15 12 
17951864Assemble Your Team/tg/ puts together a squad and a plan to steal the Golden Throne from Terra.Warhammer 40k, crossover, heresy, CREEEEEEEEEED, Mass Effect, just as planned2012-02-15 21 
17953740Julius, the most successful bard in history of everOen dae julius went inna innernets he postes sum tred in /tg/ roll natral 20 he had sex wif it +10 epic tredsoh god mah balls, funny, julius2012-02-15 12 
17960493/tg/ Turns Five: A RetrospectiveOn February 15, 2012, /tg/ celebrated its fifth anniversary with a look back at some of the board's more memorable moments. Happy birthday, /tg/. Here's to five more years.Discussion, story, birthday, anniversary, meta, /tg/, board2012-02-15 13 
17964414/tg/ Turns Five: A Retrospective Part 2Too much awesome nostalgia for just one thread.Discussion, story, birthday, anniversary, meta, /tg/, board2012-02-16 3 
18031213Warhammer 40: Heretical Love Part XXIVmax learns of eights demise. the journey draws to a close Warhammer, 40k, quest, heretical love, papa-n, heresy, quest thread, warhammer 40k, writefaggotry, max decarus2012-02-21 39 
18042712For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century IXTrying to prevent a large scale planetary invasion, we get our ship shot to pieces instead.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-02-22 13 
18084594Metahuman Renaissance Quest 12Dan kills flesh golems, and doesn't afraid of anythingMetahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, night at the museum, flesh golem, wolf-girl, advice dan2012-02-25 20 
18090274Metahuman Renaissance Quest 13Dan catches up with the most stereotypical necromancer ever, and finally learns a proper 'name' for Red.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, night at the museum, advice dan, red, syrpent2012-02-25 20 
18097354Metahuman Renaissance Quest 13.33Dan fights Byakhee, chases Red, and once again has to deal with the police.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, night at the museum, syrpent, metacops, byakhee2012-02-26 18 
18110493Warhammer 40: Heretical Love Part XXV, THE ENDmax's journey ends, the final battle with malal, and settling down with the harem, (or singular waifu) Warhammer, 40k, quest, heretical love, papa-n, heresy, quest thread, warhammer 40k, writefaggotry, max decarus, heretical love quest, 2012-02-26 26 
18114549Warhammer 40: Heretical Love Part XXVI, THE END PART 2with malal defeated, max and co. must fight off the Galactic Partridges. Warhammer, 40k, quest, heretical love, papa-n, heresy, quest thread, warhammer 40k, writefaggotry, max decarus, heretical love quest, 2012-02-27 37 
18114111STCs and you!Come and learn about the miracle of Imperium Technology, the STC.STCs, Warhammer 40k, Adeptus Mechanicus2012-02-27 15 
18118824MLP and WH40K Civil DiscussionWhat begins as saging and late night cynicism changes into two divergent but equally civil discussionsMLP, WH40K, 40K, Warhammer 40K, discussion, civil, civility, informational, interesting, lol2012-02-27 13 
18136605For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XDeciding to trade our damaged space ship in for a large transport aircraft, we fail at practically everything. Somehow, we do manage to survive it all. Probably only because we failed to die.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Ground Combat, Dice2012-02-29 13 
March 2012
18163457High Lords DiscussionTitle+faith in humanity.Warhammer 40k, Roleplay, Discussion, 2012-03-02 15 
18176533Reginald "Ragin' Reggie" DempseyIn the midst of a "What I made..." thread, one anon storytimes the tale of a man in the zombie apocalypse who punched stuff real hard.Ragin' Reggie, Storytime, All Flesh Must Be Eaten2012-03-03 55 
18229378For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XIAfter losing our transport we dicide to borrow some starfighters that are above well our paygrade. We'll put them back, honest.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, starfighter, dogfight, guntruck, technical2012-03-07 11 
18254897High Lords DiscussionThe discussion about saving the imperium continuesWarhammer 40k, Roleplay, Discussion,2012-03-09 6 
18268827Ragin' Reggie II: Electric BoogalooRagin' Reggie's back for more storytime.Ragin' Reggie, Storytime, All Flesh Must Be Eaten2012-03-10 31 
18280701Hogwarts QuestThale Hussein, the Glorious Meteor of the East, embarks on his quest to rid Hogwarts of its devilry and to bring those in it to the light and will of Allah's Justice.Hogwarts Quest, Selfus Explodus, Hussein, Western Whore, Collective Game2012-03-11 30 
18282927Planetary Governor Quest: Part OneFormer Captain Elyssa von Braun assumes the position of Lord Governor over the planet Daysimir, but all is not well in this sector, and many things are not as they appear...Collective Game, Quest, Quest Thread, Planetary Governor Quest, Epic Win, Discussion, 40K, Warhammer, Navy2012-03-11 33 
18286800Planetary Governor Quest Part TwoWe uncover a Genestealer infestation under our capitol and begin containment. Sisters of Battle and Ultramarines are called in and we begin preparation for Operation NapalmCollective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, Warhammer, 40K, Eldar, Guns, discussion, Ultramarines, Sisters of Battle, RT, Rogue Trader, Genestealer2012-03-11 23 
18291787Hogwarts QuestThale Hussein makes his way through Diagon Alley, scolds the Djinn-slut, and begins the journey to Hogwarts.Hogwarts Quest, Hogwarts, Selfus Explodus, Thale Hussein, Hussein, Muslim, Western Whore, Collective Game2012-03-12 24 
18305008Shadowrun Storytime 5The hunt for Joy begins, the team has a revelation about Dervish, and Geppetto makes some...dirty dealings.Shadowrun, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytime, 2D, TwoDee, Vegas, Tamanous2012-03-13 72 
18313285For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XIIAmong other things, we get the well-deserved recognition for our past actions.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest2012-03-14 12 
18328384Hogwarts Quest 3Short continuation of the prior thread. The meteor is sorted. Hogwarts Quest, Hogwarts, Selfus Explodus, Thale Hussein, Hussein, Muslim, Western Whore, Collective Game2012-03-15 20 
18361538Hogwarts Quest 4Thale Hussein begins his first class in the den of villainy and witchcraft.Hogwarts Quest, Islam, Thale Hussain, Crazy Hassan, Hufflepuff, Collective Game2012-03-18 6 
18370497God of Delicious FoodsOP needs help making a deity of cuisine and taste for a freeform RP. /tg/ provides ideas.food, delicious, god, tasty, ideas, awesome, Ainsley, freeform2012-03-19 6 
18389513Be Excellent to Each Other: The RPGWhat started as a chicks-in-armor dump became a most righteous design for a Bill & Ted RPG!gnarly, righteous, excellent, bodacious, design2012-03-20 20 
18394012For House and Dominion: Ballroom EditionWe attend a ball, talk to some knights and get slapped for breaking things.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, dancing, party, ball2012-03-21 11 
18399415Boone Quest Episode 11Featuring coin stealing, heretic decapitations, and psyker-on-psyker sexual harassment.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Mr. Culexus, Colossal Fagot2012-03-21 26 
18445020Reginald Quest 001Goushoujin-Sama returns to /tg/ with a clearer mind, and gives us the adventures of Reginald during WW2.Reginald Quest, Collective Game, Goushoujin-Sama2012-03-25 18 
18447772Primordial Ocean Evo Gamean evolution game where three creatures branch into a multitude of other creatures under the sea. Time is near for a land-based existence, though...Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem2012-03-25 8 
18469745Primordial Land Evo GameNow with plants! The creatures continue to spread and diversify, and a minor ice age happened. Rumors of new places to colonize abound!Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem, Frowg, Wesck, Glund, Stalck, Flouz, Pluup, Evola, Yantar2012-03-27 5 
18478405For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XIVWe get a new ship, load it up, crit our only roll, and make a tough choice.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest2012-03-28 12 
18484092Primordial Land Evo Game pt 2Continuation of life in the mainland. The walker-Flouz evolved into Hoppas, and the LemUy slowly light up their environment.Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem, Frowg, Wesck, Glund, Stalck, Flouz, Pluup, Hoppa, Slizer, Evola, Yantar2012-03-28 3 
18482230Primordial Island Evo GameAn offshoot of the land evo game, where the Frowg evolve to the Rowgu, flyingStalck into Stelvac, and the Frilla's terrestial descendant became the world's first tree. But there are indigenous creatures that also evolve with them...Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem, Frowg, Wesck, Stalck, Rowgu, Stelva, Frilla, Adoni, Kuckar, Hraas2012-03-28 3 
18485978Rave And DieA setting in which holographic raves spawn eldritch monstrosities. An organisation has been formed that issues agent with their own visualisation device, producing their own creatures to fight hostile entities. All the while fighting for the support of the crowd.homebrew, RAD, Rave And Die, 3DJ, Pocket Rave Monsters, Music2012-03-29 5 
18505373Acceptable Casualties 1A freshly-made clone soldier leads a team on a retrieval mission. Corporate warfare at its finest.Acceptable Casualties, Quest, Collective Game, Clone, Prometheus2012-03-30 7 
18507183Ancient Tundra Evo Gameoffshoot of the main thread. The creatures and flora fight and adapt to the cold winds of the tundra.Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem, Frilla, Frowmagnon, Lem, Bord, Rasig, Mevola2012-03-30 1 
18511974CONVERGENCE (Evolution Game)A Evolution Game taking place in a post-apocalyptic world, with slightly greater focus on plot and storyline. Features the insect-like Nanzi, worm-like Slygg and plankton-like Foram.Convergence, Collective Game, Evolution, Nanzi, Slygg, Foram, Deus vs Machina2012-03-30 5 
18522027Acceptable Casualties 2With a new, suspiciously competent member, the clone team hunts a convoy and gets more than it bargained for.Acceptable Casualties, Quest, Collective Game, Clone, Prometheus2012-03-31 1 
18517205Wacky Racing 40kOp asks a simple question: What are the DE Reaver races like? What follows is an discussion about racing in 40k, and how to make a game about it. Who knew that 40k and Redline would fit this well together?Racing, Discussion, Homebrew, Dark Eldar, 40k, Redline2012-03-31 20 
April 2012
18558863Gummy WarsOP posts his idea of a wargame involving gummy candies as pieces.gummy, awesome, ideas, delicious casualties, wargame2012-04-03 20 
18561629For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XVWe set sail for the depths of space between galaxies and test our Cruiser in battle. Boarding actions may follow.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-04-04 12 
18594569CONVERGENCE: Thread 2Lands to the east are explored, and a meteor falls in the homelands.Convergence, Collective Game, Evolution, Nanzi, Slygg, Foram, Deus vs Machina2012-04-06 3 
18654984For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XVIPlayers continue to play Pimp my Ride then checkout the holodeck equivilant. Thrust vectoring is not for us but more enemies are as we get back into combat.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, holodeck2012-04-11 12 
18754650For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XVIIWe learn that Missiles and Torps both have their place and that asteroid storms are not fun to fly through.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, holodeck2012-04-18 12 
18800565Ancient desert evo thread 1Evolution in a harsh desert environment. Monsters are made, bugs with jet engines, sand worms and other lovely things soon call this sand ocean their home.Collective Game, Primordial, Burrog, Sandoni, Usmal, Wespar, Cho, Kaskus2012-04-22 3 
18807264Ancient desert evo thread 2The desert is a hostile place... and its inhabitants even more dangerous. Yes, we got monstrosities.Collective Game, Primordial, Burrog, Sandoni, Usmal, Wespar, Cho, Kaskus2012-04-23 2 
18837867Magical Girl DystopiaMagical Girls take over and stunt human emotions by making everything into happy land. Rebels use gene therapy to become monsters and fight them. Fluuuuuuuuufffffluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-04-24 21 
18824863Ancient desert evo game thread 2SHOGUN GLUND demanded evolution. We gave him Hydralisks and more sentient species.Collective Game, Evolution, Primordial, Burrog, Sandoni, Usmal, Wespar, Cho, Kaskus2012-04-24 5 
18847587The Lost Black CrusadesAn attempt to chronicle the many unrecorded, and failed, Black Crusades of Abaddon.Black Crusade, Abaddon, Warhammer 40k, 40k2012-04-25 7 
18844449For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XVIIIOur squadron helps rival House Erid liberate the colony world of Robrinaan. The pirates are fighting strangely and using new ships.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice2012-04-25 14 
18910050Mass Effect quest threadWe meet Vanguard James Rennick, alcohol is had, interspecies relations are discussed, shit hits the fan. TO BATTLESTATIONS!Mass effect, Vanguard, The Illusive Man, Ryncol, Biotics2012-04-30 10 
18913997Zerg Quest LXXXIVStupid Roman numerals. Stupid autosage. Oh, well. Not like it'll stop us.Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Collective Game, NOTHING can stop us!, What's Roman-talk for 90?2012-04-30 6 
May 2012
18927361NearFuture Cyborg Quest 6In which SHOPPING SPREE! We get lots of cool stuff, all three AI are awake, and we have a job to do tomorrow.Collective Game, NearFuture Cyborg Quest, Cyborg, Exabyte, Mysterious nat100 futuregirl2012-05-01 15 
18937059Mass Effect Quest Part 2We proceed into the Comm station, we meet PFC Buck Rogers, we rescue a damsel in distress but not before she's impaled, GERONIMO LEARNS NOVA.Mass Effect, The Illusive Man, Briggs, Geronimo, Nova2012-05-02 10 
18936596For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XIXWORDS. Command tackles the age old 'why we fight' while the Admiralty try to assemble the largest battle formation seen in a century. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, WORDS2012-05-02 12 
18955531The Mass Effect quest part 3It seems Vanguard's are cursed with high dice rolls and strong grappling techniques.Mass effect, Vanguard, The Illusive Man, Geronimo, Nova2012-05-03 7 
18971217Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 3, the Age of IceThe Ice Age is finally here, and surprisingly, no extinctions were had. The introduction of the Snow Bugs leads to the development of a remorhaz-like colony of insects and the Asparagus Trees harbor the skull-like Tadseeds within. Namefag "Deus vs. Machina" is revealed to be a bro-tier artist and assists FortuneHost in updating the new critters.Collective Game, Fortune Evolution, evolution, ice age, FortuneHost, Deus vs. Machina, Bobski, fatherofthemoons, remorhaz2012-05-05 14 
