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    File :1205879840.jpg-(21 KB, 390x293, salem..jpg)
    21 KB Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)18:37 No.1361693  
    So, /tg/. Some of you may remember the discussion a week or so ago about optimizing housecats to kill their peasant archnemesises even harder. I read an example I loved: Psion Housecat. I took this to heart and made it into a full blown character. Now, keep in mind this is a first-time DM, so I'm going to show him the importance of saying "No" every now and then, and also to show him that his encounters are way too damn ridiculous to anything but a tweaked character.

    Now, take the spell Awaken. Gives an animal 3d6 INT and +1d3 CHA. Take the metamagics Empower and Maximize. Applying them both, you get a cat with 27 intelligence and +5 Charisma. Can somebody say "Spellcaster"? Hes starting our campaign at level ten, so I've been able to boost said intelligence to 32. Let me repeat this. At level 1 I had a character with 27 intelligence, and at level 10 I have one with 32. Turns out optimization of stupid things can lead to crazy-ass broken characters.

    (The flavor is this: the King's cat starts acting weird, and vaporizes passing birds, shoves over servants, etc. The court Druid casts Awaken, metamagiced cause they could use an espionage agent like this, and the cat's latent psionics explode into being. After a long time exposed to such wild energy, the King is now being subtly influenced by the cat, with suggestion, the rare dominate, etc. It's happened so slowly he doesnt realize, and if he did he wouldn't care. So I have a cat that essentially rules the kingdom.)
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)18:40 No.1361706
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    >Some of you may remember the discussion a week or so ago about optimizing housecats to kill their peasant archnemesises even harder.

    Didn't that thread get archived? The best idea we came up with was the incarnum-powered CR 1/4 housecat:

    >Because the CharOp board also needs to get hold of the idea: http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?p=15306842

    >A housecat has the following ability score modifiers: -8 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +0 Constitution, -8 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -4 Charisma. We can give a housecat the nonelite array without increasing its CR, and we'll assign 11 Strength, 12 Dexterity, 13 Constitution, 10 Intelligence, 9 Wisdom, and 8 Charisma. Thus, a housecat with the nonelite array distribution as given above would have the following ability scores: 3 Strength, 16 Dexterity, 13 Constitution, 2 intelligence, 11 Wisdom, 4 Charisma.

    >Using Unearthed Arcana's flaw system, we can give the housecat the Meager Fortitude and Weak-Willed flaws so that it gets two free bonus feats. With three feat slots to spend, we can make the housecat take Shape Soulmeld (Airstep Sandals), Shape Soulmeld (Dissolving Spittle), and Shape Soulmeld (Soulspark Familiar). This gives it a fly speed of 10 feet with good maneuverability, a spit attack which deals 1d6 acid damage upon a successful ranged touch attack with a range of 60 feet as a standard action at will, and a useful familiar which is also a formidable combatant when compared to the housecat.

    >So yeah, it's a min-maxed flying housecat that can spit acid and has its own pseudo-familiar. And it's still technically a CR 1/4 housecat. Make of it what you will
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)18:41 No.1361711

    That'd be the one, but I dont have the incarnum book. And, a cat that can steal your mind is just kind of awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)18:42 No.1361712
    that is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)18:42 No.1361715
    now make the cat undead so he can rule FOREVER
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)18:43 No.1361720
    I loled hard at the image of that house cat
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)18:43 No.1361721

    Ah, but he's not evil. He's just a self-centered dick, aka a cat.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)18:44 No.1361727
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    emperor of cats, you say?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)18:45 No.1361730
    awakened psion houscat lich?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)18:45 No.1361732

    Get that mess out of here!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)18:46 No.1361737
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    >Now, take the spell Awaken. Gives an animal 3d6 INT and +1d3 CHA. Take the metamagics Empower and Maximize. Applying them both, you get a cat with 27 intelligence and +5 Charisma.

    Actually, you'd have to apply Empower and Maximize separately:

    >An empowered, maximized spell gains the separate benefits of each feat: the maximum result plus one-half the normally rolled result.

    So you'd only get (18 + (3d6 * 1.5)) Intelligence and +(3 + (1d3 * 1.5)) Charisma.

    Now, the problem with this plan is that awakened housecats have no listed level adjustment, so the DM is perfectly free to assign a high LA to you. Of course, if you're actually the DM, then you can do whatever the fuck you want with the LA.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)18:48 No.1361744

    Ah. But see my earlier note. New DM. LA = Lolwut?, and 100+ gnolls with class levels is a perfectly legit level 10 encounter.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)18:55 No.1361778
    So wait, a Cat Wizard's familiar could also be its buddy/relative?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)18:56 No.1361785
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    >So you'd only get (18 + (3d6 * 1.5)) Intelligence and +(3 + (1d3 * 1.5)) Charisma.

