/qst/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /qst/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

October 2007
752689Epic Gaming MomentsYet another Epic Gaming Moments thread. TDM contributes copious quotes.that damn mouse, epic gaming moments, epic2007-10-30 16 
757447Repo Men, a campaign for WushuA nifty game idea for Wushu inspired by Hellraiser and Dead Like Mewushu, game ideas2007-10-31 2 
November 2007
765406Let's play the FATAL game.Highlighting why FATAL is terrible for newfagsFATAL, game, ohgodImustclawmyeyesout2007-11-03 22 
765913Let's play the FATAL game. - 2The first thread actually hit the image limit.FATAL, game, ohgodImustclawmyeyesout2007-11-03 14 
December 2007
921167DC 80 to crawl up an anusIt turns out that a DC 80 Escape Artist check lets you crawl up someone's anus. Epic lulz ensues.anus, crawl, escape artist, FATAL, epic2007-12-21 177 
February 2008
1178163Black Tokyo/tg/ discovers a truly horrible eroRPG.rape disgusting troll FATAL2008-02-16 15 
1188125Let's Play Black Tokyo!For some reason, nobody wanted to...rape disgusting FATAL hentai virginia2008-02-18 11 
March 2008
1310759Min-Maxed Commoners and HousecatAbyssal Heritor commoners, binder commoners, Pun-Pun commoners, psionic housecats, weeaboo fightan housecats, incarnum housecats, oh my.D&D, commoner, housecat, min-max2008-03-10 15 
1361693More Cat Min-MaxingA continuation of 1310759. Now with Psionics?!D&D, housecat, min-max, psionics2008-03-19 6 
April 2008
1464058Speech TherapySoulstorm main characters receive help with their "problems."METAL BOXES, spess, space, gimpus2008-04-03 32 
May 2008
1671260Your soul and You!Dagda was playing too much Devil May Cry and came up with rules on using souls in RPGs as a commodity.Dagda, Soul, house rule2008-05-07 6 
1680005Rogue Trader ConversionsScriptarius cooks up a batch of Rogue Trader minis for our enjoymentRogue Traders, Conversions, Scriptarius2008-05-07 5 
1820860DoW MinisScriptarius is up to his old tricks and now makes a mini of Carron doing his famous METAL BOXES look.Scriptarius, conversions, DoW, METAL BOXES2008-05-26 0 
June 2008
2047216Little Folk/tg/ brainstorms about a game where all the people in the world suddenly find themselves 2 inches tall.Little Folk, RPG discussion2008-06-21 35 
August 2008
2330098Daemon Santa ClausThe Inquisition sends a report on the Daemon Santa Claus40k, Santa Claus2008-08-13 1 
2388010Thousand Son and GuardswomanDrawfaggotry brings out the original writefaggotry to a tear-jerker story. Also, Macha wrestling. Thousand Sons, baww, d'aww, macha.2008-08-21 4 
2397827Angry GuardA simple conversion idea request spawns a new regiment of guardsmen. Scriptarius also makes an appearance once more.Angry, Guard, Scriptarius2008-08-22 4 
2473820Scriptarius' old works/tg/'s resident conversionfag shows a few of his older works, and reveals new projectsscriptarius, conversions2008-08-31 5 
September 2008
2600159Liches, Redux.The enormous hold-all thread for all of lich-kind.d-day, clerics, liches, undead, lich, house, undead house, and many more2008-09-18 5 
2633247Adeptus Mechanicus WritefaggotryAdeptus Mechanicus Writefaggotry, with a whiff of Eldrad-like dickery. Adeptus Mechanicus Writefaggotry 2008-09-21 3 
2654786This Just Happened In A Game I'm DMingGame absentees and menstruating male dragons and gnomes in tall hats, oh mythis just happened2008-09-24 3 
October 2008
2714934MusicpunkImagine, if you will, a sci-fi/cyberpunk universe where the human genome has been cataloged and preserved...musically.rpg design music2008-10-02 10 
2764879The Ends Justify The MeansA serious discussion of how to make a fairly generic "insane scalpel-happy doctor" villain slightly more interesting, and in so doing present a quandary to her would-be assassins.BBEG, morals, discussion, getting shit done2008-10-09 6 
2838929Fa/tg/uy versus MouseA fa/tg/uy finds a mouse in his kitchen; being only a first-level commoner, he's understandably terrified.mouse, D&D2008-10-22 6 
2850732Angron conversion of HUGE PROPORTIONSScriptarius tacles a new challence - the daemon primarch Angron. The results: HUGE.Conversions, Scriptarius, HUGE2008-10-22 5 
2863830ANGRON conversion part 2Scriptarius continues his work on Angron, and makes a plastic Abaddon and Kharn on the sideAngron, Scriptarius, Conversion2008-10-24 4 
2901271This Just Happened In A Game I'm DMingFUCKING KENDER!this just happened, kender2008-10-29 5 
December 2008
3118172Girl Genius d20A tripfag makes stats for a Girl Genius game.d20, Girl Genius2008-12-06 0 
3122644Mouse Guard RPGAn early look at the Mouse Guard RPG rulebook, character sheets, promises of a MG mod for DFmouse guard2008-12-07 2 
3215569SuccubusA DnD succubus dscussion evolves into talk about the Blood War as well as some talk about the nature of the PlanesSucubus Infinite Blood War Devil Demon Outsider 2008-12-21 2 
3230017Scriptarius Custom Christmas ModelsScriptarius creates a Warhammer 40k model version of Santa and creates a gingerbreadnought with delicious results.Scriptarius, Santa Model, Christmas, 40k Custom Models, Gingerbreadnought, Santa2008-12-23 20 
January 2009
3288492Ruby Art DumpAs the name suggests. The location of the IRC discussions on Ruby Quest is also in the OP post.Ruby, IRC Discussion2009-01-02 27 
3305759Ruby DiscussionSome random ruby speculation with a nice revelation at the end due to an observant anonRuby Discussion2009-01-03 27 
3365327The Inquisitorial Land RaiderScriptarius is converting away yet again.Scriptarius, conversion, Land Raider, kitbash2009-01-11 3 
3404438Conversion Q&A InsomniaScriptarius can't sleep so he answers a good pile of questions about converting.Scriptarius, Conversions, Q&A2009-01-15 5 
3433252"Help!" Succubus ThreadSome guy gets his sorcerer sent to the succubus layer of the abyss. Rapid fire bullshit suggestions from Anon ensue, including telling OP to pretend that he's writing a guide to the abyss.succubus2009-01-18 7 
3443975"Help!" Succubus Thread Part 2OP's character is still trapped in the abyss, but now he orgasms when he kills demons. He is not the demons. Well, not yet, at least. Some drawfaggotry in response to the last thread shows up.succubus2009-01-19 5 
3488573Cursed Itemsfa/tg/uys discuss cruel and/or lulzy cursed items to release upon their unwitting players...cursed items house rules2009-01-23 5 
3501239Necromancer's Code of Honour/tg/ gets together and discusses how to create a society that does not frown upon Necromancy, or at least one that prevents a Necromancer from experiencing moral dissonance over what they're doing.necromancy, chilvalry, bushido, code of conduct2009-01-24 6 
3557509Orktimus PrimeWonder what would happen if a band of Orks looted an Autobot? These pictures show off the Best Conversion EVER.Orks, Transformer, Optimus Prime2009-01-30 10 
February 2009
359916140K MusicalsWhat musical theatre would be approved for general release by the inquisition? /tg/ explores such old Broadway hits as "Springtime for Horus" and "Mekboy on da Roof".Musicals, 40k, Springtime for Horus, Mekboy on da Roof2009-02-03 10 
3630679PCs vs. BeethovenA Player asks for suggestions on how to take down the Epic Musician himself in his DM's Awesome campaignepic, music, beethoven, d&d,awesome2009-02-07 13 
3668696Homeworld in 40k 1What if the Kushani try to take Holy Terra?Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani2009-02-10 12 
3670053Homeworld in 40k 2We just agreed that Kushani are lootier than da orksHomeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani2009-02-10 5 
3671425Homeworld in 40k 3Now we know Orkz can add moar dakka to Kushani Mothership, Progenitors can fuck everyones shit up and are the reason why the nids are running from their previous galaxy, given enough time Hiigarans can be a real pain in the ass or even a major threat to the IoM, and Karan S'Jet is hot and should become The God-Empress if she isn't one already.Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-11 6 
3674599Homeworld in 40k 4Yes it's still going, yes I'm shocked too, yes this IS getting ridiculous.Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-11 5 
3677459Homeworld in 40k 5This is the thread that never end, and it goes on and on my friends...Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-11 5 
3679875Homeworld in 40k 6My God...it's full of stars! Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-11 5 
3687417Homeworld in 40k 7Ancient ones, they watch and listen, Carry our wishes, Took upon themselves to guide us Through the endless skies. Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-12 3 
3693195Homeworld in 40k 8I can see forever...Homeworld, warhammer, 40k, Kushani, Karan2009-02-12 6 
March 2009
3931590Mantis LegionScriptarius' quest for an Imperial Guard army takes a turn for the epic as the idea of a psyker-filled night world is created and fleshed outPsyker Guard, Scriptarius, Imperial Guard2009-03-10 3 
3938847World War I CrusadesA picture plus a quick paragraph of story sparks speculation about what if the Crusades had access to World War I chemical weapons.world war 1, crusades2009-03-12 11 
4038731NautilusA bunch of fa/tg/uys develop some fluff for a nautiloid race that lives near volcanic mineral vent deep beneath an ice sheet that floods whole planets for terraforming,Interesting Ideas pop upNautilus,Fluff development,W40K,Deep sea2009-03-21 10 
4061124A Song To Save The World /tg/ debates what song will save the planet in the face of imminent destruction.music, end of the world2009-03-23 2 
4126213Dark Heresy CharactersTales are told of various DH characters and, surprisingly, most are good.Dark Heresy, Uskanda2009-03-30 7 
April 2009
4161791Planescape Magical Faction Girls!The PCs are magical girls imbued with power by their factions, sent by Big Sis Pain-chan to fight evil throughout the planes!D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious2009-04-02 18 
4247421Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 2Oh Jesus, he's actually going to RUN it.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious2009-04-11 12 
4255435Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 3The game ends up actually being run and... nothing is creepy about it! It's actually FUN! Oh Jesus God, what have we done. WHAT HAVE WE DONE.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-04-12 15 
4324227Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 4If this is what happens 'That Time of the Week,' I dread knowing what 'That Time of the Month' will be like. The goddamn magical girls are back again!D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-04-19 11 
4333539HighschoolRPGMaidRPG undergoes a massive overhaul by a namefag and comes out surprisingly well. Calls are made for this to become a canon mod.MaidRPG made better, pleasant surprise, high schoolers, user expansion2009-04-20 16 
4398034Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 5Third session of the Planescape Girls Game, and the last in the adventure! They actually get into a fight for once! There is EXCITEMENT and ADVENTURE!D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-04-26 10 
May 2009
4465475Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 6Fourth actual game-session. This time we go to the beach and Bleaker-tan's Player crit-succeeds at sandcastle-building. ADORABLE.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-05-03 7 
4467075Commissar...Desus?!?Because Creation wasn't big enough to contain his dickery, let's unleash him into the Imperium. Great idea.Exalted, Desus, Commissar2009-05-04 5 
4458881FUCK YOU II'M A D'awwwA "This Just Happened Comic" two parter with an unexpected and amusing ending.This Just Happened, Dragonborn, dawww, FUCK YOU I'M A DRAGON2009-05-04 2 
4518169Army VS Show works + Conversionfag Q&A Conversionfaq Q&A - yet again random useful tidbits for mini converters.Conversions, Scriptarius2009-05-11 1 
4539347Battlefleet HiigaraGeneral Homeworld thread becomes Homeworld in Battlefleet Gothic thread. Shit gets done.homeworld, warhammer 40,000, hiigara, taiidan, kushan, kadesh, battlefleet gothic, bfg2009-05-13 0 
4557916Pastry of Femininity/tg/ comes up with yet another way to be the little girl, this time in the form of delicious cake. You must eat it.delicious cake, transgender, trolls trolling trolls2009-05-16 0 
4590359Imperial survey fleet detects ProtossWhat hapens if an imperial Survey fleet detects a protoss star systemSurvex fleet, Protoss, Imperium, exterminatus, heresy2009-05-19 20 
4657047ITT: Useless or nearly useless magic itemsAwesome Magic ItemsItems, Magic Items, Useless, Joke, Creativity, Ideas2009-05-25 8 
4678012For the love of the gameSomeone who enjoys 3.5 and 4e gives their thoughts on why people can still love 3.5 despite 4e being popular. Then, eventual trolling.meaningful, discussion, 3.5, 4e, fun2009-05-27 2 
4680279Quirky magic items thread (Mostly UselessMore quirky, useless, or nearly useless magic items.Items, Magic Items, Quirky, Useless, Joke, Creativity, Ideas2009-05-27 13 
June 2009
4730204Talespin And Other Awesome ThingsPossible troll turns into an interesting discussion on turning TaleSpin into a campaign world. BlackSad, Maus, Lackadaisy are added, and it only improves from there.Noir, Pulp, Blacksad, Maus, Talespin, Setting, Nazis, Ideas, Furry, Good2009-06-01 0 
4777651CavemenLazy DM brags about Erectus Racial bonus. Anonymous talks about playing the fluff and crunch in Caveman games.erectus, neaderthal, sapien, Speciazation, bitchfest2009-06-05 5 
4786498Conversionfag Q&A #9001Scriptarius is here yet again!Scriptarius, conversions, 2009-06-06 2 
4852108All Bards custom gameOP fantasizes about Metal Heads rocking up a literal storm. Him and /tg/ work on making a homebrew music-based system.Getting Shit Done, Music, Homebrew, Metal, Bards2009-06-12 3 
48809461984 and Late-Night Philosophy/tg/ attempts to turn 1984 into a viable setting for gaming. The goal may have been accomplished, but it's lost under a torrent of mostly shit- turning into a surprisingly candid and polite discussion on the philosophy of safety over freedom.philosophy, 1984, george orwell, justice2009-06-15 1 
4887950yet more random stuff another thread of random objectswarehouse 23 random awesome 2009-06-16 0 
4898994/tg/ Sings 40KEverything from TMNT to Queen resides here, folks.TMNT, 40K, music2009-06-17 2 
4920604Someone was asking...Awesome piece of Ollanius Pius writefaggotry.Writefaggotry, Ollanius Pius2009-06-18 12 
4984127Who ya gonna call, Ghostbuters!OP asks where he should set his Ghostbusters campaign. Wacky Hi-jinks ensue.Ghostbusters, Humor2009-06-25 8 
5027467Conversionfag Q&A + Imps and =][=Scriptarius and conversions. Nuff said.Scriptarius, conversions2009-06-28 2 
5028025Dwarf WomenAn epic discussion on the nature of dwarf women.dorfs, women, dwarves, elves, discussion2009-06-29 2 
5048847Sunburn and greenstuffConversionfag Q&A: Redux Great deal of scriptarius' work is posted.Scriptarius, Conversions2009-06-30 3 
July 2009
5071148IG discussion + Conversionfag Q&AAs always, this might have something useful to converters - and to those interested in IG.Scriptarius, conversions2009-07-03 2 
5138369Planescape Magical Faction Girls: The Return!They're back! (Last thread wasn't archived.) Now in session 10, the girls are dealing with the Modron March and need help stopping them from trampling a town in Celestia.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-07-12 7 
5173594Realistic Fantasy SocietiesAnon discusses the impact of magic-heavy social structures as opposed to the traditional MIDDLE AGES BUT WITH MAGIC settings.discussion, world-building2009-07-16 5 
5198252Planescape Magical Faction Girls: The Unswerving PathModrons are assholes.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM, modrons2009-07-19 10 
August 2009
5321206WutquestA JonQuest style quest. Equip your +5 cactus armor and get ready to fight some dinosaur train conductors in space.quest, wut, space, train, cactus2009-08-03 1 
5322683That Fucking DwarfA new Shadowrun party has its first session and levels a city block.Dwarf, Zus, Shadowrun, cyberpunk2009-08-03 7 
5363656Meeting PeopleSo what if some pskyer sneezed while explaining murphy's law to a guardsman and caused all the warp and webways and inertialess drives and propellant bladders in the galaxy to stop working and the only way to travel anywhere was on the bus. What kind of conversations would happen while waiting at the bus stop?40k, grimdark, busstop2009-08-07 5 
5388982Damsels in distress Cont'dThe second part of the Pally.Succy highjinks ends!Quest, Sucubbus, Pally, Love, Writefag2009-08-09 1 
5450273Parasite Quest/tg/ becomes a virus, trying to spread itself by mutating other creaturesquest, collective game, metamind, rat, virus, parasite2009-08-14 7 
5477986Black Templar High SchoolWhat if Black Templar Neophyte training was more akin to an awkwardly gay high school?Space marines, gay, black templars, finland, sauna, scriptarius2009-08-17 3 
5483322That Fucking Dwarf #2Zus and friends return for another week of mayhem.Zus Shadowrun Epic Dwarf Cyberpunk2009-08-17 4 
5481134Raging <Blank>A series of rage-related feats found in Pathfinder leads to sore sides. Amusement abounds.Pathfinder, Roleplaying, Amusing, Rage2009-08-17 11 
5492330The High Lords Of TerraExcellent Writefaggotry, even the Adeptus Custodes are funny as shit.Writefaggotry, Humor, Emperor, 40k, Adeptus Custodes2009-08-18 25 
5502411The Lord-Captain MunchausenThe Lord-Captain Munchausen regales us with the misfortune suffered whilst dining with Archmagos Ralwure the Goldenbaron munchausen2009-08-18 7 
5511229How to make a settingSolid thread on making a good setting.game design, d&d, homebrew, useful, dm, gm, world building, ideas2009-08-19 21 
5572527That Fucking Dwarf #3Shit hits the fanDwarf, Zus, Shadowrun, cyberpunk2009-08-24 3 
5578859Victorian Succubusop asks about a steampunk setting with aristocrat succubisteampunk, succubus, victorian, planescape2009-08-25 1 
5605691Monstrous GirlsOP wants a monstergirl thread. What he gets is GRIMDARK and NO GOD NO.monstergirl, grimdark, writefaggotry, horror, discussion2009-08-27 15 
5642930Eclipse Phase Part 3A continuation of the Eclipse Phase threadsTranshumanism, Eclipse Phase, Cyberpunk, PNP, Discussion2009-08-30 1 
5648250Eclipse Phase 4More of the same.Eclipse Phase, Transhumanism, PNP, Discussion, Sci-fi, AI, I wish to be the neotenic2009-08-30 1 
September 2009
5712119India = DwarfistanIn which it is proven that dwarves are the inhabitants of the exotic land of India.dwarf fortress, india, Rhesus macaques2009-09-04 6 
5756362Opening a FLGS #2 (4 or 5?)Tech Priest Naile showing off other game stores and some more discussion.FLGS, Business, Advice, Nostalgia2009-09-07 0 
5770742Opening a FLGS #3Webstore shenanigans.FLGS, Business, Advice, Nostalgia, Webstore2009-09-08 2 
5787450We Are So Small/tg/ gets existential over other-worldy panorama and the stars. We are indeed small, my brothers.discussion, space2009-09-09 8 
5867345Opening a FLGS #4Tech Priest Naile discussing his shop's ideal location.FLGS, Business, Advice, Nostalgia, Lease2009-09-15 0 
5974314Big Bad Evil Gals/tg/ discusses the idea of female BBEGs, if any of them are any good, and the stereotypes generally seen therein. A rather decent discourse, albeit with trolling here and there.Female, BBEG, stereotype, discussion2009-09-23 2 
6012369Alt WWII Thread VIIAlternative WWII thread, with 100% more space age!"WWII", "alt", "quest", "Canadian", "USSR"2009-09-26 2 
6059125nWoD: the Touhoufag HouserulingTouhoufag posts houserules again, and this time ports a bit of Perils of the Warp/Psychic Phenomena into nMage Paradox. An Anon posts Sidereal Paradox converted into Mage.nWoD, Houserules, Touhoufag2009-09-29 1 
October 2009
6139303Creed's GambitAbaddon finally kills Ursarkar Creed, and finds that even in death, the man is a Tactical Genius.Creed, 40k, Tactical Genius, Writefaggotry2009-10-05 24 
6144666Captured rogue planetWorldBuilder starts, well, building a world. Biology, geology and planetology discussions abound as fa/tg/uys debate on the conditions under which a planet travelling millions of years would be captured in the solar system. Includes a huge stellar body almost PLOUGHING THROUGH JUPITER.worldbuilder, science, sci-fi, planetology, custom setting2009-10-05 1 
6171811Trench SettingGeneric "events in the X" turns into the whole setting discussion full of ideas and charactersworld war, setting, ideas, trench, warfare, discussion2009-10-07 0 
6261378Flashy ItemsDM looks for cool items that do nothing until players get really creative. Win quickly follows. D&D, items, creativity, useless2009-10-14 1 
6347204Virus Sword/tg/ discusses an evil, intelligent, magic sword that replicates it's self.intelligent sword, evil, virus, legacy2009-10-20 5 
6442379Alternate Miniature WargamesDiscussion of several alternate miniature wargames ends up listing dozens of companies that produce wonderful spaceship miniatures.Miniatures, Games, Spaceship, Full Thrust, 2009-10-27 4 
November 2009
6516181Advice for StorytellersA no-troll, no-nonsense, honest set of advice for how to become a better DM/GM/Storyteller/Whatever-the-fuck-they-call-it-this-week.DM, GM, rookie, advice, useful2009-11-01 2 
6591184A New PantheonA new pantheon for D&D 3.5 where the gods are legendary musicians.Dungeons and Dragons, music, musicians2009-11-06 11 
6633807A lack of edition wars.Possibly the first and only Pathfinder discussion thread not utterly beset by trolls where discussion that was reasonable could be had.rules discussion, rules, pathfinder2009-11-09 1 
6683737Mass Effect Discussion & ME2 SpeculationTitle pretty much sums it up. Some talk of a Mass Effect P&P.Mass Effect, Discussion2009-11-13 4 
6709859/tg/ and D&D 2nd Edition.Fa/tg/uys discuss the pros and cons of 2nd edition vs newer ones, along other oldfag concepts, with amazingly little trolling.Late Nite, D&D, 2E, 2nd, 2nd Edition, Late Night, constructive arguments, discussion, old school, oldfags, good /tg/2009-11-15 1 
6742471Pacifist White Mage for 4EA pacifist White Mage class for 4E, extensivly laid out.4E, Healer, Class, Houserules, Homebrew, DnD, D&D2009-11-17 8 
6750414World of Derpness/tg/ discusses the most mindnumbing aspects of the old World of Darkness' metaplot.world of darkness, discussion2009-11-18 4 
6838286END OF THE GOD DAMNED WORLD QUEST part 2We find out about mobs of mormons and steal an SUV. After driving around some, we get hit with a frying pan. Jessica sounds like a muscle girl.Collective Game, quest thread, frying pan, "I'm just a defense attorney" 2009-11-24 2 
6882277Orkhammer Many Lotz: Da 'Orork 'EresyThe epic tale of the Emperok and his Primeorkz and the war among them that tore apart the Orkperium.Orks, Horus Heresy, Orkhammer2009-11-27 3 
6929465D&D critters in modern settingSee the title. Also, an interesting side discussion about culture and the music it would give rise to.elves, elf, human, humans, dwarf, dwarves, modern, fantasy, music, kobolds, gnolls, halfling, gnome2009-11-30 2 
December 2009
7124722Deuspora, the Gypsy GodsOP contemplates a setting where exiled gods from fallen pantheons travel from plane to plane subsisting on stolen prayers. Deuspora Gypsy Gods caravan2009-12-14 2 
71608628-Bit Dystopia - Crunchy editionAn attempt to give the setting some dedicated rules descends into rampant fluff writing as usual. The history of the now forsaken Lylat system is mapped out, and Mobius is touched upon. Oh, and there may have been some talk about skills, classes and a D12 system. Setting, homebrew, /v/, vidya, Megaman, Sonic, Mario, Starfox, Samus, corporations, cyberpunk2009-12-17 8 
7183230The Tales of Matthias KrauseFollow the career of the X-Com soldier Matthias Krause through the grim'n'dark world of X-COM.Matthias Krause, Matthias, Krause, X-COM, writefaggotry2009-12-18 3 
7244789Exterminatus Quest 1You are a ganger. Exterminatus is on the way. If only you'd kept that Amasec...Exterminatus quest, Collective game, Exterminatus2009-12-22 0 
7245628Armor Quest, Pt. 1The adventures of a leman russ crew.Armor Quest, Leman Russ, Tanks, Quest, imperial guard2009-12-22 0 
7255333Scriptarius' Xmas SpecialSanta Ork and Gingerbread stompa. Also, apparently estonian hookers.Scriptarius, 40k, orks2009-12-23 16 
7301214Rune Funkin the 70's bands fought on the fields of honor for the number 1 spot and a shiny new record deal. AKA Bard Settingbards, rune funk, funktapus keech2009-12-27 3 
January 2010
7430811Interesting (and terrifying) factsSomeone asks for random, peculiar facts. He gets them. They're good, at first, and then they remain good, but they also turn very terrifying. oh god no my eyes my eyes, miscellaneous facts2010-01-05 5 
7544679Adeptus Evangelion 2: The SequelBlack mesa janitor decided that his 263 page book WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH for /tg/, so he asks Anon to tell him how to make it better. Brainstorming ensues with a grimdark bent.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, supplement, Adeptus Evangelion, AE2010-01-12 20 
7572034Adeptus EvangelionAnonymous had many a question and the Black Mesa Janitor did deliver. A brainstorm followed shortly after as many alternatives and extensions to the setting were discussed.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, supplement, Adeptus Evangelion, AE2010-01-14 12 
7723751Huge WH40K shipA request for the stats of an Emperor class battleship scaled up to the length of 1 AU leads to fun for all.WH40k, battleship, chaos, mechanus, DH2010-01-23 137 
7725665AdEva LogsBlack Mesa Janitor posts the requested logs of some online Adeptus Evangelion logs, and kicks off another AE brainstorming thread.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, supplement, Adeptus Evangelion, AE2010-01-23 12 
7738962The High Lords of TerraPreparing for the release DH: Ascension, /tg/ speculates on the nature, personality, and appearance of the various High Lords of Terra. An amazing writefag steps in and shit gets off the hook, showing the power of /tg/ to create way better fluff than GW. Thread starts to get awesome around 7740401.40k, fluff, writefaggotry, high lords of terra, emperor, custodes, navigators2010-01-24 26 
7809299Reincarnation Would SuckWhat if modern-day scientists figured out how to cheat death, via a process that replaces the mind of a 9-year-old with your own? /tg/ discusses ethics & tries to predict what'd happen to society.Dagda, World Building, Cyberpunk, Ethics, Serious Business2010-01-28 2 
February 2010
7915533Mass Effect characters playing tabletop gamesAn interesting idea is brought up. What kind of players would the characters of Mass Effect make if presented the opportunity? Epic win results. Later turns to noral discussion but stilla good read.Mass.Erect,Efect,Shepard,Win,Epic,Garrus,Tali,Thatguy2010-02-04 2 
7941402Mass Effect Discussion Thats right, A mass effect discussion based on whats right or wrong. Whats technically good or evil, and just mindless speculation about ME3ME, Mass Effect, Disccusion, Good vs Evil, Right vs Wrong, Just Plain Fun2010-02-06 0 
7979986/tg/ - comics and AustrailiaAn image dump of a /tg/-related webcomic leads to a fascinating discussion of Austrailia and its local fauna.Austrailia, awesome, fuck yeah, D&D, bad players2010-02-08 0 
8021318American Villians Soviet HeroesAn awesome setting for those who like Alternate TimelinesSetting, Soviet Russia, Heroes, Villians.2010-02-11 1 
8125161To Serve DragonsA while back, I started a thread about cuisine made from dragons. I decided to expand on that idea since that time, giving common properties of various types of dragons, so you can invent your own dragon-cuisine based dishes.Delicious, Food, Cusine, Dragon, D&D2010-02-17 0 
8135162RiderquestA journey of one hero and his pursuit of Justice, and his adventures for today.Kamen, Rider, Kamen Rider, Justice, Lawful Good, Good, Friend, /m/, quest, thread, quest thread,2010-02-18 2 
8151409Adeptus Evangelion Discussion/tg/ discusses Ad EVA some more, updates about the next version are revealed. Some anon's detail their current campaignsEvangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, Mecha, Mech, Adeptus Evangelion, Fuck yeah, AE2010-02-18 4 
8156243Charmander Quest #27Figured I'd archive this since the GM seems to have taken an hour-long potty breakCharmander Quest, Charmander, Pokemon, Quest, Pokémon, Gratuitous use of ascii2010-02-19 2 
March 2010
8480716Adeptus Evangelion FluffBMJ asks for pieces of original content to help make his next gift for /tg/ all the more special. The fa/tg/uys prove their worth like champs. AdEva, AdeptusEvangelion, Evangelion, writefag, epic2010-03-09 17 
8545021Samus StatsSamus Aran is Stated in every system EXCEPT forty-k.Samus, NES, State, me, Fantasy, 2010-03-13 1 
8546647The Tower in the DragonAttempt to troll with macrofur art turns into civilized discussion about the practical ways to resolve the situation within the D&D universe. Never change, /tg/.Dungeons and Dragons, Dragon, Tower, discussion2010-03-13 5 
8580300good succubus worldbuildingRequest for "Make succubi good but not shitty or fapfest" workssuccubus, worldbuilding, god, YHWH2010-03-14 2 
8587949Mecha musume gone grim darkA "This is your <x>" thread goes horribly wrong in all the right ways involving girls in war machinery.grimdark mecha_musume mecha loli war2010-03-15 2 
8619572/tg/ Movie trailers/tg/ puts on its Director Cap and makes some Movie Trailers based off characters and campaigns. Lights. Camera. Action.Trailer, Awesome, Movie, oh/tg/thisiswhyIloveyouso2010-03-17 3 
8633133True Tales of the Great CrusadeAwesome writefaggotry set during the Great Crusade about a wounded Imperial Army vet from Terra trying to retreat back to friendly lines on an icy death-world and the straggler who follows him.40k, writefag, manly tears, Great Crusade, Emprah2010-03-17 31 
8843611Bard's MusicThe party's bard controls the theme music. What should he play?Bard, music2010-03-29 1 
8846702LOST PRIMARCH QUEST PART 3Two hundred years after Part 2, Rachnus and his brother Alpharius plan the assault on a renegade human world suspected of sorcery. Rachnus recalls the death of his adoptive father Maloris, and he along with the Silencers (The Legion's Nulls) prepare to make planetfall.RACHNUS, RAGEOUS, LOST, PRIMARCH, ANGRY, SPIDERS, MALORIS, FUCK, ALPHA LEGION2010-03-29 10 
8845653Ace Attorney Investigations: 40k, Part 2What started off as a clean cut investigation into the murder of Inquisitor Tyrell Badd descends into confusion and tentacle rape.40k, Inquisitors, Ace Attorney, confusion2010-03-29 2 
8866464LOST PRIMARCH QUEST PART 4Rachnus Rageous and his Silencers land on the warp-infested planet, and make their way to the capital city's heart, only to find... Daemons.RACHNUS, RAGEOUS, LOST, PRIMARCH, ANGRY, SPIDERS, MALORIS, FUCK, EMPRAH, TZEENTCH, OMEGON, ALPHARIUS, ALPHA LEGION2010-03-30 10 
8871718Enter the SargeFairly normal "what if" thread leads to our first encounter with Sarge, a badass wood elf on the edge, and leading role in the upcoming film epic: Full Metal Bodkin.Elves, Eldar, Sarge, All Goblins must fucking Hang, Fluff2010-03-30 14 
8874104Not-so-Bitter BetrothalL5R Storytime about a Mantis Bushi and his drinking, swearing & fighting black sheep of a Crane bride.L5R, marriage, Crane, Mantis, Bushi, Storytime2010-03-30 25 
8881939Gundam40kA "really stupid" idea turns out to be awesome in retrospect.Dark Herisy, Adeptus Evangelion, Epic, Setting2010-03-31 2 
8879803LOST PRIMARCH QUEST PART 5Rachnus and Alpharius conquer the chaos-ridden planet, and the Emprah calls for a family reunion!RACHNUS, RAGEOUS, LOST, PRIMARCH, ANGRY, SPIDERS, MALORIS, FUCK, SMURFS, ALPHARIUS, TIALOC, SKY SERPENTS2010-03-31 7 
April 2010
8904549LOST PRIMARCH QUEST PART 6Isstvan V, the glassing of Rachnus' homeworld, and the capture of Tialoc.RACHNUS, RAGEOUS, LOST, PRIMARCH, ANGRY, SPIDERS, MALORIS, FUCK, ISSTVAN V, SKY SERPENTS, TIALOC, ALPHARIUS, HORUS HERESY2010-04-01 5 
8909497Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Season 1Planescape: Magical Girls finally returns a year after it was created, on April 1. The Great Modron March has concluded. Game is still awesome. D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM, modrons2010-04-01 10 
8915259Scriptarius does requestsScriptarius adopts a tripcode for April Fools, but makes up for it by doing conversion requests.Scriptarius, conversion, april fools2010-04-01 2 
8943116Adeptus Evangelion WorldbuildingBMJ kinda asks for /tg/ to help expand the Eva universe as a setting. Undersea relic hunters and UN counterinsurgency results.AdEva, Adeptus Evangelion, Setting2010-04-03 12 
8963143LOST PRIMARCH QUEST PART 9Generic puttering around in the aftermath of the heresy - Also, NECRONS!RACHNUS, RAGEOUS, LOST, PRIMARCH, ANGRY, SPIDERS, MALORIS, FUCK, SMURFS, ALPHARIUS, TIALOC, SKY SERPENTS2010-04-04 5 
8965303Adeptus Quest 1Techpriestess Lyra and Servitor Peg-Leg get really fucking lost on a horrible rock with Orks and possibly-Heretical Space Marines and all they wanted to do was save their ship. Adeptus Quest, 40k, AdMech2010-04-04 0 
9071581Costco survival4Chan island converted into Costco, where /tg/ tries to surviveWalmart, homebrew, discussion, 2010-04-09 3 
9096275XX Legion DiscussionEveryone is Alpharius (or Omegon). /tg/ comes up with a new wordfilter.Alpha Legion Alpharius Omegon Primarch2010-04-10 1 
9115941Magic the Gathering combosNeckbeards discuss carb combos designed for maximum troling.MTG, Magic, dicussion2010-04-11 3 
9114489Adeptus Quest 2Techpriestess Lyra, her faithful Servitor Peg-Leg, and Space Marines fuck up orks and more besides and OH FUCK WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT OH OMNISSIAH AND ALL THE SAINTS. Adeptus Quest, 40k, AdMech2010-04-11 2 
9131274Derpuhpus QuestEVOLVE OR DIE, BITCHESderpuhpus quest, evolution2010-04-12 11 
9135028Derpuhpus Quest, Part TwoIn this chapter, the derpuhpi explore the stromatolite maze, impress some scorpions and everyone tries to roll 44 d4s. Hilarity ensues.derpuhpus quest, evolution, quest2010-04-12 7 
9152419Derpuhpus Quest, Part ThreeOur intrpid derpuhpi discover floating cephalopods, giant land squid and the fact that floating cephalopods are explosive enough to launch giant fish across a shallow sea.derpuhpus quest, quest, evolution2010-04-13 5 
9157328Derpuhpus Quest, Part 3.5In this short iteration, the derpuhpi settle a brief disagreement, check the state of their derpuhpotami and discover stoneworking. Then OP starts stalling.derpuhpus quest, quest, evolution2010-04-13 4 
9161878Spiders and snakes and cassowarys, oh myWhat starts as an initiative roll against giant spiders turns into a huge discussion about the dangerous little things of the world.Discussion2010-04-14 0 
9180661HadestownAnon introduces /tg/ to Hadestown, a folk opera that transposes Greek Mythology to Depression Era America. Other anons go on to expand the setting. Greek Myths, Musical, Opera, Setting, Depression2010-04-14 7 
9211961For the Glory of Rome!/tg/ puts on its history hat, and begins speculating on various What-Ifs regarding Rome, from the battle of Crecy to possible engagements with the Han Dynasty of China. Rational and decent debate ensues, minds are blown, and once again we prove that /tg/ is only civil and reasonable when completely off board-topic.Rome, History, War, Speculation, Awesome, Titus Pullo2010-04-16 6 
9217744Adeptus Quest #3In which we narrowly avoid falling to Ruinous Powers and show the a daemon the power prayer.Adeptus Quest, 40k, AdMech2010-04-16 0 
9251334Commissar RangersA thread about what would happen if Horus came back to fight Terra turns into a discussion about the Chaos-Stomping Commissar Rangers and their fights with Chaos.Commissar, Power Rangers, Horus Heresy, What if,2010-04-17 18 
93060004chan Helps Cancer Research/tg/ responds to a thread copied over from /sci/, then a bunch more boards get involved. Vote as much as you can, as long as you can. http://www.refresheverything.com/kanziuscancerresearchgood cause, cancer, copypasta, crosspost2010-04-20 12 
9307396Chaotic Wild Magicwhat evil happens when a spell is fumbled, flubbed or otherwise fucked upFumble, Magic, Spellcasting, enthusiasm2010-04-20 0 
9336777Scriptarius Q&A, with HUGE THINGSScriptarius tries to decide on a head for ANGRON, WHO IS HUGE. And some other stuff happensScriptarius, Conversions, Q&A, ANGRON, HUGE2010-04-22 0 
9355434Scriptarius finishes ANGRONAfter almost 2 years, one of /tg/'s long running projects comes to an end as Scriptarius finishes his massive ANGRONScriptarius, conversion, ANGRON, HUGE2010-04-22 4 
9366674Adeptus Evangelion ProgressAnother AE thread with reports on what's left to be done, logs of the running games, and people checking in with their experiences.AdEva, Adeptus Evangelion, Logs2010-04-23 5 
939166040k replaced with animated mouseswhat happens when you mix dark herisy and mouse guard. Awesome happens thats what.Dark herasy, Mouse guard, 40k, mice2010-04-24 2 
9391452Adeptus Quest 4Lyra punches Daemons into oblivion, and GOOD END is achieved. Adeptus Quest, 40k, AdMech2010-04-24 0 
9510598Fixing the AssassinThe 4e Assassin class is crap. /tg/ debates ideas for how to make them worthwhile. Lots of math ensues.4e, houserules, Assassin, D&D2010-04-30 1 
May 2010
9568405Adeptus Evangelion: AT, N2, JA, and other 2LAsAdeptus Evangelion thread discussing the role of Jet Alone, the functioning of the AT Field and its interaction with N2 mines, with a side discussion on the source of the AT Field and its implications for Angel psychology and NGE's philosophical/theological basis.AdEva, Dark Heresy, Adeptus Evangelion, Evangelion, anime, mecha, AE, DH 2010-05-03 4 
9639988Full Thrust fleet designA Full Thrust fleet challenge turns into a general discussion of the gameFull Thrust2010-05-07 0 
9692211Adeptus Evangelion 2.0Black Mesa Janitor & the dev team deliver the new version of AE. Good times for all.Adeptus Evangelion, Black Mesa Janitor, Dark Heresy, Homebrew2010-05-08 27 
9825103Cool story magus.Someone posts an image with no description, results in a thread full of plays on `cool story, bro`not serious, magic2010-05-15 22 
9895404ITT: Stupid ideas you've heard from your PCsRetarded PCs, New player experiences and pony farmsdiscussion2010-05-18 3 
9964602Several words about WoD..."/tg/, I'm interested in getting into World of Darkness, but I hear a lot about nWoD and oWoD. Is either of the versions better than the other? What's the difference in a few words?" The fa/tg/uys have more than just a -few- words...owod, nwod, debate, discussion2010-05-22 0 
100504684chan D&D gameEvery board of 4chan makes a character for a D&D game. /tg/ is a dorf paladin, /x/ is an alienist, /a/ is a swordsmage, /b/ is a cancer mage, fittingly.4chan house, boardfaggotry, campaign ideas2010-05-26 3 
100554334chan D&D Game pt. 2Continuation of 100504684chan house, boardfaggotry, campaign ideas2010-05-26 1 
10078442Adeptus Evangelion: WWEBMJ drops by to ask /tg/ about fluff for World War EvaAdeptus Evangelion, Black Mesa Janitor, Homebrew, Dark Heresy2010-05-27 7 
100773774chan D&D Game pt. 3Continuation of 10055433 -saved only for continuation purposes-4chanhouse, boardfaggotry, campaign ideas2010-05-27 0 
10088662Opera House EncounterOP asks for help with BBEG encounter in an opera house. Anon swiftly delivers with a BBEG subversion into mindfuck territory.BBEG, mindfuck, opera house2010-05-27 1 
10098576The Worst DM In HistoryThread begins with a poster raging over a familiar that sponatneously dies of hunger. Thread moves on to the tale of a player knocking his DM unconcious with a Player Guide.Worst DM Ever Assassin Lazerus Familiars2010-05-28 48 
10098159Realistic Spaceship ConstraintsWhat do you need to pay attention to when making a hard-physics spaceship? How do you dump heat? Is there really no stealth in space?space, spaceships, discussion2010-05-28 3 
10111656Power Keg of JusticePaladins don't fear falling. They look forward to it.paladin, falling, power keg of justice, bad ass2010-05-28 25 
10144522D&D 4chan part 4continuation of 10077377boardfaggotry, 4chanhouse, campaign, ideas2010-05-30 0 
June 2010
10516939Dino Quest : Genesis/tg/ embarks upon its quest to survive as a Raptor in a world full of fighting and hardship. Watch as we grow form a small insignificant creature into something much greater....Dino Quest, Collective game, Raptors, Dinosaurs, HONK HONKs, Delicious Meats, Fighting, survival, 2010-06-16 6 
10536728Lich University 2: MINION HOOOOUSE!The shenanigans continue.Ravelor, Unversity, Minion House2010-06-17 13 
10590303Paladins of BDSMDespite the name, this was the result of a challenge to create a Lawful Good Deity of BDSM. And surprisingly, some good discussion and plot ideas were had. Paladins, Xiombarg, Loviatar, gods, fluff, discussion2010-06-19 16 
10670113OctoSamurainew villain octosamuraisamurai, octopus, new villain, villain2010-06-22 15 
10702457Spetsnaz Deathsquad in the UnderdarkSetting gets posted.hilarity ensues. including write faggotry!Spetsnaz,Underdark,Writefaggotry,russians2010-06-24 63 
10757102Feral World ReligionSome things got lost in translation... or not.Feral world, 40k, sororitas, salamanders, space marines, horus heresy2010-06-26 40 
10816539Spetsnaz Deathsquad in the Underdark 2: The People's Republic of FaerunMaxim's Squad of Russian badasses continues to badass it's way through Faerun. They now have their own country too. writefaggotry, soviets, russians, underdark, faerun2010-06-29 21 
July 2010
10944812Spetsnaz Deathsquad in the Underdark Part 3Maxim's Squad of Russian badasses once again continues to badass it's way through Faerun. Now with warforged singing Russian Tankist's hymn.writefaggotry, soviets, russians, underdark, faerun, spetsnaz2010-07-05 11 
10964326craziest shit you have ever done in game/tg/ shares tales of some of the Craziest things they've ever done. New Namefag Waffle House Millionaire all but steals the show with the tale of Old Man Hendersonstorytime, crazy shit, Old Man Henderson, dashingbastard, Waffle House Millionaire2010-07-06 65 
August 2010
11513921The Most Dangerous LARP, all partsThe whole story. SHOW ME YOUR HONOR.LARP, Game, Dangerous, Final2010-08-04 42 
11509495Battle-Captain Picard and other storiesAn Iron Fist is transferred to the Enterprise, Riker is stuck on a Battle Barge. Also Khornate Klingons, the Bork, and Troy is EATEN BY DEMONS.Warhammer 40000, 40k, Star Trek, Falvius2010-08-04 12 
11574230What's Buried BelowA post-apocalyptic setting is created from the safety warnings surrounding real life nuclear waste dumps. Atomic priesthoods and underground horrors ensue.homebrew, discussion, setting2010-08-10 10 
11600995Zerg Quest VIIAnon hacks the Confederate Intelligence network, personally organizes the Invasion of Aiur, and THEN the epic starts.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, fleshlings, Starcraft, KINSTOOOOON!!!, Giant fucking crystals, Shit just got real2010-08-10 13 
11608498Survival Quest 2/tg/'s exploration of the haunted house continues. One fa/tg/uy's dream of vomiting is fulfilled. Shit continues to be creepy.Survival Quest, Collective Game, Creepy, Fetuses2010-08-10 11 
11618035Carry On My Wayward Sonsome very well written 1k Sons fictionsThousand Sons Chaos 40k2010-08-12 36 
11633488Worst DMsThread starts strong, then begins to stall. Then anon tells about his former flaming failure of a GM.Gming, worst, puns, more puns, discussion2010-08-12 18 
11665005Mysterious, dark and brooding charactersThe OP complains about dark, brooding characters in his campaign. It ends up with an idea of brooding guild and how brooding should be distributed to the publicDark, brooding, mysterious, funny2010-08-14 26 
11689755Confessions of A Wayward Son (Part II)the epic continues. Thousand Sons 40k Writefag2010-08-17 23 
11702594Zerg Quest VIIICerebrate Anon has conquered Aiur, but lost the Protoss. To celebrate, it absolutely ruins the life of a single Terran man. Kerrigan is born.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Mengsk, Kerrigan, I have no mouth and must scream2010-08-17 22 
11789156Confessions of a Wayward Son VIWorld's Slowest Writefag continues the sagaThousand Sons, Writefag2010-08-23 23 
September 2010
11984704Disney's 'The Little Heretic'Commissar Sebastian sings about The Little HereticMermaid, Disney, Warhammer 40K, 40K, Chaos, musical, lulz2010-09-07 32 
12141617DuskWood Hearts IIJoseph Evans and Cú Airúath Siblaid start the storytelling proper, and begin retelling their Inquisitorial mission alongside the Robo-loli, Rip and Knife-ophile, Lupus.story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-09-19 11 
12161415DuskWood Hearts IIIJoseph Evans and Cú Airúath Siblaid continue the storytelling, retelling the record of their first two battles alongside the Robo-loli, Rip and Knife-ophile, Lupus.story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-09-21 9 
12171225DuskWood Hearts IVJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today they storm the Red's stronghold and finally get Hart.story, dark heresy, Duskwood Hearts2010-09-22 8 
12236243DuskWood Hearts VJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today they have drama in space, land on a swamp world, and someone almost gets shot in the head!story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-09-27 7 
12261962Who was there when Horus slew the Emperor?Strangely, more than quite a few.horus emperor 40k spartacus humor2010-09-29 20 
October 2010
12317098DuskWood Hearts VIJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today, there's a cult ritual, a dismemberment, nightvision goggles, and someone gets engaged!story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-10-04 7 
12402526Pokemon Crusade Quest IIMartellus leads his division against the Saracen scouts, then captures a Drapion. Manly speeches are said and a tournament is arranged.Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Crusade, Crusades2010-10-11 2 
12400927DuskWood Hearts VIIJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today, there's an interrupted wedding, another crazy person joins, an- WTF DID HE DO TO THAT DINOSAUR!?!story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-10-11 7 
12447189Starship Troopers DiscussionVarious fa/tg/uys sit around the proverbial water cooler and discuss the strengths and merits of the Starship Troopers political system.discussion, Starship Troopers, politics, Fascism2010-10-15 9 
12456333Civilized weapon discussion?!? on my /tg/!?Even the troll is civilized and polite once called out. At any rate, historyfags go!epee, foil, sabre, weapons, discussion, medieal weapons2010-10-16 3 
12481769DuskWood Hearts VIIIJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today, there's an ambush, rotting gorillas, hammer-space hijinks and two team members are more insane than previously thought!story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-10-18 7 
12481821Napoleonic HeresyDevelopment thread for a Dark Heresy supplement taking place in the Napoleonic Era.Dark Heresy Napoleon Napoleonic Era Muskets Setting Building Rules Development2010-10-18 2 
12507912Design Your Own Zombie ApocalypseA discussion on various zombie types, traits, abilities and plausibilities. Everything from SCIENCE!!! to "I don't gotta explain shit"Zombie, discussion, fluff, zombie apocalypse, apocalypse2010-10-20 0 
12516400Discussion of AngelsA "stat me" post winds up with an in-depth discussion of how biblical angels are eldritch-horror materialDiscussion, Angels, 2010-10-21 10 
12526117What happens when a starship goes into a Black Hole? LETS FIND OUT.Some DH players shoot a ship straight into a black hole. Wat do.dark heresy, space, rush, lear, dm, black hole2010-10-22 0 
12526343Bretonnia Discussion/tg/ discusses The Kingdom of BretonniaBretonnia, knights, warhammer, fantasy, WFB, discussion, knight2010-10-23 2 
12582554Most Trustworthy of EightOP posts interesting question, /tg/ responds with class and many lols are had.Trustworthy, DM help, epic2010-10-27 4 
12591492Shi/tg/ets done SaturdayWhats starts as reminiscense of old /tg/ projects that were never finished ends with the resolve to start a weekly thread to actually get shit done on these old projectsshit gets done, /tg/, discussion, homebrew, rules, crunch2010-10-28 3 
12591983temptationsThread starts out asking about /tg/'s dirty little gaming secrets, gets derailed with an argument over Paladins, and ends in story time. /tg/ in a nutshellstorytime, dirty little secrets, Waffle house Millionaire2010-10-28 4 
12594371Most Trustworthy of SixteenOP continues with a new 8.Trustworthy, DM help2010-10-28 0 
November 2010
12692444AdEva AwesomenessTales from an awesome AdEva campaignAdeptus Evangelion, Awesome, Metal2010-11-06 1 
12692497Trustworthy? 32-40Ribbonfag asks /tg/'s opinion of eight more.Trustworthy, DM help, characters, portraits, ribbonfag, first impressions2010-11-06 1 
12715002Airship discussionThe elegant gentlemen of /tg/ discuss the feasibility of airships in modern times.zeppelins, airships, discussion2010-11-08 1 
12717096DuskWood Hearts IXJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. A funeral, a genocide, crippling depression, someone gets dramatically slapped, and there are fancy clothes!story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-11-08 7 
12785312Jester ThreadA discussion of Jesters are archetypes, player character, historical figures, and also as a reoccurring figure in media. Filled with historical anecdotes and tons of Harley Quin pictures.D&D, 3.5, jester, fool, harlequin, Harley Quin, fluff, story, funny, roleplay, character, discussion, character, history, anecdote2010-11-15 7 
12798995DuskWood Hearts XJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Murders on a funeral worlds holiday? What are the odds!?story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-11-15 8 
12799478ShadowrunShadowrun fans swap epic campaign stories, character building tips, opinions on game mechanics and fanart.Shadowrun, discussion, adventure, character2010-11-19 0 
12875873Locate City NukeLCN discussion ends up bridging D&D to Square/Enix settings, Fallout and more.locate city nuke, lcn, rules abuse2010-11-21 1 
12911833I AM VIKTOR REZNOV AND I WILL HAVE MY REVENGEOP asks for pics of space russians. Showing /tg/s natural ADD we quickly switch topics to Reznov worship. From there the thread derails into political debate. BUT LO WHAT IS THIS? The debate ends, and the parties agree to disagree.discussion, russia, communism, Reznov, Viktor, Call of duy, war, debate2010-11-24 3 
12975793Complaints about Adeptus EvangelionCharacter death in AdEva is too much to handle.adeptus evangelion, adeva, discussion2010-11-30 2 
December 2010
13000992Mouseguard: The Call of SteveIa! Ia! Steve ftagh The Cyclopean Nightmare of the Combine Tractors and other stories.Mouseguard, Steve, Chtullu, Humanity, Sanity check2010-12-03 5 
13030117Goofus and Gallant QuestAre you a Goofus? Or are you a Gallant?Goofus and Gallant Quest, Quest2010-12-05 2 
13032814Goofus and Gallant Quest: The ConclusionAnd so it comes to a disappointing end.Goofus and Gallant Quest, Quest2010-12-05 2 
13043559Planes & Mercs Quest #2OP still not back, but discussion continues. Mostly on related music and sexy sexy fightersPlanes and Mercs, planes, mercenaries, spin-off, jets, air combat, music2010-12-08 1 
13072673Serious discussion about slavery in your game.Specifically how it can be used constructively in campaign or character backstory, and its pitfalls in being used such a way.Serious, world building, setting, slavery, fantasy, campaign setting2010-12-08 7 
13115808Tall Tales of AdEvaAnon requests stories from other Adeptus Evangelion players. Awesome ensues.AdEva, Adeptus Evangelion, Storytime, My Campaigns, Evangelion2010-12-13 5 
13126445The AdAngelic VersesBlack Mesa Janitor requests draw and writefags to flesh out Angel concepts for a new expansion of AdEva. Dozens of submissions of "forgotten" Dead Sea Scrolls for SEELE ensure.Adeptus Evangelion, AdEva, Drawthreadd, Writethread, BMJ, Original Content, Game Design2010-12-13 6 
13131150AdEva GMing AdviceGM asks for advice for Adeptus Evangelion. Lots of advice is given. Many tips for running a game of AdEvaAdEva, Adeptus Evangelion, NGE, 2010-12-13 5 
13153384Shy GuardsmanThe story of Klightus Sister Bethany.Klightus Sister Bethany Shy Guardsman2010-12-15 39 
13165814Zerg Quest XXIIIAfter squandering some resources, the Swarm finds that Kingston's assault is Blitzkrieging through the third-wave colonies. Gorn and Warbrate work together to fight it back, and Anon turns to Bernie for an offensive.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, KINGSTOOOON!!!, Quest Thread, Bernie, May our children forgive us2010-12-16 11 
13213415Officio Assassinorum: The GameWhat started as a request for scans ended up becoming the brainchild of /tg/, a video game fashioned after the Officio Assassinorum and their assassins.Disscussion, video game, 40k, Assassin, Eversor2010-12-19 8 
13220238Random Generation: The QuestThe pinnacle of all random generator threads.random generators, story, quest, hilarious2010-12-20 2 
13254364Reverse Chivalry FollowupOP brings back more stories of his abusive paladin wife.paladin, chivalry, domestic abuse, storytime2010-12-23 24 
13263140The 3rd annual Scriptarius Xmas ThreadTHE GINGERPEROR! There is no God.Scriptarius, Conversions, HUGE2010-12-23 78 
13303204DM Wants Game MusicHello, /tg/. I am in need of orchestral music for DnD battle scenes. What sort of stuff do you use?DM, GM, resources, music2010-12-27 1 
13305334Mysterious OwnerA Mysterious Owner comes to show /tg/ some of his items."Mysterious Owner, Trees, magic items" 2010-12-27 7 
13305145The Eternal Orb/tg/ collaborates on creating a custom setting with each post adding to the world. Plotlines, BBEGs, civilizations and more are created as this melting pot of ideas comes to a boil.homebrew, custom setting, the eternal orb, eternal, orb, kollinan, The Red Lady, Halvergan2010-12-28 0 
13311710Adeptus Evangelion REDACTED ReleaseTeam AdEva does it again with a visually stunning GM supplement that they made for /tg/ as a christmas gift. Adeva, Adeptus Evangelion, BMJ, Sachiel, REDACTED, Evangelion, Homebrew2010-12-28 15 
13331994Shy Guardsman IIContinuation of the story of of Klightus and Sister BethanyKlightus Sister Bethany Shy Guardsman2010-12-30 29 
13333185/tg/ island: we get shit done editionwe get shit done in describing what we would do in the classic "4chan archipelago" situation. We work out damn near everything to near-plausabilityisland thread, archipelago, survival, discussion, collective effort2010-12-30 3 
January 2011
13343822Battle-Brother Marcus Flavius of the Starship EnterpriseExchange program trades Riker for an Imperial Fist battle-brother. Hilarity and awesome ensue.Marcus Flavius, 40k, star trek, crossover, hilarity ensues2011-01-01 6 
13378007Apocalypse BrainstormingComing up with some creative new ways for society to be destroyed.apocalypse, apocalyptic, discussion, brainstorming2011-01-03 0 
13385827Why /tg/ cannot be trustedA DM comes to ask /tg/'s advice on his players' genocidal behavior, only to find that one of his players very recently came to /tg/ for the same purpose! hilarity ensues, and much aid is given by the most beneficent board.Orcs, Pathfinder, Genocide, Massacre, Warlord Mustache2011-01-04 10 
13404195Any sword material you want (part 2?)Metallurgist grognards discuss possible materials to make swords out of and the reasons for doing so, among other things. Continuation of another thread.swords, metallugy, technology, weapons, discussion2011-01-05 1 
13410794SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS RPGAnon is running a one shot of Shadow of the Colossus rpg inspired partly by The Mountain Witch. Lots of good ideas here.Shadow of the Colossus, SotC, One Shot, The Mountain Witch, Nico2011-01-06 11 
13444943Shy Guardsman IIIThe story of Klightus and Bethany continues to continueShy Guardsman, Klightus, Bethany, Amaia, Guardsman, Sisters of Battle2011-01-09 27 
13448007Warehouse 23, BRITFAG EDITIONAnon proposes a Warehouse 23 thread , populated by underused and cheesy '60's scifi relics. Awesome ensues.Warehouse 23, science fiction, magic items, artifacts2011-01-09 3 
13446636Goofus and Gallant Quest II/tg/ continues to ruin the lives of little children.Goofus and Gallant Quest, Quest2011-01-09 3 
13499509Zerg Quest XXVICerebrate Anon brings the Brood to Dagobah, where it is given the broad and mysterious choice of what other sci-fi plotline will enter into the ZQverse. The result is less catastrophic than it could have been, but still has game-breaker potential. What the hell is going on? Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Quest Thread, Fallout?, Terminator, Crossover, CA has obviously jumped the shark2011-01-13 11 
13504947Stargate-inspired AdEva gameSome fluff on a really awesome-sounding AdEva game inspired by Stargate, with added pics of RitsukoAdeva, Adeptus Evangelion, Ritsuko, Stargate, Lovecraft2011-01-13 6 
13510539The Case Files Of 30 Meter MurphyIn which a Arbitrator, Assassin & 2 Psykers try to investigate a tech-cult without getting themselves killedDark Heresy, 40k, Storytime, Adeptus Arbites2011-01-14 4 
13541792Shy Guardsman IVThe final part of Klightus' and Bethany's story.Shy Guardsman, Klightus, Bethany, Amaia, Wiprecht, Guardsman, Sisters of Battle2011-01-16 29 
1363107840k Army Theme MusicWhat the title says, however look out for the stuff some NINfag links to.40k, Music2011-01-24 2 
13659440Physical Stat Casting/tg/ discusses the possibility of spellcasting using the three physical stats. Hilarity ensues.flex sorcery, muscle wizard2011-01-26 7 
13665924Thousand Sons discussion/tg/ chatting about the Thousand Sons, making several unexpected fluff connections.40k, Tzeentch, Thousand Sons2011-01-27 4 
13680077The Case Files of Castus "30 Meter" Murphy Pt. 2"30 Meter" Murphy rides again with an enthralling retelling of his adventures.Dark Heresy, 40k, Storytime, Adeptus Arbites2011-01-27 1 
February 2011
13820130Adeptus Evangelion: USSR EditionA discussion of possibilities for setting AE in the Soviet Union.adeptus evangelion, russia2011-02-08 8 
13831467The Lime-Flavored CampaignIn which /tg/ makes widely varied pc's with one thing in common...they're all gelatinous cubes.Gelatinous cubes, cube, races2011-02-09 5 
13904170Klightus and Bethany get marriedAt long last, Shy Guardsman gives us the long-awaited account of Klightus and Bethany's wedding. What better day than Valentine's Day to tell the story.Shy Guardsman, Klightus, Bethany, Amaia, Wiprecht, Guardsman, Sisters of Battle2011-02-15 35 
13928781Octoquesta simple roleplay as an octopus turns in to a horrifying example of what /tg/ can make with a simple "wat do".Quest, octopus2011-02-17 38 
13939056Mission compromised!As an anon asks /tg/ for help tracking down an infiltrator among his Deathwatch squad, it is revealed that the traitor is either the informer, him, no one, or everyone. Heresy ensues.Alpha legion, Deathwatch, infiltrator, Alpharius Omegon2011-02-18 12 
13985074Soviet Russia in spaceAnother planet creation thread for DH, resulting in a planet with a moon with lots of technology and an interesting society.Drak Heresy, DH, planet creation, Soviet Russia, 40k2011-02-22 5 
13990856ShadowRussia Pt. 3The group recovers from getting its shit kicked in and somehow our plucky comrades manage to complete their first run. Then Gunbunny starts taking wetwork contracts.ShadowRussia, Shadowrun, story, russia, cyberpunk2011-02-22 2 
14016938Zerg Quest XXXIIAnon tries to convince VoidGate to give up some of its secrets, which turns into a stunted philosophical debate. Over Shakuras, Anon has an hour-long awkward pause before letting the suspicious craft zoom off to one of the most populated planets in the Sector. Cerebrate Anon then ran off for...personal business.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Diplomacy, Awfully Suspicious Ship, Cut Short Due To Coitus2011-02-24 12 
14021320Ethics of UtopiasStandard 40K vs Star Trek thread derails multiple times, finally ending up as various anons picking apart each other's perfect societies.utopia, discussion2011-02-24 3 
14028916BattleTech history and discussionDiscussion of BattleTech nationalities becomes a comprehensive rundown of the BT timeline and various BT discussion.battletech, mech, discussion2011-02-25 2 
14032179Dr. Seuss as a Call of Cthulhu campaignIn this totally awesome and completely spine chilling thread: One unsuspecting Anon makes us all realize that Dr. Seuss was working for Cthulhu the whole time and no one even thought of itLovecraft, Dr. Seuss.2011-02-25 54 
14035934Ghostbusters Quest pt. 1We start up our branch of the Ghostbusters, pick out a fallout shelter as a base, hire a team, and clean out our base of unwelcome squatters/ghosts.Ghostbusters Quest, quest, collective game, Ghostbusters2011-02-25 32 
14042015Sayin' Aaaaayyooo/tg/ throws more than their hands upmusic, fun, parody2011-02-26 31 
14039948Resolution Systems for GM'sMath heavy resolution systems using d6 and d20 are presented as ways around the usual vagueness of damage infliction. Also conversation on non-die related systems.GM, PnP, resolution, system, damage, math, complex, useful2011-02-26 1 
14048466Ghostbuster Quest Pt. 2The players finish clearing out the New HQ, and deal with the Gremlin population problem.Ghostbusters Quest, quest, collective game, Ghostbusters2011-02-26 23 
14062278Ghostbuster Quest Pt. 3The next installment of Ghostbuster Quest. The Team fixes up the HQ, and Returns the Father Gremlin to his Wife at the JunkyardGhostbusters Quest, quest, collective game, Ghostbusters2011-02-27 21 
March 2011
14080098Pokemon MtGOP tries to concoct a working fusion of Pokemon flavor and Magic the Gathering rules, with /tg/'s help.Pokemon, Magic, Custom Cards2011-03-01 1 
14100357Cyblum Dell IIBuilding off of the previous thread, further expounding about a plot hook concerning the Festival of the Solstice is had. Also, military, government, religion, and racism are all touched upon. This is all because of one picture: textbook /tg/ getting shit done!original, setting, fluff, low magic, fantasy, cyblum, cyblum dell, dener, taraklet, brogitarius, yak2011-03-03 7 
14104585Zerg Quest XXXIIIThe suspicious ship with a long name arrives over Moria and Anon tries to keep shit from getting real. Horrible bluff checks follow. ZergTV makes its debut on the airwaves.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Awfully Suspicious Ship, Bluff Check, /tg/ dice2011-03-03 11 
14152616IRL Machine Spirit MomentsA discussion of divine Machine God intervention. 40k adeptus mechanicus machine spirit tech-priest2011-03-07 17 
14161747Ghostbuster Quest Pt. 4The Ghostbuster get a call to the local Post office in Pinebox, and begin taking care of Business. Ghostbusters Quest, quest, collective game, Ghostbusters2011-03-07 21 
14200338AdEva, Indian StyleDM proposes Aztec AdEva game (not knowing RaXephon did it better); other anons follow up with their own Amerind inspired campaigns.AdEva, Adeptus Evangelion, Eva, Homebrew, Campaign Settings, Aztec2011-03-11 1 
14249377Dem GorgansWhere /tg/ discusses Medusa culture and snake hair salons.medusa, gorgons, yuan-ti, snake hair, salons2011-03-15 3 
14274590Useless powers/tg/ creates bunch of useless powers, handy in any setting.ideas, useless, powers2011-03-18 13 
14290836Sorcerer Quest 6We use master oration to stir the burning heart of justice present in all good creatures to get us some gnoll-ish allies.sorcerer, sorcerer quest, quest, collective game, gnolls, JUSTICE2011-03-19 5 
14293240Tavern MusicOP requests good setting music for taverns. Good music ensues.tavern, music, dump2011-03-19 0 
April 2011
14428415Fish in the Fjord/tg/ discuss about the game Fish in the Fjord and the upcoming supplementFish in the Fjord, discussion, 2011-04-01 1 
14434868Ribbonfag's goodbye?Ribbonfag (who was apparently responsible for more of the awesome of /tg/ than was previously known) tells us the story of his time on /tg/.ribbonfag, sad, janitor, mod, ban, injustice2011-04-01 22 
14457593Japanese/western art/animation discussed in detailA civilized, reasonable and detailed discussion of comic and animated art from the east and the west. Complete with many visual examples and a surprising lack of bigotry. You don't even need the other boards.civility, disscussion, animation, anime, weeaboo, comics, cartoons2011-04-03 7 
14571645Abyssal Jaws 2The creation of the Piranha-based Space Marines, Now with more writefaggotryWH40k, Abyssal Jaws, Maresia, Deathwatch, homebrew, Space Marine, custom chapter2011-04-13 2 
14576739More Ad-Eva discussionAd Eva discussion, and a discussion on logic in the Evangelion universeAdpetus Evangelion2011-04-13 0 
14584140Abyssal Jaws 3Continuation of the creation of the Piranha Based Space Marines, now with more delicious giblets.WH40k, Abyssal Jaws, Maresia, Deathwatch, homebrew, Space Marine, custom chapter2011-04-14 2 
14584699Nasty Horrible Magic SystemsOp wonders about magic systems that are well... Nasty and horrible. Anon delivers.magic, torture, rape, death, nasty, horrible, discussion, setting2011-04-14 2 
14569864Obscure or Underappreciated RPGsA discussion on various RPGs which seemed to have been thrown under the rug by /tg/ and the world.discussion, meta2011-04-14 1 
14591373New World WarriorsOP makes Dwarf Badger Riders, and fa/tg/uy creates silly stereotypes on WARwar, homebrew, dwarfs, USA, fantasy, canadians, north america, New World Warriors2011-04-15 0 
14606889Abyssal Jaws 4More discussion and writefaggotry on the Abyssal Jaws chapter of Space Marines.WH40k, Abyssal Jaws, Maresia, Deathwatch, homebrew, Space Marine, custom chapter2011-04-16 2 
14612827Marche of FFTA"The Stealthiest Lawful Evil Protagonist in the history of Lawful Evil protagonists."Lawful Evil, Lawful Good, BBEG, troll, trolling, final fantasy tactics, final fantasy tactics advance, fft, ffta, fantasy, paladin, discussion2011-04-16 8 
14601830Eclipse Phase generalOP posts link to Eclipse Phase PDFs.eclipse phase, scifi, science fiction, pdf, setting, discussion2011-04-16 0 
14662402Zerg Quest XXXIXA new cerebrate! Isn't it cute or something? Meanwhile, VoidGate continues to prove that even machines can be showboating sons of bitches.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Skynet, Massive Overuse of Nuclear Weapons, Acronyms for fun and profit2011-04-21 11 
14668953Portal-Adeva crossoverCave Johnson here. Here at Nerv we're making giant abominations wrapped in four feet of metal armor to defend the Earth from alien attack. Now the lab boys say we should be using well-trained men to pilot these, but the last budget came up a bit short, and so I said to them, "Hey, my boy loves these things! He can pilot one!"Adeva, Adeptus Evangelion, Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Portal, Portal 2, Aperture Science, Cave Johnson2011-04-21 36 
14669024Why you should never got to TatooineThis thread perfectly demonstrates why going to the planet of Tatooine in any starwars rpg is a bad ideaTusken Raiders, Sand People, MSPA, Herp Derp, Sci Fi, Star Wars2011-04-21 39 
14672352Abyssal Jaws 5More discussion on the chapter and a bit of fluff.WH40k, Abyssal Jaws, Maresia, Deathwatch, homebrew, Space Marines, custom chapter2011-04-22 0 
14728603Abyssal Jaws 6Details on the planet of Maresia and its moon of Noxyssus are fluffed out. WH40k, Abyssal Jaws, Maresia, Deathwatch, homebrew, Space Marines, custom chapter2011-04-27 5 
14720935Übermarines/tg/ creates a new custom chapter: The (Almost) Perfect Space Marines The Übermarines!!Übermarines, custom chapter, deathwatch, spacemarines, ubermarines, ultramarines, warhammer 40k2011-04-28 0 
May 2011
14785908Humanity Story TimeOP tells the story of how he brings A GM and a Game store worker together and brings a party down.Humanity fuck Yeah, Story Time, Zarus2011-05-02 17 
14789957Abyssal Jaws 7More discussion on fluff and other such nonsense.WH40k, Abyssal Jaws, Maresia, Deathwatch, homebrew, Space Marines, custom chapter2011-05-03 2 
14800654OP wants to open a FLGSFLGS advice requested, arrives in spades. Plenty of useful business advice. Includes tales of awesome local gaming stores and hives of scum villainy. But mostly scum.FLGS, original content, business, store, advice, game, gaming, advice2011-05-04 8 
14818905Emperor's SpudsIn the grim darkness of the 41st Millenium, there are only potatoes.space marines, homebrew, custom chapter2011-05-05 3 
14827675Joe's Bar 2Never change, /tg/bar, music, classy2011-05-06 6 
14828540Tuskan Quest/tg/ takes on the role of an amnesiac Tusken Raider. A Sandstorm is seen. Podracers are shot at. A kill is scored.Tusken Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Quest Thread, Tusken Raider, Star Wars2011-05-06 16 
14840615Space Pirate/Metroid Dwarf FortressThey did it. We can't archive the idea and not archive the result. Alpha version of Space Pirate fortress.Space Pirate, Metroid, Dwarf Fortress, OC, Samus, Mod2011-05-07 7 
14833572Abyssal Jaws 8Even more discussion on fluff and other such nonsense.WH40k, Abyssal Jaws, Maresia, Deathwatch, homebrew, Space Marines, custom chapter2011-05-07 1 
14847413Guardians Exemplar 1The long-awaited sequel to the Übermarines. Contains all the infomation from a number of threads which never got archived.WH40k, Guardians Exemplar, Deathwatch, homebrew, Space Marines, custom chapter2011-05-08 2 
14868050Abyssal Jaws 9The fluffing out of the Maresian SeaGuard begins.WH40k, Abyssal Jaws, Maresia, Deathwatch, homebrew, Space Marines, custom chapter, Maresian SeaGuard2011-05-10 0 
14972306NASCAR Genesis: EinherjarEvangelion + Norse Mythology + Nascar. One of the most inventive and awesome uses of Adeptus Evangelion /tg/ has ever seenAdeptus Evangelion, Homebrew, Storytime2011-05-19 16 
14958866Alternative TTGsDiscussion of many TTGs as alternatives to GWTTG malifaux infinity warmahordes flames of war brushfire mercs battletech heavy gear2011-05-20 1 
15009660Time Travel CampaignsA thread for stories about time travel in people's games takes a turn for the epic when a stranger tells a heart-wrenching story about Asmodeus the Paladin. /tg/ weeps, and then someone who may or may not be the writer reveals a terrible secret, leaving /tg/ feeling confused and slightly inspired.time, time travel, story time, storytime, story, paladin, asmodeus, writefaggotry, manly tears2011-05-22 8 
15023363another LARP threadafer a summer style start the thread turns out into a general larp discussion and at the and focusing into the rules of different larpslarp discussion rules advice2011-05-24 1 
15092314The Greatest Party EverA tale of dungeons and dragons, eternally retold. THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO!Awesome, Game Session, Thousands of years ago, Dungeons and Dragons, GM, Epic, BBEG2011-05-29 2 
June 2011
15118555Commander Quest XCVWe deal with the clean up of the ambush, have a few words with our staff and elementalists. Then we have a quick talk to Quintus, which is actually kinda awkward towards the end.Commander Quest, Roman Fantasy, Pax, Collective Game, Quest, Justinian Trentz2011-06-01 14 
15182129Boone Quest part 3Boone and gang return to kill rampaging 'nids and kick some balls. Several times.Boone, Calliban, C-16, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Culexus, drawfag, Quests2011-06-07 31 
15222728Cat RogueOP is polymorphed into a house cat. /tg/ helps him make the best of it.cat rogue, house cat, animal PC2011-06-11 90 
15234592Cat Rogue update 1OP's character has been polymorphed into a housecat. Is he a bad enough dude to set a group of were-tigers against a group of bandits? Hell yes he is! Puns follow.cat rogue, house cat, animal PC2011-06-12 34 
15260251Cat Rogue part 2OP of the first cat rogue comes back with awesome results.cat rogue, house cat, animal pc2011-06-14 45 
15278303Golden Aquilas 3More horribly beautiful writefaggotry and Sue creation.Female marines, girls, mary sue, heresy, awesome, perfect, chapter creation, Warhammer, Emperor, Half-eldar, awful, horrible, kawaii, custodes2011-06-16 10 
15287443Golden Aquilas 4More writefaggotry, including the tale of the Aquila's only ever male marine.Female marines, girls, mary sue, heresy, awesome, perfect, chapter creation, Warhammer, Emperor, Half-eldar, awful, horrible, kawaii, custodes, Golden Aquilas2011-06-17 10 
15304371Gelatinous Cube Quest pt 1We are a sapient Gelatinous Cube, searching for identity and things to eat. We pick up Mr. Tulip, the sapient Mimir as a travel companion.Gelatinous Cube Quest, gelatinous cube, quest, collective game, -ing2011-06-18 10 
15322899Cat Rogue Update 3OP's party travels through a tundra, inadvertently kills a Solar. The golem-books become important.cat rogue, house cat, animal PC2011-06-20 33 
15350349Golden Aquilas 5Crunch gets done and a rival warband of Chaos Sues is created.Female marines, girls, mary sue, heresy, awesome, perfect, chapter creation, Warhammer, Emperor, Half-eldar, awful, horrible, kawaii, custodes, Golden Aquilas2011-06-23 7 
July 2011
15590031Abaddon QuestThe adventurers of Warmaster Abaddon. Arms are found, Black Crusades are called and bitches are raped.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest2011-07-15 39 
15593949Abaddon Quest IIThe Black Crusade grows. Champions are rallied, the warp get's another psychically asskicking, and Abaddon proves to be extremely badass with bionic arms.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Dice Gods, Doomrider2011-07-16 35 
15596109Abaddon Quest IIIAbaddon becomes Kamina. Punches the warp once more and travels into the past for the 14th Black Crusade.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Punching2011-07-16 37 
15612380Abaddon Quest VAbaddon yells at Ahriman, discovers a loyalist Alpha Legion dreadnought, and cock-slams raptors.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-17 22 
15612439Seemingly Useless ItemsA collection of silly and seemingly useless items for campaignsuseless, items, funny2011-07-17 9 
15616064Abaddon Quest VIAbaddon experiences the joy of fatherhood.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-18 23 
15626041Abaddon Quest VIIAbaddon informs his waifu about the current situation and chats with his abomination of a child.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-19 25 
15647815Abaddon Quest VIIIAbaddon starts planning for his wedding and the eventually corruption of the Eldar.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-21 22 
15653270What are your opinions on the Krogan genophage?Anons start discussing morality, genocide, human bias, the value of synthetic life, etc. A lot of thoughtful discussion.Discussion2011-07-21 5 
15681044Abaddon Quest IXAbaddon plans shit during war council and has a space battle with the Eldar. Awesome ensues.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-24 21 
15701229Abaddon Quest XAbaddon manages to captured a powerful eldar seer after boarding her flagship.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn2011-07-26 21 
15715280Quest Thread Time (Monmusu Quest)Chrome makes a quest thread for us on the fly. Things start slow.Monmusu Quest, Quest thread, Chrome, Collective Game2011-07-27 3 
15734989Abaddon Quest XISex. Bloody violence. Violent sex. Popcorn. We've got it all, bitches.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Hot, Sex, Violence2011-07-29 23 
15764064Druid QuestShit gets weird when we become a druid after eating mushroom soup; /tg/'s a dick sometimes.druid, quest, mushroom, badger, old, man, malam2011-07-31 2 
August 2011
15770652Abaddon Quest XIIAbaddon and the gang makes planetfall on Terra via bikes to rescue Typhus. More dinosaurs die, a mysterious servant of Malal is discovered/killed and chaos rocks out in the jungle.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-08-01 20 
15818442Abaddon Quest XIIITyphus is rescued, the eldar learn of Nurgle, another Malal cultist is found and captured, warcouncil is called, Kharn shows his true love and Ahriman finally snaps. Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love2011-08-05 25 
15823037Abaddon Quest XIVAhriman fucking snaps and gets snuffed by Abaddon.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love2011-08-05 23 
15884391Cat Rogue Update 4Cat Rogue gets chased by demons and abducted by a crazy cat lady. New partymembercat rogue, house cat, animal PC2011-08-10 31 
15891865Abaddon Quest XVWar council ends, a rape orgy begins, awesomeness ensues and a god is born.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love2011-08-11 21 
15894168Abaddon Quest XVIAbaddon makes a breakthrough with the High Seer, then a hug births Slaanesh and and Abaddon Punches the Warp, again.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love, Slaanesh2011-08-11 20 
15926413Abaddon Quest XVIAbaddon explores the plot of the Malal cultists.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Khorne2011-08-14 22 
15974215Zerg Quest LIVEcological disaster complete. Mantalisks ahoy! Ooo, charts and graphs!Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Manta Ray Feudalism, Sir Geoffrey of Zerg, Exciting Research, Ballustrades2011-08-18 11 
16002326I just came back from the strangest gameOP tells the tale of a crazy goth he gamed with and the girl on a chain he had with him; /tg/ rages with bearded, hero fury.creepy, Goth, Heroic, whiteknight, glorious, /tg/2011-08-20 17 
15990640Melek Tau - the psionic peacocksIn their world, beauty is power, and they are the most beautiful. Peacock feathers and camp-gay elegance everywhere. Also, psychic knife-fighting. To them, David Bowie is Chuck Norris. FABULOUS!peacocks, psychic, psionic, beautiful, FABULOUS, bitch you did not just diss my haircut2011-08-20 23 
15995716DF GeneralWe discuss war platypus and give general advice.Dwarf Fortress, DF, platypus,2011-08-21 0 
16008732Erebus QuestAn arcane experiment awakens and decides what to do with its new-found, godly powers.Erebus Quest, Collective Game2011-08-21 3 
16017027A Questus Mechanicus 1Tech Adept Faustinius Heregaster wakes up, kills a fat guy, and serves his Mech Lord.Fabricator Locum Sebastopol, A Questus Mechanicus, quest thread2011-08-22 7 
16028538Muscle Wizards/tg/ makes Muscle wizards happen.Muscle Wizard, Cancer Mage2011-08-23 21 
16037299Traditional Anthropomorphic GamesI canhear yoou groaning from across the net, but I'm saving this thread not just for the wealth of playable furry games, but for >>16038331 this tale of 'HURR DURR YIFF IN HELL' gone too far. Sin is when we treat people as things; this applies to all people, those we feel compatibility with and those who like what we do not like.Anthropomorphism, Furry, Mouse Guard, Storytime, righteous rage, Yiff in Hell, asshole, assault 2011-08-23 25 
16042017A Questus Mechanicus 2Tech Adept Faustinius Heregaster loots, gains minions and prepares to trap HERETICAL SPIES.Fabricator Locum Sebastopol, A Questus Mechanicus, quest thread2011-08-24 7 
16052444Adeptus Evangelion: Cold WarIt is 1961. It has been fifteen years since the Second Impact. Pilots are from the respective countries in either NATO and Warsaw. Their mission? Desperately work together while making the other side look weaker.EVA homebrew setting worldbuilding AdEva Adeptus Evangelion AdeptusEvangelion Neon Genesis NGE fluff2011-08-25 2 
16077369A Questus MechanicusHeregaster decides to make some robo-booty and Solid snakes his way through a warehouse.A Questus Mechanicus, quest thread, Fabricator Locum Sebastopol, Collective Game2011-08-27 7 
16090341Musical RPing (Shuffle) Starting off as a question of RPGs based off music, something epic spawnedRPG, Shuffle, Music, Magic2011-08-28 0 
16095404Let's play Musical AlignmentsI know, I know, it's an alignment thread, started by a tripfag. but I mean, there are some good thematic songs in here. Hell, it has its own public youtube playlist http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAFFA2BBD38B0A1ED also, White knight fags are now called Don Quixote (plural - Don Quixotes). deal with it.espagnoll, music, alignments, deal with it, youtube2011-08-29 4 
16097053Spider CultureDevelopment of a spideroid culture. Discussion on art and language.Spider, Art, Music, Culture, Nation2011-08-29 13 
16113211Muscle Wizard gets stattedRe-exploring the "Muscle Wizard" concept from a while back, this time given a stat listing and a rundown of details.muscle wizard, mighty flex, strength casting2011-08-30 5 
September 2011
16170996The PC's childA child grows up with her hilariously neglectful parents, accidentally leaving her to be raised by monsters for months at a time.Backstory, Parental neglect, Humor, rusty venture2011-09-05 11 
16204515Unfantastic Fantasy OP wonders why modern fantasy is so earthly and non-bizarre. Discussion is had and one fa/tg/uy tells of his magi-tech setting with robo-dragons and zombie goblins.fantasy, settings, discussion, tolkien, D&D, awesome2011-09-07 7 
16346534Der Emprah's FaceA noble Anon rescues a long forgotten song from /tg/'s distant past. Soon, others join in, causing all of /g/ to lift up it's vocie in songSongs, Music, Parody, 40k, Der Emprah's Face, 2011-09-20 10 
16400855Abaddon Quest XVIIIOP returns to us and it may turn out that a senile crazed terminought is behind the Malal cult.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2011-09-24 22 
1641893140k: The MusicalLyrics and music to the proposed 40k musical40k, Guard, Space Marine, Musical2011-09-25 5 
16436924Deus Ex: MagickaA new spin to the Deus Ex series- magipunk. The main character, one mean satyr with a meaner kick named Ann O'Bedlam, awakes to find that her limbs have been replaced magically augmented metallic limbs. Deus Ex, Cyberpunk, Fantasy, Goat, Satyr2011-09-27 2 
16460241Yahweh in 4EDiscussion of the Judeo-Christian God's place in D&D. Pictures, fluff, and stats of Jesus Christ.God, Jesus, Christ, Yahweh, D&D, 4E2011-09-30 20 
October 2011
16511386The Editors: A Setting In ProgressOP has an idea about sending agents in to remove Mary Sues from canon settings. A few like-minded Anons later, a meta-fanfiction setting is born.game design, world building, discussion, planes, Mary Sue, settings, metafiction, game ideas, 2011-10-04 22 
16529282The Editors IIWe continue world-building our freshly popularized meta-fanfiction campaign setting.game design, world building, discussion, planes, Mary Sue, settings, metafiction, game ideas2011-10-06 10 
16576071Warehouse World/tg/ is stuck inside a Costco for the rest of their lives. Alliances are forged, Assassinations are planned, and Oreos are eaten. /tg/, Collective Games, Warehouse World, Costco2011-10-10 20 
16676293Let's Discuss Fantas-PH'NGLUI MGLW'NAFHGATHER SACRIFICES. Also, some interesting discussion on elder gods and eldritch horrors.cthulhu, shoggoth, elder gods, gods, horror, slaanesh, sacrifices, discussion2011-10-20 5 
16680180/tg/'s most glorious character deathsIn which we relate some of the best PC deaths we've seen, including a Hunter calling YOU SHALL NOT PASS to clockwork minions, a Guardsman calling in Exterminatus on his own position, and a cleric of Kord who died arm-wrestling Kord himself.storytiem, D&D, Dark Heresy, Hunter, stories, deaths, glorious2011-10-20 8 
16696114HENSHIN! RPG development revivalAnybody remember that Toku themed game in development long ago? One user starts dumping ideas and refinement to get the ball rolling and get the damn thing past its alpha status Kamen Rider,Homebrew System,/m/,JUSTICE2011-10-23 12 
16757865How to enjoy 40kA quick guide to enjoying 40k turns into wethammer.OUTRAGEOUS, 40k, wethammer2011-10-28 26 
16767432Pandemic: The QuestWhat started as a seemingly 'ordinary' virus quest gave birth to Solipsis, a memetic entity that inspires euphoria in humans and seeks to spread the concept of its own perfection.Collective Game, Pandemic Quest, Quest, Virus, Solipsis, Euphoria, Pandemic, Perfection2011-10-29 13 
November 2011
16851030Abaddon Quest XIXAbaddon visits the Eldar bitches, becomes a mince pie and grows a tentacle beard.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2011-11-06 26 
16864773Waiting for TG Meta Quest: Server Migration EditionWaiting for Thread 14, Server Migration leaves us waiting for couple days. We discuss tactics, wishlists, and ideas.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines, Ahzek Ahriman, Thousand Sons2011-11-08 6 
16877258/tg/ Meta Quest 14We are able to open negotiations with Ahriman with the help of the Knights Inductor. We capture and interrogate an agent of the Shipper Union. And we find out that instead of wizards, we got a vaudeville act when we asked for Aurors.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines, Ahzek Ahriman, Thousand Sons2011-11-08 10 
16880285The Triumphant ReturnWaffle House Millionaire returns, surprisingly fun time is had by all, many stories are told.Waffle House Millionaire, storytime, epic2011-11-08 15 
16885981Strange PricesA mysterious stranger sold me a thread, but his price was that I archive it. I did.mysterious stranger2011-11-09 22 
16887973/tg/ Meta Quest 15Ahriman says Ring of Power or no deal. We try to brainstorm how to sneak into Barad-dûr to steal a Ring, when someone mentions Ringil, the sword of ice that crippled Morgoth, Sauron's boss. And thus was born a plan to retrieve Ringil from its resting place and troll Sauron as distraction, in order to steal a Ring.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines, Ahzek Ahriman, Thousand Sons2011-11-09 15 
16891353/tg/ Meta Quest 16It takes us a while, and the ghost of an elf face-palming at us, but we finally solve the final riddle protecting Fingolfin's Cairn and Ringil. Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines, Ahzek Ahriman, Thousand Sons, Fingolfin2011-11-09 15 
16899605/tg/ Meta Quest 17Darius Forte, newly promoted Hero from among the Knights Inductor, takes possession of Ringil. We then pick up some other magic swords, and prepare to troll Sauron.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines, Ahzek Ahriman, Thousand Sons, Fingolfin, Gurthang2011-11-10 13 
16908940GiantsWherin /tg/ discusses Giants of various myth and how to make them relevant again.Giants, myth, norse, celtic, russian, RPG,2011-11-11 30 
1702304340k faction rolltables galoreSomeone's looking for Rites of Battle-esque faction creation rolltables. /tg/ responds in kind.warhammer 40k, 40k, rolltables, chapter creation, custom, homebrew2011-11-26 5 
December 2011
17066065Monsterfluff, Part 2Post a picture of a monster and write the fluff for a monster above, now with a growing setting around the fluff!monsters, writing, game design, resource, Tabula Gloria, For'Channar, Vashial, Phrennoack, Uralaya, Garvenus, Weylos, Drakonid, Benalor2011-12-01 2 
17127438/tg/'s foreign relations protocol/tg/ reports from around the world on the wonderful day they've had/tg/, Britain, Australia, Japan, Scotland, Germany, funny2011-12-07 12 
17145726StorytimeSamurai, Chosen of the Emperor, Prisioners rocking out; oh mystorytime, awesome, japan, glorious2011-12-09 10 
17196695Adeva 2.5 Fluff and Art Explosion 2It continues! The original content being generated by /tg/ could not be contained! BMJ, AdEva, AdeptusEvangelion, Evangelion, Homebrew2011-12-13 1 
17257411Organ Construct BardSomeone posts that their bard became augmented by a group artificer and is now part organ, discussion about a necrobard followed and many good ideas were shared.Bard, character, Necromancer, artificer, game ideas, villain, dirge, music, funny, D&D, construct2011-12-18 6 
17303960For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st CenturySonia Bethany Reynard joins the Space Fleet of House Jarik-Dremine and sees combat. Thread ends early when OP get wordfilter banned.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice2011-12-23 34 
17310428Scriptarius Christmas Thread IVScriptarius returns for his traditional xmas thread with a 1:1 gingerbread Chainsword and some minisScriptarius, Christmas, Gingerbread, Conversion2011-12-24 11 
17316672The Editors IIIContinued development of the setting, incorporating elements from /tg/ Meta Quest. The Cold War with the TSAB is lightly touched upon, and relations with the other Meta-aware factions.game design, world building, discussion, planes, Mary Sue, settings, metafiction, game ideas, Editors, The Editors2011-12-24 8 
17321717The Parrot Shipping CompanyAnon GM turned a simple character trait into full-fledged game experience for one PC, but made it simple enough that it doesn't piss off the rest of the party.OC, Homebrew, Macroeconomics, Houserules, GM, DM2011-12-25 17 
17334234Adeptus Evangelion v2.5 BetaIt's Christmas, so that means Black Mesa Janitor is back with mentally damaged children for us all to enjoy!Evangelion, Adeptus Evangelion, AdEva, Black Mesa Janitor2011-12-26 28 
17341283Adeptus Evangelion 3.5 Alternate Version releaseClaimed Ex-member of the AdEva development team releases what could have been after the release of the 2.5 Beta in another thread.Adeptus Evangelion, Drama, Alternate, AdEva2011-12-27 3 
17351359Warhammer 40k: Heretical Love Part XISexy times with the sisters of battle.Collective Game, Heretical Love quest, 40k, quest, warhammer, XI, max decarus, heretical love, papa-n 2011-12-28 30 
17342370Old Man Henderson Narrated Voice actor StephanosRex narrates the Old Man Henderson and other /tg/ storiesstorytime, Old Man Henderson, Cthulhu, Waffle House Millionaire, audio, voice acting, storytiem, /tg/, space marine2011-12-28 33 
January 2012
17387115Warhammer 40k: Heretical Love Part XIIRock off with Ork warboss Collective Game, Heretical Love quest, 40k, quest, warhammer, XI, max decarus, heretical love, papa-n 2012-01-01 30 
17423231For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century IISonia Bethany Reynard finishes her first combat mission. Despite a few unfortunate rolls, everything went better than expected. Ends with the players starting some kind of fight club.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice2012-01-05 21 
17434182Warhammer 40k: Heretical Love Part XIVHelp the blueberry find her brother. Collective Game, Heretical Love quest, 40k, quest, warhammer, XI, max decarus, heretical love, papa-n 2012-01-05 28 
17469578Pimpin' is easy, Genocide is hardElves discussing the best race to ally with whilst killing the rest before the talks go downhillElves, Humans, Goblins, confusion2012-01-09 22 
17472313Sorcerous SpaceThe aliens of outer space are not the technological wonders we have envisioned, but rather long-living races of magically-adept beings.setting, homebrew, magic, technology, humans, aliens, Sorcerous Space, Laws of Physics, Ideals of Magic2012-01-09 14 
17483106Sorcerous Space discussion part 2Further discussion of setting ideas for Sorcerous Space a setting where humans live in an anti magic field and aliens are all wizardssetting, homebrew, magic, technology, humans, aliens, Sorcerous Space, Laws of Physics, Ideals of Magic2012-01-10 3 
17485327Stephanos NarratesStephanos Rex returns to /tg/ for some awesome voice acting. storytime, Old Man Henderson, Cthulhu, Waffle House Millionaire, audio, voice acting, storytiem, /tg/, space marine2012-01-10 13 
17503191Heretical Love XVFun times with Tau, emps comes up with a plan to fight chaosCollective game, paPa-n, heretical love, max decarus, quest, heretical love xv2012-01-11 28 
17503738For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century III Sonia Reynard checks to see if she would cut it as a Marine by joining a boarding action. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-01-12 15 
17543409Warhammer 40k: Heretical Love Part XVIMax gets lovey with the tsunseer. Eight fights off some magpies after Max's gear.Collective Game, Heretical Love quest, 40k, quest, warhammer, XI, max decarus, heretical love, papa-n 2012-01-15 29 
17542150For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century IVContinuation of previous thread's boarding action. Team chooses to disable the engines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-01-15 14 
17547932Kamen Rider WARP CORE BREACHIn what starts as another request for a nonexistent toku RPG, a fa/tg/uy gives a short storytiem about being sent into orbit and then Rule of Cooling back to earth. kamen, rider, warp core breach, henshin, justice, teleporting is for wimps and children2012-01-15 7 
17585606Warhammer 40k: Heretical Love Part XVIIHigh Seas adventure with the Dark Eldar twins. Collective Game, Heretical Love quest, 40k, quest, warhammer, XVII, max decarus, necron, pirates, heretical love, papa-n2012-01-18 28 
17600000Formless Quest IVThe Nazi reinforcements found a challenge that was more than they expected, for their tanks died, and soon will their troopsCollective Game, formless quest, Nazi, Tanks, Proteus2012-01-20 6 
17609064Warhammer 40k: Heretical Love Part XVIIIthe emperor's plan starts, and Max takes the khornate daemonette to the Blood Bowl game.Collective Game, Heretical Love quest, 40k, quest, warhammer, XVIII, max decarus, blood bowl, heretical love, quest, papa-n2012-01-20 28 
17605495Chapter Quest IIIRising Sons are ambushed by pirates in Nordgrim, but manage to bluff their way out and find traces of STC.Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Master, ambush, corsairs, pirates, Sororitas, space marines, chapter, simulation2012-01-21 7 
17611512The Magus DilemmaWhat /tg/ assumes will be a THAT GUY story, turns into a twist that we didn't see coming, and the OP has no idea what to do next. We try and come up with reasonable approaches.magus, warlock, homonculus, clockwork heart, advice, 2012-01-21 13 
17614648WArhammer 40k: heretical love part XVIII OVERTIME Party with chaos (again), gift from papa nurgleCollective game, Max decarus, warhammer, malal, papa-n, heresy, heretical love quest, xviii, OVERTIME, 40k, quest, 2012-01-21 27 
17618098Chapter Quest IV - First BloodRising Sons answer Tyr's plea to bring them food from Stygia(agri-world in Sub-Sector Tyranus). On their way back they are ambushed by Dark Eldar corsairs and Chapter Master himself loses an arm in epic battle aboard Dark Eldar flagship. Despite this, Rising Sons prevail and even manage to take over one of the ships. Tyr is saved and Rising Sons grow even stronger.Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Mandrake, Chapter Master, ambush, sub-sector, STC, warhammer 40k, Space Marines2012-01-22 9 
17629470PaladinsThis is how I Paladin. And /tg/ Paladins well.Paladin, music, awesome2012-01-23 10 
17658488For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century VThe long awaited boxing match takes place and we spend 3 week's pay to make sure we're ready for it.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Boxing2012-01-25 13 
17670430Warhammer 40k: Heretical Love Part XIX rest and relaxation with KaleshiCollective game, Max decarus, warhammer, malal, papa-n, heresy, heretical love quest, xix, 40k, quest, 2012-01-25 27 
17675827Warhammer 40: Heretical Love Part XIX OVERTIMEovertime titan vs reaver heresy. Collective game, Max decarus, warhammer, malal, papa-n, heresy, heretical love quest, xix, 40k, overtime, quest,2012-01-26 25 
17679146Oh, what tangled webs we weave.A fa/tg/uy offers a technique towards more compelling storytelling by sewing together the goals and beliefs of multiple PCs. Complete with demonstration.GM, DM, PC, advice, story, discussion, roleplaying2012-01-26 81 
17680847Warhammer 2012Discussion of the current WH2012 meta game40k, not serious, original content, Meta2012-01-26 13 
17711900Warhammer 40: Heretical Love Part XXHunting down whoever injured Eight. Collective game, Max decarus, warhammer, malal, papa-n, heresy, heretical love quest, XX, 40k, quest, warhamer 40k 2012-01-29 25 
17717366Warhammer 40: Heretical Love Part XX OVERTIMEovertime, max and 8 wax historic about his past. recovering from killing the psyker.Collective game, Max decarus, warhammer, malal, papa-n, heresy, heretical love quest, XX, 40k, quest, overtime, warhamer 40k 2012-01-29 26 
17723250Chapter Quest IX - Storm Within the StormRising Sons decide to rush to help their vassal-world Nordgrim that is about to be locked within a warp storm, but when they get there, things are even worse than expected.Chapter Quest, Quest, Chapter, Collective Game, Rising Sons, Adeptus Astartes. zombies, Chapter Master, Space Marines, Warp, storm, Nurgle, Witchhunters, feudal2012-01-30 12 
17729084Elves discuss Human OverpopulationElves are in danger of being overrun by the rampant sprawl of human promiscuity and technological advancement. Potential solutions and superiority of elves are discussed.elves superior humans disgusting orcs barbaric overpopulation2012-01-31 2 
February 2012
17750948For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century VIThe beginning of a space battle before the thread dies from a lack of participation because everybody is busy bitching about the moderator in various meta-threads.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice2012-02-01 14 
17756644Warhammer 40k: Inquisitor Ramsay's Cafeterium Nightmares Pt. 1Write-faggotry describing the exploits of an Ordo Culinatus Inquisitor as he travels the Imperium to help struggling Cafeteriums.Ordo Culinatus, Inquisitor, Ramsay, 40k, WH 40k, Cafeterium, writefaggotry, story, fluff, Warhammer 40k2012-02-01 8 
17762102Warhammer 40: Heretical Love Part XXIMax has a meeting with tau-girls brotherCollective game, Max decarus, warhammer, papa-n, heresy, heretical love quest, tau, XXI, 40k, quest, warhamer 40k 2012-02-01 25 
17817039Wise Words From Veteran Adventurers/tg/ muses about what veterans would say to new adventurers. What transpires is awesome.awesome, discussion, getting shit done2012-02-05 38 
17785546Another TGquest planning threadarchived so future readers can see our thought processesCollective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Sapphy, Kingdom Hearts, Holtz, DOSH, WhyOnEarthIsOrzStillATagTheyWentAway40ThreadsAgo, Orz, OrzAreStillATagBecauseWeAreWaitingForThemToComeBackAndBiteUsInTheAssForStupidity2012-02-06 6 
17830158Horus RevolutionAn alternate universe 40k. Horus is the one on the Golden Throne, barely alive, as the Legions won the war and took Terra. Those who remained loyal to the Emperor must now survive as rebels in the Webway. 40k, alternate universe, Golden Throne, Horus Revolution, Warhammer 40,000, Webway2012-02-06 10 
17844554For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century VIIRecon in spess! We stumble upon a legendary ghost ship and have a moral dilemma placed before us. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-02-08 11 
17846817Nokia Exterminatus"What if Exterminatus is actually a Nokia 3310 dropped to orbit by an Inquisitor?"Nokia, 3310, Exterminatus, funny, 40K, humor2012-02-08 27 
17858278Warhammer 40K: heretical love part XXIIContinuation of SoB thread from previous.Warhammer, 40k, quest, heretical love, papa-n, heresy, sisters of battle, quest thread, warhammer 40k, writefaggotry, max decarus 2012-02-08 25 
17876480Abaddon Quest XXA Titan is thrown against the ground and broken, learns HOKUTO ZANKAI KENCollective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2012-02-10 25 
17907864Spore Collection, Inc.That GM who made the Parrot Trading Co. is back. What starts as a thread about overpreparation results in the creation of a fungal collection company that has Pigmen armed with Browning Machine guns and flame throwers called Baconators.original content, GM, DM, Houserules, Homebrew2012-02-12 8 
17917036Warhammer 40K: heretical love part XXIIITwo threads remain Warhammer, 40k, quest, heretical love, papa-n, heresy, quest thread, warhammer 40k, writefaggotry, max decarus 2012-02-12 24 
17914370Devil-In-TrainingA demon comes to /tg/ for help in landing his first "sell your soul to the devil" Faustian bargain. The neckbeards flex their BBEG muscles and offer what help they can.deal with the devil, demon, devil, evil, Faustian bargain, Punisher’s daughter, Screwtape, sell your soul, Wormwood2012-02-13 10 
17923444Warhammer 40: Heretical Love Part XXIII OVERTIMErecovery of hat-chan (again), with help from the orks.OVERTIME, Warhammer, 40k, quest, heretical love, papa-n, heresy, quest thread, warhammer 40k, writefaggotry, max decarus2012-02-13 25 
17947370For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century VIIIWe get the ship back to base, face some quarantine time then head home before the Ruling House can decide if they want us kept quiet.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-02-15 12 
17951864Assemble Your Team/tg/ puts together a squad and a plan to steal the Golden Throne from Terra.Warhammer 40k, crossover, heresy, CREEEEEEEEEED, Mass Effect, just as planned2012-02-15 21 
17953740Julius, the most successful bard in history of everOen dae julius went inna innernets he postes sum tred in /tg/ roll natral 20 he had sex wif it +10 epic tredsoh god mah balls, funny, julius2012-02-15 12 
17960493/tg/ Turns Five: A RetrospectiveOn February 15, 2012, /tg/ celebrated its fifth anniversary with a look back at some of the board's more memorable moments. Happy birthday, /tg/. Here's to five more years.Discussion, story, birthday, anniversary, meta, /tg/, board2012-02-15 13 
17964414/tg/ Turns Five: A Retrospective Part 2Too much awesome nostalgia for just one thread.Discussion, story, birthday, anniversary, meta, /tg/, board2012-02-16 3 
18031213Warhammer 40: Heretical Love Part XXIVmax learns of eights demise. the journey draws to a close Warhammer, 40k, quest, heretical love, papa-n, heresy, quest thread, warhammer 40k, writefaggotry, max decarus2012-02-21 39 
18042712For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century IXTrying to prevent a large scale planetary invasion, we get our ship shot to pieces instead.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-02-22 13 
18084594Metahuman Renaissance Quest 12Dan kills flesh golems, and doesn't afraid of anythingMetahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, night at the museum, flesh golem, wolf-girl, advice dan2012-02-25 20 
18090274Metahuman Renaissance Quest 13Dan catches up with the most stereotypical necromancer ever, and finally learns a proper 'name' for Red.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, night at the museum, advice dan, red, syrpent2012-02-25 20 
18097354Metahuman Renaissance Quest 13.33Dan fights Byakhee, chases Red, and once again has to deal with the police.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, night at the museum, syrpent, metacops, byakhee2012-02-26 18 
18110493Warhammer 40: Heretical Love Part XXV, THE ENDmax's journey ends, the final battle with malal, and settling down with the harem, (or singular waifu) Warhammer, 40k, quest, heretical love, papa-n, heresy, quest thread, warhammer 40k, writefaggotry, max decarus, heretical love quest, 2012-02-26 26 
18114549Warhammer 40: Heretical Love Part XXVI, THE END PART 2with malal defeated, max and co. must fight off the Galactic Partridges. Warhammer, 40k, quest, heretical love, papa-n, heresy, quest thread, warhammer 40k, writefaggotry, max decarus, heretical love quest, 2012-02-27 37 
18114111STCs and you!Come and learn about the miracle of Imperium Technology, the STC.STCs, Warhammer 40k, Adeptus Mechanicus2012-02-27 15 
18118824MLP and WH40K Civil DiscussionWhat begins as saging and late night cynicism changes into two divergent but equally civil discussionsMLP, WH40K, 40K, Warhammer 40K, discussion, civil, civility, informational, interesting, lol2012-02-27 13 
18136605For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XDeciding to trade our damaged space ship in for a large transport aircraft, we fail at practically everything. Somehow, we do manage to survive it all. Probably only because we failed to die.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Ground Combat, Dice2012-02-29 13 
March 2012
18163457High Lords DiscussionTitle+faith in humanity.Warhammer 40k, Roleplay, Discussion, 2012-03-02 15 
18176533Reginald "Ragin' Reggie" DempseyIn the midst of a "What I made..." thread, one anon storytimes the tale of a man in the zombie apocalypse who punched stuff real hard.Ragin' Reggie, Storytime, All Flesh Must Be Eaten2012-03-03 55 
18229378For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XIAfter losing our transport we dicide to borrow some starfighters that are above well our paygrade. We'll put them back, honest.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, starfighter, dogfight, guntruck, technical2012-03-07 11 
18254897High Lords DiscussionThe discussion about saving the imperium continuesWarhammer 40k, Roleplay, Discussion,2012-03-09 6 
18268827Ragin' Reggie II: Electric BoogalooRagin' Reggie's back for more storytime.Ragin' Reggie, Storytime, All Flesh Must Be Eaten2012-03-10 31 
18280701Hogwarts QuestThale Hussein, the Glorious Meteor of the East, embarks on his quest to rid Hogwarts of its devilry and to bring those in it to the light and will of Allah's Justice.Hogwarts Quest, Selfus Explodus, Hussein, Western Whore, Collective Game2012-03-11 30 
18282927Planetary Governor Quest: Part OneFormer Captain Elyssa von Braun assumes the position of Lord Governor over the planet Daysimir, but all is not well in this sector, and many things are not as they appear...Collective Game, Quest, Quest Thread, Planetary Governor Quest, Epic Win, Discussion, 40K, Warhammer, Navy2012-03-11 33 
18286800Planetary Governor Quest Part TwoWe uncover a Genestealer infestation under our capitol and begin containment. Sisters of Battle and Ultramarines are called in and we begin preparation for Operation NapalmCollective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, Warhammer, 40K, Eldar, Guns, discussion, Ultramarines, Sisters of Battle, RT, Rogue Trader, Genestealer2012-03-11 23 
18291787Hogwarts QuestThale Hussein makes his way through Diagon Alley, scolds the Djinn-slut, and begins the journey to Hogwarts.Hogwarts Quest, Hogwarts, Selfus Explodus, Thale Hussein, Hussein, Muslim, Western Whore, Collective Game2012-03-12 24 
18305008Shadowrun Storytime 5The hunt for Joy begins, the team has a revelation about Dervish, and Geppetto makes some...dirty dealings.Shadowrun, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytime, 2D, TwoDee, Vegas, Tamanous2012-03-13 72 
18313285For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XIIAmong other things, we get the well-deserved recognition for our past actions.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest2012-03-14 12 
18328384Hogwarts Quest 3Short continuation of the prior thread. The meteor is sorted. Hogwarts Quest, Hogwarts, Selfus Explodus, Thale Hussein, Hussein, Muslim, Western Whore, Collective Game2012-03-15 20 
18361538Hogwarts Quest 4Thale Hussein begins his first class in the den of villainy and witchcraft.Hogwarts Quest, Islam, Thale Hussain, Crazy Hassan, Hufflepuff, Collective Game2012-03-18 6 
18370497God of Delicious FoodsOP needs help making a deity of cuisine and taste for a freeform RP. /tg/ provides ideas.food, delicious, god, tasty, ideas, awesome, Ainsley, freeform2012-03-19 6 
18389513Be Excellent to Each Other: The RPGWhat started as a chicks-in-armor dump became a most righteous design for a Bill & Ted RPG!gnarly, righteous, excellent, bodacious, design2012-03-20 20 
18394012For House and Dominion: Ballroom EditionWe attend a ball, talk to some knights and get slapped for breaking things.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, dancing, party, ball2012-03-21 11 
18399415Boone Quest Episode 11Featuring coin stealing, heretic decapitations, and psyker-on-psyker sexual harassment.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Mr. Culexus, Colossal Fagot2012-03-21 26 
18445020Reginald Quest 001Goushoujin-Sama returns to /tg/ with a clearer mind, and gives us the adventures of Reginald during WW2.Reginald Quest, Collective Game, Goushoujin-Sama2012-03-25 18 
18447772Primordial Ocean Evo Gamean evolution game where three creatures branch into a multitude of other creatures under the sea. Time is near for a land-based existence, though...Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem2012-03-25 8 
18469745Primordial Land Evo GameNow with plants! The creatures continue to spread and diversify, and a minor ice age happened. Rumors of new places to colonize abound!Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem, Frowg, Wesck, Glund, Stalck, Flouz, Pluup, Evola, Yantar2012-03-27 5 
18478405For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XIVWe get a new ship, load it up, crit our only roll, and make a tough choice.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest2012-03-28 12 
18484092Primordial Land Evo Game pt 2Continuation of life in the mainland. The walker-Flouz evolved into Hoppas, and the LemUy slowly light up their environment.Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem, Frowg, Wesck, Glund, Stalck, Flouz, Pluup, Hoppa, Slizer, Evola, Yantar2012-03-28 3 
18482230Primordial Island Evo GameAn offshoot of the land evo game, where the Frowg evolve to the Rowgu, flyingStalck into Stelvac, and the Frilla's terrestial descendant became the world's first tree. But there are indigenous creatures that also evolve with them...Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem, Frowg, Wesck, Stalck, Rowgu, Stelva, Frilla, Adoni, Kuckar, Hraas2012-03-28 3 
18485978Rave And DieA setting in which holographic raves spawn eldritch monstrosities. An organisation has been formed that issues agent with their own visualisation device, producing their own creatures to fight hostile entities. All the while fighting for the support of the crowd.homebrew, RAD, Rave And Die, 3DJ, Pocket Rave Monsters, Music2012-03-29 5 
18505373Acceptable Casualties 1A freshly-made clone soldier leads a team on a retrieval mission. Corporate warfare at its finest.Acceptable Casualties, Quest, Collective Game, Clone, Prometheus2012-03-30 7 
18507183Ancient Tundra Evo Gameoffshoot of the main thread. The creatures and flora fight and adapt to the cold winds of the tundra.Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem, Frilla, Frowmagnon, Lem, Bord, Rasig, Mevola2012-03-30 1 
18511974CONVERGENCE (Evolution Game)A Evolution Game taking place in a post-apocalyptic world, with slightly greater focus on plot and storyline. Features the insect-like Nanzi, worm-like Slygg and plankton-like Foram.Convergence, Collective Game, Evolution, Nanzi, Slygg, Foram, Deus vs Machina2012-03-30 5 
18522027Acceptable Casualties 2With a new, suspiciously competent member, the clone team hunts a convoy and gets more than it bargained for.Acceptable Casualties, Quest, Collective Game, Clone, Prometheus2012-03-31 1 
18517205Wacky Racing 40kOp asks a simple question: What are the DE Reaver races like? What follows is an discussion about racing in 40k, and how to make a game about it. Who knew that 40k and Redline would fit this well together?Racing, Discussion, Homebrew, Dark Eldar, 40k, Redline2012-03-31 20 
April 2012
18558863Gummy WarsOP posts his idea of a wargame involving gummy candies as pieces.gummy, awesome, ideas, delicious casualties, wargame2012-04-03 20 
18561629For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XVWe set sail for the depths of space between galaxies and test our Cruiser in battle. Boarding actions may follow.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-04-04 12 
18594569CONVERGENCE: Thread 2Lands to the east are explored, and a meteor falls in the homelands.Convergence, Collective Game, Evolution, Nanzi, Slygg, Foram, Deus vs Machina2012-04-06 3 
18654984For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XVIPlayers continue to play Pimp my Ride then checkout the holodeck equivilant. Thrust vectoring is not for us but more enemies are as we get back into combat.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, holodeck2012-04-11 12 
18754650For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XVIIWe learn that Missiles and Torps both have their place and that asteroid storms are not fun to fly through.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, holodeck2012-04-18 12 
18800565Ancient desert evo thread 1Evolution in a harsh desert environment. Monsters are made, bugs with jet engines, sand worms and other lovely things soon call this sand ocean their home.Collective Game, Primordial, Burrog, Sandoni, Usmal, Wespar, Cho, Kaskus2012-04-22 3 
18807264Ancient desert evo thread 2The desert is a hostile place... and its inhabitants even more dangerous. Yes, we got monstrosities.Collective Game, Primordial, Burrog, Sandoni, Usmal, Wespar, Cho, Kaskus2012-04-23 2 
18837867Magical Girl DystopiaMagical Girls take over and stunt human emotions by making everything into happy land. Rebels use gene therapy to become monsters and fight them. Fluuuuuuuuufffffluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-04-24 21 
18824863Ancient desert evo game thread 2SHOGUN GLUND demanded evolution. We gave him Hydralisks and more sentient species.Collective Game, Evolution, Primordial, Burrog, Sandoni, Usmal, Wespar, Cho, Kaskus2012-04-24 5 
18847587The Lost Black CrusadesAn attempt to chronicle the many unrecorded, and failed, Black Crusades of Abaddon.Black Crusade, Abaddon, Warhammer 40k, 40k2012-04-25 7 
18844449For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XVIIIOur squadron helps rival House Erid liberate the colony world of Robrinaan. The pirates are fighting strangely and using new ships.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice2012-04-25 14 
18910050Mass Effect quest threadWe meet Vanguard James Rennick, alcohol is had, interspecies relations are discussed, shit hits the fan. TO BATTLESTATIONS!Mass effect, Vanguard, The Illusive Man, Ryncol, Biotics2012-04-30 10 
18913997Zerg Quest LXXXIVStupid Roman numerals. Stupid autosage. Oh, well. Not like it'll stop us.Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Collective Game, NOTHING can stop us!, What's Roman-talk for 90?2012-04-30 6 
May 2012
18927361NearFuture Cyborg Quest 6In which SHOPPING SPREE! We get lots of cool stuff, all three AI are awake, and we have a job to do tomorrow.Collective Game, NearFuture Cyborg Quest, Cyborg, Exabyte, Mysterious nat100 futuregirl2012-05-01 15 
18937059Mass Effect Quest Part 2We proceed into the Comm station, we meet PFC Buck Rogers, we rescue a damsel in distress but not before she's impaled, GERONIMO LEARNS NOVA.Mass Effect, The Illusive Man, Briggs, Geronimo, Nova2012-05-02 10 
18936596For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XIXWORDS. Command tackles the age old 'why we fight' while the Admiralty try to assemble the largest battle formation seen in a century. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, WORDS2012-05-02 12 
18955531The Mass Effect quest part 3It seems Vanguard's are cursed with high dice rolls and strong grappling techniques.Mass effect, Vanguard, The Illusive Man, Geronimo, Nova2012-05-03 7 
18971217Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 3, the Age of IceThe Ice Age is finally here, and surprisingly, no extinctions were had. The introduction of the Snow Bugs leads to the development of a remorhaz-like colony of insects and the Asparagus Trees harbor the skull-like Tadseeds within. Namefag "Deus vs. Machina" is revealed to be a bro-tier artist and assists FortuneHost in updating the new critters.Collective Game, Fortune Evolution, evolution, ice age, FortuneHost, Deus vs. Machina, Bobski, fatherofthemoons, remorhaz2012-05-05 14 
18982677Mass Effect Crunch Session 1I posted the info and then went to sleep. Gonna see what happened in the morningMass Effect, Illusive Man, Geronimo, Biotic, Tomahawk2012-05-05 3 
18993672Mass Effect Quest Part 4Geronimo checks in on Karrigan and Briggs aboard the Jakarta. He is later debriefed by Commander Sardis and Capt. Nguyen where he is promoted to Sergeant and invited to the N Program.Collective Game, Mass Effect Quest, Mass Effect, Illusive Man, Geronimo, N, Briggs, Karrigan2012-05-06 8 
18996830Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 4, the Ice Age ContinuesReturn to planet Fortune and see the new forms its bewildering array of creatures have taken. Giant enemy crabs, spike-trap trees, schools of piranha sharks, gardens of explosive herbs, crystalline sea plants, floating pachyderms, and skull-shaped seedpod tapeworms and more await you on this beautiful (and dangerous) world. The evolution game continues.agent of evolution, Bobski, Collective Game, Deus vs. Machina, evolution game, evolution, fatherofthemoons, Fortune Evolution, FortuneHost, ice age2012-05-06 14 
