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  • File : 1276714082.jpg-(165 KB, 500x373, Adventurer's U.jpg)
    165 KB MINION HOOOOUSE! Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)14:48 No.10536728  
    Continued from >>10508768.

    Any more suggestions should go here. Will post next scene when it is ready.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)14:52 No.10536812
    A new Oni transfer student from Rokugan transfers to RAM and teaches the local monster about his strange, foreign culture. Hilarity ensues.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)14:54 No.10536834
    We still need a weak dorky nerd that the others quasi-bully into working for them.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)14:55 No.10536848

    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)14:55 No.10536853
    The goblin Pledge appears in the next scene. Not really as a nerd though, more of a... pledge. So, cook me up a nerd and he can be fit in. Might be too much for the pilot though, so maybe in a later episode.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)14:56 No.10536864

    That would be Pledge, the Goblin who maintains a blog about how much RAM sucks and how he hates his fellow students. He has a real name, but everyone just calls him Pledge, to the point where even he's forgotten his own name.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)14:57 No.10536894
    I don't think he should hate them, actually. I think he should just be so socially inept that he'll do anything for them so that they'll be his friends.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)14:58 No.10536917

    No, see, he just BLOGS about how he hates his fellows in Minion house. He's projecting a tough-guy facade the only place he can: Lolth's Demonweb.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)14:59 No.10536931
    The demonweb went commercial in the 80s, man. The only sites Lloth still owns have .llo endings.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)14:59 No.10536932

    I can personally see the appeal of giving him this black heart of impotent GOBLIN RAGE where he broods and growls to himself while alone, and fantasizes about being the coolest person in minion house and having everyone do what he tells them.

    Except that he does go on doing whatever they tell him, because he does want friends/want to be liked.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:00 No.10536942

    These viewpoints are reconcilable.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:01 No.10536955
    repost (re: paladin's fall-and-redemption arc)

    I could see it, but the whole point is that he actually hasn't fallen. He thinks he's fallen for some trite offense (the kind of thing /tg/ would fall a paladin for) but the laws of the universe actually aren't that dickish and he still has his powers, he just doesn't know to use them. That or people tell him he did something bad while drunk. Or something of that sort.

    So he's hanging out at Lich U in black spiked armor with his hair died black and covering one eye, offending all the demons with his pungent aura of goodness (and not beleiving them when they tell him so). Hijinks ensue as he performs harmless acts of naughtiness (mostly consisting of bats-and-skulls theatrics) and tries to fit in with the minion house fratboys.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:02 No.10536965
    Ahhh, that works. I just figured the show was too light-hearted to possibly introduce some kind of Columbine angle.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)15:02 No.10536975
    Remember, gentlemen: the key words when writing for the hit show Minion House are "hijinks ensue." If hijinks don't ensue, we're not doing our job. Hilarity ensues is also acceptable.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:02 No.10536979
    >> dashingbastard !!6cKrJu499+/ 06/16/10(Wed)15:03 No.10536982
    Thread Reincarnation: level six Necromancy spell.
    Casting time: one standard action.
    Components: V, S, M
    Material requirements: previous thread's still-living body.
    Duration: until page 15 or it 404s.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:04 No.10537001
    I can't think of a name but how about a magical arts student (not in any frat) focusing on illusion (think AV club type)
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:04 No.10537010
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:05 No.10537019
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    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)15:05 No.10537020

    This is the best thread(s) on /tg/ right now, no joke. Everything else is religion trolling and 40k MMOs, as far as the eye can see. This is the last bastion of that which makes /tg/ great.

    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:06 No.10537025
    At the end, Minion House decides to create this whole situation where Devon THINKS that he's just defeated a mighty fell beast (maybe a black dragon threatening the nearby town), and then everyone else convinces him that that he's earned redemption and the gods smile upon him again and blah blah blah.

    An hour later, the black dragon gets up, removes the prop sword from his stomach, and gets a cool $50 from the Minion House members. All worth it to get that paladin to go away.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:07 No.10537042
    I'm pretty sure that, as a lich, he can't really grin.