18982677Mass Effect Crunch Session 1I posted the info and then went to sleep. Gonna see what happened in the morningMass Effect, Illusive Man, Geronimo, Biotic, Tomahawk2012-05-05 3 
18993672Mass Effect Quest Part 4Geronimo checks in on Karrigan and Briggs aboard the Jakarta. He is later debriefed by Commander Sardis and Capt. Nguyen where he is promoted to Sergeant and invited to the N Program.Collective Game, Mass Effect Quest, Mass Effect, Illusive Man, Geronimo, N, Briggs, Karrigan2012-05-06 8 
18996830Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 4, the Ice Age ContinuesReturn to planet Fortune and see the new forms its bewildering array of creatures have taken. Giant enemy crabs, spike-trap trees, schools of piranha sharks, gardens of explosive herbs, crystalline sea plants, floating pachyderms, and skull-shaped seedpod tapeworms and more await you on this beautiful (and dangerous) world. The evolution game continues.agent of evolution, Bobski, Collective Game, Deus vs. Machina, evolution game, evolution, fatherofthemoons, Fortune Evolution, FortuneHost, ice age2012-05-06 14 
18998978Mass Effect Quest Part 5We make the decision to join the ICT Program, we throw a remembrance party for Rodriguez, share a drink with Karrigan, and find out the dice gods REALLY DO LOVE VANGUARDS!Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Geronimo, Karrigan, Briggs, Illusive Man2012-05-07 12 
19025887For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XXTank Combat in the 41st Century. Dirt side adventures once again as we end production of the Scarab menace.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Tanks, Marines2012-05-09 12 
19029468Boone Quest Episode 12In which our protagonist runs over heretics with a car, brings warm beer to a catatonic Britishman, and gets locked in the freezer.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus2012-05-09 27 
19047382Mass Effect Quest, Filler Arc 1.We take control of Sgt. Briggs for a little while and find out things aren't nearly as cool and collected as they seem to be. Geronimo is deep in the Brazilian rainforest for his ICT training when he and Lt. Jones are attacked by a squad of experienced soldiers in stealth gear. Geronimo luckily manages to escape.Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, The Illusive Man, Geronimo, Briggs, ICT, N72012-05-10 6 
19082172The Tale of Patrick O'CallahanWell, citizens of /tg/, gather round. Get yerselves a pint, warm up by the fire, and stop ogling the damn whores for a second so I can tell you the story of the best elf I've ever had the fortune of playing, Patrick O'Callahan.Story, Storytime, Patrick, O', Callahan, Irish, Elf, Awesome, Barfight, Justice, Wish2012-05-13 39 
19090715Mass Effect Quest Filler Arc 2We take over as Karrigan and manage to access the shield's inner workings. We are in the process of testing it out on Brigg's.Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Geronimo, Karrigan, Briggs, Illusive Man2012-05-14 5 
19043505Fortune: Evolution Game - Discussion Thread 2While the first was not archived (nor is it worth archiving), this discussion thread proves to be full of brainstorming concerning the next stage of life on that wild, wild world. Previews of Part 5 as well as links to the new 1d4chan page are included. brainstorm, Deus vs Machina, discussion, ecologyfag, evo game, evolution game, evolution, Father, Fortune Evolution, FortuneHost, nongent, occasional silliness, preview, sneak-peek, Stooge, zeppelin sex,2012-05-14 10 
19085077Magical Girl Dystopia IIIMore fleshing out about the girls and the resistancefluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-05-14 5 
19115700Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 5, the Triumph of SpringFinally, OP got his ass off the couch and finished Part 5. The evolution game continues as the Ice Age finally ends and springtime returns to the land.agent of evolution, Collective Game, Deus, evolution game, evolution, fatherofthemoons, Fortune Evolution, FortuneHost, Deus vs. Machina, non gent2012-05-16 10 
19114176For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XXIMore ground combat, this time exploring the depths of the city and freeing slaves. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, power armor2012-05-16 11 
19137578/tg/ discusses Evangelion/tg/ has an intellectually stimulating discussion of the Evangelion franchise, useful material for anyone looking to play a game of AdEva.evangelion, adeptus evangelion2012-05-18 10 
19137841Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 5, (Continued)Part 5 picked up just as it was going into autosage, so a second thread was made. Here we see Rainbow Blimpies and Sailfins begin one-upping each other in the skies and the Ravedragons become ever more FA-A-A-BULOUS!Fortune Evolution, evolution game, evolution, springtime, fabulous, ravedragon, rainbow blimpies, sailfins2012-05-18 10 
19119894Magical Girl Dystopia IVThe setting is solidified, ideas are developed, and issues from the last thread are snipped in the bud.fluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-05-18 2 
19172353Mass Effect Quest Filler Arc 3Karrigan finally get the Geth Shield figured out, now all that's left is to reverse engineer the tech and see about producing it for the Alliance, or ourselves. We rejoin Geronimo in the Rain Forest and he completes his ICT training. An opportunity may arise, depending on his actions here.Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Geronimo, Karrigan, Illusive Man, ICT2012-05-20 5 
19199088For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XXIIPromotions go through, items are stolen and we plan for what we'll buy after our upcoming mission for House Intelligence.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Pirates2012-05-23 11 
19231905Mass Effect Quest Filler Arc 4We learn more about our mysterious assailant, Geronimo is promoted to N1. LEVEL UP! We head back to Terra Nova to form up Jaguar Squad and let the ass kicking commence.Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Geronimo, Karrigan, Vanguard, ICT, Briggs, Ajax2012-05-25 7 
19243277Planetary Governor Quest: Part EightWe hammer out space-combat, acquire several ships that we were apparently supposed to have the entire time, come to an agreement with the Sisters of Battle regarding setting up a Mission, visit the site of the Chaos Raid, and have a Zombie scare. Also Homesteading and Editor dropping more epic speeches.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Chaos, Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Hospitaller, Space, Quest, Zombies, Fungus, Space Battle2012-05-26 13 
19255653Planetary Governor Quest: Part NineAnother short session. Not very much is accomplished, but we do lay the groundwork for future plans and start on building the Sisters a moon base.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Chaos, Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Hospitaller, Space, Quest, Zombies, Fungus, Space Battle2012-05-27 12 
19283964Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent Tribal/Discussion Thread 2Thread starts weird and horrifying, then gets back on track with civil discussion, stellar art and worldbuilding.Bord Empire, discussion, drawfaggotry, Eastern Continent, evo, evo game, evolution, evolution game, FortuneHost, Gaghiel, Gantu, Govkar, Gwiliak, Indonesian Gentleman, Jungle Fever 3, Kaze, Nad, namefags, NO TRIP, nongent, Onolkeshan, Primordial Evo, SHOGUN GLUND, Silith, Skulks, Solomon, stupid sexy Skulks…, tribal, Zal'zaz'siel2012-05-30 6 
19288711For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century 23Tracking down pirates so we can give them stuff. Seems legit.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Dice, Pirates, Rogue Trader2012-05-30 11 
June 2012
19314624Mass Effect Quest Filler Arc 5We find out the entire story on how Briggs and Haskill joined Cerberus, we regain control of Geronimo and make a big decision.Mass, Effect, Quest, Geronimo, Collective Game, Illusive, Briggs, Haskill, Karrigan2012-06-01 5 
19372341For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XXIVWe track down and fight the stolen ship, narrowly avoiding getting our shit kicked in the process.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-06-06 11 
19383534Xeno Babies, what do?/tg/ considers what it would do if it was given three xeno babies to raise, Papa-N then writefags and the thread becomes epic.Papa-N, xeno, Max, Exterminatus2012-06-07 20 
19401359Adeptus Evangelion v2.5 Final ReleaseBMJ delivers Adeptus Evangelion v2.5 in its complete form.Adeptus Evangelion, AdEva, Evangelion, BMJ2012-06-08 15 
19406363Parker & Johnson Inc.Adventurers join the business community, corporate shenanigans ensue. D&D, Corperation, Mimic door, Frank the Illithid, Original Content, Discussion2012-06-08 39 
19432606Mass Effect Quest Part 6Geronimo let's Karri in on what's happened with Briggs and Haskill. Preparation for the coming storm.Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Geronimo, Illusive Man, Karrigan, Briggs, Haskill, Biotic2012-06-10 5 
19445178Chapter Quest VIFinal stages of battle on Varda against Orks. Session was cut off because OP couldn't post in /tg/.Collective Game, Chapter Master, Orks, Chapter Quest, Space Marines, Ghosts of Retribution, STC, Adeptus Mechanicus, Tactical Battle, Power Garrote2012-06-12 5 
19455107Turning PointA Dark Age dieselpunk homebrew. Armored cars and flying gay districts.Homebrew, Dieselpunk, Dark Age, Post-Apocalyptic, Tanks, USA2012-06-12 22 
19458284Chapter Quest VIIGhosts of Retribution visit Nestorius to reap the rewards of their previous mission to retrieve STC.Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Dark Heresy, roleplay, rpg, 40k, super heavy battle tank, Baneblade, stealth power armour, Adeptus Mechanicus2012-06-13 4 
19457386 For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XXVRepairs are started, equipment looked over and plans are made. Do we aid our wingmen or turn our ship into an unstoppable beast?process. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, 2012-06-13 11 
19480588Song of Durin's AwakeningA real-life bard performs one of Tolkien songs. /tg/ is in awe. Bard Lord if the Rings Music 2012-06-15 45 
19496979Mass Effect Quest Part 8Geronimo meets with Jack Harken and becomes his errand boy in return for what supplies he needs for the fight with Volkov.Mass Effect Quest, Geronimo, Collective Game, Illusive Man, Briggs, Karri, Harken2012-06-16 5 
19495095House BussardFollowing on the heels of house Bulwark, /tg/ creates House Bussard of the Vale. Horrible rolling causes the vulture to be adopted as its sigil. Ours is what's left!bussard, house creation, asoiaf, buzzard, vulture2012-06-16 12 
19497943Planetary Governor Quest: Part TwelveThe first decent session in a while. We continue dismantling the Space Hulk, Get Skitarii help, and fight a mob of "evolved" Cyborks with huge, angry squigs and a really messed up mutant Warboss.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Chaos, Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Hospitaller, Space, Quest, Zombies, Fungus, Space Battle, Orks, warboss, Blood Axes, Fang, Dreadnought2012-06-16 20 
19497569House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 2House Bulwark continues its activities in Kings Landing, a duel is fought, a threat is made, and we have an audience with the Hand.House Bulwark, Game of Thrones, Collective Game, Turtle Quest, A Song of Ice and Fire, Not One Step Back2012-06-17 11 
19516448Mass Effect Quest Part 10Geronimo and Emily head to a dive bar known as the Hangman's Noose in search of the Krogan. A plot against the Blue Suns is discovered and an all out merc war may be imminent. Regal shows up and starts heading for the Blood Pack mercs...Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Geronimo, Emily, Karri, Briggs, Illusive Man2012-06-17 2 
19516190House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 3Donatello meets Syrio Forel, the heir to House Dannett is discovered, and fighting in the streets of King's LandingGame of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, Collective Game, Turtle Quest, House Bulwark, Not One Step Back2012-06-18 7 
19517496Spacefarer QuestWe are Nelson Capiello, the captain of a small general purpose ship "Chrysoprase" which we use to do various of odd jobs. We arrive at a space station orbiting the planet Menvalle and quickly find a job to transport two doctors to the planetside to help with the relief but something about this job doesn't add up... Also, CirrusandN needs an intervention.Spacefarer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, CirrusandN2012-06-18 6 
19535479Napoleonic Commander Quest 3Finish up festivities in Quent, moved on to Tarwood. Then back to Finnsfjord to make sure our moustache stayed immaculate. Napoleonic Commander Quest, Quest, Moustache2012-06-19 6 
19544423For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run CampaignWe launch our newly fixed ship on a campaign in the Smugglers run and test out the new deployment map. Then we get smashed by Bounty Hunters and have to get repairs.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Bounty Hunters,2012-06-20 12 
19543603House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 4Orten accuses the Bulwarks of murder, Lord Bulwark duels Ser Naton, and Thoros of Myr wields the Fire SwordGame of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, Collective Game, Turtle Quest, House Bulwark, Not One Step Back2012-06-20 7 
19566657House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 5April Bulwark is a homicidal tsundere, Arya comes to visit, and Donatello hires Gendry. Good bye canon!Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, Collective Game, Turtle Quest, House Bulwark, Not One Step Back2012-06-21 6 
19570091Spacefarer Quest, Part 2We escape the Connollys, formulate a plan to take out the last target with a bang, and learn some more about Yulia and Olga. They sound like excellent allies...Collective Game, Spacefarer Quest, CirrusandN2012-06-22 7 
19580181House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 6Arya and April run around House Bulwark and annoy a farmerGame of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, Collective Game, Turtle Quest, House Bulwark, Not One Step Back2012-06-22 7 
19592149Primordial evo game. Southern caves.We plunge into the complex cave systems underneath the surface of the southern continent. Nightmare fuel ensues.Primordial, evo game, Collective Game, emils, raga, hoppa, geist, fus, inoglund, fren, cedya, wirm2012-06-25 1 
19637303For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 2A colony is liberated and we move on with our long term mission.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Bounty Hunters,2012-06-27 14 
