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  • File :1231969649.jpg-(145 KB, 648x486, IMG_1889.jpg)
    145 KB Insomnic Conversionfag Q&A Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)16:47 No.3404438  
    ITT Ask a conversionfag anything
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)16:48 No.3404440
    How is babby formed?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)16:48 No.3404447
    How many of your models see paint? Can we get a look at some of the results?
    >> Grimmnir 01/14/09(Wed)16:50 No.3404452
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    What is the answer?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)16:52 No.3404467
    Why did you get into converting in the first place?

    Was it for the looks, or the ability to use bits you had lying around without having to buy additional stuff, aka, the cost, or a bit of both?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)16:53 No.3404475
    What can I learn from you in simple text? Nothing. Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)16:53 No.3404476
         File :1231970037.jpg-(139 KB, 778x583, IMG_1843.jpg)
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    We must find way to instain mother
    My latest paintjob was the Santa Marine and his lil' helper, here
    I usually paint when I have nothing to convert. Which isn't all that often. I really need to paint more...
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)16:55 No.3404487
    Why would you put that plastic window thing in first? Are you going to paint over it?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)16:56 No.3404496
    How would one go about creating either a CoG (from Gears of War) or Doomguy mini?

    Preferably out of currently buyable parts.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)16:58 No.3404509
    >Damnit SQLfail wiped the namefield
    Back when I first was introduced to 40k (early 3rd ed, first set was Eldar Guardians, a Viper and an Avatar) me and my firnd sat down to make them. We had no idea of the rules so we just winged it and he gave one of the Guardians dual catapults.
    I then took another guardian, gave him the usual offhand and then modelled him on his knees holding his seelingly ripped off other arm (the dualwielder's left arm). I painted him bloody and anguished looking.

    I guess my main motivation has always been "Anyone can make it straight out of the box. I want to be the little gir- I mean unique snowflake"
    Would you like a tutorial of something with pics attached instead?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)16:59 No.3404520
    have you tried creating a Gordon Freeman mini? Will you?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)17:03 No.3404555
    Will you send me something?
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)17:04 No.3404567
    It's not glued.
    Heck, the whole tank is still in 3 parts to allow for easy interior painting
    I made Doomguy (comic verson) once.
    -SM Scout legs
    -IG torso
    -SM Scout head / IG helmet w/ rebreather & goggles out of GS
    -Catachan/Chaos Marauder arms
    -Suitably huge gun (Assault Cannon / Shotgun / one of those Tau plasma guns for the BFG...)

    The CoG would probably work best based off a normal SM Power Armour with the backpack and shoulderpads removed and the legs shaved down a bit. Add a Catachan head (for Marcus), a Bolter with a Choppa (the chainsaw one) for a bayonet, maybe an IG VOXpack. Some GS and it's good to go.
    >> Dr. Waaagh 01/14/09(Wed)17:05 No.3404577
    I'm having trouble coming up with ideas to scratchbuild, and heavily convert some IG models to suit an Ork army; Chimeras for Trukks, Sentinels for Killa Kans etc. Do you plan out your conversions first, ie diagrams, or just head for the bitz box? Also, when it comes to scratchbuilding, is it better to wander in blindly, or use some kind of inspiration as a basis?
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)17:06 No.3404586
         File :1231970785.jpg-(23 KB, 395x371, Zombie Goasts.jpg)
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    Only made this pic.
    He's easy to make out of the Kasrkin Sgt model, with a bit of GS for the hair and beard + a crowbar out of some scrap plastic
    I hate the mail system...
    >> The Laziest Troll 01/14/09(Wed)17:06 No.3404589
    Does mighty putty make a good alt to Green stuff?

    Also, how are ya, brah?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)17:08 No.3404612
    What tools do you use? Mostly, what's the best thing you use to cut plastic/resin. I've been getting by with cheap nigger conversions (ie-vox box+flamer+plasma pistol=guard's plasma gun) with a box cutter and glue.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)17:10 No.3404633

    Any idea on a Locust? Or would that be more of a sculpting job?
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)17:12 No.3404645
    I usualy scroll through WD issues for inspiration, and make a mental plan of what I want before I start. I rarely use diagrams (but sometime I request a pic from one of the resident Drawfags to help me with visualisation)
    If you want to go the "easy" way, play Blood Axes.
    I actually have a plan to buy that SC Stormboy and convert him and a unit of Nobz into some proper uniforms and give them a nice clean Chimaera for a transport.
    However if you don't like the 'Axes, I'd suggest getting one or two of every ork and imperial vehicle, mixing up the sprues and making stuff like Halftrack Chimaeras using the Truk front and Chimaera chasis, etc.
    Sentikans are simple enough, just add some arms to it.

    Can't say for sure mate, I only use GS. However I hear eBay hase some insane cheap GS for sale.
    Also I'm good, if a bit tired. I took a nap at 6pm and woke up at 11pm. Now I can't sleep.
    >> The Laziest Troll 01/14/09(Wed)17:15 No.3404663
    Ah, that sucks, I hate not being able to sleep.

    How do you get ideas for basing your heroes? The only think I can think to do is put them on a rock or something to set them apart.

