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The northwestern province of Karyagia has been recently retaken by the Empire, following a plague that greatly weakened the local tribe, the Idari, longtime enemies of the Empire. Lost to barbarian invasions 2 centuries ago, and divided from the rest of the Empire by the Kar river. It stands as a poorly developed and underpopulated region, with great potential via the natural port of Haven, the largest town in the province, and silver mines near the provincial and Imperial border to the far north.
Small garrison forces have sent to secure the key areas, while settlers and merchants from the Empire have slowly started to stream north, taking prime land and developing the region. You have been recently been promoted to Imperial Commander of the newly reclaimed province, with your duty to the Emperor to strengthen its defences and guide it to a new era of security and prosperity.
How did you come to be promoted to Imperial Commander of a Province?(this choice will open up several sub-choices)

A. Politically connected- Your family is an old political dynasty that holds great estates in the Capital province and elsewhere and sat dozens of Senators and other senior political offices in the Empire

B. War Hero- While you may not have been born into one of the great Families of the Empire, you were able to win your new position with blood, skill and courage

C. Powerful mage- Mages have increasingly used their abilities to leverage themselves into power, particularly when the Empire is experiencing economic stagnation and large outside threats
>C. Powerful mage
We need to find forbidden lore to save the Empire from itself
>B. War Hero- While you may not have been born into one of the great Families of the Empire, you were able to win your new position with blood, skill and courage
>Powerful mage- Mages have increasingly used their abilities to leverage themselves into power, particularly when the Empire is experiencing economic stagnation and large outside threats
>B. War Hero- While you may not have been born into one of the great Families of the Empire, you were able to win your new position with blood, skill and courage
>B. War Hero- While you may not have been born into one of the great Families of the Empire, you were able to win your new position with blood, skill and courage
>B. War Hero-
> B. War Hero- While you may not have been born into one of the great Families of the Empire, you were able to win your new position with blood, skill and courage

Grass Crown best crown, lets Marius it up.
You distinguished yourself in a recent campaign subjugating some rebellious tribes in the east, what kind of officer were you, and what kind of force did you lead?

A. You led a company of legionaries, the signature troops of the Empire, as a Captain, using excellent tactics, charisma and iron discipline to crush your foes
-bonus leading troops on open terrain
-small command bonus leading all Imperial forces and allies
-defensive command bonus

B. You led a company of Auxiliary longbowmen, as their Bow-Captain, recruited from the clansmen inhabiting a northwestern island chain province of the Empire
-bonus leading troops on rough terrain
-defensive command bonus
- bonus in dealing with peasants, crofters and other low-class folk

C. You led a company of Auxiliary cavalry, as their captain, being the son of a sub-chief of a eastern steppe tribe
-bonus leading troops on open terrain
-offense command bonus
-bonus in dealing with tribal leaders
> A. You led a company of legionaries, the signature troops of the Empire, as a Captain, using excellent tactics, charisma and iron discipline to crush your foes

Imagine being a barbarian. Couldnt be me.
>A. You led a company of legionaries, the signature troops of the Empire, as a Captain, using excellent tactics, charisma and iron discipline to crush your foes
>-bonus leading troops on open terrain
>-small command bonus leading all Imperial forces and allies
>-defensive command bonus
>A. You led a company of legionaries, the signature troops of the Empire, as a Captain, using excellent tactics, charisma and iron discipline to crush your foes
Armed with a gladius shortsword, scutum tower shield, and pila javelin and clad in sturdy scalemail armor, you and your legionaires are the personification of the Emperor's might, breaking the back of barbarian warbands, iron dicipline holding strong against all foes.

You are deployed northward with an very overstrength company, nearly double size but nothing close to a proper legion, you are also given a few squads of Imperial scouts, who are armed with light crossbows or javelins, short swords and clad in leather or light mail to be your eyes and ears in the field.
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Now to explain some rules, rolls are based on a difficulty threshold, with bonuses applied based our character and their skillset

You also will need to keep the local population relatively satisfied if you want to survive and mobilize them to protect the province

Ive attached a relations guide as an image
You start at +1 relations with all 3 groups

The three main interest groups in the province are the crofters- small landholders, craftsmen and tenant farmers in the province, they represent the lower classes and most of the settlers arriving, they are interested mainly in not allowing the large landowners and merchants to take advantage of them and that their farms and villages are protected.

If you gain their support, in addition to the standard bonuses, you get access to a powerful militia, as many of the smallholder settlers are retired legionaires

The second main group are the landowners, representing the nobility, who have taken many large swaths of the best land in the province already, many of them have connections to the great families of the Empire so you must work with them to succeed. They are mainly interested in preventing slave rebellions and protecting their estates.

If you gain their support, they can give you additional political capital to request more forces from the Empire to protect the province

The final main interest group are the merchants, mostly based in Haven, they are interested in the protection of the trade routes in the province above all else, particularly the northern ice wines, a rare commodity that sells extremely well with the upper classes of the Empire.

If you gain their support, they will hire mercenaries and give you cash to hire and equip additional forces to protect the province
To the west of the province there is a small bay that is also the mouth of the Kar river, where Haven, the provinces only main city rests, the north west of the province widening out into tractless forestlands, that have been poorly explored. To the far north lie the Longtooth moutain range, known to be inhabited by orcs, dwarves. goblins and other creatures. To the east lies thinly forested grasslands that open up to steppe, its known to be the home to a string of Idari villages, and also nomadic gnoll tribes have been known to raid in the area. Finally the south and central part of the province are known for their rolling grassy hills and good farmland, with small rivers running throughout.

You have not been well informed about the current state of the province and should get intelligence and any knowledge you can about each section of the province.

A. Lead the men to the southwest, to the city of Haven
B. Lead the men to the edge of the northwestern forests
C. Lead the men to the foothills of the Longtooth mountains
D. Lead the men to the eastern steppelands
E. Lead the men to central farmlands
>E. Lead the men to central farmlands
>B. Lead the men to the edge of the northwestern forests
A. Lead the men to the southwest, to the city of Haven

We must secure logistics before all, an army marches on it's belly.
>A. Lead the men to the southwest, to the city of Haven
>A. Lead the men to the southwest, to the city of Haven
Best to get a tap on the nexus.
secure the important bits and move out from there.
A. Lead the men to the southwest, to the city of Haven
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You order your men across the old pontoon bridge crossing the Kar river into the province recently placed under your protection. You see a new bridge, tall and wide, made of stone being built nearby, foreman whipping the poor wretched slaves forced to move the massive stone blocks of its construction.

The old pontoon bridge is relatively stable for a temporary bridge built for the campaign that retook the province 5 years ago.

The men and supplies cross the river safely and you have then quick march to the city of Haven, the only true city in the province.

You were briefed on some of the history of the province before you were deployed and know that the City was one of the few Empire-friendly hold outs in the province after it fell to barbarians. The city's strong stone walls, well trained and equipped town guard, and lucrative trade keeping it relatively safe and prosperous.

You also known that is was only be slim majority that the Merchant council of Haven agreed to rejoin the Empire, with many of the Merchants here unhappy with the taxes levied on them.

You decide your first stop in the area is to the garrison post set up near the city, to help protect it, mainly against bandit and raiders.

You are disappointed to encounter no challenge from Imperial forces on the approach to the outpost and find it in a sad state, as a regulation legionary camp, is expected to have strong earthen palisade walls, watchtowers and an orderly camp after more than a few months in the same place, this camp appears to have been worked on a few days and then left alone, with a poorly built ditch surrounding a dozen disorganized tents.

Seeing this and to make an example you march, along with a squad of picked men directly to the commander's tent in camp.

The Captain in charge is an overweight man, barely buckling his dirty unsheveled uniform on as you enter the command tent, which reeks of wine and liquor.

You are quickly met by a harried looking young Lieutenant and a few other officers and NCOs from the camp.

"Captain, this is the worst pigshit of a camp I have ever seen in the Legions, explain yourself now!"

The man drunkenly slurs some kind of weak apology, and you order him placed under arrest

You glare at the assembled junior officers and NCOs, and the harried looking lieutenant speaks up.

"Sir, Captain Galen hasn't paid the men in 3 months, and has us all on half rations. He sold most of the tents and construction supplies and has been drinking and whoring away the company warchest. The company sergeant and two men tried to arrest him, but he had them crucified instead",pointed to 3 badly rotten corpses on crosses at the edge of the camp.
What should be done here?

A. Execute the corrupt captain, and place the young lieutenant in charge
B. Shore up their warchest with some of your own to ensure the men are paid and fed properly
C. Have a few squads of your best men stay here to ensure that order is restored after you leave
D. Combination of answers above(Write-in)
E. Other(Write-in)
Personally take away the captain armor and weapons, then revoke his rank and publically execute him. His blood will not dishonor the armor and symbols of the imperial legions. After that whatever is left of the money used bt the captain will be redistrubed among the garrison for pay them, some of his material possesion will also be sell and distributed among legionaries. If is still not enough for pay all of the garrison, we will add some money from our own treasury. The crucify legionaries will be immediatly taken down by the crosses, and given an honourable burial. With that done the Liutenant will be given the captain rank, and we will ask for a report on the province current status if the officers here have it. After we are done with the questions, we will offer them something to drink and talk with them for better know them (they are going to be our men from now on).

Though burial were also common, the romans cremated their deceased most of the time.
>>4504488 sounds good to me, but we should punish anyone loyal to the former captain, since they no doubt enjoyed some of his extravagances as well
But let the garrison troops carry out the Obliteration.
Getting to beat thier old commander to death should be good for morale.

Make sure to give a rousing speach about unity and duty. The captain did not just betray his men, but the Empire.

Then schedule a meeting with the merchant council to let them know, that some changes will be made.
You revoke the Captain's rank and order him to be executed publicly in front of the assembled troops as dusk falls on the camp. A brief investigation quickly reveals that several members of the Company staff, including 2 Sergeants, the Company Paymaster and the Head Craftsmen were all involved in the corruption.

You have the the men who were wrongly crucified granted a proper funeral in line with their religion and customs, with one man being buried and other two being burned on a pyre.

What should the punishments be specifically for the Captain and his co-conspirators

For the Captain

A. Crucifixion, as its for truly despised criminals
B. Hanging, the death of a common crimimal
C. A soldier's death, with decapitation
D. Obliteration, Execution by his own men beating him to death

For his co-conspirators
1. Cruxifiction
2. Hanging
3. Corporal punishment, a sever beating, demotion to private legionaire and placed on half rations and half pay for a year
>For the Captain
D. Obliteration, Execution by his own men beating him to death

For his co-conspirators
2. Hanging

D. Obliteration, Execution by his own men beating him to death

For his co-conspirators

2. Hanging

>For the Captain
>D. Obliteration, Execution by his own men beating him to death
>For his co-conspirators
>2. Hanging
You order a scaffolding built to hang the co-conspirators, chaining them outside along with captain in the sun in the middle of camp, as they watch their execution site being built and the rope put together.

As dusk begins to fall, you have the co-conspirators executed one by one, listing their crimes before hanging them.

When the last co-conspirator is hanged all eyes fall on the Captain, who is sobbing uncontrollably, and seems to have pissed his pants....

You call the watching legionaries to attention before walking before them and speaking

"This man dishonored the legions, and every man here who wears the blood red of the Empire. The Legion is the sword of the Emperor and the only thing separating the citizens of the Empire, our culture and civilization from shit-stained barbarity, slavery and death. This man would have seen the blade of that sword rusted and decomposed into nothing if he could, to satisfy his weakness and base desire. He not only betrayed the men under his command but the Empire itself. Because of this I sentence him do death by obliteration!"

You motion the assembled legionaires over to a pile of rocks and wooden clubs. "You will remove this stain of honor by your sweat and his blood"

Some of the men look a little blanched while others have a vicious feral grin on their faces as the beatings begin. After roughly 20 minutes of beatings the Captain lies dead, his body crushed and crumpled in a dozen places.
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In order to make up for the depletion of the company paychest you ask about your quartermasters about what of the Captain's possessions could be sold to cover some of the shortfall. Unfortunately aside from nice clothes, which are stained with piss, alcohol and gods know what else, the Captain didn't seem to have many possessions, spending the coin on whores, food and drink mainly.

Unfortunately, it seems we will have to go into our own coffers to pay the men of the garrison what they are owed.

Starting Denars

Covering the garrison payment -1000 denars

New total 9000 denars

You request a formal status update on his company from Lieutenant Wylde, who informs you that despite the lack of pay and provisions your arrival and dealing with the Captain has increased morale considerably. Unfortunately 2 dozen Legionaires deserted after not receiving payment or proper food. What's worse is that it is believed that some of them joined up with a local bandit gang haunting the countryside around Haven, as the bandits seem to have grown more skilled and numerous in recent months, attacking large and well guarded caravans, rather than small unprotected wagons that bandits typically prey on.

Later that night you have the Company cooks make up a decent meal for the men and break out some drink to further improve morale.

At the dinner you promote the Lieutenant to Captain, and send a messenger back to the Empire requesting replacements for the Garrison.

You also give the newly minted Captain Wylde standing orders to step up patrols in the area and that you expect this camp to be cleaned up and up to regulation the next time you pass by
Excellent. Morale restored.
You temporarily allocate one of your best sergeants, a squad of picked men and several of your craftsmen to assist the Captain in restoring order to his company as you quick march the rest of your men down the road to Haven.