    This is why I think that a character like this would need a very talented and expressive voice actor (to the point of clashing in a fun and discordant way with the stoic/grim exterior; think Death from Family Guy).
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:07 No.10537051
    His face is a skull. He's always grinning.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:08 No.10537064

    Oh yea, that would work. You could have a lot of fun with their various attempts to make him go away (before they come up with something overly elaborate like that and it finally works).
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:08 No.10537066
    Possibly. Makes portraying him MUCH MUCH more difficult though. I imagined him as having withered cracked lips when writing.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)15:10 No.10537091

    Liches can change shape, you know. I think that a recurring plot-point is that Ravelor disguises himself as minor characters in the background to see what's going on. Alternatively, he observes everything on campus due to a complex series of crystal balls/mirrors/pools/whatever.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)15:11 No.10537115

    I imagine him as a very deadpan speaker.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:11 No.10537117
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    Or the voice i hear in my head whenever reading Xykon's lines.
    (Except that he's usually as stoic as you'd expect a lich to be, so it 'pops' when his tone become more cheeky, like in the above scene)
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:17 No.10537210
    I recorded myself reading the Ravelor-Clearmont scene. This is the voice I imagine when writing.

    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:23 No.10537312
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    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)15:24 No.10537335

    Downloading now.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)15:30 No.10537450

    Your Clearmont voice is a lot better than your Ravelor voice. Ravelor really needs to be touched up in editing to make it sound, well, dryer. Both physically and tone-wise. You might be able to nail the tone, but he still sounds like a living being rather than a 3000+ year old dessicated corpse. That said, I think you nailed Clearmont.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:34 No.10537520
    Well, yes, but the general raspiness and emotional level I feel Ravelor has is what I was aiming for. I don't have the tools to do him justice, but I do feel he is a pretty regular guy, as far as emotions go. Far from the shrieking cackling lich, much more like a set upon headmaster.

    To be honest, Ravelor is the real star of the show.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)15:35 No.10537532

    I agree with you there. He's too old to go for the theatrics those younger liches play up.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)15:39 No.10537638
    So, how old exactly do we want Ravelor to be? "Creation of the Kingdom" old, "Creation of the World" old, "Creation of Existence" old, or "Aboleth" old? Or should we just leave it undefined and have him make references to things that no mortal should have viewed. I think that would be "Old as Sin" old.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:41 No.10537674
    I think he shouldn't be overexposed though, otherwise he ends up stealing the show and people won't care about the other characters. It's why Pratchett usually gives Death no more then a couple lines in novels that don't explicitly involve him. Otherwise, he kind of takes over.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)15:42 No.10537703

    He's a lot like Death or Vetinari that way. Completely awesome, but usually offscreen.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:43 No.10537738
    A couple thousand. But he doesn't really talk about what he did before he started the University. I like to think that he didn't really do anything out of the ordinary for a Lich. You know, he started a couple Kingdoms of Eternal Shadow, did hideous experiments in his tomb-palace, the usual. Then he got bored and ended up starting the University.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:44 No.10537758
    Basically, unless you've got a real special character showing up, his age is "Older then anyone else in the room"
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:46 No.10537794
    Some thoughts on character development:

    -Chad's bro-itude and fratboy persona hasn't come across much at all. There was some hilarious portrayal of him before we even got started on the Lich U thing ("Dude, you should totally hit that!" "I don't have genitalia." "What are you, some kind of homo?"), but not much of that has carried over. Also, while we've advanced way beyond that, I DO think that the idea of Ravelor having some sort of personal reason to babysitt Chad in particular is good material (those two characters bring out the funny in each other. "I hate you, Chad.").

    -Ill is spot-on, I think. You've totally established what he is.

    -I like Hugo as the repressed-homo acting like a toughguy. Could use more peacocking, trying to pick up chicks/bragging about sexual prowess/generally having sex on his mind. Very concerned with projecting this image of dark handsomeness and 'seductiveness' (which is really intended to impress the other guys more than to actually get chicks. Not that he'd admit that).
    Later, it would be hilarious if he went all Peppy La'Pew on Bell, and didn't understand why everyone thought this was gay.

    -Pledge actually benefits from being dismissed offhand as an errand boy, though it might be funny to have him explode in shrill anger at something other than the bros.

