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Past Threads
>Rentry masterlink, includes character sheets, shop information, inventory, and general information
>Popularity Contest Round 2

A couple months ago, the world changed forever.

Individuals worldwide began manifesting the qualities of various figures- gods, spirits, heroes, beasts, and monsters- from Greek mythos. The system that caused and continues to facilitate this phenomenon is shrouded in mystery, both in how it functions and why it began its activities when it did.

The protagonist of this tale is the incarnation of Atë, a minor goddess in the grand scheme of Greek mythology, who causes and presides over folly and ruin. She, formerly a miserable but ultimately normal office worker, has since accepted her role as the embodiment of her <Myth>. She, along with her partner in crime, the incarnation of Pheme, titan of rumors and gossip, have been working to expand their influence and stack the deck in their favor against not only mortals, but also rival incarnations. In her own eyes, she is no longer human. Her ultimate goal- the elimination of all rival incarnations and, eventually, complete and total world domination.

Atë, preparing to face off against the more powerful incarnations that rule over their swathes of the world, finds herself at an auction of aspiring divinities, hoping to find allies, tools, servants, and abilities to sufficiently increase her divine might.
The savory smells of frying oil and fresh meat fill your nose as you lounge in your chair and chat with the man across from you. The man introduced himself as Perillos, but you doubt that that’s the name of his myth.

“So,” you ask, trying to confirm his abilities without revealing your intentions too much, “Can you show me something you’ve been working on?”

He ponders for a second before waving his hand in the air, adding a bit of theatrical flair to what in most likely was just him grabbing an item from his inventory. At first, you just think he’s goofing off, like one might snap their fingers or wave a hand in front of an automatic door, but in actuality, making it look like a magic trick would probably do well to help avoid suspicion from mortal onlookers.

Turning your attention to the object he grabbed, you set your eyes on a sleek black cane. A golden leviathan-esque serpent wraps itself around the shaft, its partly-open jaws serving as the cane’s head. You notice that some of the scales, rather than being golden, are glittering crystals of various colors. A flickering light resonates within the multicolored gems, almost like-

“Authority crystals,” you whisper, a sense of genuine awe leaking into your tone.

“You catch on quick. This is my magnum opus, <Rainbow Serpent>.”

>Rainbow Serpent (Fable <Gamma> Relic)

A master artificer’s attempt to create omnipotence in his forge. Can hold up to 102 authority crystals, each of which can be used as if you possessed it while the <Serpent> is awake. However, other than the two crystals inlaid in the eyes, none of the authorities can be upgraded with influence, nor can they be used while the serpent is awake. While the serpent is awake, it consumes divinity proportional to the number and grade of the authorities it uses. The project remains incomplete.


“Most so-called ‘item makers’ have completely misunderstood the way to create relics,” he explains, “Let me ask you this- what do you think runs better, a horse-drawn chariot with an engine clumsily fitted to it or a real car?”

“The car, obviously”

“Exactly. What most other incarnations do is essentially like the former- they take or make items- mortal items- exactly like they normally would to carry out their normal mortal functions. This limits most of what they can do to party tricks or mindless damage instead of a real relic.”

“So <Enchant Item> isn’t enough.”

He nods, “These things require technique, that’s all the hints I’ll give you- the rest is a trade secret.”

You spend the next few minutes chatting before your food is ready. He eats with relish, inhaling food like he hasn’t eaten in months. You begin to eat and, as the umami of the oil mingles with the rich flavor of the meat and the tang of the lemon juice, your face loosens a bit- it’s been a while since you’ve been able to enjoy the pleasures of food.

Typo correction:
>nor can they be used while the serpent is asleep

He finished his plate before you’d even gotten through half of your own. He orders another, sits back down, and sips on his beer, seemingly observing you.

You meet his gaze- unlike the jovial, almost childlike expression he wore before, the young man’s eyes seem completely different. You’ve seen those eyes thousands of times, staring back at you from the silvery surface of a mirror. Instantly, you realize two things- firstly, his guard was probably never dropped- it’s not impossible that he may have been able to see through your stealth with those goggles, but at the very least, he’s been cautious of you since you sat down. The second is that he was so willing to chat with you because he, as you did, recognized a familiar experience.

This man has given up on the world.

>Ask him a question
>Keep eating
>Let him talk
> Let him talk

A brilliant engineer, overlooked over and over in favor of nepotism and politicking bootlickers?

>Ask him a question
Are you going to be content to be subservient to one of the major players of the world? Because I won't.
>"What caused it? What got you to the point the system chose you?"
As well as what >>6004729 said. Is this the making of a true ally like Pheme, and not a minion?
good to have you back, and thanks for fixing the formating thing I asked you last thread.

>"Do you have a sponsor?"
>"You know, like, in the renaissance, some rich guy would sponsor an artist, provide them with fancy pigments and all the paintbrushes they need while only occasionally asking them to paint a ceiling where the dudes have their dick out."
>"You could do your own shit and be mostly left alone by the rest of the world."

>offer connections
>>We have access to mortal money
>>We have people that can get us easy nectar
>offer epithets
>>We have in the order of magnitude more epithets around than we know what to do with immediately and are wondering what would happen if an epithet holder is used as an enchanting ingredient.
>offer human test subjects
>offer humans who do his captchas for him because god damn, it's the fourth time

as a stygnian pact (which either party is allowed to opt out at any time):
>both parties keep quiet about the pact to the outside (exceptions must be agreed upon by both parties)
>we provide him with everything he needs, within reason
>we protect his life
>he does commissionsfor us, within reason
>he won't do commissions for anyone else, except with our approval (for example to keep up the appearance of him being independant)
>he shares the results of his own fundamental research
+1 supporting these two.

Don't want a pact atm, would rather have something closer to an equal and an ally if possible.
>>Let him talk
>Ask him a question
Where do you see yourself, when this divine power struggle for the world is resolved?

As you polish of the last of your schnitzel, you decide to spark the conversation back up:

“You’re aware,” you begin, “That a handful of incarnations are vying for world domination.”

He takes a clumsy sip from his comically large beer mug before nodding in affirmation.

“What do you plan to do? I know you won’t stand for that sort of life.”

He pauses, seemingly contemplating something.

“Before I answer, let me ask you something: who was it?”

You instantly know what he means. You pause, deliberating whether to lie, keep silent, or tell the truth, before he interrupts your thoughts.

“The fact that someone came to mind for you is enough. For me, it was a couple of things: My dad was an alcoholic. Not subtle, and not very smart- child services got a hold of me pretty quick.

So, I ended up at an orphanage. That… was the happiest time of my life. The director was like a mother to me- to us, rather, and even though we didn’t have much, we had enough.

I got to uni on a scholarship. We were way too poor to afford tuition without one, obviously. While I was studying engineering, I found a mentor- he was kind, or at least I thought he was, and we got very, very close. I kinda thought of him as the father I never had.

Everything was perfect until the director got sick.

I won’t delve into the specifics, but the disease was technically curable. However, the treatment was experimental, and the only place that was doing the trials for it was in the U.S.

In short, it became a problem of money.

So, I got to work. I thought to myself, if I could just design something impactful enough, I could sell it off to some megacorporation and get my hands on enough money for the treatment. Stupid right? I worked nonstop, missing days of sleep every week just for a shot at getting things right. And d’ya know what the worst part is?

I did it.

You might have heard about it- the invention, obviously, not me- an internal combustion engine schematic with a whopping 15% theoretical decrease in fuel usage per unit energy. Ecstatic, I rushed to my mentor to show him my work. Immediately, he recognized the profits to be had and, weighing it against his connection to me, he decided he’d much prefer the engine."

"So, he stole the design and, to ensure I’d never have a leg to stand on in that world again, had me blacklisted, accused me of plagiarism and, ultimately, had me expelled.

Just one month later, Ms. Bovet died. That day, I deified.”

He extends his gloved hand towards you,

“My name is Perdix.”

>Shake his hand without speaking
>Introduce yourself as Atë
>Introduce yourself as Rosa
>Introduce yourself as w̴̡̜̭͈̹̼̫̺̍̾h̵̬͔̣͇̮̿̄̇̔̌̇͝ͅò̵̢̻̝̳̳͉̗͎̥͈͍͖ ̶̛͖̥̾̃̆̾͂̓͊͗̌̀̎͋̿̚y̷̢̟͊̽̀̀̈͌̐́̇̇̓͗̚o̷̡̧͚̱̫̳̠̥͍͚̿̾̑͠ü̶͍̳̟̩̮̘͔̏͜͠ ̴̯̐̃̈́̏̾͂̈̒̂̇̃̕ṛ̶̡̢̼͔̥̩͕̫͍͖̆̾̎͛͆̌̍̔͜͝ͅȩ̵̣̰̜̺̙̳͇̓̏̂͗͒̆̂̉̀̄͐͆̚a̶̹̦͂̂̉̽̇l̷̨̩̦̩̠͎̼͔͙͓͔̈́̾͜l̴̢̧̧̛̩͚̯͎̺̝̟͚̬̍͛̀́̈́͐̀̆͜͠y̴̢̌͊̃͂͜ ̶̫̞̥̞̭̞̙͉͋͐̒̐a̸̧̟̖̻̜̹̜͙̻̔̍̌̀͠r̴̺̣̣̱͉̙͗̉̃̚̚ę̸̛̩̼̳̟̻͎͋̄̆̓̿̊̑̿͋̄̎͠
>"I don't think I can use my true name without something bad happening. Not risking it here."
>Introduce yourself as Atë
OP summary says "In her own eyes, she is no longer human", and that is the path we decided on as players, but I think deep down it's some advanced larp as a form of cope. But this is not the time or place to come to a reverse Raiden moment.
Also this guy is super cool already. I seriously hope he's not some master ruseman working for somebody powerful and we're falling right into their hands. Our girl needs some REAL friends
>Introduce yourself as Atë

Perdix, student of Daedelus. Yeah, that could be useful.

When we killed the Hind I think that was a symbol of Atë killing her past too, the parts of her that she thinks are too weak to survive in this world.
But they'll always be inside her, just not outside in the world they're too weak to exist in. Pheme knows what she was like before, and I remember we brought this subject up to her didn't we? So we get to world domination and turn the planet into an influence farm and then...? No sense in thinking that far, huh?
The safety and security to just be the person she wants to be, free, under no one's heel.

Maybe one day.
>Introduce yourself as Atë
As much as I want to know our original name, he used his myth name so it would be weird.
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Picrel is Brigita, Isabella, and Dorota. I'm not super pleased with the previous refs for them (or in Isabella's case, no reference at all) so here's the mental image I'm working with

>Introduce yourself as Atë

“Atë,” you say, firmly grasping his hand. He smiles, apparently feeling your sincerity.

“One more wienerschnitzel for the lady, on me!” Perdix calls back to the restaurant owner.

“Now, let me answer your question. I don’t plan on sticking around. Have you seen <Divine Domain> in the shop?”

You shake your head, he continues:

“World domination is fine and all, but, ultimately, it’s kinda pointless unless you’re gathering power just for the sake of it. Once you hit the higher levels of <Divine Domain>, you basically become a god in there. Remember that orphanage I was talking about?”

You nod, “The one you grew up in, right?”

He smiles, “That’s the one. After Ms. Bovet passed, I had to pick up the slack on paying for things. Apparently, Bovet incurred quite a bit of debt just keeping things afloat, and with some pretty unsavory people at that. At first I just ‘cleaned up’ the problem, but after a certain amount of time it became unsafe for the kids to go out. So,” a madness flares in his eyes, “I moved the orphanage.”

“...to your divine domain?” you ask, unable to completely hide your shock.

He nods, “I leveled up quickly by doing quests- at first, it was only big enough for one building where I could safely house the kids before I dropped them off at school, but eventually,it got so big and so customizable that I was able to take an entire village. It was easy- the place was already in the dumps, and they were basically being harassed out of their homes by some mining company who wanted the land they were on.”

“So you just took them in?”

“Yep, just like that. The best part- nobody in the domain can break the rules- of course, they can leave any time, but why would they? Shops that constantly restock with free food and supplies doled out by robotic clerks that do all the manual labor for them- but with the option to make money in exchange for luxury goods, beautiful scenery, no pollution or debts or homelessness or worries. The place is a paradise- my paradise.”

This guy might be a bit insane.

“I still pop into the “real world” to get incarnation things or do quests- and stop by for really good schnitzel- but I basically don’t live here anymore.”

“But if all of those people depend on you to exist, what happens if you get hurt or get old?”

“Ah, well, that’s why I still bother with the incarnation world. I need <Immortality>. I don’t like the idea of my people worshiping me- although some do anyway- so I kinda have to venture into the “real world”. What about you? Are you throwing your hat in the ring for world domination?”

You nod,

“No disrespect to your goals, but I can’t be satisfied with digging a little hole and hiding in it. I want to be able to do what I want, where I want, when I want. I-” you pause for a second before allowing yourself to continue, “I never want to be beneath someone ever again.”

“Let me ask you this: when all is said, and all is done, do you think that what you have will make you happy? You’ve made it very clear what you want to avoid, but what do you actually want? Where does your road go?”

What are your desires, Atë?

>Power over others
>I don’t know
>Deflect from the question
>I don’t know
Spend long enough without choices and you forget how to make them.
+1 that's a solid line
All of Ate's choices go towards domination and control and manipulation and evil acts of chaos. When are the times she ever acts for herself? When doing stuff with Pheme. Enjoying this schnitzel. Human stuff. Because people forget even the deities of old were people too and had personality and flaws and things they cared deeply about no matter how evil or morally black they were
>Retribution against the worlds bastards
>But honestly, we don't know
>Maybe hit the reset botton and go full Noah's arc there, then implement a post-capitalist society. Robots sound nice to fulfill the peoples basic needs like food and healthcare
>Maybe just rid the world of the pest called humanity entirely
>Maybe build a divine spaceship and just fuck off
>Let me ask you this: when all is said, and all is done, do you think that what you have will make you happy?
Not sure, but I know I'll be unhappy if I don't try.

Not even over others, but more that no one would have power over us.
Against all the engineering mentors of the world and their ilk.
yo wat dat mouf do tho?
>belly mouth
>doesn't even bother giving blowjobs with it
>too capital S Sadistic to ever do it
Missed potential, no lie
She imprisoned someone in it once, and then we took his soul. Suffice to say he was having a bad day.

I do take comms, gents (Although I'd probably mark up NSFW ones by a good bit)


>I don’t know

“Honestly, I’m not sure. Thinking about it, almost everything I’ve been doing has been reactionary- I want more power just so that I don’t have less than others, I hurt people just because I know that’s the only way to survive. I guess if you live long enough without choices, you forget how to make them.”

He shrugs, “I get that but let me give you a word of warning. Power, control, revenge- these things aren’t bad in and of themselves, but, at least for me, it’s always been bad to pick them over whatever makes you happy.”

You remember the night you spent with Pheme, contemplating whether or not you should stick a dagger in her sleeping body.

“Well, enough with the self-help therapy talk bullshit,” he says cheerily before downing the last of his drink, “Let’s talk business.”

“So, with <Enchant Item> you can use authorities you have instead of consuming authority crystals?”

“Well, you need to supply the power, that is to say <Dice>, from another source which you can then override with your own authority, but that’s about right.”

“And <Enchant Item> exists as sort of the finishing touch of your process?”

He nods, “I construct the underlying mechanisms for the divinity circuits and the actual functionality of it with the final product in mind, but the enchantment is usually the last or second to last step, yes.”

“In that case, I have a proposal.”

>Bring up <Folly’s Grasp>
>Bring up <Life Insurance>
>Ask for a specific type of item without offering a crafting based quid pro quo (But you’ll need payment of some kind)
I was just thinking about this

>Bring up <Life Insurance>
Life Insurance, plus a tidy sum and a steady flow of worship or souls can basically let him acquire Immortality without trips to the primary world. And with his skills he might be able to improve the basic authority considerably. If his goal is to live in a paradise of his own creation, then Life Insurance is basically a win. He never has to leave again if he has a flow of influence and enough years to get Immortality. Even the 1,000,000 influence required gap will be bridged in 30 years if he has a 100 passive influence gain per day. And he does have worshippers. So I suggest we offer him a million dollars (if he needs it?) and Life Insurance, which should buy him quite a bit of time, especially if he levels up the authority.

In exchange he crafts us items and tools. He grants us access to visit his realm, we both agree to various non aggression stipulations for everyone's comfort. We provide materials, he provides expertise and labor.

He agrees to loan us Life Insurance for use within his realm only, in the event we need to drop a few years.
Pretty much agree with this, we're planning on going big enough to just buy Immortality, we shouldn't need life insurance.

Just need to make sure he's bound to us. With the amount of money he can make as a crafter with auction access, Life Insurance is really all he needs. We don't want him to drop us after we hand it over.

>Bring up <Life Insurance>

“You said that the main reason you were coming to the ‘real world’ was in order to prolong your lifespan, right?”

Perdix nods as his second round of food is placed in front of him. You continue to speak while he shovels the hot food into his mouth.

“Well, if your description of <Divine Domain> is correct, the only things threatening your life are age and disease, right?”

He strokes his chin- “I guess I could also be susceptible to mental illness, but yeah pretty much.”

“In that case, as long as you stop aging and have some way to prevent getting sick, your vision is basically complete, yeah?”

His eyes widen- “Are you saying you have something that can grant eternal youth?”

“Well, kinda,” you say before explaining the functions of <Life Insurance>.

As he hears out your proposal, his eyes sharpen into a serious gaze.

“What are your terms?”

You lay out the following set of stipulations:

1) You may take this authority and upgrade it as high as you wish- however, you may not upgrade it past the point it can be returned to an <Authority Crystal> by you

2) You may not use <Life Insurance> to create any artifacts, relics, or weapons

3) You may not give <Life Insurance> to anyone else

4) If you should ever hit an age past 45 without enough currency to make use of <Life Insurance>, enough currency will be provided in order to reduce your age to at most 25 within 1 year of a formalized request. If the request is not met, this will be considered a termination of the contract

5) This contract may be terminated at any time. Should the contract be terminated, <Life Insurance> will be returned to its former owner, the incarnation of Atë

In exchange, I want… (Select as many of the following as you wish. Note that, the more you ask for, the less likely Perdix is to agree to the terms)

> Exclusivity as a customer
> Free crafting services (Not including the cost of materials)
> Relics, authorities, or epithets of a similar value as collateral
>Some specific relic or weapon craft (Specify)
idk what else, but I want some sort of formalised alliance or something along those lines.
> Free crafting services (Not including the cost of materials)
>Some specific relic or weapon craft
What does he think he could do with improving our ability to project sounds, or improve voice/sound based authorities?

Alternatively I wouldn't say no to a high tier stealth relic, especially one that let's us Whisper at a target without them perceiving us.

Exclusivity doesn't concern me, there are other crafters out there. And collateral is unimportant given we'll certainly enforce this via the system.
I can't imagine a guy who uses his divine power to protect a his home village and a bunch of orphans is going to be ok joining up with us completely. Like, we're enabling him to complete his goal of abandoning the world, and he's enabling our goals of WORLD DOMINATION, but I don't think he would handle the details well. We've reacted to our shared trauma very differently.
>Limited exclusivity as a customer, you'll not sell anything above Super Rare to anyone else
>Cheap crafting services (Not including the cost of materials)
> Exclusivity as a customer
> Free crafting services (Not including the cost of materials)

Arguably, since the guy is a recluse we might not even need to get Exclusivity, as I don't believe he'll have many other opportunities to get out and mingle from his domain once we've eliminated his need for Immortality.

While the man may have moral compunctions, us having the key to his immortality and mostly leaving him alone does provide a valuable incentive for keeping the both of us apart unless one has a need for the other.
>Free crafting services
>collateral relic of similar value - to help him agree to this one we can have it under the same terms, we can’t lose it or give it away and it’s returned to him upon pact termination

No customer exclusivity because he’s gonna want to be making the big bucks to stay young

Lmao just don’t tell him bro
He lives in an isolated pocket dimension
When we take over we’ll maintain this town just the way it is
Hey QM, how does the life insurance authority handle the fluctuating value of the USD and what would happen if the USD lost its value to to some unforseen calamity
Exclusivity does seem like the one thing he wouldn't agree on due to us just giving him an incentive to grow his wealth, he seems too clever to chain his life onto us, also might hinder his growth capability thus lowering how much we could gain out of him in the long term
> USD lost its value to to some unforseen calamity

I'd guess the system auto corrects to handle region and inflation. I bet you could use anything if enough mortals value it and use it for currency.

The value of any given currency is based on how much gold you can buy with that amount of money.


It seems like exclusivity is a tossup so we'll swap it to
>Priority as a customer (my stuff first)
>Free crafting services
>Some specific relic or weapon craft

"Sure, that works for me. I remember, though, as per the agreement you'll need to provide the materials to make whatever it is you want."

What kind of item do you want? Feel free to elaborate if you want something specific

>A weapon
>A relic (specify the broad strokes of the effect)

>A relic (specify the broad strokes of the effect)
Something that lets us project Whispers remotely without being incredibly obvious about it.
there's a few things I can think of immediately
>order Pallas in to see if she has some suggestions
>a relic to supercharge our ability to go about unseen
or help give false information to information gathering authorities
right now most are simply blocked, but even a level 5 beast incarnation had "animal instinct" or "preservation instinct" that told them we were dangerous
>a network of relics that allow the remote transfer of divinity
say, we have subordinates around the world that pay tribute
>A weapon that increases the effectiveness of touch based authorities when inside an enemy
>a relic that lets us extend touch based authorities outward a lot farther
for touch of madness
>a relic to drain divinity from passing mortals
nothing too severe, but place it at a busy intersection or train station, from thousands of people that barely feel the miniscule effect it has on them

Divinity maxing could definitely be useful, being able to suck it from incarnations and mortals under our control.

We can already get a foot of reach for two divinity on ToM, and that goes up an inch per divinity per level. We can, at considerable divinity expensive, lunge out over 200 feet with Touch of Madness already, but I have to admit being able to go farther wouldn't hurt.

We really ought to max ToM soon.
>Divinity maxing could definitely be useful,
we have a few items that take divinity now, I want their charging to be streamlined
if we always keep 1k divinity in the gown of eris we have a get out of jail free teleport
I bet we could pass items through a gaggle of ensouled mortals and train their divinity into items. Might need a lot of mortals, but....
>a network of relics that allow the remote transfer of divinity
while the passive suck on divinity suggestion was interesting I would say that a network of relics allowing the transfer of divinity would be better since we got divine servant. Divine servant is honestly one of the strongest abilities we have and we ought to level it up and use it more, divine servant theoretically allows us to create 10 minions customized to our needs, at max level we would have +400 divinity from 10 divine servants. If we wanted to we could play the puppet master using Folly's grasp with us never really needing to appear in person. also Philotes should take over the cyber siren persona considering her directive plus her title

on a somewhat related note, QM what happens to people who undergo redeification due to the divine servant skill if we were to use inductee thus removing the miracle?

>on a somewhat related note, QM what happens to people who undergo redeification due to the divine servant skill if we were to use inductee thus removing the miracle?

They would keep their new incarnation status but they will immediately regain ownership of their souls


Perdix leans back in his chair as he considers the request.

“Divinity gathering, huh? It’s definitely doable. There are a number of ways to go about it, of course. What do you think?”

>Harvest from servants

A remote collection relic that can take divinity from anywhere once your subordinates can opt into it

Pros: Efficient, zero probability of the artifact being interrupted or tampered with
Cons: Limited by the number of people whose souls you control

>Harvest from a leyline

A stationary collection relic that collects from one of the earth’s natural divinity hotspots

Pros: Can be hidden completely and away from civilian areas, works consistently at all times
Cons: May be found by accident, especially since incarnations are naturally drawn to hotspots

>Harvest from mortals

A mobile, autonomous relic that steals minor amounts of divinity from hundreds of mortals daily

Pros: Largest divinity influx, can be relocated at any time, can be fitted with other functions later down the line that take advantage of its function to orient itself towards large crowds
Cons: Most likely to be discovered, limited by hours of high human activity

>Epithet-Based Method

A relic that collects divinity based on some epithet you provide

Pros: Unknown
Cons: Unknown


“And what grade of relic would you like? The higher it is, the more <Dice> I’ll probably need to make it. Of course, my crafts are much more efficient than some schmuck with <Enchant Item>.”

>Legendary: 10
>Mythic: 20
>Fable: 21 (Add more dice for a greater letter value)
>Harvest from mortals

>Mythic: 20
How big can we go here actually
Like we'll need to provide materials, but what would we be providing if say we wanted to go with 50

Hmm, there's probably some clever approaches in our epitaphs. I wonder if The Hind would accrue divinity from people escaping danger?

>Harvest from mortals
Screw it, go big.

> Max it out! How many items can he use?
higher priority:
>Harvest from servants

>Harvest from mortals
>>multiple Legendary ones
they don't need to be all that fancy when we can have subordinates watch guard them in some capacity

It seems like
>Harvest from mortals

How would you like to supply the dice? You need at least 21

>Give items (specify)
>Assess Epithets (specify)
>Buy <Drops of Chaos> (Specify)
How does it work exactly?
Does anything going up to value 21 do?
Are we melting down stuff to reshape the base divine essence?
He's also saying dice in-universe, or is that just for the player?

What does
>Give items (specify)
What can he do with the dud Sword?

