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Olm-Wyrm Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked cook-off adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, cook off and fight each other for victory (and the best meal).
A campaign mode is currently in the works, hoping to post a first Campaign Scenario within the next week or two. (you) are more than encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc
>Main Lore Doc, including links to anon-written short stories and additional lore in "Recommended..." section
> Unit Spreadsheet - Currently outdated, requires an update
>Unit Design Doc

>What can I do?
Shitpost, meme, get comfy. Read over the docs to settle in.
Familiarize yourself with rules and plan some playtests.
Contribute if you have ideas. Give feedback on contributions if you don't.

>TQ1 : Please suggest names for Map Anon's settlement maps (see next posts). It doesn't need to come with with any large blurb, the name itself is fine, if you have a reason and want to explain it go for it, same for a little bit of lore, but its not 100% necessary.

Cute creature
Mind you, I'm open to the idea that this approach to entrance placement was wrong all along, and there's some potential in sprinkling them more liberally, however:
1. It would impact a lot of history and international relations lore. It would be really fucking funny if Britain found an entrance in Scotland after going through the trouble of seizing Iceland, but everythong about Italy, Austria, Catholic schism and German unification goes back to Stromboli being special and the Central powers being short of options.
2. Maps would have to be redone almost from scratch to better accomodate the changes.
>It would be really fucking funny if Britain found an entrance in Scotland after going through the trouble of seizing Iceland
In the Wake of the Massacre at Greenrock puts one on the Isle of Arran, for thematic purposes you see, but it’s not intended to be more than an explanation for how Malcolm wound up underground.
I really should have put a spider in there…
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I hate to upset the current paradigm, as so much has been built around it. I think Doggerland acquisition is a better option, and can demonstrate the efficiency/engineering prowess that seems to be a German faction focus. There is some Stromboli-related material in the dossier, but it came out a little holocaust-y. I'll post it here and you folks can give feedback,

My name is Erich Ritter. I am a Bavarian. I am a Catholic. I am a father of two, once three. I fought for freedom against the Prussian menace swallowing the whole of Germany.

We never had a chance.

The black-haired officer appeared on our doorstep early in the morning. I would make a joke about where he could stick that spiked helmet but I thought better of it. I knew why he was here. I had seen him pick up Gerhardt and some Polish fellow that had moved into our tenement in Munich earlier that year. Slowly, surely, those of our faith are being rooted out. Some come back, tight-lipped and insisting on the good care and treatment they received. We knew it was a lie.

He asked me to come quietly and to tell my wife that I had been called up for service. They don’t seem to care about the flimsiness of their lies. I’m nearly 35. Not the usual draft material. He escorted me to the Munich Hauptbahnhof late in the evening. Third class cabin. Could have been worse I suppose.

I sat on the uncomfortable wooden bench. No other passengers. Ticketed or otherwise. We journeyed south. Traversing between the cars made the situation apparent. Polish peasants, Danes, men of Baden and Bavaria and Pfalz. Catholics all. We began to consider what our fate would be. Many hoped for deportation to France or Austria. Perhaps we’ll just have to build one of their damned railroads and we can go back to that servile, surveilled peace that they gave us.
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Our route went south, through the Tyrolean hills, and downwards to Italia. It became more obvious, to me at least, that this would end poorly. Even the poorest townspeople in rural villages know of the Abominations there. When the Avignon captivity was forced to resume by the fiery exile of the Pontificate, many thought that Judgement day neared. But tomorrow came. And the day after that.

The carriage slowed to a crawl after three days. Some dirty little village. A ruined roman column greeted us as we disembarked, and the Vulcanist vulgarity with their idols and lush paintings. Hundreds of us and dozens of them. Might have had a chance if we all fought at once. Some sentiment of resignation perhaps, but no-one shouted. No-one fought.

You hear tales of the peninsula but never really believe it until you’ve been. Fiery deluges from mountainsides and braziers roaring with white hot coals and that thick black smoke that flows from the earth in great sulfurous spouts. Whatever the gawking townsfolk were saying we couldn’t understand them. Prussian police pulled aside one among their number, a priest, one of them, and exchanged some words.

From behind the rail depot came those priests, garish headdresses and all accoutrement, followed then by the Prussians, rifles in hand, to hand us over. The Polish fellow made a run for it, and I heard the thud of his body hit the warm earth. I didn’t hear the shot.
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They marched us up the side of this great mountain, a flaming vortex erupting at its height. I thanked God for the slow progress, and the opportunity to consider myself. The rocky outcroppings pressed us harder, and even those upright Prussians lost their footings at times. They quit about three-quarters of the way up, and returned to the village. Our remainder, and that Vulcanist mob tight behind, continued the climb. Nearly there.

The sweat dripping into my eyes made it difficult to see when we had finally reached the top. Wiping it away did little to resolve the problem. Great mirages, waving from the heat and the cracklings fires along the rim distort a man’s vision. We were led towards a stone jutting in the mountainside. The priests lead us forward with pointed staves, nipping at our heels with those malicious brass points.

It began. The Dane first. Pushed straight in. Then a baker from the Palatinate. You can hear the skin bubble and the hair sizzle and the screams for only a second, and then silence. Soon it would be me. Maria, schatz, I’m sorry for drinking so much. A blacksmith from Pforzheim. My boy Friedrich, I’m sorry I wasn’t a better man, a better Father. An Alsatian, didn’t know his trade. I will go next. I know that in the end, I will face my god, and not theirs. I hope.
I'll mostly echo >>94891021
I personally don't like them having internal combustion engines, as i feel like it kills the fantasy somewhat. I hear internal combustion engines every day and they make me want to internally combust. At the very least, it would be nice if they ran on Neptunium instead of diesel. That would also have the benefit of giving Germany a real reason for colonizing Agartha, instead of gobbling up all of Africa, or gunning for India.
If they are to have a colony, it should be minor. Having Germans as part of the fight for Doggerland would be good, but i don't see them winning that. Cutting a deal with Dousicily, or being present purely through the Landsknecht, those seem to me the best options.

Having Moltke actually be a Warfare Existentialist, and having the Landsknecht act as a branch or fork of them might be something to consider.
>Having Germans as part of the fight for Doggerland would be good, but i don't see them winning that
When the Doggerland scenario is done, we could play an actual France-Britain-Germany campaign and "canonize" the winner.
What do y’all reckon Blavatsky and the Theosophists are up to? They were pretty important IRL occultists, it really wouldn’t be surprising if they managed to become pretty important thinkers in Agartha.
Blavatsky and Theosophists are likely massive Lemuriaboos. They already moved to India IRL, so them chilling in the Neo-Mughal state is a given. Theosophists were actually somewhat big in the Dutch East Indies too IIRC, so they could straight up act as one of the Epigean arms of Lemurian subversion there and around Asia. That would also mean they'd be viewed not just as a kooky sect, but a hostile organization by some governments and have to operate in secret.
We can't either add Entrances every time a new player comes along, it dilutes their geopolitical importance. Couldn't we salvage the written lore by simply saying that most Germans traffic goes through Stromboli, but that the French have been warming up to the idea of the occasional (very much overpriced) deal with Germans, as a way to counter the Duosicilan monopoly and possibly lessen tension (the French really cannot afford a war with Prussia, and their economy sorely needs any help)? Even if its a military column, as long as its limited in numbers Fallen Paris would probably allow it, as they could easily park a hundred soldier for every gorm one going down... ?
>I think Doggerland acquisition is a better option,
I've been waiting on the Tsardom to get finished to suggest making the Doggerland Landing campaign I've been meaning to get done a 4 or less player Campaign set between the Brits, the French, the Tsardom and Germany, as a way to justify pushing Germany ahead (Factions could be replaced, but storyline-wise that'd be the roster), and also, have it have 3 different "era" in which it can be played, Colonial, Great War and Deluge.
Doggerland being an absolute hellhole (basically, the worst of the Underground, but topside), and this campaign idea, makes me a bit wary about giving it outright to the Germans as an Entrance.
>I personally don't like them having internal combustion engines, as i feel like it kills the fantasy somewhat. I hear internal combustion engines every day and they make me want to internally combust. At the very least, it would be nice if they ran on Neptunium instead of diesel. That would also have the benefit of giving Germany a real reason for colonizing Agartha, instead of gobbling up all of Africa, or gunning for India.
Replacing mentions of gasoline for Neptunium is not going to lessen the "Heavy Industrial" feeling the faction is destined to have.
>Replacing mentions of gasoline for Neptunium is not going to lessen the "Heavy Industrial" feeling the faction is destined to have.
The way I see to keep cool machines while not having them weird up the setting's tech level (although in my view that ship sailed when Eiffel got onboard) is to really emphasize the teething troubles. It's not that they're more advanced, it's that they're trying things from a more advanced time without quite being ready for it. So the machines look like something you might see in the great war, for a few seconds before something falls off and the thing sputters into silence. When they work it's glorious and wonderful but they're not going to work for very long if at all.
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New addition to the Pelagic Problems list.
Morlocks will be moved to either Denizens or Tribal Trouble.
A recurring feature of Agartha's fauna is the lack of upper limit in the size of the animal. In subhumans, only Morlocks have been conclusively observed to follow this particular pattern, but with beast it is much more often the case. Many who have trekked as far as the 5th will be familiar with the flying or floating anamniotes that makes a large portion of its ecosystem. In some rare cases, the floating fishes will reach such a prodigious size that it will become unable to achieve proper flight, and will be left hopping about or crawling on the Floor.
I posit that Cyclop and Megagorillas are potentially megasapeint versions of Agarthan subhumans such as Neanderthals. Rockbreakers meanwhile I believe to be their own species and also a cultural movement at the same time.
The existence of a "Big Gorg" I discount entirely.
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Every Gorg is a big Gorg, you 'ornless whatsit!
Yeah, I forgot that part. Well, as I've said, I'm cool with there being more minor entrances that could be used by small groups of people like an expedition or a skirmish party or a Scottish king on the run. But major entrances suitable for (with alterations or as is) maintaining colonies are a different story.
Since the Franco-prussian what has yet to happen and the commune did not pass, the third republic of France built on top of the Montmartre hill not a basilica but a small military fort dedicated to the foreign legion who hire from any colonist who passes by Paris and Agarthans as well as a base for the airships and Indigenous Riders.
>I posit that Cyclop and Megagorillas are potentially megasapeint versions of Agarthan subhumans such as Neanderthals.
There's incidentally an entire wing of the Bethlem Royal Hospital dedicated purely to academics who went into a violent rage in the midst of a discussion on the phylogeny of Agarthan lifeforms.
Rough timeline that has integrated some of the feedback from the previous threads.
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The glorious Quinotaur, national animal of Atlantis and believed to be blessed by Poseidon himself, is one of the main source of food and animal labour for the Deep Nation. Indeed, Atlanteans are quick to admit that without the large flocks of sea-taurines lazily swimming through Panthalassa, they might not have survived its harsh conditions.
Also, don't listen to Altina, she's a slut and was asking for it.
Conveniently, that wing is adjacent to the one for Agarthan subhumans. Both were rather recent annexes to the building, you understand.
Having the German expedition be the first one of its kind trying to set up a colony is a nice touch and a good way to tie together the various ideas.
The Sallow-Harwell Theory of Agarthan Evolution favors the term "Parahumans" for a reason, fellows!
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Subhuman is perfectly acceptable in academic vernacular, my good sir. It simply refers to subterranean humanoids. Even the use of the stronger, more morality-laden term "devolution" can be somewhat excused, as it is an observed process. I would refer you to Dr Moreau's many papers on the subject, there is no greater authority on the subject.
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This is essentially a very aggressive Chest, which is why it has a specific deployment halfway up the map. Might come back to it eventually to add something about choosing to open or close it when you gain control of it, and the Pearl making people go mad or something... for the moment if you there's no one next to it you don't really need to roll for it.
Didn't know scallops could be that horrifying.
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One of the greatest abomination of the Deep, the Mega Echinoderm roughly approximates Epigean holothurians in shape, and white whales in size. Sometimes mistaken for an Old One or an Old Mu Royal (there's a few Mu-Aligned Devolved Deepfolk tribes out there following an enormous specimen as if its its Leader), the beasts are however completely mindless.
(I'm pushing ahead on the Pelagic NPC list because its so close to being done, I'll go over the German proposal tomorrow, especially from a gameplay point of view.)
The esteemed Dr. Moreau fails to account for the existence of various types of Parahumans observed among Hyperboreans; He can hardly be blamed for this, of course, as the majority of his published work predates any scientific inquiry into our neighbors above; But the distinction between Subhuman and Suprahuman is little more than semantic!
A draft introduction for addition to the world book.

On another note, does anyone have the appropriate templates for unit tokens and statlines?

The spreadsheet available in the OP needs some updating.
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>The esteemed Dr. Moreau fails to account for the existence of various types of Parahumans observed among Hyperboreans
Kek. Now we need to make a phylogenetic tree of Skinslaves.
> Picrel
Turning the Legfish into a sort of mini scenario, shouldn't be to obtrusive to a regular game, but it should be worth it. This is to make sense of the distribution curve for 3d6 and the fact that its supposed to be one of the rarest sight in Agartha.
The Meals will be boosted (a lot) as well to offer an incentive against befriending it.
> Legfish Jerky : Count as a Ration, but the +1 AP bonus is permanent (carries over in a campaign)
> Baked Legfish : Count as a Warm Meal, additionally chose any stat other than AP and permanently add +1 to it.
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>unit tokens
Go on rolladvantage.com/tokenstamp/
Select the flat-top hex token for the border (first option up to left, its defaulted to none so it'll look like a black square). The scale should be to 1 by default, which is fine.
Drop an image, right click on the preview to open it in another page, save from there.
That depends a lot on how you want to build the faction mechanically. I did this really quickly just now, I realize it doesn't help that much designing unit, I will expand on it a bit and give some pointers for setting stats.
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Morlock List for the upcoming Morlock vs Olm fight. Not gonna pull any punches.
Atlan anon we still good for tonight? 8pm?
And when you say small map, you mean the same size as the one we played on last time?