The city, not known for its deep love of the Empire, shuts their gates to your and your men as your approach, sending out a small party of riders from the postern gate.

None of the three riders seem to be particurlarly skilled on horseback, and two are finely dressed, while the third is a grim looking man in heavy mail armor with the tabard of the town guard worn over it.

"Greetings, to you... Commander" as one of the finely dressed men begins to speak, looking at your uniform for a sign of rank.

"I am Jarvan Perr, this is Lycaeus Barnaby and this pointing to the man in armor in Guard Captain Tyrus Barn"

"We were not informed that the Empire would be sending any additional troops to the region, what is your purpose here Commander?" A tone of slight disrespect in his voice

"My orders, given by the Emperor himself are to protect the province, bringing security and prosperity to the people here"

"Well I certainly hope you do better than your brethren down the road, Lycaeus here has been making a fortune at his whorehouse off the Captain and a few of his friends" As he looks at the other finely dressed man, presumably both are merchants

"I can assure you that Haven itself is quite secure" as he looks over at the grim looking man with them and points to several archers pacing the walls above you

"However bandits have begun to prey on caravans in the countryside around the city, and the guard doesn't have the manpower to patrol the outlying roads, perhaps you can assist us in this matter, I have lost a great deal of coin already, and my cousin was taken by the bandits recently"

"Whatever you do, know that your men are not permitted in the city, with the exception of you and a few picked officers, as we do not have the space to accomodate them, and have no interest in having the town guard deal with drunken unruly soldiers"

"Your men will have to camp outside the walls or stay back at the legion outpost down the road"

"If you do decide to enter the city, Lycaeus here will give a decent price on accomdation to you and your officers, as the legion has patronized his establishments heavily in the past"

A. Take a few of the officers and enter the city, having the men camp outside
B. Time to deal with the bandits, ask some questions about their activity and put together a plan to stop them
C. Travel to a different part of the province(Write-in)
D. Other(Write-in)
>B. Time to deal with the bandits, ask some questions about their activity and put together a plan to stop them
we are a dutiful guy, get a general update on things in the city from the three rather important dudes (lets remeber to be respectful, no need to fall for their cheap disrespectful jabs), camp for the night outside with our men and then move out to ruin some bandits lives( and probably find and deal with those deserters our newly promoted captain Wylde mentioned.
>B. Time to deal with the bandits, ask some questions about their activity and put together a plan to stop them
also taking write-ins for a name/backstory blurb
>B. Time to deal with the bandits, ask some questions about their activity and put together a plan to stop them

Decline their offer, and ask them if they have some supplies to give and news about the rest of the province. Then deal with the bandits.

support too
>B. Time to deal with the bandits, ask some questions about their activity and put together a plan to stop them

You ask them about anything they know of the bandits, and they provide a position on the map and a guide to where some caravans were recently attacked. You and some of the scouts check out the ambush sites, and sure enough find several broken pila javelins on the ground, sure signs of deserters joining the bandits. You find some looted damaged wagons and corpses, mostly of guards, one of your scouts notes to you that there were likely far more people with the caravan than corpses, with the survivors likely being held for ransom, which the merchants did not mention to you.

You confer with your men and several plans are presented but two stand out as the most viable, the first is to have the company craftsmen repair the damaged wagons and to create a bait caravan and counter-ambush the bandits. The second is to have the scouts extensively search the area for the bandits main encampment and launch a night surprise attack.

What should we do?

A. Set up the bait caravan
B. Attempt to launch a night attack
C. Other(Write-in)
Traitors first. It's unfortunate, but desertion and banditry can't be tollerated
Austere Bulliani

The captain comes from a humble peasant family from the central provinces of the empire, and joined the legion as soon as he could chasing dreams of youthful glory like many other boys. From a simple recruit, to a legionnaire, and finally an officer, Austere learned the hard way that glory wasn't what he expected. It was a creature made of blood and steel, with the corpses of friends and enemies at his feet. From that point Austere stopped chasing glory, instead thinking about how best to win and how to avoid more losses of his men. He distinguished himself many times in his career not only for what he had learned but also for his initiative both in combat and in other activities such as preparing the forts (and manual work was certainly not something new or unusual for him) or organizing soldiers. Thanks to this, he rose further through the ranks, while creating some solid friendships with other officers made from shared experiences and values. In the military campaign in the east, his valor and skill were noticed by the emperor himself on the battlefield. Now still a young man, Austere is ready for the difficult and important task that falls to him.
(Different backstories give to the captain something ? For example if he was the son of an hunter or an artisan, would it change something ?)

B. Attempt to launch a night attack
Rolled 90 + 35 (1d100 + 35)

It takes several days for the scouts to locate the bandit camp, they estimate around 50 bandits, with the deserters mixed in among them, it seems that a former Legionaire Sergeant has taken control of the gang and is now leading them.

Two dozen people are also being held prisoner on one end of the camp, your scouts report that most of them just have their hands tied, but could run if given an opportunity...

Difficulty threshold 70
Hardened criminals 40
Deserters 10
Prisoners 10
Nighttime 10

Bonus 35
Veteran commander +5
Sneak attack +20
Veteran troops +10
125/100 critical success

Your scouts lead the men into position around the bandit camp, its a cloudy dark night, which improves the odds of success as well.

At your signal the men rush into the bandit camp cutting down many of the bandits as they rouse from sleep, not giving them the chance to fight back, only a few of the deserters, including the former Sergeant acting as their leader survive the initial assault, succesfully forming a shield circle and resisting your men

However as the dust settles and it becomes clear the handful of deserters are the last men on their side still standing their leader addresses you

"We will lay down our arms, we would not kill our Legionary brothers, we know we cannot simply become soldiers again, but please at least grant us the honor of a soldier's death, not to be slain like the animals we joined with"

A. Accept this offer of surrender and have them beheaded, as befitting the soldiers death
B. Decline and have your men go at them full force
C. Accept their offer, but lie and have them executed as bandits should be, on a cross along the roadway
D. Accept their offer, but lie and have them sold into slavery as gladiators(+1000 denars)
E. Other(Write-in)
Their surrender speaks to their good character, and their commander's incompetence was a mitigating factor in their desertion.

Tell them straight, they have their choice of a soldier's death, or a chance in the gladiator's ring.
>A. Accept this offer of surrender and have them beheaded, as befitting the soldiers death
You agree to their offer of surrender giving them the option of a soldier's death now, or the opportunity for redemption in the arena.

Every deserter decides to take the soldier's death, following their leader, understandable rather than a potentially humiliating death as a traitor in the arena.

The wounded bandits are finished off and the prisoners are freed, with it obvious that several prisoners were killed and the rest were held for ransom, including Jarvan Perr's cousin. There are several chests of money that were likely ransom payments, but other than that no notable loot for your men, with poorly maintained and rusted equipment and a little bit of food not having much value for you or the men.

You have your medicae look at the prisoners, and while they are slightly malnourished and weak, they have no major injuries or sickness amongst them. You escort them and march your men back to Haven with the newly freed prisoners in tow.

A. Give the chests taken back the merchants of Haven
B. Keep the chests for yourself (+3000 denars)
C. Other(Write-in)
Current cash on hand

Currently we will make 1000 a year after expenses, as Haven is currently the only secured area that is developed and wealthy enough to pay taxes right now

Denars can be used to hire mercenaries, used for bribes, diplomacy and other used
There is also another currency called political capital, which is earned by getting political support from local groups and prominent individuals, it can be used to get more troops deployed to the province under your command, with everything from more legionaries, specialized elite troops, and auxiliary special troops from throughout the Empire
Give the chests we took from the bandits back to the merchants of Haven, just to be clear
>A. Give the chests taken back the merchants of Haven
B. Keep the chests for yourself (+3000 denars)
>A. Give the chests taken back the merchants of Haven
gotta butter up the merchants for now, since the seem the most powerful political group right now ,and building political capital is super important right now, and we have a nice bit of cash to hold on to for now.
>Give the chests taken back the merchants of Haven
>A. Give the chests taken back the merchants of Haven
>B. Keep the chests for yourself (+3000 denars)
A. Give the chests taken back the merchants of Haven

We can always up taxes later if we need to. Better to make an impression.
You hand the freed prisoners and chests of money over to the merchant's representatives and town guard of Haven

+2 relations with Merchants of Haven

New relations (+3 very friendly/loyal)

+500 political capital

(at 1000 we can start requesting additional forces from the Empire)

After a few minutes Jarvan Perr comes out to meet you himself, who now identifies himself as the leader of House Perr and one of the great merchants of the council of Haven.

"Thank you commander, the city is in your debt for the great service you rendered us"

"Our gates are open to you and your men, and you can house your men in one of my warehouses at any time, while I am confident that you and your officer's will have their tabs covered at any of the reputable establishments in the city"

What should we do now?

A. Check in on the outpost garrison down the road and collect the men we lent them
B. Stay the night in the city
C. Lead the men to a different part of the province
D. Other(Write-in)
>B. Stay the night in the city

Next day we go to the outpost
>A. Check in on the outpost garrison down the road and collect the men we lent them
Morale is already through the roof, we should not rest until we have completed our patrol of the province.
change this to

A. Check in on the outpost garrison down the road and collect the men we lent them
You order the men to head to the outpost, quick marching them, as it will not pay to let the troops overly relax after an easy victory like the one over the bandits.

You are pleased to see that Captain Wylde seems to have followed Sergeant Johnson's recommendations and are not only challenged by a scout party on the road, but are met by a small ready force of several squads, as the rest of the garrison company is either conditioning, running in full gear around the outpost or working on building it and improving it, with the ditch dug deeper, with sharpened stakes emplaced and a earthen wall with ramparts going up around the outpost.

You are also pleased to see the tents set up in an orderly fashion with Latrines on one side of the camp and the cookfires on the other, finally you are pleasantly surprised at the smell of baked bread, as some of the craftsmen you lent to the outpost were able to build some simple ovens out wood and stone, allowing the soldiers there some variety in their diet compared to the hardtack rations and stew of unknown origin they are accustomed to eating on campaign.

You are escorted by the ready force to the Captain's tent and and are greeted by a smiling, if slightly nervous Captain Wylde

"Commander, I only just received news a few hours ago of your defeating of the bandits, thank you for making our job of patrolling the area much easier, and thank you also for lending me Sergeant Johnson and those craftsmen, they have made a huge difference in getting this garrison back into shape"

"I am glad to hear it Captain, I do need those men back though, as my duties take me around the rest of the province"

"I would like your formal report on the last few days and if you have heard anything of use to me while I have been leading my men in the field"

"Sir, the reestablishment of this outpost to legion standards is complete, and we expect to have a full set of watchtowers and reinforced walls set up by the end of the month, we also received a messenger rider from the Empire yesterday, formally confirming my promotion and that replacements and supplies will be sent in a caravan shortly"

"As far as news goes, we have heard of a dispute in the central farmlands, between some smallholders and a few of the major landowners regarding some underground ruins and the rights of looting and using the materials found for construction"

"There are also have been rumored sightings of a massive orcish migration coming down from the northern mountains by loggers and hunters in the area"

"Excellent, thank you Captain, you are dismissed"

What should we do now?

A. Investigate the rumors of an orc migration in the north
B. Investigate the dispute in the central farmlands
C. Lead the men to the edge of the northwestern forests
D. Lead the men to the eastern steppelands
E. Other(Write-in)
>A. Investigate the rumors of an orc migration in the north
>A. Investigate the rumors of an orc migration in the north

This gives me some Helvetii vibes.
You quick march the men up north to foothills of longtooth mountains, where there are a handful of Imperial settlements, living primarily off the silver mines in the region, logging, and game.

Many of the villages were taken back from Idari in the recent reconquest of the province and are situated in the shadow of one the half dozen abandoned fortresses, long since looted and and picked over for building materials in the last 200 years of the various barbarian tribes ruling the province. Built over 3 centuries ago by Emperor Lagarian, the string of forts were to guard the passes and prevent hostile forces from entering the Empire from the mountain range and the cold hostile steppe to the north of them, from which many dangerous groups of barbarians have spilled out south into Imperial lands.

You set up camp near one of the villages, and deploy your scouts to watch the nearby passes, and the surrounding area.

It takes a few days before a party of your scouts encounters a group of several hundred orcs marching through one of the passes, they are lead by a vanguard of warriors, roughly 100 strong with the rest being old people, women and children with few warriors among them.

Your scouts have identified several places to camp and launch an ambush on the orcs.

You could alternatively allow them to pass through and enter the province or send a party to speak with the Vanguard.

A. Allow them to pass into the province
B. Set up an ambush to destroy the orcs
C. Send a party to attempt to negotiate with them
D. Other(Write-in)
>C. Send a party to attempt to negotiate with them
We would know what their intentions are. If these orcs were intent on raiding, they would not have brought hundreds of women and children. Perhaps there is a more dangerous threat to the north.
B. Set up an ambush to destroy the orcs
>C. Send a party to attempt to negotiate with them
i agree that this is unlikely to be a raiding party, too many non combatants to be one, better to be cautious and talk first, make sure thaey anit gonna cause any trouble, and if that is the case make them go elsewere or make use of them in some way, even the non human races can be of some use to the empire, even if not as slaves.
Also, what is the general view of non or demi-human races in the empire?
If we let them through they will likely just walk deeper into empire to cause troubles, and if we let this one through the rest will follow, better make an example of them.
I'd ambush them, but negotiating seems to be leading.