>Assess Epithets (specify)
Opaline Offering, Cretan Bull

>Buy <Drops of Chaos> (Specify)
Divine Weapon Ticket (low): 200
200 influence for common tier stuff that's an assured 2 points

the other drops can be authorities, which we'd need to buy crystals for, or traits and titles which we can't even give away

Unlike most other rolls in the quest, <Enchant Item> refers to its units of divinity as Dice in-universe because for most incarnations, <Enchant Item> has probabilistic elements that align with what was explained to you. Of course, real craftsmen can bypass the gacha elements, but they still refer to them as <Dice> since the system does the same

Also, <Common> items provide 2 dice if they're the base, but only 1 as an ingredient
Gambling went pretty well last time, lets buy 5 purified drops of chaos and see where that gets us

for stuff we already have, I'd be willing to toss in the specter's wail authority, Epimetheus epithet, and the Judgement of Tiresias item

He said ingredients make a difference, so I also want to buy Command from the shop and use that as one.
How much to epithets bring?
I'm guessing in the range of 7-10

>toss in the specter's wail authority, [...], and the Judgement of Tiresias item
absolutely not

>ingredients make a difference
then maybe go with a theme that works together

>Wretched Blight, Catoblepas
and some authorities (baseprice+levelup+crystal)
>Fear 3 (100+300+300)
>Command 3 (100+300+300)
>Stealth 6 (600 for crystal, then rebuy it)
something hidden that makes people feel unease
>>Command 3 (100+300+300)
command is 300 base copypaste error
and Catoblepas costs 2000 to buy an epithet holder
so a total cost of 4200 of our roughly 5100

which wouldn't leave us with much to level stealth back up with a base price of 500, we'd only get it to 3

we can also wait to see if we get a cool authority at the auction tomorrow, because we still have points left over
I get that some people are attached to specter's wail, but why not judgement of tiresias? We bought it just to give deer a shot at changing gender when she already has the ability to change genders. Give her a chance to use it and then its purpose is fulfilled.
> Enchant Item (1)
Hah, I think we can let this one go
> Draw Eyes (1)
There are probably uses here, but we have a lot of powers and combos we're juggling as is

> Ichor Drinker (Rare Spear)
Do we need a divinity sucking spear if we have a divinity draining relic? I don't think so.

> Wrath of Artemis, Calydonian Boar
> Epimetheus, Titan of Hindsight
> Opaline Offering, Cretan Bull
I just don't see us getting much use from these.

...our Cretan Bull sync is really high. I wonder what the deal is with that?

> Chaos Drops
At 200 Influence per common weapon we can pull 17 Dice from influence. That feels like our best option from chaos drops, unless max items is a factor.
I agree with Enchant item for sure, this guy is better at it than we ever will be
Draw eyes probably has some super good functionality when upgraded but I can let that one go too

> Wrath of Artemis, Calydonian Boar
Not this one, the boar is one of our big combat authorities

> Chaos Drops
the normal ones have 20% chance of a debuff effect, opening 17 would accrue 3-4 of those, that's why I wanted purified instead
> Draw Eyes (1)
> Ichor Drinker (Rare Spear)
I kinda overlooked those two, they can serve as a good thematic ingredients to what I suggested here >>6008147

for the rest and chaos drops I don't think throwing in random stuff is a very good idea, so...
>Consult Perdix about the different proposed ideas here

To clarify, I meant the epithet, not the Authority.
I know, I just don't want to give away an epithet linked to one of our big authorities
+1 to everything but epimetheus, epimetheus in the myth was the brother to prometheus and implied to be the husband of pandora, due to the nature a divine servant with that epthet would prolly be able to have some skills useful to us
What a stupid reason, also we will probably eventually get rid off the authority itself wventually anyways, so I wouldn't call it one of our big authorities

It seems like people are in favor of selling off:

>Wretched Blight, Catoblepas: 10 dice
>Opaline Offering, Cretan Bull: 10 dice

Cost: 4,000 (crystals)

Using Perdix’s staff and a bit of finagling, you spend the appropriate influence to level up:
> Enchant Item (3)
> Draw Eyes (3)

Cost: 600 (Upgrade costs)

> Ichor Drinker (Rare Spear): 3 dice
Do we need a divinity sucking spear if we have a divinity draining relic? I don't think so.

Total dice: 29

Is this acceptable?

After negotiating with Perdix and formalizing your contract with a <Stygian Pact>, who has already started sketching some designs on the complementary napkins, he gives you a firm handshake and tells you he’ll contact you in a week or two.

You finish your food and exit, handing Pallas a sandwich which he hungrily wolfs down. The sight of the intimidating man cramming it into his face with such vigor gets a chuckle out of you which he does not notice.

You have four days left before you have to be in Israel. What should you do?

>Attend the next day of the auction
><Crash the party> to meet with someone (e.g. Pheme, Eris)
>Go on a hunt
>Chat with someone at the auction (e.g. Crimson Dove, Tangerine Owl)
>Focus on streaming
>Focus on music
>Find a martial arts instructor
>Investigate the cult Pheme was telling you about
Didn't mean to link the archives there, 4chan copy/paste stuff happened lol
Is this acceptable?
> Yes

What to do:
> Find a martial arts instructor
> Focus on streaming

In that order of priority. I'd really love to pile up enough influence to fashion a miracle out of Awaken the Palladium, but I think some actual instruction in combat would be a powerful multiplier to our skill set.
>keep Opaline Offering
>buy and upgrade Fear to 3

I think I'm done with the auction. Sure it's interesting, but I kinda want to get back into the action

>Give the remaining Points to Pallas and tell her to meet us in Israel
also tell her... him, them, whatever - that won the Judgement of Tiresias and they can use it if they want to
Description says it "creates a fluid", [spolier]the genderfluid![/spoiler], so the item does refill, right? it's not a one use item?
>Pallas should also look for Mouse again
they are still under an stygnian pact

>Leave the auction and try to get the ball rolling on faustian bargain as many people from the mafia as possible
get our max divinity up and try to see if we can get the gown of Eris to 11k
and maybe, far off from the auction hunt another beast to get GT to X

In the 4 days we should get a Miracle of Healing on Philotes, get her a streamer setup, and send her on her way.
>Focus on streaming
Backing >>6009074
Except for keeping Opaline and getting fear
I do want to give Pallas back the spare points and let them do what they want at the remainder of the auction, do want to get at least 10k divinity in the gown in case we have an emergency, and do want GT at X

You're a stupid reason

>Focus on streaming
>Deal with mobsters

Influence: 5,158-> 558/51,200

You decide to offer Pallas a go at the new relic you bought, but she shakes her head, declining the offer:

“It’s not like I like being a dude- of course, I don’t really dislike it either. Even if I did become a guy for real, I’d probably be too small to be optimal. It’s more efficient to just use my title for it instead.”

Weird girl.

You pocket it, deciding that it could be useful later down the line for the purposes of striking deals.

Having accomplished what you set out to do, you decide to send your mafia men home. Due to Povondra’s mental condition, you order Slavíček to keep tabs on him and, if necessary, make decisions in his stead. You follow them back to the Czech republic, striking deals with the mortals laying around whenever the opportunity arises.

Passive income: 20->60
Divinity boost: 160->220

Max divinity: 610 (+220)

Also, going forward (for the sake of my personal bookkeeping) I'm changing the display to show as max: 830/830 (500+100+230). It's a lot easier to keep track of.

You dedicate the rest of your time before your flight on increasing your online presence, swinging your connections, marketing, and putting out advertisements containing your <Whispers>, inciting devotion, curiosity, and lust. The campaign is an incredible success, bringing in a massive influx of followers in an incredibly short time frame:

Follower count: 152,946
Cult members: 2,003

Influence: 558-> 1,947/51,200

Gown of Eris: 0->3,200

Meanwhile, you task Brigita with getting her hands on <Miracle of Healing> and order her to start making online content. Do you support her as Cyber_Syren? (Will lead to a much faster rate of growth, but will permanently connect her identity to yours.)

>Yes, publicly
>Yes, indirectly through private connections
>No, she can gain popularity on her own

On your trip to Israel, you may bring any number of allies with you. Select as many as you wish from the following. Remember that if you have them with you, they won’t be able to do other tasks like gather intel, run organizations, or gain power in other ways:

>Brigita (Philotes/Siren)
>Josef (Phlegethon)
>Benedikt (Phonoi)
>Iwana/Deer (Pallas)

>Karmenov (Pheme)
>Dorota (Algos)
>Isabella (Amphillogos)
>Crimson Dove (???/Artemis)
>Tangerine Owl (???)
only 3 people? we got to be more aggressive. getting controlled by the soul will never put their loyalty in question and will allow us all to operate more smoothly. They all must have things they desire

>>No, she can gain popularity on her own

>>Benedikt (Phonoi)
>>Iwana/Deer (Pallas)
>>Isabella (Amphillogos)
>>Crimson Dove (???/Artemis)

>No, she can gain popularity on her own
> But use Many Faces to record "Like and Subscribe!" with her voice and our Whispers to encourage growth.
Once she's established we can do a collab to cross pollinate audiences a bit.

The Crew
>Isabella (Amphillogos)
Lots of chances for her to gamble and grow I assume, and she's pretty strong in combat it seems.
>Crimson Dove (???/Artemis)
We agreed to take her, and she has experience fighting at this level
>Iwana/Deer (Pallas)
Hey, we promised her good fights, and I bet this is going to get crazy.

We gotta hold a fan get together and see if some close exposure can up our cult count.
>Yes, publicly
Much faster rate of growth worth the risk

>Iwana/Deer (Pallas)
>Dorota (Algos)
>Isabella (Amphillogos)
>Crimson Dove (???/Artemis)
>Tangerine Owl (???)
>No, she can gain popularity on her own
>Iwana/Deer (Pallas)
>Isabella (Amphillogos)
>Crimson Dove (???/Artemis)
>Benedikt (Phonoi)
Votes tallied! Will hopefully update later tonight. Until then, here's a doodle of team Mafia. I'm planning on doing some colored digital art of some of the side characters, so let me know who you'd want to see for that
Looking fresh. I would be interested in seeing Kronos personally.
I'll support this too
>> But use Many Faces to record "Like and Subscribe!" with her voice and our Whispers to encourage growth.
GT to mask our divinity as hers too

kinda thought of another question: how is our current setup for cyber_siren?
while we talked a few times of getting editors to properly cut our content to a video format, in the text of the quest we've only ever called it "streaming" and "posting pictures of cosplay"

We should have the full spectrum of twitch, youtube, tiktok, instagram, twitter and patreon.
But managing all efficiently was likely not in the cards for us as that requires quite some time.
We have the luxury of it not having to pay of in terms of money, like regular people need to worry about.
Or at least that ought to be the setup
that was me this morning (when I thought I was in my wifi, but was on data)
here >>6009929 I only meant to add the other write-in from >>6009466
to my vote, don't count me twice

Sorry for the delay, didn't like what I had last night and rewrote the update in the morning

To answer questions about social media, Cyber_Syren’s main platform is twitch, but she also makes daily tik-toks, mostly cosplay dances and music teasers. She has a youtube too, but it’s mostly just edited versions of her vods, music videos, reposts of her tik-toks for youtube shorts, and the occasional highly produced collab video

>No, she can gain popularity on her own (but record a call to action for her)

>Iwana/Deer (Pallas)
>Isabella (Amphillogos)
>Crimson Dove (???/Artemis)

>Flashback: The night of the item portion of the auction

You keep Pallas and the Manticore with you as you head to parlay with Crimson Dove. You send Brigita enough cash to stay in a hotel in the US for a while, at least long enough until you get back, while the rest of your subordinates resume their previous roles in the Czech mafia.

You knock on the door of Dove’s hotel room, deciding to leave your subordinates out of earshot. She opens the door, dressed in casual clothes- a white tank top which reveals the numerous scars on her tan, muscular arms, baggy sweatpants, and a mess of light brown hair clumsily cut into a bob.

You toss her a card containing the date, time, and location of the meetup in Israel.

“Be there on time- and if you cause any problems, we never met.”

She playfully puts up her hands, “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

“Oh, and what should I call you? I don’t imagine you’ll want to keep going by crimson dove out there.”

“Jackie,” she says, extending her hand. You don’t know whether it’s a real name ro a pseudonym, but it doesn’t really matter. You shake it, replying:


“Welp, see you in Tel Aviv.” She says, beginning to close her door, “Unless you need something else?”

“Nah, I’m good. See ya.”

You call your subordinates back to your side as you leave the auction house

>Current day

The Commander, this time dressed in his military uniform, approaches you as you make your way to the meeting place- a runway for a recently constructed military air base in rural Austria.

“It’s a pleasure to see you again,”

You shrug at the subtle sarcasm in his tone, “I’m sure it is. Is that the plane?”

You point at what would appear to an outsider like an empty portion of the runway. Thanks to your <Lenses>, however, the jet is perfectly visible to you.

“I see you've gotten your hands on an interesting item. Yes, that will be your transport- a subordinate of mine with whom I believe you are acquainted has assisted in the creation of that <Relic>.”

Though lacking the finesse of a custom item like what Perdix might make, <Enchanting> items like planes or cars really does have decent utility. Maybe you’ll ask him to design a jet for you? Shaking your head, you return your focus to the matter at hand.

“I’m traveling with three others. Is that ok?”

“The plane can carry as many as a dozen, so you’re all set. By my count, though, I only see two?”

“My partner is flying in from the caribbean. She should be here shortly”

As if on cue, Isabella descends onto the runway, decked out in her full armor. It seems like she picked up a low level <Stealth> authority in order to avoid drawing mortal eyes. Deactivating it, she runs up to you.

“Hi! Sorry, am I late?”

“Just on time.”

“Oh, are these your friends?” she asks, referring to your two underlings.

“Subordinates.” you reply. Iwana, currently not in her combat form, pouts a bit.

“Hm, I see. Anyway, you said we were tracking down Isa?”

“Well, ideally the IDF has that part at least a bit covered. We’re mostly there for the takedown.”

“Hmm, I see. Sounds interesting!”

The Commander’s right hand man, the same one from the plane, appears out of nowhere from behind his back. She looks over the four of you before saying: “You said you were bringing four, right?”

You nod, “Including myself, yeah.”

“I see. In that case, the fifth is an uninvited guest?”

“Haha, you caught me,” a familiar voice sounds out from the ground Isabella is standing on. She jumps in surprise, letting out a little sound like she found a spider or roach instead of a godling.

Dorota’s head peeks out from the darkness as she pulls herself out from Isabella’s shadow.

“I overheard your conversation with Bella. It seemed like a fun time.”

This girl either doesn’t get social etiquette or doesn’t care about it at all.

Isabella sighs, “I really shouldn’t have let you take on that shadow controlling guy”

Dorota laughs, “All’s well that ends well- that’s the title in English, right?”

Iwana gives her a thumbs up. Guess she likes shakespeare.

“Anyway, can I come? I promise I’ll help out!”

Let's rock
> Yes

Oh this is going to be trouble. Should be fun though.
Not sure why we didn't invite her to begin with


“You won’t regret it!” Dorota says as she slips back into Isabella’s shadow.

“She’s been doing that a lot, actually,” Isabella says with an exasperated tone, “Ashley really isn’t happy about it.”

“How is everyone, anyway?”

“Well, y’know, same as always. Ashley’s not happy that you didn’t attend the last party, though.”

“Ah, right, my bad. I’ll shoot her an apology text on the plane. Alright everyone, let’s go.”

The four- or 5, you suppose- of you file onto the jet. Some lower level incarnation is piloting it and, once you reach a sufficient distance from any major civilian areas, uses it to break the sound barrier. You don’t feel any different from a commercial airline despite the extreme velocity- it must be a function of the jet relic.

Over the few hours of travel, you try to make amends with Eris. You’re not sure how successful you’ve been, but it seems like she was only a bit annoyed.

Eventually, your party sets down at a military airbase near the former capital of Tel Aviv. You exit the plane, after which it refuels and promptly takes off.

A gruff, older officer walks out from the building. With prominent cheekbones and a strong jawline, and an eyepatch covering her right eye, you assume at first that it’s a man, but upon closer inspection, the officer is probably a woman.

“Dayan,” she says, extending a black-gloved hand towards you, “Secretary of the Incarnation Department of the Israeli Defence forces.”

“Huber,” you say, grasping her hand in yours.

“Dayan?” Iwani asks, now in his combat form, “Like, Moshe Dayan?”

She nods, “I’m impressed with your education. Yes, my uncle was one of our country’s most important founding members. Even this,” she says, tapping the place where her right eye once was, “is a point in common. Together, we could have seen both left and right.”

“I have an associate who offered to join in on the hunt. Has she come yet?”

“The girl with the scars, I assume? Yes, she’s inside. Come now, there is much to discuss.”

You nod, allowing her to lead you to a meeting room. There, you see someone who you instantly recognize as crimson dove. Dressed in a crop top and jeans, and even having bothered to put on makeup and fix her hair, she’s much more presentable than you had expected.

Recognizing your confusion, she explains:

“I generally dress up a bit to look more normal on hunts. More inconspicuous that way. I usually hide the scars, too, but I let the general here see ‘em. Kinda like a calling card to show my identity.”

Dayan gestures for you to sit, asks a subordinate of hers to fetch some coffee, and sits down.

“Your mission, as I’m sure you’re aware, is to take down the mysterious religious leader known as Isa.”

She activates a projector, showing a number of slides with blurry videos and images of your target.

“His powers seem to be based on physical buffing, both on himself and on others. He claims that his abilities are a gift from god. He’s amassed considerable power, both military and divine, and we can only guess an invasion is imminent.”

“Why hasn’t he attacked yet?”

“Two things. Firstly,” she says, “The IDF has access to a number of incarnations that, while weaker than Isa, are capable of putting up a fight if we gang up on him. One of them, of course, is yours truly.”

You look to Manticore for confirmation and he nods.

“Secondly, both of us- incarnations in power worldwide, really, have been dealing with a bit of a collective issue that he, a religious man, is particularly concerned about.”

“Oh? What would that be?”

“Heretics that call themselves the Penitent. A strange set of beliefs and common mythologies that have parasitized themselves on strongly religious communities of multiple disparate religions- though with a primary focus on Abrahamic ones.”

“An incarnation’s work?”

“Some think so, but neither Isa nor the IDF are of that opinion. Regardless, his focus is currently on investigating the source of this issue, which is why both we and the Commander believed that we had an opportunity to strike. Your appearance was just… a happy coincidence.”

“So, how do you plan to go about this?”

“Isa is hard to track, but the Penitent are not. Our current plan is to have you infiltrate their midst and, when Isa’s men come, to use it as an opportunity to find and kill him. Of course, if you have some better means, then be my guest.”

You stroke your chin, “I have some ideas but I’ll need more information.”

“What do you want to know?”

>Ask about Isa’s abilities
>Ask about his struggle against the IDF
>Ask about the emergence of the Penitent
>Ask about the beliefs of the Penitent
>Ask about the emergence of the Penitent
>Ask about the beliefs of the Penitent

Gotta know the role to be the role.
>Ask about Isa’s abilities
>Ask about the emergence of the Penitent
>Ask about the beliefs of the Penitent
>Ask about his struggle against the IDF
>Ask about the emergence of the Penitent
>Ask about the beliefs of the Penitent
Physical buffing seems pretty simple. Maybe we'll be able to cognitohazard all over them.
>>Ask about Isa’s abilities
>>Ask about his struggle against the IDF
>>Ask about the emergence of the Penitent
>>Ask about the beliefs of the Penitent
>Ask how their inflitration plan looks like, because given enough time with an individual, we can mimic their appearance and behavior (lie about thousand face's capabilities) Or if the plan was to be new recruits

>Ask about his struggle against the IDF

“Due to his difficulty to track, it’s become essentially impossible for us to send any manned missions into the Gaza Strip,” she begins, “He relies on guerilla tactics, traveling swiftly and discreetly with a small retinue of highly trained incarnations, one of which seems to be a stealth specialist, making it very difficult to salvage useful information even from the few encounters we’ve been unfortunate to have.”

“I also heard his presence has been galvanizing the surrounding states?”

She nods, “You’re well informed. His presence has not only increased resistance in the west bank, but in the surrounding states as well- not only ones which have been actively confrontational to Israel such as Iran or the revolutionaries in Yemen, but even states whose governments we had previously been friendly with like Egypt or Jordan. In short, the situation is dire. If things continue as they are, the destruction of Israel is imminent.”

“Why haven’t they crushed you yet if the power is so considerable?”

“Western support- tale as old as time. The United States has offered to send in Heracles if things got dire enough, not to mention the dealings we’ve had with the Commander and the House of Hades. Isa’s primary worry is that, even if he can take us down, we have the power to massacre a dozen Arabs for each jewish head. This, he cannot abide. That, and the issue of the Penitent.”

“Speaking of which…”

>Ask about the emergence of the Penitent

“As far as we’ve been able to glean, the Penitent began to spring up almost immediately after the incarnation system came into effect. This is why people like the Austrians, for example, believe this to be the work of some sort of incarnation seeking religious fervor to fuel their influence gathering project.”

“But you disagree?”

She nods, “We are of the opinion that the pattern of Penitent cells doesn’t follow what one might expect had this been the work of an incarnation. Rather than starting at a nucleus point and going outwards, multiple cells of similar size and organizational complexity have appeared at once. The only plausible explanation is that some force was lying in wait, seemingly activated by the emergence of the Incarnation System.”
“Do you think that there’s some supernatural element outside of the confines of the system?”

She leans back in her chair, pouring herself a cup of coffee.

“Our leading theory is that there was a pre-existing doomsday cult that co-opted the system’s emergence for the sake of spreading their religion, and that one of its higher-ups deified, explaining the super rapid spread. That being said, regarding your question… it’s a definite possibility.”

>Ask about the beliefs of the Penitent

“The major sticking point is a singular myth, usually slotted in or near the creation story of the religion in question. There’s some variance to it, especially between different host faiths, but the story essentially goes like this:

Near the inception of man, some messianic figure approached the singular walled city which humans had constructed. A human came out to meet the figure, who the Penitent refer to as the King, and he gave they shared a promise together:

The king would exchange gifts with the humans- on the first day, he would grant them enlightenment, the knowledge required to grow beyond the walls of their little city. In exchange, the humans would allow him to enter the city gates.

On the second day, he would grant the humans salvation and eternal happiness. The specific details of this are never specified. In exchange, the humans would grant the King a crown of laurels.

The King kept his promise, bestowing upon mankind the knowledge they needed to cure the sick, feed the hungry, and grow their empire to encompass the whole world. The humans opened their gates to the king as promised, but as he approached, the greedy lords of men began to panic, believing that the King would usurp their thrones. So, they turned the humans against the King, closed the gates in his face, and threw mud upon his robes. They taunted him, saying that, though he may fancy himself a king, a crown will never rest upon his head.

Thus, humanity had betrayed the King and thrown away their chance at salvation.

However, the King, in his infinite magnanimity, was still willing to fulfill his end of the deal, so long as the humans would apologize and, as promised, open the gates to the kingdom to him. This is the goal of the penitent.”

Something about the story strikes you as familiar, but you decide to focus on the matter at hand.

How do you want to go about drawing out Isa?

>Take advantage of his care for civilian casualties
>Infiltrate the ranks of the penitent
>Investigate rumors of a demon in the West Bank (One of the potential targets instead of Molotov from the first thread)
>Infiltrate the ranks of the penitent

I'm feeling we might to harness their remains and bring them to our cause if we play our cards right.
>Infiltrate the ranks of the penitent

There's definitely something useful to be found in this cult. They know the secrets to manipulating divinity outside the system, and that feels like the secret to considerable power.
>Infiltrate the ranks of the penitent

>Infiltrate the ranks of the penitent

“The reason why the Commander recommended you for this operation,” Dayan explains, “Is that you have a set of skills perfectly fitted towards this sort of infiltration. Transformation, stealth, and, most importantly, the ability to alter the color of your divinity.”

“Most importantly?”

She nods, “The Penitent seem to have some means of filtering for incarnations by looking at their divinity- as you know, those who have yet to deify always have white souls. We, on the other hand,” she pauses, holding up her hand as it shines a silvery blue glow, “are “tainted”, as they call it.”

You stroke your chin- it's possible for you to extend the color change to your allies, but the matter is still a bit concerning.

Dove interjects: “I’m working separately from Huber’s team. She and I have a bet.”

Dayan’s mouth unconsciously contorts into a sneer before quickly resetting to a neutral expression.

“So long as you don't compromise IDF interests, you may act however you wish. Do you not have the means to infiltrate the cult.”

“I don’t operate like that. I intend to hunt Isa’s head directly,” she says, drawing a pair of twin daggers from her inventory.

You note a flash of recognition in Dayan’s eyes as she turns her attention to Dove’s weapons.

“Very well. Do as you will. As for the rest of you- by what means do you intend to perform this operation? We will accommodate you however we can.”

>Enter as new recruits (all 4 may enter this way)
>Kill and replace an existing member (only Atë and Dorota may enter this way)
>Stake out the cult using <Stealth> and <Guerilla Tactics> without making yourselves known to the penitent (all may enter this way)
>Use <Folly’s Grasp> to take control of an existing member while the rest of you encamp nearby under <Stealth>
>Use <Folly’s Grasp> to take control of an existing member while the rest of you encamp nearby under <Stealth>

Nothing like the old subvert-convert-kill move. Snap one up, pump them for information, then send them in and see if they can work through the camp enthralling others. I assume we'll see some measure of resistance to mind control effects.

Tainted Divinity eh? I have to wonder if the System is playing us all for fools, gathering power for some unknown entity.
>I have to wonder if the System is playing us all for fools, gathering power for some unknown entity.
Where is all the divinity and influence being spent going? There has to be a recipient
>>Enter as new recruits (all 4 may enter this way)
>Use <Folly’s Grasp> to take control of an existing member while the rest of you encamp nearby under <Stealth>

>Use <Folly’s Grasp> to take control of an existing member while the rest of you encamp nearby under <Stealth>

“I have a method of possessing people- combined with my other powers, I believe that this is the best means of infiltration.”

“And your men?”

“One of them can hide in the shadows of people and objects. The rest will stay with me in a hideout spot nearby- assuming a suitable location exists.”

“The primary issue is that penitent cells co-opt the religious elements of the entire community they inhabit. If you’d like, a mobile RV outfitted with a stealth relic can be provided.”

“That would help, although transport would be annoying.”

Dorota emerges from beneath your shadow, “I can cover that! As long as the RV’s at least a little bit waterproof.”

Dayan cocks an eyebrow, “It should be completely airtight.”

Dorota’s smile widens, “Excellent,”

You’re really glad you picked up a flight relic, otherwise you might have had to ride in the car.

“Can all of you fly, then?”

Iwani sheepishly raises her hand, “I can’t.”

Isabella’s face lights up as a smile spreads across her face: “Dibs!”

“Now that the logistics are settled, you should be ready to head out, yes?”

>Leave for the compound
>Ask Dayan for more intel
>Ask Dayan for more resources
>Ask Dayan for more resources
I want to top off on the Gown of Eris before heading into enemy turf
Coulda sworn I voted to back this earlier
4chan ate my post
>Leave for the compound

>Ask Dayan for more resources

“I have a couple of artifacts vital for this endeavor that require divinity to fuel them,” you explain, “I’ll need some nectars before we go.”