18998978Mass Effect Quest Part 5We make the decision to join the ICT Program, we throw a remembrance party for Rodriguez, share a drink with Karrigan, and find out the dice gods REALLY DO LOVE VANGUARDS!Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Geronimo, Karrigan, Briggs, Illusive Man2012-05-07 12 
19025887For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XXTank Combat in the 41st Century. Dirt side adventures once again as we end production of the Scarab menace.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Tanks, Marines2012-05-09 12 
19029468Boone Quest Episode 12In which our protagonist runs over heretics with a car, brings warm beer to a catatonic Britishman, and gets locked in the freezer.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus2012-05-09 27 
19047382Mass Effect Quest, Filler Arc 1.We take control of Sgt. Briggs for a little while and find out things aren't nearly as cool and collected as they seem to be. Geronimo is deep in the Brazilian rainforest for his ICT training when he and Lt. Jones are attacked by a squad of experienced soldiers in stealth gear. Geronimo luckily manages to escape.Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, The Illusive Man, Geronimo, Briggs, ICT, N72012-05-10 6 
19082172The Tale of Patrick O'CallahanWell, citizens of /tg/, gather round. Get yerselves a pint, warm up by the fire, and stop ogling the damn whores for a second so I can tell you the story of the best elf I've ever had the fortune of playing, Patrick O'Callahan.Story, Storytime, Patrick, O', Callahan, Irish, Elf, Awesome, Barfight, Justice, Wish2012-05-13 39 
19090715Mass Effect Quest Filler Arc 2We take over as Karrigan and manage to access the shield's inner workings. We are in the process of testing it out on Brigg's.Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Geronimo, Karrigan, Briggs, Illusive Man2012-05-14 5 
19043505Fortune: Evolution Game - Discussion Thread 2While the first was not archived (nor is it worth archiving), this discussion thread proves to be full of brainstorming concerning the next stage of life on that wild, wild world. Previews of Part 5 as well as links to the new 1d4chan page are included. brainstorm, Deus vs Machina, discussion, ecologyfag, evo game, evolution game, evolution, Father, Fortune Evolution, FortuneHost, nongent, occasional silliness, preview, sneak-peek, Stooge, zeppelin sex,2012-05-14 10 
19085077Magical Girl Dystopia IIIMore fleshing out about the girls and the resistancefluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-05-14 5 
19115700Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 5, the Triumph of SpringFinally, OP got his ass off the couch and finished Part 5. The evolution game continues as the Ice Age finally ends and springtime returns to the land.agent of evolution, Collective Game, Deus, evolution game, evolution, fatherofthemoons, Fortune Evolution, FortuneHost, Deus vs. Machina, non gent2012-05-16 10 
19114176For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XXIMore ground combat, this time exploring the depths of the city and freeing slaves. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, power armor2012-05-16 11 
19137578/tg/ discusses Evangelion/tg/ has an intellectually stimulating discussion of the Evangelion franchise, useful material for anyone looking to play a game of AdEva.evangelion, adeptus evangelion2012-05-18 10 
19137841Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 5, (Continued)Part 5 picked up just as it was going into autosage, so a second thread was made. Here we see Rainbow Blimpies and Sailfins begin one-upping each other in the skies and the Ravedragons become ever more FA-A-A-BULOUS!Fortune Evolution, evolution game, evolution, springtime, fabulous, ravedragon, rainbow blimpies, sailfins2012-05-18 10 
19119894Magical Girl Dystopia IVThe setting is solidified, ideas are developed, and issues from the last thread are snipped in the bud.fluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-05-18 2 
19172353Mass Effect Quest Filler Arc 3Karrigan finally get the Geth Shield figured out, now all that's left is to reverse engineer the tech and see about producing it for the Alliance, or ourselves. We rejoin Geronimo in the Rain Forest and he completes his ICT training. An opportunity may arise, depending on his actions here.Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Geronimo, Karrigan, Illusive Man, ICT2012-05-20 5 
19199088For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XXIIPromotions go through, items are stolen and we plan for what we'll buy after our upcoming mission for House Intelligence.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Pirates2012-05-23 11 
19231905Mass Effect Quest Filler Arc 4We learn more about our mysterious assailant, Geronimo is promoted to N1. LEVEL UP! We head back to Terra Nova to form up Jaguar Squad and let the ass kicking commence.Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Geronimo, Karrigan, Vanguard, ICT, Briggs, Ajax2012-05-25 7 
19243277Planetary Governor Quest: Part EightWe hammer out space-combat, acquire several ships that we were apparently supposed to have the entire time, come to an agreement with the Sisters of Battle regarding setting up a Mission, visit the site of the Chaos Raid, and have a Zombie scare. Also Homesteading and Editor dropping more epic speeches.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Chaos, Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Hospitaller, Space, Quest, Zombies, Fungus, Space Battle2012-05-26 13 
19255653Planetary Governor Quest: Part NineAnother short session. Not very much is accomplished, but we do lay the groundwork for future plans and start on building the Sisters a moon base.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Chaos, Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Hospitaller, Space, Quest, Zombies, Fungus, Space Battle2012-05-27 12 
19283964Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent Tribal/Discussion Thread 2Thread starts weird and horrifying, then gets back on track with civil discussion, stellar art and worldbuilding.Bord Empire, discussion, drawfaggotry, Eastern Continent, evo, evo game, evolution, evolution game, FortuneHost, Gaghiel, Gantu, Govkar, Gwiliak, Indonesian Gentleman, Jungle Fever 3, Kaze, Nad, namefags, NO TRIP, nongent, Onolkeshan, Primordial Evo, SHOGUN GLUND, Silith, Skulks, Solomon, stupid sexy Skulks…, tribal, Zal'zaz'siel2012-05-30 6 
19288711For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century 23Tracking down pirates so we can give them stuff. Seems legit.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Dice, Pirates, Rogue Trader2012-05-30 11 
June 2012
19314624Mass Effect Quest Filler Arc 5We find out the entire story on how Briggs and Haskill joined Cerberus, we regain control of Geronimo and make a big decision.Mass, Effect, Quest, Geronimo, Collective Game, Illusive, Briggs, Haskill, Karrigan2012-06-01 5 
19372341For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XXIVWe track down and fight the stolen ship, narrowly avoiding getting our shit kicked in the process.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-06-06 11 
19383534Xeno Babies, what do?/tg/ considers what it would do if it was given three xeno babies to raise, Papa-N then writefags and the thread becomes epic.Papa-N, xeno, Max, Exterminatus2012-06-07 20 
19401359Adeptus Evangelion v2.5 Final ReleaseBMJ delivers Adeptus Evangelion v2.5 in its complete form.Adeptus Evangelion, AdEva, Evangelion, BMJ2012-06-08 15 
19406363Parker & Johnson Inc.Adventurers join the business community, corporate shenanigans ensue. D&D, Corperation, Mimic door, Frank the Illithid, Original Content, Discussion2012-06-08 39 
19432606Mass Effect Quest Part 6Geronimo let's Karri in on what's happened with Briggs and Haskill. Preparation for the coming storm.Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Geronimo, Illusive Man, Karrigan, Briggs, Haskill, Biotic2012-06-10 5 
19445178Chapter Quest VIFinal stages of battle on Varda against Orks. Session was cut off because OP couldn't post in /tg/.Collective Game, Chapter Master, Orks, Chapter Quest, Space Marines, Ghosts of Retribution, STC, Adeptus Mechanicus, Tactical Battle, Power Garrote2012-06-12 5 
19455107Turning PointA Dark Age dieselpunk homebrew. Armored cars and flying gay districts.Homebrew, Dieselpunk, Dark Age, Post-Apocalyptic, Tanks, USA2012-06-12 22 
19458284Chapter Quest VIIGhosts of Retribution visit Nestorius to reap the rewards of their previous mission to retrieve STC.Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Dark Heresy, roleplay, rpg, 40k, super heavy battle tank, Baneblade, stealth power armour, Adeptus Mechanicus2012-06-13 4 
19457386 For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XXVRepairs are started, equipment looked over and plans are made. Do we aid our wingmen or turn our ship into an unstoppable beast?process. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, 2012-06-13 11 
19480588Song of Durin's AwakeningA real-life bard performs one of Tolkien songs. /tg/ is in awe. Bard Lord if the Rings Music 2012-06-15 45 
19496979Mass Effect Quest Part 8Geronimo meets with Jack Harken and becomes his errand boy in return for what supplies he needs for the fight with Volkov.Mass Effect Quest, Geronimo, Collective Game, Illusive Man, Briggs, Karri, Harken2012-06-16 5 
19495095House BussardFollowing on the heels of house Bulwark, /tg/ creates House Bussard of the Vale. Horrible rolling causes the vulture to be adopted as its sigil. Ours is what's left!bussard, house creation, asoiaf, buzzard, vulture2012-06-16 12 
19497943Planetary Governor Quest: Part TwelveThe first decent session in a while. We continue dismantling the Space Hulk, Get Skitarii help, and fight a mob of "evolved" Cyborks with huge, angry squigs and a really messed up mutant Warboss.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Chaos, Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Hospitaller, Space, Quest, Zombies, Fungus, Space Battle, Orks, warboss, Blood Axes, Fang, Dreadnought2012-06-16 20 
19497569House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 2House Bulwark continues its activities in Kings Landing, a duel is fought, a threat is made, and we have an audience with the Hand.House Bulwark, Game of Thrones, Collective Game, Turtle Quest, A Song of Ice and Fire, Not One Step Back2012-06-17 11 
19516448Mass Effect Quest Part 10Geronimo and Emily head to a dive bar known as the Hangman's Noose in search of the Krogan. A plot against the Blue Suns is discovered and an all out merc war may be imminent. Regal shows up and starts heading for the Blood Pack mercs...Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Geronimo, Emily, Karri, Briggs, Illusive Man2012-06-17 2 
19516190House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 3Donatello meets Syrio Forel, the heir to House Dannett is discovered, and fighting in the streets of King's LandingGame of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, Collective Game, Turtle Quest, House Bulwark, Not One Step Back2012-06-18 7 
19517496Spacefarer QuestWe are Nelson Capiello, the captain of a small general purpose ship "Chrysoprase" which we use to do various of odd jobs. We arrive at a space station orbiting the planet Menvalle and quickly find a job to transport two doctors to the planetside to help with the relief but something about this job doesn't add up... Also, CirrusandN needs an intervention.Spacefarer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, CirrusandN2012-06-18 6 
19535479Napoleonic Commander Quest 3Finish up festivities in Quent, moved on to Tarwood. Then back to Finnsfjord to make sure our moustache stayed immaculate. Napoleonic Commander Quest, Quest, Moustache2012-06-19 6 
19544423For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run CampaignWe launch our newly fixed ship on a campaign in the Smugglers run and test out the new deployment map. Then we get smashed by Bounty Hunters and have to get repairs.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Bounty Hunters,2012-06-20 12 
19543603House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 4Orten accuses the Bulwarks of murder, Lord Bulwark duels Ser Naton, and Thoros of Myr wields the Fire SwordGame of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, Collective Game, Turtle Quest, House Bulwark, Not One Step Back2012-06-20 7 
19566657House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 5April Bulwark is a homicidal tsundere, Arya comes to visit, and Donatello hires Gendry. Good bye canon!Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, Collective Game, Turtle Quest, House Bulwark, Not One Step Back2012-06-21 6 
19570091Spacefarer Quest, Part 2We escape the Connollys, formulate a plan to take out the last target with a bang, and learn some more about Yulia and Olga. They sound like excellent allies...Collective Game, Spacefarer Quest, CirrusandN2012-06-22 7 
19580181House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 6Arya and April run around House Bulwark and annoy a farmerGame of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, Collective Game, Turtle Quest, House Bulwark, Not One Step Back2012-06-22 7 
19592149Primordial evo game. Southern caves.We plunge into the complex cave systems underneath the surface of the southern continent. Nightmare fuel ensues.Primordial, evo game, Collective Game, emils, raga, hoppa, geist, fus, inoglund, fren, cedya, wirm2012-06-25 1 
19637303For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 2A colony is liberated and we move on with our long term mission.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Bounty Hunters,2012-06-27 14 
19655071Mahou Shounen Quest 141You didn't think it would be that easy, did you? Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Congratulations! You just won a lifetime subscription to MAD magazine.2012-06-28 10 
19656383Mahou Shounen Quest 141.5Continuation of the thread that sunk due to board maintenance. NOTHING IS AS EASY AS IT SEEMSCollective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Congratulations! You just won a lifetime subscription to MAD magazine.2012-06-28 10 
July 2012
19725124For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 3After blasting our way through another ship graveyard we lay claim to some vessels that should serve us well. Provided we can get them fixed.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines,2012-07-04 14 
19736692Steampunk Raider Civilization GameIn a world full of steampunk, Lucius Black unites the desert people into a band of pyromaniac raiders. Surprisingly little leather.Collective Game, Civ Game, Civilization, Civ, steampunk, Lucius Black2012-07-05 3 
19741278Zerg Quest XCIIFollowing the crossover and a major battle, the Swarm discusses its future. Also, Zerg World.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Major surgery, Daddy issues, Zerg World, Amusement park IN SPACE2012-07-05 7 
19767602Game of Thrones Quest IVThe mystery-plot thickens a bit, we meet Davos, and that Tourney of Vines finally starts.Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, House Karban2012-07-07 27 
19777016Game of Thrones Quest IV LifeboatThe tourney continues after the old thread began to autosage, and we are busy being pretty good at the joust, and we knock Robert Baratheon off a horse with a stick.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-07 27 
19776262Spacefarer Quest, Episode 3We start the day asking Olga questions, went to a party, meet Emmy, accepted a new job, and then went back to Olga to buy our new gear.Collective Game, Spacefarer Quest, CirrusandN2012-07-08 11 
19751693Fortune: Evolution Game - Discussion Thread 9Not all of the discussion threads for this game are worth archiving here, but some pretty nifty ideas are dropped here, enough that it was worth preserving here for posterity. Why bluegrass is blue is explained, and the idea of a microscopic episode of Fortune evolution is proffered. Slow moving but interesting read. Note: As it is not part of the game proper, the tag of Collective game is not applied to this thread. The exclusion of this tag will also serve as "advertisement" in a sense to those who browse suptg, as we welcome new players. Browse this thread, see if the game grabs you. No prior knowledge is necessary to play, so if you like it, come on in!Fortune Evolution, evolution, evo, game, discussion thread, microscopic, bluegrass, namefags, science, biology, technobabble2012-07-08 2 
19808531Chapter Quest Spin-Off II: PrisonerAfter the boarding action against Adeptus Sororitas Brother Montus is mistakenly listed as MIA in by his brothers while in truth he is taken prisoner. He there meets Sister Judith with whom he gets bonded in a very strange way... No, it's not a fapfic.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Spin-Off, Adeptus Sororitas, brother, sister, prisoner, Big Daddy, torture, neuro-whip2012-07-10 11 
19806906For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 4As we make progress along the run it looks like the locals are battening down the hatches in hopes of waiting this one out.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-07-10 12 
19811519Palantir MaceGuys! Hey listen! Guys! What if, right, what if...we use the Palantir as the head of a mace!pcs, chaotic stupid, stupid pcs, artifacts, magic item, creative magic item usage 2012-07-10 15 
19817308Guardsman Quest: The fight for Amerigo SecondusIn this quest we take the role on the role of Fineas Edward Line, minor noble man and all around suave motherfucker. The planet gets handed over to the Tau by Governor nixon and Fineas sets off on a quest to defeat the Tau. He meats a gang of feline abhumans, gets recruited by an inquisitor and has nightmares while he's awake.Collective_Game, 40K, Imperial_Guard, Guardsman_Quest, Amerigo_Scondus, Tau, Catgirls, Heresy, Inquisition, Pancakes2012-07-11 10 
19837339Game of Thrones Quest VWe complete the Tourney of the Vines, nearly die, and investigate the happenings on the bitch front.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-12 27 
19833002Chapter Quest Spin-Off III: Chasing Dark EldarBrother Montus and Sister Judith are sent with a strike force of Adeptus Sororitas to the Feudal World of Lituanica to stop the Dark Eldar slaver party. Everything goes better than expected, until they get into an ambush... The events that follow end the quest in a place a lot further away from monastery than anyone thought, A LOT FURTHER.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Spin-Off, Adeptus Sororitas, brother, sister, prisoner, Big Daddy, Dark Eldar, Feudal world, webway, Commoragh, slaves, rape, Sororitas2012-07-12 10 
19846606Game of Thrones Quest VI!We dig deeper into the whole mystery deal and talk to the Lady Jeyne, a secretive information broker in Saltmouth about many topics.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-12 22 
19853151Game of Thrones Quest VI and 1/2We start uncovering the true working of the Clawwater wine smuggling ring, and do awesome shit.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-13 27 
19897335Boone Quest Episode 13In which our heroes attempt vehicular homicide on a rogue psyker, recruit an Emperor-fearing mutant soldier, and unearth Demogirl.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus2012-07-16 27 
19898022Game of Thrones Quest VIIAfter months of investigating, we finally bring the hammer down on House Clawwater, and find that things are darker and more tragic than they first appear.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-16 23 
19910719Game of Thrones Quest VIIIWe deal with the aftermath of the invasion of Clawwater lands, clean up the debris left over, and make a startling discovery.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-17 22 
19915412Game of Thrones Quest VIII and 1/2The DM launches a lifeboat after the thread starts autosaging, we bury some Wildfire in a cave, and get part of our reward before the trial begins.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-17 26 
19926436Movies improved with OrkzTake the last movie you saw, replace actors with Orkz, ..., profitOrkz, Prometheus, Waaagh2012-07-18 11 
19923842For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 5The adventure continues as local Pirates and Mercs prepare an all out counter attack to kick us out of the run.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-07-18 15 
19954516Game of Thrones Quest IXWe deal with lady troubles, the trial of the Clawwaters, and many questions about bannermen.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-20 24 
19959122Game of Thrones Quest IX and 1/2The trial finishes up, more problems with bitches, and we finally get the fuck back home.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-20 23 
19982405Lady Robot Master Quest GaidenWhat starts as Abandoned Quest Maker Quest somehow gets re-railed to rebooting Lady Robot Master Quest.megaman, quest, collective game, blade woman, mass effect, deus ex, bizarro2012-07-22 7 
19993725The Ponyverse is horrifying/tg/ has a reasonable discussion about My Little Pony, mostly picking out the implications of horrifying classism and how Celestia has apparently designed her own Orwellian utopia (because it actually works)My Little Pony, civil discussion, how is this even happening2012-07-22 36 
20019202For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 6We learn of limitations on Holographic cloaking yet it doesn't stop us from terrorizing parts of the station. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-07-25 22 
20031398Magical Girl Noir Quest 20A heavily buzzed magical girl has girl trouble with a past friend, current roommate, and new coworker.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey, midori, soul gem, Cripple Jousting2012-07-25 38 
20060801Game of Thrones Quest XWe finally head home after our time away, and try and get shit shorted.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-28 24 
20067945Game of Thrones Quest X and 1/2We get our house in order and get ready for MAD MONEY jousting tourney!Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, House Karban, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire2012-07-28 23 
20102946Soviet Tank Commander Quest Pt 4You are a Mikhail Krasnov, T-80 tank commander - The Cold War is about to go hot, with US + Russian ships sunk in the Black Sea, and war between the GermanysCollective Game, Quest, Soviet, Tank, Commander Quest, Commander, 2, glorious, worker, republic, capitalist pigs2012-07-31 1 
20107372Commoragh Quest VTonight in the very special adult night episode of Commoragh Quest: will Xynthia let Montus lick her toenails? Stay tuned and find out!Commoragh Quest V Chapter Master Montus2012-07-31 0 
20108717Mahou Shounen Quest 163Combat cook-off against Gordon Ramsay. We show Mio our stuff. She makes her move, we make ours. NO FRANK NOOOOOOOOO!Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, I bet you only hate this because people told you to2012-07-31 6 
August 2012
20115334Chapter Quest XXIVChapter Master fights Men of Iron AI inside Reaver Titan 'Imperator Invictus'.heinous warp entity Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Men of Iron, DAoT, Invasion, Grand Strategy2012-08-01 5 
20120029Blue and the Scraplootas - Part 4In which the Scraplootas, the Orks who found and raised Blue, the awesome spanna grot (Tau), are developed and made into a fuck-awesome tribeTau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Gretchin, Squig Drone, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, muckin' about, grots, CODORKS GORKAMORKA, Dokta Grotapus2012-08-01 11 
20117414For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 7We remove out a secret passageway through the minefield, then our first attempt at convoy escort gets off to a rocky start.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice,2012-08-01 12 
20129547Blue and the Scraplootas: Part 5The Scraplootas, Blue's adoptive Ork tribe, are further developed. Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Gretchin, Squig Drone, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, Titanocracy, At This Point The Scraplootas Are Just As Interesting As Blue, Boris2012-08-01 8 
20134147Game of Thrones Quest XIClawwater girls are still down but we don't despair. Winter is Coming so we upgrade our small city and build some silos and junk. Get swarmed with letters from everyone, oh and the huge tracts of land came to visit.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, House Karban, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire2012-08-02 25 
20135447The Fair Folk Chapter 5We still have no idea what's going on, but now we're smearing murderblood on the moon.Fair folk, Sketchy, Papa Silenus, Collective Game2012-08-02 10 
20140791Game of Thrones Quest XI and 1/2The lifeboat is launched as the Cargill visit proceeds apace, we finally figure out what to do with those new islands, grant Ser Crane a great gift, and hear wedding bells in the distance.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-08-02 24 
20208251Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 5TONIGHT: Master goes on a date, Rider gets hot and bothered, and we meet the biggest dick in human history.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-08-07 7 
20210395Game of Thrones Quest XIIRulership continues, with questions asked and answered. Also, prolonged debate over just what we should be taking into our marital bed.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-08-07 23 
20218233Game of Thrones Quest XII and 1/2The lifeboat deploys, and some serious work and discussion gets underway. It ends when OP becomes tired and heads to bed after answering a pile of questions. Also: We need to get laid.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-08-07 25 
20222981For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 8Fencing and laser tag are a prelude to an economic catastrophe we may have inadvertently set in motion. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-08-08 14 
20263992Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 7We steal some hinges, blow up a horse, break glass, fire Five Rounds Rapid, and finally EGO gets his wish. But STILL no hips moving by themselves.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate Stay Night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-08-11 5 
20289345Warhammer 40k: Heretical Love 2, Electric BoogalooThe SequelWarhammer, 40k, quest, heretical love, heretical love 2, papa-n, heresy, quest thread, warhammer 40k, writefaggotry, max decarus 2012-08-12 39 
20318722For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 9The squadron takes it first real loss and we decide the fate of our allied House.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-08-15 14 
20333341Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 8We meet the best damn foul-mouthed, chain-smoking airship pilot this side of Gaia, visit the Troll Emperor of Phallomancer-kind, and contemplate causing Angel Notes by accident.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-08-16 5 
20338053Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 2Michael makes it a point to avoid any situation that might compromise his identity and we find a few things to do. MEQ2 , The Illusive Man, Michael Clairmont, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Mass Effect Quest, Bob Drake, Oolot, Switch2012-08-16 6 
20359874Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 3We had out into the Traverse and kill some pirates, the reign of Barnacle Bob, King of Pirates begins. We get two new crew members, Sushoo the Hanar Chef and Rin a Quarian Mechanic.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-18 5 
20388541Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 9We learn things about Arry, get bothered by someone who comes a-knocking, send him heading west, and plan a safari.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-08-20 6 
20386688Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 4We return to planet Benning and have a proposition from a certain Cerberus operative. We decide to make a deal with the devil.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-20 6 
20415181Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 10More for the Butcher's Bill, Stealing armor, messages written with bullets, Roofie Landmines, and lots and lots of rain.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-08-22 5 
20412936For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 10While looking for guns for our ship we stumble upon a planetary civil war. Rather than nuke the site from orbit we call for some Merc assistance. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-08-22 13 
20433929Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Crunch Session #1A little plot, a few brainstorms.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-23 2 
20434992Game of Thrones Quest XIII TeaserThe OP finally reappears after nearly two weeks in captivity. Minor events are kicked off, people complain a bit, and then OP runs off to sleep after promising a pastebin update and more time.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-08-23 25 
20457019Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 5Michael takes the crew into the Erebus system, we defeat a small wolfpack of Blue Suns ships, Cerberus decides maybe we're not as worthless as originally believed and an few old faces make an appearance. MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-25 5 
20476321Corruption of Champions: ANGER EDITIONIn which a young Angry Marine and Musclewizard by the name of ANGER boldly strides into a new world, to cast Fist upon heretical abominations in the Emperors name.Corruption of Champions: Knighthood, Angry Marine, Collective Game, CoC, Corruption of Champions, SPACE MARINE , 40K, Emperor, Muscle Wizard2012-08-26 21 
20482318Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 6The crew of the MSV I<3Ponies bonds a little bit, we head to the Citadel and try to recruit the lovely Dr. Kelisa Janios, Berto the Biotic with a God Complex makes his first appearance and knocks it out of the park thanks to an Anon.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-27 7 
20496499Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 11We fight with the Devil, lose faith and plot revenge. Also, David still has CLASSnasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-08-28 5 
20509357For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 11Testing to see if battle plans ever survive first contact with the enemy.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, 2012-08-29 15 
20534293Game of Thrones Quest XIVThe Redwynes swing through, the normal thursday schedule picks up again, and we dive back into politics, investigation, and bitch-hunting. Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-08-31 32 
20534202Lost Future Quest Part 10: Gone with the WindClarke just wants to watch the goddamn thunderstorm, is that too much to ask? Also, we meet Hoss, the Doc Smartgunner, and consider what to do with the deactivated Garry and his ill-gotten swag.Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Lost Future, Quest, Righteous Beatdown2012-08-31 12 
September 2012
20544549Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 12The Student has become the Master, traumatized Servants, and Luke getting tackled by a kuuderenasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-09-01 8 
20567247Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 7We recruit Dr. Janios, introduce our crew to roleplaying games in the most meta thing to happen in this quest so far and head to Kahje to see about getting a Drell crewmen.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-09-02 5 
20576660Elder Scrolls Lore DiscussionA trip into the crazy world of the Elder Scrolls. I am and I are all we, /tg/.Elder Scrolls, Lore Discussion, TES, CHIM, Amaranth, Vivec, Lorkhan, lore2012-09-03 8 
20596712For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 12End of our adventures in the Smugglers Run if all things come together. Rapidly turns into Indecision 4024.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, power armor2012-09-05 14 
20601229Squat Crusade: The MusicalThe first adventure of the last squats in the galaxy rebuilding their race as told by Shas'o R'ymr.Shas'o R'ymr, Squat Crusade: The Musical, Squat Crusade2012-09-05 15 
20600811Engine Heart with ViralIt's Engine Heart. With Viral, some story tiem, and other hilarity and hijinxEngine, Heart, Artifice, Robot, Wall-e, cute, no people, machines, terminator, Anonymous Prime2012-09-06 7 
20634385Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 8We recruit a Drell bodyguard and head to Thessia to investigate some missing art.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-09-08 5 
20653467My (Necron) ImmortalA reimagining of My Immortal as a Necron fanficnecron My_Immortal Phaeron_Phaussett Ekhbeni Drakh'nezh Dimmensha Rhavenn Stormlord2012-09-09 35 
20659109Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 9We investigate The Demon of the Night Winds exhibit, we meet Phora the Justicar, and survive yet another huge explosion.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-09-10 5 
20690875Squat Crusade Part 2More poor decisions. More burned fate. The Ancestors put these guys in charge? They must be crazy.Shas'o R'ymr, Squat Crusade: The Musical, Squat Crusade2012-09-12 10 
20685810For House and Dominion: Wing Commander We get down to work setting our new wing in order. Ships are requisitioned, equipment recovered and kayaks paddled.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, management2012-09-12 21 
2069291440k - The End DaysA Writefag pens his thoughts on the End of the Imperium as we know itwritefaggotry, 40k, End Times, Horus, The Emperor2012-09-12 12 
20710103TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume SixThe writefaggotry continues, with orcs, necromancy, and a spot of political and economical discussion.harem, knights, waifus, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, harem knights, monstergirls, elf ears2012-09-14 12 
2072427040k End Times- Part 2The honorable Writefag wat continues his tale of the End of the Imperium as we know it.writefaggotry, 40k, End Times, Horus, The Emperor2012-09-15 3 
20726261Lady Robot Master Quest Part 22In which we deal with Plant Man, Bright Man, and briefly discuss traps and Stalker hypotheses.megaman, quest, collective game, blade woman, bright man, plant man, traps illustrated2012-09-15 3 
20722412TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume SevenThis time we delve into the workings of magic, the aftermath of the Ork invasion, and much more.harem, knights, waifus, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, harem knights, monstergirls, elf ears2012-09-15 11 
20745669Mass Effect Quest Part 10We manage to get back to the ship and are gonna have to make a decision about our mental health.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-09-16 5 
20740292TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume EightThe waifu train has no brakes. The death of the Knight-Sergeant, and other stories.harem, knights, waifus, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, harem knights, monstergirls, elf ears2012-09-16 9 
20751885Squat Crusade: Cities of GoldEpisode 3 of Squat Crusade finds the last squats in the galaxy looting a city of gold, and pissing off a VERY ancient enemy.Squat Crusade, 40k, Squats2012-09-17 6 
20751328TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume Nine.Stories of the knights continue. Fencing, a diplomatic incident, and Harbringer pisses of the Fae.harem, knights, waifus, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, harem knights, monstergirls, elf ears2012-09-17 10 
20762850TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume TenMostly Worldbuilding with lighthearted fare. Scottish Rabbit-folk are detailed. Harbinger has a slice of life moment.harem, knights, waifus, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, harem knights, monstergirls, elf ears, fey, bunny girls2012-09-18 10 
20773984For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 2After a mad scramble from the bar to the front lines we're forced to dance with transport ships flying faster than light. Concept work begins on FTL weapons.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, FTL, dancing, party, ball2012-09-19 17 
20779653Succubus QuestPlay as a Succubus. Disregard humans, acquire souls.Succubus Quest, Succubus, Revulvael, Gepette2012-09-19 39 
20791525Zerg Quest CIVBoarding actions against the Xel'Naga begin, despite petty arguing. That's cool, I was playing StarFox for that part.Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Xel'Naga, Fabulous math, Throw zerglings at your problems, They're in the ceilings!2012-09-20 7 
20798635Ork Musical TheatreWhat starts with a conversion of the Rick Roll opens the box to other Orkified songs...Orks, Space Orks, Warhammer 40k, Music, Original Content, OC, Theatre2012-09-20 8 
20802078Boone quest FifteenWe head out to the scholam and break in, searching for the last batch of clues.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, raege2012-09-21 26 
20813165TeeGee Harem Knights, Vol. 14More writefaggotry, a few ghouls, battle tactics, and castle designs await you in this installment of Harem Knights.Harem Knights, Ears, writefaggotry, Waifus, ear rub, worldbuilding2012-09-22 8 
20824331The Iron CrusadeWhat starts of as a mediocre Chapter Generation Thread become awesome, when we roll Crusading Iron Hand descendants, searching for The Grail, which will revive the lost heroes of the past!The Iron Crusade, The Iron Blades, Iron Hands, Deathwatch, Rites of Battle, Crusaders, Bard2012-09-23 14 
20828926TeeGee Harem Knights, Vol. 15NRF Uniform talk (now with template!), adorable slice of life, and an Interview with a Fey Lord.Harem Knights, Ears, writefaggotry, Waifus, ear rub, worldbuilding2012-09-24 5 
20860329Boone Quest Episode 16Boone regroups with the rest of the squad to new upgrades and party members before returning to the mining facility. Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, raege2012-09-25 27 
20866010For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 3Ballroom edition 2 (Continued). Its difficult to Ballroom harder when people are pointing guns at you.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, FTL, dancing, party, ball, mecha2012-09-26 26 
20871106Succubus Quest 2: Succ HarderContinuing Adventures of Revulvael and Crew.Revulael, Succubus Quest, Gepette, Succubus2012-09-26 35 
20866609TeeGee Harem Knights, Vol. 17Joint stories and new characters emerge, GearHeart writes eroticaHarem Knights, Ears, writefaggotry, Waifus, ear rub, worldbuilding, TeeGee, Colective story time,2012-09-27 5 
October 2012
20961599For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 4We set out to rally friendly forces to help retake our ships. If only we knew who to help first.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, management2012-10-03 16 
21035897Magic: the BeareningAn anon posts some bearly editted token. /tg/ exercises it's right to bear arms and signs up for the oncoming bearpocalypseMagic, mtg, bears, custom cards, Magic: the Bearening, awesome, 2012-10-08 9 
21044136Lich's Employee Quest pt 8Sir Daniel goes south and deals with Salin, the illusionist.skeleton quest, Hydra, Salin, illusions, feels2012-10-09 11 
21081671The Journal of Grask HarnlinOne Imperial Guardsman's journal during the campaign known only as The Grand Shitstorm of Olenus Primaris. Brought to you by the OP of the original Olenus Primaris thread.The Grand Shitstorm of Olenus Primaris, Imperial Guard, writefaggotry,2012-10-12 3 
21086750The Grand Shitstorm of Olenus Primaris, part 3In which the Imperial Forces rally, are ferociously attacked, and rally again. With a pocket full of shells.40k, Olenus Primaris Campaign2012-10-12 2 
21103715Friday Night DeckplansHelpful fa/tg/uys provide us with many, many, many spaceship floorplans for scifi use.deckplan, Scifi, useful2012-10-13 1 
21086394TeeGee Harem Knights Vol. 25More succubus shenanigans and slavers take Shacklebane's eyeHarem Knights, Ears, writefaggotry, Waifus, ear rub, worldbuilding, TeeGee, Colective story time, monstergirls2012-10-14 1 
21132374Different 40KA shitty ‘what if’ thread takes a turn for the Sbemailtastic.Warhammer 40K, Derail, Strong Bad, Sbemail, Homestar Runner, Musical2012-10-15 14 
21114952Olenus Primaris VThe thrilling conclusion... or is it?Olenus Primaris, gangaglay, imperial2012-10-15 3 
21152374For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 5We continue our attempts to rally friendly forces and get some practice both on and off the ship.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, 2012-10-17 18 
21164426Revolutio Daedali; Revolution and industry in the Ancient WorldIn the effort to be a positive influence on his little brother, the OP of this thread decided to craft a homebrew setting based on an alternate vision of the Ancient World in the throes of an industrial, political, and social revolution, brought on by the inventions of Daedalus.Setting, Homebrew, Ancient, Ancients, Rome, Greece, Macydonia, Egypt, Industrial, Revolution, Worldbuilding, world building, The Archivist2012-10-17 28 
21181500Lich's Employee Quest pt 15Daniel joins a Crusade with his apprentices, but not to kill, but to end it.skeleton quest, crusades, death, war, justice2012-10-19 13 
21238842Princess Game DiscussionFollow up to the "Choose Your Princess" thread to discuss potential /tg/ creations.Princesses, Story Time, Discussion, Game Creation2012-10-23 5 
21241405Mage Quest: PrologueYou are a mage, you were were born into a world where the gods have been dead for as long as anyone can remember. Your mother was a Witch and a Seer she raised you and foretold 3 prophecies on her deathbed in the hopes that she would be able to help you make your way in the world. So far you've managed to save a group of refugees from slavers and make contact with plane touched gypsies. Mage_Quest. Collective_Game, Quest, Go_Fuck_Youself_Churl2012-10-23 7 
21258695Boone Quest 17We finally activate our coin necklace, and battle a giant Heretek.Collective Game, Boone, Boone Quest, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, raege, boss fight2012-10-24 27 
21255552For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 6Adventures continue aboard the TCS Loreto as the team fights it way to one of the control centers. How will the AI problem be dealt with? Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Stealth, Power Armor, AI2012-10-24 13 
21277183ElysiaQuestYou are a fully sentient Machine Spirit, but you are still "shackled". You have little experience with the world but you are ancient and the secrets hidden with you are precious to many...40k, Warhammer 40k, Adeptus Mechanicus, ElysiaQuest2012-10-25 11 
21356417For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 7Efforts to retake the Loreto ratchet up while time begins to run out. We also test out the Fusion Gun. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Stealth, Power Armor, AI2012-10-31 13 
November 2012
21391043Dread storytimeIn which a mental facility is set on fire, demons attack a jail, and a jenga tower remains standingWaffle House Millionaire, storytime2012-11-02 7 
21445029The Tale of an Industrious RogueGM tells a story about the business exploits of his players, and the crazy plans they made.Industrious Rogue, Pathfinder, Storytime, DM Kroft, Salt, Business, Dreams2012-11-05 231 
21450320Zerg Quest CXDespite what you may have heard, this is not thread 10. I know; it surprised me, too.Cerebrate Anon, Collective Game, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Number Confusion, Sexy Learning Disability, There goes that impressive Protoss fleet, There goes that impressive Zerg fleet, There goes...I'm seeing a pattern here2012-11-06 6 
21460436Monster GuardOP's intent is a thread where /tg/ pretends to be the monster under the bed. Due to OP's image selection, it turns into something darker, where the monster under the bed (and in the closet!) defends the child from abusive parents. OP returns, decides to reveal his writefag power level... and makes a setting out of this concept.Homebrew, original content, crunchless fluff, world building, monsters, nightmares, abuse, child, children, The Archivist2012-11-06 21 
21451889Lots of Interesting Hard Science Fantasy Setting IdeasArchmage Galileo Galilei invents the telescope, and immediately uses it for line-of-sight teleportation to the Moonsetting idea, alternate magic uses, magitech, hard science fantasy, science fantasy2012-11-07 6 
21462792For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 7Return to the Yineput system as we get down to business in a system wide fleet engagement.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-11-07 18 
21487311The Boys in Grey Quest 2 EndThe conclusion of the Hollin Apartments haunting. Ghostbusters, Quest2012-11-09 2 
21492704Saint Elegius, the Relic HammerWelder Anon discovers an ancient relic and embarks on an epic quest to forge a legendary hammer. In real life.Epic, Real Life, Elegius, Artifact, Metalworking2012-11-09 69 
21531655Crusader Quest: Chapter One, the taking of DamascusYou are William MacMahon of the Knights Hospitaller, and your day starts with the seizure and sack of Damascus.Ridire, Crusader Quest2012-11-12 11 
21553234Crusader Quest: Chapter TwoWilliam MacMahon continues to do his duty to God.Ridire, Crusader Quest, Collective Game2012-11-13 5 
21555916Zerg Quest CXICyberbrate thrusts its Love Muffins into an opening in the Xel'Naga's...sexual-sounding military term. I can't be clever all the time. Make your own innuendo. Call it mad-libs or something, I don't know.Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Xel'Naga, Glorious combat, screaming brainhurts, psionic migraine, PORTENT2012-11-13 10 
21566706For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 9Striking out into nearby sectors we start searching for resources to help keep the fleet in operation.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2012-11-14 16 
21614755Tank Witches Quest '89 1Bad news, followed by worse news, followed by recon and stealing explosives!Strike Witches, Army, Tanks, TW89, Collective Game, Tank Witches Quest, MightyM0use2012-11-17 22 
21626407Crusader Quest: Chapter ThreeWe meet William MacMahon's father.Ridire, Crusader Quest, Collective Game2012-11-18 5 
21637596Crusader Quest: Chapter FourWilliam MacMahon defeats an army and meets a king. Or three.Ridire, Crusader Quest, Collective Game2012-11-18 5 
21643172Kamen Rider Henshin - the Tokusatsu RPGAn anon posts about his work for a Kamen Rider-inspired game, and takes on a nick. Much discussion of game mechanics and potential design takes place within.Kamen Rider, Design, Homebrew, Tokusatsu, Faggot Rider, roll202012-11-19 5 
21660129Boone Quest 18In which our heroes finally achieve Krieger Hug.Collective Game, Boone, Boone Quest, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, raege, krieger2012-11-20 30 
21662853Old Man Henderson ReduxA screencaps thread turns into a retelling of Old Man Henderson by another of the playersstorytime, crazy shit, Old Man Henderson, Waffle House Millionaire, Cthulhu, plot derailment2012-11-20 27 
21677377Zerg Quest CXIISomebody has already summarized this entire thread by saying, "shit just got real."Starcraft, Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Collective Game, Zeratul, Xel'Naga, Nukes, Irreparable harm, here's us on the raggedy edge, /tg/ dice, the dice hate you2012-11-21 10 
21645749VeloCITY ReloadedInterest in the /tg/ homebrew game "VeloCITY" is rekindled. Archived for posterity and information.VeloCITY, The Wind in Your Hair, /tg/, homebrew, discussion, Jet Set Radio, Tony Hawk, Air Gear, parkour, freerunning, rollerblade, skateboard, bike2012-11-21 5 
21680615Crusader Quest: Chapter FiveEdessa, a duel, and plotting. Also, OP was a faggot and passed out.Ridire, Crusader Quest, Collective Game2012-11-21 5 
21672766For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 10Unsatisfied with the prospect of mere front line combat we sign on to do another special mission for the Rovinar. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2012-11-22 16 
21692073Crusader Quest: Chapter SixIn which there is a battle, and MacMahon flusters a goddess.Ridire, Crusader Quest, Collective Game2012-11-22 3 
21723467Crusader Quest Chapter SixYou are continuing to prove a source of frustration for goddesses.Ridire, Crusader Quest, Collective Game2012-11-24 3 
21733324Tank Witches Quest '89 2Technical issues, followed by cityfighting! YAAAAYStrike Witches 1989, Army, Tanks, TW89, Collective Game, Tank Witches Quest, MightyM0use2012-11-25 22 
21777327For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 11We resume our search for missing crewmen starting with a planet with a name that sounds like torture.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Hassan2012-11-28 16 
21798595Astartes MafiusThat's a nice planet you have there..It would be a shame if any heretical rumors were to reach the Inquisition40k, space marines, adeptus mafius2012-11-29 22 
December 2012
21840743Tank Witches Quest '89 3Starting with amazing breakfast, ending with briefing, ROUNDED OFF WITH FUUUHHHTTBAAAWWWLLLLStrike Witches 1989, Army, Tanks, TW89, Collective Game, Tank Witches Quest, MightyM0use2012-12-02 25 
21869883Paladin: The Redemption Are you a bad enough dude to hold back the night in the World of Darkness? Listen to the Music and get ready to quest. Onwards, my brothers!World of Darkness, Paladin The Redemption, Paladin, Splat, The Music, Quest, Vimes2012-12-04 31 
21901987First Post QuestWe are dead. We are hell's soldier. We can change our soul body. We changed into a naga with a snakedick named Sly and sword waifu.Collective Game, FPQ, snakedicks, sword waifus2012-12-05 13 
21887708For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 12Two weeks on the road eventually lead back to combat along side our Wing. In a shocking display players turn down a boarding action for the right reasons.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2012-12-06 23 
21931774Magical Girl Noir Quest 69An alarmed and green magical girl does her best to handle the situation.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, Souji, Misaka, Faust,2012-12-07 37 
21941314Crusader Quest: Chapter 7.2There is a shopping trip, and a hospital visit.Ridire, Crusader Quest, Collective Game2012-12-08 3 
21952184Tank Witches Quest '89 4Fightan with Special Forces! Executan Witches! Not staran at boobs! Strike Witches 1989, Army, Tanks, TW89, Collective Game, Tank Witches Quest, MightyM0use2012-12-09 22 
21960657Magical Girl Noir Quest 70An apprehensive green haired magical girl talks with an eldritch abomination and begins her rescue mission.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Faust, Misaka2012-12-09 37 
21990954Let's Make a MechEverything starts off alright, we start to create a pretty boss mech, then suddenly russia gets involved and starts developing it's own mech. Hilarity insues.Mech, robots, russia, funny, collective game2012-12-11 8 
21995661For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 13Back on campaign trail we begin looking for resources to keep our fleet in operation.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-12-12 15 
21945938Primordial Evo: Return to South Discussion ThreadWrapping up some loose ends from West, and planning the return to Central.Collective Game, Discussion, Primordial, Evolution, South, Continent2012-12-13 1 
22021634Oinkbane The Wereboar AssassinA GM declares the genius of a wereboar assassin. And thus Oinkbane is born. His tactics are too subtle for you.Hilarious Wereboar Oinkbane Assassin Funny Tactics Subtle2012-12-13 47 
22034277Demon Lord Succubi Quest - Part 2This adventure our "Hero" figures out how to use his brand new powers! ...And also poke at his dead body.Succubus, Quest, post apocalyptic, Demon, Winter2012-12-14 11 
22037196College Necromancy CoursesIn which advice is asked regarding the nature of and concepts for college-level courses on necromancy in a biased world.undead, necromancy, ideas, university, discussion, philosophy2012-12-14 1 
22044002Tank Witches Quest '89 5Let's see, combat is scary, girls are worried, Wittmann is a bitch. yep, sums it up.Strike Witches 1989, Army, Tanks, TW89, Collective Game, Tank Witches Quest, MightyM0use2012-12-15 22 
22094978Succbus Lord QuestJoin Brooklyn as he goes to a bathhouse, gets a date, finds lackies, and talks to the alcoholic Reaper! Succubus, Quest, post apocalyptic, Demon, Winter, Collective Game2012-12-18 14 
22112102Succbus Lord Quest Part 4Brooklyn defeats the Science Lords, goes on a date, and visits the Queens with Mina.Succubus, Quest, post apocalyptic, Demon, Winter, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest2012-12-19 21 
22146679/tg/ Prophesizes their OWN end-of-the-world/tg/ bands together with an ancient evil, a virgin, a dog, a half-fae catboy, akuuuuuu, and for some reason michael bay to end all timemayan calendar, end of the world, lol, lulz, funny, humourous indeed, greentext, foolish samurai warrior2012-12-21 14 
22157399Tank Witches Quest '89 6In which we fly to France, and get some awesome and or bad news. You decide!Strike Witches 1989, Army, Tanks, TW89, Collective Game, Tank Witches Quest, MightyM0use2012-12-22 22 
22163212Succubus Lord Quest Part 5Join Brooklyn as he has a tea party to begin corrupting the local noble girls AND learn how to spell Succubus!Succubus, Quest, post apocalyptic, Demon, Winter, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest2012-12-23 20 
22174357Crusader Quest: Chapter EightNo politicking, no fighting, no romancing. There is gyro and a play.Ridire, Crusader Quest, Collective Game2012-12-23 0 
22184178Scriptarius Christmas Thread VScriptarius returns one last time for the final annual xmas thread with a gingerbread Baneblade.Scriptarius, Christmas, gingerbread, conversion, 40k2012-12-23 22 
22181221Succubi Lord Quest Part 5In which we shit bricks, and the loom of fate does not tell us when we can slap succubuttsuccubus, quest, lord, post apocalyptic2012-12-23 12 
22196284Safehouse QuestSafehouse Fag takes /tg/ on a magical adventure of sewer people surviving a zombie apocalypse.Safehouse Quest, Collective Game2012-12-24 5 
22230528Discolich, Part IIIOP posts the latest version of /tg/'s latest project, and musicbro turns up with more of the soundtrackDisco Lich, Neon Skull, Neon, Skull, Game, vidya, platform, music, soundtrack, lich2012-12-27 14 
22261914 Succubi Lord Quest: Part 7Join us for a flashback where we play as Demon Queen Miyu, Demon of SCIENCE!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, mad science, SCIENCE!2012-12-28 20 
22257720/tg/ gets depressedOP inquires about how to roleplay depression. /tg/ reveals all its angst, misery and emptiness in response.depression, depressing, sad, melancholy, oh god what, why, roleplay, game ideas, discussion2012-12-29 12 
22286905Rule 63 Harry Potter/tg/ examines what the Potterverse might be like in a genderswapped world. Discussion and laughs ensue.rule 63, Harry Potter, discussion2012-12-30 10 
22271004Neon Skull thread 4The game is pushed further, into a driving minigame, and musicbro takes requests while OP is asleep. Neon Skull, Discolich, retro, game, 8bit, platform, music, soundtrack, 2012-12-31 8 
January 2013
22328448Crusader Quest Chapter NineMC presides over a conclave of Knight-Brothers. There's an eulogy.Ridire, Crusader Quest, Collective Game2013-01-01 0 
22316221Succubus Lord Quest Part 8The trilling conclusion of Miyu's flashback and followed by Mina stealing Brooklyn's innocence.Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, mad science, SCIENCE!, post apocalyptic, winter2013-01-01 20 
22368848Succubus Lord Quest Part 9Brooklyn goes out on his date with the twins and the Demon Lord comes to town!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-01-04 23 
22393171Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 11We leave get our swag on, bed our first Asari, and finally meet Mr. N7.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2013-01-05 4 
22418098Tank Witches Quest '89 7New witches! Theories on our troopers! French cuisine!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-01-06 22 
22432170Banhammer ask tg for custom classesAnd then doodles themcustom game creation classes banhammer banhammer40kun2013-01-07 7 
22433122Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 12We complete insertion onto the planets surface. Sel shows us she can handle ourself, we encounter a crazy redheaded woman ranting about Gods that Cerberus was trying to discover more about. We meet Staff Sergeant Briggs, again.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2013-01-07 4 
22445335Space Marine MountsA discussion of Space Wolves, noting the fact that the chapter uses what it names itself after as war mounts, leads to a series of hilarious photoshops of other Space Marine chapters on titular mounts.Space Marines, 40K, Hilarious, Mounts, Space Wolves, Fists, Children2013-01-07 20 
22480480A Knight Does Not Die With An Empty HandA nice quest, that just so happens to be set in the world of Neon Genesis Evangelion. After character creation is done things hit the ground running and the first angel battle starts moments later.Collective Game, Some Faggot, Adeptus Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion, World Ending2013-01-09 14 
22473624For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 14Game resumes following a 3 week hiatus. Players get to work planning how to steal a starship from an enemy stronghold.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-01-09 16 
22500075Succubus Lord Quest Part 10The long awaited fight with Demon Knight Blizzarios! Also slapping of Mina's ass.Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-01-10 20 
22527155Succubus Lord Quest Part 11Where we met a grumpy old man with a rifle, Queen's mock a pedophile, followed by long term planning.Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-01-12 20 
22528617Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 13We investigate the mine of an uncharted world and find a little bit more than we bargained for.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2013-01-12 4 
22536559A Knight Does Not Die With An Empty Hand Thread 2Adeptus Evangelion Quest continues, this time Samantha emotionally scars a very unfortunate Nicolas. She also heads off to school and learns of the cut throat world of the inter school tournament. We all get to know our other pilots better.Collective Game, Some Faggot, Adeptus Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion, World Ending2013-01-12 17 
22551419Mary Sue disasters (with Richard Priapus )/tg/ swaps stories of mary sues from across the internet, anon steps up with the funniest RP derailing character seen in a long timefreeform RP, RP, Role-play, Mary, Sue, Richard, Priapus, funny, hilarious2013-01-13 45 
22551116Tank Witches Quest '89 8In which we arrive in Saudi Arabia, and are met with all THOSE problems.Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-01-13 23 
22564075Richard Fontaine 2: Electric BoogalooContinued trolling of Kidzworld starring Richard Fontaine, son of Priapus.freeform RP, RP, Role-play, Mary, Sue, Richard, Priapus, funny, hilarious2013-01-13 38 
22570344Richard Fontaine 3: Cuhrayzee EditionContinued trolling of Kidzworld starring Richard Fontaine, son of Priapus.freeform RP, RP, Role-play, Mary, Sue, Richard, Priapus, funny, hilarious2013-01-14 25 
22570276/tg/ Infiltrates Chicken SmoothieInspired by the most holy Richard Fontaine, fa/tg/uys plan a perilous mission to go undercover into places most foul.Chicken Smoothie, Mary Sues, Memes, Infiltration, Crusade, Stupid, Butterfly Wolves2013-01-14 7 
22592074A Knight Does Not Die With An Empty Hand Thread 3Samantha finishes up her day at school by watching a duel between Terrance and Nicolas. Afterwards she is invited by the pair for lunch. Then they show her around town before heading back to NERV.Collective Game, Some Faggot, Adeptus Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion, World Ending2013-01-15 15 
22584289For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 15We start off with some time on leave and begin station upgrades. More combat is sure to follow.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-01-15 17 
22630838A Knight Does Not Die With An Empty Hand Thread 4We finish our fight with the thugs, and Nicolas practically tears them to shreds. Then after getting to NERV we step into our Eva, unfortunately something rather odd happens inside the plug.Collective Game, Some Faggot, Adeptus Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion, World Ending2013-01-17 14 
22627992Succubus Lord Quest Part 12In this Quest, we go to the bath house, use Hokuto Shinken to vaporize bandits, and play DnDSuccubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Fist of the North Star, DnD2013-01-17 20 
22638638GoT Quest: House Dredd "The Hand is Strong" Another /tg/ House is created, this time in the well-defended but relatively lawless Mountains of the Moon. Dredd references abound as bringing law to the Vale is made our top priority. Right after hand jokes and women.Collective Game, Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, House Creation2013-01-17 8 
22657728GoT Quest: House Dredd (Creation Finalised)We make our final adjustments to House Dredd, and our until-now nameless character. Rollan Dredd, son of Lord Josephus Dredd will make his mark on Westeros. We also spend an almost certainly unhealthy amount of time decking out our lesbian-broette, Alyse Stone.Collective Game, Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, House Creation, House Dredd2013-01-18 1 
22682833Tank Witches Quest '89 9Another day in Saudi Arabia, another group of people pissed off!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-01-20 21 
22737146For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 16There is such a thing as capturing too many ships in a short period of time. With the station swamped with refugees we need to hire mercenaries to supplement our Marines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-01-23 16 
22760532Succubus Lord Quest Part 13Join us as we discuss Willpower with Lance and learn what is inside of the MYSTERY BOX!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Mystery Box2013-01-25 20 
22788717The Legions of Earth/tg/ helps allay the fears of a concerned brother. Then it proceeds to prove just how ridiculously far they can derail a threadPolandball, Abbadon, failure, derail, daemonette, discussion, First Founding, 40k, wut2013-01-26 10 
22795577Richard Fontaine 4: The Dick of Astral FireContinued trolling of Kidzworld starring Richard Fontaine, son of Priapus.freeform RP, RP, Role-play, Mary, Sue, Richard, Priapus, funny, hilarious2013-01-26 22 
22781206Fixing Naruto as an RPG settingWhat starts as a question about using Legends of the Wulin for a Naruto RPG ends in a thorough discussion on how to fix its many problems to make it work as a setting, as well as commentary on other shonen series and their strenght as a possible RPG settinghomebrew, shonen, thread derailment, Naruto, One Piece, Soul Eater, setting discussion2013-01-26 5 
22793207Tank Witches Quest '89 10Training! Yelling! Nintendo! Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-01-26 22 
22803291Red Dragon Quest 010The Red Dragon, a "mysterious sorcerer", foils pirate plans and moves to take control of the City.Collective Game, Red Dragon Quest, Red, Red Dragon, Dragon, Illusions, sorcerer, deception2013-01-27 13 
22844469For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 17Plans for the South Reach Cluster devolves into politics. Meanwhile news arrives the Republic will soon be adding their weight to the fight.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-01-29 14 
22864314Real Life Random Encounterstitle relatedReal Life, Random Encounters, amusing2013-01-30 14 
22865866Strikers '89 28We watch the star-lit sky, watch some Ghostbusters, and get into a wrestling match with Ice.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision, Strike Witches, Ghostbusters2013-01-30 27 
22882218Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser: Planar TravellersTravelling the planes, leaving only their many swords - all Cat's Claw and Greywand - to confuse and annoy historians and players alike.Fafhrd, Grey Mouser, Lankhmar, Lieber, Crossover2013-01-31 4 
22886959Succubus Lord Quest Part 14Join as we melt Brooklyn's mind with a hard new book and continue our corruption with the noble girls!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-01-31 23 
February 2013
22922303Tank Witches Quest '89 11FINALLY, back to the action! Fighting in Khafji!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-02-02 22 
22926079Succubus Lord Quest Part 15Join Brooklyn as he continues to corrupt the noble girls!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-02 20 
22932165Pokemon Tabletop Adventures: Australia Edition/tg/ helps an anon prepare for a campaign by stating and fluffing out the continent. Mad Maxesque gangsters, towns and gyms, and plot ideas are brain-stormed. Poison types out the ass.Pokemon_Tabletop_Adventures, Australia, 2013-02-03 5 
22949454Sisters of SteelPlaceholder name. /tg/ gets working on a group of Sisters of Battle that work closely with some members of the Adeptus Mechanicus.Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Adaptus, Mechanicus, 40K, Homebrew, WIP2013-02-05 2 
22994199 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 18Some old friends decide to drop by and blow up the station while we're still on it. Players nearly get Linda and themselves killed. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-02-07 17 
23016285Succubus Lord Quest Part 16Join us as Brooklyn meets with two of the noble girls and then meets up with Mina in a bar!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-07 20 
23031407The return of Ivan D. StrelnikovThe glorious leader and hero of /tg/'s Chickensmoothie Invasion returns and tells us about his adventures on other Freeform RPGs.Ivan Dmitri Strelnikov, Communism, Communist, Russian, Stalker ,Chicken Smoothie, Infiltration, Invasion, Freeform, RPG 2013-02-08 5 
23029387Blatant Fetish Quest IOur half-incubus protagonist begins her trip to become a student at the Scholomance.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-08 39 
23034410Blatant Fetish Quest IIOur protagonist explores Paris and seeks forgiveness from the girl she wronged.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-08 39 
23034426Tank Witches Quest '89 12Blankets bein' stolen, deserts bein' driven across, and us getting in fights with a whole lot of nope.Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-02-08 22 
23039644Burning sands solar system simulationNever forget them. They fought everything. Planets of pure crystal. The sun, monsters of both magic and metal. Illness and corruption. They lost their world and they still fought on. They lost their sun and still fought on. They fought until the final light dawned upon them.Omni, burning, sands, solar, system, galaxy, humanity, fuck, yeah, fungus, space, supernova2013-02-08 30 
23048817Blatant Fetish Quest IIIOur protagonist has a romantic evening in Paris, then heads back to the hotel, exhausted.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-09 35 
23056123Blatant Fetish Quest IVOur protagonist soars through the air on a parkour training course.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, parkour2013-02-09 38 
23055416Succubus Lord Quest Part 17Join Brooklyn as he meets Amanda and has happy fun time! Also part 17 should be in the title in the thread.Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-09 25 
23064813Blatant Fetish Quest VOur protagonist starts seriously studying and flies from Paris to Romania.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-10 34 
23084572Blatant Fetish Quest VIIOur protagonist starts meeting classmates and making friends for the coming year.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-11 34 
23091239Blatant Fetish Quest VIIIOur protagonist finally arrives at the Scholomance and starts learning healthy paranoia.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-11 33 
23104232Blatant Fetish Quest IXOur protagonist starts properly exploring the site that may be their new sanctum.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-11 33 
23108216Blatant Fetish Quest XWherein our protagonist encounters an unexpected meta-demonBlatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-12 34 
23113709Blatant Fetish Quest XIOur protagonist gets to know her estranged father, a prisoner in a magical city.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-12 35 
23124466Blatant Fetish Quest XIIIn which our protagonist learns about blood bonds and binds her father. Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-12 35 
23130331Blatant Fetish Quest XIIIOur protagonist spends nearly an entire thread deciding how to feed her father, then waits.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-13 39 
23126805For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 19Follow up boxing match to resolve our previous bout some time ago. The Wing is taken off active duty for repairs and training.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-02-13 16 
23143283Blatant Fetish Quest XIVOur protagonist grills her father for information and prepares to move.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-14 32 
23149687Blatant Fetish Quest XVOur protagonist learns that decisions have consequences, even if you don't see them yet.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-14 34 
23162303Blatant Fetish Quest XVIOur protagonist gets better-acquainted with the Lotus and their special brand of magic.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, Jeff Bridges2013-02-14 32 
23166502Blatant Fetish Quest XVIIOur protagonist learns more about dryads and her unique mystical physiology.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-15 36 
23172870Bizarre Adventure Quest III: Singles Awareness Day EditionYou and Lisa Lisa manage to find the camp without further trouble. You meet a few of your fellow stand-users, get fed, and get a nickname, among other thingsbizarre adventure quest, stand, viking man, mudada, Part Ex: Muscle is Heart!2013-02-15 6 
23181629Blatant Fetish Quest XVIIIOur protagonist studies and gets a better lay of the land.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-15 29 
23176588/tg/'s Sixth Birthday/tg/ celebrates its sixth birthday on February 15 2013. Stories and memories are shared and urethras discussed.Discussion, story, birthday, anniversary, meta, /tg/, board2013-02-16 11 
23187537Blatant Fetish Quest XIXOur protagonist finds trying to deal with a vampire lord positively infuriating.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-16 31 
23188679Instant NoblesOP asks for quick noble houses, names and relations for a game he is going to be running. tg deliversDM, noble, house2013-02-16 7 
23191861Blatant Fetish Quest XXOur protagonist learns what it means to hate.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-16 32 
23199993Blatant Fetish Quest XXIOur protagonist makes some use of a Vampire Lord heart.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance 2013-02-16 36 
23200334Bizarre Adventure Quest IVYou are a viking man, and a viking man never backs down from a fight! For the glory of Valhalla! WRRRRRRRRYYYYYY~!bizarre adventure quest, stand, viking man, mudada, Part Ex: Muscle is Heart!, Wrryyyy!2013-02-16 5 
23205251Shadowrun Cyberloli ArmyWhen a group of runners find themselves with a small army of augmented little girls, /tg/ knows just what to do with them.Shadowrun, loli, fun, adorable, just another day on /tg/, clips, d'aww2013-02-17 24 
23205516Tank Witches Quest '89 13Tank combat! Wooooo!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-02-17 21 
23218706Bizarre Adventure Quest VWhere you get registered, get fabulous threads, meet your stand, the equally manly and Fabulous Tryggr The Warrior's Code, and get to know Lisa Lisa some more.bizarre adventure quest, stand, viking man, mudada, Part Ex: Muscle is Heart!, Wrryyyy!2013-02-17 5 
23219023Blatant Fetish Quest XXIIOur protagonist spends a lot of her time on phones and learning how to meditate.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance 2013-02-18 31 
23223077Supernatural AmericanaOP wants to discuss supernatural stories of the United States. Multiple good stories and anecdotes are relayed. folklore, US, United States, America, Cowboys, Ghosts, Monsters, Tall Tales, Weird West2013-02-18 14 
23226745Blatant Fetish Quest XXIVOur protagonist has her first day of classes.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance 2013-02-18 30 
23229598Succubus Lord Quest Part 18Join Brooklyn as he performs the summoning ritual in front of the girls!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-18 22 
23215009Chapter Creator : Angelus Petrus - Dark Angels Successors/tg/ creates a chapter, a dark angels successor and hammers out the fluff / tabletop for it.Chapter Creator, Dark Angels, Successors, Homebrew, Warhammer, 40k, wh40k, fluff, worldbuilding, Space Marine, Warhammer 40k, Dark Angels, Angelus Petrus2013-02-18 6 
23239733Blatant Fetish Quest XXIVOur protagonist acquires the missing second key to her sanctum and learns she has room to improve.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-18 27 
23240088Bizarre Adventure Quest VIWhere you wake up from a vision, then have a rather revealing breakfast with the Joker. Then you meet and do honorable battle with a true man.bizarre adventure quest, stand, viking man, mudada, Part Ex: Muscle is Heart!, Wrryyyy!2013-02-18 6 
23246185Blatant Fetish Quest XXVOur protagonist passes a week with studies.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-19 29 
23250894Succbus Lord Quest Part 19Join Brooklyn as he races to help Erika from danger!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-19 20 
23266545Blatant Fetish Quest XXVIOur protagonist forges a metal monster from acid and pain, then ties a pretty bow on it.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-20 35 
23242800For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 20Our time on leave is interrupted by an enemy counter attack. We rapidly end up with more pilots than ships. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-02-20 15 
23270352Succbus Lord Quest Part 20Join Brooklyn as he begins to plan how to take on an Adventurer party!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-20 20 
23282256Blatant Fetish Quest XXVIIOur protagonist's monster wins the pet monster olympics.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-20 27 
23288414Blatant Fetish Quest XXVIIIOur protagonist stands vigil outside Liz's testing, then unwinds at home.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-21 26 
23289078Succbus Lord Quest Part 21Join Brooklyn has he and his group go head to head over a group of Adventurers!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Paladumb2013-02-21 20 
23300890Blatant Fetish Quest XXIXOur protagonist tests modifications to the monster and makes good on a promise.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance2013-02-21 28 
23306075Bizarre Adventure Quest VII: ReduxWhere you grab a drink and promptly get kicked out of camp. Bizarro gets called out on not being Jojo enough. Can he rise to the challenge or will the quest die before it's realized?bizarre adventure quest, stand, viking man, mudada, Part Ex: Muscle is Heart!, Wrryyyy!, collective game2013-02-22 4 
23305373Blatant Fetish Quest XXXOur protagonist hatches a dryad and becomes a mother.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-22 29 
23319954Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIOur protagonist fails at studying and tries to figure out how to help her baby see.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-22 28 
23325421Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIIOur protagonist spends quality time with her girlfriend and baby girl.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-23 28 
23337654Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIIIOur protagonist introduces Breakfast to her daughter.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-24 26 
23344801Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIIIWe let Breakfast express her motherly instincts, give Liz her due punishment, and FemCOCK's internet dies.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad, Miau2013-02-24 25 
23343269Succbus Lord Quest Part 22Join us for Erika's transformation party where she becomes an Ayarian Succubus!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Paladumb2013-02-24 21 
23346869Succubus Quest 3: Return Of The BikiniRevulvael returns to fight the Angel Conspiracy. Features fun date with Argenta.succubus, Succubus Quest, Revulvael, Gepette, Argenta, Surt, Collective Game2013-02-24 27 
23358747Blatant Fetish Quest XXXVOur protagonist finally figures out some proper Sorcery.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-24 27 
23363513Blatant Fetish Quest XXXVIOur protagonist gets some valuable books from the library and chats with the Lotus grand master.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-25 26 
23367298Siblings Yvarai Correspondence Houses of the Blooded fluff story, in a long, fascinating series of lettersstory time, Houses of the Blooded, letters, fluff, intrigue2013-02-25 18 
23376729Blatant Fetish Quest XXXVIIOur protagonist handles discipline and begins research on new projects.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-25 28 
23381753Blatant Fetish Quest XXXVIIIOur protagonist hardens her mind and learns even more about dryads.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-26 28 
23394049Blatant Fetish Quest XXXIXOur protagonist crafts a focus to help craft foci.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-26 25 
23398224Blatant Fetish Quest XLOur protagonist teaches her daughter words and helps Liz on her pet project.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-27 27 
23413574Blatant Fetish Quest XLIOur protagonist studies, plays with Selene, makes a dildo ejaculate, and gets a faceful of ethics.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-28 28 
23396978For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 21Promotions go through, our pilots are Knighted and we deal with the problems of excessive rookies.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2013-02-28 21 
23419511Succbus Lord Quest Part 23Brooklyn gets snazzy new armour and makes the plan of how to get Erika out of the castle!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-28 22 
23421507Blatant Fetish Quest XLIIOur protagonist clears out some more space and deals with the fallout of spell experimentation.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-28 28 
23433860Blatant Fetish Quest XLIIIOur protagonist learns a lot about tattoos.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-02-28 27 
March 2013
23433290Unweddable PrincessesOP asks for a series of hilariously unmarriable princesses for his Kingmaker campaign. /tg/ delivers.Princess, politics, status, marrying into power, daaw, Pathfinder Kingmaker2013-03-01 21 
23438771Blatant Fetish Quest XLIVOur protagonist gets her ass kicked.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-01 27 
23442548Blatant Fetish Quest XLVOur protagonist socializes with the other members of the Lotus.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-01 28 
23449450Blatant Fetish Quest XLVIOur protagonist gets a lot of knowledge about the nature of reality dropped on her.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-02 25 
23454705Blatant Fetish Quest XLVIIOur protagonist gets some work done around the tower.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-02 26 
23466054Blatant Fetish Quest XLVIIIOur protagonist improves her custom spell and crafts a healing focus.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-03 27 
23472092Blatant Fetish Quest XLIXOur protagonist boosts her strength and has a few family chats.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-03 25 
23477347Anti-Succubi, Valkyries and Other Cosmological ThoughtsOP asks for a good-aligned parallel to a succubus. Thoughts progress to valkyries and what the proper reward for good acts is supposed to be.Succubus, cosmology, good, evil, angel, demon2013-03-03 7 
23484324Blatant Fetish Quest LOur protagonist makes a seeing eye golem for her daughter.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-04 27 
23491855Blatant Fetish Quest LIOur protagonist gets some tattoo design done and then has an awkward family moment.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-04 24 
23503501Blatant Fetish Quest LIIOur protagonist gets a tattoo and then gets into a dangerous situation.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-04 26 
23508021Blatant Fetish Quest LIIIOur protagonist has a bad, bad day.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-05 27 
23510878Blatant Fetish Quest LIVOur protagonist begins recovering from a barely-escaped ambush.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-05 28 
23528551Blatant Fetish Quest LVOur protagonist prepares to ruin a person.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-06 26 
23506175 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 22We open our mouth at a staff meeting and end up escorting a diplomatic envoy to the Free Planets League.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2013-03-06 18 
23532345Blatant Fetish Quest LVIOur protagonist learns about real paranoia.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad, tengu2013-03-06 29 
23542678Blatant Fetish Quest LVIIOur protagonist lets a little sunshine in.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad, tengu2013-03-06 32 
23547323Blatant Fetish Quest LVIIIOur protagonist plans how to subvert the mind of a rival.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-07 27 
23550587Blatant Fetish Quest LIXOur protagonist handles her captive's equipment.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-07 29 
23550141Succubus Lord Quest Part 24Join Brooklyn as he heads to the bar, meets friends, and plays card games!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Card Games2013-03-07 23 
23560690Blatant Fetish Quest LXOur protagonist shaves her head and chats with friends and family.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-08 26 
23566280Blatant Fetish Quest LXIOur protagonist gets her tattoos finished.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-08 27 
23577238Blatant Fetish Quest LXIIOur protagonist starts turning an enemy into something else.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-08 26 
23581443Blatant Fetish Quest LXIIIOur protagonist breaks in a new ally.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-09 25 
23584800Succbus Lord Quest Part 25We begin the mission to rescue Erika! Nat 100's all about!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-03-09 20 
23594254Blatant Fetish Quest LXIVOur protagonist introduces her new pet to the whole family.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-10 25 
23610060Blatant Fetish Quest LXVLiz fixes Lunch and takes some punishment.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-11 26 
23629222Blatant Fetish Quest LXVIOur protagonist isn't the main character for once. Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-12 28 
23645140almost-traitor marines/tg/ tries to make the most fucked over chapter evercustom chapter, heresy2013-03-13 7 
23641994Blatant Fetish Quest LXVIIOur protagonist has breakfast and patrols the area outside her base.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-13 24 
23649973Damned Marines I/tg/ continues to attempt to make a corrupted loyalist, xeno-tech-usin' offshoot of the Ultrasmurfs.custom chapter, chapter creation, emperor, space marines, warp, chaos, eldar, slaanesh2013-03-13 6 
23644751For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 23Search begins for the long lost starship Vieona and the wealth of technology that might be found aboard her.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2013-03-13 13 
23661498Blatant Fetish Quest LXVIIIOur protagonist makes plans and learns lessons.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-13 25 
23664154Damned Marines IIIThird thread dedicated to creating the most fucked over chapter in the Imperium. Decided on name, colors, heraldry, etc.Custom Chapter, Chaos, Warp, Space Marines, Heresy2013-03-14 2 
23667754Tank Witches Quest '89 14In which maus isn't dead, and we learn things about our witches! Also, off to Aberdeen!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-03-14 21 
23667501Blatant Fetish Quest LXIXOur protagonist works on class work and relaxes at home.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-14 26 
23669420Succbus Lord Quest Part 26Join us as we settle Amanda's Teenage angst and talk to the Adventurers!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-03-14 20 
23679659On Childhood, Death, and WarhammerAn eleven-year-old girl joins her big brother's Warhammer Fantasy game, his character being a childhood hero of hers. In her first session, a single botched roll leads to both killing her brother's character and her own death as a result; she leaves the table crying. /tg/ has it out.Discussion, WFRP, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, GM, death, girl, PC, player character2013-03-14 49 
23685183Quest goes horribly wrong"what the fuck is happening here?"Collective Game, What Just Happened2013-03-14 6 
23689435Blatant Fetish Quest LXXOur protagonist gets ready to watch a movie with her daughter for the first time.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-15 25 
23693036STALKER Civ QuestGlorious Leader Balalaika begins her journey into the zone slongside comrades of the Duty faction. Death, adventure, and STALKAN awaits. BLOWOUT SOON FELLOW FA/TG/UYS!Stalker, Civ Quest, Balalaika, Blowout, Russia, Ukraine, Kebab, Collective Game2013-03-15 11 
23705732Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIOur protagonist deals with some of her girlfriend's personal issues.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-16 24 
23709372STALKER Civ Quest #2Balalaika and friends shore up their defenses and fight off some unfriendly corpses. Mystery ensues. Exploration of the zone continues as home base begins to take shape in the Junkyard.Collective Game, Staler, Civ Quest, Leader, Balalaika, Ramen, Russia, Kebab, Ukraine, Zone, Kalashnikov,2013-03-16 5 
23717547Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIIOur protagonist makes some progress on the learning game and gets a text from Dane.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-17 25 
23725498Lamia Daughter Quest 7Ssen and company continue fight some more ghouls, talk with the lizardfolk, and take another confessionCollective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Beautiful Nightmares, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-03-17 23 
23733493Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIIIOur protagonist helps Dane with an assassination and has a good meditation session.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-17 24 
23735992Lamia Daughter Quest 8note:thread mis-titled as 7. Ssen and company continue to fight to retake the city of Stone Hall from the Ghouls.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-03-17 23 
23748485Lamia Daughter Quest 9Ssen and company reach a conclusion in the battle for Stone Hall.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-03-18 24 
23757275AdEva base on crazy religionOP asks for crazy religious things to fuel his game. /tg/ provides.setting, adeptus evangelion, adeva, future alien jews, time cube, wat, religion, cazy2013-03-19 24 
23752510Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIVOur protagonist teachers her blind daughter how to see.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-19 25 
23760749Stalker Civ Quest #4Talking Mutant Edition, wherein, we find out the history of how Balalaika and Courier met; also, that Courier is a bad-ass.Collective Game, Stalker, Civ Quest, Leader, Balalaika, Ramen, Russia, Kebab, Ukraine, Zone, Kalashnikov,2013-03-19 5 
23768347Lamia Daughter Quest 10Ssen gets some lessons and information from Granny, and the group decides where to go next. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-03-19 23 
23773785Blatant Fetish Quest LXXVOur protagonist gets productive and has family time.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-20 24 
23785428Blatant Fetish Quest LXXVIOur protagonist has a series of massive frustrations.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-21 26 
23791319Lamia Daughter Quest 11Ssen and company travel the city visiting people, catch up on our history, and gather information.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-03-21 24 
23793405Blatant Fetish Quest LXXVIIOur protagonist bakes and contemplates the creation of entire ecosystems from scratch.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-21 24 
23791694Boone Quest XIXAfter a long hiatus, we take out our newest ally for a spin and try to control amorous impulses. In the process, we get a fighter jet.Boone, Boone Quest, fagot, culexus, commissar, raege, Collective Game2013-03-21 28 
23790238Succbus Lord Quest Part 27Join us as we train with Brooklyn then take control of Erika for a small arc!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, psychic, telepathy2013-03-21 20 
23794194Stalker Civ Quest #5Alpha the Blind Dog leads Stitch, Farseer, and Balalaika to the police station, where they meet a new friend; a story filled with terror and peril.Collective Game, Stalker, Civ Quest, Leader, Balalaika, Ramen, Russia, Kebab, Ukraine, Zone, Kalashnikov,2013-03-21 5 
23639467Primordial Evo: Return to East Civ DiscussionNotes for the return to East Continent.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Civilization, Discussion2013-03-21 5 
23803483Blatant Fetish Quest LXXVIIIOur protagonist wants to go fast and read books.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-22 24 
23809094Lamia Daughter Quest 12A disfigured Ssen wakes up three months after she took a poisoned crossbow bolt for Isen, and goes to free her friends from Citadel's influence.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-22 23 
23771287For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 24Boarding another sleeper ship leads to negotiations and a plan to reach the Vieona. Players at last reach the missing ship and decide to wake the crew despite the risks.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2013-03-22 12 
23812082Blatant Fetish Quest LXXIXOur protagonist is apparently a natural when it comes to spiritual ecology and taxonomy.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-22 25 
23807640Voice Acting ThreadBored /tg/ers + vocaroo = auditory hilarity/awesomeness/weirdness.Discussion, Vocaroo, Voice Acting2013-03-22 3 
23815898Lamia Daughter Quest 13Ssen and company free the rest of the members from Citadel's influence and prepare to leave Grand Citadel.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-22 23 
23820937Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXOur protagonist teaches her family tai chi.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-23 24 
23829492Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIOur protagonist cuddles her girlfriend. Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-23 25 
23829536Stalker CXiv Quest #6Wherein we see some of Balalaika's history; also, a new type of artifact is discovered in a new anomaly! Collective Game, Stalker, Civ Quest, Leader, Balalaika, Ramen, Russia, Kebab, Ukraine, Zone, Kalashnikov, artifact, anomaly2013-03-23 5 
23830319Lamia Daughter Quest 14Ssen and company attempt to prevent the execution of our friends that live in Grand Citadel.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-23 25 
23838393Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIIOur protagonist begins working on some tricky new school work.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-24 25 
23847432Lamia Daughter Quest 15Ssen and company decide who they want to bring along on the caravan to Stone Hall.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-24 24 
23855880Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIIIOur protagonist works on some new spell design in class.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-25 27 
23858749Lamia Daughter Quest 16Ssen and company begin the journey from Grand Citadel to Stone Hall with the caravan.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-25 24 
23862328Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIVOur protagonist learns about spirit-forges and applications of areas of effects. Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-25 25 
23868582Lamia Daughter Quest 17Ssen and company continue with the caravan and stop by our hometown, River's Crossing.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-25 23 
23873611Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXVOur protagonist cooks breakfast, meditates, and plans an outfit.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-26 25 
23882642Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXVIOur protagonist makes plans for fun in Paris and spends time with her family.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-26 24 
23894372Lamia Daughter Quest 18Ssen and company continue on the road, reach Stone Hall, and discover what life is like outside of Citadel's influence.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-27 23 
23893885For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 25Things get back to combat as pirates try to board the Vieona. We run around in Recon armor causing havoc once again.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-03-27 16 
23899591Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXVIIOur protagonist refines her class project and tutors a fellow student in the library.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-27 25 
23903769Lamia Daughter Quest 19Ssen speaks with Granny,also known as Scheherazade, and give the captured bandit a chance at redemption.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-27 23 
23908600Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXVIIIOur protagonist suffers frustrating failures and close successes.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-27 24 
23913536Blatant Fetish Quest LXXXIXOur protagonist enjoys a specific application of meditation after getting her ass kicked by a former enemy.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-28 24 
23914843Lamia Daughter Quest 20Ssen plans to bring down the New Stone Hall instigators, goes on a date, and executes her plan to bring order back to New Stone Hall.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-03-28 23 
23930571Blatant Fetish Quest XCOur protagonist passes the week and proves to be an attentive and caring mother.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-29 24 
23942591Blatant Fetish Quest XCIOur protagonist begins to learn living alchemy from an older member of the Lotus.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-29 24 
23946851Blatant Fetish Quest XCII Our protagonist learns gland manipulation. Makes a realty stupid joke and prepares for a night out.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-30 23 
23948694Succbus Lord Quest Part 28Join us as Erika and Co. investigate a suspicious town where something is admist!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, psychic, telepathy, Necromancy2013-03-30 20 
23959086Blatant Fetish Quest XCIVOur protagonist has a fun time with her daughter and works on plans.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-31 24 
23951476Wang FireWang Fire discovers that he is everyone, and that everyone is Wang FireWang Fire, Avatar, Sokka, Alpharius, silly, humor, realization, manliness, beard, Zuko2013-03-31 15 
23967691Blatant Fetish Quest XCIVOur protagonist explores and enjoys Paris with the girl she loves for the second time.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-03-31 25 
April 2013
23976929Blatant Fetish Quest XCVOur protagonist goes to the first club of the night in Paris and makes a big commitment.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-01 24 
23985571Blatant Fetish Quest XCVIOur protagonist transitions back to the club in Paris and relaxes with friends and drinks.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-01 24 
23945399Adeptus Evangelion ThreadOP asks for advice on his Taoism mythos inspired setting for AdEva, and general discussion is had.AdEva, AdeptusEvangelion, Evangelion, setting, epic, NGE2013-04-01 6 
23995831Blatant Fetish Quest XCVIIOur protagonist helps a friend in trouble, and tries to work out if she needs a hospital.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-02 24 
24021340Blatant Fetish Quest XCVIIIOur protagonist is presented with a new social challenge.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-03 24 
24016922Lamia Daughter Quest 21Ssen and company spend a day relaxing, finish in Stone Hall, and set off for Bronze Peak.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-03 23 
24041620Blatant Fetish Quest ICOur protagonist learns that even when things go wrong, some things can still be salvaged.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-04 24 
24016134For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 26Getting off the Vieona with as much loot as we can risk, players decide to hold off on first hand testing of the supposed immortality drug.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2013-04-05 13 
24052347Blatant Fetish Quest C Our protagonist has coffee and goes shopping with friends.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-05 24 
24058674/tg/ Sings Be AggressiveThe neckbeards of 4chan lift their voices in song.music, audio, babycakes, lothario, be, aggressive, b-e aggressive2013-04-05 10 
24076679Tank Witches Quest '89 15We're back stateside! We check up on Rockfield, and call home!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-04-06 21 
24079749Blatant Fetish Quest CIOur protagonist begins teaching her daughter how to read.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-06 24 
24080955Lamia Daughter Quest 22Ssen and company venture around Bronze Peaks, have our equipment improved, learn more about our enemies and meet the local Paladin.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-06 23 
24088525Blatant Fetish Quest CIIOur protagonist learns about mind magic and puts some finishing touches on her school project.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-07 24 
24091998Tavern QuestTallius Urist, disgraced noble and wanted man, makes his first forays into the wonderful world of Tavern ownership. He buys a property, scouts out the nearby area, and sets out to renovate the abandoned crossroads outpost into a place worth getting hammered in.Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire,2013-04-07 37 
24089645Lamia Daughter Quest 23Ssen and company talk with Tallow, one of fathers adventurers, meet a familiar thief, and talk with Crazy Ted before setting off for the Goat Tower and Bear Shrine.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-07 23 
24106442Lamia Daughter Quest Q&A 1EchoGarrote answers various questions about the quest world and characters.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-07 20 
24106236Blatant Fetish Quest CIIIOur protagonist refines her techniques and those of others.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-08 25 
24113225Blatant Fetish Quest CIVOur protagonist leans the utility of sabotage in competitive environments.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-08 25 
24116175Lamia Daughter Quest 24Ssen and company go boar-hunting with Ted and run into unfriendly strangers.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, Caligo Clarus, Dawnchasers, Lamia, Lamia Daughter Quest2013-04-08 25 
24127024Blatant Fetish Quest CVOur protagonist Has an important Talk with her girlfriend.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-09 25 
24136818Blatant Fetish Quest CVIOur protagonist continues preparations for a pivotal class presentation.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-09 25 
24148760Lamia Daughter Quest 25Ssen and company catch up with the intruders within the library and face off with a powerful foe.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-10 24 
24155307Blatant Fetish Quest CVIOur protagonist works on the projects due tomorrow.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-10 24 
24158237Lamia Daughter Quest 26Ssen learns of her heritage as everyone rushes back towards Bronze Peak to investigate Sandover.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-10 28 
24173024Lamia Daughter Quest 27Ssen and company deal with the aftermath of our journey to the Bear Shrine and the investigation into Sandover.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-11 23 
24148991For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 27Operation Typhoon kicks off and we begin strike operations in advance of the invasion force.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-04-12 14 
24207612A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House HarrockYou are Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, and though your people have suffered hard times, through betrayal and loss, they can rise again under your banner. Will they take back the mountains, or be crushed by the barbarian clans? You decide!Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards2013-04-13 42 
24209210Tank Witches Quest '89 16We talk to General Lindsay, and get a new toy!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-04-13 21 
24225064Tavern Quest: Chapter 2Tallius Urist, disgraced noble seeking to start a new life as a Tavern owner, recruits Martellus the barman, Sif the barmaid, and Miaya the elven huntress/chef into his employ. He then proceeds to be scammed by a cart salesman. Damned cart salesmen. The night is to be spent in Gearwatch, Tallius and friends taking his extremely overpriced cart to the outpost on the morrow.Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire,2013-04-14 26 
24239867Blatant Fetish Quest CVIIOur protagonist finally presents her class project to the teacher.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-15 24 
24242772Lamia Daughter Quest 28Ssen and company race along the treacherous path to Dark Peaks to find an ancient dragon.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-15 23 
24248013Blatant Fetish Quest CVIIIOur protagonist helps a friend and plans for the future.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-15 24 
24255816Lamia Daughter Quest 29Ssen and company company have a close encounter with the Dragon Who Was of Shadow, and bargain with the Old One.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-15 24 
24264225A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 2In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, interrogated captured mountain barbarians to discover their numbers and location of their camp, got in good with our family, reorganised our ranger forces to better patrol our lands, and beat our son in a sparring match, teaching him respect and forging a bond twixt father and son.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-04-16 28 
24260665Blatant Fetish Quest CIXOur protagonist does the time warp again.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-16 24 
24277441Robotnik Heavy Industries Quest thr.1A reboot of an old idea. We are Ivo Robotnik, reformed evil genius now running a company... but we still hate that blue fuzzball. Only now, we can't be that open, at least not in public. We set up a charity event, and make a partnership with Wily.Collective Game, Robotnik, Robotnik Heavy Industries2013-04-16 12 
24286320Lamia Daughter Quest 30Ssen and company trade stories and information with the dragon known as Old One.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Dragon2013-04-17 24 
242935605th edition skill derp/tg/ discovers that, according to the DnD Next rules, a typical commoner has a 1 in 4 chance of selling Asmodeus his own dick.5e, Dungeons and Dragons, Next, derp, Asmodeus2013-04-17 67 
243039855th edition skill derp, part 2/tg/ finds out that, according to the DnD Next rules, Asmodeus cannot break can't break down a door. Or lead an army. Or even recognize himself in a mirror. 5e, Dungeons and Dragons, Next, derp, Asmodeus2013-04-18 16 
24296685Blatant Fetish Quest CXOur protagonist makes some dresses for the pets, and goes to class on Halloween.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-18 24 
24308295Lamia Daughter Quest 31Ssen and company talk more with Old One and deal with some unwanted guestsCollective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Dragon2013-04-18 28 
24317175Blatant Fetish Quest CXIOur protagonist has an interesting and informative series of failures on Halloween.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-19 24 
24312760Robotnik Heavy Industries Quest 2Second thread.Collective Game, Robotnik, Robotnik Quest, Quest, Robotnik Heavy Industries2013-04-19 11 
24323006Blatant Fetish Quest CXIIOur protagonist has a talk with her daughters' biological mother.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-19 24 
24308149Shadowrun GeneralIn which some stories get shared before TwoDee returns.Shadowrun, ShadowRussia2013-04-19 11 
24337382Blatant Fetish Quest CXIIIOur protagonist makes her Halloween costume.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-20 24 
24340519A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 3In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, negotiate a military alliance and a trade agreement with House Eben, met his family and our potential daughter-in-law, ran down and slaughtered mountain men who tried to hold us up on the road home, and met Ser Lyn Corbray, envoy of Lord Royce, who gave us wealth from House Arryn, and called our son a fat bastard who needs beating into shape, which will lead to future hilarity.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-04-20 26 
24342513Tank Witches Quest '89 17In which we get blue balled before testing our new tank. Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-04-20 21 
24344063Blatant Fetish Quest CXIVOur protagonist has a homecoming of sorts.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-20 24 
24343226Lamia Daughter Quest 32Ssen and company talk to a Lightbringer, and face the consequences of choice.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Dragon2013-04-20 24 
24353939Mundus Novus Quest 1Our hero gathers support from the King of Portugal, hires a shifty jewish accountant gnome, and battles sirens.Mundus Novus, Quest, Pirates, Discovery, Fantasy2013-04-21 5 
24356602Blatant Fetish Quest CXVOur protagonist goes trick-or-treating.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-21 24 
24361326Tavern Quest: Chapter 3Tallius gathers his employees and associates and leaves Gearwatch for the outpost. Along the way he runs afoul of a patrol of Paladins, and stares death in the face. Tavern Quest, Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Clockwork Empire2013-04-21 24 
24365454Blatant Fetish Quest CXVIOur protagonist works to improve her body.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-21 24 
24377520Blatant Fetish Quest CXVIIOur protagonist is getting more used to this mother thing now.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-21 24 
24384781Tank Witches Quest '89 17.5Maus returns to finish the thread from Friday night.Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-04-22 21 
24383377Blatant Fetish Quest CXVIIIOur protagonist gets a jump on solving new problems.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-22 24 
24383375Lamia Daughter Quest 33Ssen and company deal with breaking Bronze Peak free from Citadel, and have an encounter on the way to Stone Hall.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Dragon2013-04-22 23 
24399194Blatant Fetish Quest CXIXOur protagonist talks to her daughter about responsible mind control.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-23 24 
24402084A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 4n which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, does all sort of things to help advance his house, from recruiting hunters and poachers to cutting ties with House Belmore. In addition, the savages finally make their move with some mysterious help.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-04-23 25 
24406353Blatant Fetish Quest CXXOur protagonist rings the bell.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-23 24 
24405433Succbus Lord Quest Part 29Join Brooklyn as he finally fights off against Langy for control of Fort Hope!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, mecha2013-04-23 20 
24422089Lamia Daughter Quest 34Ssen and company find out more about the First Lantern, and Ssen gets in touch with her monstrous side.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Dragon2013-04-24 23 
24422100Succbus Lord Quest Part 30Join Brooklyn as he attends to the more immediate aftermath of what happened in Fort Hope!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, mecha2013-04-24 20 
24431049Lamia Daughter Quest 35Ssen tells her companions about her new abilities, the Dawnchasers set out for Bronze Peaks, and Ssen talks with the Fifth.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Dragon2013-04-24 24 
24436538Blatant Fetish Quest CXXIOur protagonist learns about the intimately related topics of history and death.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-25 24 
24422968For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 28Operation Typhoon continues despite delays both in and out of game.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-04-25 15 
24443305Blatant Fetish Quest CXXIIOur protagonist has a chat with Lin.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-25 24 
24458756Borderlands PNP Thread #3The Andrews Sisters as Slag Harpies, a unique currency, and a frank discussion of melee weaponsBorderlands, Homebrew, Game Design, Oh Fuck Slag Harpies I Cannot Stop Screaming, 25 Greesy, TORGUE, Guns - Glorious Guns2013-04-26 5 
24475272A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 5In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, musters his army and summons his ally. He makes ready for full scale war against the Milk Snakes clan.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-04-27 24 
24489331Blatant Fetish Quest CXXIIIOur protagonist begins learning about how science and magic mix.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-28 24 
24493659Lamia Daughter Quest 36Ssen and company arrive at Bronze Peak in time to prevent a small riot, and set out to protect the Bear Shrine from the Glass Assassins.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Dragon2013-04-28 23 
24496610Boone Quest 20 part 1After our attempted paramour takes a tumble, we begin poking around the Admech temple for food and info.Boone, Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Raege, draw, Culexus2013-04-28 22 
24494453Tavern Quest: Chapter 4Tallius deals with Santher's impropriety, counts his profits, and has one hell of a dream. Sif kicks elven ass, and an Orc is stabbed in the balls. Good times at The Clock Tower Tavern.Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Clockwork Empire2013-04-28 23 
24502474Boone Quest 20 part 2Continuing the story, our heroes acquire phat admech lootz.Boone, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Raege, Culexus2013-04-28 22 
24503693Lamia Daughter Quest 37Ssen and company continue the fight to take back the Bear Shrine from the Glass Assassins.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Dragon2013-04-28 23 
24509259Blatant Fetish Quest CXXIVOur protagonist studies sorcery with Pierre and deals with children fighting.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-04-29 24 
24516758Lamia Daughter Quest 38Ssen and company enjoy a diplomatic meal with the harpies, interrupted abruptly by unwelcome masked company.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-04-29 23 
24516149Succbus Lord Quest Part 31Join us for Brooklyn meeting with Amanda+Erika and groping of Mina's ass!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-04-29 20 
24532547A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 6In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, concludes his negotiations with House Egen, gaining their aid in the war against the Milk Snake mountain clan, and took the arrow and sword to the barbarians' warriors, children and womenfolk, slaughtering their raiders to a man and taking their chief captive, our rangers harrying their fleeing families, though to great cost to our allies, who lost near half their men in the hard-fought victory.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-04-30 26 
24538967To Kill a SkinwalkerOP asks how /tg/ would go about killing a skinwalker. Creepypasta follows and /tg/ loses its collective shit.Skinwalker, Horror, Navajo, roleplay, Storytime, Australia, Legend2013-04-30 25 
May 2013
245521658 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 29Wanting to take away the enemy's eyes we search a nebula for stations making up part of a larger sensor array. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-05-01 16 
24555586Lamia Daughter Quest 39Ssen and company read ancient and inscrutable lore, follow up on a promise to help Princess Mumei dance and fly, and depart Bronze Peak.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-01 27 
24560756Succbus Lord Quest Part 32Join Brooklyn as he becomes Head Mage and is with Erika when she unveils her form to Leona!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Paladumb2013-05-01 22 
24576392Lamia Daughter Quest 40Ssen and Tricia recover from the results of the ceremony, and the group heads into the forest to find the pair of lamia living nearby.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-02 24 
24607844A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 7In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, builds a few plans for turning Westpass into an economic powerhouse. Many ravens are sent out across the land to different lords and a fascinating guest known only as Maahira of Qohor arrives at High Harrock with a small escort of Unsullied and a big secret in tow.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-05-04 25 
24624956Lamia Daughter Quest 41Ssen and company arrive at Coral Gate and have a pleasant surprise.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-05 23 
24626800Tavern Quest: Chapter 5Tallius meets Reginald Brittanius, leader of the mercenary group known as the Rose Brotherhood. He then attempts to learn hunting, but really just ends up having a tumble in the mud with Miaya. And a boar. The boar is significant there.Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire,2013-05-05 20 