Tall Fin 10 (31)
- Tiderunner 3
- Endless Swarm 5
- Pigheaded 3
- Barrel Chested 2
- Born to Lead 3
- Trident 4
- Shortbow 1

Tall Fin 10 (25)
- Tiderunner 3
- Bioluminescence 1
- Pigheaded 3
- Barrel Chested 2
- Officer Training 1
- Trident 4
- Shortbow 1

Mariner 3 (11)
- Buoy Driver 5
- Eau Douce 2
- Flintlock Pistol Free
- Alcohol 1

2x Mariner 3 (6)
- Eau Douce 2
- Flintlock Pistol
- Alcohol 1

Greater Morlock (25)

Morlock Courtesan 7 (9)
- Morlock Staff 2

12x Grunts 1 (3)
- Shortbow 1
- Club Free
- Rations 1

I've yet to eat, so 9 seems more likely. I mean the one smaller than the one we played on.

>Leader: 21
Olm-Knight (17) Halberd (4) {21}
>Follower: 79
3[ Olm-Steed (10) ] {30}
3[ Olm-Fisherman (10) Rations ] Short Bow (1) Spear (2) Halberd (4) {40}
Serbian Rebel (7) Dagger, Gras (2) {9}
>SP: 50
Olm-Wyrm (50)

Dead on the money.
No issue, ~9 works for me too.
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I really like that idea.
>Replacing mentions of gasoline for Neptunium is not going to lessen the "Heavy Industrial" feeling the faction is destined to have.
It would help them feel less out of time and place. Heavy Industrial feel is inevitable i agree, but there is a rather large aesthetic difference between a turbine and a piston. I didn't at all phrase it well, but what i'm suggesting with using neptunium is a complementary change in engine. Something more outlandish.
Aside from any autistic reasons for the swap, neptunium is just kind of there right now, and this is as good an opportunity as you could ask for to change that.
I'll be on the disc*rd in 2~3 minutes, just finishing up supper as well.
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I hope he gets at least a couple kills before being inevitably devoured by the horde.
>I hope he gets at least a couple kills before being inevitably devoured by the horde.
Only one! The game was aborted midway 2nd turn, it became very apparent that the Olms could not hope to hold the tide of fishmen. The small map was probably not a great idea for this one either.
The Steeds performed very well, one charged in first turn and killed a Mariner (only casualty), but then it took enough grazes from shortbow attacks that it decided not to remain. Makes for a good alpha strike however.
The number of shots I could take, the number of swamps I could spawn and the incoming Greater Morlock convinced Atlan anon the Olms had to go back to the drawing board. The Fisherman in particular will need more work.
We joked about Morlock spam being busted in earlier threads and the prophecy has been realized. In that one test I ran last year with them I noticed that regular morlocks having Javelins is pretty fucked because they can put out massive amounts of fire.
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Having lots of models with access to no Reload weapons is a really good way to overwhelm the enemy, even with mediocre stats. Bringing in blast weapons (dynamite fishing isn't illegal in Agartha) is almost mandatory against them.
I might bring the cost of Grunts up to 2, canceling their weaknesses really isn't that hard.
I'd prefer limiting their weaponry rather than upping the cost. The original chart Morlock even mentions that they use claws.
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>The small map was probably not a great idea for this one either.
Well, at least it was over quick. I think the biggest fuck up was mine forgetting Secret Passages.
We talked about upping Olm-Steed cost to 15 and Discipline to 4. Olm-Wyrm needs Slimey and Slippery, but otherwise makes sense. Still, i'd like Olm-Wyrms to be stronger for thematic reasons, so maybe Olm-Knights will have a way to buff them, or make a pseudo-Wyrm out of an Olm-Steed. I was happy with Dampness, but, especially next to the Morlocks, it seemed underwhelming. I think making Slime Tokens more abundant, and/or increasing the number of Smoke Tokens you can place through it is the trick. I saw one idea last thread, i think, which was to allow Slime to be gained through Rations, and increasing the number of Slime gained from eating a corpse to 2. That's probably too much together, but one of those on it's own might work. Maybe Olm-Wyrms could have a Damp Breath attack?
I wonder how much of it was me and the map fucking them over. Olm-Fishermen need a rework either way,
I think making it harder to cancel their weakness is more fun than upping their cost.
>I think making it harder to cancel their weakness is more fun than upping their cost.
I could reduce the area effect of all "Of The Shoal" rules to 2.
We could remove daggers & shortbows on them, keep javelins, shortspear and blowpipes, which you might not want to take anyways, since unarmed isn't that much worse, and giving them the other weapons basically double their cost...?
German unit roster proposal review
> Blauen Dragoner
Similar to Bicycle Dragoon mounted on Daimler Bike from the French book. Semaphore flags is like "Ding Ding!" but for other models.
> Unterzee Truppen
Similar to New Mu Diving Initiate, probably with better armour and no Hidden mechanic.
> Soldat
Similar to BAP. Line Fire is very powerful so you might want to avoid using that.
> Jaeger
Similar to Land Transport Corp but as a Soldier unit.
> Wilhelm II
Character version of the British Officer. I'll come up with something for Just Another One of the Men.
> Moltke
Redeployment of units after Deployment but before turn 1 can be good, but without some way to Ambush or Reserve them its pretty gimmicky. I wonder how much you can psych your opponent with him knowing you have the model.
> Maschinenlaufer
Crappier version of the Lansknecht Walker?
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But does he wear a silly little hat?
One thing here is defining their weakness.
The lore mentions they are more accurate than the brits, which is a lot to ask out of the system, brits being the best line fire there is right now. They seem to have more armour than other Colonials, which cancels out the biggest colonial drawback, which is near complete lack of it. The French Steam Knight and StiltWalkers are wonky and somewhat overpriced to compensate for their availability.
Mauser being good, Ranged Accuracy matching the US~Brits, access to armour and artillery is pretty much everything you could hope for.
This isn't impossible, but its a lot. Ways to do this.
> Higher Cost. This could work well to represent their rarity in Agartha.
> Mediocre Discipline + Fear [Deep], but without ways to remove Fear.
> Movement/Evasion/Awareness as dump stats. Note that Movement as a dump stat doesn't work if the faction has too wide access to fast mounts.
Higher cost would be a preferable solution. My mockups had most units about 25% more expensive than British/French/US comparables.

I would argue against poor discipline or movement. The first for the obvious reason that the German military stereotypes exist for a reason. Historical sources from around this period, largely accounts from the Franco-Prussian War, note the use of maneuver tactics very early, breaking away from line and square towards independent squadron tactics. Poor discipline I don’t think would jive.

The Fear [Deep] would be acceptable, but perhaps designing a unit as a native guide, or a character in the vein of La Malinche could be purchased to remedy.

Mechanical units should hold some rule by which, after actions are taken, some form of reliability test is necessary. This would reflect the strains on period metallurgy to cope with the demands of complex machines.

Just some thoughts. Appreciate the feedback.
>some form of reliability test is necessary.
worth noting that if said reliability test is too harsh on a failure it can result in the unit just being completely not worth taking
I'd be wary, but not completely against the idea. "Boches = Best" is a bit of a meme for historical wargames, maybe its unavoidable because everyone who has heard about Prussia has heard that they went really fucking hard, and maybe its national pride speaking, but I felt we should avoid just making them aggressively high quality low count.
>I would argue against poor discipline or movement.
I agree its weird but something has to give, even if they are set as high tier low cost, they need some weaknesses. We can use Evasion and Awareness as dump stats, Evasion is a bit more impactful than Awareness, but both are less impactful than all others except Labour.
[Rifle] or [Mauser] Training and setting their Accuracy at 5~6 would work better than just giving them Accuracy 6~7. Melee weapon buffs stacks high.
Reliability test could work, but we need to also make sure it doesn't ruin the enjoyment of the game beforehand, if we build the artillery/walkers to be central, high impact, high cost units, they tend to become what you build the list around, and if they go useless or become a straight drawback on a single roll that will feel pretty bad.
That’s fair. I don’t think we necessarily have to follow the stereotypes completely. Evasion and Awareness reduced could be explained by the fact that they are relative newcomers to Agartha. Unfamiliarity with the sights and sounds of the inner earth can cost men their lives.

Regarding the reliability issues, perhaps something like a limitation on the models functions, like movement or shooting, for the following turn. Not the catastrophic failure and loss of the model, except in extraordinary cases like the Zeppelin or the critical failure rule on the Landsknecht Walker.
Here's my two cents (Or the Imperial German version of cents):
Instead of having line fire bonus or standing apart bonus like the UK or US I vote that the Germans have an accuracy bonus when Prone. It reflects how they actually fought from prone during the Franco-Prussian war, and also gives them lower movement naturally without needing to give them much lower stats.
As for mechanical failure, I vote that there's a check with failure, sucess, and crit success versions, and that this check is not universal. I.E, the Artillery piece checks when firing but not moving, the walker checks when moving but not firing, etc. And that for each of these checks there is a way to offset failure through unit synergy like having an adjacent engineer allow for rerolls or having multiple artillery crewmen reduce reload speed, etc.
>we should avoid just making them aggressively high quality low count.
I second this. That is the french gimmick. In the Franco-prussian war they were also much more greater in number than the french (nearly twice the size). It is going hard to nerf them by adding numbers.

Yes, german having low morale and low movement is weird. But they do not have their own entrances, are not familiar in practice with many of the dangers below, and most interestingly could fall more easily to the drunkness if the deep compared to the other colonist who are used to go deeper like the brits or are more used to it and hire locally like the french.

Maybe since they dont have their own entrances, they cant take much supplies, which could be test after certain number of turns to see if they dont run out of ammunition.
> Soldat: (11 Silver)
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 6
Strength: 5
Discipline: 5
Labour: 6
Evasion: 4
Awareness: 4

2 in head (If we count the pith helmet, which is made of cork, we count the leather pickelhaube)
0 in all

2 Box

>General Abilities:

>Special Abilities:
-As of yet unnamed prone fire rule: While prone, this model has +1 accuracy

As BAP, but different pistol and rifle and also shove/pick (Will do pistols later)
- Mauser 71/84 (Ranged)
Range: 15
Long Range: -1
Pen: 1
Lethal: [Black]
Reload: 2
Cost: 3
Ammo Feed 8

By Germany, also Landsknecht Corps

This is more of a prototype than a finalized unit. Slightly more expensive than units in a similar bracket, but with an objectively better rifle. Higher labour is a wildcard which can allow for fortifications. The prone rule, higher range, and fortification potential highly encourages a less mobile playstyle without having to actually nerf their speed. As for discipline, I think the best effect there would be to have give every unit fear[deep] since it’s more damaging having across the board than just one being very vulnerable to it.
when I say fortifications I mean trenches and barricades they do not have the engineer keyword
Also maybe bump the rifle cost by 1 to bring them to 1 silver higher than BAP (not counting any excavation equipment/morale schnapps)
Should call the prone rule 'Liegen-Krieg'.

Jokes aside, liking the labour/fortification idea, but maybe reserving that for the Pioniere/Jaeger.

In the reverse, if the lore makes reference to someone in the German leadership getting some 'heads-up', regarding the next twenty/thirty years, you could make the argument that their maneuver warfare drill handbooks are being thrown out in favor of fortifications.

The fear issue, as above, seems fair. The German dossier has some material on their "first engagements", with the more horrific subterranean denizens, and those could provide a lore-reasoning.

Use of a sherpa/guide seems lore-appropriate and there was a narrative to that effect that didn't make it into the initial proposal.

On the fortification matter, there is always a bigger run.
>The Fear [Deep] would be acceptable, but perhaps designing a unit as a native guide, or a character in the vein of La Malinche could be purchased to remedy.
I don't think it's such a malady that they would need a remedy, and that giving them that option more or less defeats the point.
>after actions are taken, some form of reliability test is necessary
I like this idea. Roll to see how many AP you get before you have to resolve an attack against yourself, then after the attack is resolved do it again. Something like that? Sort of what like the Cultivation Master has, but it's AP instead of turns, and instead of leaving he has to hit himself / try to not explode.
>Prone bonus
Great idea.
>I think the best effect there would be to have give every unit fear[deep] since it’s more damaging having across the board than just one being very vulnerable to it.
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Some tokens to get the juices flowing.
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This seems mostly fine at 10~11, (expecting the eventual fortification rules to bring them on par with Troupes and BAP in value, I mean).
The Mauser however is a bit of an issue, Ammo Feed 8, Range 15 would be costed higher, that's better than every other gun out there (its lack of Headshot! is pretty much the only thing the Lee-Metfield has one it). It would probably be 5 or perhaps even 6 Silver.
Gave him +1 Armour on the head, its pretty meaningless anyways.
Had the token already cut during work.
>I second this. That is the french gimmick.
That prophecy never really came to pass, I'd say you can equally build high damage output low count Expeditions in Brits and perhaps even more with USA (the latest games showed the gunslinger is pretty fucking broken).
Unless we aim at making Germany a mini-faction (which can be much more heavily set with its own playstyle) having them just be better and more elite at everything it just feels... bland?
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The Mauser rifle in question uses a Kropatschek tube magazine, which under German manuals of arms, had a peculiar method of use.

Generally, the infantry were to treat the rifle as a single-shot, much like the preceding M71. However, the newer rifle featured a catch on the right hand side that engaged the elevator and spring to begin drawing rounds from the tube below the barrel.

Infantrymen were not meant to engage the mechanism until an appropriate command from an officer was given. Doctrine seemed to be that free use of the magazine would contribute to ammunition shortage during sustained combat.