“That won’t be necessary. Follow me.”

Dayan leads you deeper into the base, eventually bringing you to an underground warehouse. She walks up to a wall filled with apparatuses not dissimilar to gas tanks. She picks up two, handing one to you and the other to Dorota.

“These contain divinity- 10,000 to be specific. The accruement method is, of course, classified. One is for the RV, the other is for you.”

Your eyes widen- there had to be over a dozen tanks on just that shelf , meaning at 6 digits of divinity. You wonder just how they’ve been able to gather so much.

Dorota slips the tankard under her shirt, presumably putting it into her mouth. You just toss it into your inventory.

Dayan leads you to an unassuming RV, seemingly designed to blend into the colors of the desert.

“Despite appearances, this is state of the art military tech- bulletproof windows and reinforced walls constructed of a top of the line alloy, near perfect water recycling, electronic systems utilizing solar panels and the ability to run on both gas and divinity, 200kgs of supernatural storage, stealth authorities to the 6th effective level, and an anti-divinity shield.”

Isabella lets out a whistle before turning to Dorota, “Are you gonna do what I think you’re gonna do?”

Dorota grins, taking off her t-shirt. Her torso bifurcates at the belly button, revealing her trademark mouth, but unlike before, the grinning maw spreads across the entirety of her body. As it opens, her entire body bisects, her torso seeming more like an anglerfish’s mimicry than her true head as the opening of her stomach-mouth causes it to be angled sideways. The jaws widen, jutting out far past the natural extent of her torso, large enough to fit the entire RV as a slimy black tongue wraps itself around the vehicle and pulls it into the cavern of razor sharp teeth and rancid ebony mucus.

Dayan grimaces, but her assistant seems to be on the verge of vomiting. Watching the horror show in front of you, you can’t blame her.

Her body quickly reconstitutes as she pulls her shirt back over her shoulders.

You look to Iwani, who seems equal parts fascinated and horrified. Dove, meanwhile, is looking at Dorota like she’s seen dog poop on the side of the road.

As the four of you are preparing to leave, you see off Dove at the entrance to the compound. Apparently, she’s heading to the West Bank to investigate a lead.

The four of you, with Isabella happily cradling the pint-sized true form of Iwani in her arms, fly to the location indicated, a village relatively near the Egyptian side of the border between it and the Gaza Strip. You land about a half mile away from the village and Dorota, reversing her previous process, spits out the vehicle which the four of you will be calling home for the foreseeable future. Somehow, it’s totally dry.

You enter, surprised by the luxury of a supposedly military vehicle. It seems like Dayan left a surprise for you- the interior must be at least twice the size of the volume of the outside. The seats are comfortable, the beds, though bunks, are quite soft, and there’s even a small, decently stocked kitchen.

Iwani, having transformed to escape Isabella’s doting, sits down on the couch and cracks open a beer.

You follow suit, plopping down on an armchair- if you want to beat Dove, you’ll have to act at least relatively quickly. How should you go about this?

>Replace a townie who you could easily impersonate
>Find the most influential person and capture them as quickly as possible
>Focus on observation and recon until you feel informed enough to take on a role
>Find the most influential person and capture them as quickly as possible
Cut straight to it. Capture, convert, pump, move onto the next target.
>>Focus on observation and recon until you feel informed enough to take on a role
Measure twice, cut once.
>Find the most influential person and capture them as quickly as possible
>Focus on observation and recon until you feel informed enough to take on a role
It's a tie; I'll be out for a few hours anyway but if it isn't resolved by the time I get back I'll just flip a coin
>Find the most influential person and capture them as quickly as possible

>Find the most influential person and capture them as quickly as possible

Masked by <Stealth> and <Guerilla Tactics> and shadowed (quite literally) by Dorota, you fly to the village that is your target. You notice that, despite the lack of any farmland or other productive natural resources nearby, the village- or perhaps it would be more accurate to call it a compound- is bustling, with new buildings being constructed, a marketplace packed with vendors, products, and customers, and large movements of people.

Somewhat concerningly, you also notice a large number of young men, at least 80, training with weapons, both modern and medieval

After listening in on some conversations by stealing one of their forms, you quickly identify the target- a figure that the people refer to simply as ‘the imam’. You make your way to the ornate mosque which marks the center of the town. Entering it, you search the backrooms of the building, eventually locating an office inhabited by a man in traditional Muslim garb.

As you hover over the man, you can tell that he is mortal. He seems focused on his paperwork and laptop and, though he locked eyes once with where you should be, does not seem capable of piercing your stealth.

Oddly, though, both <Omen> and your own natural instincts thrum with a quiet disease.

What should you do? In case the choice necessitates dice, please specify between Normal, Cautious, and Reckless
>Use an authority (specify)
>Appear before him to threaten him
>Attempt to impersonate a divine figure
>Physically incapacitate him
>Leave and find another target
>>Leave and find another target

> Go find someone who doesn't set off Omen, subvert them, and make them attack the Iman. Watch and see what happens.

Minions! Is there anything they can't do?
Nope, don't like that he thinks he noticed something hidden whole in front of a communication device.
immediately intervene
>>Use an authority (specify)
>touch of madness. normal.
make him think he sent out a silent alarm
>assess hamartia, thrall him
find a way to ruin him without compromising his standing in the group to have follys grasp work
if not, replace him, but keep him alive
Ever divided, aren't we? Honestly, I like to see it

As always, I'll wait a few hours for a tiebreaker and, in the absence of one, select between the three randomly
In the interest of not causing a 4 way tie I'll back >>6013835

As requested, here's Kronos and his right hand lady


>Use an authority (specify)
>Touch of madness, assess hamartia

Without any resistance, your divinity tears into his mortal body. He collapses, frothing from the mouth as your illusions grip his mind.

However, something went wrong

You collapse backwards, clutching your temples as you desperately gasp for air. Your fingers become claws, digging into your flesh and drawing your own blood as you struggle to regain your composure.

What was that? You try to recall but the memory has become a hole in your cognition. Some blockage akin to a self-preservation instinct keeps you from remembering

What did you see?

The system interjects:

>Outside influence detected!
>Due to the victim’s incarnation level, the threat grade has been increased to <Existential>

Threat level? You don't remember seeing such a thing in the FAQ

>As compensation for the gathering of useful information, the victim will receive appropriate treatment and reward

>Gained 1 <Drop of the Lethe>
>You may gain the title <Glimpse the Beyond>

>Glimpse the Beyond (Legendary Title)

A resident of the world who has seen what lies beyond the threshold

It becomes possible to gain authorities based on the gifts given to the followers of invaders

Accept the title?


Though your stealth remains unbroken, the Imam upon regaining consciousness immediately recognizes what has happened. As you flee, you hear him call out:

“The Tainted have set upon us!”

You make your way back to the RV to collect yourself.

What should you do now?

>Drink the <Drop>. What you’ve seen shouldn't be remembered
>Try to remember what you saw
>Ignore that for now and resume your operations
>Ask for advice from your colleagues
>Try to remember what you saw

so theory time
let's get names in order first:
the system we're using we call system A
"the other incarnation system" which we theorized before with pheme, we call system B

system A and system B are at odds with one another.
system B is related to the penitent,
system A will reward us more for specifically going against system B and help it gather information about it
so far rather obvios

system A is younger, less patient and uses more flashy tactics
system B is older, and has been here for a long time

we got to get rid of the party and fight the balrog alone to keep the exp to ourself.
Alien gods from beyond let's go
>Try to remember what you saw
We have No True Face. Ate's true form is now a clusterfuck horror. We can take this. Our broken bitch ex-wagie e-thot can take it
also: system A is the "invaders" (plural?) here, and the incarnations are it's followers
Though maybe somewhat weird if the system refers to itself as the invaders, and not something like pioneers or colonists
so that could also be system B appropriating the workings of system A. A virus, or rather just an unlicensed application, which means "hey, we can give you authorities based on the thingy 'they' would give you."
> Accept the Title

>Ignore that for now and resume your operations
I think trying to see the face of God right this second might be a bad move in a combat zone. We might need to train our soul with Folly's Grasp, or our mind with Pheme's info overload. Or at the very least pick up Divine Will.
Awww shiiieet
we fucking with cthulu now

>Try to remember what you saw
We need info if we're gonna contend with this new system

I'd guess that A has more raw power as well, otherwise B never would have let it spread and accumulate so much influence and power
>B never would have let it spread and accumulate so much influence and power
could be that there is a cost related to giving so many people so much power.
For an analogy, maybe the forces behind either treat humans as livestock. So B might have had humanity to itself and played a long game to create the perfect herd. While A joined late, tries to engineer the perfect pretator to kill B's herd, and simply muscle them out of business.
>when our girl wanted
>but then surprise eldritch shit said
>Try to remember what you saw

We should simply walk in and take off all our masks. We have No True Face after all >:)

Also thank you for the art. Kronos looks fittingly grandfatherly

>Try to remember what you saw

You accept the title and, against the system's warnings and your instincts, you try to recall the millisecond glimpse you took of… whatever it was you saw.

You close your eyes, meditating on your experience

Your first realization is that the memories of the King aren't merely a hole in your cognition- rather, the King itself was like a hole. Your mind quakes

Black, as you were taught in school, is the absence of light. However, black is still a perception. You can look around a pitch-dark room and confidently profess “I see black. There is no light here.” Meanwhile, if you were to ask yourself “what do you see out of your left hand?” You would reply, “nothing.”

If you were to ask yourself, “does your left hand see black?” You would easily reply, “no, it sees nothing.”

The king was not black.

It is completely impossible to comprehend death because lack of experience is completely anathema to the living brain- conceptualizing an inability to conceptualize is as contradictory a task as a dog trying to see red.

Today, you are the exception to that rule.

You feel your soul quiver- continuing to dwell on this could result in disaster, but it could also reveal to you the secrets sequestered beyond the veil.

What should you do? Your authorities and items cannot help you beyond the threshold.

>Leave it for now
>Press on (Specify between Cautious, Normal, or Reckless)
>Leave it for now
We will draw eyes if we go further
>Leave it for now
Melting our brain right here, right now, seems inadvisable. Later though!
>>Leave it for now
We should try and catch up in-person with Pheme, both for Ate's sanity and also so that we can tell her this privately. It would benefit our friend to know that the aliens are real
>>Leave it for now
>Press on (Specify between Cautious, Normal, or Reckless)

>Leave it for now

You decide not to peer into the abyss for too long- though the potential rewards may be great, the risks are far too severe to incur under the current circumstances

Turning your attention back to the situation at hand, it's almost a certainty that the compound is on high alert after your little stunt with the Imam- it'll probably be impossible to have your colleagues enter as new recruits.

That being said, your stealth amd transformation authorities should still be more than sufficient to sneak your way into the fold

Though your target is still Isa, the threat of the Uncrowned King looms over your mind.

Fully locking back in to your objective, you consider your next move.

>Call a meeting
>Steal the Imam's laptop
>Observe a sermon hidden by the cover of <Stealth>
>Snatch a less <Gifted> follower and interrogate them
>Snatch a less <Gifted> follower and interrogate them

Knowledge is power, and coincidentally breaking all of someone's fingers is knowledge!
didn't we already return to the RV?
>Steal the Imam's laptop
>Snatch a less <Gifted> follower
>Snatch a less <Gifted> follower and interrogate them
Doubt they'll hold a normal sermon under this alert, and we don't have any password cracking authorities for laptops

Snatch a less <Gifted> follower and interrogate them

You call Dorota back to you as you head back to the compound. Even if you can't meddle around in their brains, nothing’s stopping you from taking them down the old fashioned way.

It’s also possible that less specific instances of your mind altering abilities- particularly <Whispers> or an illusionlesd <Touch of Madness> would be safe to use on the targets

As you enter the village, you find the atmosphere to be much less vibrant than before- the townspeople seem paranoid, speaking in whispers and avoiding conversations with strangers as they go about their necessary daily activities.

You have a number of options for your go-to strategy of capture, interrogate, replace. Who should you target?

>A food vendor
>A seamstress
>A footsoldier
>A construction worker
>A housewife
>A footsoldier
Our goal is to find out how the Penitent can reliably find Isa. The simplest way is probably to just be with a group of soldiers attacking him. Bonus points if we can see Isa in action.
>A footsoldier
Most likely to have gifts and therefore be privy to secrets.
>A footsoldier
Start easy

A footsoldier

You infiltrate the makeshift barracks the village has set up for its soldiers. As you observe them firing guns and practicing with swords and spears, you notice something that you had completely missed before:

Each of the weapons has a subtle not-black aura.

You must have been unable to detect the <Gifts> earlier because, before you glimpsed the Uncrowned King, you were completely incapable of comprehending not-black, so your brain rewrote your perception around it

You wait until lights out and have Dorota swallow your target, a young soldier who performed at about the middle of the pack.

The two of you, your quarry in tow, make your way back to the RV.

What should you do?

>Try to subjugate him with your <Whispers>
>Have Dorota extract information the old fashioned way
>Use a different authority (specify)

> Impersonate the Iman with many faces
> Tell him the enemy got to him, contaminated his mind, things might not make a lot of sense
> He needs to go over everything he knows so we can check for implanted memories
I wanted to test out Whispers against these guys but >>6018225 is in a pretty commanding lead, so I'll just throw in experiment with whispers after the interrogation.
File: 1658363019798343.png (595 KB, 815x1076)
595 KB
595 KB PNG
OP what if you put your Eris in one room with pic related?
now kith
Sorry for the wait everyone, I've been very busy lately.


Two walk in, one walks out


My mind is a mess.

Some sort of greenish black slime coats every inch of my body. The liquid is cold, and I can feel it in my bones.

I see a familiar face in front of me. It’s the Imam. He smiles at me and strokes my hand. I can feel the wrinkles on his skin.

“My son,” he says, in a tone filled with more warmth than normal, “You must know that the tainted have begun their attack.”

My head throbs. The mucus seems to beat with my heart.

“Yes, sir.” I say, trying my best to maintain military decorum, “We have begun our training against them in earnest.”

He pats my shoulder. His hands are warm. “You are honorable my son, but they are not. Their wickedness, like demons, and like the oathbreakers to which their lines trace back, is deeper than the sea and broader than the sky. They have tampered with your mind, my boy. It is likely that they have meddled with your memories and turned your will against the King.”

As always, his words are complicated, but I believe in his judgment.


It seems like the average member of the cult is surprisingly dimwitted. I suppose it makes sense- it takes someone quite malleable to willingly summon something like… that into the world.

Anyway, he doesn't know too much of note- the Imam is the primary driving force behind the community, but definitely not the head of the penitent as a whole, since inspectors- man in “weird suits and masks” presumably renaissance era venetian suits and masquerade masks like in the videos Pheme showed you.

The education level is seemingly kept intentionally low, possibly to keep the congregation from comprehending just how antithetical the emergence of the King is (or would be) to their supposed faiths. Also, as you poke around the now unconscious body of your little subject, it seems evident that a not-black aura pulsates around his body, centralized on his head. If you had to guess, you’d bet that it was siphoning his intelligence to allow for extraordinary feats of strength and agility.

He may have more useful information, but you need him sedated and out of the way for now. Dorota claims to be able to “keep a person on ice indefinitely,” so you pawn the responsibility of babysitting onto her.

Thanks to the low level of knowledge amongst the people and particularly among the fighters, it should be simple to impersonate not only your target, but any normal acolyte who might be more privy to juicier information.

What should you do?

>Impersonate the soldier
>Stalk the Imam in hopes of meeting an Inspector
>Launch a surprise attack
>Impersonate the soldier
Looks like we'll need to repeat this on the Imam to learn anything. Perhaps we can impersonate an inspector? Claim we drove off the invaders, but need to ensure his head wasn't meddled with? Just hope they don't have their own drops of serenity. Maybe we can pass it off as worry over a more permanent effect like Lethe's.
>Impersonate the soldier

>Impersonate the soldier

You and your shadow return to the city under the starry skies of the desert. You land, sneak back into the barracks with ease, and take the soldier’s bed as your own. Taking advantage of the situation, you get as much rest as you can.


You wake up, carefully imitating the movements of your colleagues (assisted somewhat, of course, by the mannerism corrections of your <Faces>) as you perform your necessary tasks, change into your new uniform, and file into your position in the ranks. Thankfully, you memorized the placement of your target during your surveillance, so you have no need to draw attention to yourself by asking.

His- now your-commander walks out, dumbed down much less than your unwitting informant was. This guy, the major, is obviously not at all related to the heart of the Penitent, but is at least one step closer to the imam.

“Auras up!” He orders. Everyone around you begins to slowly manifest the white radiance of their untainted souls. However, to your immediate concern, the very fringes of their aura lies a gnashing veil of not-black.

Worse still, the major seems to be able to see the blessings of the king, commenting on the size of it as he walks down the line.

You start to panic a little- you can easily replicate all colors, including white, but not-black isn't a color. In its truest form, not-black is measured in spacetime rather than lumens- it's a hole in reality. Then again, the fact that mortals can't see divinity must mean it isn't really light, right? Maybe, in the same way that your brain makes divinity look like colors for the sake of human convenience, perhaps you might be able to express not-black despite being unrelated to the king.

What should you do?

>Try to mimic not-black
>Try to lie your way out
>Attack the Major subtly
>Wipe out the soldiers entirely
>Try to mimic not-black
We're totally real and not a faker. See our color?
the attribute of divinity that we ascribe "color" to isn't real color either. The system likely only uses color to so our brains can comprehend it without further alteration.
The not-black is just another attribute, and we could "see" it like any other "color" of divinity
>>Try to mimic not-black
>Try to mimic not-black
Not sure how true >>6020442 is as it comes from a whole different system, but if we can't pull it off a quick whispers that we look as we should will hopefully suffice.
I should have maybe done that as a write-in, that this is what we tell ourselves on why we should succeed in our attempt.
Manifest the solution!
>Try to mimic not-black
If we can't pass this most basic of tests then how will we ever push deeper in?

>Try to mimic not-black

You close your eyes, steady your breath, and meditate on the Uncrowned King

In that abyss, there was space or time. However, in the king, there was not. Yet, despite that, something was there. That something had a “color” of not-black. You breathe in the air of the desert. Its dryness claws at your throat.

You see the reddish orange void of your own closed eyes. Light permeates through the thin membranes of your eyelids, creating the color. You breathe out, and your moisture is hungrily devoured by the arid environment.

Where there is white divinity, there is no light. The system’s color assignment refers to something, but it isn't color per se. It’s the essence of a soul.

You ponder the King. A maelstrom of silent whispers fills your mind as you tap into your experience.

>Warning! Intentional proximity to outsiders is not recommended

You tap into the prayers of countless priests.

>Warning! Use of divinity outside of the context of the system may cause serious damage to your soul and thus is not advised

The King’s color seeps out of your own soul. You didn't just imitate it- you invoked him.

The king is unaware of you, but the knowledge that that fact could change sends shivers down your spine. You, in unison with so many others, unconsciously whisper under your breath:

"Praise to the Uncrowned King,"

The inspector seems overjoyed with your supposed improvement- apparently you showed far more of the king’s colors than the man whose face you stole ever did, and you go through the rest of the day without much notice.

You lay down in your bunk and ponder the situation. What should you do tonight?”

>Confer with the others
>Capture the Major
>Tell Pheme what you learned
>Leave the compound
>Forget what you saw
>Meditate on the king
Hmm... change of theory
our system A might in fact be the older one and has created the incarnation system in response to getting invaded by system B

>Ask Dorota what she observed today in regards to that Aura

>Go to the Major.
>Pretend we have had a sort of epiphany the night before, that's why our Aura improved.
>Ask what we could do to further "our career" here
go get a promotion

I think it's better to not do anything hostile for now.
Finally our girl is in over her head
>Meditate on the king
SO A is more like a computer while B has a central will? Curious
>Tell Pheme what you learned

I'm fucking spooked. Make sure to have the conversation privately with puppet feather mouths.

>Talk to the major about your increased not-black output
>Ask Dorota about the aura of the Penitent

“Sir,” you say with a salute, pulling the major aside after your evening training, “may I have a word?”

The man slaps your back, laughing jovially like a proud father, “Of course! You must have shown, what, ten times the king’s color of any recruit here!”

“I know, I… saw, no, more like heard something. A network of prayers and blessings. A storm of silent whispers”

His eyes widen, “You tapped into the current?”

“The current, sir?”

“Ah yes, you wouldn't have been told yet. The current is the stream that pours to and from his majesty the King. He receives our prayers and in return, he gives us knowledge and the power of his blessing. Each individual worshipper is like a little tributary that pours into a mighty river.”

You were right-even if far off, you were genuinely in the presence of the king.

“I want to do more for his majesty, sir. What can I do to help?”

“Tapping into the stream is the most important step towards rising the ranks- you're guaranteed a spot at least as good as mine just on that grounds alone!”

“Is it really that uncommon?”

“In this village, only I and the Imam have even glimpsed it. Once you find a way to access it on purpose, forget this place, you could even get a spot in the court!”

Your hand trembles a bit. You're playing a dangerous game.

“Come back to me later when you’ve decided what you want to do, boy.”

“Yes, sir,” you say, heading in the direction of your barracks.

Before you go back, you decide to have a word with your shadow:

“Did you notice anything about the aura of the penitent?”

Dorota’s head pops out from the chest of your shadow: “No, but based on the context, it seemed as if we were missing something.”

You nod.

“Are you ok? You seem…. frightened?”

“The most important thing to know is that the king is real. And he’s very, very powerful.”

“Comparable to the system?”

“Maybe. We’ll talk about it later.”

She nods, sinking back into nothingness.

You return before sundown and plop onto your bed. What should you do next?

>Choose an assignment
>Confer with your allies
>Share information with Pheme
>Meditate on the king
>Fall back for now and forget what you saw
>>Share information with Pheme
she should know
But won't Dorota know? She's shadowing us

>Share information with Pheme

She'll know we're communicating with somewhere, but my understanding is that puppeting a feather mouth is secure line, it's mind to mind.

And frankly, I think we might want all the insight we can get. We're brushing up against something way way bigger than ourselves. Play our cards right and I think we stand to become something unstoppable. Play them wrong? And we'll be a hollow shell, gutted from the inside.

>Share information with Pheme

You close your eyes, placing your hand on one of Pheme’s feathers and allowing her divinity to pass through you. Much more easily than before, you tap into the feather on her end established for communication.

Pheme walks in, surprisingly dressed in her professional ensemble of a vest, dress shirt, and slacks. She swivels the chair of her desk to face your point of view, then plops down on the seat.

“So, having fun in Israel?”

“Actually, I’m in Egypt right now. This isn't a social call- I have important intel to share about the Uncrowned King.”

Her smile stiffens and drops, “The king, huh? So they have you snooping around the Penitent?”

“Got it in one.”

“Based on the way you’re talking about this, I can only assume…”

“That's right: the King is real. I’ve seen him.”

Her palm slams down on her armrest as she jolts to a stand- “What is he like? Is he sentient? Is he an actual god?”

You explain everything you know. Pheme swings between interest, shock, and a state you’ve never seen her in: panic. Eventually, she cools down enough to chat.

“Honestly, I’d get out of there if I were you. It seems like Isa and the Penitent are about to square off, and no matter who wins, it’ll be a dangerous place to be.”

“There's a lot to be gained, though. The gifts don’t seem to work like the system- you have to train them in a way completely anathema to our powers. I might be able to approach real godhood by following his traces. Besides, this isn't a war we can win without information.”

She shakes her head, “Tapping into this ‘current’ or ‘stream’ means you’re already too close. You could be seen.”

“Maybe, maybe not. Before I make a decision though…”

>”Do you have any theories about the king and the system?”
>”Do you know what other incarnations are doing about the penitent?”
>”Do you have any new information about the King’s Court?”
>”Nevermind, I’d like to choose now. (Specify)”
>”Do you have any theories about the king and the system?”
>>”Do you have any theories about the king and the system?”
>>”Do you have any new information about the King’s Court?”
>>”Do you know what other incarnations are doing about the penitent?”
all of the above
>"It was kinda vague, but I think the system called the penitent 'followers of invaders'. What do you think of the theory of this world creating the system in response to the invaders?"
"Are we supposed to, what, be saving humanity against aliens?"
>”Do you know what other incarnations are doing about the penitent?”
Unless they're all joining Isa in a giant extermination party I probably want to stay.
Seconding >>6021919

>”Do you have any theories about the king and the system?”

“Well, let me lay things out in order of plausibility.”

You nod. She goes into her closet and wheels out a whiteboard.

“First, assuming that the Court were always worshiping the King, it can be concluded based on my research that the King’s presence on earth predates that of the system- or at least the system as we know it, by at least 1,500 and at most over 3,000 years.”

“How do you figure?”

She nods, “There’s an early 6th century Eastern Roman record about a heresy trial with beliefs near identical to those of the Penitent. It was covered up at the time, but they executed the entire village.”

“And 3,000?”

“It’s a bit more of a stretch, but archaeologists
found these petroglyphs in North Africa:”

She uses magnets to pin a series of images to the whiteboard- a man with 6 arms offerings a swirl, presumably as a gift, to a bunch of tiny men with four limbs, the gift being accepted, and a line being drawn between the eight limbed man and the people.

“It seems like a rough approximation of the King’s myth.”

She nods: “My belief is that the interface point between the King and whatever civilization accidentally contacted it in the first place happened circa 3,500 years ago- long enough for it to become mythologized but short enough for it to be a pretty common set of beliefs rather than the arcane mystery it ended up being for most of human history.”

“Then what of the system?”

“This is where things get a bit more speculative. First, let's draw a timeline. The king appears, offers gifts and knowledge m, and attempts to breach into our reality. Religions following the king appear, but are quickly stamped out and not allowed to gain traction. It can be concluded that, for thousands of years after his appearance, any mention of the king was treated as the height of heresy- eventually, though, the king was forgotten by all but a slim few believers,”

“The court?”

“That's my theory anyway. It seems like they also tried to co-opt Christianity- the religions have similar things after all, hence the heresy records. I believe that the Court had decided to stick to the shadows and slowly prepare for the ritual to bring about the King’s emergence until…”

She draws a line right next to the end of the timeline.

“The system appeared.”