19655071Mahou Shounen Quest 141You didn't think it would be that easy, did you? Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Congratulations! You just won a lifetime subscription to MAD magazine.2012-06-28 10 
19656383Mahou Shounen Quest 141.5Continuation of the thread that sunk due to board maintenance. NOTHING IS AS EASY AS IT SEEMSCollective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Congratulations! You just won a lifetime subscription to MAD magazine.2012-06-28 10 
July 2012
19725124For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 3After blasting our way through another ship graveyard we lay claim to some vessels that should serve us well. Provided we can get them fixed.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines,2012-07-04 14 
19736692Steampunk Raider Civilization GameIn a world full of steampunk, Lucius Black unites the desert people into a band of pyromaniac raiders. Surprisingly little leather.Collective Game, Civ Game, Civilization, Civ, steampunk, Lucius Black2012-07-05 3 
19741278Zerg Quest XCIIFollowing the crossover and a major battle, the Swarm discusses its future. Also, Zerg World.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Major surgery, Daddy issues, Zerg World, Amusement park IN SPACE2012-07-05 7 
19767602Game of Thrones Quest IVThe mystery-plot thickens a bit, we meet Davos, and that Tourney of Vines finally starts.Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, House Karban2012-07-07 27 
19777016Game of Thrones Quest IV LifeboatThe tourney continues after the old thread began to autosage, and we are busy being pretty good at the joust, and we knock Robert Baratheon off a horse with a stick.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-07 27 
19776262Spacefarer Quest, Episode 3We start the day asking Olga questions, went to a party, meet Emmy, accepted a new job, and then went back to Olga to buy our new gear.Collective Game, Spacefarer Quest, CirrusandN2012-07-08 11 
19751693Fortune: Evolution Game - Discussion Thread 9Not all of the discussion threads for this game are worth archiving here, but some pretty nifty ideas are dropped here, enough that it was worth preserving here for posterity. Why bluegrass is blue is explained, and the idea of a microscopic episode of Fortune evolution is proffered. Slow moving but interesting read. Note: As it is not part of the game proper, the tag of Collective game is not applied to this thread. The exclusion of this tag will also serve as "advertisement" in a sense to those who browse suptg, as we welcome new players. Browse this thread, see if the game grabs you. No prior knowledge is necessary to play, so if you like it, come on in!Fortune Evolution, evolution, evo, game, discussion thread, microscopic, bluegrass, namefags, science, biology, technobabble2012-07-08 2 
19808531Chapter Quest Spin-Off II: PrisonerAfter the boarding action against Adeptus Sororitas Brother Montus is mistakenly listed as MIA in by his brothers while in truth he is taken prisoner. He there meets Sister Judith with whom he gets bonded in a very strange way... No, it's not a fapfic.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Spin-Off, Adeptus Sororitas, brother, sister, prisoner, Big Daddy, torture, neuro-whip2012-07-10 11 
19806906For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 4As we make progress along the run it looks like the locals are battening down the hatches in hopes of waiting this one out.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-07-10 12 
19811519Palantir MaceGuys! Hey listen! Guys! What if, right, what if...we use the Palantir as the head of a mace!pcs, chaotic stupid, stupid pcs, artifacts, magic item, creative magic item usage 2012-07-10 15 
19817308Guardsman Quest: The fight for Amerigo SecondusIn this quest we take the role on the role of Fineas Edward Line, minor noble man and all around suave motherfucker. The planet gets handed over to the Tau by Governor nixon and Fineas sets off on a quest to defeat the Tau. He meats a gang of feline abhumans, gets recruited by an inquisitor and has nightmares while he's awake.Collective_Game, 40K, Imperial_Guard, Guardsman_Quest, Amerigo_Scondus, Tau, Catgirls, Heresy, Inquisition, Pancakes2012-07-11 10 
19837339Game of Thrones Quest VWe complete the Tourney of the Vines, nearly die, and investigate the happenings on the bitch front.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-12 27 
19833002Chapter Quest Spin-Off III: Chasing Dark EldarBrother Montus and Sister Judith are sent with a strike force of Adeptus Sororitas to the Feudal World of Lituanica to stop the Dark Eldar slaver party. Everything goes better than expected, until they get into an ambush... The events that follow end the quest in a place a lot further away from monastery than anyone thought, A LOT FURTHER.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Spin-Off, Adeptus Sororitas, brother, sister, prisoner, Big Daddy, Dark Eldar, Feudal world, webway, Commoragh, slaves, rape, Sororitas2012-07-12 10 
19846606Game of Thrones Quest VI!We dig deeper into the whole mystery deal and talk to the Lady Jeyne, a secretive information broker in Saltmouth about many topics.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-12 22 
19853151Game of Thrones Quest VI and 1/2We start uncovering the true working of the Clawwater wine smuggling ring, and do awesome shit.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-13 27 
19897335Boone Quest Episode 13In which our heroes attempt vehicular homicide on a rogue psyker, recruit an Emperor-fearing mutant soldier, and unearth Demogirl.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus2012-07-16 27 
19898022Game of Thrones Quest VIIAfter months of investigating, we finally bring the hammer down on House Clawwater, and find that things are darker and more tragic than they first appear.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-16 23 
19910719Game of Thrones Quest VIIIWe deal with the aftermath of the invasion of Clawwater lands, clean up the debris left over, and make a startling discovery.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-17 22 
19915412Game of Thrones Quest VIII and 1/2The DM launches a lifeboat after the thread starts autosaging, we bury some Wildfire in a cave, and get part of our reward before the trial begins.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-17 26 
19926436Movies improved with OrkzTake the last movie you saw, replace actors with Orkz, ..., profitOrkz, Prometheus, Waaagh2012-07-18 11 
19923842For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 5The adventure continues as local Pirates and Mercs prepare an all out counter attack to kick us out of the run.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-07-18 15 
19954516Game of Thrones Quest IXWe deal with lady troubles, the trial of the Clawwaters, and many questions about bannermen.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-20 24 
19959122Game of Thrones Quest IX and 1/2The trial finishes up, more problems with bitches, and we finally get the fuck back home.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-20 23 
19982405Lady Robot Master Quest GaidenWhat starts as Abandoned Quest Maker Quest somehow gets re-railed to rebooting Lady Robot Master Quest.megaman, quest, collective game, blade woman, mass effect, deus ex, bizarro2012-07-22 7 
19993725The Ponyverse is horrifying/tg/ has a reasonable discussion about My Little Pony, mostly picking out the implications of horrifying classism and how Celestia has apparently designed her own Orwellian utopia (because it actually works)My Little Pony, civil discussion, how is this even happening2012-07-22 36 
20019202For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 6We learn of limitations on Holographic cloaking yet it doesn't stop us from terrorizing parts of the station. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-07-25 22 
20031398Magical Girl Noir Quest 20A heavily buzzed magical girl has girl trouble with a past friend, current roommate, and new coworker.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey, midori, soul gem, Cripple Jousting2012-07-25 38 
20060801Game of Thrones Quest XWe finally head home after our time away, and try and get shit shorted.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-28 24 
20067945Game of Thrones Quest X and 1/2We get our house in order and get ready for MAD MONEY jousting tourney!Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, House Karban, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire2012-07-28 23 
20102946Soviet Tank Commander Quest Pt 4You are a Mikhail Krasnov, T-80 tank commander - The Cold War is about to go hot, with US + Russian ships sunk in the Black Sea, and war between the GermanysCollective Game, Quest, Soviet, Tank, Commander Quest, Commander, 2, glorious, worker, republic, capitalist pigs2012-07-31 1 
20107372Commoragh Quest VTonight in the very special adult night episode of Commoragh Quest: will Xynthia let Montus lick her toenails? Stay tuned and find out!Commoragh Quest V Chapter Master Montus2012-07-31 0 
20108717Mahou Shounen Quest 163Combat cook-off against Gordon Ramsay. We show Mio our stuff. She makes her move, we make ours. NO FRANK NOOOOOOOOO!Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, I bet you only hate this because people told you to2012-07-31 6 
August 2012
20115334Chapter Quest XXIVChapter Master fights Men of Iron AI inside Reaver Titan 'Imperator Invictus'.heinous warp entity Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Men of Iron, DAoT, Invasion, Grand Strategy2012-08-01 5 
20120029Blue and the Scraplootas - Part 4In which the Scraplootas, the Orks who found and raised Blue, the awesome spanna grot (Tau), are developed and made into a fuck-awesome tribeTau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Gretchin, Squig Drone, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, muckin' about, grots, CODORKS GORKAMORKA, Dokta Grotapus2012-08-01 11 
20117414For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 7We remove out a secret passageway through the minefield, then our first attempt at convoy escort gets off to a rocky start.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice,2012-08-01 12 
20129547Blue and the Scraplootas: Part 5The Scraplootas, Blue's adoptive Ork tribe, are further developed. Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Gretchin, Squig Drone, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, Titanocracy, At This Point The Scraplootas Are Just As Interesting As Blue, Boris2012-08-01 8 
20134147Game of Thrones Quest XIClawwater girls are still down but we don't despair. Winter is Coming so we upgrade our small city and build some silos and junk. Get swarmed with letters from everyone, oh and the huge tracts of land came to visit.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, House Karban, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire2012-08-02 25 
20135447The Fair Folk Chapter 5We still have no idea what's going on, but now we're smearing murderblood on the moon.Fair folk, Sketchy, Papa Silenus, Collective Game2012-08-02 10 
20140791Game of Thrones Quest XI and 1/2The lifeboat is launched as the Cargill visit proceeds apace, we finally figure out what to do with those new islands, grant Ser Crane a great gift, and hear wedding bells in the distance.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-08-02 24 
20208251Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 5TONIGHT: Master goes on a date, Rider gets hot and bothered, and we meet the biggest dick in human history.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-08-07 7 
20210395Game of Thrones Quest XIIRulership continues, with questions asked and answered. Also, prolonged debate over just what we should be taking into our marital bed.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-08-07 23 
20218233Game of Thrones Quest XII and 1/2The lifeboat deploys, and some serious work and discussion gets underway. It ends when OP becomes tired and heads to bed after answering a pile of questions. Also: We need to get laid.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-08-07 25 
20222981For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 8Fencing and laser tag are a prelude to an economic catastrophe we may have inadvertently set in motion. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-08-08 14 
20263992Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 7We steal some hinges, blow up a horse, break glass, fire Five Rounds Rapid, and finally EGO gets his wish. But STILL no hips moving by themselves.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate Stay Night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-08-11 5 
20289345Warhammer 40k: Heretical Love 2, Electric BoogalooThe SequelWarhammer, 40k, quest, heretical love, heretical love 2, papa-n, heresy, quest thread, warhammer 40k, writefaggotry, max decarus 2012-08-12 39 
20318722For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 9The squadron takes it first real loss and we decide the fate of our allied House.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-08-15 14 
20333341Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 8We meet the best damn foul-mouthed, chain-smoking airship pilot this side of Gaia, visit the Troll Emperor of Phallomancer-kind, and contemplate causing Angel Notes by accident.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-08-16 5 
20338053Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 2Michael makes it a point to avoid any situation that might compromise his identity and we find a few things to do. MEQ2 , The Illusive Man, Michael Clairmont, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Mass Effect Quest, Bob Drake, Oolot, Switch2012-08-16 6 
20359874Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 3We had out into the Traverse and kill some pirates, the reign of Barnacle Bob, King of Pirates begins. We get two new crew members, Sushoo the Hanar Chef and Rin a Quarian Mechanic.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-18 5 
20388541Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 9We learn things about Arry, get bothered by someone who comes a-knocking, send him heading west, and plan a safari.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-08-20 6 
20386688Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 4We return to planet Benning and have a proposition from a certain Cerberus operative. We decide to make a deal with the devil.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-20 6 
20415181Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 10More for the Butcher's Bill, Stealing armor, messages written with bullets, Roofie Landmines, and lots and lots of rain.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-08-22 5 