You could tailor the use of the Ammo Feed rule to be contingent on an appropriate check against awareness or discipline by have an Officer model issue the order to engage the magazine. Should the check pass, the rule goes into effect, otherwise not.

Alternatively, this could be a system subject to the proposed mechanical reliability rules.
checking every time you want to fire an infantry weapon is iffy, having an officer unlock it makes more sense.
Alternatively, check when you Deploy and then again when you Reload?
For the Mauser 71/84, I'd suggest
Range 14
Long -2
Pen 2
Lethal [Black]
Ammo Feed 3
Reload 1
Cost 4
Basically a Beaumont that gets Ammo Feed instead of Headshot!
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Couple of things
>1860 - Prussian invasion of Denmark and conquest of Schleswig-Holstein. Success in the war was quickened by British forcible annexation of Iceland. Formation of the North German Confederation.
Britain seizes Iceland in 1864, after the entrance is dscovered. Schleswig war would likely happen in 1864, pretty much same as OTL.
Also why would they form NGC after that (or at all)? Wasn't that a specifically post Brother's War thing? That goes into the next one:
>1867 - Prussian diplomats at various courts in the southern German states extend ultimatums to join in a unified empire, under the banner of a new Kaiserreich.
IIRC NGC was formed because Bismarck didn't want to antagonize France too early by extending Prussian influence too far south. They still coerced them into military alliances and deepening of the Zollverein links. Here the idea is that with France out of commision they could simply kick Austria out of the German Bund and centralize it around Prussia.
It is after the Kulturkrieg that they could destroy the last vestiges of autonomy and make it an empire, kinda in parallel to how the Franco-Prussian war served as the catalyst for it's formation OTL, why Wilhelm is crowned in Munich etc. I mean, sure, you could argue that they could just form the empire right then and there in 1866-1867, but that was the idea here. I also think under these circumstances he'd be crowned the emperor of Germany, not the German emperor, like he originally wanted.
>1873 - Expatriation of a portion of southern German Catholics to France and Austria
The whole reason for the Kulturkrieg goes back to the Avignon-Vienna schism and the creation of the Triple Alliance with the Austrian Judas Emperor and the Italian Volcanists is what kicks it off. Unlikely that the people willing to take up arms over it would be going to Austria. I suppose that part could be made clearer, since the Alliance itself is described in the Austrian section, not German.
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That would also mean the Kulturkrieg has to happen after the end of the Russo-Turkish war in 1871, since the growing power of the Tsardom is the reason Prussia decides to reconcile with the Austrians (much how the same thing happened in 1879 OTL).
Ironically, the short period after the Betrayal of Venice and before that would be the time when the Catholics would be befrudgingly okay with the Prussian domination, because their alternative would be bowing to the traitorous schismatics or, mein Gott, the French.
You know, I wonder if the mystic who influenced German technical development tried to warn them not to have a Great War by showing them all the horrors of industrial war and the Germans took entirely the wrong message from all the cool tanks.
>"See the horrors you will bring if you do not stop!"
>"Woah, cool Maschinenlaufer!"
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I'm pretty sure the implication was (originally) that someone's leaking them HyBo tech, and they are trying to immitate it with what they've got.
Some rough draft German unit cards and statlines.
This is great. I'll give it a proper read through later.
The one thing that caught my eye as being off is the 'no mercs' rule. Mercenaries could be called the heart and soul of the game, certainly it is the biggest collection of models, so i very much recommend allowing them mercenaries, only a very restricted list (to preserve flavor).
Okay, after catching up I'd like to clear up a small misconception: Philobastres nvasion wasn't an Atlan invasion. Philobastres was described as a "renegade". The idea was that he fled Atlan after the Titking coup and became a wandering mercenary/warlord, until he tried to conquer Paris as a more permanent fief. I suppose I could have made it clearer but that French doc was already way too fucking big (a shorter revised version is in the works). I'll keep in mind the suggestion for the Montmartre fort, since the diplodocus statue idea might have been too wacky.
I mean, his name is a pun on "filibuster", come on.
It's plenty clear in the French doc, i think. I've done a write up for him and "Atlan in Mnemosynia" in general that makes it even more clear. Also, an Atlan Exile profile. Held off on posting so Germans and Olms could get full attention.
Yeah, No Mercs would only work in a very specific faction built around that principle, or a gigantic monolithic faction (it *could* have been Atlan or Mu, but that shipped sailed and I don't think it would have added much flavor, or made that much sense...). This is a wargame, sure, but its also mostly about building an Expedition, which then gets into scraps with other Expeditions. The line is blurry, and you can 100% theme a Nation as being more prone to sending in military-backed Expeditions, but its shouldn't exclude them altogether. Also, because some Merc models specifically are said to be "recruitable by any Faction/Colonial Faction/Civilized Faction" (lol).
For example, the Apologists, by principle, refuse to refuse contracts on principle (no, you read that right), and will sometimes join your side against your wishes. >>94921101
>I'll keep in mind the suggestion for the Montmartre fort
> Gargantua
I didn't even realize both contradicted each other. We can move Gargantua somewhere else, unless it really angers folks I want him to stay (and honestly if it really bugs anyone I don't fucking understand, you'll have to do a lot of convincing to get me to get over this one... )
The quality for these is insane, great work anon.
There's a lot of stuff in there that already exists in some form. If you don't mind, for consistency, I'll cook up the Faction book proper, however if you want to touch up those once we settle on rules and mechanics, I will upload them as well to the Mediafire (pending your approval, of course). If you've been lurking here for a long time this will be obvious and expected, but otherwise it might seem like I'm stepping on your toes, which is why I write this.
At first glance
> The profiles seems a tad overcosted, not much, just a point or 2.
> Belagerungstaktik exists natively, at least part of it, everyone may Build Barricades or drop Caltrops if they can equip them, but for building they need to pay a number of AP, some Material and succeed a number of Labour tests depending on the Structure (Barricades do not require Engineer, and I'm not sure yet if and how I'll lock Trenches... ). Now, we could make it so the rule means they simply spend the number of AP/Material and do not need to test for it.
> Caltrops : Lol. I just removed them at Atlan Anon's repeated requests, they used to be purely in Atlan before, which triggered him to no end (I kid, mate) because (and his reasoning is sound) if they exist they should be available to pretty much everyone, or at least, they should not be used as something special a faction gets to drop when we could come up with other things. So I cut it from, and was debating adding it as a generic equipment item.
> Field Repair works, but we could also just wrap that up in the "Neukraft" text, only Engineers can Repair by default.
> Askari would be a good place to put some Terrain Affinity.
> Unterseetruppen (great token btw) is overcosted unless the Daimler being in opt equipment is a typo, which it seems to be, but it only has 2 health, so not 100% sure.
> Can't recruit more than 1 Leader unless I'm missing some combo somewhere, re Get That Thing Away From Me!.
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Thanks again. I've been here since that stupid chart thread. Been following on and off for some time. If you're in the playtest channel I'm happy to have a chat before going forward to 'publish' officially.

If not, I'll make the adjustments made by the feedback in this thread and post revisions before the end of the business day.

In the meantime, I think these revisions to the overarching special rules are more appropriate.
>> Unterseetruppen (great token btw) is overcosted unless the Daimler being in opt equipment is a typo, which it seems to be, but it only has 2 health, so not 100% sure.
Wait I cut a part of my sentence too far and now it doesn't make sense.
The Unterseetruppen is overcosted no matter what, so we could up its armour, add something else as well.
The Blauen Dragoner I assume the 20 include the 8 from the Motorrad, its stats are all there the only thing missing is the 3rd health box, right?
Some more
> The Leaders are overcosted quite a bit, for what they provide. We can either lower their cost by 5~10 or add more rules to justify their cost.
> Airships and Subs already have a sort of "template" of rule (7hex token, Floater, Wind Direction Firing Deck, etc) so I'll adapt your profiles to those and post them
> You know what scratch that for the overcosted a bit, just getting to the weapon profiles, seeing as the long mod to most weapons are -1 and in the 12~14 bracket range, ~15 for the Soldat seems appropriate.
as the anon who wrote the original implication I can assure you my intent was that they're trying to recreate Great War technology not Hyperborean.
Of course the distinction between Hyperborean technology and Great War machines is actually pretty small in the grand scheme of things. It all blends together there at the end.
Damn, I was convinced it was some kind of Hyperborean Loop self-fulfilment bullshit, but I guess I just gaslit myself.
it can be if you like. My understanding is that it was Lemuria trying to set up the downfall of the British and/or prevent the Deluge and failing miserably.
I actually had an idea/proposal for that which also ties into the Golden Syndicate and the original chart concept of them having some kind of rival organization in Germany, I'll post it later.
IMO, not everything needs to circle back to Hyperborea, Lemuria, or Mu. With as detached as Germany is from the rest of the setting; it kinda makes sense that they've got their own eschatological nonsense going on, too.
>With as detached as Germany is from the rest of the setting;
Wel that's not exactly some kind of strong point one should double down on. The whole "straight man faction not involved with the crazy shit" shtick was at least partially a justification to wait until someone made stuff for them. Britain is very involved with the rest of the setting and they're played like 90% straight.
Thoughts on these versions of Olm-Man and Olm-Fisherman? I think all Olms should have Deep again, as while they might not be horrible by default, they are extremely cave-ish and odd. Also, it's missing on the Olm-Wyrm, which i believe is meant to have it anyway. Maybe Olm-Steeds could confer Deep by default?

Olm-Man: Cost 4
AP: 2
Movement 4, Accuracy: 3, Strength: 5, Discipline: 3, Evasion: 7, Labor: 5, Awareness: 5
Health: 2
Armor: 000
Amphibious, Nimble, Hatred [Morlocks], Fear [Bad Olm], Weapons Training [Spear], Ignore Obscurity
Equipment: 0lm-Steed, Spear, Halberd, Short Spear, Blow Pipe,

Tight Squeeze: At the start of this model's Move and Charge Actions it may test Evasion, and if successful treat Wall Hexes as Difficult Terrain for that Action. It may finish it’s the turn in a Wall hex, but while in a Wall Hex it must succeed an Evasion test before taking an Action.

Olm-Chivalry: If Mounted on an Olm-Steed gain +2 Discipline, +1 Awareness, and Deep.
Olm-Fisherman: Cost 10
AP: 2
Movement 3, Accuracy: 4, Strength: 5, Discipline: 4, Evasion: 5, Labor: 6, Awareness: 6
Health: 2
Armor: 000
Amphibious, Woodsman [Water, Swamp], Hatred [Morlock], Fear [Bad Olms], Ignore Obscurity
Equipment: Spear, Short Spear, Trident, Short Bow, Long Bow, Rations

Natural Fisherman: When attacking a model in a Water hex this model gains Quick Strike/Shot. Additionally, This model may treat the Corpses of Morlocks killed this turn as Warm Meals.

Sticky Fingers: This model always counts as having Climbing Gear.
On second thought, Olm-Man at 4 Strength is right.
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Olm-Man seems mostly fine except that I would expect something like Olm-Chivalry to be granted to Olms by the Knight instead of having it natively.
Fisherman still feels a bit overcosted at 10, but Quick strike/shot should help it a lot.
Gargantua can stay. Maybe somewhere else, like put on the place de la bastille next to the Colonne de juillet to have him reference Napoléon's project of the elephant fountain.
I am retard I forgot picrel
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Oh that's a nice one. Feels like I could use that somehow. Tartarodon de La Ombre?
> picrel
Coming up with the last entries to the Pelagic Problem NPC book. I'll clean up the language, but you drop him in the middle than put walls/strata blocking the rest of the way, so he's standing in the only passage. You can step under him but 3 Trap! test is enough to endanger a lot of models.
Olm-Knight is going to have a better version of Olm-Chivalry called Trusty Steed. Also, thinking Olm-Knight is set to lose Hide, as it's really just a holdover from Olm-Looker.
Maybe add "and only suffers a Graze from failed Climbs" to Sticky Fingers? Lower cost to 8?
>Tartarodon de La Ombre?
That would be great.
>Megahallucigenia is blocking the way.
Olm-Knight: Cost 16
Leader, Deep
AP: 2 LP: 3
Movement 4, Accuracy: 5, Strength: 5, Discipline: 6, Evasion: 7, Labor: 5, Awareness: 7
Health: 2
Armor: 000
Amphibious, Nimble, Hatred [Morlock, Bad Olm], Ignores Obscurity,
Equipment: Olm-Steed, Dagger, Spear, Short Spear, Halberd, Trident, Rapier, Buckler, Shield, Rations,

Tight Squeeze: At the start of this model's Move and Charge Actions it may test Evasion, and if successful treat Wall Hexes as Difficult Terrain for that Action. It may finish it’s the turn in a Wall hex, but while in a Wall Hex it must succeed an Evasion test before taking an Action.

Slick: This model may spend Slime Tokens in place of AP or LP.

Slimy and Slippery: Deploy this model with a Slime Token on it. You may spend this Token at any time during this model’s Activation to Move instead of Disengaging, or ignore getting Engaged while Moving or Charging. Gain an additional Slime Token whenever this model kills any model. It may additionally spend 1 AP to remove an adjacent Corpse token and gain a Slime Token.

Dampness: At any time on this model’s Activation it may spend 1 Slime Token to place a Dampness Token in every hex it is in and each one adjacent to it. Dampness counts as Smoke, and an Olm in a Dampness counts as being in a Water Hex for the purpose of it’s rules. Friendly Olm-Steeds and Olm-Wyrms may also resolve Dampness.

Trusty Steed: [1 LP] Use during Deployment. Start the game with an additional Slime Token if Mounted. While Mounted on an Olm-Steed gain +1 Movement, Immune to Moral, and Long Coils. If un-Mounted, this model may overlap with Olm-Steeds and Olm-Wyrms, and may use their Slime tokens while overlapped.