“Bingo. The emergence of the system probably caused the King to panic a little bit and rush the operation before an entity that could either easily stop the ritual or damage it upon arrival arose on earth,”

“<True Gods> like <Nascent God Gaia>, probably”

“Her arrival probably spooked the cult a lot,” Pheme agrees.

“So what do you think about the nature of the system and the King?”

“Well, the King is certainly an entity- you saw it yourself, after all. The system, however… I think it's automated.”

“I’ve speculated as much myself- if you think about it, the use of Ancient Greek civilization as a basis for all of the powers is wildly inefficient- there are absolutely no powers related to modern technology, weaponry, or concepts. Even if you wanted to argue that analogue tech is better for divinity or something, modern bows, swords, and spears are way better than the greek ones, yet all of the weapons provided by the system are at least vaguely period authentic.”

“Precisely,” she smiles, “It is for this reason that I believe that the system is both automated and a completely new arrival that knew nothing of earth or humanity before appearing before us.”

“What do you think their intentions are?”

“Divinity, both ways. I think that the King intends to use humanity like livestock in a much more direct fashion by breaching the veil, eating up souls before leaving nice and fat. The system, meanwhile, takes a much more laid back approach- collecting divinity as it may and sending it back to its parent deity. Because of it being automated and refined to this extent, I also believe that-”

“-There must be multiple universes to target.”

“Exactly. If there was only one universe, it would be completely stupid to make an entire fully automated system like that just to harvest it. It would be easier to just peek in on the universe and throw something together from there. It also makes me suspect that the entity behind the system is much bigger than the Uncrowned King- the act of consuming individual universes has become… beneath it.”

“You're probably right, but the thought’s a bit scary, isn't it?”

She shrugs, “There is another possibility of course.”

“I did have an alternative theory myself- that some entity native to this universe threw together the system as a last line of defense against the king.”

She nods, “You may or may not know this, but it's been recently discovered that objects made by humans before the system’s advent can have <Grades> as high as <Fable Phi>.”

You shout, “What? How!?”

“Objects with great religious or cultural significance apparently get divinity naturally infused in them by the reverence and regard others place upon them. For example:”

Pheme pulls up a picture of a middle aged asian man in a white padded uniform,

“This is Kobayashi Hajime- in his prime, he was the kendo world champion. And this,”

She plays a video of the same man, dressed in what looks like traditional Japanese armor, cutting a sea serpent thicker than a skyscraper in half with a single swing, “is what he can do with the Grasscutter- one of the national treasures of Japan.”

“Surely it must be enchanted.”

“It probably is, but this video happened only a month after the first known deifications started taking place. In other words- there's no way an artifact like that came out of nothing.”

>”Do you know what other incarnations are doing about the penitent?”

“Hard to say. The Commander and Defender are seemingly doing nothing. The House of Hades has been working on identifying and converting them normally, whereas Ye Min and the Americans…”

She drops some reports- mysterious disappearances in the US and the public extermination of all Muslim or Christian communities in China.

“Have obviously taken more extreme measures.”

>”Do you have any new information about the King’s Court?”

“Other than what I’ve told you, no. Their main operatives have been suspiciously quiet- I think they're probably setting up something.” Her expression darkens, “probably the ritual.”

>”I want to fall back”
>”I want to pursue the king”
>”I need more information” (specify)
>”Are you doing ok? You seem tired”
>"So we're kinda at a crossroads if we want to help the king who is maybe the underdog against that automated system, or the other eldritch being status quo."
>"The system sending out warnings about my soul being in danger going with king might just be subterfuge either..."

I think we should at least see how they gain in power. They also have wespons with <Gifts>, so raiding their armory is also a high priority. I wonder if there are ill effects if Kirby goes mouthful mode.

Is the greek letter for fables counting up or down? Omega being the strongest?

Omega is the weakest a Fable grade artifact can be
unrelated but great beach art in the art general mr olympus. legs 4 days
>”I want to pursue the king”
Following the king is too risky, if it is an automated system it may have a something preprogramed in case
>”I want to pursue the king”
Eat him instead
Then find a way to hack the system
>”Are you doing ok? You seem tired”
Fucking hell, isn't bullshit like this for heroes? I thought we were the villains of this story. Well, can't conquer the world if some other fucker does it first though.

>”I want to pursue the king”
I think an important first step is learning mastery of divinity outside the confines of the system. If we can manifest Not-Black can we push farther? Manifest other powers at will? We should use Folly's Grasp to control ourselves and a minion, then try to mimic their powers with our divinity to learn how to use divinity outside of the system.
Villains have it harder because they have to fight their own side off too :(

Thanks! I might post more in the QAG later as well if you want to see that


>”I want to pursue the king.”

“This might be our only lead to figuring out some really important information and powers. Besides, we might be the bad guys but that thing is on another level. We can't let it breach our reality.”

She sighs, before putting on a sad smile: “I thought you’d say something like that. I won’t try to stop you, just… be careful, ok? And let me know if you need anything.”

“Don't worry- if it's between the world and my own life, I choose myself every time.”

She grins, “I wouldn't have it any other way.”

You disconnect the line and open your eyes. What should you do now?

>Consult with your allies
>Chat with Dorota
>Meditate on the king
>Experiment with connecting to a soul
>Experiment with one of the basic <Gifts> the soldiers are training (you may specify between strength, speed, and sharpening)
>Go to sleep
>>Experiment with one of the basic <Gifts> the soldiers are training (sharpening)
anti-incarnation elemental damage on claws
>Chat with Dorota
We can give her an overview of what's happened so far and ask for her take on it (without talking about the truly important stuff if we need)
>Experiment with connecting to a soul
It's a tie! I'll wait a few hours for a tiebreaker and roll for it in lieu of one
>Experiment with connecting to a soul
Double the gains from exploiting mortals
You guys are still tied, which is pretty fun. Since we're down to 2, I'll probably post some sort of compromise between the two (tomorrow) unless someone breaks the tie
changing to this then

>Experiment with resonating with a soul

You realize after <Tapping Into> the King’s essence that the ties that bind you to other incarnations in the world, from the pantheons to the <Bargains> to the mingling of authorities create a similar stream of connections between yourself and the incarnations in your midst. In theory, the system itself should bind all incarnations together in such a manner, but trying to hijack the system itself seems a bit out of your depth for now.

You imagine it would probably be easier to connect with someone physically present or with whom you share either strong bonds or striking similarities. Of course, you’ll probably also need permission (or ownership) in order to tap into someone else's essence.

Who should you attempt to resonate with?

>Someone from the Mafia (specify)
our favourite shortstack
actually nevermind, probably dangerous for them
Manticore is our test dummy for a lot of things recently

> Manticore

Poor bastard.
The gambler!


You leave the barracks, flying out into the desert near the RV and using <Folly’s Grasp> to call the Manticore to your spot in the dunes. In minutes, you see him lumbering through the arid landscape owards you. He kneels before you, planting his fist into the still-warm sands of the Egyptian desert.

“You called, my lady.”

You nod, “I need something from you. I’m going to have a little peek into your soul.”

He grits his teeth and says nothing.

You proceed, placing your fingers on his balf scalp and activating <Folly’s Grasp> and <Touch of Madness>, keeping close track of the flow of your divinity as it enters his body and then his soul.

You feel your essence begin to thrum as you encounter strong resistance deep in his core.

What should you do?
>Investigate it
>Try to circumvent it
>Burst through it
>Stop here

Also, I’ll need some dice here regardless of your choice (except stop) so please select between Reckless, Normal, and Cautious
>Investigate it
Oh right

>Investigate it


Give me 3 rolls of 3d16
Rolled 8, 3, 9 = 20 (3d16)

Rolled 4, 5, 6 = 15 (3d6)

Wouldn't want to break a useful servant, now would we?
Rolled 7, 4, 13 = 24 (3d16)


>Investigate, Cautious
>15,20,24- Cautious was optimal: 24

Your eyes remain closed, but your <Eyes>, your perception of divinity which allowed you to see the King’s current, open. You're surrounded by a world blanketed in pristine white snow overlooked by an alien bright orange sky. You find yourself on a cobble road, the way backwards illuminated by sinister crimson lanterns and the way forward blocked by a writhing wall of black and orange energy.

As you approach, you can feel the hatred ooze from the thrashing darkness. In whispers and shouts, curses and lamentations rain down on you, battering against your soul with each step forward.

You realize, then, how inconsequential they are to you- or rather, to Atë.

As you approach the gate, shadows crawl out from the walls. The first is a familiar face- Slavíček, seemingly constructed from the black slime of the wall, waltzes over to you and stands at your left hand. Next, a man you eventually recognize as the human form of that Giant you fought lumbers out from the black, carrying a withered husk bearing a crown who you only eventually recognize as Povondra in his arms.

“THIS,” a voice rings out from behind the wall, “IS WHAT YOU DID. WHAT YOU TOOK.”

Slavíček lets out a peal of scornful laughter at the anguished roar of the Manticore while Polybotes trembles in rage. Povondra remains limp and silent. You hear the voice shout again:


It seems as if you’ve wholly underestimated the Manticore’s resentment towards you.

Sybaris and Alastor- or more appropriately constructs of them- crawl out from the walls and plant themselves at Polybotes’ side- between you and the gate.

What should you do now?

>Find an easier candidate for resonance
>Try to negotiate with the Manticore
>Order to be let inside
>Talk to one of the constructs (Specify)
>Try to circumvent the wall
>Fight your way through
>Order to be let inside
Chains around your neck? Bitch I own your soul. You have no right to obstruct me.
>"Your own cowardice made you choose these chains over your freedom."
>"Povondra I used to further some other plans, but you I've never mistreated."
>"I'm not unreasonable. I'll treat those who are mine not with needless cruelty. How can we make your working environment better?"

Slavíček, who got a good deal, is on our side
Povondra is a vegetable
Manticore, Sybaris and Alastor(did we catch him?), who were subjugated by threat of death, oppose us.
Pallas is not here? But she's not thematically connected in the mafia circle
+1, ignore >>6024567, I wanna go in on villain as usual

>Order to be let inside

“You seem to be mistaken about something.”

You clap your hands, and Polybotes disintegrates.

“I don't just get to tell you what to do. I OWN you. Inside and out.”

Alastor charges you, claws bared, but he sinks into a pit of crimson blood before he can touch you.

“You want to whine now? You're pathetic. Too inept to pull off an escape like your friend here,” you crush Alastor’s skull with your heel, “too cowardly to die like the giant, and too stupid to make like Slavíček and realize your position. You are a failure.”


A massive lion's claw emerges from the black slime of the wall, threatening to tear you to shreds. However, a crimson arm reaches out to grab the swiping paw before it can touch you:

“Besides, you're a hypocrite. You wanna get mad at me for treating your souls like commodities?”

The owner of the arm emerges from your shadow- a massive sanguine construct of Brigita reveals itself, screaming bloody fury as it smashes a massive hole into the wall,

“You’ve been doing that since day one, you fucking traffickers,”

You waltz into the depths of his soul, and, in its epicenter, you find a wretched figure constantly shifting between man and beast, bound by dozens of burning red chains.

“You and your lot always call me “demon,” “devil,” “monster,” but why don't you take a look in the mirror?”

You walk up to the Manticore, looking down on it as it writhes bound on the floor.

You feel your soul thrum with resonance- you’ve solidified your ties with the manticore: a relationship of pure and total control.

You feel like you can use this resonance as an opportunity to gain an ability- but you also sense you will in all likelihood only get one shot at this. Unlike the monstrosity that is the King, your soul cannot bear the burden of repeated or continuous connection. If you stay here too long, as the system so persistently warns, you may permanently damage your soul.

For this reason, you will need to train and develop your new technique in the real world, but this is a good opportunity to start.

What should you draw inspiration from?

>The manticore itself
>The wall of hatred
>The unbreakable chains
>The construct of Brigita
>The world of snow
>The unbreakable chains
Hell yeah
We the eldritch monstrosity now
>The unbreakable chains
We https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnZZM3L2hbU now?

You ponder on the chains, placing your hand on the crimson bonds constricting the manticore.

Your soul thrums as you envision the outward projection of your will- of complete dominion over your surroundings.

As you formulate your <Art> seems as if the practitioners of old magicks were right about one thing- names and incantations hold power. As you solidify the image of your new technique in your mind, you whisper the words:

>Warden's Bonds
>Chains of Mephistopheles
>Shackles of Tartarus
>Fetters of Atë
How can we possibly use someone else's name.

Shit, how could we go with anything else?
>, how could we go with anything else?
I would assume by voting for something else.

>Fetters of Atë

You whisper the incantation under your breath, almost like a prayer, as you concentrate on your mental image. Small, almost threadlike chains, each minuscule link forged from the radiance of your soul, spread out from your fingertips. You can feel the strain on both your mind and your very existence as you concentrate on creating the constructs. If the system were in this place, it would probably be warning you of the dangers right now.

Your eyes open as your <Eyes> shut from the strain, and you awake to find the Manticore wrapped in your chains. However, unlike the writhing and suffering you saw inside, the man is quivering with ecstasy, collapsed in a puddle of his own drool and other fluids.

The system, of course, doesn't recognize <Arts>, nor does it categorize them, but you decide to keep track of what your ability can do in roughly system related terms

>Fetters of Atë: 1 (Effective Authority Level: 5)

Creates thin chains that can be freely manipulated. When the chains come in contact with a target, that target is shown illusions of the fulfillment of all of their desires at once. Cannot be blocked by authorities, but may be circumvented by <Miracles>, <Arts>, or a significant difference in level. The durability and power of the chains increase proportional to the strength of the target's desires

You smirk, realizing the benefits of <Arts>: as you practice and strengthen them, you can change their effects to suit your own needs rather than the predetermined course of the system.

>Congratulations! You have taken one step closer to true godhood! While manipulating your own soul without the proper level of divinity is incredibly risky, it may also result in power uncharacteristic of your level.

>You have gained the title <Beyond Authority>!
>As a reward, the system will protect your soul from extraneous power usage one time

You feel like you remember that title from somewhere, but you decide to investigate that later. For now, you return to your cabin and gain some much needed rest.

You wake up at dawn and make your way to the training grounds. What should you do?

>Talk to the Major about a post
>Train <Fetters of Atë>
>Try to adapt the <Gift> training into an <Art> of some kind
>Meditate on the King
>Focus on weapon training
>Congratulations! You have taken one step closer to true godhood! While manipulating your own soul without the proper level of divinity is incredibly risky, it may also result in power uncharacteristic of your level.

>You have gained the title <Beyond Authority>!
>As a reward, the system will protect your soul from extraneous power usage one time
The system picked up on this, likes it, and even has titles ready to award?
Not sure if that's incredibly concerning or reassuring

>Train <Fetters of Atë>
Shiny new toy
>>Meditate on the King
Also it looks like Prometheus beat us to this
We should check the record pass real quick and see if our name is up there with his now
>Train <Fetters of Atë>
Bow that we have a new toy, it would be a good idea to get a feel for it's limitations


>Train <Fetters of Atë>

You approach the commander and demonstrate your <Art>, dyeing your divinity in the King’s colors to disguise it as a gift. You think it wise to obfuscate most of the specifics of your <Art>’s potential, only demonstrating the ability to produce and manipulate the chains. The Major is ecstatic that you manifested a unique <Gift> and once again reminds you that, whenever the feeling moves you, you can request just about any position in the village, or even a posting amongst the footsoldiers of the <Court> itself given your talent.

You decide to test the baseline power and durability of the chains before any buffs or multipliers: it seems as if the chains are around twice as durable as steel, with the main source of utility as a weapon being the velocity at which you can move the thin chain. At its fastest, the fetters cut through the air, sounding out a whip-crack as the tip far outpaces the speed of sound. Despite this, however, you still find yourself unable to use it to cut or crack through the firm wood of the training dummy.

You have an entire day to focus on training your new <Art>- what do you want to focus on?

>Cutting power
>Bludgeoning power
>Precise control
>Number of chains (Current number: 5)
>Length of chains (Current maximum length: 10 meters)
>Illusion effect
>Desire multiplier
>Precise control
Start with the basics
wire manipulation anime characters so OP
but twice as durable as steel this thin is not very impressive
is the combined length 10 meters of does each of the 5 chains have 10 meters?
unless "twice as strong as steel" is a sort of hyperbole coming from someone who knows little about material science, thread-thin steel wire is nothing, especially not against supernatural strength
>Illusion effect
>Desire multiplier
You know, we could use this as a reward for our high performing subordinates. Keep them from ending up like Povondra, or maybe even remotivate Pov himself. The fulfillment of all your desires has to be a pretty heady drug, and it's a nice contrast to the horrors we normally show.

To clarify some things, you can extend the full length to all 5 chains- however, the more you manifest, the weaker your concentration, and thus the lesser the integrity, power, and dexterity of your chains.


First, you decide to test whether or not the chains can bind something. First, you wrap them around the dummy and attempt to snap the fetters with your bare hands. Though unfeasible with just your mortal power, you effortlessly tear through them with <Titanic Strength>

Next, you try using yourself as a target (obviously omitting the illusory effect) and wrapping the chain around your finger. This time, even with <Titanic Strength> at maximum output, the bonds refuse to budge. That being said, you still need to prepare to use your <Art> against people with weaker desires, or simply on inanimate objects, and therefore increasing the durability beyond the capability of normal reinforced steel wire is a must.

You pick a solid looking rock and practice keeping your chains from shattering as you beat them against the hard stone. You feel as if some improvement has taken place but, compared to the terrifying growth rate of powers granted by the system, the slow, grueling training of <Arts> is frustratingly gradual.

As you train, you can feel the wear on your soul begin to accumulate. Unlike the System which always makes sure it puts as little strain on it as possible, using <Arts> requires you to push your soul to its limits in a manner not dissimilar to high-intensity aerobic exercise.

Drenched in sweat and weighed down by fatigue, you slump into the showers and then to bed at sundown. Though exhausted, you don’t have the time to spare for a full hour of rest. What should you do?

>Buy a <Record Pass> and investigate
>Focus on training your <Art>
>Try to resonate with another soul (Specify)
>Meet with an ally (Specify)
>Investigate the compound
>Meditate on the king
>Rest for the night
>Buy a record pass and investigate
I’ve thought about it and whether we appear as a fable grade title holder could greatly influence our path forward
>Buy a <Record Pass> and investigate
>Investigate the compound
I don't see why the first would take up too much time
>>Buy a record pass and investigate
soul might needs to be trained like a muscle. Use it till it hurts and then just go a little further.

took a few hours before, though if we know what rarity class "Beyond Authority" is, we can narrow it down maybe?
We saw it on Prometheus the last time we used it, Fable grade title
then it shouldn't take long at all, right?
We should then go ask for a mission. Or at least to be able to come with if we were to go attack a false god.

You decide to purchase another record pass and check up on the hall of records.

Influence (Passive income): 1,947->2,932/51,200

2,932-> 2,832/51,200

The fable grade titles are as following, with two major additions that you find notable:

<Nascent God>: Gaia
<Beyond Authority>: Prometheus, Atë
<Conquer Death>: Tisiphone
<Divine Domain, Manifest>: Persephone, Hades
<First Miracle>: Kronos
<Surpass Olympus>: Athena

Tisiphone already had <Postmortal>, but she gained an even more rare title with a similar theme with <Conquer Death>. However, thankfully, she hasn’t joined the ranks of Gaia as a nascent god- even so, it seems most likely that she’s found a way to truly return from the grave. Once you’ve wrapped up your goals here, you’ll need to investigate how exactly she managed to cheat a death confirmed by the system itself.

You also decide to check up on <Glimpse the Beyond> to see if any other incarnations have attained it. Surprisingly few have, as you see:

<Glimpse the Beyond>: Prometheus, Pistis, Aeneas, Mania (Plural), Atë

Only five- you imagine that the ones you see are either fighting against the cult or have turned traitor and joined the ranks of the King.

You could spend more time combing through the records to try to deduce the actions and identities of some of the people with the <Glimpse> title, or you could use that time doing something else. You’ll probably need to get some sleep in an hour or two if you want to train or take any assignments tomorrow, so you decide to choose a course of action quickly. What should you do?

>Trudge through the records for more intel
>Focus on training your <Art>
>Try to resonate with another soul (Specify)
>Meet with an ally (Specify)
>Investigate the compound
>Meditate on the king
>Rest for the night
Aggg we are listed
>Trudge through the records for more intel
Everything Kronos holds, might as well
See if we can find Isa, though that's a long shot - or is it? If he's been fighting the Penitent too, he might be one of the 4 others with Glimpse the Beyond. He might even be Prometheus, gifting fire to mortals may translate as heavy buffs in the system. Pistis as the personification of good faith, trust and reliability also seems likely, and Aeneas and Mania don't seem to fit, so check everything held by Prometheus and Pistis with the record pass too.
5 Glimpsers is super low given what Dayan said about the Penitent being an issue for all incarnations worldwide, but she didn't seem to know the true nature of the King so they might be dealing with them indirectly? Or perhaps only mental info gathering authorities give the Glimpse, and pasting them with Titanic Strength doesn't. I guess there's a good chance Isa doesn't have it after all if he just uses physical buffs.

Fuck I hope Tisiphone doesn't want revenge

We need to start speeding things up, not just to beat Dove but because I'm sure Kronos is watching the records as well and just figured out how to get Glimpse and Beyond from knowing where we were and what we were doing when we got it. The major has offered us some promotions - tomorrow we should ask how we can be put to use in the fight against the Tainted. Hopefully our huge leaps in improvement will make them see us as too valuable to be thrown right into Isa.
Coming back from the dead is easy if you've got someone who really REALLY wants you back and doesn't look back for anything.
Props to Braun if he re-enacted the myth and pulled it off. Not that it'll stop us from killing him of course.

>Rest for the night
Get some sleep. Tomorrow we should ask for a position against the tainted, figure out how they track incarnations, and we'll be golden to go after Isa.

Linking to post as a vote.
It's a tie. I'll wait overnight for a tiebreaker and if one isn't cast I'll just flip a coin
>>Trudge through the records for more intel
Check out what other titles that Prometheus, Pistis, and Aeneas have
Kronos and Pallas too
not sure if Pluralmyths can be looked up like that
Check Tisiphones other titles

>Trudge through the records for more intel

First, you decide to take a look through <Prometheus>. Interestingly, outside of the titles you’ve already seen, he only has two:

><Self-Sacrifice>: Rare
><Avert a Fate Witnessed>: Legendary

Next, you check through <Pistis>’s titles. You find a couple lower ranking ones that are obviously related to quest rewards, but the ones that catch your interest are

><Against All Odds>: Rare
><Total Slaughter>: Rare
><Commander of Armies>: Super Rare
><Unwavering Faith>: Super Rare
><Enrage the Beyond>: Legendary

As you inspect the titles, it seems increasingly likely that Pistis might be Isa, your target.

Next, you check through Mania and, unsurprisingly, dozens of titles appear- the information is probably shared by all <Mania> incarnations, and is thus essentially useless.

Then, Aeneas: with him, you see only one other title:

><Succumb to Temptation>: Common (Curse)

You frown- he may have switched sides, and this title may be the system’s way of identifying him. Thankfully, he alone holds this title.

, Pallas holds three titles:

><Warrior’s Body>: Rare
><Authority, Irrelevant>: Super Rare
><Weapon Master>: Super Rare

Other than obvious quest rewards, Kronos has three titles:

><Industrial Ritual>: Super Rare
><Theocrat>: Legendary

Interestingly, Hades, Persephone, and Athena share that title

><Pantheon Slayer>: Legendary

After you finish your work, your eyelids become heavy and you sink into your bedding.


You awake, slightly sluggish due to the lack of sleep, and repeat your morning routine before heading out to the training grounds. What should you do?

>Request an assignment
>Train <Fetters of Atë>
>Try to replicate one of the <Gifts> as an <Art>
>Focus on weapon training
>>Request an assignment
>buy a detective compass on Isa being Pistis
>Request an assignment
Send us in boss! Let's purge the tainted!
>Request an assignment
Kill Isa's lackeys and level up GT to X, ideally

>Request an assignment

“Sir,” you say, approaching the Major, “Is it true that the Tainted are increasing their attacks on us?”

He gives a solemn nod, “Yes, son, I’m afraid it is. In fact…” he leans in, speaking quietly in your ear so as not to alert the others, “We have intel that the Devil of the Jordan is planning an attack on one of the major compounds nearby.”

“The Devil of the Jordan?”

He nods, “One of the foremost among the tainted- the one they call Isa.”

The corners of your lips twitch as you suppress a smile. Instead, you contort your mouth into a grimace, “Can they win?”

“Maybe if he was alone, but,” he pauses for a moment before finishing his sentence, “he has international support. So far, we’ve confirmed aid from both China and the Russians.”

“Together? As a joint operation?” you scowl, this time sincerely.

“That seems to be the case. According to our intelligence network, even the anti-Ye factions in China’s officially claimed land- Hong Kong, Tibet, and Taiwan, have chipped in aid for the operations.”

“Is China sending its big guns?”

“We don’t know anything besides the fact that Ye Min isn’t moving personally.”

That’s good, at least- if the Commander’s words can be trusted, your odds of winning that fight are next to nothing. Regardless, though, you weren’t anticipating global cooperation against the King’s forces to this extent.

“Our branches abroad aren’t doing too well either- especially the Americans have been hunting and raiding our compounds like mad. Not only that, they seem to be aware of the locations of almost all of our major facilities- the court is scrambling, and things aren’t looking good.”

You narrow your eyes- it seems most likely given the titles you found from Prometheus that the destruction of the cult in the US is most likely his doing.
“Honestly,” the major says, scratching the back of his head, “If it was up to me, I wouldn’t send you out there- if you train that talent of yours, you could become a real ace in the Court’s pocket one day. But, I can’t deny that we need all the help we can get right now. What do you want to do?”

>Help defend the compound from Isa
>Help hunt down Prometheus
>Ask for a position in the court
>Stay at this village and train
>Help defend the compound from Isa
I’d hoped he would have multiple squads we could pick off first
Might have to do this guerrilla style and take out the Chinese and Russian reinforcements for some quick levels

Gotta get a bead on Isa and his abilities.

>Help defend the compound from Isa

A sad look flashes across the Major’s face as he nods and pats you on the back- though you’ve only known him for a few days, it occurs to you that the Major probably knew the face you’re wearing for months if not years.

