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>>93568321 (Thread #1)
>>93613125 (Thread #2)

>What is Reflections?
Reflections is a fan-made set, made by me, trying to capture the power level and feeling of the first few years of Magic,

>Why are you doing this?

Thats a long winded story, but basically, at the end of the day, because I want to.

>Can I help?

All feedback is appreciated and will be considered.

We start this with an admittedly very strong angel, and with the first enemy color pair being none other than B/W
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Admittedly not the most original card, but I wanted to use this art on something.
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Lore: The harsh murky lands of Wrenna are the worst of all the kingdoms. A land of bogs, moors, and swamps, only a small portion of it is arable.

Galrais. is an ambitious lord, who secretly hopes he can rule not only Wenna, but all of the kingdoms. He has some dark under the table backers to help him with that.
Mechanic: I figured a knight that interacts both with peasants and soldiers would be a good flavorful fit.

Lore: Wenna brutal feudal system is one of its strongest assets. Many children are often born into the position of serfdom without any real hope of escape.

Loyalty to one's lord is taught at an extremely young age.
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I wanted to marry the pump knights.

Lore: Malel was a heretical sect that believed in absolute balance in all things. There are people, both scholarly and not, that believe Malel was simply a demon who swayed some people, and disappeared.

The "Knights of Malel" typically in the modern sense are knights going outside their feudal codes and rules to get things done.

Wearing distinct Black and White armor, and disguised under a blanket of anonymity, theres always conveniently some knights in this armor wherever there is a crisis.

However, not all knights of Malel fall into this category...
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Momento Mori, which translates roughly to 'Remember you're mortal', is a school of Catholic art.

It often features skeletons, skulls, or other things, to remind the viewer, they will one day die.

This was one of the very first cards I designed for the set, and have kept it around.

The floating effect might be a bit of a remnant from the old text, but Titania's Song has a similar line of text, so I decided to keep it.
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This card went through a lot of changes in color, but was always intended to be an opposite to Spirit Shackle from Legends.

In the early days of Magic, all sorts of interesting and weird counters existed. MaRo once commented in an article around the time Mirrodin was released he was responsible for the removal of weird counters, so only +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters were around.

It admittedly does simplify things.

I wanted to experiment with other stat boosting counters.

This finishes off W/B. Unfortunately only 3 Izzet cards are in the set. But after that is Simic!
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Oh yeah, don't get me started on MaRo. I remember his argument for removing landwalk was 'What are you supposed to do, not run lands?'

Then the game went on to print just outright unblockable creatures with no conditions.

Yes, I am aware of Tibalt's Trickery. I designed this first.
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It feels very cozy, I like it so far
make sure to post everything in one place when you're done to make it easy to save

would like to proxy these and run them.

what is the preferred use case for these? is it supposed to be a draft set or to be used with other sets? if so then which ones? are these supposed to be used for 60 card or edh?

thanks anon
I play current slop and these cards make me yearn for a day I never lived. Keep up the good work.
Thanks anon

I'm on a job away from home. So I won't be able to post images for a few days. Keeping this alive.

For playing, the intention was originally playing w/ 95 era cards. I did intend the OG Legends rule to be in effect (only one of a unique name in a deck, so all legends were efficiently restricted)

You can draft this in a cube, though I'm worried about balance, or my preferred method, go the Ice Age route and treat it as a stand alone product, where you only use cards from this set and the eventual two expansions.
To hold you all off, here is a card that didn't make it into the final set. Notice the archaic wording.

This card was left on the Alpha playtest, but didn't make it into the final set there either. I deemed this card both to powerful on an effect, and it didn't fit thematically with the rest of the set, as I started world building.

Some version of this card is called prince charming. Others it's simply Super Hero. It has clip art of Superman for art.

The C. C. Beck art featured here was actually available as a fold out poster in an old Captain Marvel comic, and on the bottom has a signature for Captain Marvel on it. The art is pretty awesome too. Imagine being some kid in the 40s, and pulling out this poster.

I had briefly considered using art from the 1940s Superman serial (which is also in the public domain), but decided I liked this image better.
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Forgot image
It's almost a good card if it wasn't for the fact it gave away life to opponents. But hey, thats what white does.
The wording on that means it removes itself when another creature dies.
Have you thought of putting these up on tabletop sim or something so anons can playtest them together?

These seem super cool, but i don't have a pod to play with.
Someone was talking about that last thread
It's pronounced "mEmento mori". Also bumping this thread because I love the set. Really good aside from the minor grammatical hiccup here and there, and I mean this in the most positive and least venomous way possible.
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Understood, thats why I'm here.