24666929A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 8In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, dealt with his neighbours in matters of trade and diplomacy, helping to better his relations with his ally House Egen, and received a pointed missive from Lord Yohn Royce, Castellan of the Vale, relating to his dealings with Lady Maahira of Qohor. In addition, settlers arrived from elsewhere in the Vale, helping to develop the land of Westpass, and much discussion was had over the buying of goats.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones, Goats2013-05-07 26 
24593221Borderlands PNP Thread #6d6fag posts a draft, the janitor does his job for once, and we start hammering out character abilitiesBorderlands, Homebrew, Game Design, Whack Foo, TORGUE, Claptrap, Greesy, France, Dakka, Moar Dakka, Oh Fuck Slag Harpies I Cannot Stop Screaming, 25 Greesy, Guns - Glorious Guns2013-05-07 4 
24663074Blatant Fetish Quest CXXVOur protagonist has a good fight.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-05-07 24 
24678380Quaker Q&AA Quaker stops by /tg/ to ask a question, and answers many more. A (mostly) civil discussion takes place.RPG, religion, roleplay, morality, /tg/, advice, Discussion, Real Life, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Call of Cthulu, D&D, Vampire the Masquerade, Dogs in the Vineyard2013-05-07 11 
24683869Lamia Daughter Quest 42Ssen and company speak with 'King' Trevor, learn where most of the Mer went, and finally meet another Lamia. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-08 24 
24693808Lamia Daughter Quest 43Ssen and company sail back to Stone Hall, racing to intercept its attackers and deal with the Leviathan.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-08 23 
24708275Lamia Daughter Quest 44Ssen and company attempt to stop the Mer army and the Shaper of Darkness from reaching Stone Hall. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-09 23 
24684671For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 30Not wanting to give the enemy more chances to track us we take down the second sensor array and try for the shipyard.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-05-09 12 
24708013Succbus Lord Quest Part 33Join Brooklyn as he gets a new maid and talks the merchant twins into becoming Succubi!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-05-09 20 
24720018Lamia Daughter Quest 45Ssen and company continue the combat with Adahn, and receive some dire news.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-09 23 
24719644/tg/ gets shit done Anon asks for a homebrew setting, and /tg/ delivers.fantasy, custom, homebrew, setting2013-05-09 23 
24725515Blatant Fetish Quest CXXVIOur protagonist rearranges the rooms of her sanctum.Blatant Fetish Quest, Fetish Quest, Quest, Collective Game, futanari, incubus, dickgirl, Scholomance, dryad2013-05-10 30 
24749571A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 9In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, received an invitation for his House to attend a tourney, featuring a joust and melee, to be hosted by his rivals House Belmore, and it was decided that Artys and Ser Morys would joust, and Brock, heir of Westpass, would join the melee. Much discussion was had with their allies of House Egen, including further unity of the military forces of the Houses, and the prospect of an alliance through marriage. Brock also shows he is learning, and finds Lorenna, daughter of Lord Egen, to be a most attractive girl, and a prime potential wife.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-05-11 30 
24768489Tavern Quest: Chapter 6CQC basics not remembered. Sexy dreams had. An Alliance is formed. War comes to the Tavern. War,as it is, has casualties.Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire,2013-05-12 20 
24773829Firebender Quest Episode 1We do an introduction to firebender quest, people get upset by some jarring writing, and we killed a man just to watch him die.Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender2013-05-12 21 
24790017Lamia Daughter Quest 46Ssen and company journey back to Coral Gate, and try to stop the Mer from swimming into a trap.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-13 23 
24799411Lamia Daughter Quest 47Ssen and company travel to White Tree and acquire a considerable amount of information related to the Dramatae.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-13 23 
24827644Lamia Daughter Quest 48Ssen and company continue to explore Rage's lair and the Holting Estate.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-15 23 
24826552For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 31Operation Typhoon continues. Getting into the 3rd oversector we smash up more of our ships and start working more closely with allies. Not necessarily in that order.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-05-15 14 
24846460A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 10In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, travels with his family and Lord Egen to Grimarbour, the port-town of House Belmore, though rightfully being Harrock land, and location for the regional Tourney. Discussions were had with Yohn Royce, who seemed pleased to see Lord Harrock, and much jousting occurred, whereby Ser Morys progressed into the second round, as did Lord Harrock, though only after gravely injuring Lord Lyonel Corbray, Ser Lyn's brother.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-05-16 31 
24848112Succbus Lord Quest Part 34Join us as we talk to Roselle then a really big debate.Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, drama2013-05-16 20 
24849618Lamia Daughter Quest 49Ssen and Tricia talk with Granny, spend some time with the lamia children, and have a party with the rest of the company.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-05-16 24 
24884613A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 11We wine and dine at the evening feast with the Lords of the Vale. Intrigue abounds as Lord Artys does his best not to reveal too much to the wrong parties. Much discussion is had on the information gleaned from these encounters, our situation is not as secure as we might have hoped.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-05-18 30 
24886628Lamia Daughter Quest 50Ssen and company help Stone Hall's war council make ready for war with Citadel, travel to White Tree, and prepare to visit the Fey in First Wood and assault the army at the Grove.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Leviathan2013-05-18 23 
24904629Tavern Quest: Chapter 7Tallius takes drastic action to aid an employee. A corner is turned. The night of fire and death comes to an end, as a deep connection is forged.Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire,2013-05-19 20 
24908363Firebender Quest Episode 2This Just in, Young monk slaps grown men around with staff.Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game2013-05-19 20 
24909097Lamia Daughter Quest 51Ssen and company head to First Wood and attempt to gain favor with the Fey Court with another Dawnchaser plan.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Leviathan2013-05-19 23 
24931320SLASH!!!! AwwwWWWwwwwwwFigurine of Slash GordonSlash Gordon, Adaptus Estates, Warhammer 40k2013-05-20 33 
24940637A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 12In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, spends time with his family, discovering potential husbands for his daughter Katrin, including the heir of Yohn Royce himself, and gifted a new weapon to his son, that he might bring the House honour in the Grand Melee. The second round of the jousting was had, where Ser Morys proceeded through to the third round, matched against Yohn Royce, and Lord Harrock suffered defeat at the hands of Ser Marwyn, of the rival House Belmore. Progress towards recruiting hedge knights into the service of Harrock was also made.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-05-21 31 
24964549Squat Crusade ConcernsPhillip Ragebeard makes an appearance and points out the myriad of mistakes made by Shas'o R'ymrSquat Crusade, Squat Crusade: The Musical2013-05-22 8 
24958724For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 32We finish off one escaping convoy and deal damage to a second. Salvage is tallied and we trade ships after the EX-K takes a bad hit.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates, Salvage2013-05-23 17 
24981083Lamia Daughter Quest 52Ssen and company have a snooty highfalutin dinner with Mab, Uncle Julian, Comedy, and several zombies. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, PunStorm2013-05-23 23 
24978522Succbus Lord Quest Part 35Join us as we meet Brodin's boss, learn about death, and nearly have a heart attack!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-05-23 18 
25016399A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 13In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, meets with other lords, discussing the tourney and festivities, as well as politics of the region, though not all goes well with the initial discussion of Brock marrying the daughter of Lord Egen. This run of bad luck continued into the third round of the joust, where Ser Morys was badly hurt in his tilt against Bronze Yohn Royce, and it was discovered that some of the matches were fixed by Lord Belmore, the "Mummer of Strongsong", to ensure that his son would go up against Royce, which proves to be a choice Belmore will regret...Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones, Belmore2013-05-25 38 
25024930Lamia Daughter Quest Q&A 2EchoGarrote adds a prologue and answers more questions about the quest world. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Leviathan2013-05-25 20 
25036680Tavern Quest: Chapter 8Tallius ends some blackmail, mends things with Martellus, and has doubts about just what he's doing with his life. Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire,2013-05-26 20 
25040872Firebender Quest: Episode 3We fight a war on the streets and get accused of waifuingFirebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game2013-05-26 20 
25036676Lamia Daughter Quest 53Ssen and company go squirrel hunting, play wingman (er, wingsnake) for Mage, negotiate a peace treaty with the Elves, and get lost in the woods. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan2013-05-26 24 
25054637Firebender quest : Episode 4The Night of Black Tiles Part 1. Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game2013-05-27 15 
25064084RPGs for kids/tg/ discuss games they've ran for children.Harry Potter, /tg/, rpgs, GURPS, storytime, adorable, Toon, Mouse Guard2013-05-28 7 
25088321Blacksmith DiscussionA quick update on Blacksmith Quest turns into a blacksmith-advice threadBlacksmith, Discussion, Armour, Weapons2013-05-28 1 
25097382Lamia Daughter Quest 54Ssen and company attempt to destroy a Maw of Citadel and try to find a portal out of the Grove of Joy.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan2013-05-29 24 
25007683Primordial Evo: Return to South Discussion ThreadCompiling needed fluff for returning to South Continent.Collective Game, Discussion, Primordial, Evolution, South Continent2013-05-29 0 
25118038Lamia Daughter Quest 55Ssen and company enter a duel to the death with Tragedy.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, Caligo Clarus, Dawnchasers, Lamia, Lamia Daughter Quest, Leviathan, Tragedy2013-05-30 25 
25116709Succbus Lord Quest Part 36Join us as we reassure the noble girls about a nightmare then have a really big debate about firefighting for some reason!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, firefighting2013-05-30 20 
25094448For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 33Heading out on a simple convoy raiding mission we strike our biggest salvage haul yet.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Pirates, Salvage2013-05-30 13 
June 2013
25158316A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 14In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, gains a new sworn sword, Ser Banton, after gifting him back his armour and steed, snatching him from the grasp of House Belmore. The jousting came to a close, with Lord Yohn Royce, Castellan of the Eyrie, proving victorious after a viscous set of tilts against Ser Belmore, and the teams for the melee were announced, following a discussion between Lord Harrock and Lord Coldwater over a potential swapping of wards. Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-06-01 38 
25180133Tavern Quest: Chapter 9Tallius and Miaya begin a journey to Patch, and run into some old friends on the way. You would like to know more.Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire,2013-06-02 16 
25183905Lamia Daughter Quest 56Ssen and company deal with the aftermath of Comedy's rampage, and hear some disturbing rumors in First Wood. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan2013-06-02 24 
25201771Firebender Quest : Episode 5Night of black tiles part two - we finally come face to face with Lao Len... and she's accused of having fetal alcohol syndrome.Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game2013-06-03 14 
25222776A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 15In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, negotiates the acquisition of a new spymaster, Lymorian of Braavos, a master of disguise and wit. Lord Artys also bears witness to the final event of the tournament, the melee, in which Brock fights to the best of his ability, and with so many veterans of sword and mace, shield and armour, almost anything can, and does, happen...Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones, Brock2013-06-04 49 
25225965Firebender Quest : Episode 6Night of Black Tiles part 3, Death, fires and spirits. Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game2013-06-04 12 
25212457The Ancient Days of IVchanIn 2000 years, not much has changed.Rome, graffiti, funny, history, Secundus2013-06-04 13 
25242214Lamia Daughter Quest 57Ssen and company navigate the decaying city of Grand Citadel in an attempt to rescue Her Illuminated Self. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan2013-06-05 24 
25265689Lamia Daughter Quest 58Ssen and company scout the decaying streets of Grand Citadel. Encounters with cyborgs are had.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, Caligo Clarus, Dawnchasers, Lamia, Lamia Daughter Quest, Leviathan, Citadel2013-06-06 26 
25266378Firebender Quest : Episode 7The night of black tiles comes to a close. Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game 2013-06-06 12 
25276415Lamia Daughter Quest 59Ssen and company rush to escape Grand Citadel after killing the only ones keeping it in control.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Citadel2013-06-06 33 
25239933For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 34After squaring away some issues for the Wing's salvage, you check the state of your financial investments and move out. The last Warlord strong hold awaits.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-06-07 17 
25326025Firebender quest episode 8Words words words, denouement and exposition. Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game 2013-06-09 12 
25344552Lamia Child Quest Q&A 3A choice between two plotlines followed by character and fluff discussion.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Leviathan2013-06-10 20 
25361633A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 16In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, celebrates with his newly knighted son, Ser Brock Harrock, saying how proud he is of him, and that he has earned his place as the heir to Harrock. Artys also met with Lord Egen, now a supporter of the marriage proposal between Brock and his daughter, before going aboard Lord Yohn Royce's ship, where the three lords discussed the events of a few weeks ago, when Lady Maahira of Qohor visited the lands of Harrock and Egen, discovering a disturbing possibility for her presence in Westeros...Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones, Brock2013-06-11 44 
25374626Magical Girl Noir Quest 102A weary magical girl suppresses various urges and get's ready for her first assignment since returning from Siberia.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Pinky, Midori, Just a Hat,2013-06-11 33 
25384667Lamia Child Quest 60Ssen and company escort Her Illuminated Self and some refugees across the continent, and see how the fall of Citadel has affected First Wood and White Tree.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan2013-06-12 24 
25383837Firebender Quest Episode 9Spirit World shenanigans, and THE DARKNESS IS NOW FIRE.Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game 2013-06-12 12 
25378819For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 35Finale to the Pirate Warlord arc as we deal with our decisions from last week and the months previous. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates, worldbuilding2013-06-13 15 
25402027Succbus Lord Quest Part 37Join us as we have a talk with Mina then a serious discussion with Amanda!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-06-13 20 
25403712Lamia Daughter Quest 61Ssen and company reach Rivers Crossing with the refugees, visit the folks, and meet the new blacksmith.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Phoenix Empire2013-06-13 24 
25423664Lamia Daughter Quest 62Ssen and company hunt down a spy, assist in an interrogation, and finally reach Stone Hall with the refugees. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Phoenix Empire2013-06-14 25 
25455146Tavern Quest: Chapter 10Tallius and Miaya deal with Reginald, arrive in Patch, and engage in the festivities while headhunting for an entertainer for the Tavern. Beware stampeding musicians.Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire,2013-06-16 15 
25457416Firebender quest episode 10Some sparring, a training montage, and a battle on the high seas! Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game 2013-06-16 13 
25467444Magical Girl Noir Quest 103An on edge magical girl takes her hate buddy along on a mission and will never look at her in the same way again.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Pinky, Sayaka, Just an idol,2013-06-16 37 
25475221Lamia Daughter Quest 63Dinner with family, friends and loved ones. Planning comes afterwardsCollective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Phoenix Empire2013-06-17 25 
25521668Bromont QuestBromont whines about his tripcode and then fucks off for a few hours.Collective Game, erp, porn, lewd, egotist, crybaby, I JUST WANT ATTENTION GUYS2013-06-19 12 
25527010Crusader Quest IThe Knight Jacques Fontaine arrives in the holy land in an attempt to wrest it from Saracen control.Collective Game, Crusader Quest,2013-06-19 1 
25532419Crusader Quest IIThe Knight Jacques Fontaine arrives in the holy land in an attempt to wrest it from Saracen control. Collective Game, Crusader Quest,2013-06-20 2 
25532089Music of the Spheres/tg/ invents the Chorus, a race of sapient metal orbs who manipulate magnetism and communicate via Simon beeps.Chorus, race, ideas, magnets, magnetism, metal2013-06-20 22 
25546030Crusader Quest IIIJacques Fontaine joins the Knights of the Order of St John and starts causing shit with the TemplarsCollective Game, Crusader Quest,2013-06-20 0 
25548357How to jRPGAnon asks for the framework and design choices behind Japanese console RPGs. Every cliche imaginable is brought up, and discussion of the genre and its mannerisms is conducted.Discussion, JRPG, RPG, trope, cliche, setting, design, Japanese, Final Fantasy2013-06-21 16 
25559303Chorus Fluff 2A continuation of the previous Chorus threadChorus, race, ideas, magnets, magnetism, metal2013-06-22 3 
25568016A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 17In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, discusses and plans the future of Westpass with his sworn swords and family, receiving a number of marriage offers for both Ser Brock and Katrin, throwing the previously certain plans into disarray. The rumours of House Egen engaging in full wartime conscription prove to be correct too, raising the theory that Ser Crowlys, marshal of House Egen's forces and no good friend to House Harrock, might be planning to take matters into his own hands...Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-06-22 43 
25574911Meta Game Quest : Code Geass 3 Because the only thing better than bad anime is bad anime and That GuysCollective Game, Meta Game Quest, Insert just as planned joke here, metagaming is for faggots, I recognize that bulge2013-06-22 10 
25574162Edgy Anime Quest 9Another round of jerking egos to the idea that you're better than other anime quests because the only waifu you romance is The Edge.Akuma Quest, Edgy, Collective Game, Anime is dumb, does this look like /a/ to you, remember when suptg was more than just a quest depot, me neither, quit roleplaying in unrelated threads you colossal faggot2013-06-22 38 
25587475Fantasy Cheers Quest 11Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.Collective Game, Tavern Quest, Deep and Mysterious, Deposed Nobles Are Totally Original2013-06-22 12 
25599634Magical Girl Noir Quest 104A disgruntled magical girl is really, truly sure about giving her ticket away, and sneaks around with an unpopular girl.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Spaghetti, Just an idol.2013-06-23 37 
25605859Lamia Daughter Quest 65Puttering around in stone hall and convincing Isen not to abuse his kingly powers to name everything after himself.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Phoenix Empire2013-06-23 24 
25615270Lamia Daughter Quest 66Wherin Ssen fights spies in a prison.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Phoenix Empire2013-06-24 24 
25624200A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Episode 18In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, sets plans in motion in regard to the marriage proposals made, so that his House might prosper with strong allies for trade and defence. Lord Artys also deals with the fallout of his uncle's revelation, that Artys' bastard brother, Ulfir Stone, was to be legitimised and made Lord of Westpass on his father's death, rather than him. The military build-up of House Egen is also further scrutinised, and the development of House Harrock's lands are planned.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-06-24 40 
25624074Reasonable Marine Quest AnnouncementThis quest is tearing Storm Raven apaaaart!reasonable marine quest, reasonable marines, knights inductor, Collective Game, bad ideas taken to worse conclusion, ReaSUEnable Marines, there is nothing reasonable about befriending tyranids2013-06-24 1 
25645753Llama Babby Quest 67In which we torture and kill people at random all whilst we pride ourselves on how great of paladins we are. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Lesbians, ERP, Entomophilia, This is not how justice works, You monster2013-06-26 24 
25642244Naming charactersA thread of useful methods and ideas for the hardest part of RPGs: naming your character. discussion2013-06-26 2 
25664905Lamia Daughter Quest 68Ssen and company deal with spies in first wood and other elf concernsCollective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Phoenix Empire2013-06-27 24 
25664080Succbus Lord Quest Part 38Join as as the twins become Succubi and Queen Janine has a mental breakdown!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-06-27 18 
25686871Lamia Child Quest 69We finally talk to kingfisher over a ridiculous elf/spy phone line. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Phoenix Empire2013-06-28 24 
July 2013
25739079The Ascention of CredastEpic chaos storytimeBlack Crusade, Just As Planned, Warhammer 40000, 40k, Tzeench2013-07-01 7 
25776489Succession game CK2 succession gamevideo game, grand startegy, succession, game, crusader kings 2, paradox interactive, grand strategy2013-07-03 1 
25781387Dune Quest 01House Al-Kali on the planet Augustin Prime is born. Plans for domination of Arrakis are discussed before chargen starts.Collective Game, Dune, House Al-Kali, Spice2013-07-03 7 
25800025Firebender Quest Episode 11Firebender quest returns after a moderately lengthy haitus.Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game 2013-07-04 9 
25798171Lamia Daughter Quest 70This episode, fond farewells are given, spiders are heartlessly incinerated, and spooky cabins are way too cold.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Phoenix Empire2013-07-04 24 
25800578Succbus Lord Quest Part 39Join us as we help solve the twins 'accident'!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-07-04 20 
25820987Ghost Quest 8: Money, Money, Money. (July 4th Special)The Daluke jumps to Muric, an idyllic paradise compared to the trials so far, and receives a tempting offer...Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, MURRICA, FREEDOM, USA, USA, USA2013-07-05 16 
25840194Akuma 13: The Ministry of FlorinFaefnir familiarizes himself with the kindly members of Florin's clergy before embarking on an errand for Morgan with two of its sisters... Later in The Lady's Rest, Faefnir is introduced to the delicious flavor of a couple of tarts...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah, Delicious Tarts2013-07-06 38 
25850439The tale of HydraAlphone Kapwon brings another tale of bad roleplay, bad GMs and magnificent bastardy. All with the help of a fat, ugly industrialist.storytime, Alphonse, freeform, stories, science, industry, magnificent bastard2013-07-06 22 
25857504Homebrew storytime part 2The finished tale of a party in an allegendly low-magic homebrew settings that get overran by magic, dragons, vampires and other epic threats.Homebrew, storytime, Marcus Revaine2013-07-07 6 
25875435Lamia Daughter Quest 71Where a creature that totally is a corpse monster gets killed, and orc decisions are made.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan, Phoenix Empire2013-07-08 24 
25894366A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 19In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, deals with the potential economic and famine crisis that will be quick to come following the ceasing of trade with Harrock by House Frey, became close with his wife after discovering that she is potentially pregnant with their third child, discussed the potential for alliances with his sworn swords, and spoke with his daughter over the prospect of her becoming betrothed.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-07-09 37 
25917545Firebender Quest episode 12In which we return home. Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game2013-07-10 9 
25916874Lamia Daughter Quest 72In which a snake helps a rat fight a hawk, and and a pleasant walk in the breeze is had. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan2013-07-10 24 
25932354Space Waifu Quest 16Sweet, sweet phonesex with our AI waifu and bondage training with our human one.ERP, Starcraft 2 sucks, Arcturus Mengsk was right, Starcraft, Space Waifu Quest, What kind of name is Delta Phoenix anyways, lesbians, robophilia, gynoid, ERP2013-07-10 9 
25938555Succbus Lord Quest Part 40Where we achieve the thread early to avoid a troll! Stuff happens!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-07-11 20 
25940768Ad Eva Discussion and StortimeAnons talk about Adeptus Evangelion, also, storytime about AdEva game with Pacific Rim material in it.Adeptus Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Pacific Rim, Evas, Jaegers, Storytime2013-07-11 1 
25952926Stardust/tg/ brainstorms a setting for a battle of the bands transcending time and space.Stardust, lich, setting, homebrew, brainstorm, bands, battle, dance, game design2013-07-12 2 
25959245Space Waifu Quest 19: Return of the Shitty SubtitleWherein we metagame like a dirty minmaxer, argue about nothing, and kill more characters shamelessly ripped from popular culture.ERP, Collective Game, Starcraft 2 sucks, Arcturus Mengsk was right, Starcraft, Space Waifu Quest, What kind of name is Delta Phoenix anyways, lesbians, robophilia, gynoid, You’re too slow, C’mon step it up, Rollin around at the speed of sound, Got places to go, GOTTA FOLLOW MY RAINBOW2013-07-12 8 
25958870Lamia Quest 73Ssen, her friends and a bunch of pacified for-the-moment orcs are found guilty of burning diesel as they get fast and furious through a pitch black wasteland. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan2013-07-12 24 
25982294Succubus Quest 4: Bright Lights, Hell CityRevulvael's day off is anything but. Succubus adventure in Hell with BDSM Elf and other fun.succubus, Succubus Quest, Revulvael, Gepette, Argenta, Collective Game2013-07-13 25 
25992922Seven Deadly Waifus QuestOP gives as a story where we waifu satan, then everybody fights about the ending. Good read, but ending depends on reader.Seven Deadly Waifus Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy2013-07-14 8 
25998145Seven Deadly Waifus Quest: Part IIThe ending to the original quest. We save the girl, defeat god, and go through quite a bit o deus ex machina.Seven Deadly Waifus Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy2013-07-14 16 
26013628Lamia Daughter Quest 74Where we recover from unconsciousness, deal with a tribe of orcs, and try to not die.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan2013-07-15 23 
26030819Yet Another Animu Fanfiction QuestI don't think we have enough of these yet, so lets throw another turd on the barbie!Collective Game, Anime, Fanfiction, /a/, Waifus, Redundancy, Too much, Why are you doing this2013-07-15 5 
26035865Firebender Quest Episode 13In which we re-familiarize ourself with family Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game2013-07-16 7 
26031660A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 20In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, deals with the arrival of Lady Lorenna of House Egen, potential wife for Ser Brock, and Ser Crowlys, her escort and sworn sword to Lord Egen, and sets about learning more about her, as well as allowing Brock time with her, in order to find if they are a good match, both in love and for politics. Lord Harrock also discovers that Crown Crag, the home of House Egen, has been closed to all outsiders bar Lord Royce's men, prompting no small amount of curiosity and paranoia, and deals with the upcoming food shortage with a series of new deals for iron.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-07-16 29 
26054625Lamia Daughter Quest 75On this episode of Snaketrain, we visit ancient cities of historical significance and go shopping for souvenirs. Special guest stars three-eye and shadow man are expected to make an appearance. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Leviathan2013-07-17 24 
26098948Lamia Daughter Quest 76"For In The Darkness Is Where His Light Is Needed Most, Thus There In The Darkness I Must Stay."Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-07-19 23 
26122431Jerkoff Thread 52Some more bitches die unnecessarily grimderp deaths.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Waifus, Slice of Life, Grimderp, Edgy, Mecha, Not mechas, Waifus, Dead Waifus, Waifu Wars, Waifus are really the main draw of the quest you know, Its written by a girl so you know its good!2013-07-20 16 
26136102Lamia Daughter Quest 77An apple a day keeps the doctor away, and we hate apples.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-07-21 22 
26044026Primordial Evolution Game setting discussionIroning out details on races, creatures, and civilizations. Mostly for cycling back to West Continent.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Discussion2013-07-21 1 
26156012Lamia Daughter Quest 78"In the future, when I say we've done stupider things before, this is what I'm refering to."Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-07-21 27 
26216580Succubus Lord Quest: Part 41Its a legitimate empire building strategy!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, mecha2013-07-25 5 
26217072Firebender Quest Episode 14In which we experience visions. Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game 2013-07-25 7 
26272289Lamia Daughter Quest 79In which we drink perhaps one too many bottles of mead and have a only slightly conversation with our aunt and uncle about airdrops.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-07-28 22 
26258267Genius The Transgression: Aesthetics and StorytimeOP talks about mad science aesthetics, and one anon shares his tail of a mad scientist who really liked his cat.Genius: The Transgression, Storytime, Mad Science,2013-07-28 11 
26293944Firebender Quest Episode 15In which we try to fix ourselves.Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game2013-07-29 10 
26296752Exodus Quest IAfter choosing some cards and making some choices, Thaddeus N. Black, Ghost-Walker, wakes up amid a burning wreck with no memory. Falling in with a salvage caravan, he slowly begins to learn more about his past and the world he finds himself in.Collective Game, Exodus Quest, Quest, Rifts2013-07-29 8 
26308859Samus Aran vs a Space MarineA discussion as to who would win in a fight goes to weird and wonderful places.Metroid, 40K, Space Marine, Samus Aran, Unknown Primarch, Blood Ravens, Bjorn2013-07-29 10 
26314711Boone Quest 21In which Boone tries to hold her own in awkward elevator small talk with Raege. Boone, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Raege, Culexus2013-07-30 22 
26319563Bleach Quest XXXIIIIn which we are family, I've got all my cousins and me.Bleach Quest, Bleach, Collective Game, MY COUSIN2013-07-30 27 
26338629Of Techpriests and Telepaths, Part 2The continuing story of Litilus and Akadia40k, writefaggotry, techpriest, psyker, Litilus, Akadia, story2013-07-31 11 
26333358Lamia Daughter Quest 80In which we finish preparing for the rescue mission and put out plan into motion. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-07-31 23 
26346377Lamia Daughter Quest 81In which we kill three people with what turned out to be poison wine. Who could've guessed?Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-07-31 23 
August 2013
26369599Oestalan Sector Thread 6In which people continue to make the super-serious-homebrew-sector that's totally better than the Tiji Sector. They do this by making nothing of value and arguing about tripfags.Oestalan_Sector, homebrew, Warhammer_40k, seriously learn how to tag2013-08-01 0 
26377078Exodus Quest IIThaddeus and company escape another group of shadows and make it through the desert to reach an abandoned outpost, where they learn of a mysterious treasure in the desert.Collective Game, Exodus Quest, Exodus, Quest, Rifts2013-08-03 5 
26396156Lamia Daughter Quest 82In which we pull off yet another insane flight in Wagon, this time back to friendly lines. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-08-03 22 
26426539Pacific Rim DiscussionAnons discuss Pacific Rim and cry tears for Cherno Alphapacific rim, Cherno Alpha, RPG discussion2013-08-04 11 
26436600Lamia Daughter Quest 83We have a discussion about Chinese food, followed by communism.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-08-05 23 
26474635Lamia Daughter Quest 84In which a lot of talking happens about who to talk to.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-08-07 22 
26471166House and Dominion: Neeran War 1We look through some intel and get in our first ship to ship combat against Neeran warships.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion2013-08-08 14 
26516153Lamia Daughter Quest 85In which we really don't entertain troops very well, deal with a particularly heavy confession, and prepare to accept blame for casualties in the upcoming battle.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-08-09 22 
26532634Tank Witches Quest '89 18In which we go out shopping, pick up Sushi, and 'talk' with the Baltimore PDStrike Witches 1989, Army, Tanks, TW89, Collective Game, Tank Witches Quest, MightyM0use2013-08-10 21 
26566940Exodus quest IVThaddeus and his friends enter the sewers and find a drill, some rats and something darkCollective Game, Exodus Quest, Exodus, Quest, Rifts2013-08-12 4 
26566716Lamia Daughter Quest 86The battle of White Tree begins. Critfail after critfail ensues, until suddenly...!Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, Caligo Clarus, Dawnchasers, Lamia, Lamia Daughter Quest, Leviathan, White Tree2013-08-12 23 
26607209Lamia Daughter Quest 87After-battle celebration is interrupted by bad news from Stone Hall. Granny's age has finally caught up to her.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, Caligo Clarus, Dawnchasers, Lamia, Lamia Daughter Quest, Leviathan2013-08-14 23 
26629656Succubus Lord Quest Part 42Where we archive to beat a troll! Drama!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-08-15 20 
26646354Firebender Quest Episode 16Start of Fire Nation Capital arc. Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game 2013-08-16 10 
26602972For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2We discuss possible solutions to counter our new enemy, then set out in search of Neeran units that are hiding behind our lines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion2013-08-16 14 
26702416Of Techpriests and Telepaths Part 3The third installment of the Litilus and Akadia's story. Writefaggotry, WH40K, Techpriest, Psyker, Of Techpriests and Telepaths, Litilus, Akadia, story2013-08-19 13 
26701872Lamia Quest 88Connection problems plague us as we enter the Citadel Zone as we look for places with mana nulls or spikes. Citadel says "Get out of here, Dawnchasers."Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, Caligo Clarus, Dawnchasers, Lamia, Lamia Daughter Quest, Leviathan2013-08-19 20 
26722990Lamia Daughter Quest 88: do-over editionWe meet some strange not-people, try not to think about why that guy was so sticky, and make a happy re-acquaintance.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-08-20 23 
26720471Alternative Liches from other magical schoolsOP notes that necromancy is only one school of D&D magic with a means to immortality. Alternatives for the other school are discusseddiscussion, necromancy, lich, immortality, DnD2013-08-21 6 
26742273Lamia Daughter Quest 89We rush through war, make some battleplans, and take a trip down memory lane.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-08-21 23 
26735300For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3We continue hunting for enemy forces behind our lines. Players make a deal to establish a shipyard in PCCG.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion, salvage2013-08-22 12 
26760943Succubus Lord Quest: Part 43Join us as we teach the girls about Succubi and have a small emotional outburst. Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-08-22 20 
26791613Micro Empires (Working Title)Mutant Plant Seeds and Fungi fight to survive after humanitySetting Thread, Mushrooms, Seeds, Brainstorming2013-08-24 5 
26813598MTG custom Shrek unsetAnon posts his friends custom MTG cards, with a heavy Shrek vs. Peter Griffin theme. So bad they're fantastic.Magic: the Gathering, mtg, Shrek, custom cards, oc2013-08-25 17 
26858529tg Text Adventure Quest: Chapter 6We mindbreak Elyria and Daya, fuck them both, invade a city and take control of it, meeting Katya the assassin catgirl and The Immortal, among other things.Text Adventure, Quest, Text, Adventure, Minotaurs, Collective Game, Dryads, Catgirls, Gratuitous Sex2013-08-28 9 
26865454Lamia Daughter Quest 90We team up with the PE gladiator and start kicking ass, but then Citadel starts save-scumming.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-08-28 21 
26888963/tg/ Text Adventure Quest: Chapter 7Where we kill a snake god, win a lamia, fuck a loli, fail to siege a castle and then kill some mermaids.Collective Game, text adventure, mermaids, gratuitous sex, 2013-08-29 2 
26860638For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4While conducting an inspection we find another company to invest in. Recon missions in the area finish up and we finalise some plans.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion, salvage2013-08-29 13 
26887458Succubus Lord Quest Part 44Join us as Brooklyn finally goes to old TO!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-08-29 20 
26905269Lamia Daughter Quest 91A great deal of trust is put into some backstabbers, and we avoid paste-wielding packs of citadel children.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-08-30 22 
September 2013
26964364Lamia Daughter Quest 92The Dawnchasers infiltrate the courthouse. For a given definition of "infiltrate."Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-09-02 21 
26986427 ITT: the fugg is going on in Holy Terra?Questions about Terra lead to the greatest poop joke of all timeHoly Terra, Funny, Poop Joke, Just as Planned, 2013-09-03 13 
26996044Of Techpriests and Telepaths: Chapter 4The tale of Litilus and Akadia comes to a close40k, Writefaggotry, Techpriest, Psyker, Story, Litilus, Akadia2013-09-03 12 
27006077Octopus QuestWe are an octopus in a tank, an experimental subject. Massively enhanced, we begin talking to the two-legged lobsters. Octopus, Collective Game, Octopus Quest2013-09-04 10 
27010431Lamia Daughter Quest 93We make some decisions about how to diffuse citadel's power best, citadel does some work for us, and we have some last-minute conversations with the team.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel2013-09-04 22 
27025803Succbus Lord Quest Part 45Join as we kick ass and chew bubblegum, but we're all outta gum...Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-09-05 21 
27023797The Steel CrusadersWhat happens when you create a Chapter of Marines that put immense emphasis on mechanized warfare? You get these guys. After much debating the Chapter was called the Steel Crusaders.Steel Crusaders, Space Marines, 40K, Astartes, Mechanized2013-09-05 4 
27005773For House and Dominion: Neeran War 5Sonia goes on another sneaking mission to prove that she's still got it. Heading up to the front lines we decide to join the Alliance provided some conditions are met.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion, salvage2013-09-06 14 
27049411Lamia Daughter Quest 94The Dawnchasers prepare to storm Castle Newgate. We finally have a clear understanding of Kingfisher's primary motive, that is if he isn't lying again.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Kingfisher2013-09-06 22 
27067473Lamia Daughter Quest 95The Climax of the series, the conflict with kingfisher, and the commune with citadel.Quest, Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Kingfisher2013-09-07 29 
27077630lamia daughter quest 96- epilogueDragons turn out to be pretty scary. Ssen is finally off of Citadel's wild ride. Music, jubilations, and possible vacation follow.Quest, Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus, Citadel, Kingfisher2013-09-07 24 
26897383Primordial Evo Setting DiscussionDiscussing information on the creatures and cultures of Borgas IV, as well as giving 3.5 stats to some of the races.Setting, Discussion, Primordial, Evolution, Collective Game, homebrew, races2013-09-10 1 
27164629Succbus Lord Quest Part 46Join us as Brooklyn has a reunion with his sister and uncle!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-09-12 23 
27144268For House and Dominion: Neeran War 6After a valiant effort to save their cruiser The Unnamed Guard from destruction Sonia and crew are forced to abandon ship.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion2013-09-13 14 
27184550Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 5We are at war with the a new breed of Bandit. Try to hold them off. Develop super-virus, too dangerous to use right now. Manage to bring things to a precarious standstill.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Bandits, War, Virus2013-09-13 5 
27207761Transformation Fetish QuestOh look, another thread about succubus transformation/corruption fetishes trying its damned hardest to be /tg/ related despite being /d/shit.We really dont need any more succubus shit on /tg/, Collective Game, gb2/d/2013-09-14 21 
27221371Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 7Our new breed of hunter/scouter mutant comes to fruition. Make many discoveries, but don't have the force to act yet. New areas discovered, attempt to make sense of it all.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Tectus, Map2013-09-15 5 
27206011CATastrophe: The Floor Is Now Seawater Edition/tg/ gets progress reports on CATastrophe beta editions and kicks around fluff while one Anon provides mood music.CATastrophe, Homebrew, /tg_gets_shit_done, music2013-09-15 6 
27291940Samefag QuestDON'T YOU MEAN LOLI FIGHT CLUB QUESTCollective Game, Samefag Quest, Lolis, Fetish, I guess you can't really call it collective when it's just one dude samefagging2013-09-18 0 
27286857Succbus Lord Quest Part 47Join us for more adventures in the Library and meeting a shameless Greed Demon!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, Old Spice2013-09-19 21 
27282076For House and Dominion: Neeran War 7After securing passage off planet we link up with the Alliance once again. New job offers come up and we begin training Faction forces in mixed unit tactics.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion, training2013-09-21 13 
27407662Magical Industry QuestSir Roderick William Gallowglass negotiates with elves for a slice of prime real estate.collective game, magic, industry, quest, pinkerton, gho, gallowglass2013-09-25 18 
27418931Succubus Lord Quest Part 48Join us as Brooklyn reunites Mary with her mother Oksana!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-09-26 23 
27398046For House and Dominion: Neeran War 8After finishing up mixed unit training we find that the voyage home is still beset by hurdles.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion, training2013-09-26 13 
27386067What is the most grimdark setting?/tg/ wrestles with that age-old question/tg/, discussion, 40k, Kult, Drakengard, Beserk, Exalted, Call of Cthulhu, call of cthulhu, World of Darkness, Drakengard, Midnight, grimdark, edgy, Grimdark, GRIMDARK2013-09-27 5 
27492988Princess Guard Quest 17Reinhold gets paid, prompting a discussion about finances.Collective Game, Princess Guard Qust 172013-09-30 26 
October 2013
27509610Love, Liches, and LewdityIs it worthwhile to get in a relationship with a Lich? What are your opinions on liches? /tg/ gets way too into it, as their trademark characteristic.Lich, love, Romance, /fa/, Waifu, husbando, necromancy, necromancer, Licheral Degeneracy2013-10-02 5 
27523685Succubus Lord Quest Part 49Join us as we fight of a Miyian gang and talk to Arum!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, gattai2013-10-02 29 
27535202Unemployment Quest 3We buy proper clothes, go to a fair to sell hotdogs, and end up defensively wrecking everyone. More job-seeking ensues. Collective Game, Unemployment Quest, Hustler2013-10-03 12 
27565202Unemployment Quest 4We meet new friends, punch out a consultant, and hang out away from home. Collective Game, Unemployment Quest, Hustler2013-10-05 13 
27607884RuneQuest kicks all kinds of assA pitiful attempt at trolling backfires, and /tg/ ends up talking about how awesome RuneQuest is.glorantha, discussion, Glorantha, RuneQuest, don't fuck with the ducks, King of Dragon Pass, king of dragon pass2013-10-07 5 
27643377Unemployment Quest 5Where we finally get it on, after a fashion, with Johanna. Collective Game, Unemployment Quest, Hustler2013-10-09 10 
27660240Unemployment Quest 6Where we have a Polish encounter, meet a serious creep, and have pre-revenge-plotting fun. Collective Game, Unemployment Quest, Hustler2013-10-10 11 
27695341Washed up Villain questThe beginning of Dick Vilian Bethany Dastardly the third's tale. In which he signs a rather dubious contract for freedoms, takes over a gang, executes the former leader via train, Makes his henchmen look presentable, learns the arcane arts, and dabbles with necromancyMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Necromancy, Evil, Villain2013-10-12 22 
27707106Washed up Villain quest 2In which we start our less than legal businesses, spend a day with a zombie in the town, meet an old woman who isn't as she's seems, hit a demon with a train, see the world from the eyes of John fritz, and decide to set out sights on the Devils Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Train, Evil, Villain, 2013-10-13 12 
27726113Washed up Villain quest 3In which Dick Vilian Bethany Dastardly the third takes up pupeteering creates a drug to control the minds of others, Gets a car and goes for a trip in the woods with Mr.Fritz and Miss Smith, Frees and Binds a fae creature, takes ownership of a cottage fit for a necromancer by fight a horde of skeletons with a cane, Corrupts a sword of justice and heroism into an abomination of a weapon, among other thingsMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Necromancy, Evil, Villain, random events2013-10-14 12 
27723865Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 1Thus begins the story of Aduro Industries. Trying to scratch and claw at resources in hell itself.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry2013-10-14 5 
27735860Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 2We try to find water in a volcano, and scrape for precious resource.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry2013-10-15 6 
27760838Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 3And the dice gods said "let there be light." And there was light.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry, light2013-10-16 5 
27760998For House and Dominion: Neeran War 9We go poking through a Neeran archive then try to decide how best to approach the ship's control center.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Marines2013-10-18 12 
27793883Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 4The ravagers finally make their move, and we drive them out (with a little providence). Money flows in and out of our pockets like sand, as we bolster our security and technology.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry2013-10-18 5 
27812826Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 5Darkness encroaches the light. Will the candle hold?Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry2013-10-19 5 
27829639Post Apoc Corporate Mutant Civ Quest Part 6 (The End)The darkness snuffs out the light. The spark must wait to try again once more.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry, fin2013-10-20 5 
27846385Washed up Villain quest 4We suddenly become a god, plan our villainous marriage to the goddess of justice (out of character) and turn a mighty demon into a little girl because Bethany though it was funnyMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Necromancy, Evil, Villain, God2013-10-21 10 
27860626Gamer Fuel Guy Makes /tg/ HungryAn amazing fa/tg/uy with culinary mastery hops onto to /tg/ and shows some of his amazing dishes and gives helpful advice, and after awhile some more good chefs hop ingamer fuel, food, snacks, delicious2013-10-22 16 
27884010Post Apoc Bandit Civ Quest Part 3 (Hiatus/Fin)We hold out until winter at last blows over, and the spring sun shines. OP bids farewell and shall return after a time.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, industry2013-10-23 5 
27886400Washed up Villain quest 5Bethany attends a wedding, learns the meaning of fear and also loses one of his most trusted companionsMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Necromancy, Evil, Villain, god, 2013-10-23 6 
27883999Succubus Lord Quest Part 50Join us as we escape from, then have tea with Brooklyn-Draugr! Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-10-23 23 
27902393Unemployment Quest 7The Protagonist gets into fights. And then, panicked by a possible kidnapping, gets into yet more fights. We are also now part of some... association... Collective Game, Unemployment Quest, Hustler2013-10-24 11 
27916517Unemployment Quest 7-2Continuation of 7. We hang around with Erica, and are exposed to a little ploy of hers. Collective Game, Unemployment Quest, Hustler2013-10-25 11 
27882904For House and Dominion: Neeran War 10We continue trying to take control of the Neeran ship. Obstacles are met, but not really overcome.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Marines2013-10-25 12 
27956521Washed up Villain quest 6 : End of part 1In which We fight nature itself, start the Apocalypse, fight with our fellow gods, and commit the ultimate Sacrifice with Justice to save the world from the void we opened. Meanwhile two children are born in the world of AlbionMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Villany, Justice, Rebirth2013-10-27 7 
27948478Star Krakens - Thread 8In which the Phorcys Sector is discussed and fluffed out.Space Marine, Star Kraken, Custom Chapter, 40k,2013-10-27 0 
27967410Star Krakens - Thread 9Yet another thread in the mighty saga of the Star Krakens40k, Star Krakens, Space Marine, Custom Chapter,2013-10-28 0 
28008605Washed up Villain quest 7Gunther uses Jimmy's bone to give a bad wolf more than he can chew on, gets a tatoo, and learns THE KNOTHOLE GLADE WAYMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Albion, Knothole glade, balverines, random events, THE KNOTHOLE GLADE WAY2013-10-30 11 
28009567Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 1We ain't afraid of no ghosts.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan2013-10-30 39 
27988510Star Krakens - Thread 10Polishing the Chapter and adding more stuff to make their fluff even more legit. 40k, Star Krakens, Space Marine, Custom Chapter,2013-10-30 0 
27990336For House and Dominion: Home FrontThe long awaited return home. We see family members, start up our salvage company and are paraded through the streets of our homeworld.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey,2013-10-31 13 
November 2013
28041185Washed up Villain quest 8Guther meets Justice 2.0 and they have a lovers spatMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Albion, Demon door, 2013-11-01 10 
28040175Succubus Lord Quest Part 51Join us as we have a date with the twins and then find out more about Brooklyn-Draugr!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-11-01 25 
28044523Order of the Obsidian Mirror/tg/ rolls up some sisters of battle and gets CIA/GRU battle spies in space instead.40k, Sisters of Battle, Custom2013-11-02 9 
28041572Unemployment Quest Halloween SpecialThe Halloween EditionCollective Game, Unemployment Quest, Hustler2013-11-02 1 
28057330Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 2We learn how to hold a particle accelerator, count to 10, and is that a flying flaming table?Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Okiku2013-11-02 29 
28065919Magus QuestAyaka Sajyou arrives at the Clock Tower, and takes the first steps towards being a magus.Magus Quest, Clock Tower, Ayaka Sajyou, Socially Awkward, Nasu, Self-Loathing2013-11-02 14 
28068579Star Krakens - Thread 11More polishing. 40k, Star Krakens, Space Marine, Custom Chapter,2013-11-04 2 
28125732Washed up Villain quest 9Gunther goes Berserk, Removes a mans arm, destroys a forest, becomes a hero, kills some bandits, and encounters and beats the shit out of something not even in this setting Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Albion, THE KNOTHOLE GLADE WAY, heroes, 2013-11-06 11 
28108467For House and Dominion: Home Front 2We discuss assassination, visit Mike's hometown and give our personal starship a spin.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey,2013-11-07 12 
28163102Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 3We meet priests, paramedics, and Peck; get attacked by china in Japan; and slime and plot thickens.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Seto Taisho2013-11-08 30 
28181927Tank Witches 89 19Finally we talk to Top, though a few other options are presented...Strike Witches 1989, Collective Game, MightyM0use, TW892013-11-09 21 
28218341Washed up Villain quest 10 we make men fly and make crab people fly even higher. Trouble involving an irishman, a real bastard and a little demon girl...in space! also we get the voice out of our head and gain another one as a twig loses her eyesMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, albion, Crab people, Space,2013-11-11 5 
28253652Succubus Lord Quest Part 52Join us for the rescue of Belkarian Knight Fredika!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-11-14 25 
28274432Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 4Doomsday desperate deals with devils, and a side of exploding cakes.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai2013-11-14 27 
28247191For House and Dominion: Ballroom EditionAttending a ball organised by our wingman's family we look up old friends and find out how they've fared over the past year. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, dancing, party, ball, assassination, flashback, Dice, Survey2013-11-15 12 
28290654Washed up Villain quest 11Dick dastardly faces his greatest challange yet...a family reunion. He also ruins the story line of fable, by beating jack of blades and goes to a rather bizarre world.Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, albion, Jojo's bizzare adventure2013-11-15 4 
28292906Tank Witches '89 20We choose our next theater of operations and have a run in with the Military Police.Strike Witches 1989, Collective Game, MightyM0use, TW892013-11-15 20 
28299305Hired to Kill DethklokYou've been hired to kill Dethklok. How do you do it? /tg/ collectively decides that it's not possible.Metalocalypse, Dethklok, Music, Metal, What Do?, Cartoons, 2013-11-17 10 
28337976Don't fuck with the dice godsOP tries to make a rouge trader quest but tries to defy the dice gods. They do not take his insolence kindly.Dice-Gods, Justice, 40k, Leman Russ,2013-11-17 20 
28362262Obnoxious Ghost QuestA man is haunted by limericking ghosts, attempts to find them a bodyObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-11-19 14 
28383163Obnoxious Ghost Quest 2We commit another double homicide and escape to an abandoned farm, where we make a macabre maskCollective Game, Obnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Humor2013-11-20 9 
28401020Saiyan Story 17In which our hero learns some new tricks and use them to deadly effectSaiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Collective Game, Somnius2013-11-21 10 
28404543Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 4What better way to top off a date and a movie than encountering apocalyptic cultists, a trip to the land of the dead, an iconic well, and the ghost of a virulent long dead plague? Also we're less one star.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Smallpox2013-11-21 26 
28376558For House and Dominion: Home Front 3We raid a black market hub on Dreminth, recover weapons and ammo to later sell, and straighten out our Salvage company. Preparations are made for the first company deployment.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage2013-11-22 12 
28433806Obnoxious Ghost Quest 3We get a Bone Rank Up and meet our future antagonists, the PoGADObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-11-23 8 
28477298Obnoxious Ghost Quest 4In which we get a skele-bear familiar, fall down a pit, and terrify a small childCollective Game, Obnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Humor, Limericks2013-11-25 9 
28504338Loser QuestJohnny Jellison is a born loser. Experience his terrible, empty, loveless life.Collective Game, Loser Quest, Wizard, Weeaboo, Loser Magic-User Quest2013-11-26 10 
28497517Magia Recreant - Episode 01A pink haired girl finds her world about to come apart at the seams.Magia Recreant Quest, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Crossover, Collective Game, /a/nonymous magica, 2013-11-26 6 
28514619Obnoxious Ghost Quest 5In which we kill zommaids, lose Aurelie, and get very drunkObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-11-27 8 
28520592Princess Guard Quest 68Eating contest!Collective Game, Princess Guard Quest, you guys are embarrassing seriously2013-11-27 27 
28549890Succubus Lord Quest Part 53Join us as we learn more about the wrath demons, watch as Fredrika gets her act together and try to comfort some of our companions.Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-11-30 22 
December 2013
28610955A-bear-ationSo what DOES happen when a bear shapeshifter gets pregnant...?bear, druid, bear warrior, abearation, discussion, bears2013-12-03 6 
28620988Obnoxious Ghost Quest 6In which we meet Professor Becherski, hit on a Zommaid, and fight the PoGADObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-12-03 7 
28633154For House and Dominion: Home Front 5Our Salvage fleet takes to the field and rapidly finds itself overwhelmed. Even with backup can Sonia salvage it all?Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2013-12-05 13 
28661138Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 6Defeating devious decadent degenerates and deranged diseased damsels. Also we find a rock.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Rock2013-12-05 25 
28676263[REDACTED] QuestA jerkoff computer revives us to fight monsters for him.REDACTED Quest, Collective Game, Huey, Australians2013-12-06 5 
28679869Obnoxious Ghost Quest 7In which we teleport away, fight a bear, and visit build-a-waifu. Not in that orderObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-12-06 7 
28720015Obnoxious Ghost Quest 8In which we get triangulated, kill a knight, and beat a girl in a fight.Obnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-12-08 7 
28739770Obnoxious Ghost Quest 9In which we have an interlude with an intersectional chruch, fight a beetle, and become town heroObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-12-09 8 
28761778Obnoxious Ghost Quest 10In which we appoint ourselves as leader, become a contract monster hunter, and lose KatrinaObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-12-10 7 
28787019/tg/ talks swordsComplete with manuals by medieval masters, the various murder instruments and their uses, and civilised discussion.swords, getting shit done, helpful info, useful, history, fechtbuch2013-12-11 7 
28777628For House and Dominion: Home Front 6As our salvage fleet starts to haul in loot the competition belatedly puts in an appearance. The possibility of more treasure and danger awaits.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2013-12-12 12 
28804452Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 7We agree to help a lady from out-of-body opera and become the cure to a dreaded disease.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Rock2013-12-12 23 
28818067For House and Dominion: Home Front 6.5With money comes infighting over generosity or hording. Agreements with the governor means your station is online.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2013-12-14 12 
28856957Obnoxious Ghost Quest 11In which we nearly double-die, get paralyzed, and hang with the ProfessorObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-12-14 6 
28920075Creepy Music/tg/ provides links for horror campaigns.Creepy, Music, Horror, Mars2013-12-17 2 
28904281For House and Dominion: Home Front 7We finish sorting out salvage sales to the House and their payment plan then prep for the next operation. One of the recovered Knights challenges us to a duel.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Duel2013-12-18 11 
28950349Succubus Lord Quest Part 54Join us as we set up plans for the Succubi village!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-12-20 20 
28971501Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 8We find out about Akira's history with the incorporeal and find evidence from the ghost in the machine. Also, we fortify our headquarters as the First Night falls...Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai2013-12-20 23 
28965839Russian Setting and Lore discussionOP starts a thread asking /tg/ about Russian mythology and lore. Interesting discussion ensues between classic Russian folklore and the Soviet Era revisionist stuff.The Archivist, setting, worldbuilding, world building, homebrew, Russia, folklore, folk lore, campaign setting2013-12-20 21 
28988933Ghostbusters: Japan Episode 8 Part 2We speak to a ghost of a ghost and find out that she has no faceCollective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai, 2013-12-21 23 
29065332Succubus Lord Quest Part 55Join us as we talk to the Ayarian leader then take control of Amanda! Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-12-26 20 
29094032CYOA Saiyan Story 53In which the battle with Frieza beginsSaiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Collective Game, Somnius, Frieza2013-12-27 6 
29114845Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 9Got a little bit of everything today. Started off with a bit of comedy, transitiones into a police procedural and end up in a gameshow. It's like we were really watching TV. Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai, Gameshow2013-12-28 22 
29176649Succubus Lord Quest Part 56Join us as we archive early to avoid a troll! Amanda talks to the Miyian Leader! Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-12-31 20 
January 2014
29195523Mushroom Kingdom Quest 1: The Adventure BeginsLeonardo Koocaprio and Sal Guy get ready to kidnap Princess Peach.collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-01 14 
29170115For House and Dominion: Home Front 7After putting up a good fight in the duel you get back to business. Mercenaries, local business and others all want some of your money.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Duel2014-01-02 12 
29224682Just One Man's QuestOne man sees the approach of an angry sea god. He must do something, but what?Just One Man's Quest, Collective Game2014-01-02 14 
29259624Teen Titans CYOA #?Somnius was right all along.Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Death, Son, Robin, Raven, Donn Mortem, Donn, Mortem, Undying, Somnius was right2014-01-04 5 
29277149Obnoxious Ghost Quest 12In which we meet Asta, snub the Bitch Squad, and make a plan.Obnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2014-01-04 6 
29275400XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP04 "A match of Ice and Fire"Ami goes first against the japanese snow womanCollective Game, XWF Manager Quest, Ami Morgan, Aura Accussa2014-01-04 1 
29282628Mushroom Kingdom Quest Part 2: Of Clones and KoopasLeo and Sal's adventure continues! In this installment, they finish the Peach clone and set the real one on her date with Wario!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-05 11 
29360104D&D Alignment: How very Neutral of you.A few guys actually make some gods-damned sense of D&D alignment.DnD, D&D, Dungeons, Dragons, Planescape, Neutral, Zapp, Brannigan, good, evil, law, chaos, sense, fluff, alignment, explanation, succubus2014-01-08 13 
29364825Obnoxious Ghost Quest 13In which we repeatedly crit fail, become a Dark Knight of Privilege, and slay a LindwurmObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2014-01-09 7 
29376178MTG Chinese "Proxies" Cont.Chinese MTG Proxies DiscussionCounterfeit Magic The Gathering Discussion Chinese2014-01-09 0 
29376259Mushroom Kingdom Quest Part 3: A Peach by Any Other NameLeo, Sal and Lily crash with Broque Monsieur. Meanwhile, we visit Tanoomba and his fast-talkin' boo friend as they bust outta jail.collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-09 7 
29402841Washed up Villain quest: RedoThe beginning of former arch villain Wilhelm Valentine's quest to get back on the top after he was insulted one to many times, and deals with demons and assholish super heroes Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Washed up Villain quest:Redo, Demons, Superheroes2014-01-10 3 
29346834For House and Dominion: Home Front 9We attempt to conclude our business in South Reach before deployment back to the front lines. Ammo designs pour in as the munitions factory starts up.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-01-11 11 
29438527Spirit Detective Quest thread 1We meet a reaper, we meet Koenma, we wake upYu Yu Hakusho, Spirit detective, Quest, Yosuke, collective game, cyoa2014-01-12 11 
29467511Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 4: Tanoomba's TroubleThings get more exciting as Tanoomba joins his friend Darryl Bones in a plot to board the Comet Observatory and Lily dons a strange violet mask...collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-13 5 
29485937Obnoxious Ghost Quest 14In which we get drunk, crit fail when it doesn't matter, and make friends with KatrinaObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2014-01-13 7 
29491175Saiyan Story 73In which you visit Yardrat and cuddle with FluffySaiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Collective Game, Somnius, Saiyan, Story2014-01-14 0 
29494509Succubus Lord Quest Part 57Join us as Brooklyn meets and angelic hit squad and learns about magic classes!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-01-15 16 
29522774Dinosaurs, Ancient Animals, and Lobsters in the FutureIn the Grim Darkness of the Far Future, there are only Lobsters. Also rad convos about dinosaurs and crustacean porn.Future Lobsters, Dinosaurs, Ancient Animals, Crustacean Porn2014-01-15 9 
29536750Washed up Villain quest Redo 3In which Willheim Vallentine finds a new hat, finally gets over his hangover, and gets some new threads (with the side effect of a massive debt)Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Prinny, Debt, Nothing much happens,2014-01-16 0 
29492055For House and Dominion: Home Front 10We take on some side quests first with Sonia then as Beryl, a boarding team leader working for Reynard Salvage Solutions.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-01-16 11 
29540004Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 5: Rosalina's Last StandShit gets real in Mushroom Kingdom Quest! Tanoomba and friends wreak havoc on the Comet Observatory, while Donkey Kong enters the mix!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-16 10 
29531073Statting Isaac Clarke/tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems. Discussion ensues.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion2014-01-16 24 
29557219Statting Isaac Clarke 2 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems. Discussion ensues.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion2014-01-17 14 
29571847Demon Musician QuestAisha Ligrev's a demon mage and musician at a mage's college.Demon Musician Quest, Collective Game2014-01-17 7 
29567205Statting Isaac Clarke 3 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems. Discussion ensues.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion2014-01-18 17 
29589655Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 6In this chapter, The Boo forgets to title his chapters!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-18 5 
29594103Demon Musician Quest IIAisha is invited to a new school, and is given a hidden power along the way.Demon Musician Quest, Collective Game2014-01-18 5 
29588343Statting Isaac Clarke 4 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems. Discussion ensues.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion2014-01-19 10 
29609731Spirit Detective Quest thread #2 We leave the hospital and hang out with some friends before doing some research on the spirit world and going to meet Koenma to tell him we accept the position of Spirit DetectiveYu Yu Hakusho, Spirit detective, Quest, Yosuke, Kuwabara, detective, collective game, cyoa2014-01-19 8 
29605992Saiyan Story 78In which you face off against Androids 13, 14, and 15, and visit Gero's labSaiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Collective Game, Somnius, Saiyan, Story2014-01-19 2 
29611565Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 7: Saving Sergeant Blueford Shit gets REALER in Mushroom Kingdom Quest! Darryl's true nature is revealed and Tanoomba has second thoughts about where his loyalties lie!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-19 5 
29635763Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 8: Let's-a Go!Mario and Luigi finally make their appearance in this chapter!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-20 5 
29663498Succubus Lord Quest Part 58Join us as we explain our situation to Rebecca about being the son of a Hero Trainer!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-01-21 17 
29673514Build a DragonAnon pops in to conduct a survey presenting combinations of dragon characteristics. /tg/ responds and describe what kinds of dragon they would be. Responses range from small hermit dragons who don't want any trouble to classic red terrors to benevolent mecha-dragons protecting human cities.dragon, dragons, discussion, ideas, survey, 2014-01-22 5 
29711497Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 9: Despicable DarrylIn this chapter, Donkey Kong gets a second chance in fighting the abominable Darryl Bones!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-23 6 
29713801Statting Isaac Clarke 6Multiple stories and discussion continue.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion2014-01-23 2 
29678589For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour 1We put the Wing through training, get a new uniform and deal with our new promotion. We also get to look over some R&D options.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-01-24 12 
29778553Spirit Detective Quest #3You begin your first mission as Spirit Detective in an abandoned warehouse where you fight some demons and find some hostagesYu Yu Hakusho, Spirit detective, spirit detective quest, Quest, Yosuke, Kuwabara, detective, collective game, cyoa2014-01-26 7 
29777152CYOA Saiyan Story 85In which you spar with 17 and 18, and damage 17 in more than just the physical senseSaiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Collective Game, Somnius, Saiyan, Story2014-01-26 3 
29801873CYOA Saiyan Story 86In which you finally deal with Android 16. meet the Martian Dragon, and visit an old friendSaiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Collective Game, Somnius, Saiyan, Story2014-01-27 4 
29809851Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 10: Sal the GumshoeLeo and Sal get ready to leave for Cackletta's lab, but they get an unforseen visitor...collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-27 0 
29828796CYOA Saiyan Story 87In which an old friend meets the family, and some interesting discussions are hadSaiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Collective Game, Somnius, Saiyan, Story2014-01-28 3 
29850437Wolf Quest 11Homu puts a sparkle in our eyesCollective Game, Wolf Quest, Wolf, Whitefang, Legendary, Homunculus2014-01-29 7 
29852715CYOA Saiyan Story 88In which the party continues, you ask briefs to repair your armor, visit Roshi, meet Krillin, and return to Huhn-tresh's planetSaiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Collective Game, Somnius, Saiyan, Story2014-01-29 3 
29847386Statting Isaac Clarke: Many threads laterContinuance of the previous threadsDead Space, Stat Me, Discussion2014-01-29 2 
29876181Obnoxious Ghost Quest 15In which we fight some Goblins, terrorize a Social-Justicar, and the QM puts the quest on hiatus Obnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2014-01-30 6 
29884057Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 11: The DoorIn this chapter, Leo's crew discovers the shocking truth of Broque Monsieur's origin, and Tanoomba finally rids the world of Darryl Bones.collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-30 5 
29826404For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour 2Beryl's sidequest resumes and wraps up. Sonia reaches the front and new business ideas pop up.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-01-30 11 
February 2014
29972934Digger Quest: Chapter 8Bass single-handedly fights a city-destroying Reaverbot, decides to waterproof his gun, and buys crappy gifts for his friends.Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure, No Seriously Bass Is Really Bad At Picking Out Gifts2014-02-03 12 
29971511CYOA Saiyan Story 91Frank has visions of an evil pink blob with Kami and we go on a notdate with 18. Somehow we didn't manage to piss her off the whole movie.Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Collective Game, Somnius, Saiyan, Story2014-02-03 0 
29977874Dangerous Knowledge QuestA young clerk finds a book of questionable moral standing that teaches spells of equally questionable moral standing.Collective Game, Dangerous Knowledge Quest, Smut, Mind Control2014-02-03 14 
29994854CYOA Saiyan Story 92In which we have some family time and deliver on our promise to Huhn-Tresh.Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Collective Game, Somnius, Saiyan, Story2014-02-04 2 
30024229Dwarf image thread deliveredOP requests images similar to a picture of a dwarf with a boar. Anonymous delivers.funny, troll, anonymous delivers, awesome, dwarf, epic, Humor, 2014-02-05 9 
30018085CYOA Saiyan Story 93In which we bring Huhn-Tresh to Earth, discuss weapons and end on a cliffhanger while looking for Salta. And why ever is she not answering the door?Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Collective Game, Somnius, Saiyan, Story 2014-02-05 3 
30030833Minor magic items. Again.I hear that's what the kids be doing these days.useless magic items, magic items, minor magic items, magic, items, loot, useless loot2014-02-05 6 
29996614For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #33rd and 5th Wings begin their raids behind enemy lines. Priority is put on keeping everyone alive.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-02-05 11 
30047277Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 11: The Melancholy of Haruhi TanoombaTanoomba, Yelmont and Blueford get on the road again, while our heroes meet back with their boss in this torturously slow 'sode!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-02-06 0 
30045217Random Dimensional Quest 3: Of Drug Deals and Dream WhalesIn which Nick Trimmers discovers more of his abilities and comes down from his high.Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Slow Ass, Quest, arms dealers, Arsenal, magic mushroom2014-02-06 1 
30064386CYOA Saiyan Story 94In which we have a horrible psychic vision on our way to the museum. Can't we do anything fun without evil people plotting to murder us? Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Collective Game, Somnius, Saiyan, Story 2014-02-07 1 
30082942CYOA Saiyan Story 95In which we go to a museum and introduce Huhn-Tresh to the wonders of Human technology. Additionally Vegeta has asked Salta to locate Saiyans and bring them back to the New Saiyan Empire.Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Somnius, Saiyan, Story, Saiyan CYOA, DBZ, Collective Game2014-02-08 4 
30102834CYOA Saiyan Story 96In which we talk to King Kai and sweep the minds of some of our friends for psychic intrusions. Luckily they were all clean.Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Somnius, Saiyan, Story, Saiyan CYOA, DBZ, Collective Game 2014-02-09 2 
30124581CYOA Saiyan Story 97In which we check the minds of our compatriots, switch to Bardock and discover two terrifyingly high power levels and flee. In which we check the minds of our compatriots, switch to Bardock and discover two terrifyingly high power levels and fleeSaiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Somnius, Saiyan, Story, Saiyan CYOA, DBZ, Collective Game2014-02-10 1 
30147367CYOA Saiyan Story 98Androids 21 and 22 appear and begin slaughtering the human race. Again. We really really need to work on follow through in the future. Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Somnius, Saiyan, Story, Saiyan CYOA, DBZ, Collective Game 2014-02-11 3 
30149606Succubus Lord Quest part 59Join us as the fire as the Pride demons begin a crackdown and we free out Dad!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-02-12 15 
30169435CYOA Saiyan Story 99In which we finally ascend to Super Saiyan 3 and go knocking around some Androids.Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Somnius, Saiyan, Story, Saiyan CYOA, DBZ, Collective Game 2014-02-12 1 
30148194For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #4After helping to evacuate a friendly shipyard we head back out for a few more raids.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-02-12 11 
30194620CYOA Saiyan Story 100In which we take a trip to a hot springs planet in 18's dreams. Hi jinks ensue and we finally give 18 a kiss.Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Somnius, Saiyan, Story, Saiyan CYOA, DBZ, Collective Game 2014-02-13 1 
30197975Mushroom Kingdom Quest 13: Time to Pay the PlumberTanoomba, Yelmont and Blueford meet up in the newly-formed Toadsworth Consulate to discuss how to fix Darryl's mess. Meanwhile, a high-stakes MK Grand Prix starts to take shape...collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-02-13 2 
30197241Random Dimensional Quest 4 - Quest Long or Die TryingIn which Nick Trimmers visits astral woodstock, does drugs, and gets (spiritually) laid. Wat.Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Slow Ass, Quest, Arsenal, magic mushroom, astral hippie sex2014-02-13 2 
30308129Succubus Lord Quest: Part 60Join us as Brooklyn gains her father's freedom and we escape from the Pride Demon raid!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-02-18 14 
30308611CYOA Saiyan Story 105In which Bardock spars with 17 and 18 and wipes the floor with them. Now for a date with Onia.Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Somnius, Saiyan, Story, Saiyan CYOA, DBZ, Collective Game 2014-02-18 0 
30302243For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #5We finally let Daska take her Wing out on her own. A race to find the most salvage is soon kicked off.few more raids. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-02-19 11 
30330124CYOA Saiyan Story 106In which our date with Onia goes wonderfully and we have a romantic night under the stars. Bardock and Onia are now a couple.Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Somnius, Saiyan, Story, Saiyan CYOA, DBZ, Collective Game2014-02-19 0 
30352492CYOA Saiyan Story 107In which we brave the Cave, get 'killed' by an illusion of Cooler and get to know Huhn-Tresh better. Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Somnius, Saiyan, Story, Saiyan CYOA, DBZ, Collective Game2014-02-20 2 
30374663CYOA Saiyan Story 108In which we finally forge our weapon and then attempt to socialize among Huhn-Tresh's people.Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Somnius, Saiyan, Story, Saiyan CYOA, DBZ, Collective Game2014-02-21 0 
30394069CYOA Saiyan Story 109Bardock finds someone to train his swordsmanshipSaiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Somnius, Saiyan, Story, Saiyan CYOA, DBZ, Collective Game2014-02-22 1 
30413981Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 5Jake and pals get whisked off to another dimension, however they end up dragging folks along for the ride. They find themselves in a world ruled by a pink haired tyrant. Will they defeat her? Will they get back home? The story is beginning to come to a close...Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Kira, Lacus, Evil, Terminal, SEED, Mara2014-02-23 24 
30417198CYOA Saiyan Story 110A filler thread of Franks afterlife adventures in which we encounter Frieza, King Cold and more importantly Dr. Gero and start a war raging through Hell, with the Saiyans at our side under the command of King Vegeta.Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Somnius, Saiyan, Story, Saiyan CYOA, DBZ, Collective Game 2014-02-23 1 
30433837CYOA Saiyan Story 111In which the original Bardock joins us and we proceed to render the Androids harmless by removing their limbs. As usual Dr. Gero goes missing and Saiyans kick ass.Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Somnius, Saiyan, Story, Saiyan CYOA, DBZ, Collective Game 2014-02-24 1 
30460561CYOA Saiyan Story 112A short thread in which we talk to King Vegeta and meet our old friends Portat and Carros and floor them with the knowledge that we married Salta and Spina.Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Somnius, Saiyan, Story, Saiyan CYOA, DBZ, Collective Game 2014-02-25 0 
30455932For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #6We take part in one of the costliest battles for the Neeran yet.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Battle2014-02-27 15 
30503918CYOA Saiyan Story 113In which we play as Frank and then Bardock. Bardock begins his training with Sorwo-ahn and learns one of her techniques, and discovers a new one.Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Somnius, Saiyan, Story, Saiyan CYOA, DBZ, Collective Game 2014-02-27 1 
30526325CYOA Saiyan Story 114In which Bardock completes his sword training, Porunga is summoned and Frank is finally revived, as well as Fluffy gaining immortality, and Vegeta can now sense all living saiyans.Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Somnius, Saiyan, Story, Saiyan CYOA, DBZ, Collective Game2014-02-28 1 
March 2014
30552103CYOA Saiyan Story 115In which we share our experiences in Hell with our families and friends.Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Somnius, Saiyan, Story, Saiyan CYOA, DBZ, Collective Game 2014-03-01 4 
30570485CYOA Saiyan Story 116In which we find out Vegeta and Bulma are going to wed, and Vegeta gives us temporary control over the New Saiyan Empire. We also decide on a "WELCOME BACK FRANK TOURNAMENT".Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Somnius, Saiyan, Story, Saiyan CYOA, DBZ, Collective Game 2014-03-02 1 
30569292Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 6Weapons are built, preparations are made, and the assult on Terminal HQ begins. Ether Lacus dies, or everyone dies. Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Kira, Lacus, Evil, Terminal, SEED, Apsalus2014-03-02 24 
30590430CYOA Saiyan Story 117In which we have a tournament to celebrate our return and 18 humiliates Vegeta for the Win. Next thread she fights Frank.Saiyan Story, Saiyan Story Quest, Somnius, Saiyan, Story, Saiyan CYOA, DBZ, Collective Game 2014-03-03 4 
30610011 For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #7We fight our way clear of the battle, get our section of the fleet back to the lines then count our losses. Rebuilding the Wing begins.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-03-06 11 
30656703Succubus Lord Quest: Part 61Join us as we meet the Leader of the Aides and the Pamille Church and Leona makes a friend for life.Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-03-06 12 
30697620Julius Caesar is a Mary Sue/lit/ seemingly decides to take a brief trip to /tg/ and starts funposting about Roman historical figures.lit, Rome, Roman Empire, Mary Sue, Julius Caesar, Augustus, SPQR, imperialism, imperialist, imperial, history, that guy2014-03-08 5 
30712960 Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 7Kira Clones. Pink Mobile Suits. The end of an adventure and a sad separation. Jake's adventure comes to an end...Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Kira, Lacus, Evil, Terminal, SEED, Apsalus2014-03-09 24 
30698382Uredius sector thread #2Moar Ideas40k, Homebrew, Setting, Fluff, Grimdark, Worldbuilding, Uredius, Uredius Sector2014-03-09 2 
30802645Succbus Lord Quest Part 62Join us as meet a new Miyian Friend and take the twins on a date!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-03-13 13 
30760992 For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #8We deal with Kinetic Kill Vehicle strikes on friendly targets then set out to steal an enemy prototype.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-03-13 11 
30927677Wetwork Idols Quest: The Most Dangerous GamePlease welcome Michelle St. Claire, disabled veteran and former US Army servicewoman to her new job protecting...and eliminating, idols. She has rough first day.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-03-19 5 
30939592Wetwork Idols Quest: The Most Dangerous GameMichelle's first job on her first day at her new job.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-03-20 3 
30894896For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #9We steal a prototype cruiser and nearly get it shot to pieces. Sonia's right arm gets destroyed again and we look over an offer from R&D.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-03-20 11 
30961767Ghostbusters: Japan Episode 10I survived a Japanese gameshow edition.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai, Gameshow2014-03-21 22 
31000748Magical Kingdom Writefaggotry"Scenario: You suddenly find yourself in charge of your standard fairytale kingdom. How you ended up in charge is unimportant. Maybe you're a long-lost heir misplaced by an incompetent king, maybe you're a charming hero who was for some reason given the hand of a crown princess due to generosity of an incompetent king or maybe you just killed the off the previous ruler in a revolution against his kingly incompetence. The important part is that the realm you oversee is a full-blown Disney-out-the-ass type of deal complete with rebellious princesses, braggart wannabe-heroes, charming underdog commoners, bumbling advisors, an evil sorcerer or two with perhaps a dragon on standby, an overabundance of animal companions and woodland creatures that for some reason aren't being turned into food, wish-granting fairies/gnomes/trolls and a metric fuckton of things that shouldn't talk or sing but do both. As you might expect, the place is a shithole and on the verge of financial and socio-political ruin. How does a bad dude like yourself build this brightly colored trainwreck into a military and economic superpower feared the not-world over."writefaggotry, writefag, Hypnojew, disney, story, time, storytime, no discussion2014-03-23 9 
31005945Wetwork Idols Quest #3: The Most Dangerous GameMichelle begins to wrap up her first day of her new job by meeting with her...counselor? And she's a therapist?Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-03-23 3 
31070771Wetwork Idols Quest #4: The Most Dangerous GameMichelle takes a call from management about some extracurricular activities.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-03-26 2 
31043321For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #10Short thread. We send ships into a hazard zone and deal with the fallout from a riot.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-03-27 11 
31086171Random Dimensional Quest 10: Of Flashbacks and Moving ForwardIn which Nick Trimmers reminisces about his time on Arsenal, then begins to explore a new world.Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Slow Ass, Quest, Arsenal, Palladium, Megaversal, wanderlust, elementals2014-03-27 2 
31104958Ghostbusters: Japan: Episode 11We go hunting for the Gentlemen's Club with Sachiko, find some stockings, and meet a vampire.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai, Gameshow2014-03-28 22 
31151475Wetwork Idols Quest #5: The Most Dangerous GameMichelle begins day two hungover and in pain. Another session with Miss Nakamara, talking with Wendy.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-03-30 5 
April 2014
31191349Wetwork Idols Quest #6: The Most Dangerous GameMichelle leases a home and has a RFID chip implanted in her.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-04-01 4 
31226418King of Dragon Pass FinaleAfter much struggle, the saga of clan Fimbulvetr and the Avaltvar tribe comes to a close. Hail to the Kings of Dragon Pass.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson, Praise Elusu2014-04-03 5 
31236570Major Tom to Ground Control: SO MANY FUCKING STARSAnonymous' DM has given him permission to play a skeleton in a spacesuit who, after spending centuries adrift in the void with only bad radio broadcasts and the voices in his skull for company, crash lands in the middle of a fantasy campaign. Of course, /tg/ is delighted and brainstorming ensues.SPACE, skeleton, astronaut, cosmonaut, funny, joke character, fantasy, character creation, brainstorming, fantasy, music, 2014-04-03 67 
31247263Ghostbusters Japan Episode 12 We turn an ambush right back onto a bunch of apex predators in a train station. Legacies, evolution and mysteries are discussedCollective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Chinese Vampire, Jiang-shi, 2014-04-04 20 
31246243Major Tom part 2Anonymous' DM has given him permission to play a skeleton in a spacesuit who, after spending centuries adrift in the void with only bad radio broadcasts and the voices in his skull for company, crash lands in the middle of a fantasy campaign. Of course, /tg/ is delighted and brainstorming ensues. Continued from the first thread.SPACE, skeleton, astronaut, cosmonaut, funny, joke character, fantasy, character creation, brainstorming, fantasy, music, 2014-04-04 32 
31248957Wetwork Idols Quest #7: The Most Dangerous GameMichelle? Michelle? Michelle, please, why won't you look at me? Michelle is unenthusiastic about her home's artificial intelligence. Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-04-04 2 
31282599Major Tom Part 3Anonymous' DM has given him permission to play a skeleton in a spacesuit who, after spending centuries adrift in the void with only bad radio broadcasts and the voices in his skull for company, crash lands in the middle of a fantasy campaign. OP returns to tell us what transpired during the first session. More brainstorming is being had.Major Tom ,SPACE, skeleton, astronaut, cosmonaut, funny, joke character, fantasy, character creation, brainstorming, fantasy, music, 2014-04-06 33 
31308386Harem Protag Quest #10John finishes talking to his sensei, gets pissed off by a busy ninja, and learns he's famousHarem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide, Busybodies2014-04-07 29 
31327202Succubus Lord Quest Part 63Join us for making our sister Excel meet our Dad!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-04-08 13 
31321777For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #11Linda's recon mission triggers an early Neeran invasion of the Apsis system. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Salvage, Dice2014-04-10 11 
31374696Wetwork Idols Quest #8: The Most Dangerous GameMichelle spends a lot of money and Wendy makes fun of her.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-04-10 3 
31390768Ghostbusters: Japan Episode 13We get in a fight with one of our teammates before an assault on a hidden lair of sorcerers. Also, we slime another teammate into revealing some embarassing secrets. Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Chinese Vampire, Jiang-shi, Sorcerer2014-04-11 20 
31411948Fantasy Totalitarian StateA discussion on how to create a fantasy totalitarianism results in the creation of necromantic Stalinism.Stalinism, Totalitarianism, Best Korea, Russia, Undead, Necromancy2014-04-13 3 
31481377Wetwork Idols Quest #9: The Most Dangerous GameYou know, the usual. Wendy cries. Michelle feels inadequate and self-loathing.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-04-15 2 
31513372Succubus familiar for female characterHaving a succubus familiar is perfectly okay if your character is female, right /tg/?succubus familiar, succubus, succubi, familiar, familiars, female character, female characters, yuri, angels and demons, angel, angels, demon, demons, D&D, alignment, anime2014-04-16 5 
31502134 bruces in the dungeon and steve irwin australins in a dungeon and Steve Irwin captures D&D races and pokes themAustralia Australian steve irwin bruce writefaggotry2014-04-17 35 
31492284For House and Dominion: Home Front IIThe long awaited return home. We meet our family, see dad for the first time in two years, and deal with all the stuff we couldn't handle while busy at the front.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage2014-04-18 11 
31587826What the fuck is this garbage?Seriously, Dran. I saw you started up a thread and I thought it was going to be Dead Last Ninja finally starting at a reasonable time, not this "Over(human)limit" garbage. I'm disappointed. DLN is better anyway, so you should run it more.Collective Game, Dranule, Edgy, Trash, Drop this, trust, me, I'm, doing, you, a, favor2014-04-20 4 
31601036Text Adventure Quest: SwordsageNo cunnilingus. Absolutely disgusting. The MC marries his dead brother's fiance, then fucks her.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-04-21 4 
31650014Succubus Lord Quest Part 64Join us as we raid a Vampire base!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-04-24 11 
31670365Wetwork Idols Quest #10: The Most Dangerous GameDay three has Michelle, Wendy (and a little bit of Skyler) mutually annoy the shit out of each other as her first day on the job without a job to do unfolds.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-04-24 5 
31692537Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 14We bust the Gentlemans club, conduct the overture at the met, take half a soul and the body, and get paid in paperwork for our troubles.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Chinese Vampire, Ikiryo2014-04-25 20 
31644613For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 2We create a treasure hunt for our sister and friends, chase some ghosts and go on a shipyard tour.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-04-25 11 
31732432Text Adventure Quest: SwordsageThe MC leaves on high adventure! Almost immediately stops to fuck wife and random other girl. Still no cunnilingus.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-04-27 1 
31710410CATastrophe Thread: Zero Frizz EditionCOMPLETED ruleset v1.0 for FATE Accelerated; discussion of rules & tech levels, recommended mood music for game sessionsCATastrophe, homebrew, music2014-04-28 2 
31781336For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 3We return from our tour of the House Helios shipyards only to suffer a kidnapping attempt. Our lodge suffers a fire in the process. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-04-30 11 
May 2014
31826476 Wetwork Idols Quest #11: The Most Dangerous GameFalse alarm, awkward introductions, lunch with Skyler.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-05-01 5 
31808787Succubus Lord Quest Part 65Join us as we escape the vampire base and have a chat with a new 'friend'!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-05-01 11 
31852498Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 15We have a date at the Library, discuss the feasibility of laying siege to a haunted house, interrupt a priestess' ritualistic soap-opera, have a ghost party at our house, drink with our buddy Akira, and on the whole roll phenomenally well. Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Library, Party, Yurei, Akira2014-05-02 15 
31870910Sith Quest #1The Quest returns slightly easier, and anon works like a true Sith, surviving the first thread.Collective Game, Quest, starwars, Star, Wars, Sith, Somnius2014-05-03 12 
31844870Alternate Industrial RevolutionsOP asks for alternate histories where a country other than Britain industrializes first. /tg/ delivers with a greater Ottoman Empireworldbuilding, alternate history, ottoman empire, industrialization, steam engine, printing press2014-05-03 3 
31827538For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 3.5We attempt to find out who hired the Mercenaries that attempted to abduct us. Some of the ransom money is paid.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Survey, Dice2014-05-04 10 
31958513Wetwork Idols Quest #12: The Most Dangerous GameLunch with Skyler transforms into a job with both of them. Think on your sins, Michelle.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-05-07 5 
32000669Mecha Musume Quest #1Most thought the war would be over in a year at most. You are seeing now how wrong they are. You were recruited by the Imperial Alliance to fight for them, among thousands of other Witches and countless millions of soldiers. You are a Witch.Collective Game, War, Mecha Musume, Tanks, Cute Girls2014-05-09 7 
32003403Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 16 We scout out the location and it's beyond bad. Meetings with the priestess and GB Worldwide have lead us to a plan. We're gonna stike it at its Corrupted EssenceCollective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Akira, GB Worldwide,2014-05-09 14 
32022296Sith Quest #2An obnoxious medical droid and a violent encounter with a rival make for an interesting first day in the academyCollective Game, Quest, starwars, Star, Wars, Sith, Somnius2014-05-10 8 
31956236For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 4We get Bekka back mostly intact and dither over looking up info on the Lagunov clones. Some of the ransom money is recovered.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-05-10 11 
32082345For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 5Hunting for Warrel becomes the proverbial needle in a haystack. Archaeology proves informative and we begin planning RSS expansion.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-05-15 11 
32142597Mecha Musume Quest #2 Most thought the war would be over in a year at most. You are seeing now how wrong they are. You were recruited by the Imperial Alliance to fight for them, among thousands of other Witches and countless millions of soldiers. You are a Witch.Collective Game, War, Mecha Musume, Tanks, Cute Girls2014-05-16 7 
32146528Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 17We head up to an abandoned temple and discover that's it has new inhabitants. But its the old inhabitant that puts sharp object to people's necksCollective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Akira, Sachiko, Temple, hostage situation2014-05-16 13 
32163818Sith Quest #3In which anon increases his bodycount and injury count.Collective Game, Quest, starwars, Star, Wars, Sith, Somnius2014-05-17 9 
32182131Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 5An anon feels guilty and people decide to go fight a tentacle monster.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-05-17 4 
32170011 Wetwork Idols Quest #13: The Most Dangerous GameIncomplete thread. #13.5 to be done at a later date.Wetwork Idols Quest, Collective Game, The Most Dangerous Game2014-05-18 2 
32238823Brouzouf Quest 2The epic of greed and murder continues. Escapes have been secured. But of the night terrors, there is none such respite.Brouzouf Quest, Collective Game, Cliffhanger, No Waifus2014-05-21 6 
32287421Mecha Musume Quest #3 Most thought the war would be over in a year at most. You are seeing now how wrong they are. You were recruited by the Imperial Alliance to fight for them, among thousands of other Witches and countless millions of soldiers. You are a Witch.Collective Game, War, Mecha Musume, Tanks, Cute Girls2014-05-23 6 
32292567Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 17Shingeki no Obakeyashi. Now with 100% more logical dilemma and risk of death.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Akira, Kayako, Haunted House, Logical Dilema.2014-05-23 12 
32312334Sith Quest #4In which anon visits the library, argues with a holocron, and manages not to waifu the first girl he talks to.Collective Game, Quest, starwars, Star, Wars, Sith, Somnius2014-05-24 7 
32317535Garden Quest: The 2nd DiscussionMore discussion is had, suggestions are thrown out and there's a bit of HNNG involved.Garden Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, Final Fantasy VIII, Collective Game, Discussion Thread, Alternate Universe, Hnng,2014-05-24 3 
32239357For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 6RSS recovered the badly wrecked Heavy Carrier and negotiations are conducted with the Governor to repair it. Construction of the R&D lab and LST shipyard begin.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-05-25 11 
32445395Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 18In the Dark Heart of the Grudge, we battle.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Akira, Kayako, Haunted House, 2014-05-30 12 
32462436Sith Quest #5In which anon learns that the dice gods are angry, and that sometimes lightning isn't the answerCollective Game, Quest, starwars, Star, Wars, Sith, Somnius2014-05-31 6 
32467526Wetwork Idols Quest #14: The Most Dangerous GameA journey into the banal and inane with your hosts Wendy and Michelle.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-05-31 4 
June 2014
32507676Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 6The QM of this quest is a massive faggot who I hate. So much. This is the one right after the blue-balling with Cecilia.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-06-01 0 
32511774Succubus Lord Quest part 66Join us as we have 'fun' times with Mina and go to our study group!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-06-03 10 
32528706The Ship MovesThe roles of xenos with some ideas for components, construction, maintenance and repair of The Ship as well as speculation of its destination.The Ship, 40k, 50k, xenos, Exodus2014-06-05 1 
32592293Mecha Musume Quest #4 Most thought the war would be over in a year at most. You are seeing now how wrong they are. You were recruited by the Imperial Alliance to fight for them, among thousands of other Witches and countless millions of soldiers. You are a Witch.Collective Game, War, Mecha Musume, Tanks, Cute Girls2014-06-06 5 
32594382Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 20Saving Sana from Sexual Sociopaths Selling to hopeful Soap Opera Stars. Somebody actually dies edition. We accept payment in advance from a ghost we plan to bust. For tracking purposes, of course.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Fury2014-06-06 12 
32614548Sith Quest #6In which anon argues with a droid, murders and tortures other acolytes, and tries to hit on a Sith ApprenticeCollective Game, Quest, starwars, Star, Wars, Sith, Somnius2014-06-07 7 
32618626Wetwork Idols Quest #15: The Most Dangerous GameShapes in the sand.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-06-07 1 
32622372Space Pirate Naga QuestYou are Captain Valdessa Atroxius, Pirate Captain of the spaceship The Sol Regret and it is high time you got back to some piracy! But first we gotta go bug the crew.Space Pirate Naga Quest, Collective Game, Space Pirate, Naga, Mechs, Trust the Crab2014-06-07 13 
32633797Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage Chapter 7Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage Chapter 7Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-06-07 1 
32656731Pokemon Russia Part 1We become Cedric Cross, a quiet Pokemaniac Bomb-maker, and acquire our starter, a female Vulpix.Pokemon Russia Quest, Professor Frost, Pokemon, Pokemon Quest, Edgy, Future2014-06-08 8 
32671533Succubus Lord Quest part 67Join us as we go out on a date and corrupt an innocent cleric!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-06-10 8 
32691116Ryukuza Quest: A Largely Light hearted Quest about Dragon Girls and Their Insane FamiliesOur cute imouto-minions get along, and meet kiki-san...who needs our help! Oh and STUPID SECURITY GUARDS, WHO DO YOU THINK RYUKUSA IS!Collective Game, Ryukuza, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni, Quest, parthenogenesis2014-06-10 21 
32732001Ryukuza Quest: A Largely Light-Hearted Quest about Dragon Girls and Their Insane FamiliesDemons and Dragons and FUCKIN' SUSANO-O, GODDAMN!Collective Game, Ryukuza, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, Quest, parthenogenesis, oni, 2014-06-12 13 
32740354Sith Quest #7An argument with a droid, a trip to the library, healing powers, training and partying; it's a busy nightCollective Game, Quest, starwars, Star, Wars, Sith, Somnius2014-06-13 6 
32740152Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 21"Come on Yasuo, get it together" edition. He gets ensnared by a hot fox, literally.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Yasuo, Bubbles2014-06-13 15 
32754656Ryukuza Quest: A Largely Light Hearted Quest about Dragongirls and their Insane Families.TLC. Smiles. Hearts. Lilies. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-13 24 
32762290Exodus Quest VAfter a year-long hiatus, Exodus Quest returns. Thaddeus Black gathers a group of misfits to help him hunt treasure in the deep desert.Collective Game, Exodus Quest, Exodus, Quest, Rifts2014-06-14 0 
32778617Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 8With his new wife and his new fucktoy in tow, our hero heads home from his adventure.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-06-14 2 
32783565Swordsman vs. T-rexWould a human armed with a sword defeat a T-Rex in a straight fight? Note that the T-rex possesses, and is proficient with, two spears.Tyrannosaurus, t-rex, funny2014-06-15 6 
32783910Sith Quest #8Killing rivals, passing trials, things are great!...until Anon meets his new masterCollective Game, Quest, starwars, Star, Wars, Sith, Somnius2014-06-15 8 
32809063Space Pirate Naga Quest 2Valdessa learns about what exactly it is that she stole.Space Pirate Naga Quest, Collective Game, Space Pirate, Naga, Mechs, Trust the Crab2014-06-16 12 
32839377Ryukuza Quest 6: A Largely Light Hearted Quest about Dragongirls Etc.Anonimous attacks, and magic is discussed, and one-armed-swordfighting is done. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-17 15 
32816963Order of the Emerald StarDiscussion and storytime about the Order of the Emerald Star, an ingame religion worshipping a former PC's Bard after he Ascended.Gods, Deity, Emerald Star, Bards, Music, Paladin, Storytime,2014-06-17 4 
32844974Sith Quest #9Anon commits grand theft droidfu and heads to Nal Hutta, where he meets a Rodian sent by his masterCollective Game, Quest, starwars, Star, Wars, Sith, Somnius2014-06-18 6 
32822457 Eternal Crusade AMA The devs of Eternal Crusade answer our questions in this ask me anything thread. Eternal Crusade, AMA, Developers2014-06-18 3 
32857268Washed Up Quest Old Muscle Wizard forced into the military decides "Fuck the King" and leaves on merry adventuresCollective Game, Washed Up, Muscle Wizard, Monk, Like a Petal 2014-06-18 5 
32878146Ryukuza Quest: A Largely Light Hearted Quest about Dragongirls and their Insane Families.Anonimous revealed (to be idiots), secret agents revealed (to be foreign), lolidragons revealed (to be pyros).Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-19 16 
32883650Sith Quest #10Anon gets his mission, kills a Rodian, gets a droid repaired, kills the repairman, argues with the droid, learns about lightning, and argues with the droidCollective Game, Quest, starwars, Star, Wars, Sith, Somnius2014-06-20 6 
32884535Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 22A sibling reunion almost ends in tragedy. Oiwa. Will. Pay.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Kaede, Kappa, Kuchisake2014-06-20 16 
32903681Sith Quest #11Anon explores town, buys information, new clothes, and gets his first minions; time for some troubleCollective Game, Quest, starwars, Star, Wars, Sith, Somnius2014-06-21 6 
32908522Three Kingdoms QuestAnon get buttmad over Chinese ettiquetesThree Kingdoms, Collective Game, Quest, Zhu Xing, Buttmad, Lu Linqi, anus2014-06-21 13 
32921096Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 9Waifu #2 fucks and sucks the MC in a decadent display of marital lovemaking. Then some other shit happens, I dunno what though.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-06-21 4 
32926927Sith Quest #12Anon makes plans with his gang, learns some new tricks, murders a smuggler, and gets a new allyCollective Game, Quest, starwars, Star, Wars, Sith, Somnius2014-06-22 6 
32946268Succubus Lord Quest part 68Join us as Brooklyn has the meeting with the Succubus heads!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-06-24 8 
32977299Ryukuza Quest 9: A Largely Light Hearted Quest about Dragongirls and their Insane Families.Discovering some serious new juju, Ryukusa manages to find something that scares her. A new enemy is revealed, and her best friend is injured...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-24 16 
32984037Sith Quest #13Anon finally drops the ball...off a cliff...into a volcanoCollective Game, Quest, starwars, Star, Wars, Sith, Somnius2014-06-25 0 
32998917Ryukuza Quest: Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Kiki confesses. Ryukusa commits. Kiku admits. Yui promises. Akari sleeps.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-25 15 
32940481For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 7R&D personnel are hired and we get salvaging once again. All Salvage must go regardless of bounty hunters, privateers or rival Houses.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-06-26 11 
33001005Magician Quest (Part 1)We begin the story of a Body Magician, and his quest to learn magic and get laid.Magician Quest, Magic, Muscles2014-06-26 6 
33019923Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Kiku relates the tale of her captured Void dragon - side quest, playing as Kiku!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-26 15 
33023575Magician Quest Part TwoIn which we beat up some bugs, get high with a time wizard, and frolic through dimensions.Magician Quest, Collective Game, Magic, Muscles2014-06-27 2 
33027920Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 23Ghostbusters meets The Raid.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Mitsuko, Tengu2014-06-27 13 
33051124Avatar Quest: Earth #1Our hero has some classic family bonding; getting lost in the woods, destroying trees and fighting wild animalsCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-06-28 9 
33065023Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 10MC breaks Kini in (nicely this time) and then...?Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-06-28 4 
33065451TransformerQuest Part 1Kracken, an absolute walking nightmare of a Cybertronian, takes to the streets as Shockwave orders an attack on Uraya.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-06-29 14 
33068395Magician Quest Part 3In which we visit the Sterile DimensionMagician Quest, Collective Game, Magic, Muscles2014-06-29 2 
33076600Transformer Quest 2: Rip and Tear BoogalooWhere Kracken, a retired cop who has had enough of this shit, lays a smackdown on some DecepticreepsTransformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-06-29 11 
3309684010th CrusadeThe year is 2034. Over the past two decades fundamental Islamic groups have risen to power across the Middle East and North Africa, establishing a new United Islamic Caliphate. Terrorist activity has risen dramatically in Europe, and the UIC has begun training jihadi armies in preparation for an invasion of Europe and eventually, world conquest. The West braces itself for war, and the Catholic church is no exception. Pope Alexander IX decides to re-establish The Order of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, more commonly known as the Knights Templar, to serve as an elite force of warriors to help defend the Church and Christendom against the coming storm.10th Crusade, worldbuilding, oc2014-06-30 6 
33104099Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Kiku explains some things, and gets petted. Kiki decides enough is enough and has her way. Anonimous is taken off the hit list.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-30 15 
July 2014
33116526Transformer Quest 3: A Sight To BeholdTravel gets dangerous as the destruction draws near, Kracken is a very angry bot.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-07-01 14 
33125592Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.A short recap. Also Ryukusa being edgy, bathed, and then set on fire. Really. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-07-01 13 
33132457Avatar Quest: Earth #2Anon tries to make a girl stop hating him in the best way possible; challenging her to a fight. Collective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-02 6 