    Also, do you build any terrain, Scriptarius?
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)17:17 No.3404679
         File :1231971447.jpg-(46 KB, 400x640, gow_drone.jpg)
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    I got a pair of heavy duty clippers from a hardwearstore, a steel file, the Citadel razorsaw and sculpting tool. + Citadel glue. I know it's expensive shit but I feel contributing to the hobby is important. And it's good glue.
    I'd base it off an Ork Boy or Necromunda Scaly.
    Cut the Boyz legs at the knees and repose them to stand more upright. Repose the torso to sit well on these legs and glue the arms as normal. Cover the "head hole" with an armour plate and the head is mostly going to be a sculpting job over a normal human head.
    >This is what I'm thinking of for the finished one. I've never played GoW as I'm a sonyfag.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)17:17 No.3404680

    >Bolter with a Choppa (the chainsaw one) for a bayonet

    Ork Choppa would be WAAAAAAY to big on a bolter. Just a regular IG chainsword would suffice. Don't use the whole thing, obviously, then it'd be too long. Just part of the end.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)17:20 No.3404702
         File :1231971652.jpg-(148 KB, 907x680, IMG_1767.jpg)
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    For basing, I usualy end up going with elaborate ruins/rock formations/corpse piles.
    >Pic related
    I used to make lots of terrain (including a roughly 3 feet in diameter Ork Fort) but recently my only terrain project is a bigass Cathedral I'm going to make out of Cities of Death boxes. The problem is I can't settle on a plan for it.
    What he said
    I obviously wasn't thinking
    Thanks mate.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)17:24 No.3404729
    i got a question, with greenstuff are you supposed to let it sit a few minutes before trying to sculpt it or as soon as you finish mixing it?
    >> The Laziest Troll 01/14/09(Wed)17:24 No.3404732
    Ah, I guess that works. Looks like I'm to hunt for some good branches for my elves.

    Out of curiosity, how much have you spent on the miniature hobby?
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)17:25 No.3404734
    It's better to work with if you let it sit for a few minutes.
    GW pros say 15
    I go for 5
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)17:26 No.3404743
    My best was take a gorkamorka leader model and glued a chainsword to his hand instead the knife it had. I play necromunda with the orks as a gang of Goliaths.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)17:27 No.3404747
    thanks Scriptarius
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)17:28 No.3404754
    If I were to count I'd hit myself
    It has to be in the thousands.
    >On a related note, as soon as I get the time to handle it, I'm selling off a pile of my old works on eBay. I'm hoping to raise around 1000€.
    >More info will be posted as soon as I do it.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)17:33 No.3404792
    On an unrealted note
    I had a less-than-brilliant idea of using the plastic SoB from the Immolator frame to make a full SoB army.
    Is this brilliantly retarded Y/N?
    >> Kun-Kun !3GqYIJ3Obs 01/14/09(Wed)17:33 No.3404793
         File :1231972421.jpg-(81 KB, 1024x768, platoon-1-1024.jpg)
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    My cadians are possibly gonna be based off of cliche Vietnam war stuff like a wounded trooper on his knees as in Platoon, "war is hell" "natural born killer" grafitti on tanks/ flak jackets/ helmets, Commissar R. Lee Ermey, Gomer Pyle guardsman shooting self with lasrifle, etc. Any more ideas? This idea is actually gaining support in my lgs and we wanna make this well thought out. Any thoughts or ideas Scripty?
    >> The Laziest Troll 01/14/09(Wed)17:36 No.3404809
    Cool, hope you reach your goal.

    Is there any other use for old sprues other than bricks and rubble?
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)17:36 No.3404811
    My first reaction was
    I actually had to check you didn't write Catachan.
    That aside, I've never watched any Vietnam War movies or even been to Vietnam so I can't really give good pointers on this.
    You might want to give the WFB Chaos Marauder box a looj though. It has nice MANLY bitz.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)17:36 No.3404817

    Do the guys from Tropic Thunder.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)17:38 No.3404831

    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)17:38 No.3404832

    Better idea: Make a Lost and the Damned army based on Colonel Kurtz's kingdom from Apocalypse Now.
    >> Kun-Kun !3GqYIJ3Obs 01/14/09(Wed)17:39 No.3404837
    Ben Stiller- clueless sergeant with panda hat
    Robert Downey Jr- Black guy with a shotgun
    Jack Black- support gunner with heavy bolter
    Alpa Chino- Normal trooper?
    That other dude- Normal trooper facepalming behind Stiller's back?
    >> The Laziest Troll 01/14/09(Wed)17:39 No.3404838
    Wouldn't that cost a LOT of money?

    (I had to check if the immolator was a unit... and was... well. If you build an entire army out of a model from a tank sprue, I'm going to be afraid of you. :( )
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)17:39 No.3404842
    Rebar in (ruined) structures
    Orky Gubbinz on da Truks
    Flagpoles, lamp-posts, hole fillers, tank traps, punji pits, steel roofing, ETC.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)17:40 No.3404848
    >Robert Downey Jr

    RD is black?
    >> Kun-Kun !3GqYIJ3Obs 01/14/09(Wed)17:41 No.3404852
    his character in Tropic Thunder is known for getting dangerously attached to roles, going as far as dying his skin black to better portray a black trooper
    >> The Laziest Troll 01/14/09(Wed)17:41 No.3404854
    It's only good for mainly 40k stuff, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)17:42 No.3404865
    How easy/hard would it to be to convert Catachan models to be laying down or in various crouching poses rather than standing?

    How would I do it?

    What's the best way to leave some mark on the model to indicate it's "real" height so I'm not being an asshole to my opponent?
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)17:43 No.3404870
    The SoB Tank Acessory Sprue (around 20$ on Dakkadakka IIRC) has lots of cool bitz and ONE sister.
    I was hoping to grab some extra ones off people instead of BUYING the whole sprues.