>B ambush
>C. Send a party to attempt to negotiate with them

In exchange of living on roman lands and giving them freemen status(basically half citizens) we can get some auxiliarii forces out of them.
C. Negotiate
At least at first. Unless we have standing orders to kill orcs on sight or something to that effect.
>B. Set up an ambush to destroy the orcs
>B. Set up an ambush to destroy the orcs
>C. Send a party to attempt to negotiate with them
D. Other(Write-in)
Set up an ambush, but when they reach it, send out a party to meet them and if things turn sour, we hit them hard with the prepared ambush.
>B. Set up an ambush to destroy the orcs
NOPE this went poorly for rome
The Empire views non-humans as second class citizens, with several orc tribes, ogre tribes and even a small Elf tribe a part of the Empire. The general expectation is that they pay their taxes, follow the laws and provide troops when asked. Most non-humans are not direct subjects of the Empire per say though, and live as vassal subjects of semi-automonous groups within the Empire, who mainly send tax and specialized auxiliary troops.
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As we effectively have a tie and opinions are pretty much divided down the middle

I am moving forward with this option

You have the men camp near one of the narrow passes the orcs must pass through on the way south, narrow enough that only 2 or 3 men at most can walk side by side through it at a time, allowing your men to physically block the gap if need be and creating a kill zone for the company's pila javelins.

It takes several days for the men to move into position, while they do the scouts have found several old goat paths through the mountains that allow attacks and manuevering from several places along the winding pass.

The scouts are able to get closer and gain more details on the orcs, who seem to be weak and low on food, even their warriors.

You send a small party down the main pass, to negotiate with the orcs and potentially learn their intentions.

You decide to lead the small party yourself, with 2 of your best men on horseback, allowing you a fair chance of escape if it goes sour, with hidden scouts watching the talks and prepared to give the signal to launch the ambush at any time....

Carrying a white flag of truce, you and your men ride at a slow trot towards the orc vanguard.

A trio of Orc warriors walk to meet you on the ground between your party and the vanguard.

One speaks, presumably their leader, from his finely crafted armor and furs. "I did not expect to encounter the Empire this far north, I thought this land was held by the Idari"

"I am moving my people south to save them from the great host of Vargod the Golden and the demons that ride with him"

"My people are strung out over the mountains and will take a few days to arrive, while my son leads a rearguard against the demons that harry my people"

"We must pass through to get to the safety of the south of the mountains"

A. Let them pass, no questions asked
B. Give the signal for your men to launch the ambush(Dice roll done by me, large bonus for ambush)
C. Offer assistance in exchange for vassalage to the Empire(dice roll for diplomacy)
D. Offer assistance, no strings attached
E. Other(Write-in)
E. Other(Write-in)
first get some details on this Vargod and demon host, because that dont sound good for us or the empire, and afterwards we may go for C if they seem willing or D if they promise to just pass our territory and fuck off somewhere else, if we get theyre help its better since we may end up needing more bodies to send against these demons.
This. Need more information before we make a decision. I'm not a fan of orcs but if we decide to go the vassalage route, >>4507271 there's a precedence and the more fodder to fill our auxilia the better.
Sounds good.

"We cannot simply allow you to walk into a province of the Empire, but first tell me more of this Vargod the Golden and those that follow him"

"Our people once used to live on the northern side of the Longtooth mountain range, farming the valleys and relying on ancient fortifications built by the Dwarven Empire to protect us"

"We have long had troubles with tribes that inhabit the frozen steppelands to the north, but never more than some raids for food, women and livestock"

"This was different, the Blevid tribe and many others have long worshipped the demons of the frozen north, and we have never known them to directly assist their subjects in such a way"

"Vargod himself is rumored to be the son of a Blevid tribal warrior and an elven slave woman, giving him his rare golden hair and much of the speed, strength and magical affinity of his mother's people"

"In a few campaign seasons he was able to subjugate the other northern steppe tribes and unite them under his banner"

"Last year he began sieging our valley towns and taking them one by one"

"As one of the last remaining lords of my people, I evacuated several towns and lead them south away from the invaders"

"You may try to stop us, but my warriors will fight you to the bitter end to protect our people and their families"

"As we speak now, my son is leading many of our warriors in a rearguard holding one of the passes against the Wendigo demons hunting my people, sent by Vargod to pick off some small groups that camp apart from the main group or fall behind, we have already lost hundreds of our people to their predations"

What should we do?

A. Let them pass, no questions asked
B. Give the signal for your men to launch the ambush(Dice roll done by me, large bonus for ambush)
C. Offer assistance in exchange for vassalage to the Empire(dice roll for diplomacy)
D. Offer assistance, no strings attached
E. Other(Write-in)
>C. Offer assistance in exchange for vassalage to the Empire(dice roll for diplomacy)
>C. Offer assistance in exchange for vassalage to the Empire(dice roll for diplomacy)
I posted before refreshing, but I'm still voting for the same thing.
>C. Offer assistance in exchange for vassalage to the Empire(dice roll for diplomacy)
>C. Offer assistance in exchange for vassalage to the Empire(dice roll for diplomacy)
C. Offer assistance in exchange for vassalage to the Empire(dice roll for diplomacy)
So long as they live on our lands.... if they leave however, maybe they don't have to be vassals then.
Rolled 29 (1d100)

"Perhaps the Empire can provide new lands and protection for your people"

"However you would need to swear vassalage to the Empire, and provide taxes and troops in times of war. I am authorized to make such an agreement if you are"

Difficulty threshold 50
Pride 80
Desperation -20
Hunger -10

Roll bonuses 0
Diplomacy roll failure

"I cannot trust the Empire to ensure the protection of my people, even in these most dire times"

A. Let them pass on anyway
B. Give the signal for your men to launch the ambush(Dice roll done by me, large bonus for ambush)
C. Offer assistance anyways(possible for another diplo role opportunity depending on how it goes)
D. Other(Write-in)
>B. Give the signal for your men to launch the ambush(Dice roll done by me, large bonus for ambush)
It's clear that
>they aren't going to turn around here
>they aren't willing to swear vassalage
>they are going to be a problem later on
If we strike them down now, we save the empire a great deal of suffering down the road. Once they're finished we can start preparing an additional line of defense in the mountain pass in case this Vargod dares to invade the empire's lands.
Rolled 81 + 25 (1d100 + 25)


You give the signal to your men lying in ambush on either side of the pass, giving a modified salute after pretending to quietly give an order to one of the men with you.

With that you pull up on the reins of your horse and urge it away from the orc warriors along with your two mounted guards...

Difficulty threshold 60
Elite enemy troops 80
Outnumbered -10
Tired/hungry -10

Roll bonus 25
Veteran Commander +5
Ambush +20
Over 100, critical success

At the signal your troops fan out from the sides of the passes, lead by scouts who shoot their crossbows and throw javelins into the enemy formation, while the rest of the legionaires throw their pila into the massed group of enemy troops....

While only few find flesh against the well armored, and skilled enemy troops, many of the pila are hopelessly stuck deep in the enemy shields, forcing them to discard them.

In spite of this the orcs still form up in a pair of spearwall phalaxes one facing each side of the pass, maintaining an impressive dicipline in spite of the ambush and their weakness from cold and hunger.

With many of the enemy's shields discarded, the third and last volley of pila inflicts heavy damage, wounding or killing dozens of enemy troops before your men slowly advance their own shield wall against the enemy troops, using their large scutum shields to bash aside the spears and get inside their defense, allowing your men to stab with their gladius shortswords.

The enemy troops do however draw their own shortswords and put up a small fight, but after a brief and extremely violent encounter, the enemy force lays dead or badly wounded while a dozen of your men lay dead or badly wounded, a low butcher's bill to destroy a group of elite enemy troops

New strength 188/200

The medicae do what they can for the badly wounded and work to treat the minor wounds amongst your men.

If what the orcish leader said was true, and partially corobrated by your scouts reports, the orcish civilians will be passing through in the next few days, they is also the question on what to do with the forces chasing them

Whats our next move?

A. Attempt to build a barricade and block the pass or set up another ambush
B. Return to province and request replacements, as well as report your findings to the Capital
C. Move the men deeper into the passes
>A. Attempt to build a barricade and block the pass or set up another ambush
>A. Attempt to build a barricade and block the pass or set up another ambush
We've crossed the lexicon. Here we go.
You order the men to build a barricade out of stones, logs and any material you can find to effectively block the pass, as you have scouts posted to watch it along the path and set up any ambushes against all those approaching.

The first group to enter the pass and begin to approach the barricade is a long line of strung out orcish civilians, many with wagons and a few livestock animals with them. They appear to have few warriors amongst them and would be virtually helpless against an attack by your troops

What should we do?

A. Attack them and kill them all
B. Attack them and round them up as best we can, send a messenger to Haven that we have slaves for sale
C. Send a party to meet them and guide them through the barricade
D. Other(Write-in)
>B. Attack them and round them up as best we can, send a messenger to Haven that we have slaves for sale
>B. Attack them and round them up as best we can, send a messenger to Haven that we have slaves for sale
Rolled 10 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

You send a messenger to Haven, telling any merchants interested in purchasing slaves to meet at the northernmost legion outpost in the province.

You order the men to launch an ambush on the refugee column and to capture as many as possible

Difficulty threshold 40
Large number of Refugees 50
Hunger/Exhaustion -10

Roll bonuses
Veteran commander bonus +5
Roll failure

Despite your mens best efforts and the helplessness of the refugee column, the handful of warriors with them are able to hold off your troops and help the refugees disperse into the endless nooks and crannies of the mountain passes, leaving your men to only capture a few dozen of them, mostly old people and sick people who couldn't run....

Embarrased at the men's failure and coming up empty when the merchants arrive from Haven, you need to make a decision

A. Send the men out into the mountains and try to capture more of the orcs
B. Have the men retire back the barricade and ambush positions and wait for what comes next
C. Withdraw back to the province
D. Other(Write-in)
>A. Send the men out into the mountains and try to capture more of the orcs
>A. Send the men out into the mountains and try to capture more of the orcs
Rolled 6 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

You chastise your men for their failure and send them back out to look for the orcs

Difficulty threshold 60
Large number of refugees 50
Hunger/Exhaustion -10
Scattered in the mountains 20

Roll bonuses
Veteran commander bonus +5
Roll failure

Your men fail to find the refugees as darkness begins to fall, but find several strange blood streaks in the snow and occasional campsites that seemingly have been abandoned by the refugees, who left most of their food and other supplies....

The patrols searching report shadowy figures watching them from the distance, hiding along ridges and seemingly escaping whenever the men attempt a pursuit.

As the patrols came up empty handed once more many of them began to return to the ambush camps near the barricade, but one of the patrols has gone missing and not returned on schedule.

What should we do now?

A. Send out the men to look for the missing patrol
B. Double the guards on duty and move the camps closer together near the barricade
C. Withdraw the men back to the province
D. Other(Write-in)
A. Send out the men to look for the missing patrol

Great, you all made the mistake that led rome to it's downfall
A. Send out the men to look for the missing patrol
B. Double the guards on duty and move the camps closer together near the barricade
Shore up defenses.
So we still haven't sent a messenger back to the capital am I correct?
That should have been the first thing we did besides build up defenses, and block the nooks ad crannies with rock and debris.
No, we have not sent a messenger back to the Capital
>A. Send out the men to look for the missing patrol
>B. Double the guards on duty and move the camps closer together near the barricade

All these anons voting A.... the dice gods have made it clear that we are not to explore the mountain pass
>B. Double the guards on duty and move the camps closer together near the barricade
+1 send messenger
Rolled 78 + 15 (1d100 + 15)

You order a messenger rider sent to the capital immediately, informing them of the barbarian migrations to the south as well as a potential impending invasion by Vargod the Golden.

You also order the camps reorganized to be closer together and better fortified, as well as doubling and the guard and sentries on duty.

Finally you assemble 60 men, to split into 3 groups to search for the missing patrol in force, equipping them each with a warhorn to call for aid, with one horn blast signalling the location of the lost group, while two in quick succession for assistance, as a rare storm in the passes seems to be brewing and visibility is poor, horns are the best way to quickly communicate, even if they are not legion standard.

Difficulty threshold 70
Harsh conditions 20
Unknown threat 50

Roll bonus 15
Veteran Commander +5
Searching in strength +10
Rolled 92 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

Roll success

A few hours after sending the search parties to check the passes you hear the blat of a single warhorn blast in the distance. It takes a few more hours for the search parties to return who report their findings to you

You take the sergeant who found the lost patrol aside into your command tent for a little more privacy

"Your report Sergeant, don't spare me the details either, I can tell by the look on your face that it wasn't pretty"

"Sir, the lost patrol were found skinned and hanging from trees, some of them partially eaten, whatever it was that took them, ripped through their armor like it was a cheap whore's dress and killed them quickly."

