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Recap: Paracelsus got over her freakout, and you explored the castle a bit. Right now, you have decided to trust her, and will physically hold down her mother, who is crazy, at her behest.

"Alright, miss. I need you to stay still and lie down." You say, steadily getting close to the woman, who is quick to realize what's going on, it seems like. She starts yelling:
"And that's just fine, but we need to make sure that you're well." You say, trying to keep some veneer of civility. You are rewarded by such shrewd diplomacy by having a hardcover book thrown at your head. You dodge it just fine, of course.
"I AM WELL! WHY MUST PEOPLE KEEP ASKING THAT!?" Paracelsus' mother screams, and Paracelsus herself adds:
"What are you waiting for!? Grab her!"

Well, alright.
Going low, you all but slide into her, essentially slamming your shoulder into her belly, and flipping her over your shoulder. She starts bashing your back and kicking her legs, but even before you were granted scales as good as chainmail, you doubt it would have harmed you very much. Then, you slam her into her nearest bed, before you hold her down properly. Arms restrained and above her head, and you get behind her, wrapping your legs around her hips, and using your brawn and weight to stop her from moving.
"Excellent. Just a moment, Reynauld." Paracelsus says, as she takes out some kind of horrible medical device. The mother keeps screaming, though it's nothing you can understand at this point, and it lets Paracelsus jam it into her mouth.
Ah, it's just to keep the mouth open, you suppose. Then, with a quick snap of her fingers... Paracelsus creates a small ball of light at her fingertip.
"Not that I care for magical treatment; This is simply practical."
Then, she looks inside her mouth.

"...Engorged lymph nodes, irrational behavior and a sexually active patient up until recently, no doubt. I basically already knew this would be the answer, but now it's confirmed."
She sighs.
"My mother has syphillis, and has had it for a while. I... Have the cure, at least theoretically, but the damage to her brain is... Well. What's done is done."
Her expression remains hidden behind her mask... But the tone in her voice says enough.
"I... I can't help her. Not really. I was... not late. I just dragged my feet."
She sniffs... and exhales, slowly.
"Unless... I use magic, to try and fix her, but... I don't think I can. I could make her healthier, but it wouldn't really be *her*. I don't know if I should do that, and... using magic is distasteful, anyhow."
She's doing her best to keep her voice even.
"Reynauld. What should I do?"

>Fix her up, fully. If you control her mind, it can't be anything but an improvement.

>Well, we'll take care of the syphillis. But leave her mind be.

>Another idea.
>Well, we'll take care of the syphillis. But leave her mind be.
A person should live and die as themselves, ideally, or as what they choose for themselves to become.
This is my more stable IP for future reference.
>>Well, we'll take care of the syphillis. But leave her mind be.
>gentle hand on her shoulder "You said it yourself, Sarah it wouldn't be her, we may not be able to fix it, but we can stop it from getting worse."

it wouldn't be right to make her a magic thrall whose mind she molded it just won't be.
>>Well, we'll take care of the syphillis. But leave her mind be.
>Well, we'll take care of the syphillis. But leave her mind be.

We live!
You don't think that she'd usually ask you, but she understands that she is currently a bit compromised. This feels almost invasive, to have to choose this kind of thing, but this is a simple choice to you.
No less difficult to make.
"I'm sorry, but we shouldn't rewire her mind. Damaged as it is. Just... See about helping her now."
"Right, right, I'll... One moment."

Well, this woman weighs about as much as a wet blanket, so the most dangerous thing she has available is hurtful words. Of which she has no short supply, of course. The screaming is horrifically loud, as well, and you hope that this procedure is finished before the guards arrive.
The fact they haven't yet shows just how valuable this woman really is to them.
Paracelsus finishes taking out a strange little white tablet, several of them in fact, and then proceeds to forcefeed them to her. Holding her hand against her mouth, she keeps trying to scream, but it's swallowed after only a little more time and effort.
Paracelsus steps away, and gives you a nod, after which you let her go. Shortly after that, the woman springs out of bed, and sprints to the chamber door, running off into the castle... though before she even turned the corner, she collides with someone, and the apologies of a guard that follow shortly after are clearly dismissive.
"My lady, please, you must calm down. I'm under strict-"

The guard looks inside, at both you and Paracelsus... And there is a short moment of hesitation. Though, it doesn't take long before he makes his decision.
"Alright you two. You're under arrest. We'll... move to the kitchen and cut you open, I suppose. Come quietly, if you please?"
You can hear an excuse to leave when you hear it.
"Of course, sir." Paracelsus says, as she steps out, followed closely by you. As you leave her chambers, Paracelsus exhales. She might have been holding that breath for a while.
"She'll need to take more of those tablets. I'll hand them over to the chef, and... I..."