/tg/ gets shit done.

Here is a combination of two of my favorite cards. Wheel of Fortune and Timetwister.
This originally had better art. However I couldn't find it again, so I went to this instead. It's ok art.
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Black/Green has a handful of cards that use poision counters. Though all the original poison counters were distributed by creatures, they weren't all through damage (swamp mosquitos).

I wanted to experiment with the mechanic in an old fashioned way. I understand the last Phyrexian set included numerous ways to give poison counters, through instants. Not counting proliferation obviously.
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Another graveyard order matters card. This one with a twist.
Pamela Colman Smith worked on the original Ryder-Wade Tarot deck.

She was a fairly prolific occult artist in her day, and her influence can be felt even now.
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This card was inspired by the act of poisoning a blade with human excrement and other unmentionables.

It was a fairly common act in the Middle Ages.

The logic was even if a soldier wasn't deathly wounded, he would eventually die to infection from the cut.

I wanted to show this as a mechanically off, by including a venom effect, along with another way to give poison counters to a player.
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God damn get it together.
Early on, a number of Golgari cards would benefit with creatures dying.
>Here is a combination of two of my favorite cards. Wheel of Fortune and Timetwister.
It's literally just timetwister?
>Yes, I am aware of Tibalt's Trickery. I designed this first.
Spellshift came out long before tibalt's
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Oh fuck, sorry that was an earlier version.
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Yeah, Spellshift inspired this!

Some color pairs got only one legend. This one helped with the poison counter mechanics set. It originally gave you poison counters as well.
What happened to the custom card general thread? Haven't seen it around in a bit.
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Its An Hero'd, and has been married into the MTG General.

We are onto Boros. Boros primarily takes a Roman feel, since there has never been an actual Roman set.

I'll explain the Remus empire, and its lore during the posting of cards.

This marries two favorites of mine, Holy Armor, and Fire Breathing.
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Augustus originally had much more depressing (and much less public domain) art too it, where is were the flavor text worked well.

The flavor text was suggested back in the day on Wheelschan, before it went honeypot.

Lore: Augustus is the most powerful general currently in the Remus Empire. He secretly wishes to restore the Empire to its former glory, and if he could, to kill the current emperor.

Currently however, he's been sent to the walls of the east, where he fights the ever increasing and boldened barbarians.
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Inspired partially by Arena, Duel originally has a clause it had to be cast before combat.

It however was changed to not have the timing restriction, but still the tapped effect. You can sacrifice a weenie to tap a potential blocker, or use an already tapped creature to finish off a creature after combat.
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The other legend is The Emperor Himself. I made this card long before I had a setting around this, as the art just jumped at me.

The art is called Emperor Nero, where I borrowed the name. The rest just followed from there.

I wanted to make it show his recklessness and ruthlessness as an emperor, and had a powerful effect (doubling permanent damage) while also doubling all damage you receive.

It should be noted, as a ruling, that if a permanent you control deals damage to you (>>93620267), or a pain land, it will deep quad damage to you.

First double damage, then double damage again. So if you're playing this as a standalone product, don't run Nero with Traveling Warlock.
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There is a lack of artifact removal in the set. Though the few there are do the job pretty good.

This one for instance is a great answer, and in my opinion, better than shatter, despite its second color.
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After Nero, this was the second card designed, originally just called Legionnaire.

The art went through a bunch of different pieces, but I couldn't find a "great" piece for the card.

This one does the job well enough, though.
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This leaves us with Simic.

Yeah this card is also pretty busted. I did debate on changing it to opponents creatures.
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Simic is basically fairies, the color. It however gives it a bit more of a unified feel then the other color pairs, and only a few fairies were removed from the final set, however a few aura's were as well.

This card ironically wouldn't be amazing in a pure simic deck if you're looking at this as an isolated set. However, you can do a Bant color deck, and try to cheat a Divine Blessing onto a creature at instant speed, or go into a Temur, and try to get out blessings of war or fencing.

I'm not sure how to word this, because originally this was an interrupt.
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The fairies care about aura's, particularly creature enchantments.

A good chunk of my inspiration came from the Victorian idea of fairies. It seems most modern media goes into the older and darker sides of fairies, as the Fey or Fairfolk.

In modern MTG, since Lorwyn, Fairies have predominantly been Black/Blue, but early on, they were almost always either green or blue.

I know Eldraine featured some green fairies, but still.
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This card is inspired by Dessertion.

This card exists because I wanted to use this art.

At one point it was called "Once upon a time..." and just like the real Once upon a time it was completely broken.
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A seamstress who's dress making can rival that of any fairie. Lady Morganna is well known across the land, and managed to find herself into royalty, despite being born a peasant.