33149919Faggot Dragon Waifu Greentext Thread 2SO KAWAII! SO TSUNTSUN! SO UGUU! SO TWO!Dragons are for faggots, Waifus are for losers, Shame is for living with, This will never be good2014-07-03 10 
33086513For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 8You help out a rival salvage team in peril, refine the HAG design, send out gifts and combat a salvage eating microbe.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage2014-07-03 10 
33163699Succubus Lord Quest part 69Join us as we deal with the aftermath of the meeting!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-07-04 6 
33168835Magician Quest 4We get contacted by Id.Magician Quest, Collective Game, Magic, Muscles2014-07-04 0 
33171481Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 24I know what you're thinking, punk. You're thinking "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Now to tell you the truth I forgot myself in all this excitement. But being this is a Proton pack, powered by a backpack nuclear reactor and will blow you head clean off, you've gotta ask yourself a question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Yakuza, Oni, Kitsune2014-07-04 12 
33183798Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Side Quest 2: Akari's run , a little flashback for the holiday. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, Akari2014-07-04 14 
33190964Avatar Quest: Earth #3Where problems are solved...EARTHBENDING STYLE!Collective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-05 2 
33210701Magician quest 4 (ver 2)We meet Id (for real this time), tell him to fuck off, and then beat up some of the deadly sins.Magician Quest, Collective Game, Muscles2014-07-06 0 
33211397Avatar Quest: Earth #4Our hero shows off some new bending tricks, ignores the taunts of Galda, and gets into a fight with another girl...I'm seeing a pattern hereCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-06 3 
33206647Transformers Quest 4Virtue and the Grim Consequences ThereofTransformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-07-06 11 
33212661Succubus Hunter QuestThe Legend of Thade Thundercock and his quest to end the Succubi menace, also fuck bitches get moneyCollective Game, Succubus Hunter Quest, Dire Straits, The Boner2014-07-06 6 
33233109Avatar Quest: Earth #5In which sparring continues and Felna's secret is revealedCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-07 5 
33248043Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Ryukusa reunites two lovers, teaches magic, embarrasses lots of people...oh, and Kiki summons a god. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-07 14 
33231183Exodus Quest VIFrom almost being eaten by an undead T-Rex to being trapped in a crashed ship by an ominous sandstorm. At least you recovered a memory or two.Collective Game, Exodus Quest, Exodus, Quest, Rifts2014-07-08 2 
33252932Succubus Lord Quest part 70Join us as we meet Luna and plan to save he leaders!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-07-09 6 
33270046Sora no Y&#333;kush&#257; Quest 3Sora no Y&#333;kush&#257; QuestSora no Y&#333;kush&#257; Quest2014-07-09 9 
33271449/tg/ religious discussion/tg/ has a rather civil discussion about religion, including how bullshit some of the gods can be and the idea that gods samefag.deity, deities, god, gods, pantheon, civil discussion, samefagging2014-07-09 5 
33275723Avatar Quest: Earth #6A violent confrontation with Galda and miraculous recovery lead to tough decisions and even tougher questionsCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-09 5 
33275775Kouga: Saint of Mars 10Be born Black Pegasus! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-07-09 4 
33290960Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Happy tears, welcoming of the new harem member, and loving ceremony is had...then plans. Dark plans. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-07-09 14 
33292534Island Orc Civ part 8unfinished, On Hiatusisland, orc, civ, civilization, island orc, hiatus, unfinished, civilization game, game, civ game, collective game, orc game2014-07-09 1 
33226992For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 1Sonia heads to the front to recover data from Versa and the Captain of the Loreto. Intensive training begins as the Wings prepare to return to action.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-07-10 9 
33318508Avatar Quest: Earth #7Our hero has some serious conversations with family and friends, has more interesting dreams, and comes to realize what he really isCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-11 2 
33319250Kouga: Saint of Mars 11In which Kouga overcomes his fears, punches a Dark God in the face (again) and Eden fails to stall. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, Never Give Up,2014-07-11 5 
33320485Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 25After a surprisingly civil conversation with a pair of Oni, the Ghostbusters come up with the best, worst plan ever.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Oni, Mitsuko2014-07-11 12 
33334231Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Er Yin explains things about her past, and how Ryukusa can get her arm back...Akari finally gets her just dessert...the earth moves for them. Literally. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-11 13 
33358021Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage Chapter 11Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage Chapter 11Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut2014-07-12 23 
33363972Avatar Quest: Earth #8Shin and Felna discuss what being the Avatar will mean, plans are made to build a city, and a tense conversation with Galda takes placeCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-13 5 
33384274Avatar Quest: Earth #9Shin talks with the guys about recent events, reunited with the giant turtle monster, and traps Bulo in a pit...it's a good dayCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-14 3 
33423056Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Demon-possessed-spirit-centipedes. Half-naked-dragon-girls-gone-wild. Hugs.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-15 13 
33431812Avatar Quest: Earth #10Fight Father with FireCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-16 5 
33431183Kouga: Saint of Mars 12In which Kouga and Eden teach a certain alchemical dragon about Humanity! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, True Human,2014-07-16 2 
33377530For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 2Sonia requests a Heavy Carrier to support an extended harassment mission behind enemy lines. Alliance Command promotes her to the Brevet rank of one-star GeneralCollective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-07-17 9 
33452270Wetwork Idols Quest #16: The Most Dangerous GameMichelle and Wendy have a bonding moment. Michelle buys an audio book.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-07-17 6 
33451186Succubus Lord Quest 71Join us as we prepare for the big fight!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-07-18 7 
33475594Avatar Quest: Earth #11Shin reconciles with his dad and learns to Waterbend....and then bandits show upCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-18 2 
33476163Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 26We give lil'Mitsuko the spanking of her unlife.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Mitsuko2014-07-18 12 
33490542Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Ryukusa makes the hefty decisions, and the kidnappers of Jinyuu-onee-sama make themselves known.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-18 14 
33515486Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 12Immediately after buttfucking Chara, our hero is confounded by a threat which threatens his very sanity: economics.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-07-19 2 
33522081Avatar Quest: Earth #12The group fights a fierce battle against a group of bandits, and prepares to face off against their leaderCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-20 3 
33541575Kouga: Saint of Mars 14In which Kouga convinces Medea to send him in a horrible mission and talk to a God about the World and how horrible it is. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, Gods and Humans,2014-07-21 1 
33579842XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 3A normal office daycollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-07-22 1 
33581064Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Ryukusa's hideout revealed; can she live with the shame? Er Yin explains, Ryukusa decides, and Akari is lewd.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-22 13 
33590012Kouga: Saint of Mars 15We talk to the Doctor and a certain Spider. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, 2014-07-23 1 
33535270For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 3We continue raiding and begin to collect allied forces trapped behind the lines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-07-23 11 
33587322Avatar Quest: Earth #13Battle with the Bandit KingCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-23 5 
33594006Transformers Quest 6: Heaps of RuinationAfter being severely wounded Kracken cuts and runs. Then he goes for a trip through he dilapidated underbelly of Uraya. The dice gods continue to be incomprehensible.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-07-23 8 
33603263XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 4Brass buys the farm. (he's fine)collective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-07-23 0 
33626346Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Gathering power, giving up power, kissing dragonettes and oni-girls, and kicking demigod ass. Sounds about Ryukusa. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-24 13 
33625211XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 5the Teragen begins to move.collective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-07-24 1 
33632001Avatar Quest: Earth #14Shin learns a new Waterbending trick, just in time for his father to see. Now, instructed to go to the Capital, Shin says his goodbyesCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-25 3 
33632523Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 27We pay off our debts to the supernatural yakuza and embark on a job in the sewers. And then a miracle occursCollective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Yakuza, Oni, Mandala, Lucking out2014-07-25 13 
33647349XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 6Surviving the Teragencollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-07-25 0 
33650569Transformers Quest 7: Nothin' But MiseryWhere things go better than expected.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-07-26 8 
33657398Kouga: Saint of Mars 17Kouga invites some important people for lunch, and Versa is cute, again. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-07-26 2 
33675165Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 13In which our brave hero goes to a local festival.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-07-26 3 
33700469Avatar Quest: Earth #15Shin says goodbye, travels to the capital, and meets the QueenCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-28 4 
33721554Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Kiku tells Ryukusa about Hinata's Temple, Hinata, and gets a nosebleed. Kushinada bleeds a lot more, from worse than teasing.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-28 13 
33722800Oversized Weapon Quest 493spooky5me: Critfail EditionCollective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, goblins, big swords, ghost house2014-07-28 11 
33745196XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 7Flying cars, satellites, undercover missions and figurinescollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-07-29 0 
33755072Kouga: Saint of Mars 18In which Love is talked about and Kouga faces his greatest shame. Also, we play guess the Arcana! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-07-30 1 
33772703Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Ryukusa faces Kushinada and Hidesato...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, blood2014-07-30 14 
33698865For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 4Getting your allies in line and lengthy tech discussions eventually make way for more raiding and salvaging behind the lines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-07-31 11 
33779610Avatar Quest: Earth #16Shin and the Queen talk some more, and Shin meets his predecessor...he's kind of dissapointingCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-31 3 
33793767XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 8Meeting with the Lawyer for the DAcollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-07-31 1 
August 2014
33803409Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 28The first (and hopefully not only) Gankoji Sachiko episode.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Miko, Sachiko, Vampire2014-08-01 12 
33799819Wetwork Idols Quest #17: The Most Dangerous GameMorning after with Michelle and Wendy. Don't want to be late for your appointment, Michelle.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-08-01 1 
33798684The Zathras Legion, Part 2Excuse me, Commissar...imperial guard, 40k, Zathras, Excuse me commissar, questions, troll2014-08-01 3 
33808535Transformers Quest 8: Wicked InclinationsBoss battle! Memories of a bitter past.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-01 8 
33818109Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Hidesato-san vrs Ryukusa, the duel continues. Hinata reveals a secret. Kiku is cute.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, fight, blood2014-08-01 12 
33816640XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 9Ned's way on the highwaycollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-08-01 1 
33825729Avatar Quest: Earth #17The son of the Avatar tells the story of Ren and the QueenCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-02 2 
33845348Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 14Post-petting, pre-coppergirl.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-08-02 3 
33850569Avatar Quest: Earth #18Shin explores the city, goes shopping, but everything changes when sight maintenance attacksCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-03 1 
33871813Succubus Lord Quest 72Join us for the fight against Lord Dio!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-08-04 10 
33895050Avatar Quest: Earth #19Shin goes to a rally, a rumble, and receives a rescueCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-05 1 
33909778XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 10Everybody loves Nedcollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-08-05 1 
33918175Avatar Quest: Earth #20Shin and Felna return to the palace, Felna hides her identity, and they discuss the rally with the QueenCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-06 1 
33918561Kouga: Saint of Mars 19Kouga is selfish and won't allow Sonia to be selfish herself! Also Eden calls him a nincompoop. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-08-06 1 
33915932Wetwork Idols Quest #18a: The Most Dangerous GameMichelle defines her relationship with Wendy.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-08-06 3 
33936630Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Ryukusa gets magical stuff. Akari has been busy. The Landlord/lady/thing is met.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-06 14 
33935292XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 11Business as usual at the Quantum Labscollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-08-06 0 
33863275For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 5After surviving an assassination attempt we lead the fleet back to friendly lines to drop off refugees and resupply.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-08-07 8 
33960151Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Chi-chan drives badly, Ryukusa-chan deals with the landlorladything, and kisses are had.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-07 13 
33959013XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 12Ned uses social fu to stop an stampeding pachidermcollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-08-07 0 
33967847Avatar Quest: Earth #21Shin tries to learn Airbending, and assassins infiltrate the palace.Collective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-08 0 
33968590Kouga: Saint of Mars 20In which Kouga arrives in Paris, meets a true Gentleman and learns that he has a maidenly heart he has to protect from maidens. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-08-08 1 
33966144Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 29Into the belly of the giant P-COC we go, looking for clues about a conspiracy unknown.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Miko, Sachiko, Youkai2014-08-08 13 
33964246Wetwork Idols Quest #18: The Most Dangerous GameMichelle buys a dress. This is a big deal.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-08-08 3 
33983331Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Secretaries, Subordinates, Subbes, and Slaves.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-08 12 
33983008The Guardsmens last gambitOutnumbered guardsmen undertake a daring plan to try and stop the Ork hordes. Things don't go as aplanned.Orks, chaos, Guardsmen, space wolves, clusterfuck, fucking recruitment trap2014-08-08 3 
33997206Chapter Master: Shit Finally Getting DoneA Tripfag named Duke came... He finally delivered to us an Alpha build.Chapter Master, tg gets shit done, at last, god walks among us2014-08-09 60 
33992055Transformers Quest 10: Adoration For NoneKracken frees some NAILS and eats another Seeker.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-09 8 
34011209Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 15In which our hero fights a coppergirl and probably gets killed for it.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-08-09 1 
34018634Avatar Quest: Earth #22Felna's disappearance receives an explanation, and plans are made for tomorrowCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-10 0 
34013223Gnome Civilization QuestGnome settlers in fantasy old west make steam cannons, hot air balloons, and genocide some trolls. The troll children are then enslavedGnome Civ, Civilization Game, Steampunk, Collective Game, Milhouse, Sheriff2014-08-10 3 
34042945Avatar Quest: Earth #23Shin meets Avatar Gonyo, and the Queen's announcement results in a battleCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-11 0 
34069388Kouga: Saint of Mars 21The Witch of the Golden Dawn and Kouga meet. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-08-12 1 
340349215 For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 6After getting bogged down in last minute preparations the fleet heads out once again, this time targeting the Maelstrom galaxy.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-08-13 7 
34092675Avatar Quest: Earth #24Nur is defeated, and Shin has a heart to heart with Galda before tracking down FelnaCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-13 2 
34094243Succubus Lord Quest 74Join us as we start policy making for Old TO!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-08-13 6 
34091720The ConservatorsOP comes in with a concept for poor, badly equipped marines, proceeds to flesh them out into an interesting custom chapter with very unique practices.Space Marines, Custom Chapter, storytime, Conservators2014-08-13 23 
34108582Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Teaching dragon-girls new things. Healing of several sorts. Gentle reminders. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-13 13 
34107357XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 13Ned's office it's full of Lyanncollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-08-13 0 
34104261Crusader Quest Part 1The young knight Wilhelm of Koblenz takes up the badge of the Crusade, recruits allies, and bluffs monks. Collective Game, Crusader Quest, In Nomine Patris, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction 2014-08-13 27 
34118555Kouga: Saint of Mars 21.5In which Kouga doesn't understand delicacy, and pokes something he should have avoided. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, Protector of Smiles,2014-08-14 1 
34119302Transformers Quest 11Destruction Overdrive:Kracken and co defeat gunshipkun, punks are straightened out.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-14 6 
34139948Avatar Quest: Earth #25Shin, Felna, and Galda face off against a trio of Ren's servants, and Galda realizes her mistakesCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-15 1 
34142069Kouga: Saint of Mars 22Kouga ignores Eden's shadowruns, meets Al again and plans a heist. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-08-15 1 
34139675Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 30Evidence gathering in the bad guy's lair and we didn't get mind whammied. Also, we didn't have vegetable stir fry.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Miko, Sachiko, Youkai2014-08-15 12 
34140236Wetwork Idols Quest #19: The Most Dangerous GameForced consumerism. Michelle shops for shoes.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-08-15 0 
34156658Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Shower-time continues; pearls touch; dinner is had; sleeping? What is sleep?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-15 13 
34152354Second Conservators threadFleshed out more of the Conservators chapter, OP started a POV character.Space Marines, Custom Chapter, storytime, Conservators2014-08-15 15 
34161166Esper Quest: Thread 9Akari's shadowruns intensify... needlessly. Also, patrollin' and random encounters! Yay!Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, JUSTICE2014-08-15 7 
34165789Transformers Quest 12: Fire It UpKracken beats down another Stunticon, then meets a bigger fish.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-16 6 
34184617Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 16After his vicious and humiliating throat rape of the coppergirl, our hero emerges from the mines with her in tow.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-08-16 2 
34186290Gnome Civilization QuestOff to a slow start, trolls escape and we learn necromancyGnome Civ, Civilization Game, Steampunk, Collective Game, Milhouse, Sheriff2014-08-17 1 
34190172Avatar Quest: Earth #26Shin meets an obnoxious adviser, and Galda confronts her fatherCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-17 1 
34206615Gnome Civilization Quest 3We hold a feast, explore and set up an outpost on the floating island, and find out the island is held up by electric crystals. We also invent our first fullretard rifle and the Wells Fargo Zeppelin arrives.Gnome Civ, Civilization Game, Steampunk, Collective Game, Milhouse, Sheriff2014-08-18 0 
34214633Crusader Quest Part 2Wilhelm battles bandits, befriends farmers, and attempts to seduce a noblewoman Collective Game, Crusader Quest, In Nomine Patris, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction2014-08-18 23 
34229422Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.A complicated conversation takes a dangerous turn; Akari shows why upsetting her is bad; Yumiko makes a very bad mistake. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-18 14 
34197710Conservators Thread 3Some more writing and lore about the galaxy's poorest space marines.Space Marines, Custom Chapter, storytime, Conservators2014-08-18 14 
34237249Avatar Quest: Earth #27Shin is kicked out of the pala-I mean decides to go homeCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-19 1 
34249940Slav Shit Future Knights OP: I had an idea today, tentatively entitled "Slav Shit Future Knights" inspired by the game Destiny and the book One Soldier's War In Chechnya. Players are knights of the last city on Earth (St Petersburg) who venture out beyond the walls armed with an array of slavic weaponry from the last 100+ years (statted up with MotSP's equipment building system) to do battle with bandits, chechens, aliens, stalinist ape-men and assorted mutants, recover mystical treasures and technology and you get the ideaWorldbuilding, world building, OC, awesome, jews, bears, russia2014-08-19 6 
34258027Salami Sandwich Quest.A salami sandwich quests to save his lover, Miss bologna who has been kidnapped from the kitchen, things take an un expected turn as the dark wizard plans to change all sandwiches as we know it. Action, Adventure, Romance, This story has it all!Comedy, Salami Sandwich, Agro, Brain, Romance, Lewd, Action, Suspense, Drama, Collective Game, Quest, The best fucking thing ever, HotSandwichlove, Funny, Great, 10/10,2014-08-20 8 
34259527Kouga: Saint of Mars 24In which Kouga tries to destroy the world... again, then time and space breaks down. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, 2014-08-20 2 
34259772Khornette Quest #5In which we avoid space combat, get a shiny new outfit (and hat), fake being an Inquisitor, and kill a Grey Knight. Oh and something with feathers towards the end.Collective Game, Khornette, Nurglette, Space Marines, Tzeentchette, Just as planned, ELH2014-08-20 4 
34259195Succubus Lord Quest 75(!)Join us as we defuse a hostage situation!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-08-20 7 
34283124Avatar Quest: Earth #28Shin's parents fight, Shin says a few choice words to his father, and the Shark Turtle returnsCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-21 2 
34297562Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Putting our lovers to bed, and bedding our lovers. And a phone call. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-21 13 
34302752Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 31 The grandsmothers try to find a wife for Daisuke, parents aren't much use and we look like a pedophile as young girls think ghostbusting is wicked cool. Until a foxy witch rescues us just like in the movies. Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai, Kitsune, Grandmothers,2014-08-22 13 
34304430Wetwork Idols Quest #20: The Most Dangerous Game20th thread! We did it! Michelle remembers. Wendy wants to forget.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-08-22 1 
34320262Transformers Quest 13: Blackend WatersKracken fights some hobos. Red Energon is a hell of a drug.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-23 6 
34287751Conservators Thread IV: A New ThreadPeople keep on fluffing the Conservators, OP finishes his story and the Imperial Cult is examined.Space Marines, Custom Chapter, storytime, Conservators2014-08-23 12 
34343491Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 17Chara's got a collar, and Patina's still waiting to be raped again? All this and more, on tonight's episode of Child Rapist Quest.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-08-23 4 
34376027Crusader Quest Part 3Wilhelm continues his adventures in the city of SidonCollective Game, Crusader Quest, In Nomine Patris, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction 2014-08-25 17 
34389860Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of HeaYui and Akari get personal attention. Mysterious phone calls. Threats and things that aren't threats.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-25 14 
34363650Terrifying Argent Exalted GeneralA standard Exalted General, rollplay bitching included. Then an anon posts a first-impressions review of a huge Lunar hack.Exalted, Lunars, Homebrew, Discussion2014-08-25 0 
34395445Tank Witches Quest '89 21HOLY FUCKING MOSES MAUS IS BACKStrike Witches 1989, Collective Game, MightyM0use, TW892014-08-26 15 
34365063For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 7Our Wing Commanders get into the spirit of looting everything in sight. More allies are found and many more sectors raided.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-08-27 7 
34435569Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Ryukusa skips sleeping; sisterly love (of the platonic kind); the dreaded training decisions.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-27 13 
34433282XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 14Delicious hand made noddles, and some NASA on the sidecollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-08-27 0 
34432982/tg/'s Alternate Horus HeresyAfter a thread wherein /tg/ creates custom Astartes legions,we flesh out the fluff and see hwo the Heresy would have went.Warhammer 40k, space marines, horus heresy2014-08-27 2 
34442576The /tg/ Heresy 2: Astartes BoogalooA continuation of the /tg/ AU Horus Heresy thread.Warhammer 40k, space marines, horus heresy2014-08-28 0 
34449065 The /tg/ Heresy 3: The Fires of BetrayalA continuation of /tg/'s Alternate Universe 40KWarhammer 40k, space marines, horus heresy2014-08-28 2 
34447545Crusader Quest Part 4Wilhelm battles and defeats the battles and returns to the city of Sidon Collective Game, Crusader Quest, In Nomine Patris, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction 2014-08-28 20 
34456895XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 15Poker Night III: Eldric's Revenge. Also, Conan: The New Trilogycollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-08-28 1 
34459836Esper Quest: Thread 11We start with Mami, whose day has been (and will continue to be) full of robots! Then, the plot thickens!Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, JUSTICE, LASERS, ROBOT DINOSAURS, GOOD OLD-FASHIONED NEWFANGLED FISTICUFFS2014-08-28 6 
34456843/tg/'s Heresy 4 - Galaxy in FlamesContinuing the fluff of the /tg/ AU Heresy.Warhammer 40k, space marines, horus heresy2014-08-28 2 
34462842The /tg/ Heresy 5: "Everyone keeps forgetting about the Stone Men" EditionThe Hektor Heresy marches on, /tg/ does their best to keep up.Warhammer 40k, space marines, horus heresy2014-08-29 0 
34467475The /tg/ Heresy 6: Extra Heretical EditionAnother continuation of /tg/'s AU HeresyWarhammer 40k, space marines, horus heresy2014-08-29 2 
34465595Kouga: Saint of Mars 25Kouga cries, BT tries to fill his soul with light, and an Alchemist of Justice appears! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, 2014-08-29 1 
34470708Transformers Quest 14Where we do alot of talking and find out who our creepy stalker is. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-29 6 
34475912 The /tg/ Heresy 7: Second Founding EditionThis is the /tg/ Heresy. Its continuing mission: to seek out new legions, new chapters, to boldly go where no space marine has gone before!Warhammer 40k, space marines, horus heresy2014-08-29 2 
34481885Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Speaking with the Goddess of the Sun; making breakfast; training!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, Amaterasu2014-08-29 13 
34483744The /tg/ Heresy 8: Primarchs:The FluffeningFinish your Primarchs and Legion fluff. Worry about battles and founding/successor chapters AFTER you have a legion fluffed out for people to actually pick from. /tg/ gets shit done. Don't muck about now.Warhammer 40k, space marines, horus heresy2014-08-29 2 
34480319XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 16Okaba got fanscollective game, xwf manager, aura accussa2014-08-29 0 
34493818The /tg/ Heresy 9: "....and we have become exceedingly efficient at it" EditionWe are getting shit done right now, currently fluffing up our primarchs and their legions as well as mapping out the major battles during the Heresy. Also some Second Founding stuff, but no-one really cares about that.Warhammer 40k, space marines, horus heresy2014-08-30 2 
34488561Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 32We are Hasutora Daisuke, disgraced janitor. And we are having an odd night.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Timey Wimey, Janitor2014-08-30 13 
34509225Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 18Our hero goes to his parents' keep to investigate his older brother's murder.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-08-30 4 
34507091Venusian HorrorOP requests ideas for a horror game he wants to run set in a semi-hard-scifi venus colony. Fascinating debate on Aliens, Ray Bradbury, real-life plans for colonizing venus and lovecraftian horrors living beneath the ice of europa results. space, horror, hard scifi, venus, europa, mars, aliens,2014-08-31 3 
34512987Kouga: Saint of Mars 26Kouga talks to a man who smells like ash and fire. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-08-31 0 
September 2014
34536211Kouga: Saint of Mars 27You expected the angels, but it was us, the demons! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-01 2 
34542810Crusader Quest Part 5Wilhelm deals with the consequences of last night, rescues a new companion, and agrees to an important mission.Collective Game, Crusader Quest, In Nomine Patris, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction2014-09-01 16 
34557042Wetwork Idols Quest #21: The Most Dangerous GameWendy and Michelle have a working lunch. Property management ho!Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-09-02 2 
34589907Transformers Quest 15We finally meet up with the merchants, then it all goes to hell. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-03 4 
34599498Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunApparently, goddesses have an effect on people. Teasing, training, and trouble.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-09-03 13 
34621820Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunA Cat. A Fight. A Threat.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-09-04 14 
34631967Tzeentchette Quest OneshotIn which we play as everyone's favorite birdbrain, Ignitrix, in the tale of her Ascension to Lady of Change-dom.Collective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Just as planned, Red Bull, ELH2014-09-05 1 
34631604Kouga: Saint of Mars 28In which Kouga contemplates burning down Paris... spiritually. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-05 2 
34630427Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 33Yurei leads this episode, showing PAGAN that ghosts aren't the best thing ever. Plans are hatched, and apparently we did a great job. Now if only we could figure out how.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Yurei, Rei2014-09-05 13 
34645335Fate Stay Night Quest [Part 2]There shall be no rejoicing.Collective Game, Mr.Dawn, Fate/Stay Night Quest, Fate/Stay Night, Odysseus2014-09-06 2 
34657437Kouga: Saint of Mars 28.5In which Kouga get the alchemist Vivi to join his team! Fight for the sake of Justice you two! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-06 3 
34579948For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 8After another thread of successful raids, even more salvaging, and finding additional allies, Daska and her wing run into severe trouble.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-09-06 7 
34665088 Wetwork Idols Quest #22: The Most Dangerous GameWendy and Michelle finish lunch. Friendship, shopping. Neither annoys the other as badly. Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-09-06 2 
34675824Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 19Having finished up with Elisetta's side quest (and fucked her), our hero continues in his investigation of his older brother's murder.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-06 4 
34684983Love Triangle One-shot QuestMaybe possibly probably not a one-shot. Also, bitches be crazy.Collective Game, AnonymousQueste, one-shot, not a one-shot, Slice-of-Life, bitches be crazy, sweet2014-09-07 5 
34676158Transformers Quest 16: Building a Better MonsterTIME FOR UPGRADES! Kracken awakens from stasis with a shiny new body on mysterious research space station. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-07 3 
34702264Avatar Quest: Earth #30Shin settles the score with his father, becomes cold as ice, and meets a strange woman in the woodsCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, SOMNIUS, Earthbending2014-09-08 1 
34707163Crusader Quest Part 6Wilhelm deals with a bandit attack and meets a small group of pilgrims on the road to Jerusalem.Collective Game, Crusader Quest, In Nomine Patris, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2014-09-08 16 
34756635Succubus Lord Quest 76Join us fpr the Celestian invasion!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-09-10 5 
34770380Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunAngry dragonette is angry. Picnics are good. Psycho sycophants not so much. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko2014-09-10 13 
34778930Kouga: Saint of Mars 29Got cut short, be at least Kouga learned about how the world will end. Yay. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-11 0 
34797458Kouga: Saint of Mars 29.5This time 4chan didn't die and Kouga made a friendship speech! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-12 2 
34796705Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 34Reika asks us for help with an unusual patient of hers, a 'polite gentleman' who wants a male doctor to diagnose him. A good impression is not made.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Yakuza, Youkai2014-09-12 13 
34812496Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunDemon cats, diabolical plans, and dragonettes with attitude.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko2014-09-12 15 
34750338For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 9After saving one of your attack wings from a deadly ambush you go on to make your largest salvage haul of the current war.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-09-13 9 
34816454Transformers Quest 17: The Blessed HellrideAfter running into a familiar face (and some not so familiar faces), Kracken finally finds out what happened before he left Cybertron. Suffice to say, somebody is going to pay.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-13 6 
34837564Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 20Our hero plans to head south and meet Sir Arthur.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-13 4 
34864626[QUEST] Start Over part 1First tentative session of Start Over, where the QM fucks up chargen but decides to carry on anyways.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2014-09-15 15 
34868068Crusader Quest Part 7Wilhelm continues his journey to Jerusalem to make his fortune in the Holy Land.Collective Game, Crusader Quest, In Nomine Patris, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2014-09-15 17 
34907559/tg/ discusses Arthurian legendKing Arthur summation turns to religious theoryLegend, King Arthur, discussion, myth2014-09-16 3 
34916929Kouga: Saint of Mars 30In which Kouga talk to Al and Leonard, and confesses everything to the cool gentleman. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-17 1 
34930098Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunTraining in the park. Playing in the park. Fighting in the park. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko2014-09-17 13 
34938715Kouga: Saint of Mars 31Kouga meets an eccentric old man, and finally arrives at his target... Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-18 1 
34957225Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 35In the aftermath of a PKE explosion (not our fault), the crew raids P-COC HQ for some sweet, sweet intel.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Bomb, EMPRS4EVA2014-09-19 15 
34912784For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 10After finally leaving the Maelstrom galaxy behind us, we run into some trouble with the Shallan government over salvage reimbursement.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-09-19 7 
34976789[QUEST] Start Over part 2Where our heroine visits the Chamber of Commerce, finds out there's little demand for necromancers and teases one before and after making her work at an inn.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2014-09-20 7 
34978732Wetwork Idols Quest #23: The Most Dangerous Game pt1Michelle plays with Wendy like a yo-yo. Wendy plays back. Thread archived before issue over.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-09-20 2 
34978413Transformers Quest 18: House of Doom Kracken kicks some ass, discovers that he's not the weirdest 'bot in the room, then gets some nifty toys.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-20 1 
35000017Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 21Our hero has a firm suspect: Lorenne, his brother's paramour.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-20 2 
35006414Avatar Quest: Earth #31Avatar Shin is interrogated by a wife wielding woman, and all of /tg/ is instantly obsessed with her. Some kind of fetish, I guessCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Earth, Somnius, Avatar Quest, Earthbending, Firebending, Waterbending, Airbending2014-09-21 1 
35022120Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 22Our hero has sex with a small child and then heads off to the mountains on his quest for an heir.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-21 3 
35027381Tank Witches Quest '89 22Short quest, we're out on recon.tw89, strike witches 1989, Collective Game, MightyM0use2014-09-22 14 
35015724Teegee's Emporium of the Rare and AntiqueCome down to Teegee's Emporium of the Rare and Antique, where you can find: Priceless vases, both whole and in pieces! Giant cubes of guns! Rare first edition books and records! Irritable Lamia lesbians! Slightly cracked Faberge Eggs! Dragons of all flights and colors! More gold than Midas! And, of course, shopgirls with bumbling behemoth breasts! Feel free to browse, make a purchase, or escape the growing dimensional instability with the staff and head down to the noodle shop for a bowl and a brew.antiques, collective game, shop, store, bidding war, gold, artifacts, lamia, lesbians, giant breasts, dragon attack, spontanious, grail, noodles2014-09-22 15 
35027307Avatar Quest: Earth #32Shin argues with his mother about a woman...it's less interesting than it soundsCollective Game, Avatar Quest, Avatar, Quest, Somnius, Waterbending, Earthbending, Firebending, Airbending2014-09-22 5 
35029551Crusader Quest Part 8Wilhelm journeys toward Jaffa, deals with a confession and faces perilous battle.Collective Game, Crusader Quest, In Nomine Patris, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction2014-09-22 16 
35052131Kouga: Saint of Mars 32In which this city of light really becomes a city of light. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-23 1 
35065283Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunTraining and playing and...finally, Ryuu Wakaba.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko2014-09-23 14 
35090127Kouga: Saint of Mars 32.5Vs. The Man of Ash and Fire! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-25 3 
35088274[QUEST] Start Over part 3Where our heroine convinces some commoners to not give up and gets TWO jobs at once!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2014-09-25 8 
35092688Crusader Quest Part 9Wilhelm awakes in Jaffa and is drawn into a conspiracy.Collective Game, Crusader Quest, In Nomine Patris, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2014-09-25 16 
35094410Boone Quest #24The adventure continues! Boone faces off against Waldrip and climbs a ladder.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, raege2014-09-25 21 
35115208Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 36Operation: Rescue Sachiko and Yurei commences! Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Containment Unit, Towers2014-09-26 13 
35070123For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 1Helping to train pilots from your House results in washing out two candidates. You return home and begin to look at avenues for political advancement.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-09-26 9 
35137520Wetwork Idols Quest #24: The Most Dangerous GameMichelle gets bought like she's on sale.ollective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-09-27 4 
35152884Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 23Our hero adventures in the Allimas, having met Erosette once more.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-27 5 
35153074Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 23Our hero adventures in the Allimas. (Actual thread.)Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-27 4 
35158502Transformers Quest 19: Death MarchKracken tests out his new toys before coming face to face with Carnage.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-28 2 
35174614Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 24After getting his arm slashed open, our hero continues to fuck his way through life.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-09-28 3 
35177127Esper Quest: Thread 15STRIPES! (heh). We start out with Mato, and then she and Akari have some good breakfast-time conversation! What happens next is up to the players!Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, JUSTICE2014-09-28 5 
35179926Avatar Quest: Earth #33Shin clears things up with Valna, and prepares to spar with GaldaCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Bending, Airbending, Waterbending, Earthbending, Firebending2014-09-29 1 
35180605Crusader Quest Part 10Wilhelm makes plans, hunts lions and begins the last leg of his journey to JerusalemCollective Game, Crusader Quest, In Nomine Patris, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2014-09-29 15 
35192254Crusader Quest Part 11Wilhelm arrives in Jerusalem at long lastCollective Game, Crusader Quest, In Nomine Patris, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2014-09-29 15 
35199293[QUEST] Start Over part 4Where our heroine deals with community politics, eats out, takes a bath and meets mermaids and their worries!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2014-09-30 6 
35216398Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunFacing Wakaba's madness; homeward bound; decisions and decisions and other decisions.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko2014-09-30 11 
October 2014
35226078Kouga: Saint of Mars 33In which Kouga faces the aftermath of his last battle, and how Silber and Al met. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-10-01 1 
35220901For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 2We hang out with family and attend a Ball. Sonia manages to win a duel thanks to the time-honoured tradition of all out attack. Slow thread.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Dice2014-10-03 7 
35268247Kouga: Saint of Mars 33.5Thus the Paris Arc Ends... with one final talk with Beatrice, and thus Japan becomes the next stage.Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-10-03 1 
35268387Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 37With the help of some unlikely allies, we free Yurei and Sachiko only to end up in the fire.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Sandman, Syren2014-10-03 14 
35280077Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunReturning home; gathering intel; a surprising discovery.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko2014-10-03 12 
35282462Space Pirate Naga Quest 14Our fearless captain braves the depths of a forgotten ruin belonging to the disgusting Lamias before meeting an old friend.Space Pirate Naga Quest, Collective Game, Space Pirate, Naga, Mechs, Ruin Looting, Lamias are just the worst, Smooth Jazz is the bane of all things good2014-10-04 5 
35282981[QUEST] Start Over part 5Where our heroine confronts mermaid bullies, gets an advance pay, takes a bath and meets her bunnygirl cartographerCollective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2014-10-04 6 
35284580Transformers Quest 20: Monster MashKracken and his merry band of misfits take on Swindle and Carnage.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-10-04 2 
35291781Wetwork Idols Quest #25: The Most Dangerous GameDawn of the fifth day. Better get to work on time. Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-10-04 2 
35302762Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 25Our hero confronts a brown girl on some rocks.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-10-04 4 
35345884[QUEST] Start Over part 6Where our heroine goes shopping, spends 8 silver pieces in one day, gets 7 copper back and meets a were-canine architect.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2014-10-07 6 
35349452Crusader Quest Part 12Hugo scours Jerusalem for his lost comrades.Collective Game, Crusader Quest, In Nomine Patris, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2014-10-07 15 
35360675Crusader Quest Part 13Hugo discovers a traitorCollective Game, Crusader Quest, In Nomine Patris, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2014-10-07 17 
35405072Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunAnonimous returns, and won't take no for an answer. Rie explains something. Ryukusa gets angry.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, blood, graphic injury2014-10-09 10 
35407266Shitty Spaceship QuirksIn this thread, ideas are brainstormed for various quirks and oddities that crews of old rustbucket spaceships might have to deal with on a regular basis. If there is one thing we know about this universe, it is that /tg/ loves itself its rusty, retro sci-fi grittiness. space, spacer, space ship, sci-fi, brainstorming, fluff, quirks, old and busted2014-10-10 32 
35412214Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 38 Gankoji Sachiko's Spiritual Adventure 2: Electric Boogaloo! Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Miko, Sachiko, KM2014-10-10 13 
35427519Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunThe secrets of cat youkai. Triumphant returns. Dreams.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-10-10 13 
35368274 For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 3We finally resolve the House Possat issue. But get attacked by raiders on our new planet.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-10-11 12 
35439781Avatar Quest: Earth # 35Shin tries Waterbending until he gets a visit and a presentCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending, Earthbending, Firebending, Airbending2014-10-11 7 
35435179Wetwork Idols Quest #26: The Most Dangerous GameThe gang makes evening plans following another tense day at the workplace.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-10-11 2 
35453839Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 26Having finished raping a brown girl, our hero is shot at by some redhead bitch.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-10-11 1 
35458769Esper Quest: Thread 17Akari and Co. take on Not!Mechagodzilla... and... Co.? Oh boy. Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, GIANT ROBOTS, ROBOT DINOSAURS, THE GREAT EVIL, MAGIC, JUSTICE2014-10-12 2 
35484583Crusader Quest Part 14Hugo rides out with the KingCollective Game, Crusader Quest, In Nomine Patris, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2014-10-13 15 
35455552Houses of the Blooded Quest, Episode OneA count is poisoned.Houses of the Blooded Quest, Collective Game2014-10-13 5 
35509987Succubus Lord Quest 77Join us as the Greed Demon's drop a bombshell of information at us!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-10-15 7 
35542823Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerEmi's Promise is made, and Rie leads Ryukusa back home. But is Rie done with Ryukusa?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-10-15 10 
35541637Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 3Makoto Kinushima vs. Kaito Kumon, the nomination of the new leader of Raid Wild, and trying too hard with catchphrases.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Makoto Kinushima, Kamen Rider2014-10-16 17 
35551478Crusader Quest Part 15Hugo and Wilhelm are reunitedCollective Game, Crusader Quest, In Nomine Patris, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2014-10-16 15 
35563376Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerPlaying as Mizumi Shoko, we learn what happened to the original God of Destruction.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, gore, death2014-10-16 8 
35567762Esper Quest: Thread 18Akari and Co. learn that Mop-man is a big jerk, just like his robot: REALLY BIG. Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, GIANT ROBOTS, ROBOT DINOSAURS, THE GREAT EVIL, MAGIC, JUSTICE2014-10-16 5 
35526226For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 4We buy some land, make deals and hunt down pirates. The Neeran are also up to their usual nonsense.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-10-17 11 
35586462Space Pirate Naga Quest 15Our fearless captain bravely runs away from her unkillable nemesis and toys with ancient sciences that should probably never be touched and makes everyone else uncomfortable.Space Pirate Naga Quest, Collective Game, Space Pirate, Naga, Mechs, Ruin Looting, Lamias are just the worst, Don't think about dirty things while broadcasting your mind to the entire ship2014-10-18 6 
35591031Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 39We make plans and learn some truths while stuck in the nut house.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Insane Asylum, Pokemon2014-10-18 15 
35592014Transformers Quest 21:Magnetic RagWe have time to meet and greet the crew, then we get all the time.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-10-18 4 
35608257Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 27Having finished brutally raping Lorenne, our hero deals with the fallout of Erosette's battle.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-10-18 1 
35634171Crusader Quest Part 16The trial.Collective Game, Crusader Quest, In Nomine Patris, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2014-10-20 23 
35644352Crusader Quest Part 17Wilhelm rides out from JerusalemCollective Game, Crusader Quest, In Nomine Patris, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2014-10-20 18 
35675145Kouga: Saint of Mars 34Kouga and Medea go over Paris... at least he is back home, right? Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-10-22 0 
35686810Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerRyukusa decides what to do with her new staff; spells and plans are made...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko,2014-10-22 13 
35686280Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 4 KinushMakotoKinushima off against the Unknown Rider, and we meet the family and the Chairwoman. Shit starts to get dark. Collective Game, Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima2014-10-23 12 
35713454Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 40GB Japan and their allies make plans for WARCollective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, War Council, WH40K 2014-10-24 14 
35727071Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerLandlordladything stuff. Secretarial ooze. A fellow shinobi. Cuddles.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-10-24 13 
35687091Surreal Horror Ideas: Highways and Byways EditionWhat sorts of bizarre and otherworldly experiences might a hapless group of characters encounter on a cross-country road trip, an unexpected detour or simply on the way to work?Surreal, horror, highways, roads, cars, ghosts, travel, roadtrip, brainstorming, fluff, Australia2014-10-24 8 
35731018[QUEST] Start Over part 7Where our heroine meets a shark, pats her head, gets a headpatting addiction and rolls her destiny before going to bedCollective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2014-10-25 6 
35750114Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 28With Lorenne taken as his rape toy, our hero should be wrapping up his business in the Allimas soon.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-10-25 3 
35785921Crusader Quest Part 18Wilhelm is installed as the Lord of RamlaCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2014-10-27 17 
35795650[QUEST] Start Over part 8Where our heroine starts her adventure, participate in girl talk, talks about her bedroom experiences and meets a mysterious womanCollective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2014-10-28 7 
35831770Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerYuuhi reveals less than stellar news; Oba-san's weaknesses discussed; sleep is chanced. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-10-29 10 
35831060Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 5The fate of Ryoji Hase is revealed, we make damn good coffee, and we ally with GaimKamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima, Kamen Rider Gaim2014-10-30 12 
35858211Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 41 The curtain rises on the first act of the finale...Or something like that.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Sato, Rei, Kali, Gramps2014-10-31 14 
35872173Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerMending, talking, sleeping. The fateful day arrives. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-10-31 10 
35857585Transformers Quest 23: Strange WaysGood cop, bad cop, we're the one with the tentacles. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-10-31 2 
35813624For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 5Shore Leave Rescinded. We hunt down raiders behind our lines then set out to conduct front line salvage for the Alliance fleet.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-10-31 8 
November 2014
35877896SPOOKY ABYSSAL QUEST 001A terrifying tale of a Chosen of the Neverborn who had a minor dermal malfunction.Golden Lark, Shyft Nine, drawquest, SPOOKY ABYSSAL QUEST, spooky, scary, skeletons, halloween, Exalted, Abyssal, The Just and Neccesary Executioner, Collective Game2014-11-01 6 
35893634Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 29Having impregnated his wife, our hero completes his journey home.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-11-01 4 
35898006Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #39Space Imouto Edition. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU, Purus2014-11-02 17 
35942359Assassin School quest 15Layla And Maria go to the beach, and then fight a knight of godCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, nun, Catgirl, vampire, righteous fury2014-11-04 13 
35967775/tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 2Captain Tom Henderson of the Skyship Crutch4 continues his journey into an Abandoned Sector, murders countless space whales, and meets a new friend./tg/ plays, Collective Game, FTL: Faster Than Light, Cap'n, Skyship Crutch4, Engi, sci-fi, Lanius, Slug2014-11-05 5 
35976468Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerThe duel against Kurao Goto; a surprise interruption; the lines are drawn.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-11-05 13 
35986024Makin' a GameWorking on designing an RPG about ridiculous over the top Sci Fi Bullshit.SciFi, Sci Fi, Sci-Fi, Ridiculous, Space Vikings2014-11-06 0 
35975316Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 6Erina Kinushima flirts with Takatora Kureshima, Makoto meets Bravo and Kouta, and Cecile duMont issues a challenge.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima, Kamen Rider Gaim2014-11-06 10 
35976464Disney Villains VictoriousA 'Your next campaign' thread turns into full-on worldbuilding of a setting where the villains of Disney movies won.Disney, Villains, Victorious, Worldbuilding, Scar, Grimhilde, Maleficent, Hans, Jafar, Facilier2014-11-07 47 
35959412For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 6We help harass the enemy retreat and get down to more salvaging. Business decisions regarding RSS are made and we consider future postings.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-11-07 11 
36002593Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 42 What has one hand, an RPG, and is trying to kill you? Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, YOMI-1, RPG, Stumpy2014-11-07 16 
36032204[QUEST] Start Over part 9Where our heroine hitches a ride on a caravan, learns about agriculture and the dangers of overpopulation, and fraternizes with a bunnygirl.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2014-11-08 6 
36039362Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 30Having returned home, our hero has to manage his harem some more.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-11-08 3 
36042513Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #41A Hollow Man looms over the Purus, and Titans finally shows its true colors. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU, Cute Purus Doing Cute Things2014-11-09 16 
36077760Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerRyukuza faces the oni and his oni-sword; unlikely timing; turmoil.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, blood2014-11-10 10 
36102009[QUEST] Start Over part 10Where our heroine arrives at New Royo, meets the captain of the volunteers' brigade and finally finds Astreya!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2014-11-12 5 
36118861Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 7"Inves Hunters". Cecile's challenge is resolved, Jonouchi and Makoto form a plan, and Makoto must decide her fate.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima, Kamen Rider Sengoku2014-11-13 10 
36139899Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerNightmares and ghosts and bakemono, oh shit.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, monsters2014-11-13 13 
36102050For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 7We make preparations for the time skip, conduct a million surveys and get assigned to a new base. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-11-14 11 
36165055Tank Witches Quest '89 23Intel and recon missions intensifyStrike Witches 1989, TW89, MightyM0use2014-11-15 13 
36162417[QUEST] Start Over part 11Where our heroines learns about the local monsters, their trials and tribulations, does a population census and attends an all-girls party.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2014-11-15 6 
36164622Shitty Spaceship Quirks: The SequelEven more wonderful ideas for the beat-up and broken spaceships that /tg/ loves.space, spacer, space ship, sci-fi, brainstorming, fluff, quirks, old and busted2014-11-15 7 
36182407Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 31Our hero is home at last, managing his harem.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-11-15 4 
36224437Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerHow does one cope with possession? Akari's projects. A gift.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-11-17 10 
36248704[QUEST] Start Over part 12Where our heroine finally starts exploring for real, gives up braving the jungle, eats some possibly edible berries and meets an aracne!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2014-11-19 5 
36174359Wetwork Idols Quest #27: The Most Dangerous GameGiant Size Wetwork Idols Quest! New format!Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2014-11-19 5 
36264653Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 8Makoto Kinushima chooses her fate, Erina gets tested for Rider capability.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima, Kamen Rider Sengoku2014-11-20 10 
36231345Shitty Spaceship Quirks: AgainYet more ideas for the broken-down flying jalopies that /tg/ calls spaceships.Quirks, space, spacer, space ship, sci-fi, brainstorming, fluff, old and busted2014-11-20 4 
36285110Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerKurou Kyota tries to cope. Akari is apologetic. What wishes are for.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-11-20 14 
36328568Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 32Our hero fugs Chara in the butt, again.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-11-22 4 
36331457Transformers Quest 24: Electric Hellfire part 2In which Kracken picks up a new friend and downs another Seeker. Part 1 can be found in the pastebin.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-11-23 2 
36353393Epic Quest 4Zach meets with a recruiter, then is sent to school. He then plays capture the flag.Epic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game 2014-11-18 1 36330052 Epic Quest 3 Zach picks up a small child to join him on his extremely dangerous quest and fight the KKK. Then they eat ice cream Epic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game2014-11-24 6 
36390636Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon DiplomatHappiness is a warm dragonette. Revelations. Petting.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-11-25 13 
36393975[QUEST] Start Over part 13Where our heroine narrowly avoids being raped to death by harpies, travels on spiderback and deepens her relationships.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2014-11-26 5 
36410144Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 9"PvP Part 2". Micchy and Erina trade information, and Makoto meets the mysterious K and accepts the Jade Dragon's assistance.Collective Game, Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima, 2014-11-27 11 
36445938Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon DiplomatThe Church, The Military, the Haunts.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, blood2014-11-28 12 
36434531Khornette Quest #16In which we decide to go after a Ghost Ship and partially learn about the Obscenity Engine's origins Collective Game, Khornette, Nurglette, Tyranids, ELH, Just as Planned2014-11-28 13 
36393659For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 8We develop our training regimen for alliance pilots and find ourselves home for the holidays. Movies and research projects are set in place and we decide to pass on heist contract.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-11-28 7 
36467309Fallen Paladin QuestKaeso reminisces on what it was like to be the champion of a now dead God and purges a cult.collective game, fallen paladin quest, paladin, zarathustra2014-11-30 12 
36471945Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Metal and Fire 2nd ChorusWe expand onto the mainland, Gorgons Wives established, Visits from the Cosmic Snake, and an Ammonite Currency is established. Elves however continue to elude us. Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2014-11-30 14 
36472356Transformers Quest 25: From the SkyWe manage to sneak away from the Decepticons, rescue a war hero, and bond with a friend. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-11-30 2 
December 2014
36488000Fallen Paladin Quest IIKaeso reachs Berenice, signs a contract, and decides not to fight the musket-weilding invaders.collective game, fallen paladin quest, paladin, zarathustra2014-12-01 9 
36491869Space Pirate Scientist AssistantsWhat would be a good system for running a game where the players are Space Pirates working for Science Team?Metroid general, Space Pirate, Samus, vaporforbrains2014-12-02 6 
36511148Crusader Quest Part 19Wilhelm travels back to Sidon and makes an allianceCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2014-12-02 15 
36523954Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon DiplomatDealing with cats, grunts, and oni. Oh, and grenades.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, blood2014-12-02 12 
36547452Fallen Paladin Quest IIIKaeso nobly fights thugs, undead, and himself and only gets his shit kicked in once. Through this he makes it to Istriumcollective game, fallen paladin quest, paladin, zarathustra2014-12-04 7 
36533029Post Apoc Evil Genius Civ Quest Part 1Once there was an evil genius who wanted to take over the world. But you can't take over the world if it's destroyed. Now he seeks to rebuild it, so he can destroy it! Or something, don't question the bossCollective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Evil, Genius2014-12-04 0 
36544145Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 10"Peace Treaty". Makoto dorks around with Kouta, Erina finally gets some GAR under her belt.Collective Quest, Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima, Kamen Rider Gaim2014-12-04 10 
36527285For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 9Learning to duel properly, meeting new people and travelling to Watcher space as part of a diplomatic mission.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-12-04 7 
36559260Post Apoc Evil Genius Civ Quest Part 2We rise in strength as our foes fall and become as slaves to us.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Evil, Genius2014-12-05 1 
36585852Magically Green Steve Blum QuestIn Stevest Blum, in Blumest Steve, no quest shall escape my shitposting!I like to discuss this quest in the middle of other quests!2014-12-05 7 
36599228[QUEST] Start Over part 14Where our heroine talks about her school days with a giant spider, takes a bath in the lake and puts the lewdkini onCollective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2014-12-06 5 
36604642Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 33Our hero probably spends some quality time with Adelle or something.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-12-06 4 
36607320Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Metal and Fire 3rd Chorus The Age presses on: Gorgon immigration, We find out sex makes babies, Magocracy is established, Elementals are chatted with, and we discover Iron!Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2014-12-07 11 
36661452Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon DiplomatFacing the threat of Anonimous, Wakaba's minions, and seeing how far you can trust Horobi's minions. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, blood2014-12-09 12 
36667115Post Apoc Evil Genius Civ Quest Part 3We get attacked by sirens and lose all our women, find some tanks, and a secret facility under a volcano.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Evil, Genius2014-12-10 1 
36679511Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 11Makoto and Kouta deal with the Inves, and Ryouji starts his process of waking up.Collective Game, Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Sengoku, Makoto Kinushima2014-12-11 14 
36684981If Caesar were alive today...Would he still be a good general? A discussion on strategy and warfare in the modern age. Also, writefaggotry about Hannibal and Scipiowar, strategy, writefag, Caesar, Hannibal, Scipio, generals, discussion2014-12-11 5 
36663956For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 10We tour a Watcher colony world pick up souvenirs then set course for home. Spies begin to cause problems on the return flight.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-12-12 7 
36735863[QUEST] Start Over part 15Where our heroine meets the Fairy Roads Authority, eats watermelons and decides to have dinner with weird mushrooms...Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2014-12-13 5 
36741120Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 34Our hero terrifies his captive and continues his investigation.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-12-13 3 
36745515Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Metal and Fire 4th Chorus More is learned about the Elves, populations swell, Agriculture is advanced, Medicine is established, Botanomancy is discovered, and we encounter the Zizz. The Zizz which cannot be hunted.Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2014-12-14 20 
36743632Succubus Lord Quest 78Join us as we see the eyes of the world through Brodin!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-12-14 7 
36745477Transformers Quest 26What does one do when lost in darkness? They learn to make their own light.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-12-14 2 
36765655Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Metal and Fire 5th ChorusIron and Gold is finally worked with, Magic and Culture flourishes, the population explodes, an Ivory ring currency is established, and the Elves are "spotted".Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2014-12-15 11 
36779674Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon DiplomatYour cousin the demigod; insanity and the consequences; Yuuhi a cute; Akari is bold.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2014-12-15 13 
36817161Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon DiplomatDealing with your defeated cousin, Er Yin's pain, and Kiku's anguish. Oh, and youkai fucking everywhere.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2014-12-17 12 
36816458Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 12Ryouji makes it out of the dream, and Makoto goes full Oni.Collective Game, Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Gaim, Kamen Rider Sengoku, Makoto Kinushima2014-12-18 8 
36825105Ignitrix Sidequest #1In which we attend an Opera as a maid and discover that everyone else is actually the daemonsCollective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Tzeentchette, Just as Planned, Not as Planned, daemons, ELH2014-12-18 13 
36840862Machine Civilization Thread #6We create some more defenses and discover lakes of petroleum to inflict fiery death on our foes, and chaos monstersChaos, lake, petroleum, civilization, robot, gnoll, crystal, mine, node, hephaestus, collective game2014-12-19 1 
36800743For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 11After annoying House Helios we set up a few business contracts, talk Bekka out of enlisting early then set course for Warlord territory.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-12-19 9 
36858160[QUEST] Start Over part 16Where our heroine deals with the after-effects of Ether poisoning, helps an arachne with her traumas and meets another, lewder spidergirlCollective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2014-12-20 5 
36863490Ignitrix Sidequest #2In which Iggy gets her own Rosette and starts corrupting some acolytes.Collective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Tzeentchette, Just as Planned, Irony, daemons, ELH2014-12-20 12 
36876645Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 35The interrogation of Lorenne continues.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2014-12-20 2 
36879562Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of The Flourishing Eye 1st ChorusWe survive an Encounter with the Zizz, The Fungal Forest has receded with time and Cyclopean pressure, we further develop technology and we finally encounter Gorgon Civilization.Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2014-12-21 15 
36881305Transformers Quest 27Short thread. New friends meet new friends and we get a mission.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-12-21 1 
36900320Crusader Quest Part 20Wilhelm deals with the nobility of SidonCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2014-12-22 14 
36921319Gunderson Nuts Presents: Succubus Lord Quest 78Join us for this holiday special by Gunderson nuts!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics, buy Gunderson Nuts2014-12-23 5 
36990938The Return Of The Son Of Shitty Spaceship QuirksTheBaneblade is back with a belated Christmas edition.space, spacer, space ship, sci-fi, brainstorming, fluff, quirks, old and busted2014-12-28 6 
37006581Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of The Flourishing Eye 2nd ChorusCosmic Snakes, Perrat Dickery, Merpeople spotted, Gorgons comforted, and a lot of "house keeping"- beside almost being eaten attacked by a mystery being from the depths.Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2014-12-28 14 
37033413 Leviathan Quest 1you come to your senses as black goo and go on to take over sam and find yourself in the amalgam of marvel movieverse and comicsmarvel, Dick Roman, collective game, quest, Arceus Exalted, Supernatural, Leviathan, Black goo, shapeshifter, doppelganger, comic, avengers, mutant2014-12-29 0 
37051951Succubus Lord Quest 80Join us for the aftermath of the Old TO battle!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-12-30 5 
37087203Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonettePain and suffering, danger and healing...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2014-12-31 13 
January 2015
37067020For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 12We help organise some negotiations, plot out a plan that should help South Reach and try to save &#350;ivan Berwari from himself.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-01-03 7 
37131177DBZ Human Quest #26In a short installment, Kaguya goes to the woods and makes a new friend before m00t pulls the plugCollective game, quest, DBZ, Dragonaball, Human, Icarus, Vegeta, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha2015-01-03 13 
37138137Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 36Our hero must confront a shadow/slimegirl alone and unarmed. Is this the end for him?Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2015-01-03 3 
37142670DBZ Human Quest #27Kaguya, Gohan, and their new dragon friend welcome back the fallenCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Dragonballs, Porunga, Vegeta, Gohan, Icarus, Goku, Goku, Krillin, Piccolo, Dende, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu2015-01-04 12 
37140995Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of The Flourishing Eye 3rd Chorus The southern continent and it's Cycloptic people are finally contacted, Ancient Gorgon civilization is researched, A piece of Moon Rock is touched, and Horrors are brought about by our nemesis the Parrats.Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-01-04 20 
37138851Transformers Quest 28An interrogation leads to an attempted assassination.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2015-01-04 1 
37167484Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of The Flourishing Eye 4th ChorusMassive population gains are achieved, we discover new and exciting magical and engineering developments, we start flexing our political influence on the Gorgons- and we build the Arcanum: A Truly a wonder of Cyclopean Engineering!Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-01-05 14 
37182637[QUEST] Start Over part 17Where our heroine deals with massive thigh pains, tries to teach courtship to a giant spidergirl and gets into other awkward conversationsCollective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-01-06 5 
37185682DBZ Human Quest #28Kaguya makes a deal with an old foe, and finally returns home. Life on the farm should be a lot more interesting.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Nappa, Vegeta, Piccolo, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Gohan, Goku, Yamcha, Bulma, Icarus, Namek, Frieza2015-01-06 13 
37250091DBZ Human Quest #31With Nappa's training done for today, Kaguya works on the farm and starts teaching his friendsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Nappa, Icarus2015-01-09 13 
37202137For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 13We chase off raiders, deal with some fallout from Warlords changing sides and rope ourselves into an Alliance Intel Op.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-01-09 7 
37285544Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 37With the letter of intent in hand, our hero prepares for the last conflict.Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls2015-01-10 4 
37291970Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of The Flourishing Eye 5th ChorusFood! Beer! Monsters! Medicine! FlatBreads! And Divine Communication! This Chapter we explore it all before ending on the Discovery of The "Ocarina from the depths!"Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-01-11 15 
37352022Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteMakign deals with the Yakuza, the Nogitsune Clan, and the Devil. No, really, the Devil.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-01-13 0 
37352150Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteMaking deals with the Yakuza, the Nogitsune Clan, and the Devil. No, really, the Devil.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-01-13 12 
37359196DBZ Human Quest #34A friendly game of Tag is cut short as a group of planet pirates plant the seeds of destructionCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, tree, Gohan, Goku, Nappa, King, Kai, Turles, Saiyan, of, might, Crusher, Corps, Earth2015-01-14 12 
37357622Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 11: Oh lord wake the deadIn today's episode, the girls fight an undead horde and meet a rather shy corrupted magical Girl, Violet Shade. And Charlotte gains the odd ability of fusion and she and Elizabeth proceed to test it out with each other. Shenanigans ensureCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction, Fusion2015-01-14 11 
37378736Succubus Lord Quest 81Join us as we sort out our after battle prizes!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2015-01-15 5 
37391928Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 14Ryoji finally makes it out of the hospital. Takatora and Makoto finally meet, and RA's intentions are shown.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Gaim, Makoto Kinushima2015-01-16 5 
37415556Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteThe best made plans are those made over lunch.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-01-16 10 
37446040Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Silence 1st Chorus More Beasts, Exploration, Gods, Elves, and enough Gorgon Shenanigans to fill a cosmic Snake! Climatic ending and Feels!Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-01-18 12 
37467200Another Shitty QuestSOMNIUS pretends he can write, retarded faggots take the bait.Somnius, faggots, retardation, shit, quest, collective game2015-01-19 10 
37468679Transformers Quest 29We give the ol'Quantum Processor a whirl, then cut a deal with Swindle.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2015-01-19 2 
37533837Succubus Lord Quest 82Join us for Matriarch Ishtar's secret!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2015-01-22 5 
37548781Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteFamily trouble, and convincing Chisato that yes, monsters exist. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-01-22 8 
37556035Ignitrix's Sidequest #3In which Waaaaghterworld becomes a thing.Collective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Tzeentchette, Just as Planned, Not as Planned, Waaaaghterworld, Orks, Shoggy, ELH 2015-01-23 11 
37563489[QUEST] Start Over part 18Where our heroine takes a walk with her cartographer to recover from leg cramps and ends up talking about sex. Again.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-01-23 5 
37568375Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteHows does one convince people that the supernatural is real? The hard way, of course.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-01-23 10 
37592462 Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Silence 2nd ChorusAkalade gets laids! The Gorgon Empire Abolishes Slavery! Mycea: Mother & Father of Fungi, Nature Demi-god, ex-slave of Elves and expression of the Moon has been healed! We also dip our toes into the Grasslands.Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, Elf, Mushroom, Monster Girl, 2015-01-25 11 
37572748Transformers Quest 30We make our way into the station and mix it with the 'ConsTransformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2015-01-25 3 
37620769DBZ Human Quest #43Nothing but Garlic, but Garlic was nothing Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonballs, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Demon, Makyo, Star, Krillin, Maron, Yamcha, Bulma, Chi Chi, Master , Roshi, Garlic, Junior, Spice, Mustard, Salt, Vinegar, Popo, Kami, Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta2015-01-26 12 
37626968DBZ Human Quest #44Kaguya wins a bet, returns to the party, and enjoys his time with his friendsCollective Game, Quest, Saiyan, Human, Yajirobe, Olibu, Korin, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Krillin, Yamcha, Maron, Chi Chi, Bulma, Kami, Popo, Nappa, Icarus2015-01-26 11 
37629415Coconut and Lychee Juice: a Story of EnduranceAn anon's foray into a possible DM-side drink has gone wrong. Oh so horribly wrong.drink, fortitude save, CON check, put the juice in the coconut, possible trading card game, /ck/ related, just go to the hospital already2015-01-26 7 
37689198Gnome Colonization Civilization Quest III: But Wait, There's More!Our Colony faces a threat mightier than any they could have imagined, and make a hard decision to preserve their only allies.collective game, quest, civilization, phantom of the cm, gnomes, colonization, landfall, fantasy, gnome, minotaur, minotaurs, hornlings, cyclops, monoculus2015-01-29 1 
37686919Ignitrix's Sidequest #4: Waaaaaghterworld pt 2In which we mess with a Repentia's dreams and meet the Dea'cin. Collective Game, Waaaaghterworld, Orks, Khornette, Lady of Change, Tzeentchette, Just as Planned, Not as Planned, ELH2015-01-29 12 
37704710[QUEST] Start Over part 20Where our heroine valiantly fails at hunting birds, knocks on a flower and does some small talk about an ogre.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-01-30 5 
February 2015
37752440(Not)Overlord QuestThe Lich Overlord is dead. All hail the Lich Overlord! Collective Game, (Not)Overlord Quest, Bello, Human of LousEngelus2015-02-01 15 
37754446Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Silence 3rd Chorus We explore a little more of the plains, we develop some new magical inventions, we establish brief contact with the Changelings.. and we begin a quest for Mycea- who tells us the true origins of the one known as "The Great Progenitor". Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-02-01 12 
37805301DBZ Human Quest #54Kaguya spars with another Super Human, Vegeta makes a promise, and Nappa shows off his transformation to the othersCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Earth, Super, Nappa, Vegeta, Icarus, Piccolo, Gohan, Goku, Kakarot2015-02-03 12 
37838434Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteRie gets told off by Kiki, of all people; Chisato sees things in a new light. Oh, and necking.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-04 13 
37845597Ignitrix Sidequest #5Alia and Iggy escape certain doom, only for the Bird Brain to nearly send them into the Warp healing her. Antics with Orks ensue as a result.Collective Game, Orks, The Hunt for Red Orktobrah, Khornette, Lady of Change, Tzeentchette, Just as Planned, Not as Planned, ELH2015-02-05 11 
37861135[QUEST] Start Over part 20.5Where the QM amends fucking up last archive, and our heroines narrowly avoids a death flag while running a feverCollective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-02-06 5 
37843250American Fantasy (Fantasy in a pre-Europe America setting)/tg/ mulls around ideas and inspiring facts about the land west of the atlantic and all its glory and curiosity before the West got a hold of it.america, american fantasy, setting, fluff, discussion, worldbuilding, collaborative, indians, native americans, atlatl, pueblo, hype as fuck2015-02-06 2 
37857929The Old Gods ReturnA mention of the building of an Icelandic pagan temple leads to an interesting discussion of modern and ancient religion.Religion Discussion Pagan 2015-02-06 1 
37879167Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonettePage 725 Interlude: Inari paints a picture for the readers.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-06 8 
37847707Blacksmiths daughterDiscussion on what plot hooks(sometimes literally) there are using a blacksmiths daughterdiscussion, game ideas2015-02-07 5 
37909798DBZ Human Quest #57Kaguya helps Goku and Gohan become Super Saiyans, but does the end justify the means?Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Vegeta, Frieza, Piccolo, Icarus, Goku, Gohan, Nappa, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Dende, Kami2015-02-08 14 
37909508Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Silence 4th ChorusWe investigate what all this occultism is about, we revolutionize modern transportation, and Mycea enacts her final solution to defeat the writhing horror known as "The Greate Progenitor". Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-02-08 12 
37916381DBZ Human Quest #58Kaguya's subconscious tries to come to terms with Kaguya's actionsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Frieza, Piccolo, Krillin, Vegeta, Goku, Gohan, Nappa, Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Icarus2015-02-08 13 
37866252Giant Size Wetwork Idols Quest #2: The Most Dangerous GamePoor time/thread management by OPFOR turns a long weekend thread into a short weekend threads. Oops.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2015-02-08 0 
37910293Space Crusade Quest Thread #1We drop onto an alien planet and promptly wreck havoc and steal the aliens data on their latest and greatest weapon developments, and steal a couple things of our own.Collective Game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen2015-02-08 12 
37921728Joker Quest 122Red Joker stabs himself with the Athame, undergoes a physical transformation and observes the aftermath of the Shroud's collapse.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker, It just keeps TUMBLING DOWN2015-02-08 11 
37924661Space Crusade Quest Thread #2We learn the name of our female prisoner, find the station under attack, determine that Tempas is our personal slave, and fight a Xeno spec ops agent out of rage.Collective Game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, Slaves2015-02-09 6 
37948360Space Crusade Quest Thread #3We have flashbacks and meet another agentCollective Game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, Slaves2015-02-10 6 
37982846DBZ Human Quest #62His training at the illustrious Satan Castle complete, Kaguya speaks with a trusted mentor, and works to develop new techniquesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Kami, Popo, Mr., Satan, Hercule, Videl, Gohan, Vegeta, Nappa, Icarus, Goku, Krillin, Master, Roshi, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Vegeta2015-02-11 12 
37984975Crusader Quest Part 21Wilhelm continues to pursue his political ambitions while Hugo enters a tourneyCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2015-02-11 20 
38018050Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteFamily time for Ryukusa at last. Time for healing of many sorts. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-12 9 
38020887[QUEST] Start Over part 21Where our heroine reaches Susanna's abode, is shown a sword larger than she is, and gets put on a bed large enough for everyone before bath time!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-02-13 5 
37974604For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 14We deal with civil unrest and plots on the planet of Surakeh.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-02-13 7 
38025497DBZ Human Quest #63Kaguya spars with Krillin, patches things up with Gohan, and goes on a nice relaxing camping trip. What could go wrong?Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Saiyan, Frieza, Cooler, Salza, Dore, Neiz, Gohan, Goku, Krillin, Piccolo, Vegeta, Icarus, Oolong, sentai2015-02-13 12 
38030486DBZ Human Quest #64An enemy leaves on surprisingly peaceful terms, and the camping trip resumesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Earth, Piccolo, Goku, Krillin, Salza, Cooler, Dore, Frieza, King, Cold, Icarus, Oolong2015-02-13 11 
38015618Space Crusade Quest #4We almost got raped by Violet Storm, rape him back, capture 2 Xenos, restore the AA guns, and fight VioletCollective Game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, Slaves2015-02-13 3 
38039354Space Crusade Quest #5We are Court-Martialed, meet a new agent, and succesfully defend ourselves in courtCollective Game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, Slaves2015-02-14 6 
38017627Nerd Dragons/tg/ talks about dragon nerds and how to put them in campaignsDragons, nerds, discussion, roleplay2015-02-14 1 
38071021DBZ Human Quest #67The Tournament comes to an end, and the day of reckoning arrivesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonballs, Human, Yamcha, Tien, Icarus, Nappa, Gohan, Videl, Androids, Frieza2015-02-15 10 
38068246Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Silence 5th ChorusMycea's legacy lives on, tons of Gorgon political interaction is had, and Akalade goes through puberty.Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-02-15 12 
38060445Space Crusade Quest #6We fuck elves...alot. We also checknout the ship, get the elves to decide to follow us...and fuck them some more.Collective Game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, Slaves, Spess elves, Unending Sex2015-02-15 3 
38082594Space Crusade Quest #7We wake up and prepare for a new day, check out the ship some more, get outfitted and get some new armor and then have some fun in it, and finally get back to work on the planet below, infiltrating the last Xenos held city on the planet.Collective Game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen2015-02-16 3 
38116799Status Quo QuestIn which a Hero decides to assassinate the demon lord and makes friends with orcs.Collective Game, Hero, Demon Lord, Status Quo Quest2015-02-17 11 
38109761Space Crusade Quest #8We battle the powerful xeno commander and finish up the battle for the last xenos held city on the planet, then we return to our ship to learn about our newest captives and have some tender time with our slaves and followers.Collective Game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen2015-02-17 2 
38129933Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteRestless Ryukusa realizes rather remiss reminiscences, righting respectfully.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-17 10 
38134463Space Crusade Quest#9We talk to the Holen and learn shes just like us. Then feels.Collective Game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, Slaves, Spess Elves, Feels2015-02-18 5 
38156490Space Crusade Quest #10We get a crew, recruits, then rage at elvesCollective Game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, Slaves, Spess Elves, More sex2015-02-19 4 
38174923[QUEST] Start Over part 22Where our heroine takes a bath, learns about harpies' flock organization, sleeps the afternoon away and then sleeps with a giantess.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-02-20 5 
38174648Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 3Bellatrix lectures Alirye on how snazzy the Emperor is, meets a felinid techpriestess, pets said techpriestess, and discovers HERESY.Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Felinid/Catgirl, Techpriest, Mechanicus, TECH HERESY, Necrodermis, Double headpats2015-02-20 6 
38194199Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteNightmares and dreams, and sleep. Or was that the other way around?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-20 9 
38176242Space Crusade Quest#11We lose an allied cruiser, destroy a battleship, then meet the first person to massively outrank usCollective Game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, Slaves, Cruiser, war2015-02-21 6 
38224459Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Refrain of the Great ProgenitorThe Great Progenitor reaches his climatic conclusion. Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-02-22 13 
38215019Space Crusade Quest #12We continue the boarding action on-board the disabled xenos battlecruiser, then come face to face with its commander who proves to be a worthy opponent.Collective Game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, Slaves, Cruiser, war2015-02-22 2 
38246094Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 4Bella takes a dip, becomes strong like (strong thing), kisses (and gets kissed), gets a Multi-melta for free, and is attacked by an invisible butt!Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Felinid/Catgirl, Techpriest, Mechanicus, Goo, Super-strength, Invisibility2015-02-23 8 
38241294Space Crusade Quest #13In which we play as Kemos and almost die and as Violet being a psionic badassCollective Game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, Slaves, Cruiser, war2015-02-23 2 
38256612Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 43 (FIN)The Epilogue to the Final Chapter that should have been. Ghostmaster returns and brings us resolution. It's been fun.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, End2015-02-23 16 
38251124Status Quo Quest 2Kobolds are cute, and we finally reach the Free City.Collective Game, Hero, Demon Lord, Status Quo Quest2015-02-24 7 
38288382Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteSleepless nights are made for trouble-making. So is Ryukusa.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-24 9 
38289867Space Crusade Quest 14We go back to our ship, fuck tempas, comfort Kemos, then make Kemos a badassCollective game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, Slaves, More Sex, Kemos2015-02-25 3 
38314207Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 18Makoto and Ryoji get drunk. A lot of heart to hearts. Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima2015-02-26 2 
38331926Space Crusade Quest 15We determine Violet nor the other Xeno is contagious, get a sweet mace, and meet the new agent trainerCollective game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, Slaves, Violet Storm2015-02-27 2 
38352589Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteHunting Wakaba; the politics of Religion; Noppera-bo.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-27 9 
38354037[QUEST] Start Over part 23Where our heroine tries to teach theology to harpies until PLOT HAPPENS!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-02-28 5 
38351221Space Crusade Quest 16We fought the xenos we captured...then rush to help ViolerCollective game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, Slaves2015-02-28 2 
38370843Boone Quest Episode 25Boone finally faces off against the mastermind behind everything.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, Raege, Sapp2015-02-28 27 
March 2015
38380069DBZ Human Quest #84Cell comes for Kaguya, and the confrontation leads to some big changes and decisions.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Olibu, Videl, Vegeta, Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, Goku, Gohan, Yamcha, Android, Seventeen, Eighteen, Sixteen, Cyborg, Cell, Popo, Icarus, Bulma2015-03-01 8 
38382261 Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of The BeastNormality is somewhat restored to our section of the world and we're back on track to standard Civilization efforts: Technology, Diplomacy- But the world still retains mystery and the Zizz ravages the plains. Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-03-01 12 
38420191Space Crusade Quest 17We board a pirate ship, run a small army to maximum efficiency, and get beatdown by the Pirate bossCollective game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, beatdown, pirate2015-03-03 3 
38469612[QUEST] Start Over part 24Where our heroines decides to abort exploration and return to civilization, preparing to brave the outbreak of undead.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-03-05 5 
38469314Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 19Erina takes the stage! Makoto's been kidnapped!Collective Game, Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima2015-03-05 2 
38488714Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Friend to YoukaiHunting Ryuu Wakaba. Catholic Conundrum. Bakemono vrs. Bakayaro.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-03-05 8 
38487555Space Crusade Quest 18We start playing with our new slaves then OP gets sickCollective Game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen2015-03-06 1 
38513360Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Friend to YoukaiWakaba is Losing it, the Catholics have Backup, and Ryukuza is stuck without Clan Ryo help...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-03-06 10 
38445286 For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 15We deal with fallout from events of previous thread, elections and setting up some construction projects.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-03-06 7 
38522803DBZ Human Quest #92A new day brings a new round of training, and some new ideas on how to do itColelctive Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super, Goku, Gohan, Nappa, Icarus, Android, Sixteen, Cell, Videl2015-03-07 9 
38542590 Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of The Beast 2nd Chorus4chan went down and we were unable to continue our session: Minor Advancements, Better Boats, We learn about Circuses, and Akalade has a little accident, but we managed to pull through. Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-03-08 10 
38542082Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 19.5The birth of Kamen Rider Eden! And maybe some poison.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Makoto Kinushima, Kamen Rider2015-03-08 5 
38567543DBZ Human Quest # 94After a tasty meal, Kaguya and Videl continue training, then make a trip to the pastCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Lookout, Android, Sixteen, Icarus, Videl, Hercule, Satan2015-03-09 9 
38538049Space Crusade Quest 19We participate in the Space battle and wreck everyoneCollective game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, Space battle, badass2015-03-10 2 
38605236Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Friend to YoukaiSorcery vs Power, Wakaba's fate, and the complexities of plans.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-03-10 10 
38593402Space Crusade Quest 20We have a PTSD flashback to Remina, talk to Horok, then we have feels.Collective game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, PTSD, feels2015-03-11 2 
38631415Magus Hunter Quest #1: Character CreationWhere Michael Weston is made, backstory is fleshed out and his initiation as a Vindicator Primus is completed.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-03-12 21 
38565257Status Quo Quest 3In which a deal is struck, a devil is saved, and a fight is had.Collective Game, Hero, Demon Lord, Status Quo Quest2015-03-12 7 
38631551Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 20MOTHER-DAUGHTER FINISHER HYPE!Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima2015-03-12 5 
38607687For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 16We discuss station construction and try to help Mike with his personal life before being recalled to the fleet. Sonia Reynard takes the reins of an Expeditionary Force as a Knight Commander.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-03-13 8 
38675358Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Friend to YoukaiSeeing thing through Kiki-hime's eyes, and feeling with her heart.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-03-13 10 
38663934Fungi Monsters/tg/ worldbuilds mushroom monsters, fungus freaks, etc. Loads of interesting ideas are developed. Useful source of new monsters for your next game.fungus, mushroom, monster, ecosystem, dryad, body horror,2015-03-13 2 
38648289Space Crusade Quest 21We drop onto the planet and wage WARCollective game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, WAR2015-03-14 0 
38699882Magus Hunter Quest #2We get a team together to take a road tripCollective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-03-15 17 
38705359DBZ Human Quest #99After training with Nappa, Kaguya spends a day training with KazumaColelctive Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Nappa, Android, Sixteen, Icarus2015-03-15 8 
38704846 Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of The Beast 3rd ChorusTechnology, Trade, Kenku... the brief return of the Parrats and we finally find out the true nature of Akalade. Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-03-15 17 
38698457Space Crusade Quest 22We meet none other than our best friend and show her around the ship.Collective game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, Emma,2015-03-16 5 
38729549Gentlemen, BEHOLD!Dr. Tory Matheus Sinclair, mad scientist extraordinaire, slaughtering rats without a care, accidentally ignites all the air. All of it. R.I.P.Drawfag, collective game, one-shot, mad science, highly contagious fungal explosive flammable inextinguishable super rat poison, Incendispore2015-03-16 7 
38731399DBZ Human Quest #101Kaguya defeats Android 13, celebrates a friend's birthday, and prepares for the Cell GamesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Piccolo, Yamcha, Krillin, Nappa, Android, Sixteen, Fifteen, Fourteen, Thirteen, Goku, Gohan, Cell, Krillin, Chi, Chi, Nappa, Icarus2015-03-16 8 
38736171DBZ Human Quest #102The Cell Games beginCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Android, Pirozhki, Caroni, Hercule, Satan, Videl, Icarus, Nappa, 16, Gohan, Goku, Yamcha, Cell, Junior2015-03-16 11 
38769646[QUEST] Start Over part 25Where our heroine hurries home, meets some alraune on the way back and encounters SPOOKY SCARY SKELLINGTONS!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-03-18 5 
38790628Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 21Erina might have just discovered there's a conspiracy involving Yggdrasil. Also the start of Erina vs. Cecile!Collective Game, Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Kamen Rider, Erina Kinushima2015-03-19 5 
38744527Status Quo Quest 4In which we take an unusual detour on the way to our bath, and bear our paranoia for all to see.Collective Game, Hero, Demon Lord, Status Quo Quest2015-03-20 5 
38815459 Giant Size Wetwork Idols Quest: The Most Dangerous Game One Year AnniversaryOne year anniversary of the quest!Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2015-03-20 3 
38829090Magus Hunter Quest #2Where we realise the mansion is haunted, and find a hidden cellar.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-03-21 14 
38854373Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of The Beast 4th ChorusWe finally and perhaps ultimately resolve the "Gorgon" Problem. Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-03-22 10 
38837391Giant Size Wetwork Idols Quest: The Most Dangerous Game One Year Anniversary EditionsThe One Year Anniversary continues!Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2015-03-22 2 
38875280SPOOKY ABYSSAL QUEST 2A Chosen of the Void meditates; she must first kill the bandit to become the bandit.Golden Lark, Shyft Nine, drawquest, SPOOKY ABYSSAL QUEST, spooky, scary, skeletons, Exalted, Abyssal, The Just and Neccesary Executioner, Collective Game2015-03-23 6 
38881457Giant Size Wetwork Idols Quest: The Most Dangerous Game One Year Anniversary EditionsFinal day of the One Year Anniversary Editions. OPFOR's State of the Quest Address, reflecting 2014 and commenting on 2015.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2015-03-23 3 
38895239Crusader Quest Part 22Wilhelm becomes embroiled in Byzantine intriguesCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2015-03-24 14 
38900940Khornette Quest #28We fight over a book and it turns out Tzeentch is kinda a bitch.Collective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Just as Planned, Fuklaw, ELH2015-03-24 12 
38932253Magus Hunter Quest #4Where we make a defence plan, shop a bit and go on our first actual mission.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-03-26 16 
38932326Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 22Erina vs. Cecile conclusion.Collective Game, Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Kamen Rider, Erina Kinushima2015-03-26 5 
38949448Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersAfter blood and tears comes healing...and interrogation.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-03-26 9 
38953941[QUEST] Start Over part 26Where our heroine buries the already dead, returns to safety and gets into undressing shenanigans as she wrestles with a wet robe!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-03-27 5 
38952567Wetwork Idols Quest #28: The Most Dangerous GameDay thread, reverts to old numbering. Michelle and Karan have a pleasant morning discussion.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2015-03-28 1 
38973160Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 21: Sunshine daysCharlotte comes to visit and she and Elizabeth have a bit of fun, they then decide to go on a little hunt and end up meeting a monster called Reluna, the dancer of petals and blades. fun fun, the contractor, Lady Petal is born.Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction, Cripple, Fusson2015-03-28 11 
38988451Magus Hunter Quest #5Where we wrap things up at the farm, have a serious talk with Milly, find out more about the house and set up the surveillance.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-03-29 15 
38992896Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of The Beast 5th Chorus We enter into the final age of a Hymn that has brought great uncertainty, but end it with a hard earned happy ending. The Hymn of the Beast has ended; a new hymn will have to be sung. Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-03-29 11 
39028867Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersDisarming bombs, disarming foes, disarming smiles.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-03-30 10 
April 2015
39067723Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersBomb disposal, and interrogating the prisoners, who aren't really in the mood...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-01 9 
39069414Magus Hunter Quest #6Where we build most of the training room, dig up a dolmen, learn about ley lines and find the practically dead remains of an ancient warlord.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-02 13 
39071686[QUEST] Start Over lost episode 19Where we follow a mysterious protagonist, who steals stuff as she uncovers part of what is really going on in the Shadow Marches!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-04-02 5 
39028315Status Quo Quest 5In which we smell smoke and negotiate for grain.Collective Game, Hero, Demon Lord, Status Quo Quest2015-04-02 5 
39070989Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 23Makoto manages to create pastries and possibly hallucinate. THIS PARTY'S GONNA BE CRAZY.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima2015-04-02 5 
39110003Magus Hunter Quest #7Where we finish our training room, find important info about ley lines and magic circles, and hunt down a werewolf.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-04 12 
39137395Magical Girl Noir Quest 267Risa did nothing wrong.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Risa, Jager, Chiakipuss, Pinky2015-04-05 9 
39165875The All Guardsmen Party and the Xenotech Heresy P1The All Guardsmen Party investigates a string planet-wide disappearances.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Aimy, Drone, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Xenotech, Heretek, Eldar, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-04-06 135 
39171248Crusader Quest Part 23Wilhelm has an attempt on his life while Hugo bonds with the TemplarsCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2015-04-06 18 
39185203The All Guardsmen Party and the Xenotech Heresy P2The All Guardsmen Party investigates a string planet-wide disappearances.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Aimy, Drone, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Xenotech, Heretek, Eldar, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-04-07 141 
39219226Magus Hunter Quest #8Where we say goodbye to Helena, realise a strange phenomena, research it and start building an R&R room.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-09 8 
39216951Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 24Rematch against the Green Rider, and Makoto gets caught up with what might be going on.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima2015-04-09 6 
39236608Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersInterrogating the prisoners; making the next move; unexpected kisses.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-09 9 
39259747Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersDiplomatic dragonette is diplomatic. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-10 10 
39262613[QUEST] Start Over part 27Where our heroine chooses not to bother Agnes because she didn't want to wake her, but wakes Astreya after a dare with her familiar...Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-04-11 5 
39264141For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 1We deal with the aftermath of the previous battle, trade for torpedoes and shuffle our fleet.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-04-11 8 
39322254Ice WraithsThe Ice Wraiths are rolled up, and fluffed out as ice-weaponry using cyborg vampires from Russia.Space Marines, Custom Chapter, Ice Wraiths2015-04-13 14 
39328459Ice Wraiths II: The ThreadeningFluffing occurs, cryothium is discussed and tomfoolery occurs.Space Marines, Custom Chapter, Ice Wraiths2015-04-14 8 
39343349Ice Wraiths III: Heraldry EditionRussian Jokes made, Heraldry Discussed, and more fluffing occursSpace Marines, Custom Chapter, Ice Wraths2015-04-15 3 
39360752Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 25Erina bonks some heads together, and makes a contract. We can only hope it's for the better good. Also designing the first upgrade.Collective Game, Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Gaim, Erina Kinushima.2015-04-16 2 
39382587Magus Hunter Quest #9Where we talk to HQ, finish and test the R&R room, have another bad dream and have a guest spar verbally with Milly.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-17 10 
39401193Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersWith the enemy left confused and wondering, the next part of the plan is to...party?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-17 10 
39402882Magus Hunter Quest #10Where we go on patrol, break up a gang fight, meet a detective and find a trader in magical goods.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-18 10 
39417319[QUEST] Start Over part 28Where our heroine arranges for a magical trip and finds Bryld a place where she can work her maps.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-04-18 5 
39402285 Ice Wraiths Thread IV: Calling for Writefags and Drawfags EditionIce Wraiths,almost finished,nothing except some writefagotterySpace Marines,Custom Chapter,Ice Wraiths2015-04-19 2 
39420184Night Wolves and Wayward Sons Creation/tg/ creates a couple CSM Warbands. One is made of Berzerkers riding giant daemonic bears, the other uses giant sand worms to terrorize its enemies, which include the aforementioned bear riders.Chaos Space Marines, Custom Warband, Night Wolves, Wayward Sons2015-04-19 3 
39388345Young Justice Quest: Unlimited #25The unexpected final fate of an earth on the eve of Crisis. Collective Game, Young Justice, Super Boy, Hypertime2015-04-20 10 
39444234Life In Soviet RussiaA anon requests information on life in Soviet Russia. Discussion, information and morbid jokes followSoviet Union,Soviet Union,Russia,USSR,2015-04-20 7 
39485053Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersKiku-chan's concerns. Seeing the landlord/lady/thing. Escape to the litterbo-I mean, beach.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-21 13 
39480921Rusoya Sector I: Ice Wraiths and FremenThe first official Rusoya sector thread. mainly focused on finishing the Ice WraithsSpace Marines, Custom Chapter, Ice Wraiths, Sector Rusoya2015-04-21 1 
39507994Magus Hunter Quest #11Where we confront our father alongside Wooster, train and almost finish the shooting range, and call up DCI Nettles.collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-23 7 