She shudders. Even past her cloaks and her mask, you can tell.
"This affected me more than I thought. I thought she was pathetic before but... Now?"
"She's still your mother. It hurts to see that."
"I... suppose you'd know better than me, yes?"

You remain quiet. It's your turn to look away. She didn't mean anything by it, but it stung all the same.

The silence drags on.
"This is still... better." You say. "Better that she remains herself, damaged as she is. Curing her is-"
"But I *could* do more. If you weren't there, I think I would have. What does that make me? I haven't had the curse try to change how I think. This is... just me."
She sniffs.
"We need to get to court as soon as possible. After dinner, we find a way on the train and get out of here. Alright?"


>Perhaps you could leave earlier...
>Reassure Paracelsus that her instinct to help isn't a bad thing, and that you understand
"Right... I'm glad you're willing to wait until after dinner, at least."
Paracelsus seems to flinch for a moment, looking at you, then away, then back, in just a short moment. A double take.
"I'm not leaving without getting whatever I can squeeze out of my father first."
Spiteful, but... Helpfully so, you suppose. You'll take it. Though, you can't help but feel the need to poke that statement.
"Are you looking for food, or..."
"Yes, what the hell else? It's not as if my mother is any *less* asinine than my father, she at least had the excuse of being drunk most her life. Now, of course, syphillis rotted her brain because she would take on any damned man that had a cock that didn't belong to my father! Useless bastards that they are, he did the same damned thing. When one of them thought to tell me to call them "mommy" is about the point I knew I had to do better with my life than this filth."

She scoffs, making a motion as though she were spitting, though it's hard to say if she did with her mask still on. Despite that... She stops after a moment.
"I'm getting rather annoyed at how much this damned castle is affecting me. I shouldn't be this damned emotional all the time, but this place just wrings it out of me!"
She takes a few more steps, clearly angered... And then stops. She looks to the side, and stares at a particular door. It looks as though it was reinforced, and it seems a bit dusty.
"...I haven't actually looked inside my room, yet. I wonder if there's much left."

She opens the door, and inside, you see... A still? There are a lot of other tools around, most of them similar to what you'd see with the alchemists in Rosaria, though you can tell a still apart from anywhere. Looks like it brings the smoke outside through the window. There's a bed here, as well, though it hasn't been made, being just a bare mattress on a large frame... Likely because moving the frame itself is impossible.
"...Hah. Of course. Of course they're just making moonshine in my old room. Whatever's useful, I suppose."
She keeps on staring.
"I... Don't know what I expected. It's not like I kept much personal items, but somehow... Hrm."
She sniffs.
"I suppose I'm expected to sleep with you in the guest chamber. I would have done so either way, of course, but it still... I still find this vexing."
Then, she sighs.

"This dinner can't come soon enough."
Indeed it can't...

>Fortunately, it's about time for it... After a bit more time.
Time to just get to the dinner and escape this house of generational trauma.

>You've got time to look into something else, if you wish.
But what, I wonder?
Let's go snuggle in the guest quarters. Kobolt kuddle puddle always soothes the nerves. It's like a cat kneading on you.

I have nothing better

Also, glad to see you're still posting.
The excerpt in the Kings tourney was kino.
You decide to just wait for dinner with the rest of the gang… which proves to be easier than you expected. When you told Pink about your desire to just lie back in your private rooms for a bit, it took less than a quarter of an hour for her to have gathered all the other kobolds, and the other guests, and then… the cuddle pile is formed. As per usual, the bigger ones are at the bottom, enjoying most of the heat in exchange for bearing most of the weight, while the smaller people are at the top. Anna and the changeling child are permitted to stay at the top, and you and Paracelsus, inevitably, form the bedrock for most of them. Tails, claws and kobold butts overtake most of your existence, and then the squeezing starts. Hugs everywhere, and it is a delight to the senses.

Scales are comfortable to the touch, even if you have scales of your own to greet them. Not as sensitive as your skin once was, sure, but it’s still pleasant. The heat only adds to it, and you feel yourself heading straight to sleep in no time at all… Feeling more relaxed than you have felt in a long time. Thank goodness.