There are many rumors, both among fairies and humans, on how, and why, she's able to make such amazing, and magical dresses, but that is all they are, rumors.
Queen Titania is an extremely potent, and an extremely unique card.

It turns out there is some unfinity (more like unfunny, amirite?) card that does something like this.

Someone once said I should have it say 'I control' so a Titania getting paralyzed or pacifism doesn't suddenly effect my entire tribal strategy.

That was intentional, as her magic stems to the fairies around her almost naturally, it doesn't matter if that magic is detrimental.

Plus it adds an interesting draw back to an otherwise powerful effect.

Anyway with this I conclude all the double colored cards. From here on, its three colors (and one five colored) cards, most of which are legends.

I'm gonna take a break, but I'll be back later.
Good morning anons

We will start with the 5 color legend in the set. I was always surprised there wasn't one in Legends.

Originally this was a 5 headed dragon called 'Takamet', with obvious references. but I couldn't find art I liked, so I redesigned it into this monstrosity.

Theres certainly some strong reanimation potential with this and sigil of rebirth. You can also use Skin Walker, both require set up though.
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I need breakfast I guess
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I always wanted an Elder Dragon for wedge colors. I know there was one in Mardu, but it also had a dies trigger. Didn't quite feel like a simple elder dragon.
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Carter of Mars has lots of public domain art. In fact, he appears on two cards in this set.

I shamelessly borrowed this idea for a hero who's been summoned across the multiverse (or Dominia, to those in the know).
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This originally had some beautiful art. though the artists name escapes me.

Named after the American personfication, Columbia is the RWU, or Jeskai, elder dragon.

The hardest part of including the Elder Dragons was finding good public domain art that was in color, while looking like the modern definition of a dragon.
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The dragons started life simply with anagrams of the Khans clans. Lastui still has that.

Any advice?
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This originally worked like a reversal of Arcades Sabbath. He originally gave all your attacking creatures +2/+0, and had firebreathing. He was strong, even by modern standards (as of 5 years ago at least).

This one was a personal compromise to the card. Still feeling like an opposite to Sabbath, while still being fairly balanced, but still strong.
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The last elder dragon. The Chromium of the batch, in my opinion.
This card was prototyped "Leeroy Jenkins"

The idea is simple, he's a dandy, he makes himself noticed.
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Lore: The black company is a group of mercenaries who became very prolific during the Remus Invasion. Though what exactly about them is historical fact and which is historical fiction is fiercely debated among scholars.
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I was worried there was too much mass removal cards in the set,
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The last multicolored card, and the last ante card.

This guy originally was outright broken. His original design added three cards to the ante, but then searched your library for an artifact, an enchantment, and a land, and put them into your hand.

Absolutely bonkers of an effect.
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Theres a total of 25 artifacts in the set, a total of 22 non basic lands, and finally, 20 basics.

Lets get this final stretch done.

Black Heart was another card inspired by the life. Renissance and Enlightenment era still life's made for great artifact pieces, and this is a close up of one such painting.

The mechanic tells the story itself, it absorbs bad things, but if it breaks, it all comes back to you.
In recent years, thanks in part to EDH, two drop mana rocks have become extremely common.

There was a time where it would have to have some kind of restriction, such as being limited in the color it added.

This is the mana rock of the set, a literal blood diamond.

This art actually comes from the cover of a pulp magazine. I used some pulp covers, but honestly, it was hard to find ones fantasy appropriate.
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Artifact creatures are difficult to balance. Combine this with my restriction in the art, and they are difficult to design as well.

Have artifact creatures that are too good, people will run them over color cards, have them to bad, they won't run them at all.
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I like Anthem effects, but I believe not every color should have access to them without a draw back.

I decided on a one sided anthem effect with a draw back. The flavorful drawback of it being taken and giving can represent the shifting sides of a war, and legitimacy to rule.
This would have a crazy play rate in commander. There are almost no 2 drop mana rocks that tap for more then one color to this day.
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Does Fellwar Stone see alot of play in EDH still?

When it was decided I would have a Roman-esque faction, I decided to include a card called Crucifix, completely removed from any religious influence, and instead as an item of execution.

I decided to copy/paste the mechanic of Giant Oyster onto this card.
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Hardly an original design.
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I mentioned earlier how Nosewater wanted to do away with odd counters, mainly sticking to +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters.

I loved Frankenstein monster, and according to an email, the test name for it was none other than Flesh Golem.

I wanted to replicate that, as a golem, an artifact creature. I stole Frankenstein's first ability, but gave an interesting regeneration clause.