Secret Passages: [1 LP] Before Deployment, secretly note down a Wall or Pit Hex anywhere on the map. After the second turn, you may take this action instead of activating a model. Declare the noted Hex and Deploy up to 3 Reserved models adjacent to it.
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The un-Mounted part of Trusty Steed might need to go, either for being too strong over all, or being better than the Mounted version.
Here's a better version of Dampness. If this is too strong, then i'd say set it to only placing one Dampness, but keeping the "in or adjacent to" change
>Dampness: At any time on this model’s Activation it may spend 1 Slime Token to place a Dampness Token in the hexes it is in and one hex adjacent to it. Dampness counts as Smoke, and an Olm in or adjacent to a Dampness counts as being in a Water Hex for the purpose of it’s rules. Friendly Olm-Steeds and Olm-Wyrms may also resolve Dampness.

I think the way to do Mercenaries for Olm-Folk is to have a few small lists instead of one big list. So, for example, you'd have a list for Olms in Atlantis, and then a different list for Olms in Atlan, and a different list yet for independent Olms. You have to chose which Mercenary list you go with, and some faction models will exclude certain lists.
What could be further uses for slime tokens?
I have a few more ideas, but i want to wait until after the game to post them, so they can be more refined.
Just realized Slimy and Slippery could be merged with Slick for better clarity.
>Slick and Slimy: Deploy this model with a Slime Token on it. This model may spend Slime Tokens in place of AP or LP, or to ignore getting Engaged while Moving or Charging. Gain an additional Slime Token whenever this model kills any model. This model may spend 1 AP to remove an adjacent Corpse token and gain a Slime Token.
>Knights of Brittania
>Saur Knights
>Atlan (Most of them anyways)
>Olm Cataphracts
>Steam Knights
>Arc Rangers
>Olm Knights
>Landsknecht Walkers
Screw Carcinisation, Agartha seems to produce knight units for almost every faction. And I've definitely missed some (Lemurian Officer debatably counts for example)
>Running joke with friends that every setting I touch grows chivalric orders like a cancer
>Didn't even add any to E:AD myself
Wasn't me this time
A small section of narrative in celebration of the near-completion of the German addition to the system. More will be posted later.
>If you're in the playtest channel I'm happy to have a chat before going forward to 'publish' officially.
I don't generally use the Disc*rd for game design purposes but since this is building a whole faction from nothing, we could at least have a meet to discuss things and synchronize. You mentioned in the previous thread you had questions on the main rulebook despite going over it multiple times and I'm going to restart working on a update soon enough so it might be good for me too in that regard. If Sunday you are available at some point let me know, doesn't have to be very long.
> Atlan anon
Tomorrow will be rough for the Olm-Folks vs Morlock take 2, lots of things to do in the evening, beside I'd like to take a day to push ahead on the massive backlog that's accumulated over the last 2 threads. Mind if we push back to either Thursday evening or Friday (can be anytime on Friday)?
>anytime on Friday
Morning included? If not, Thursday evening would work better for me.
>Morning included?
Sweet. 9am (for real)?
I'll be there! Bigger map than last time?
Sunday US MT 5pm would work best. I've got some brief notes to work from so it shouldn't take too much of your time.
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>Sunday US MT 5pm would work best. I've got some brief notes to work from so it shouldn't take too much of your time.
I'll be there! And I don't mean to rush you or anything, you'll have my attention.
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Some notes on the Atlan unit rework from last thread. (Apologies for the delay, but you know how it is... )
> Golem unfortunately does not work. We can't lock 150 Silver away from the opponent (this is not so much your fault, the same issue was there last version of it but it was less pronounced at a cheaper price point). Also, its ridiculously broken. You mentioned we shouldn't have things in the game that trigger off a 0.5% chance and stuff like that a few games ago, and "incapacitating" it, even if the only thing you did all game was shoot at it, is much below that. And straight up impossible to do for most Expeditions we've built. You need 9 Criticals, all of which needs to trigger on their own individual location result.
> A few of the rules seems like missed occasions, or allow recruitment of stuff *if* they equip something (Icons). We could try to be more consistent and linear, and keep equipment as equipment, not conditions (especially in the cases where the Icon is not a necessary part of the mechanic). Taking the Leader that has the special rule should be sufficient, for example if the aim of the Baron is to be able to recruit Spring Gunners with Lava Thrower, then I really don't think we should add a condition that they have to buy an Icon as well.
> I know you have this thing with Olms, but I really don't see how they play into the faction any better than other Subhumans. Refined Olm is fine I guess but why not allow the Princess to bring in Polished Husks, or Polished Apemen... ? You probably wouldn't even have to change anything to the Polished Icons. And Olms distinctly plays into the "too close to Atlantis" thing.
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Here's what comes to mind when looking at these.
> And We're All Alone serves no purpose as is, you can simply not list those Mercs.
> Neukraft : the effect is pretty dire so having it work on Labour seems too harsh, this might even be too much as well since the odds increases throughout the turn...
> Prone Fire should probably just be for Rifles unless you want to push the Mauser angle that hard.
> I had a few tokens aside for a while, if I'm using those its mainly because its faster than setting transparency on yours, I will eventually cut yours as well.
>Golem unfortunately does not work
What if models could Excavate it to remove it's Titanium and and gain a Titanium Ore?
>if the aim of the Baron is to be able to recruit Spring Gunners with Lava Thrower, then I really don't think we should add a condition that they have to buy an Icon as well.
The idea behind the Baron one is that they can take the Lava Throwers, but only if they prove their loyalty to Atlan (and more specifically the Baron). Aside from Polished Icon, I believe the only other rule that uses Icons as a condition is Great Schemer. There, aside from being a tax and a way to prohibit taking extra Mechanical models (unless you have a Pontiff Perdix), it is meant to show that the Warmaster and the extra model are in cahoots and have some connections within the church. On Phosphorus I guess it is weird, but I think it's use on Grand Schemer is good.
>I really don't see how they play into the faction any better than other Subhumans
Tight Squeeze links them to walls, and, similarly to Icons, it helps highlight the both differences and connection between Atlan and Atlantis by having them approach the same topic (olm-relations) in very different ways. It makes sense Olm-Men would be more malleable as they are amphibians and not fully mature, and were started to have used to practice Mu-like flesh crafting. Mechanically they offer a change of pace. Lore-wise they would work well as spies and messengers, and unlike other Subhumans Olms don't have a hard time escaping, so there is pressure to use alternative control tactics.
Husks would work well because of the Husked Conquistador thing, and because you don't have to worry about operational complications, and Polishing them would probably have lots of benefits. I think Polished Icon will need tweaks regardless.
Dibs on any Atlan husk units (these dibs mean nothing as I have no power over you)
I feel like husks are primarily used for labor in Atlan, but perhaps I am wrong.
my view is that they work as a sort of wall of flesh situation where men with long pikes prod them towards the enemy. I don't think Atlan can reliably produce husks, my belief is that they just round up the slower ones, chain them together, and then shove the horde towards problems or leave it somewhere to act as a deterrent.
I agree. I doubt they'd be reliable enough to be used as workers. Plus, it's a good image.
>Tight Squeeze links them to walls
Sure, but on its face, it makes as much if not more sense that Atlan would be horrified by something that essentially ignores walls...
> >>94932325
>The idea behind the Baron one is that they can take the Lava Throwers, but only if they prove their loyalty to Atlan (and more specifically the Baron)
That's really more of a lore thing, then.
>it is meant to show that the Warmaster and the extra model are in cahoots and have some connections within the church
Same. I still think you pushing much too hard on the religion aspect of things with Atlan. At this point, at first glance, they scream more zealots than any other faction out there...
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Down to the last two profiles for the Pelagic Problems NPC book.
If you've ever seen that video of the fisherman looking into a fish's mouth and this thing jumps 2 feet at him, you know what I'm going for. Mechanically its a hot potato.
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Actually hadn't posted this one, this is a replacement for the Giant Crab on the previous list.
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New arid map with the hexagonal template.
This is but a snip, the real one is too big to upload.
I despise that this is a unit. It upsets me. Do not remove it from the game.
>This has the same equipment issue that Atlan does where I have no idea what a given piece of equipment is because it's in a language I am not familliar with. It's not high priority but I would appreciate parenthetical explanation for certain items. I.E "Feldverbandkasten (First Aid Kit)"
>The Field Repairs ability should be an automatic reroll rather than a separate test, maybe make it cost 1 AP as a reaction
>Why does the Askari get head armour? Giving him a terrain affinity would also be good if you want to encourage the Lettow-Vorbeck list.
>Unterseetruppen: Since this is a traditional diving suit it is not faster in water. I would reccomend instead letting it use the hide action, but only being able to move through water while hidden. This contrasts against the Muan diver, who can hide in water and then move hidden beneath the map but risks instadeath doing so. Higher armor would also be fine for the cost
>Having Neukraft be discipline based is odd since most units have identical discipline. I'd rather staple it to awareness or labour but that's just personal preference. We haven't had a labour-based faction really so that would help them stand out
>The Pom-Pom and Field cannon need explosion profiles unless I missed those somewhere
>Is the Schutztruppe Officier supposed to have character, elite, or specialist? Currently you could in theory take a list of one leader and many many officers. It would be funny
>Take Your Dramamine! should have an LP cost to auto-succeed as there are not enough LP sinks so far. Excellent rule idea though
>The Zeppelin should REALLY have a machinegun instead as cannons and airships do not mix. Or bombs, bombs are good. or Luftkommandos if we want to call back to the Major General/that 1971 film. Realistically "Oh the humanity!" should trigger if there's a single grevious wound or more to the balloon but that might be kind of broken
>Giving some of the units like the divers and bikers elite might be good.
>Do you have any ideas for a hero-type unit? I can give it a go if you like.
Very flavorful profiles and also extremely impressive that you put together the pdf yourself instead of badgering 2eAnon into doing them like I do. Let me know if I can help in any writing or sourcing departments.
>The Twin Arrow Theory
For many, reconciling the reality of Agartha with the world before its discovery proved difficult. From the horrific beasts that dwell in the deep to the mysterious groups that move within those depths, to say nothing of the strange and terrifying phenomena observed above and below, Agartha defies reason. It defies explanation.
At least, as long as you aren't a Papist.
For the theologians of the Catholic church, the truth is as plain as day. The underworld is hell, and God is displeased with us.
Truly, it is hard to argue.
The discovery of the Hyperboreans, clad as they are in eschatological motifs, only served to further cement the beliefs of the faithful.
The Twin Arrows theory is, essentially, an attempt to put modern events into theological terms. It has put vigor into the flagging Church. They position themselves as the last bastion of the faith, and all others as either mislead or corrupt.
We have breached the vault of Heaven and the depths of Hell. We have allowed Heathens to seize the Apostolic See. We, all, are damned; Unless we take action.
This is where the unity of the church is tested. Catholics debate endlessly the virtues of reconciling with protestants, greeks, and orientals alike. They consider the merits of declaring all other denominations to be anathema. They sit in French parlors and organize.
The Pope may have been humbled in the Italian madness, but the Church is rousing to meet the insanity with sword and Bible in hand.
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Oh I like this.
> Picrel
Last one of the bunch, just gotta clean up the rules and items.
Its a moving mountain, you can climb it and while its Neutral its basically a platform you can claim, at the cost of having to resolve Hazardous tests when it moves (you probably won't want to move it if you gain control of it). It is incredibly slow, and once angered, very deadly. Obviously once the opponent claims it you want to shoot at it to turn it Hostile in the hopes it turns against the guys riding it. I realize just now I should add something so can be dropped off, and possibly something to the effect that it only turns Hostile if it fails an Armour test...
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And the book proper.
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I also added a new Beastiary folder to the mediafire and updated a bunch of books there.
Olm-folks, Insectoid Invaders and Murderous Mammals are next on the docket.
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At least on the matter of the first-aid kit, there was an idea that the German Pharmaceutical conglomerates would be sneaking experimental remedies into the kits, and there could be a rule to confer penalties or benefits on that account, which is why it had a native-language keyword.
I don't know if it's too close a riff on the Wehrmacht's use of Pervitin or not.
There are some keywords omitted that should help fill in the gaps. When I go over the material with the fellow on Sunday those little things can be sorted out.

On the matter of the reliability checks based on labour, I understand the principle behind the argument, but if there's any faction that should revolve heavily around labour, is would be the Tsardom with it's serfs.
I would have loved to do Lettow-Vorbeck as a character but the guy wasn't born until 1870.
What if Germans had some kind of maintenance unit whose labor gets tested instead of other units’ labor? As long as he’s alive at the start, it’s assumed he did all the pre-skirmish maintenance. In a campaign, he could be a valuable target for an opposing expedition as his death would force individual Germans to do their own maintenance and thus have weaker reliability tests.
>but if there's any faction that should revolve heavily around labour
For what it's worth we use labour to represent mechanical aptitude as well as raw hole digging capacity.
What faction do the Morlocks belong to?
The original dossier has a business-specific scientist, i.e. Krupp engineer, Bayer Medic, etc., that would take the tests on behalf of other units or convey buffs. I forgot to build out the sheet in the profiles.
When you think of a soldier's proficiency in operating a weapon or other military equipment, that proficiency is built on drill exercises. The German military of this period was prolific at drill, and it made sense at the time of the proposal to hinge these kinds of checks on discipline. Also partly an explanation why I argued against using Discipline as a dump stat for the faction.
Mostly Atlan and Mu, but there’s also American and independent Morlocks. I’m partial to the Libertalian ones, personally.
But the main Morlocks like the Grunt / Tall-Fin are all Mu right?
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Wish I had more time I dive into helping out. Stuff and such. Life and things. Oh well.