39449267Status Quo Quest Thread 7In which we relax, briefly.Collective Game, Hero, Demon Lord, Status Quo Quest2015-04-23 6 
39532597Succubus Lord Quest 783Join us as we drink a Mocha and capture a Sloth demon!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2015-04-24 5 
39544663Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumRecovering from a trip through N'Kai, Ryukusa recuperates at the beach. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-24 14 
39563892Magus Hunter Quest #12Where we encounter and deal with a group of drug mystical dealers.collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-26 6 
39568890Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of the Moon Our first session back after the Hiatus: we're a little rusty, but we try to pick things up where we left them off. We learn a little more about the world, the gods, and get a bit of foreshadowing towards things to come. Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-04-26 10 
39650477Magus Hunter Quest #13Where we finish the shooting range, analyse ley-lines and get informed of a joined Op organised by the entire Order.collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-30 4 
39648086Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 26Makoto meets with Kaito and Oren, runs into the other Armored Riders, and begins the fight against a possibly legendary Inves.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima2015-04-30 3 
39667937Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumBeach party continues, and Ryukusa makes some life decisions. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-30 9 
May 2015
39631169For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 2Struggles over slavery issues. We head for a new battle front and help fight off a boarding attempt on the Majestic.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-05-01 9 
39713823Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of the Moon 2nd Chorus.We get back into the swing of things and further advance out society, maintain our overgrown cities, and get into some minor shenanigans as we explore the nature of Abyzousithis: The pale maiden, daughter of travesty, and Demoness of still-birth, rotten eggs and milk.Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-05-03 10 
39728942Magus Hunter Quest #14Where we work on the magic circle some more, get a creepy vision and find out the truth about Milly.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-05-04 4 
39767579Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumSwimming with Kiku. Three choices. A question of amorality.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-05-05 13 
39781961Crusader Quest Part 24: The Shitstorm Thread!A princess gets raped while we watch and we neglect a lady giving birth to our child.Collective Game, Crusader Quest, Ruh Roh, Wilhelm, Cowardice, HistoricalFiction2015-05-06 20 
39789281Magus Hunter Quest #15Where we train a lot, have a new kind of dream and find something weird about ourselves, brainstorm on rooms to biuld and are informed of Operation Daybreak.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-05-07 6 
39795196DBZ Human Quest #139PftthahahahahaDBZ, DBZ Human Quest, Collective Game, Sominus2015-05-07 1 
39787058Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 27Finally, the emergence of Dragonslayer Arms against Otachi!Collective Game, Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima, DJ Sagara2015-05-07 5 
39807179Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumCrime and punishment. Deals and coercion. A Hell of a show.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-05-07 10 
39853518yclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of the Moon 3rd Chorus The Leviathan finally shows up, our relationship with the world grows stronger, we learn a little history, and we discover one of the south's Mysteries. Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-05-10 10 
39843362Status Quo Quest Thread 8In which we go to bed.Collective Game, Hero, Demon Lord, Status Quo Quest2015-05-10 3 
39849414 For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 3Dealing with the last of our boarders we fight off another fleet before looking at our reinforcements.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Salvage, Dice,2015-05-11 7 
39874250SPOOKY ABYSSAL QUEST 003Fuck ghosts, get swords. Golden Lark, Shyft Nine, drawquest, SPOOKY ABYSSAL QUEST, spooky, scary, skeletons, Exalted, Abyssal, The Just and Neccesary Executioner, Collective Game2015-05-11 3 
39875890Star Dust Quest #1Welcome to Star Dust Quest! Here, you will follow the exploits of Gavin Ashworth and his small ship crew.Collective Game, Star Dust Quest2015-05-11 37 
39935130Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumFight on the beach, Chinese demons 101, family matters.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-05-13 13 
39936537Magus Hunter Quest #16Where we plan our attack and meet up with the two squads under your command.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-05-14 4 
39941617Succubus Lord Quest 84Join us as we meet Nalika's sister, Pride Demon King Kaj!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2015-05-14 6 
39974456[QUEST] Start Over part 29Where our heroine talks to Tahenohan about companionships, visits the caravansary again and pulls Pyorindel into a group dance!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-05-16 5 
39975074Dreamcaptain Quest: Session 2We acquire another passenger and then our ship gets battered in a storm. Collective Game, Dreamcaptain Quest, Pelorus2015-05-16 1 
39992381Magus Hunter Quest #17Where Operation Daybreak is a go!Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-05-17 4 
39993389Star Dust Quest #2Welcome to Star Dust Quest! Here, you will follow the exploits of Gavin Ashworth and his ship crew, along with all of the shenanigans they get into.Collective Game, Star Dust Quest2015-05-17 25 
40017930SPOOKY ABYSSAL QUEST 004 TAKE 1A fuck up in thread titling made this one collapse. Trying again next week! Golden Lark, Shyft Nine, drawquest, SPOOKY ABYSSAL QUEST, spooky, scary, skeletons, Exalted, Abyssal, The Just and Neccesary Executioner, Collective Game2015-05-18 1 
40016926Star Dust Quest #3A first taste of combat, witty banter, and drunken shenanigans.Collective Game, Star Dust Quest2015-05-18 25 
40016425New Beginnings- Muse Quest 1We face our choices in the Cathedral, alongside the creeping Cosmic HorrorThe Red Lady, Steven Spike Bloom, Steven Bloom, Steven Blum, Collective Game, Muse 2015-05-18 5 
39993664For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 4We play as Sonia's Mom and ground Bekka. Back with the fleet we do some sims and prepared for battle.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-05-18 7 
40069357Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 28Downtime. Short thread. Recovering from the Dragonslayer, and taking the next steps.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima2015-05-21 3 
40097301Muse Quest 2Meet the Muses, Begin to change your fateCollective Game, Muse Quest, The Red Lady, Tarot, Steven "Spike" Bloom, Spike Bloom2015-05-22 6 
40092320Insolitus Quest #1Meet a little of the world. We're very anxious.Collective Game, Insolitus, Quest, Insolitus Quest2015-05-23 2 
40123349[QUEST] Start Over part 30Where our heroine dances, kisses a girl, drinks some pretty damn strong spirits and feels sick, meeting a foreign mouse girl!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-05-23 5 
40132296Star Dust Quest #4Hangovers ahoy, Gavin spends the day preparing his ship and relaxing (more or less) with crew members, then taking up new contracts.Collective Game, Star Dust Quest2015-05-24 25 
40136463Unexplored World Quest 1We set off on an adventure as a swordmage named TiberiusCollective Game, Unexplored World Quest, Swordmage, Tiberius2015-05-24 1 
40131279Insolitus Quest #2The Storm hits.Collective Game, Insolitus, Quest, Insolitus Quest2015-05-24 2 
40127421For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 5Fleet battles and more fleet battles!Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-05-25 7 
40159063Muse Quest 3The Pursuer comes, the end of the Cathedral, and we meet an old friend. Also, jazz-offThe Red Lady, Steven Spike Bloom, Steven Bloom, Collective Game, Muse, Tarot2015-05-25 5 
40160317Status Quo Quest Thread 9In which we loot bodies and find more questions.Collective Game, Hero, Demon Lord, Status Quo Quest2015-05-26 3 
40186376Crusader Quest Part 25Wilhelm reunites with Malik and rides out against Egyptian raiders. Collective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2015-05-26 22 
40216488Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumRyukusa interrogates, Yui medicates, Akari hesitates.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-05-27 14 
40215778Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Episode 29short episode. Resolving to get Ryoji back in the Rider game.Kamen Rider Sengoku Quest, Collective Game, Kamen Rider, Makoto Kinushima2015-05-28 1 
40245467Muse Quest 4"Welcome to Orre" A Dusty antique store, interesting ancient murals, the blacksmithing twins, summoning awesome tarot powers, and...oh shit, it's The Pursuer.Collective Game, Muse Quest, The Red Lady, Tarot, Steven "Spike" Bloom, Spike Bloom2015-05-29 3 
40257809Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumStrange things afoot in the Diet of Japan...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-05-29 10 
June 2015
40302251Star Dust Quest #5A standoff is had, and a duel with one of the Four Horsemen takes place.Collective Game, Star Dust Quest2015-06-01 22 
40276753For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 6After a prolonged battle with retreating Neeran fleets we begin to sort through the salvage.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-06-02 8 
40337450Crusader Quest Part 26Wilhelm feasts in JaffaCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2015-06-02 16 
40344173Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumFinishing the questions, and moving on to bigger and better things, like marshmallows and fireworks.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-02 10 
40343010Crusader Quest Part 27Wilhelm returns to Ramla with his entourage, and hosts Christmas for Queen Melisende. Collective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction2015-06-02 16 
40409187[QUEST] Start Over part 31Where our heroine takes stomach medicine and her new mousegirl friend shares some ice cream with her.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-06-06 6 
40412866Muse Quest 5The Pursuit- Short ThreadThe Red Lady, Tarot, Muse Quest, Steven "Spike" Bloom, Spike Bloom2015-06-06 3 
40428751Muse Quest 5.5The Pursuit-Part 2 Collective Game, The Red Lady, Tarot, Muse Quest, Steven "Spike" Bloom, Spike Bloom2015-06-07 4 
40450623Star Dust Quest #6The crew sets off to complete their next contract.Collective Game, Star Dust Quest2015-06-07 20 
40425342For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 7We sort our fleet and head for our next assignment. A customized ship and select team take off into the latest salvage adventure.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-06-09 8 
40479846Lost Primarch Quest 10In which Sol Prementus finds himself embroiled in the middle of a fleet engagement against foul Greenskins and Kraven dies again.Collective Game, Lost Primarch Quest, Eleventh, Primarch, Flagship, Invictus, Orks2015-06-09 6 
40537884Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumPicnics and Sand and water. And other important things.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-11 12 
40534328Antill civ 1Things happen and mutations happen, onwards to world domination, with our friends the Ursine.Collective Game, Insectoid, Civilization, Builder, Civ builder, Ants, Tithonus2015-06-12 3 
40414882Status Quo Quest Thread 10Interlude: In the Halls of Darkness, Pt1 Cake of MysteryCollective Game, Hero, Demon Lord, Status Quo Quest2015-06-12 4 
40559945[QUEST] Start Over part 32Where our heroine learns about wizardly matters and strikes a deal with YomiCollective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-06-13 3 
40575899Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumMermaids, Fireworks, and a Bronze Blade.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-13 14 
40600553Star Dust Quest #7Living the merc life, Gavin goes out to help Dani the Blackhawk to root out some bandits.Collective Game, Star Dust Quest2015-06-14 15 
40605632RE: Kobold Quest 19We return home with our new friends.Collective Game, RE: Monster, Kobold, Lotus Eater2015-06-15 15 
40605905Spirit Detective Quest #1A young man has a very eventful weekend. Collective Game, Quest, Spirit, Detective, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, 2015-06-15 5 
40575195 For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 8We resume running around a station that is not as deserted as we might like it to be. Salvage commences.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-06-15 8 
40626838Spirit Detective Quest #2Koenma's new Spirit Detective has his first run-in with a demonCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-06-16 4 
40632242Crusader Quest Part 28Wilhelm is faced with a moral crisis when Princess Hodierna inadvertently reminds them that he broke one of the promises he made to his betrothed.Collective Game, Crusader Quest, Barbam Vult, Wilhelm, Beards, HistoricalFiction2015-06-16 16 
40639375Crusader Quest Part 29Wilhelm deals with Irish troubles. Solomon ends them.Collective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2015-06-16 23 
40628755Wetwork Idols Quest #29: The Most Dangerous GameWendy starts moving in. Karan badgers Michelle, who then checks out.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2015-06-16 1 
40641876Magus Hunter Quest #18Where we meet the Vindex Primus, get debriefed, talk with Edward and see a glimpse of the coming storm.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-06-17 5 
40643313Insectoid Civ session 2More interactions with the Ursine, getting to know them more, learning about Dwarves, and fighting a horde of Goblins.Collective Game, Insectoid, Civilization, Builder, Civ builder, Ants, Tithonus, Session 22015-06-17 2 
40647079Spirit Detective Quest #3After meeting Koenma, the Spirit Detective is given his first caseCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-06-17 5 
40660307Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Immortal Beach BunnyThe tale, fireworks, and other kids of fireowrks.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-17 13 
40658781Insectoid Civ session 3Recovery after the first goblin raids, and some meta talk at the end, Alates!Collective Game, Insectoid, Civilization, Builder, Civ builder, Ants, Tithonus, Session 3, Alates, Tekton2015-06-18 2 
40683245RE: Kobold Quest 20We try out our new armor, and set out to find our trainer.Collective Game, RE: Monster, Kobold, Lotus Eater2015-06-18 11 
40684504Spirit Detective Quest #4The detective meets the one behind the demonic activityCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-06-19 5 
40697216Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Immortal Beach BunnyImmortality, egg laying, and the art of war.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-19 10 
40699404[QUEST] Start Over part 33Where our heroine and Astreya ride a long, hard staff together. Then they check on Susanna and the arachne.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-06-20 3 
40716278Magus Hunter Quest #19Where you finish work on the security room and deal with Milly in the fallout of her getting drunk.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-06-21 5 
40734346Crusader Quest Part 30Wilhelm, Mathilde and Hugo enjoy the new yearCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2015-06-21 13 
40740131RE: Kobold Quest 21We travel with Far-Runner and try to go fishing.Collective Game, RE: Monster, Kobold, Lotus Eater2015-06-21 13 
40747009The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Acquisition ExpertsWorking alongside Astartes! Meeting Orks and 'Nids again! Critfails galore! It's episode 12.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Drone, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Xenotech, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Sarge, Twitch, Nubby, Doc, Tink, Aimy, Interrogator Greg Sargent2015-06-22 170 
40707484Status Quo Quest Thread 11In the Halls of ExpositionCollective Game, Hero, Demon Lord, Status Quo Quest2015-06-22 3 
40714184For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 9We finish recovering important items and data from the destroyed station. Loot is split, purchases are made, and the best route home is discussed.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Survey, Dice, Survey, Marines2015-06-23 11 
40766839Spirit Detective Quest #5The Detective undergoes training, and learns about his enemyCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-06-23 5 
40769848Sipahi Marines & Luckless SistersIn which Sisters are lost by bet to the White Scars' more Turkic descendants.40k, Sisters of Battle, Space Marines, Arabs, Mongols, Turks, Sipahi, Custom Chapter,2015-06-23 6 
40766372 Wetwork Idols Quest #30: The Most Dangerous GameMichelle's been daydreaming more lately. She returns, solo this time, to the megamall for a Wendy-free shopping experience.Collective Game, Wetwork Idols Quest, Most Dangerous Game2015-06-23 1 
40783368RE: Kobold Quest 22We have a long walk with Cain, and meet VsszahCollective Game, RE: Monster, Kobold, Lotus Eater2015-06-23 11 
40780508Magus Hunter Quest #20Where we buy lots of stuff, train a bit, find the first magic circle, and go on a date.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-06-24 2 
40785101Spirit Detective Quest #6After intense training, the Detective faces off with his enemy, determined to settle things once and for all.Collective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-06-24 5 
40775800Sipahi Marines & Luckless Sisters 2The "Mad Mamluk" Biker Marines with their scantily-clad Byzantine Beach Sisters get some colors and fluff, and now with a War Boys PDF.40k, Custom Chapter, Sisters of Battle, Space Marines, Arabs, homebrew, Mongols, Turks, Sipahi, Sororitas2015-06-24 7 
40816420Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteMilitary interventions, family interventions, and divine interventions.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-25 13 
40840023RE: Kobold Quest 23We fight the guardian of the sea shrine.Collective Game, RE: Monster, Kobold, Lotus Eater2015-06-26 11 
40841156[QUEST] Start Over part 34Where our heroine partakes in nightly rituals and talks to Yomi!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-06-27 5 
40808475Sipahi Marines & Luckless Sisters 3The "Mad Mamluk" Biker Marines and the Byzantine Beach Sisters get more colors and even more fluff, now with Trooper Hoplites IG and Desert Tribe War Boys PDF and even some stroytime.40k, Custom Chapter, Sisters of Battle, Space Marines, Arabs, homebrew, Turks, Sipahi, Sororitas2015-06-28 5 
40884083Star Dust Quest #2The team breached into the caves successfully, but came across quite an anomaly to behold. Firefights ensue.Collective Game, Star Dust Quest2015-06-28 13 
40886164RE: Kobold Quest 24We leave the islanders behind, and go after Djanna at last.Collective Game, RE: Monster, Kobold, Lotus Eater2015-06-28 11 
40903586Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteReassurances are made, as is an escape! But who is caught in our heroine's clutches?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-29 10 
40906637RE: Kobold 25We travel the Growling Torrent, and come to the city of Fireshade.Collective Game, RE: Monster, Kobold, Lotus Eater2015-06-29 11 
40856748For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 10R&D bases are visited, tech is explained and we return home to a hero's welcome. Mostly.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Survey, Dice, Survey, Marines2015-06-30 11 
40918857forgeworld founding quest iiwe meet an orgyn read some books and arrange for construction to begincollective game, forgeworld founding quest, adeptus mechanicus2015-06-30 2 
40916069Crusader Quest Part 31Wilhelm's father and the Archbishop of Trier arrive in Ramla.Collective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2015-06-30 12 
40917414Mission to OR-42Anon posts a Metroid/40K crossover. Anon 2 writes Samus's PoV. Anon 3 writes Necron PoV.Warhammer 40000, 40K, Metroid, Necrons, Imperial Guard, Commissar, Samus, Samus Aran, Write, Writing2015-06-30 8 
40926841RE: Kobold Quest 25 - Part 2We encounter the dragon that stole Djanna, and our family is whole once more.Collective Game, RE: Monster, Kobold, Lotus Eater2015-06-30 11 
July 2015
40927165Magus Hunter Quest #21Where we go to the final circle and find Tobias PattersonCollective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-07-01 3 
40936631Crusader Quest Part 32: The Shitstormening!OOPSY DAISY.Collective Game, Crusader Quest, Damn Dice, Hugo, WAR, HistoricalFiction2015-07-01 17 
40967451Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteThe Kitsune, the Dragonette, and the Nogitsune. The Secrets of Water.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-07-02 12 
40992978RE: Kobold Quest Q&A 2A Q&A session at the end of the first major arc.Collective Game, RE: Monster, Kobold, Lotus Eater2015-07-04 10 
41012590RE: Kobold Quest 26We reunite with Djanna, Sylea, and Baltas, and decide where to go from here.Collective Game, RE: Monster, Kobold, Lotus Eater2015-07-04 11 
41028238Age of Sigmar and-oh fuck me.You still have not learned and I am ashamed.The whole reason I stopped coming to /tg/ was because for all your self-aggrandizing shit like this happens, that's why I shitpost on the archives, coming out of retirement, I haven't done thsi since 2013 so I don't know who this other faggot is, please learn to recognize shitposting and how the report function works, it takes two seconds of your time, consider developing a better policy on quest threads and CYOAs too, thanks, sincerly LWYS, XOXO2015-07-05 21 
41031036Great House Pallbrim and Raemon Pallbrim creationWhere we finish the Great House and start working on the Heir RaemonHouse_Pallbrim, Raemon, ASOIAFNewfag2015-07-06 1 
41053864Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteChanging tactics; confrontations; disasters foretold.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-07-06 13 
41008852For House and Dominion: Home Front IV - 1House Arrest Edition. Players and Sonia both rage against the machine.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Survey, Dice, Survey2015-07-07 11 
41055293Great House Pallbrim and OP is a dirty liar editionWe finish Raemon and name everything in the lands. Including the lands!ASOIAFNewfag, Got, Great_House_Pallbrim, Collective game2015-07-07 2 
41101251Spirit Detective Quest #8The Detective visits a farm, and things quickly get strangeCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-07-09 5 
41102797Crusader Quest Part 33Wilhelm introduces the Bishop of Trier to JerusalemCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2015-07-09 14 
41109981Crusader Quest Part 34Wilhelm reunites with IovetaCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2015-07-09 13 
41135159Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteFacing the enemy hordes; being as clever as you think you are.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-07-10 13 
41180822Star Dust Quest #9After clearing out the bandits with the help of Elyon and a possessed drone, the crew decides what to do next.Collective Game, Star Dust Quest2015-07-12 13 
41181298RE: Kobold Quest 27We negotiate with Mal'ir, spend some time in the city, and return to the village.Collective Game, RE: Monster, Kobold, Lotus Eater2015-07-12 12 
41179223Magus Hunter Quest #22Where we deal with political fallout and have a chat with the Arch Magus.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-07-13 5 
41157784For House and Dominion: Home Front IV - 2Rioja world building as the city begins its rapid expansion. Over land links connect to the main city.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Survey, Dice, Survey2015-07-14 9 
41224180[QUEST] Start Over part 35Where our heroine goes skinny dipping in the lake with Astreya, who turns out to be quite good at picking up clues.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-07-15 3 
41233208Exterminator QuestWe start the day off right and get a priest eaten by roaches.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus2015-07-15 11 
41240141Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteTime to see what Colonel Blitzenberg is really like.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-07-15 13 
41241508Magus Hunter Quest #23Where we deal with a vampire attack and decide on a name for our book.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-07-16 10 
41260588Exterminator Quest #2In which /tg/ takes a HS boy and coerces him into getting in their van. Also explosions.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus2015-07-17 7 
41288635Spirit Detective Quest #9The Detective has trouble with the bossCollective Game, Quest, Spirit, Detective, Yu, Yu, Hakusho2015-07-18 5 
41304697Star Dust Quest #10It's time to head to Faraday, where the unknown and unsung await.Collective Game, Star Dust Quest2015-07-18 11 
41290793Status Quo Quest Thread 12In which the party begins!Collective Game, Hero, Demon Lord, Status Quo Quest2015-07-19 3 
41302679Magus Hunter Quest #24Where we make a lot of phone calls, start making an infirmary and train some more.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-07-19 6 
41327948A Song of Gold and Sand: House Brachen Quest (House Creation)In which House Brachen, Scourge of the Ironborn, Guardians of the Tumblestone Coast, Left Hand of the Lannisters is created, and Lord Garrette Brachen and his child Trystan Hill are named.Collective Game, House Brachen, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT2015-07-20 13 
41332598Spirit Detective Quest #10The Detective is fired, and receives an offerCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-07-20 5 
41349112A Song of Gold and Sand: House Brachen Quest (Lord Creation)In which Lord Garrette Brachen is given form via character generation, and much discussion was had about what weapons to use and our hatred of the IronbornCollective Game, House Brachen, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT2015-07-20 11 
41353334Reality Abuser Quest 1: Origin storyEmily Smiles' life of staying shut indoors changes when she's unwillingly given reality-warping powers.Collective Game, Reality Abuser Quest, Headmaster, Reality Warper, Supervillain, Super Villain2015-07-21 7 
41357821Crusader Quest Part 35Wilhelm garners support for his invasion while indulging his worst vicesCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2015-07-21 12 
41364337Crusader Quest Part 36Mathilde discovers a spy in RamlaCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2015-07-21 11 
41374072RE: Kobold Quest 28We spend time with our companions, and try to nurse a very seasick kitsune.Collective Game, RE: Monster, Kobold, Lotus Eater2015-07-21 11 
41373965Exterminator Quest #3.5In which we are the batman.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus2015-07-22 9 
41390758Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteBreaking wards, breaking walls, breaking heads, and maybe breaking even.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-07-22 12 
41396768Reality Abuser Quest 2: Modifier Issue 1Emily and Moriarty encounter The Ragtags, a group of low rung super villains living in an old train yard. Early ArchiveCollective Game, Reality Abuser Quest, The Headmaster, Reality Warper, Supervillain, Super Villain,2015-07-22 6 
41393039Magus Hunter Quest #25Where we hunt an abyssal, an abyssal hunts us, and we screw up majorly.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-07-23 3 
41398561Spirit Detective Quest #11Taking the day offCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-07-23 6 
41326922For House and Dominion: Home Front IV - 3Even more world building on Rioja. Our first Heavy Cruiser finishes construction.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-07-23 9 
41434488Star Dust Quest #11The crew finally arrives at Faraday. Their new contact, however, proves to be a little bit of a handful.Collective Game, Star Dust Quest2015-07-25 10 
41456560A Song of Gold and Sand: House Brachen Quest (Part 1)In which Garrette Brachen, Lord of Brachenhall, learns of the state of his lands and the bandits plaguing them, bonds with his bastard son, and begins his war to purge the brigands from his lands, one spear at a time.Collective Game, House Brachen, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT2015-07-26 14 
41463291Spirit Detective Quest #12Suiting upCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirt, Detective2015-07-26 5 
41486115Spirit Detective Quest #13Hunting in a cursed forest. What could go wrong?Collective Game, Quest, Spirit, Detective, Yu, Yu, Hakusho2015-07-27 4 
41481625Star Dust Quest #12Another drunken night is had before the crew heads off the next day towards Frundt city.Collective Game, Star Dust Quest2015-07-27 14 
41504318[QUEST] Start Over part 36Where our heroine makes Astreya ride a rock hard staff and then does some delayed time pillow talk over lunch.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Not Serious, Laid-back2015-07-28 5 
41505309Exterminator Quest #4.2In which we poison a mantis creature and eat stale pizza before going on a hike.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus2015-07-28 6 
41529865Spirit Detective Quest #14The timely arrival of a friend saves the Detective's lifeCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-07-29 5 
41546472Exterminator Quest #5We climb cliffs, learn about our boss, and deal with a righteous cop.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus2015-07-30 6 
41551358Crusader Quest Part 37Mathilde hunts for the spy in RamlaCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Charisma, HistoricalFiction,2015-07-30 12 
41570429Spirit Detective Quest #15A letter is found, and the enemy's name is revealedCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-07-31 4 
41584822Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteFacing the youkai-child; the soldier's decision; that damn cat, one more time...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-07-31 12 
August 2015
41571465The Cuisine of Fantastical RacesA thread is had in which the food and drink preferences of Gnomes, Dwarves, Elves, Men, Orcs and other fantastical races is discussed at length. Some real world recipes are mulled over as well.worldbuilding, culture, food, drink, fantasy races, cooking, discussion2015-08-01 10 
41609050Reality Abuser Quest 3: Modifier Issue 2Emily gets to know her new friend, Amazonia (Marcia Esteban-Wallace) and continues making reality her bitch. Early archiveCollective Game, Reality Abuser Quest, The Headmaster, Reality Warper, Supervillain, Super Villain,2015-08-02 7 
41606279A Song of Gold and Sand: House Brachen Quest (Part 2)In which Lord Garrette of House Brachen completes his elimination of the outlaw band to Brachenhall's south-eastern border, gains lands from them for future exploitation, gains the praise of his smallfolk and sworn swords, and prepares his lands for his absence as he is invited to Ashemark by House Marbrand.Collective Game, House Brachen, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT2015-08-02 20 
41627300Star Dust Quest #13It's time for a last stand in Frundt city against a horde of killer robots.Collective Game, Star Dust Quest2015-08-02 16 
41630969Spirit Detective Quest #16The Detective meets his replacementCollective Game, Quest, Spirit, Detective, Yu, Yu, Hakusho2015-08-03 4 
41648934[QUEST] Start Over part 37Where our heroine forces a workaholic bunny to take better care of herself and stops Tahenohan from being way too silly.Collective Game, Start Over Game, Laid-back, Not serious2015-08-04 3 
41649011Exterminator Quest #6We put a condom on a rat and delve deep into the mysterious underbelly of a seemingly innocuous toy factoryCollective game, insects, lizards, horror, fungus, rats2015-08-04 6 
41674583Spirit Detective Quest #16.5Short update while finding ways to deal with the upcoming mission Collective Game, Quest, Spirit, Detective, Yu, Yu, Hakusho2015-08-05 5 
41672744Exterminator Quest #7We put condoms on (other things) and finally burn wasps.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus2015-08-05 6 
41680792Empyrean: The World-Eatersa thread about cosmic-level capmpaigns ends in a predictably /tg/ way, and with homebrewCosmic, Galactus, Epic Level, Space, All-Consuming Vore Loli, Planet Eating, Empyrean: The World-Eaters, Homebrew2015-08-07 20 
41730797Empyrean: The World-Eaters 2Continuing the discussion of cosmic-scale campaigns with all-devouring PCs. Discussion of experience system and fluffCosmic, Galactus, Epic Level, Space, Planet Eating, Empyrean: The World-Eaters, Homebrew2015-08-08 19 
41750379A Song of Gold and Sand: House Brachen Quest (Part 3)In which Garrette, Lord of Brachenhall, journeys to the castle of Ashemark, seat of Lord Damon of House Marbrand, to work on forging an alliance against the Bastard of Castamere and his rebels, on establishing new trade routes with which to fund your expansion, and in which Garrette finds out many interesting new facts, and receives a princely gift...Collective Game, House Brachen, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT2015-08-09 13 
41755387Spirit Detective Quest #18The Detective is hunted by a powerful demonCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-08-09 3 
41774483Prinny Overlord QuestThe humble beginnings of a great Prinny.Collective Game, Prinny, Overlord, Lotus Eater2015-08-10 10 
41775403Spirit Detective Quest #19The Detective Runs for his life, but not fast enoughCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-08-10 4 
41789291Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Black Fox FriendChisato is captured, the Yakuza are in trouble, and the fox-children are in danger; Peta-chan has to fix everything, as usual!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-08-10 18 
41750491For House and Dominion: Home Front IV - 4Spending time with siblings and watching the pretty light show in orbit. Maybe it's time to outfit your new command ship?Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-08-11 11 
41792878Exterminator Quest #8We get a promotion and throw a persian cat out a window.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats2015-08-11 8 
41832677Reality Abuser Quest 4: Modifier Issue 3Something strange is out at sea. Early archiveCollective Game, Reality Abuser Quest, The Headmaster, Reality Warper, Supervillain, Super Villain,2015-08-13 6 
41855357RE: Kobold Quest 29We return to the village.Collective Game, RE: Monster, Kobold, Lotus Eater2015-08-13 13 
41809637It is actually you, who is inside the skeletonnecromancers use all parts of the body separately, wasting none.Skeleton, Nervous System, Necromancy, Body World, Low Waste, Flesh Golems, Spooky, Plastination2015-08-14 7 
41856259Exterminator Quest #9We play baseball with cats and sledgehammers before almost dying.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters2015-08-14 10 
41918473Spirit Detective Quest #20Koe's training nearly ends as quickly as it beginsCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-08-17 5 
41891750For House and Dominion: Civil War 1Jerik-Dremine strikes back against House Erid. We debate the merits of different targets.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-08-17 11 
41936769[QUEST] Start Over part 38Where our heroine talks about sex, finds out Bryld might be hornier than she looks, nearly gets into a bar brawl and meets a very special old man!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2015-08-18 5 
41936632Exterminator Quest #10We win at pool, fail at flirting, and decide to go shopping. It's the weekend!collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder2015-08-18 7 
41958753Spirit Detective Quest #21Training comes to an end, and the mission beginsCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit Detective2015-08-19 2 
41960677Exterminator Quest #11Vincent picks up some threads and tries to check on his boyfriend. (He's a boy who's a friend, ok?!)collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder2015-08-19 6 
41978563Spirit Detective Quest #22Assault on the compoundCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-08-20 5 
42013887RE: Kobold Quest 30We give Vela her closure.Collective Game, RE: Monster, Kobold, Lotus Eater2015-08-22 13 
42010957Spirit Detective Quest #23The Battle with Balor pushes the Detective to his limitsCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-08-22 3 
42034670Reality Abuser Quest 5: Wonderland issue 1The beginnings of a wonderland? Maybe, but it's certainly the beginning of something? early archiveCollective Game, Reality Abuser Quest, The Headmaster, Reality Warper, Supervillain, Super Villain,2015-08-23 6 
42031468Spirit Detective Quest #24Set Sail for the Dark TournamentCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-08-23 6 
42053114Spirit Detective Quest #25The Dark Tournament BeginsCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-08-24 3 
42029954For House and Dominion: Civil War 2Starship theft and demolition derby help complete a mission. A Recon team is sent on a dangerous mission without Sonia! Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-08-25 12 
42070737A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter IIn which we meet the new Lord Malroy and discover the fate of his family while he was gone in Essos. He also meets with Lord Varys, also known as The Spider, and agrees to dye his silvered hair and bend the knee with little effort to the new King.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-08-25 31 
42109481[QUEST] Start Over part 39Where our heroine meets a lizardfolk woman travelling with her father and finally learns about her mother!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2015-08-27 5 
42167147A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter IIIn which Lord Brynden receives his pardon from the King, angers the Queen, and receives his House's penalties. Also we discover a cache of rare items in the family's villa, have an offer placed for said villa, and return home to Steadhold. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-08-30 23 
42204030The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: DewarpA short look into how much of a bitch it is to transport a live Zoanthrope across the galaxy.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Zoanthrope, Dewarp, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-08-31 115 
September 2015
42224365Spirit Detective Quest #26The first round comes to an endCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-01 5 
42169423For House and Dominion: Civil War 3Open warfare with House Erid begins. Players try to tackle the Zeus in space.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-09-02 12 
42255939Reality Abuser Quest 6: Wonderland issue 2After a disastrous reunion with her mother, and the trouncing of a freshly started villain, Emily tries to take a day to enjoy herself. But what will fate have in mind for our godling, dear reader? Buy this issue and find out the shocking truth. Early archiveCollective Game, Reality Abuser Quest, The Headmaster, Reality Warper, Supervillain, Super Villain,2015-09-02 6 
42253209A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter IIIIn which, we manage our Houses resources. Gaining a cadre of veteran archers, begin to regrow our fields and our Lord gets learned. We make promises to old friends, take stances against rivals, and make gains in the land in preparation for warding off the neighboring Langwards. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-09-03 21 
42258330Spirit Detective Quest #27John is given an offerCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-03 4 
42270375Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteDeciding dooms, dreaming, and petting your cute kohai.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-09-03 14 
42277620Spirit Detective Quest #28Options are considered for the next roundCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-04 3 
42288599Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteCatching up to the family; going home a message from a priestess.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-09-04 10 
42297084Spirit Detective Quest #29Round two heats upCollective Game, Quest, Spirit, Detective, Yu, Yu, Hakusho2015-09-05 4 
42309700A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter IVIn which we continue rebuilding our House's fortunes. Learn to be more convincing, defeat a group of bandits with resounding ease, and gain the northern forest with our House's strength. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-09-06 18 
42314015Spirit Detective Quest #30An eye for an eye, or twoCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-06 3 
42337465Spirit Detective Quest #31Round threeCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-07 5 
42354849Star Dust Quest #14Sya'ra joins the crew, and now it's time to stomp on some mutants.Collective Game, Star Dust Quest2015-09-07 11 
42309693For House and Dominion: Civil War 4Taking the fight into House Erid space. Hit and fade tactics never get old.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-09-08 11 
42361390DBZ Human Quest Super #16Bachelor Party and Birthday PartyCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Somnius, Saiyan2015-09-08 11 
42383787Spirit Detective Quest #32The fire risesCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-09 4 
42400465[QUEST] Start Over part 40Where our heroine has a "conversation" with Meztli, sees her father off with Tahenohan and then decides she doesn't trust them.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2015-09-10 5 
42401479Exterminator Quest #12Things get badly out of hand.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder, gun fighting, thieves2015-09-10 8 
42416955Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteRelief, Recovery, Resolution, Ramifications.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-09-10 12 
42418466A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter VIn which we travel to King's Landing, gain the services of a Hedge Knight and his squire, make sweet love to a seamstress's daughter, and find Ser Wilson Celtigar's truths to be lacking. Also the QM messes everything up. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-09-11 15 
42441007Reality Abuser Quest 7: Wonderland issue 3The newest and shiniest member of the team moves into the bunker, and Emily gets an invitation of sorts. Early archiveCollective Game, Reality Abuser Quest, The Headmaster, Reality Warper, Supervillain, Super Villain,2015-09-11 6 
42463450Spirit Detective Quest #33The final round beginsCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-13 3 
42481797Spirit Detective Quest #34The final round ends Collective Game, Quest, Spirit, Detective, Yu, Yu, Hakusho2015-09-14 4 
42455812For House and Dominion: Civil War 5Hail Sonia Reynard, Baron of Rioja!Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-09-14 12 
42505047Spirit Detective Quest #35Things get hotCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-15 5 
42521826Exterminator Quest #13We make a deal and have a lot more fun than we usually do.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder2015-09-16 11 
42544956Spirit Detective Quest #36John and Koe discuss the futureCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-17 5 
42559544A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter VIIn which we storm off from our dealings with House Celtigar, take out our wrath on some thugs and a fine woman and meet with our Mother's family, the Hanfords. We checked a deal with them at length and come to one of great benefit.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-09-18 14 
42578698Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteFlying high, attempted murder, and Flaming Telepaths. No, the song. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-09-18 7 
42581866[QUEST] Start Over part 41Where our heroine gets into a scuffle, runs away at the speed of sound and stumbles on her old friends, which she promises to escape from the city with!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2015-09-19 5 
42579966A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter VIIIn which we finish our dealings in King's Landing. Having a private audience with the Hand of the King, Jon Arryn. And entertain a Pentoshi banker with a lavish banquet. We also make great gains in Wealth from several sources and begin work upon rebuilding our prized Rare Bloodline. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-09-19 13 
42607961Spirit Detective Quest #37It's a trap!Collective Game, Quest, Spirit, Detective, Yu, Yu, Hakusho2015-09-20 5 
42627730our shitpart 2 in our series of degenerate weeaboo shitseriously though why do these trope-ridden fanwank-tier quests2015-09-21 9 
42612564For House and Dominion: Civil War 6Diplomats from three of the most powerful Houses each ask us to aid them in their bids for power.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-09-22 12 
42653645Spirit Detective Quest #38Things changeCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-22 5 
42651668Exterminator Quest #14The old man and the KFC.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder, sea monsters, british girls, espionage2015-09-22 7 
42669908Reality Abuser Quest 8: Wonderland issue 3This issue, Wonderland and friends begin to run out of cash. Luckily however, Moriarty has a plan to fix this little problem right up, but will anyone else like his idea. Early archive.Collective Game, Reality Abuser Quest, The Headmaster, Reality Warper, Supervillain, Super Villain,2015-09-22 6 
42670749DBZ Human Quest Super #21The Battle of the GodsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Saiyan, Somnius2015-09-23 9 
42704836[QUEST] Start Over part 42Where our heroine sleeps outside in a very uncomfortable street, plays a prank on her dad and is outraged as politics hit her wallet!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2015-09-25 3 
42703341A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter VIIIIn which our Lord Brynden Malroy plans a melee to recruit Knights of quality in the future. Pays for his dear friend's brother's release from captivity. Ties up some loose ends in Steadhold and takes an absolute thrashing from the hands of his Uncle.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-09-25 12 
42709026DBZ Human Quest Super #23A honeymoon, and a father-son reunionCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Somnius, Saiyan2015-09-25 7 
42718141Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteFacing off against an undeniable and implacable threat; hoping to reunite with the family.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-09-25 8 
42764526Spirit Detective Quest #39We switch protagsCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-09-28 1 
42782384Exterminator Quest #15We finally save our sonfu and bring our bad luck to an end.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder, sonfu2015-09-29 7 
42801353Exterminator Quest #16Had to end it, almost forgot to archive. Haiku description.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder2015-09-30 7 
October 2015
42834474A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter IXIn which we attend the Tourney in King's Landing. Attend our trial, find our seed is strong, and we take over as Dontos for a moment bringing forth a righteous fury upon Ser Boros Blount in defense of our good name in the Trial by Combat. We also agree to accompany Lord Arryn to Dorne, and finally lay eyes upon Royce Redward.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-10-02 16 
42849673Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonettePlaying with swords; reunions.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-10-02 8 
42816348Yet another thread about sapient dragons.. with some valid discussionsdragons, sapient dragons, dragon discussions2015-10-03 3 
42868396A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XIn which Lord Brynden Malroy meets with the Longwaters, considers marriage proposals for the future, gains trade of iron and sale of horse. He then goes on to compete in the Archery contest, going to the final round against the Summer Islander Jalabhar Xho and it all coming down to sudden death.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-10-04 28 
42898714Meanwhile, the Time Wizards!Time Wizards storytimes are had, and the rules of Time Wizards: Sober and Serious Edition are sharedTime Wizards, Time Wizards: Sober and Serious Edition, Storytime, Rules, Time Wizard Archibald2015-10-06 50 
42909568Exterminator Quest #18In which we abuse the public trust.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, russians, abuse of authority2015-10-06 6 
42925977New Spirit Detective Quest #1Siegfried and his family move to a new townCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-10-07 8 
42940308Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteHealing in many ways; returning home; a question of time.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-10-07 12 
42943377Exterminator Quest #19Vince becomes the poo whisperer and reunites with an old flame.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames2015-10-08 6 
42958251New Spirit Detective Quest #2The first day of school comes to an end, while Siegfried learns that something strange is happeningCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-10-08 6 
42962435Exterminator Quest #20We finally get the hell out of that apartment building.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames2015-10-09 5 
42981155New Spirit Detective Quest #3Siegfried learns that a lot of people are keeping secrets, and Jim isn't the only one acting strange anymoreCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-10-10 1 
42996572A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XIIn which House Malroy celebrates Lord Brynden's victory in the archery contest, he meets a saucy little dornishwoman, finds his Aunt, Isabella Malroy, to be alive but distressed and he competes in the melee. A glimpse of revenge is finally seen. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-10-11 14 
43021588New Spirit Detective Quest #4The truth comes outCollective Game, Quest, Spirit, Detective, Yu, Yu, Hakusho2015-10-12 1 
43032594[QUEST] Start Over part 43Where our heroine leads the large party to the caravansery and comforts an angry bunnygirl.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2015-10-12 5 
43038751Exterminator Quest #21Shit begins to hit the fan at last.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames2015-10-13 8 
43054477New Spirit Detective Quest #5With his mother's blessing, Siegfried gets some trainingCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Spirit, Detective2015-10-14 3 
42974188Storytime with Lady Bianca Dolcetto AmarettoTales of a Rogue Trader bent, for those of a devout or somewhat lewd leaning!Rogue Trader, FFG, Amaretto, Polio, Ramius2015-10-14 16 
43073245Exterminator Quest #22Vince composes himself to face the day.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames2015-10-15 6 
43070421A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy attends to the final days of the Tourney in King's Landing. Making small trade deals, beginning new alliances, and being the best wingman he can be. He also meets with a saucy little Dornishwoman again, and finds truths from all of the ladies he considers courting.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-10-15 13 
43087579Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteTrauma, healing, and trauma and healing. No, it isn't redundant.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-10-15 10 
43104559Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteCat fight between fox and dragon? Kisses to follow?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-10-16 10 
43161098[QUEST] Start Over part 44Where our heroine gets in the sack with Tahenohan and... No really, that's it.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2015-10-19 3 
43128643For House and Dominion: Civil War 7Fleet and army are assembling. We look at Admirals, Generals and Wing Commanders to augment out command staff.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-10-20 13 
43166029Exterminator Quest #23Vince, you absolute dog, you.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames2015-10-20 6 
43201176Exterminator Quest #24In which Vince gets too close.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames2015-10-22 6 
43217275A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy finds many ways to spend his vast wealth. Gains a lordly set of armor with intentions of self improvement. Raises troops. And makes leave for Dorne. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-10-23 12 
43234681Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteA vacation on the Island of Pearls? Well, okay...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, nudity, blood2015-10-23 10 
43319321Exterminator Quest #25I should get more sleep.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames2015-10-28 5 
43330334[QUEST] Start Over part 45Where our heroine talks to her old man about how he can't find adventurers for his party, and is faced with her part of the deal with Yomi!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2015-10-28 3 
43331678Explorator QuestFirst thread in which we know our team and mission and we descend into a temperate planet that hides some dark and hidden secrets.Collective Game, Servo, Servo the Skull, Explorator, Explorator Quest, Warhammer40k, Adeptus Mechanicus, Cerum Daté2015-10-29 3 
43301188For House and Dominion: Civil War 8Raiders begin to attack the Run. We get to work building more defenses. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-10-29 12 
43335047Exterminator Quest #26Simmons projects his inner Takumi.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames2015-10-29 5 
43351901A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XIVIn which we visit Myr as Illiad, Lord Brynden Malroy's dear friend and third in command of The Sons of Gold. We collect a fair amount of Myrish goods, allies, and participate in a mission to free his younger brother, Illion, from captivity. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-10-30 14 
43357730Crusader Quest 38Mathilde resolves the conspiracy in RamlaCrusader Quest, Deus Vult, Mathilde, HistoricalFiction,2015-10-30 13 
43370910Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteProbing the past; calling home; dealing with ningyo.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-10-30 7 
November 2015
43432056Exterminator Quest #27Race to the brutal finish!collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames2015-11-03 6 
43436610Crusader Quest part 39Wilhelm deals with the aftermath of Ramla's disturbanceCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, HistoricalFiction,2015-11-03 16 
43483372Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteEr Yin teaches; Kiki learns; Ryukusa copes.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-11-05 9 
43484905A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XVIn which Lord Brynden Malroy travels to Dorne, stopping in Estermont for a short stay. He also meets with the Hand of the King again, finds confusion when dealing with a Lady, arrives in Dorne and has a pregnancy scare. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-11-06 11 
43502283Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteThe price paid for the truth, and the truth is heaven to pay.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-11-06 9 
43521219A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XVIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy attends to the many activities in his visit to Dorne in service to Lord Jon Arryn. He meets with the local flavor, fights those from abroad, and finds that many of the truths in his life, could very well be lies. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-11-08 14 
43541572A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XVIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy continues his affairs about Dorne in aid of the HAnd of the King, Lord Jon Arryn and his peace talks. He takes part in a pissing contest most strong, meets again with the fairer Ladies of his life, and he finally finds a truth he did not know there was to be had.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-11-09 13 
43558866[QUEST] Start Over part 46Where our heroine looks for a book that can't be found all over Astreya's house and is then sent for yet another errand!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2015-11-09 3 
43564233Exterminator Quest #28Short thread, we get a car tho.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames2015-11-10 5 
43623598Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteLooking at the world through Yui's eyes. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-11-13 8 
43639717Be a Terran marine...A discussion about poor fate of Terran marines devolves into awsomesauce-flavoured "what if Angron died on Nuceria?"Angron, Kharn, HH, Horus Heresy, Legions, Space Wolves, Space Marines, What If2015-11-15 11 
43671521Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteThe world through Yui's Eyes continues.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-11-16 10 
43675084Exterminator Quest #29We wrest the truth from a miserable man.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames2015-11-17 6 
43725454A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XVIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy continues his trip in Dorne aiding in the ongoing peace talks in his own ways. We speak to Lord Arryn of truths unknown, race Lord Quentyn Qorgyle to finally wrap up our pissing match, and spend some quality time with Lady Giselle about Dorne. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-11-20 15 
43794853Exterminator Quest #30In which we start to disentangle ourselves.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames2015-11-24 3 
43807277Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteRescuing swords, making dragons, and fighting princesses. Really.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-11-24 11 
43776268For House and Dominion: Civil War 9Saving convoys and killing pirates. The House picks up additional territory while preventing a threat to the Run.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-11-25 13 
43828934Exterminator Quest #31We resolve a lot of stuff that needed to get resolved.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames2015-11-26 2 
43841789A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XIXIn which Lord Brynden Malroy meets with the upper crust of the Realm, and finds himself as but mere player in a game stacked against him from the beginning. Long term decisions are finally made and more than a few dances are had. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-11-27 16 
43826037The /tg/ "Justice" LeagueSuperman comes to /tg/ for help against the forces of evil and /tg/ decides they don't need Superman. Odd god tier heroes emerge and hilarity ensues.DC comics, superman, heroes, fowlweatherfriend, /tg/, Stupidity, Funny, Hilarity, Justice, League, Overpowered bullshit, why is everyone god tier, plz buff superman, too low tier, 2015-11-27 10 
43908306[QUEST] Start Over part 46Where our heroine watches a fightan magic demonstration, learns about cold oil and pays Luna a visit.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2015-11-30 4 
December 2015
43935237Exterminator Quest #32We meet a nice barber and make enchiladas. Also, we get files!collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites2015-12-02 5 
43967330A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXIn which Lord Brynden Malroy finishes up his affairs in Dorne. Gains a betrothal. Returns home to Steadhold. And proceeds to make a lot of cash. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-12-04 14 
43996638/tg/ discusses DuneTitle says it all. An intelligent discussion about the favorite setting of many fa/tg/uys.Dune, Discussion2015-12-06 8 
44041262Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonettePearl diving takes on a whole new set of meanings for Ryukusa.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-12-07 10 
44055218Illusion based magicA discussion on the consequences of magic based entirely on illusion.magic, discussion2015-12-08 5 
44063117RE: Kobold Quest 31We leave the village, arrive in Effreh, and scare the hell out of people.Collective Game, RE: Monster, Kobold, Lotus Eater2015-12-09 6 
44081359Crusader Quest 40Hugo is in Tripoli to negotiate trade deals for his brother, WilhelmCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Hugo, HistoricalFiction,2015-12-10 14 
44093184A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy attends to the needs of his Household in the month leading up to the Grand Melee of Steadhold. His dear friend Illiad returns in a far graver state than he had left, promises to aid House Longwaters are made, and the quest for a dragonbone bow is begun.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-12-11 15 
44109386Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteMeeting the Ama divers, ocean waters, and things that blood attracts.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-12-11 14 
44171316Princes and Tsars Quest: 000 Our hero is created, and he makes his way to campus. (Early Archive)Rus, Sergei, Menshikov, Quest, Collective Game, Soviet expats2015-12-14 5 
44196461Princes and Tsars Quest: 000.5 The thread that should've never happened. But at least something did happen or may happen.Collective Game, Rus, Sergei, Menshikov, Quest, Soviet expats, Shameless 80s references, drinking2015-12-16 1 
44196511Saiyan Quest #35WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING?!Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Somnius, Saiyan Quest2015-12-16 7 
44194960Exterminator Quest #33Simmons attempts to calculate Vince's cash on hand.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell2015-12-16 3 
44210003Princes and Tsars Quest: 001We find our way back in time, get arrested, and then involved in a conspiracy.Collective Game, Rus, Sergei, Menshikov, Quest, Soviet expats, Romanov, Intrigue2015-12-17 1 
44252909RE: Kobold Quest 32Shopping and job abandonment for Star Wars!Collective Game, RE: Monster, Kobold, Lotus Eater2015-12-19 5 
44253445Princes and Tsars Quest: 002We make some important decisions, share a bunch of feels, and begin to plot the ruination of a young man's life.Collective Game, Rus, Sergei, Menshikov, Quest, Soviet expats, Romanov, Intrigue2015-12-19 1 
44313747Crusader Quest Part 41Hugo gets his arm broken due to railroadingCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Hugo, HistoricalFiction,2015-12-22 17 
44344879Exterminator Quest #34We're unsure about our luck.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell2015-12-24 5 
44346879For House and Dominion: Civil War 10The Houses of the Run begin to assist others in the relay with their piracy problem. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-12-25 11 
44409631Star Dust Quest #15Okay, NOW it's time to stomp on some mutants. But first, the crew has to go through Unfound.Collective Game, Star Dust Quest2015-12-27 11 
44414789Crusader Quest part 42Hugo faces adversity in his flight from AntiochCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Hugo, HistoricalFiction,2015-12-28 13 
44427160Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteNew friends, new family, old enemies.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-12-28 10 
44393111For House and Dominion: Civil War 11We throw down the gauntlet with House Nasidum but thread stalls due to computer glitches.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-12-29 11 
44448125Exterminator Quest #35Fire anon returns in grand style.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell2015-12-30 3 
44464042/tg/ builds a world/tg/ builds a world, a god dies, stuff happensworldbuilding, deicide, custom setting,2015-12-30 1 
44468572/tg/ builds a world pt.2Laughing god gets put on trial, outsider gets rektinquisition, rekt, worldbuilding, trial, custom setting2015-12-31 1 
January 2016
44487979/tg/ builds a world pt.3Where the thread dies.worldbuilding, custom setting2016-01-02 1 
44520725[QUEST] Start Over part 48Where our heroine finds cold oil, finds a job for her friends and goes into a pantry to work her magic on a slab of meat... Only to choose fish instead.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-01-02 4 
44524667Princes and Tsars Quest: 003Not much happened this thread, and the QM decided to end early.Collective Game, Rus, Sergei, Menshikov, Quest, Soviet expats, Romanov, Intrigue2016-01-02 2 
44529738Star Wars: TFA Starts as an alternate timeline and leads to in-depth discussion about the movie.TFA, Star Wars, Movie Discussion2016-01-03 0 
44568305Star Dust Quest #16Down in floor AA of the Unfound facility, the team comes across hell.Collective Game, Star Dust Quest2016-01-04 11 
44589126Exterminator Quest #36We defend the honor of our racing clan, things get a little hairy.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell,racing2016-01-06 6 
44587789For House and Dominion: Civil War 12After some delays we kick off the new year by finally beginning the fight against House Nasidum.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-01-07 11 
44628812State of the 1d4chanWikifag makes his more-or-less-annual status thread, getting some praise and whining.1d4chan, archive, status, Wikifag2016-01-08 24 
44693086Star Dust Quest #17It's time to head back to the Unfound base and begin the next contract into the city.Collective Game, Star Dust Quest2016-01-10 11 
44708384[QUEST] Start Over part 49Where our heroine faces judgment on her cooking, interacts with a three-eyed raven and leaves on a quest for pineapple bombs.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-01-11 3 
44687770For House and Dominion: Civil War 13Battle of the Magdalena system. Salvage ensues.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2016-01-12 12 
44776697Exterminator Quest #37Archived early, we might get Jeremy back.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell2016-01-15 5 
44841740Star Dust Quest #18After dealing with the mutants, now Gavin and his crew must deal with mutants AND killer robots.Collective Game, Star Dust Quest2016-01-17 11 
44856695[QUEST] Start Over part 50Where our heroine gets intimate with Astreya again, is denied being taught how to summon demons and learns a bit of her backstory!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-01-18 5 
44863016For House and Dominon Civil War 14WE get to go to a ball. Lat'Tham anyone?Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-01-19 11 
44897559Alien World QuestIn which you begin to explore, and your squad is kidnappedCollective Game, Alien World, Oculus2016-01-20 1 
44921451A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy returns to form and enjoys the day prior to the Melee in Steadhold. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-01-22 13 
44964980Exterminator Quest #38We go to court but the thread is culled early, as every QM in existence decides to run at the same time.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, court2016-01-24 5 
44961159A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy attends the opening the Melee in Steadhold and begins talks of a larger alliance.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-01-24 14 
44993644RE: Kobold Quest 33We arrive at the Orphan's Stronghold.Collective Game, RE: Monster, Kobold, Lotus Eater2016-01-25 5 
44996738Crusader Quest part 43Wilhelm readies his forces for AscalonCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, HistoricalFiction,2016-01-25 12 
45035464Exterminator Quest #39We testify in court!collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, court2016-01-27 3 
45016873'Merican CultureAnon asks about the differences between Europe and America. /tg/ responds with civil discussion of American stereotypes and related things.america, europe, stereotypes, discussion, BBQ2016-01-27 7 
45007892For House and Dominon Civil War 15Finishing up the ball with a dance or two before working to divide up the conquered territories.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-01-28 11 
45053766Exterminator Quest #40The big 4-Oh. We race in the Underground GP and do great! Until we don't.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, grand prix2016-01-28 3 
45069680Namekian Quest #1A young Namekian finds himself on a strange world, and /tg/ goes a thread without fightingCollective Game, Quest, Namekian Quest, Namekian, Dragonball, Dragonball Z, DBZ, Somnius2016-01-28 6 
45070850A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXIVIn which Lord Brynden Malroy attends to the many matters of assuring his House's future success.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-01-29 15 
45084461Real Life ShadowrunnersDisturbing real-life tales that would make great inspiration for Shadowrun games! And whose participants are essentially shadowrunners.Holy fucking shit, the fuck did I just read, is this shit for real, oh god this is real isn't it, Shadowrun2016-01-29 23 
45089621Namekian Quest #2The young Namekian gets his first taste of sparring practiceCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Namekian, Namekian Quest, Somnius2016-01-29 4 
45119754Crusader Quest part 44Mathilde is introduced to JerusalemCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Mathilde, HistoricalFiction,2016-01-31 11 
February 2016
45166151Crusader Quest part 45Mathilde conspires in Jerusalem on her brother's behalfCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Mathilde, HistoricalFiction,2016-02-02 12 
45181540One Piece Adventure Quest 1From the Small island of Tumbling Weed in the west blue, a lass by the name of Adela De'terrar begins her adventure on the sea Early archivCollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-02-02 21 
45187063One Piece Adventure Quest 1 part 2Adela De'terrar, continues her new life as a marine, which is kind of annoying if pirate's keep interruptin your coffee breaks Early arCollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-02-03 20 
45181004Exterminator Quest #42In which the Grand Prix is completed impressively and Simmons declares a dread hiatus.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, grand prix2016-02-03 5 
45137463For House and Dominon Civil War 16We revisit the Yineput system years later, relive old glories and test out an advanced Gunship Mech.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, mecha2016-02-03 11 
45215402A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXVIn which Lord Brynden Malroy's melee continues. Deals are finalized and a few mental breaks are had.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-02-05 13 
45237489One Piece Adventure Quest 2Adela gets a rude awakening and has to train with her fellow marines...or is the captain using her to train them? Which is it? Early archiveCollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-02-05 20 
45281923A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXVIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy discusses the grimness of the Hayford's future, the brightness of others and enjoys the end of the melee.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-02-08 14 
45301289Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteThe Triumphant return of Ryukusa begins with a recap, and an evil twist.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-02-08 14 
45325411One Piece Adventure Quest 3Adela goes out to sea, being taken on a patrol to search for pirates and other sorts trouble. Early archiveCollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-02-09 14 
45282356For House and Dominon Civil War 17Rushing back home we begin planning future defense of our holdings, then watch our subordinates become terrifying raiders in their own rightCollective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-02-10 11 
45359137A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXVIIIn which Brynden Malroy finishes up the Melee in Steadhold and all that entails.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-02-12 13 
45377892Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteTo eat or not to eat. Why is this even a question? Well......Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-02-12 9 
45396744Thousand Sons Exile QuestA Thousand Sons sorcerer, exiled from Imperium and Traitors alike, reminisces prior to an adventureThousand Sons Exile Quest, Collective Game2016-02-14 8 
45441112Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteThe most dangerous phone call ever; diving with the Ama.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-02-15 8 
45438723[QUEST] Start Over part 51Where our heroine discovers Yomi's weak point and the bully train has no brakes.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-02-15 3 
45463357One Piece Adventure Quest 4With the ship in desperate need of repairs, Captain Ginegin decides to stop at dancing waves island. But something isn't right here. EACollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-02-16 13 
45422039For House and Dominon Civil War 18Investment, raiding and loot start things off, followed by planning to thwart a future invasion.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-02-17 12 
45446565Clusterfuck Civil War Quest #1What starts out as a thread denoting medieval hiearchy quickly evolves into a massive civil war game involving Stalin, XCOM, and the EmpireCollective Game, Revo, Clusterfuck Civil War Quest,2016-02-17 2 
45496860A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXVIIIIn which Brynden Malroy actually finishes up with the events of the Melee in Steadhold. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-02-19 13 
45558347A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXIXIn which Lord Brynden Malroy attends to his House and her needs. And finds a web of secrets that finally brings everything together.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-02-22 13 
45578456Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonettePsychic phone play, sharks swimming secretively, warfare within water.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-02-22 12 
45536738For House and Dominon Civil War 19We continue to monitor our distant raider fleets and work to help Rioja's immigration problems.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-02-23 12 
45582928Satan and the Websters #1Satan plays a gig.collective game, satan, the websters, simmons, music2016-02-23 9 
45601928One Piece Adventure Quest 5Dancing Waves Island is in trouble! Pirates have taken it over and its up to Adela and the other marines to put a stop to it. Early archiveCollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-02-23 17 
45615245[QUEST] Start Over part 52Where our heroine finds out Tahenohan isn't just making cheese, meets Bryld and talks about boob-related problems with her.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-02-24 2 
45636799Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterSharks are fish, but what are youkai? The Generals Two attack!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-02-25 8 
45637731A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIn which Brynden Malroy meets with many members of his family. Both old and new. And finds many new truths in the ever expanding web.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-02-26 12 
March 2016
45744995One Piece Adventure Quest 6 The marines under Ginegin's command have been alerted of Adela's hard won victory, but the battle for dancing waves island is far from ovCollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-03-01 11 
45757321[QUEST] Start Over part 53Where our heroine goes on a surprise date with Bryld and talks about people of higher station.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-03-02 3 
45778435Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterThe final showdown agaisnt the Clan Ryo Warlords.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-03-03 8 
45782556The Imperal Guard writes a Letter to Chaos GodsThe letter by letter letter writin antics continue, and this time we write clickbait for chaos gods, a poem for Magus, and orders for Orks.40k, imperial guard, Chaos Gods, Magus, Orks, letter, funny2016-03-04 18 
45779266A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIIn which Brynden Malroy returns to Steadhold, assembles his war council, makes great gains in preparation for war, and finds a spy. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-03-04 11 
45798013Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterWhile defeating Oh cost no blood, Ah is another matter...especially in Yui's body!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-03-04 9 
45883252NERV Bridge Simulator VIEverything goes horribly wrong. Again.Collective Game, Quest, Eva, Evangelion, Nerv Bridge Simulator, Nerv HQ, you must (not) lose hope2016-03-08 20 
45885883One Piece Adventure Quest 7Time to finish up cleaning this mess. Early archiveCollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-03-08 12 
46009102Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterRyukuza meets her real father; the aftermath of the battle of Mikimoto.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-03-14 12 
46038282One Piece Adventure Quest 8Two devil fruit users on one ship? and ones a former pirate captain?! well can only lead to fun times can't it? early archiveCollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-03-15 14 
46051988[QUEST] Start Over part 54Where our heroine discusses rumours, popularity and finds out some interesting facts about Bryld.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-03-16 2 
46075291A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy is reunited with many members of his family. Schools some, loves others. Wedding? Soon.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-03-18 14 
46093585Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterThe aftermath is always the hardest part.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-03-18 9 
46101967Humanity's Last WordsAyy lmaos ask the last human what our species's epitaph should be. /tg/ discusses.feels, heartwarming, munchkin, worldbuilding, cloning instructions, you just lost the game, extinct,2016-03-19 6 
46105294Rioja Five-0 Quest 1You are a member of the Rioja Special Response & Investigative Unit. Chase down some bank robbers.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Rioja Five-02016-03-20 11 
46123011Knight vs Dragon practice questA first time QM runs a short quest based off anons' suggestions. It becomes a knight saving the princess from a dragon.Collective game, Acerbus, QM's first quest, Knight vs dragon practice quest, female MC2016-03-20 1 
46186526One Piece Adventure Quest 9FRUTA ISLAND, an absolutely beautiful island that's perfect for a relaxing holiday...but there's something hiding in its jungles. EACollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-03-22 11 
46199948[QUEST] Start Over part 55Where our heroine finds how deep the rabbit hole is but sinks way deeper than she expected to.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-03-23 2 
46210187Crusader Quest part 46Hugo's TrialCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Mathilde, HistoricalFiction2016-03-24 13 
46224548A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIIIIn which Brynden Malroy entertains his many guests. Meets with Dornishmen and women alike. And finally is married to Lady Obella Qorgyle.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-03-25 11 
46246729Be the BEG Chapter 13A slow day, full of sweet dreams and daughter loveCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Exhaustion2016-03-26 8 
46244963Humerus SpooksWhat starts with rib tickling skeleton puns and one liners turns epic with one anon's stories of playing as a skeleton in full plate armorD&D, skeletons, lol, story time, puns, bones, spooky, rattle, epic, humerus2016-03-26 42 
46276584Crusader Quest part 47The march to Ascalon beginsCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Mathilde, Wilhelm, HistoricalFiction2016-03-27 12 
46290534A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIVIn which Brynden Malroy begins to plot the escape of his sister from Lord Royce Redward's clutches and watches the first day of the TourneyCollective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-03-28 11 
46298653Crusader Quest part 48The Crusaders find battle on the Ascalon roadCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, HistoricalFiction2016-03-28 12 
46303217A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIV-iiIn which we continue discussion regarding the Quest, House Malroy past and future, and answer some questions. No new story progression here.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-03-29 10 
46351203Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterWe meet a blood relative for the first time; the dangers of dealing with kappa are revealed.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-03-30 8 
46291900For House and Dominon Civil War 20We set a prisoner exchange in motion, work out our diplomatic policy regarding some aliens and squash an organised crime ring.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-03-31 14 
46378097One Piece Adventure Quest 10Adela heads into the jungles of Fruta Island, to try and figure out just what's going on in its shadowy depths. Early archiveCollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-03-31 11 
April 2016
46374362A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXVIn which Lord Brynden Malroy sees to the bedding of his new wife, makes decisions for the future, and the Tourney comes to an end.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-04-01 11 
46369213Horror & General spookytg refrains from shitposting as they inform a GM good ways to spookhorror, space, travel, discussion, GM2016-04-01 1 
46390998Angel Commander Simulator"The third EVA has arrived. Our reports indicate that the target is smugly advancing through RURAL AREA 01..."Collective Game, Quest, Eva, Evangelion, Nerv Bridge Simulator, Nerv HQ, You Must (not) Laugh2016-04-01 21 
46465746Crusader Quest part 49As the siege begins, a force is sent to attack Gaza while Hugo makes a confessionCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Hugo, HistoricalFiction2016-04-05 15 
46498232[QUEST] Start Over part 56Where our heroine sets off for adventure and then immediately takes a detour. And learns more about Tahenohan's past.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-04-06 2 
46438779For House and Dominon Civil War 21We don't negotiate with terrorists, but we will try to distract them from killing all our marines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-04-07 11 
46527516One Piece Adventure Quest 11Chaka, the witch doctor who's been preaching to the people of fruta about a goddess of fear is about to meet the real one. Early archiveCollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-04-07 12 
46556904ASOIAF House Creation Thread: Riverlands EditionAnd lo, House Gauthier was born. "With a Soft Hand."A Song of Ice and Fire, house creation, Gauthier2016-04-09 5 
46567400ASOIAF House Creation Thread: House Gauthier pt. 2Our slow attempts to finish house creationA Song of Ice and Fire, house creation, Gauthier2016-04-10 5 
46590446A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXVIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy sees to his House's needs just prior to the Invasion of the Princewood. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-04-11 13 
46612491Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterRyukusa battles the spirit of the Forest of Suicides for the spirit of her sister...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-04-11 12 
46647271[QUEST] Start Over part 57Where our heroine walks along a lake, spots a mysterious figure, then goes on a treasure hunt with Tahenohan and finds...Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-04-13 3 
46645642ASOIAF House Creation Thread: House Gauthier pt. 3Where we add more details and stat up Rotrick GauthierA Song of Ice and Fire, house creation, Gauthier2016-04-14 5 
46671276A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXVIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy begins to Invasion of the Princewood attacking the Southern Camp.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-04-15 12 
46714957One Piece Adventure Quest 12A seemingly average day is interrupted by a seemingly abandoned Marine ship on the horizon, Scarred and wounded by battle. Early archiveCollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-04-16 11 
46790281[QUEST] Start Over part 58Where our heroine gathers loot, plays dress-up and accidentally meets the marquise of shadows!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-04-20 2 
46733176For House and Dominon Civil War 22House Bonrah makes some suspicious moves giving us an opening to declare war on them.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-04-21 12 
46780545ASOIAF House Creation: Dorne EditionThe Creation of House Chancer, a load of up-jumped pirates nobody had heard of.ASOIAF, house creation, house chancer, A Song of Ice and Fire2016-04-21 2 
46814550Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterFinishing up with our sister, Ryukusa faces off with one of the Spymaster's lackeys...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-04-21 10 
46819094One Piece Adventure Quest 13misfortune on the seas. early archiveCollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-04-21 11 
46815422A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIXIn which Lord Brynden Malroy makes plans for the Siege of the Forgotten Hall, engages in a pursuit through the Princewood.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-04-22 12 
46838982A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLIn which Lord Brynden Malroy and his twenty good man perform a raid of suicidal proportions. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-04-23 14 
46901221Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterDealing with the spy master's henchman; getting back to family and planning to do it again.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-04-25 12 
46903744Pentecost and the Last CrusadersAnon asks /tg/ for their best results on random tables, like space bats that can carry Baneblades or the nicest heretics ever./tg/ 40000, Last Crusaders, Pentecost, Aurum Space Bats, Rogue Trader, Space Marines, Dice Stories2016-04-26 2 
7Doghoused QuestThe first Quest ever on /qst/, completed successfully. It's a doggy dog world for us all, will you be a Good boy?Doghoused Quest2016-04-27 11 
3343Playing in the Shadows 1A metaquest style prologue with the shapeshifting MC deciding on how to spend his sabbatical.Collective Game, Amber Diceless, pattern, logrus, shadow, OP MC2016-04-27 6 
46883731For House and Dominon Civil War 23Allied fleets advance through territory of minor Houses and into Bonrah space itself.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Salvage, Dice2016-04-27 11 
46939933[QUEST] Start Over part 59Where our heroine finally reaches Maner and encounters FLUFFY TAIL.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-04-27 4 
46945911/qst/ - Quests Feedback & Suggestions ThreadAn ignorant mod tries to remove quests from /tg/Quest, Discussion, /qst/2016-04-28 38 
46948039Marvel providing Lawyer Chum Never thought i would see the day that i would want GW to sue someonediscussion, lawsuit, IP, Lawyer, Marvel, Games Workshop, venom,2016-04-28 11 
May 2016
3861Australian World Domination QuestIt's literally all shitposting. Recommended for Australians.Collective Game, Australia, shitposting, drawquest, poorly drawn,2016-05-01 1 
2903This Quest Doesn't Have A Name YetThe Adventures of Peter TitmousePeter Titmouse2016-05-01 50 
31019Star Dust Quest #19The trio and Faulka head out into the city to find the weird artifact.Collective Game, Star Dust Quest2016-05-01 5 
40951Playing among the Shadows 2Masquerade begins; criminal intent; the first clues.Collective Game, Amber Diceless, pattern, logrus, shadow, OP MC, science fiction, space fantasy, shape shifter, shapeshifter2016-05-02 4 
10083Willikers An abusive policeman awakes from a VR simulation to wreak more havoc than usual.Willikers, Animated, Carter Kriggs, Police, Abuse2016-05-03 3 
47061047Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterHealing kiku; Ginka's decision; going home.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-05-03 12 
57844[QUEST] Start Over part 60Where our heroine wanders about Maner, meets Delphine after all this time and looks for more companions!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-05-04 2 
29401The Legend of Peter Titmouse pt.2____________Peter Titmouse2016-05-05 27 
47023622For House and Dominon Civil War 24In which we chase down a fleeing convoy and divide up more conquered territory.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-05-05 12 
63639Magic-User QuestBasically Character Generation.Magic-User Quest, Magic-User, Magic User, Magic, User2016-05-05 1 
47102734One Piece Adventure Quest 14A floating fortress!? who the hell would build something like that! Early archiveCollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-05-05 13 
58828The Legend of Peter Titmouse 3Peter and Gnat successfully pull off the night caper, save a slum girl, then part ways, but then end up in court.Collective Game, Peter Titmouse2016-05-06 21 
65577Waifu Quest #3We can grow trees with our penis.Waifus, lewd, memes2016-05-08 2 
47166682/tg/ makes a knight houseAs is said in the title40k, Imperium, Knights, Knight House,2016-05-10 0 
106793Playing among the Shadows 3Possibly captured, but the secrets of the twins might be worth it.Collective Game, Amber Diceless, pattern, logrus, shadow, OP MC, science fiction, space fantasy, shape shifter, shapeshifter2016-05-10 5 
47200081Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterGinka's decision; finally home.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-05-11 14 
111363[QUEST] Start Over part 61Where our heroine meets Carrera and Julio and gets to know a bit about them and about Pam the minotaur.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-05-11 2 
92797The Legend of Peter Titmouse 2Legal TroublesOkk, Collective Game,Comics, Gnat, Peter Titmouse2016-05-11 20 
112503The Legend of Peter Titmouse 3I can't move my legs Okk, Collective Game, Comics, Gnat, Peter Titmouse2016-05-11 20 
47220525One Piece Adventure Quest 15The assault on Bellary's patch work fortress continues! What dangers await our heroes on board? early archiveCollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-05-12 11 
47166668For House and Dominon Civil War 25Sonia takes a brief vacation and Surveys return in force.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-05-13 12 
47219389Reality is an Overrated SettingIn which /tg/ decries "Real World" as being an unrealistic setting.Setting Discussion, Discussion, Campaign Setting, Comedy, Real Life2016-05-13 18 
47233947A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy finishes up the Invasion of the Princewood, gets a little close to the fire, and has a baby.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-05-14 12 
47238977Dragonball Quest #1 (v2)A young boy named Tofoo begins a grand adventureCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Somnius, Dragonball Quest2016-05-14 18 
106118Queenswoman of the August Commonwealth: Chapter OneA new Planetary Governor for Her Majesty is appointed, Herald and drones on throughout chargen. Much salt is sprinkled in this thread.August Commonwealth, Governor, Planetary Governor, Space, Collective Game, Original Setting, Salt, Chargen2016-05-14 4 
80902Mercenary Quest V2A scorpiongirl mercenary in Soviet Russia during WW2 where everyone is monstergirls. We befriend a hellhound after breaking her arms.Collective Game, Mercenary, Soviet Russia, WW2, World War 2, Monstergirl, Monstergirls, Scorpiongirl, Scorpiongirls, Mercenary Quest2016-05-15 2 
47256291Dragonball Quest #2Tofoo, Goku, and Bulma stop the terrible Oolong, and set a course for Fire MountainCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Somnius, Dragonball Quest2016-05-16 16 
47290409Dragonball Quest #3On the way to Fire Mountain, the gang looses their transportation, and encounter a dangerous new foe in the desertCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Somnius, Dragonball Quest2016-05-17 16 
47307842Dragonball Quest #4Tofoo battles the fierce desert bandit, Yamcha, and the gang spends the night in Oolong's camperCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Somnius, Dragonball Quest2016-05-18 15 
47323486Dragonball Quest #5Tofoo and the gang learn that there are several people out to get themCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Somnius, Dragonball Quest2016-05-19 16 
111214Mercenary Quest V2 Part 2We informally adopt an elf child, and discover that a job was a trap for a blood-crazed centaur.Collective Game, Mercenary, Soviet Russia, WW2, World War 2, Monstergirl, Monstergirls, Scorpiongirl, Scorpiongirls, Mercenary Quest2016-05-19 1 
47339331One Piece Adventure Quest 16The Island with no name,a secluded resort alone in the sea,Now with three crews of pirates on it.It falls to Adela to bring them to justice.Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-05-19 11 
47340940Dragonball Quest #6The gang travels through the desert while being pursued by YamchaCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Somnius, Dragonball Quest2016-05-20 15 
47300412For House and Dominon Civil War 26A timeskip to the beginning of 4033 sees the completion of our force buildup. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-05-21 11 
47358541Dragonball Quest #7The gang encounters the "terrible" Ox King, and Tofoo is tasked with finding the giant's daughterCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Somnius, Dragonball Quest2016-05-21 16 
154317The Legend of Peter Titmouse 6A mana storm forces Peter and Gnat to take shelter in a spooky mansionOkk, Collective Game, Comics, Gnat, Peter Titmouse2016-05-22 20 
47392623Dragonball Quest #8The Kamehameha WaveCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-05-23 17 
173522Star Dust Quest #20Time to grab the artifact and get out before the Fire Legion can get to the gang!Collective Game, Star Dust Quest2016-05-23 6 
47411719Dragonball Quest #9The gang moves toward the final Dragonball, but has to contend with the wicked and bumbling Shu and MaiCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-05-24 16 
47428324Dragonball Quest #10Tofoo and the gang fall victim to the traps of the insidious Emperor PilafCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-05-25 16 
180996[QUEST] Start Over part 61.5Where our heroine goes through the harrowing process of talking to a minotaur and enlists a new wizard in the party!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-05-25 2 
47445541Dragonball Quest #11The struggle with Pilaf comes to a close, and a wish reveals some horrifying truthsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-05-26 15 
47390229For House and Dominon Civil War 27The apocalypse draws nearer, but is delayed by IRL issues.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-05-26 12 
171740The Legend of Peter Titmouse 7Peter and friends are stuck in an endless hallway with a terrible monster. Okk spends most of the thread at work.Okk, Collective Game, Comics, Gnat, Peter Titmouse2016-05-26 21 
47460772Dragonball Quest #12Tofoo faces off against the monster who killed his parents, and Emperor Pilaf tries his hand at revenge. Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-05-27 16 
133463Mercenary Quest V2 Part 3We enter the town hall and head off to a train to protect rockets bound for Tskov.Collective Game, Mercenary, Soviet Russia, WW2, World War 2, Monstergirl, Monstergirls, Scorpiongirl, Scorpiongirls, Mercenary Quest2016-05-27 1 
47472232Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterHomeward Bound; religious repercussions; most importantly: who gets cuddles first?!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-05-27 14 
47477266Dragonball Quest #13Tofoo and Goku go to the home of Master Roshi, but must find him a young girl before he will train themCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-05-28 16 
151647Mercenary Quest V2 Part 4We team up with a minotaur, and attempt to assassinate an Ushi-Oni.Collective Game, Mercenary, Soviet Russia, WW2, World War 2, Monstergirl, Monstergirls, Scorpiongirl, Scorpiongirls, Mercenary Quest2016-05-28 1 
47492087One Piece Adventure Quest 17Friendly pirates? an entire crew ripping a resort apart for nothing more than a den den mushi?!What's going on this island with no name?!EACollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-05-28 11 
166454Mercenary Quest V2 Part 5We attempt to run and fight several Russian soldiers under a corrupt Spidergirl Major and are getting forced to join the Secret Police.Collective Game, Mercenary, Soviet Russia, WW2, World War 2, Monstergirl, Monstergirls, Scorpiongirl, Scorpiongirls, Mercenary Quest2016-05-29 2 
186225The Legend of Peter Titmouse 8They're still in the haunted mansionOkk, Collective Game, Comics, Gnat, Peter Titmouse2016-05-29 20 
47506660A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy deals with the fallout of the Invasion of the Princewood. Meets many interesting people and makes grand plans. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-05-30 12 
47511002Dragonball Quest #14Launch reveals a dangerous secret, and Master Roshi finally begins teaching the boysCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-05-30 15 
47529259Dragonball Quest #15A test to find a stone strengthens some bonds and tests othersCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-05-31 16 
June 2016
47545786Dragonball Quest #16With Master Roshi sick, the boys go off to find some food, and end up finding a giant monster. Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-01 16 
47494795Group Punching Bag ThreadA discussion on anons groups' punching bags, the people who get the short end of the stick.Group Discussion, Punching Bag, Story2016-06-01 4 
210576[QUEST] Start Over part 62Where our heroine finds out what Meztli's necklaces mean, bullies her father, is told of an oncoming military operation and hugs a rabbit.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-06-01 3 
47563163Dragonball Quest #17Tofoo and Krillin encounter a strange doctor, and Tofoo gets into some trouble involving LaunchCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-02 16 
47595241One Piece Adventure Quest 18It's a three way battle as Adela faces off against a pirate captain with a devil fruit, and a mysterious woman. With some help of course. ECollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-06-03 11 
47596663Dragonball Quest #18Tofoo makes a big decision regarding his training, and encounters some pirates lead by a smelly captainCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-04 16 
47613631Dragonball Quest #19Tofoo escapes the clutches of a hungry bear, continues his training, and visits a friendCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-05 16 
209052Muse Quest #1A down-and-out man has a fateful encounter in a bar. The Quest to save the legendary figures, the Muses, has begun.The Red Lady, Quest, Mythology, Muse Quest, Muse, Tarot2016-06-05 1 
47627184A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLIVIn which Lord Brynden Malroy, deals with matters at home. Including gathering information regarding the Langwards and with family.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-06-06 11 
47632153Dragonball Quest #20Tofoo finally gets his chance to compete in the World Martial Arts Tournament, where he sees just how his training has paid off.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-06 16 
47650261Dragonball Quest #21The quarterfinals begin, and Tofoo is faced against a tricky and terrible opponentCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-07 15 
236510[QUEST] Start Over part 63Where our heroine meets a draught centaur, finds out an arachne might be in a danger zone, and asks Cassilda for help.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-06-08 5 
223060Stuck in an RPG QuestOur hero gets beat up and gets stuck in VR game of Death!Stuck in an RPG, Collective Game, VR, Bob 'The Suspense' Pooper2016-06-09 3 
47683530Dragonball Quest #22The semifinals bring intense fights, and Tofoo finds Krillin to be quite the challengeCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-09 14 
220012Housetrapped 1Homestuck Quest. kids and fun, Housetrapped, Homestuck2016-06-09 4 
47698360Dragonball Quest #23Tofoo vs Jackie ChunCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-10 16 
47715299Dragonball Quest #24A terrible foe stands in the way of the hunt for the Dragonballs: the site bugging outCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-11 15 
47728685One Piece Adventure Quest 19Adela will learn that no good deed goes unpunished. And her Grandfather continues to watch and judge her abilities. Early archive.Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-06-11 11 
237837Stuck in an RPG 2We Continue to Dorter Magic City and Meet interesting peopleStuck in an RPG, Collective Game, VR, Bob "The Suspense" Pooper2016-06-12 3 
47729684Dragonball Quest #25Tofoo becomes aware that something is wrong with his body, and that others are searching for the DragonballsCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-12 14 
226141Scrotus-4 Evolution GameOn the world Scrotus-4, OP unintentionally gives /qst/ a starter that's rather phallic. Somehow, things are kept fairly reasonable.Collective Game, Evogame, Evolution, Strotus-42016-06-12 3 
47746182Dragonball Quest #26Tofoo plays matchmaker, finds out what's wrong with him, and has another run in with the Red Ribbon ArmyCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-13 16 
254041YOU ARE A DICTATOR OF A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY 08:49 PGT Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea The Capital City erupts in gunfire as soldiers run across the streets, knocking on everDictator, Third World Country, Paupa New Guinea, Australia2016-06-13 1 
47761580Dragonball Quest #27Tofoo recovers and searches for a ball, Goku goes off on his own, and the Red Ribbon Army burns thingsCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-14 15 
260490[QUEST] Start Over part 64Where our heroine decides she has to save the arachne herself, is gifted a magic wand, talks about other people having sex and then... GuessCollective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-06-15 2 
47807598One Piece Adventure Quest 20The fight between the lass twins continues on the beach. Will justice win out in the end of the day!? Early archiveCollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-06-16 13 
47809298Dragonball Quest #28Tofoo, Goku, and Krillin confront Captain Orangecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-17 15 
47824756Dragonball Quest #29The gang splits up, Tofoo, Goku, and Krillin meet a girl, and attack Muscle Towercollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-18 16 
47842885Dragonball Quest #30Tofoo battles Major Metallitron, and Goku battles the odd Ninja Murasaki before the gang meets an odd Androidcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-19 16 
251048Stuck in an RPG Quest 3Various shenanigans before the Seaball World Cup at Dorter Magic CityStuck in an RPG, Collective Game, VR, Bob "The Suspense" Pooper2016-06-19 1 
47857058A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLVIn which Lord Brynden Malroy make leave for the Tourney in Highgarden and all that entails. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-06-19 13 
265867Stuck in an RPG Quest 4We see the World Cup, we gain a master, we lose an armStuck in an RPG, Collective Game, VR, Bob "The Suspense" Pooper2016-06-20 1 
47860609Dragonball Quest #31The boys finish their assault on Muscle Tower, and take a trip to North Citycollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-20 15 
266305The Legend of Peter Titmouse 9Harmony cooks some eggsOkk, Collective Game, Comics, Gnat, Peter Titmouse2016-06-20 20 
47879572Dragonball Quest #32Tofoo deals with some thieving orphans, and encounters the Red Ribbon Armycollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-21 15 
47864980ASoIaF House Creation Thread 1/tg/ begins the process of creating House Malbrand, an ancient house of dubious moral standards from the Westerlands.A Song of Ice and Fire RPG, Creation, House, Malbrand2016-06-22 1 
47896792Dragonball Quest #33Tofoo, Goku, and Krillin reunite with Bulma, and locate the third Dragonballcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-22 14 
47842322For House and Dominon Civil War 28The enemy arrives. We commence skirmishing actions and preparation for a major battle. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-06-23 13 
47913165Dragonball Quest #34Another Dragonball is found, along with pirate treasurecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-23 15 
293970[QUEST] Start Over part 65Where our heroines sets off for the North, finds an axe, finds proof of vampire activity, and the third arachne!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-06-23 3 
47930164One Piece Adventure Quest 21Returning to Popa island to celebrate their victories at sea, the marines get some off time, But Adela has a stack of transfer requests.. EACollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-06-23 11 
47922177Jewish folklore is terrifyingAn anon discovers how grim and dark Jewish folklore is. Jewish anons pitch in to make it worse.folklore, discussion, mythology, myth2016-06-24 13 
282793The Legend of Peter Titmouse 10Peter puts on a hat.Okk, Collective Game, Comics, Gnat, Peter Titmouse2016-06-24 20 
47945969Dragonball Quest #35Tofoo and Goku have a match, and Blue has his revengecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-25 14 
280227Stuck in an RPG Quest 5We become a cyborg wizardStuck in an RPG, Collective Game, VR, Bob "The Suspense" Pooper 2016-06-26 1 
47925720LighthousesIn this thread, /tg/ brainstorms various mysterious and horrific happenings that can take place at a lonely, isolated lighthouse.lighthouse, mystery, horror, sci fi, cthulhu mythos2016-06-26 28 
47960668Dragonball Quest #36Tofoo reunited with Goku, and the two fighters meet a deadly new foecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-26 15 
47973182A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLVIIn which Brynden Malroy meets and mingles with varying Lords and Ladies of the Reach during the Tourney in Highgarden. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-06-27 11 
47978646Dragonball Quest #37Tofoo and Goku climb to the top of Korin Tower, but find getting the Sacred Water will not be easycollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-27 14 
296557The Legend of Peter Titmouse 11Harmony reveals her dark past, and Gnat talks a bit about her father. Then the party encounters a lizard. Okk, Collective Game, Comics, Gnat, Peter Titmouse2016-06-27 20 
47992137Creepy LighthousesLighthouse Brainstorming 2: Electric Boogaloo lighthouse, mystery, horror, mythos2016-06-28 6 
47955450For House and Dominon Civil War 29The minefield and siege array we've gone to such trouble to acquire are deployed in a pivotal battle.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-06-29 11 
48013606Dragonball Quest #38The boys get the water, and some paybackcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-29 15 
316654[QUEST] Start Over part 66Where our heroine officially meets Tama, talks with her and sets up camp, but then stumbles upon a vampire meeting!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-06-29 3 
48031295Dragonball Quest #39Fall of the Red Ribbon Armycollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-06-30 16 
July 2016
310045The Legend of Peter Titmouse 12Peter tries to train a lizard. Then the party arrives in Casino City.Okk, Collective Game, Comics, Gnat, Peter Titmouse2016-07-01 17 
48063228One Piece Adventure Quest 22The trip to the Grand line begins, as Adela and friends get reassigned to a new Branch of the marines. Early archive Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-07-01 12 
48057301How That Guys Can Ruin a Good Game Pt. 2OP is back with a followup and an update: GOOD END GET.Oriental adventures, that guy, problem player, cringe, storytime, poetic justice, fucking rekt, lol2016-07-01 2 
48063851Dragonball Quest #40With the radars unable to find the final ball, Roshi sends the gang to Fortune Teller Babacollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-02 16 
48080511Dragonball Quest #41Goku, Krillin, and Tofoo fight a series of battles against Baba's fighterscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-03 14 
48091950A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLVIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy continues to attend the events of the Tourney in Highgarden. Such as the Squire's Melee and Lord Tarly's feasCollective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-07-04 10 
48095987Dragonball Quest #42Tofoo battles the masked fighter, then gets his match with Gokucollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-04 14 
48115104Dragonball Quest #43Tofoo speaks with his parents, and all seven balls are gathered. What wish will be made?collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-05 15 
48132606Dragonball Quest #44Tofoo sets out to start his training, but he gets a little sidetrackedcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-06 14 
48149995Dragonball Quest #45Tofoo travels to Jingle Village and begins his trainingcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-07 15 
48165885One Piece Adventure Quest 23The waters be calm as our heroes near their new assignment in the grand line. But will they remain as such? Early archive. Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-07-07 11 
48165789Dragonball Quest #46Soldiers appear near Jingle Village, and Tofoo finds some sinister things are going oncollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-08 14 
48181864Dragonball Quest #47Tofoo gets some information from Korin, then bites off more than he can chewcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-09 15 
48197600Dragonball Quest #48Tofoo breaks into the castle, but finds breaking out much hardercollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-10 14 
48209420A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLVIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy goes on a hunt with Lord Randyll Tarly, meets some old friends and finally gets what he has been seeking. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-07-11 14 
48214146Dragonball Quest #49The great escapecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-11 15 
48140768Creepy LighthousesLighthouse Brainstorming 3: Solitude's Revenge lighthouse, mystery, horror, mythos2016-07-11 5 
48225529Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterFinally home and all loved ones reunited,a shadow lies upon Clan RyuuCollective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-07-11 11 
48247567Dragonball Quest #50Krillin trains under Korin, and Tofoo decides to go to the Devil's Castlecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-13 14 
366552[QUEST] Start Over part 67Where our heroine passes a tense and restless night and spends the following day chased by vampires!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-07-13 1 
355679A Song of Misery and Salt (House Creation) Chapter IHouse Fraser, a House known for it's madness, well not really as she's a small House from the Iron Islands.Collective Game, House Fraser, Game of Thrones, ASOIAF2016-07-14 7 
48264311Dragonball Quest #51The Sleeping Princess is foundcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-14 15 
48256869Useless or nearly useless magic/special itemsAnons discuss and create enchanted items with fun, but almost always useless (if in hands of uncreative man), properties.magic items, useless magic items, brainstorm, fantasy2016-07-14 3 
48280144Dragonball Quest #52Tofoo prepares for the World Martial Arts Tournamentcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-15 14 
48290774Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterThe perils and pleasures of home.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-07-15 9 
48244399For House and Dominon Civil War 30House Nasidum invades the Run while our fleets try to wear down their skirmishing forces.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-07-15 12 
48296340Dragonball Quest #53Friends and enemies reunite as the tournament beginscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-16 15 
377710Wholesome* Succubus QuestWholesome* Succubus Quest is PURE and WORK-SAFE quest about the adventures of a succubus stuck with jury duty. Collective Game, nanolitre, Wholesome Succubus Quest, Female Protagonist2016-07-17 27 
48326834Dragonball Quest #54Tensions rise as the preliminaries get underwaycollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-18 14 
48340135A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLIXIn which Lord Brynden Malroy jousts for the first time in several years, gains a huge opportunity, and participates in an Archery Contest.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-07-19 17 
48343944Dragonball Quest #55The Crane students wreak havoc in the preliminaries, and Tofoo fights in the first match of the quarterfinalscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-19 14 
48346106Crusader Quest part 50Wilhelm manages Italian diplomats, oversees a baptism, and orders the opening volley on the walls of AscalonCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, HistoricalFiction,2016-07-19 13 
48360235Dragonball Quest #56Tofoo makes a dangerous new enemy in Shen, and has some serious talks with his friendscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-20 14 
48374801Dragonball Quest #57The Crane School plots vengeance, and the tournament continuescollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-21 14 
48376198Crusader Quest part 51We fend off a saracen sally but not without losses while Mathilde shares a tender moment with EliasCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Mathilde, HistoricalFiction,2016-07-21 13 
381648A Song of Misery and Salt Chapter IIThe quest starts, House Fraser battles bandits and discuss the next step in winning back their lost renown.Collective Game, House Fraser, Game of Thrones, ASOIAF2016-07-21 4 
48387664Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterCan Ryukusa save Akari from a fate worse than death? Okay, stupid question...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-07-21 14 
48345227For House and Dominon Civil War 31The last enemy Super Heavy in the Relay is disabled and we start planning how to take down the enemy fortress.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-07-22 9 