    Plastic Sisters have long been a sort of dream of mine. It's a real challenge, something I haven't seen even people like Doghouse pull off.
    My best plan up to now involved Eldar Guardians, Daemonetters, Marines and Chaos Warriors.
    And still didn't work well.
    >> The Laziest Troll 01/14/09(Wed)17:46 No.3404895
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)17:48 No.3404913
    Fantasy Dwarves and Empire benefit from it
    Ogres might too

    Laying down is easy enough, you mainly need to repose the neck and arms to not look silly.
    All kneeling takes is cutting the legs up at the joints and reposing them. The Heavy Weapons Team kit also has kneeling legs. Use them as a guidelike for reposing.
    For height you might want to for instance model them all on rocks to keep the old height.
    >> The Laziest Troll 01/14/09(Wed)17:50 No.3404922
    I'm going to try to make a tree out of them I guess.
    Would you use sculpy or green stuff for the trunk?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)17:56 No.3404963
    Making Blood Bowl Saurus the new range?
    >> Oberst Viktor Morte !!iErYIiDEYck 01/14/09(Wed)17:58 No.3404974
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    I'm converting an Empire Knight's horse into a Death Rider, and I was wondering what I should do about making the mask, and what to use for all of the tubes sticking out of it? I'm already going to use Greenstuff to smooth out its body and fill in some gaps, but those are my pressing concerns.

    Also, why are you so awesome?
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)18:06 No.3405030
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    GS is a bit expensive for that. I'd use some crafts clay or something
    Guitar wire makes cool tubing, or make a sausage out of GS and score lines around it to make the tube effect
    The mask should be easy enough to GS too.
    I'd also suggest usiung the bike bases (or making your own by cutting a round base in roughly half and bluing it on a calary bases ends) or Terminator bases for them, as 40k models on sqyare bases look kinda 2nd ed.
    I dunno why I'm so awesome. Maybe it's compensation for my crap math skills.
    >> Respirator 01/14/09(Wed)18:10 No.3405057
    I need a heroic Senior officer for my Guard.

    I lack inspiration, can you help?
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)18:19 No.3405145
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    My IG inspiration playlist.
    Also have a model
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)18:26 No.3405227
    Cool inspiration, bro
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)18:49 No.3405432
    Can't sleep furries will eat me
    >> GTVA Colossus !moot/UIi/o 01/14/09(Wed)19:15 No.3405608
    They'll do worse than just eat you. Eating will eventually end, the yiffing will last FOREVER
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)19:16 No.3405619

    That implies the presence of gonads in the gastrointestinal tract.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)19:26 No.3405694
    Can't sleep
    Busy drawing anatomical autopsies of furries
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)19:29 No.3405713
    this is the answer...
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)19:29 No.3405718
    eeh wha.

    how would you go about connecting 2 land raiders end on end into one long monstrosity?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)19:31 No.3405729
    I just might be sick.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)19:33 No.3405743
         File :1231979592.jpg-(262 KB, 991x1209, Uber Land Raider 1.jpg)
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    Cut the sloped rear part off one, the sloped front off the other. Connect them at the end of the "boxy" part
    The final result will be something like this
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)19:33 No.3405746
    So Script, got a question for ya (or anyone more experienced in working GS than myself)
    How would you go about sculpting a rose, just a small one, out of GS?
    Promised my gf a Chaos Termi Lord called Rose...
    So now I've got to get a hold of roses one way or the other to decorate him..
    Any and all ideas appreciated.
    >> GTVA Colossus !moot/UIi/o 01/14/09(Wed)19:36 No.3405758
    Well, we do always tell furries to eat a bag of dicks, so I'm not surprised.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)19:37 No.3405761
    Scriptarius, you are very entertaining.

    I'm at a bit stuck for ideas. Hmm... how would I go about making an ironclad dreadnought? I have a lot of dreadnoughts from Black Reach (+1 one from an actual set) and I think it's time to add some variety
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)19:37 No.3405762
    how would one go about covering up that gap at the front where the heavy bolter goes, where you have used the vindicator cannon,
    what part would you recomend that would do the job and would look kind of communication-ie
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)19:38 No.3405768
    some SoB minis have roses on them IIRC
    The Empire Wizard kit has a scythe with roses growing on it. It's plastic and I'd suggest using it.
    To make one out of GS, I'd say make each pettal separately and then attach them in a cluster
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)19:38 No.3405769
    I was trying to convert some Praetorian IG onto Tallarn/Atiliian rough riders. Only the original rough riders bodies are much larger than the Praetorians. I cannot afford to experiment too much because Praetorian are expensive as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)19:38 No.3405775

    You could get those little craft roses, they are very small, but fabric, so you couldn't really paint them.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)19:40 No.3405784
    What has your most amusing / fun / impressive conversion been Script?
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)19:41 No.3405790
    watch out with that scythe the haft is really thin and the roses reach down onto it so you cant just cut it off at the blade.
    I went through 4 for a conversion
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)19:42 No.3405796
    Empire Wizard on 'to do' list for tomorrow it is.
    Thanks. Might put up pics when done. I paint like I have arthritis though, so might take a while, but dammit if this isn't the project I actually finish.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)19:43 No.3405804
    Try Cities of Death bitz like my Land Raider in the OP pic.
    Or tank parts. Dozer blades, extra armour, etc.
    Then just give it 2 fists instead of 1 (2 Dreads make a good long range one and an easy Ironclad), and some tank upgrades (rams, even dozer blades)
    Take a dozer blade, add some wires, make a radio dish.
    >Also not my LR, found it off google
    Empire Pistollier kit should help with that
    Otherwise I'd suggest taking the normal Praetorians (standing ones), bending ther legs out, filing them down a bit and just mounting that on the horse.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)19:45 No.3405823

    Are WFB similarly sized though? I thought the Tallarn Rough Riders would be, but their legs and torso are huuuge.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)19:46 No.3405836
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    amusing - the genestealer whose raping an ork
    fun - I really liked doing the Land Raider in the OP post. But that's a hard call as I like doing most of my works.
    impressive - Sauronator, ANGRON, Gingernaught, all get a mention here. Yet the final place belongs to my Chaos Chariot and close second to my Chaos Dragon.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)19:47 No.3405838
    Making a tri-linked lascannon for Leman Russ: awesome or stupid?