I believe I still need to do the Jungle tiles, right? Any other terrain tiles needed?
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And, from what I can see, a Mercenary border for the Mariner correct?
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Upon further consideration, flipped this one around so it's easier to tell apart from Grunt.
What about one of the Lidenbrocks then? They are from Hamburg, lutherian and important to the setting.
>The German military of this period was prolific at drill, and it made sense at the time of the proposal to hinge these kinds of checks on discipline
That makes sense. In that case I'd really advise varying discipline levels of different models then since as it stands the vast majority have an identical discipline stat.
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No, Morlocks have grown into their own mini-faction, however Mu can recruit any models from that book, including the Heroes. The association between the two is strong enough that its not the end of the world at all, you shouldn't feel any pressure to redo the tokens. And I should probably add a generic special rule to the book saying they all count as Faction models for the purpose of rules, since the Khan needs cheap, Deep models around, and there are surprisingly few in that book.
>I believe I still need to do the Jungle tiles, right?
I went ahead and cut a few jungle tiles myself, I'm happy with the result so I don't thing there's really a need for it (I mean, more tiles are fine but we should also avoid confusing the players).
The Bramble, Mire and Swamp ones from your previous set came off bad once you put a lot of them next to each other, so I cut some for the swamp and mires, since I'm building that map, if you want to redo the Bramble I hadn't gotten around to it.
Picrel is what I was landing on. Not sure if Wasteland or Deadlands feels more appropriate, but there are mentions of vast wastes of calcified forests and seas of overgrown roots in the deeper regions, so I wanted to represent that somehow. Deeplands are special tiles which probably won't be used much but hey, you never know, some Brits might have wandered way too far and never came back to tell the tale, or you could be playing a La Ombre vs Lost Men game set in the 8th...
Also, Pleasant Meadow is up for grab.
Switching Dampness to dropping a smoke token in 7 hexes seems too much for Olm-Wyrms and Olm-Steeds. Especially without costing any AP.
>>Dampness: At any time on this model’s Activation it may spend 1 Slime Token to place a Dampness Token in the hexes it is in and one hex adjacent to it. Dampness counts as Smoke, and an Olm in or adjacent to a Dampness counts as being in a Water Hex for the purpose of it’s rules. Friendly Olm-Steeds and Olm-Wyrms may also resolve Dampness.
Ah, seeing this now. Yeah it can't be dropping 4+ (or 12 in the case of the Olm Wyrm) Smoke, and the Steeds and Wyrm are too good offensively to also be able to completely block los to themselves on a successful kill. Should be 1, adjacent is fine.
>What if models could Excavate it to remove it's Titanium and and gain a Titanium Ore?
That could be a start, but the issue is his location profile. How about it isn't removed when it dies (so you can repair and it comes back to "life"), has a normal location profile, but (T) is on each Health boxes instead of the Armour location itself? I don't think there should be an issue with how Fire is intended to work now and that.
Well, you only need to take out the majority of it's Titanium (5). I think you misread it if you're under the impression that you'd have to get all 9 off. If that's still too strong, we can try it your way.
Deadlands and Deeplands are a little too close, imo.
I say swap Deadlands to Wasteland, and maybe Deeplands to something like Ruins or Cyclopean/Megalithic.
Some suggestions for Deeplands tiles:
Arterial: Huge and ancient roads of potentially unknown construction, unnaturally smooth and clear after all these centuries
Arcades: Arches and colonnades on either side of a series of foot paths, sometimes covered and often beside buildings
>Passable water
Canals: Clearly man-made (or perhaps Olm-made, or Ape-made, who can say?) waterways, perhaps with bridges or docks for little rowboats/gondolas

Of course, if you don't mean for Deeplands to be primarily of megalithic construction, feel free to ignore these.
>The association between the two is strong enough that its not the end of the world at all, you shouldn't feel any pressure to redo the tokens. And I should probably add a generic special rule to the book saying they all count as Faction models for the purpose of rules, since the Khan needs cheap, Deep models around, and there are surprisingly few in that book.
These are extremely easy to re-do. The template's all done, so I can give them a more fishy/swampy border to differentiate them totally.
Added updated Morloc tiles with their own border to the d*scord.
I think Deeplands and Deadlands are plenty different, but i prefer Wastelands as a name, as Deadlands sounds like something unique where as Wastelands are a known thing.
Ruins should be it's own thing separate from Deeplands. I'm assuming Deeplands are meant to be strange formations of more obscure origin.
When it comes to adding new Entrances, i think we should make a point of using real caves whenever possible.
>I think Deeplands and Deadlands are plenty different
I just don't like using both of them because they both start with D and end with -lands.
>Ruins should be it's own thing separate from Deeplands
Labyrinth and Secret Passage both seem like constructions, whereas Deep Vista seems more like strange formations.
Though, I suppose there's room for both naturally-occurring mazes of mysterious portent AND halls of perfectly polished, identical corridors that snake their way through each other without end.
Quite a lot of space down there, after all. In the dark.
The journey continues.
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Designed a badge for the Grimsvotn Guard, not sure if I like it or not but it's a start. Think I'll try doing more for other colonial groups like the landsknechts, website is here if anyone wants to try a hand themselves: https://coamaker.com/
Yes! I think using the same size map we did for Psysaur-Society is good. I say we stick with 150 silver. Will post list shortly, only small changes, should be.
> I suppose there's room for both naturally-occurring mazes of mysterious portent AND halls of perfectly polished, identical corridors that snake their way through each other without end.
That's my thinking.
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Paris is not safe.
>Leader: 24
Olm-Knight (16) Olm-Steed (4) Trident (4) Ration (1)
>Follower: 121
3[ Olm-Steed (15) ] {45}
3[ Olm-Fisherman (8) Trident (4) ] {36}
4[ Olm-Fisherman (8) Dagger, Long Bow (2) Ration (1) ] {44}

I think 8 for Olm-Fisherman with Dagger option is right, but maybe 8 with no Dagger, or 9 with Dagger, or maybe 10 with Better Sticky Fingers and Dagger. Cut Olm-Wyrm, as i don't think he makes sense to take for fighting a Morlock horde, and i really only took him last time to have a Greater Morlock verses Olm-Wyrm fight. No Mercenaries as Olm-Fishermen have proper Range now, and the silver gained from cutting Olm-Wyrms means i can take a fair number of them.
>No Mercenaries
I did find it kinda funny that there was some random Serb tagging along with the little Olms. Like they found him and led him by the hand to get him to shoot Morlocks for them.
What's especially funny is that actual Olms are found only in Croatia and Bosnia.
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I had a moment of divine inspiration.
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Regimental badge for the Grimsvotn Guards
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And the personal coat of arms of Lord Cunningham
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oh wait I misread I thought you gave Olm-Steeds as mounts to the fishermen. I guess we can just ignore the modifications to the stats.
I'll be on the discord in 2~3 minutes
I'll be right on, just got to make some coffee real quick.
*that* pit
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Blessed Olm.
I have to run do some errands, will be back in an hour or so, and I'll post the batrep then.
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> The Deep is often compared to a jungle. Life is abundant, but hidden away from sight, ready to surprise you at any corner. And everything is seemingly in a constant cycle of hunting, or running away from its hunters. Or both. These problems are surely compounded here, where the game takes place in a Deep Jungle, probably somewhere in the 3rd Layer.
> The local Morlock tribe has had its (globulous) eyes on this particular spot for a while now. The jungle river naturally empty itself from both sides into a pit, which they hope to widen to allow Greater Morlocks to swim up. A (wet)landscaping company is hired, and displaying the typical attitude of subcontractors, they bring a hoe with them to work.
> Olms just wanted to go try a fishing spot they had heard good things about. Turns out the hint was right on the money.
> Between the two ancestral foes, seeing each other is all the justification needed for a fight.
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> The Olm fishing party is under the protection of a valiant Olm-Knight, who, sensing the coming foe, wisely decides to use a series of hidden tunnels below the Floor (and brings one Fisherman along with him, cuz otherwise its lonely in the dark...)
> The Morlocks, possibly hearing the Leader below them, shuffle around nervously, unsure where the threat with emerge from. The shoal moves tentatively back up, aiming to cover their valuable members and get in a position to widen the river into a swamp next turn. Half the swarm eats its ration.
> The fishermen and steeds move forward, one of them attempting a climb and failing hilariously.
> I Deploy the Mariner with the Buoy in the top hex of the map at the end of the turn, thinking he is safe (I think wrong).
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> The Olm-Knight, clearly willing to run where the brave dare not go, bursts out of the Secret Passage/Pit along with his fisherman friend, and spending its Slime tokens as AP, charges in the Buoy Mariner up the river, kills him dead, and then slinker back out of reach. The reserved Greater Morlock and 2 Grunts are left stranded and lost, unable to spawn for the game.
> Three Grunts move in to vent their frustration at the Fisherman (since the Knight is less of a reasonable target), and nearly kill him.
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> With the Greater Morlock denied, the fishmen have to shift to a different strategy, and decide to leverage the number of attacks they have. The Grunts that did not eat last turn do so and position themselves to attack next turn. The remaining Mariners down something stronger.
> The Steeds move in to protect the wounded fisherman, one cutting itself in the Hazardous Mangroves as it hurried. It kills one of the Grunts that just shot its master (friend? Colleague? Cousin?), and the other is shot by a Fisherman who just climbed a wall to the south.
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> (forgot to mention, the only Grunt who Excavated that turn found Silver, almost offsetting the value of the dead Mariner and 2 Grunts)
> The Grunts on the left side of the map open up on the Steeds, and with 3 AP all, kill it with enough spare to throw some arrows at the other one and the Fishermen.
> Atlan anon hides the remaining Steed inside a Wall.
> I Excavate it.
> The Knight, probably trying when his arm is too weary, charges around the bend of the Walls at the Tall Fin Hero that hung too far off, but the fishfolk is a lively one, and after all the attacks only shows a wound on his arms. His bio-luminescence dazzles the Knight, and he manages to equalize things between them with a quick Trident strike.
> The now-drunk Mariner moves in until he has the Steed in sight, shoots his flintlock, hits it and then charges, leaving the beast gravely wounded.
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> The mayhem on the left continues, with the Morlocks killing one of the Trident wielding fisherman and the Steed that was previously hiding in the Mangrove (this one by the Tallfin Leader, no less), and losing the Mariner who had committed last turn in the exchange (worth it!).
> Atlan anon rolls terribly on this one (he had bad rolls most of the game but this streak was pretty terrible) and the fishermen do very little else this turn.
> The Knight keeps swinging at the Tallfin Hero and hits both times. Being Barrel Chested keeps it from dying, luckily, but the morlock cannot continue his performance from last turn and misses on both its attacks.
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> I am now below 10 models and can trigger Endless Swarm, roll 3 grunts and deploy them (in one case engaged with the Knight.)
> Turn 5 goes to me, and seeing no reason not to do it right away, I activate the Tallfin Officer to attack the Knight. First hit chops off an arm, second lobs off his head clean (which is not an easy thing to do with a trident, btw).
> Atlan anon, recognizing victory for an impossible dream, grants me the game.
> The psychic death-throes of so many pegalic beasts causes all japanese and korean cooks to spend the night wracked by horrifying nightmares of massive mounds of spoiling seafood, buried beneath their feet.
Endgame results
> Morlocks : 83 Silver, 2 Dread
> Olms : 27 Silver, 6 Dread
Victory to the Morlocks!
(Eating sushi while writing this batrep felt slightly sacrilegious.)
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[...] as I believe my report makes plain (although no more than the 432 other* ones I sent since you assigned me this task over ten years ago, Mon Empereur, the Morlock swarm remains nearly unbeatable, even when matched against a practiced foe. At this point, I might posit that if our other plans in regards to dealing with the incoming Deluge falls short, we should try and wrestle control of Morlocks and Psysaurs away from Old Mu. Surely the Hyperboreans cannot match the brutality of both combined...[...]
- Extract of an intercepted La Ombre missive, 5th Layer, February 1881. Colonials do not know what event this refers to.
Kaiser Anon (I think), if you are watching the thread and are available for a quick chat, I'm on the channel right now for probably another 30~45 minutes, the evening got filled so any later than that and we'd have to likely settle for tomorrow.
Coming up:
A man falls from a balcony.
The crown-prince threatens to hang a photographer.
Commander Tirpitz is arrested in the world's first DUI.
And the journey begins in earnest.
Who knows what will happen next?
Love it.
The details like the Fallen Paris Gendarme having two separate flags, the light being disturbing, the description of Paris being different, those were really nice touches.
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Titking banner. Happy to change things around if Atlan anon has any input.
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Pushing ahead on the Murderous Mammals NPC list, the "curve" on this one is a bit weird, a lot of the more common results are for a single model, the higher results (the Mammoth & Tartarodon) do not really compare to the other "bosses" from comparable lists. So I'm going to add Nests to the lower result, and have some of the more dangerous result get Horde in some ways.
Is Cloudelleafint on any of the NPC lists?
That one is on the Roof Raider (rename pending) list atm.
>Like they found him and led him by the hand to get him to shoot Morlocks for them.
It's a great image.
This is also a great image.
If you think it's good and fitting, then it is enough as it needs to be.
The madness continues.
Heinrich the Man-fish joins the Prussian V Corps.
A whiff of grapeshot flies towards the skies.
And the Crown Prince accepts an English invitation to dance.
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New Wetland map!
Going to try and push ahead with a few new ones over the weekend, get the main rulebook back on track.
>notes from the olmderground
I had a chance. Had i played more competitive/conservatively, and rolled better, then i might could have won. Also, thinking about it, Morlocks seem to have advantage at lower silver levels. If i really wanted to win, i probably should have used my Walls + Secret Passages to psyche out 2eAnon, used my Pit to cover one of the Mangroves, and held back on deploying the Trident Fisherman. Also, it would have been stronger to use some Mercs and only use Bow Fishermen. Still, i'd like Olms to be pretty good at fucking over Morlocks in particular, not a hard counter or anything, but having more than a decent chance would be nice. You can tell the Olms are incomplete, but i feel confident in the foundational elements now, or i will shortly.