48391673Dragonball Quest #58Tofoo vs Gokucollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-22 15 
48407595One Piece Adventure Quest 24Adela and co Arrive at Beartrap town and their new assignment in the grandline. But things here are nothing like Ginegin's command was! EA.Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-07-22 12 
48408769Dragonball Quest #59Tofoo vs Goku part 2collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-23 14 
48423259Dragonball Quest #60Strike of the Crane, crawl of the Turtlecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-24 16 
48435299A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LIn which Lord Brynden Malroy finishes the Archery Contest. And takes a man to trial. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-07-25 11 
48439758Dragonball Quest #61The Crane Hermit departs, but a new foe comes to take his placecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-25 14 
48457666Dragonball Quest #62Guess who dies. Go on, guess.collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-26 13 
48412026Useless Magic Item ThreadAnons come up with useless magical itemsMagic Items, Useless, Funny2016-07-26 5 
48421016For House and Dominon Civil War 32We perform hit and run with super heavy cruisers. Short Thread.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-07-26 11 
48475254Crusader Quest part 52Wilhelm leads an assault on Ascalon's wallCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, HistoricalFiction,2016-07-27 13 
415784[QUEST] Start Over part 68Where our heroine finds a strange obelisks, suspects the vampires were actually after her, and gets back safely to Maner!Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-07-27 1 
48489966Dragonball Quest #63Into Darknesscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-28 15 
400239Fantasy Officer Quest #1Enter our hero, who finds himself in the middle of a big mess. Shows no mercy, gets a ward under his wings, then gets arrested for murder.commissar, military, officer, Manus2016-07-29 1 
48517397Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterEr Yin gets some much needed attention, as does Ryukusa.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-07-29 8 
48517642Altered Human Quest 2Mike feels out his powers some more and finds that his mysterious assassin is something else.Collective Game, Altered Human, superpowers, MIND CRUSH2016-07-30 4 
400994Anon and waifusTrash and Snacks!Haremhorn anon-and-waifus flava-flav2016-07-30 0 
413993Anon and waifusTrash helds on to anons /SAGE ROMANTIC ADVICE/Haremhorn, anon-and-waifus, flava-flav2016-07-30 1 
48523367Dragonball Quest #64Tofoo conquers the Darkness, and gains some new skillscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-30 16 
48540236Dragonball Quest #65Tofoo puts his new powers to the test in a face-off with King Piccolocollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-07-31 18 
August 2016
48556536Dragonball Quest #66The struggle with King Piccolo comes to a violent endcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-01 21 
48574540Dragonball Quest #67Tofoo and Goku climb Korin Towercollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-02 16 
48575109Crusader Quest part 53The politics of the camp demand attentionCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Mathilde, HistoricalFiction,2016-08-02 13 
439894[QUEST] Start Over part 69Where Tama doesn't rape anyone, our heroine gets some sleep and meets a strange soldier...Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-08-03 3 
48607988Dragonball Quest #68Tofoo and Goku train to control their energy, and the Guardian reveals himselfcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-04 15 
48626922Dragonball Quest #69Tofoo says farewell to his friends, and makes some progress in his trainingcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-05 14 
426908A song of Misery and Salt: House Fraser Quest Chapter IIIMeeting, trading, a month of respite for House Fraser.Collective Game, House Fraser, Game of Thrones, ASOIAF2016-08-06 2 
48658992One Piece Adventure Quest 25Adela has gained some infamy on beartrap island, as well as the friendship of Keli fal.But rebellious and crooked spirits come a rising. EACollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-08-06 11 
48659643Dragonball Quest #70Tofoo finds the strength to challenge Popo, and is given an odd bit of training by Kamicollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-07 14 
48675138Dragonball Quest #71Tofoo into a few fights, each with different resultscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-08 15 
412238DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta)tiny adventurer explore tiny dungeonCollective_Game Succubus Tiny2016-08-08 2 
432453Anon and waifusMeet VaalHaremhorn, anon-and-waifus, flava-flav2016-08-08 1 
48693730Dragonball Quest #72Goku and Tofoo spar as their training continuescollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-09 15 
48699444Dragonball Quest #73Tofoo and Goku arrive for the tournamentcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-09 14 
48696265Crusader Quest part 54Wilhelm and Hugo have a confrontationCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Hugo, HistoricalFiction,2016-08-09 12 
48711302Dragonball Quest #74The gang reunites, and the preliminaries commencecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-10 14 
48723882Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterWe are an insomniac hyperactive dragonette.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-08-10 13 
460318[QUEST] Start Over part 70Where our heroine meets a flirty comrade, gains two buckets, and meets a mysterious cloaked figureCollective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-08-10 3 
48727467Dragonball Quest #75The preliminaries end, and the quarterfinals have an explosive startcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-11 15 
48673395For House and Dominon Civil War 33We pursue Bonrah ships as they break their blockade then investigate strange activity in the nav hazard. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-08-11 8 
446444Anon and waifusA /lot/ happens.Haremhorn, anon-and-waifus, flava-flav2016-08-11 1 
48760281Dragonball Quest #76Tofoo's match comes to a shocking end, and the quarterfinals concludecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-13 14 
48778792Dragonball Quest #77Tofoo vs Taocollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-14 14 
48785203Dragonball Quest #78The battle between Tofoo and Tao concludes, and Goku steps into the ring with Piccolocollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-14 15 
48797019Dragonball Quest #79The tournament comes to an endcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-15 14 
458762Anon and waifusNot that much happens!Haremhorn, anon-and-waifus, flava-flav2016-08-16 1 
48758380For House and Dominon Civil War 34We locate a new nav station constructed by Aries. Players can't decide if we negotiate with terrorists.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-08-16 9 
48816723Crusader Quest part 55Hugo seeks advice about his situationCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Hugo, Mathilde, HistoricalFiction,2016-08-16 13 
48832002Dragonball Quest #80God creates man, man destroys Godcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-17 14 
480306[QUEST] Start Over part 71Where our heroine meets a vampire oracle, slaps her face, then accidentally organizes a tournament to find a cute boy for TamaCollective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-08-17 2 
475708From the Dust, a Tale of a Legionnairea CYOA/Quest set in the Fallout Universe from the perspective of a member of Caesar's LegionFallout, Apocalypse, Caesar's Legion, Survival, From the Dust, Tale of a Legionnaire,2016-08-17 5 
48851347Dragonball Quest #81The hunt for the balls beginscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-18 14 
48865828Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterKeeping a promise, and causing trouble. Because that's what Ryukusa does.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-08-18 9 
48870009Dragonball Quest #82Complications arise in the search for the Dragonballs. Who could have seen that coming?collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-19 13 
459048The Legend of Peter Titmouse 13Gnat is stressed about being around Chad.Okk, Collective Game, Comics, Gnat, Peter Titmouse2016-08-19 9 
48884215Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterDealing with abominations, spymasters, and other strange things.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-08-19 8 
453245Beacon Hunter Quest 1We find the second of three transmissions needed to locate a lost solar system, pick up a strangely powerful stowaway and narrowly escape.Beacon, Beacon Hunter, Beacon Hunter Quest, Quest, Lusnoc2016-08-20 5 
48904396One Piece Adventure Quest 26Adela has a rare day off, and Keli fal is fixin to join her on it. But both of these lasses are magnets for trouble on their own.EACollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-08-20 11 
48905692Dragonball Quest #83Tofoo and Goku get their fight sooner than expectedcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-21 14 
48921799Dragonball Quest #84Snakes, why did it have to be snakes?collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-22 14 
48926359Dragonball Quest #85What is even happening anymore? Can Tofoo catch a break?collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-22 14 
467294Anon and waifusFuckton of sporadic megaposts. OP pouts at destiny.Haremhorn, anon-and-waifus, flava-flav2016-08-22 1 
48941210Dragonball Quest #86The thread number kind of fitscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-23 15 
502839[QUEST] Start Over part 72Where our heroine gets berated by both Bryld and Stanley, then she's made a commander and told to solve Pam's problem.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-08-24 1 
503318From the Dust, a Tale of a Legionnaire. Part IIa CYOA/Quest set in the Fallout Universe from the perspective of a member of Caesar's LegionFallout, Apocalypse, Caesar's Legion, Survival, From the Dust, Tale of a Legionnaire, Part II,2016-08-24 2 
48938041For House and Dominon Civil War 35We find out the Governor lost some ships but picked up some toys, and get ready for the final showdown in the Run.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Salvage, Dice2016-08-25 8 
48973499Dragonball Quest #87Witches get stichescollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-25 14 
48979036Dragonball Quest #88Three years have passed, what has changed?collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-25 14 
48989731Dragonball Quest #90Tofoo to the rescueCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-26 3 
49003345Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterWe slaughtered them, cooked them, and now we're going to feed them to the spymaster.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-08-26 12 
49028259Dragonball Quest #90 (for real this time)Tofoo reconnects with Goku and Krillin, and makes an important visit to Kamicollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-28 15 
487002The Legend of Peter Titmouse 14Peter goes to the public libraryOkk, Collective Game, Comics, Gnat, Peter Titmouse2016-08-28 5 
49032561Mimics and memicsDiscussion about interesting things to do with mimics gives rise to a new and unexpected horror in the form of the memetic mimic.Mimic, Horror, Memes, Ideas, Discussion2016-08-29 14 
49048310Dragonball Quest #91Tofoo returns to Capsule Corp just in time for something to go wrongcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-29 14 
49047174Crusader Quest part 56The Walls of Ascalon are capturedCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Mathilde, HistoricalFiction,2016-08-29 14 
508197Not so Glorious QuestThe dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The comfy chapter.drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious2016-08-30 10 
49065924Dragonball Quest #92Tofoo finds himself capturedcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-08-30 14 
521955[QUEST] Start Over part 73Where our heroine deals with minotaurs, centaurs, tournament preparations and begs Cassilda for help, which quickly escalates into sub playCollective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-08-31 4 
500815DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - WoNN part 2Continuation of WoNN. The group fights its way through more undeads and face off against the cause of the invasiontabletop, diminutive dungeon delvers, adventurers, undead, skeletons, rpg, mage, rogue, paladin, demons, minibosses, humor, succubus 2016-08-31 2 
September 2016
49101483Dragonball Quest #93Tofoo fights his way through the next level, and finds his friendscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-01 16 
49062423For House and Dominon Civil War 36The Siege Array finally proves its worth. Knight Commander Avun fights for control of her ship, and the battle is joined in full.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-09-01 12 
49075615Smart BombsA discussion of sapient AI in explosive devices and how to defuse them by explaining the reality of their situation.bomb, AI, smart mine, kafka-esque, defuser, deprogramming, indoctrination,2016-09-01 6 
49117699Dragonball Quest #94Tofoo asks an important question, and an ancient evil returnscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-02 17 
49131867Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterOn the way home, some things happened to some spirit children...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-09-02 12 
49136331Dragonball Quest #95Garlic Junior reveals his true power, and Tofoo is given a big surprisecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-03 16 
49141519Dragonball Quest #96Reunionscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-03 15 
49153628One Piece Adventure Quest 27Adela faces off against revolutionaries. Its Order vs Chaos on bear trap island as it falls into anarchy. Early archiveCollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-09-03 11 
523061Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 2The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Spiritual chapter.drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake2016-09-04 3 
49153507Dragonball Quest #97Goku and Tofoo are forced to team up with Piccolo, but will this be enough to stop Raditz?collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-04 16 
49172238Dragonball Quest #98Zamasu was rightcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-05 15 
49163480Basing your hero/villain on Mother TeresaIn which Anon has surprisingly in-depth discussions on the Church, utilitarian vs absolutist morality, and ethics in general.Religion, ethics, morals, discussion, debate, Mother Teresa, Catholic, Christianity2016-09-05 2 
49172151Crusader Quest: The EndOur story draws to a close.Collective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Mathilde, Hugo, HistoricalFiction,2016-09-05 27 
49189823Dragonball Quest #99With Raditz dead, Tofoo and the others prepare for the arrival of two more Saiyanscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-06 15 
542218[QUEST] Start Over part 74Where our heroine learns to stay on a PecoPeco's saddle, gets the cutest squire, a sore back treatment and a well-deserved rest.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-09-07 3 
49187660For House and Dominon Civil War 37The Mobile Fortress is finally dealt with.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-09-07 11 
513779The Legend of Peter Titmouse 15Peter vs. The King of RatsOkk, Collective Game, Comics, Gnat, Peter Titmouse2016-09-08 2 
49246980Dragonball Quest #100Tofoo gathers the remaining warriors, and says farewell to his soncollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-09 15 
49258356Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterScoldings, spankings, and other sweet things. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-09-09 8 
49262354Dragonball Quest #101The Warriors gather on the Lookout, and training gets to a violent startcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-10 16 
49268787Dragonball Quest #102The tale of the Turtle and the Cranecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-10 17 
550481Dragonball Quest #103The Saiyans arrive on Earth, and this quest arrives on /qst/collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-11 33 
544516Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 3The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Ghost chapter.drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake2016-09-11 2 
522868DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - A succubus' TaleThird installation of the Diminutive Dungeon Delvers story. This time you play as the Succubus , looking to distract yourself from boredomDDD, Diminutive Dungeon Delvers, Succubus, cultist, hell, sneaking, image_Quest, image2016-09-11 3 
555691Sword Art Online Quest #1The First thread, in which we name ourselves after a wine and discover a cat girl.Sword Art Online, Quest, Sauska2016-09-12 13 
49294049Check out this settingOP goes whole hog into making a game setting. Amazement ensues.map, lore, technicolor moustaches, setting2016-09-12 44 
563116Sword Art Online Quest #2In which we found out our cat girl is bipolar and we have the face of an eight year old. Oh and we met KiritoSword Art Online, Quest, Sauska, IncogNegro2016-09-13 7 
562723Dragonball Quest #104After suffering several losses at the hands of Vegeta, the Earth's defenders band together and prepare to strike backcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-09-13 32 
533397From the Dust, a Tale of a Legionnaire. Part IIIa CYOA/Quest set in the Fallout Universe from the perspective of a member of Caesar's LegionFallout, Apocalypse, Caesar's Legion, Survival, From the Dust, Tale of a Legionnaire, Part III,2016-09-13 1 
570024[QUEST] Start Over part 75Where our heroine bravely participates in the joust, charges recklessly and gets out of it alive and proud. But with a chipped horn.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-09-14 1 
574453Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterNo longer a nascent demigod, but an actual one. Doesn't mean it's not Ryukusa.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-09-15 8 
575760Sword Art Online Quest #3In which we are stabbed by a sociopath who also happens to be KiritoSword Art Online, Quest, Sauska, IncogNegro2016-09-16 8 
579273Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterAfter the kisses comes the hugs, and after hugs comes...?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-09-16 12 
49356089Australian Aboriginal mythological fantasy/tg/ discusses a fantasy setting based on Aborignal Australian mythologyaboriginal, australian, australian aboriginal, fantasy, setting, fluff, australian2016-09-16 3 
580510Earthbender Quest #1Things get off to a violent startCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-09-17 28 
567757For House and Dominon Civil War 381st Thread on /qst/. Recap followed by a short Mech battle on Rioja.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-09-18 8 
589783Sword Art Online Quest #7, Thread 4In which we explore the second floor and realize Kibaou is Uncle SamSword Art Online, Quest, Sauska, IncogNegro, Sweet Ass Coat2016-09-18 6 
556640DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - A succubus' Tale part 2Continuation of DDD:AST where you try to run away from Wi'aboo's lair without getting caught.DDD, Diminutive Dungeon Delvers, Succubus, cultist, hell, sneaking, image_Quest, image2016-09-18 1 
591524A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Recap I-L & Q&AIn which, Lord Brynden Malroy is introduced to /qst/ after a hiatus. Questions are answered, recaps are had, and Father returns home.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-09-18 10 
590944Earthbender Quest #2Having evaded the army, Sei Fong and Lantana head for a temple to the NorthCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-09-19 23 
579217Cyber Demon Quest #1Your name used to be John Smith, mild mannered cracker in the city of Neo York. Now you're the Steelshape called Saurian, and you're hungrCyber Demon Quest, Collective Game, Game-Like Quest, Cyberpunk, Shin Megami Tensei, Deus Ex, Creative Deaths, Gore, OP protagonists2016-09-19 12 
579107Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 4The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Boat chapter.drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake2016-09-19 5 
597902Gorgon Child Quest 1Reading, eating, and playing among the tombstones, just an average day in the life of a gorgon child.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2016-09-20 27 
603523Earthbender Quest #3Lantana and Sei recruit someone new to their groupCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-09-21 21 
606745[QUEST] Start Over part 76Where our heroine gets medicated and decides that the priest of Jure is too cute to not be hooked up with Tama.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-09-21 1 
547639A Song of Storms and Time: A House Deschain Quest House Deschain is a house located in the middle of Dornish Marches. You play as Ser Wil Deschain, having just earned his knighthood.Collective Game, House Deschain, Deschain, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-09-22 1 
558058A Song of Storms and Time: A House Deschain Quest #2Ser Wil Deschain arrives in Kings Landing to sort out inheritances and watch some tournaments.Collective Game, House Deschain, Deschain, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-09-22 1 
604018 A Song of Storms and Time: A House Deschain Quest #3Ser Wil Deschain meets with a Prince and talks about the state of the Seven Kingdoms and Dorne. Collective Game, House Deschain, Deschain, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-09-22 1 
598365Sword Art Online Quest #8, Thread 5In which CIA cat interrogates an elf and Wolf-man gets drugged.Sword Art Online, Quest, Sauska, IncogNegro, Bane2016-09-22 5 
609605Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterMorning Sickness, relaxation, and appointments. A day in the life, perhaps.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-09-22 12 
591859DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - A succubus' Tale part 3Final part of the Succubus Tale. Time to finish your escape and get to the material plane!DDD, Diminutive Dungeon Delvers, Succubus, cultist, hell, sneaking, image_Quest, image, paladin, rogue, mage, wizard, dating, imp, cute, 2016-09-22 1 
614669Earthbender Quest #4Another person joins the team, and Sei picks up a new skillCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-09-24 21 
619935One Piece Adventure Quest 28The revolutionaries begin their siege of bear trap island.Now Adela and co need to last until help arrives or go out and kick some rebel assCollective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure,2016-09-24 10 
618264SAO Quest Part 11.5In which we beat Sword Art Online on floor 6Sword Art Online, Sauska, IncogNegro, Argo, Kayaba2016-09-25 4 
624838Wolfgang's (SAO) Quest Part 12In which we find ourselves in the real world, and enter Gun Gale Online. Sword Art Online, Gun Gale Online, Sauska, IncogNegro, Argo, Kirito2016-09-26 3 
614997Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 5The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Beauty chapter.drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake2016-09-26 3 
628862Gorgon Child Quest 2Cici's new friends meet her mother, and then it's off to town. Sweets and shenanigans ensue.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2016-09-27 21 
629224Earthbender Quest #5Tensions begin to rise, and Sei finally talks to someone besides LantanaCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-09-27 18 
637947Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterFamily, lovers, friends, and companions...all good things, save for the shadow that hovers over them.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-09-29 11 
637717[QUEST] Start Over part 77Where Tama gets a cute boy and our heroine goes to take care of some bureaucracy and meets Terry the messenger harpy.Collective Game, Start Over Quest, Laid-back, Not Serious2016-09-29 2 
639142Wolfgang's (SAO) Quest Thread 8In which we look for some new weapons and fight in the Bullet of Bullets!Sword Art Online, Gun Gale Online, Sauska, Wolfgang, IncogNegro, Argo, Kirito, Sinon, FIST2016-09-30 2 
October 2016
642707Earthbender Quest #6The Hunter appearsCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-10-01 15 
49492001Check Out Anon's Cool Setting #2sequel of sorts to the first one(also has a neat name generator)map, lore, technicolor moustaches, setting, worldbuilding, name generator, fantasy2016-10-01 6 
643012Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 6The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The School chapter.drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake2016-10-02 5 
631780For House and Dominon Civil War 40Surveys, salvage, troop movements and trades.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-10-03 9 
653196Dragonball Quest #105Return of the Dangalang Kingcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-10-03 32 
658759Gorgon Child Quest 3Cici and Cassandra have a day out on the town. Shopping, sweets, and a bit of hard labor prove to be the orders of the day.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, baker, RE: Animated, bananon2016-10-04 13 
652296Wolfgang's Jumpquest Thread 9In which we experience the world of Macross, our own fucked up memories, and finally get laid in a real world!Wolfgang, Sauska, Incognito, Argo, Yui, Sinon, Kirito, Asuna, Lisbith, Jumpchain, Macross2016-10-05 0 
665687Earthbender Quest #7The team has another boss fight.Collective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-10-06 5 
673107Earthbender Quest #7 (for real)Finally reaching the mountains, the gang proceeds toward the Northern Air TempleCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-10-08 17 
666621Wolfgang's Jumpquest Thread 10In which we fight aliens, almost die, and Jump to Soul Eater.Wolfgang, Sauska, Incognito, Argo, Yui, Sinon, Kirito, Asuna, Lisbith, Jumpchain, Soul Eater2016-10-09 2 
680813Wolfgang's Jumpquest Thread 11In which we explore the world of Soul Eater!Wolfgang, Sauska, Incognito, Argo, Yui, Sinon, Kirito, Asuna, Lisbith, Jumpchain, Soul Eater2016-10-09 1 
673851Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 7Usually the dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Special Emily chapter.drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake2016-10-10 3 
686972Gorgon Child Quest 4Baths, extended naps, and spending time with Uncle Yesh give way to an unexpected visitor. Are they friend or foe?Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, wizard, RE: Animated, bananon2016-10-11 12 
49723017Releasing PrometheusShould modern humanity should try to rescue Prometheus from his eagle torture? Of course we should. The dude did us a huge solid.setting, ethics, heartwarming, debt, greek mythology, gods, titans, zeus, zeus is an asshole, prometheus, eagle, liver, chains, hfy,2016-10-11 7 
687128Star Wars: Kuat Collection QuestThe Admiral and his Starship Girls fight the Yuuzhan Vong.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2016-10-12 6 
697226Dragonball Quest #106The gang travels to Planet Namek, and Tofoo quickly makes some stupid decisions collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-10-14 31 
700562Gorgon Child Quest 5Drinks and time off before the next job.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, wizard, RE: Animated, bananon2016-10-14 8 
704861Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 8The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Adoption chapter.drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake, stands2016-10-17 3 
724259Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterFamily time, bonding with Yuuhi, a shadow from the past.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-10-19 8 
724408Starborn Quest 17: The Rono Pass Picture ShowWe continue exploring the temple, get some VERY BAD dice and take part in a lovely show. Then we get revenge.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Frank, Minerva,Lust, Rono Pass, Rocky Horror, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Revenge2016-10-20 0 
697205Wolfgang's (SAO) Quest Part 12In which OP takes a few days off, Wolfgang learns to use his powers, and we start a fight with a Witch!Wolfgang, Sauska, Incognito, Argo, Yui, Sinon, Kirito, Asuna, Lisbith, Jumpchain, Soul Eater2016-10-21 2 
729030Dragonball Quest #107Tofoo and the gang begin to gather the Dragonballs, but a new threat is closing incollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-10-21 31 
733618Starborn Quest 18: CleansingWe look at the world through smaller, more innocent eyes before technical difficulties ruin everything.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Frank, Minerva,Lust, Rono Pass, Rocky Horror, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Revenge2016-10-23 2 
717182Gorgon Child Quest 5 (real)Grampa wizard teaches Cici a thing or two about magic, has a talk with the magical bracer, and Din-Din gets in a fight. Good times.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, wizard, RE: Animated, bananon2016-10-23 7 
744393Earthbender Quest #8The battle comes to an end, and the journey continuesCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-10-24 21 
737549Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 9The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Cat chapter.drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake, stands2016-10-24 2 
747720Gorgon Child Quest 6Cici learns a little magic and a lot about familiars then goes out for another day on the town.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, wizard, RE: Animated bananon2016-10-25 8 
710594For House and Dominon Civil War 41Logistics, ship design and our new plasma pistol start things off, followed by giving medals and promotions.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-10-26 7 
743011Edgequest: Get Over It #2In which our heroine looks for her cousin by visiting a really weird baredgequest, over the edge, collective game, quest, bizarre, hot wings, microphone abuse, 2016-10-26 1 
754370Dragonball Quest #108The Ginyu Force strikes backcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-10-27 27 
753869Crusader Quest Halloween One-ShotHappy Halloween. Something dark stirs in the bowels of Ascalon. Wilhelm must root it out while terror stalks his domainCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Halloween, Wilhelm, HistoricalFiction,2016-10-27 10 
756347Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterAftercare with Yuuhi, collaring your niji-chans, and dressing up for your princess.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-10-27 7 
729249Wolfgang's Jumpquest Thread 13In which we found a weapon partner, kicked a clown's ass, and OP got so furious at the world he had to stop writing for several days.Wolfgang, Sauska, Incognito, Argo, Yui, Sinon, Kirito, Asuna, Lisbith, Nadia, Jumpchain, Soul Eater2016-10-28 1 
766339Earthbender Quest #9The gang has nearly reached the Air Temple, but something sinister may stand in their wayCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-10-30 20 
766378Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 10The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Shimilia duel chapter.drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake, stands2016-10-31 2 
50033219The All Guardsmen Party and Inquisitor Asshat's Stupid "Stealth" Mission - Part 1The party prepares to get ready for their new mission, while being hated by their new boss and everyone else.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition,2016-10-31 101 
November 2016
784340Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterWe play with our toys; we take some time out; we paint a picture for someone.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-11-03 7 
785788Dragonball Quest #109The Dragonballs are gathered and Porunga is summoned, but Freeza is not pleasedcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-11-04 28 
49992316Star Trek General - Space Suit Dave EditionThe /stg/ beginning on Thursday, 27 October, 2016Star Trek General, Space Suit Dave, USS Ark Royal2016-11-04 1 
794463Earthbender Quest #10The gang finally reaches the Northern Air TempleCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-11-06 20 
782784A Fallen House QuestFirst part of 'A Realm in Ruins'. Still with a different OP, but needed to understand the next threads.A Fallen House, A Realm in Ruins, Jean de Labendai2016-11-07 3 
794988Demon Overlord Quest 2Quest Prinny goes on a 3-day bender. Gneotho meets NPCs, fights a Bear and becomes a badass leader.Collective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny, waifus everywhere, conspriacy, tournament2016-11-08 7 
50054951Star Trek General - Where's My Thread Edition/stg/ Star Trek General beginning 01 November 2016.Star Trek General, Space Suit Dave, USS Ark Royal2016-11-08 10 
795627Gorgon Child Quest 7Cici has her first official Hallow's Eve experience. Expect tricks, treats, spooks, and surprises.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, baker, RE: Animated, bananon2016-11-08 6 
771315For House and Dominon Civil War 42A GE informant has begun providing us with locations of Aries bases. We head out to investigate.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-11-08 8 
792079Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 11The Final Chapter of the Adventures of our Super SWOLE Heroine: Ilin! Time to become Glorious!drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake, stands2016-11-09 7 
807442Demon Overlord Quest 3More allies are gained and the plot thickens! Gneotho fights an obsessive doppelganger and sets the stage for victory! Collective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny, waifus everywhere, conspriacy, tournament2016-11-10 5 
809665Dragonball Quest #110Piccolo joins the fight, but will it be enough?collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-11-10 31 
811414Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterWe finish up with Chisato, check on the hot loli and her cool mystic, and see what the wife has been up to.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-11-10 7 
791193Lace and Tux 1You signed up to serve and protect your master, but as it turns out, you might be doing much more of the latter than the former.Action, Collective Game, LeaveQM, Maidshit, Combat-focused2016-11-12 2 
792423A Realm in Ruins QuestJean travels towards the court of Lord Sang-Valois and also more stuff. Read for yourself.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House2016-11-12 3 
820139Demon Overlord Quest 4Gneotho and the gang do their legs of the mission preparations, then Quest Prinny gets sleepy.Collective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny, waifus everywhere, conspriacy, tournament2016-11-14 6 
824653Earthbender Quest #11Lantana begins her Airbender training, and the others prepare for the inevitable confrontation with KalanaCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-11-14 24 
828251Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 1Intel Drops the ball and we try to pick it up. Only us and the Japs left standing; let's kill some teenagers!Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Kongamato, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,Eddie, Jerry, C455132016-11-15 13 
829401Gorgon Child Quest 8Cici's Hallow's Eve adventures come to an end, though not without a few last hair-raising frights.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2016-11-15 6 
802753The Legend of Peter Titmouse 16Okk craps out after two updatesOkk, Collective Game, Comics, Gnat, Peter Titmouse2016-11-15 2 
835612Dragonball Quest #111Escaping the destruction of Namek, Tofoo and the others find themselves at the beginning of another huntcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-11-17 25 
832659Demon Overlord Quest 5Anasael fights a monk and Gneotho enacts the plan. Victories all around!Collective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny, waifus everywhere, conspriacy, tournament2016-11-17 6 
839433Earthbender Quest #12Training continues at the temple, and Sei makes a betCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-11-18 22 
842001Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterRyukuza demosntrates her skills as a seamstress and fashion designer; a date of sorts; and of course...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-11-18 9 
835363Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #2The final liberation of Dantooine.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2016-11-19 8 
818477A Realm in Ruins Quest IIYou manage to get yourself a bethrothal, Lord Belamy gets judged, the king gets to like you.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House, 2016-11-20 2 
852996Dragonball Quest #112Tofoo spends time with his family, Som makes some typos, and the mission for the Black Star Balls beginscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-11-21 28 
856491Earthbender Quest #13As the battle in the Northern Air Temple comes to a close, tragedy strikes, and Kalana acquires something valuableCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-11-22 25 
843684Gorgon Child Quest 9Cici finally gets to bed after a long day, and in the process learns a bit about her gifts as a Seer.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2016-11-22 5 
863297TravelingCircus Quest #1A new quest sets off!!Traveling Circus, 0NullUnd1Eins2016-11-25 2 
867445Dragonball Quest #113The search for the balls begins, as does some competitioncollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-11-26 28 
838201For House and Dominon Civil War 43After a false start we explore a hurriedly abandoned R&D site and manage to make contact with survivors of a long destroyed House.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-11-28 8 
876585Earthbender Quest #14The gang starts their journey to the west while dealing with their lossesCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-11-28 20 
866635Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 2 Part 1James has some slice of life, then some management sim, then shit hits the fan.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Kongamato, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,Eddie, Jerry, C45513,2016-11-28 6 
865861TravelingCircus Quest #2talking headsTraveling Circus, 0NullUnd1Eins2016-11-28 1 
851357A Realm in Ruins Quest IIIJean returns home, beats up a unknown knight pretty badly and feasts like crazy. Also, stewards.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2016-11-30 2 
December 2016
880502Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 2 Part 2Well Chem is... quarantined and probably dead. But in better news, the monster is HYPE.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Kongamato, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,DRAGON, Jerry, C45513,2016-12-01 6 
889342Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterRyukusa and her elite team face off against the enemy, while Rie is tended to by the family...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-12-01 7 
889977Dragonball Quest #114The tournament does not go as plannedcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-12-02 21 
886555Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #3MyGeeto.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2016-12-03 6 
895687Tribe of Echoes - Chapter IA prehistory tribe, the Stone Breakers, are led by Munta as they improve their village, face the elements, and uncover spirit secrets.Tribe of Echoes, AusQM, Prehistory, Quest, Civ2016-12-03 6 
892922Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 2 Part 3This ritual just will not end. Also, the world might be teetering on the apocalypse. But we meet SPOILERS for the first time this quest.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,DRAGON, Jerry, C45513,2016-12-04 3 
50452300Statting Isaac Clarke 8/tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems. Discussion and stories ensue. The eighth thread, now with added Martian!Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion,2016-12-04 8 
893159Acid Girl Quest #1A short, trippy quest centered around a living embodiment of music and feminine psyche.Trippy, Acid, Girl, Music, Magic, Dream, Sex, Art, Tangerines2016-12-04 2 
893943Demon Overlord Quest 6Its the housekeeping thread! Gneotho breaks the news to the gang before announcing her Overlordship to the peasants.Collective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny, waifus everywhere, conspriacy2016-12-05 6 
904167Earthbender Quest #15Ruins strengthen resolves, and the journey to the coast continuesCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-12-05 18 
50535024The All Guardsmen Party and Inquisitor Asshat's Stupid "Stealth" Mission - Part 1 ReduxThe party gets on the trail of "The Conspiracy" while having to deal with Sciscitat, his team, and other assorted bullshit.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition,2016-12-05 109 
875861For House and Dominon Civil War 44We visit the remote system of Thule's Prism in search of powerful weapons, then set out to raid Nasidum lines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-12-07 11 
901272Worm Quest 1A quest set in the Wormverse. An MC is made, a friend is met, and many 1s are rolledWorm, Quest, Worm Quest, James Puller, Colossus2016-12-07 4 
915346Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterWe wake up in bed....but WHOSE bed?!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-12-08 7 
909215What Came NextWe die. We also like Crusading and Films. Then we wake up in a weird place and get our afterlife together.Collective Game, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Starborn, Star, Betty, Afterlife, Dead, Crusader, Film, Murdered, Slums2016-12-08 4 
916336Dragonball Quest #115Tofoo vs Olibucollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-12-09 29 
50535654Statting Isaac Clarke 9/tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion,2016-12-09 3 
889122A Realm in Ruins Quest IVJean is at it again, deciding for a steward, catching a thief and stuff follows up. Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2016-12-09 1 
919192Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterMeeting Mo Wang, His Most Loathsome Majesty, Ruler of the Underworld, King of Hell...and he's got an agenda.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-12-09 7 
50597982Statting Isaac Clarke 10/tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion,2016-12-11 3 
892841Supernatural Sheriff #2In which we chase some guy on a horse for a bitCollective Game, Supernatural Sheriff, KudoQM, JUSTICE2016-12-11 1 
930096Earthbender Quest #16Lantana makes a decisionCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-12-12 20 
923655Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 2 Part 4With a Dragonslayer on board, we get brutal and go on a rampage. We ocmplete the ritual, but at what cost? Conspiracies abound!Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,DRAGON, Jerry, C45513,2016-12-13 2 
933524Gorgon Child Quest 10The day after the festival, Cici takes a long time rejoining the land of the waking. Talks of food, fighting, and the future follow.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2016-12-13 5 
924885Demon Overlord Quest: The Beach EpisodeAfter cementing her position as Overlord (in training) Gneotho and company go to the beach to relax... New allies and a Volleyball game, tooCollective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny, waifus everywhere, Beach Episode, volleyball2016-12-14 5 
937194Demonic Inheritance QuestA young man learns of his true heritage demon,incubus,barons,hell,lust2016-12-14 1 
900280Demonic InheritanceA boy's true form is reveal.demons,hell,realm,lust,baron2016-12-15 1 
924571The Crusades Games Thread 1Half of Act I, where crusaders prepare for crusade with various degrees of successcrusades game, crusades, pope, quest, collective game, failure2016-12-15 2 
906643Mischief Managed: A Marauders Era QuestHarry Potter quest, written by naust. You are Cyril Selwyn, a pureblood Slytherin, and you've just been accepted to Hogwarts!naust, Harry Potter, Collective Game, Mischief Managed, Quest2016-12-15 13 
942833Dragonball Quest #116The gang goes to confront an asteroid, but find that there's much more to deal withcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2016-12-16 28 
911768Evogame - Tale of Two Moons Part 1: Dawn on Janusan evogame set on the moon worlds of Janus and Rienia. Starting on Janus during its Ordiamentian era much life is made, most of it weirdCollective Game, evo, evolution, Janus, evogame, Ordiamentian era, Lunt system2016-12-17 5 
940073Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #4The rivalry.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2016-12-17 5 
918842A Realm in Ruins Quest VJean does stuff. Passing his knighting ceremony, meeting vikings and fighting awesome opponents.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2016-12-18 1 
940510The Crusades Games Thread 2The second half of Act I, where our heroes finish their preparations for crusade.crusades game, crusades, pope, quest, collective game, failure2016-12-18 1 
948302A Cold Common Quest: Chapter 1Join young Wilge in his new life as a Nature magician in a very cold world. A new beginning! drawquest, fun, Wilge, Nature, fantasy, Magic, dumb, glorious, Collective Game2016-12-20 3 
959529Earthbender Quest #17The gang readies itself to strike against Kalana's forcesCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-12-21 15 
50721232Statting Isaac Clarke 11/tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion,2016-12-21 3 
959369Gorgon Child Quest 11Cici makes some new friends, adopts a kitten, and says goodbye to a few family members for now.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2016-12-22 6 
944490Mischief Managed: A Marauders Era Quest #2In which Selwyn talks to a suit of armor, spells his spaghetti in front of some Slytherin girls, and learns to Duel.naust, Harry Potter, Collective Game, Mischief Managed, Quest2016-12-22 5 
959668What Came Next 2:SlumdogSuka wakes up, flashbacks to the day before which takes up most of the thead, giths a boss then gets her first convert!Collective Game, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Starborn, Star, Betty, Afterlife, Boss Fight, Crusader, Film, Suk&#257;retto Sutorenj&#257;, Slums2016-12-23 2 
951890A Realm in Ruins Quest VIJean has fun of the 'other kind', passes judgement in a tragic case and Alphonse kicks major butt.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2016-12-24 1 
50797896Statting Isaac Clarke 12/tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion,2016-12-26 2 
976966Earthbender Quest #18The counterattack is launched, and the gang discusses a strange visitCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-12-27 7 
987212Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterKenji Soomi is ordered to find out something - anything - for her Majesty, Peta-chan. Can Soomi help Ryukusa's family?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-12-29 7 
973797Fugitive Mage Quest Thread 1With your village ransacked and you on the run, you burned a forest, got a book, killed a man and got some friends!Fugitive Mage, Mage, Magic, Illusions, Deus Vult, Crusades, Collective Game2016-12-30 2 
983619Fugitive Mage Quest Thread 1.5Killed more guys, began making your mark on the world. The rebellion is here. Made another mage friend.Fugitive Mage, Mage, Magic, Illusions, Deus Vult, Crusades, Collective Game, Rebellion2016-12-30 1 
50872592Statting Isaac Clarke 13/tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion,2016-12-30 5 
979075Joker Quest 150In a holiday miracle, OP returns to us for the final confrontation. Only Pazuz and Phantom Edge remain. Can the Red Joker win? Joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game, No More Waifus, Only Blood and Tears2016-12-31 11 
January 2017
976165A Realm in Ruins Quest VIIJean gets a birdmaster, more experience towards his masteries of cooking and swordsmanship and a sibling soon.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2017-01-01 1 
991599Fugitive Mage Quest Thread 2More friends, got to the college, you're something called aethertouched now? Collective Game, Fugitive Mage, Aethertouched, Crusades, Deus Vult2017-01-01 1 
998563Dragonball Quest #117Tofoo and the others do battle with Lord Slugcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-01-02 28 
955910Civ quest that won't be abandonedMyceloids in the Haunted Forest. Civ Quest, Myceloid, Haunted Forest, Mushroom, Aborted, Abandoned, Collective Game2017-01-02 1 
992305Status Quo Quest Thread 13In the Halls of Exposition, Part 4Status Quo Quest, Collective Game, Hero, Demon Lord2017-01-03 1 
1001859Demon Overlord Quest 7Quest Prinny tries to start, but then gets sick.Collective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny, waifus everywhere2017-01-05 1 
976448For House and Dominon WORLD BUILDINGWorld building and development thread. Archived so I have time to find any data/good ideas not yet on the wiki.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest2017-01-05 6 
980099 EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 3: Janus' Era of WarmingWe return to Janus just in time to experience a heaping helping of extinction that leaves no more than 22 species alive on the planetCollective Game, evo, evolution, Lunt system, Janus, Sulioaic era, evogame, 2017-01-06 5 
1011917Earthbender Quest #19Sei and Sansha begin to follow Kalana, but others seem to be following themCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2017-01-06 9 
1005560Gorgon Child Quest 12Baking, bears, magical beasts, and bees, the day proves rather eventful for our protagonist and her mother.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-01-06 5 
1014127Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterWaking up in bed again; Inau-kun is injured, and an expected visit from an unexpected visitor.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-01-06 7 
50944677Statting Isaac Clarke 14/tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion2017-01-07 2 
997436A Realm in Ruins Quest VIIIJean takes first steps to integrate the vikings into society, learns of a big threat, but has many pleasant surprises, too.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2017-01-07 1 
51062658Statting Isaac Clarke 15/tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion2017-01-08 2 
1018938Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3A despondant James returns to the facility as a changed man; a father! We deal with new staff before a tie and real life medical problems.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, New Guy, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-09 4 
1019001A Cold Common Quest: Chapter 2Join young Wilge in his new life as a Nature magician in a very cold world. Vs. Fist Magicians!drawquest, fun, Wilge, Nature, fantasy, Magic, dumb, glorious, Collective Game2017-01-10 1 
1027247Dragonball Quest #118Tofoo finally spends time with his son, and a capsule is stolencollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-01-10 31 
1006007Alchemical Blade Prequel Quest: Mission 13/SLQ: Part 85Join us for a crossover session starring Succubus Lord Quest!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Exalted, Alchemical Blade Quest, Sci-fi2017-01-10 1 
1005506Mischief Managed: A Marauders Era Quest #3Cyril manages to make it to Herbology before the dreaded page 10 strikesnaust, Harry Potter, Collective Game, Mischief Managed, Quest2017-01-11 4 
1029831Gorgon Child Quest 13Cici and Cassandra give a little help to some small friends of the forest and the voices learn a new trick.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-01-12 5 
51080741Statting Isaac Clarke 16/tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion,2017-01-12 2 
1035289Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterPetting the kitten, hugging the reverse trap, and healing. Busy day for Ryu-chan.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-01-12 7 
1036756Earthbender Quest #20Sei and Sansha travel to reunite with the othersCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2017-01-13 18 
51179503Consequences of realistic FTL.OP asks about the consequences of realistic FTL travels to /tg/ towards causality and time-dilution, 51181840 Anon nails it.Sci-fi, science-fiction, setting, settings, FTL, FTL travel, causality, time travel, time-dilution, time-dilutions2017-01-13 6 
1038588Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintA slightly drunken dragonette. Lessons of the Ryuu Clan. A kitten lost and confused.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-01-13 7 
1029919Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 2TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! We send albino waifu off to war with her sons in hand while James becomes the leader he could be.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-14 2 
1038819Pokemon Eeveelution Islands Quest: 1We learn who Max is and deal with a drunken Aimi. Naida elightens us.Pokemon Quest, HippyLotus, Hippy, Pokemon, Quest, Collective Game, Eeveelutions2017-01-14 2 
1032617Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #5Arrival of the Grand Admiral.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-01-14 5 
1015895Panzer Commander Quest #12The base of the Dawnseekers is infiltrated, and the missing battalion located.Panzer, Tank, Commander, Quest, Armor, War, Collective Game, a curious lack of tanks2017-01-15 1 
1022784A Realm in Ruins Quest IXJean is met with a nice amount of coin, new knowledge and a growing threat in the east.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2017-01-15 1 
1043980Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 3TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! We send albino waifu off to war with her sons in hand while James becomes the leader he could be.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-17 4 
1055097Earthbender Quest #21Sei and Huo go on a trip, and a village falls under attackCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2017-01-17 15 
1051048Pokemon Eeveelution Islands Quest: 2After we surf with Naida, Aimi challenges us to a rematchPokemon Quest, HippyLotus, Hippy, Pokemon, Quest, Collective Game, Eeveelutions2017-01-19 1 
1057812Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 4We spend most of the time playing as Valentina and Hunter Squad, but the ritual is moving forward.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-19 2 
1065214Dragonball Quest #119After some last-minute travel and a forest fire, the gang gathers for the World Martial Arts Tournamentcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-01-20 32 
1036717Mischief Managed: A Marauders Era Quest #4We stand up to for someone, and have to find a date.naust, Harry Potter, Collective Game, Mischief Managed, Quest2017-01-20 2 
1073592A Cold Common Quest: Chapter 3?Join young Wilge in his new life as a Nature magician in a very cold world. The Non-episode.drawquest, fun, Wilge, Nature, fantasy, Magic, dumb, glorious, Collective Game2017-01-22 1 
1064760Gorgon Child Quest 14Cici tries her hand at gardening, makes a trip into town, and has an extended chat with royalty.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-01-22 5 
1048312A Realm in Ruins Quest XJean obtains his first mastery, recruits more servants and prepares for leaving to the winter. Also, spies.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2017-01-22 1 
1078811Pokemon Eeveelution Islands Quest: 3We talk about our dad and possibly learn why he left. We also trained a little bit.Pokemon Quest, HippyLotus, Hippy, Pokemon, Quest, Collective Game, Eeveelutions2017-01-23 1 
1047552Panzer Commander Quest #13A whole bunch of mysteries are wrapped up, some other questions appear.Panzer, Tank, Commander, Quest, Armor, War, Collective Game, a curious lack of tanks2017-01-23 1 
1041210Fugitive Mage Quest Thread 3Really short. Spooky things happened to a mutated creature when you touched its blood. Voices in your dreams. Fugitive Mage, Magic, Illusions, Deus Vult, Crusades, Collective Game, Rebellion2017-01-24 1 
1081861Earthbender Quest #22Having reached his city, the party moves in to confront XiongCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2017-01-24 15 
1064484Ogre civOgres of the swamp, the strongest and proudest family on the plainsOgre civ, Civ quest, Coup, Slaves, Zonir, Juice Magic, Big Guy Culture, Walrus, Sea Ogres, Discouraged QM2017-01-24 1 
1067416Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 5I didn't fall asleep shut up. Oni gets him some whilst the bugs hunt people.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-24 3 
1088177Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saintryukusa struggles with her injured friends and family; a visit from on high; a prayer that might get answered.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-01-25 6 
1085557Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 6The longest ritual ever continues, James begins to feel a little isolation while OP gets sick.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-26 2 
1088749Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #6Battle with the Yuuzhan VongCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-01-28 6 
1068812Mischief Managed: A Marauders Era Quest #5Who wants to go into the dungeons?naust, Harry Potter, Collective Game, Mischief Managed, Quest2017-01-30 3 
1077067A Realm in Ruins Quest XIWinter is coming. And with it, lots of knowledge and education.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2017-01-31 1 
1111606Dragonball Quest #120The contestants gather for the tournamentcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-01-31 32 
February 2017
1091300EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 5: Janus and The Resurgence of Life The landmasses of Janus begin to receive animal visitors from the ocean. They are also bequeathed namesCollective Game, evo, evolution, Janus, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system2017-02-01 2 
1077236God Eater Quest 1Enter our hero Aleph.God Eater, Manus, Anime,2017-02-01 1 
1111121Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 7The Part where Star comes back only for life to take him away again.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-02-02 2 
1114119Gorgon Child Quest 15Cici spends time with friends, bees, and the neighborhood onis. Food, adventure, and botany are a given.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-02-02 1 
1113934Pokemon Eeveelution Islands Quest: 4We name the Dratini we won from the casino, ask Aimi and Emma along on our journey, and drunken truth or dare ensues.Pokemon Quest, HippyLotus, Hippy, Pokemon, Quest, Collective Game, Eeveelutions2017-02-02 1 
1124496Dragonball Quest #121The tournament begins, and the competitors reveal a host of surprisescollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-02-04 35 
51541954The Greek Mythic Cycle: TheomachyOP asks "what if Apollo rebelled against Zeus as Zeus rebelled against Cronos, and Cronos rebelled against Ouranos?" Theomachy is whatGreek Gods, Olympus, Zeus, Apollo, Greece, Troy, Myths, Greek2017-02-04 6 
1096524Panzer Commander Quest #14The party escapes from the base of the insurgents and delays what would be a disastrous attackPanzer, Tank, Commander, Quest, Armor, War, Collective Game, a curious lack of tanks2017-02-05 1 
1143394Earthbender Quest #23To nobody's surpriseCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2017-02-09 21 
1140687Gorgon Child Quest 16Cici's adventures continue as she learns a few things about magic from the bees, and helps foil a certain someone's mischievous plot.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-02-10 2 
1113073A Realm in Ruins Quest XIIThe winter is coming and Jean is beginning his education. But the time doesn't stand still for anyone else, either.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2017-02-10 1 
1149280Dragonball Quest #122Tofoo vs Piccolocollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-02-11 35 
1143140Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #7Hunting the Worldship.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-02-12 6 
1160713Fantasy Crusader QuestIn which Victor Reis, Teutonic Knight-Captain finds himself... elsewhere, after fighting Saracens.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight2017-02-14 12 
1136879A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LI - A Black Flower's TaleIn which Ser Mason Flowers is granted land and titles befitting his leal service to Steadhold and House Malroy.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, House Blackflowers2017-02-14 10 
1132732Divine Demoness QuestAsheroth goes through her character generation. Demon, Fantasy, Paladin, Succubus2017-02-14 5 
1142425God's of a sundered world You controll Excanib a god and begin to spread your dominion across the eitherDeity, prometheus, fantasy, 2017-02-14 1 
1127053EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 6: Janus's Age of BiodiversityThe landmasses of Janus start to get a little crowded as life continues to evolve, growing ever larger and more complex.Collective Game, evo, evolution, Janus, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system2017-02-15 2 
1163907Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintAsking for help restoring the nekomata Rie's powers, Ryukusa makes some waves.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-02-15 6 
51734047/tg/'s 10th Anniversary: A RetrospectiveOn February 15, 2017, /tg/celebrates its tenth birthday by discussing memorable moments, and the state of the board. Here's to 10 more! Discussion, story, birthday, anniversary, meta, /tg/, board2017-02-16 38 
1133270For House and Dominon Civil War 45We begin raiding the Jerboa dwarf galaxy in support of the House Helios forces there. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2017-02-16 9 
1170743Dragonball Quest #123First round of the semifinals has a shocking ending as Tofoo advances to the finalscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-02-18 35 
1169788Fantasy Crusader Quest #2In which Victor leaves camp, enters a forest, and meets elves.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-02-18 5 
1149096A Realm in Ruins Quest XIIIThe winter ends and Jean is heading back home. What happened back there?Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2017-02-20 1 
1179559What Came Next 3: Slumdog DeputySukaretto tracks down the mysterious Pervert and is given a lesson on how weak she is, before she learns how strong she is!Collective Game, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Ishi, Star, Betty, Afterlife, Training, Crusader, Film, Suk&#257;retto Sutorenj&#257;, Slums2017-02-20 2 
51775926American Pantheon/tg/ comes up with the mythos of a post-apocalyptic American Pantheon.worldbuilding, setting, religion, cult, apocalyptic, rushmore,2017-02-21 4 
1185058Spirit Detective Quest #1The protag started out dead. Your move, SomCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-02-21 21 
1184486Fantasy Crusader Quest #3In which Victor Reis travel through the woods.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-02-21 3 
1190339Anomalous Brit Quest #1A brit finds himself in an unfamiliar forest of an unfamiliar land.Collective Game, Anomalous Brit Quest, TMQM2017-02-22 6 
1192281Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintWe are a young Yuuhi-chan, who is trapped in a shed waiting on execution...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-02-22 8 
1189446Gorgon Child Quest 17A pleasant morning turns chaotic due to some unforeseen visitors. Fleeing, dancing, and eventual negotiations follow.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-02-24 1 
1194101Fantasy Crusader Quest #4In which Victor Reis survives the Wild Hunt. Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-02-24 3 
1174034Kobold Quest #1A group of Kobolds has been ousted from their previous home, and now must make dew in new lands if they hope to survive and get revenge.Kobold Quest, Brushwood, Kobold, Quest, 3d6, Giant Enemy Crab,2017-02-25 2 
1184599For House and Dominon Civil War 46After a slight detour we resume raiding. Short thread.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2017-02-25 8 
1200580Fantasy Crusader Quest #5Where Victor buries his fallen brothers, and rests. Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-02-26 3 
1209372Spirit Detective Quest #2William has some run-ins with the school bullies, and meets a familiar faceCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-02-27 20 
1200036Boruto Quest 68ChuggaChuggaChugga Choo Choo!Collective Game, Naruto, Boruto, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime, Train enthusiasts2017-02-27 11 
1203163A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LI-i - A Black Flower's Tale IIIn which Ser Mason Flowers deals with unrest amongst the Cronwnlands, Princewood, and Fairbanks while Brynden is away in Highgarden.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, House Blackflowers2017-02-28 10 
March 2017
1217049Spirit Detective Quest #3William takes on his first caseCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-03-01 18 
1216085Fantasy Crusader Quest #6Where Victor Reis takes a walk and has a talk. Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-03-01 3 
51971742Statistics for GastonFa/tg/uy asks for statistics for Gaston and posts the clip of Gaston's theme. /tg/ delivers. (He's a Paladin.)gaston, music, disney, stat me, statistics, paladin, falls2017-03-02 34 
1225796Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintThe nine-tailed kitsune heals Rie, but at a cost. Ryukusa gets bullied. A phone call.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-03-03 7 
1200568Kobold Quest #2An encounter with some Bullywugs puts Khum and his tribe on the path to adventure. Also waifu's.Kobold Quest, Brushwood, Kobold, Quest, 3d6, Snooter, Bullywug,2017-03-04 2 
1226815Spirit Detective Quest #4Will teaches Damon about spiritual power, and things start getting more intenseCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-03-04 18 
1196205A Realm in Ruins Quest XIVTraveling towards Lord de Pierre's wedding doesn't go completely smoothly. Everything else does, though.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2017-03-05 1 
1223871Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 8We complete Ritual 3 amidst trying circumstances. The scope of this year's collateral damage is staggering.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513, 2017-03-05 2 
1199686Panzer Commander Quest #16The platoon gets transferred south, where war threatens to spark.Panzer, Tank, Commander, Quest, Armor, War, Collective Game, a curious lack of tanks2017-03-06 1 
52019497Flood in 40KWhere /tg/ discusses how the Flood would do if it appeared in the world of 40K. Halo, 40K, Tyranids, Necrons, Flood, Discussion2017-03-06 5 
1238421Spirit Detective Quest #5The hunter becomes the huntedCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-03-07 16 
1219253Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #8Arrival at KuatCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-03-07 6 
1225811Fantasy Crusader Quest #7Victor rescues his men from the Dark elves, but is left with several scars.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-03-08 2 
1241809Gorgon Child Quest 18The machines build a monument, followed by shopping and new discoveries. Plus, a few members of the family come back to visit.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-03-09 2 
1236904Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 EpilogueWe complete Ritual 3 amidst trying circumstances. The scope of this year's collateral damage is staggering.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-03-09 2 
1247918Dragonball Quest #124The Earth gets some visitorscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-03-10 24 
1250936Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saintrie says goodbye - for now. Ryukusa takes a hard time-out. Kisses and hand holding.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-03-10 8 
1252867Solar Quest: Adventures in ExaltedGolden Sparrow, our protagonist, grows up in the city of Thorns and exalts during the Mask of Winter's invasion.Solar Quest: Adventures in Exalted, Exalted, Collective Game, Invictus2017-03-11 5 
1238116A Song of Blood and Water: House Blackett Quest | House and Character CreationThe creation of House Blackett and meeting our liege lord, Jason Mallister.Collective Game, House Blackett, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-03-12 8 
1264240Spirit Detective Quest #6Will faces his first failure, and finds he has some explaining to doCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-03-14 18 
1263983Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Epilogue FINWe complete Ritual 3 amidst trying circumstances. The scope of this year's collateral damage is staggering.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C455132017-03-14 2 
1251511Fantasy Crusader Quest #8In which Victor returns to camp, and Natalia tells a story. Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves, Natalia2017-03-14 2 
1232779A Realm in Ruins Quest XVThe wedding is yet to come, but tension is on the rise. Jean will have to do his best to avoid a war.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2017-03-14 1 
52009083Making Hive Minds Legitimately TerrifyingA worldbuilding challenge leads to horror and discussions of interesting hive minds from fiction.hive, eusocial, worldbuilding, horror,2017-03-14 3 
1244320Kobold Quest #3In which Brushwood only lasted 30 posts before tapping out. VERY short thread.Kobold Quest, Brushwood, Kobold, Quest, 3d6, Snooter, Bullywug,2017-03-15 1 
1275027Dragonball Quest #125The Z-Fighters confront the Turles Crusher Corps collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-03-17 35 
1275979Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintYui's nightmares are now Ryukusa's dreams of revenge. But for whom? And why?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-03-17 6 
1268755Gorgon Child Quest 19Cici learns a little about scheduling, and receives another visit from Grampa Wizard. New discoveries and opportunities await. Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-03-17 1 
1270941Starborn Quest 31: Together As OneWe make our way home from Murillo, Luc and Hona have a "Friendly" training session before things get heated between our girls.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Starborn, Luc, Hona, Lex, Dealer, Tinton, Murillo, Fight, Training, LEWD, Strip, Lapdance, Music, Academy2017-03-18 2 
1247288For House and Dominon Civil War 47Rescuing a stranded army unit makes us a big enough target to send us running across a galaxy.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2017-03-18 6 
1274408Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #9Some time on Kuat.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-03-19 5 
1251679Panzer Commander Quest #17The platoon arrives at Salzburg, and gets established on the river island.Panzer, Tank, Commander, Quest, Armor, War, Collective Game, a curious lack of tanks2017-03-20 1 
1254516A Song of Blood and Water: House Blackett Quest IIStuff happens.Collective Game, House Blackett, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-03-21 6 
1283820Starborn Quest 32: Welcome BackTINTON IS OVER; The Lewd aftermath, Return of the Lex and other stuffCollective Game, Star, Wagon, Starborn, Luc, Hona, Lex, Dealer, Tinton, Murillo, Fight, Training, LEWD, Strip, Lapdance, Music, Academy2017-03-22 2 
1263602EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 9: The Western Shores of JanusThe first of Janus' regional threads takes us to the Aetheria region. Here life thrives and new biomes are founded. Also it rains a lotCollective Game, evo, evolution, Janus, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system2017-03-22 3 
1294127Spirit Detective Quest #7Will and the gang enter the demon lairCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-03-23 5 
1288139One Piece Muscles Quest 1Thrill as Maximillion T. Strongarm faces off against the Marine Captain Van Damn in a Ohara elimination match in the ring of fire.Collective Game, One Piece Muscles Quest, Quest, Mynameismimikyu, Pirates, Muscles2017-03-24 11 
1279234Fantasy Crusader Quest #9Where Natalia finishes telling her story.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves, Natalia2017-03-24 1 
1267673A Realm in Ruins Quest XVIPeace is made after decades of grudges and lots of food and wine are had.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2017-03-24 1 
1290959Gorgon Child Quest 20Cici gets another visit from Grampa Brad and learns a few new things about magic.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-03-25 1 
1299645Dragonball Quest #126The Tree of Might is dealt with, but a new threat looms on the horizoncollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-03-25 34 
1308518Dragonball Quest #127The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, but it travels far to get back to the treecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-03-28 27 
1307978One Piece Muscles Quest 2In a underground cage match heavyweight superstar Maximillion goes against Moran's crew. Only on OPM pay per view!Collective Game, One Piece Muscles Quest, Quest, Mynameismimikyu, Pirates, Muscles2017-03-30 10 
1263683God of Edge: The Beta Uprising part 1A diety quest that very quickly falls into untold levels of degeneracy.Deity, prometheus, fantasy, rape,edge,nc172017-03-30 2 
1319996Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintRyukusa makes some plans. Er Yin has a few of her own. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-03-31 6 
1310313Starborn For Hire 1: The Stars Have AlignedThe Crossover Quest of Starborn and Magical Girl For Hire Begins. Miranda arrives in Munis for a bodyguard job, meeting Purps.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Introduction2017-03-31 21 
April 2017
1314871Paranoia Quest #1‘There is no such thing as paranoia. Your worst fears can come true at any moment.’ You never imagined this meant monsters...QuestMM, Collective Game, Paranoia, Paranoia Quest, Paranormal, Succubus2017-04-01 6 
1293511A Song of Blood and Water: House Blackett Quest IIISome stuff happens.Collective Game, House Blackett, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-04-02 5 
1320731Spirit Detective Quest #8The battle with the gang continuesCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-04-02 7 
1320377Gorgon Child Quest 21Cici attends her first day at school, meets some new people, makes a new friend, and then takes a trip to the library. Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-04-03 1 
1329974Dragonball Quest #128Hearing the future warrior's warning, Tofoo and the others test their strength in various wayscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-04-03 25 
1314806Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #10LusankyaCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-04-05 5 
1293395A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LII In which Tourney at Wendwater, feast and opening of the Archery Contest. Flashback thread between the Melee of Steadhold and the Wedding.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-04-06 10 
1313378European Dragon Quest 58: Doctor Gerbil and Mr. Squeakers.In this episode, Liz discovers the GNOMES, and of course, goes to kick their ass. What happens? Well, probably a lot of gnome-ass gets rekt.Gnome Genocide, Elizabeth Did Nothing Wrong, The Gnome Holocaust, European Dragon Quest, Snek Scots™, Collective Game2017-04-06 1 
1342080Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintEr Yin makes breakfast whileKiki tries to convince Ryukusa. Kaga Kei gets talked to. Date time?!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-04-06 4 
1333511Starborn For Hire 2: Sirens Sing Several Suspicious SongsThe prologue ends and the tour is soon to begin! We get on the road and make new friends like only Purps and Miranda can.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Introduction2017-04-07 10 
1336233Gorgon Child Quest 22Cici meets a fellow mage and cultivates some new friendships over games, food, and study.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-04-07 2 
1345203Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintA day out on the town for our heroine.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-04-07 6 
1334189Tainted Earth QuestWe begin our quest as a nomad guard under attack by crazed cultists. We form our dream team of Psychos,mutants and rejects and save the day.Tainted Earth quest, Tainted, Jukruk, Rustan, Mutt, collective game, post apocalypse.2017-04-08 1 
1345881Dragonball Quest #129Tofoo travels to the Lookout to continue his trainingcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-04-08 23 
1320998Panzer Commander Quest #18We look around town and find new allies, and enemies.Panzer, Tank, Commander, Quest, Armor, War, Collective Game, a curious lack of tanks2017-04-10 1 
1348395Starborn For Hire 3: Isn't this Magical?The Godswatch show begins after a little chafing and a siren going a little bit nuts.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Godswatch2017-04-11 6 
1358748Dragonball Quest #130Tofoo makes arrangements for an out-of-this-world partycollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-04-12 25 
1346314Fantasy Crusader Quest #10Training and rotten luck.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-04-12 2 
1336381For House and Dominon Civil War 48Troop convoy attacks and recovery of salvage caches end our deployment to the Jerboa dwarf galaxy.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2017-04-13 6 
1354105WWW Waifu Wrestling Episode 1Cute is justice, justice is power, can you reach the vaunted title of Best Girl?Collective Game, WWW Quest, Waifus, Wrasslin, Wrestling, Quest, Mynameismimikyu, 2017-04-13 6 
1360494Starborn For Hire 4: #JustSirenThingsThe show must go on and All That Jazz. We interrogate, discover and sing.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Godswatch2017-04-14 6 
1365393Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintA date with someone who makes Ryukusa feel like a girl. Kiku is appeased and appreciated. An ominous sign.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-04-14 5 
1366089Spirit Detective Quest #9Will and Stephanie must fight as a team to defeat Kainsokan. But questions continue to emerge even as the conflict comes to an endCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-04-15 15 
1358014Gorgon Child Quest 23Cici's second day of school proves extra information as she gets life lessons from Aunt Rosie and makes some new, fuzzy friends.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-04-15 2 
1371157Stardust Wuxia Quest: PrologueQuest based on the ever popular Stardust CYOA and Wuxia!Stardust Quest, Wuxia, Collective Game2017-04-16 1 
1364281One Piece Muscles Quest 3Fresh out of the hospital, can Maximillion survive a ladder match with the vicious Minmax brothers and belligrant dice?Collective Game, One Piece Muscles Quest, Quest, Mynameismimikyu, Pirates, Muscles2017-04-18 5 
1348081Tainted Earth Quest part 2We interrogate some purists, find some juicy Intel and then lose a drinking game on the first round. Also got banned a LOTTainted Earth quest, Tainted, Jukruk, Rustan, Mutt, collective game, post apocalypse.2017-04-19 1 
1380777Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintKiku dressed for desire! Shibuya, shopping district of the gods (literally)! Kiki-hime's nefarious plans!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-04-19 7 
1378568Gorgon Child Quest 24Iris gets some intensive therapy and the voices spend a little time with Uncle Yesh. Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-04-21 2 
1381463What Came Next 5: What Are You Doing With Your Afterlife?Waking up with a bad case of starving and a worse case of everything hurting. Suka decides to play along with the bandits... for now.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Godswatch2017-04-22 5 
1383855Starborn For Hire 5: Lambs to the SlaughterhouseWell isn't this lovely? A horde of undead, a slaughterhouse pumping them out in mass fabrication? So long as we don't CRITFAIL...Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Godswatch2017-04-22 7 
1388974Stardust Wuxia Quest Chapter IMC sets himself on fire, dangles his dongers, and saved his ship.Stardust Quest, Wuxia, Collective Game, Sci-Fi, Space, Combat2017-04-23 3 
1399051Dragonball Quest #131Tofoo tracks the killer, and the Kais decide to come for a partycollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-04-25 24 
1380710One Piece Muscles Quest 4Miyuki Soge, sidekick to the daring Captain Strongarm, is set to face off in a gruelling no holds barrel flashback. Who comes out on top?Collective Game, One Piece Muscles Quest, Quest, Mynameismimikyu, Pirates, Muscles2017-04-25 5 
1371295EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 11: The Meridian Islands of JanusJanus's central region receives similar treatment to its first,except with Tundra stuff and Atoll stuff. Also Stridler get way more popularCollective Game, evo, evolution, Janus, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system, Region Two2017-04-25 1 
1372160Fantasy Crusader Quest #11Victor has a sparring match with his friend Marcus.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-04-26 2 
52865307Argo Brigade Creation ThreadA /tg/ Guard regiment made one word at a time, surprisingly not shit.imperial guard; guard; creation thread; homebrew; argo; argos; brigade; argian; argus2017-04-27 6 
1393685The Legend of Peter Titmouse 17Peter has a civil conversation with Lady JerricaOkk, Collective Game, Comics, Gnat, Peter Titmouse2017-04-27 4 
1375557For House and Dominon Civil War 49After a bit more raiding the fleet returns home. Profit and taxes await.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2017-04-27 6 
1398137Gorgon Child Quest 25Cici and Vivi enjoy their day off, learning magic and helping friends in need.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-04-28 2 
52921937Argo Brigade - First Edition EditionEveryone's favourite fanatical counter insurgency brigade receives some more well deserved attention.imperial guard, guard creation thread. homebrew, argo, argo brigade, argian, argus2017-04-29 4 
52956802Saint Dracula and the Romanian ReformationVlad Tepes sells his soul for the power to drive off the Turkish invasion of Christendom and unintentionally starts a reformation.crusade, dracula, vlad tepes, vlad the impaler, reformation, theology, castlevania, faustian bargain,2017-04-29 13 
May 2017
1421566Dragonball Quest #132The Kai's party approaches, and great warriors face offcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-05-02 26 
1389939Panzer Commander Quest #19A new enemy shows their facePanzer, Tank, Commander, Quest, Armor, War, Collective Game, a curious lack of tanks2017-05-03 1 
1427625Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintDating with Er yin and Kiku; Harajuku days, Shibuya Nights.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-05-04 3 
1429973Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintThe wonders, terrors and delights of The Tokyo Tenderloin belong to Ryukusa and her loved ones!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-05-05 6 
1428046Starborn For Hire 6: For I would walk <100 Miles & I Would Walk <100 MoreIn a short thread, Purps excercises & spends time with Hona whilst Verde and Trish bond.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Godswatch2017-05-07 6 
1433325Dragonball Quest #133Tofoo vs Torbiecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-05-07 27 
1415607VenomBuster Quest #1VenomBuster kills a Junkie and City Hall explodes.Quest, VenomBuster2017-05-08 2 
1424110Fantasy Crusader Quest #12You meet the other Teuton Knight-Captains for a tactical meeting, and bring Kathrin along, as well. Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-05-09 1 
1440428Spirit Detective Quest #10Will and Stephanie part ways, and Will takes some much deserved restCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-05-09 12 
1425006Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #11More time at Kuat.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-05-11 6 
1416384For House and Dominon Civil War 50Returning to Rioja for a few months we set to work cleaning out the place.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2017-05-11 8 
53104859Same teeth?A thread is made for the appreciation of Cultist-chan, in which the original artist turns up. Also rare Wakfu lewds.Cultist-chan, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus2017-05-12 14 
1451963Spirit Detective Quest #11Pizza deliveryCollective Game, Quest, Yu, Yu, Hakusho, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spirit, Detective, Spirit Detective, somnius2017-05-13 14 
1456091Dragonball Quest #134Goku and Piccolo take on Maraikho collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-05-14 25 
1430913Panzer Commander Quest #20Finalization of clerical duties and an encounter with a stray wizardPanzer, Tank, Commander, Quest, Armor, War, Collective Game, a curious lack of tanks2017-05-16 1 
1457345Fantasy Crusader Quest #13You resolve the meeting and run into a serious problem.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-05-17 1 
1473175Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintMeeting the top rival of Harajuku Fashion; introducing Er Yin to modern niceties; trying new things.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-05-18 7 
1468221Starborn For Hire 8: Leno-n Me And I'll Be Your FriendShort Thread due to QM curse and busy schedules. A watch happens, Miranda meets Luc and Hona kidnaps Purps.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical,2017-05-19 5 
1471171Dragonball Quest #135The Grand Kai shows a powerful technique, and a dark force prepares to strikecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-05-19 25 
1448267VenomBuster Quest #2We find a mysterious device in City Hall... Quest, VenomBuster2017-05-22 1 
1478541Starborn For Hire 8.2: Leno-n Me And I'll Be Your FriendSame as 8. Life's a bitch for both QMs right now.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Introduction2017-05-23 6 
1486831Dragonball Quest #137Toku learns a painful lesson, and a darkness approaches the Earthcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-05-23 26 
1471010Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #12Even more time on Kuat.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-05-25 6 
1455868For House and Dominon Civil War 51The nightmare unfolds: Sonia assigned to a desk job at the Ber'helum capital.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2017-05-25 6 
1459115EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 13: The Eastern Mainlands of JanusIn this episode of "Tale of Two Moons" The deserts become home to a lot of sentient plants and new environments begin cropping up everywheCollective Game, evo, evolution, Janus, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system, Region Three2017-05-25 1 
1472033Fantasy Crusader Quest #14In which Victor talks to St. Herard and Gabriel.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-05-26 1 
1499627Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintFrom Harajuku to Shibuya, where magic happens and meetings occur.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-05-26 4 
1497059World Struck: Universe 3This is a GURPS Session that is both a Campaign Comic and a Story-line RP. This game is on a hiatus and it might revisit the idea later.World Struck, GURPS, QSTs on hiatus.2017-05-27 0 
1493910Starborn For Hire 10: Let's Get This Show Back On The RoadIt's time to play poker, bitches.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical,2017-05-27 5 
1501012Dragonball Quest #137 5/26Tofoo, Goku, Krillin, Kori, Konattsu, Bulma, and Oolong go camping. What could go wrong?collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-05-27 26 
53383831Heroic HivemindsHive-minded cultures and species which aren't villainous and general hivemind-related worldbuilding.assimilation, altruism, eusociality, hive, hivemind, worldbuilding,2017-05-27 2 
1494676Gorgon Child Quest 26Visions, flying lessons, and discussions of effective governance. Just another day in the life.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-05-29 2 
1517494Dragonball Quest #138Tofoo and Goku battle Cooler's Armored Squadron, and the man himself appears on the scenecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-05-31 27 
June 2017
1521797Demon Overlord Quest 8The quest continues after a hiatus!Collective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny, waifus everywhere2017-06-01 4 
1528569Dragonball Quest #139Tofoo faces off against Cooler, brother of Freezacollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-06-03 28 
53587392Will Artificial Intelligence be capable of humanity?Anons discuss if AIs capable of self-awareness, sentience, sapience, and emotion are considered human, and more related discussion follows.science, Artificial Intelligence, robots, machine, soul, emotion, human, sapience, self-awareness, semantics, intelligence, consciousness2017-06-03 5 
1521915Another Dragon Ball Quest #1You're a young, red skinned child with no memory of your life past a year ago, good luck.Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-06-04 5 
1526973Arcanum Extranimus: Session 1Sorceress-aspirant Amelia is forced to meet with the unsavory secrets of the Arcanum Extranimus, a dangerously-competitive magecraft school.Collective Game, Wizard, Sorcerer, Magus, Amelia, ad-Magus, Arcanum, Arcanum Extranimus2017-06-05 10 
1525400Gorgon Child Quest 27Visions, visitors, and delicious crab luncheons. Cici learns a little about her family and their friends.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-06-06 2 
1509842Fantasy Crusader Quest 15In which we tell our friends about what happened.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-06-06 1 
1546203Dragonball Quest #140Three years of training come to an end, and Judgement Day arrives. collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-06-07 24 
1521381Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #13The battle of Kuat begins.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-06-07 4 
1541660Starborn For Hire 12 Star is Sick EditionThe finale approaches as the investigators begin to put some puzzle pieces together.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Leno2017-06-08 5 
1541044Arcanum Extranimus: Session 2It is said of the Council of Sages: who tires of the fear of death tires of life itself. Paranoid, we hone our craft and learn the stakes.Collective Game, Wizard, Sorcerer, Magus, Amelia, ad-Magus, Arcanum, Arcanum Extranimus2017-06-09 5 
1556190Dragonball Quest #141The Z-Fighters and Androids leave the city behind, and find a place to settle the scorecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-06-10 21 
1548544Another Dragon Ball Quest #2After a couple month's worth of training Saff now has to deal with RaditzDragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-06-11 5 
1524870For House and Dominon Civil War 52Desk bound odyssey gives way to attacks on the capital and a front line inspection.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2017-06-11 6 
1558979Persona: Stars & StripesJames Baker moves in with a priest, makes friends, and falls through a crack into a jungle where he awakens his persona, Atticus Finch.Collective Game, Crab, Persona, USA2017-06-12 13 
53718973Warmasters Triumvirate XIVThe 14th of the /w3/ AuAlternative Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k2017-06-12 1 
53638765Warmasters Triumvirate XIVThe 14th of the /w3/ AuAlternative Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k2017-06-12 0 
1556245Arcanum Extranimus: Session 3The practice of magecraft is bound in mystery. A clear path ahead, we attend classes, translate secrets, and receive impossible challenges.Collective Game, Wizard, Sorcerer, Magus, Amelia, ad-Magus, Arcanum, Arcanum Extranimus2017-06-13 5 
1566742Dragonball Quest #142Androids 19 and 20 prove to be more than the Z-Fighters bargained forcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-06-13 23 
53757201quantum physics, nuclear waste waste disposal and succubiA Magical Realm is derailed into a discussion of thermodynamics, atomic waste disposal and Satan weaponizing the heat death of the universe.derail, succubi, succubus, thermodynamics, heat death, entropy, quantum physics, nuclear waste,2017-06-13 2 
1549542Demon Overlord Quest 9Gneotho continues to prepare and converses with allies. Collective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny, waifus everywhere2017-06-13 2 
1560339Another Dragon Ball Quest #3The battle with Raditz is handled better than expected, but now Saff and the others have to prepare for the other Saiyans.Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-06-14 2 
1578048Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintMurder on Love Hotel Hill, what happens there stays there, and the Play Is The Thing.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-06-16 4 
1583214Dragonball Quest #143The tables turn as new arrivals join the fightcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-06-18 25 
1573017Persona: Stars & Stripes #2Martin faces another him and the crack's threat is made clear. Ms Brown also works to supply you with weapons as you survive to the weekendCollective Game, Crab, Persona, USA, Stars & Stripes2017-06-18 10 
53793082Warmasters Triumvirate XVIThe 16th of the /w3/ threadsAlternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k2017-06-18 2 
1572773Arcanum Extranimus: Session 4Eased slowly into danger, it is not so easy to escape. We bid goodbye to a close friend and meet once again with a familiar foe.Collective Game, Wizard, Sorcerer, Magus, Amelia, ad-Magus, Arcanum, Arcanum Extranimus2017-06-19 3 
1573112Another Dragon Ball Quest #4Everyone arrives at the lookout in time for Kami to drop some bad news, and Saff must choose someone to train under.Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-06-20 2 
1563586For House and Dominon Civil War 53Liberation of House Medel marks the beginning of the campaign in House Nasidum Space.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2017-06-21 11 
1575343Fantasy Crusader Quest #16In which Victor and his fellow knights head out on a Crusade to the north, through the mountains.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-06-21 1 
53874593Warmasters' Triumvirate XVIIThe Thread Where Somebody Forgot The ApostropheAlternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k, Warmasters Triumverate2017-06-22 2 
1598027Dragonball Quest #143Will this battle ever end?collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-06-22 22 
1593718Marvel Cape Quest! Issue #1! We meet our hero, Solomon Burges, who finds a strange book on a deserted island in the Bermuda Triangle. The first of many adventures? Collective Game, Marvel, True Believer, Marvel Cape Quest, Magic, Deus Vult 2017-06-22 3 
1601119Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintRyukusa deals with a new emotion; Er Yin is outfitted; Kiku-chan is fit to be tied.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-06-22 6 
1576160Gorgon Child Quest 28A lazy day turns productive as Cici learns archery and a couple of other things.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-06-23 2 
1572847Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #14The Battle of KuatCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-06-24 6 
53926988/tg/ describes their characters like Dishonored's Heart /tg/ writes short descriptions of their characters in the style of the Heart from Dishonored.Roleplay, Character, /tg/, discussion2017-06-24 7 
1598231Persona: Stars & Stripes #3A book is read, sandwiches are had, and there is a thief in a church. Then things get hot in The Rift.Collective Game, Crab, Persona, USA, Stars & Stripes2017-06-25 10 
1583957WWW Waifu Wrestling: Episode 2 part 1In this episode our darling Bertha Von Screwletter takes a day off and learns she has beef with a punch of fake millitary wrestlersCollective Game, WWW Quest, Waifus, Wrasslin, Wrestling, Quest, Mynameismimikyu, 2017-06-26 5 
1583272EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 15: The Glistening Oceans of Janus In this edition of "Tale of Two Moons" we take evolution to the oceans of Janus and finally say goodbye to its base organismsCollective Game, evo, evolution, Janus, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system, Oceans2017-06-27 1 
53944330Warmasters' Triumvirate XVIII The Thread where we finally beheld Raj's glorious visage Alternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k, Warmasters Triumverate2017-06-27 2 
1619480Dragonball Quest #145Plans are made, and new enemies approachcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-06-28 21 
1621913ASoIaF: A Sky of Scales #1We begin our adventure as a son of the noble house of Dayne and choose our traits.Collective Game, ASOIAF, GOT, House Dayne, The Stranger2017-06-29 4 
1612719Marvel Cape Quest! Issue #2! Short thread this time, as True is busy! In which Doctor Voodoo helps unlock the spirit in our book! He was eaten by rabid parrots! Marvel, Marvel Cape Quest, True Believer, Collective Game, Magic, Deus Vult2017-06-30 2 
1626539Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintTying up the Fire dragonette. Playing with plastic. The truth comes out.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-06-30 6 
July 2017
1621287Persona: Stars & Stripes #4After a fiery fight the gang gets busted. Abigail makes an offer and a new party member faces themself.Collective Game, Crab, Persona, USA, Stars & Stripes2017-07-02 10 
54036165Warmasters' Triumvirate XIXNew names for the Ist Legion, Lambach got a face, loads of writefagging and a new anon for the XIth legion.Alternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k, Warmasters Triumverate2017-07-03 3 
1617405WWW episode 2 part 2Three Woman get dominated by uniformed blondeCollective Game, WWW Quest, Waifus, Wrasslin, Wrestling, Quest, Mynameismimikyu,2017-07-03 3 
1612275For House and Dominon Civil War 54Saving allied shipyards and watching enemy ones fall. The civil war may be drawing to a close.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Salvage, Dice2017-07-05 6 
1626737Another Dragon Ball Quest #5A week of training has led to Saff getting stronger, plus she gets to learn some new moves from RaijinDragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-07-05 5 
1641536Dragonball Quest #146The Earth is given a new Guardian and new Champion to battle new foescollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-07-06 24 
1646036Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintA sweet kiss goodbye; the strangest of truths; a lie undone.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-07-07 7 
1641128Persona: Stars & Stripes #5Nevermore spreads their wings and the group chases a mysterious figure. The next day a lead is found and the party gets burned.Collective Game, Crab, Persona, USA, Stars & Stripes2017-07-09 9 
54130764Warmasters Triumvirate XXYet another thread of /w3/40k, Horus Heresy, Alternate Universe2017-07-12 2 
1629994Panzer Commander Quest #24The time has come for a road trip. A long one through multiple shitshows.Panzer, Tank, Commander, Quest, Armor, War, Collective Game, a curious lack of tanks2017-07-13 1 
1656813Marvel Cape Quest! Issue #3! A Day Late Special Edition!Fernando the magic Bible calls Doctor Voodo a nigga, Solomon gets invited to meet Doctor Strange, and OP's internet eats shit.Marvel, Marvel Cape Quest, True Believer, Collective Game, Magic, Deus Vult2017-07-14 2 
1659471Dragonball Quest #147Piccolo and Tofoo encounter a terrible beast, and the Androids move in to attackcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-07-14 26 
1666192Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintPhilosophical questions for our heroine; an unexpected visit; Kiku gets it.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-07-14 7 
1666143Witch Apprentice Quest Chapter 2 - Thread #6Nadja is FOCUSED!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches, Focused2017-07-15 6 
1670701Dragonball Quest #148Tofoo and Piccolo wage a fierce battle against the androidscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-07-16 34 
1661478Persona: Stars & Stripes #6Ms. Brown goes missing, you nearly die, then play some dodgeball.Collective Game, Crab, Persona, USA, Stars & Stripes2017-07-16 7 
1671566Another Dragon Ball Quest #6Saff deals with the dreaded Cottontail tribe, finally gets underway with some serious training, and goes to the Otherworld market.Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-07-18 4 
1661977My Father's Country 1Woke up after 30 years. Started to build up forces, raided bases for drones and clones. Civ, USA, Future, Quest2017-07-18 1 
1673647My Father's Country 2Broke Mad genius out, Interpol comes a knocking, put them down when they escaped. Leaving the base as a army comes.Civ, USA, Future, Quest2017-07-18 2 
54280118Warmasters' Triumvirate XXICharacters got introduced, timelines got hashed out and someone even got a waifu in there.Alternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k, Warmasters Triumverate2017-07-18 2 
1654718Fantasy Crusader Quest #17Wherein Victor and company charge the enemy, and meet them in combat.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves2017-07-19 1 
1680764Dragonball Quest #149With the Androids gone and the Dragonballs back, will Earth finally have peace? You already know the answer.collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-07-19 16 
1661464Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #15CoruscantCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-07-22 3 
1671049Gorgon Child Quest 29Iris experiences her first day of school. New sights, new sounds, new students, and much more.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-07-22 1 
1683350Persona: Stars & Stripes #7You make a friend, Ms. Brown's reckless habits are confronted, and the southern village is found.Collective Game, Crab, Persona, USA, Stars & Stripes2017-07-24 6 
1689884Another Dragon Ball Quest #7The Yamcha EpisodeDragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-07-25 1 
54376470Warmasters' Triumvirate XXIILoads of discussion relating to the use of xenos slaves by the Imperium and Separatists. Alternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k, Warmasters Triumverate2017-07-25 2 
1701629Fantasy Crusader Quest #18In which you win a battle, Cellica leaves, and you learn more about the valley.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves, Dwarves2017-07-27 2 
1689127CATastrophe Quest #3In which Jack takes a trip to the city with a certain doggirl and mousegirl.CATastrophe Quest, Quest, Kemomimi, catgirl, doggirl, mousegirl, nekomimi, animal ears2017-07-28 5 
1715640Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintMid-date crisis management; a new flame; hotel rendezvous.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-07-28 6 
54578358 The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 2The All Guardsmen Party Returns!All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2017-07-29 80 
1705990Dragonball Quest #150Tofoo and Lazuli battle the monstercollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-07-29 17 
1710050Beast Wars Quest #1A stasis pod lands and left off on a cliffhanger.Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-07-29 10 
1682679For House & Dominion: Civil War 55We have entered the final days of the Civil War.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Salvage, Dice2017-07-29 6 
1705407Game of Thrones House CreationIn which we generate House Grallner, a Knightly House of the Vale. And Ser Landor Grallner, the Knight of Whitestone Keep.Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-07-29 14 
54594909The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 3The party assists in the acquisition of a spooky box. All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2017-07-30 82 
1715693Another Dragon Ball Quest #8In which we meet the Champ himself, and make a trip to the past with some terrible results.Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-07-30 4 
1709203Persona: Stars & Stripes #8You play riddles with a Shadow, bust a dam, and finally open the stone door.Collective Game, Crab, Persona, USA, Stars & Stripes2017-07-30 4 
1689306Panzer Commander Quest #25The group manages to get out of the mountains, and finds themselves with an oppurtunity.Panzer, Tank, Commander, Quest, Armor, War, Collective Game, a curious lack of tanks2017-07-31 1 
August 2017
54506699Warmasters' Triumvirate XXIIILoads of write-ups, and the first attempts to move beyond the BrotherwarAlternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k, Warmasters Triumverate2017-08-01 2 
1734050Beast Wars Quest #2Save the girl, slag some Preds and meet some fellow MaximalsBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-08-03 10 
1719632A Song of Silver & Sword: House Grallner Quest - Chapter IIn which we meet Ser Landon Grallner, the Knight of Whitestone Keep and welcome our liegelord's heir, Ser Cador Belmore.Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-08-04 15 
1739767Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintRyukusa plays naughty games with Kiku and Er Yin; Kiku serves a reminder; Ryukusa explores different sides of everyone.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-08-04 6 
1709152Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #16Lusankya again.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-08-05 2 
1731390Dragonball Quest #151Awakening of two new androids and the survival of the mysterious creature requires Tofoo and Goku to gain new power within a day collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-08-05 26 
54590541Golem Creation and Necromancy,A comparison of creating new and entirely artificial life vs resurrecting life to the remains of deceased natural life.necromancer, necromancy, golem, homunculus, frankenstein,2017-08-06 5 
1715697CATastrophe Quest #4In which there is an abrupt ending.CATastrophe Quest, Quest, Kemomimi, catgirl, doggirl, mousegirl, nekomimi, animal ears2017-08-07 1 
1740566Persona: Stars & Stripes #9You have dinner with Zoey, avoid some cops, then things go wrong in The Rift.Collective Game, Crab, Persona, USA, Stars & Stripes2017-08-09 5 
54639397Warmasters' Triumvirate XXIV The Ogre Legion are replaced by the Corsairs Gallant and we lay eyes on the faces of both Einchurt and ZelbezisAlternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k, Warmasters Triumverate2017-08-10 2 
1757635Beast Wars Quest #3Visiting the Axalon, you get a few upgrades and a strange vision.Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-08-10 1 
1759522Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintLittle pleasures; the play; a fateful meeting.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-08-10 6 
1750907Another Dragon Ball Quest #9Saff finally learns about her mysterious past, and has a birthday party!Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-08-11 3 
1756823Dragonball Quest #152Tofoo and Trunks enter the Time Chambercollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-08-11 27 
1723755One Piece Muscles Quest 5In which Strongarm gets a new crew member and kicks a man in the nuts.Collective Game, One Piece Muscles Quest, Quest, Mynameismimikyu, Pirates, Muscles2017-08-12 1 
1726699Panzer Commander Quest #26Preparations are made in the town, and strange news comes from the maze in the mountain road.Panzer, Tank, Commander, Quest, Armor, War, Collective Game, a curious lack of tanks2017-08-12 1 
1757180Persona: Stars & Stripes #10The group gets back together, and after a high flying fight you close The Rift from the inside.Collective Game, Crab, Persona, USA, Stars & Stripes2017-08-14 5 
1763069RWBY: Icarus Rising 0 "The Day You've been Waiting For" Pt.1In this first two-part thread we meet our MC, his best friend and learn about ourselves. We fight baddies, rip and tear and make spaghetti WeaverQM, RWBY Quest, Icarus Rising, 2017-08-15 21 
1764844One Piece Muscles Quest 5.5In which you have a practice match against Pirate Hulk Hogan and don't die.Collective Game, One Piece Muscles Quest, Quest, Mynameismimikyu, Pirates, Muscles2017-08-16 0 
1773181Dragonball Quest #153Tofoo and Trunks have a heart to heart, and complete their trainingcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-08-17 28 
1759900A Song of Silver & Sword: House Grallner Quest - Chapter IIIn which Ser Landon Grallner battles Moon Swallows, beheads turncloaks, and continues seeking the traitor.Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-08-17 10 
1747437For House & Dominion: Civil War 56Fighting enters the heart of the Dominion capital. Sonia deploys by Dante gunship and factions treaty violations begin to pile up. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Salvage, Dice2017-08-18 7 
54788355Warmasters' Triumvirate XXVPrimarch busts, logos, and special units. Also plenty of writefagging and discussion on Hashut, the Emperor and the Siege of Terra.Alternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k, Warmasters Triumverate2017-08-18 1 
1784869Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saintmeeting the God of Storm and Sea; The Play is the Thing; A 'Chance' meeting...?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-08-18 6 
1777815RWBY: Icarus Rising 1 "Beacon Beginnings" pt 1The first day at beacon begins with a Yang! Spaghetti is made, pancakes are lost, and initiation begins! WeaverQM, RWBY Quest, Icarus Rising, 2017-08-19 14 
1769607My Father's Country 3You blow up a convoy carrying nukes, then take Salt Lake City and Denver. The Coalition strikes back by appointing a North American Viceroyfuture, america, us army2017-08-20 1 
1782308Starborn Quest 34: Woooooah We're halfway there. Ohhh Sleeping in a ChairA lot of travelling happens and we meet a new fella. Lex looks worse for wear before Honamurei takes on the stranger.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Travel, Honamurei, Luc, Tessius, Gine, Lexington, Gine, Sparring, ARMBAR, Academy Arc2017-08-20 1 
1778697Persona: Stars & Stripes #11You finally find an exit, but it means another Rift is changing people. After an evening of shooting with Trish it is time to investigate.Collective Game, Crab, Persona, USA, Stars & Stripes2017-08-21 4 
1779365Beast Wars Quest #4Bonding cat to cat and setting up your new outpostBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-08-21 2 
1783148Dragonball Quest #154The battle with Super Android 13 and Cell begins collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-08-22 25 
1785767RWBY: Icarus Rising 1 "Beacon Beginings" Pt 2Initiation Continues! We ride a Nevermore, we are horribly underprepared, we go clubbing and spill spaghettiWeaverQM, RWBY, Icarus Rising2017-08-22 11 
1774440Crusade Quest #1Play as a Knight, killed some bandits, moved north, and became a Lord. CrusadeQM, Collective Game, Crusader, HRE, Knight, Christian2017-08-23 2 
1802410Dragonball Quest 155And it was going so well. collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-08-24 0 
1782413A Song of Silver & Sword: House Grallner Quest - Chapter III In which Ser Landon Grallner deals with the continued sabotage of his House.Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-08-24 7 
1777781Gorgon Child Quest 30The voices begin preparing for the storm to come. Also, another new person arrives.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-08-24 2 
1797448RWBY: Icarus Rising 1 "Beacon Beginnings" Pt 3We continue our night at the club, We eat some Ice Cream, Get some sugar, Get some spice. But we all know Spaghetti is more than nice.WeaverQM, RWBY Quest, Icarus Rising, 2017-08-25 11 
54933349Warmasters' Triumvirate XXVIThe Sothanids, a contest among Marines called "The Great Joust" and Elsu's relationship with his brothers all get some work done on them.Alternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k, Warmasters Triumverate2017-08-25 1 
1806346Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintA different perspective, this time from the point of view of the one person who is at once most and least like Ryukusa - Inau-kun.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-08-25 6 
1727834WUNIAFWAR 2Bears are bad news. Jippy is the first player to die. Anne is the first player to fall into a coma and get rescued by another, Cory.Wake Up Naked Quest, WUNIAFWAR Quest, Multiplayer RPG, Action-Adventure, Survival, Mystery, Rust, Ramtide QM2017-08-25 1 
1749600WUNIAFWAR 3 - OP Has Problems EditionPatrick's quarantine fails. Poopfist burns the hospital. Jippy takes Poopfist captive. Anne and Cory leave Canopy.Wake Up Naked Quest, WUNIAFWAR, Survival, Mystery, Multiplayer RPG, Action Adventure, Rust, Ramtide QM, Ramtide, 2017-08-27 1 
1784275WUNIAFWAR 4Jippy realizes he's sick. Anne and Cory make a town. Joseph wreaks havoc.Wake Up Naked Quest, WUNIAFWAR, Collective Game, Survival, Mystery, Multiplayer RPG, Action Adventure, Rust, Ramtide QM, Ramtide, 2017-08-27 1 
1786959My Father's Country or 4You right to defend your cities you've captured. You find a suitable candidate for the president of the us. China and India start a landwarStrategy, America, Us Army, Villain Quest?2017-08-27 1 
1802323Beast Wars Quest #5A visit to the energon groveBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-08-28 1 
1809804Another Dragon Ball Quest #10Saff gets into an argument with Kami, and goes off to train with Piccolo and Raditz, plus Janken happens.Dragon Ball, Brushwood, Dragon Ball Z, Saff, Quest, Collective Game, 2017-08-29 2 
1805395 RWBY: Icarus Rising 1 "Beacon Beginnings" Pt 4Our first day begins! We meet some interesting professors, have some feels and then some not-so-good-feels and cope with Grimm-Murder!WeaverQM, RWBY Quest, Icarus Rising, 2017-08-29 10 
1803801A Song of Silver & Sword: House Grallner Quest - Chapter IVIn which Ser Landon Grallner deals with the fallout of the Betrayal of Whitestone Keep and brings his crusade to the enemy's turf.Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-08-30 5 
September 2017
1829483Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintInau-kun faces a dilemma of epic proportions, explains a complicated relationship, and Ryukusa makes her feel.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-09-01 6 
1801926Star Wars: Kuat Collection #17The New PlanCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-09-02 2 
1819746RWBY: Icarus Rising 1 "Beacon Beginnings" Pt 5We lose our arms, we lose our weapon, we talk to our Cadre about said arms, we make a new gun, care for our team and double spaghetti.WeaverQM, RWBY Quest, Icarus Rising, 2017-09-02 10 
1830343Haunted House QuestThe investigator finds something truly terrifying at the old doctor's house.Haunted House Quest, Collective Game, Haunted House QM2017-09-03 5 