You are awoken when a guard knocks on the door. You are up and awake in no time, staring at the man who opened the door already and is just… staring.
“...Dinner is being served, and you are being summoned. The… Small ones are to head to the barracks for their food.”
“The changeling?” You ask, coughing.
“To… join you. I believe. Same with the small green one.”
Anna rolls her eyes.
“Do I gotta?”

The guard stares at her, blankly, but then Pink repeats it, likely in the guard’s language.
“You… do not have to, no. If you behave.”
“Psshhh. Fine by me. I’m stickin’ to my hubby.” Anna then says, crawling out of the pile, and then patting Chad on the rump. So, alas, you leave the comfortable pile, and enter the cold castle once more. There is an awful breeze here, and you notice that not all the curtains have been drawn, letting in more wind than strictly needed. Fortunately, things get warmed the closer you get to the other people of the castle, and it's downright toasty once you enter the dining hall. The table is set lavishly, and you are placed next to Paracelsus... who is sitting as close to her father as possible, sitting down at the head of the table. To the right of him, you see the woman that you held down today, the lord's wife. She's a lot calmer, at least, though she still seems to be a bit distant. Staring off into nothing.

"Ahhh, dearest daughter. How great of you to join us! Did you enjoy exploring your home once more?" The lord of the castly says. Paracelsus simply stares in response, and you feel the temperature in the room drop by a few degrees just looking at it. Not literally, mind.
With magic around, it's important to mention that.
"My old home, yes. Mother has been sick with syphillis for some time. I'd question if you might be at risk, but I have my doubts."
The lord is taken aback for a moment, looking to his wife, who is just staring ahead... At Paracelsus now, at least.

"I... was not aware. I had thought the years of drinking had simply taken its toll."
"She's going to be fine, provided she keeps taking the medicine I gave her. It's a bacterial infection, so... An anti-biotic is all you need."

The lord stares.
"And... what might that be?"
"Tiny little creatures are everywhere, father, especially where there is filth for them to eat and digest. That's how rotting works, in fact. Those same creatures cause many of our ills, and through the power of my research, I have found a way to stop those horrid little things. Mind you, I can't stop all diseases, but those... I can. I'll be sure to spread this knowledge around, of course, so you'll be able to enjoy it as well. Now, if I may ask, what's for dinner?"
Still, the lord keeps on staring. Paracelsus was clearly just trying to show off her superiority there, and it seems lord Ambrosius has very few ways to get around it.
If he intends to apologize, though, he's going to have to get around to it fast.

Do you keep watching this mess go on, or do you try to interfere. Paracelsus isn't likely to let her father speak, and he seems to be struggling with his pride.

>This is their burden to bear. Don't interfere

>Nudge Paracelsus, and whisper to her that her father is trying to mend something

>Loudly propose that this is a fine time for people to say what has been left unsaid for far too long.

>Another social trick
>This is their burden to bear. Don't interfere
Such talks are for private. Trying to force a reconciliation will likely only set these fiery folks' tempers aflare.
Give the Lord a meaningful look as Sarah has her back turned to us, with a subtle head nod at her, then raise an eyeridge. He will remember what we talked about and he will know what to do from there this needs to happen tonight for both of their sakes.

And If that fails, mention something about the last dinner with your parents before leaving for the Crusades and something about things forever being left unsaid
holy shit this is still a thing? I was in the first few threads but had to go for a bit, assumed it died. Got a lot to read back up on
It's well worth it. Threads get shorter as it goes on, too, ao it's less reading than you might expect.
supporting this as well
You make sure that Paracelsus doesn't have a good angle on you, as you meet the lord's gaze. He catches your gaze, and the following nod, and then the lord's expression turns a little more grim. He's clearly not used to this kind of thing, but he has resolved himself.
"Sarah, I-"
"What." Paracelsus says, interrupting him. "What do you want?"
"I wanted to speak to you... about... Everything. There's a great many things we need to talk about, but the first thing I need to say is-"
Paracelsus is about to speak, to interrupt him again, but he manages to squeeze it out before she can.
"I'm sorry."

Paracelsus freezes up.