20412936For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 10While looking for guns for our ship we stumble upon a planetary civil war. Rather than nuke the site from orbit we call for some Merc assistance. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-08-22 13 
20433929Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Crunch Session #1A little plot, a few brainstorms.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-23 2 
20434992Game of Thrones Quest XIII TeaserThe OP finally reappears after nearly two weeks in captivity. Minor events are kicked off, people complain a bit, and then OP runs off to sleep after promising a pastebin update and more time.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-08-23 25 
20457019Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 5Michael takes the crew into the Erebus system, we defeat a small wolfpack of Blue Suns ships, Cerberus decides maybe we're not as worthless as originally believed and an few old faces make an appearance. MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-25 5 
20476321Corruption of Champions: ANGER EDITIONIn which a young Angry Marine and Musclewizard by the name of ANGER boldly strides into a new world, to cast Fist upon heretical abominations in the Emperors name.Corruption of Champions: Knighthood, Angry Marine, Collective Game, CoC, Corruption of Champions, SPACE MARINE , 40K, Emperor, Muscle Wizard2012-08-26 20 
20482318Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 6The crew of the MSV I<3Ponies bonds a little bit, we head to the Citadel and try to recruit the lovely Dr. Kelisa Janios, Berto the Biotic with a God Complex makes his first appearance and knocks it out of the park thanks to an Anon.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-27 7 
20496499Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 11We fight with the Devil, lose faith and plot revenge. Also, David still has CLASSnasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-08-28 5 
20509357For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 11Testing to see if battle plans ever survive first contact with the enemy.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, 2012-08-29 15 
20534293Game of Thrones Quest XIVThe Redwynes swing through, the normal thursday schedule picks up again, and we dive back into politics, investigation, and bitch-hunting. Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-08-31 32 
20534202Lost Future Quest Part 10: Gone with the WindClarke just wants to watch the goddamn thunderstorm, is that too much to ask? Also, we meet Hoss, the Doc Smartgunner, and consider what to do with the deactivated Garry and his ill-gotten swag.Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Lost Future, Quest, Righteous Beatdown2012-08-31 12 
September 2012
20544549Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 12The Student has become the Master, traumatized Servants, and Luke getting tackled by a kuuderenasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-09-01 8 
20567247Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 7We recruit Dr. Janios, introduce our crew to roleplaying games in the most meta thing to happen in this quest so far and head to Kahje to see about getting a Drell crewmen.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-09-02 5 
20576660Elder Scrolls Lore DiscussionA trip into the crazy world of the Elder Scrolls. I am and I are all we, /tg/.Elder Scrolls, Lore Discussion, TES, CHIM, Amaranth, Vivec, Lorkhan, lore2012-09-03 8 
20596712For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 12End of our adventures in the Smugglers Run if all things come together. Rapidly turns into Indecision 4024.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, power armor2012-09-05 14 
20601229Squat Crusade: The MusicalThe first adventure of the last squats in the galaxy rebuilding their race as told by Shas'o R'ymr.Shas'o R'ymr, Squat Crusade: The Musical, Squat Crusade2012-09-05 15 
20600811Engine Heart with ViralIt's Engine Heart. With Viral, some story tiem, and other hilarity and hijinxEngine, Heart, Artifice, Robot, Wall-e, cute, no people, machines, terminator, Anonymous Prime2012-09-06 7 
20634385Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 8We recruit a Drell bodyguard and head to Thessia to investigate some missing art.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-09-08 5 
20653467My (Necron) ImmortalA reimagining of My Immortal as a Necron fanficnecron My_Immortal Phaeron_Phaussett Ekhbeni Drakh'nezh Dimmensha Rhavenn Stormlord2012-09-09 35 
20659109Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 9We investigate The Demon of the Night Winds exhibit, we meet Phora the Justicar, and survive yet another huge explosion.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-09-10 5 
20690875Squat Crusade Part 2More poor decisions. More burned fate. The Ancestors put these guys in charge? They must be crazy.Shas'o R'ymr, Squat Crusade: The Musical, Squat Crusade2012-09-12 10 
20685810For House and Dominion: Wing Commander We get down to work setting our new wing in order. Ships are requisitioned, equipment recovered and kayaks paddled.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, management2012-09-12 21 
2069291440k - The End DaysA Writefag pens his thoughts on the End of the Imperium as we know itwritefaggotry, 40k, End Times, Horus, The Emperor2012-09-12 12 
20710103TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume SixThe writefaggotry continues, with orcs, necromancy, and a spot of political and economical discussion.harem, knights, waifus, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, harem knights, monstergirls, elf ears2012-09-14 12 
2072427040k End Times- Part 2The honorable Writefag wat continues his tale of the End of the Imperium as we know it.writefaggotry, 40k, End Times, Horus, The Emperor2012-09-15 3 
20726261Lady Robot Master Quest Part 22In which we deal with Plant Man, Bright Man, and briefly discuss traps and Stalker hypotheses.megaman, quest, collective game, blade woman, bright man, plant man, traps illustrated2012-09-15 3 
20722412TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume SevenThis time we delve into the workings of magic, the aftermath of the Ork invasion, and much more.harem, knights, waifus, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, harem knights, monstergirls, elf ears2012-09-15 11 
20745669Mass Effect Quest Part 10We manage to get back to the ship and are gonna have to make a decision about our mental health.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-09-16 5 
20740292TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume EightThe waifu train has no brakes. The death of the Knight-Sergeant, and other stories.harem, knights, waifus, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, harem knights, monstergirls, elf ears2012-09-16 9 
20751885Squat Crusade: Cities of GoldEpisode 3 of Squat Crusade finds the last squats in the galaxy looting a city of gold, and pissing off a VERY ancient enemy.Squat Crusade, 40k, Squats2012-09-17 6 
20751328TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume Nine.Stories of the knights continue. Fencing, a diplomatic incident, and Harbringer pisses of the Fae.harem, knights, waifus, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, harem knights, monstergirls, elf ears2012-09-17 10 
20762850TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume TenMostly Worldbuilding with lighthearted fare. Scottish Rabbit-folk are detailed. Harbinger has a slice of life moment.harem, knights, waifus, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, harem knights, monstergirls, elf ears, fey, bunny girls2012-09-18 10 
20773984For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 2After a mad scramble from the bar to the front lines we're forced to dance with transport ships flying faster than light. Concept work begins on FTL weapons.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, FTL, dancing, party, ball2012-09-19 17 
20779653Succubus QuestPlay as a Succubus. Disregard humans, acquire souls.Succubus Quest, Succubus, Revulvael, Gepette2012-09-19 39 
20791525Zerg Quest CIVBoarding actions against the Xel'Naga begin, despite petty arguing. That's cool, I was playing StarFox for that part.Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Xel'Naga, Fabulous math, Throw zerglings at your problems, They're in the ceilings!2012-09-20 7 
20798635Ork Musical TheatreWhat starts with a conversion of the Rick Roll opens the box to other Orkified songs...Orks, Space Orks, Warhammer 40k, Music, Original Content, OC, Theatre2012-09-20 8 
20802078Boone quest FifteenWe head out to the scholam and break in, searching for the last batch of clues.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, raege2012-09-21 26 
20813165TeeGee Harem Knights, Vol. 14More writefaggotry, a few ghouls, battle tactics, and castle designs await you in this installment of Harem Knights.Harem Knights, Ears, writefaggotry, Waifus, ear rub, worldbuilding2012-09-22 8 
20824331The Iron CrusadeWhat starts of as a mediocre Chapter Generation Thread become awesome, when we roll Crusading Iron Hand descendants, searching for The Grail, which will revive the lost heroes of the past!The Iron Crusade, The Iron Blades, Iron Hands, Deathwatch, Rites of Battle, Crusaders, Bard2012-09-23 14 
20828926TeeGee Harem Knights, Vol. 15NRF Uniform talk (now with template!), adorable slice of life, and an Interview with a Fey Lord.Harem Knights, Ears, writefaggotry, Waifus, ear rub, worldbuilding2012-09-24 5 
20860329Boone Quest Episode 16Boone regroups with the rest of the squad to new upgrades and party members before returning to the mining facility. Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, raege2012-09-25 27 
20866010For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 3Ballroom edition 2 (Continued). Its difficult to Ballroom harder when people are pointing guns at you.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, FTL, dancing, party, ball, mecha2012-09-26 26 
20871106Succubus Quest 2: Succ HarderContinuing Adventures of Revulvael and Crew.Revulael, Succubus Quest, Gepette, Succubus2012-09-26 35 
20866609TeeGee Harem Knights, Vol. 17Joint stories and new characters emerge, GearHeart writes eroticaHarem Knights, Ears, writefaggotry, Waifus, ear rub, worldbuilding, TeeGee, Colective story time,2012-09-27 5 
October 2012
20961599For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 4We set out to rally friendly forces to help retake our ships. If only we knew who to help first.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, management2012-10-03 16 
21035897Magic: the BeareningAn anon posts some bearly editted token. /tg/ exercises it's right to bear arms and signs up for the oncoming bearpocalypseMagic, mtg, bears, custom cards, Magic: the Bearening, awesome, 2012-10-08 9 
21044136Lich's Employee Quest pt 8Sir Daniel goes south and deals with Salin, the illusionist.skeleton quest, Hydra, Salin, illusions, feels2012-10-09 11 
21081671The Journal of Grask HarnlinOne Imperial Guardsman's journal during the campaign known only as The Grand Shitstorm of Olenus Primaris. Brought to you by the OP of the original Olenus Primaris thread.The Grand Shitstorm of Olenus Primaris, Imperial Guard, writefaggotry,2012-10-12 3 
21086750The Grand Shitstorm of Olenus Primaris, part 3In which the Imperial Forces rally, are ferociously attacked, and rally again. With a pocket full of shells.40k, Olenus Primaris Campaign2012-10-12 2 
21103715Friday Night DeckplansHelpful fa/tg/uys provide us with many, many, many spaceship floorplans for scifi use.deckplan, Scifi, useful2012-10-13 1 
21086394TeeGee Harem Knights Vol. 25More succubus shenanigans and slavers take Shacklebane's eyeHarem Knights, Ears, writefaggotry, Waifus, ear rub, worldbuilding, TeeGee, Colective story time, monstergirls2012-10-14 1 
21132374Different 40KA shitty ‘what if’ thread takes a turn for the Sbemailtastic.Warhammer 40K, Derail, Strong Bad, Sbemail, Homestar Runner, Musical2012-10-15 14 
21114952Olenus Primaris VThe thrilling conclusion... or is it?Olenus Primaris, gangaglay, imperial2012-10-15 3 
21152374For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 5We continue our attempts to rally friendly forces and get some practice both on and off the ship.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, 2012-10-17 18 
21164426Revolutio Daedali; Revolution and industry in the Ancient WorldIn the effort to be a positive influence on his little brother, the OP of this thread decided to craft a homebrew setting based on an alternate vision of the Ancient World in the throes of an industrial, political, and social revolution, brought on by the inventions of Daedalus.Setting, Homebrew, Ancient, Ancients, Rome, Greece, Macydonia, Egypt, Industrial, Revolution, Worldbuilding, world building, The Archivist2012-10-17 28 
21181500Lich's Employee Quest pt 15Daniel joins a Crusade with his apprentices, but not to kill, but to end it.skeleton quest, crusades, death, war, justice2012-10-19 13 
21238842Princess Game DiscussionFollow up to the "Choose Your Princess" thread to discuss potential /tg/ creations.Princesses, Story Time, Discussion, Game Creation2012-10-23 5 
21241405Mage Quest: PrologueYou are a mage, you were were born into a world where the gods have been dead for as long as anyone can remember. Your mother was a Witch and a Seer she raised you and foretold 3 prophecies on her deathbed in the hopes that she would be able to help you make your way in the world. So far you've managed to save a group of refugees from slavers and make contact with plane touched gypsies. Mage_Quest. Collective_Game, Quest, Go_Fuck_Youself_Churl2012-10-23 7 
21258695Boone Quest 17We finally activate our coin necklace, and battle a giant Heretek.Collective Game, Boone, Boone Quest, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, raege, boss fight2012-10-24 27 
21255552For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 6Adventures continue aboard the TCS Loreto as the team fights it way to one of the control centers. How will the AI problem be dealt with? Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Stealth, Power Armor, AI2012-10-24 13 
21277183ElysiaQuestYou are a fully sentient Machine Spirit, but you are still "shackled". You have little experience with the world but you are ancient and the secrets hidden with you are precious to many...40k, Warhammer 40k, Adeptus Mechanicus, ElysiaQuest2012-10-25 11 
21356417For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 7Efforts to retake the Loreto ratchet up while time begins to run out. We also test out the Fusion Gun. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Stealth, Power Armor, AI2012-10-31 13 
November 2012
21391043Dread storytimeIn which a mental facility is set on fire, demons attack a jail, and a jenga tower remains standingWaffle House Millionaire, storytime2012-11-02 7 