    -Leroy should have an opinion on EVERYTHING. Always acting like he's amused with everyone else and always trying to say something wise to the boys, but it just comes off as stonerish. Occasionally these observations are total non-sequitors because he doesn't really know what's going on. Also, bull-in-china-shop.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:47 No.10537814
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:48 No.10537842
    I agree. Chad's being too leader-ey. I mean, he shouldn't have PRINCIPLES.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)15:49 No.10537851

    And we all know he knows damn well whom the real culprits are, he's just jerking Minion house around to make the game personal and motivate them.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:49 No.10537854
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:50 No.10537870
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    Missed page 19!
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:50 No.10537878
    Chad just wants to be a bro to his bros and doesn't always account for their varying anatomies or what have you (part of me thinks that the 'I don't have genitallia" skit would work with Ill, but I guess that then he wouldn't be a "flaya playa").
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)15:51 No.10537883

    After the credits roll on every episode, it should always end with Ravelor shouting "MINIOOON HOOOOOOUSE!"
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:51 No.10537896

    W W w . A N O N t a l K . s e e n lcw reprp ejv nsdweopnm kbgz ymeogdk nu
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:52 No.10537906
    I like to imagine that Ill was a normal Illithid who ate 50 Cent's brain. It...didn't take.

    Not sure why I like to think that's how it is, but there you go.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)15:52 No.10537913

    Also, we all know that's not REALLY his phylactery. He just pretends it is. The real one is on some inaccessible demiplane somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:53 No.10537930
    Awesome notes. Will have to either rework the pilot or work them into later episodes.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:53 No.10537942
    Ravelor's Phylactory should totally be the University itself.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)15:54 No.10537964

    I actually like that idea a lot.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:57 No.10538022

    I've been picturing him as comically beefy for a flayer. Like he's Chad's thug-buddy. If he IS this bony-assed thing (like a typical illithid), then he should constantly be drinking weight-gain (weight-brain?), with perhaps a dash of wiggeresque insecurity about his manliness.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)15:58 No.10538047
    But wouldn't Ravelor have had to make it LONG before he founded the University?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:01 No.10538113
    Is Ravelor the headmaster now? There used to be this idea that the headmaster was a demilich made of demiliches.
    But I suppose he's been elbowed out of the plot as Ravelor has grown, which is cool.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:02 No.10538121

    W w W . a N O N T a l k . s E jbw sqb qol qtt om skrquxj as
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)16:02 No.10538124

    Hey, if we don't have continuity errors it wouldn't be a real TV show.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:02 No.10538126
    The Demilich made of Demliches is the head coach.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)16:02 No.10538139

    That was two posts of discussion, at most. We sort of glossed over it.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:03 No.10538152

    It's still plausible. What is now the university could be this indestructible castle that he has moved from one plane to another several times in his existence.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:04 No.10538162
    Maybe his phylactery is the KEY to the university? It thus maintains its symbolism (sort of) while making it so I don't have to rewrite the end of that episode.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:04 No.10538178
    There's this picture of a really beefy Illithid somewhere in one of the 3.5 supplements. I figured he looked like that one.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:06 No.10538198
    Or he just try to maintain the apperance of him going around with it.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:06 No.10538213
    He built the university atop the Phylactory.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:06 No.10538214
    The "Capture the Head" game cannot end in victory for either side; it has to have an unclear resolution (have it be broken up by actual adventurers or something), with both sides claiming they won. Then, after everyone goes home and whatnot, have have Ravelor looking over some files, and he finds out it was Chad's fault the adventurers burst in. Cue "MINIOOOOOOOOOOOON HOOOOOOOOOOOUSE!"
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:10 No.10538267
    I'm too lazy to write another episode tonight, but I'm definitely keeping notes. Also, where are all of our drawfags? We should get some musicfags in here too. This shit needs to be DONE.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)16:11 No.10538283

    Drawfags these days are more interested in 40k porn and dragon-tits. Gone are the days of Sandwich the Paladin and Noh.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:11 No.10538297
    Minion House shouldn't actually play, since they aren't an actual sports team. Instead, they should try to fix the game so that AU is sure to lose. Of course, their plans go awry and hilarity ensues!
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:13 No.10538318
    Oh shit, son. So RAM needs to have an inter-house sports team... as does AU, I guess? So, who is the Minion House representative? What are the other Houses (besides Bleak House)?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:13 No.10538320
    Dude, Sandwich was like 3 months ago.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)16:15 No.10538355

    Minion House and Bleak House should have a rivalry. Maybe Hell House for various infernal and diabolic students who act all snooty because their dads are Archfiends. Plus it's an allusion. Bleak House would be Necromancers and Undead. Drow are racist fuckers so they have their own house, can't think of a good name, though. Maybe one for Aberrations as well.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:16 No.10538368
    Why would MU have a representative at all? They're the stoner/pranking/slacker fraternity only tolerated because of something Chad's greatx20 grandfather did. They should be distant to the actual workings of the university, otherwise they don't have any motivation to pull crazy stuff.

