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04/06/12(Fri)06:35 No.18594590 File: 1333708504.png-(55 KB, 1450x1086, WorldMapOriginal.png)
 The setting is a formerly postapocalyptic world, littered with toxins, chemicals, and the ruins of a dead and forgotten race. The toxins and smoke have mostly been removed, but there are still ruins hidden all over the place, holding pockets of lost technology, though none of the lower races are anywhere near having the intelligence to use it. The atmosphere and land have improved since the Giant's awakening and apparent demise, no longer the ominous twilight tint that it once was.
In the last chapter, the three lower races woke the Giant, an immensely huge and powerful being from far beneath the ground which healed a large part of the surface world, sealed the Fungal Nanzi atop a desert plateau, and granted the races a small improvement in their intelligence.
The Giant is gone but the world is now wide open for exploration. You may choose to have any race head in any direction from the Homeland or an area they control after rolling a 1d20. The Titan Nanzi currently have a presence in the Southern Swamp and the Hivemind Slygg, the Northern Cliffs.
Now, at last, begin phase 2 of Convergence! Really. |