21445029The Tale of an Industrious RogueGM tells a story about the business exploits of his players, and the crazy plans they made.Industrious Rogue, Pathfinder, Storytime, DM Kroft, Salt, Business, Dreams2012-11-05 230 
21450320Zerg Quest CXDespite what you may have heard, this is not thread 10. I know; it surprised me, too.Cerebrate Anon, Collective Game, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Number Confusion, Sexy Learning Disability, There goes that impressive Protoss fleet, There goes that impressive Zerg fleet, There goes...I'm seeing a pattern here2012-11-06 6 
21460436Monster GuardOP's intent is a thread where /tg/ pretends to be the monster under the bed. Due to OP's image selection, it turns into something darker, where the monster under the bed (and in the closet!) defends the child from abusive parents. OP returns, decides to reveal his writefag power level... and makes a setting out of this concept.Homebrew, original content, crunchless fluff, world building, monsters, nightmares, abuse, child, children, The Archivist2012-11-06 21 
21451889Lots of Interesting Hard Science Fantasy Setting IdeasArchmage Galileo Galilei invents the telescope, and immediately uses it for line-of-sight teleportation to the Moonsetting idea, alternate magic uses, magitech, hard science fantasy, science fantasy2012-11-07 6 
21462792For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 7Return to the Yineput system as we get down to business in a system wide fleet engagement.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-11-07 18 
21487311The Boys in Grey Quest 2 EndThe conclusion of the Hollin Apartments haunting. Ghostbusters, Quest2012-11-09 2 
21492704Saint Elegius, the Relic HammerWelder Anon discovers an ancient relic and embarks on an epic quest to forge a legendary hammer. In real life.Epic, Real Life, Elegius, Artifact, Metalworking2012-11-09 69 
21531655Crusader Quest: Chapter One, the taking of DamascusYou are William MacMahon of the Knights Hospitaller, and your day starts with the seizure and sack of Damascus.Ridire, Crusader Quest2012-11-12 11 
21553234Crusader Quest: Chapter TwoWilliam MacMahon continues to do his duty to God.Ridire, Crusader Quest, Collective Game2012-11-13 5 
21555916Zerg Quest CXICyberbrate thrusts its Love Muffins into an opening in the Xel'Naga's...sexual-sounding military term. I can't be clever all the time. Make your own innuendo. Call it mad-libs or something, I don't know.Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Xel'Naga, Glorious combat, screaming brainhurts, psionic migraine, PORTENT2012-11-13 10 
21566706For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 9Striking out into nearby sectors we start searching for resources to help keep the fleet in operation.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2012-11-14 16 
21614755Tank Witches Quest '89 1Bad news, followed by worse news, followed by recon and stealing explosives!Strike Witches, Army, Tanks, TW89, Collective Game, Tank Witches Quest, MightyM0use2012-11-17 22 
21626407Crusader Quest: Chapter ThreeWe meet William MacMahon's father.Ridire, Crusader Quest, Collective Game2012-11-18 5 
21637596Crusader Quest: Chapter FourWilliam MacMahon defeats an army and meets a king. Or three.Ridire, Crusader Quest, Collective Game2012-11-18 5 
21643172Kamen Rider Henshin - the Tokusatsu RPGAn anon posts about his work for a Kamen Rider-inspired game, and takes on a nick. Much discussion of game mechanics and potential design takes place within.Kamen Rider, Design, Homebrew, Tokusatsu, Faggot Rider, roll202012-11-19 5 
21660129Boone Quest 18In which our heroes finally achieve Krieger Hug.Collective Game, Boone, Boone Quest, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, raege, krieger2012-11-20 30 
21662853Old Man Henderson ReduxA screencaps thread turns into a retelling of Old Man Henderson by another of the playersstorytime, crazy shit, Old Man Henderson, Waffle House Millionaire, Cthulhu, plot derailment2012-11-20 27 
21677377Zerg Quest CXIISomebody has already summarized this entire thread by saying, "shit just got real."Starcraft, Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Collective Game, Zeratul, Xel'Naga, Nukes, Irreparable harm, here's us on the raggedy edge, /tg/ dice, the dice hate you2012-11-21 10 
21645749VeloCITY ReloadedInterest in the /tg/ homebrew game "VeloCITY" is rekindled. Archived for posterity and information.VeloCITY, The Wind in Your Hair, /tg/, homebrew, discussion, Jet Set Radio, Tony Hawk, Air Gear, parkour, freerunning, rollerblade, skateboard, bike2012-11-21 5 
21680615Crusader Quest: Chapter FiveEdessa, a duel, and plotting. Also, OP was a faggot and passed out.Ridire, Crusader Quest, Collective Game2012-11-21 5 
21672766For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 10Unsatisfied with the prospect of mere front line combat we sign on to do another special mission for the Rovinar. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2012-11-22 16 
21692073Crusader Quest: Chapter SixIn which there is a battle, and MacMahon flusters a goddess.Ridire, Crusader Quest, Collective Game2012-11-22 3 
21723467Crusader Quest Chapter SixYou are continuing to prove a source of frustration for goddesses.Ridire, Crusader Quest, Collective Game2012-11-24 3 
21733324Tank Witches Quest '89 2Technical issues, followed by cityfighting! YAAAAYStrike Witches 1989, Army, Tanks, TW89, Collective Game, Tank Witches Quest, MightyM0use2012-11-25 22 
21777327For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 11We resume our search for missing crewmen starting with a planet with a name that sounds like torture.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Hassan2012-11-28 16 
21798595Astartes MafiusThat's a nice planet you have there..It would be a shame if any heretical rumors were to reach the Inquisition40k, space marines, adeptus mafius2012-11-29 22 
December 2012
21840743Tank Witches Quest '89 3Starting with amazing breakfast, ending with briefing, ROUNDED OFF WITH FUUUHHHTTBAAAWWWLLLLStrike Witches 1989, Army, Tanks, TW89, Collective Game, Tank Witches Quest, MightyM0use2012-12-02 25 
21869883Paladin: The Redemption Are you a bad enough dude to hold back the night in the World of Darkness? Listen to the Music and get ready to quest. Onwards, my brothers!World of Darkness, Paladin The Redemption, Paladin, Splat, The Music, Quest, Vimes2012-12-04 31 
21901987First Post QuestWe are dead. We are hell's soldier. We can change our soul body. We changed into a naga with a snakedick named Sly and sword waifu.Collective Game, FPQ, snakedicks, sword waifus2012-12-05 13 
21887708For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 12Two weeks on the road eventually lead back to combat along side our Wing. In a shocking display players turn down a boarding action for the right reasons.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2012-12-06 23 
21931774Magical Girl Noir Quest 69An alarmed and green magical girl does her best to handle the situation.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, Souji, Misaka, Faust,2012-12-07 37 
21941314Crusader Quest: Chapter 7.2There is a shopping trip, and a hospital visit.Ridire, Crusader Quest, Collective Game2012-12-08 3 
21952184Tank Witches Quest '89 4Fightan with Special Forces! Executan Witches! Not staran at boobs! Strike Witches 1989, Army, Tanks, TW89, Collective Game, Tank Witches Quest, MightyM0use2012-12-09 22 
21960657Magical Girl Noir Quest 70An apprehensive green haired magical girl talks with an eldritch abomination and begins her rescue mission.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Faust, Misaka2012-12-09 37 
21990954Let's Make a MechEverything starts off alright, we start to create a pretty boss mech, then suddenly russia gets involved and starts developing it's own mech. Hilarity insues.Mech, robots, russia, funny, collective game2012-12-11 8 
21995661For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 13Back on campaign trail we begin looking for resources to keep our fleet in operation.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-12-12 15 
21945938Primordial Evo: Return to South Discussion ThreadWrapping up some loose ends from West, and planning the return to Central.Collective Game, Discussion, Primordial, Evolution, South, Continent2012-12-13 1 
22021634Oinkbane The Wereboar AssassinA GM declares the genius of a wereboar assassin. And thus Oinkbane is born. His tactics are too subtle for you.Hilarious Wereboar Oinkbane Assassin Funny Tactics Subtle2012-12-13 47 
22034277Demon Lord Succubi Quest - Part 2This adventure our "Hero" figures out how to use his brand new powers! ...And also poke at his dead body.Succubus, Quest, post apocalyptic, Demon, Winter2012-12-14 11 
22037196College Necromancy CoursesIn which advice is asked regarding the nature of and concepts for college-level courses on necromancy in a biased world.undead, necromancy, ideas, university, discussion, philosophy2012-12-14 1 
22044002Tank Witches Quest '89 5Let's see, combat is scary, girls are worried, Wittmann is a bitch. yep, sums it up.Strike Witches 1989, Army, Tanks, TW89, Collective Game, Tank Witches Quest, MightyM0use2012-12-15 22 
22094978Succbus Lord QuestJoin Brooklyn as he goes to a bathhouse, gets a date, finds lackies, and talks to the alcoholic Reaper! Succubus, Quest, post apocalyptic, Demon, Winter, Collective Game2012-12-18 14 
22112102Succbus Lord Quest Part 4Brooklyn defeats the Science Lords, goes on a date, and visits the Queens with Mina.Succubus, Quest, post apocalyptic, Demon, Winter, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest2012-12-19 21 
22146679/tg/ Prophesizes their OWN end-of-the-world/tg/ bands together with an ancient evil, a virgin, a dog, a half-fae catboy, akuuuuuu, and for some reason michael bay to end all timemayan calendar, end of the world, lol, lulz, funny, humourous indeed, greentext, foolish samurai warrior2012-12-21 14 
22157399Tank Witches Quest '89 6In which we fly to France, and get some awesome and or bad news. You decide!Strike Witches 1989, Army, Tanks, TW89, Collective Game, Tank Witches Quest, MightyM0use2012-12-22 22 
22163212Succubus Lord Quest Part 5Join Brooklyn as he has a tea party to begin corrupting the local noble girls AND learn how to spell Succubus!Succubus, Quest, post apocalyptic, Demon, Winter, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest2012-12-23 20 
22174357Crusader Quest: Chapter EightNo politicking, no fighting, no romancing. There is gyro and a play.Ridire, Crusader Quest, Collective Game2012-12-23 0 
22184178Scriptarius Christmas Thread VScriptarius returns one last time for the final annual xmas thread with a gingerbread Baneblade.Scriptarius, Christmas, gingerbread, conversion, 40k2012-12-23 22 
22181221Succubi Lord Quest Part 5In which we shit bricks, and the loom of fate does not tell us when we can slap succubuttsuccubus, quest, lord, post apocalyptic2012-12-23 12 
22196284Safehouse QuestSafehouse Fag takes /tg/ on a magical adventure of sewer people surviving a zombie apocalypse.Safehouse Quest, Collective Game2012-12-24 5 
22230528Discolich, Part IIIOP posts the latest version of /tg/'s latest project, and musicbro turns up with more of the soundtrackDisco Lich, Neon Skull, Neon, Skull, Game, vidya, platform, music, soundtrack, lich2012-12-27 14 
22261914 Succubi Lord Quest: Part 7Join us for a flashback where we play as Demon Queen Miyu, Demon of SCIENCE!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, mad science, SCIENCE!2012-12-28 20 
22257720/tg/ gets depressedOP inquires about how to roleplay depression. /tg/ reveals all its angst, misery and emptiness in response.depression, depressing, sad, melancholy, oh god what, why, roleplay, game ideas, discussion2012-12-29 12 
22286905Rule 63 Harry Potter/tg/ examines what the Potterverse might be like in a genderswapped world. Discussion and laughs ensue.rule 63, Harry Potter, discussion2012-12-30 10 
22271004Neon Skull thread 4The game is pushed further, into a driving minigame, and musicbro takes requests while OP is asleep. Neon Skull, Discolich, retro, game, 8bit, platform, music, soundtrack, 2012-12-31 8 
January 2013
22328448Crusader Quest Chapter NineMC presides over a conclave of Knight-Brothers. There's an eulogy.Ridire, Crusader Quest, Collective Game2013-01-01 0 
22316221Succubus Lord Quest Part 8The trilling conclusion of Miyu's flashback and followed by Mina stealing Brooklyn's innocence.Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, mad science, SCIENCE!, post apocalyptic, winter2013-01-01 20 
22368848Succubus Lord Quest Part 9Brooklyn goes out on his date with the twins and the Demon Lord comes to town!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-01-04 23 
22393171Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 11We leave get our swag on, bed our first Asari, and finally meet Mr. N7.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2013-01-05 4 
22418098Tank Witches Quest '89 7New witches! Theories on our troopers! French cuisine!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-01-06 22 
22432170Banhammer ask tg for custom classesAnd then doodles themcustom game creation classes banhammer banhammer40kun2013-01-07 7 
22433122Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 12We complete insertion onto the planets surface. Sel shows us she can handle ourself, we encounter a crazy redheaded woman ranting about Gods that Cerberus was trying to discover more about. We meet Staff Sergeant Briggs, again.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2013-01-07 4 
22445335Space Marine MountsA discussion of Space Wolves, noting the fact that the chapter uses what it names itself after as war mounts, leads to a series of hilarious photoshops of other Space Marine chapters on titular mounts.Space Marines, 40K, Hilarious, Mounts, Space Wolves, Fists, Children2013-01-07 20 
22480480A Knight Does Not Die With An Empty HandA nice quest, that just so happens to be set in the world of Neon Genesis Evangelion. After character creation is done things hit the ground running and the first angel battle starts moments later.Collective Game, Some Faggot, Adeptus Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion, World Ending2013-01-09 14 
22473624For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 14Game resumes following a 3 week hiatus. Players get to work planning how to steal a starship from an enemy stronghold.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-01-09 16 
22500075Succubus Lord Quest Part 10The long awaited fight with Demon Knight Blizzarios! Also slapping of Mina's ass.Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-01-10 20 
22527155Succubus Lord Quest Part 11Where we met a grumpy old man with a rifle, Queen's mock a pedophile, followed by long term planning.Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-01-12 20 
22528617Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 13We investigate the mine of an uncharted world and find a little bit more than we bargained for.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2013-01-12 4 