55048815Warmasters' Triumvirate XXVIIWe get to see more faces, we make terrible movie references and we pick up the slack on the Soaring Host and Emperor's DragoonsAlternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k, Warmasters Triumverate, WT, W3, AU2017-09-03 2 
1824481Persona: Stars & Stripes #12A deadline is discovered, you get a job, and a new person enters The Rift.Collective Game, Crab, Persona, USA, Stars & Stripes2017-09-03 3 
1834462My Father's Country, Pt. 5Nathan helps destroy China, gets into trouble in the windy city, captures an engineer, and the players have a debate over government.US Army, Civ, Quest2017-09-05 2 
1806647For House & Dominion: Civil War 57With new power armor and weapons we fight our way to the conclusion of the Civil War.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Salvage, Dice2017-09-07 7 
1840570Gorgon Child Quest 31Rosie decides to adopt and Cassandra has a preemptive day in court. Good times.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-09-08 1 
1845712Beast Wars Quest #6A forest game of cat and spider Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-09-08 4 
1849048Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintRyukusa learns a little about Shoko and Inau-kun's date; once again demonstrates she can be diplomatic; the play begins.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-09-08 6 
1820037A Song of Blood and Water: House Blackett Quest IVWe're done with the weddingCollective Game, House Blackett, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-09-09 4 
55195803Warmasters' Triumvirate XXVIIITwo anons come two blows, and Frederic and the Dragoons are brought up to snuff after a new anon picks them up. Alternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k, Warmasters Triumverate, WT, W3, AU2017-09-10 3 
1833443RWBY: Icarus Rising 1 "Beacon Beginnings" Pt 6We have a Race, Have some breakthroughs, Set up our teams for the weekend, Have a tough Spar and Weaver ignores his demanded vacation.WeaverQM, RWBY Quest, Icarus Rising, 2017-09-10 7 
1845542A Song of Silver & Sword: House Grallner Quest - Chapter VIn which Ser Landon Grallner visits his liege, Lord Benedar Belmore in Strong Song.Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-09-11 5 
1858438Dragonball Quest #155 v2The battle with Cell continuescollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-09-12 20 
1845443Persona: Stars & Stripes #13The Tower is climbed and Natalie is forced to face herself.Collective Game, Crab, Persona, USA, Stars & Stripes2017-09-12 2 
1833368Panzer Commander Quest #28Lieutenant Von Tracht and his team get established in Sosaldt, land of the brigand lords.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, a curious lack of tanks2017-09-16 6 
1863416Beast Wars Quest #7Spider's tend to be venomous, but they certainly squashBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-09-16 2 
1871884Dragonball Quest #156After a brutal battle, the victor seems clear, but new arrivals may change thingscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-09-17 26 
1856767 RWBY: Icarus Rising 1 "Beacon Beginnings" Pt 7We Talk with Ruby, Get some Sugar, Have a Living Nightmare, Wake up the Scourge and start being /cozy/WeaverQM, RWBY Quest, Icarus Rising, 2017-09-17 6 
1855383Hero Academia QuestUshi is defined, robots are beaten and a talk with Endeavor happens at a mall. He was pretty bored. A bit of family issues happen too.MHA Quest, Ushi Walker, Present Mic2017-09-20 100 
1886452Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordMeeting with the Shinkai; the Play continues; Hime-chan is a beauty.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-09-21 6 
55312395Warmasters Triumvirate XXIXIn which more primarch faces are unveiled and work continues on pinning down what happens after the Brotherwar Alternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k, Warmasters Triumverate2017-09-21 2 
1887247Dragonball Quest #157Trufoo races to destroy Cell before the fusion wears off, but Cell had some surprises in storecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-09-22 25 
1880771A Song of Silver & Sword: House Grallner Quest - Chapter VIIn which Ser Landon Grallner continues his time in Strong Song. Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-09-23 5 
1884438Beast Wars Quest #8Mission to the Jungle as a stasis pod landsBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-09-23 2 
1884264Persona: Stars & Stripes #14You learn more about Zoey, The Rift, and how to be a good cashier.Collective Game, Crab, Persona, USA, Stars & Stripes2017-09-24 3 
1876402RWBY: Icarus Rising 1 "Beacon Beginnings" Pt 8 We finish our Cozy moment, Clean face and leave our mark; Now we begin the next great adventure to find out about our blackout!WeaverQM, RWBY Quest, Icarus Rising, 2017-09-24 6 
1883744Gorgon Child Quest 32Grampa Brad comes to visit again, and gives Rosie a crash course in parenting. Apparently the end is coming near.Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated, bananon2017-09-25 1 
1865916Fantasy Officer - Resurrection - Thread 2Wherein Kazimir launches a four-way attack with nothing but low-key convicts and militamen to save an entire city.Collective Game, Manus, military, commissar, reboot2017-09-26 1 
1874560Panzer Commander Quest #29Preparations are made for the future of the Republic, and the mission.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, a curious lack of tanks2017-09-28 2 
1907597A Song of Silver & Sword: House Grallner Quest - Chapter VIIIn which Ser Landon Grallner finishes up his time in Strong Song.Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-09-29 5 
1911741Dragonball Quest #158Tofoo visits the Grand Kai, hoping to learn a powerful and sacred techniquecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-09-29 17 
1913683Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe play continues; Ryukusa admits a truth; a second and private meeting with the Shinkai.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-09-29 6 
1880625For House & Dominion: Second ReformationWe're rewarded by the Emperor for our help and set to work redefining ranks in the Dominion.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Salvage, Dice2017-09-30 6 
October 2017
55623873Warmasters Triumvirate XXXIThe last regular thread.Alternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k, Warmasters Triumverate, WT, W3, AU2017-10-02 1 
1908406Beast Wars Quest #9AftermathBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-10-05 1 
1935907Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe play continues; Shinkai Yamada tries a new tactic; the power of a Nue.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-10-06 6 
1931299Persona: Stars & Stripes #15The Superhero Shadow is beaten, but not without a cost. Then the very next day you go back looking for more information.Collective Game, Crab, Persona, USA, Stars & Stripes2017-10-09 1 
1878744Fantasy Crusader Quest #19In which you break the siege of Ardon Glen.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves, Dwarves2017-10-10 1 
1918796Hero Academia Quest 2Walker is accepted into U.A, and into class 1-A. Makes friends with Shoto, defines her costume and does well in a Quirk Aprehension test. MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2017-10-11 54 
1944149Stardust Crusaders Quest 1You are 17 year-old Hitomi Furuya. In the 17th of August, 1988, you encounter the vampire Dio accosting your classmate, Kakyoin Noriaki.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-10-12 24 
1920457Panzer Commander Quest #30The exercise is concluded in educational catastrophe and Richter goes to a party.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, a curious lack of tanks2017-10-12 2 
1931565WWW Waifu Wrestling: Episode 3 part 1Blitzkrieg Betty is back after a long wait training her heart outCollective Game, WWW Quest, Waifus, Wrasslin, Wrestling, Quest, Mynameismimikyu,2017-10-13 3 
1951721A Song of Silver & Sword: House Grallner Quest - Chapter VIIIIn which Ser Landon Grallner returns home to Whitestone Keep, reviews his military's progress, and makes leave soon after for Krayenport.Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-10-13 5 
1955475Beast Wars Quest #10Things get messy; Reboot needed Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus 2017-10-17 2 
1955038Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #18LothalCollective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-10-18 3 
1988677Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe fight agaisnt Shinkaai Hiei takes a terrible turn; Natto reveals his involvement; Ryukusa double-downs.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-10-20 6 
55905374Warmasters Triumvirate XXXIIThe first of the bi-weekly threads plays host to discussion about crusades (of Black, Iron and Golden varieties)along with some writingAlternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k, Warmasters Triumverate2017-10-22 2 
1967816Hero Academia Quest 3Walker shows she loves cooking and motors, teen awkwardness is had and her Battle Trial begins with her and Mineta vs Tokoyami and Todoroki.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2017-10-22 45 
1961998Panzer Commander Quest #31Todesfelsen is infiltrated and Richter loses patience.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, a curious lack of tanks, terrible romance2017-10-23 5 
1972676WWW World Waifu Wrestling Episode 3 p2The march of MOE continues, will anyone stop the blitzkrieg of cute? (Please dont i got a job) Collective Game, WWW Quest, Waifus, Wrasslin, Wrestling, Quest, Mynameismimikyu,2017-10-24 2 
1978388A Song of Silver & Sword: House Grallner Quest - Chapter IXIn which Ser Landon Grallner attends the Melee in Krayenport. Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-10-24 5 
1952800For House & Dominion: Second Reformation 2We spend most of our yearly income and get planning our next adventure.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Salvage, Dice2017-10-24 9 
1989671Beast Wars Quest 2 #1A new beginning with a new protoform. Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-10-25 7 
2015777Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe battle agaisnt the abomination Hiei and it's aftermath; the play continues.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-10-27 6 
1970273Stardust Crusaders Quest #2Hitomi awakens Jotaro's stand as they both try to fix Kakyoin's conditionJJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-10-27 10 
2020477Dragonball Quest #159Tofoo faces a test from the Grand Kaicollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-10-29 18 
November 2017
1998678Hero Academia Quest 4Walker and Mineta take on Tokoyami and Todoroki, with an unexpected turn at the end. Ushi and Shoto have moment that tears up All Might.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2017-11-04 59 
2020138RWBY Icarus Rising: Halloween PreludeThe Beginning special and return of Icarus Rising via a prelude thread to the spook day birthday specialWeaverQM, RWBY, Icarus Rising2017-11-05 6 
2046742Dragonball Quest #160Tofoo acquires new power, and puts it to the testcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-11-07 24 
2032529Beast Wars Quest 2 #2Nightracer gets to know her new comrades Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-11-07 8 
2026567Paranormal Horror Quest 1: The LakeThe detective investigates a crimson lake in Southern Siberia, where misshapen monstrosities are said to cross over from another world.Paranormal Horror Quest, Haunted House Quest, Collective Game, Haunted House QM2017-11-07 3 
2047003Paranormal Horror Quest 2: The LakeThe detective investigates a crimson lake in Southern Siberia, where misshapen monstrosities are said to cross over from another world.Paranormal Horror Quest, Haunted House Quest, Collective Game, Haunted House QM2017-11-07 3 
2006484For House & Dominion: Eye of the StormWe say our farewells to friends and family. Final prep for the Dyson Sphere expedition.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Salvage, Dice2017-11-07 7 
2028883A Song of Silver & Sword: House Grallner Quest - Chapter XIn which Ser Landon Grallner participates in the Battle of the Dawntower Foothills.Collective Games, House Grallner, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2017-11-07 5 
2055566Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordDealing with Yamada; the play continues; Ryukuza keeping herself together, rather literally.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-11-09 6 
2050112What Came Next 12: What Came BeforeNothing bad happens as we flashback to a red haired teenager on her first date.What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Sukaretto, Flashback, Living, Bleach, Bleach Quest, Rukongai, Ukitake, Lucifer, Crusader, God, Christian2017-11-10 2 
2019957Panzer Commander Quest #32The investigation into Todesfelsen ends, and preparations for battle begin, including a massage.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, a curious lack of tanks but technically they're still there2017-11-10 5 
2021121Stardust Crusaders Quest #3After getting on a plane and starting their jorney back to Egypt, the group encounters their first enemy stand.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-11-11 10 
2029478RWBY: Icarus Rising Halloween Special: A Birthday in RedWe get ready for the Surprise Party for Ruby by getting all dolled up and have a slight heart to heart with CocoWeaverQM, RWBY Quest, Icarus Rising, 2017-11-13 3 
2067426Dragonball Quest #161Tofoo and Goku have a talk, and compare their new powerscollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-11-15 18 
2053558Monsterpocalypse QuestD&D monsters have invaded the world and wiped out most of humanity. You are a man searching for his sister in these dark timesMonsterpocalypse Quest, Corncob, Collective Game, Narrative Focus2017-11-15 3 
2077079Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe play concludes; the fans are, well, they are fans; Ryukusa faces certain death in the form of her fiance.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-11-17 6 
2078245Dragonball Quest #162Tofoo and Goku discuss powers and family, and Tofoo heads homecollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-11-18 17 
2061508Stardust Crusaders Quest #4Hitomi engages in a duel with Silver Chariot and learns an useful ability with Joseph.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-11-18 10 
2044407 Hero Academia Quest 5 Cocoa is had, unilateral friendships and normal ones are made, Kaminari asks for a date and gets it and Eiji, Mina and Ushi deal with sushi.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2017-11-18 41 
2067153RWBY: Icarus Rising Special: A Birthday in Red Pt. 2A continuation of Ruby Rose's birthday and everyone's favorite spooky holiday...WeaverQM, RWBY Icarus, Icarus Rising, Icarus, RWBY2017-11-20 2 
2087263Dragonball Quest #163Warriors gather, and the Cell Games begincollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-11-21 21 
2073918Beast Wars Quest 2 #3Nightracer goes out on a mission with Dinobot and Cheetor before going on a walk with a spiderBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-11-21 6 
2080186Stardust Crusaders Quest #5Hitomi and co. embark on a ship to Singapore while having a few problems along the way.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-11-23 10 
2093814Stardust Crusaders Quest #6Hitomi fights a monkey and upsets Polnareff. Minor shitposting ensuesJJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-11-24 10 
2095289Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordReunited at last; thee fallout of the fight; escape from Shibuya.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-11-24 7 
2073783Star Wars: Kuat Collection #19The Battle of Lothal continues.Collective Game, Star Wars, Kantai Collection, starships, waifus2017-11-25 3 
2099860Dragonball Quest #164The warriors of Earth battle the offspring of Cellcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-11-26 25 
2087092Fantasy Crusader Quest #20We play as Cellica, briefly, before returning to Victor, and regaining our resolve. Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves, Dwarves2017-11-26 1 
2092470Beast Wars Quest 2 #4Aftermath of the caverns from a different point of view, followed by a trip to the coast.Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-11-27 7 
2095239Stardust Crusaders Quest #7After arriving in Singapore, Hitomi makes things up with Polnareff and is informed of terrible news.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-11-29 10 
December 2017
2112759Dragonball Quest #165Roshi and Shen showcase their skills, and the Cell Games begin their main eventcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-12-01 24 
2078336Panzer Commander Quest #33An obstruction to the coming battle is disposed of.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, a curious lack of tanks2017-12-01 5 
2113804Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe Great Theater Escape; secrets of the heavenly servant; home again.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-12-01 6 
2109027What Came Next 13: A Happy EndingSukaretto fights a tentacle monster while her brother watches.What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Sukaretto, Flashback, Living, Bleach, Bleach Quest, Rukongai, Ukitake, Lucifer, Crusader, God, Christian2017-12-02 2 
2103266You are the Dungeon!Dungeon Dwellers fight of three adventurers, the adventurers die nicely.Collective Game, Skirmish, MrDoggyPants, Dungeon, Dweller, Seth, Gamba, Balas, Illusionist, Commander, Tinkerer2017-12-02 6 
2121877Dragonball Quest #166Goku and Tofoo test their might against Cellcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-12-05 31 
2111293Beast Wars Quest 2 #5Nightracer's latest task of scanner duty takes an unusual turn.Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-12-05 5 
56592246Adventure in the SPECTACULAR FUTURE OF THE YEAR 2000Discussion and worldbuilding to create a setting based off vintage scifi.retrofuturistic, zeerust, pulp scifi, setting, worldbuilding2017-12-06 3 
2115957Stardust Crusaders Quest #8Hitomi learns about her Hamon origins, but doesnt really have an overall good time in India.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-12-07 11 
2100452Hero Academia Quest 6Class prez and VP are elected, and the class takes a bus to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint for their rescue training. What can go wrong?MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2017-12-09 39 
2104901For House & Dominion: Eye of the Storm 2We enter the Sphere and locate some of our long lost Marines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice2017-12-11 6 
2131510Dragonball Quest 167Like clockwork Tofoo (SOM) fucks everything up.collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2017-12-12 9 
2131127Beast Wars Quest 2 #6Nightracer's adventures in maintenance hits a few snags but pays off in the end Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-12-12 5 
2130625Stardust Crusaders Quest #9Hol Horse route gets BTFO and Jotaro's world is prematurely awakened.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-12-13 20 
2149299Fate/Altered Type Thread 1In which we summon a Servant, meet our childhood friends, and see a priest about a war. Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Nasushit, Collective Game2017-12-18 7 
2143996Stardust Crusaders Quest #10The Joestar Group enjoys some downtime before meeting Iggy.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-12-18 10 
2143066Starborn Quest 41: Welcome to the JungleAcademic things continueCollective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Travel, Honamurei, Luc, Tessius, Gine, Lexington, Gine, Sparring, ARMBAR, Academy Arc2017-12-20 2 
56830888Machine Cultist WorldbuildingA discussion of various machine-worshiping cults from throughout fiction and ideas for worldbuilding an original one.adeptus mechanicus, chruch of the broken god, mechanists, hammerites, italian futurists,2017-12-21 3 
2136707Panzer Commander Quest #34In which there are mercenariesPanzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, a curious lack of tanks2017-12-22 5 
2162417Stardust Crusaders Quest #11On the road to Pakistan, the Crusaders have some trouble dealing with the nearby trafficJJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-12-24 11 
January 2018
2158714Hero Academia Quest 7 Jiro, Kaminari, Walker, Yaoyorozu manage to get their teacher's skull mostly whole, survive the attack and go rescue their classmates.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-01-01 32 
2179717Dragonball Quest Fan Epilogue #1In wake of Som's burnout, anons give themselves an endingcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2018-01-02 25 
2194344Dragonball Quest Fan Epilogue #2Beerus strength pushes the earth warriors to their limits for a climactic endcollective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius2018-01-03 27 
2191364Stardust Crusaders Quest #12Hitomi fights an old hag and a complete sadist. She also bonds some more with the group too.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-01-04 11 
2180258Beast Wars Quest 2 #7A small prank leads to a mission Beast Wars Quest, CovenantofPrimus 2018-01-04 3 
2199663 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordHome, finally. Scoldings and healing. Changes and challenges. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-01-04 5 
2202453Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordHealing the deepest wounds; basking in the warmth of home; setting things straight - in a manner of speaking.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-01-05 6 
2182710Fate/Altered Type- Thread the SecondIn which we die. At least twice. Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Nasushit, Collective Game2018-01-08 4 
2179769For House & Dominion: Eye of the Storm 3Thunderbolts and lightning! Very, very frightening me!Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice2018-01-08 8 
2209339Stardust Crusaders Quest #13In which Hitomi saves the Crusaders from a plane crash and discovers that camels are the worst thing to ever exist.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-01-10 11 
2200211Miraculous QuestParis is attacked by some form of mountainous giant, and a teenage boy plays with his snake.BrotherQM, Miraculous Quest, Collective Game, Miraculous Ladybug2018-01-11 22 
2223001Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordAn unexpected visitor; a difficult choice; marking time and gaining strength.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-01-12 7 
2200475&#23453;&#30707;&#12398;&#22269;&#12398;OO&#12289;&#19968;&#35441;&#12289;&#24179;&#21644;&#12392;&#26376;&#20154;In a time unknown before or after the events taking place in Houseki no Kuni, Land of the Lustrous, Gyrolite becomes courageous.Collective Game, Houseki no Kuni, Land of the Lustrous, Fanfic, Narrative Focused, Long Updates2018-01-14 3 
2219148Beast Wars Quest 2 #8Nightracer and the Maximals head out to plant a listening device.Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-01-15 3 
2226012Stardust Crusaders Quest #14Our girl finally arrives in Egypt and confesses her feelings to Jotaro.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-01-16 11 
2216875Fate/Altered Type- Thread the ThirdIn which we get another truce, and meet a black knight. Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Nasushit, Collective Game2018-01-16 3 
2206060Hero Academia Quest 8Denki and Ushi and Eijiro and Mina have a date and Kaminari proves himself charming. Class 1-A returns to USJ to train and all is well.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-01-18 31 
2221301Miraculous Quest #2Lucas finishes his fight with a stone giant, then talks to a variety of interesting people, including an ancient snake god and the Avatar.BrotherQM, Miraculous Quest, Collective Game, Miraculous Ladybug2018-01-21 20 
2233619RWBY: Icarus Rising “Beacon Beginnings” Pt. 10We’re given a gift...but at what cost?WeaverQM, Icarus Rising, RWBY2018-01-21 1 
57550442Steamed PlansI hope you're ready for an unforgettable dungeonsteamed hams, tussle, meme,2018-01-22 38 
2248444Stardust Crusaders Quest #15All you had to do was follow the damn train, Hitomi!JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-01-24 10 
2245440Metahuman Quest: Issue #11Morgan finishes the fight in Vegas.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Artemis, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Roulette, Royal Flush Gang 2018-01-24 5 
2257078Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordDeal with the priestess of youkai; redressing; checks and balances.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-01-25 6 
2226432For House & Dominion: Eye of the Storm 4Talking with space wizard, sneaking around and steal shit once more.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-01-27 5 
2242819Beast Wars Quest 2 #9A race for two stasis pods (part one)Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-01-28 3 
2246096Miraculous Quest #3Lucas joins a club and bangs out a schedule for his weekly group meetings.BrotherQM, Miraculous Quest, Collective Game, Miraculous Ladybug2018-01-31 20 
February 2018
2275477Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordDealing with Hinata-hakase; a dark spirit visits; comforting times.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-02-02 5 
2249092Hero Academia Quest 9Class 1-A returns to the USJ to get some actual rescue training, but are interrupted once more. Ushi and Matchstick have a chat.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-02-03 30 
2292995Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordMaking your clan even more yours; dealing with Natto's father; the inevitable collapse.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-02-08 5 
2259289Houseki no Kuni no OO Chapter 2: AntozoniteWhile Gyrolite is confined to hibernation, Antozonite handles the winter duties with his apprentice/partner Cryolite.Collective Game, Houseki no Kuni, Land of the Lustrous, Fanfic, Narrative Focused, Long Updates2018-02-09 8 
2276266Beast Wars Quest 2 #10Race for the second stasis pod aka the Dice Gods Wild RideBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-02-09 3 
2284435Warlord Quest #1Arch Magnus returns to wreak havoc upon the lords of the Moon and their puny knightsWarlord Quest, Warlord, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus 2018-02-12 17 
2273921Miraculous Quest #4Lucas takes a crash course in temporal anomalies.BrotherQM, Miraculous Quest, Collective Game, Miraculous Ladybug2018-02-13 20 
2315235Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordFacing a nightmarish yokai, Ryukusa stands fast. Healing recommences. Perhaps love blooms?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-02-16 8 
2279403For House & Dominion: Eye of the Storm 5We venture into the depths of the Sphere.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-02-16 6 
2301844Warlord Quest #2: The RaideningMagnus sets out to raid and pillage and other warlordly things. Giants are befriended and berserk sheriffs thoroughly rektWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-02-18 12 
2312070Stardust Crusaders Quest #16The crew deals with a few more stand users and talk shit about Pepsi.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-02-19 11 
2322657Warlord Quest #3: Magnus RisingArch Magnus leads his warparty through the valley of the moon, bedding a pair of lovely new Thralls and dueling everyone.Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-02-22 11 
2334298Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordRyukusa in Hell. Really.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-02-23 5 
2302208Hero Academia Quest 10Walker has a nice birthday party and some medication issues. They are oddly related.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-02-24 28 
58159093The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 4The return of the nightmare superiors.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-02-25 97 
58177335The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 5In which a lot of shit blows up.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-02-26 80 
2316186Beast Wars Quest 2 #11Planning in the aftermath of the Pod missions Beast Wars Quest, CovenantofPrimus, Beast Wars 2018-02-26 4 
2332276Warlord Quest #4:Bloodsoaked CasanovaMagnus gets to his share of MoonBend's treasure, gets to know Keera and gets really drunkWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-02-26 10 
March 2018
2344340Warlord Quest #5: Spiritual Steroids.Magnus spends some time at home, upgrading his skills and gear before being cockslapped in the soul. OP delivers some tasty loreWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-03-01 7 
2298775Post Apoc Mutant Tribal Civ Quest 1Another Post Apocalyptic Game begins, run by Strelok with the system developed by GenieStrelok, Civ, Post Apocalyptic, Zombie, Mutant, Tribal, Bandit, Fungus, Swamp, Headhunter, Brewed Mother, Psionic. Hybrid2018-03-03 2 
2337790Hero Academia Quest 11Ushi studies with Momo, gets rid of unlicenced drugs, explains why she wants to be a hero to her Class-B pals and spars with Shoto.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-03-03 29 
58286435The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 6Shit goes down with Bane, and Asshat lives up to his name.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-03-04 90 
2353112Stardust Crusaders Quest #17The Crusaders try to rest for a day before reaching their final destination with varying degrees of success.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-03-05 21 
2351106Warlord Quest #6 Poached Eggs editionArch Magnus and Co. go hunting for beasts and make like foxes in the roost. Only a few griffins were punched.Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-03-06 7 
2366279Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordRyukusa in Hell - literally - and the message from her family. Visitation rights are explored.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-03-07 6 
2327929For House & Dominion: Eye of the Storm 6We gain entrance to the Sphere's shielded polar region.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-03-08 5 
2334621Houseki no Kuni no OO Chapter 3: Senshi ga UmaretaPart one of the two part chapter, in which the consequences of winter befall.Collective Game, Houseki no Kuni, Land of the Lustrous, Fanfic, Narrative Focused, Long Updates2018-03-08 4 
2337270Post Apoc Mutant Tribal Civ Quest 2Nat 1 makes us black out for 5 turns and our giant serpent brain to leave, control all the zombies, and fight monsters from the deep caves.Strelok, Civ, Post Apocalyptic, Zombie, Mutant, Tribal, Bandit, Fungus, Swamp, Headhunter, Brewed Mother, Psionic. Hybrid2018-03-12 1 
2364213Warlord Quest #7 Batshit CrazyMagnus has bad dreams, a conversation with a shaman and hunts a giant bat monster. OP sucks a lot of dick but shit gets done.Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-03-13 4 
2366791Miraculous Quest #5The Chevaliers send Timebreaker packing, and Lucas gets involved in some risking business.BrotherQM, Miraculous Quest, Collective Game, Miraculous Ladybug2018-03-15 12 
2391780Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordRyukusa meets the Judge of the Dead; returning to life; decision time.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-03-16 6 
2367503Beast Wars Quest 2 #11Killing time while Optimus determines next operation; Dinobot proposes training exercise Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-03-17 4 
2370075Houseki no Kuni no OO Chapter 3: Senshi ga Umareta IIPart two of the two part chapter, in which Gyrolite faces isolation.Collective Game, Houseki no Kuni, Land of the Lustrous, Fanfic, Narrative Focused, Long Updates2018-03-19 3 
2391647Stardust Crusaders Quest #18Hitomi plays a mean game of chess and finds the way to Dio's mansion.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-03-19 14 
2355353Age of Strife #2We take odd jobs and battle mini-boss Beelzebub. Our apartment gets trashed and we sit down to read a magic book.Orpheus, Demon Hunter, Magic, Future, Semi-Dystopia,2018-03-19 1 
2383901Warlord Quest #8 Tribal BeatdownArch Magnus and Co. encounter rival tribals and maybe start a small war. Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-03-19 3 
2402444Warlord Quest #8.5 Tomb Raider EditionArch Magnus and Co. murder the dogfuck out of some Servants of Nyx. Sick insults are tossed and a carefully crafted miniboss is rekt. Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-03-22 4 
2411514Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe Judge of the 10th Level of Hell; Er Yin's mother; returning to life.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-03-23 6 
2370577For House & Dominion: Eye of the Storm 7In which Sonia and the Caretakers annoy each other in equal measure.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-03-23 5 
2390054Alchemist Quest 1You have been cursed by a demon child. Unlift the curse or suffer a fate worst than death.collective game, alchemist quest, Bartholomaeus Malthazsar,2018-03-25 3 
2390194Age of Strife #3We finish buying a styling coat before we look for our friend in a stripper bar, before burning it down.Orpheus, Demon Hunter, Magic, Future, Semi-Dystopia,2018-03-29 1 
April 2018
2430655Stardust Crusaders Quest #19Sono Chi No Sadame! JOOOOJO!JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-04-02 23 
2401853RHG QuestA drawquest about being a Rock Hard Gladiator.Rock Hard Gladiators, ParadingMusette2018-04-02 3 
2441982Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordHome again, but there is little time for rest. But there is always time for love and plans.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-04-02 6 
2393470Post Apoc Mutant Tribal Civ Quest 3As the Grave Tribe is returning to normalcy, we sense a target of opportunity and send our hunters, but things are never simpleStrelok, Civ, Post Apocalyptic, Zombie, Mutant, Tribal, Bandit, Fungus, Swamp, Headhunter, Brewed Mother, Psionic. Hybrid2018-04-04 1 
2416377Alchemist Quest 2we deal with a demon , a soulbender and possibly the lord of this landcollective game, alchemist quest, Bartholomaeus Malthazsar,2018-04-06 1 
2413546Hero Academia Quest 12Ushi trains with Shoto, leaves Tin with some support kids for an overhaul in and attends to her wrestling class.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-04-06 29 
2426607Beast Wars Quest 2 #13Dinobot & Nightracer vs Team Vermin Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-04-07 3 
58889492creatively negligent precursorsWorldbuilding about precursor civilizations leads to hilarity and the realization that Zeus is That Guy.worldbuilding, precursors, sufficiently advanced, setting, Autism on a Kardashev Scale, goddammit zeus, REEEEEEEE PAPERCLIPS, REMOVE QU,2018-04-07 5 
2411724For House & Dominion: Eye of the Storm 8Time flies...Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-04-07 5 
2430704Houseki no Kuni no OO Chapter 4: Yellow Diaya, Heiwa wo Shitta Koto ga Nai HousekiThe first of a multiple part chapter, in which Antozonite begins his long leadership.Collective Game, Houseki no Kuni, Land of the Lustrous, Fanfic, Narrative Focused, Long Updates2018-04-10 2 
58940370Stercus Ludicrum VI: It's Always Sunny in CommorraghThe 6th thread of greentextingStercus Ludicrum, greentext2018-04-11 13 
2450892Fate/Altered Type- Thread the FourthIn which a QM's hiatus ends, and we wind up with a houseguest. Or four. Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Nasushit, Collective Game2018-04-13 1 
2410420Warlord Quest #9: BloodthirstArch Magnus upgrades his spirit and OP sails the oceans of faggotryWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-04-15 3 
2473547Stardust Crusaders Quest #20Hitomi says goodbye to her friends and fails to watch a movie with Jotaro.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-04-16 16 
59147529Koloshi Staljers and Medvennian Hussars/tg/ making a Guard regiment based of tlingit indiantribe and einged hussars riding on flying bearskoloshi stalker, medvennian hussar2018-04-17 8 
2489860Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordReiha's worries; Rishi-chan's strange attraction; Ryukusa's solutions.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-04-20 5 
2457327For House & Dominion: Eye of the Storm 9With the return home a need for political alliances is realised. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-04-22 5 
2460510Hero Academia Quest 13Ushi is a bad child. Plans events the day off without consulting mom.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-04-23 29 
2483926Olbaria QuestA WW1 style army is destroyed in a foreign continent by a bunch of germanic style tribes. Surviving units gather to live another day.WW1 tech, WW1, Olbaria, Army, Collective Game, Civ, Civ-like, Typhus, Typhus QM 2018-04-25 1 
2504787TT Quest #FINSomnius, posing as a new QM, crushes anons hopes under a pile of rocks yet again. They never saw it coming.Collective Game, Quest, Teen, Titans, TT, Teen Titans, Master of Games, MoG, Master, of, Games, TT Quest, SOMNIUS, Rocks fall, Earthbender, 2018-04-26 8 
2483568The Sands of Nowhere Quest #1You have been introduced to the weird desert of Nowhere, the hub city, and have embarked on your first journey out into the sands.Sands of Nowhere, Story-focused, Adventure, Open-world2018-04-26 4 
2508014Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragonette DiplomatGetting Rishi settled in; lunch with family and friends; a private matter.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-04-27 6 
2481685Fate/Altered Type- Thread the FifthIn which OP makes two posts and disappears into gacha. And we buy time with Taiga. Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Nasushit, Collective Game2018-04-29 1 
2498006Novus Homo Quest #1A new quest begins, our protagonist leaves with a cryptic order, and he gets horribly electrocuted because Romans do not know electricity. Collective Game, Post Apocalyptic, Novus Homo Quest, Raskolnikov, Chargen2018-04-29 2 
May 2018
2478352Warlord Quest #10 Jolly CoooperationMagnus consults Throth and sets out on a joint raid with Dagmar and his boi'sWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-05-02 3 
2501118Warlord Quest #10.5 Jolly Cooperation Cont.Magnus continues on his journey with Dagmar and his increasingly cuntish boi's. Real life arises and OP's free time is slainWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-05-02 3 
2527956Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragonette DiplomatA look into Ryukusa's future encounters; dealing with family problems in the worst way and the best way.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-05-04 12 
2501286Darkest Dungeon Quest: Black as Death #1The humble beginnings of an Heir and his effort to return the Hamlet to glory.Darkest Dungeon, DD, Collective Game, CyrustheYoungerQM2018-05-05 4 
2527844Stardust Crusaders Quest #21The Crusaders start their search for the magic stand arrows.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-05-07 11 
2506080The Sands of Nowhere Quest #2You have found the lake that holds the memories of the dead, rescued some miners and found the last memory for the Ticking Mechanist.Sands of Nowhere, Story-focused, Adventure, Open-world2018-05-09 1 
2502876For House & Dominion: Building Better WorldsThe return to Rioja after another lengthy absence. Finding things to be well in hand.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-05-10 5 
2520203Novus Homo Quest #2LORE LORE LORE: The Thread. Lucius established a relationship with a theoretically powerful individual. Ended up in a small desert town. Collective Game, Post Apocalyptic, Novus Homo Quest, Raskolnikov 2018-05-10 1 
2552699Stardust Crusaders Quest #22Polnareff leads his friends into Italy and almost ruins everything.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-05-14 15 
2521310Hero Academia Quest 14The long awaited end to the Slumber Party Saga.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-05-15 28 
2544190Starborn Quest Intermission; Beach ThreadThis is a non canon beach thread. It contains dragons, swimsuits, fanservice and more!collective Game, Starborn, Wagon, Purps, Fox, Hona, Minerva, Beach, Thread, Non Canon, Jo, Dragon, Ynthal, RTM, Meridas, Octavius2018-05-16 1 
2585803TT Quest #26In which Somnius abandons the quest again. I guess we'll never learn.Collective Game, Quest, Teen, Titans, TT, Teen Titans, Master of Games, MoG, Master, of, Games, TT Quest, Somnius,2018-05-24 2 
2550168For House & Dominion: Building Better WorldsUnsurprisingly, antimatter is dangerous. Politics and preparations. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-05-26 7 
2557646Panzer Commander Quest #42More post-battle wrap up is done, and Glockenblume shows its hand. Richter is also thrown through a piano.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, a curious lack of tanks, sing us a song you're the piano man2018-05-27 2 
2591040Stardust Crusaders Quest #23New town,new Jojo and something about Italian food.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-05-28 11 
June 2018
2588157Beast Wars Quest 2 #14Wrapping up Team Vermin vs Team Predators in the forest.Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-06-03 3 
2584002Hero Academia Quest 15Ushi tests her ability to dodge, has a couple chats with some classmates with mixed results and takes some advise from Midnight.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-06-05 26 
2624043Dragonball Quest: Revenge of SOMNIUSBecause he's a hack and the fan epilogue apparently wasn't good enough, SOM's back.collective game, quest, dbz, Dragonball, Quest, Dragonball Quest, Somnius, Rocks Fall, Unnecessary Sequel, Trash, SOM is a faggot2018-06-06 12 
2593938Starborn Quest Intermission; Beach Thread 2Life's still hell, have more filler arccollective Game, Starborn, Wagon, Purps, Fox, Hona, Minerva, Beach, Thread, Non Canon, Jo, Dragon, Ynthal, RTM, Meridas, Octavius2018-06-07 1 
2594387 For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 3You select a Knight Commander to lead a fleet against the latest Neeran invasion. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-06-09 6 
60232637The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: Escape?Internment in and escape from the laundry-brig All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-06-10 82 
2631072Stardust Crusaders Quest #24Josuke discovers his innate talent for gardening.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-06-12 10 
2651939Dragonball Quest #169The Horror Won't EndCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2018-06-16 1 
2646930Warlord Quest #11 Life in The ValleyArch Magnus returns! A mysterious woman is immediately boned and Magnus skates through a duel yet againWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-06-20 3 
60272130hivemind religionsWhat kind of religious beliefs would a sentient eusocial species develop?worldbuilding, religions, hivemind, eusociality, aliens, species, missionaries, space vatican,2018-06-21 2 
2641428Nothing Quest ArchiveA thread I started.quest, /qst/, custom2018-06-23 1 
2638980For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 4We come up with a solution for the refugee crisis then head for South Reach to see old friends.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-06-25 5 
2682946Dragonball Quest #170Strike that, the horror ended. Cell is finally dead.Collective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2018-06-30 14 
July 2018
2659614Hero Academia Quest 16Walker recovers her robot and participates on the Sports Festival, finishing the Obstacle Race.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-07-01 26 
2660718Panzer Commander Quest #44The glorious return home turns out to not be so glorious, as Richter's Hero's Welcome turns out to be a Court Martial.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, a curious lack of tanks2018-07-01 5 
60621322The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: Escape? pt.2Oak has a drink with the boys and the final mission is plannedAll Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-07-02 82 
2653681ASOIAF House CreationWhere we make a Riverlands House with a shit fighting lord who is the saltiest fuck and the op doesn’t make the second threadAsoiaf, house creation, game of thrones,2018-07-03 1 
2685040Beast Wars Quest 2 #15Finishing up in the forestBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-07-04 3 
2685885Xenomorph Quest: AftermathWe roll a new character set in the CursedQM Xenomorph setting. Adventure ensues.Xenomorph Quest, NonGent, collective game, USCMC, xeno, android2018-07-04 3 
2688776Stardust Crusaders Quest #25Another day, another arrow.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-07-04 10 
2675038Delphi and the Argo-Nots #1Delphi Brooks, daughter of Persephone, is asked to deliver the Golden Fleece to BrookylnCollective Game, Scion: Hero, Urban Fantasy, Road Trip, High Action, Music2018-07-04 3 
2682683Warlord Quest #12. Bloody CrescentWe improve our relationship with Urhost, claim a steed and begin the assault. Anon sees the future but cannot change his fate.Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-07-05 3 
2706205Warlord Quest #12.5 Brush with DeathMagnus fights in the raid of crescent hall, performs his best Koolaid man impression, fights some more and very nearly bites it.Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-07-08 3 
2676509Houseki no Kuni no OO Chapter 4: Yellow Diaya, Heiwa wo Shitta Koto ga Nai Houseki IIWhile Gyrolite was trapped with Esculentus, 103 years had passed. Against many trials, Antozonite truly became a leader.Collective Game, Houseki no Kuni, Land of the Lustrous, Fanfic, Narrative Focused, Long Updates2018-07-09 3 
2680032For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 5Hidden bases, super weapons and secret projects keep Sonia occupied and away from the front lines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-07-10 5 
2714538Dragonball Quest #171With Cell defeated, all that remains is to tie up loose-ends, and look to the futureCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2018-07-12 12 
2704485Delphi and the Argo-Nots #2We meet the Goth TimelineCollective Game, Scion: Hero, Urban Fantasy, Road Trip, High Action, Music2018-07-16 2 
2712901Hero Academia Quest 17Walker forms a warhorse and participates in the cavalry battle.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-07-22 26 
2720374For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 6After hosting a tournament we deploy our fleet to Shallan space to give the ground troops experience. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-07-26 6 
2735172Houseki no Kuni no OO Chapter 4.5Containing the final couple updates to chapter four and the short interlude chapter titled "Nachi, Tell me a Story"Collective Game, Houseki no Kuni, Land of the Lustrous, Fanfic, Narrative Focused, Long Updates2018-07-27 2 
2737556Warlord Quest #13 A Beast of Iron, A Lady of the WoodArch Magnus has a vision of a terrible warlord in the north. Cameera's blossom is planted and Magnus recieves big newsWarlord Quest, Warlord, CursedQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-07-28 2 
August 2018
61049924Starblazers Setting Worldbuilding/tg/ makes a setting combining pulp scifi flash gordon retrofuturism and lovecraft.starblazers, worldbuilding, setting, flash gordon, retrofuturism, zeerust, cosmic horror, lovecraft, call of cthulhu,2018-08-02 6 
2765962Warlord Quest #13.5 Dreams of BloodMagnus visits the villagers of the Wolves Belly and is pulled into a dream of ancient battle. Cursed is forced to leave, once again .(Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-08-08 2 
61149136fish people discussion and worldbuilding/tg/ brainstorms ideas for aquatic and amphibious sentient races.worldbuilding, ocean, aquatic, amphibious, species, races, deep ones, mermaids, underwater vore hell,2018-08-11 1 
2766227Hero Academia Quest 18 The Tournament starts, and Walker faces her first foe.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-08-13 26 
2792924Young Justice #1 Chargen, a chat with the league, then the boys check in on a fire at Cadmus...Young Justice, Quest, Collective Game, Manthor, DC2018-08-16 10 
2809168Young Justice #2Clash at the Museum! Combat and awkward flirting ensue. Young Justice, Quest, Collective Game, Manthor, DC2018-08-19 6 
2806215Game of Thrones House Gen: Thread 1In which House Blacksand and Lady Lissara is made, a hubby is picked, and hedge knights are recruitedCollective Game, House Blacksand, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2018-08-20 17 
2785830For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 7Returning from the front we invest in improving the Army and more building up of Rioja. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-08-20 6 
2810674Lost Valyrian Quest 1A start. Game of thrones, asoiaf, narrative, valyrian, girl, typhus2018-08-21 3 
2832708Dragonball Quest #172More family bondingCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2018-08-25 13 
61556718rogue homunculus civilization/tg/ worldbuilds a faction of unintentionally sentient, alchemically-created artificial lifeforms originally intended as a disposable army.golem, homunculus, frankenstein, undead, alchemy, species, steampunk, setting, worldbuilding, army, civilization,2018-08-26 4 
2819624A Song of Sand and Steel 2We go on the road, and visit Yronwood. Collective Game, House Blacksand, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2018-08-26 12 
2807755Hero Academia Quest 19Walker watches her classmates and friends fight their matches.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-08-27 26 
2822789Young Justice #3New teammate to meet, new tricks to learn, new trouble afoot...Young Justice, Quest, Collective Game, Manthor, DC2018-08-30 5 
2841421Young Justice #4Evil is punched and tailed.Young Justice, Quest, Collective Game, Manthor, DC2018-08-31 6 
September 2018
2837975A Song of Sand and Steel 3We leave Yronwood, Ser Ascar fights a duel, Ellaria mothers us, Oberyn poisons us, and we get stabbed. Collective Game, House Blacksand, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2018-09-01 8 
2853361Warp Point: Psion 1My first try qmingScott Graves, Aliens, Psionics, Anonymous2018-09-06 6 
2859439Young Justice #5Chilling with Aquabro and meet a pretty girl that fell from the sky.Young Justice, Quest, Collective Game, Manthor, DC2018-09-06 2 
2835506For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 8We're called to the capital where planning begins for the invasion of the Neeran Empire.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-09-08 5 
2871342Warp Point: Psion 2Continuation of Scott's adventuresScott Graves, Aliens, Psionics, Anonymous2018-09-09 4 
2858976Lost Valyrian Test IIA lost Valyrian girl tries to find her way in the worldQuest, Valyrian, girl, Typhus, Lost, awoiaf, a world of ice and fire, game of thrones, got2018-09-10 2 
2852457A Song of Sand and Steel THREAD 4We recover from being stabbed, and prepare a banquet for a rich fat man. We find out who tried to kill us, and prepare to make war on them. Collective Game, House Blacksand, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2018-09-10 8 
2871899Oasis Quest[1]Whole lot of sand, not a lot of life.collective game, oasis quest, desert, elf, suspicious tree2018-09-12 1 
61796828Obscure 40k xenos thread IA post about the Thyrrus being funny leads to a discussion of minor 40k races and a fandex 40k, Thyrrus, Slaugth, Xenos, 2018-09-12 2 
61921097Obscure 40k xenos thread IIDiscussions of minor xenos include vaguely Hindu Rangdan, more Thyrrus and the Greys in 40k 40k, Thyrrus, Rangdan, Fra'al, Grey aliens, Xenos,2018-09-13 1 
2876951Spider-Man of Tokyo Quest, Issue 1A bomb injures Takuya Yamashiro and kills his dad. After a blood transfusion from Peter Parker, Takuya becomes the fabulous Kamen Spider!Marvel, Spider-Man, Tokusatsu, Master Weaver, Collective Game2018-09-14 5 
61966611Dwarven Subraces/CulturesA fantastically comfy and productive thread discussing all the flavors and permutations dwarves can have and some other interesting conceptsDwarf, Worldbuilding, Discussion, Lore, Resource, Dwarven, Subraces2018-09-17 14 
2869077Hero Academia Quest 20Walker fights Todoroki on her second match of the Tournament, and tastes her own boots again.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-09-20 25 
2877461A Song of Sand and Steel THREAD 5We retake Vulture's Roost, fight the war, win the war, find out some really bad news, and QM becomes ill. Collective Game, House Blacksand, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2018-09-22 9 
2882854For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 9We visit Terran space on a diplomatic mission to where we've helped start multiple terraforming projects.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-09-27 5 
October 2018
2943118Dragonball Quest #175Tofoo vs Jackie ChunCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2018-10-05 12 
2915743Dragonball Quest #176Som is a hack who can't hold a job or write.Battletoads, Collective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo, Titans, TT, Teen Titans, Master of Games, MoG2018-10-05 1 
2911363Hero Academia Quest 21Walker discovers that maybe she's not as friendly as she thought.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-10-07 29 
2909057A Song of Sand and Steel THREAD 6We go to Storm's End, meet Bobby B, killed a beast and watch Carth try his best at the archery tournament.Collective Game, House Blacksand, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2018-10-07 9 
2941009Spider-Man of Tokyo Quest, Issue 2Our hero's date with Hitomi is interrupted by a kaijin attack. Also, Takuya hides a body.Marvel, Spider-Man, Tokusatsu, Master Weaver, Colle2018-10-12 3 
2961848Dragonball Quest #176Tofoo vs Jackie Chun part 2Collective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2018-10-13 13 
2938392Dragonball Quest #176 (for real this time)Tofoo vs Jackie Chun part 2Collective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2018-10-13 0 
2926615For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 10With the fleets gone, a Rebellion threatens to tear House Jerik-Dremine apart.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-10-13 5 
62415310Cripplingly Overspecialized BuildsA "Stat My Waifu" question leads to some decent build discussion, and segues into other "Cripplingly Overspecialized" class builds. Discussion, 2018-10-15 6 
2956871Magical Girl - LovesickWe are Nawakubi Hanano, an onee-san who just loves her brother too much.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Hairbrush,2018-10-16 10 
2972988Magical Girl - Lovesick #2Things doesn't go well for Nawakubi too fast...Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Hairbrush2018-10-18 8 
2956615Consensual Rape: The goblin quest #1We play as a small band of goblins attempting to survive in a harsh world women don't want to be raped by small horrible green men.Prometheus, Goblins, Civ Quest, Rape, More rape2018-10-18 0 
62530908Scripts and SnailsThis thread involved sharing humorous medieval manuscript margin drawings and then making them into world design.World Design, Fluff, Medieval, Manuscript, Snail, Snails, Rabbits, Knights,2018-10-18 9 
62479001script pitches for a 40k movie/tg/ is asked for their ideas for a hypothetical movie set in the 40k universe.40k, movie, greentext, storytime, Guillermo Del Toro, adeptus mechanicus2018-10-20 5 
2985440One piece of Freedom Quest 1A story told on the blue blue seas begins again. But who is the hero of this tale?Collective Game, One Piece of Freedom Quest, The Headmaster, One piece, Adventure, Devil Fruit, Devil fruit users, Pirates, Marines, Sailing2018-10-20 5 
2980253Sworn to Valour QuestA Knight is Sworn to Valour. Ser Gabriel Rousseau, Kingsman of Aubres, sets out on Errantry to prove himself as the world's greatest knightSworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed2018-10-21 44 
2984548Stardust Crusaders Quest #26Jolyne gets trained (sort of) and her parents meet a new friend.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-10-22 11 
2977432Magical Girl - Lovesick #3Nawakubi escapes a month of captivity, but on the other hand, QM disappears from existence. Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Hairbrush2018-10-25 3 
2966846Hero Academia Quest 22 Ushi carries on to the finals. Then Mic is hit by RL and lets the thread die. Sorry about that.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-10-27 25 
November 2018
3006762Stardust Crusaders Quest #27Not-Halloween arrives with 2 new Stand users!JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-11-01 10 
3025953Dragonball Quest #177Tofoo prepares for the World Martial Arts TournamentCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2018-11-05 10 
3018178Sworn to Valour Quest #2His Heart Knows Only Virtue. Sir Emile Andrei of Romaine aids his father in battle and travels west to hunt the Creeping Horror of Grenmire.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Monster2018-11-05 26 
62828193Statting the Pushmi-PullyuA conjoined centaur gets some art, stats, and a nice greentext or twoworldbuilding, pushmi-pullyu, doubletaur, monstergirls2018-11-11 29 
62972087The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.1The Guardsmen get sentenced to a penal legion and Oak forgets that they are not, in fact, trained Inquisitorial infiltrators.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-11-12 85 
3011400For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 11We determine our course for dealing with the revolutionaries. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-11-12 6 
62947627Silver Crusaders Thread #2More work is done, but everyone leaves, leaving a single anon to roll out the MoonsMoons, Marines, Silver Crusaders, Dracoths, Jungles, More Moons2018-11-13 1 
3038358Stardust Crusaders Quest #28Kakyoin jobs to Rohan, who almost stole the spotlight for this thread.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-11-13 10 
62964795Statting the Pushmi-Pullyu part 2A continuation of the previous thread, with further worldbuilding and several stories.worldbuilding, pushmi-pullyu, doubletaur, monstergirls2018-11-16 27 
3018750Hero Academia Quest #22.5Mic's work continues to drain his free time. Also Ushi has a heart-to-heart with MidnightMHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-11-17 25 
3052528Stardust Crusaders Quest #29The third arrow is secured, only three more to go!JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-11-21 10 
63073544Statting the Pushmi-Pullyu Part 3In this third thread, posters continue to brainstorm the origins of the Pushmi-Pullyu and many more stories by different authors are shared.worldbuilding, pushmi-pullyu, doubletaur, monstergirls, brainstorming, fae, magical creatures, fairytales, writing, greentext2018-11-22 25 
3049678Sworn to Valour Quest #3His Blade Defends the Helpless. On his way to the Capital Sir Andrei apprehends a murderous false knight, political consequences be damned.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Crime2018-11-26 24 
December 2018
3053210Dragonball Quest #178Here's to SOM staying deadCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2018-12-01 4 
3055797Dragonball Quest #179Seriously don't come back this time you fucking hackCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2018-12-01 2 
3078342Stardust Crusaders Quest #30Hunting sharks, killing rats and playing wingman, all in a day's work for Hitomi.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-12-05 10 
63424390Dionysus Revelers Creation #1/tg/ decides to roll up some renegade marines this time, and precede to make make Greek cannibal hedonist marines.Greek, Cannibal, Astartes, Space Marines, 40k, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Dionysus Revelers.2018-12-09 1 
63483880Dionysus Revelers Creation #2We flush out the Chapters some more, and find out the Far Hunters have a Titan Legion on their side.Greek, Cannibal, Astartes, Space Marines, 40k, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Dionysus Revelers.2018-12-13 4 
3068777For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 12An interim leader is selected to take the Counts place. The fleets approach the homeworlds.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-12-17 5 
63691964How the Arbites saved EmperormasA bunch of incompetent Arbites fail their way through a Dark Heresy CampaignAdeptus Arbites, 40K, storytime, Emperormas, Dark Heresy2018-12-25 11 
3098446Hero Academia Quest 23Face rolls are failed and Ushi and Pony talk.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2018-12-26 24 
3122242Crusader Quest: Advent Part 1Wilhelm of Ascalon celebrates hristmas as the shadows of war loomCrusader Quest, Advent, Wilhelm, HistoricalFiction, Collective Game,2018-12-28 7 
January 2019
3140876Sworn to Valour Quest #4His Might Upholds the Weak. Sir Andrei skirts the political fallout of the trial of the murderous knight and ensures that justice is done.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Justice2019-01-05 27 
3153081Stardust Crusaders Quest #31The serial killer Yoshikage Kira appears and sets himself up for failure.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2019-01-07 10 
3133790For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 13The Count is dead, long live the Count!Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-01-08 5 
3134601Hero Academia Quest 24The long awaken conclusion and epilogue to the Sports Festival.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2019-01-08 25 
3172544Stardust Crusaders Quest #32Payback time!JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2019-01-18 8 
3173679Sworn to Valour Quest #5His Word Speaks Only Truth. Sir Andrei witnesses the execution of the false knight and battles against foul beastmen on the King's Highway.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Shekels2019-01-20 26 
64206468Statting the Pushmi-Pullyu Part 4The fourth thread. Posters brainstorm new characters, campaign ideas, and some new stories are shared (including the start of a novella).worldbuilding, pushmi-pullyu, doubletaur, brainstorming, fae, magical creatures, fairytales, writing, greentext2019-01-29 25 
3176281For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 14Finishing up things on the capital and attending a ball.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-01-29 5 
3204867Magical Girl Lovesick: Another Red StringThe being that is Hanano Nawakubi returns.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Lovesick, Yandere, Hairbrush2019-01-31 2 
February 2019
64368872Can Orthodox Jews get Cybernetics?The question gets derailed by Jews, and if uplifted dolphins can convert Cyberpunk, Jews, discussion2019-02-01 23 
3196298Hero Academia Quest 25After the Sports Festival, Ushi takes some time to study and relax.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2019-02-03 26 
3220949Magical Girl Lovesick: Episode MordredWe follow the mishmashed being that is Mordred. We gain two maids too.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Lovesick,, Hairbrush2019-02-04 1 
3226132Stardust Crusaders Quest #33Hitomi dies, gets sent back in time and kills Kira with the help of Josuke. The perfect send off to end the quest!JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2019-02-04 20 
3231768Episode Mordred #2Maids are nice!~Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Lovesick,, Hairbrush2019-02-07 1 
3221640Sworn to Valour Quest #6His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. Sir Andrei brings grim tidings to House Rousseau and the caravan finally arrives at the great Capital, Aubrey. Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Homecoming2019-02-10 25 
3225396Dream Catchers: Blackout (Sixth Dive) [Skirmish]The party takes to a realm of secrets stored deep within a hidden warehouse, discovering strange experiments with mysterious intentions.fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, collective game, collaboration, dream, dreams, haze runners, area 51, warehouse, karz, jojo reference2019-02-15 2 
3228161Hero Academia Quest #26Ushi finishes up a jog and heads to the spa.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2019-02-16 26 
64632151AdMech finds Opportunity and Imperial vidyaIn the grim darkness of the far future, there is Opportunity for win. Also, vidya of the Imperium of Man.40K, Adeptus Mechanicus, Opportunity, win, writefaggotry, Imperium, vidya2019-02-16 17 
3230369For House & Dominion: CrucibleFinishing things up on Rioja takes longer than expected.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-02-17 5 
3258739Sworn to Valour Quest #7His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. Sir Andrei and his companions celebrate, sparking a tryst with the foreign Wastelander woman. The Vigil awaits.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Knight is Sworn to Child Support2019-02-18 24 
3279417Dragonball Quest #178Som returns after his hiatusCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2019-02-27 4 
3276835Dragonball Quest #179The World Martial Arts Tournament beginsCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2019-02-27 6 
3268738Dragonball Quest #179The World Martial Arts Tournament beginsCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2019-02-27 5 
3274119Dragonball Quest #179The World Martial Arts Tournament beginsCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2019-02-27 5 
3285465Dragonball Quest #180A nat 1 kills Tofoo during the tournamentCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2019-02-27 5 
March 2019
3311357Dragonball Quest #181Tofoo gets defeated by Puipui, and then Gohan goes down to Yakon. Can Babidi be defeated? No, but suddenly Cell...! Collective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2019-03-04 5 
3275357Hero Academia Quest #27Ushi finishes hanging with Momo, gets a new costume, and chooses a name.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2019-03-04 26 
3300768Warlord Quest 14:Short and continuedMagnus awakes in the valley and engages in some arm wrestling to prove a pointArch Magnus, Warlord Quest, CursedQm, Fantasy, Collective game, Command, Role Play2019-03-06 2 
3294246For House & Dominion: Crucible 2Choosing to cross the Crystal Sea we enter enemy territory.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-03-10 5 
64909963Obsidian Smiths Creation/tg/ creates another chapter of Renegade space marinesCustom Chapter, Space Marines, Obsidian Smiths2019-03-15 11 
3321250Warlord Quest 14. 1:Shorter and continuederMagnus takes a short walk and visits some old friends.Arch Magnus, Warlord Quest, CursedQm, Fantasy, Collective game, Command, Role Play2019-03-17 1 
65177142What do YOU romanticize in your settings?A thread discussing what we romanticize in our settings and what elements of storytelling we find most comfy.worldbuilding, storytelling, romanticism, brainstorming,discussion, themes, ideas, settings2019-03-19 9 
3333941Sworn to Valour Quest #8A Knight is Sworn to Valour. Sir Emile Andrei stands the Vigil and agrees to protect pilgrims on the way to the next holy site in Fallavon.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM,2019-03-21 23 
3337168Hero Academia Quest #28Ushi learns about internships, talks to Shoto about his meeting with his mom, then gets ready for an assignment. MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2019-03-23 26 
65267679Tales of That Guy/That DMDepression Quest anon returns and finally dispenses justice, in just one out of the many new stories of Guys and GMs that nobody likes!that guy, that dm, storytiem, justice, rage2019-03-24 5 
65346307Meanwhile, on SchreckNet /tg/The world may change but the shitposting of the ancients continue onwards.Vampire the Masquerade, Saulot, Angry Toreadors, Spooked Tremere, Big Gay Brujah On Campus2019-03-28 0 
April 2019
3365550For House & Dominion: Crucible 3We start hitting targets while crossing enemy territory and start to help the rebels.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-04-03 5 
3397881Dragonball Quest #181Stay gone faggotCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2019-04-03 0 
3374618Hero Academia Quest #28.5Ushi & Company go on a rescue mission class, then Mic gets burnout. Get well soon, Mic!MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2019-04-05 24 
3403168House Reynold Creation ThreadThe thread where we create House Reynold, a former cadet branch of House Reyne, now sworn to the Lannisters.GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, 2019-04-08 24 
3410775 The Quest of the Branded Ones Pt 1A viking is named, a Princess is found, and a royal guard is confused.Ursd, Edgar, Ana, Prison, Brand, Immortal, Viking, ShogunRyuusha2019-04-11 2 
3421221House Reynold Quest Chapter 1We meet our MC, Mervyn Reynold, go on a hunt and meet our wife. Reynold, House Reynold, Game of Thrones2019-04-13 21 
3425209Cassus Burning: Prologue Part 1Down with the Empire! We meet the deserter and rebel Marco Riviera and his team of Imperial deserters.Collective Game, Cassus Burning, SixWingZombi, Sci-fi, Rebellion, Aliens2019-04-14 1 
3407840Mare Nostrum CivSince the dawn of civilization the men around the great ocean of Nahren have fought for power and wealth. There is one place there where theMare Nostrum Civ, Flousken2019-04-15 3 
3425169The Quest of the Branded Ones Pt 2In which they ride a stolen boat to a dwarven island and meet an old friend.Branded Ones Quest, Ursd, Edgar, Ana, Boat, Brand, ShogunRyuusha, Collective Game2019-04-17 1 
65610037Making better monsters and peopleAnons create a bunch of races and monsters based on living and extinct animals, speculative evolution and some alien influencesWorld building, Original, Dinosaurs, Races, Monsters, Evolution, Discussion2019-04-17 6 
3418057For House & Dominion: Crucible 4Having wasted enough time on non-essentials we arrive in the Yang Dwarf Galaxy and set about finding allies.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-04-21 5 
3425088Fightan Magic QuestA frog ejaculates fighting spirit into our body and we attempt to get inside of a woman.fightan magic quest, fightan magic, quest, collective game, absolutely hilarious, come back OP2019-04-22 5 
3440967House Reynold Quest Chapter 2Mervyn learns of the future plans for war, resists his wifes seductions, absolutely pummels his squire and rides for Hornvale. GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, 2019-04-22 20 
3441608The Quest of the Branded Ones Pt 3Entering a Dwarven Ruin, they are conscripted to repair it.Branded Ones Quest, Ursd, Edgar, Ana, Boat, Brand, ShogunRyuusha, Collective Game2019-04-23 1 
3444459Comiket Question: Episode #1Ouji Kaiji, a retired doujin artist, goes to Comiket, but is drawn into a series of ridiculous events he could've never predicted.anime, manga, Comiket Quest, comiket, collective game, Japan, otaku, ridiculous, short2019-04-28 2 
3436604 Mare Nostrum CivA new king has taken the throne, new trade routes opened, and the new lands of Eure have been discovered. Mare Nostrum Civ, Flousken2019-04-30 1 
May 2019
3469966House Reynold Quest Chapter 3Where we face our darkest fear, slay a bastard robber knight, and realize we're involved in a plot. GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-05-02 20 
3456358For House & Dominion: Crucible 5We begin laying the ground work for future uprisings in the region. They may be needed sooner than planned.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-05-09 5 
66107232The Last House 2Discussion continues slowly on The Last House.Horror, World Building, The Last House2019-05-09 1 
3468399A Song of Sand and Steel THREAD 7QM returns, and the tournament is concluded. Jamie Lannister looses a bet, and Robert continues to be Robert. Collective Game, House Blacksand, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-05-11 7 
66179418The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.2The infiltration attempts beginAll Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2019-05-12 72 
3474118Comiket Quest: Episode #2Ouji Kaiji finally gets the doujins of his waifu that he so desires and his feud with Higeki Enno heats up.anime, manga, Comiket Quest, comiket, collective game, Japan, otaku, ridiculous, short 2019-05-17 1 
3498963House Reynold Quest Chapter 4Where we return from Hornvale and meet Andrea Brax, and then switch to play as Tyrus, our squire trying to earn his knighthood.GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-05-17 17 
3482020Criminals & Catacombs: Dream Catchers Interlude [Skirmish]A newly discovered crypt dungeon is unearthed, leading to a guild with lacking manpower to host an amnesty expedition... using bandits.fenster, collective game, collaborative game, skirmish, tonberry, skeleton, skeletons, undead, skelemen, anonymous, anon, crypt, isometric,2019-05-17 1 
3521000A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy gains some degree of revenge in a Trial by Seven.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-05-22 16 
3514945Young Justice: Meta Human Slave QuestWe create our character, fight for our life, meet a princess, and go to villain school.The Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta Human Slave quest, Cape shit, not!prototype/pillarman protag, Fuck HIVE, Collective Game2019-05-25 17 
June 2019
3503259Hero Academia Quest #29Ushi finishes her rescue mission assignment, talks with Kyoka, gets exerted at the dojo and follows Pony home. MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2019-06-01 23 
3504058For House & Dominion: Crucible 6With the arrival of reinforcements you begin to strike larger targets and commence liberation of worlds.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-06-01 6 
3499861A Song of Sand and Steel THREAD 8A short thread where we play as Jelissa before the QM disappears againCollective Game, House Blacksand, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-06-03 5 
3534534House Reynold Quest Chapter 5Where we continue our vacation from Mervyn as Allysa, schmooze some lords, than participate in the melee as Merv, and discuss kids names.GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-06-06 16 
3512313Comiket Quest: Episode #3Day two of Comiket begins and Enno launches another diabolical scheme. anime, manga, Comiket Quest, comiket, collective game, Japan, otaku, ridiculous2019-06-06 1 
3558247A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LIVIn which Brynden Malroy returns home, finds an unexpected gift and unwelcome guests, makes trade deals and becomes a Captain Planet villainCollective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-06-07 12 
66709472/tg/ discusses Tiamat/tg/ has a long discussion about Tiamatdnd, tiamat, dragon, discussion2019-06-16 1 
66715619Interesting Warlock Deals/tg/ asks for original and interesting premises for warlock deals and their payments.worldbuilding, magic, plot hooks, deal with the devil, warlocks, the house always wins,2019-06-18 6 
3567514House Reynold Quest Chapter 6Where we meet Ser Remus Webber and haggle over some horses, joust reasonablet well but fall short in the quarters, and hire on a new lance.GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-06-21 15 
3553173Hero Academia Quest #30Walker Ushi starts her internship and meets some people.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2019-06-21 26 
3553097Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 3Where we visit Caitlin in the hospital and OP flakes.The Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta Human Slave quest, Cape shit, not!prototype/pillarman protag, Fuck HIVE, Collective Game, RIP2019-06-22 6 
3556272Military Mage AcademyMarcus, our character, begins his second year at Fort Ticonderoga Military Academy.Military School, Magic, Collaborative Storytelling, Marcus2019-06-22 1 
3559231Sworn to Valour Quest #9His Heart Knows Only Virtue. Sir Andrei escorts the pilgrims through the glades of Fallavon. A fell creature stalks them in the night.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Black Company Quest2019-06-22 24 
3556080For House & Dominion: Crucible 7Alliance reinforcements arrive and exploration of a builder facility begins.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-06-23 5 
3570096Modern Day Succubus QUEST 1Your summoner is dead and your contract is unfulfilled: You are stuck in the human realm until you can find a way back!Modern Day Succubus Quest, Lewd, Drawquest, Female MC, Collective Game2019-06-26 6 
3564644Comiket Quest: Episode #4Ouji Kaiji gets to the root of Enno's plans, fights in a "shadow duel", and tracks down Navine.anime, manga, Comiket Quest, comiket, collective game, Japan, otaku, ridiculous, QMWalrus2019-06-27 1 
3572888Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 1Liu Zhu comes upon a lucky chance, trains with the Yu family, and after danger closes in on him he goes to the Northern Wastes for training.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Second Patriarch, Fantasy, QMWalrus2019-06-28 5 
July 2019
3598145Redneck Sword Hero Quest #2 Our hero throws a victory party and then runs off to the border questing. Continuation of schizoprenic hero quest.Isekai, Rising of the Shield Hero, Collective Game, Jim Borris Jr, Sword, Crusade, Undead2019-07-02 10 
3585736A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LVIn which Lord Brynden Malroy finalizes the plans to repel the Langward Invasion and participates in the Blitz of the Violet Plains.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-07-03 8 
3599087Sworn to Valour Quest #10His Blade Defends the Helpless. Having safely escorted the pilgrims to Motte-Fallavon, Sir Andrei goes to attend a small tournament nearby.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM,2019-07-04 25 
67020685Hollow Knight RPGDiscussion on the Hollow Knight RPG with links to the pdf’s.Hollow Knight, discussion, worldbuilding, homebrew2019-07-06 5 
3591867Modern Day Succubus QUEST 2You attend a MTG tournament and get into a cat fight.Modern Day Succubus Quest, Lewd, Modern Day Succubus Quest, Lewd, Drawquest, Female MC, Collective Game, Female MC, Collective Game2019-07-06 4 
3592918Military Mage Academy #2The second year starts off with a bang, as Marcus investigates an assassination attempt.Military School, Magic, Collaborative Storytelling, Marcus2019-07-06 1 
3623404The Black CompanyFortunaQM tries out a fanfic of his fanfic of his Commentarii de Bello Gallico, in the flavour of Black Company.FortunaQM, Black Company, Aurelius2019-07-08 28 
3623970A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LVIIn which, Victus Waters participates in the Battle of the Northern Princewood. And Ser Mason Flowers leads the defense of Steadhold. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-07-10 7 
3602494For House & Dominion: Crucible 8Of Wizards and Caretakers.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-07-11 5 
3607618Cassus Burning: Prologue Part 2Marco Riviera and a couple of his fellow deserters meet rebels from Main Port's cell. A secondary objective is added onto the heist.Collective Game, Cassus Burning, SixWingZombi, Sci-fi, Rebellion, Aliens2019-07-11 1 
3612415Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 2Liu Zhu comes across a lucky chances, learns about gathering herbs, and competes to become an expert refiner's apprentice.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Second Patriarch, Fantasy, QMWalrus2019-07-11 5 
3637197The Black Company: Shadows LengthenContinuation of Aurelius' journey with the Company.FortunaQM, Black Company, Aurelius2019-07-12 24 
3611868Comiket Quest: Episode #5The battle between our main character and Enno's cult comes to a close and he debuts on television. anime, manga, Comiket Quest, comiket, collective game, Japan, otaku, ridiculous, QMWalrus2019-07-12 1 
3629295The Rising of the Shield Hero quest #3The humble rise of the President King!Isekai, Rising of the Shield Hero, Collective Game, Jim Borris Jr, Sword, Crusade, Jolly Courpuration2019-07-15 6 
3637272I Can't Believe I Have to Trust a Goblin QuestIn which strange bedfellows must work together to escape a prison.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, Mr. Culexus2019-07-16 35 
3628939House Reynold Quest Chapter 7Where we attend some more planning, head to Lannisport, get some armour and other things and spar with Cardyn "Cheapshot" LantellGoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-07-16 14 
3651616The Black Company: In the DarkAurelius, Sergeant, and Sister return to the Forest to seek for survivors of the Company. FortunaQM, Black Company, Aurelius2019-07-19 25 
3648285Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 3Liu Zhu searches for treasure in the Black Swamp, arrives at Green City, ventures into the forest, and gets trapped in 12th Canyon.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Second Patriarch, Fantasy, QMWalrus, Weak to Strong2019-07-23 3 
3651822Comiket Quest: Episode #6Kaiji enjoys the third day of Comiket, meets his favorite manga artist, and the story comes to a close. anime, manga, Comiket Quest, comiket, collective game, Japan, otaku, ridiculous, short, QMWalrus2019-07-23 1 
3648621Sworn to Valour Quest #11His Might Upholds the Weak. Sir Andrei forms rivalries and friendships alike at the tournament. Meanwhile, plots thicken on the sidelines.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Why did you have to Crit2019-07-23 24 
3647055Hero Academia Quest #31Walker goes on patrol with her mentor and does some heroics, then stares at rocks.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2019-07-24 24 
3667899House Reynold Quest Chapter 8Where we do some dirty deeds for dirt cheap, pull Cardyn's fat out of the fire and return home, and get a flashback from Merv's childhood.GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-07-26 14 
3664294I Can't Believe I Have to Trust a Goblin Quest #2In which we meet the people behind this operation and find the exit.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, Mr. Culexus2019-07-26 29 
3677053The Black Company: When Leaves FallEnd of the Books of the Forest. And a little more.FortunaQM, Black Company, Aurelius2019-07-28 24 
67512797The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.3In which Tink and Twitch bring the dead back to life.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2019-07-29 66 
3658499For House & Dominion: Crucible 9With the Krath and Rovinar on side we prepare to breach the core.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-07-29 6 
3687743Warlord Quest #15: A return to ArmsMagnus returns to the Valley of the Moon, upgrades his shield a bit and ventures off to reclaim a ancient fortressArch Magnus,CursedQm,Collective Game, Warlord quest, collective game, Fantasy2019-07-30 2 
3669874Cassus Burning: Prologue Part 3A brief thread. Marcus and Crew convince Blake Driscol to head back to their base. Marcus hides his feelings again.Collective Game, Cassus Burning, SixWingZombi, Sci-fi, Rebellion, Aliens2019-07-31 1 
August 2019
3669679A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LVIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy attends to his House and family's needs in King's Landing. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-08-04 5 
3690462Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 4Liu Zhu duels Duan Pin, is inaugurated as Highblood of Horned Island, makes a breakthrough, and trains under Refiner Long in Border City. Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Second Patriarch, Fantasy, QMWalrus, Weak to Strong2019-08-06 2 
3698978House Reynold Quest Chapter 9Where we do battle, surrender, and watch Elleanor prove why she is the true power of Ember Peak, before meeting our infant son.GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-08-07 13 
3718163I Can't Believe I Have to Trust a Goblin Quest #3In which we get this show on the road and reach our first destination.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, Mr. Culexus2019-08-09 28 
3706668Warlord Quest 15.5: The Gathering StormMagnus and Co. venture to the fortress of Grimspear to confront a growing threat. Magnus punks out a ancient god and becomes ThorArch Magnus, Warlord Quest, CursedQm, Fantasy, Collective game2019-08-11 1 
67616337What if Warhammer 40k was a french production ?OP asks /tg/ what 40k would look like if the french made it. A lot of old french /tg/ content & art are then brought up for discussion40k, Sci fi, Awesome, Metal Hurlant, French, Old School, discussion, Lore, knights, Tanks2019-08-11 14 
3726533Redneck Sword Hero Quest #5Trail of bow hero what could posibly go wrong?Isekai, Rising of the Shield Hero, Collective Game, Jim Borris Jr, Sword, Justice, date2019-08-14 7 
3725756Sworn to Valour Quest #12His Word Speaks Only Truth. Having resolved to find his brother, Sir Andrei first makes preparations and stands the Vigil at Motte-Fallavon.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Spooky Visions2019-08-14 23 
3704451The Black Company: Water WakesWaeland Arc. Mulberry is traumatised, Aurelius dies and gets better. Struggling with amnesics.FortunaQM, Black Company, Aurelius2019-08-15 20 
3747573A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LVIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy finishes up in King's Landing, making some incredibly difficult decisions. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-08-16 5 
3732685Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 5Liu Zhu returns to the Liu family, duels with his brother, and after several incidents kickstarts a new business plan. Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Second Patriarch, Fantasy, QMWalrus, Weak to Strong2019-08-16 1 
67642096Dungeonpunk Wolfenstein SettingA setting where the PCs are fantasy B.J. Blazcowickz fighting against the magitech cult of Zarus. Lots of monsters are also designed.wolfenstein, zarus, HFY, fascism,2019-08-17 0 
3710151Hero Academia Quest #32 - Misnumbered EditionMorning training and talking with your fellow intern ensues, followed by lessons on merchandising and toys. Ushi figma soon to follow. MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2019-08-18 24 
3728649A Song of Knights and Pearls: House Boggs Quest [Thread I]We’re playing as Ser Cormaic Boggs, Knight of the Boggwood. A 19-year-old Knight with unconventional and cunning strategies.Collective Game, House Boggs, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-08-18 10 
3714430For House & Dominion: Crucible 10Shipyard battles on ice.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-08-19 6 
67933615Green MujihadeenA thread about Black Templars unexpectedly turns into a custom chapter thread about Space Islam.Awesome, WH40K, Space Marines, Black Templars, Green Mujihadeen, Custom Chapter, 2019-08-22 3 
3776105Cascadia Railroads Quest 1As our corner of Oregon gets back on its feet, it's our job to get stuff from A to B and make sure the trains run on time.Cascadia Railroads Quest, Railroad, Trains, Business, Post-post-apocalyptic2019-08-25 3 
3739999Cascadia Railroads Quest #0In a post-post-apocalyptic Oregon, the railroad is coming to town and we need to make sure it's successful. #0 thanks to archiving idiocy.Cascadia Railroads Quest, Railroad, Trains, Business, Post-post-apocalyptic2019-08-25 2 
3776424Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 6FCollective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Second Patriarch, Fantasy, QMWalrus, Weak to Strong2019-08-29 0 
September 2019
67964177Adventures of the 74465th Valhallan Infantry RegimentDysfunctional Imperial Guard camp fights off wave after wave of enemies. Featuring: a cat, frenchmen, Commissars, a deathclaw, and fapbait40k, writefaggotry, IG, Felinid, Necron, Custodian, Chaos, Slaanesh, smut, Tau, Dark Eldar2019-09-01 4 
68141968How would fantasy races adapt to modern warfare?OP posits the question: How would fantasy races adopt to modern warfare? and /tg/ answers.Warfare, fantasy, modern warfare, centaur, dwarf, elf, orc, discussion2019-09-03 4 
3783881A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LIXIn which Lord Brynden Malroy returns to Steadhold to celebrate the marriage of Ser Mason Flowers.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-09-05 5 
3757324A Song of Knights and Pearls: House Boggs Quest [Thread II]In which you get married, jump over a fire, then start another much larger fireCollective Game, House Boggs, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-09-06 5 
3768308For House & Dominion: Crucible 11Enhancements, wormholes and a new Neeran threat.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-09-09 6 
3784041House Reynold Quest Chapter 10Where we assist Tygon in dealing with the fallout of conflict, get Allysa pregnant again, and acquire some new duds. GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-09-11 13 
3803080Sworn to Valour Quest #13His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. Sir Andrei and his companions set out in the Fallavon woods in search of his brother. Much danger awaits them.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Into the Woods2019-09-14 22 
3787644The Black CompanyAn unexpected death; or is it liberation?FortunaQM, Black Company, Aurelius2019-09-16 3 
3800042I can't believe I have to trust a goblin #4In which we explore a forest, gain new companions, make our first big haul, and spend the night with Highball!Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, Mr. Culexus2019-09-16 24 
3792352A Song of Knights and Pearls: House Boggs Quest [Thread III]In which you gained a powerful sponsor, snatched up a house, knighted a fat kid, and sowed the seeds of a new alliance. Collective Game, House Boggs, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-09-22 5 
3825507I Can't Believe I Have to Trust a Goblin Quest #5In which we chill in our ship, restock at Dunnlivin, and Anon gets into a fight about thighs.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, Mr. Culexus2019-09-26 24 
3822663The Black CompanyAurelius is a member of the infamous Black Company, currently chilling in garrison duties.FortunaQM, Black Company, Aurelius2019-09-29 3 
October 2019
3805270Hero Academia Quest #33Ushi poses for too long, goes for lunch and is hit on by a creep, then gets ready for her mission, simple as it were.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2019-10-02 24 
3809983For House & Dominion: Crucible 12The Neeran Empire: Why we cant have nice things.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-10-05 5 
3848849Sworn to Valour Quest #14A Knight is Sworn to Valour. A secret war brews in the depths of the Fallavon woodlands. In the midst of this, two brothers are reunited.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, The Secret War2019-10-06 22 
3826468A Song of Knights and Pearls: House Boggs Quest [Thread IV]You deal with a bunch of politics and are finally welcomed back into the King's Peace.Collective Game, House Boggs, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-10-09 4 
3837836House Reynold Quest Chapter 11Where we travel to Fair Isle, defeat Tygett Lannister, plot with Tygon and hear the Rains of Castamere...GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-10-10 11 
3848369Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 4 Qm comes back, we make some sweet gains, and we get Cait to open up about her traumaThe Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta human slave quest, Cape Shit, collective game2019-10-20 2 
3861080A Song of Knights and Pearls: House Boggs Quest [Thread V]You have a nasty fight within the city walls, gain a new ally, and Ciara gets married.Collective Game, House Boggs, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-10-22 4 
3862807Hero Academia Quest #34Mission starts, rolls are rolled and Mic fucking dies. Again.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2019-10-26 24 
3888165Kamen Rider ChronicleReiko Yukihara, Genuis Pro Gamer, finds herself looking into Genm Corp's newest game after witnessing the death of her friends.Kamen Rider, NovaQM, Ex Aid, Justice!, Collective Game2019-10-29 1 
3865523A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LXIn which we finally get to lys and drama happens Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-10-29 6 
3882156House Reynold Quest Chapter 12Where we joust some more, talk with Elleanor and Joanna, help Ser Austin find love and fight pirates. And help Tygon do some dirty deeds.GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-10-31 10 
November 2019
3874844Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest #5We spar with Caitlin. That's about it since OP was too "busy" to update much. The Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta Human Slave Quest, Cape Shit, Collective Game, 2019-11-04 2 
3894083Sworn to Valour Quest #15His Heart Knows Only Virtue. Sir Andrei throws in his lot with his brother, a desperate gambit while the main battle rages. The die is cast.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, The Secret War, No dice yet2019-11-04 22 
3896322Kamen Rider Chronicle EP 2Reiko learns of a government conspiracy and develops a crush. Also her parents come to visit. That goes as well as you expect.Kamen Rider, NovaQM, Ex Aid, Justice!, Collective Game, Kamen Rider Chronicle2019-11-04 1 
3884266A Song of Knights and Pearls: House Boggs Quest [Thread VI]A battle against pirates, a new alliance, and a return home.Collective Game, House Boggs, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-11-09 3 
3906212Kamen Rider Chronicle EP 3 Reiko begins to rebuild Cyber Rescue and suffers a nervous breakdown. Parado shows up during an outing and stirs things up. Kamen Rider, NovaQM, Ex Aid, Justice!, Collective Game, Kamen Rider Chronicle2019-11-11 0 
3903347Hero Academia Quest #34.5Early archive because Anon got a bit salty.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2019-11-16 25 
3918160Kamen Rider Chronicle EP 4Reiko reconciles with family, professes her love to a certain surgeon, and finally brings Cyber Rescue together.Kamen Rider, NovaQM, Ex Aid, Justice!, Collective Game, Kamen Rider Chronicle2019-11-20 0 
3924727Sworn to Valour Quest #16His Blade Defends the Helpless. The rescue mission is successful. But there is a darker, terrible secret at the heart of this conspiracy.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, The Secret War, Blasphemy2019-11-24 23 
3910149For House & Dominion: Crucible 13Out of the frying pan... Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-11-28 5 
3917735House Reynold Quest Chapter 13Where we visit the ruins of Castamere with Lady Elleanor Reynold before heading off to Harrenhal and finding out about our teammates. GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-11-30 8 
December 2019
3910813A Song of Knights and Pearls: House Boggs Quest [Thread VII]A fateful decision is made and an investigation has begun.Collective Game, House Boggs, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2019-12-01 1 
69814013Labyrinthia The Dungeon SuccubusA vast sentient ever-changing dungeon complex, existing purely to draw adventurers into her depths, where if they fall will have their life Succubus, LivingDungeon, Worldbuilding2019-12-08 9 
3938445Blood of Heroes Quest Redux: The Stone Shore Ser Harald StoneBreaker is created and makes his first moves as a free knight. Op has to leave but will returnBlood of Heroes, House Stonebreaker, Stone Shore, Raider, Sea King, Fantasy, Collective Game, Civil War2019-12-08 0 
3948181Kamen Rider Chronicle EP 5The members of Neo Cyber Rescue take front stage as they race to save Reiko and fend off a direct attack against the hospital.Kamen Rider, NovaQM, Ex Aid, Justice!, Collective Game, Kamen Rider Chronicle2019-12-12 1 
3949050House Reynold Quest Chapter 14Where we begin the festivities at Harrenhal, fighting through the team rounds of the melee, feasting, and meeting a son of House Malroy.GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2019-12-18 7 
70017307/tg/ talks about being an abolethTG talks about what to if you became an aboleth in our world.dnd, aboleth, discussion2019-12-21 2 
3958282Sworn to Valour Quest #17His Might Upholds the Weak. A foul evil is defeated. Sir Andrei survives a trying ordeal only to nearly be eaten alive by a serpent. Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, The Secret War, SNEK2019-12-21 26 
3951222For House & Dominion: Into the FireThe Neeran Empire meets its end.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-12-22 5 
70073232/tg/ talks about being a gold dragon/tg/ talks about what they would do if they got transformed intoa gold dragon. Not related with 7001730gold dragon, dnd, discussion2019-12-25 1 
January 2020
3966033Kamen Rider Chronicle EP 6Reiko struggles to discern dreams from reality. Upon sorting that all out she finds herself playing the most dangerous game.Kamen Rider, NovaQM, Ex Aid, Justice!, Collective Game, Kamen Rider Chronicle2020-01-06 0 
3988301Grimdark Quest (Mythic RPG) #1Shi ascends to the role of QM and introduces us to a desert world where he's god-king. His style is absolutely hilarious, in a childish wayArt, Autism Jesus, Collective Game, FATAL, Isekai, Mythic, RPG, Troll2020-01-07 2 
4011268Isekai Quest (Mythic RPG) #6The continuation of Shi's grimdark thread. Nothing happens at all.Autism Jesus, Collective Game, FATAL, Isekai, Mythic, RPG, Slice of Life, Whining2020-01-20 1 
4005752Hero Academia Quest #35Hospital Visit Time!MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2020-01-23 24 
4006118Kamen Rider Chronicle EP 7Reiko duels against Graphite as they continue the hun. Late, Hiiro and Reiko go on a date before NCR is swamped with emergencies. Kamen Rider, NovaQM, Ex Aid, Justice!, Collective Game, Kamen Rider Chronicle2020-01-25 0 
4042757Grimdark Quest (Mythic RPG) #2Shi resets his Grimdark Quest. He quits after only one day, beating Chase as premature quitter.Autism Jesus, Collective Game, FATAL, Isekai, Mythic, RPG2020-01-26 5 
4051672Cascadia Railroads Quest #3Figuring out who is who and what they want can be handy.Cascadia Railroads Quest, Railroad, Trains, Business, Post-post-apocalyptic2020-01-28 0 
4045867Dragonball Quest #181It's back! can't wait for Som to disappear for months after his shitty writing backs him into a corner once again.Collective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2020-01-29 1 
4022405Penal Legion Regiment:Pacificus RenovamenYou are a member of a penal regiment, what is there more to say?40k, Warhammer40k, Penal Regiment, Thal-Gal, Segmentum Pacificius, Homebrew, Malak Subsector, Spicy Fruitcake2020-01-30 1 
February 2020
4037873King of WolvesAn aging King nearing his end protects the kingdom he forged of blood, sweat, and tears.King of Wolves, Klaus, Wolves, Fantasy2020-02-07 4 
4042256A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LXIWhere we wrap up our time in Lys by meeting an old lover, meeting our daughter and getting our new family heirloom. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-02-10 5 
4055050Kamen Rider Chronicle EP 8Reiko deals with an anbush by new Kamen Rider. One with ties to the old crew. Hiiro makes an important choice. Kamen Rider, NovaQM, Ex Aid, Justice!, Collective Game, Kamen Rider Chronicle2020-02-11 0 
4050221House Reynold Quest Chapter 15Where we finish up the Grand Melee at Harrenhal before getting to meet with the Hand of the King regarding Elleanor's ambitions.GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2020-02-14 7 
4043584My Hero Academia Quest #36Farewells and WelcomesMHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2020-02-14 23 
4044501For House & Dominion: AftermathWe begin to deal with the fallout of two decades of war.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2020-02-15 7 
4088176Kamen Rider Chronicle EP 9Cronus announces his plans to the word, Reiko commits corporate espionage and Parado must put a friend out of his misery.Kamen Rider, NovaQM, Ex Aid, Justice!, Collective Game, Kamen Rider Chronicle2020-02-25 0 
4060119ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #1Captain Aurion Shryke, a lowborn dragonseed, sets the founding moments of his House in motion with a sellsword company at his back.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-02-26 27 
4073948I Can't Believe I Have to Trust a Goblin Quest #6 In which we save Scadam and rescued the citizens.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CentreField, Collosal Faggot, Mr. Culexus2020-02-28 23 
March 2020
71338305Argent Strix Anons come together and roll up a chapter of Roman vampires that look like the bastard child of the Black Templars and Flesh Tearers.Custom Chapter, Chapter Creation, Astartes, Space Marines, 40k, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Argent Strix, Rip and Tear.2020-03-08 7 
71354500Argent Strix #2Anons delve into autistically rolling up some gangs, Orks, and a relic for their chapter and its home system. Also Deathwatch.Custom Chapter, Chapter Creation, Astartes, Space Marines, 40k, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Argent Strix, Rip and Tear.2020-03-09 3 
71371020Argent Strix #3Anons once again continues to work on fleshing out the world and Strix, along with some relics.Custom Chapter, Chapter Creation, Astartes, Space Marines, 40k, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Argent Strix, Rip and Tear.2020-03-11 1 
71372884Freaks races in RPGs, yes or no ?A discussion about freak races evolving into an amazing translation of an artists worldbuilding.Freaks, freak, races, art, rust world, uhia, utlh, translation, frog, french2020-03-12 4 
4110431Trust a Goblin PART SEVENIn which we take in stock of what we've achieved so far and have a pleasant airship ride.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CentreField, Collosal Faggot, Mr. Culexus2020-03-13 23 
71414934Argent Strix #4We mistakenly decide to try and draw things out, and then it turns into a clusterfuck.Custom Chapter, Chapter Creation, Astartes, Space Marines, 40k, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Argent Strix, Rip and Tear.2020-03-15 1 
4100027ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #2In which you finally return home and make friends and enemies alike.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-03-17 18 
4105566Kamen Rider Chronicle EP 10The team plans for Revol's extraction while Reiko rides a motorcycle for the first time. Then all hell breaks loose.Kamen Rider, NovaQM, Ex Aid, Justice!, Collective Game, Kamen Rider Chronicle2020-03-17 1 
4108967House Reynold Quest Chapter 16Where we finish our time in Harrenhal and travel to the Golden Tooth where House Reynold gains a betrothal but Mervyn loses a squire.GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2020-03-20 7 
4114394Panzer Commander Quest #59The nemesis across the border, Captain Gerovic, makes a powerful assault. The battle will be fierce indeed.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, Disarmed and Dangerous2020-03-24 2 
4118066Dragonball Quest #184Som actively ensures that his archived threads have high scoresCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2020-03-24 1 
4098544House Rimward Quest - Part 1The bastard son of a demigod king gains the opportunity to found a colony on the far shores of a newly discovered continent.LordQM, Collective Game, House Rimward, Fantasy2020-03-27 1 
4124722Hero Academia Quest #37Half of Ushi's first day back at school from her internship.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2020-03-27 23 
4123802King of Wolves #2An aging King nearing his end protects the kingdom he forged of blood, sweat, and tears. King of Wolves, Klaus, Wolves, Fantasy2020-03-28 2 
4127949For House & Dominion: Aftermath 2How it's made: SP Torpedo edition.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2020-03-31 5 
April 2020
4133369ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #3Negotiations and plots along with a brief POV shift.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-04-01 16 
4168708Dragonball Quest 185: Earthbender Quest 23The next one might not be a joke... https://www.strawpoll.me/19460870Collective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius, Dralo, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball2020-04-01 0 
4142336Kamen Rider Chronicle EP 11The crew continue to fend off Gemn Corp's assault against the Ministry of Health. Reiko finally succumbs to the pressure of leading a team.Kamen Rider, NovaQM, Ex Aid, Justice!, Collective Game, Kamen Rider Chronicle2020-04-02 0 
4141921House Rimward Quest - Part 2Bayside prospers, contact made with the natives, a council formed and Takkil's leg gets poisoned. LordQM, Collective Game, House Rimward, Fantasy2020-04-11 0 
4169490Kamen Rider Chronicle EP 12Emu does his best to save Taiga's life and soon after interest in the game dies. Kamen Rider, NovaQM, Ex Aid, Justice!, Collective Game, Kamen Rider Chronicle2020-04-15 0 
4163380House Reynold Quest Chapter 17Where we meet with Lord Tywin Lannister and agree to serve his interests, before hearing of war and sailing south to Goldengrove. GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2020-04-16 7 
71958657Nechronica Story Time / BuildsPort Storytime continues, haunted. What music gets you in the zone? Building characters for Support and Hinder. Unofficial classes. Tokens.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, classes, memory, Port, Tachi, Protoca, tower, system, token, tokens, support, builds, advice, music2020-04-18 2 
4167440ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #4The Calm Before the StormCollective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-04-19 13 
4167826Hero Academia Quest #38Ushi goes through some shit.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2020-04-20 24 
72111866warning the EmperorIf an anon got transported to the Great Crusade era, would they be morally obligated to warn the Emperor, and how could they manage it?storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned,2020-04-22 56 
72167194warning the Emperor thread #2A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy. Now with extra storytime. storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-04-24 30 
72198499warning the emperor #3A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy.storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-04-27 28 
May 2020
72325114Top Gear in a very special episodeClarkson, May, and Hammond have only 20000 pounds in order to buy a vehicle and take it from Ultramar to Terra.40k, story, Top Gear, not serious, lol2020-05-03 136 
4203477ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #5Separating lies from truths and then forcing others to do the same.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-05-06 13 
4203084Dusk Elves: Lost Valley Civilization Thread IElves farm, domesticate land birds, meet neighbors, and the Queen eats the heart of a mystical bird, claiming its power as hers and more...Dusk Elves, Elf, Elves, Lost Valley, Civilization, Civ, Dork West, LostCM, 2020-05-10 3 
72654633warning the emperor #4A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy. storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-05-20 38 
72640431Quirks of flying an old, shitty shipAn anon asks how to give character to an old shitty ship. Sailors, air crew, aircraft maintainance crew, historians, and random anons help.space, spacer, space ship, sci-fi, brainstorming, fluff, quirks, old and busted, military, airplane, ocean, ship, aircraft, repair, haunted2020-05-20 9 
4249566Lighthouse QuestIN WHICH: Our hero wakes from a long sleep. A survey is conducted.Lighthouse Quest, Quest, Sci-Fi, asterion2020-05-24 2 
4238752ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #6Tying up loose ends.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-05-25 12 
72796998Warning the Emperor #5A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy. Now featuring Leman Russ.storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-05-26 73 
72871780"Are there any other serious sci-fi settings like Warhammer 40K?""In which the question of 40K's (non)seriousness and the Imperium's (lack of) goodness and necessity is settled. /pol/tards btfo get rektWarhammer, 40K, serious, seriousness, good, goodness, necessary, necessity, Imperium, sperg2020-05-29 9 
June 2020
4257726Dragonball Quest #185The only joke here are your quests SomCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Somnius, Dralo2020-06-04 0 
4253026Dusk Elves: Lost Valley Civilization Thread IIElves genocide Kulweks, expand, and hold a festival. The Queen starts her dynasty.Dusk Elves, Elf, Elves, Lost Valley, Civilization, Civ, Dork West, LostCM2020-06-08 3 
4271331King of Wolves #3The plot reveals itself; somewhat.King of Wolves, Klaus, Wolves, Fantasy2020-06-10 2 
4263426Hero Academia Quest #39Ushi beats up some metal, gets payed and gets another invite.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2020-06-13 26 
4277377House Reynold Quest Chapter 18Where we participate in the Battle of Ashford, and start to deal with it's aftermathGoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2020-06-16 7 
4278474Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 13: Arthur goes to the circus and then visits a church. WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance, Vampires, Circus, Demons2020-06-18 2 
4274280ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #7Plotting and drinking and making new friends. You also become more learned. Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-06-18 12 
July 2020
4304828Daedalus QuestKassa crashes a spaceship, and wakes up 500-something years later in an alien world.Collective Game, Exabyte, Sci-fi, Daedalus 2020-07-05 2 
73542223What games can possibly exist?Anon provides detailed descriptions of tabletop play/design styles and gives game recommendations for each. recommendation, discussion2020-07-06 16 
4316188Godzilla: Hyper Invasion #1When aliens come knocking upon Earth's doorstep, Godzilla is roused into action after witnessing his son's kidnapping.Godzilla, Hyper Invasion, Kaiju, Monsters, Tokusatsu, Drawquest, Collective Game2020-07-11 34 
4307322Hero Academia Quest #39.5 - Not Done Yet EditionUpgrades, friends, and a theme park! MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2020-07-11 24 
4318940 House Reynold Quest Part 19 - ASoIaFWhere we siege Felwood, fight a duel and have many conversations. GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2020-07-13 7 
4314488ASOIAF Quest - Ironborn House GenerationWhere we create House Redhand, an ancient ironborn house and its current heir, young Victara Redhand.Collective Game, House Redhand, Game of Thrones, GoT, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, QM Ironboi, Ironborn2020-07-18 5 
4325194Multiplayer Kek's Isekai (Mythic RPG) #7In an evil town, the party takes a quest to kill a succubus who runs a prostitution ring.Autism Jesus, Isekai, Lovecraft, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG, Weeb2020-07-19 1 
73798681Nechronica thread Gravel Storytime 3 & 4 and battle map translation.Anon posts Map translation. Gravel Storytime continues. The A-team encounters creepy urban decay, big bad bugs, new threads, new townfolk.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Gravel, Adrian, Altina, Aida, Alexis, Ana, bugs, Russians, Chinese, clothes, map, system, Rita, chickens2020-07-21 3 
4365402Cascadia Railroads Quest #4Collins' big mission to Upper Valley and HalseyCascadia Railroads Quest, Railroad, Trains, Business, Post-post-apocalyptic2020-07-23 0 
4322907ASOIAF Quest - House Redhand Thread 1The story of Victara Redhand begins with a disturbance by the Brothers, a band of Faithful wanting to bring down the ironborn. Collective Game, House Redhand, Game of Thrones, GoT, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, QM Ironboi, Ironborn2020-07-24 3 
4336761King of Wolves #4A Moot is called.King of Wolves, Klaus, Wolves, Fantasy2020-07-27 2 
4362286Multiplayer Kek's Isekai (Mythic RPG) #8Continuation of the previous thread.Autism Jesus, Isekai, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG, Weeb2020-07-30 0 
August 2020
4337876WH40K: Novo Solo CrusadeIn the grimer drakness of the Imperium Nilhus, the Imperial crusade to retake the Novo Solo sector begins.Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer 40k, Imperial Crusade, Novo Solo Crusade, Crusade2020-08-01 2 
4341421ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #8You rub a head for good luck and incite a mobCollective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-08-05 12 
4370979Godzilla: Hyper Invasion #2 (Chapter2, Part 1)Godzilla continues his fight against the aliens in his bid to find Junior. In this chapter part he faces off against the powerful Zetton!Godzilla, Hyper Invasion, Kaiju, Monsters, Tokusatsu, Drawquest, Collective Game2020-08-10 23 
4354240Hero Academia Quest #40Ushi is jumped on at a forest and is promptly slaughtered.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2020-08-12 25 
4374593House Reynold Quest Chapter 20For I may be small, but I will stand tall, While giants fear to walk in the light...GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2020-08-15 4 
74251433Nechronica Thread! Gravel Storytime & Port Storytime. Crazy letter generator.A-team hunts for the big bad bugs. Tachi confronts herself, Showdown with Abbadon, & someone is left behind. Anon shares a font of madness.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Gravel, Adrian, Altina, Aida, Port, Tachi, Protoca, B3, story, violence, bugs, russians, crazy letter2020-08-16 3 
4389754ASOIAF: House Silverbank Creation ThreadIn which we create House Silverbank, a Riverlands House on the Western end, beset by complete lawlessness. The MC is a bastard of the Lady.House Silverbank, Silverbank, Bastard, ASOIAF, Game of Thrones, GoT, A Song of Ice and Fire2020-08-25 0 
4420645Sworn to Valour General #1A thread to discuss the recent ban of Forgotten QM and the virtues of Erotic Roleplay.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, All Jannies Must Hang, ERP2020-08-26 22 
4412533ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #9Dice are cast with lives on the line. A storm brews.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-08-28 12 
4370656ASOIAF Quest - House Redhand Thread 2Part 2 where Ironboi disappearsCollective Game, House Redhand, Game of Thrones, GoT, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, QM Ironboi, Ironborn2020-08-28 0 
September 2020
74563504Nechronica Thread - Metal EditionEngland Storytime & Gravel Storytime continue! FEAST & FEELINGS! BLOOD & THUNDER! Anons share inspiration in the form of album cover art.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Coleo, Melico, Imp, Gravel, Adrian, Altina, Aida, bugs, England, violence, Russians, metal, art, music2020-09-01 2 
4400446Cascadia Railroads Quest #5After securing support for new depo in the Upper Willamette Valley, Collins tries to convince board members to improve train safetyCascadia Railroads Quest, Railroad, Trains, Business, Post-post-apocalyptic2020-09-01 1 
74638599Warning the Emperor #6A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-09-02 37 
74732945Warning The Emperor #7A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-09-05 65 
4416666Multiplayer Kek's Isekai (Mythic RPG) #9Exploration of Labyrinthia; the quest migrates to tgchan https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/975434.htmlDungeon, Isekai, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG, Succubus2020-09-07 3 