    ...but if they DID have representatives, it would probably be Ill or Leroy (whatever that minotaurs name is), I guess. Ill should also wear a doo-rag at all times.

    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:16 No.10538378

    Charnel House?
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)16:17 No.10538386

    That's ages in internet years.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:17 No.10538396
    Good point. MU sucks too much to have reps and are on the ropes as it is even being part of the Academy. Which means, of course, next episode must introduce a CAST OF THOUSANDS: the rest of the RAM houses.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:18 No.10538405
    MU doesn't have any guidelines though. It's basically the party-animal house that anyone can join.

    Also, the Capture-The-Head game should totally involve them getting Pledge to wire up this big contraption to stop the opposing team from winning. This is because he's a nerd and all nerds can build robots and shit.

    "This bra-bomb better work, Nerdlinger!"
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:18 No.10538410
    Moonbeam: the original characterization of him mentioned him rocking out on top of the "hummer' (i.e, airship), air-guitaring to the Thundercats theme, which has me picturing him as somewhere between "Hippy bard" and "Bill&Ted-type".

    -Priss is coming across fairly well. She could use a little more elfish arrogance and abject disdain for the monstrous rowdies that are the main characters. It would be cute of she were all over one of the two knight-ish character (who was, in turn, oblivious).

    -Devon and Ronalt are blurring together just a hair. My take was that one was supposed to be the hopeless/oblivious lawful-stupid goodguy, while the other is a really preachy and prentious religious-type. Of course, they're both flamboyant white-knights, which I suppose is fine (they're the 'bros' of AU).

    Also, I'm trying to come up with another character (a mage) for the AU gang but everything I try to type up ends up being Jim Darkmagic.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:19 No.10538420
    Goblins tunnel. Dwarves tunnel. Good way to bring in MacDuff and his fast-food/fast-liquor franchise.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:19 No.10538422
    At one point, MU house should embarrass Ravelor during a visit by Acecerak or Orcus or someone else important.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:20 No.10538447
    We should really come up with a character list that is definite and solid. Traits, looks, sounds-likes, all those things. Maybe even a Minion House wiki.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:21 No.10538464
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)16:22 No.10538488

    Asmodeus or Mephistopheles, maybe?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:24 No.10538519
    Eh, they aren't really lichy enough.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:41 No.10538804
    Idea for that. I like seeing Chad as having lots of friends and family connections. So he calls up a friend from Minion High, a Black Dragon to come in and distract the AU team so that the Minions can win. But the Black Dragon happens to be a stoner, and shows up late, getting spotted by a group of actual adventurers on the way over. Everyone bursts onto the field at once, causing lots of chaos and ruining anyone's chance at seeing who wins the tiebreaker. Both teams claim victory, everyone goes home. Later, Ravelor is reading a letter of apology from the Black Dragon (Bruce the Black Dragon?), and when it gets to the part where he says he just wanted to see his bro, Chad, he bursts out MIIIIIIIIIIIIINIOOOOOOOOOON HOOOOOOOOOUSE!

    Just a thought; work with it as you will
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)16:44 No.10538853

    I'm guessing that Minion High is a feeder school.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:46 No.10538881
    Can there even be a Minion High? Minion House is an aberration at RAM; many of those graduates go on to become evil tyrants and masters of black sorcery.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:50 No.10538924
    It's just a placeholder name. Perhaps Hench High?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:59 No.10539036
    Minion High is just being silly now.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)17:02 No.10539068
    Here is the to-do list, Minions:

    1) Write a comprehensive list of characters and traits.

    2) Write a worldsetting so we know what we're all referring to.

    3) Write a plot arc for Minion House to carry us over one full episode.