    I know it's way beyond legal but damnit it will look cool.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)19:48 No.3405846
    Well I don't know exactly how small pratorians are but they SHOULD work.
    If you think stuff is too HUGE, try some LotR cavalry.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)19:49 No.3405862
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    A guy I regularly play 40k with recently showed off a 40k Inquisitor with a fedora hat and a converted whip. I was thinking of topping this with some Castlevania minis. How do I make a MISERABLE PILE OF SECRETS?
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)19:50 No.3405876
    Can't say for sure until I see it.
    However I hate the Leman model and think a Chimaera with a Predator turret makes a better IG tank.
    I didn't find it to be horribly fiddly myself. Well not atleast any more than all the WFB empire bitz are.
    I used the scythe on one of my Nurgle Champions for a while.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)19:54 No.3405910
         File :1231980868.jpg-(78 KB, 272x331, Primephis.jpg)
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    Mephiston of the Blood Angels is pretty much exactly what you want.
    Throw in some Vlad/Mannfred von Carstein, a few Chaos bitz and some GS
    >A miserable pile of bitz. But enough GS! HAVE AT YOU!
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)19:57 No.3405935
    i used it with a haft from somewhere and added it to a space marine captian, I cant believe you never had problems with that bastard part.
    Truly you are the god of converters
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)19:59 No.3405966
    I just have bloody dexterous girly fingers
    Good for converting and foreplay
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)20:01 No.3405980
    whats your skill like with a blade or do you use a file?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)20:01 No.3405993
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    >Can't say for sure until I see it.

    Alas, I lack the greenstuff, plasticard, and spare models I'll need to do it. All I can give you is this.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)20:03 No.3406014
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)20:04 No.3406021
         File :1231981490.jpg-(144 KB, 648x486, IMG_1893.jpg)
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    clippers/saw/file are my trinity of tools
    >As for blades, I enjoy fencing. Not the wanky sports style but proper swordfights.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)20:05 No.3406026
    Looks cooler than I expected
    Go for it!
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)20:06 No.3406034
    Much obliged good conversionfag. I actually have a spare Mannfred figure lying around...
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)20:06 No.3406039
    fencing lol lol har de har
    honestly I cant see how any one would use a saw,
    but then again most people dont have access to the tools I use normally.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)20:08 No.3406057

    If you ever get some one to agree to letting you use that monstrosity, what would the stats be? S 10 AP 1?
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)20:08 No.3406058
    The saw is brilliant for making straight cuts through solid things, like thick metal models or buildings or entire tanks.
    Or well, that's how I use it
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)20:10 No.3406079
    i use medical scalples for those jobs.
    and basically every other conversion job
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)20:13 No.3406100
    Wait wait wait
    You use a medical scalped to cut a bloodthirster in half?
    I use them for sculpting if I have some handy, but never really found them that useful otherwise.
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)20:17 No.3406127
    never sawed a blood thrister with one but I did recently used a heavyer blade on a keeper of secrets, they make other types.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)20:18 No.3406129
    I need a way to glue a plastic hand holding a sword onto a metal Wolf Priest Ulrik model that doesnt involve me holding onto it for fucking ever. Any idea how to do this?
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)20:19 No.3406138
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)20:19 No.3406139
    I somehow now see Scriptarius duelling a very brittish butler with rapiers, shirtless, in a burning mansion
    For an afternoon workout.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)20:20 No.3406149
    Or superglue. Atleast in my experience it sticks metal to plastic instantly.
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)20:21 No.3406160
    and now for a totally unrelated reason i have to fap furiously
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)20:21 No.3406164
    I still find it hard to imagine.
    Those knives just seem so flimsy to me
    >> Schrödinger !!HabIEzSQ0tA 01/14/09(Wed)20:24 No.3406189
    Medical scalpels are surprisingly strong and springy, its relatively hard to snap them. From my experience though, they dull quickly on anything tougher than plastic.
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)20:25 No.3406195
    trust me they are made from decent materials and have a hell of an edge. It just takes some getting used to, but when you do you get decent results, or a scalpel blade stuck in your arm on your first try like I did
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)20:25 No.3406196
         File :1231982733.jpg-(93 KB, 648x486, IMG_1896.jpg)
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    Well they're not exactly rapiers but close enough.
    Now to find a butler.
    >> Oberst Viktor Morte !!iErYIiDEYck 01/14/09(Wed)20:32 No.3406253
         File :1231983120.jpg-(37 KB, 548x411, Death Rider 03.jpg)
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    In case anyone cares, update pic.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)20:37 No.3406319
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    Fuck everything else, you linked to SABATON!
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)20:40 No.3406349
    I just like Sabaton
    I usualy dislike METALLLLLL and the like, but Sabaton is lovely.
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)20:45 No.3406393
    so script what you working on now?
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)20:45 No.3406400
    What are you planning to use for the rider?
    Cadian with Outrider bitz and GS gasmask/Gasmask head from baneblade/Random nazi WW2 minis?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)20:46 No.3406410
    Hey, Scriptarius likes Sabaton too. Fuck yeah.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)20:47 No.3406418
         File :1231984049.jpg-(28 KB, 450x433, img_0610.jpg)
    28 KB
    Getting started on some Witch Hunters
    I love the Inquisition aesthetic but hate the fact that they suck ass gamewise.
    Chances are I'll make a lot of guys and just play them in Apoc instead of normal.
    >This is my base for an Inquisitor Lord.
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)20:49 No.3406435
    So, Script, can I have your babies yet?
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)20:50 No.3406438
    you getting the new forgeworld inquisitor model?
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)20:51 No.3406452
    wow now there are two of me
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)20:53 No.3406477
    3 now, We're being cloned.
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)20:54 No.3406490
    yay orgy time.
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)20:56 No.3406507
    My own clones!
    >> The Laziest Troll 01/14/09(Wed)20:57 No.3406520
    Are you going to make us a cake titan when it's your birthday?
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)20:58 No.3406524
    Probably not
    I've heard FW minis are annoying to convert and even that Inquisitor didn't make me drool THAT hard.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)21:00 No.3406536
    Have you ever got any ideas for any Tau conversions?
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)21:01 No.3406545
    mmmmm cake titan
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)21:01 No.3406552
    I'll probably be too drunk
    Within a week of my birthday my best friend and his borther have their birthdays.
    Friend turns 21
    Bro turns 18
    I turn 20
    The drunkness will be legendary
    >Cake titan...
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)21:02 No.3406558
    Did that exorcist guy ever turn up ;D
    >> The Laziest Troll 01/14/09(Wed)21:03 No.3406570
    Then can you make me a cake titan for my birthday?