“Some soldiers from the compound should be dropping by in a couple of hours to pick up the reinforcements. May the King guide your strikes.”

“May the King guide your actions,” you say, returning the greeting as you have come to learn it over your short time at the compound.

He turns to speak to some soldiers, presumably the other reinforcements, and leaves you to train in your <Art>. You continue the durability training and, though you haven’t made any major breakthroughs, you gain some satisfaction through the exertion.

About halfway into the training, you sneak away on the pretense of a bathroom break to notify your comrades about the post, the information you’ve gained, and the change in location. You also tell Dorota to swap shadows with another soldier headed south to the compound so as not to draw suspicion to you should she be caught.

Eventually, the men arrive, driving a beat-up six wheeler through the poorly maintained desert road, billowing sand and fumes as it powers through the weathered path. Three men come out, two dressed in very similar garb to yourself, and a third dressed in the venetian garb of a member of the Court. However, you notice that he lacks much of the ornamentation you’ve seen in Pheme’s videos- this man, you wager, is most likely a very low ranking member of the Court. If the Major is to be believed, it might be possible for you to take him on simply with your <Arts>.

The masked courtier sighs as he looks over your rag-tag group of soldiers before his eyes eventually fall on you. You display an amount of not-black infused divinity proportional to your art- effective incarnation level 5. His exposed mouth lifts into a smile.

“We thank you for your devotion to the King,” he says, facing your group but most likely truly speaking to the Major, “Your service for the cause will be rewarded once the coronation comes to pass.”

“Praise to the Uncrowned King!” he replies. You and the other reinforcements, numbering ten in total, repeat the prayer. As the King’s title leaves your lips, you shiver a little bit.

“Come, soldiers,” the masked man says, “we have little time.”

As the ten of you load onto the truck with your respective weapons (You carry a shortsword, as did the man you replaced), the king puts a badge on each of your uniforms- most get bronze shields, but you and one other man get silver ones. One soldier stands guard in the passenger section, whereas the courtier and the driver inhabit the front seats. After a couple of hours of solemn silence and bumpy roads, the 13 of you find yourselves at the compound.

As you exit, you find yourself in a walled, much more modern city than the one you left- modern architecture and high-rises, technology like phones, tablets, and the like abound, and, interestingly, a mid 20th century American style dress aesthetic, with the exception of the proper head and face coverings for the women.

“This place isn’t on the map,” a wiry, bow-wielding soldier from ‘your’ village notes.

The courtier nods, “All compounds are kept secret from the public, but larger ones like this are generally concealed by the King’s gifts. Specifically, the court provides obfuscation stones to be placed at the center of every major Node.”

“Nodes?” you ask.

“Ah, I’ve overstepped. All you need to know is, no matter what, this fortress cannot fall.” The last words are spoken with a great degree of force and conviction. He continues, “Even if it costs your lives- even if it costs the lives of every single follower in this place, letting the temple be captured is not an option. Either we repel the Tainted bastards at the gates, or every single man, woman, and child within these walls will die trying.”

“Is it possible for them to sneak in?” The bowman asks again.

“No. The obfuscation device also serves as a defensive one- it’s impossible to enter or exit this place without either breaking a massive portion of the wall and depleting the Stone, or to display the colors of the King.”

“How long do we have before the attack?” you recognize the voice- a powerfully built swordsman, the Major’s personal protege and the best in ‘your’ village at using his sharpening and physical enhancement gifts- if not for you, he’d be by far the strongest of the reinforcements. You also notice that he is the only one besides yourself with a silver badge.

“Two days at the earliest, one week at the latest. The Major has verified your abilities and assigned gradesa to you all. The 8 of you,” he says, pointing to the bronze-bearing men, “will be assigned to the infantry unit as part of the anti-militia corps. You two, meanwhile,” he points to you and the swordsman, “Are on incarnation duty.”

A smile tugs at your lips, but the courtier and the swordsman have a morose expression. You have probably, by their estimation, been condemned to your deaths.

He gestures to the two of you to follow, and you do. He leads you back outside the gates, this time on foot, and to a small trench hidden in the dunes of the sand, reinforced by brick and opening into a network of tunnels.

“This is our first line of defense. The doors respond only to the King’s colors, and are otherwise completely unable to be opened or perceived, in a manner similar to the walls. You will use this to engage in guerilla tactics, appearing in duos behind the incarnations you’re capable of taking on and assassinating them as quickly and safely as possible before retreating and repositioning.”

“Is there no formal chain of command?” the swordsman asks.

“There is- a courtier will be observing the fight and providing directions to all units.”

You resist the urge to click your tongue in frustration- it’ll be difficult for you to use any of your more visually evident authorities without tipping off the observer.

“I’ll lead you to your quarters. Rest and train as you please, but do not under any circumstance leave the tunnel complex unless ordered to. Rations will be distributed at the dining area, but you must train within your quarters.”

“How many of us are down here?”

“Only thirty, not including non-combat staff. The Courtiers will be fighting in the open, creating a distraction and taking on those who you lack the capacity to beat while you silvers single out and eliminate the weaker tainted.”

“How many are they?”

“An army of at least 500 nonbelievers, and at least 40 Tainted. Our major issue, however, is the Devil of the Jordan. With him on the battlefield, each and every soldier will be able to exhibit might on par with a lower level tainted.”

The swordsman clenches his hands until his knuckles turn white. The courtier sends you to your room- apparently each duo is assigned one. At the very least, you have today and tomorrow to plan your next step.

What should you do?
>Get to know your partner
>Train your <Fetters>
>Try to replicate one of the <Gifts> as an <Art>
>Train with your sword
>Ask to have your weapon replaced with clawed gauntlets
>Meditate on the King
>Use an authority (Specify)
im still not sure about the difference between gifts and arts
the title says we can have authorities based on gifts

To clarify,<Arts> are techniques performed by manipulating your own souls without any outside assistance. Even if all interference by outside entities and systems were to disappear tomorrow, you could still fully utilize your <Art>. So far, the only <Art> that's been demonstrated in the series is by you, <Fetters of Atë>, but the system has implied that Prometheus has managed to use one as well.

<Gifts>, on the other hand, are kind of like a halfway point between <Authorities> and <Arts>, wherein a person manipulates their own divinity to some extent, but is amplified and guided by the power of the Uncrowned King. Followers, especially ones particularly adept with their <Gifts> might be able to use them as <Arts> in the absence of the King, but the power and proficiency of the skill would be much lower, kinda like walking on stilts.
>Try to replicate one of the <Gifts> as an <Art>
Gotta expand our kit!

So, theory. I don't think the system is here to harvest divinity, at least not directly. I think it's here to recruit people like us, people able to see past the system into true godhood.
>Meditate on the king
Hoping we’ll get some insight into notBlack, enough to maybe disguise some authorities as gifts
>>Try to replicate one of the <Gifts> as an <Art>

>Try to replicate one of the <Gifts> as an <Art>

You decide to try your hand at mimicking one of the <Gifts> you saw during your training in order to develop a new <Art>.
Which would you be interested in copying? It will be easier to copy ones used by your assigned partner, indicated by an x:

>Divinity Sense (x)
>Physical enhancement <Strength> (x)
>Physical enhancement <Agility> (x)
>Weapon enhancement <Sharpness> (x)
>Weapon enhancement <Weight>
>Weapon enhancement <Celerity>
>Telekinesis <General>
>Telekinesis <Weapon Correction>
>Force blast

And do you intend to replicate the gift as closely as possible (faster but constrained to its initial effect) or do you intend to modify it (slower but more customizable):

>Replicate exactly
>Modify slightly (specify how)
>Modify significantly (specify how)
>Divinity Sense (x)

If we know how it works we can know how to beat it. And we can use it track down and MURDER PEOPLE!
>Weapon enhancement <Sharpness> (x)
>Modify significantly
Armor penetration for things like divine armors that are coated in divinity
my idea +1
If things go south with Isa's raid a supplement to GT could be helpful. The assignment we already have seems ideal though, we should be able to get GT to X before meeting Isa. Might need to murder the observing courtier first so we can freely use authorities.

>Weapon enhancement <Sharpness> (x)
>Modify significantly

You decide that it would be most wise to take something your partner is adept at and use it as a point of reference to craft your own technique. Specifically, you need some way to pierce the defenses of higher level authorities and equipment. Thus, you decide to observe his Sharpness training.

You watch him as he swings his sword, trembling to maintain his composure and suppress his instinctive fear of death. Thanks to being able to see not-black, you begin to understand the basics of the gift- divinity extends outward from the blade, forming a much sharper, serrated edge. Then, this serrated divinity construct is rotated like the blade of a chainsaw, creating a weapon with incredible cutting power.

You realize the versatility of the concept and try to repurpose it. Instead of recreating a chainsaw, you visualize the bit of a drill- a sharp point with a high angle and a spiral to manage the chipping.

While you craft the <Art> you decide to visualize an element, not only to help you create an image for the technique, but also to hopefully incorporate that element into the <Art> once you master it.

What element do you visualize?
>Wind (increased drilling rate)
>Earth (increased hardness)
>Lightning (increased strike speed)
>Fire (increased initial impact)
>Water (easier adaptability)
>Ice (decreased divinity cost)
>Metal (easier visualization)

>Optional write-in: name your <Art>
>Write-in: BLOOD
Infects targets when it draws blood, shredding them from the inside.

> Hind's Torment
>Fire (increased initial impact)

>Optional write-in: name your <Art>
Heavens Piercer
>Wind (increased drilling rate)
>Down to the core
+1, I like the sound of this more

>Wind (increased drilling rate)

You close your eyes, picturing the terrible might of a hurricane. You picture the sheer force of the rotation as it spins with winds powerful enough to toss buildings and cars like toys.

However, this <Art> doesn't come nearly as naturally to you as the Fetters did- you assume that this is because the Fetters were essentially a manifestation of something intrinsic about yourself, as well as a logical extension of things you’ve already been doing with <Authorities> whereas you share no such intrinsic connection with this offensive ability.

Still, visualizing the storm guides you as you weave and spin your divinity and, after hours of grueling training, after your soul goes numb and your partner succumbs to sleep, you finally manage to chip the stone walls of your room by rotating your clumsily shaped divinity at terrifying speeds:

<Art>: Down to the Core: incomplete (effective authority level: sub-1)

Uses divinity to drill through a target. Optimized for claws, but can also be used at the tips of weapons, proper or improvised. Completely unimpeded by air resistance.

Wracked with fatigue, you lazily saunter over to your bed and pass out.

You awake, finding your partner already engaged in sword training using one of the dummies provided by the compound.

(During a given day, you have 2 action slots, day and night. As such, you may select two actions (or one action twice) to do. Each day after this one, there is a chance that Isa’s party will attack.)

What do you want to do today? Specify between day and night action.

>Communicate with an ally incarnation (specify)
>Practice an <Art> (specify)
>Practice disguising an <Authority> as a <Gift> (specify)
>Get to know your partner
>Talk to another duo in the compound
>Request your weapon of choice be officially changed to claws
>Meditate on the King
>Practice an <Art> (specify)
Down to the Core, best get this to a useful place.

An argument could probably be made for learning to disguise our core powers though.
>Meditate on the King
Now that I think about it, all our go to authorities are actually pretty subtle - whispers, touch, GT and the stealth suite. I still think there are some mysteries on how the King's power functions that I'd like to suss out before any big battles.
I can't believe we have an actual training arc for once
>Practice an <Art> (Down to the Core)
>Meditate on the King
maybe meditate on the system eventually too If we figure out more things about souls, we can maybe also figure out how the system grants abilities and where the power comes from and goes to, then circumvent or hijack parts
Got to transcent humanity
Ats based on To Mortals a Scourge, Thousand Faces, No True Face, and Folly's Grasp where we can jump bodies, even if our body dies, as long as we have one believer left
Our soul needs to transcend the need for a body at all at the same time able to create a body on a whim. Divine Constructs, and the robots that Perdix makes
ugh. forgot I had a blackout. IP changed. I'm >>6029177

Rolling for Isa attack odds

>Day: Practice an <Art> (Down to the Core)
>Night: Meditate on the King

You decide to focus on refining your technique, strengthening the image and lending a degree of consistency to the power. Your partner gives you an odd look as you focus your energy on chipping a stone wall with your finger rather than actually training with a weapon or a more impactful ability. You ignore his gaze and continue your training.

The most difficult part of the technique is maintaining the shape of the divinity drill, particularly the incredibly sharp tip, while keeping the rotation at the speeds you desire. Visualizing a tornado or hurricane is helpful, but you realize that the maintenance of the technique is ultimately most dependent on your control and concentration. You also notice that the technique is easier to maintain at the tip of a clawed gauntlet or a figure transfigured into a sharp talon.

You also find it difficult to steady the point- a drill is useless if the tip isn’t focused on a singular point to fully utilize its rotational power. That being said, it seems like you have a real knack for <Arts>: after a single day of training, you manage to convert the technique from a party trick to a usable, if somewhat inconsistent weapon:

><Art>: Down to the Core: incomplete (effective authority level: 1-2)

Uses divinity to drill through a target. Optimized for claws, but can also be used at the tips of weapons, proper or improvised. Completely unimpeded by air resistance.
Rolled 3 (1d6)


Your body and soul both exhausted, you sit cross-legged on the floor as your partner ends his training to sleep. You cannot afford such luxuries- right now, you have a more important task. You close your eyes, tapping into the Current once again.

Your <Eyes> open as you gaze upon the landscape once again: the world of the Current is filled with not-colors as you gaze upon divinity unconstrained and unregulated by the power of the system. You quiver at the sheer energy present, not merely emanating from the King itself, but from every object, flow, or whisper in the soulscape. This, you think to yourself, must be the harnessed power of millions, no, billions of souls over the course of all of human history.

You realize then why the King hasn’t given up on consuming your world after it was first banished- rather than being unable to crack a nut, it’s more like he failed to open a chip bag but, as the gap widens, more and more little chips slide out of the incomplete opening. In more literal terms, the King has been devouring every soul of every single believer, digesting them into energy and sending a portion of it back to the believers on earth.

A wave of nausea hits you- <Gifts> aren’t gifts, they’re the mangled souls of their own ancestors, children, brothers, and sisters. What’s more, you realize that the exact same thing has happened to your own soul.

Ambrosia, level ups, everything that increases the size of your soul, all of it is born from the processed bits and pieces of hundreds of souls, from your own world or who knows how many others. Your vision blears- just how much of you is left under all of those screaming souls?

Your brain is wracked with pain as you exit the current. You have just enough strength left to crawl back into your bed.


The lights flicker on early in the morning as a cruel reminder that military discipline is still enforced even in this glorified tomb. Your brain and body are wracked with fatigue, but you force yourself awake anyway.

What do you want to do today? Pick two actions or specify one action done twice.

>Communicate with an ally incarnation (specify)
>Practice an <Art> (specify)
>Practice disguising an <Authority> as a <Gift> (specify)
>Get to know your partner
>Talk to another duo in the compound
>Request your weapon of choice be officially changed to claws
>Meditate on the King
>Practice an <Art> (Fetters of Ate)
>Meditate on the nature of souls
I think we should consider ripping a soul apart and consuming parts
>Practice an <Art> (Fetters of Ate)
>Get to know your partner
They've been pretty morose, we need them to hold it together long enough to kill at least one incarnation so we can get GT to X. Probably too risky to whisper them into a good mindset sadly.

>Ambrosia, level ups, everything that increases the size of your soul, all of it is born from the processed bits and pieces of hundreds of souls, from your own world or who knows how many others. Your vision blears- just how much of you is left under all of those screaming souls?
They're still screaming? Must not have been processed well enough. We'll have to fix that when we hijack the system.
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I have almost caught up to the quest... really enjoying it so far, QM. Have a Pheme!!!
That artstyle... that typing style... I hope your IRL issues get resolved well, SirenQM.
I hope our girl will be content she won't with her eventual world domination if she ever succeeds in her goal she won't. Rejecting her humanity doesn't really make sense anymore when she ceased to have any the moment the system chose her from the OP of thread 1. It doubly makes no sense anymore now that she's realizing that her own soul is parts of unknown souls from who knows where and when. She still has her own in there, just clusterfucked by everything else and will continue to be so as she gets stronger.

She's strayed far from the folly and ruin parts of her larping.
>Rejecting her humanity doesn't really make sense anymore when she ceased to have any the moment the system chose her from the OP of thread 1.
Atë was always ahead of the curve, knowingly or not. She's a spiritual predator through and through.

>Practice disguising an <Authority> as a <Gift> (specify)
Our speed and power

>Request your weapon of choice be officially changed to claws

Awesome fanart! I'm glad you decided to come check out the quest! I'll have to dig through the archives and check out your quest sometime

>Practice an <Art> (Fetters of Ate)
>Get to know your partner

You manifest your chains, slamming them against the floor as you continue to train your durability. The swordsman- Shakir, was it? shoots a glance your way. With a bitter chuckle, he says to you,

“You really did get a unique gift, didn’t you?”

You decide to mix some truths into your facade: “It’s too recent and too flawed. I would have liked to have more time to train.”

“You and I were too skilled for our own good, it seems. Just strong enough to throw at the Tainted as bait.”

You understand what he means- though you were told to prioritize survival and engage in hit and run tactics, your role in the upcoming fight is primarily to distract and sow confusion in the Incarnation forces to make it easier for the Courtiers to break the line.

“We can live if we win.”

“Honestly, if I had known the Devil of the Jordan would be here… no, I have a duty to the King.”

“Have you met him? The one they call Devil?”

He gives a solemn nod, “His men destroyed my village, slaughtered my parents, and would have killed us all if the Major hadn’t rescued us. If it weren’t for his sacrifice…”

He trails off, leaving a solemn silence in the air. You bite your tongue- the person whose face you're wearing almost certainly knows the story behind it.

“Regardless, I have faith. We can win, we can live, and you can go back to whoever you’re so worried is going to miss you.”

His face reddens, “What do you-”

“You’re brave.” You say, stretching your arms as you ready yourself for another round of training, “Courageous to the point of stupidity, almost. The notion- no, the knowledge that you might die wouldn’t make you waver, it would make you give everything to make your death meaningful.”

Even without <Assess Hamartia>, you’ve always had a knack for reading people. You continue, “And yet, look at you? Afraid of dying, filled with regrets, even though you’re laying your life down in the holiest, greatest stage you could ask for? There’s only one explanation. What’s her name?”

Shakir laughs, “I never took you for the clever type, Nadeem.”

“I never was- this and that are entirely different.”

He shakes his head, “Knowing someone, a stranger, really, through nothing but observation is all the intelligence a warrior needs,” he walks up to you and puts his hand on your shoulder, “I can leave my back to you, I think,”

“And mine, to you,”

He falls silent for a moment, his coarse palm still resting on you as he looks off to somewhere far away, “Her name is Dahlia,”

You smirk, “Keep her name on your mind and you might just muster up enough cowardice to survive.”

He laughs and slaps you on the back, “Now, I must train. No amount of cowardice will make up for a lack of skill.”

You follow suit and, thanks to a couple of helpful concentration tips from your new friend, manage to make considerable progress:

>Fetters of Atë: 2 (Effective Authority Level: 6-7)

Creates thin chains that can be freely manipulated. When the chains come in contact with a target, that target is shown illusions of the fulfillment of all of their desires at once. Cannot be blocked by authorities, but may be circumvented by <Miracles>, <Arts>, or a significant difference in level. Without a target, the durability of the chains is roughly equal to the tensile strength of graphene, and the tip speed can reach a maximum of 450 miles per hour. The durability and power of the chains increase proportional to the strength of the target's desires

You smirk as you manage to burrow a hole in the floor before your chains even crack. Checking the time (since you have no indication of night and day down here) you realize the lateness of the hour, shower, and plop into bed.

You wake up early once again to the sight of bright compound lights. What should you do?

>Communicate with an ally incarnation (specify)
>Practice an <Art> (specify)
>Practice disguising an <Authority> as a <Gift> (specify)
>Spar with Shakir
>Talk to another duo in the compound
>Request your weapon of choice be officially changed to claws
>Meditate on the King
Rolled 3 (1d5)

forgot to roll dice
>Practice disguising an <Authority> as a <Gift> (specify)
Our speed and power

>Request your weapon of choice be officially changed to claws
>“I can leave my back to you, I think,”
Ah, I love Sweet Venom :)
>Request your weapon of choice be officially changed to claws
Needed. Perhaps we can show Down to the Core as claws-only? Only if it would not arouse suspicion though.
It's meta, but I generally a rest option is provided if a tired malus has begun to accrue.
>Request your weapon of choice be officially changed to claws
>Talk to another duo in the compound
Time for some scouting
I'll support this over my original vote here.
We do seem to be grinding down.
>“I can leave my back to you, I think,”
Love to hear it
>Spar with Shakir
>Request your weapon of choice be officially changed to claws

1/4 chance of Isa attacking tomorrow, so I think we can risk not resting one more time

Oh shit, Siren? Good to see you're still alive! Mutantquest 13 when?

Lots of votes here! The common point seems to be:

>Request your weapon of choice be officially changed to claws

Which won’t take too long so I’ll lump it in with:

>Spar with Shakir
>Practice disguising an <Authority> as a <Gift> (Supernatural Speed, Titanic Strength)

Then, for the night action

You rise, and, recognizing the utility of switching your primary weapon to claws, decide to make a front of consulting Shakir. You mask <Pierce to the Core> as a new gift, and note that it only works from your fingertips. He suggests you try picking up gauntlets as a weapon instead, and you eagerly agree.

The two of you make your way to the supplies depot near the dining area in order to formalize the request. Eventually, your sword is taken and a gauntlet is given in its place. As you hold the weapons in your hands, you feel a faint not-black aura wafting off of them: these, even when wielded by mortals, can pierce an incarnation.

“I need to test these,” you say, “Care for a spar?”

“Sure- there’s training equipment in the sparring hall.”

“We have a sparring hall?”

“Yeah, I only found it after one of the other groups told me we had one.”

That courtier is bad at his job.

He leads you to a large stone room outfitted with 4 makeshift arenas. One is already occupied, with two duos duking it out with wooden weapons. You also notice a man dressed in an Imam’s robes sitting in the corner.

“He’s a healer,” Shakir says, noticing your confusion, “Even with wooden gear, <Gifts> can do some serious damage.”

The two of you pick up a wooden scimitar and clawed gauntlet respectively before making your way to the opposite ends of a vacant arena.

“On three!” he shouts. In unison, the two of you count down:




You take this opportunity to test the use of some of your subtler authorities- <Weapon Mastery>, <Supernatural Speed>, and <Titanic Strength> while masking them as gifts. After a couple days of observing the use of physical enhancement type <Gifts>, you realize that the mechanism is almost identical (if not rougher and less optimized) than the authorities you’ve grown so accustomed to using. Simply by creating a subtle erraticness to the white part of your divinity glow while keeping the not-black in perfect order, you almost exactly emulate the use of a <Gift>.

You lunge forward, thrusting your claws towards Shakir. His speed is on par with yours even at full output as his sidesteps your attack and begins a counterswing, targeting your open left side. <Preservation Instinct> tingles as you pivot away from the attack, leaning on your lowered right hand and swiveling on it to try and sweep Shakir’s legs. He avoids your attack, but he obviously wasn’t expecting your unorthodox move as he clumsily retreats backwards. Taking advantage of the opening as he stumbles, your <Fetters> shoot from your free hand, quickly wrapping around his arms and binding him.

He fights against their grip with, by your estimate, enough strength to snap the chains at their base strength, but his struggle is pointless. The chains grow brighter, feeding on his competitive drive to win for strength, making the fulfillment of the wish increasingly implausible.

You stand, walk over to Shakir, and place a claw on his neck.

“This one is your win, brother.”

You smirk, releasing the fetters.

“So this is the power of a unique gift, huh? Frightening.”

“Speak for yourself- if I had let that sword hit me, you might have cut me in half.”

You aren’t lying- his <Sharpness> mastery is probably on par with a 7th or possibly even 8th level authority in terms of pure cutting power. Even with your defensive equipment, he probably would have sliced through you like tofu.

He laughs, “Care to go again?”

You shake your head- “I’ve been overexerting myself training my new gifts- I think I need to turn in early tonight.”

He gives you an understanding nod. “Rest well- I think I’ll try to find another sparring partner.”

“May the King grant you luck,”

“And you as well,” he calls back as you head back to your room.

You shower, change, and lie down in bed. You hadn’t realized how much fatigue you’ve allowed yourself to accumulate, falling asleep as soon as your head touches the pillow.

You awake, well rested (if a little sore.) What do you want to do today?

>Communicate with an ally incarnation (specify)
>Practice an <Art> (specify)
>Practice disguising an <Authority> as a <Gift> (specify)
>Spar with Shakir
>Talk to another duo in the compound
>Meditate on the King
Rolled 4 (1d4)

also, rolling dice
>Communicate with Dorota
Isa is gonna attack any day now, we should have or make a game plan

Uh he attacks on a 1 right?
>Communicate with an ally incarnation
Dorota. Touch base at least.

> Practice an <Art> (specify)
Down to the Core.
>Communicate with Dorota
>Meditate on the King
We ball
really don't want to make it a 4-way tie so

>The chains grow brighter, feeding on his competitive drive to win for strength, making the fulfillment of the wish increasingly implausible.
positive feedback?
the stronger the bound persons desire to escape, the stronger the chains?
the longer they are in chains the more we can amplify their desires?

>Communicate with Dorota
>Practice <Down to the Core>

You decide to check the Pantheon location page to see where Dorota is and find that she's… right next to you. Or, rather, that she’s under you. She must have made her way to your shadow again after you arrived at the complex and neglected to tell you about it for days.

You admire the efficiency of it, but this woman never ceases to creep you out.

You make your way to an isolated space- the bathroom in your shared room with Shakir (who himself is training in the Sparring hall)
and whisper to Dorota to come out.

She invokes a stealth authority on the two of you before she pops her head out from within the shadows.

“Long time no speak, hm?”

The corners of your mouth twitch “Have you been relaying important information back to the guys in the RV?”

She nods, “I poke my phone out from the shadows under your bed at night. They know about the rough details of the attack.”

“What's their current plan?”

“So far, they are not intending to involve themselves. Do you want me to ask them to do something else?”