One change we talked about is having Dampness be a Faction rule for Olms rather than something on Olm-Knight, and have it Scatter instead of be removed at the end of turn (maybe be a wind direction thing?). I think Olms would work well as a Character/Specialist heavy faction. I'll post some ideas for units later, see what you guys think. Another change would be to give Olms Camouflage for Mud Wastes, and put some of the Common Rules they all share (Amphibious, Ignores Obscurity, Camo Mud Wastes [if we gave it to them], Morlock Hatred [maybe]). Giving Olm-Knight an Olm-Steed for his load-out while upping cost to 20, and removing the LP cost on Trusty Steed were talked about. Having Olm-Steeds give Deep was talked about. Giving Olm-Fishermen a rule where they can test Labor or Awareness instead of Strength for Climbing, then lowering Strength back to 4 (maybe increasing Acc/Labor/Awarness in turn), was talked about. Thoughts on any and all of that?
I think the knight having an olm-steed by default is a fine addition.
As for the camo, I think the olms should just generally be slippery and only a few specific units should have camo. More morlock hatred is a good idea, I think. Maybe standard olm-men shouldn't get it, but any martially-inclined olms or olms that have to deal with them regularly like the fishermen should get it.
Nimble + Camo, high Evasion (6~7) and 1 Health would imho work well to differentiate Olms from the other "agarthan native" options, before the version offered by Atlan anon there was not much differentiating them from Devolved Deepfolks, and even Apemen Condots were pretty close (better melee options, however).
Do we have a squatch/yeti in the list somewhere?
No, not really. I mean there's the Megagorilla and the 4 armed white apes, but they evoke something completely different. A Sasquatch would be perfect.
Make him surprisingly stealthy.
The other benefit would be that they could actually use their Evasion against Morlocks. They really can't now as right now as Amphibious self negates and Dodging through AP is irrelevant. Camo + some way to spread Mud (Olm-Stagehand that splashes mud around? Some role that replaces tiles Dampness moved over with Mud) would do more for the Morlock match up than Hatred in many instances, as most of them have Morlock Constitution and spam Short Bow.
I think a Yeti would be better so that there are some more Snowy options. It also has more of an Old World feel, which i'd say a plus here.
>It also has more of an Old World feel, which i'd say a plus here.
Counterpoint: Cowboys vs Sasquatch is kino.
Maybe a general "Missing Link" type unit that covers both bases?
>Counterpoint: Cowboys vs Sasquatch is kino
We already have Cowboys vs Aliens and Cowboys vs Muic Horde, do we really need more? Also, there are already Megagorillas, Four Armed White Apes, Ape-Men, and Neantherthals, and are any of those so different that a "Cowboys vs" story wouldn't be equally as kino? If it isn't, could you not use any of those as a stand in? Is there any real difference between any of those and a Sasquatch other than behavior, which is easily simulated threw the yet to come hunting rules, and wouldn't a hunt be the most typical place to encounter a Sasquatch as they are taken to be fairly peaceful and elusive? Yeti's are substantially different because of their snowy environment and more unique relationship with Tibetan religion and Everest? Sasquatch is a cobbling together of many different stories, while Yeti is something particular.
>a general "Missing Link" type unit that covers both bases?
Is that not fulfilled in both Neatherthals or Ape-Men?

Anyway, it's not like we can't have both, i'm just saying Yeti should have priority.
You know, I do have wonder whether Darwin is tearing out his hair after the discovery of Ape Men and neanderthal kingdoms or he's taking it as an authentication of his work. Figuring out how evolution works in this mess of a setting must be driving anthropologists insane.
Its not like the principle between the two is so different I can't wrap them up in the same profile. Just have something that says you can swipe the Habitat [Mountain] for [Forest], and the rest can be the exact same.
All fair points, to be sure.
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Here is a proposal for the German U-Boat, adapting it to other similar platforms.
> Movement kept high, but added Heavy Traction (you spend Movement to change facing), it is doubtful he'll have to use his Movement that often anyways.
> Added the Torpedo and Artillery to its loadout, no need to specify you can't attack while Hidden, because attacking while Hidden removes Hidden, (anyways, the Hidden rules are only starting to get used in games, they might change eventually, soon, not sure...). As it works now Hide on this will probably be more about getting the right angle in with the Torpedo.
> Vehicles require a special rule outlining how their damage locations relate to one another and what effect they have when lost, in this case the Underwater Vehicle rule. Its pretty standard, in this case, except the Antenna part.
> This adds up to a fairly fragile vehicle, if you compare with the British Gunboat and (even more so) the Outlander Sky-Ship (but the price seems appropriate). It will probably withstand a few turns of aggression against most list, but a Lemurian Hero will probably have no issue shooting arrows through its Viewport and somehow make it blow up (admittedly, he can do that almost as well with any vehicle).
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Random thoughts
> Violent Virologist (Mercenary Criminal/Academic Character) : Previously a strong proponent of the Immunology Theory, this Miskatonic alumni went profoundly Deep-Drunk upon his first encounter with a Muan Imaterii. Now searches for a way to spread Muic Maledictions through pharmaceutical means. Possibly has a small(ish) Imaterii friend who comes along with him. (When taken in your Expedition, Chem tokens do not expire at the end of the turn, and scatter (wind rules come in effect and can push the Chems out of the map)).
> Abhuman Anthropologist : Mercenary Character, choose your flavour of Subhuman, he's gone full Noble Savage, Can't Do No Wrong on them. Even when the Apemen or Gorgs are threatening to eat fellow Colonials. Allows you to recruit one specialist from the chosen Subhuman group, and Mercenary models from that group counts as Faction troops for rule purposes. Don't say "Subhuman around him".
> Morlocks, Apemen and now Olms as mini-factions. Gorgs have 5+ profiles across the books. The Amazon is a single Character profile. This is unacceptable. Unbearable.
> Morlocks, Apemen and now Olms as mini-factions. Gorgs have 5+ profiles across the books. The Amazon is a single Character profile. This is unacceptable. Unbearable.
Gorgs can be their own mini-faction if we want another one. For Amazons, I sorta think they should be part of a broader “Deepfolk Tribal Coalition” faction to represent the various tribes banding together in the face of colonization from Epigeans and imperialism from Agarthans. I’m thinking Battle of the Little Bighorn, but it’s a bunch of tribesmen taking out an entire Saur Knight order under the leadership of an Amazon queen.
>Gorgs can be their own mini-faction if we want another one. For Amazons, I sorta think they should be part of a broader “Deepfolk Tribal Coalition” faction to represent the various tribes banding together in the face of colonization from Epigeans and imperialism from Agarthans.
I can work with both those ideas.
I like the idea of a deepfolk book but I don't know if they'd be making a centralized coalition at this point. I can see it happening briefly or because of a single warlord figure (the monster?) but not for too long.
While I neither oppose the concept nor alliteration, the term "virologist" to me is suspect. Way too modern sounding. While "viruses" were discovered in the late 19th century, it was very late (1898). I'd use another term besides "Virologist".
The idea is less "The Deepfolk are uniting into one coalition across Agartha" as that's sorta stepping on the toes of the Sky-People attempting to unify themselves, but rather more "Various tribal coalitions exist/are emerging, and this is how you can represent them in game"
Less Pan-Agarthan movement, more Iroquois Confederacy/Great Sioux Nation/Etc
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>I'd use another term besides "Virologist".
Good point, I'll try to find something else.
>but I don't know if they'd be making a centralized coalition at this point.
>"Various tribal coalitions exist/are emerging, and this is how you can represent them in game"
This is what I'll be going for. Its obviously a vehicle for my fetish about cave babes, but I'll make sure you can use it to build just about any flavour of Deepfolk you could think of. I have more than enough art to make half a dozen token per profile.
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Proposal for the Artilleriegruppen.
This would add
> Setup (have to spend 1 AP after moving before being able to Attack with it)
> Explosion (which compensates for the 1 less Grievous Wound it deals, against most targets its the same)
> brought the Long to -2, even that keeps it above pretty much every other artillery in terms of Accuracy
> I'm half tempted to suggest bringing its Reload to 3, or have its Neukraft check up the reload by 1 as well as lower the Accuracy by 1.
> The unit is good enough and with the support of models reloading for it, the Neukraft debuff should also probably be permanent, stackable, but clearable through a Repair check.
Some unit ideas.
>Archer on saurback
>Amazon megafauna huntress
>Mantlet infantry
>Sharpshooter armed with imported rifle
>Amazon queensguard hoplite
>Deepfolk native with gigantism
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>>Deepfolk native with gigantism
We can finally put to rest the question of why would Colonials venture into the Deep, given all its dangers.
We already have the Keshiq for saurback archer for what that's worth.

Actually, while we're here:
>How many of Mu's units should be available as their own microfactions? Are there independent saur orders and cannibal tribes and city states in the same way that there are independent Morlocks?
>Mu is actually sixteen microfactions in a trenchcoat
I think it's wise to avoid that can of worms. All in all, Mu is in a good place.
So, are you going for a generic Deepfolk faction or specifically an Amazon faction? Are you still thinking of doing a Gorg mini-faction? Should any of those be a faction, and not something like what the Warfare Existentialists are?
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>Are there independent saur orders and cannibal tribes and city states in the same way that there are independent Morlocks?
I think the answer to this one is "ostensibly" but not really. An independent saur order is still made up of a bunch of New Muic dudes rocking around the underground, walking their dinosaurs. They may somehow wind up not politically affiliated with any other power of New Mu, but they're still Mu culturally. The same can be said for their city states; one might ally with Atlantis against a rival, another might wind up a satrapy of the Titking. They'd still run a Mu list, just maybe without any Old Ones in the party.
>Are there independent saur orders
How about this to qualify the difference between the various Saur Riders and Saur Knights
> Saur Order formation is a slow and mostly informal process. Many Deepfolks tribe have the habit of taming, herding and riding Saurs, and in general, those that do view Saur Knights with awe, regardless of their position toward Mu itself. Many extend privileges to them even while they rebuke Muan diplomats. To Saur Riders, become a Knight is the ultimate dream.
> There are three main requirements to being a Knight. Having a Saur Mount, a set of Heavy Armour, and belonging to a recognized Order.
> Orders will recognize a group of Saur Riders as Knights if they structure themselves alongside similar lines, can armour and mount their members and exhibit very high aggression (Saur Knight "Quests" are little else than bloodbaths).
> Technically, none of this requires the approval or participation of Mu. Its just really hard to get in if you are straight up opposed to them or even don't show signs that you could eventually join them, given that most Orders are from to the Deep Nation.
> The Keshik is a specific group of Saur Riders which appears highly-favored by the Khan, and to have been so since his first appearance to the ancestors of New Mu (basically, they were his first followers among New Mu, or so the story goes). As with their historical version, it is no longer truly a Keshik (regiment of guard), but a tumen (tribal group of 10k families) which grew from the descendants of the original bodyguards. They still seem to carry the Khan's favour (which they love to remind the Knights) and automatically assemble in mass whenever he manifest on the 4th. Tracking their movements is thus a high priority for Atlan and Atlantean Intelligence.
If Satsuma ever comes to terms with Mu I can see them getting order status.
Big if there.
And yeah, you can 100% build and run a list of Saur Knights out of Mu, without representing the more Muan elements. Take a Master, give it the Saur Order Master Trait, recruit Saur Knights and Saur Squires. The Mounts are way more than enough to get you to spend most of your Silver on anyways.
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>So, are you going for a generic Deepfolk faction or specifically an Amazon faction?
There's a few possibilities atm.
Amazon mini-faction (like Morlocks, Olms, Apemen) + more Deepfolks mercenaries with their own mercenary mini-faction seems to me to be the most logical to follow, but I'm open to suggestions or counterarguments.
>Are you still thinking of doing a Gorg mini-faction?
Yes. If we do the Olms it makes no sense to not do the Gorgs as well. We are so far beyond the point of "too many factions" that I don't even see a reason to ask myself the question. Plus, putting a hard stop to the number of factions could have stopped Kaiser anon from posting his Germany stuff since it wasn't really planned, and I don't want to do that.
So, given that last part, if anyone feels like the Deepfolks deserve their own book instead of a merc mini-faction, just say so, it won't be hard to convince me.
Beside the obvious, would anyone have any idea for faction mechanics for an Amazon mini-faction?
Is the "obvious" the beast tamer/hunter stuff?

Other than that I'd say maybe making them work as a counterpoint to Gorgs mechanically would be neat. So instead of hitting people very hard they hit people very well.
Misandry mechanics? They get a bonus against human male units?
We arrive in New Kirkwall, and the dance begins.
Fish fly from the sea to the clouds.
The Prince begins a cigarette addiction in earnest.
An Irishman nearly pisses himself.
The Mysteries of the Sky-Clans are explored, to no one's satisfaction.

For the fellow with a cave-babe thing going on, this should scratch that itch.
Painting a light metallic blue is surprisingly hard.
>Is the "obvious" the beast tamer/hunter stuff?
I was thinking more the Common abilities on the Amazon profiles then her special rules, so Jungle Affinity, Thrown Weapon Training and Nimble.
Her other special rule is Watch Out, Outlander!, which allows her to spend her AP for other models within 3 to Dodge when attacked by a Beast, NPC or Deep model (sounds bad, but she has 3 AP naturally so its less of an issue), so perhaps it could be that kind of thing? Make them very protective of each other (or their favoured Outlander boytoy)?
I feel like Amazons should get some kind of high crit chance
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That's easy enough to do
> Result 1 lower than a Critical counts as a Critical.
Especially with the way me and Atlan anon have been playing Critical hits over the last few games (just increase the wound by 1 degree of lethality), it would help them compensate for the low damage output of most thrown weapons.
> picrel
Further work on the Germans.
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>Amazon Anthropologist
>Dread Amazon Cave Witch
>Conducts wild experiments on the men she captures
>Those who enter never return...