    I'll do some thinking on these things tonight. Writing the pilot has left me a bit drained of the creative juices.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)17:05 No.10539118
    I like Hench High
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)17:35 No.10539608
    Bumpan for otherfags to help me.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)17:39 No.10539685
    The worldsetting shouldn't be anything specific as far as "rules" go. Basically it's Animal House + Ugly Americans + D&D
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)17:46 No.10539823
    Not rules-wise, but flavor wise. For example, we know there is the Barony of Tears where RAM and AU are... what do we know beyond that?
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)19:36 No.10541912

    Is that stuff really necessary? It's Generic D&D Land #135134. That's the point: it's a spoof of both D&D tropes and frat-movie tropes. So you have Good Kingdoms A and B, Dwarf Kingdom, Elf Kingdom, and the Evilbad Realm of Sucktown.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)19:48 No.10542099
    A couple days ago
    >Huh, someone's started a thread about liches
    >I'll humorously post some stuff about a grumpy lich comically mis-matched with a bro Orc.
    >Shit takes off
    Come back today
    >Holy shit what the hell people writefagging and shit wow
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)19:57 No.10542239

    Did you see the archived thread? It's already considered "epic."
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)20:11 No.10542451

    Yeah, I saw. Crazy.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)20:24 No.10542680

    I think we missed out on the gay showtune-sing lich, actually. I would have liked to see more of him.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)20:35 No.10542888

    He's not gay, damint! A straight man can like Grey's Anatomy and Liza Minelli! A straight man can sing showtunes into a hairbrush, in front of a mirror! He doesn't even have genitalia so he can't be gay!

    >> dashingbastard !!6cKrJu499+/ 06/16/10(Wed)20:37 No.10542917
    Cool story, sis.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)20:37 No.10542924

    Maybe he's Ravelor's annoying brother who sometimes comes to stay, but insists he's straight. And keeps criticising the interior decoration.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)20:40 No.10542991

    Or a neighbour.

    Although having him as his brother opens the opportunity to have stories and adventures away from the campus. Like Ravelor comes to visit to get away from his job, is slowly driven mad by his brother.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)20:41 No.10543011

    If he's not gay, then why does he use lavender-scented embalming fluid?
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)20:46 No.10543108

    This is beginning to sound suspiciously like a cheesy 80s sitcom. Now all we need to do is add in Grandpa Lich and we'll have the undead version of Full House.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)20:58 No.10543320
    I like this. He's Ravelor's Mycroft.

    I agree that it should be generic; but I think specific genericisms are good, helps maintain verisimilitude.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:00 No.10543358

    >Cheesy 80's sitcom

    Given that the first thread of this basically had about three potential lich-related sitcoms, that's not surprising.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:01 No.10543388
    I'm still convinced that this could be a campaign setting in which you ARE from Minion House/RAM.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)21:03 No.10543409

    I just don't think the world needs to be expanded much beyond the two campuses and maybe brief hints at a few of the surrounding lands. We've already taken a glance at the Barony. Although, honestly, I think this would work better on some other plane, or at a nexus between the various planes, than an actual Material Plane location. It would make more sense for there to be all sorts of weird students in such a location.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:04 No.10543428

    >Ill-sense pisses off Ravelor by accidentally spilling Purple Drank on his phylactery and staining it
    >Ravelor gets hissy-fit and decides to take a brief sabbatical in the fantasy equivalent of San Fran, where his gay brother lives.
    >Finds himself even more uncomfortable with brother's lifestyle, as he keeps bringing umber hulks home.
    >Driven even crazier by his brother, realises he has a good thing going at the Academy and returns

    That sort of thing?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:04 No.10543433
    Extraplanar ftw. RAM, AU, and the Barony of Tears are the interplanar nexus of a modernized D&D life? Fast food, fast liquor, the crazy D&D 12th-14th century pushed forward into the 21st.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:05 No.10543445
    This is like, a season 3-4 plot. You know, where Lucy has a baby.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)21:06 No.10543459

    Exactly that sort of thing. He wouldn't even need Guise of the Thespian (although he probably would use it because it has the word Thespian in it), given that any lich worth his salt can Polymorph, Shapechange, or what have you into anything he can think of.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:08 No.10543506

    He takes some time off to work on that grimoire he's been putting off for the last century. I like the idea that Ravelor is a frustrated creative-type.


    ill-Sense says he's from the Inna Dark, which I think would imply that the Underdark has metamorphosed into a really cuthroat inner-city neighbourhood in this setting.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)21:08 No.10543507

    I'd rather have D&D versions of various modern amenities rather than actual technological advancement. A bit like Eberron, only not. You know, magic in the place of technology and all that.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:11 No.10543540

    I get the feeling that since Mycroft (or whatver we decide to name the gay lich) is his irritating brother, it might be that he's a Sorceror where Ravelor is a Wizard? You know, he's naturally magically gifted rather than working at it. But the worst part is that after becoming a lich, he multiclassed to Bard. (Or maybe he always had been Bard?)