    It's in 16 days, and I turn 18.
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)21:04 No.3406574
    what the fuck happened here i went the loo for a bit saw talk of cake titans and scrolled up to see this,
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)21:06 No.3406591
    Indeed I do.
    I've wanted to try making a GRIMDARKer tau army

    Cadian Torso, SM Scout legs, Tau leg armour, 2 Tau Shouldershields, scope and bayonet on the pulse rifle
    Bulky battlesuits, less of that chickenlegs faggotry and more Terminator-style.
    And a battle-worn looking Farsight. Wielding the Dawnblade 2-handed.
    >> The Laziest Troll 01/14/09(Wed)21:06 No.3406592
    Ya'll need a trip code.
    >> Oberst Viktor Morte !!iErYIiDEYck 01/14/09(Wed)21:07 No.3406598
    I'm cutting up a spare Krieg Grenadier I have and piecing him together. In ~15 minutes I should have another pic up, should be fully assembled and primed.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)21:08 No.3406606
    I'm not exactly brilliant with cake. It's a whole different thing from gingerbread.
    >> The Laziest Troll 01/14/09(Wed)21:10 No.3406623

    It's okay, you're still awesome.

    And I'm hoping when it is your birthday, you'll be drunk enough to try.

    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)21:11 No.3406633
    never been arsed with one,
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)21:18 No.3406710
    Well a Titancake wouldn't be IMPOSSIBLE per se, all one needs to do is make some cake bases or whatever the ter for them is that make the rough shapes of say a Warlord Titan, cover them with green whipped cream, make the detailing out of sprinkles and stick candles or something on it for guns.
    >> The Laziest Troll 01/14/09(Wed)21:26 No.3406796
    Probably a dense cake for the legs, and a light fluffy sponge cake for the head/body thing?

    Chocolate arms?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)21:26 No.3406800
         File :1231986406.jpg-(49 KB, 238x300, wench5.jpg)
    49 KB
    Script, how can I improve on this inquisitor, willing to reposition arms and what have you the sword has already been removed.
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)21:29 No.3406828
    The fuck?

    I'm cheese sandwichus.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)21:33 No.3406869
    It would be flat on it's back
    There is no way to make it stand up unless you find some kind of french wedding cake chef.
    St. Celetines halo and cherub cape thing
    GKTerminator Sgt halberd
    Daemonhunter Inquisitor book
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)21:45 No.3406972
    What, exactly, is the origin of your name?
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)21:48 No.3407004
         File :1231987698.png-(1.05 MB, 960x1280, coverfinishedop4.png)
    1.05 MB
    This comic.
    I was Original Scriptfag.
    Over time it got twisted into Scriptarius. Which then stuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)21:54 No.3407072
    Oh gods I remember that comic
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)21:57 No.3407105
         File :1231988279.jpg-(88 KB, 491x486, inquis.jpg)
    88 KB
    So something like this?
    >> The Laziest Troll 01/14/09(Wed)22:00 No.3407121
    Become French.

    It is the only way.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)22:00 No.3407126
    >> The intelligent British rail cheese sandwich 01/14/09(Wed)22:01 No.3407139
    yawn. good night 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)22:02 No.3407152
    What's it like to not have any money?
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)22:02 No.3407154
    Cripes that was fast!
    Yeah, that's what I was going for. Just add the halberd and maybe get rid of the hat unless you like it.
    I'd rather not
    France isn't high on my list.
    I'd rather be brittish. Jolly good.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)22:03 No.3407158
    The halo was something I was considering, but I was worried that it would look too much on her; I may well convert it on to a normal sister pack yet, but the cloak actually does look good, despite my normal hatred for cherubs.

    It's funny I had this picture already =P I found the book looked a bit heavy, but then her leg is already buckled ;D

    Think there's a way I can get a psycannon in there?
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)22:04 No.3407166
    IDK, I recall it being annoying back whe I was 11 or so. Can't say for sure though, it's been a while.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)22:05 No.3407175
    Rough Riders advice for a cheap way to give them awesome looking mounts and how should I go about making them look more cadain.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)22:05 No.3407182
    yeah I already had tried what you suggested ;D just had to find the picture.