22536559A Knight Does Not Die With An Empty Hand Thread 2Adeptus Evangelion Quest continues, this time Samantha emotionally scars a very unfortunate Nicolas. She also heads off to school and learns of the cut throat world of the inter school tournament. We all get to know our other pilots better.Collective Game, Some Faggot, Adeptus Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion, World Ending2013-01-12 17 
22551419Mary Sue disasters (with Richard Priapus )/tg/ swaps stories of mary sues from across the internet, anon steps up with the funniest RP derailing character seen in a long timefreeform RP, RP, Role-play, Mary, Sue, Richard, Priapus, funny, hilarious2013-01-13 45 
22551116Tank Witches Quest '89 8In which we arrive in Saudi Arabia, and are met with all THOSE problems.Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-01-13 23 
22564075Richard Fontaine 2: Electric BoogalooContinued trolling of Kidzworld starring Richard Fontaine, son of Priapus.freeform RP, RP, Role-play, Mary, Sue, Richard, Priapus, funny, hilarious2013-01-13 38 
22570344Richard Fontaine 3: Cuhrayzee EditionContinued trolling of Kidzworld starring Richard Fontaine, son of Priapus.freeform RP, RP, Role-play, Mary, Sue, Richard, Priapus, funny, hilarious2013-01-14 25 
22570276/tg/ Infiltrates Chicken SmoothieInspired by the most holy Richard Fontaine, fa/tg/uys plan a perilous mission to go undercover into places most foul.Chicken Smoothie, Mary Sues, Memes, Infiltration, Crusade, Stupid, Butterfly Wolves2013-01-14 7 
22592074A Knight Does Not Die With An Empty Hand Thread 3Samantha finishes up her day at school by watching a duel between Terrance and Nicolas. Afterwards she is invited by the pair for lunch. Then they show her around town before heading back to NERV.Collective Game, Some Faggot, Adeptus Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion, World Ending2013-01-15 15 
22584289For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 15We start off with some time on leave and begin station upgrades. More combat is sure to follow.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-01-15 17 
22630838A Knight Does Not Die With An Empty Hand Thread 4We finish our fight with the thugs, and Nicolas practically tears them to shreds. Then after getting to NERV we step into our Eva, unfortunately something rather odd happens inside the plug.Collective Game, Some Faggot, Adeptus Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion, World Ending2013-01-17 14 
22627992Succubus Lord Quest Part 12In this Quest, we go to the bath house, use Hokuto Shinken to vaporize bandits, and play DnDSuccubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Fist of the North Star, DnD2013-01-17 20 
22638638GoT Quest: House Dredd "The Hand is Strong" Another /tg/ House is created, this time in the well-defended but relatively lawless Mountains of the Moon. Dredd references abound as bringing law to the Vale is made our top priority. Right after hand jokes and women.Collective Game, Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, House Creation2013-01-17 8 
22657728GoT Quest: House Dredd (Creation Finalised)We make our final adjustments to House Dredd, and our until-now nameless character. Rollan Dredd, son of Lord Josephus Dredd will make his mark on Westeros. We also spend an almost certainly unhealthy amount of time decking out our lesbian-broette, Alyse Stone.Collective Game, Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, House Creation, House Dredd2013-01-18 1 
22682833Tank Witches Quest '89 9Another day in Saudi Arabia, another group of people pissed off!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-01-20 21 
22737146For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 16There is such a thing as capturing too many ships in a short period of time. With the station swamped with refugees we need to hire mercenaries to supplement our Marines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-01-23 16 
22760532Succubus Lord Quest Part 13Join us as we discuss Willpower with Lance and learn what is inside of the MYSTERY BOX!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Mystery Box2013-01-25 20 
22788717The Legions of Earth/tg/ helps allay the fears of a concerned brother. Then it proceeds to prove just how ridiculously far they can derail a threadPolandball, Abbadon, failure, derail, daemonette, discussion, First Founding, 40k, wut2013-01-26 10 
22795577Richard Fontaine 4: The Dick of Astral FireContinued trolling of Kidzworld starring Richard Fontaine, son of Priapus.freeform RP, RP, Role-play, Mary, Sue, Richard, Priapus, funny, hilarious2013-01-26 22 
22781206Fixing Naruto as an RPG settingWhat starts as a question about using Legends of the Wulin for a Naruto RPG ends in a thorough discussion on how to fix its many problems to make it work as a setting, as well as commentary on other shonen series and their strenght as a possible RPG settinghomebrew, shonen, thread derailment, Naruto, One Piece, Soul Eater, setting discussion2013-01-26 5 
22793207Tank Witches Quest '89 10Training! Yelling! Nintendo! Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-01-26 22 
22803291Red Dragon Quest 010The Red Dragon, a "mysterious sorcerer", foils pirate plans and moves to take control of the City.Collective Game, Red Dragon Quest, Red, Red Dragon, Dragon, Illusions, sorcerer, deception2013-01-27 13 
22844469For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 17Plans for the South Reach Cluster devolves into politics. Meanwhile news arrives the Republic will soon be adding their weight to the fight.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-01-29 14 
22864314Real Life Random Encounterstitle relatedReal Life, Random Encounters, amusing2013-01-30 14 
22865866Strikers '89 28We watch the star-lit sky, watch some Ghostbusters, and get into a wrestling match with Ice.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision, Strike Witches, Ghostbusters2013-01-30 27 
22882218Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser: Planar TravellersTravelling the planes, leaving only their many swords - all Cat's Claw and Greywand - to confuse and annoy historians and players alike.Fafhrd, Grey Mouser, Lankhmar, Lieber, Crossover2013-01-31 4 
22886959Succubus Lord Quest Part 14Join as we melt Brooklyn's mind with a hard new book and continue our corruption with the noble girls!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-01-31 23 
February 2013
22922303Tank Witches Quest '89 11FINALLY, back to the action! Fighting in Khafji!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-02-02 22 
22926079Succubus Lord Quest Part 15Join Brooklyn as he continues to corrupt the noble girls!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-02 20 
22932165Pokemon Tabletop Adventures: Australia Edition/tg/ helps an anon prepare for a campaign by stating and fluffing out the continent. Mad Maxesque gangsters, towns and gyms, and plot ideas are brain-stormed. Poison types out the ass.Pokemon_Tabletop_Adventures, Australia, 2013-02-03 5 
22949454Sisters of SteelPlaceholder name. /tg/ gets working on a group of Sisters of Battle that work closely with some members of the Adeptus Mechanicus.Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Adaptus, Mechanicus, 40K, Homebrew, WIP2013-02-05 2 
22994199 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 18Some old friends decide to drop by and blow up the station while we're still on it. Players nearly get Linda and themselves killed. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-02-07 17 
23016285Succubus Lord Quest Part 16Join us as Brooklyn meets with two of the noble girls and then meets up with Mina in a bar!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-07 20 
23031407The return of Ivan D. StrelnikovThe glorious leader and hero of /tg/'s Chickensmoothie Invasion returns and tells us about his adventures on other Freeform RPGs.Ivan Dmitri Strelnikov, Communism, Communist, Russian, Stalker ,Chicken Smoothie, Infiltration, Invasion, Freeform, RPG 2013-02-08 5 
23029387Blatant Fetish Quest IOur half-incubus protagonist begins her trip to become a student at the Scholomance.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-08 39 
23034410Blatant Fetish Quest IIOur protagonist explores Paris and seeks forgiveness from the girl she wronged.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-08 39 
23034426Tank Witches Quest '89 12Blankets bein' stolen, deserts bein' driven across, and us getting in fights with a whole lot of nope.Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-02-08 22 
23039644Burning sands solar system simulationNever forget them. They fought everything. Planets of pure crystal. The sun, monsters of both magic and metal. Illness and corruption. They lost their world and they still fought on. They lost their sun and still fought on. They fought until the final light dawned upon them.Omni, burning, sands, solar, system, galaxy, humanity, fuck, yeah, fungus, space, supernova2013-02-08 30 
23048817Blatant Fetish Quest IIIOur protagonist has a romantic evening in Paris, then heads back to the hotel, exhausted.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-09 35 
23056123Blatant Fetish Quest IVOur protagonist soars through the air on a parkour training course.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, parkour2013-02-09 38 
23055416Succubus Lord Quest Part 17Join Brooklyn as he meets Amanda and has happy fun time! Also part 17 should be in the title in the thread.Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-09 25 
23064813Blatant Fetish Quest VOur protagonist starts seriously studying and flies from Paris to Romania.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-10 34 
23084572Blatant Fetish Quest VIIOur protagonist starts meeting classmates and making friends for the coming year.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-11 34 
23091239Blatant Fetish Quest VIIIOur protagonist finally arrives at the Scholomance and starts learning healthy paranoia.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-11 33 
23104232Blatant Fetish Quest IXOur protagonist starts properly exploring the site that may be their new sanctum.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-11 33 
23108216Blatant Fetish Quest XWherein our protagonist encounters an unexpected meta-demonBlatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-12 34 
23113709Blatant Fetish Quest XIOur protagonist gets to know her estranged father, a prisoner in a magical city.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-12 35 
23124466Blatant Fetish Quest XIIIn which our protagonist learns about blood bonds and binds her father. Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-12 35 
23130331Blatant Fetish Quest XIIIOur protagonist spends nearly an entire thread deciding how to feed her father, then waits.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-13 39 
23126805For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 19Follow up boxing match to resolve our previous bout some time ago. The Wing is taken off active duty for repairs and training.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-02-13 16 
23143283Blatant Fetish Quest XIVOur protagonist grills her father for information and prepares to move.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-14 32 
23149687Blatant Fetish Quest XVOur protagonist learns that decisions have consequences, even if you don't see them yet.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-14 34 
23162303Blatant Fetish Quest XVIOur protagonist gets better-acquainted with the Lotus and their special brand of magic.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, Jeff Bridges2013-02-14 32 
23166502Blatant Fetish Quest XVIIOur protagonist learns more about dryads and her unique mystical physiology.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-15 36 
23172870Bizarre Adventure Quest III: Singles Awareness Day EditionYou and Lisa Lisa manage to find the camp without further trouble. You meet a few of your fellow stand-users, get fed, and get a nickname, among other thingsbizarre adventure quest, stand, viking man, mudada, Part Ex: Muscle is Heart!2013-02-15 6 
23181629Blatant Fetish Quest XVIIIOur protagonist studies and gets a better lay of the land.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-15 29 
23176588/tg/'s Sixth Birthday/tg/ celebrates its sixth birthday on February 15 2013. Stories and memories are shared and urethras discussed.Discussion, story, birthday, anniversary, meta, /tg/, board2013-02-16 11 
23187537Blatant Fetish Quest XIXOur protagonist finds trying to deal with a vampire lord positively infuriating.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-16 31 
23188679Instant NoblesOP asks for quick noble houses, names and relations for a game he is going to be running. tg deliversDM, noble, house2013-02-16 7 
23191861Blatant Fetish Quest XXOur protagonist learns what it means to hate.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-16 32 
23199993Blatant Fetish Quest XXIOur protagonist makes some use of a Vampire Lord heart.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance 2013-02-16 36 
23200334Bizarre Adventure Quest IVYou are a viking man, and a viking man never backs down from a fight! For the glory of Valhalla! WRRRRRRRRYYYYYY~!bizarre adventure quest, stand, viking man, mudada, Part Ex: Muscle is Heart!, Wrryyyy!2013-02-16 5 
23205251Shadowrun Cyberloli ArmyWhen a group of runners find themselves with a small army of augmented little girls, /tg/ knows just what to do with them.Shadowrun, loli, fun, adorable, just another day on /tg/, clips, d'aww2013-02-17 24 
23205516Tank Witches Quest '89 13Tank combat! Wooooo!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-02-17 21 
23218706Bizarre Adventure Quest VWhere you get registered, get fabulous threads, meet your stand, the equally manly and Fabulous Tryggr The Warrior's Code, and get to know Lisa Lisa some more.bizarre adventure quest, stand, viking man, mudada, Part Ex: Muscle is Heart!, Wrryyyy!2013-02-17 5 
23219023Blatant Fetish Quest XXIIOur protagonist spends a lot of her time on phones and learning how to meditate.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance 2013-02-18 31 
23223077Supernatural AmericanaOP wants to discuss supernatural stories of the United States. Multiple good stories and anecdotes are relayed. folklore, US, United States, America, Cowboys, Ghosts, Monsters, Tall Tales, Weird West2013-02-18 14 
23226745Blatant Fetish Quest XXIVOur protagonist has her first day of classes.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance 2013-02-18 30 
23229598Succubus Lord Quest Part 18Join Brooklyn as he performs the summoning ritual in front of the girls!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-18 22 