    Because Bard is the more FABULOOOUS class, after all. It also explains why Ravelor hates bards.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:11 No.10543554
    This is closer to what I meant, yes. Magical equivalents to modern amenities with D&D style (eg, the chequered polo tunic and sweater combo worn by Devon).

    I also really like this idea. I hadn't really considered it before, since I saw him more as a foiled scholar, but I could see some definite character growth in terms of failed creativity (failed possibly due to the string of Chad's he's had to look after).
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:12 No.10543560
    This is great. Writing this down.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)21:12 No.10543569

    You know, by the RAW, Bards can technically become Liches. Just sayin'.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:14 No.10543606

    Really? Huh. I'll have to look into that.

    A Bardic lich would be the MOST ANNOYING BBEG EVER and I'm definitely throwing it at my party when I get into running D&D
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)21:15 No.10543628
    I prefer Ravelor as the sort of person who genuinely enjoys Academia. He just loves learning, and he grumpily puts up with teaching. His creative works might be closer to a dissertation on the biology and non-biology of angels. Something he's really passionate about for the sake of itself, but still a bit effete at first glance.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:16 No.10543643

    He's creative, but it's something he hasn't really had a chance to explore because his parents pushed him into a career in magic. And now that he's a lich, all the ideas he has are really bleak and evil and geared towards the destruction of the world.

    You know, he starts writing a book of poems but finishes up with the Necronomicon.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:18 No.10543681

    Given that he's a lich who's been around for longer than any of the other main cast, it's more than likely he has multiple strings to his bow, you know.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:19 No.10543713

    Bardic lich? Oh snap.

    His phylactery is a lute. He enslaves whole towns pied-piper style and leads his undead minions in the Thriller dance.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)21:19 No.10543719

    I'd prefer not to examine his origins. I like him better as a vaguely mysterious older-than-sin Lich who adventured with some brilliant warlord thousands of years ago, became a lich, founded a University both magical and mundane, and has been force to provide full scholarships to said Warlord's descendants for the past thousand years or so. Even that may be too much backstory.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:21 No.10543752
         File1276737677.jpg-(41 KB, 403x464, Barony-of-Tears.jpg)
    41 KB
    Gonna use this image (sorry fo' quality, scanner is broken) as the basis of the Barony. Got a few landmarks in, but if anyone has any ideas for shops or whatever that might be around between RAM and AU, go ahead and pitch 'em.

    I figure MacDuff's will be like the local neutral zone.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:21 No.10543758
    I agree; there shouldn't be much backstory at first, as it leaves up the gate for throwing in stuff from his past as episodic content. Although there could be grumbling such as when the Necromicon gets brought up "plagiarizing little bastard, wouldn't know REAL research if it brought back his parents as ravening ghouls..."
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)21:21 No.10543763
    >multiple strings to his bow

    I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with that particular turn of phrase.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:23 No.10543796

    To say someone has more than one string to their bow is the same as saying they're not a one-trick pony. They are multi-talented or gifted in more than one area.


    "Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    And you'll be killed too."
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:25 No.10543821

    That's a good idea, but might work better for his bardic brother rather than Ravelor himself, given that we've established the brother as a more creative type.

    He becomes a lich to be with his brother through eternity, but finds that the frankly superfluous amounts of evil involved have somewhat tainted his creative endeavours
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)21:25 No.10543824

    Ah, I see. While I agree with you, I guess I just picture him more as someone whose only joy left in the world is unraveling but one more mystery of existence. I suppose, given how long he's been unlive, he may have picked up quite a few other skills, but I don't really see them as being focal to his character.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:26 No.10543841
    I don't think we should ever truly KNOW the past of Ravelor or Mycroft. They are brothers. They are liches. One is a bard, a bit dramatic, gay. The other is an academic, striving for perfection, foiled by his devotion to the Chadwyck line.