    You don't like the hat? I thought impressive hats were quite inquisitorial =P I agree though that combined, they are a bit much. I don't have a halberd sadly =< I'll see what it looks like =3
    >> The Laziest Troll 01/14/09(Wed)22:06 No.3407185
    British wedding cake chef?
    >> Oberst Viktor Morte !!iErYIiDEYck 01/14/09(Wed)22:06 No.3407187
         File :1231988778.jpg-(53 KB, 567x542, Death Rider 04.jpg)
    53 KB
    Didn't turn out as well as I'd of liked, but I suppose it's not too bad. His pose is bad, but the legs turned out well. Also, it seems like I needed to use a lot more greenstuff to smooth out the horse itself, though I still might yet do this.

    Overall, I'm pretty happy, but it could be waaay better.
    >> Oberst Viktor Morte !!iErYIiDEYck 01/14/09(Wed)22:06 No.3407194
         File :1231988810.jpg-(46 KB, 543x499, Death Rider 05.jpg)
    46 KB
    Pic 2/2
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)22:07 No.3407204
    Not really
    Stick it on a henchman, abuse the RAW WYSIWYG breaker.
    Awesome horses -> WFB empire pistolliers
    Cadian horses -> dirtbikes
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)22:08 No.3407220
    I meant "how do you afford all this goddamn plastic and still pay your bills?"
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)22:13 No.3407279
    That is an awesome idea one I will keep my eye out for some cheap dirt bike toys.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)22:14 No.3407285
    I can live a year with under 3000€
    Savings get you far.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)22:16 No.3407302
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)22:16 No.3407309
    Yeah you might want to smooth out the muscles on it a bit (in the future, use the Pistollier horses. They are already unarmoured)
    But overall damn good looking
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)22:19 No.3407330
    Explain what? How to live a year with 3000€?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)22:20 No.3407346
    okay this is a complicated one for ya scriptarius:

    how can I convert the front plate on a land raider so the gun hatch (where the twin linked heavy bolter goes) fits in the center of the center of the console?

    also, any ideas for making a combination assault cannon/ multimelta turret using the immolator cockpit as a base?

    (im only on concept sketches and could use your advice)
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)22:33 No.3407472
         File :1231990390.jpg-(68 KB, 370x332, horsie.jpg)
    68 KB
    I have this horsie, and I have this half of a sister of battle
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)22:34 No.3407485
    So if I got this right you want the HBolters on the center of the tank instead of on one side, right?
    And a Multimelta/Asscannon turret?

    Well the turret is the easy part. Take the Immolator turret, add the meltas as normal, then add the asscannons on the front of the turret assembly between the meltas, sort of like on a Predator turret

    Now the Hbolter is a bit more complicated, as you'll need to pretty much hack up the entire top front part (the one with the bolter housing) and rebuild it out of plasticard or something.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)22:35 No.3407492
    SoB centaur.

    Make it.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)22:36 No.3407502
    You want to get rid of the crank on the horses ass, add a banner on the back of the sister or on her hand, add some detailed plates on the legs, and paint it all in matching colours.
    It should look good.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)22:38 No.3407527
         File :1231990703.jpg-(37 KB, 219x449, rider.jpg)
    37 KB
    should I do this? Or should I put one of the girls with a sword on, and use the half of a sister here to poke out of the top of a rhino?

    Her arm covers ALL OF THE LEVERS on the neck of the horsie if she points forwards, so she could go sideways, but the horsies neck happens to lean to one side.

    What do you think I should do with the mechano horsie? what would be a fun idea =3
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)22:41 No.3407559
    I like the forward pointing pose
    But I still say it needs a banner in there somewhere
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)22:47 No.3407635
    sorry I was editing the picture when you made your post XD
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)22:50 No.3407657
         File :1231991420.jpg-(54 KB, 300x300, covertan.jpg)
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    >> Heritic 01/14/09(Wed)22:59 No.3407752
         File :1231991946.jpg-(190 KB, 1296x972, Fenrir.jpg)
    190 KB
    Sorry but I think mine looks better.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)23:01 No.3407778
    I like it!
    Somehow it reminds me of 16 bit sidescrolling shooter bosses
    >Also the one I posted wasn't made by me. It's on google under "uber land raider"
    >> Heritic 01/14/09(Wed)23:01 No.3407785
         File :1231992117.jpg-(226 KB, 1296x972, Fenrir (2).jpg)
    226 KB
    back view
    >> Heritic 01/14/09(Wed)23:04 No.3407808
    I was wondering why yours looked sub-par to the rest of your work. And thanks
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)23:06 No.3407816
    Sciptarius, do you have any recommendations on how to make Cadian rough riders?

    Bikes, being the way to go with cadians, but on whether to scratch build the bikes or purchase pre-existing bikes and go from there?

    I'm looking at these babies:
    but i'm not sure to get the ones with legs or get them without the legs.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)23:09 No.3407839
    Get the ones with legs, it'll be beasier. You can sculpt the uniform bottom on them if you want to, but it's harder the other way around.

    Also I don't really know how to make good scratchbuilt dirtbikes (SM Bikes are too huge to be of any use here) so I'd say buy those.
    >> Rosc Man !pz4hD5dYUc 01/14/09(Wed)23:16 No.3407904
         File :1231993018.jpg-(158 KB, 481x800, chaossister.jpg)
    158 KB
    Dear t/OP/hat. I want to make Chaos Sisters of battle for a chaos army I'm starting. I'd like advice on ways to convert models to have a nice mix of infantry and vehicles, with a slight tilt towards infantry. Slaanesh and Khorne are my favorites, but I'm up for whatever. Help me out! Note that I already have a bunch of Ork bits siting around, especially Boyz stuff, and a small box fulla random space marine crap.

    Easy Mode: Warhammer Fantasy bits allowed
    Normal Mode: Plastic only
    Hard Mode: Advice for making Chaos Sister Zerkers, Noise Marines, 1k Sons, and Plague Marines.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)23:19 No.3407923
    Mighty Scriptarius! I'm looking at making a penal legion guard army, but I'm having trouble on the idea of making any truly interesting models.