>Amazon Lizard Lady
>The menfolk don't want you to known this, but the saurs at the park are free
>You can take them home with you
>I have 458 saurs
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>>I have 458 saurs
Just to say, I won't be able to post much this evening (unless its much later), got a painting class. I'll try to at least get Moltke and Wilhelm done.
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It's really really hard to take a picture of a miniature that is shiny. It is also hard to paint a miniature that is shiny if you've only done duller colour schemes before.

I think if I go lighter on the drybrush between the two washes it might turn out better next time. Bright contrasts of paint for both a retro feel and so I could try new combinations. It turns out my Ork recipe works great for saurs too, possibly better than it does for Orks. The base is my NWF recipe which I'm using for the 4th layer too. That way my Brits can operate in historicals and Agartha.

I actually have 3 saur-esque minis. Two old cold ones (finecast but it will be fine) and a stegadon which might be too big for Agartha scale. I bet there's a way to magnetize them to work as both NPCs and mounts...
looking at the image in /tg/ scale makes me realize I should paint the inside of the eye-holes black.
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Well done, man. I look forward to seeing more of your progress.
Iirc, for mine I went Leadbelcher, then a very heavy dose of nighthaunt gloom, and then went for a very light brush of steel warrior and edges with a lighter silver (dont remember which one). Came out alright.
In any case, awesome work.
I also have a couple of very old cold ones, the OG ones in pewter. Also, an undead giant bat I want to use for a Retiarioi model, if I can get it right he'll look sick.
Hell now that the OW is out I should just sell my old giant, dwarfs and undead and just put that money toward buying minis for this.
My recipie was psychotic because I was working with the paints I had which are not geared towards blue or metallics:
>Zenithal Prime to help me see details while still being primed
>70/30 mix of Ironbreaker and Vallejo Magic Blue
>Overall Nightshade wash
>Heavy Runefang Steel drybrush
>Nightshade Wash in recesses
>Runefang Steel edge highlight

I can guarantee at least one of these steps is redundant if not more. Throughout painting it ping-ponged between being really dark blue and really bright silver.
>Throughout painting it ping-ponged between being really dark blue and really bright silver.
Had more or less the same thing happen, I think its just how it is with miniature paints, you don't have the surface area to build a good gradient (not until you get better than me, anyways)
Awesome. So happy to see people are starting to make miniatures for this thing.
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Please don't let the current cave-babe and german posting deter you from suggesting stuff for Olms, Gorgs or any other faction, or aspect of the game.
In particular, if we have a "generic tribefolk" faction coming up we should have some names for some ethnic groups, their locations, story, ect ect. A lot of this can be pulled from some of the novels posted, but feel free to suggest some as well, the Deep is vast.
Oh also the price is not indicative of anything here, still thinking about that.
Outrageously based.
No but this looks genuinly great anon!
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Sneaky character who sharpshoots with a blowgun, carries a variety of interesting ammo types.
Gorg inventor. Contraptions are volatile and gimmicky. Pic related.
Deep sentry. Shit is always ambushing things in the deep, and this guy ambushes back. Whenever something emerges from hiding or gets deployed midgame, he gets to take a potshot at it with his sling/bow/javelin/whatever.
Daughter of Arachne. Has pet spiders (purse-dog sized) that spin webs to trap foes for her.
>Free Space
Theosophist Cultivator. Mercenary for various Epigean and Agarthan factions. Lemurian mysticism has been rolled into regular surface Theosophy, and they're more than willing to cut deals with whoever will pay. Probably responsible for recent advances in analytical engine technology via smuggling prophecies out of Lemuria, but also probably responsible for smuggling information into Lemuria (and Atlantis, and Mu, etc). Probable ties to the Lost Men. Seem to operate within a blind spot in the Prophecies. Pursuing self-perfection while chasing the latest trends. Blavatsky is probably working on making herself immortal somehow.
>Gorg tools
You don't have enough horns to understand this post. Drink more stink juice and get back to me.
>Sneaky character who sharpshoots with a blowgun, carries a variety of interesting ammo types.
Turning Slimes into ammo types would be pretty easy to work in.
>Deep sentry. Shit is always ambushing things in the deep, and this guy ambushes back.
Would be very useful against the recent spread of Secret Passages.
Atlan anon and me had spoken of a mud burrowing Olm specialist that could scatter mudwastes around it as well.
Anyone has any interesting idea for the Olm-Mime?
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Fun factoid, in the Gorg-tongue, the sentence "A bad workman always blames his tools" is not grammatically valid. All the words exists, but those specific ones can't be put in that order.
>Turning Slimes into ammo types would be pretty easy to work in.
I was already thinking of a Third Eye type rule for the reworked Olm-Looker (Olm-Hunter). I don't want too many ideas on one model, so i'd rather he not have the Blow Pipe be central, as that would work well for a musician type model. Though, i suppose you could give the musician a bow and have him play a bow instrument instead of a horn or reed.
I'd much prefer having attacks be modified by Dampness or other environmental elements (as seen with Fishermen) than having an bunch of items. So, what about a Ordinance Sargent type unit (Olm-Angler?) that instead of a reload buff allows models adjacent to it to gain a Third Eye type rule for Dampness and Dampness varieties? Flavor wise, he is providing tackle to the Olm-Fishermen. Of course, there are no Dampness varieties now, and the rule itself is in flux, so it's hard to talk about particulars at the moment.
>Anyone has any interesting idea for the Olm-Mime?
Copy a Special Rule from a recruitable Character?
Released yesterday. Haven't listened. Just sharing before i pass out.
>Anyone has any interesting idea for the Olm-Mime?
I mean, there's one obvious answer.
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>I mean, there's one obvious answer.
Having a model who can pretend a Wall into existence in front of him *would* make more sense in Olms than in pretty much any other faction (beside Atlan, and in them it might be broken).
> Enemy models must mime Excavating the Wall to remove it.
> Picrel
Getting behind (as always) on my on estimation, here's Wilhelm, will do Moltke, Heinrich and the two officers tomorrow.
The cost here is a little high for what he brings to the table (pending the Mechanism rule being figured out) so I moved his saber and revolver to his Loadout.
Wrote a little bit on Lemurian law while working on a story. I don't think we've had much covering Lemuria so far, but if anything conflicts let me know and I'll try to rectify it.

>Lemurian law is a dynamic and complex system. While not as fragmented as the New Mu, Lemuria is comprised of many distinct regions and cities which, though uniformly obeying the decrees of the first prophet, also have their own laws to fill in the gaps for the areas which the first prophet does not deign to address, which is many. While there is a general, unspoken code of morality that all Lemurians follow (though some scholars propose it is merely unwritten, not unspoken, instead codified in the obscure doctrines of the scholar-prophets, and communicated to the uninitiated Lemurians through ritual and dream) there is some noticeable variation from city to city. For instance, in the Holy city of Bhan Yak-gol, it is illegal to touch the hair of an unmarried woman, an offence punishable by death, while in another city it is the case for men. But perhaps the most curious quirk of Lemuria and its laws is their worship of prophecy. No matter the severity of the crime, so long as it does not break the decrees of Ozymandias, if the accused can prove (often with the help of a scholar-prophet) to the judges that their action was caused by or made to fulfil a prophecy, then they are released by the court and left alone, unless another prophecy demands their imprisonment or execution. There are whispers of some corrupt prophets that accept bribes in exchange for favourable testimony, but this is often remedied by the judgement of the prophet-kings, whose vision is always just and true.

Fun fact: While doing some research I discovered that Napoleon attempted to remove the statue of Ozymandias (the eponymous source of the famous poem) from Egypt when he was there. Spooky.
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>"It came to me in a dream" is a valid legal defense in Lemuria
Yeah that tracks
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Here's Moltke.
This way he's a Character you can include in an Expedition led by someone else, or you can give it Born to Lead and have it be your Leader. Only difference is that he'll have less LP points (Born to Lead gives 3).
Having it have Veteran of *the Deep* is weird thematically since Germs are new to the Deep, but its the name of the rule atm. we could always have it give another combination of traits with a slightly more appropriate name.
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>Fun fact: While doing some research I discovered that Napoleon attempted to remove the statue of Ozymandias (the eponymous source of the famous poem) from Egypt when he was there. Spooky.
Such calomnies! Mon Empereur was quite obviously stricken by a Prophecy stating that the mummy would get a French passport and visit Paris and decided to push Fate a bit.
Either that or some idiot translation "outdo" as "undo" on the statue's inscription. Can't lay that at the feet of sa Majesté Impériale.
> “King of Kings Ozymandias am I. If any want to know how great I am and where I lie, let him outdo me in my work.”
> Olm Thespian: (12 Silver)
AP: 2
Movement: 4
Accuracy: 3
Strength: 4
Discipline: 4
Labour: 7
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 6

0 in All

2 Box Body, 1 Box Head, 1 Box Limb

>General Abilities:
-Hatred [Olm-Foes]
-Ignores Obscurity
-Tight Squeeze

>Special Abilities:
-Supporting Cast:
You may recruit Libertalian Pirates, The Modern Major General, and Policeman of the Future as mercenaries. The Modern Major General loses all LP if recruited in this manner. Models recruited through this rule are shaken, panicked, and broken when the Olm Thespian is. (They’re only actors after all!)
-All the Underworld a Stage: (1 AP, 1 LP)
Each unit purchased through the Supporting Cast Rule, and the Olm Thespian, must spend 1 AP to perform. If this action is completed three times without a turn going by between usages then immediately remove all your dread. (I.E, using it once across three consecutive turns is fine, but using it twice and then waiting a full turn resets it) This action fails if any of the performers have no AP left to spend. The LP and AP cost paid by others is not refunded in that event.

As Olm-Man

Olms, Others maybe?
It’s the quietest performance of Gilbert and Sullivan you’ll ever hear. Also one of the best. The actors are a bit confused about having to do their performances in whisper but the Olms keep paying them with pearls so they oblige. If you think other units should be included (Japanese ones for Mikado?) then please suggest so. The Major General is a really good pick but this unit limits his usefulness due to low discipline (He’s a director so his Olm-nerves are constantly frayed, it’s impressive he’s this well put-together at all.) The other options are more like wildcards. You could use a warm meal to frontload the stage rule but it would be best to save it for when your dread is high. Rules-wise this does mean you can defeat necromancy, eldritch horrors, and the screaming end of history with the power of patter songs.

In theory you could let him choose from pseduo-hero options to determine who he can recruit based on what he's performing at the moment but I'm not that knowledgeable on the wider world of Victorian stage shows. Maybe a Buffalo Bill set?
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Starting to work on the Amazon book.
This will be the "low-quality" fighter (still, pretty good), if you wish to have a higher count Expedition. I figure on the whole Amazons will be pretty low numbers. Promotion rules are probably going to allow you to choose from a few different models.
> Amazon children are essentially indistinguishable for human children, Amazon women manifest their greater strength and beauty toward the middle of their teenage years. "Nymphoids" is the term used by Colonials to refer to children and young adolescent who are suspected of having Amazon blood. Many tribes of the warrior women also have a Cuckoo's nest habit, dropping their kids on their mate after birth and going for a pack of smokes for a decade, then coming back to claim the child (if its a girl). The reclaimed Nymphoids are then put threw a brutal regimen of training and battles, often left by their elders to deal with much greater foes than they should in order to prove themselves worthy.
That name is unfortunate, you might want to look into a different one.
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You are right, it should be 'barbarian', not 'skirmisher'.
well, as long as you know what you're getting into with it. The child/teenager angle with the name just makes it rather suspect is all.
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The 1e-2e era was a different time, okay?

Speaking seriously though, the teenager angle is a bit iffy, but I think it's fine as long as anon doesn't start pushing it. A single joke unit is just there, an entire faction of fetish fuel maybe not so much.
>the teenager angle is a bit iffy, but I think it's fine as long as anon doesn't start pushing it.
I won't, its a reference to one of the few movies of the genre I know of, nothing more. I thought the cuckoo's nest thing made sense...
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Perhaps something like Unproven Amazon as the name might sidestep the awkwardness
>I thought the cuckoo's nest thing made sense...
It does, it's just specifically the name "nymphoid" in tandem with the unit being young. Having a young unit is fine and having a unit named nymphoid is fine but the two at once is odd.
Been workshopping some Amazon lore ideas for a while now with a friend. Will hammer out the details and propose them soon.
Mysterious Nymphet: 12 Silver
AP: 4
Movement: 2, Accuracy: 4, Strength: 3, Discipline: 5, Evasion: 7, Labor: 4, Awareness: 5
Health: 1
Armor: 000
Terror Incarnate, Bodyguard, Nimble, Jungle&Water Affinity, Camouflage Water

Equipment: Any Thrown, 1h Sword, Spear, Bow, Buckler, Torch

Tease: When this model successfully Dodges an Attack, reduce the attacking model's Discipline by 1 for the rest of the game.

Most Pleasurable Afterglow: When this model kills another, increase it's Discipline by 1 for the rest of the game. It may not attack for the rest of the turn.

Hazy Figure: This model always counts as Dodging while adjacent to an Amazon or any model with lower Discipline.

Concupiscence: Shaken and Panicked models with LOS to this model are Frenzied.