    They are both as old as sin.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)21:27 No.10543854

    That sounds pretty much perfect, actually. I agree with you wholeheartedly on this point.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)21:29 No.10543889
    Oh, and by the way, this thread is archived on sup/tg/ as "Lich University 2: MINION HOOOOUSE!." Upvote, you beautiful fuckers!
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:32 No.10543928

    While I agree we shouldn't dwell TOO MUCH on their pasts, it's ill advised to leave them complete blanks. If we establish that Ravelor has a brother, or that he has this ancestral connection to the Chadwick line, they're going to naturally refer back at some point during the stories to a shared history. What would be good is hinting at this history and leaving it unstated, but then clarifying it at a later date.

    Mycroft might nag his brother into doing something, holding some sort of leverage over him despite the fact that his brother is more powerful and higher-level and actually has no apparent reason for cow-towing to his brother. We later learn that it's because Ravelor basically pushed his brother to becoming a lich and hence ruined his life and career as a bard. Mycroft has a lot of emotional blackmail material all of a sudden.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)21:35 No.10543995

    The problem with that is that it creates a well-characterized, emotionally-invested character with a deep, intriguing background, while we're trying to go for a spoof. I'm not entirely sure that the two can co-mingle.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:38 No.10544036
    Just 'cause its spoofy, I think we can still have well-rounded characters. Gives greater depth.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:38 No.10544043

    Fair enough, but the point still stands; put two characters with history in a room and they'll talk about, or at least make reference to, that shared history they have. So leaving history a complete blank will be not the best move from a narrative standpoint.

    By all means you can have the history basically be a bulletpoint summary rather than a detailed prologue to the main story. But there needs to be something there, something established. Otherwise, you run the risk of contradicting yourself and saying the wrong thing
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:38 No.10544045
    Little hooks, I wouldn't mind. I don't think, however, a SUPER REVEAL CREATION STORY would be very good. Like, perhaps having an episode center around something Ravelor did 3 centuries ago or, as you mentioned, unnamed tallies that are held over from the extreme past.

    I think what I'm really most against is having an origin tale that is fully explained. I'm more than happy to see references to various "past events." But really, who is as old as Ravelor except for Mycroft? I don't think anyone in the series (at least of the regular characters) is old enough to actually be privy to R&M's human past.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)21:39 No.10544049

    On the other hand, there's a mention in the other thread about Ravelor having a greatx20 grandniece. Maybe Mycroft had a kid before he died? I'm torn, actually. I like the depth, but I'm unsure as to whether it would hinder the parody or not.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:40 No.10544066
    Has anyone put this up on 1d4chan yet?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:40 No.10544076
    I actually think the show can transition from complete silliness to straight-faced comedy. Some of the greatest comedies are played straight without broad winks to the audience.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:42 No.10544096

    There's no need to fully explain every little detail of everything to the "reader", but you as the writer do need to know a lot more about your characters than you show to the readers.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:44 No.10544127

    Comedy isn't just HIJINKS LOL. At least, it isn't outside of the Movie Movies.

    Comedy is about playing on relationships and putting established characters in awkward situations. Establishing one character as socially awkward around girls allows you to then make the funny by having a pretty girl come and talk to him and he freaks out.

    Basically, what I'm saying is that if comedy is your intent, you need to work on character relationships and personalities first. You can't use comedy as an excuse not to.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:45 No.10544141
    w w W . a n o N t a L K . S E i vmp llzf egrpk fwe oudqoof t qdbfbubi
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)21:47 No.10544177

    I'm aware of that. I was merely pointing out that the original intent was to parody HIJINKS LOL. Taking an already inane subgenre and taking it to its logical extreme. Why else would Ravelor shout "MINIOOOON HOOOOOOUSE!" at least once an episode?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:48 No.10544193
    This is where I think the merit lies: starting out with HIJINKSLOL and then rehabilitating it into a comedy played with complete seriousness.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)21:50 No.10544230

    That's a fair point. Whether the show is Growing the Beard or not is up to the fans to argue amongst themselves incessantly on internet fora over.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:50 No.10544241

    Absolutely; it takes time to display a character to the reader, so you start out with just SHENANIGANS and then as you have time for more character development, you go for straighter character- and situation-based comedy.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:51 No.10544263

    Growing the Beard? What's that?

    And please don't like to TV Tropes, I'm already sleep deprived as it stands.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:52 No.10544269
    >But there needs to be something there, something established. Otherwise, you run the risk of contradicting yourself and saying the wrong thing

    We really only need enough history at start to define character traits and relationships, beyond that continuity issues can be handled with a running document.