4415062Welcome to McSpacies: First HalfWe try to run a McSpacies restaurant, but then discover the high-stakes world of disco and intragalactic fast food genocide.Collective Game, McSpacies, Welcome to McSpacies, Comedy, Sci-fi, Science Fiction, QMWalrus2020-09-16 1 
4419463Hero Academia Quest #41Be fancy, punk.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia2020-09-20 24 
4445159Trust a Goblin Quest PART EIGHTIn which we explore the walled town of Kretch, meet many new faces and learn the basics of ophiachans.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2020-09-25 23 
4441328A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | PrologueSelf-insert Westerman save the day by the Hand of God. Wank, House Malroy, Railroad2020-09-27 2 
4471475A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LXIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy returns to Westeros and takes the fight to his enemies upon the seas and within the courts.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-09-30 2 
October 2020
44306032nd US Civil War: Sun Belt CrusadersDuring the chaos of the 2nd American Civil War, a meth cook forms a cult of crusaders to retake America, starting with rural Arizona.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2020-10-01 11 
4431881Cascadia Railroads Quest #6aA new set of board negotiations beginsCascadia Railroads Quest, Railroad, Trains, Business, Post-post-apocalyptic2020-10-02 0 
4450315Godzilla: Hyper Invasion #3 (Chapter 2, Part 2)After saving his endangered child Shin from King Ghidorah, Godzilla heads to San Francisco on a rampage. The Humans fight back fiercely.Godzilla, Hyper Invasion, Kaiju, Monsters, Tokusatsu, Drawquest, Collective Game2020-10-04 14 
75185467Nechronica Thread: Spooky Mech Edition | Port Storytime Finale | Red Planet Storytime | Entombed Class releasedTranslation team releases Entombed Class. The Finale of Port Storytime. Red Planet Storytime continues. Anon seeks feedback on custom class.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Port, Protoca, Tachi, Class, Entombed, Red Planet, mars, space, parents, settings, custom, skills, parts2020-10-07 2 
75300357Nechronica Thread: Hair Metal Horror EditionMetalhead updated. Work on homebrew classes & shooting rebalance. Building enemies & encounters. Reskinning parts to fit character concepts.Nechronica, class, update, classes, custom, advice, encounter, reskin, rebalancing, homebrew, shooting, ranged, enemies2020-10-12 1 
4490118House Reynold Quest Chapter 22Where we go to Kings Landing and seek answers to many unanswered questions. GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Reynold, Reynold2020-10-12 10 
4449430KAIJU QUEST 1Waking up from a stirred slumber, Dynasuarus finds himself upon the Devil's Archipelago, the home of monsters.Collective Game, Kaiju, Tokusatsu, Kaiju Quest, Drawquest, Monster2020-10-12 0 
75368818Song-based encountersYOU: Post music ANOTHER ANON: Design an encounter around it.Music, Encounters, Brainstorming2020-10-13 0 
4453899ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #10The AftermathCollective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2020-10-14 11 
4457376Welcome to McSpacies: Second HalfWe come down from our disco high, cope with brain damage and King's antics, and then host an eating contest to top all eating contests.Collective Game, McSpacies, Welcome to McSpacies, Comedy, Sci-fi, Science Fiction, QMWalrus2020-10-17 2 
4458026Hero Academia Quest #42Studying is done, friendships strengthened and uncomfortable talks are had.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia, Female Protagonist2020-10-18 25 
75487548Warning The Emperor #8A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-10-19 81 
44738662nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #2The Sun Belt Crusaders deal with unexpected events, meet strange characters, & continue to build up their presence. Features a major battle.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2020-10-30 6 
4483117Godzilla: Hyper Invasion #4 (Chapter 2, Part 3)After defeating Amuro Ray and Char Aznable in the Gundam and Zeong, Godzilla confronts Biollante in Los Angeles.Godzilla, Hyper Invasion, Kaiju, Monsters, Tokusatsu, Drawquest, Collective Game2020-10-31 13 
November 2020
4510838The 2nd Primarch QuestThe 2nd Primarch's destiny is changed! Now named Lieren, the young primarch seeks to bring prosperity and plenty to all people of ShangralaCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2020-11-12 63 
4497853Hero Academia Quest #42.5Something something examMHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia, Female Protagonist2020-11-22 24 
4504247Trust a Goblin PART NINEIn which we enjoy sharing a room with Highball, make plans and get acquainted with our passenger.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2020-11-22 20 
4503678Imperial commander quest #1Imperial commander questICQ, Varius2020-11-25 3 
4506246Welcome to McSpacies: Final HalfWe prepare for the approach of King's battleship, defeat it, and then have a final battle of epic proportions.Collective Game, McSpacies, Welcome to McSpacies, Comedy, Sci-fi, Science Fiction, QMWalrus 2020-11-26 0 
December 2020
76228931Warning The Emperor #9A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-12-01 73 
4506554Bug Army of the Locustmotive [Skirmish]Under the purview of a scorching sun lies the remnants of Dry Hive. Early one morning scouts notice a train stationed nearby. Hope perhaps?fenster, collective game, collaborative game, skirmish, drones, bug army, bugs, bug, army, locustmotive, train, bug puns2020-12-01 1 
45141852nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #3The Crusaders grow in size, develop a patron/client relationship, get a quest, and have a Thanksgiving dinner in a slight breather episode.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2020-12-05 6 
4518561For House & Dominion: Aftermath 3Diplomacy with the Kythera. Sonia Reynard will return in For House and Dominion: IncursionCollective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2020-12-06 5 
4546218Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 15Maria goes on a pilgrimage towards Ca'Ren with her maids, Solomon and the morsemen. On the way she has her luckiest kill and saddest choiceOtome, Otome Gone Wrong, Otome QM, Intrigue, Real World Mockery, Academy, Dragon, God, Deus Ex Machina2020-12-06 6 
4531257The 2nd Primarch Quest 2Lieren brings prosperity to the Lands of Gao, Creates a school of philosophy, slays Lord Gao, and enters into a war against the Yan nobilityCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2020-12-13 41 
4535086Yunan's QuestA quest from the point of General Yunan! Scourge of the Sand Wars, Defeater of Ragnar the Wretched... after her encounter with Grimmes.Amphibia, Yunan, Newtopia, Crivora, Bard, Betrayal, Monster, Robot, Duel, The Music Box, The Music Box QM2020-12-17 20 
76482649Original Cyberpunk Gangs/tg/ invents some original factions for cyberpunk and burgerpunk settings.cyberpunk, burgerpunk, worldbuilding, blackpowder muskets,2020-12-18 4 
76454598Draw your party threadPeople talk about their games, share advice, & post cool drawings. Campy musicals, grim mythology, treacherous techpriests, & more.draw, painting, party, byzantine, human sacrifice, dnd, Savage Worlds, 40K, nechronica, robotica, pathfinder, FATE, Rogue Trader, musical2020-12-22 1 
4545223Trust a Goblin PART TENIn which we stop by Dunnlivin for a shopping trip and make some upgrades to our ship.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2020-12-23 20 
4545216Hero Academia Quest #43Friends are pretty great to have.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia, Female Protagonist2020-12-26 24 
4585852A Song of Steel and Storms: Chapter 1Where our quest begins as Ser Ardrian Borlund, the first Knight of Stonegrove. GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Borlund, Borlund2020-12-29 1 
4552369Get Off My Lawn: A Wizard's TaleZod, a muscle wizard of the 5th Caliber, returns to his tower to discover that a pesky village has sprung up around it. get off my lawn, a wizard's tale, wizard, muscle wizard, watdo, hilarity ensues2020-12-30 1 
January 2021
45592722nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #4Two simultaneous missions give a look into two very different parts of Arizona during the war. Features guns, beer, & cow manure!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-01-03 6 
76585688Draw your party thread: Christmas 2020 and New YearsDrawings of parties, GMing advice, people talk about games, storytime, a drawfag starts on a new template.Draw, party, storytime, noir, Black Crusade, Nechronica, Genesys, d&d, WFRP, Only War, cyberpunk, Pathfinder, Ubiquity, Savage Worlds2021-01-03 1 
4565789Godzilla: Hyper Invasion #5 (Chapter 3, Part 1)Doctor Serizawa, creator of Destoroyah, becomes associated with the ambitious Metphies and his dark faith. Kiryu battles Angels.Godzilla, Hyper Invasion, Kaiju, Monsters, Tokusatsu, Drawquest, Collective Game2021-01-08 11 
4576011Salary Man: Whitecollar Vigilante (1st Shift)Sugimoto Daisuke, a 49 year-old salaryman, gets fed up with his tortuous life and decides to become a superhero.Collective Game, Salary Man, Superhero, Japan, Weak protagonist, Male protagonist, QMWalrus2021-01-09 8 
4568748The 2nd Primarch Quest 3The war rages on as Lieren braves the bone devouring forest alone, meeting both tribes of bloodthirsty warriors and their bestial enemies Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2021-01-11 31 
4570856Jesus Christ QuestJesus returns from his trials in the desert only to find himself in the strange new world of the 21st century.jesus, christ, pope, vatican, catholic, protestant, muslim, debate, orthodox, constantinople, greece2021-01-13 3 
4573185Zerak Rise Quest #1You're King Andros III of Zerak and you got the responsibility to rule your country since your father passed away.Zerak, Rise, medieval, fantasy, kingdom simulator, crusader kings, court, king, zerak rise quest2021-01-17 1 
4576717Project Wingbride, A Project Wingman Spin-Quel-Off 1A quest set in the world of Project D2's critically-acclaimed tribute to the Ace Combat game series, featuring Cortana-esque plane AIfus.AI Waifus, Planes, Project Wingman, Ace Combat, Military2021-01-24 4 
4601889Operation Miletus Thread 1In Which the Colonial Suffers a terrible setback.BSG, BodyKiller, Miletus2021-01-29 2 
February 2021
4611224Space Station 13 Quest: Station 2A new station, a new adventure for our new cyborg MC.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Space, Clown, Lizard, Cyborg, Mechanicus, Weed Monster, Changelin2021-02-02 5 
4592630American ArcanaIt is 1979. Atticus Hart is a junior at Southeil Preparatory School. A girl has committed suicide. The QM tragically flakes.american arcana, low fantasy, disco elysium, atticus hart, mystery, RIP2021-02-03 0 
77348674Corpse MyconidsWhat starts as a myconid art thread quickly evolves into darker ideas about parasitic mushrooms and myconids who grow on corpses.Myconid, myconids, mushroom, mushrooms, 2021-02-05 4 
77292353Kaiju Sector Clusterfuck Faction Generator IA thread dedicated to creating a Tyranid Hive Fleet spirals into a sector clusterfuck as more (weirdly kaiju related) factions are rolled upWarhammer 40k, Tyranids, Orks, Tau, Space Marines, Eldar, Clusterfuck2021-02-05 2 
45929692nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #5The Sun Belt Crusaders deal with industrial meth production, Indian intrigue, deranged raiders, UFO-Lizardperson-NWO conspiracies, and more!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-02-05 5 
77377722Primarch Rolling Thread #1When a Primarch generator is posted, /tg/ begins rolling an alternate timeline of the Heresy in the 30th millennium.Warhammer 40k, 40k, Horus Heresy, Alternate Heresy, Primarch, Roll2021-02-07 13 
77384610Primarch Roll Thread #2Second Primarch Roll ThreadWarhammer 40k, 40k, Horus Heresy, Alternate Heresy, Primarch, Roll2021-02-07 7 
77388975Primarch Rolling Thread Third Primarch Roll ThreadWarhammer 40k, 40k, Horus Heresy, Alternate Heresy, Roll2021-02-07 5 
77392122Primarch Rolling Thread 4The fourth thread where /tg/ rolls up primarchsWarhammer 40k, 40k, Horus Heresy, Alternate Heresy, Roll2021-02-07 6 
77401858Primarch Roll Thread #5A good amount done, but cut short due to everyone sleepingWarhammer 40k, 40k, Horus Heresy, Alternate Heresy, Primarch, Roll2021-02-08 5 
77353236Kaiju Sector Clusterfuck Faction Generator IIRolls further create two fanatical Guard regimentum, a renegade Blood Angel Chapter, an insane DEldar Kabal and an insaner Necron Dynasty.Warhammer 40k, Tyranids, Orks, Tau, Space Marines, Eldar, Imperial Guard, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Creation Tables, Clusterfuck2021-02-08 3 
77417591Primarch Rolling Thread #6The true extent of Heresy's rot becomes clear.Warhammer 40k, 40k, Horus Heresy, Alternate Heresy, Primarch, Roll2021-02-10 3 
77425560Primarch Roll Thread #7The next installment to the exhilarating seriesWarhammer 40k, 40k, Horus Heresy, Alternate Heresy, Primarch, Roll2021-02-10 2 
77444371Primarch Roll Thread #9(?)The last threadWarhammer 40k, 40k, Horus Heresy, Alternate Heresy, Primarch, Roll2021-02-13 2 
4650432A Song of Steel and Storms: Chapter 2Where Ardrian finds a witch and matters of faith and justice are tested...GoT, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House Borlund, Borlund2021-02-13 0 
4603602The 2nd Primarch Quest 4The Yan army suffers defeat after defeat. Lieren mourns the loss of a friend, teaches strange students and finds a living ship named kanzeonCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2021-02-14 30 
4613249Salary Man: Whitecollar Vigilante (2nd Shift)Salary Man enforces justice at a metal concert, gets assaulted, and engages in mock romance.Collective Game, Salary Man, Superhero, Japan, Weak protagonist, Male protagonist, QMWalrus2021-02-17 5 
4631602Space Station 13 Quest: Space Station 13 Quest: Station 3 - Booze StationThird time's the charm or so they say.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Space, Clown, Cyborg, Mechanicus, Weed Monster, Slime, Tesla Ball, Russians, Vodka2021-02-18 3 
4610638Zerak Rise Quest #2We go around getting witches naked.Zerak, Rise, medieval, fantasy, kingdom simulator, crusader kings, court, king, zerak rise quest2021-02-18 1 
4633673HuscarlA skirmish made in 24 hours for Skrimjam. Vikings cross the sea to raid England, but their return is blocked by the lord's soldiers.Huscarl, Skirmish, Vikings, Medieval2021-02-19 1 
77635575Warning The Emperor #10A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2021-02-21 44 
4612257Project Wingbride, A Project Wingman Spin-Quel-Off 2A quest set in the world of Project D2's critically-acclaimed tribute to the Ace Combat game series, featuring Cortana-esque plane AIfus. AI Waifus, Planes, Project Wingman, Ace Combat, Military2021-02-23 1 
77703486Warning The Emperor #11A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2021-02-23 42 
4624564Hero Academia Quest #44Friends, more friends, an accident and some advice.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia, Female Protagonist2021-02-24 24 
77782960Warning The Emperor #12 Prelude A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2021-02-28 66 
March 2021
4635062My Daughter's a Magical Girl! (not actually a one shot)Local Dad discovers daughter is a magical girl, goes on magical demonslaying adventure, more at 9.Quest, Collective Game, Anon, Anonymous, MG, Magical Girl, Shotgun Dad, dad, magic, My Daughter's a Magical Girl!2021-03-01 5 
4632582Jotunheim, A SkirmJam SkirmishA remote research facility goes silent, a squad of operatives are deployed to investigate.Skirmish, Multiplayer, Narrative-focus, Horrible-mistakes2021-03-04 0 
46390602nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #6The unexpected death, burial, and resurrection of the Sun Belt Crusaders.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-03-13 4 
77961635Would you be the mini-boss and husband for a doting lawful evil empress?/tg/ is asked an ethical question and responds by concluding that it'd make a great anime and arguing over potential titles.ethical question, morality, alignment discussion, BBEG, Evil Overlord, Waifu,2021-03-15 2 
4651156The 2nd Primarch Quest 5The end of the war is upon the horizon. Lieren ambushes an enemy general and through his memories, learns of the true wickedness of the Yan.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2021-03-16 30 
4655953Salary Man: Whitecollar Vigilante (3rd Shift) Salary Man goes on a deito, meets a formidable opponent in Uyeda Raiden, and prepares for a major job as Salary Man.Collective Game, Salary Man, Superhero, Japan, Weak protagonist, Male protagonist, QMWalrus 2021-03-19 2 
4664076Space Station 13 Quest: Station 4, High Security Nuking.McSnickers Dickerson attempts to advance the field of science and his faith. But can he survive the Syndicates deadliest ops team?Badmin QM, Space Station 13, nuke, space, Mechanicus, Tesla engine, McSnickers Dickerson2021-03-20 0 
4666442Eleventh Primarch QuestThe Fate of the Eleventh Primarch is changed and Kolinasi's adventure begins.Collective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-03-23 12 
78221475Fantasy Race Street FoodWhat do the various classic races have for street food?Lore, fantasy, food, discussion, urban, races2021-03-23 3 
4686103Space Station 13 Quest: Station 4.5, Rust In Peace. . . McSnickersMcSnickers spreads disease like a dog, discharge his payload, a mile high rotten egg, air of death, wrestles syndi nostrils.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, nuke, space, Mechanicus, Tesla engine, maintenance, Nuclear Holocaust, MacArthur did nothing wrong, Revenge2021-03-26 0 
4660907Project Wingbride, A Project Wingman Spin-Quel-Off 3As part of Garm Squadron, you've been ordered to undertake a mission outside the borders of the Orleasian Kingdom. Good luck, Wizard.AI Waifus, Planes, Project Wingman, Ace Combat, Military2021-03-27 0 
April 2021
4697729Neon Terminus Evangelion - 01 - The Same as it Ever Was2017 AD. Seventeen years after Second Impact. The Angels have returned. It's time to fight back.Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2021-04-05 10 
4686148Hero Academia Quest #45Friends, tickets, shopping oh my!MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia, Female Protagonist2021-04-08 25 
4686688Magical Girl PeaceMaker QuestNot-Madoka gets shanked, then post avalanches, then gay, then nigga. Read thisMagical Girl, PeaceMaker, Hush, peaceful2021-04-10 2 
4705736Space Station 13 Quest: Station 5, Mining Station Inquisition.McSnickers gets a feel for his new warmachine body and joins the Inquisitorial Emergency Response Team.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Mechanicus, McSnickers Dickerson, Cult, monster slaying, Inquisition, Russians, lavaland, one month hiatus2021-04-11 0 
4696713The 2nd Primarch Quest 6As the final battle of the war is waged, Lieren travels alone to the Yan capital, slaying princes and facing his most deadly adversary yet.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2021-04-11 30 
4690852My Daughter's a Magical Girl! PT2Local father learns magic and is paranoid.Quest, Collective Game, Anon, Anonymous, MG, Magical Girl, Shotgun Dad, dad, magic, My Daughter's a Magical Girl!2021-04-16 2 
4697909Trust a Goblin PART ELEVENFeel the rhythm, feel the grind, enter the forest it's dwarf killing time.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2021-04-16 20 
4754821Saber and Musket: The Battle of Shedford DownsA one-shot gunpowder period war game. Legitimists face the Chartists in their first major battle of the Aerthyian Civil WarCivil war, gunpowder, muskets, war, war game, TimeKillerQM2021-04-22 6 
4709600Pokemon: Challenger's Odyssey Quest #1Penelope, a budding new Pokemon trainer from the Delian Region begins her journey. Pokemon, Trainer, OlympusQM2021-04-23 1 
4708445Eleventh Primarch Quest TwoKolinasi forges alliances with the witches, and steals a vesselCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-04-23 10 
78743128/tg/ makes an industrial horror setting/tg/ makes a grim setting about giant factories and the degradation of humanity by industry.game ideas, horror, industrial, /tg/2021-04-24 8 
4731368Neon Terminus Evangelion - 02 - Heaven's ServantEthan deals with the fallout of the fight against the Sixth Angel and Sayid delves further into Nerv.Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2021-04-30 7 
May 2021
4737591The 2nd Primarch Quest 7With the defeat of the Yan's hellish Patron, The war against tyranny comes to an end. Lieren begins work to heal the lingering wounds of waCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2021-05-07 30 
4779637Multiplayer Kek's Isekai (Mythic RPG) #10The exploration of Labyrinthia continues. This time, AI Dungeon is used as co-QM tool.AI Dungeon, Dungeon, Isekai, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG, Succubus2021-05-09 1 
78914526Trench CrusadeAnons discuss about the horrific setting created by Mike Franchina.Trench Crusade, worldbuilding, WW1, Trenches2021-05-10 5 
79097963Your GM's fetishesAnons share their GM's fetishes. Turns out even good GMs can have "recurring themes."DM, GM, campaign, storytime, tomboy, musclegirl, slave2021-05-10 3 
4726209King of Wolves #5The Moot is informed, and things come to a head.King of Wolves, Klaus, Wolves, Fantasy2021-05-12 0 
4791072ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #11You travel West.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2021-05-13 7 
4745612My Daughter's a Magical Girl! Pt3Local Dad goes mole hunting, almost dies. Quest, Collective Game, Anon, Anonymous, MG, Magical Girl, Shotgun Dad, dad, magic, My Daughter's a Magical Girl!2021-05-13 2 
4754113Trust a Goblin PART 12Time to level up and party down! How is everyone?Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2021-05-16 20 
4766680Eleventh Primarch Quest ThreeKolinasi discovers an underwater hive, makes a new ally, and prepares for battle.Collective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-05-25 6 
4780941Pokemon: Challenger's Odyssey Quest #2Penelope meets and battle another trainer, reaches Pirus City to supply up and heads for Rockslide Caves.Pokemon, Trainer, OlympusQM2021-05-25 0 
4790721Neon Terminus Evangelion - 03 - Who Can Stand Against A GodNerv lays plans for the future, the pilots grow closer together. Aaliyah prepares for a dangerous mission.Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2021-05-30 6 
June 2021
4785317Salary Man: Whitecollar Vigilante (4th Shift) Salary Man confronts Uyeda Raiden, engages in battle at the shrine, and visits some coworkers.Collective Game, Salary Man, Superhero, Japan, Weak protagonist, Male protagonist, QMWalrus2021-06-02 1 
4846781Megaman: Zero Hour QuestZero has awoken to begin the cataclysm.Megaman, Zero, Zero Hour, Bass, Treble, Protoman, Roll, Rush, Beat, Wily, Dr. Light, Quest2021-06-02 0 
4845497Lotus User Quest #1In which we make our protagonist, Kalte Augen, and find out the basics of the world while playing out his backstory.Lotus User Quest, Lotus, Kalte Augen, Domain, Asphodel, Original Setting2021-06-04 0 
4794644ASOIAF: House Physeter Part 1In which a whale decides to swim to the land of the LionsCollective Game, House Physeter, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, Whale, LeviathanQM2021-06-05 7 
4795070The 2nd Primarch Quest 8Lieren battles against an enemy most foul and with new knowledge and wisdom mends the damage of left by the war both material and emotionalCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2021-06-05 30 
4844220Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #1US Marine David Rockefeller is abducted by greys and hilarity ensues. USA, Marine, HFY2021-06-12 58 
4829643Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #1You arrive to the Officer's Academy, join the Black Eagles, and commit your first War Crime.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, 2021-06-16 48 
4839262ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #12You set sail for home and have a fateful encounter.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2021-06-17 2 
4816355ASOIAF: House Physeter Part 2The little whale sails to the Westerlands, negotiates trade deals, and asserts his dominanceCollective Game, House Physeter, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, Whale, LeviathanQM2021-06-18 5 
79834434Shadowrun Tale: Chapter 4, Subarban Mad MaxA team of shadowrunners joins a racing competition as a way to make a quick buck, gain street cred and earn the respect of the shadow communShadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Tale, Shortfuse, Wolfhound, BYTE, Dice, racing, destruction derby2021-06-18 3 
4834046Eleventh Primarch Quest FourKolinasi personally takes the fight to the slavers and goes off into space.Collective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-06-23 7 
4851056Pokemon: Challenger's Odyssey Quest #3Penelope delves into the Rockslide Caves looking for treasurePokemon, Trainer, OlympusQM2021-06-29 0 
July 2021
4866191Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #2David captures a pirate, raids a gang HQ, meets an old Grey and goes hunting. HFY, HFW Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Collective Game, USA, Marine2021-07-02 30 
80153668Shadowrun Tale: Chapter 5, Calm before the stormThe Shadowrunners profit of some R&R after winning the race and decide to celebrate their hacker's birthday with more experienced shadowrunShadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Tale, Shortfuse, Wolfhound, BYTE, Dice, Party, Birthday, Wuxing, Drones, Walmart2021-07-05 0 
4854357The 2nd Primarch Quest 9Lieren establishes a school, meets his brother Magnus, battles alien bandits. Jinhai is crowned king of the Long Jia dynasty and kingdom.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2021-07-06 30 
4874362ASOIAF: House Shryke Quest #13You return to your lands after a long absence and set your house in order.Collective Game, House Shryke, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2021-07-07 3 
80171648The Mushroom ThreadA compendium of resources for everything mushroom-related in tabletop RPGs.mushrooms, mushroom, fungus, fungi, worldbuilding, monster, myconid, myconids, shrooms, shroom2021-07-07 0 
4878276ASOIAF: House Physeter Part 1After inking a trade deal and rejecting a betrothal, the little whale proceeds to make a series of increasingly stupid decisionsCollective Game, House Physeter, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, Whale, LeviathanQM2021-07-11 3 
80265688Shadowrun Tale: Chapter 6, A WAR ON TWO FRONTSWanting to claim an abandoned brewery for a greek god and the Commune, Shortfuse and his team never expected how quickly a run can turn sourShadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Tale, Shortfuse, Wolfhound, BYTE, Dice, Brewery, WYLD DAWGS, Firesnakes, RipNTear, Ares, Homie2021-07-13 0 
4870603Neon Terminus Evangelion - 04 - The Great BelowKorine finally sees combat, Aaliyah infiltrates Nerv and finds what they're hiding.eon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2021-07-14 6 
4911798Pokemon Trainer Quest #1Your adventure begins with towels, character establishment, a tomboy and of course, pokemon.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Starting out, Creek, SuperBusy2021-07-17 12 
4883824Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #2Blair meets new friends and is embroiled in the midst of a religious uprising.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, Collective Game, TreeHouses QM,2021-07-21 37 
4887482Godzilla: Hyper Invasion #6 (Chapter 3, Part 2)Godzilla is whisked away into the Monster prison of Zagres and her Dada servants, but Jet Jaguar comes to the rescue.Godzilla, Hyper Invasion, Kaiju, Monsters, Tokusatsu, Drawquest, Collective Game2021-07-21 2 
48821932nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #7The "second season's" first thread, featuring action packed combat, big-brain discussion, intrigue, a coup, a new faction, & also sufferi2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders, Second Season2021-07-27 4 
4887480Eleventh Primarch Quest FiveKolinasi takes the something fierce to Nuceria, and his life changes Collective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-07-29 7 
August 2021
80648267Shadowrun Tale: Chapter 7, HOLY DIVERFrom the worst plane trip in existence to an ever worse underwater treasure hunt, Shortfuse and his group are in for an epic fight!Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Tale, Shortfuse, Wolfhound, BYTE, Dice, Airplane, Douglas, Pirate, Treasure Hunt, Kraken, Sp1r1t2021-08-06 2 
4906959The 2nd Primarch Quest 10Lieren, now the Grand architect of Long-Jia, meets three threats more dangerous and wicked than any he's overcome before. Love bloomsCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2021-08-14 31 
4918924Saber and Musket: The Foebadyn Campaign #1General Belmonte leads the Army of Antary on campaign in enemy territoryCivil war, gunpowder, muskets, war, war game, TimeKillerQM 2021-08-17 5 
80736338Draw your party thread: Bug, Glug, and ChugDrawings of parties and people people talk about games. A Lasgun happens.Draw, party, storytime, d&d, 5e, Only War, dark heresy, cyberpunk, Pathfinder, shadowrun, Lasgun, Black Crusade, Nechronica, template2021-08-17 0 
4923765Neon Terminus Evangelion - 05 - The Weight of a SoulAngel attacks increase in number and severity. Nerves fray. Attrition takes its toll. What is the weight of one life?Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2021-08-19 6 
4913774Your Wife Is A Supervillain: Issue #1You are Richard Gardener, and your wife Vicky isn’t having an affair. An affair would be easier to solve, for one thing…Collective Game, Superheroes, Supervillains, Paranoia, Conspiracies, Loving Wife, Pompous Psychic Terrorist Grandpa, Cool Ninja Bro2021-08-21 10 
4953135Pokemon Trainer Quest #2You found shelter from a storm, got stitched up, bonded with Fie, made friends with wild pokemon, caught a bunch and more.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Camping, SuperBusy2021-08-26 10 
4941633Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #4David takes care of some pirates, recruits a cabinboy, a robot and the best girl. Also he punches a ghost to death. HFY, HFW Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Collective Game, USA, Marine2021-08-27 26 
September 2021
4932214Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #3Blair assists with the retrieval of a legendary weapon and finally becomes a Pegasus Knight.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, Collective Game, TreeHouses QM2021-09-01 33 
4918749ASOIAF: House Physeter Part 4The little whale gets a loan and then the votes deadlock until the thread diesCollective Game, House Physeter, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, Whale, LeviathanQM2021-09-03 1 
49355652nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #8A breather episode focusing on introducing new faces, gaining influence, and setting up for conflicts to come. Features salary negotiations!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-09-11 3 
4941492Eleventh Primarch Quest SixKolianaisi bonds with Angron and defends a cityCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-09-11 10 
4957715The 2nd Primarch Quest 11Lieren overcomes the tribulation of the five lords of chaos, meets his father and hunts down the sorcerous tyrant Kamal Kanan.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2021-09-26 31 
4999756THE GREAT /QST/ WAIFU TOURNAMENTCommunity event for the board. /qtg/ discussion turns into a fully fledged tournament for /qst/ waifus determined by user votes.tourny master, tournament, /qst/, event, waifus2021-09-26 26 
4969194Saber and Musket: The Foebadyn Campaign #2The Battle of Heiland in all its bloody glory Civil war, gunpowder, muskets, war, war game, TimeKillerQM2021-09-27 5 
October 2021
4976072Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #5David forges some funky metal, trains with his crew, finally gets laid and ATF's someone's dogHFY, HFW Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Collective Game, USA, Marine2021-10-02 25 
4974369Your Wife Is A Supervillain: Issue #2You are Richard Gardener and finally you have gained the promotion. Nothing like a family reunion to celebrate, right ? Collective Game, Superheroes, Supervillains, Paranoia, Loving Husband, Loving Wife, Cool Ninja Bro, Cool watch Grandpa2021-10-06 3 
4991982Pokemon Trainer Quest #2You played Seven Minutes in Heaven, made it to Newport, had a run in with Team Green, met Holly and challenged the Bug GymPokemon Quest, Towel, Concussion, Team Green, SuperBusy2021-10-07 9 
4995537Neon Terminus Evangelion - 06 - The Abyss's GazeAn Angel is detected in the depths of the Pacific and an operation is launchedNeon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2021-10-23 3 
4991798Hero Academia Quest #46Death threat for your thoughts?MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA2021-10-26 24 
81712351/tg/ recommended literature threadA good and civilized discussion on books to get inspiration from.literature, books, discussion2021-10-27 0 
4992636Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #4Blair captures an old enemy, and the Battle of the Eagle and Lion begins.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, Collective Game, TreeHouses QM,2021-10-30 34 
November 2021
4992613Eleventh Primarch Quest SevenKolinaisi helps Angron with NuceriaCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-11-02 10 
49924432nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #9A fierce fight in Phoenix followed by a country doctor distributing charity (i.e. meth) to the poor and needy (i.e. junkies) of Maricopa!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-11-05 5 
82088742Leviathan Thread 3/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-09 14 
82061803Leviathan Thread 1/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-09 22 
82076577Leviathan Thread 2/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-09 6 
82025910/tg/ Lore Compass Thread - Leviathan Thread 0regular old lore compass thread, until an idea of faith, fish, pain, and stone is formedSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-09 6 
82094674Leviathan Thread 4/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-10 5 
82111576Leviathan Thread 5 /tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-11 6 
82120317Leviathan Thread 6/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-12 5 
82130747Leviathan Thread 7/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-12 5 
82143239Leviathan Thread 8/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-13 5 
82155056Leviathan Thread 9/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-14 6 
82165045Leviathan Thread 10/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-16 9 
82175910Leviathan Thread 11/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-16 6 
82189203Leviathan Thread 12/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-18 5 
5008985The 2nd Primarch Quest 12Lieren meets The butcher King Nitya Sinha, learns of the origins of Kanzeon and her sisters, and meets his Brother PerturaboCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2021-11-19 31 
82215096Leviathan Thread 13/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-20 1 
82242853Leviathan Thread 14/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-21 3 
5014552Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #6David hijacks a ship, makes contact with Gron and decides to change sides.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2021-11-22 27 
82256798Leviathan Thread 15/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-22 1 
82279888Leviathan Thread 16/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-24 2 
82297046Leviathan Thread 17/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-26 0 
82313992Leviathan Thread 18/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-26 1 
December 2021
5040101Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 4You refused to Battle Mike, met back up with Fie's friends, made it to Lake Clarity, had a strange dream, met Latias and beat up Team Green Pokemon Quest, Towel, Camping, Team Green, SuperBusy2021-12-02 5 
82332533Leviathan Thread 19/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-12-05 6 
5014911SCARY QUESTIn which the Dark Knight Odysseus tries to find his head before Halloween! Many shenanigans, hot babes, and an inconclusive ending.MySojourn, Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, Comedy, Halloween, Dark Knight, Headless Horseman, Odysseus, WickedQM2021-12-06 1 
5063144Saber and Musket: The Foebadyn Campaign #3The defenses of the city remain to be dealt with. The campaign concludes.Civil war, gunpowder, muskets, war, war game, TimeKillerQM2021-12-17 5 
5051145Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #5Blair helps put an end to the war with the Western Church, and a new enemy reveals themselves.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, Collective Game, TreeHouses QM,2021-12-22 34 
50478712nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #10Scouting south of Maricopa as the Messenger playing peacemaker. Brace for gallant charges, eccentric elders, a red sickle's specter, & more2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-12-24 3 
5059400The 2nd Primarch Quest - Thread 13A goddess descends from the heavens, her sister freed, and the war against the Butcher King for the soul of Shangrala begins.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2021-12-25 30 
January 2022
5062182Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #7David and Cylia deal with a worm while Clank flexes on some aliens.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-01-04 26 
5073713Star Wars: Traveller QuestAdventure gets underway with Vela Rax, a simple man trying to make his way in the universe.Star Wars, TimeKillerQM, Traveller, Candorian Cluster2022-01-06 0 
82843513/tg/ makes a hexcrawl In which we fill an empty hexmap with a campaign setting.hexmap, hexcrawl, worldbuilding, australians, canadians, setting, geography, places, fantasy2022-01-08 7 
5082606Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 5You started hiking around Lake Clarity, battled Team Green against, handed evidence to the police after lunch and did some fishing. Pokemon Quest, Towel, Camping, Team Green, Fishing, SuperBusy2022-01-09 6 
82890060Forgeworld Hanzien/tg/ plays with creation tables and makes an Imperial Chinese-themed Forgeworld menaced by Orks and a particularly dickish Rogue Trader.creation tables, adeptus mechanicus, admech, forgeworld, techpriest, china, chinese, imperial, terracotta skitarii,2022-01-10 1 
February 2022
5101333Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #6Blair returns home to put down a rebellion, reconnect with her benefactor, and learn of a new war soon to come.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, Collective Game, TreeHouses QM,2022-02-07 35 
50965882nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #11The rogues' gallery grows as the fated POZ-Maricopa face off takes a turn for the strange. Comes with limited edition Advent box art!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2022-02-10 5 
5111972EvoGame - Renewed Tale of Two Moons Part 1: Dawn on Western Janus/Qst returns to the Lunt system, stopping off at Janus' Aetheria region to start evolving the survivors of its last extinction event.Collective Game, evo, evolution, Janus, evogame, Metapurgaluxian era, Lunt system, Region One2022-02-10 1 
5107800The 2nd Primarch Quest 14The War against the butcher king rages, a white tiger is slain, the rivers of the gold dragon are forged by Lieren, Magnus and Perturabo Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2022-02-12 30 
5108810Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #8Clank partakes in a tournament and the crew meets the red and blue sisters.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-02-13 28 
5128896Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 6You woke up on an island, caught a Feebas, made a shelter, had a dream-battle with Mike, met Henry and discussed adopting a legendaryPokemon Quest, Towel, Concussion, Survival, SuperBusy2022-02-19 5 
5124869Neon Terminus Evangelion - 07 - See No EvilThe recovery operation is complete and the fleet returns home. Katya faces another Angel. Truths are revealed.Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2022-02-25 2 
March 2022
5130116HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #4After spending a moment in the shoes of Gamma, your next shift was spent dealing with one anomaly and beating the shit outta another.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, Coffee Addiction, the QM will try to update faster please trust him2022-03-05 10 
5146906Eleventh Primarch Quest: Chapter 10Kolinaisi goes on a raid and deals with necronsCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2022-03-15 5 
5147047Hero Academia Quest #47A barnyarn sleepover and some bike practice.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia, Female Protagonist2022-03-18 24 
51592702nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #12A quieter episode with preparations before anticipated action.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2022-03-27 4 
5161767The 2nd Primarch Quest 15Lieren and his sons fight side by side as the final battle of the butcher's war begins. Heroes of Long-Jia battle the devil of black ironCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2022-03-29 31 
5165346Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #9David and Gron go hunting for a lost crewmember, but encounter trouble almost immediately.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-03-31 28 
April 2022
5167550Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #7Blair returns to the monastery, has her first kiss, and finds herself at the whims of a dangerous foe.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, Collective Game, TreeHouses QM,2022-04-01 33 
5182912(You Are A) Craigslist Killer Quest 3Here you go, abducting hotties and dropping bodies again! Blackmail, lies, corruption, rough sex, and murder, all hiding in plain sight!! Fae Smelter, Serial Killer, Skeletor, Toothpaste, Rape, Sex, Detective, Cop, Harem, Coom, Thriller, Twist, Blackmail, Velton, USA, Swamp2022-04-06 2 
5175568Trust a Goblin PART 13Welcome party, unwelcome guests.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, Trust a Goblin, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2022-04-11 18 
5185864Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 7You cleared out a camp for the night, played truth or dare, bonded with Holly and decided to push for Silveridge Town the next morning.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Camping, SuperBusy2022-04-11 6 
5180454Project Wingbride, A Project Wingman Spin-Quel-Off 4To all: The GM has not abandoned this quest - I've just been busy with college.AI Waifus, Planes, Project Wingman, Ace Combat, Military2022-04-18 0 
5197797Eleventh Primarch Quest Chapter ElevenAngron begins his raid, Kolinaisi prepares for OlympiaCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2022-04-27 5 
May 2022
5213826Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #10David licks his wounds, interacts with the crew and does some cooking.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-05-11 30 
5211138The 2nd Primarch Quest 16The bloodiest war on Shangrala's history comes to a close, and Lieren set's his golden eyes on the horizon.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2022-05-11 31 
5215771Escape From The ValleyLA burns! Can you escape to the deserts as the US descends into Civil War with just your muscle car & the friends you make along the way?2nd US Civil War, Action, Comedy, Modern, Quest, Gaiden, Prequel, Los Angeles2022-05-16 4 
5235409Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 8Short-ish Thread. Your Mystery Egg hatched into a Riolu, you made it to a pokemon center out of the rain, met an old friend and more.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Rain, Mystery Egg, SuperBusy2022-05-17 5 
5226959Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #9The Black Eagles face off against Kronya and Solon in a blow-out battle in the Sealed Forest Fire Emblem, Three Houses, Collective Game, TreeHouses QM,2022-05-22 35 
June 2022
5274458CYOF, The Second Superweapon, The Struggle for Europe ( /civ/?)Major Wargame Battle is waged, thread turns into overly long character drama with too much lore. Wargame, Civ, CYOF, Cyberpunk, Modern, Tactical, Russia, Slavic, Modern Warfare, TZAR Setting, Alternate History, Near Future, KoBK2022-06-01 2 
5282760Incel Dating Sim (Mythic RPG)Beto Fupa, an incel, looks for love on the /soc/ board of 4chan.Autism Jesus, Collective, incel, RPG, satire, Weeb, Wux2022-06-04 10 
84882054The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.4Everything goes sideways repeatedly. Again.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2022-06-12 88 
5249560Eleventh Primarch Quest Chapter TwelveThe fight begins on Olympia and NuceriaCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2022-06-13 6 
5265023Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 1An engineered agent of a reptilian conspiracy sets forth on a quest to subjugate some unruly kobolds and restore the glory of Dragonkind!ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, fantasy, adventure, chad, shamanism, bros, hoes, social injustice2022-06-15 9 
5286089Eastern European Post-Apoc CivOP rips off Genie & Others. Faction is former military in the Saint Petersburg Metro. Players scared of Communists, Cultists, WomenMetro 2033, Metro, Russia, Post-Apoc, Post Apocalyptic, Modern, /civ/, 2022-06-20 1 
5264486The 2nd Primarch Quest 17Lieren and his sons bring prosperity to the people of the Zoroast, while seeking to protect another of Kanzeon's sisters. Liberty soars.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2022-06-21 31 
5295239Gorgon Child Quest 33After a long pause, Cici's adventures continue. Preparations for the Seer envoy begin in earnest.bananon, Collective Game, gorgon, medusa, cute, RE: Animated2022-06-21 1 
5273502Eden Down - A SkirmJam SkirmishDemons use a DJ booth to drag a small part of a certain Garden down to Hell and plunder it for fruits and profit.Collective Game, Skirmish, Skirmjam, Skirmjam2022, Eden Down, Garden, Demon, Music, Fruits2022-06-22 0 
5263368Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #11In which David pushes his ship and his equipment to their limits.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-06-22 30 
5288055Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 9You trained a bunch, caught Rufflet, Rufflet evolved and you reached Silveridge Town.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Champion, Training, Silveridge Town, SuperBusy2022-06-27 3 
5274593Escape From The Valley: Issue #2[An abortive thread cut short by a strange inability to post] The Escape continues, pushing further east into San Bernardino and out 2nd US Civil War, Action, Comedy, Modern, Quest, Gaiden, Prequel, Los Angeles2022-06-29 2 
5287645Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #9The End of Part 1. (This is the real Thread #9. The prior one is Thread #8)Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM,2022-06-30 34 
July 2022
85025765Nechronica Thread : tiny amount of storytimeEngland Storytime: Very Sleepy Bugs edition. Anons talk about games they hope to run.Nechronica, token, rules, advice, Storytime, Story Time, England, Melico, Imp, Coleo, Denver, Cersei, centipede, necromancer, music, art2022-07-09 22 
5324475XXI Primarch Quest #1After the death of Guilliman, a Primarch is made and sent back to the Great Crusade Era. Collective Game, Warhammer, 40, 30K, Great Crusade, Horus Heresy, Primarch. 2022-07-12 1 
5301379(You Are A) Craigslist Killer Quest 4 A depraved killer hides in plain sight, but behind closed & triple-locked doors, there are no limits on his wicked lust or savage butchery.FaeSmelter, Fae Smelter, Serial Killer, Police, Rape, Sex, Velton, Detective, Cop, Harem, Killer, Thriller, Craigslist, USA, Fae, Smelter2022-07-14 2 
5303618Eleventh Primarch Quest Chapter ThirteenThe Battle on Olympia begins Collective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2022-07-20 6 
5311231Eastern European Post-Apoc Civ (WrapUp Thread)Gustav stops being scared of women and unites the other stations for war, QM is obviously tired and struggles at times to update, Metro 2033, Metro, Russia, Post-Apoc, Post Apocalyptic, Modern, /civ/2022-07-22 1 
5311436The 2nd Primarch Quest 18Lieren uses his verbal prowess to win more unlikely allies amongst the eldar, and begins his work to free his enslaved brother Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2022-07-24 31 
5316456My childhood best friend is a (trans)girl?!A clever anon baits the /pol/locks of /qst/ by being wholesome, just long enough to cost a bold-but-foolish player his left nut.KING, trans rights, human rights, friendship, social justice, bait, trolling2022-07-26 14 
5313079Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #12David and the crew begin work on cleaning up after the battle and discover a little more of the truth behind AI technology.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-07-28 31 
5324019WishEnder Quest Player arrives home to a much more advanced city, and is drafted into a city-wide fighting league. Didn't get to go anywhere due to issues.Unfinished, Mech, Mecha, Battle Royale, these are just ideas that came up in the quest dont get excited2022-07-29 0 
August 2022
5326578Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 10You cleaned the museum, trained, saw off Jean's group with a party, spent time with Fie and trained more.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Silveridge Town, Training, BBQ, SuperBusy2022-08-01 3 
5322687Escape from the Valley - Issue #3: The Rumble in the Redlands[Another abortive thread cut short by a strange inability to post] The Cartel continues the hunt. Will you be able to Escape the Rumble?2nd US Civil War, Action, Comedy, Modern, Quest, Gaiden, Prequel, Los Angeles2022-08-09 2 
5354485Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #13David picks through the wreckage of his spectacular dogfight, kills yet more Wraiths and Demons, and has a not so restful sleep.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-08-11 28 
5350642The 2nd Primarch Quest 19Lieren Continues his adventures on the planet of desert sands and Frees the Lord of the Red Sands personallyCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2022-08-11 31 
5333731Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #10The start of Part 2, we dub our merc company The Blackwings, rescue Dimitri, slay a Almyran Warlord, and reach the present time.Collective Game, Treehouses QM, Fire Emblem, Three Houses2022-08-11 30 
534933011th Primarch quest Chapter 13 part 2 Electric BoogalooThis time Kolinaisi Stands against A TitanCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2022-08-11 6 
5333328Kobolt Klan Adoption 6Local knight meets some of the archmage's people and has a small touch of drama as a result. Addendum: squire goes bald and freaks out.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Darkest Dungeon, Underrail, Werewolves, Sci-fi Fantasy, Paracelsus, magic is lead poisoning2022-08-14 10 
5344701Under the Moon - Elden Ring OneshotGodskin Apostle Azul stops Radagon and Rennala's marriage by destorying the people's trust in the demigods, and killing people.Elden Ring prequel, Schizo QM, Action focused2022-08-26 15 
5337874Boring Space UN QuestThe Space UN, consisting of four space nations, is a major power in the galaxy. Follow the choices of the CatGirl representant. Space UN, DrawQuest, Civ, Anonymous QM2022-08-26 3 
85836814Your medieval-era party does show proper deference to the nobility, right anon?/tg/ talks about divine right to rule in-game, evolves into a discussion about the divine right to rule and John Brown.Setting discussion, Divine right, John Brown, Unintentional slavery2022-08-30 1 
September 2022
5367434Neon Terminus Evangelion - 08 - The Waltz of Life and DeathKatya faces her fears. Ethan strengthens his relationships. A mystery develops and a storm is brewing.Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2022-09-05 2 
85887781How can OP put giantesses in his setting without being horny?/tg/ assists OP in trying to help insert giantess stuff, actually does a pretty good job.Setting discussion, Giantess, not!porn (probably)2022-09-05 0 
5365691Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 11You battled Darren, Mike and talked with Mike about Team Green. You also resupplied and prepared to head for Saltcoast City.Pokemon Quest, Towel, 2nd Gym, Rival, SuperBusy2022-09-06 5 
5380178Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #11Blair meets with Claude, gets a lead on the enemy, and finds herself fighting for her life in a haunted forest.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM,2022-09-21 25 
October 2022
5381067Shapeshifting Lizard Person QuestA shitpost quest revived with effort into about being a magic lizard man (trans) out to save the world so he can conquer it.We are here to kill The Destroyer, We must kill The Destroyer, My quest is to kill The Destroyer, The Destroyer will die, I can't fucking (2022-10-02 2 
5385188The Dogbusters' March/Kuroinu GirlfriendA troll OP turns into an Ogre named Mouse and his men trying to find a way to fix the corruption that fills the world of an erogeCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2022-10-08 25 
86390441The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: DebriefDon't worry, everything's going Just As Planned. Or it WOULD BE IF YOU HADN'T-All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2022-10-16 66 
5389739Eleventh Primarch Quest Chapter FourteenKolinaisi heads back to De'lormosa after helping PerturaboCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2022-10-18 3 
5388225The 2nd Primarch Quest 20Angron's psykerist training begins as to does his war against the high riders. A fog panther stalks Nuceria, and Lieren brings prosperity.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2022-10-18 31 
5390745Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #14David meets back up with Clank, takes down some mercs, makes a deal with a gun runner and meets with the owner of a whorehouse.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-10-18 28 
5397658Neon Terminus Evangelion - 09 - Everywhere at the End of TimeHurricane Delta approaches New Tampa. The resistance are contacted. Plans are revealed.Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2022-10-20 2 
5388056Escape from the Valley - Final Issue: The LA EscapeThe poor soul, Porfirio "Lunatic" Ramirez, finally escapes LA! Read this final issue (promise) to find out if he made it out alive or dead2nd US Civil War, Action, Comedy, Modern, Quest, Gaiden, Prequel, Los Angeles2022-10-22 2 
5402611Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 12You camped the night at a camp ground, cleaned up after Team Green, went on a nighttime bushwalk made it to Saltcoast and fought Team Green.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Saltcoast, Team Green, SuperBusy2022-10-23 3 
November 2022
5414507Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #1It is the year 0068 of the Universal Century, and the journey of Felix Zos Deikun begins.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, PTSD, BIG ZAM, DOZLE PILL2022-11-03 31 
5402550Second Youth QuestA centenarian archwizard discovers the formula for immortality after saving the kingdom, but it greatly changes his body. Anonymous QM, Incomplete, Wizard, ArchWizard, Immortality, Fantasy, Loli, Demon, Succubus2022-11-06 1 
5441362XXI Primarch Quest #1Primarch Thionson arise on the Deathworld of Thion, raised by a Votann he grow toward greatness. 40K, Great Crusade, Warhammer, Horus Heresy2022-11-07 0 
5423927Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #12The Blackwings conclude their battle in Edmund Woods. Blair learns the secret history of the world and accepts a dangerous new mission.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2022-11-23 24 
5427123The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 2Mouse the Ogre and his motley crew make progress on their quest to uncorrupt their world, through research, violence and friendship.Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2022-11-25 22 
5424077Haunted House Quest - Waluigi EditionFour bros that actually aren't bros decide to buy a scary mansion. But the real terror comes from the thread's curse to make QMs disappearHaunted House, Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, Waluigi Time, MansionQM2022-11-29 1 
December 2022
5426219Kobolt Klan Adoption 8The gang meets up with a really big lizard and climb down a mountain.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu2022-12-01 10 
5433671HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #6After almost half a year of silence, you go back to being the Administrator to put down some fucking cowboys.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, Coffee Addiction, no more long hiatuses without due notice2022-12-02 6 
5429443ULTRAQUESTThe Finest Robotic Chef the world's ever seen goes to become The Finest Robotic Chef Hell's ever seen.Ultrakill, quest, Ultraquest, hell, demons, demon, robot, robots, pizza, machine, machines, husk, husks2022-12-03 10 
86828272Valhallans on a Hive WorldThe Valhallan 545th armored have a routine deployment to a Hive World.IG, 40k, Orks, felinid,custodes,necrons,tyranids2022-12-04 10 
5437071The 2nd Primarch Quest 21Angron and Lieren achieve victory in battle against the tyrannical highriders. Reinforcements from mist swept lands arrive upon Nuceria. Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2022-12-08 31 
5437189Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #15David cleans up a homeless encampment, turns in some bounties, designs his new ship and goes on the search for a big-ass nanofabricator.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-12-08 30 
5449165Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 13Short-ish thread. You helped out at Fie's gym, found Sage a stick, went to the beach and met Ian, a member of the Arnet Elite Four.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Saltcoast, Team Green, SuperBusy2022-12-13 4 
5491640Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #13Jane captures an old enemy, and the Battle of the Eagle and Lion begins. Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2022-12-14 25 
5489899Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #16David hears worrying news about an outbreak on other stations, takes some time to deal with the captured AI and develops an android body for SHODAN.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-12-14 29 
5476493SCP: Anomalous ContainmentD-Class Daniel Cruz is sent on his first mission with the Foundation, and explores the ruins of Site-21.Anomalous Containment2022-12-27 12 
January 2023
5478252The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 3Mouse's party reaches the Cathedral Fortress and finds its majesty and safety to be deceptively fragileCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-01-01 23 
5481886Kobolt Klan Adoption 9 Reynauld chills in the city for a bit and then decides to head to fantasy england.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Wa$ifu2023-01-06 10 
5486816Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #13Blair reunites with her old flame and returns to Garreg Mach.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2023-01-08 24 
87277920Saving Private Mon'Keigh #2Mon'Keigh Eldar's attempts at preventing the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Eldar, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, Time Travel, 30k2023-01-09 38 
5492260Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #2It is the year 0075 the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun finds himself living among the Zabi family, biding time for revenge.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, DOZLE PILL, Kycilia's hai2023-01-11 21 
5500040Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 14Short-ish thread. Emma tries to dig up info on your relationships and then teaches you about pokemon trainingPokemon Quest, Towel, Saltcoast, Beach, SuperBusy2023-01-13 4 
5488208ULTRAQUEST IIAfter having found his way into Hell (and the QM got sick), the finest robotic chef Hell's ever seen finds himself at the end of the path.Ultrakill, quest, Ultraquest, hell, demons, demon, robot, robots, pizza, machine, machines, husk, husks2023-01-13 10 
5489667The second Primarch Quest 22Lieren Spars with his brother and updates his FatherCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2023-01-14 31 
5496202Eleventh Primarch Quest Chapter 16Kolinasi Begins the work of unifying De'lormosaCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2023-01-20 5 
5533615Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #3It is the year 0075 the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun visits Von Braun to fulfill a promise to his childhood friend Elena.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, surprise gift, Elena2023-01-26 15 
February 2023
5514202Trust a Goblin part 14Punch thugs, Steal drugs, Friends make, Cocktail shake.goblin,dating sim,turn based combat,potion business2023-02-02 14 
5542291WalterquestYour name is WALTER HARTWELL WHITE. Today is your 50TH birthday. What will you do?Breaking Bad, Walterquest, BANEQM, Indefinite Hiatus, Drawquest2023-02-03 13 
87563268Magical Girl Games Anon watches Madoka and wants to run a Magical Girl themed campaign. Arguments, memes, and weebs arguing over stupid things.Magical Girl, Anime, Kamen Rider, Worldbuilding, OVA, BESM, Setting Discussion, superheroes, magic2023-02-04 22 
5513617SCP: Anomalous Containment #2In which you fight a group of mercs, survive getting possessed, and make friends which a chocolate maniac.Anomalous Containment, SCP, Anomalous, D-Class2023-02-05 9 
5517237Beneath the Moaning MountainA group of adventurers seek to plunder the depths of a cursed, haunted mountain.Fantasy, Quest, Drawquest, Horror, Dice, Dungeon, Treasure Focused, Dungeon Crawler2023-02-10 4 
5522225The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 4In which Mouse talks to some people, eats some sweets, makes a goddess cry and sets out to search for a missing courier.Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-02-11 23 
87612096Magical Girl Games 2: Electric Boogaloo A second thread about weebs talking about Magical Girl themed campaigns. More arguing ensues. Will there be a part 3?Magical Girl, Anime, Kamen Rider, Worldbuilding, OVA, BESM, Setting Discussion, superheroes, magic2023-02-19 22 
5524326Hero Academia Quest #48Ushi greets her classmates, then hunts for answersMHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia, Female Protagonist2023-02-19 21 
5540809Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 15You went to the Barrier Islands to find Holly a psychic teacher, had some bad injury luck, beat Team Green and did Plot.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Barrier Islands, Team Green, SuperBusy2023-02-20 4 
5533342The 2nd Primarch Quest 23As the two primarchs battle against the high-riders to end their tyranny, a hidden, second war begins as Chaotic influence is discovered.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2023-02-21 31 
5533592Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #17David holds a few spars, has a fight mid-warp and starts clearing out one of the drone ships.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-02-22 29 
5540566Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #14The Blackwings venture to Ordelia and find themselves contending with one of the Seven Sages of Agartha.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2023-02-25 23 
5537756Kobolt Klan Adoption 10 Turns out there was a bit of trouble actually reaching Oileana, and a ship arc startedKobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu2023-02-26 10 
5541910Eleventh Primarch Quest Ch16 Part IIKolinaisi continues his quest to unify De'lormosaCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2023-02-27 6 
5563412Neon Terminus Evangelion - 10 - Right Where it BelongsThe Dance under the Sea.Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2023-02-28 3 
March 2023
5561828ULTRAQUEST IIIFollowing a nice boat ride, The Finest Chef Hell's Ever Seen starts rummaging around for information.Ultrakill, quest, Ultraquest, hell, demons, demon, robot, robots, pizza, machine, machines, husk, husks2023-03-12 8 
5562130SCP: Anomalous Containment #3Dan heads to a supermarket where everyone's killing themselves, and nearly ends up a victim too.Anomalous Containment, SCP, Anomalous, D-Class2023-03-12 7 
5578821Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 16You headed to Frigoris Forest to hide from Team Green, set traps, got a mystery call and more.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Camping, Barrier Islands, Team Green, SuperBusy2023-03-16 7 
5572533The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 5In which Mouse and his friends visit a basement and clear out some trash in search of something precious.Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-03-18 22 
5575952Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #4It is the year 0075 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun attends the academy... and becomes a Zabi?!Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, BIG ZAM, DADZLE PILL2023-03-21 18 
5575162Hero Academia Quest #49Ushi confronts Deku, talks about hero philosophy, and finds out that Bakugo knows more than she thought he did.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia, Female Protagonist2023-03-23 22 
5577442The 2nd Primarch quest 24Lieren topples a tyrant as ancient as the sands and faces a dragon above the crypt of a technological horrorCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2023-03-27 31 
5577522Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #18David and SHODAN raid their own ships and do a little hacking. David has another strange dream and meets back up with his crew.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-03-28 26 
April 2023
5584052Rise of the Awakened #4Ursus and "Simon" join the party, the party becomes extraordinarily wealthy, a gunstore is looted, some player drama occurs, the party shoCollective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Bobby, Maggie, Ursus, "Simon", Plato, Lanesboro2023-04-01 5 
5594651Neon Terminus Evangelion - The End of EvangelionIt all returns to nothing.Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2023-04-09 6 
5589826Kobolt Klan Adoption 11The Klan arrives in fantasy england, fight off some fellas, and then they go get drunk.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Snikt, cute family stuff2023-04-13 20 
5595564Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #15The battle in Ordelia reaches its climax and Blair picks a new side to support.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2023-04-17 21 
88453902Wargame Political Compass #1/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-04-18 21 
88499775Wargame Political Compass #2/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-04-21 12 
88521841Wargame Political Compass #3 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-04-22 6 
5600133Eleventh Primarch Quest Ch 16 pt 3Kolinaisi makes discoveries uniting De'lormosaCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2023-04-23 2 
5599422ULTRAQUEST IVThe Finest Robotic Chef Hell's ever seen becomes bloodthirsty and gets directions to New New York.Ultrakill, quest, Ultraquest, hell, demons, demon, robot, robots, pizza, machine, machines, husk, husks, New New York2023-04-23 2 
88546020Wargame Political Compass #4/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-04-24 20 
5600654SCP: Anomalous Containment #4Daniel experiences his first Containment Breach and goes on a short adventure in the facility.Anomalous Containment, SCP, Anomalous, D-Class2023-04-25 3 
5615542Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 16You dealt with Team Green, found Holly a teacher and returned the Bell Tongue to Slowking.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Barrier Islands, Team Green, SuperBusy2023-04-27 4 
88573764Wargame Political Compass #5/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-04-27 21 
88609944Wargame Political Compass #6/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-04-30 21 
5616811Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #5It is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun slowly settles into life as a public figure and becomes a dad!Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, unplanned pregnancy, oh no2023-04-30 13 
May 2023
88644608Wargame Political Compass #7 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-01 21 
88673440Wargame Political Compass #8/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-03 21 
88692518Wargame Political Compass #9/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-04 21 
5616254The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 6In which Mouse goes to a party, meets some people and gets the gang together for a research sessionCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-05-04 22 
5617021The 2nd Primarch Quest 25Beneath sands long undisturbed, two sons of the emperor face off against the shadow cast by a race long deadCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2023-05-05 31 
88708594Wargame Political Compass #10/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-06 21 
5617991Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #19David heads back to Xebric station only to discover shit hit the fan.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-05-08 28 
5658607Bloodseeker in search of bootyStrygwyr, a priest in the service of the twin gods tries to hunt down a fairy. QM flakes after a few updates.QM busy, lewd2023-05-09 0 
88727682Wargame Political Compass #11 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-09 21 
5626225Rise of the Awakened #5Shopping, logistics&dragons, and finances are finally put in order, the truth about Lanesboro is revealed, the party fights an owlbear.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Bobby, Maggie, Ursus, Plato, Lanesboro, Combat again finally, logistics&dragons2023-05-10 5 
88778228Wargame Political Compass #12 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-18 21 
88870359Wargame Political Compass #13/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-21 21 
88914758Wargame Political Compass #14/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-25 21 
88977888Wargame Political Compass #15/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-30 22 
June 2023
5648666Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #16The Battle of Gronder FieldFire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2023-06-04 21 
89025754Wargame Political Compass #16 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-06-07 22 
5649344Eleventh Primarch Quest: Chapter 16 finaleKolinaisi confronts a scared necronCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2023-06-11 2 
5655239Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 17You made friends with a flock of Wingull, convinced a Wattrel to meet Gareth, battled Mike and made it back to Saltcoast.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Saltcoast, Camping, Wingull, SuperBusy2023-06-13 4 
89115225Wargame Political Compass #17/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-06-14 22 
5655500The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 7In which Mouse does some research and attends a ceremonyCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-06-15 21 
5662729Star Scourge Quest A powerful mage fails a coup and gets sent to the prison world of Terminus, where he becomes its new Tyrant and god.Collective Game, QuestMagus, Star Scourge, Magic, Sci-fi2023-06-17 2 
5655464The 2nd Primarch Quest 26 With the subjugation of the ancient alien abominable intelligence, Lieren turns his hunter's eyes towards the city of Desh'ea.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2023-06-17 31 
5658149Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #20David and crew make their way through the ruined Xebric Station, encounter someone unexpected and (eventually) reach their target. HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-06-20 22 
89200203Wargame Political Compass #18 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-06-21 22 
5655115STAR WARS - Interregnum #3.4Farren returns from Kessel with the Conclave, checks in with the Kakari, wakes up a Vong sleeper ship, and begins training Ceyla in earnest.Collective Game, Star Wars Interregnum, Star Wars, Kaz, Potkin Kangaroo Court, Lizard Bros, Vong Invasion RSVP, Traditional Jedi Child Abuse2023-06-23 22 
5681456The Difficult Life of a K-Pop CEOThe wastrel son of a South Korean is gifted his own K-POP company, and immediately turns it into a black company.Koreaboo, idol management, Korean culture, sex, abuse, villain quest, slice-of-life, oneshot2023-06-25 9 
5656104Kobolt Klan Adoption 12The gang continues travelling through fantasy england and pick up a new freak of nature.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Snikt, cute family stuff2023-06-26 10 
89297989Wargame Political Compass #19 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-06-28 22 
5664976Rise of the Awakened #6The party beats the owlbears, get blown up, narrowly survives, get kidnapped and robbed, escape, and accidentally warcrime their kidnappers.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Potato, Ord, Horny Deer, Accidental Warcrimes, Prison Break, Q Wolf Cult2023-06-29 5 
July 2023
89382116Wargame Political Compass #20/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-07-05 22 
89461008Wargame Political Compass #21 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-07-12 23 
5681084Ultraquest VThe Finest Chef Hell's Ever Seen goes on indefinite hiatus/is canceled.Ultrakill, quest, Ultraquest, hell, demons, demon, robot, robots, pizza, machine, machines, husk, husks, New New York2023-07-15 5 
89544852Wargame Political Compass #22/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-07-19 23 
89631080Wargame Political Compass #23/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-07-26 23 
5689343The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 8In which Mouse and his crew help thwart a mercenary coup and Mouse sets out to take control of his dreams...Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-07-27 21 
5690950Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #17The Blackwings encounter an army of foreign raiders.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2023-07-30 23 
5689526The 2nd Primarch Quest 27Lieren's forces infiltrate the city Desh'ea in advance of Angron's rebellion only to find their worst suspicions confirmed.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2023-07-31 31 
August 2023
5692091Pokemon Trainer Quest 18You relaxed after the Barrier Islands events, trained, Rusty began to shed, battled and got burned.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Saltcoast, Training, Battle, SuperBusy2023-08-01 4 
5685111Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires #3/Ritalinda/ have fun at the tightrope, /Erimena/ see the face of god, Helen suffers from success and Emma... you know the rest.Puella Magi Madoka Magica, pmmm, obcm, Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires, Lumina Canima, being Emma is suffering, Hush, yuri, hardcore yuri desuwa2023-08-02 10 
89713196Wargame Political Compass #24 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-08-02 24 
5691057A little adventure maybe (Oneshot)You are a bartender, doing some bartending, and some other things tooBar, Bartender, Bartending, Alcohol, Paint, Drawquest, Dice, Diceroll, Anon, Anonymous, Collective Game, A little adventure maybe, Oneshot2023-08-07 1 
5692338Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #21The assault on Xebric station continues. David faces several dangerous opponents to maintain control of the station.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-08-07 18 
89792722Wargame Political Compass #25 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-08-10 23 
5703153Rise of the Awakened #7Kinny zaps a mob, the cultists kill some heretics, Mog gets his sword back, finds a slime, has a tantrum, Ursus wins a duel. qst on hiatus.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Adler, Harold, Deer Paladin Bros, Quest Hiatus, d-d-d-duel, Long-ass arc2023-08-15 5 
89869127Wargame Political Compass #26/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-08-17 23 
89947037Wargame Political Compass #27/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-08-24 24 
September 2023
5715265Kobolt Klan Adoption 13 The gang travels through a forest and meet up with some big spider. Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Snikt, Fae2023-09-02 10 
90025795Wargame Political Compass #28/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-09-02 23 
5729109Adventrarous Time: a tale of grief and coomYou are fan and you are ready for some Adventrarous Time (the most deranged quest I've seen in a while, surprisingly enjoyable).Adventure Time, fan, jak, Marmelade, ice Craig, the land of oh, Adventrarous Time, The Real Pendleton Ward, David Duke2023-09-04 9 
5720288Europe 1000 A.D.The nations of Medieval Europe contest each other between long wait times and rolls. Alliances are forged and two power blocs emerge.Collective Game, Skirmish, Nations, Europe, Medieval, Middle Ages, 1000ADMapGameHost, Christianity, Paganism, Multiplayer, Crusade2023-09-05 0 
90105561Wargame Political Compass #29/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-09-08 20 
5730276Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 19You meditated with Gareth, trained with Queenie, wore yourself out and chased ghosts and wild pokemon around the gym.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Saltcoast, 'Dungeon', SuperBusy2023-09-13 4 
5726794The 2nd Primarch Quest 28Lieren thwarts chaos' schemes and frees an ancient tortoise spirit.Angron takes De'shea and unshackles Nuceria from High Rider dominanceCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2023-09-13 31 
5729935The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 9in which Mouse the ogre accrues some out of body experienceCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-09-14 21 
90181640Wargame Political Compass #30/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-09-16 8 
5735501Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #18Blair comes to the aid of Garreg Mach and encounters another Sage.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2023-09-20 23 
5732362Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #22David gets Cylia's hand fixed, clears out a hospital and makes a deal with a lizard-person.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-09-22 15 
90257150Wargame Political Compass #31/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-09-23 6 
5739559Eleventh Primarch Quest Chapter EighteenKolinaisi forms a unit. Collective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2023-09-25 2 
5734517Operation Moonshot (1)You are Senior Lieutenant Aleksei Volkov, and you are on the moon to fight Nazis. Fighting in Afghanistan was a lot simpler than this.Moon, Nazi, USSR, Thunderhead,2023-09-25 7 
90336310Wargame Political Compass #32/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-09-30 6 
October 2023
5776263Seeker of the Esoteric: A Mage Apprentice's QuestBefore she was the greatest mage of a generation, she was just your classmate at wizard school. And remind me... Who were you again?ReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, occultism, esoterica, fantasy, wizard school, child abuse, race-mixing, school life, rivals, fairies2023-10-01 27 
90413108Wargame Political Compass #33/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-10-08 6 
5789461The Collective #2Now, with an insider on your side, you have a chance to take down the vicious Collective once and for all. Totalitarian society alt-history.Alt history, totalitarian society, The Enforcers, Republic of Talus2023-10-10 1 
5762768The 2nd Primarch Quest 29Lieren returns to the misty valleys of Shangrala, uplifts the remaining cultures once hidden in its fogs and encounters two new abhumansCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2023-10-10 32 
5767757Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 20You beat a Gengar, got some well-earned sleep, found out Fie's Dad is coming to visit and started a battle against Emma.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Saltcoast, Gym, SuperBusy2023-10-13 4 
90499203Wargame Political Compass #34/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-10-14 5 
5769154The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 10In which some consequences of Mouse's bold actions are revealed.Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-10-15 21 
5770776Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #23David pieces the station back together and prepares to go home - to earth. HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-10-20 14 
90584650Wargame Political Compass #35 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-10-21 6 
5774217Rise of the Awakened #8The gang beat the deer, recover their gear minus their guns, confront history in a museum town, experiment with polymorph rings, and relax.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Maggie, Back from hiatus, Yawn chain, R&R, Downtime, Worldbuilding, Quest2023-10-24 4 
90673309Wargame Political Compass #36/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-10-29 6 
5776609Moth Agent QuestFollow the adventures of a humanoid mothman that works for a company dealing with supernatural shenanigans. You also have a cute pet.Alphabet Soup, Mothman, Moth, supernatural, USA, Gunslinger, anomaly, pet2023-10-31 7 
5772094Kobolt Klan Adoption 14In which Reynauld fights a spider and gets poisoned, also there's a transhumanist debate.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Snikt, Transhumanism2023-10-31 6 
November 2023
5781612Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #19Blair recruits new members into the Blackwings and enjoys a final respite before the war’s fated conclusion.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2023-11-01 21 
5777646Operation Moonshot (2)The assault begins, and Aleksei enters the Nazi base.Moon, Nazi, USSR, Thunderhead,2023-11-03 4 
90753468Wargame Political Compass #37 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-11-05 6 
90829747Wargame Political Compass #38 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-11-13 5 
5792370CHAOS: The Quest for RedemptionA goddess named Muna begins her quest to redeem a cruel world named Hainei.Chaos Quest, collective unconsciousness, gods, drawquest, collective game, Levelman2023-11-15 46 
5790032Westeros: Interregnum Quest 1About 100 years after Robert’s Rebellion, war has come to the Crownlands. Alyn Celtigar seeks his destiny, but first seeks a family heirloWesteros:Interregnum, Herald, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, House Celtigar2023-11-15 16 
90908926Wargame Political Compass #39 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-11-21 5 
5790368The 2nd Primarch Quest 30His wedding nearing, Lieren ventures to Ulthwé once again to seek Eldrad's wisdom on a variety of topics.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2023-11-22 31 
5796874The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 11In which Mouse the ogre and his team depart from the Cathedral City and embark on a journey to confront the heart of darkness...Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-11-24 21 
5798203Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 21You finished battling Emma, met Fie's dad and headed on out again.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Saltcoast, Defeat, SuperBusy2023-11-26 4 
90986494Wargame Political Compass #40/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-11-27 5 
December 2023
5804752Hero Academia Quest #50Work life balance is important, kidsMHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia, Female Protagonist2023-12-01 21 
5806023Rise of the Awakened #9The gang chat a lot the whole thread, steals a lute, finds a love letter, sells their wares to rabbits, relaxes with some vidya and alcohol.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Maggie, Swift, Relm, Velveteen and Frou Frou Tribes, R&R, Downtime, Quest2023-12-01 2 
91065344Wargame Political Compass #41 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-12-04 5 
5803136Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #24David encounters a giant space squid and finally makes it back to earth.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-12-05 10 
5813050Kobolt Klan Adoption 15 You leave the forest and talk to people. For once, things aren't horrible for a bit.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Transhumanism, Fantasy scotland2023-12-08 5 
5830786CHAOS: The Quest for Redemption #2A goddess named Muna engages a fierce battle against the entity named AGLA.Chaos Quest, collective unconsciousness, gods, drawquest, collective game, Levelman2023-12-10 38 
91137325Wargame Political Compass #42 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-12-12 5 
5811050Vampire the Dark Ages: Athens By NightKalina of Damascus is initiated into as a NeonateVampire the Dark Ages, Athens By Night, World of Darkness, WoD, Crassus, Tzimisce, Byzantium, Constantinople2023-12-14 7 
91204984Wargame Political Compass #43 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-12-19 5 
5828344Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #20The Knights of Seiros invade Enbarr, and the Blackwings face off against the Hellwings.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2023-12-23 21 
91275538Wargame Political Compass #44/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-12-27 5 
5850592The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 12In which Mouse and co.'s journey into the heart of darkness is punctuated with violence and enlightenment.Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-12-29 20 
January 2024
91338794Wargame Political Compass #45/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-01-02 6 
5845826Olympus Incarnation Quest #1Due to a mysterious system, you have become the incarnation of a Greek divinityMythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game2024-01-04 18 
5842433Westeros: Interregnum Quest 2Alyn emerges from the ocean beaten and broken and sets about returning to Dragonstone.Westeros:Interregnum, Herald, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, House Celtigar2024-01-06 4 
5869290Ukrainka QuestA Ukrainian girl with banderite and ethot tendencies is caught up in the Russo-Ukrainian war.Collective Game, Russia, Ukraine, Russo-Ukrainian War2024-01-07 10 
5842357The 2nd Primarch Quest 31 Lieren passes the trial given to him by the memory of a hunter long since departed from this world, and spreads his forgotten wisdom.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2024-01-07 32 
91416168Wargame Political Compass #46/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-01-10 5 
5851704Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 22You made camp on the way back to Silveridge, dreamed, trained and started a battle with a bug catcher.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Camping, Butt, Battle, SuperBusy2024-01-17 3 
5855084Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #25In which David gets his earthly affairs back in order, starts looking for his old friends and finds a way to take care of his family.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-01-19 8 
91510472Wargame Political Compass #47/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-01-19 6 
5854953Rise of the Awakened #10The party continue to party for the rest of the night while learning lore, gaining dosh, and finding out about a new quest.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Maggie, Swift, Relm, Rabbit Tribes, R&R, Party, Downtime, Quest2024-01-20 2 
91592820Wargame Political Compass #48/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-01-24 6 
February 2024
91701936Wargame Political Compass #49 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-02-02 6 
5871209The Prodigal Son ReturnsThe long-fled heir to Blackthorn Keep returns from the crusades to confront old hurts and fulfill his responsibilitiesfantasy, crusader, knight, lord, romance, drama, trauma, healing2024-02-08 6 
5879070CHAOS: The Quest for Redemption #3A goddess named Muna redeems the Beastkin and meets the ruler of the world.Chaos Quest, collective unconsciousness, gods, drawquest, collective game, Levelman2024-02-09 30 
5880793Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest #21Blair returns to Rusalka, and the final battle begins.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2024-02-10 23 
91784100Wargame Political Compass #50 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-02-11 7 
5893221NO MORE HEROES QUEST! [NMHQ4: FORU?!]In a world ruled by ruthless corporations, our heroine in distress gets hew own anime mech and seeks the frightening Number 6!Fuckhead, No More Heroes, No More Heroes Quest, Female MC, Assassins, Mecha, Video Games, Russians, Blood, GIANT MECH, University, Violence!2024-02-14 6 
5885101Olympus Incarnation Quest #2Atë faces off against law enforcement and infiltrates her pantheon of cliquey mean girl chaos goddessesMythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game2024-02-14 11 
91857566Wargame Political Compass #51/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-02-17 7 
5884650The 2nd Primarch Quest 32Meditating on ancient wisdom, Lieren destroys a slave trading hub of Dark Eldar and meets new alien life on the journey to his wedding.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2024-02-17 33 
5904464ASOIAF: House Duntreow Creation ThreadIn which we create House Duntreow, a dying Andal house of the Rainwood with an aging lord and a daughter for an heir. Collective Game, House Duntreow, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2024-02-21 10 
5895197The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 13In which Mouse and his companions conclude a brief violent detour on the road to their ultimate goalCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2024-02-28 20 
March 2024
91925480Wargame Political Compass #52/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-03-01 7 
5896046Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 23You battled two boys, made it back to Silveridge, trained some of your team, met back up with Jean and her group and battled a Hex Maniac.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Silveridge, Battle, SuperBusy2024-03-02 4 
5896153Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #26In which David secures his fortunes, reveals all to his sister and picks up an old friend. And a method of creating psychics?HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-03-05 7 
5900197Rise of the Awakened #11The party finally enter the Canis Lupin, insult the border patrol guard, and go into hiding for a bit until they come up with a plan.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Maggie, Quest, Canis Lupin, Poco the Muscle Cat, in hiding2024-03-07 2 
92067118Wargame Political Compass #53/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-03-18 9 
92133409Wargame Political Compass #54/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-03-18 8 
92198903Wargame Political Compass #55/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-03-18 8 
5912510Bobbert Quest 1Voices urge Bobbert to leave her home after months of burn out recovery and get a job. Lateralis Heavy Industries provide. Madness follows.Collective Game, Bobbert Quest, Alphabet Soup, The City, Lateralis Heavy Industries, Madness, Female Protagonist2024-03-20 2 
5953028Dragon Ball TQ Spinoff: Chocolat Noir Son Gohan has been injured, and as the Inspector on this case, you have to get the dirty details from one Son Peppa. Good luck!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Not Kato, bullying, self-harm, grooming, drug use, violence, suicidal ideation, rape2024-03-21 3 
5929453Star Wars: Against the Republic II (part 1)The Krant operation starts but the unceasing desecration of Star Wars kills the QM's motivation.Collective Game, Star Wars, Against the Republic, Whills, Clone Wars, Legends, CIS, I just hate Star Wars so fucking much2024-03-22 4 
5935897Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest: FINALThe conclusion of Blair's story.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, TreeHouses QM2024-03-24 33 
5928164Olympus Incarnation Quest #3Atë, accompanied by a few allies from her pantheon, travel to Austria to hunt down a prospective memberMythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game2024-03-27 10 
5931804ASOIAF: House Duntreow Quest 1Lady Gwynfryd Duntreow and companions are captives of a Tyroshi sellsword in the Stepstones. Collective Game, House Duntreow, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2024-03-27 17 
5928711The 2nd Primarch Quest 33The mist wrapped world of Shangrala is host to a family reunion of unprecedented scale and importance, as scattered brothers reunite.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2024-03-30 34 
5961634The King & Queen of /QST/: Nominations, Qualifications, & PreparationsThe long-postponed return of the waifu and husbando tournaments of 2021 kicks off with some preparations and preliminary stepstournament, /qst/, event, waifus, Indonesian Gentleman, ReptoidQM2024-03-31 8 
April 2024
5942488The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 14In which a judgment is passed and Mouse with his companions continue on their journey into the heart of darknessCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2024-04-05 15 
92268614Wargame Political Compass #56/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-04-08 9 
92338736Wargame Political Compass #57/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-04-08 8 
5940124Horus Heresy Quest #1Alpha Legion renegades emerge, swindle a hive planet, then meddle with fate on Prospero...Warhammer 30k, Warhammer, 30k, Horus Heresy, Horus Heresy Quest, AurebeshQM, Sci-fi2024-04-13 4 
5945155Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 24You beat the Hex Maniac, Volta evolved,beat a guy hitting on Martha, had dinner, agreed on where to head next and Martha joined the party.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Silveridge Town, SuperBusy2024-04-14 4 
5943919Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #27David goes looking for a pickle, but ends up finding a man in black first.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-04-19 10 
92416368Wargame Political Compass #58/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-04-22 7 
92493882Wargame Political Compass #59/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive. One year anniversary!Setting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-04-22 7 
5949105Rise of the Awakened #12A new human thaws, a soul put to rest, spiders slain, a will told, info gathered, and horrors unveiled. The Canis Lupin arc truly begins.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Arsene, Jessica, Gawain, Kuma, Canis Lupin, Intrigue, Horror's back, Ques2024-04-23 2 
5953306CHAOS: The Quest for Redemption #4Muna faces the strongest Mortal in Hainei, and the God of Space himself.Chaos Quest, collective unconsciousness, gods, drawquest, collective game, Levelman2024-04-24 24 
5959556Westeros: Interregnum 2.5Alyn encounters an old house retainer and hears the tale of the Crab KingWesteros:Interregnum, Herald, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, House Celtigar2024-04-28 3 
May 2024
92579565Wargame Political Compass #60 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive. One year anniversarySetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-05-01 8 
5991914Dragon Ball TQ Mystery: Chocolat Blanc QuestInspecter Momiji is getting closer to the truth, but will Son Peppa let her find it? Will they crack the case, or crack to pieces? Find out.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Not Kato, bullying, self-harm, grooming, drug use, violence, suicidal ideation, rape2024-05-02 3 
5962747Kobolt Klan Adoption 18Reynauld meets the inlaws. Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Transhumanism, Fantasy scotland2024-05-12 5 
5965303 The 2nd Primarch Quest 34The imperial family reunion on Shangrala continues, interplanetary colonization plans are discussed and four of the ten thousand appearCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2024-05-13 33 
5964183Olympus Incarnation Quest #4Atë takes control of the Czech mafia, then attends a mysterious auction by and for incarnations Mythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game2024-05-13 8 
5967803ASOIAF: House Duntreow Quest 2Lady Gwynfryd Duntreow and Vaaro Orlios take steps to secure their futuresCollective Game, House Duntreow, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2024-05-15 10 
5997910The Queen of /QST/ (2024)2024's contest for /qst/'s Queen kicks off in earnest with a round robin tournament of twelve contenders from various quests!tournament, /qst/, event, waifus, ReptoidQM, Indonesian Gentleman, Olympus QM2024-05-16 9 
5977562The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 15In which Mouse and his company draw nearer to the end of their journey. A bold step into the dark is taken...Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2024-05-16 15 
5976163The Prodigal Son: Another LifeYour name is Caden Blackthorn and you're back to your early years, before the crusade. Why do you feel that something seems off about this fantasy, crusader, knight, lord, romance, drama, Writer, Writer QM, The Prodigal Son 2024-05-17 6 
5981826Star Wars: Against the Republic II (Part 2)The Krant operation wraps up, and Taen's future in the CIS is discussed.Collective Game, Star Wars, Against the Republic, Whills, Clone Wars, Legends, CIS, I just hate Star Wars so fucking much2024-05-22 4 
5981694Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 25You headed back to Saltcoast, battled a farmer, Queenie evolved and spent the night with Fie.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Battle, Queenie, SuperBusy2024-05-22 5 
92748455Wargame Political Compass #63/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-05-24 7 
92815189Wargame Political Compass #64 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-05-25 7 
5981316Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #28David works on some guns, spends some time relaxing with the crew, gets attacked by the Chinese and responds proportionally.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-05-27 6 
June 2024
6014808The King of /QST/ (2024)2024's search for /qst/'s King begins, with twelve of the best boys around vying for the crown!tournament, /qst/, event, waifus, ReptoidQM, Indonesian Gentleman, Olympus QM2024-06-02 8 
5990341Rise of the Awakened #13The party kills squids, capture Kuma, squid explodes before interrogation, the party sics Sunny on Gawain, Superman is met, a spy is caught.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Sunny, Kuma, Cephalopods, Superman, Retard Raccoon, Canis Lupin, Quest2024-06-06 2 
5995074Trust a Goblin 16The gang kills a fruit seller.Goblin, Trust a Goblin, Potion Company, RPG, Homebrew2024-06-06 6 
6015083The Demon King's General Proposes to the Hero #2We prepare for our date with the demon king's top general!Demon, Romance, Demon Wrangler, Fantasy, Comedy, Elf, Bard, Succubus2024-06-10 10 
5991481Jihadist QuestYou are perched on your sturdy Arabian stallion, scanning the horizon. The sun, a molten disc descending beyond the hills.Jihad, Crusade, Sayf al-Islam, Historical Fiction2024-06-10 8 
92949461Wargame Political Compass #65/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-06-13 7 
93012689Wargame Political Compass #66 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-06-16 7 
6003068The 2nd Primarch Quest 35Vows are spoken promises are made, and Lieren and Kanzeon's wedding is at last concluded upon a now peaceful ShangralaCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2024-06-16 32 
6004703Olympus Incarnation Quest #5Atë meets a new ally and sets out on the hunt for the mysterious Isa. Unexpectedly, however, she uncovers a horror beyond comprehension.Mythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game, Eldritch, Horror2024-06-17 10 
6002986Moth Agent Quest #2You are a mothman. You have a gun. You are shooting gas masked bastards in a sewer then the thread became sparse. Alphabet Soup, Mothman, Moth, USA2024-06-18 2 
93031789DT-10: /tg/ rolls up a forge world, thread 1A thread where /tg/ used the forge world creation tables to make a forge world, specialized in paint.WH40K, 40k, Creation Tables, Adeptus Mechanicus, Admech, Homebrew2024-06-18 7 
6006957The Butterfly Wars (a turn-based strategy game)Choose your character and lead him to victory in the Butterfly Isles. Ano von Nymous, Ano von Nymous QM, Strategy, turn-based, Fantasy2024-06-19 1 
6006235Horus Heresy Quesy #2Captain Alpharius agrees to Magnus' gambit, but things suddenly go very wrong when he summons Kairos Fateweaver...Warhammer 30k, Warhammer, 30k, Horus Heresy, Horus Heresy Quest, AurebeshQM, Sci-fi2024-06-24 1 
93073590Wargame Political Compass #67 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-06-24 7 
93122130/tg/ argues about a game that doesn't existOP gives a QRD about edition changes for a game nobody's ever played. Antics ensue.Trismagistus, worldbuilding, wargame, homebrew, collaborative storytelling2024-06-25 10 
6017725The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 16In which Mouse and his company finally reach the heart of darkness, the confrontation draws imminent.Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2024-06-29 15 
July 2024
6022379Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 26You stocked up on supplies, beat down a couple of Team Green robbers, perused an adult store, set out for Redmont Town and caught a Mudkip.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Team Green, Mudkip, SuperBusy2024-07-05 2 
6021519Kobolt Klan Adoption 19In an embarrassingly small thread, the plot inches forward towards something akin to a conclusion.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Transhumanism2024-07-05 5 
6037271Loving a SuperheroJay Nakamura, Superboy's boyfriend, stumbles upon a criminal conspiracy tied to the CCPDC, Superman Family, Justice League of China, LGBT, Adopted Quest2024-07-06 0 
6019065Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #29Gunny finally returns to Xebric and starts settling back in, but finds some vultures have started picking at the station among other issues.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-07-06 7 
93142524Wargame Political Compass #68/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-07-08 7 
93213106Wargame Political Compass #69 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-07-08 7 
6028147Cleaner Quest #6 After killing an anomaly and some feds in your way, you sealed a P-Corp facility shut. You also threw a road roller at a bug. Life is good.Collective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, everything Nicole says is a joke and you should not trust her2024-07-18 13 
6052846Loving A Superhero: Part 2Jay Nakamura, Superboy's boyfriend, returns from overseas and grapples with horror beneath Metropolis' own streetsDC, Superman Family, Justice League of China, CCP, LGBT, Judaism, Jewish Tunnels, Adopted Quest2024-07-21 2 
6063050Dragon Ball TQ Mystery: Chocolat Pêche QuestWill Peppa be able to weather the storm of the QM's OCs coming her way, or will they all reap the whirlwind?Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Not Kato, bullying, self-harm, grooming, drug use, violence, suicidal ideation, rape2024-07-21 3 
6028804Mass Exodus Quest #1Dim Palmfast, anointed shepherd, hops his flock to a new otherworld. A new cycle. The caravan presses on, but a dead city stirs nearby.Mass Exodus, QM Kippler, Fantasy, Apocalypse, Management2024-07-22 0 
6027314Rise of the Awakened #14Ursus hunts info, meets Sage, question a raccoon-squid, question and kidnap Gawain, rescue Bobby, uncover a lizard plot, Ursus vs Lincoln.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Jessica, Gawain, Bobby, Lincoln, Sage, Canis Lupin, Intrigue, Quest2024-07-23 1 
6048132CHAOS: The Quest for Redemption #5Muna takes the fight to KILLALL in the Afterseas itself.Chaos Quest, collective unconsciousness, gods, drawquest, collective game, Levelman2024-07-30 15 
93343390Wargame Political Compass #70/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitiveand Inquisitive Setting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-07-30 7 
93406555Wargame Political Compass #70 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-07-30 7 
6037578Olympus Incarnation Quest #6Atë prepares for a confrontation with the formidable Heracles, a victim of her quest for power, by collecting new allies and abilitiesMythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game2024-07-31 7 
August 2024
6050681Escape the Dungeon! #1You wake up in a goblin den without memories of how you got here, your only hint being the small pain in your chest and abdomen.Qoomer, Qoomer QM, Femc, Dungeon, Fantasy, Shadow Step, Slut MC, Oblivious NPC2024-08-05 2 
6037377The 2nd Primarch Quest 36 A stellar era of peace begins, Lieren contends with cultural divides, interspecies relations, Jokaero genius, and Archeotech smugglers.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2024-08-09 33 
6055159The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 17In which Mouse's confrontation enters into the finaleCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2024-08-21 13 
93568321Reflections: What could have beenAn anon shows of their set of custom Magic: The Gathering cards inspired by old school MtG and classical art, it’s pretty cool.Magic: The Gathering, MtG, Homebrew, Custom Cards2024-08-25 1 
93613125Reflections #2: Gruul editionAn anon shows of their set of custom Magic: The Gathering cards inspired by old school MtG and classical art, it’s pretty cool.Magic: The Gathering, MtG, Homebrew, Custom Cards2024-08-25 0 
93662606Reflections #3, The trilogy ends hereAn anon shows of their set of custom Magic: The Gathering cards inspired by old school MtG and classical art, it’s pretty cool.Magic: The Gathering, MtG, Homebrew, Custom Cards2024-08-25 0 
93611222Wargame Political Compass #72/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-08-26 9 
6052775Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #30In which Ronnie discovers how fucked up his situation really is, and experiences a little trauma.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-08-28 6 
6054930Randomized Civ Quest with MiceMice that tamed giant cats establish a colony in the magic wastes feat. individual characters and randomization.Randomized Civ Quest with Mice, fantasy, civ, mouse, mice, randomized generation2024-08-30 1 
93679678Wargame Political Compass #73/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-08-31 7 
September 2024
6067330USA RISK SUMMER 2024USA themed risk game that spans over 40 rounds with TED as qmRisk, USA, qst, dice, TED2024-09-02 1 
6064653Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 27You trained Volta and Fluffy, did some self-reflection, talked with Martha and began a double battle. Pokemon Quest, Towel, Battle, Camping, SuperBusy2024-09-10 3 
93813764Wargame Political Compass #74 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitiveand Inquisitive Setting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-09-13 7 
6062047Kobolt Klan Adoption 20They reach the wizard in this one. Things don't go terrible yet!Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Transhumanism, wizard, Dragons2024-09-15 5 
6070163Olympus Incarnation Quest #7Atë faces off against ADAM, Heracles, and a revived Tisiphone. Mythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game2024-09-21 6 
6074760Rise of the Awakened #15Mog & Kinny retrieve Gawain's scroll & meet the queen. Ursus tracks down the kidnapped & warped June & Hogar. The party fights the culpritsCollective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Canis Lupin, June, Hogar, Nihm, Queen2024-09-24 1 
93876241Wargame Political Compass #75 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-09-29 7 
October 2024
93937759Wargame Political Compass #76/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-10-03 7 
6092283The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 18In which the story of Mouse and his friends and their struggle against the reign of darkness comes to a closeCollective Game,Kuroinu,Monster Protagonist,Usurper,ending2024-10-04 13 
6077353The 2nd Primarch Quest 37 Lieren and Liberty explore a world of deep seas and perpetual storms, and encounter a hitherto unknown xenos breed with greed in their eyesCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2024-10-04 33 
6088909Fire Emblem: Sorcerer Kingdom QuestTristain d’Rusalka embarks on a journey to the Desert Kingdom of Morfis to win the hand of its Princess in a strange competition. Fire Emblem, Three Houses, Sorcerer Kingdom, TreeHouses QM2024-10-18 16 
94053855Wargame Political Compass #77 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-10-22 7 
60890482nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #13A daring counter-raid to the one against the caravan floods the Gila region in blood in the most intense fighting up to now. Plus hydration!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2024-10-26 3 
6091170Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #31David takes the pirate raiders on a bug-squashing run, and Cochrane announces the end.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-10-28 3 
94152611Wargame Political Compass #78 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-10-29 8 
November 2024
6107123Hero Academia Quest #51 - Undying EditionUshi shows off in front of Endeavor then gets blocked at her school gate.MHA Quest, Ushi, Walker, Present Mic, Collective Game, Quest, MHA, My Hero Academia, Female Protagonist2024-11-02 9 
6109463Rise of the Awakened #16The crew thaw Dr.Wallace, work on curing June and Hogar begins, another chat with the queen is had, the gang raids the hotel for their guns.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Sage, Dr.Wallace, Queen, Dib, Canis Lupin2024-11-09 1 
6107803Olympus Incarnation Quest #8Atë offers to solve some problems for her new Chinese ally, but a confrontation with the Uncrowned King ends in an unexpected outcomeMythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game, Eldritch, Horror2024-11-16 2 
94264995Wargame Political Compass #79/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitiveand Inquisitive Setting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-11-17 7 
94392373Your Character's New WifePeople submit their characters. OP and others create waifus (and husbandos) for them.Characters, Waifus, L5R, 5E, character discussion, writefaggotry, OP is not a faggot2024-11-22 6 
December 2024
6122821The Caretaker Quest #3The new Hogwarts Caretaker and his companion battle the ghost of an Ancient Wizard and work on unraveling what is happening at the SchoolHogwarts, Harry Potter, Caretaker Quest, Adventure, Kektus, Caretaker, Mystery, Collective Game2024-12-02 4 
6114140Kobolt Klan Adoption 21The story reaches its conclusion, and ADORABLE EPILOGUE!Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Kobolds2024-12-02 5 
6116498The 2nd Primarch Quest 38Guozhi gives one final lesson to Lieren and Magnus, traveling through the realm of Tzeentch with them in the last hours of his life Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2024-12-03 32 
94405801Wargame Political Compass #80/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-12-14 7 
6124482SDC: Smack-Dab in Cairo (JJBA) #2Itsaso pays a visit to her local businessesSDC, JoJo, JJBA, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Siderite, Collective Game, Smack-Dab in Cairo, JENOVA, Stardust Crusaders, Itsaso Munteanu2024-12-14 2 
6134174Fire Emblem: Sorcerer Kingdom Quest #2Tristain and the gang visit a settlement inside a sandstorm, battle against a clan of assassins, and face fearsome monstrosities.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, Sorcerer Kingdom, TreeHouses QM2024-12-22 10 
6152987The Siege: A Crusader Horror StoryA medieval horror story in the cradle of civilization reaches breaking point. crusader2024-12-30 1 
January 2025
6131428Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #32In which Cochrane makes little to no progress in ending the questHFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2025-01-03 5 
94589801Wargame Political Compass #81/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2025-01-06 7 
6145818Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 28After a long hiatus, you finished battling tri-athletes, made it to the Route 4 Roadhouse and beat Fie's dad in a 1v1 battle.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Battle, Hiatus, Short2025-01-14 1 
6142153Olympus Incarnation Quest #9Stranded in a hostile plane, Atë tries to find a way homeMythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game, Eldritch, Horror2025-01-18 2 
6151652The 2nd Primarch Quest 39The Mystery of Yushan is solved, Lieren ensures the survival of two peoples & prepares the first generation of Shangralan space marinesCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2025-01-28 18 
6151529Yule QuestA gingerbread elf must pay a dodgy debt with a dangerous journey o collect magical cookbooks.Christmas, Yule, Festivus, Elves, Fantasy, Gambling, Adopted Quest2025-01-30 0 
February 2025
6159531The Caretaker Quest - Part 4We experience a POV shift, get to be a fit German girl after the MC lands in the hospital and continue to oppose the plots of a vile wizard.Hogwarts, Harry Potter, Caretaker Quest, Adventure, Kektus, Caretaker, Mystery, Collective Game2025-02-09 3 
61649352nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #14A desert madman's visions forge a secret pact against another as the Crusaders explore west simultaneously to last time's fight in the eas2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2025-02-09 3 
94893612Wargame Political Compass #82 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2025-02-14 6 
March 2025
6177481Rise of the Awakened #16.5We're back from hiatus! Kinny mugs Sage, Mog freezes her. Gawain explodes, his squid escapes, then dies. Cats vanish, the crew tracks them.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Canis Lupin, Squid, Back from hiatus, Ord, Apes, Cliffhanger2025-03-03 1 
6175744Fire Emblem: Sorcerer Kingdom Quest #3Tristain encounters the Cult of the Serpent, attempts to acquire a new mount, and defends against an invasion.Fire Emblem, Three Houses, Sorcerer Kingdom, TreeHouses QM2025-03-04 1 
6173871TROUBLESHOOTER: And Still Another Cleaner-Ish Quest You are JOHN SMITH, a Troubleshooter. You find trouble and shoot it. Your first job was finding a lost cat and then things became sparse.Alphabet Soup, USA, Fixer2025-03-06 0 
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