23215009Chapter Creator : Angelus Petrus - Dark Angels Successors/tg/ creates a chapter, a dark angels successor and hammers out the fluff / tabletop for it.Chapter Creator, Dark Angels, Successors, Homebrew, Warhammer, 40k, wh40k, fluff, worldbuilding, Space Marine, Warhammer 40k, Dark Angels, Angelus Petrus2013-02-18 6 
23239733Blatant Fetish Quest XXIVOur protagonist acquires the missing second key to her sanctum and learns she has room to improve.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-18 27 
23240088Bizarre Adventure Quest VIWhere you wake up from a vision, then have a rather revealing breakfast with the Joker. Then you meet and do honorable battle with a true man.bizarre adventure quest, stand, viking man, mudada, Part Ex: Muscle is Heart!, Wrryyyy!2013-02-18 6 
23246185Blatant Fetish Quest XXVOur protagonist passes a week with studies.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-19 29 
23250894Succbus Lord Quest Part 19Join Brooklyn as he races to help Erika from danger!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-19 20 
23266545Blatant Fetish Quest XXVIOur protagonist forges a metal monster from acid and pain, then ties a pretty bow on it.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-20 35 
23242800For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 20Our time on leave is interrupted by an enemy counter attack. We rapidly end up with more pilots than ships. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-02-20 15 
23270352Succbus Lord Quest Part 20Join Brooklyn as he begins to plan how to take on an Adventurer party!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-20 20 
23282256Blatant Fetish Quest XXVIIOur protagonist's monster wins the pet monster olympics.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-20 27 
23288414Blatant Fetish Quest XXVIIIOur protagonist stands vigil outside Liz's testing, then unwinds at home.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-21 26 
23289078Succbus Lord Quest Part 21Join Brooklyn has he and his group go head to head over a group of Adventurers!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Paladumb2013-02-21 20 
23300890Blatant Fetish Quest XXIXOur protagonist tests modifications to the monster and makes good on a promise.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-21 28 
23306075Bizarre Adventure Quest VII: ReduxWhere you grab a drink and promptly get kicked out of camp. Bizarro gets called out on not being Jojo enough. Can he rise to the challenge or will the quest die before it's realized?bizarre adventure quest, stand, viking man, mudada, Part Ex: Muscle is Heart!, Wrryyyy!, collective game2013-02-22 4 
23305373Blatant Fetish Quest XXXOur protagonist hatches a dryad and becomes a mother.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-22 29 
23319954Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIOur protagonist fails at studying and tries to figure out how to help her baby see.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-22 28 
23325421Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIIOur protagonist spends quality time with her girlfriend and baby girl.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-23 28 
23337654Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIIIOur protagonist introduces Breakfast to her daughter.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-24 26 
23344801Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIIIWe let Breakfast express her motherly instincts, give Liz her due punishment, and FemCOCK's internet dies.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad, Miau2013-02-24 25 
23343269Succbus Lord Quest Part 22Join us for Erika's transformation party where she becomes an Ayarian Succubus!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Paladumb2013-02-24 21 
23346869Succubus Quest 3: Return Of The BikiniRevulvael returns to fight the Angel Conspiracy. Features fun date with Argenta.succubus, Succubus Quest, Revulvael, Gepette, Argenta, Surt, Collective Game2013-02-24 27 
23358747Blatant Fetish Quest XXXVOur protagonist finally figures out some proper Sorcery.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-24 27 
23363513Blatant Fetish Quest XXXVIOur protagonist gets some valuable books from the library and chats with the Lotus grand master.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-25 26 
23367298Siblings Yvarai Correspondence Houses of the Blooded fluff story, in a long, fascinating series of lettersstory time, Houses of the Blooded, letters, fluff, intrigue2013-02-25 18 
23376729Blatant Fetish Quest XXXVIIOur protagonist handles discipline and begins research on new projects.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-25 28 
23381753Blatant Fetish Quest XXXVIIIOur protagonist hardens her mind and learns even more about dryads.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-26 28 
23394049Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIXOur protagonist crafts a focus to help craft foci.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-26 25 
23398224Blatant Fetish Quest XLOur protagonist teaches her daughter words and helps Liz on her pet project.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-27 27 
23413574Blatant Fetish Quest XLIOur protagonist studies, plays with Selene, makes a dildo ejaculate, and gets a faceful of ethics.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-28 28 
23396978For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 21Promotions go through, our pilots are Knighted and we deal with the problems of excessive rookies.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2013-02-28 21 
23419511Succbus Lord Quest Part 23Brooklyn gets snazzy new armour and makes the plan of how to get Erika out of the castle!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-28 22 
23421507Blatant Fetish Quest XLIIOur protagonist clears out some more space and deals with the fallout of spell experimentation.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-28 28 
23433860Blatant Fetish Quest XLIIIOur protagonist learns a lot about tattoos.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-28 27 
March 2013
23433290Unweddable PrincessesOP asks for a series of hilariously unmarriable princesses for his Kingmaker campaign. /tg/ delivers.Princess, politics, status, marrying into power, daaw, Pathfinder Kingmaker2013-03-01 21 
23438771Blatant Fetish Quest XLIVOur protagonist gets her ass kicked.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-01 27 
23442548Blatant Fetish Quest XLVOur protagonist socializes with the other members of the Lotus.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-01 28 
23449450Blatant Fetish Quest XLVIOur protagonist gets a lot of knowledge about the nature of reality dropped on her.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-02 25 
23454705Blatant Fetish Quest XLVIIOur protagonist gets some work done around the tower.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-02 26 
23466054Blatant Fetish Quest XLVIIIOur protagonist improves her custom spell and crafts a healing focus.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-03 27 
23472092Blatant Fetish Quest XLIXOur protagonist boosts her strength and has a few family chats.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-03 25 
23477347Anti-Succubi, Valkyries and Other Cosmological ThoughtsOP asks for a good-aligned parallel to a succubus. Thoughts progress to valkyries and what the proper reward for good acts is supposed to be.Succubus, cosmology, good, evil, angel, demon2013-03-03 7 
23484324Blatant Fetish Quest LOur protagonist makes a seeing eye golem for her daughter.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-04 27 
23491855Blatant Fetish Quest LIOur protagonist gets some tattoo design done and then has an awkward family moment.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-04 24 
23503501Blatant Fetish Quest LIIOur protagonist gets a tattoo and then gets into a dangerous situation.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-04 26 
23508021Blatant Fetish Quest LIIIOur protagonist has a bad, bad day.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-05 27 
23510878Blatant Fetish Quest LIVOur protagonist begins recovering from a barely-escaped ambush.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-05 28 
23528551Blatant Fetish Quest LVOur protagonist prepares to ruin a person.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-06 26 
23506175 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 22We open our mouth at a staff meeting and end up escorting a diplomatic envoy to the Free Planets League.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2013-03-06 18 
23532345Blatant Fetish Quest LVIOur protagonist learns about real paranoia.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad, tengu2013-03-06 29 
23542678Blatant Fetish Quest LVIIOur protagonist lets a little sunshine in.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad, tengu2013-03-06 32 
23547323Blatant Fetish Quest LVIIIOur protagonist plans how to subvert the mind of a rival.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-07 27 
23550587Blatant Fetish Quest LIXOur protagonist handles her captive's equipment.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-07 29 
23550141Succubus Lord Quest Part 24Join Brooklyn as he heads to the bar, meets friends, and plays card games!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Card Games2013-03-07 23 
23560690Blatant Fetish Quest LXOur protagonist shaves her head and chats with friends and family.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-08 26 
23566280Blatant Fetish Quest LXIOur protagonist gets her tattoos finished.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-08 27 
23577238Blatant Fetish Quest LXIIOur protagonist starts turning an enemy into something else.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-08 26 
23581443Blatant Fetish Quest LXIIIOur protagonist breaks in a new ally.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-09 25 
23584800Succbus Lord Quest Part 25We begin the mission to rescue Erika! Nat 100's all about!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-03-09 20 
23594254Blatant Fetish Quest LXIVOur protagonist introduces her new pet to the whole family.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-10 25 
23610060Blatant Fetish Quest LXVLiz fixes Lunch and takes some punishment.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-11 26 
23629222Blatant Fetish Quest LXVIOur protagonist isn't the main character for once. Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-12 28 
23645140almost-traitor marines/tg/ tries to make the most fucked over chapter evercustom chapter, heresy2013-03-13 7 
23641994Blatant Fetish Quest LXVIIOur protagonist has breakfast and patrols the area outside her base.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-13 24 
23649973Damned Marines I/tg/ continues to attempt to make a corrupted loyalist, xeno-tech-usin' offshoot of the Ultrasmurfs.custom chapter, chapter creation, emperor, space marines, warp, chaos, eldar, slaanesh2013-03-13 6 
23644751For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 23Search begins for the long lost starship Vieona and the wealth of technology that might be found aboard her.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2013-03-13 13 
23661498Blatant Fetish Quest LXVIIIOur protagonist makes plans and learns lessons.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-13 25 
23664154Damned Marines IIIThird thread dedicated to creating the most fucked over chapter in the Imperium. Decided on name, colors, heraldry, etc.Custom Chapter, Chaos, Warp, Space Marines, Heresy2013-03-14 2 
23667754Tank Witches Quest '89 14In which maus isn't dead, and we learn things about our witches! Also, off to Aberdeen!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-03-14 21 
23667501Blatant Fetish Quest LXIXOur protagonist works on class work and relaxes at home.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-14 26 
23669420Succbus Lord Quest Part 26Join us as we settle Amanda's Teenage angst and talk to the Adventurers!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-03-14 20 
23679659On Childhood, Death, and WarhammerAn eleven-year-old girl joins her big brother's Warhammer Fantasy game, his character being a childhood hero of hers. In her first session, a single botched roll leads to both killing her brother's character and her own death as a result; she leaves the table crying. /tg/ has it out.Discussion, WFRP, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, GM, death, girl, PC, player character2013-03-14 49 
23685183Quest goes horribly wrong"what the fuck is happening here?"Collective Game, What Just Happened2013-03-14 6 
23689435Blatant Fetish Quest LXXOur protagonist gets ready to watch a movie with her daughter for the first time.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-15 25 
23693036STALKER Civ QuestGlorious Leader Balalaika begins her journey into the zone slongside comrades of the Duty faction. Death, adventure, and STALKAN awaits. BLOWOUT SOON FELLOW FA/TG/UYS!Stalker, Civ Quest, Balalaika, Blowout, Russia, Ukraine, Kebab, Collective Game2013-03-15 11 
23705732Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIOur protagonist deals with some of her girlfriend's personal issues.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-16 24 
23709372STALKER Civ Quest #2Balalaika and friends shore up their defenses and fight off some unfriendly corpses. Mystery ensues. Exploration of the zone continues as home base begins to take shape in the Junkyard.Collective Game, Staler, Civ Quest, Leader, Balalaika, Ramen, Russia, Kebab, Ukraine, Zone, Kalashnikov,2013-03-16 5 
23717547Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIIOur protagonist makes some progress on the learning game and gets a text from Dane.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-17 25 
23725498Lamia Daughter Quest 7Ssen and company continue fight some more ghouls, talk with the lizardfolk, and take another confessionCollective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Beautiful Nightmares, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-03-17 23 
23733493Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIIIOur protagonist helps Dane with an assassination and has a good meditation session.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-17 24 
23735992Lamia Daughter Quest 8note:thread mis-titled as 7. Ssen and company continue to fight to retake the city of Stone Hall from the Ghouls.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-03-17 23 
23748485Lamia Daughter Quest 9Ssen and company reach a conclusion in the battle for Stone Hall.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-03-18 24 