    So far my plans were to get a set of cadians and a set of catachan and mix them together, but this is very dull. Any suggestions?
    >> LessAnonThanYou !ir9X978dyo 01/14/09(Wed)23:22 No.3407944
    Daemonettes. That's how I'm doing it. Although I'm making it as a Slaaneshi-themed army in entirety.
    >> Heritic 01/14/09(Wed)23:25 No.3407983
    I want to make Odin (I have a Norse Myth army theme) He'll play as Kor'sarro Khan. I was thinking of making a quad bike for him. My friends suggested mechanizing a horse for him. What do you think?
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)23:28 No.3408007
    Ok so, get some Daemonettes, CSM and Eldar Guardians.
    The basis of the Plastic Sister is Eldar legs + Daemonette torso + SM pack/arms/gun, with GS to fix any issues. Shoulderpads and sleeves can be made from GS.
    As you are going for chaos, replace SM parts with CSM alternatives and use Daemonette heads.

    Berserkers - just arm them with axes and pistols. Repose into running. Use the heads with the most horns.

    Noise Marines - Take any extra heads you have. Cut them in half so the mouth is removed. Now take a CSM backpack, turn the exhaust ports facign forward and GS the heads over them, so the outlet maked the new mouth.
    For noisemarine guns, take 2 bolters and glue them on end to make a single long one. Then add a tank sprue gun muzzle on the end. Attach to backpack with guitar wire
    Use the heads with the AWESOME HAIR

    Plague Marines - This is GS work. Add huge distended bellies, pustules, and other nurgly crap on the basic chaos sisters.

    1kdaughters - Either go the "headless horseman" way or make some SoB helmets. The easiest way to make said halmets is to take a Chaos Warrior helmet and GS the "panty" shape on it. Otherwise just assemble as normal.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)23:30 No.3408022

    Why don't you just make castings of the SoB bits you have instead of building one model and destroying your income for the next few months\years trying to make an army out $20 per Sister bits? Or if that's too complicated assemble the Sister in a pose you like, cast it, disassemble her then reassemble her, cast it, and keep doing it till you've got enough variety of poses to make a decent looking unit. Then copypasta the unit as many times as needed.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)23:31 No.3408040
    Empire Militia Sprue and Chaos Marauder Sprue. Both are FULL of characterful bitz.
    Empire Pistollier, Handgunner and Halberdier sets are worth a look too.
    2 Empire Master Engineer's horses (as seen here >>3407472 )
    have the horses pull a chariot he's mounted in.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)23:32 No.3408046

    It's a shame none of it will ever get completed, painted or fielded.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)23:33 No.3408048
    My only beef with casting is that it somehow feels like cheating.
    But you make a compelling point.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)23:44 No.3408149

    Your money, man. It's just how I would do it . Then again I am happy enough just converting my Space Marines so they have distinguishing poses beyond 'squat to take a shit while shooting at the hip'. Throw on a little iconography like purity seals, gernades, holsters, maybe a trophy from an enemy ( a head, looted choppa, what have you ) and we're set to rock and roll.
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)23:47 No.3408181
    To be honest I'm most hyped about the upcoming PLASTIC STORMTROOPERS and the new IG HQ models.
    My Inquisitor will have many new minions...
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)23:48 No.3408202
    Plastic Stormtroopers? HOT NURGLE PISS.

    Also, thanks for the advice on my penal legion!
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)23:49 No.3408208

    I'm probably going to buy them and convert them into Scouts. The actual Scout models just don't sit well with me....
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)23:51 No.3408224
         File :1231995075.jpg-(152 KB, 268x500, ECSisterSin01-1.jpg)
    152 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)23:54 No.3408253
         File :1231995260.jpg-(144 KB, 262x500, ECSisterSin02.jpg)
    144 KB
    >> Scriptarius 01/14/09(Wed)23:54 No.3408254
         File :1231995261.jpg-(83 KB, 904x311, Stormies.jpg)
    83 KB
    I took the scouts and made them into stormies
    I'm bizarro like that
    >> Anonymous 01/14/09(Wed)23:56 No.3408278
    what's this made from =D Do you have any other SoB things you can show me? I'm after ideas for convertings and stuff because you've got me on a buzz for it now XD

    If I cast some of the plates on my exorcist do you want any?
    >> Scriptarius 01/15/09(Thu)00:01 No.3408324
    It's just the Immolator gunner with a SM backpack and a pair of bolt pistols.
    >Given that you are waxed.
    I'd really like the plates. Like 20 of each. At least.
    >> Scriptarius 01/15/09(Thu)00:02 No.3408339
         File :1231995760.jpg-(138 KB, 778x583, IMG_1703.jpg)
    138 KB
    Forgot pic
    >> Sommunist !CvgOA2wCo2 01/15/09(Thu)00:03 No.3408343

    Counts as normal CSM units. Done.
    >> Heritic 01/15/09(Thu)00:03 No.3408345
    That could be cool. The mechanical horse looks neat.
    >> Scriptarius 01/15/09(Thu)00:07 No.3408367
    I had plans to make such a chariot for my Inquisitor
    Never got around to it, though.
    >It would have had 6 horses
    >And laud hailers
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)00:08 No.3408379
    Only if you tell me what you intend to do with them =D
    But yeah no probs, worthy cause etc; I'll try and get some of the forge world doors and stuff too because I want all my tanks to have em.

    Do you have any of the church arch stuff left over?
    >> Scriptarius 01/15/09(Thu)00:12 No.3408407
    Think Exorcist
    Now add the words "SUPER HEAVY"
    Then think Fortress of Arrogance
    Then combine all these with a cathedral
    THAT'S what I need them for.