Note: It doesn't need to be a counter put on him by his own ability.
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Every set worth its salt had some artifact that drew cards. Even Fallen Empires.

I wanted to include one, and figured this was the most balanced way to do it.
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This originally didn't phase the card out, but was worded like Tawnos's Coffin.

When I decided I would modernize the text, and I'd make an expansion to this set, I decided to change it to phasing.
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Man, the retro frames look so much nicer than the modern ones.
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Yeah it does. I will admit the 8th edition frame did grow on me, as it did make cards easier to read from across the table, but the current assymetrical frame is ass, and the weird legends frame?
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I mentioned earlier the difficulty of making artifact creatures, and balancing them.

This ogre started life as 'animated armor' and was a 2/1 knight with first strike.

The original idea was an animated suit of armor. Unfortunately I couldn't find a suitable piece for it. I did find this however, and decided to make it an ogre instead.
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I should say more about this, but I'm not really sure what
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Origami, the art of folding paper, is an interesting and unique skill.

I wanted to emulate the idea of folding paper in complicated manners. How did I do?
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Guardian was removed as a creature type during the great creature type update. While never a prolific creature type, it did at least have a lord.

When trying to fill out artifact creatures towards the end of the design, I saw this art, and decided to make a guardian card.
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Expansion matters cards are almost exclusive in existence to Magic the Gathering, and only exists in the first two years of the game, in a total of 3 cards.

It was always a nice idea though. I can understand why it doesn't exist though.
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There are numerous cards in the set that exile cards from Graveyard.
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I should probably have this say Scry 1, but the card looks so empty like that.
The OG 'equipments' from the first few years of the game were interesting, to say the least, and would periodically appear here and there for the next few years.

In the original set, there was a card called The Sword of Wind and Clouds. This name was inspired by Mitsurugi's theme song from Soul Edge/Blade.

I couldn't find a good art piece for that sword, but I found this one, and made a card that function similarly to wind and clouds, but gave first strike instead of flying.
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Inspired by Tears of Rage and Swords of the Ages.

>>93571995 the art is from the same piece as the angel of war
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I wanted a consistent repeatable life gain in the set. While there are numerous one time life gain, or life gain in small increments, I wanted a repeatable mana sink.

This art is pretty amazing too, Thomas Cole mostly painted natural still life's and landscaping paintings. However, he apparently did this, which is pretty amazing.
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Yeah I know this isn't a tower shield, I couldn't find an image of one.
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Is it wrong to give every color access to enchantment removal?
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The last artifact. More old school unusual counters.
Lands are divided up into this
20 basic lands
10 legendary lands for color pairs
5 filter lands in ally color combinations
5 depletion lands in enemy colors
2 misc. lands.
The 2 mana ability is completely worthless because the 1 mana ability will aways do it better.
Is there a reason this creature has no type?
Fair point, and noted.

Typo, its supposed to be a knight. Already fixed.

Origami also doesn't have a creature type, and I don't plan on giving it one.
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Here we see the first common filter land.

Each of the ally colors have a theme of man made structures. Such as Aqueduct, with the exception of the black/red one, which I'll explain when I get to it.
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Early on I wanted a large influence of different art styles and cultures. After all Legends was a huge inspiration for the set as a whole.
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One of the lands not belonging to a cycle. Dreamscape is a good, simple design with a solid drawback.

I wanted one taps for any color land in the set, and this was one of several designed.

This also was the one that made the cut.
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Lore: The location of the capital of the fey is a mystery. Part of the treaty when joining the Kingdoms was the Fair Folk didn't have to reveal its location, as long as they paid their taxes and wasn't openly hostile to the humans.

There are rumors that it doesn't have a static location, but instead moves with good weather. There are others that state it doesn't exist in this world at all, but another entirely.

Finally, there are some that state it doesn't actually exist, and the idea of an entire city of fairies just doesn't sound realistic.

Regardless of this, only the fairies know for certain.
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Franksville is the capital city of the kingdom of the Franks.

After the terrible Battle of Lorraine, the remaining royalty and any merchants that could afford it fled to the safety of The Capital.

This left the peasants to largely fend for themselves. This would sow the seeds of dessent and allow for new ideas to spring up.
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The blue/red depletion land.
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As promised, Goblin Hovels exist as the Rakdos filter land.

Originally it was a card simply called Coal Mine. However I couldn't find public domain art that was in color and I liked.

I did find an obscure piece by an artist who would likely never see this, but then I saw this piece here.

I decided to break the cycle for one card and make 'Goblin Hovels'.
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Every set needs a broken land right?