“Yes, I need them to…”

>Attack the incarnation forces from behind after the fighting starts
>Wait for Isa to capture the city before becoming involved
>Actually, no, tell them to stay out of it
>Set up an ambush against him before the fighting can even start

She smiles and nods, “Right away, boss.”

That being done with, you dedicate the rest of your time to practicing <Down to the Core>.

The more you focus on the training, the more powerful the image becomes in your mind. You breathe in, and out, visualizing the vacuums and massive bursts of air pressure created by the cyclone. You visualize the overwhelming, devastating power of the storm as it crushes everything in its wake, until-

You feel the wind circle around your <Art>. At first, it's only a tickle, but it becomes faster, sharper, deadlier, until…

Your hand pushes through the stone walls of your room like butter.

>Down to the Core: incomplete (Effective Incarnation Level: 4)

Uses divinity to drill through a target. Can use air as a medium to increase the speed, sharpness, and power of the attack (though the Art may also be used in a vacuum without a gas present). Optimized for claws, but can also be used at the tips of other weapons, proper or improvised. Unhindered by air or water resistance.

Grinning like an idiot at your new accomplishment, you collapse into bed satisfied.

You wake up, having acclimated to the early lights-on time. What do you want to do today?

>Communicate with an ally incarnation (specify)
>Practice an <Art> (specify)
>Practice disguising an <Authority> as a <Gift> (specify)
>Spar with Shakir
>Talk to another duo in the compound
>Meditate on the King
>wait for both parties to have reached a point of exhaustion, before making a move
>Practice an <Art> (Fetters)
>Spar with Shakir
Rolled 2 (1d3)

We keep getting lucky this training arc
>Tell Dorota that, if possible, we want to capture Isa alive, against the others knowledge
>Ask Shakir to retell how he first opened his eyes to the king and using his gifts.
They should be ready to
>Attack the incarnation forces from behind after the fighting starts
As the major seemed to think it would be a close fight if not for the Russian and Chinese reinforcements, but he didn't know about us and our crew. If it's a lot more one sided and Isa is easily winning, then instead they should
>Actually, no, tell them to stay out of it

If the Penitent are getting absolutely steamrolled and we have no opportunity to assassinate Isa, we'll need to slip away with GT, which is why I want to get it to X.
One other idea is to turn on the Penitent, and present ourselves to Isa as an American incarnation who came over here to help exterminate the cult since Prometheus seemed to have it handled back home.

>Practice an <Art> (Fetters)

Getting super risky, want to be well rested and get that buff.
>Wait for Isa to capture the city before becoming involved
Might not be optimal, but I'd hazard the Uncrowned King is more a hazard than any Incarnations.
> Set up a safeword with Dorota to evac us
Couldn't hurt. Probably the worst creepiest ride of our life, but better safe than sorry.

>Practice an <Art> (specify)
Down to the Core. Never enough!

>Spar with Shakir
Actual combat training would do us good
+1 support.
I have a feeling our luck won't hold.

Also I like the safeword idea with Dorata
>insert sex joke safeword here
Admittedly in retrospect I realized that we'd need shadows to for Dorota to uh..'eat us out' of there, but any escape plan is better than none.
Reminder our protag is still a fucking virgin, and reminder she's nolifing the world domination godhood game

>Wait for both parties to have reached a point of exhaustion, before making a move
Will also include a code word for pullout with Dorota

>Optional write-in: pick the safeword

>Spar with Shakir

“Brother,” you say to Shakir after you’ve both changed into your day clothes, “Would you like to spar again?”

She smiles, “I’d be happy to,”

The two of you make your way to the sparring hall once again and square up to fight again. After another countdown, the two of you rush at each other. This time, though, Shakir’s approach is far more aggressive as he immediately starts by slashing at your wrist. Assisted by <Omen>, you sidestep in time to avoid the strike.

However, Shakir’s attacks are relentless- even though you know he isn’t faster than you, you realize the gap that technique and a difference in reach can create- even though you’re moving at the same speeds, he wastes far less movement than you. Not only that, the length of his blade keeps your claws at bay and allows him to force you into predictable spots that he can exploit.

You try to wrap your chains around him, but he predicts their trajectory, deflecting the first fetter with his sword and leaping away from the second as it tries to ensnare him.

As you play cat and mouse with Shakir, you feel your concentration wearing thin from the number and velocity of your chains. Eventually, Shakir notices and takes advantage of your exhaustion, slipping through a gap in the chains and pointing his blade at your neck.

You frown- you really aren’t built for fair fights like these.

“You fought well, brother, but I can tell you are not used to those claws. It’s obvious in the way you move- you’re used to more reach.”

He is technically right, but not because you use a sword: if you were fighting at full strength, you could have thrown off his instincts and narrowed the gap in reach using your <Thousand Faces>. You realize just how reliant on it your way of fighting had become.

“Still, I think I made the right choice.”

He nods, “The king never gives gifts for no reason. Care for another bout?”

“No, I see now that my <Gifts> are too unrefined. I need to train.”

He smiles in understanding as you make your way back to your room.

>Practice an <Art> (Fetters)

You decide to start by training your <Fetters> once again. The durability of them has reached a point that, without strengthening or cutting authorities of effective level 7 or higher, they’re impossible to break without heavy equipment. What aspect do you want to train next?

>Cutting power
>Bludgeoning power
>Precise control
>Number of chains (Current number: 5)
>Length of chains (Current maximum length: 10 meters)
>Illusion effect
>Desire multiplier

>She smiles

Whoops, typo: Shakir is still a guy (I'm not gonna pull the Pallas stunt with every male character in the cast, promise)
>Number of chains (Current number: 5)
The more there are the harder it is to deal with each one

Also we lost because we got tired, hopefully we can rest next vote because Isa is imminent.
>Precise control

>>Number of chains (Current number: 5)
>Safeword Phrase: "I submit."
Should be good in-case we get beaten the fuck up.

Also I can't wait to unveil the Figure Unspeakable at some point. An interlude where someone peeks at Ate's true form would be very fun
Some poor fucker is going to pierce our stealth and get absolutely bushwacked
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>>Communicate with an ally incarnation (specify)
>>Practice an <Art> (specify)
>>Practice disguising an <Authority> as a <Gift> (specify)
>>Spar with Shakir
>>Talk to another duo in the compound
>>Meditate on the King

>Number of chains (Current number: 5)
>Safeword Phrase: "I submit."

You practice dividing your concentration to control more chains at once, using your experience with Pheme’s feathers and <Folly’s Grasp> as a point of reference. Time and time again, you watch your Fetters crumble to dust.

After dusk presumably falls in the world above the ground, you manage to manifest a sixth fetter for a few seconds before it collapses just as the others did.

Eventually, over an hour after Shakir has gone to sleep, you manage to maintain six chains at once for a minute before your concentration breaks. You’ve made significant progress, but you’ll need training to get a 6th fetter practical in combat.

Regardless, your fatigue wins out over your hunger for improvement, and you fall asleep satisfied.

The morning comes, and you groggily flop out of bed. What do you want to do today?

>Communicate with an ally incarnation (specify)
>Practice an <Art> (specify)
>Practice disguising an <Authority> as a <Gift> (specify)
>Spar with Shakir
>Talk to another duo in the compound
>Meditate on the King
>>Meditate on the King
even without meta gaming, they gave us a range, and that's almost over, we need to stay fit and alert
+1 support.
Let us acquire this bread
>Spar with Shakir

I'm a little concerned we might be noticed by something we don't want to be noticed by at this point. And more combat training is always useful.
Rolled 538 (1d1000)

Locking in the vote.

Were does the King cast his gaze?

>Meditate on the King

You wake up, deciding to meditate on the King once again.

After entering the King’s current several times, you’ve gained some understanding of the previously indecipherable movements of the King's mind. Much of its consciousness, nearly all of it, in fact, is still completely anathema to you, but there is one thing which you’ve been able to analogize to human emotion.


Undying, terrifying hate.

Even being so far from its epicenter, the sheer volume of the resentment sends shivers down your spine. Instinctively, you know precisely what this is directed at: the system.

Or rather, whatever lurks behind it.

You feel the King’s gaze begin to shift as you exit his domain.

You awake to find the compound in a flurry of activity, with more people than you’ve seen in a while rushing supplies around. Shakir is swinging his sword in the corner, so you decide to ask him what the fuss is about.

“Tomorrow.” he tells you, “The demon and his tainted army arrive tomorrow.”

You place your hand on your mouth, hiding your smirk- finally, it’s go time.

You decide that it’s ideal to be as rested as possible for the fight, so you decide to turn in early for the day. Shakir trains into the night as you slip into the grasp of sleep.


As you awake, a voice rings out in your head: “Make your way to gate 13,” it orders. It seems like Shakir received the same message, as the two of you gear up and then make your way to the designated location.

Once you make it there, you grip Shakir’s shoulder, “Tell me her name again, brother.”

He smiles, “Dahlia.”

“And what does her name give you?”


“The desire to live! And, yes, enough cowardice to make it happen.”

He chuckles, patting you on the back as the gate in front of you begins to open.

“You will see the target glow red,” the voice says as you prepare to head out, “Avoid unnecessary conflict if possible,"

The two of you nod. As the door opens, the smell of blood and sand begin to percolate into the sterile compound. Once it reaches above your eyeline, you see the horror of the battlefield unfold before you: volleys of arrows and spears, coated in not-black, fly outward from the robust walls of the compound. Rather than following the arc dictated to them by the laws of physics, they bend and shift in the air, hunting their targets with relentless vigor. The mortal army, meanwhile, glows with a faint cerulean glow- this, you realize, must be Isa’s power.

It seems like the courtiers haven’t come out yet- they’re probably waiting for your ambush squads to sew confusion in the ranks.

You and Shakir move quickly, stepping over the sands with speeds unattainable by mortals, as you advance upon the red glow representing your target. You’re met with a man, presumably Chinese, dressed in armor clearly originating from the system. He holds a sword in his hand radiating small green fire.

How should you attack?

>Bind him with your <Fetters>
>Pierce his armor with <Down to the Core>
>Have Shakir lead the attack
>Use an authority
>Bind him with your <Fetters>
Shakir has attack power covered, plus he counts as a mortal in the system so we should get kill credit even if he does the finisher.
>Engage in 2v1 CQC with <Down to the Core>
>Keep the <Fetters> secret until we know their rough powerlevel
>And once they assume those are all our tricks, bring out the <Fetters>

How big is that incarnations aura?

Are we wearing the Gown of Eris with it being topped of to 10k?

>How big is that incarnations aura?
No visible aura- you might have been able to get something with your <Lenses>, but you didn't wear them since it'd likely be too conspicuous

>Are we wearing the Gown of Eris with it being topped of to 10k?
Yes, it's in the place of your undershirt

Also, the votes are tied; I'll wait a few hours for a tiebreaker and flip a coin in lieu of one
+1 support

I'm going to need some dice- please choose between cautious, normal, and reckless.
> Cautious

I normally don't like to call things at 1 vote, but you guys generally tend towards <Cautious> anyway so I'll just call it here. Please give me 3 rolls of 3d17
Rolled 8, 16, 3 = 27 (3d17)

I was just about to vote reckless too
Rolled 3, 8, 17 = 28 (3d17)

hope I got it right
Rolled 3, 8, 3 = 14 (3d17)

I do not know why I am rolling, but I shall.

>28, 14, 27-> Cautious: 27 (Slightly suboptimal compared to reckless, but I promise it didn’t matter)

>Engage in 2v1 CQC with <Down to the Core>
>Keep the <Fetters> secret until we know their rough powerlevel
>And once they assume those are all our tricks, bring out the <Fetters>

You give Shakir a silent nod, and he responds, readying his blade for an attack. He swings his blade down and the incarnation, clearly reacting to an <Omen>, whips around and blocks the surprise attack with his own sword. The green flames flare up but fail to damage Shakir’s divinity reinforced cutlass.

Taking advantage of the deadlock, you aim for the gap in his armor between his helmet and chestplate, attempting to tear out his neck. He notices, attempting to sidestep your attack, but doing so leaves a critical opening for your partner, who jams his sword straight through a chink in the warrior’s armor between his arm and chestpiece, cracking through his ribs and piercing his heart.

However, the incarnation doesn’t fall.

Tearing himself away from the sword, he stumbles back, cauterizing the wound with his flames. Shakir clicks his tongue, muttering, “Damn tainted.”

The incarnation balloons in size, doubling his height. You imagine he could probably get bigger, but he doesn’t want to become a target for arrow fire by growing too tall. Regardless, increasing his size was a critical error- your <Fetters> wrap around his ankles, binding them as he collapses to the ground in ecstasy. You jam your claws into his skull.

>Congratulations! You have subjugated the incarnation of Cacus…

You don’t have time to tabulate the rewards right now- in fact, you can’t afford to acknowledge the system at all. According to Shakir, the Temptation of the Tainted- presumably the deification offers by the incarnation system itself- never reveals itself to soldiers of the King.

The voice rings in your ear once again “Fall back and proceed through gate 7 to pursue your next target,”

Just as you’re about to comply, you see a face you’ve only witnessed in blurry images before: heading the mortal army is your target. Isa is right within your grasp.

What do you do?

>Ignore orders to take down your target
>Follow orders and return to the compound
>Follow orders and return to the compound
It's tempting, but both sides are at near full strength this early, and striking at Isa now would make enemies of both of them, since I seriously doubt we can take him down with Gifts alone. Pick off as many other incarnations as we can first, and if we get a lull get GT to X.
+1, agreed. Let the battle rage, let Isa burn more divinity, more power.

And weaken the King too. He's on the shitlist too afterall.
>>Follow orders and return to the compound
>Follow orders and return to the compound
kill as many incarnations and followers of one as possible (second directive)

>Follow orders and return to the compound

While the prospect of taking down Isa here and now is tempting, you decide to stick with your orders and take the opportunity to hunt down more targets before you throw down with a hopefully weakened Isa. You and Shakir retreat, seemingly vanishing into the desert.

Once the two of you enter the compound again, you have a moment to rest, maintain your weapons, and drink some water in preparation for the next fight. Shakir cleans the viscera off of his blade, and you follow suit, honing your claws and removing the blood and grease from their sharp edges.

The two of you head to your assigned gate and prepare to head out. Upon exiting, you notice something unusual.

Right here, in the middle of the desert, a raging thunderstorm has started. A torrent of rain pours from the sky, and, looking closely, you notice the tell-tale not-black tint of the King in every drop. Three courtiers walk, the rain repelled from their bodies like particles of the same charge. You notice that, once you step into the rain, the drops react to the King’s colors you bear and shift away from you in a similar manner.

You look through the downpour and see Isa and two other incarnations begin to engage the courtiers as the main infantry of the King’s compound finally pours out of the walls. You set your gaze forward, putting your focus on the task at hand.

You run towards the red dot in the distance, however, before you can get there, your <Omen> and <Preservation Instinct> warn you to stay put. You follow, pulling Shakir away from the danger zone as a figure crashes down to your former place, cracking the bedrock beneath the sands-turned-mud as his fist plants into where you were just standing.

You see the man, somehow dry in all this rain. He’s dressed in the robes of a buddhist monk, with the necklace of large wooden beads around his neck confirming his vocation. A sharp focus can be seen in his eyes and, as <Omen> and <Preservation Instinct> inform you, he really is dangerous.

You look to Shakir- his hands grip his blade tighter in a failed attempt to hide their quivering. He knows as well as you that, had you not pulled him away, he would have been reduced to a red paste by that attack.

In <Polyglot> perfect Arabic, the monk speaks: “We have caught onto your game, soldiers of Mara. Your blades shall cut our men no more.”

“You’re the ones attacking you bastard,” Shakir responds, readying his blade. The monk, in reply, shakes his head.

“Your King is the invader. How can you not see it? How can you not see what it is you worship?”

A smile touches your lips- this monk is a good guy.

What should you do?

>Fall back for now- you can’t win this fight without your <Authorities>
>Try to fight- with Shakir’s help, you can take him
>Try to disguise <Stealth> or <Guerilla Tactics> as a <Gift>
>"And what of the system you worship? I know the kinds of garbs you wear, you were a man of spirit. Do you know anything about the system? What damage it does to your immortal soul? You speak of the king as an invader, but he is liberating us."
>>Fall back for now- you can’t win this fight without your <Authorities>
how much did omen/Pi go off?
>Try to fight- with Shakir’s help, you can take him
Backing this speech >>6032132, but we should fight him here. Isa has the troops advantage, to keep this fight close we need to take down his allies.
>Fall back for now- you can’t win this fight without your <Authorities>

Hrm. Hate to back off, but omen warnings don't fuck around, and they're probably based off our full strength. Maybe there's another exit we can use to circle around this guy. Or maybe we can send Shakir one way and us another so we can go full invisible and have some fun.
+1 support, with the speech from >>6032132
"You speak of the King as an invader, as if your system is not the same."
From >>6032229 to backing >>6032132
Instead of fighting, guerilla tactics like they told us. Abuse the doors and circle around

>Fall back for now- you can’t win this fight without your <Authorities>

“And what of the system you worship? I’ve seen those robes before, buddhist. I can respect a man of faith, misguided though it may be, so let me ask you this: do you know the nature of your system? The damage it does to your immortal soul?”

Shakir nods, “We don’t call you <Tainted> for no reason.”

“In my meditations, I have indeed found something disturbing. The system… it disrupts the Samsara. Meddles with the natural course of souls, and muddles the karma of innumerable dead together. However, let me make one thing clear,” his eyes burn with conviction, “Just as a buried stone keeps its shape, my soul is as solid as it ever has been. The system may smear it with whatever it likes. I persist. I will use this power to protect the people of the world from people like you and things like your King.”

You give a scornful laugh, “The King is here to liberate us. It’s a pity you were too blind to see that.”

You give Shakir a signal and the two of you disappear into the rain.

“Your retreat has been deemed advisable,” the voice rings out in your head, “Proceed to your target from gate 10. Should you encounter the interloper again, you are to engage- reinforcements are on the way.”

You return, proceeding outward through the gate. How should you go about this?

>Try to lay low and proceed towards your target in as subtle and careful a manner as possible
>Race towards your target as quickly as possible- the monk can’t be everywhere at once
>Move in such a way as to bait the monk towards you
>Wait for reinforcements to contest the monk and join them in the subjugation
>Race towards your target as quickly as possible- the monk can’t be everywhere at once
>Race towards your target as quickly as possible- the monk can’t be everywhere at once

Get it done!
>Race towards your target as quickly as possible- the monk can’t be everywhere at once
Rolled 7 (1d10)


>Race towards your target as quickly as possible- the monk can’t be everywhere at once

You and Shakir rush towards the dot at full tilt, kicking up mud and water as you race through the rain-soaked desert ground. You see a mudslide, radiating not-black aura consume a large chunk of Isa’s army as you dash towards the red dot.

Eventually, you come across what you at first think is a statue of the buddha- a young bald monk in the same garb as your interloper, but much younger and, from head to robes to toes, completely made of stone.

However, you’ve cut through stone before.

Taking advantage of the chaos and the element of surprise, you lunge forward, manifesting the power of <Down to the Core> and piercing through the stone skin of the young monk, grasping his heart in your claws.

He can only muster a wet gasp as you clasp your hand into a fist.

>Congratulations! You have subjugated…

You notice that none of them have had escape items. Actually, that probably isn't the case- it's more likely that the King or the Court have some means of blocking <Tails> and <Heads>. You’ll have to keep that information in mind.

“Gyatzen!” A familiar voice roars over the sounds of rain and thunder. The monk races towards you at an alarming pace- seems like you just took out a friend of his.

As with the giant, a number of items clutter to the ground, but you don't have the time or ability to take them without ticking off the observer.

What should you do?

>Run away
>Try to hide <Stealth> or <Guerilla Tactics> as a gift
>Stand and fight
I don't mind much either way
>>Race towards your target as quickly as possible- the monk can’t be everywhere at once
quantity over quality kills
we then just need to remember not taking further subjugation rewards until we have enough influence to get the next authority up to 8
(I vote Thousand Faces over Stealth)

other plan:
if we get the chance shake Shakir and level up GT, we can maybe also level up Specters Wail to 6, and then at the height of the battle activate Gown of Eris, and blast an effective level 16 Despair Specters Wail, charged with effective level 20 Whispers on a simple command: Kill yourselves
I still don't want to reveal ourselves
>Run away
Trying to use an authority might start causing us to be recognized as an authority by the rain
Stick to the guerilla hit and run
>Stand and fight
Look at what our observer told us

>“Your retreat has been deemed advisable,” the voice rings out in your head, “Proceed to your target from gate 10. Should you encounter the interloper again, you are to engage- reinforcements are on the way.”

>Run away

You turn and run, making a break for the nearest gate as the monk continues to close in. He seems to be closing the gap until-

An explosion rings out from behind you.

You turn around- a duo you saw in passing during your time in the compound is accompanied by what looks like a low-mid level Courtier, the latter of whom seems to be responsible for the blast.

The voice rings out in your ear, “Reinforcements have arrived. Please support them in their fight against the interloper,”


The soldiers, one wielding a heavy shield and a small spear, the other standing behind him and notching an arrow in his bow, begin to square up against the monk. The courtier recites prayers under his breath, presumably preparing to launch another fire attack.

What should you do?

>Engage the monk directly
>Stand away from melee range and provide support with your <Fetters>
>Have Dorota spit out the true body of the Face your wearing in order to fake your own death in the chaos

>Used the wrong 'you're'

Time to commit seppuku
>>Stand away from melee range and provide support with your <Fetters>
+1, guess no running now
>Stand away from melee range and provide support with your <Fetters>

>your time in the compound
>The voice rings out in your ear
They both look correct to me.
>Checks voting options
I'll be you're second OP
>the true body of the Face your wearing
Thank you for your service

>Stand away from melee range and provide support with your <Fetters>

You plant yourself next to the bowman, nodding to Shakir as he posts himself on the opposite side of the spearman.

The monk effortlessly weaves through the pair's attacks, ducking the spear, redirecting the sword with the palm of his hand, and even taking advantage of the force of Shakir’s thrust to slam the two combatants into each other.

The bowman looses two arrows, both of which target the neck of the monk from opposite sides. The man grabs one arrow by the shaft, twirls to avoid the other, and uses the momentum to throw the arrow back at the archer with devastating power. Sensing the danger, you pull the bowman out of the line of fire.

Just as things seem to be turning against your group, the courtier’s prayer concludes.

“<Heavenly Firestorm>”

A small flame, smothered in not-black and invisible to the mortal eye, drifts into the air. The small flame explodes, unleashing a hail of fireballs down on the unsuspecting monk. He, relying only on his instincts and precognition authorities, avoids the flames as best he can.

However, his dodges are imperfect- a fireball tags him on the arm, exploding with devastating force. He tumbles, gritting his teeth as he takes advantage of the momentum to escape the attack’s effective range.

However, you take advantage of the clumsy evasion, sneaking up behind him and binding his arms and legs with your <Fetters>.

He struggles, unable to break the glowing chains as you close the distance between the two of you. However, just before you enter striking distance, he closes his eyes, takes a breath in, and lets out a quiet prayer.


The chains rapidly begin to lose their glow, then, as you ready the killing blow, they crumble into black dust and blow away in the storm.

Your eyes widen- no authority should be able to dismantle an <Art> like that, right? How the hell did he manage to dispel your chains?

His eyes open, a cool clarity evident in his gaze.

What do you do?
>Fall back and allow the others to fight directly
>Engage in close quarters combat
>Run away
Aw that fucker
Buddhism letting go of desires bullshit
>Engage in close quarters combat
He's got a good fetters counter, and we mad
>>Engage in close quarters combat
>create new technique
>IMMEDIATELY see it countered and reduced to dust on the first real opponent
Ate must be secretly crushed
>Fall back and allow the others to fight directly
Nope nope nope Buddhist hard counter

Vote locked: I'll need some dice. Please specify between cautious, normal, or reckless
Cautious aint gonna cut it


We can use many faces to improve our internal muscular structure, right? Invisible to outside observation?


Yes, though you'll have to keep the changes pretty minor to keep it invisible to the observer so:

Give me 3 rolls of 3d14 (1/2 of the full capacity of <Faces> used)
Rolled 5, 13, 12 = 30 (3d14)

Rolled 12, 9, 14 = 35 (3d14)

I think you mean rice. Or lice? Nice.
Rolled 11, 10, 5 = 26 (3d14)

rolling last 3d14

Average of 3d14 is 22.5, reckless takes farthest from average...

Someone is about to have a very Atë day.
Pog roll bro
We're about to Atë all over this monk

26,30,35- Reckless is optimal (35)

Your shocked expression quickly morphs into a bloodthirsty grin as you ready yourself for a life or death brawl. Using <A Thousand Faces, A Thousand Voices> as subtly as possible, you reinforce your bone structure and strengthen your musculature to the greatest extent achievable without alerting the observer.

Even after increasing your strength, the fight in front of you seems nigh unwinnable- in terms of skill, strength, durability, and, with most of your abilities unable to be accessed, incarnation power, there is absolutely no field in which you outclass your enemy. Except, of course, for one:


Your smile widens; you’re gonna jump this motherfucker.

You make a mad dash towards the monk, swiping at his face with your claws. He easily dodges, but, at the least stable point in his step, Shakir pulls up behind him and thrusts his cutlass into his body. The monk twists, avoiding the tip of the sword, but leaves himself prone to another pincer attack: another duo of arrows on his left and a spear thrust to the throat on his right.

He attempts to repeat the trick he used against Shakir and the spearman before, but there’s a critical difference this time. Your chain manifests a few inches off the ground, right at his feet. He tries to react to the move, but he realizes the danger far too late. Your intervention breaks his footwork, causing him to trip.

You smirk- even if you can’t tie the bastard up with them, your fetters are far from worthless. You pounce, jamming your claws into his chest. He swivels, but not far enough, causing your <Down to the Core> to strike his injured shoulder instead. He clenches his teeth so hard you hear one chip as what remains of his left arm sloughs off like a loose jacket.

Thinking quickly, he uses his other arm to lift himself off the ground and performs a sweeping kick, forcing the three of you to jump back. He rises, rushing madly at the spearman. Shakir attempts to assist, but he fails to make it in time- he crushes the spearman’s head in his hand, then uses his limp body to block another volley of arrows.

