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04/25/09(Sat)23:43 No.4398041 File :1240717437.jpg-(169 KB, 620x877, 079f35602fe1bce759d1be8c5a47e6(...).jpg)
 Aribeth/Harmonium-tan was there, eating with the two Slaad from earlier (it used to be one, but it was accidentally split into two halves by magic paint, one representing the barmy lawful-ness imposed by the Harmonium's training camp and the other the remains of its chaotic side). Harmonium-tan seemed extremely apathetic and bitter; the paladin had lost her alignment and faction and was now a True Neutral Bleaker.
They carried her and Guvner-tan back to Sigil (Guvner-tan had started to rock back and forth chanting "tick tock, tick tock") and tried to fix Aribeth by breaking the law in front of her until she snapped out of it. Unfortunately Bleaker-tan putting on a black hat and twirling an imaginary moustache while telling her she was going to tie Factol Sarin to the train tracks didn't work.
Revolutionary-tan suggested that something was done to her at the camp - she already knew Valrin Mithir, the Mover Five in charge of the camp, was not what he seemed - and they went. They decided to put Guvner-tan to bed with some chicken soup until she felt better and instead recruited the NPC Cipher-tan, a ninja named Sakura from Toril who was obsessed with fighting fiends with her katana.
Once they were there, they discovered Valrin Mithir was an Eater, a member of a sect called the Brotherhood of Belief that "ate" people's beliefs for sustenance. He had been draining people as part of the "re-education" process to feed without being caught. |