    Leaving the background open allows references to the past more open to be made wherever and however would be funny.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)21:52 No.10544282

    Wherein a show or series departs from its childish, stupid, or otherwise lacking roots and becomes something truly worthy.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)21:55 No.10544318

    Ah. It sounds like Growing The Beard is no bad thing, then.

    And to be frank, it does seem that RAM is taking that route.

    Season 1 is all MINIOOON HOUSE all the time, with the main plot being the rivalry between the two schools. And then in Season 2 onwards we introduce characters like Mycroft and begin to delve into the actual relationships and history, developing and fleshing out the world we've set up.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)22:00 No.10544391

    Back to discussion of the series, how will episode 2 play out? We're getting ready for the Capture the Head tournament. What exactly is it? What does Minion House have planned to sabotage AU's team?

    On a bit of a tangent, I don't think that Pledge should actually be a nerd. He just blogs, so people assume he's a nerd and treat him accordingly.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)22:03 No.10544445

    I see Capture the Head as something between Quidditch and that hardcore Meso-American handball game where the winning team got to be ritually sacrificed to the gods or some bullshit. With more than a small amount of Blood Bowl thrown in.

    Basically, an athletic competition centering around the "head" (which used to be a severed head but is probably now a mannequin head or something for convenience's sake) placed in the middle of the pitch. Each team has the goal of getting it back to their designated home turf and if they do, they score a point.

    A lot of Capture the Head games are little more than brawls, of course.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)22:03 No.10544450
    Capture the Head, as I envisioned it, is a game played with an ancient decapitated wizard's head that cackles and flies around. The teams must find it while avoiding one another in a manner similar to paintball.

    Not sure what the plans are for disruption yet.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)22:04 No.10544470
    I like this more than my version, but I think it would still work if the head was a celtic-style decapitated man/wizard that degraded whoever was currently holding it.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)22:05 No.10544500

    Adventurers might be a bit grossed out but that's all a part of learning to be an adventurer. If you can't play ball with an ancient severed head there's no way you'd survive adventuring.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)22:07 No.10544525

    Actually, I like the other version to the one I wrote as well. We can compromise? Maybe the head is still a head and flies around trash-talking the players?

    Maybe in the spirit of ripping off Quidditch whole-heartedly, there are multiple heads? The first you have are the standard heads on the pitch, which you have to grab and bring to your area for a goal. And then you have the Wizard's Head, which flies around occasionally doing shenanigans because it can still cast cantrips. So Grease keeps making players fall over, everyone has a good laugh. But if you can get the wizard head to your goal area, you win. End of game.

    They might try to sabotage the game by having a necromancer swap out the regular heads for zombie heads and then focus on catching the wizard head? That way, the opposing team keep getting bitten and RAM's team can focus on winning outright.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)22:08 No.10544553

    Insta-win is a bit too close to Quidditch. How about American Football, but with a wizard's head instead of a ball?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)22:19 No.10544788
    I think the idea earlier in the thread was getting one of Chad's old friends, a Black Dragon, to interfere, but he gets chased on by real adventurers. Chaos erupts
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)22:23 No.10544858

    I rather like that idea. I believe there was also mention of a goblin?/kobald? digging team undermining the game.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)22:28 No.10544962
    I think AU should be doing the digging, but they rationalize it as "only to stop RAM from cheating." So you have a Dragon bursting onto the field, Adventurers rampaging across it, and dorfs bursting up from underground... all at once
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)22:29 No.10545004
    Brilliant. Noted.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)22:39 No.10545201

    Meanwhile, Jon and Maurice are sitting in the skybox watching in mild amusement before heading off and ripping into their respective student bodies.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)22:45 No.10545317
    This reminds me of the Pendragon University for Adventurers we came up with a while back.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)23:39 No.10546496
    I thought they should dig a tunnel into the AU woman's locker room at some point. It's just fucking classic.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)23:44 No.10546596
    There should be one episode that actually centres around AU, in which they don't look any worse then Minion House.
    >> Alpharius 06/16/10(Wed)23:48 No.10546671

    Surely you mean in which they don't look any better? As I've gathered, a part of this series will be to show the banality of Good and Evil, and how utterly amorphous both concepts are within D&D. Evil doesn't mean evil, and Good doesn't mean good.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)00:05 No.10547063
    yeah, that's what I meant.

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