    I have piles of Cities of Death stuff all over.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)00:15 No.3408431
    Oh bugger! that reminds me of why I decided not to give the inquisitor the book, I was going to give it to my celestine conversion due to her massive size >_<

    Any recommendos as to what I could give celestine if not the inquis? Though I guess I could magnetize the book to switch between them... erf. Only got the one.
    >> Scriptarius 01/15/09(Thu)00:21 No.3408464
    Get another one?
    I don't really have other ideas at this time. I should be waking up in 20 minutes.
    >Fuck year 4 hours of sleep
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)00:25 No.3408495
    you don't think the pair will look daft having the same book in the same position? and yeah I've not slept, mostly because of you ;D 5:20am, no sleep.

    I'll sort out my casting stuff and have a go at a few; once I get it going decent enough do you mind if I grab some of the arch pieces and whatnot off of you? I want to make that chapel Stormlord I told you about ;D
    >> Scriptarius 01/15/09(Thu)00:27 No.3408520
    List up what you need and I'll see what I can do
    And I doubt the book will look silly. Just paint them differently.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)00:40 No.3408649
    I think this might be the start of something a bit more complicated than at first I envisioned. How about I get the casting ball rolling and get all the plates done (I'll be using them mostly as Extra Armour), send them off to you so that C) is fair and then:

    A) Work out what you'd want copied, or things you are after
    B) Get a list of random crap I need as someone with no bitz to speak of (hell I even need bolters and bolt pistols)
    C) find the most cost effective way for you to send the stuff to me, get them copied, and sent back

    That way the exercise is worth while for both of us, and it doesn't turn into a silly back and forth
    >> Scriptarius 01/15/09(Thu)00:58 No.3408807
    Well seeing I live in the frozen northlands the best I can think of is the good ol' mail system.
    What I need mostly is SoB tank parts. The Exorcist plates, cherub speakers, those small plastic paintings, etc.

    But now I need to get a move on to the academy
    Cheers everyone
    >> Rosc Man !pz4hD5dYUc 01/15/09(Thu)01:02 No.3408834
         File :1231999372.png-(26 KB, 136x134, Slaanesh_mark.png)
    26 KB
    Another question about the chaos Sisters thing.

    I was thinking of taking that nice Angel chick sisters get and converting it into a Daemon Prince(ss) for fun and win. Any advice on parts to use, and general advice on good ways to equip one for battle?

    Pic 25% probability of being related.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)01:09 No.3408891
    I converted my st celestine to use gargoyle wings (old versions) but you should look at the carrion birds you get from tomb kings, they have decayed falling apart feathered wings that might be worth using. put a slaaneshi daemonette head in place of her normal one, and file down one breast plate to be bare (GS a nipple on or something).

    Daemon Princes come with what they have, and option for a spell, so give her lash of submission and make her slaaneshii.

    Interesting note: only one sister of battle has ever fallen to chaos.
    >> Heritic 01/15/09(Thu)02:10 No.3409440
         File :1232003404.jpg-(225 KB, 1296x972, ARV.jpg)
    225 KB
    more of my tanks
    >> Heritic 01/15/09(Thu)02:11 No.3409450
         File :1232003467.jpg-(197 KB, 1296x972, Bolt Rain.jpg)
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    >> Heritic 01/15/09(Thu)02:11 No.3409461
         File :1232003518.jpg-(142 KB, 1296x972, Bolt Rain 2.jpg)
    142 KB
    >> Heritic 01/15/09(Thu)02:12 No.3409467
         File :1232003569.jpg-(185 KB, 1296x972, Bombarder.jpg)
    185 KB
    >> Heritic 01/15/09(Thu)02:13 No.3409470
         File :1232003599.jpg-(219 KB, 1296x972, Hellstorm Pred.jpg)
    219 KB
    >> Heritic 01/15/09(Thu)02:15 No.3409497
         File :1232003750.jpg-(228 KB, 1296x972, LRA.jpg)
    228 KB
    I made this years before the trminus
    >> Heritic 01/15/09(Thu)02:16 No.3409504
         File :1232003781.jpg-(237 KB, 1296x972, LRA2.jpg)
    237 KB
    >> Scriptarius 01/15/09(Thu)02:37 No.3409668
    Either you work for Forgeworld or my mind is now blown
    >Wait... that blue sheet... it looks... familiar?
    >> Heritic 01/15/09(Thu)02:40 No.3409698
    Really? That's the coolest compliment I've ever got!
    >> Heritic 01/15/09(Thu)04:32 No.3410492
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)04:35 No.3410506
    more converts!
    >> Rosc Man !pz4hD5dYUc 01/15/09(Thu)04:47 No.3410553
         File :1232012855.jpg-(13 KB, 233x350, boyattack.jpg)
    13 KB
    Reposting my angry Ork Boy for fun.

    Converting Ork soldiers is one of my favorite past times.
    >> BUMP BUMP 01/15/09(Thu)04:50 No.3410567
    BUMP! Why is this tread not bumping?
    >> Rosc Man !pz4hD5dYUc 01/15/09(Thu)04:50 No.3410569
         File :1232013039.jpg-(14 KB, 233x350, loota.jpg)
    14 KB

    Also! I like this, late thank you for the advice.

    You know what will be really fun? Using the leftover parts for things like Possessed Sisters. Those will be awesome.

    ....do Possessed work well ingame?

    (Here is a Loota)
    >> BUMP 01/15/09(Thu)04:52 No.3410578
    No! we're on page 10!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)05:17 No.3410670
    At least it's archived.

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