    Sorry, please correct that to (18 + (3d6 * 0.5)) Intelligence and +(3 + (1d3 * 0.5)) Charisma.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)18:58 No.1361800
    LA=Level Adjustment.
    If you have an LA of 1 with a 1st level character then you're a 2nd level character for determining xp.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)19:00 No.1361810

    No, no. I see my grammatical mistake here. I'm doing this character WITH a first-time DM, not AS one. Now reread that first bit to get my meaning.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)19:02 No.1361819
    * 1.5 is correct
    With *0.5 you would cut it in half
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)19:02 No.1361823

    You're supposed to cut that one in half, reread it.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)19:05 No.1361839
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    No, because you have to apply Empower Spell and Maximize Spell separately. For example, Wings of Flurry at caster level 20th does 20d6 damage, an Empowered Wings of Flurry at caster level 20th does 30d6 damage, a Maximized Wings of Flurry at caster level 20th does 120 damage, and an Empowered Maximized Wings of Flurry at caster level 20th does 120+10d6 damage.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)19:05 No.1361840
    may have already been said, but the unawakened cat would need an int/whatever of 10 + power level to manifest the power, i think. maybe psionics are different, iono.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)19:06 No.1361850

    The variant on Wild Talent I saw in the original thread never said anything about an INT requirement for its innate power they get from Wild Talent..
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)19:11 No.1361884
    You know whats sick? Mind Thrust. Lol Level-d10 un-DR-able nonelemental damage.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)19:12 No.1361892

    Does the side that the pork eye is on change?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)19:31 No.1362032
    >Now, take the spell Awaken. Gives an animal 3d6 INT and +1d3 CHA. Take the metamagics Empower and Maximize. Applying them both, you get a cat with 27 intelligence and +5 Charisma. Can somebody say "Spellcaster"? Hes starting our campaign at level ten, so I've been able to boost said intelligence to 32. Let me repeat this. At level 1 I had a character with 27 intelligence, and at level 10 I have one with 32. Turns out optimization of stupid things can lead to crazy-ass broken characters.

    Holy FUCK, your DM is retarded. I've never DMed before and even I know that that's one fucking broken character.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)19:33 No.1362044

    Like I said. Retarded first time DM, and I'm breaking him in.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)19:37 No.1362072
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    Hidden Talent, not Wild Talent. You only need 11 Charisma to manifest the 1st-level psionic power you get from Hidden Talent, and an unawakened housecat can conceivably reach 11 Charisma using 15-point buy, even with its -2 racial penalty to Charisma. Still, the incarnum-powered unawakened housecat is in every way superior to the psionic unawakened housecat, because Shape Soulmeld (Airstep Boots), Shape Soulmeld (Dissolving Spittle), and Shape Soulmeld (Soulspark Familiar) last all day long and can be used at will, as opposed to the daily limitations of the 1st-level psionic power from Hidden Talent.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)19:40 No.1362088

    I know, but I dont have the Incarnum book, like I said, so I couldnt make a character around it.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)19:48 No.1362143
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    Well, just to give you an idea of what the incarnum-powered housecat can do, Shape Soulmeld (Airstep Boots) gives it a fly speed of 10 feet with good maneuverability, Shape Soulmeld (Dissolving Spittle) lets it deal 1d6 acid damage as a ranged touch attack with a range of 30 feet as a standard action at will, and Shape Soulmeld (Soulspark Familiar) gives it a 2 HD Least Soulspark that can fly at 30 feet with perfect maneuverability and deal 1d4+1 untyped damage as a ranged attack with a range of 5 feet. If the housecat swaps out Shape Soulmeld (Soulspark Familiar) for Azure Toughness instead, it can invest the 1 essentia into either the Airstep Boots to give it a fly speed of 20 feet with good maneuverability or the Dissolving Spittle to increase the acid damage to 2d6.

    You can download an OCRed PDF of Magic of Incarnum here, by the way: http://theisleofkev.com/dnd/books/Magic%20of%20Incarnum%20[OCR].pdf
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)19:50 No.1362161
    >>Well, just to give you an idea of what the child posting pork eye can do, I'll go ahead and cut and paste you some infinite quarterstaff bullshit with a kid picture.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)20:37 No.1362465
    When you're doing max empowered only the original die roll is maxed, you still have to roll the extra dice from empower. Says in the book
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)20:38 No.1362474

    We've been over this. OP here. Hasn't this thread died like three times?

    Why the hell hasn't this guy been banned yet?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)20:41 No.1362487
    Because it's every anons right to bitch about shitty anime?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)20:41 No.1362489
    >Not enough people reporting him I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)20:41 No.1362495

    Why sage a halfway decent thread cause of one person?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/08(Tue)20:44 No.1362510
    I'm going to have to step in and point out at this point that "HURR HURR Lets teach someone who's taking their time to run a game that they should have never let me play" is *not* even halfway to decentopia.

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