"I'm... sorry, that I never understood you. In all my life, you were... I don't know how I made a child like you. I just don't. From the moment you talked, you talked back. From the second you could read, you read more than I had in all my years. I tried to make you something like me."
He looks away, and his voice is not nearly as boisterous. Not half as confident. For a moment, he just sounds... almost desperate. His hands are shaking.
"I tried to make you something that you are not, and you resented me for it."
"Of course I-"
"As you *should*."

That makes Paracelsus sharply inhale.
"You are no noblewoman. You're not one of us. Never were. Now more than ever, and I... I never knew what to do with you. I never meant to restrain you, either, but I... I wanted what was best for you. And "best" for people like us was always..."
"Conquering. Politically or physically." Paracelsus says. Answering the question. A silence falls over the chamber, and... then, Paracelsus' mother speaks.
She sounds a bit more lucid than the last times you've seen her. But it's still... she's still not *all* there. You suppose hearing her husband speak candidly shocked her into partial lucidity.

"Child... I... I always... hated you. Hated you for being what I wish I could be. Now, I write about you. I write about you lots. Child of scales and fire. I do not know what will becomes of you, but... Know that I am proud of you."
Lord Ambrosius nods.
"As... am I. Even if I don't understand you. I just... I need to know. Will you be happy. Truly happy?"
Paracelsus stares... and then back to you. She looks *furious*.
"You. You told them to apologize. How did you convince them!? Did you threaten them!?"
Hells... what a sad state of affairs.
"I did not. I knew he planned to apologize, but I did not force him. He saw how hurt you were, when you had your argument. This is true. From the heart. And I think we both know why they're saying it now."

Another pause.
"It's... goodbye, isn't it?"
There is a cough from the lord, and...
"Well... Almost. If you wish to make use of your name, do so. If you think you could conquer this land, with what you know, and what you are able, know that we shall support you. If you wish to leave forever... know that, for all our flaws, we do love you. You are... You are the best of us."
Paralcus is still staring...


>Help her
How, though?

>Let her handle it herself.

>Speak to the other members at the table, for now.
Almost everybody you met before is here.

The secret is having the worst fucking update schedule, because I'm terrible.
>Help her
Just hold her hand.

>update schedule
I wish it was more frequent, but I'm just glad you're sticking with it. That's all the really matters, in the end.
>Hug her you fool
Paracelsus stands up, but you hold her by the hand before she can run off.
"Please, just-"
She points at lord Ambrosius, who just looks away, ashamed.
"Paracelsus, please. I don't think-"
Still, she doesn't stop, she keeps yelling. Teary eyed rage.

The lord sighs.
"I know this is hard to believe but... I just realized my kind of life-"


You blink, turning around.
"You knew about the crossbow bolt failing to penetrate Reynauld. It was your man, wasn't it!?"
"He was not. He wanted to claim a bounty, but he reported to me. I told him to-"
"Take this coin and buzz off!? WONDERFUL! Thank you for aiding and abetting the man intending to kill *my man*."
You remember killing that guy... but you suppose he also had a partner that got away. But this doesn't really feel that relevant. It was on this lord's property, after all, and you weren't attacked again, and neither were your kobolts. All the same...
"I did not... You must understand, I was not aware of everything! All I knew is that you were coming, that your body was different, and that you had a strange, transformed creature with you. What would you have preferred I do? Kill that man for bringing me information?"
Paracelsus remains quiet... and you just shake your head. You need to refocus everybody.

"This isn't the time for more fighting. Paracelsus, you don't need to forgive them. Know that they seek it from you, but nobody is forcing you to actually do it. This is... it's going to take time. But be glad you still have a family to get back to. Especially one that seeks amends."
Paracelsus looks at you, disgusted... But she closes her eyes, then, blinking away the tears.
"You... If it were anybody else, I would have hit them. Knowing what I already know about you, I know it comes from a good place. But this... I can't... This isn't something that just goes away in one heartfelt plea!"
"It doesn't have to."
There is another pause. The whole room is quiet... and then Paracelsus lowers her head, grimacing.
You wrap your arms around her in a hug, your unnatural body making your head go over her shoulder.
"It's fine. Let's just... enjoy dinner, alright?"
You slowly move her back to her seat... and she agrees. Then, she looks to the others.
"I might... *might* return, after we visited the archmage. Then we'll see if that apology lasts. Until then... We aren't friends. We're only family by unfortunate happenstance. And if you *ever* try to turn this into some teary-eyed "I always loved you" bullshit again... I will stop being so polite."