A stolen touch, a subtle sent, a color cornered in the eye, but a hazy figure out in the distance; all it takes it drive wild minds. None who see her are the same, nor do the same they see, yet all they wish to recollect the beautiful Nymphet. Could she be but trick of mind or memory? No, beauty could not be so tame, yet claim the mind and heart of man the same.
Do we have to use the word “nymphet”
>the name might sidestep the awkwardness
It might, but honestly, doesn't the entire thing boils down to a misinterpretation of the term? Its "of nymphs", which have always been a term to refer to (often supernaturally) beautiful (and somewhat youthful) women.
Sorry, I'm rambling, in truth I guess I don't care so much, I can always switch it. As I said, this was intended as a single profile, not a thing. I guess that does defy expectations when it comes to Frenchmen and AoC laws...
> Concupiscence on young Amazons
Lol, yeah, I don't think I want to go into that direction with Amazons. Neither do I want to push the misandry angle, it doesn't really make any sense anyways, Amazons are fine with Deepfolks men and love Colonial ones... its all other Subhumans they hate and kill on sight.
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So I'm thinking of making Amazons a low model count Faction that relies a lot on its Elites, with ways of turning your mid-range options into Elites through some means.
High AP count, Quick Strike/Shot/Nimble galore, great with Thrown Weapons, but no Armour (or clothing) whatsoever.
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kek, poor legfish at the front
>Some sort of OP Ambush Rule that I haven't figured out yet
Ability to "fly" between forested hexes and enter hidden for free when in a forest hex? (Actually just large leaps between treeptops but rules-wise fly) Damage if you don't end your leap in another forest hex, short (1-3) range.

>OP pet rule
Copy Enchantress but with more options? Maybe some sort of hit-and-run charge thing instead. Or both since it's 25 silver.

Why do Amazons hate Neanderthals and friends anyways? (From the perspective of an in-universe academic anyways, we don't need a concrete answer out of game) Do they hate Olms (who are not human and have never been) or Morlocks (who I refuse to accept are related to humans) too?
They’re fine with Olms. They’re competing for the same resources and territory as your average Gorg, Apeman, or other deepfolk. Morlocks are just generally unpleasant to encounter in the wild. I suspect they’re cooler with city apes than regular run of the mill neanderthals, but there’s still bad blood there.
Psysaurs are right out.
German Faction Traits Draft.

No idea about balancing. Open to suggestions.
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Excellent, Superb, Bombad.

Here's a /wip/ Warmaster. I haven't worked with pine chips or paper before. The final paper will either be tea-stained or printed, if I wanted to get meta I could scale down map Anon's stuff and have him pointing at that. The pine chips need to be baked.

Other than that his legs need to be de-skeletonized and I need to make the spring gun more springy. I'll try reposing the arm so he's looking and pointing at the same point but it might not be possible because of the beard and arm partshape. These are my last two puffy sleeve pieces but I figured he deserves them.
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>Why do Amazons hate Neanderthals and friends anyways?
In my head, when I was writing the entry, Amazons were basically going into Frenzy upon seeing any non-humans. Like a cat seeing a mouse. It was to push the "feral" side of them, which I thought might be too softened up by the "dare you enter my magical realm" thing. Having them hate on Subhumans instead of a specific faction seemed more appropriate to me.
Also, I drew some inspiration from picrel for the Amazons, and The Untamed Beauty vs Apemen was sort of a trope in that show, she hated them with a passion (and they constantly tried killing her).
So with that in mind, I'd say that at least some academics uses their hatred of non-humans as another reason to separate them from normal humanity. Its an inborn aspect of Amazon psyche.
>They’re fine with Olms
Olms weren't a thing back then, but I'd rather not bring up any exceptions. Then again, Olms aren't really "Subhumans" at all, so maybe that could be worked in.
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Are there any 'civilized' Amazon tribes? Something Minoan?
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> The controversial chapter where the Heiress Explorer sells off the Amazon's into marriage to a Deepfolk Trial Chief in exchange for priceless relics.
And they say Colonials are framed as the good guys...
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>And they say Colonials are framed as the good guys...
On that topic, just found this. It's pretty Agartha-coded, more than you might expect for a political cartoon of the period. It's got loops and St. Helena specifically (which is strange because none of the other empires have something like that it's just Napoleon)
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Oh that one is great.
None right now. Amazon tribes are mostly small and remote, Amazons proper look savage and "cavewoman-like" but they aren't backwards at all, so there's nothing saying you can't have small Amazon civs hidden away that aren't found yet.
> Warmaster
Nice. I tried gluing my old ones tonight but man those joints sucks hard. I'll need epoxy for it I think.
Costs seems mostly fine, maybe over by 1.
I will give a push to Germany tomorrow and knock down more profiles, I have Sunday and Monday available, if you wanted me to intro you to the game I could set up a small encounter, or perhaps even a few very small ones to showcase different stuff, give you an idea of where you want to go with the faction.
>On Olms, and Morlocks:


My time with the esteemed Dr. Moreau has been most enlightening. His estate is an oasis amidst the Muan settlements which surround it, though you would hardly know for how little they deign to visit. The thick jungle which separates us from the rest of mankind is a blessing, for neither raider nor trader has disturbed the good doctor in his work during my stay. Much of this peace must be fairly attributed to his subhuman guards. Their natural senses are certainly superior to ours, and they know the surrounding countryside better than any other.
But enough about that. This letter was written at the request of Dr. Moreau himself. He has read your work on the Old Lemurian ruins you discovered near Beatrice Falls, and he wishes for your assistance with publishing some of his own work in the Agarthan Society’s journal. The doctor has given me continual apologies since my arrival regarding the incident which led to his expulsion from the society, and I have seen no evidence to indicate any sort of relapse on his part. Of course, I have made some scientific discoveries of my own during my stay here. One of particular note occurred in the doctor’s own garden.
Outside of his manor are a series of neatly trimmed gardens. If one does not observe the flora too closely it could almost resemble the governor’s house at Ceylon on the surface. There are several fishponds here of the Oriental style, though the fish within are rather less attractive than their surface counterparts. Their eyes are oversized and their colouration much duller. On a particularly humid morning I even saw one dragging itself out of one pond and into another across the paved stones of the garden!
It was a morning like that when I made an accidental discovery, but one I believe holds great import. An Olm, about the size of a weasel, had made its way into the garden. I stumbled across it just as it scurried out of a pond. Across the entire garden each pond was tainted positively red, and each fish was ripped to shreds. The doctor was very upset, as you might well imagine.
What this encounter made me consider is the relationship between the Olm-Men and the Morlocks. The two have never once been documented as having lived together peacefully, I’m sure you remember the London Zoo incident last year for a recent example. But, if the fish in the pond can be understood as a variation of Morlock, much as the small Olm could be considered a cousin of the larger ones, I believe this indicates a predator-prey relationship stretching back the earliest antiquity and beyond. Their antipathy for each other has been described as hate, but I believe it may in fact be biological, perhaps even beyond their control. It is hard to believe that the typically gentle Olm-Men and the naturally cowardly Morlocks would go out of their way to antagonize each other to such a degree otherwise.
Each human civilization of the underground has picked one side or the other of this fundamental conflict, unwittingly or not. Most favour the Olms, they do seem to be superior in many regards. The doctor, however, prefers the Morlocks. He finds them invaluable for his experiments and remarkably insightful when granted a chance. Even I must admit that their almost childlike innocence has an endearing quality about it, though they are frighteningly accident prone. They patrol the rivers beyond the Doctor’s compound to keep out intruders, and I must say they do an excellent job.
This letter is reaching you through two layers of travel and many hands, so please excuse any blots or stains. You of all people must appreciate the difficulty of traversing the layers.

Good hunting my friend
>This letter would be received and then decoded by Illinois Jack. A hidden message spells out:
>“The Doc is Mad, Help Me, Bring Olms”
>Thus begins 'Illinois Jack and the Army of Dr. Moreau'
I really wanted "civilized" in the strongest possible quotes, as I just want to move slightly beyond cavewoman and towards proto-civilization.
>your party happens upon a village of amazonians, with a marble temple and spartan-like warriors
Sort of thing.
In this episode:
A murder most foul.
Moltke ruins a hardwood floor.
Tirpitz disposes of a heinous crime.
The Prince claims God's gift.
>>your party happens upon a village of amazonians, with a marble temple and spartan-like warriors
>Sort of thing.
Sure, 100% doable.
Olms are meant to be rare, and on deeper layers. Amazons are mostly on the 3rd. So i doubt they've ever had the opportunity to go ballistic on an Olm. We don't need to answer every little thing, it's probably better if we don't.
>Olms are meant to be rare, and on deeper layers. Amazons are mostly on the 3rd. So i doubt they've ever had the opportunity to go ballistic on an Olm.
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First leader for the Amazons.
She protect. Mostly herself, given Amazons will have good access to Bodyguard, but sometimes, also her gals. Nimble, Stunning Grace, high Evasion and those aforementioned Bodyguards should make her incredibly hard to snipe, hence her high cost (and the Dread pumping on Unblemished, otherwise with such a low count model army her Discipline would have to suck to be relevant to Morale.)
> Amazon fact of the day
Otrera was the first Queen of the Amazons, Daughter (and later, wife... :( ) of Ares and the Nymph Harmonia.
(Which makes me think we could just skip the whole thing about Nymphoids being young would-be Amazons and simply state that its either a name applying to all Amazons, or specifically to those who might be but its not certain, because there's not much difference between a *very* athletic and attractive Deepfolk woman and an Amazon, really).
Love it.
Would make a good campaign.
Looks like he's posing for a painting.
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Is the catalog buggy for everyone else as well or just me?
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Couldn't find much art that was more "spartan" and didn't also scream Marvel at the same time, so here we go.
Question: Is Amazon the adjective form of the word for deep Amazons? As opposed to Amazonian.
>As opposed to Amazonian.
Nah, just a "composed name" (really not sure what the english term would be for this).
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I don't know the exact term for it either.
Anyways here's a Reclaimer. I gave him shortening procedures of the knees and stomach to make him more in line with other 28mm minis so that the Immortal does not get overshadowed in height by other Atlan units
I need to add kneeguards and make the gorget wrap further around but other than that it's just some cleanup work needed for this one. I also need to drill out eyeholes or maybe a slit. Does anyone have a pattern suggestion? I could do three holes in a row or a long slit, or maybe a predator style thing, or just slap holes randomly like I did for the Immortal.
The very very long sword was intentional. Atlan is a very cartoony faction compared to the Brits. Plus Reclaimers are supposed to be scary looking to motivate the titanium miners and I think a very very big sword is quite frightening.
I don't have the most recent version of the Atlan book (it's not in the mediafire I think)

Did Titanium miners get moved to 3 hex units or are they still 1 hex? I can only find zombie torsos so I'm thinking of having them emerging from a pit made of wood chips but I need to know how many I should have on each base first.
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Moved to a 3hex unit to represent having multiple men in it.
Here's the book. I lost a lot of progress on it during the outage, so there will be fixes on it as well soon enough.
Thank you
Give him a number of holes equal to his 'rank'? The opposite, where the less holes the better?
pattern of holes shaped like the letter A for Atlan
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First draft of the Zeppelin.
Brought it to conformity with the other dirigibles in the game. Its too fast so I added Heavy Traction to it. Loadout and Weapons will be added later on.
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I reduced the Range and Long range modifier on this one. Spray and Pray has very often turned out to be fairly weak, just so you know, so once we end up playing it we can also look at the rules for the Mini-Montigny instead, the one on the Char D'Assaut.
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And the Oberleutnant as a Hero, which is what we had discussed iirc. I figure we can give it Prone Fire through some of the traits.
>Sure, but on its face, it makes as much if not more sense that Atlan would be horrified by something that essentially ignores walls...
Well, they are heavily connected to Hospitaliers, who i'm sure aren't well loved. Also, the flip is that olms pass through walls without harming them.
>I still think you pushing much too hard on the religion aspect of things with Atlan.
Maybe i am.
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Some lore blurbs. Some are better than others.

>The Polished Princess
Daughter and only child of the Titanium King, and faithful student of the scheming Surgeon General. She is treasured by all as the pearl of Atlan, but many wonder if she is fit for the thrown, question her connections to the abhorrent Hospital, and, though they would never say so, how a man who never removes his armor can have a daughter.
>Refined Olm
Olm-Man surgically enhanced with Living Titanium, gifted to the Titanium King by the Surgeon General upon the birth of his only child. They make up the Refined Guard that protects the Polished Princess and Titanium Court. Sometimes they’re leased to The Hospital by for particularly troublesome patients.
>Pontiff Perdix
Member of the Bevy of Pontiffs that lead the Wall Church and act as advisors to The Titanium King, who founded their order. Many mysteries of Titanium have been revealed to them, and only they may gift animation to Living Titanium in the stead of The King.
>Surgeon Major
Disciples of the Surgeon General that have been blessed by his knife. Distinguished surgeons themselves, they conduct the day to day operations of The Hospital so their master may focus himself on other matters.
>Atlan Warmaster
The elite of the warrior elite. Masters of war in all it’s many forms.
>Crystal Iconodules
Warrior elite of the Wall Church, they work in exchange for alms. Their rank is derived from their employer's.
Zealous men skilled in the esoteric art of Titanium craft, and one of the few able to manipulate Living Titanium. Chosen from the ranks of engineers and smiths for their special skill and devotion.
>Resonant Representative
The Atlan Republic is a large and sometimes hard traveled land, fighting a multitude of wars in a myriad of isolated places. Despite these logistical challenges, decisions must be made, tabletwork must be filled out, appearances must be made, congress must congress, and The King must know of this! Letters are carried hither and tither by the Hospital's Olm-Messengers, but some matters can’t be properly conducted by such means. In those cases where letters are insufficient, representatives are employed.
>Atlan Immortal
Super Heavy Titanium Slab; only giants like these could wear such armor and be effective as more than decoration. The most prestigious soldiers in Atlan, Immortals have survived countless battles, and will survive countless more.
There are no sick in Atlan.
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>>I still think you pushing much too hard on the religion aspect of things with Atlan.
>Maybe i am.
We'll see how it turns out. Maybe I'm having too much of a knee-jerk reaction to it.
I'll add on these and try to work on getting Atlan back to where it was prior to me losing the last save tomorrow.
I'll finish eating and then bake the new one.

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