I wanted a land that didn't tap for mana. Something Magic doesn't do anymore.

I also wanted people an excuse to run legends.

Heres that card. In a format with x4 Strip Mines, it's probably not broken. In anything else, yeah probably.
Odd that the h isn't capitalized, besides that it's an interesting card design. Something I have always wanted to see more of is lands that focus on effects over mana, this does so very nicely but the fact there's no real limit to what it can bring back makes me dislike it. If it was restricted to value 3 and below I genuinely would want to see it plenty of formats.
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The H is capitalized. Old frame cards have that as a capital H for some reason.

I said this in the first thread as well.

As for the ability, it is restricted to legends.
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Lore: The Dwarves, over the last 500 years had realized maintaining kingdoms was expensive, and that its more profitable to lease their ancestral lands.

These dwarven clans sold the mining rights to their mountains, eventually formed the Merchants Guild and got it a seat on the council, and they live semi-nomadic pastoral lives.

Khadha is no such clan. The last of the 'true dwarves' in their mind, they continue to mine, trade, and fight, as Dwarves always had before hand.

Naturally they and the more modern dwarves don't get along, to the point of open hostility.
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I could have sworn this was already a card, but then I realized that only the Ally pairs had this kind of land:

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They are entirely inspired by the Ice Age lands.

Those were rares though. I had the decency to make these commons.
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I think this is the last depletion land besides the highlands, which I need to save to my pc still.
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This was originally a card called "Mountain Temples"
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Always double check your shit senpai
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This art is gorgeous
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I always wanted an Arena that added mana. Well here it is, though its draw back is its color dependent and costs more.
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The last filter land.
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The final card. Zoara is one of the five cities of the plain in the Book of Genesis, which two of which were destroyed.
Are there any other elves other than Machine Elf (>>93568410)?
I see there were a bunch of faeries, but if there were other elves, I missed them. (Not counting Amalgamation).

>>93649811 Woad Elf, >>93624257 Elven Spirit

Officially, as far as the old world is concerned, Elves were driven to extinction by Nimrod the Hunter and his united human army eons ago. Though why isn't fully understood.
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Everything left if 20 basics, and some bloopers and fixed cards.

I hope you enjoy the world building in the flavortext.
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Here is a mention to Elves and their fate as well.
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Whats everyones feeling on the haunted wilderness and haunted night tropes?
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Anon here made a suggestion of naming the Merfolk Meropi, which I took to heart and did.

Thanks you anon!
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This artist made some great looking art pieces
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"The creator' determined a world without black mana would be a perfect world.

Unfortunately other colors started picking up aspects of its personality and twisted it.

Then black mana seeped in from 'The Abyss', although he didn't realize this.

When Azael killed him, is only when he realized it was impossible to make a world without black mana.
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Finally to the last of the batch, Mountains
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With this, this marks the unofficial end of the set. I'm going to wait for a few days for feedback, then I'm going to clean up the set with suggestions, and upload it on PlaneSculptor.

If its popular enough, I'll start post haste on working on the sequel set Dreams.

Dreams is a 150 card expansion that expands on the themes of this set, while experimenting with mechanics from Ice Age and Alliances.

These mechanics include Phasing, Slow Cantrips, Cumulative Upkeep, and snowlands.

Naturally banding, poison counters, and so on will be there too.
>Thats a long winded story, but basically, at the end of the day, because I want to.
Many have made sets.
Post it as a stitched image so we can peep the whole list easily.
Usually best to separate it by colors in like, seven or so posts.
What gives people the idea to use an absolutely terrible mana curve for (legendary) multicolored creatures in 2024?
The ability is good, but already limited enough by the demon thing.
Heck, even 20 years ago when I was thinking up cards I would have never printed a WBB 2/2 legendary without combat tricks.
This isn't supposed to be a 2024 card. This is supposed to be a 1994 card.

Did you not read the thread?
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After some concerns with its power level, Field Medic will replace Monk Companion in the final set.
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Sell-Sword replace Dwarven Merchant.

While I loved the idea of Dwarven Marchant, in itself, it did compete with design space with Dwarven Mercenary, and as such, I've removed this for another design I had on the floor.
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Someone personally asked me to remove "Sex Slave" from the set, insisting besides the theme, it literally did nothing.

Eh, I was kind of inclined to agree, so I replaced it with this
I didn't mean to imply you were making 2024 cards. "people do [thing] actually in 2024?" is just a meme and one of my go-to phrases, but I see how it can be misunderstood in this context.
Never seen that meme before, must be from that other website.
I'm auto saging :(
I'll make a thread for when I put them on Planescaper

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