She takes another deep breath... and then eats again.
"Now. Do we have anything to *actually* talk about?"

Well... that could have gone better. But it could have gone worse.
The rest of the dinner proceeds without much fanfare. There are some basic talks. News of the kingdom, more details on the aging king, and there are talks about the train being available in the early morning. You'll be woken up, and then you'll make your way there, quick as you can. You'll even get an escort, just to ensure it goes by fast. It's an awkward evening, and when it comes time to sleep, you're glad to see that the kobolds, at least, had fun. Some of them are a little drunk, though.
Paracelsus sleeps in a separate bed. She's not angry at you. But she insisted she needed to be alone.

The morning comes.
The goodbye was brief. Awkward. But at least there was a goodbye.
The escort continues in silence. As you walk, Tom-8-O's walking alongside the cart instead of being the one pulling it, thanks to Ambrosius' horses, you look over to Paracelsus. She's pensive... and eventually, she asks this.
"Outside of the idea of... Draconic greed. I think it would still be a net benefit if we ruled here. But we won't, I suspect."
"I don't intend to, no." You say. Paracelsus doesn't push the issue.
"Hm. Fair enough. Sorry I yelled at you yesterday."
"You were pressed."
"I *was* pressed, yes, but you didn't do anything wrong. It doesn't justify anything."
You kiss her on the cheek... and that's all that needed to be said. You reach the train station before noon, though you did leave very early in the morning. Once on the train, you...

You're not sure what to expect. The capital awaits. Hell, you'll be able to head straight for the archmage.
You might finally be approaching an end to this nightmare.

Seems like a good moment to talk...

>Paracelsus might want another talk

>Pink... Perhaps it's time to talk about her hatred of humanity.

>Your darling, Snikt... you haven't talked to her in a while, and she seems a little nervous.

>Chad and William, your squires. They're both doing well. You wonder if there are plans for their future.

You could just wait in silence, if you so desire.
>Pink... Perhaps it's time to talk about her hatred of humanity.

>Your darling, Snikt... you haven't talked to her in a while, and she seems a little nervous.

>Chad and William, your squires. They're both doing well. You wonder if there are plans for their future.

All of these are god. It's been a minute since we've check in with anyone else. If I can only pick one, though...

>Your darling, Snikt... you haven't talked to her in a while, and she seems a little nervous.

Is SHE experiencing volatile dragon emotions?
Support if we can do all of them then in that order if not snikt it is
>Your darling, Snikt... you haven't talked to her in a while, and she seems a little nervous
You have a lot of people to talk to... But the first person you should talk to is probably the one other person dealing with your issue.
Albeit with considerably more grace. You find Snikt in her own little compartment, in the middle of looking at her tail and wiggling it around. It seems to be scientific interest, most of all, as she just gives you a quick glance as you enter, and goes back to wiggling it around.
"My... old tail wasn't nearly as... tough. It's weird."
"Yeah, I... A lot of things are different, right?"

She adjusts her positioning, putting her tail behind her rather than between her legs, and then adjusts herself to be seated in a "proper" way.
"What do you wish of me, Dragon?"
"I wanted to speak of you. You seemed nervous, last I saw you."
Snikt nods.
"Yes. Yes. I... Hrm. We are moving towards the wizard. And we will... de-curse you. And I'm not sure... Sni-" She clears her throat, falling back into her old speaking habit for a moment. "I do not know if I will survive."
You flinch, a quick double-take at the absurdity of the statement.
"If I get cured of the... The dragon... thing. That wizard lady cursed me to be super old, remember? If you take away the dragon part of me, I don't think-"
"So we won't." You say, interrupting her. She looks up, surprised. "We just won't. If that's a risk, then we just won't take it. Simple as that. I have trust in you and... if I'm not mistaken, you weren't cursed in the same way as me. You'd simply be a dragonborn."

Snikt shuffles uncomfortable... and takes in a deep breath.
"I've... been having dreams. Bad ones. Of a very big, very dark dragon".
The world seems to grow quiet for a moment, as a pit of fear, rage and envy grows.
"He said that... He finds me amusing. A-and said that... Half-measures are no measures." Snikt adds, and she is starting to look away, deeply ashamed.
"I didn't think... S-snikt gets night terrors a lot, s-so I didn't say it but... I've been counting. A-adjusting. I'm growing. Still. Changing. I can even hear a little voice, telling me to take things, claim things."

You lean forward.
"And how do you respond?"
"That it's really stupid? I am part of the klan. Can't be selfish. Voice hasn't spoken in a long time, too. I think it died... "
Snikt clears her throat.
"Okay... I tore out its throat in one of my dreams. It told me to kill you, so I killed it. Sorry. Thought it was just stupid dreams but..."
She looks at her tail again.
"It's bigger. Thicker. Lungs feel bigger, too. It's slower than you, Dragon, but... It's there."

She sighs, and looks at you.
"...I'm scared. I'm scared of... dying. Almost died back at the mountain. Still dream of it, even with the dead voice. Like falling asleep, but... cold. Scary. Dark."
She groans.
"Should have told you. But Snikt thought... thought it was fine. Please don't be mad."

>Hug her. Tell her that she's fine the way she is.

>Hug her. Tell her that you'll find a nice middle ground

>Hug her, something else.
>Hug her, and ask her if she'd rather find a middle ground, or if she thinks she'd like to be a dragon
>Ask her if, since killing the voice, she still feels those violence or hoarding instincts
>Hug her. Tell her that you'll find a nice middle ground "you can always come to me with a problem, promise me you will remember that from now on"
>Ask her if, since killing the voice, she still feels those violence or hoarding instincts

poor baby girl
Already page ten.
This is extremely embarrassing. I procrastinate lethal amounts i'm very sorry..
You wrap your arms around the poor little thing. She doesn't return the hug, though you can feel her relax almost instantly as you do so.
"I'm very proud of you for doing that, but I want you to know, you don't need to be afraid to share this kind of stuff. I would have wanted to help."
"But Snik- I didn't want to... You're already so busy. With everyone. I don't want to be..."
"You're never going to be a problem. Being able to help you is... I mean..."
You smile, despite yourself.
"Helping people is a big part of what's been keeping me going. A big part of why I'm here. So, please. Snikt... Talk to me, okay?"

You release her from the hug, and sit next to her.
"So... You killed the voice yourself. Impressive."
"I-it wasn't the same as you. It... it complained that I couldn't hear it. It always sounded a little... fuzzy. Said that I should be listening to it because it's a dragon and I'm just a kobolt."
She laughs, for a short moment.
"It thought that was a bad thing."
You wrap a single arm around Snikt as you say: "But we know better, don't we!?"
She grins, despite herself.
"So... The instincts. Hoarding or... Wanting to perform violence. Are they still there?"
"Yes. But... it's your treasure. I'm your kobolt. Wanting things doesn't mean I do things. Pink says that only humans do what they want when they want it, even if they can't really do it."

Alright, sure.
"Dragons, supposedly-"
"Dragons can do what they want because nobody's stronger than a dragon... Except another dragon."
"Might makes right isn't a good way to think about this kind of thing... That's how those people decided it was fine for them to hurt you the way they did."

Snikt sits up a little more straight... and remains silent.
"But... another thing. What do you want, Snikt?"
"Do you want this middle ground? Or... would you like to go all the way. Becoming a dragon, I mean."
She looks at you as though you have grown a second head.
"Why would... you allow this? That's... That's dangerous! I'd be dangerous!"
"Well, if I turned, or if Paracelsus did, I can't say for sure if I'd be safe. I can hope I would be, but... Frankly, apart from the risk, I'm proud to be a human, besides. But you, Snikt... if there was anybody I'd be willing to trust on this, it'd be you."

Her mouth falls open... and she blinks.
She blinks again.
"Are... Are you serious? B-but... th-that's... S-snikt is... not a... I am not as good as you!? How can you trust me, not but yourself!? I don't understand it!"
She is working herself up into a panic, but you calm her down.
"Sssh, hey... Look. You've handled something that I couldn't just by being yourself."
"It's because I'm a kobolt. I cheated."
"Still counts. So, What would you like to be?"

There is a pause...
And then she quietly says:
"D-dragon. I wanna be big."

>Then nothing needs to changed, isn't it?

>With precautions

>With precautions
Time to start knightly ethics lessons.
>>nod, then say "then you will be" in your head move up killing the primordial dragon to a high priority now that he will probably becoming for your dau-snikt
>>With precautions

it's gonna kill our protag if she ends up going to the darkside and he as to do it to his family again
Are we seriously on page 10 already?
For several days now, yes.
archive it if it already isn't

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