The Sergeant that gestures outside the tent

"We also found an orcish boy hiding amongst caves nearby, he hasn't spoken yet, likely still terrified from the beasts that killed his people and our patrol"

As darkness has fallen and it is a moonless night, you have the men rest in camp until you decide what to do next

You go to sleep with a map scroll in your hand of the province of Karyagia, thinking of what you might do after leaving the passes, when you are awoken by the alarm bells the sentries operate on the outskirts of camp

You can hear the Sergeants of the company rustling the men

"To arms, you worthless bastards!, protect the camp!"

Difficulty threshold 70
Unknown threat 50
Night attack 20

Roll Bonuses
Veteran Commander +5
Legion defense bonus +10
Fortified camp +10
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Critical success

The alarm bells are quickly cut off, but by then the men have begun to quickly strap on their armor, shields and weapons and formed up into squads and quickly moving to the edges of camp where the sentries and scouts are fighting off the attackers.

In the chaos you take your command squad and join the main force, engaging the strange demonic looking creatures assaulting the camp.

Any fear you have is quickly blunted by the sense of pride and confidence as your squad Sergeants continue issuing orders business-like despite fighting the otherworldly creatures

"Draw Pila, aim, throw!"

"Draw Pila, aim, throw!"

"Draw Pila, aim, throw!

The creatures bogged down the ditch with emplaced sharpened stakes and the low wall behind it that surround the camp, are caught under hundreds of thrown pila on open ground, as their sneak attack failed....

The small throwing spears, designed to pierce heavy armor have no trouble slaying these beasts, pinning many to the ground and slaying more outright

Seeing the creatures shattered and starting to flee you order a general charge against them...

Your men kill the creatures in a wholesale slaughter, although a few men are lost, as seeming to realize their fate several of the creatures turned and attacked your men with great fury, swiping away their shields and slashing away at armor and flesh with their massive sharp claws

New Strength 175/200

A few hours later, you brief you senior leaders and ask anyone if they know anything about the creatures we just fought

A bookish looking supply officer steps up

"Sir, there are tales of creatures like these from the legends of the Seer's War, but if these are really Wendigos, we are the first Imperial troops to face them in almost a millenia"

"They supposedly came through the dark portal in the northern wastes with the rest of the demonic host, and are known to thrive in the cold and darkness. Cruel and cunning they supposedly hunt humans in the far north to do this day"

"Thank you Lieutenant, that will be all for tonight, you are all dismissed"

What should we do now?

A. Withdraw to the province
B. Further fortify and hold this position
C. Other(Write-in)
>A. Withdraw to the province
send another messenger to the capital with info of this event
>A. Withdraw to the province
>A. Withdraw to the province
You call a brief meeting with your senior staff and inform them to prepare the men to move at first light, back to foothills in the province. Your staff, who had not complained or expressed concern to you give looks of relief, as supplies were starting to run low and would have required us to move closer to the province or request a supply caravan, and are also eager to get out of the cold of the high passes back to the relatively warmer weather of the province.

Scouts are deployed to watch the passes north while some are sent ahead of the main force southward as the men take down most of the fortifications.

The men's spirits are still high but have taken a hit from the losses taken in recent battles and the sense that we are retreating without truly defeating the threat.

The withdrawal is a success and within 2 days the men are encamped near a village where we were able to purchase food and rest for a few days.

A messenger from Haven arrives, stating that they are dissapointed that we were not able to acquire slaves, and alarmed about the threat from the north and have asked if the Merchants of Haven can do anything to assist
-1 relations with Merchants

A. Some more denars in the warchest(+3000 denars)
B. A company of mercenaries(get a choice from several companies)
C. Political capital (+500)
D. Thank them, but politely decline their offer of assistance
E. Other(Write-in)
It wont deduct from your relations if you decline their help
>B. A company of mercenaries(get a choice from several companies)
we need men, sooner than later
>C. Political capital (+500)
we would have enough to get some more legionaries, better than mercernaries.
>B. A company of mercenaries(get a choice from several companies)
To elaborate which I should have done before, mercenaries will serve with you for a term typically a year, and are elite specialized troops costing cash. You could also spend political capital for the Empire to assign you official troops loyal to the Empire and under your direct command.
You decide to look at mercenaries you could hire for the next year on the Merchant of Haven's dime. Be mindful that these men are not fighting for the Legion but for pay, and will abandon you if they take high casualties and will refuse suicidal orders.

A. Barronn's Bastards- Barronn DeClaire, a former Sergeant in the Legion retired after completing his 10 year term, and took his 10 acre farm and a mule, but found the farmer's life not to be for him, he leads a 100 strong company of veteran legionaries who made the same choice.

-Fight as legion-style heavy infantry, carry some master crafted gear and non-standardized weapons in addition to the standard legion equipment

B. Onaxe's Ironspears- Mercenaries from one of the independent kingdoms east of the Empire, these men fight as heavy phalanx spearmen. Well trained and equipped, they are capable of rapid strategic movement despite being heavy infantry, although phalanx can be somewhat inflexible on the battlefield

-Fight as heavy phalanx spearmen

C. Farstrider band- A warband of centaur warriors from the far eastern steppe, clad in light and medium armor, they rely on using arrowfire to disrupt and harass their opponent before sweeping in with blade and lance against their weakened foes.

-Light/medium multi-role cavalry

D. Pass on mercenaries and choose a different option previously mentioned
>C. Farstrider ban
Don't wanna take Calvary into a forest, plus roman veterans are probably at least a little more loyal than non-romans. More importantly, bros... You missed our chance to get an orc gf
>A. Barronn's Bastards- Barronn DeClaire, a former Sergeant in the Legion retired after completing his 10 year term, and took his 10 acre farm and a mule, but found the farmer's life not to be for him, he leads a 100 strong company of veteran legionaries who made the same choice.
You decide to hire Barronn's bastards with the Merchant's coin, and the contract quickly being signed by the Merchant's representative and sent to Barronn along with his company's signing bonus, they are expected to arrive at the northernmost outpost in the province in a few weeks.

It will likely be another week or two before you receive any word from the Capital.

What's our next move?

A. Have the men rest and train for the next few days (+5 bonus on next combat roll)
B. Lead the men to another part of the province(Write-in)
C. Other(Write-in)
A. Have the men rest and train for the next few days (+5 bonus on next combat roll)
Make sure we work well with the mercs.
>A. Have the men rest and train for the next few days (+5 bonus on next combat roll)
You decide to have the men rest and train at your new encampment in the Longtooth foothills, usually the best choice after several consecutive days of combat action.

The men practice throwing their pila, and go through the half dozen formations standard to the legion, they also run in full gear around the camp to keep them in top shape. In between training and excercise they are permitted to relax in camp, gambling, eating and drinking as soldiers do.

+5 bonus on next combat roll

Nearly a week passes when a messenger from the Capital arrives, thanking you for your report and prompt action in defending the pass. Unfortunately the Empire is not willing to send a legion or any other major formation up to fight the invasion of a relatively low-value province.

However they do grant you an additional 500 political capital, replacements for your losses and 5,000 denari, as well as a promise to provide men for garrison and patrol duty for any new garrisons you establish as you secure and stabilize the various parts of the province.

You now have enough political capital to request another company sized force from the Empire to be assigned to your command, what would you like to do?

A. Request another company of Legionaries
B. Request a company of Auxilia specialist troops(opens up more options)
C. Request a squad of Imperial Battle-mages(opens up more options)
D. Pass we will request more men at another time
E. Other(Write-in)
This seems like the obvious choice
>C. Request a squad of Imperial Battle-mages(opens up more options)
>A. Request another company of Legionaries

Simple, but the most reliable.
A. Request another company of Legionaries

Manpower over everything
>Request a squad of Imperial Battle-mages

To handle the more estoric threats that might hard counter our legionaires
C. Request a squad of Imperial Battle-mages(opens up more options)
You request the deployment of a squad of Imperial Battle-mages, consisting of a master and 4 journeymen mages.

What type do you want to have?

A. Fire/Fury- Since time immemorial, man and beast have had a primal fear of fire, as it can sometimes seem like an all consuming, destructive beast with an insatiable hunger. The mages that master fire, are also generally the most bloodthirsty and aggressive, mastering more traditional martial skills in addition to magic
B. Water/Healing- While the fire mages are aggressive, the water mages are balanced and serene, as the great waters of the world give and take with equal measure. They primarily rely more on stunning and disabling opponents, via knocking them down with waves, freezing them in place and other skills, in addition many of them grant their waters healing properties
C. Air/scout mages- Masters of wind and lightning, these mages are not only capable of moving at incredible speed but flying with custom gliders allowing them to see as birds see and rapidly travel the world. In addition many of them train in stealth, marksmenship and assassination as their ability go get in and out of places unexpectedly makes them adept for skullduggery.
D. Other(Write-in)
>A. Fire/Fury- Since time immemorial, man and beast have had a primal fear of fire, as it can sometimes seem like an all consuming, destructive beast with an insatiable hunger. The mages that master fire, are also generally the most bloodthirsty and aggressive, mastering more traditional martial skills in addition to magic
since we are fighting stuff from the cold north i guess
can't kill the enemy if we don't know where they are
>B. Water/Healing- While the fire mages are aggressive, the water mages are balanced and serene, as the great waters of the world give and take with equal measure. They primarily rely more on stunning and disabling opponents, via knocking them down with waves, freezing them in place and other skills, in addition many of them grant their waters healing properties
>C. Air/scout mages

We don't have any really good scout units right now so this is perfect for that, plus in my head magical attacks are only REALLY required for special enemies, in which case the assination skills will come in handy
C. Air/scout mages- Masters of wind and lightning, these mages are not only capable of moving at incredible speed but flying with custom gliders allowing them to see as birds see and rapidly travel the world. In addition many of them train in stealth, marksmenship and assassination as their ability go get in and out of places unexpectedly makes them adept for skullduggery.
>A. Fire/Fury- Since time immemorial, man and beast have had a primal fear of fire, as it can sometimes seem like an all consuming, destructive beast with an insatiable hunger. The mages that master fire, are also generally the most bloodthirsty and aggressive, mastering more traditional martial skills in addition to magic
C. Air/scout mages- Masters of wind and lightning, these mages are not only capable of moving at incredible speed but flying with custom gliders allowing them to see as birds see and rapidly travel the world. In addition many of them train in stealth, marksmenship and assassination as their ability go get in and out of places unexpectedly makes them adept for skullduggery.
>A. Fire/Fury- Since time immemorial, man and beast have had a primal fear of fire, as it can sometimes seem like an all consuming, destructive beast with an insatiable hunger. The mages that master fire, are also generally the most bloodthirsty and aggressive, mastering more traditional martial skills in addition to magic
>C. Air/scout mages- Masters of wind and lightning, these mages are not only capable of moving at incredible speed but flying with custom gliders allowing them to see as birds see and rapidly travel the world. In addition many of them train in stealth, marksmenship and assassination as their ability go get in and out of places unexpectedly makes them adept for skullduggery.
Curses the curse of the cursed!
You decide to requisition some air mages, who are due in a few days as they can fly here using their custom made gliders, imported from the Dwarven lands.

You have the men continue training and resting as you wait for the reinforcements, which arrive shortly.

You are notified by the net of scouts set up around the area that Barron's bastards have been sighted moving up the road at a quick march pace and are expected to arrive within the day. You have the men clear an area for them to set up camp next to the rest of the company, while they continue their exercises.

You ride out with a few of your senior staff to meet the mercenaries as they approach the camp.

Barron himself, is a tall, muscular man with a large scar on this face and weathered features to go with the ensemble. He wears a extremely well polished eastern style helm, with a horsehair crest, loosely imitating that of a legion Captain's. His men wear a motley mix of armors ranging from well-kept legion surplus to various eastern and northern styles of heavy armor. It's clear that they still fight in the legion style though, with each man carrying their scutum shield, gladius shortsword and pila javelins, although it seems a squad of men are equipped with with a smaller shield, shortsword and Dwarven repeater crossbows, likely serving as the mercenary companies integrated scout forces.

They maintain good order as they arrive in camp and begin setting up their own, legion-style, with the occasional grumble being stamped out by bellowing ex-Legionary Sergeants keeping order in the ranks.

You lead Barron, and a few of his staff to your command tent to talk...

"Commander, we departed the Capital province as soon as we received our signing bonus and the signed contract. We will fight for you, yes. but none of my men survived their 10 years in the legion to be thrown away in a suicidal bid for glory by some politically ambitious officer"

"Captain Barron, I will do whatever it takes to protect the province, no more, no less"

You go over some logistical details with him and senior staff before giving him his leave to return to his men.

You are relieved to at least be fighting with other Imperials who know the way of the legions, and will not clash overly with the legions sense of order and dicipline that you have established here.
I was busy looting my local city this weekend but I am back for the forseable future
You spend the next 2 days running joint exercises with Barron's men and having them help build some camp defenses, if nothing else to build some comradery and struggle with your own men, as an attack on the camp is unlikely, especially on nearly 350 veteran legionaires.

The air mages fly in at mid-day, flying high in the clouds and against the sun to blind your scouts and likely as an intimidation/power move against their new commander.

You decide to let it slide for now, as you may be asking these men(and women) to use those skills at extremely high personal risk in the near future.

They land perfectly using magic to slow down and sweeping their legs out from under the bars to make a running landing. The gliders, designed for one person, although supposedly capable of carrying up to 3 in optimal conditions, are each loaded with the mage, along with a small rigging for carrying food, supplies and various gear, which include a case of crossbow bolts, dwarven repeating crossbow, shortswords, throwing knives, blowguns, darts. Along with a light mail or leather armor set.

They are led by a middle-aged man named Nemed, a Veteran battlemage, while his journeyman are 3 men and a women, practicing their skills and gaining combat experience until they can be declared true battlemages themselves.

You and your staff are slightly put off by their cocky attitude and swagger, but you also know in the back of your mind that most airmages don't survive their first campaign, let alone several, unlike legionaries.

They set up camp a bit apart from the men, in fancy fold up tents they can pack in their gliders.

With your forces assembled and your replacements and money due from the capital due several weeks from now at least you need to continue with the mission of securing the province.

Where should we go next?

A. Lead the men to the edge of the northwestern forests
B. Lead the men to the eastern steppelands
C. Lead the men to central farmlands
D. Other(Write-in)
A. Lead the men to the edge of the northwestern forests
>B. Lead the men to the eastern steppelands
>A. Lead the men to the edge of the northwestern forests
>I was busy looting my local city this weekend
What? hope you stocked up on survival stuff and canned goods, and tp worth its weight in gold.
You command the men to break camp and march for the northwestern forests at first light. You are filled with a martial pride as you see the men dilligently and efficiently take down the rudimentary defenses and disassemble the tents, cookpots and other essential items for an army in the field.

The march will take the better part of 2 days with the air-mages and scouts out forming a an intelligence net for 100 miles around the force, watching for anything noteworthy or threatening.

Nothing of note is discovered except for the occasional isolated farm founded since the conquest, with a few young children watching your men march by from the side of the road.

The men make a quick marching camp and rest as night falls, you take a walk around the camp to see how the new arrivals are settling in and to make sure the forces are integrating properly. The Airmages still stand apart as aloof and isolated while the Bastard's and your men seem to get along, singing legion marching songs on the march and drinking songs around the campfire. You also notice the young orc boy your found assisting one of the camp cooks, a job he has apparently taken to after recovering from the demonic attack. While you know your men killed many of his people, the boy seems to either ignore it or is not aware. It's not clear to you if its a good idea to keep him around, but he is just a young bou and the cooks and a few of the legionaires seem to have developed a rapport with the boy. You call a meeting to review some documentation with cooks and paymaster before heading to bed early.

You are awoken in the middle of the night by what sounds to be a scuffle in the camp, as there are no sentry alarms raised.

You quickly pull over a tunic and your clip on your sword belt as you leave the tent.

You find a Sergeant on the scene along with a squad of soldiers, with 2 soldiers holding the orc boy and 2 holding a clearly drunken legionary.

"What in the name of the Gods is the meaning of this?"

"Sir these two were fighting, a witness here(pointing to a cook) says that Legionary Darus started it"

You look over at the drunken soldier with disgust, noticing a large black eye and some blood running from his nose.

"Sir, he apparently tried to beat Gorky(pointing to the young orc boy) accusing him of stealing when he was fetching something for the cooks from the far side of camp"

"Is this true?" You ask the young orc

He attempts to talk but his accent and busted jaw makes it difficult to make out the barely whispered "no" after several tries.

"Sir neither of them came out unscathed and neither of them called for help"

"What should we do with them sir?"

A. Flog them both for their behavior
B. Flog the legionary for his drunken disorderly conduct, sternly warn the orc boy
C. Flog the legionary, and sell the orc boy into slavery
D. Don't do anything
E. Other(Write-in)
>C. Flog the legionary, and sell the orc boy into slavery

We said we're going to bring orc slaves, one is better than none.
>C. Flog the legionary, and sell the orc boy into slavery
B. Flog the legionary for his drunken disorderly conduct, sternly warn the orc boy
Guys... I don't think selling the kid will help morale
But it will give us money and improve our relations with the merchants.
Since its only one slave, and they were told that the slaves are not forthcoming it wouldnt raise relations, it would make a small amount of money though(100 denari)
B. Flog the legionary for his drunken disorderly conduct, sternly warn the orc boy
I want to speak to the boy and the cook in private.
I would prefer A, but just to be a tiebreaker. . .
>B. Flog the legionary for his drunken disorderly conduct, sternly warn the orc boy
You opt to flog Legionary Darus, and give the boy a strict talking to...

You start with the boy, Gorky. You pull him aside to your command tent.

"Lad if you want to stay with this company you need to make sure you stay close to the cooks or have one or their assistant with you when you cross the camp, I will do whatever it takes to maintain order and dicipline, but I can only punish a man after the fact, do you understand?"

The boy nods understanding to you

You open the flap and come out to give your judgement of Legionary Darus.

For context this is his second offense, as he drunkenly accosted a serving girl, while we were camped near a village down south almost 2 years ago. The only thing preventing the company from being cut off from supplies by the village and facing an angry mob of villagers, was a bribe placed with the girl and her parents, a promise of legionary dicipline meted out on Darus and your honorable reputation.

He received fifty lashes last time, a harsh punishment but one that he deserved for jeapordizing the company mission.

What should we do for his punishment this time?

A. 20 lashes, the company may interpret this as him getting off lightly as this is his second offense, afterward he would need to see the medicus and stay in the stockade a few days, but be back in fighting shape within a week
B. 50 lashes, what you would proscribe if going by the book, would leave him badly hurt, and forced to stay in the stockade for several weeks after getting attention from the medicus
C. 100 lashes, what you would give him to make an example out of him, 50/50 chance of Darus death, and he would be out of it for a month at least.
D. Other(Write-in)
>B. 50 lashes, what you would proscribe if going by the book, would leave him badly hurt, and forced to stay in the stockade for several weeks after getting attention from the medicus
>B. 50 lashes, what you would proscribe if going by the book, would leave him badly hurt, and forced to stay in the stockade for several weeks after getting attention from the medicus
>A. 20 lashes, the company may interpret this as him getting off lightly as this is his second offense, afterward he would need to see the medicus and stay in the stockade a few days, but be back in fighting shape within a week
It was just a fistfight.
And besides he atacked an ork.
You decide to give Legionary Darus, the standard legion proscribed 50 lashes. You elect to administer the lashes yourself, as it would not be fitting for the company to think you were going too soft to do it yourself.

Two of your Sergeants pull Darus from the stockade, he is stripped to his waist and tied to to a large wooden stake..

The crack of the whip splits the air as you strike flesh, with the occasional strike causing flecks of blood to come out.

The company is ordered to stand at attention and watch as the man screams and eventually pathetically whimpers as the punishment is meted out.

After its finished you wipe off your hands and face from the blood and sweat accumulated there and motion to Darus's squad to free him and take him to the medicus.

You have the men watch the wounded man walk away, before you speak

"The Legion will never tolerate drunkeness and lack of dicipline, this man his shamed this unit and the Empire with his actions, let it be known that his next offense will be his last, as I will hang him myself"

After the display of punishment, you order the men continue the march to the northwestern forest lands

You are regularly given reports by the scouts and the air-mages and you receive some interesting information.

The Air-mages, report seeing a string of villages along the forest's edge, not marked on Imperial maps, although from the descriptions they seem to be Idari villages, in addition, the air-mage reports that it appeared to be on fire, an accident or raid possibly causing it.

Your regular scouts report the sense of being watched and a handful of possible sightings of hidden sentries/scouts watching the approach to the Northwest.

Idari swore fealty the Empire nearly a decade ago with the conquest but it's well known they resent Imperial rule, and many of them seek a return to independence.

What should we do?

A. Send a messenger party of horseback to the closest village and inquire about the situation
B. Keep pressing with the scouts and air-mages until we find more information
C. Quick march the entire force directly to the closest village
D. Other(Write-in)
>C. Quick march the entire force directly to the closest village

The Idari are subjects of the Empire whether they like it or not, we are bound to protect them.
C. Quick march the entire force directly to the closest village
>C. Quick march the entire force directly to the closest village
But dont enter the city- before we enter lets send a scout inside to see whats happening if its not a trap. then we enter
>C. Quick march the entire force directly to the closest village
Get in boys. We're getting Varused
You order your scouts to proceed ahead of the main force while you give the order for the rest of the men to quick march to the nearest village.

It is apparent that your forces were spotted as your force is met by a party of riders on the road at the outskirts of the villages outlying farms.

A large warlike looking middle-aged men quickly trots to the front of the group.

"I am Hemelgarn, son of Therolf, Lord of this village"

"Imperials, what business do you have with the Idari?"

"That is no way to speak to an Imperial Commander, barbarian scum" One of your junior officer quickly replies

"That's enough Titus, we were not aware the Idari had settled in the northwest so near the forests, are these settlements recent?"

"Many of our people wanted to settle apart from the new Imperials colonizing the area, to preserve our way of life"

"As long as you pay your taxes and follow the laws of the Empire, I have no dispute with you Idari"

"My scouts spotted what looks to be fighting in one of your villages to the northwest, I am here to offer Imperial assistance in line with my mission to secure and protect this province"

"It is a minor dispute, we do not require your assistance"

"We don't need any of your fancy, shiny soldiers either"

one of the Idari noblemen says in the back, eliciting a chuckle from several of the nobles assembled

A. Set camp near the village and send out the air-mages and scouts to watch the Idari villages for activity
B. Go somewhere else in the province(Write-in)
C. Other(Write-in)
>A. Set camp near the village and send out the air-mages and scouts to watch the Idari villages for activity
>A. Set camp near the village and send out the air-mages and scouts to watch the Idari villages for activity
You order the men to set up camp near the village, while they do that you have the scouts and air-mages place the villages and the area surrounding them under watch, looking for any activity of note.

You have the men do typical garrison duty for two full days before anything happens, fortifying the camp, doing conditioning and training and building more sophisticated structures and infrastructure in camp.

You are alerted of the activity by a scout a short time after dawn on the third day with the Idari.

"Sir, we have spotted unidentified forces attacking an Idari village, coming out of the northwestern forest. Estimated 20-30 raiders, half mounted, half on foot"

"What are your orders sir?"

A. Order the men ready for battle, and march to the village
B. Focus your scouts on the activity and prepare the men to move in a few hours
C. Other(Write-in)
>B. Focus your scouts on the activity and prepare the men to move in a few hours

They said they don't want our help.
B. Focus your scouts on the activity and prepare the men to move in a few hours
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You have the scouts move ahead to search for possible threats a few hours ahead of the main force, who you allow to have a longer meal break before potential battle, with you finishing the preparations with a brief statement to the men about their mission and their duty to the Empire.

You move the men to the site of the village under attack a few hours before and find a dozen corpses and the burned remains of one of an Idari fortified long house, a residential and storage building the Idari favor, mixing earthen and heavy log defenses to create a defensive strongpoint for each village.

Unfortunately seeing it burned down means likely that there are few to no survivors, as the villagers often hide inside during attacks

(Think pic related with heavy wooden reinforced earthern walls on the bottom floor, and arrow slits on the second floor, with a heavy iron reinforced wooden door, serving as the only way in and out)

You have the scouts set up a tight perimeter net around the village in question, as you order the rest of the men to check for survivors

A few hours pass, and there have only been two survivors, a young woman and badly wounded man, found near the burnt out longhouse

You question them and they claim it was Elves that have done this, operating out of the forest nearby.

Upon hearing that you have the men check the corpses of the non-Idari raiders for any elves, and sure enough nearly all of them are, with a teenage human boy among them.

It surprises you to see Elves dressed in such ragged clothing and fallen to an Idari village militia, as this is not the like the stories the chroniclers tell, about the War of the Immortals, between the Dwarves and the elves almost 600 years ago, when humans, along with orcs, and ogres, among other races held as slaves by the Dwarves and the Elves, who held great Empires across the entire central continent. They destroyed each other with various arcane, mechanical and biological weapons, leaving only small remnants remaining, Usually former fringe and frontier settlements from the old Empires of the Immortals.

The survivors have little other information except for that they can from the forest to the west....

A. Send the men in after the Elves, it times to drive them from the forest
B. Stay and fortify the ruins of the village
C. Other(Write-in)
>A. Send the men in after the Elves, it times to drive them from the forest
A. Send the men in after the Elves, it times to drive them from the forest
C. Other(Write-in)
Slaves or a chance to recruit tree hugging forest fighters. Would be helpful for the coming demon horde.
>A. Send the men in after the Elves, it times to drive them from the forest
You order the men to sweep the forest for the Elves, only to find nothing but a few old campfires and evidence of recent campsites, however one of your scouts found a game trail with signs of lots of recent activity, following it, he and the other scouts in his section have found a camp alongside a stream a few miles deeper into the forest, with around 200 people by your scouts estimate, though they couldnt get close.

It is likely that not all of them are combatants, as at least a few children were sighted in the camp.

A. Have the men encircle the camp and give the order for them to strike
B. Have the men encircle the camp, and send a rider to negotiate with the Elves under a flag of truce
C. Withdraw to the edge of the forest, and simply use you scouts to watch their camp in an attempt to counter their next raid
B. Have the men encircle the camp, and send a rider to negotiate with the Elves under a flag of truce
Wanted to do C since negotiations seem to not work out because everyone seems to be dicks around here, but B is probably faster...
>A. Have the men encircle the camp and give the order for them to strike
>>A. Have the men encircle the camp and give the order for them to strike
>A. Have the men encircle the camp and give the order for them to strike
Less talking, remember Adrianople.
>A. Have the men encircle the camp and give the order for them to strike
Rolled 80 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

You have the men encircle the camp in preparation for a fight

Difficulty threshold 70
Terrain 20
Elves 30
Unknown enemy 20

Bonus roll 10
Command bonus +5
Morale bonus +5
Your men encircle the camp and launch a successful attack, quickly overwhelming the camp, whos few guards were undiciplined and did not watch their perimeter well, allowing you to sneak half you men nearby before they noticed, allowing an easy victory.

Despite being mostly Elves, they put up a poor fight, half drunk guards armed with shoddy poorly maintained Idari and Imperial gear.

The only individual who puts up a particularly strong fight is a witch, who was able to resurrect several of her former comrades as zombies and send them against your men, eventually being killed after several scouts shot her from a distance with their crossbows....

You manage to capture roughly a hundred prisoners, mostly women and children, mostly elves with a few human children in the mix.

Upon some basic interrogations and questioning you find out that they are outlaws and bandits living outside the realm of Lord Protector Ladarian, an old Elven General turned warlord, who has a stronghold deep in the northwestern forests. The Empire has had coldly neutral relations with the Northwest Elven realm, and intend to keep it that way based on all command and intelligence you received.

You order the scouts out to search for more bandits while you decide what to do with the prisoners taken

A. Forcibly settle them in the Empire, with an Imperial Garrison nearby
B. Shackle them up and contact the merchants of haven you have slaves for sale
C. Allow them to flee
D. Other(Write-in)
A. Forcibly settle them in the Empire, with an Imperial Garrison nearby
Janissaries time. Also we can make them produce more slaves and servants for us if there are no laws against enslaving children of slaves.
>A. Forcibly settle them in the Empire, with an Imperial Garrison nearby
Elf slaves are way too coomer for me.
>D. Hand them over to the Idari.
Build some goodwill with the nobles. We depend on them to protect the northwest.
Not sure what you mean. Were you suggesting race mixing? How degenerate.
Next thing you know, there will be hand holding!
Support if the Idari are known to practice slavery.
>Shackle them up and contact the merchants of haven you have slaves for sale
>A. Forcibly settle them in the Empire, with an Imperial Garrison nearby
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You decide to arrange to forcibly settle the Elves on a farm colony in the middle of the province, and set up a garrison nearby to watch them. Elven Auxiliaries and mages are rare and tend to be of high quality, providing great value to the Empire, this is also the kinder and more merciful choice, as in slavery the Elves would be house servants, bed slaves and gladiators, trotted out by their wealthy owners to show off

You send some messengers requesting a garrison force sent to the central farmlands for the new colony,

Your men have not found any more camps in the forest, but your scouts believe they have found some trails which they are currently tracking.

You are receiving reports from your officers and NCOs when a scout reports to your command tent, informing you an Idari war party has been sighted approaching, roughly 100 warriors, half on foot and half mounted as Idari Heavy Cavalry.

The Idari favor a two-tier military system, with common tribal warriors fighting as highly mobile, light infantry, while their noblemen fight as heavy cavalry and infantry.

The land settled by the Idari when they took the province was iron-poor and thus many of the common warriors use bronze tipped spears and helms, while the wealthier noble warriors wear proper steel armor, usually chainmail or eastern style scale armor. Originally a semi-nomadic people from the frozen plains north of the Longtooth mountains, they have taken to the horse since settling in Karyagia, and are on their way to becoming a true horse people.

Their adoption of eastern style stirrups, only happened a few years before the Empire reclaimed the province, and fortunately, had not spread to all of the Idari warriors yet, but currently the Idari field the best cavalry in the northern Empire.

What should we do about the Idari war party?

A. Prepare the men for an all out attack on them
B. Attempt to set up an ambush(dice roll, a detected ambush attempt will be considered an act of war)
C. Send a party to meet them and see what they want
D. Other(Write-in)
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Idari infantry
>C. Send a party to meet them and see what they want.
>D. Find favourable terrain for battle e.g. take position on a hill or something.
This shouldn't be seen as a hostile action, right?
That would not be interpreted as hostile no, cautious, but not hostile, unlike say splitting up your men and intentionally hiding them around the approach the Idari are taking
>C. Send a party to meet them and see what they want
How big is the war party?
Better safe than sorry.

It is in the post, they are 100 warrior, 50 on foot and the rest mounted.
Also, if the defensive position has any clear paths to us, deploy caltrops.
You lead out a small party to meet the Idari, while the rest of the men are ordered into formation at the top of a small hill, in the forested area, the best defensive position nearby.

You see that the Idari war party is led by Hemelgarn, the same nobleman that you spoke to earlier in the Idari village.

"Imperial, we told you not to get involved"

"I am simply following my orders to protect the province and all its people from threats"

"You do not understand the true nature of the threat Imperial, these are not mere Elven bandits, but an Elven death cult led by powerful mages, that enslaved the outcasts and bandits and are using them to attack our villages, they also like to take children for unknown uses"

"We have destroyed several of their camps before, and have some Elven slaves in our villages, but even large war parties have been defeated when their Witch-Queen joins battle."

"Imperial if you really want to help protect the province, join me and my men in attacking their main camp, and slaying the Witch-Queen"

"I have no love for the Empire, but we both know that this will keep the Idari and the rest of the province safe when these scum are dealt with"

A. Accept the Idari offer to join their campaign
B. Tell them they are on their own, go elsewhere in the province(Write-in)
C. Decline, proceed to track down the Elven base yourself and deal with it with your own men
D. Other(Write-in)
>D. Other(Write-in)
Ask where her layer should be and send scouts to confirm the existance of such witch.
Then If Its true Accept their offer but put them on the front, We dont want to take the main hit or get backstabe or abandoned when the battle begins
>A. Accept the Idari offer to join their campaign.
If elven captives are still around then
>D. Interrogate the elves about death cultists.
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You question the Idari about the location and strength of the enemy, and they unfortunately have little information other than that the Elves are held up in old abandoned fortress to the northwest, deeper in the forest.

Your scouts are able to locate it and can confirm that there is an occupied run down fort to the northwest 5 miles to the Northwest.

You question the captured Elves as well for any information that they may have, and they confirm that they are ruled by a powerful Witch, many of them are broken and terrified to speak of her at all, refusing to speak her name. You also question them about the young human children and teenagers found in the camp, and apparently they are taking Idari children to build up their numbers, as Elves have a hard time reproducing and increasing their numbers, the legacy of an ancient curse on their people.

You agree with the Idari offer to join their campaign, and order the forces to march together, allowing the prideful Idari warriors to lead the vanguard against the Elves, with your men following behind.

There is little contact on the way to abandoned fort, with the exception of several attacks by mounted Elven archers peppering the Idari and your men with arrows before flitting off into the forest, on their nimble forest horses before they can be countered properly.

Unfortunately they seem to be coating their arrows in some sort of poison or arcane mixture, with healthy men dying from mere fleshwounds, quickly being taken by a terrible fever for a few hours before dying.

As you are near the fort, you have your scouts and engineers search for weaknesses, they come back with two main things, the gate, is protected by a rusty old steel portculis and a wooden door, that looks like the bandits placed there rather than the original, likely much weaker than a proper gate door. They also noticed that the top of one of the curtain wall sections have collapsed, indicating structural weakness and a lower point to use siege engines to drop men over the wall.

There are two main approaches to take, the first is to quickly build siege engines and attempt an assault, or alternatively digging siege defenses of your own, and using long range weapons to harrass and suppress the defenders, waiting them out until they starve or weakening them for a while until the time is right for an assault.

You consult briefly with Hemelgarn and the Idari nobles leading their warparty and they press for a strong assault immediately, which your officers caution against. You have your doubts that their warparty has the dicipline to stay together and follow orders when blood is not spilled and no loot is forthcoming.

A. Prepare siege weapons and have the men get ready for an assault at first light tomorrow
B. Dig siege fortifictations and prepare for a long siege
C. Other(Write-in)
>C. Other(Write-in)

Make a compromise with the Ildari. A few days. It will give us time to make proper siege weapons, so we can make several breaches and bombard the foe for kill some of them. There is another reason for why we should wait a few days, that poison. We don t have cures for it and besides if they are intelligent and lead by a powerful witch they can deploy it in more than one way. So we will use our captured elves and our medicae for see if we can find in this forest, an antidote for cure the poisoning. No warrior or legionary here, should die by the hands of a honorless witch.
If your planning on making siege weapons to destroy the castle and cause it to collapse, then I support.
Rolled 6 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

You decide to try to work with Idari, knowing that they want to attack as soon as possible.

To that end you give your engineers and craftsmen a few days and the entirety of the force as laborers to build as many siege engines as possible, while you order your scouts, medicae and a few of the Elven prisoners to attempt to find a cure for the poisoned arrows.

Difficulty threshold 80
Unfamiliar terrain 30
Strange poison 30
Fear of attack 20

Roll bonus 10
Elven prisoners 10
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Rolled 41 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

The foraging party fails to find anything useful, and is fact ambushed by Elven rangers, losing 2 medicae, a scout and a few of the more cooperative prisoners....

Despite this setback the rest of your men dutifully follow their orders and continue to implement the plan.

Your scouts are given special dispensation to hunt game in the forest, allowing your men some venison stew rather than the hardtack that they are used to.

The deer are fat as winter is rapidly approaching, the enginneers specifically having the fat from the animals melted down into a greasy oil for use with the siege engines.

The engineers present you with their siege engines after their days of labor.

They have two onagers, two scorpions, a half dozen siege ladders and a ram, along with ammunition for the onagers and scorpions to last a few days.

With the scouts setting up a perimeter defense, half the company patrolling with the rest of the company and the mercenaries standing by, you have the siege weapons begin to bombard the old fortress

Difficulty threshold 80
Fortress 80

Roll bonus 20
Skilled Engineers 20
Veteran commander 5
Pounding the weakened wall section with the onagers and using the scorpions wreaked some havoc amongst the defenders but failed to do any serious obvious damage, although several onager round shots, covered with oil soaked rags and set on fire, seem to have caused a fire in the courtyard, that rages halfway through the night before being put out....

A. Attempt another barrage
B. Launch an assault
C. Other(Write-in)
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Pic related of onager
>A. Attempt another barrage

If we have done a great deal of damage we can begin an assault
A. Attempt another barrage
Target towers, and high points in the fort.
We should also scout for escape tunnels.
>A. Attempt another barrage
Rolled 74 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

You maintain the siege perimeter and have the engineers spend the next day bombarding the fort again

Difficulty threshold 70
Fortress 80
Structural integrity damage -10

Roll bonus 25
Skilled Engineers 20
Veteran commander 5
99, critical success

The second round of bombardment not only knocks down a large part of the damaged curtain wall, but knocks down the forts main keep, collapsing it into a pile of rubble. With the mainstay of the defense gone and a large breach you have much more confidence in your ability to succesfully assault the fort...

As you consider the next move, you are alerted by scouts that a column of Elven riders have appeared, wearing resplendant armor and carrying banners of the old Elven Empire along with a white banner of truce and parley. The scout sergeant who met them tells you they have requested to talk to the commander of the Imperial forces here....

Official Imperial policy is strict neutrality and enforcement of Imperial borders and Imperial law when dealing with the Elves, based on their apparel and banners, these are likely in service of the Elven Warlord Ladarian, who rules one of the Elven remnants, based to the northwest of the province deep in the forest.

A. Keep the men at high alert, but go see what the Elf has to say
B. Tell them to leave immediately or you will attack
C. Simply ignore them and let the knife-ears wait until you've dealt with the fort
D. Other(Write-in)
>A. Keep the men at high alert, but go see what the Elf has to say
>A. Keep the men at high alert, but go see what the Elf has to say
>A. Keep the men at high alert, but go see what the Elf has to say
A. Keep the men at high alert, but go see what the Elf has to say
D. Other(Write-in)
Ask the Idari if they would sent a representative with us.
>A. Keep the men at high alert, but go see what the Elf has to say
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You decide to see what the Elves have to say, and upon looking across the camp to the Idari at the far side, you opt to keep them out of it for now, given their bad blood with the Elves already.

You and two of your junior officers ride up to meet the Elves under a white banner.

Despite requesting to see you, you can see the slight glare of disdain they have for you and your men....

"Greetings Imperial, we represent Lord Ladarian of the northern wood, we have a proposal for you"

"The so called Witch-Queen, is our Liege-Lords daughter, who fled court after being caught doing forbidden magic. She is still considered a criminal and will be put to death if we catch her, to that point, if you capture her alive the Elven realm will pay handsomely, in addition she carries a powerful arcane artifact of great signficance to our people, if that is returned you will see your rewards doubled"

"I will think on it Elf"

"Please do, and tread carefully Imperial, you are near the border with the Northern Wood realm now, any incursion on our land will be met with deadly force"

You head back to camp with this new knowledge of potential rewards...

You could either barrage the fort again or lead an assault against it. The Idari are restless but can be convinced to wait a little longer, while your legionaries and mercenaries are content to sit back while the enemy is pounded to death by siege weapons, rather than risk their lives trying to storm it.

What should we do?

A. Bombard the fort again
B. Launch an all out assault on the fort
C. Other(Write-in)
>B. Launch an all out assault on the fort

Do our best to stop the Idari from killing the witch-queen.
>B. Launch an all out assault on the fort
>C. Kill the Witch-Queen to satisfy Idari bloodlust. Have the mages examine the artifact if found.
>B. Launch an all out assault on the fort

Talk with Hemelgarn. We both don t want a witch in our home. The warlord elves will kill her, we can accept with the condition of being sure they kill it. Coins can be used even for rebuild the damage done by the witch on all those villages.
>B. Launch an all out assault on the fort
>C. Make the engineers build a small fortified wall near the siege equipment positioned against the fortress and against the elven border.
then leave a small garrison there, if something happens we will retreat there
Rolled 68 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

You wave over the Idari nobles and tell them of the Elves and their offer, Hemelgarn and the other Nobles are intrigued by the offer of rewards, though they express doubt about controlling the common warriors bloodlust if they get to the Witch-Queen first.

You gather up most of your company along with mercenaries while leaving a few squads back to protect the engineers and siege equipment.

You can already hear the warcries and howling of the Idari warriors as they are told we are attacking the fort.

Difficulty threshold 70
Fort 80
Weakened defenses -30
Powerful witch 20

Bonuses 25
Overwhelming numbers 20
Veteran commander 5
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Rolled 37 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

You pragmatically let the Idari lead the first wave into the breach, a few of their shamans using a mixture of local herbs, magic and faith in their gods to empower their warriors and imbue them with bloodlust.

As they cross over the rubble pile making up the remains of the forts western wall, they are met by a few dozen Elven bandits, who along with a few archers inflict high casualties on the poorly armored and fanatical Idari warriors

The Idari raiding troops and Elven defenders kill most of each other off before the Idari Nobles move in, killing the rest of the defenders in the main courtyard.

Your men start filling into the courtyard through the breach when you hear a massive howling from the half collapsed tower keep, as suddenly a dozen ghoul beasts spring out of the rubble and attack the men in the courtyard...

Difficulty threshold 80
Ghoul Beasts 80

Bonuses 25
Overwhelming numbers 20
Veteran commander 5
Rolled 62 + 15 (1d100 + 15)

The beasts are followed by the rest of the ragged band of Elven bandits, who using their poisoned arrows provide cover as the beasts proceed to tear through the Idari, who begin to flee the battle, leaving your men to face the beasts alone...

Difficulty threshold 80
Ghoul Beasts 80

Bonuses 15
Superior numbers 10
Veteran commander 5
Only the steely discipline of the legion keeps your men in formation and still fighting against the vicious beasts, as men are literally ripped in half by the incredibly strong and fast creatures....

You order the Bastards to throw Pila, close enough to probably hit your men in the front ranks, who are currently being shredded by the ghouls, you give the order and the deadly steel rain fall amongst the ghouls and the few survivors of the front ranks.

This manages to kill and wound a few of the beasts, and finish off the front ranks of your troops, as you have now already lost 40 men in this battle.

A. Attempt to push into the courtyard again
B. Fall back and regroup outside, attempt to rally the Idari to rejoin the fight
C. Other(Write-in)
>B. Fall back and regroup outside, attempt to rally the Idari to rejoin the fight
B. Fall back and regroup outside, attempt to rally the Idari to rejoin the fight
>C. Have the Idari nobles rally their tribesmen while the legionaries hold position.
But we can order another barrage from the siege equipment if we pull out for even a few minutes, before storming in again.
Fair point. Didn't quite think this through, I guess holding position will only lead to more men getting killed by ghouls and poison.
Changing my vote to
>B. Fall back and regroup outside, attempt to rally the Idari to rejoin the fight
Rolled 28 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

You pray that the men's discipline holds as you slowly but surely pull them back out to the siege camp. You reach the siege camp to find the young engineer lieutenant in charge pale and nervously pointing his weapons at the courtyard of the old fort, while the Idari camp is in shambles, clearly many of the survivors have fled, with Hemelgarn, along with a shaman and several dozen warriors being all that remain of the Idari warparty.

You order the men to set up a strong perimeter and fortify the area around the siege weapons, then inform Hemelgarn of your plan to use your scorpions and onagers to destroy the ghouls from a distance, then coming in later to mop up the survivors.

The Idari nobleman simply stares blankly at you and nods in agreement, as its clear that he was not prepared for such a tough fight, that he would lost most of his men.

The Idari shamans seem to lambast the warriors in their ancient language working them up into a new frenzy, as the siege engines begin firing into the courtyard once more....

The terrible howling can be heard once more, as well as the low rumble of heavy beasts running, as the ghouls spring over the rubble of the fallen wall and rush the siege camp....

Difficulty threshold 80
Ghoul Beasts 80

Bonuses 25
Superior numbers 10
Veteran commander 5
Fortified siege camp
Rolled 88 + 15 (1d100 + 15)

Despite the best efforts of the men, the ghouls quickly climb over the low earthen wall and leap over the sharpened stakes that surround the siege camp, killing most of the siege engine crews and ripping the engines apart before turning on the rest of your men....

Your men holding steady once more, along with the Idari throw their pila and javelins into the slowly diminishing horde of ghouls as they wreak havoc across the camp, cutting down any man they engage in melee with...

Difficulty threshold 60
Ghouls 80
Diminished numbers -20

Bonuses 15
Superior numbers 10
Veteran commander 5
Throw after throw of Pila and javelin slowly but surely kill and wound the beasts as they fight their way across the camp, culminating in Hemelgarn and the surviving Idari leading a frenzied charge against the last of the ghouls, slaying them with blade and spear...

Upon killing the ghouls the men, their blood up now charge into the fort, easily sweeping aside the remaining elven bandits who fall like wheat before the scythe without the Ghouls to protect them.

You are barely able to stop the men from raping the women and looting the fort when a catacomb underneath is found, quickly being searched, revealing a few hundred elven civilians, mostly women and children, along with the a beautiful elven women, with a crown, a staff adorned with a large jewel, passed out next to what appear to be dozens of dessicated elven corpses....

You can feel a pulse of dread, lust and power as you enter the room of the unconcious Elven woman, based on this you believe this is the so called Witch-Queen

What should we do with her?

A. Lock her in irons and hand her over to the Elven warlord for the reward
B. Slit her throat, you can't take chances with someone like this
C. Other(Write-in)
>C. Other(Write-in)
Gouge her eyes and cut her fingers and tongue
Then lock her in Irons
The elves said nothing about disabling her
Lock her up but take the staff for ourselves. We will just say we didn't find it at all.
A. Lock her in irons and hand her over to the Elven warlord for the reward
Send a Messenger immediately to the elves, the less time we are with the witch the better.

And the staff goes with the elves too, i will not risk it, i am sure it will only be trouble anyway.
>B. Slit her throat, you can't take chances with someone like this
>C. Have the mages examine the artifact
It seems suspicious that the elves want her dead but request her captured alive.
It has some logic, they want to recover some face or something.

Like a criminal being repatriated to their home country to suffer the punishment.
idk, there's also the fact that she's their lord's daughter.
>A. Lock her in irons and hand her over to the Elven warlord for the reward
>A. Lock her in irons and hand her over to the Elven warlord for the reward
>A. Lock her in irons and hand her over to the Elven warlord for the reward
And the staff too. Send the crown back to the Emperor as a trophy; the men deserve some recognition for their sacrifice.
Yes, but they know that to keep the peace between our nations she has to die.

If we aren't foolish enough to disrupt the neutrality then they also aren't, they have a pride that they need to keep i guess.
>A. Lock her in irons and hand her over to the Elven warlord for the reward
You decide to lock her in irons, and take her along with the staff and hand it over to the Elven Warlord troops immediately, as she is extremely dangerous and you do not want to have to deal with her when she awakens.

Unfortunately due to its depleted nature, you leave your own company back at camp, and bring a few squads of the bastards with you, Barron riding with you to the meeting.

"Boss, you sure we should be trusting these knife-ears? You've heard what they think of humans"

"I believe in their sense of self-interest, as we clearly have something they want, that's also why I brought a few squads of your men with us, in case they decide to go back on their word"

"Understood boss, I'll believe it when I see it, still don't trust the knife-ears"

You round the bend of the trail and can see the Warlord banners of the small Elven camp, you send a rider forward with a white banner and the message that you have the Elven Princess and the staff.

A half dozen Elven warriors ride up to meet your messenger before riding to your column to examine the princess and the staff, after a few moments, they signal to the camp, and Elven warriors bring two large chests, rattling with the sound of gold coins

"Your payment, as promised Imperial"

+10,000 denars

You have the men hand over the staff and the woman and take the chests back to camp...
Back at camp you have several issues to deal with, the first is the Elven prisoners, consisting of mostly women and children, you could either sell them into slavery or ship them off to the farm colony you previously founded in the central part of the province, far from the Elven realm.

The one thing you know for sure is that you need to get them out of here, based on the way the legionaries are looking at some of the women, as many men like to release some of their emotions after a big battle.

A. Sell them into slavery +5000 denars
B. Ship them off to the farm colony
C. Other(Write-in)
>B. Ship them off to the farm colony
>B. Ship them off to the farm colony.
How many legionaries remain after the battle?
Im going to have a post or two about that very soon, as we will have to some army management
>B. Ship them off to the farm colony
You decide to ship them off to the farm colony as well, as a colony of "pet" elves will likely please and amuse the Emperor, as well provide a potential source of useful and unique auxiliary forces in the future, in addition to the more mundane taxes and civilization they will bring to the province.

There is also the question of the loot recovered after the battle, with the Idari taking a few of the women, and a handful of items for their limited contributions, while your men have seized the lion's share.

The main items of value/note that were seized were the Witch-Queens crown, a unique item of magically enchanted wood, silver and a large red gemstone emplaced in the center, as well as some arcane tomes. While technically there are no rules regarding loot for the legions, there is an expectation that the men get half divided amongst themselves, while the officers and commander take the other half.

How should the loot be dealt with?

A. Sell the crown and the tomes, give the half the proceeds to the men
B. Sell the tomes and split the proceeds. give the crown to the Emperor as a symbol of your triumph
C. Other(Write-in)
B. Ship them off to the farm colony
Either they replenish our ranks this way, or they replenish it the rapey way.
>B. Sell the tomes and split the proceeds. give the crown to the Emperor as a symbol of your triumph

Time to gain some emperor attention
>C. Sell the crown and give the money to our men. If they're not satisfied, share some of the payment we received for capturing the Witch-Queen. Give arcane tomes to the mages for studying.
>B. Sell the tomes and split the proceeds. give the crown to the Emperor as a symbol of your triumph
C. Other(Write-in)
Give the crown to the emperor, sell the tombs after our mages go over them and learn or copy anything they find valuable, and give half the proceeds to the men and the next of kin for the fallen.

Alot of our boys didn't deserve to go the way they did, particularly from poisons. We should invest in antidotes in the future, and examine the poisons.
You have your air-mages look at the tomes, but as they are written in old Elvish, the mages understand little of what is written, a message to Haven, draws a merchant specializing in magical and arcane goods, who is willing to pay 5000 denari for the whole set.

You agree to the sale, and await his arrival to your camp.

You also send a messenger to the capital with your report and the Elven Crown as tribute to the Emperor himself and a symbol of your triumph and victory.

Unfortunately the price of victory was high, with over half the your original double strength company dead or badly wounded.

Current strength 95/200
Most of the craftsmen and engineers were killed when their engines were attacked, other specialists that took high losses were scouts and medicae, who were killed in the failed foraging for an antidote for the poison.

Barronn's Bastards strength




While the losses were high, the men brought pride and honor to the legion, standing firm against an unexpected and deadly threat and outlasting their opponent.

Notable were Sergeant Karns, and his squad who sacrificed themselves in the withdrawal from the courtyard, giving their lives so the rest of the force could escape, and Gorky, who's quick thinking saved the company cooks.

The company cooks were in the back of the camp, thinking themselves relatively secure, when the ghouls jumped the walls and started attacking everything in sight. As many of them are old legionaries who are too injured or old to serve anymore as main line troops they were doomed to be cut down by the fast moving beasts, only Gorky, banging on one of the cookpots and drawing the ghouls into chasing him allowed them to escape. Gorky was able to cleverly draw the Ghouls into the javelin killzone. He was badly wounded by the slash of ghoul claw across his chest in the action but is expected to pull through....
There is some good news in the form of a caravan you requested almost 6 weeks ago arriving from the Empire, including 20 men to replace your losses from the fighting in the mountain passes and some fresh supplies and equipment.

Winter is nearly upon us, and the first frosts have come a few days ago, meaning campaign season is effectively over. That also means that you need to establish a proper winter camp for the men, as winter is traditionally a season where the men train and rest for the upcoming spring season.

It's also worth noting that the mountain passes are unpassable until the late spring and early summer, giving us some time to prepare for any potential attack by Vargod the Golden and his hordes.

With the winter camp, you will have time to establish a small town more or less around the legion camp.

A. Winter at the old fort, begin repairs on it and request the Empire send a strong garrison to man it
B. Winter at the new Elven farming colony in the central part of the province
C. Winter in the foothills of the longtooth mountains, repairing and calling for a garrison at one of the old forts there
D. Winter outside one of the Idari villages
E. Winter outside Haven
F. Other(Write-in)
>B. Winter at the new Elven farming colony in the central part of the province
B. Winter at the new Elven farming colony in the central part of the province
Pick out a smart "young" elf lad that can read and write "elvis" and have him as our camp aid or something.
>C. Winter in the foothills of the longtooth mountains, repairing and calling for a garrison at one of the old forts there
>B. Winter at the new Elven farming colony in the central part of the province
i guess this is a good idea, also we can protect the colony for any Idary war party that seeks revenge.
>A. Winter at the old fort, begin repairs on it and request the Empire send a strong garrison to man it
>B. Winter at the new Elven farming colony in the central part of the province
>C. Winter in the foothills of the longtooth mountains, repairing and calling for a garrison at one of the old forts there
>A. Winter at the old fort, begin repairs on it and request the Empire send a strong garrison to man it
You give the men a few days to rest up before ordering the long march to the central part of the province.

You are surprised on the march as your men leave the dense forest into the open ground of the province proper, by a air-mage messenger, dressed in the livery of an Imperial messenger, bearing a message scroll with the seal of the Emperor itself.

The messenger hands you the message, salutes and immediately takes off back towards the capital.

You quickly open the message to find a glowing letter penned by the Emperor himself, telling how he is very pleased with your success. He goes on to say the the Crown has been taken by the Empress, and added to the Imperial treasury. Apparently it fits in nicely with a rustic style that is popular in the Capital currently. The Emperor and his court were apparently dazzled and thoroughly entertained by your report of facing the Ghouls capturing the Witch-Queen, and dealing with the Elven Warlord troops. To recognize your success, you are granted the title of Legion Commander, in addition to your title as Commander of troops in the province, with the special livery and banners for the new Legio Karyagia being sent up to you along with additional supplies, and replacements for your losses. He also believes the border with the Elven Warlord should be better guarded is sending a company of legionaires to repair it and man it as a garrison post.

With legion command, also comes the power to recruit auxiliary forces from local allies .

You are also informed that you are being assigned another formation of veteran troops from a campaign in the southern provinces that his winding down.

A. A company of Auxiliary longbowmen from the northwestern isles of the Empire
B. A company of Auxiliary eastern cavalry troops, who fight as cataphract troops
C. A company of scout troops fighting as an independent formation
D. A company of Auxiliary eastern style heavy spearmen, fighting in the hoplite style.
>B. A company of Auxiliary eastern cavalry troops, who fight as cataphract troops
>A. A company of Auxiliary longbowmen from the northwestern isles of the Empire
I guess we should prepare for Vargod's attack by diversifying our army composition and cavalry isn't very effective in mountain passes. There's the elves but it'll be a while before they properly settle and begin providing recruits.
Also guys, I am out of town this weekend, and away from my computer, so next post will likely be sunday
>D. A company of Auxiliary eastern style heavy spearmen, fighting in the hoplite style.
If we are going to defend mountaion passes I think its better to get some heavy infantry
Our entire army is already heavy infantry save for mages.
their spear specialization would be useful. Our legionaries are probably better with swords
>A. A company of Auxiliary longbowmen from the northwestern isles of the Empire
>A. A company of Auxiliary longbowmen from the northwestern isles of the Empire
Having range troop will be useful.

Why not starting another thread? i am sure when you come back it would have fallen of the site or be in page 10.

A valid option but our legionaries can use their pila as a makeshift spear in a pinch.
>B. A company of Auxiliary eastern cavalry troops, who fight as cataphract troops
Question: What sort of local levies/auxiliaries are available? We should select reinforcements that fill the gap.
Although frankly, I like the idea of cataphracts. Heavy cavalry is the arm of decision.
Are the scouts mounted horsemen?
The scouts are on foot typically, chosen among the legionaries for independent thinking and their sense of initiative. They are equipped with a crossbow, and clad in leather or light mail. They also carry a Gladius and a small shield, although scouts caught in extended melee combat don’t typically last long. They can pick up a scutum and fight as a regular legionary if necessary
None at this point but you could potentially recruit Idari in the future as well as any other local allies you build a relationship with
A. A company of Auxiliary longbowmen from the northwestern isles of the Empire

I'd rather ask for engineers or craftsmen to make up siege crossbows or Ballista but these guys will do for now.
You opt to take the Auxiliary longbowmen, who are expected to join you in the next 1-2 months

The rest of the march to the Elven farm colony is relatively uneventful.

You arrive a week later, checking in with the fort and small garrison near the colony. The young lieutenant in charge seems to know his business, as you encountered a patrol of legionaries on the road in.

You arrive to find the beginnings of a village, with simple shelters and some recently cleared farmlands around the area. Unfortunately food is low and winter is coming, meaning the people you sent here will likely starve over winter as their food supplies are insufficient to bring everyone through.

To this end, you grant the villagers access to some of the forces rations, especially as your depleted numbers have left a surplus in food supplies.

You have the men build a regulation standard marching camp near the farm colony village, but its clear that the Elven colonists are having a hard time adjusting to the open ground and building a proper village with mainly women and children.

You consider sending your men to build some simple earthen and wooden houses for the new colonists, to help them survive the winter and get on their feet, you could also simply have the men work on building up their own camp, making it more comfortable and secure for the winter.

A. Have the men assist the colonists in building up their town
B. Have them focus on building up the camp instead
C. Other(Write-in)
>A. Have the men assist the colonists in building up their town
>A. Have the men assist the colonists in building up their town
C. Other(Write-in)
Build a mixed join camp/village.

Start with outlying fortifications and a palisade.

Then build a proper within the walls, and have separate quarters, the fort for the legion, and the outlying area outside the fort, but within the defensive walls is the village, and organize it in the roman way, with streets and buildings set properly with roads in between and direct of traffic.

Also stockpile a lot of firewood, and build some fire stations around them and intersections of roads.
>A. Have the men assist the colonists in building up their town
>A. Have the men assist the colonists in building up their town
That sounds good.
I figure it would be easier to defend, and make everyone safer.
You decide to have the men focus on helping the colonists by building up their homes and going a step further, you integrate the camp with the village, organizing into wide streets for optimal traffic. You have the men fortify the entire combined fort and village, with the men living in quarters built in a separate section from the village. In line with typical legion winter camps, ovens are built, along with a smithy, workshop and over valuable buildings, where craftsmen and engineers build up additional pila, and other manufactured parts, armor and weapons are repaired. The rest of the men busy themselves with drills, the arrival of the replacements further increasing the importance as roughly half the original legion company are now green recruits.

The longbowmen also arrive, setting up an archer range and practicing daily.

The villagers, originally angry about their forced removal, have some of their anger mollified by the efforts of your men in building their village.

Unfortunately for your men the village has little to trade as the Elves came mainly with the clothes on their back, with several of the men taking up relations with local women, and a few exchanges of homewoven cloth for coin the only trade occuring.

With winter coming to a close your forces are back to full strength.

The winter will last longer in the northern passes of the mountains so you will have some time yet before Vargod's army can move south in the meantime there are two areas you still need to check out.

There is still a dispute between local smallholders and the large landowners in the central province regarding the discovery and looting rights to ancient ruins found below the surface.

There is word from the northern foothills that miners attempting to reopen the silver mines have encountered a vicious nest of cave spiders have taken up residence there, preventing mines from being reestablished

Finally you have not checked on the status of the Idari on the eastern border with the steppelands outside the Empire.

A. Investigate the situation in the central part of the province
B. Deal with the spider infestation in the mines
C. Establish contact with the eastern Idari
D. Other(Write-in)
>A. Investigate the situation in the central part of the province
>A. Investigate the situation in the central part of the province
May as well deal with this while we're here.
A. Investigate the situation in the central part of the province

If we lost the center, we will have little space to fall back to or places to go.
>B. Deal with the spider infestation in the mines
>A. Investigate the situation in the central part of the province
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With winter coming to a close and weather starting to warm up, you order the men to farming communities 10 miles south of the winter camp and Elven farm colony to investigate the dispute there.

You arrive only to find a standoff between the local village leader, named Artos and a small group of large estate holding landowners, led by Jarus Pisa, a member of the influential and Senatorial Pisa family.

Apparently this all stems from a land dispute, where the smallholders in the village, veterans of the IV Legio and part of the campaign that reconquered the province believe the land was part of the land grants by the Emperor after the war, while the large landholders believe the land was part of the land the Emperor parceled out to the nobility in the Senate, unfortunately the Emperor has refused to weigh in, leaving it to you to clean up this mess.

What makes this worse, is a cave system was found in the disputed lands, leading to a sprawling underground complex, scholars invited by the large landholders believe its an old Dwarven city, and several automatons have been found to still be protecting it, killing several looters and scaring the local people.

The smallholders, have formed a militia of legionary veterans and are mainly concerned with protecting themselves against attacks by the automatons, while the large landholders have hired mercenaries and scholars and want to explore the city in depth.

A. Fortify the entrances to the caves and prepare an expedition to explore and loot them
B. Have your engineers and the troops seal the caves, as only trouble can come of this
C. Reach out to the large landholders and work with their people to loot the ruins
D. Other(Write-in)
>D. Other

- First fortify the entrances and ensure the automatons can t go out by other parts of the city (breaches, holes ecc...), that isn t the outside gates (that we will hold) of the dwarven city. This should make secure the place and avoid any annoying looters or other unwanted people around the area. Both Artos and Jarus should be happy about it.
- Second, organizing with Artos and Jarus, we will set up a system for make sure that any third party people that want to get inside the ruins for explorations will pay a local tax, that will be divided between them and us (legions and emperor don't pay the tax though). If automatons go out following a third party, the third parties will pay reparations for any damage or death cause by it. Youngs boys and childrens from the local communities are prohibited to enter.
- Third, any possiblle sellers or adventurers specialize or interested in the dwarven city (all considered third parties for us), will sleep and rest in a camp we will build alongside locals. This should avoid that they annoy the locals and their families, be legion veterans or nobles. Locals can sell them food, water and build them better buildings for make them pay a rent or for sell them.
- Four, we will plan with Jarus a way for clean the first halls of the ruins. We don t know how large it s the city and how much time it could take to move in it, and we would prefer to not lose any men at all, be it from automatons, dwarven magic or mechanical traps.
>A. Fortify the entrances to the caves and prepare an expedition to explore and loot them.
>D. Attempt to convince the large and small landholders to cooperate and send a united expedition.
We can set up some income with taverns and selling equipment and buying artifacts from the looted areas and make money. Set up system where we can buy and sell and benefit without taking any of the risks.

You have your troops move to secure the cave entrances, controlling access to the ruins and positioning your men to stop any automatons from leaving the cave to attack the local people.

You have the men fortify each entrance with a small fort, consisting of trenches with sharpened wooden stakes, backed up by a earthen wall and palisade with ramparts to allow the men to fire with arrows and javelins down on anyone leaving or entering the caves.

You post several squads of legionaires, and a squad of the longbowmen at the two main entrances on a rotating basis, while the rest of the troops build a main fortified camp in central location to allow to quickly move to defend against threats in the area.

You have the air-mages and scouts create a protective screen for several miles around the camp and the cave entrances, to give you plenty of time to react in the case of an unexpected outside threat.

Finally you arrange a meeting with Artos and Janus to lay down the law and implement some new rules, most notably closely controlling access to the caves, and forcing anyone entering to pay a small entry fee, the proceeds of which will be split between the local parties and your forces, with reparations for outside parties causing damage.

When you explain this to them Artos is pleased, while Jarus is still interested in sending explorers into the ruins, as there is likely high value loot to be found.

After your meeting, Artos leaves but Jarus sticks around...

"Commander, House Pisa has quite a lot of pull in the Senate, if you would simply allow me and my men to loot the ruins, I could help you, if you ever wanted to go into politics back in the Capital, or if you are simply interested in money, we could cut you in"

"My Lord, I am sure you will still make a healthy profit on this, even if I must impose order and security, as your mercenaries and explorers have already allowed several automatons to escape and attack the local people"

"Perhaps we can at least come to some sort of acommodation Commander"

A. Allow the nobleman and his mercenaries to loot the ruins, and simply secure the entrances(+1 relations with the large landholders)
B. Allow the nobleman and his mercenaries to loot the ruins, secure the entrances but demand a percentage of what is found there(no relations change)
C. Organize a joint expedition into the ruins with the nobleman and his mercenaries, splitting what you find(+1 relations with large landholders)
D. Other(Write-in)
>C. Organize a joint expedition into the ruins with the nobleman and his mercenaries, splitting what you find(+1 relations with large landholders)
>C. Organize a joint expedition into the ruins with the nobleman and his mercenaries, splitting what you find(+1 relations with large landholders)
>C. Organize a joint expedition into the ruins with the nobleman and his mercenaries, splitting what you find(+1 relations with large landholders)
>C. Organize a joint expedition into the ruins with the nobleman and his mercenaries, splitting what you find(+1 relations with large landholders)
C. Organize a joint expedition into the ruins with the nobleman and his mercenaries, splitting what you find(+1 relations with large landholders)
>C. Organize a joint expedition into the ruins with the nobleman and his mercenaries, splitting what you find(+1 relations with large landholders)

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