23757275AdEva base on crazy religionOP asks for crazy religious things to fuel his game. /tg/ provides.setting, adeptus evangelion, adeva, future alien jews, time cube, wat, religion, cazy2013-03-19 24 
23752510Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIVOur protagonist teachers her blind daughter how to see.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-19 25 
23760749Stalker Civ Quest #4Talking Mutant Edition, wherein, we find out the history of how Balalaika and Courier met; also, that Courier is a bad-ass.Collective Game, Stalker, Civ Quest, Leader, Balalaika, Ramen, Russia, Kebab, Ukraine, Zone, Kalashnikov,2013-03-19 5 
23768347Lamia Daughter Quest 10Ssen gets some lessons and information from Granny, and the group decides where to go next. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-03-19 23 
23773785Blatant Fetish Quest LXXVOur protagonist gets productive and has family time.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-20 24 
23785428Blatant Fetish Quest LXXVIOur protagonist has a series of massive frustrations.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-21 26 
23791319Lamia Daughter Quest 11Ssen and company travel the city visiting people, catch up on our history, and gather information.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-03-21 24 
23793405Blatant Fetish Quest LXXVIIOur protagonist bakes and contemplates the creation of entire ecosystems from scratch.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-21 24 
23791694Boone Quest XIXAfter a long hiatus, we take out our newest ally for a spin and try to control amorous impulses. In the process, we get a fighter jet.Boone, Boone Quest, fagot, culexus, commissar, raege, Collective Game2013-03-21 28 
23790238Succbus Lord Quest Part 27Join us as we train with Brooklyn then take control of Erika for a small arc!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, psychic, telepathy2013-03-21 20 
23794194Stalker Civ Quest #5Alpha the Blind Dog leads Stitch, Farseer, and Balalaika to the police station, where they meet a new friend; a story filled with terror and peril.Collective Game, Stalker, Civ Quest, Leader, Balalaika, Ramen, Russia, Kebab, Ukraine, Zone, Kalashnikov,2013-03-21 5 
23639467Primordial Evo: Return to East Civ DiscussionNotes for the return to East Continent.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Civilization, Discussion2013-03-21 5 
23803483Blatant Fetish Quest LXXVIIIOur protagonist wants to go fast and read books.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-22 24 
23809094Lamia Daughter Quest 12A disfigured Ssen wakes up three months after she took a poisoned crossbow bolt for Isen, and goes to free her friends from Citadel's influence.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-22 23 
23771287For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 24Boarding another sleeper ship leads to negotiations and a plan to reach the Vieona. Players at last reach the missing ship and decide to wake the crew despite the risks.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2013-03-22 12 
23812082Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIXOur protagonist is apparently a natural when it comes to spiritual ecology and taxonomy.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-22 25 
23807640Voice Acting ThreadBored /tg/ers + vocaroo = auditory hilarity/awesomeness/weirdness.Discussion, Vocaroo, Voice Acting2013-03-22 3 
23815898Lamia Daughter Quest 13Ssen and company free the rest of the members from Citadel's influence and prepare to leave Grand Citadel.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-22 23 
23820937Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXOur protagonist teaches her family tai chi.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-23 24 
23829492Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIOur protagonist cuddles her girlfriend. Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-23 25 
23829536Stalker CXiv Quest #6Wherein we see some of Balalaika's history; also, a new type of artifact is discovered in a new anomaly! Collective Game, Stalker, Civ Quest, Leader, Balalaika, Ramen, Russia, Kebab, Ukraine, Zone, Kalashnikov, artifact, anomaly2013-03-23 5 
23830319Lamia Daughter Quest 14Ssen and company attempt to prevent the execution of our friends that live in Grand Citadel.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-23 25 
23838393Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIIOur protagonist begins working on some tricky new school work.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-24 25 
23847432Lamia Daughter Quest 15Ssen and company decide who they want to bring along on the caravan to Stone Hall.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-24 24 
23855880Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIIIOur protagonist works on some new spell design in class.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-25 27 
23858749Lamia Daughter Quest 16Ssen and company begin the journey from Grand Citadel to Stone Hall with the caravan.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-25 24 
23862328Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIVOur protagonist learns about spirit-forges and applications of areas of effects. Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-25 25 
23868582Lamia Daughter Quest 17Ssen and company continue with the caravan and stop by our hometown, River's Crossing.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-25 23 
23873611Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXVOur protagonist cooks breakfast, meditates, and plans an outfit.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-26 25 
23882642Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXVIOur protagonist makes plans for fun in Paris and spends time with her family.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-26 24 
23894372Lamia Daughter Quest 18Ssen and company continue on the road, reach Stone Hall, and discover what life is like outside of Citadel's influence.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-27 23 
23893885For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 25Things get back to combat as pirates try to board the Vieona. We run around in Recon armor causing havoc once again.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-03-27 16 
23899591Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXVIIOur protagonist refines her class project and tutors a fellow student in the library.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-27 25 
23903769Lamia Daughter Quest 19Ssen speaks with Granny,also known as Scheherazade, and give the captured bandit a chance at redemption.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-27 23 
23908600Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXVIIIOur protagonist suffers frustrating failures and close successes.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-27 24 
23913536Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIXOur protagonist enjoys a specific application of meditation after getting her ass kicked by a former enemy.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-28 24 
23914843Lamia Daughter Quest 20Ssen plans to bring down the New Stone Hall instigators, goes on a date, and executes her plan to bring order back to New Stone Hall.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-28 23 
23930571Blatant Fetish Quest XCOur protagonist passes the week and proves to be an attentive and caring mother.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-29 24 
23942591Blatant Fetish Quest XCIOur protagonist begins to learn living alchemy from an older member of the Lotus.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-29 24 
23946851Blatant Fetish Quest XCII Our protagonist learns gland manipulation. Makes a realty stupid joke and prepares for a night out.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-30 23 
23948694Succbus Lord Quest Part 28Join us as Erika and Co. investigate a suspicious town where something is admist!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, psychic, telepathy, Necromancy2013-03-30 20 
23959086Blatant Fetish Quest XCIVOur protagonist has a fun time with her daughter and works on plans.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-31 24 
23951476Wang FireWang Fire discovers that he is everyone, and that everyone is Wang FireWang Fire, Avatar, Sokka, Alpharius, silly, humor, realization, manliness, beard, Zuko2013-03-31 15 
23967691Blatant Fetish Quest XCIVOur protagonist explores and enjoys Paris with the girl she loves for the second time.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-31 25 
April 2013
23976929Blatant Fetish Quest XCVOur protagonist goes to the first club of the night in Paris and makes a big commitment.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-01 24 
23985571Blatant Fetish Quest XCVIOur protagonist transitions back to the club in Paris and relaxes with friends and drinks.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-01 24 
23945399Adeptus Evangelion ThreadOP asks for advice on his Taoism mythos inspired setting for AdEva, and general discussion is had.AdEva, AdeptusEvangelion, Evangelion, setting, epic, NGE2013-04-01 6 
23995831Blatant Fetish Quest XCVIIOur protagonist helps a friend in trouble, and tries to work out if she needs a hospital.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-02 24 
24021340Blatant Fetish Quest XCVIIIOur protagonist is presented with a new social challenge.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-03 24 
24016922Lamia Daughter Quest 21Ssen and company spend a day relaxing, finish in Stone Hall, and set off for Bronze Peak.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-03 23 
24041620Blatant Fetish Quest ICOur protagonist learns that even when things go wrong, some things can still be salvaged.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-04 24 
24016134For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 26Getting off the Vieona with as much loot as we can risk, players decide to hold off on first hand testing of the supposed immortality drug.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2013-04-05 13 
24052347Blatant Fetish Quest C Our protagonist has coffee and goes shopping with friends.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-05 24 
24058674/tg/ Sings Be AggressiveThe neckbeards of 4chan lift their voices in song.music, audio, babycakes, lothario, be, aggressive, b-e aggressive2013-04-05 10 
24076679Tank Witches Quest '89 15We're back stateside! We check up on Rockfield, and call home!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-04-06 21 
24079749Blatant Fetish Quest CIOur protagonist begins teaching her daughter how to read.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-06 24 
24080955Lamia Daughter Quest 22Ssen and company venture around Bronze Peaks, have our equipment improved, learn more about our enemies and meet the local Paladin.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-06 23 
24088525Blatant Fetish Quest CIIOur protagonist learns about mind magic and puts some finishing touches on her school project.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-07 24 
24091998Tavern QuestTallius Urist, disgraced noble and wanted man, makes his first forays into the wonderful world of Tavern ownership. He buys a property, scouts out the nearby area, and sets out to renovate the abandoned crossroads outpost into a place worth getting hammered in.Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire,2013-04-07 37 
24089645Lamia Daughter Quest 23Ssen and company talk with Tallow, one of fathers adventurers, meet a familiar thief, and talk with Crazy Ted before setting off for the Goat Tower and Bear Shrine.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-07 23 
24106442Lamia Daughter Quest Q&A 1EchoGarrote answers various questions about the quest world and characters.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-07 20 
24106236Blatant Fetish Quest CIIIOur protagonist refines her techniques and those of others.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-08 25 
24113225Blatant Fetish Quest CIVOur protagonist leans the utility of sabotage in competitive environments.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-08 25 
24116175Lamia Daughter Quest 24Ssen and company go boar-hunting with Ted and run into unfriendly strangers.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, Caligo Clarus, Dawnchasers, Lamia, Lamia Daughter Quest2013-04-08 25 
24127024Blatant Fetish Quest CVOur protagonist Has an important Talk with her girlfriend.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-09 25 
24136818Blatant Fetish Quest CVIOur protagonist continues preparations for a pivotal class presentation.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-09 25 
24148760Lamia Daughter Quest 25Ssen and company catch up with the intruders within the library and face off with a powerful foe.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-10 24 
24155307Blatant Fetish Quest CVIOur protagonist works on the projects due tomorrow.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-10 24 
24158237Lamia Daughter Quest 26Ssen learns of her heritage as everyone rushes back towards Bronze Peak to investigate Sandover.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-10 28 
24173024Lamia Daughter Quest 27Ssen and company deal with the aftermath of our journey to the Bear Shrine and the investigation into Sandover.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-11 23 
24148991For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 27Operation Typhoon kicks off and we begin strike operations in advance of the invasion force.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-04-12 14 
24207612A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House HarrockYou are Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, and though your people have suffered hard times, through betrayal and loss, they can rise again under your banner. Will they take back the mountains, or be crushed by the barbarian clans? You decide!Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards2013-04-13 42 
24209210Tank Witches Quest '89 16We talk to General Lindsay, and get a new toy!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-04-13 21 
24225064Tavern Quest: Chapter 2Tallius Urist, disgraced noble seeking to start a new life as a Tavern owner, recruits Martellus the barman, Sif the barmaid, and Miaya the elven huntress/chef into his employ. He then proceeds to be scammed by a cart salesman. Damned cart salesmen. The night is to be spent in Gearwatch, Tallius and friends taking his extremely overpriced cart to the outpost on the morrow.Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire,2013-04-14 26 
24239867Blatant Fetish Quest CVIIOur protagonist finally presents her class project to the teacher.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari