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04/23/10(Fri)01:25 No.9371192 File1272000307.jpg-(127 KB, 550x450, 1246847094678.jpg)
Seeing how its currently 2 in the morning and I really need to get some sleep tonight, I think I'll only do one more short one before I go to bed, If this thread is still around I can post some moar stuff in between working on the Harry Potter RPG I'm developing.
Ok so I've told you about our groups ops directior, and mentioned two of the five pilots, Angela Windsor, who is pretty much a blonde, english version of Asuka without the mommy issues, and Jamie Mccloud, a scottish version of Rei, down to her Evangelion, which she ironically rolled the exact same apperance as Cannon Unit-00. Other Pilots are Hanna, an Italian Neo-spartan with the fanatical drawback, who likes sniping with a long-mas, at least till she can afford training for a heavy railgun. We also have Ishi Hikari, a Japanese Mecha Otaku who happens to be a natural in finding new ways to use his AT field, and drives Dr Hunter crazy in figuring out how he does it. The final pilot is Giles Fortner, a British boy with an unhealthy obsession with fire, and who specializes in getting his EVA to RIP AND TEAR THE HUGE GUTS OF THE ENEMY.
Now our second fight is up against Shamshel, who at the time is hiding in the Amazon Rain forest after the UN got pissy after he attacked a couple refuge camps and N2'd the hell out of him. The four pilots who were at that session get loaded up onto EVA carriers since the Illy is on the other side of the world at the time, and orbital recon suggest that Shamshel's going to be finished with regenerating fairly soon. Once they reach the sector where Shamshel is hidden, the EVA's get dropped from a few klicks up, and the pilots need to roll a fairly easy agility check to deploy their parachutes correctly. |