Shakir, boiling with rage, rushes at the monk, forcing you to follow. You take advantage of his martial arts training, launching an attack that he’d normally block easily with his left hand. He instinctively attempts the feat, before realizing too late that he has no arm left to block with.

Your hand tears through his flesh like paper mache.

When you think you’ve got him down, <Preservation Instinct> activates. He clenches his muscles as hard as he can, causing your claws to be lodged in his lung as he prepares to pop your skull like a balloon.

You smirk- you know something he doesn’t.

The monk’s body blocking all visibility, you shrink your hand just enough to pull it out of his body, returning it to normal size as it exits. His eyes widen in recognition as you kick him away, but a bloody cough silences the monk as his broken body is drowned in a torrent of imperceptible flames.

>Congratulations! You have subjugated…

You look over Shakir- it seems like he knew the man who just fell. The spearman wasn’t from your village, but Shakir certainly is the sort to make friends quickly.

“Due to a casualty, the two groups will join together. The courtier will return to the fight. Recuperate, recover your stamina, then proceed to your next target when ordered to."

The bowman seems to be in a state of despondency- you’ll practically have to drag him back to the compound.

What should you do?

>Follow orders and rest up
>Fake your own death in order to gain free reign over the battlefield
>Kill off your supposed allies- starting with that courtier
>Follow orders and rest up
Let them stew. Our time will come.
>Fake your own death in order to gain free reign over the battlefield
We have 3 kill rewards to resolve and it doesn't look like we can do it under watch. Plus we won't have a good idea of how the battle is going from a waiting room.
>>Follow orders and rest up
I want to see how far we can take this
>>Follow orders and rest up
>Follow orders and rest up
I figure we let the battle keep raging until Isa is inside the compound, or he gets repelled. If he's repelled we cut loose and go on the hunt, possibly with a whisper laced shout to bring some cannon fodder with us. If he breaks in we go for the kill during the chaos. Ideally there will be a moment where it's just a full blown madhouse, that's when we activate THE DRESS and just drive every fucking person present into a bloodlust madhouse. If we're lucky we'll get credit for the whole damn compound going down in flames.

I wonder where Crimson Dove is...
>I wonder where Crimson Dove is...
Maybe she's still trying to track him down, or maybe she already tried and now she's dead
Would this target Dorata as well?
Also a powerful trump card could be Ate simply commanding people to 'LOOK AT ME' as she drops her masks and unleashes Figure Unspeakable

That's way too boring. I bet she's somewhere in this mess, maybe waiting for her chance to backstab Isa. Wouldn't be surprised if she attacks us without knowing it's us.

...I gotta say, I'm a little concerned about something though. What if Isa is Prometheus? Empowering mortals? That sounds like Prometheus to me. If Prometheus is the only other major player working against the King...well, I sure as hell don't want the job of saving the world.
Hopefully she's a bit insulated from the effect in our shadow, or at least will know what the effect is, on the other hand it's a level 20 effect... it's going to have some fucking kick.

"Plug your ears sister"
>That's way too boring. I bet she's somewhere in this mess, maybe waiting for her chance to backstab Isa. Wouldn't be surprised if she attacks us without knowing it's us.
What can I say, I like to consider the narratively unlikely and overly realistic scenarios.

>...I gotta say, I'm a little concerned about something though. What if Isa is Prometheus? Empowering mortals? That sounds like Prometheus to me. If Prometheus is the only other major player working against the King...well, I sure as hell don't want the job of saving the world.
I had the same suspicions up in >>6026862
Following updates strongly suggested that Prometheus was an American and Isa is Pistis
as I said previously

>get the chance to sneak away,
>take first subjugation and get GT to X,
>use influence to get Specter's Wail up to 6, which costs 2800, which we should have with that first subjugation
keep the other subjugations until we collected more influence to get the next

then next time we get close to Isa
>SW for despair
>Whispers them to freeze up in the combat situation (fight/flight/freeze/fawn response)
>double tab and SW again for Wrath against their superiors
>Whispers them to attack all those who haven't frozen up before (except our allies)
>fight Isa trying to get him under our control by all our means and surrounding incarnations we might've flipped

>"Plug your ears sister"
the commands should not go out to our allies, but they need to know what we're capable of
Forget about subjugation income, we've had passive income for four days now. That said I don't think we'll have a chance to meddle with subjugation rewards in the midst of all this.

...maybe if we run to the bathroom during this break? Just need to make sure our system interactions don't get seen by anyone. There's some kind of supernatural surveillance watching us, but it can't be too thorough or else Dorota would have been caught by now.
The subjugation income is key though because it has free level ups for even high level authorities. Saves a lot of influence.

>Follow orders and rest up

Suppressing your instinct to betray your party and start gunning for your target, you sling his arm over your shoulder and lead him back to the compound, re-entering the gate you and Shakir had left from.

As you retreat, you turn to the primary battle- more courtiers have appeared, but it seems like the King’s numbers have dwindled to a greater extent than those on the side of the incarnations. More to the point, though the courtiers' numbers have increased, the main incarnation force is beginning to push the cultists back towards the gates of the city.

The three of you slump down in a rest area, resting, honing your weapons, and awaiting orders. A definite gloom hangs over the room as you all sit in silence.

What should you do?

>Focus on resting
>Try to lighten the mood
>Reflect on the fight with the monk
>Sneak off to the bathroom to manage the system rewards
>Sneak off to the bathroom to manage the system rewards
Whoooo wants to theory craft!?

But more seriously, I think getting spirit wail up so we can deliver a dress empowered mass 'whisper' to sow madness across the battlefield is the move to make.
>Tell Shakir we will try to give him an opportunity to get away
>Sneak off to the bathroom to manage the system rewards
Pretend to go puke
last mention was us having 2400 Influence
we need 2800 to get Wail up to 6 for that strategy I proposed. That's easily achievable
It takes 9600 to get any of our level 6's to get to 8
we can also be less conservative and level up only to 7 (for 3200) and starting to take the free level ups from there.

Let's take the rewards for the first one and then see what our influence count is
if that first subjugation gets our influence up to 6k, we could level wail up to 7 (400+800+1600+3200)
then we could take the other two subjugations to get it to 9.

Of course the issue of the additional authorities remains. We get a random one first...
So, grind whatever random authority we get. Ditch Cackle currently, maybe even authority grind it too. I see something greater on the horizon. Wail/Whispers Miracle.
We can walk out that bathroom with Wail on 9.

Further vote:
>mentally prepare ourselves to do all the system management very quickly, so prestate right now that we're going in with a plan, and not just do it leasurely
I feel like we the moment we open the system we're going to be ejected or set of an alarm
Setting off an alarm is a concern for me as well. I suspect we'll be fine right up until we actually acquire something, ie some soul paste is plastered onto us in the middle of the King's compound. Of course that's going to happen the moment we accept rewards unless we just don't take the random authority we get from Divine Folly. Manifesting authority crystals might also cause an alert, that's a visible physical object. Not sure if we can hide that with our bodies somehow? Maybe curl into the fetal position 'sobbing' on the bathroom floor?

Watchers probably have their hands full at the moment too, so we might have more leeway than we think too.
We could not go for the bathroom, but sneak out under GT/Stealth at full force, but then there'll be the rain

We could also hop on into Dorota for a minute
>Sneak off to the bathroom to manage the system rewards
GT is at 9 right now, we want to make it X with one of those three

>Sneak off to the bathroom to manage the system rewards

Having the gist of what you want to do in mind, you slip into the bathroom to manage the system rewards. You brace for some sort of alarm to sound the moment you open the interface, but are met with naught but silence.

You notice that, due to passive income, your influence has increased: 1,947-> 3,570/51,200

>"Congratulations! You have successfully subjugated the incarnation of <Cacus>! You have plundered their influence (1,041) . Due to the difference in level, you receive only the influence requirement to meet their current level (1600)
>"You have also gained 12 influence for following your directives!"
>"Due to your authority 'Divine Folly', you have gained one random authority possessed by the target. You gain the authority "Heart of Flame (1)"!"

Influence: 3,570-> 6,223/51,200

>Heart of Flame (1):
Allows you to consume divinity in order to breathe fire. Fire created in this manner does not harm you or your allies

>Toss <Heart of Flame>
>Store <Heart of Flame>
>Take <Heart of Flame> (Specify which existing authority to store or toss)

Would you like to take another authority from <Cacus> or upgrade an existing authority?
>Take a new one
>Upgrade an old one (Specify)

>"Congratulations! You have successfully subjugated the incarnation of the plural myth <Oread>! You have plundered their influence (10) . Due to the difference in level, you receive only the influence requirement to meet their current level (800)
>"You have also gained 22 influence for following your directives!"
>"Due to your authority 'Divine Folly', you have gained one random authority possessed by the target. You gain the authority "Stonewalk (1)"!"

Influence: 6,223-> 7,055/51,200

>Stonewalk (1)
Allows you to ignore gravity as you walk on stone surfaces.

>Toss <Stonewalk>
>Store <Stonewalk>
>Take <Stonewalk> (Specify which existing authority to store or toss)

Would you like to take another authority from <Oread> or upgrade an existing authority?
>Take a new one
>Upgrade an old one (Specify)

>"Congratulations! You have successfully subjugated the incarnation of <Peitharchia>! You have plundered their influence (0) . Due to the difference in level, you receive only the influence requirement to meet their current level (12,800)
>"You have also gained 42 influence for following your directives!"
>"Due to your authority 'Divine Folly', you have gained one random authority possessed by the target. You gain the authority "Power From Asceticism (1)"!"

Influence: 7.055-> 19,897/51,200

>Power From Asceticism (1):

Your strength, speed, endurance, and regenerative capabilities increase proportional to the desires you deny yourself on a daily basis.

>Toss <Power From Asceticism>
>Store <Power From Asceticism>
>Take <Power From Asceticism> (Specify which existing authority to store or toss)

Would you like to take another authority from <Oread> or upgrade an existing authority?
>Take a new one
>Upgrade an old one (Specify)
Neat stuff, but nothing too exciting.
> Toss All
> Upgrade Geurilla Tactics to X
> Upgrade Thousand Faces from 6-8
Group invisibility and Utilities? Yes please. Even more combat utility to our shapeshifting power? Why yes, I do like the idea of having two hearts, a perfect physique and extendo arms.

I suggest we...

> Miracle Geurilla Tactics and Whisper of Temptation
Stealth plus a corrupting voice? Yeah, I think that's a deadly combination.

> Raise Spirit Wail to level 6.
Literally more volume to our corrupting voice, plus more corruption effects.

> Miracle Divine Folly and Awaken the Palladium
Divine Folly gives us powers from incarnations we've defeated. Awaken the Palladium summons a copy of us. Together they summon gods we've killed and send them to attack people? Violence and mental trauma? It's so us!
Peitharchia was apparently the god of Obedience. I do have to wonder if there might be an authority in his list related to making people follow orders. I'm sticking with better transformations but something to think about.
Backing >>6033914

We don't have the space for it though, and people are always divided on what to throw away to make room.

>Toss all (With optimal authority grinder/crystal shuffling)

19,897-> 32,804/51,200

>Guerilla Tactics 9->X

With a sufficient difference in incarnation level, it is possible to likewise mask your actions from not only the target of the action, but all potential witnesses, up to and including lethal injuries, the complete destruction of large structures, or even supernatural phenomena on a mass scale

>A Thousand Faces, A Thousand Voices: 6->8

It is possible to persist after the obliteration of vital organs if redundancies are produced and added to the structure in advance. For example, if you incorporate a backup heart or brain in different locations in the body, you will be able to continue operating even if your head and chest are blown off. It is also possible to incorporate elements and compounds nonexistent in organic specimens such as metallically reinforced bones or tendons constructed from carbon nanofibers. However, these cannot be used to create entire structures unable to be manufactured by this authority, only reinforcement is possible.

It is possible to incorporate nonhuman animal structures, such as wings, stingers, or gills into your body. However, a change in mass outside the general range of human weights remains impossible.

>Specter’s Wail 3->6

Once the threshold of serious harm is passed, the sound will continue to carry for 30%-> double the distance than it naturally should. Any individual struck by the intended affliction of this authority will be more susceptible to any other ability used by you or an ally which induces a similar effect.

Before the authority is used, you may select from any two of the listed afflictions:


Influence: 32,804-> 30,004

>Miracle (Guerilla Tactics + Whispers of Temptation)

>Strings of the Neurospaston (1)

Capable of all functions feasible with <Whisper of Temptation>. Even when affected by the least subtle applications of <Whisper of Temptation>, a target of this miracle will instinctively believe that they chose to act in the manner they did. In addition, it is impossible to clear the effects of this miracle via a <Breath of Serenity>, or any item or authority with a similar effect without absolute confidence both in both the fact that one is being manipulated and the source of the manipulation.

>Influence: 30,004-> 25,004

>Miracle: (Divine Folly+Awaken the Palladium)

>Atë’s Playthings (1)

It is possible to create constructs of any incarnation who has succumbed to your primary directive who has either died or whose soul you currently possess. The constructs are physically indistinguishable from the incarnations upon which they are based and are capable of wielding the exact authorities they were/are capable of wielding at the same level of power. The divinity cost for manifesting an incarnation in this manner is proportional to the level of the incarnation. You may create any number of constructs, but the total incarnation level of all manifested constructs must be equal to that of the miracle used.

(As a reminder, the effective level of any miracle is 20+the miracle level. It is not possible to simultaneously activate a miracle and its composite authorities for the sake of avoiding an effective 40lvl move just from a single miracle)

25,004-> 20,004

What do you want to do now?

>Spend more influence (items, upgrades, etc.) (Specify)
>Equip items (Specify)
>Leave the bathroom and rejoin the group
>For example, if you incorporate a backup heart or brain in different locations in the body,
Aww hell yeah
Backup brain right away

>In addition, it is impossible to clear the effects of this miracle via a <Breath of Serenity>, or any item or authority with a similar effect without absolute confidence both in both the fact that one is being manipulated and the source of the manipulation.
Gotta upgrade the hell out of this one.
Hell, if it already counts as a level 21 Whispers Eris' robe might be obsolete before we even used it.

>Spend more influence (items, upgrades, etc.) (Specify)
Strings of the Neurospaston 1->2

After that
>Leave the bathroom and rejoin the group
We really gotta take the next chance to break away from the group and Wail our new Strings over the battlefield.

Your level is insufficient to upgrade a miracle to level 2 (it works like authorities, with 10 being the new 1 (I really gotta add miracle stuff to the FAQ))

Oh, also, nice catch on the subject of buffing, any modification applied to a composite authority also applies to its role in the miracle, so Gown of Eris + Strings of the Neuroplaston would give an effective level of 31

Yknow what I just realized- <Guerilla Tactics> now has mind altering effects (the bit about constructing a plausible explanation for an action occurring) and is one of Dysnomia, another daughter of Eris's authorities.

Therefore, not only does <Mother of Chaos> also double the potency of <Guerilla Tactics>, <Strings of the Neuroplaston> also gets buffed to 41 when it's active
>Your level is insufficient to upgrade a miracle to level 2 (it works like authorities, with 10 being the new 1 (I really gotta add miracle stuff to the FAQ))
Ok so we'd need to be level 11, or even 12?
In that case just exit and rejoin the others after making a backup brain.

>Therefore, not only does <Mother of Chaos> also double the potency of <Guerilla Tactics>, <Strings of the Neuroplaston> also gets buffed to 41 when it's active
God we NEED to drive everyone in earshot insane RIGHT NOW
>if you incorporate a backup heart or brain in different locations in the body, you will be able to continue operating even if your head and chest are blown off. It is also possible to incorporate elements and compounds nonexistent in organic specimens such as metallically reinforced bones or tendons constructed from carbon nanofibers
Does this mean we could make our brain more brainier and think betterer? If we put a brain, heart and an eye on a limb and it gets removed, what the hell does it do?

Also, kevlar skin. Rad.

>God we NEED to drive everyone in earshot insane RIGHT NOW
>tfw the girl your buddy told you that you can't fix is a SCREAMER
>>Leave the bathroom and rejoin the group
I don't really know what else to equip atm other than gown of Eris. lets get this bread ladies.

oh also should add enough influence to the gown so that we can do the first and second abilities.
>Equip items (Gown of Eris and Cloak of the Pegasus) and disguise them
>Contact Pheme to stay home, we might need to use "Crash the Party" to basically get out of jail free. Only works if we know where she is
>>Leave the bathroom and rejoin the group

>Atë’s Playthings (1)
Does the Divinity cost only apply to the summoning, or is there some for upkeep as well?

>inb4 quest progression report
We always talk about how to use our free level ups only after a certain threshold and use our influence efficiently.
I even outlined what to do when we get our amount of influence up over 6k with the first subjugation.
Why do you guys just jump to vote using the free level ups before we used the influence to do it? fml

Also... we just made two miracles, huge investments, with just two people present
Oh. Oh. Oh fucking my.

>Leave the bathroom and rejoin the group

Holy shit. We're either about to hit the big leagues, or about to be no-selled in the most spectacular fashion. Either way we'd better hit record on our phone and then never play the recording near our friends.

>Leave the bathroom and rejoin the group

You rearrange your organs a bit, emptying and removing your own digestive tract to make room for an auxiliary brain and heart. You take the opportunity to vomit, giving an excuse for your absence.

Less than a minute after your return, the three of you are sent back out. Already, things are looking bad for the King’s forces: the rain has lessened significantly, the courtiers are on the backfoot and, though many casualties have been racked up among the lesser incarnations and mortals, all 5 or so (excepting the monk) of the powerful incarnations remain standing.

As you run forward, Shakir realizes you’ve been sent to your deaths. A chinese woman dressed in radiant modern tactical armor has been marked and you can tell at a glance- this woman is as powerful if not stronger than the monk.

What should you do?

>Follow orders and fight
>Kill off your teammates
>Sneak away
>Activate the gown and try out your new miracle (specify command and other abilities used)
I want to activate the gown only when we got some intel on where Isa is, time to get the rest of the party here
>Follow orders and fight
>Joke with Shakir: "Think it's okay for me to go to [leader] and say, 'I submit' a request for transfer'?" Then go serious again. "Want me to create an opening for you?" And if he says yes, create an opening in his body.
> Kill off your teammates
> Reveal yourself as an infiltrator to the Incarnation, say you have intel for Isa
> Remember GT can mimic good intentions when we're out of stealth.
> Use Neuroplaston to promote feelings of trust
+1, devilish
Can we combine these?
>Remember GT can mimic good intentions when we're out of stealth.
we also have the braces that make all our intentions seem good and honest
Backing >>6034291

Once we get within range of Isa we should do
>Activate the gown and try out your new miracle (specify command and other abilities used)
After thinking about it I think the best command we could give is "Kill Isa, kill the Devil of the Jordan!" What better way to take down the incarnation of trust and reliability than to turn his allies against him?
Not gonna lie, I was more thinking "KILL!" Just indiscriminate mass violence.
That was what I thought at first but it lacks the poetry and theme inversion of forcing Isa to fight/kill his own allies. Much like how the monk was able to kill his own desires to free himself from our Fetters art, I think putting him in that situation would force him to betray the core principles of his incarnation, and doing so would ruin him.
optimally we want the weaker ones to gang up on the stronger ones since the stronger ones are more likely to resist.
But that assessment was also before I knew we could get to an effective level 41 mind control miracle.
even now at effective level 21 we can weave through the battlefield unnoticed and plant all the seeds of rebellion against their bosses, only making it more unlikely that they later think it's not coming from an outside source.
We could als put in a few despair-specter's wails in there, so when later the wrath-wail is the cue to start rebelling, they won't associate it.

>get the chinese to turn on the russians
we can make them think this is the perfect opportunity to weaken their rivals with plausible deniability

alternatively alternatively
>just have them kill themselves
that way it's for sure our own subjugation, and we'd get a metric fuckton of them

I sit outside, looking over the construction projects begun in earnest in our village. The courtiers said something about a new nexus point being required- and that the location of our compound was suitable. Mixed emotions course through my soul as I look upon the building process- growth is good- necessary even- but I see a parapet erected in the spot where I trained with my comrades, many of whom have died in the fight against the tainted. I see the makings of a high-rise loom in the market square where I first met Dahlia’s gaze.

“Sulking again, darling?” I look over and see Dahlia’s smiling eyes standing over me. I remember the first time I saw her delicate lips smile, the first time I felt the touch of her hair.

“Just taking it all in, my love.”

She laughs, a sound like tinkling bells filling the air: “You might want to get yourself presentable- Nadeem is coming to visit tonight.”

I chuckle, “Nadeem couldn’t care less about presentable,”

“Well, you’re not wrong about that,” Dahlia sighs, “Will that man ever get himself a wife? Even my father worries about him.”

I give my head a grim shake, “Too obsessed with training, that man. I think he never recovered from what we saw. What happened to us.”

I grasp at the <Gift> taking up the space where my arm used to be.

“Well, I suppose he’ll be happy to see your face when he gets here. I’m going to finish dinner.”

A few minutes pass as I look at the last lights of the falling sun. Without any notice, I feel a weight plop next to me.

“An announcement wouldn’t have hurt, brother.”

He laughs, “Sorry, sorry. I forgot to stop my concealment. Even still,” his eyes sharpen, “Your detection has grown rusty, brother.”

I shrug, “I’m in no position to fight,” I look to Nadeem, only capable of movement thanks to the cluster of chains taking the place of his right leg, “Neither are you. You know everyone tells you to stop training and settle down.”

“How can you live like this, brother? How can you laugh and smile and mean it?”

I cock my head, “I don’t follow.”
“There are a mountain of tainted out there who could squash this place like a bug. The courtiers can fight back, maybe, but us? We’re powerless. If one of those tainted, like the Devil of the Jordan, were to come in here and threaten to kill everyone in this village, you- we couldn’t do a thing about it. How can you be so calm?”

“There’s always a bigger fish, brother. Aside from the King himself, nobody has the power to stop all misfortune. There are some things you just… have to accept.”

Brother scowls, “What a ridiculous answer. This whole farce was a complete waste of time,” His manner of speaking changes entirely. I instinctively shrink back in discomfort. He speaks again:

“Some things you have to accept, huh? Let’s put that to the test.

Nadeem’s body begins to writhe, as if a thousand serpents were vying to escape underneath his flesh. Arms of muscle, sinew, and something else entirely, clad in skin as my hand might wear a glove, burst out from the flesh of his torso. A sharp pain begins to wrack my brain, like needles jammed into my skull.

The arms were the least of it.

Mouths, faces, teeth, eyes. Scornful laughs and seductive breaths.

Red. So much red.

One of the arms bends at its third joint, caressing my face while the maw on its palm lets hot whispers dance in my ear. A dozen tongues, more like tendrils, burst from the mouth and seep into my throat.

“Do you still believe? Shakir?”

I can only shake my head as the tendrils break into my skull.


You don’t know why you thought- no, why you hoped that Shakir might have an answer for you. You shake your head, ignoring the subjugation rewards for a moment and refocusing on the task at hand.

You waltz up to the incarnation you were sent to kill. From her perspective, you just hit them with a stunning <Authority> and beheaded them in a single swipe of your claws. Nadeem’s face melts, replaced with Rosa Huber’s.

“I was infiltrating the cult, hoping to get more intel on the king,” you explain, lacing your voice with your new miracle to gain trust, “But, you guys bursting in like this kinda disrupted my whole procedure. Regardless, I have vital intel about the nature of the King that I need to share with Isa immediately.”

You put the <King’s> weapons in your inventory and meet her gaze. Still somewhat suspicious (demonstrating just how dubious she was of your allegiances beforehand), she agrees to lead you to Isa.

The courtiers have retreated back behind the walls, slinging long range authorities as the incarnations advance. However, it’s obvious that the battle is already lost. Alongside several other powerful- though fatigued- gods in the making, you finally come face to face with your Target.

Isa, still stood with dignified poise as his body glows with an unwavering blue light, stands before you.

What do you do?

>Talk to him
>Support his efforts until he breaks the gate
>Activate the gown and try out your new miracle (specify command and other abilities used)
>Launch a more physical surprise attack
>Show him your <Figure Unspeakable>
what does preservation instinct tell us about him and the incarnations around him?

You could beat any incarnation present in a 1 on 1 fight with the exception of Isa, the Chinese woman, a Russian man clad in medieval armor and a bearskin, and a soldier dressed head to toe in tactical gear and wielding a spear. However, the gap isn't so insurmountable that you don't think you could win a duel with the element of surprise on your side
I thought Isa would be the strongest of the group, but he's got 3 peers? That's a fair amount of foreign support.

We can actually do this with some subtlety.

>Support his efforts until he breaks the gate
Tell everyone here everything you've learned about the King honestly. Of course, use Strings while doing so to plant fear and paranoia that Isa is purposely leading them into a trap here to sacrifice them all to the King.
Also none of them reacted to Rosa Huber's appearance? I guess Dove didn't infiltrate his retinue, or she's got an X rated poker face authority.

The Shakir execution was great btw. I was thinking we'd shapeshift into him and tell him we'd give Dahlia his regards but that was better.
>>Support his efforts until he breaks the gate
share with him anything about the others that any spy could have gotten like any infiltrator. Make a show of changing the color of our aura around, but don't show not-black. And don't say we personally connected with the king, nor that we have developed arts.
>Tell them they have a trap prepared, but we're almost certain that it will not work against higher level incarnations.
>Get them to argue over sending in cannon fooder, or stronger ones to tank the hit.
>Sow animosity, but don't activate the dress yet.
>>Support his efforts until he breaks the gate
truthfully speaking shouldn't we help him temporarily, the king is the greater enemy

on an unrelated note, we might honestly be one of the most dangerous if not the most dangerous incarnation in the world just due to the sheer potential of the mind fuckery we can do.

any plans on adding a kill list to the entry charsheet so we know who we can summon with ate's plaything authority

I agree with being honest but not with using strings, strings are a pointless risk depending on the personality of these incarnation

Be honest (mostly), but keep strumming the strings, building apprehension and paranoia and distrust, but let's get that gate down, I want to slaughter everyone in the compound as well as all present incarnations.

I just realized I forgot to answer this question- it's upkeep based, just like <Palladium> is


>Support his efforts until he breaks the gate

“Firstly, as I’m sure you're all aware, the uncrowned king is undoubtedly real.”

Isa doesn’t react, but the Chinese and Russian representatives nod solemnly.

“They refer to this place as a node,” you decide to mix some speculation into the reporting, “a key point in a ritual to allow the King to breach into our reality.”

Isa taps his foot impatiently, “We are aware.”

“There's something about followers of the king that you can't see without witnessing him- do you think they’ve been using invisible attacks?”

“Yes- divinity is used but it's completely undetectable.” The Russian responds.

You shake your head- “It isn't undetectable. In fact,” you watch Isa’s expression as you reveal this, and he remains unfased, “The <King’s Colors> are completely visible to you right now. Your brain is just filtering them out.”

“Why would they do that?” The Chinese woman asks.

“Simple- to protect your mind and soul. I can share my memories of it if you want. Would you like to see the King?”

“I’ll take your word for it.” The Russian says, “Any information about tactics?”

You take the opportunity to sow some discord: “Just one- the courtiers are laying a trap inside the city. They worry that it probably won't work on high leveled tainted, but they’ll do anything they can to protect the node.”

"We will march forward. We have lost enough lives today.” Isa states. The Russian nods, but the Chinese soldier stands back.

“I’ve been told not to take any unnecessary risks. I propose we send the army in first to scout out the danger.”

“To die, you mean?” The Russian interjects.

The woman shrugs, “That is why we have brought them here, no?”

“Stay behind if you want, coward. We will storm the gates without you.”

The light in the army diminishes slightly as Isa prays. Radiant blue divinity explodes from his person as he slams his fist into the wall, blowing a massive hole in the barrier and obliterating the gate itself.

Him, the Russian, and the soldier with the spear begin to walk into the city. However, as you watch from behind, you notice something odd.

The spear has vanished. In its place rest a familiar set of crimson twin daggers.

The Chinese representative’s eyes widen in rage and recognition. You race forward, but your efforts are completely in vain.

You feel a burst of divinity reverberate through the air that could only have been caused by a miracle. The space itself seems to blur as the soldier moves faster than your eye can track. Innumerable cuts and stab wounds litter Isa’s body.

Before he can even hit the ground, a terrible crack resounds through the entire battlefield as an explosion of air and rain flies out from where the Devil of the Jordan once stood. Just as Isa’s body hits the ground, you recognize it as the sound of a sonic boom.

>You gain 10,482 divinity for following your primary directive!
>You gain the authority…

You were too late.

>March on the city
>Try to mediate the situation
>Make use of your new <Miracle>
Damn it
X rated poker face authority it is

We shoulda just screamed, ah well. Too late now. Might as well make sure the node is destroyed.
>March on the city
What was the bet for, again? You guys need to lay off the Machiavellian plans kek.

Still, kind of surprised Isa died THAT easily. This was the guy giving everyone problems? No one else managed to just get within ten feet of him and wait til his back was turned until right now? I don't really believe it actually. If anything I would expect him to pop back up in one of his followers or something. Like a kind of memetohazard. As long as someone believes in him or his cause he just takes them over or something or pops back into existence.

Too easy, is all.
>March on the city
I was surprised he died that easy too, I guess Dove is just that strong.
>What was the bet for, again? You guys need to lay off the Machiavellian plans kek.
Just looked it up and we robbed her with that bet, it was for the glory of the kill alone. She may expect us to help out with Ye Min though, perhaps by clearing her a path or something.

Ughghhg, it sucks even though we didn't lose anything except bragging rights and the ability to summon Isa as a plaything. I really thought we were ahead of her. We were proactive and moved early, we had the RV and backup from Dayan, and we didn't notice anyone holding a pair of knives or any reaction to the Rosa Huber appearance. Got a little too cautious hearing we were face to face with 4 incarnations that could 1v1 us, should have had more faith in the level 41 miracle. We'll have to take Dove more seriously going forward too.
>>March on the city
Lets get it on

also I hope we can get or visit a massive crowd and unleash our new miracle whispers. Would be fun to send a country into anarchy. Just have to figure out what would be the most devious memetic hazard to implant into their mortal braincases

What's with this hesitation lads?

> Unleash Figure Unspeakable
> Unleash THE DRESS
> Unleash the miracle

All eyes are on Crimson at this exact moment. We'll never have a better chance to break this many high incarnations all at once. Let it rip! Our scream can probably hit every defender and attacker all at once. And hey, if we kill Crimson Dove too, bonus points, am I right?

>March on the city

The Chinese representative is clearly boiling with rage, demanding that Dove be located. You look around for her, but she seems to have slipped away during the chaos.

You pass Isa’s body as you enter the city. You notice that each incision was made with surgical precision, and that Isa’s heart has been taken as a trophy.

Your eyes narrow- moving faster than sound is one thing- even you can do that- being capable of acting so delicately while moving that quickly is absolutely terrifying. Short of teleporting away, could you have avoided this onslaught even if you knew precisely when it would come?

You enter the gates, lazily informing Dorota to cover her ears and avoid looking at you. You notice the Russian, not far behind you, pulls the head of the bearskin over his face.

As the cultists approach, you burst out of your skin.

The process is surprisingly painless, like pulling off a layer of dried glue from your arm when you were a kid. Arms jut out from your body as your muscles relax and enter their natural state.

You stretch, articulating your newly unfurled limbs- a satisfying feeling not unlike stretching after a long flight washes over you as you finally let yourself free.

The Russian seems to have completely erased his vision and hearing, but his nose twitches as the smell of roses and columbines fills the air, alongside the telltale metallic tinge of blood.

The cultists, as well as some of the soldiers who were either following you or investigating Isa’s death are unfortunate enough to gaze upon you. Your eyes swivel, looking ahead and behind at the same time as if it were completely natural. Most recoil in shock. Some faint, some vomit, and a few simply die of shock.

Influence: 36,941/ 51,200

>Congratulations! You have slain a follower of an <Invader!>
>You have gained the authority…
>Congratulations! You…

Notifications fly by, but the show hasn’t even begun yet. What should you do?

>Activate the <Gown> and use it solely on the cultists
>Activate the <Gown> and hit as many people as possible
>Use stealth authorities to slip by the cultists and head to the temple first
time to get this party started
>>Activate the <Gown> and hit as many people as possible
>fly up with cloak of Pegasus and let out a wail for wrath, just outside of the damage radius and announce Isas death.
"buff" everyone with vengeance and forget to see reason about their fighting
>in the air active all stealth and check for Isas subjugation, the system said he fell to our primary directive after all
Backing >>6034940
Time to throw a fit over losing
Level up when we get a chance, don’t want to waste influence
Let's ball. +1 support. Let us try and snag the Russian as well, perhaps with a touch from a tentacle via (a thousand faces)?
>Activate the <Gown> and hit as many people as possible


>Activate the <Gown> and hit as many people as possible

You activate your cloak, naturally sprouting wings of writhing flesh and grasping arms and sanguine feathers as you ascend. Your gown, taking a truer form of a dress as it cascades several feet beneath your feet and the cloak billowing beside them, begins to beat with a golden light bleeding red.

Your mouths sing with a thousand voices, a choir of death spilling over the world below as you ready your wail. Scornful <Cackles> sound from one mouth, amplified by the dress’s power, as the grinning mouth on your face readies its war cry.

The chorus of your symphony crescendos, drawing attention to the deafening silence that seems to paralyze the totality of your unwitting audience.

Soldiers and cultists and incarnations alike stare up: a crimson star hangs over the battlefield.

“Slaughter,” you scream, the melodic utterance serving as mournful wail and rousing battle hymn alike, “Let no one breathe by battle’s end.”

The world remains silent and still for an infinitesimal moment.

Then, the choir resumes its bloody dirge.

The world descends into pandemonium, incarnations and cultists and soldiers and civilians alike, blinded by rage, mindlessly thrust themselves into the throes of bloodlust. Enemy and ally become meaningless as disciplined armies, sworn to fight together as brothers, turn their fangs upon each other like rabid animals. Commanders, sworn to protect and lead their men, begin to tear them apart instead.

You turn your eyes to the people- a group of townsfolk beat a deaf girl to death. A mother tears her own baby limb from limb, ignoring its confused wails of pain and incomprehension as she rends her everything into mere meat.

Hordes of notifications flood the system as you take in the carnage. You look for the Chinese representative, and you notice her, tearing through her own army in a berserk state of battle hunger, before she vanishes in a flash of silver light. The Russian, forcing his way through the chaos, heads steadfast to the temple.

What should you do?

>Try to assassinate the Russian
>Head to the temple
>Flee the scene
>Use an authority or miracle
Can't wipe a shit eating grin of my face
>Check on our allies and command them to snap out of it and go to the temple
we still got to somewhat save the world, it's where all of our stuff is and we're one of the idiots who live in it.
+1 support.

>save the world
well, up until we fill pandora's box of course :)
Seconding >>6035044

Still sucks that couldn't take down Isa ourselves, oh well.
Damn it, we really should have just screamed. We got both the Russian and the Chinese, we woulda gotten Dove and Isa too.

>A mother tears her own baby limb from limb, ignoring its confused wails of pain and incomprehension as she rends her everything into mere meat.
Wow I feel kinda bad about this one, but really it's her fault for bringing her baby to a battlefield.

>Head to the temple
Our allies are all camped out far from the battle in the RV except Dorota who we warned, they should be good.
We might want to give Dorota a signal that she can listen and watch again.

> Head to the temple
Stupid world that needs stupid saving

>Head to the temple

You quickly use <Folly's Grasp> to possess the manticore and check up on your allies: fortunately, they were seemingly far enough away to dodge the effect of your <Miracle>. You tell them to stay put as you return to yourself.

The world hasn't done much for you, but you do still happen to live there. Besides, you don't even want to think about what would happen to you if the King manifested- you still quiver a little at the thought of it.

You fly over the blood soaked chaos and descend onto the temple, meeting the Russian as you land on the doorstep. He gives you a nod of acknowledgment as he forces the locked doors off of their hinges.

A group of courtiers meets you at the door, guarding the inner sanctum from the two of you. Not-black radiates off of their bodies as they ready blades and prayers. They don't visibly react to your <Figure>.

The Russian pulls a massive flail with a spiked ball larger than you are at the end, and begins spinning it to build up momentum.

What do you want to do?
>Incapacitate them with <Strings>
>Enter the brawl
>Stand by and watch the Russian fight
>Transform with <Bane of Calydon> and rampage
>Use another authority or miracle (specify)
>>Stand by and watch the Russian
I want to see how strong they are first, but also...
>coat our <figure> in not-black aura
>Incapacitate them with <Strings>
Set em up and let the Russian knock em down. Let's not fuck around.

We have got to record a few lines for Cyber Siren and Philotes while we have this level of power. Just uh, make sure we turn our glamour back on.
>Incapacitate them with <Strings>
>You fly over the blood soaked chaos and descend onto the temple, meeting the Russian as you land on the doorstep. He gives you a nod of acknowledgment as he forces the locked doors off of their hinges.
Huh, maybe we didn't get him with the miracle after all

>Transform with <Bane of Calydon> and rampage
Give the impression of a bruiser

Russian is just like "whatever, job to do"

>Incapacitate them with <Strings>

You loose your miracle on the cultists, inducing sleep in them. A few manage to remain standing, undoubtedly aided by the King’s power, but most slump to the floor in fatigue. The Russian fights off the standing courtiers while you assassinate the lower leveled ones.

You proceed to the inner sanctum, snapping pictures of the carvings and inscriptions on the walls to show Pheme later. Before your time runs out, you decide to create some clips using your <Gown> enhanced <Strings>.

You use <Faces>, to create a massive green skin flap and prop it up behind you to serve as a greenscreen. You then record some calls to action and voice clips first wearing Syren’s face, then wearing Brigita’s. For good measure, you also record some audio of yourself singing for your musical persona.

The two of you proceed to the inner sanctum. It seems entirely dark to the Russian, but a myriad of not-colors hit you as you observe the room. Massive divinity flux thrums through the ornately carved chamber as a single nexus, a not-black marble about the size of a ping pong ball, floats above a crystalline pedestal.

You can immediately tell that, by removing the marble, the node will become deactivated.

What should you do with it?

>Destroy it with a ranged ability or weapon
>Touch it
>Take it with you
>Swallow it
>Leave it to the Russian
>Destroy it with a ranged ability or weapon
Weapon, I don't want to touch it even with an ability
>Take it with you
Use gloves. Lots of layers, preferably mundane shit. We'll have crafty boy use it.
> You use <Faces>, to create a massive green skin flap and prop it up behind you to serve as a greenscreen. You then record some calls to action and voice clips first wearing Syren’s face, then wearing Brigita’s. For good measure, you also record some audio of yourself singing for your musical persona.

Oh my god, can you imagine the Russian just like...wtf is she doing?
Oh jesus was he watching
We have to kill him

As stated earlier Russian is currently both blind and deaf, navigating exclusively with scent and precognition/detection authorities
>Swallow it
I'll tiebreak this
>Swallow it
We ball
You crazy fuckers
Oh god bust out the lenses, make sure no one is staring, I mean, madness face and all, probably not, but....
I've been with this quest on and off since day one, and I firmly believe in upping the ante
>>Destroy it with a ranged ability or weapon
Nah fuck you, outer god.
I have to admit, it usually does pay off.
Oh the hell with it. Switch me here: >>6035487
> Swallow it.
We're amped on level 40 stuff of nightmares, if there was ever a time to eat a god damn artifact of doom it's now.

Pity, I would have liked to have made it into an artifact.
Still? He's kinda nuts. I like him.
Hopefully he can save us from the effects of marble swallowing.
I figure turning us into paste with his star of morning would do it.

>Swallow it

You pick up the ball, removing it from its hovering post above the pedestal. In your hands, it feels surprisingly mundane- like cold glass against your skin. You subconsciously gulp in preparation for what you have to do.

You place the ball of divinity in your mouth. It tastes sickeningly sweet, like chugging an entire bottle of maple syrup, and it burns going down your throat.

The King’s eyes- all of its eyes- focus on you for a moment.

You remember going to an art museum once and seeing a dumb exhibit by a stupid fraud. The piece- a shark suspended in formaldehyde- was what drew you to look at it in a supremely boring room in the first place, but the title always stuck with you:

“The physical impossibility of death in the mind of someone living.”

You feel a kindred feeling with that shark now as you find yourself immobilized, drowning in panic and divinity and spit as a million eyes focus right at you.

As the King’s gaze descends on you like a flood, you finally experience the horrifying monumentality of nothing:

This, you think to yourself, is death.

You consider for a moment the notion of giving in- of letting your body dissolve into nothing and sink into the waters of death.

Then, you remember…

>(Optional write-in)

A crimson light, a mere spark, burns in the dark. It grows and grows and grows, consuming the nothingness around you like firewood and explodes into a roaring blaze.

“You know what you are?” You say, divinity crackling around you like lightning, “You’re a pest. Like ants that keep crawling back into our house no matter how many times we squash your drones and kick your sorry ass out.”

The King’s rage flares at the indignity of something so insignificant daring to insult it to its face. It swings a tendril down, attempting to obliterate your soul. However…

>Interference by outsiders will not be permitted.

A familiar golden screen separates the beast and you.

The King swings again.

>Interference by outsiders will not be-

And again


And again, and again, and again. All for nought.

You smirk, flipping the King off for good measure as you return to the waking world.

>The system has siphoned some of the divinity in order to protect your soul from imminent destruction. The remaining divinity will be added to your own

Well, you can't get too mad at that.

Divinity: 830-> 2,530

Holy shit, that's a lot.

You turn to face the Russian, but he seems to have fled. Perhaps he felt some of the King’s gaze on him as well. Regardless, it isn't too great a loss that you never got the chance to fight with him.

You waltz back onto the battlefield- nothing remains but ruins and corpses.

The system has many, many notifications for you. So much so that an option you’ve never seen before is placed- automatic management.

What do you want to do?

>Go through everything myself
>Let the system handle it for you
>Remember the dead end despair of our life until the day the system chose us.
>Remember Pheme, our only real friend thus far and who we will endeavor to never lose.
>Remember Jane, the deer girl we sacrificed to cement our resolve and our path.
>Remember the past. Who we were before we became what we are. Where we came from.
Too much?
>Go through everything myself
>>(Optional write-in)
There was a write-in? kek
>Remember our epiphanies about the king and the system. Hundreds of screaming souls layered atop our own. We’re no less a monster than him.

>Let the system handle it
Want to see how well it does it

> That you are Atë, the living embodiment of Ruin. You are the Pride that brought down the morningstar, the lust that launched a thousand ships, the despair that struck down the star crossed lovers. You have cast down a hundred pretenders today, and the King is just one more.

> Let the System Handle it
I want to go full manual too, but holy fuck there's got to be so much stuff there. We'll be here the rest the thread, and the next one shuffling crystals and voting on upgrades. Besides we could be...

Hopefully some sonuvabitch thief god hasn't swept through yet. Better get our Lenses out.
>i don't wanna spend all this time voting on shit and figuring it out
>instead lets have to generate a fuckton of items and shit and sort that out
sasuga anon

>Loot the battlefield

You put on your <Lenses>, sweeping the battlefield for items from incarnation and courtier alike

>Courtier’s weapons: x15 (Rank unknown)
>Courtiers qur’ans x 3 (Rank unknown)

>Kingslayer (Common gun) x20 (Max!)

A weapon mass produced to fight against the forces of the Invaders. Pierce more easily through divinity defenses. More effective against those associated with Outsiders

>Incarnation Weapons: 23 (Various ranks)
>Incarnation Relics: 37 (Various ranks)
>Authority Crystals: 7 (Various ranks)

What do you want to do regarding the relics and weapons? Specify for each of the 3 categories.

>I want to see them all
>I only care about the ones above… (specify grade)
>I don’t care about any of them

>Let the system handle it:

>You have gained titles! Some require your input.

>Defender of the World:

Reward: 5,000 influence

Influence: 36,941-> 41,941/51,000

>Court Crusher:

Defeat at least 20,000 followers of the Uncrowned King

Reward Options (Choose One)::

>20,000 Influence
>Trait <Bane to the King>
>Authority <Circle of Omniscience> (1)
><Mythic> Weapon (Claws) <Crowncutters>

>You may accept the title <Polisiphage>


The effective level of any attack directed at a densely populated area will be increased by 20%.


>You may accept the title <Apocalyptic>

Reward Options (Choose One):
>Trait <Star of Death>
><Mythic> Relic <Drums of War>
>Authority <Declaration of Conquest>
>Directive <Font of Famine>


>You may accept the title <Unconditional Slaughter>

You recover divinity whenever you cause the death of another person, proportional to the divinity of the deceased


Tabulating subjugation rewards: (5) [Note to the reader, <Pistis>, nor any incarnation of high enough level to be Isa is present]

>Eosphorus, The Morning Star: 25%
>Alala, Spirit of the War Cry: 76% (Rewards available!)
>Ant Warriors, Myrmidon (Plural): 10% x2
>Elpis, Spirit of Hope: 1%
>Gymnasia, Hour of Exercise: 3%

>Automatically selecting against myths which fall out of line with your desires or existing abilities into influence. (1) Authority(ies) seems to be of potential interest:

>Cry of War (1)

Increases the strength, speed, stamina, and morale of any combatants of your choice who hear your voice.

Take <Cry of War> or update an existing authority?”

>Take <Cry of War>
>Update an existing authority

Influence: 41,941/51,000-> 55,931/51,200 (Level up will be done after tabulation)

Tabulating authorities:

>Automatically converting duplicates, or authorities which fall out of line with your desires or existing abilities into influence. (3) Authority(ies) seems to be of potential interest:

>Influence: 55,391-> 98,591/51,200

>(A) Malignant Rain (1)

Seeds a nearby cloud with divinity, causing it to rain. Any target touched by the rain will receive penalties to their authorities proportional to the difference in level and time spent in the rain

>Keep as a crystal (A)
>Sell (A)
>(B) Cutting Malice (1)

Shrouds your attacks in divinity drenched in spite. Increases the damage of your strikes proportional to the malice within your heart and the level of this authority.

>Keep as a crystal (B)
>Sell (B)

>(C) Lightbringer’s Spotlight (1)

Creates dazzling lights from your divinity, inspiring awe in those who view you. Enhances the effectiveness of your performances, as well as any other abilities which depend on them
>Pick up the highest ranking weapons/relics from each pool, plus all the authority crystals

><Mythic> Weapon (Claws) <Crowncutters>
A mythic grade weapon for Atë's tool of choice sounds very good.

I see no downsides to mass destruction

>Trait <Star of Death>
I'd say this or the directive, but I like the sound of this one more. Horsewoman Atë is a go!

Oh Atë, you really are going to [Become the Crisis]
>Update an existing authority [Thousand Faces]

>Sell (A)

>Keep as a crystal (B)
Holy hell, never have I heard of a better authority for /ourgirl/

>Keep as a crystal (C)
Seems interesting
>Then, you remember the reason that drives you, we will not accept someone elses dominion over us. Those who oppose our freedom must go!

>>>Weapons and relics
>I only care to keep the ones legendary or above for ourselves
>Let our supordinates have had their pick from the lower ones, or get a chance to argue for the others
>Keep the rest to give to Perdix for enchantment points

>>>Accept Polisiphage
>>>Accept Unconditional Slaughter
>>>Accept Apocalyptic
>Choose Trait <Star of Death>

>>>Sell epithet holders
>Ant Warriors, Myrmidon (Plural): 10% x2
>Elpis, Spirit of Hope: 1%

>>>Cry of War
>Update an existing authority (Thousand Faces)

>Sell (A) Malignant Rain (1)
>Keep as a crystal (B) Cutting Malice (1)
>Keep as a crystal (C) Lightbringer’s Spotlight (1)

Do Defender of the World, Court Crusher, and Polisiphage show up for everyone?

Yes. Most "positive" titles and all titles the system asks if you want to take will be visible to other incarnations, especially ones as big (and nasty) as Polisiphage or Apocalyptic
>Defender of the World + Apocalyptic
will at least give people pause, lol

>(and nasty)
hey, that baby had it coming

"Officer, I dismembered that infant in self defense"

Also, I just noticed you forgot to select a benefit for Court Crusher- if you don't mind either way on that, you don't have to vote, but I thought I'd let you know just in case
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>"Officer, I dismembered that infant in self defense"
>tfw "they were harboring weapons of mass destruction" in response to killing 30% of a nation's population over the course of a month and it's actually true
>Wait till level 12 (102.400)

>Respec: (1.200 for crystals)
ditch Cackle, Bane of Calydon, and To Mortals, A Scourge
take Battle Acuity, Lightbringer’s Spotlight, and Cutting Malice

>Levelup (84.900)
to 8 for pithosmaxxing:
Touch of Madness 6 -> 8 (9600)
Assess Hamartia 6 -> 8 (9600)
Stealth 6 -> 8 (9600)
Supernatural Speed 4 -> 8 (12000)
Divine Armor 3 -> 8 (12400)
Battle Acuity 1 -> 8 (12700)

to 6 in the meantime:
Regeneration 4 -> 6 (2400)
Titanic Strength 3 -> 6 (2800)
Omen 4 -> 6 (2400)
Preservation Instinct 4 -> 6 (2400)
Weapon Training (Claws) 3 -> 6 (2800)
Lightbringer’s Spotlight 1 -> 6 (3100)
Cutting Malice 1 -> 6 (3100)

1x A Thousand Faces, a Thousand Voices
2x Touch of Madness
2x Assess Hamartia
2x Stealth
2x Supernatural Speed
2x Divine Armor
2x Battle Acuity
130k divinity / 2530 ~52 Nectar = 10.400 Influence

Total: 96.500

I have some new ideas for miracles, but I want to get the Level X description of our authorities first.
And the pithosmaxxing will take time, and probably wouldn't even cost us our own influence.
But I think we should first also check what level 12 has in store for leveling up out existing miracles. I think their base cost was 1000
assuming level 12 lets us have level 3 miracles, for all 3 that'd be 9.000 Influence again.
>Weapons and relics
>I only care to keep the ones legendary or above for ourselves
>Let our subordinates have had their pick from the lower ones, or get a chance to argue for the others
>Keep the rest to give to Perdix for enchantment points

>Trait <Bane to the King>

>Accept Polisiphage
>Accept Apocalyptic
>Trait <Star of Death>
>Accept Unconditional Slaughter

>Update an existing authority [Thousand Faces]
>Sell (A)
>Keep as a crystal (B)
>Keep as a crystal (C)
I overlooked to add the reward for Court Crusher
>Authority <Circle of Omniscience> (1)
sounds like a broken as fuck information gathering authority
I support this upgrade plan. Atë needs to become physically deadlier now.
In order:

>I only care about the ones above… (specify grade)

>Trait <Bane to the King>

>Accept all titles

>Directive <Font of Famine>

>Update an existing authority
Thousand faces

>Sell (A)
>Sell (B)
>Sell (C)
Everything seems settled except for a tie between Circle of Omnscience

And Bane to the King

I'll wait a while for a tiebreaker and flip a coin in the absence of one

This was the second Circle vote, not the other thing I accidentally linked
I know I'm shooting myself in the foot here, but it's not a tie. I don't see another Circle vote.

give me the level 12 update message
and an update on Folly’s Grasp
I am actually >>6035744 and >>6035755.
I just agree with his respeccs and level ups. Apologies for the lack of clarity. To finalize the vote, I'll switch my reward vote from <Crowncutters> to <Bane of the King>. I think this trait might be too specific, but we DID just royally piss off the Uncrowned King.

Ah, sorry for the misunderstanding. Writing now

>Accept all titles
><Trait>: Bane to the King
><Trait>: Star of Death
>Upgrade an existing authority (total available upgrades: 6)
>Sell (A)
>Keep as crystals: (B), (C)

>Trait: Bane to the King

Gain double the influence when subjugating followers of an Invader. Additionally, the effective level of all authorities, miracles, and other abilities provided or mediated by the Incarnation System will increase by 2 against followers of the Uncrowned King and 1 against those of other outsiders.

>Trait: Star of Death (10,000/10,000)

You may increase the effective level (After any multipliers are added) of any authority or miracle intended to cause death to others by half your incarnation level. This can be done by expending charges- 1 per level per second. Charges are gained by causing another person to die.

Additionally, any death caused by others under the influence of one or more of your abilities, including buffs and mind altering effects, will contribute to the charge counter

Influence: 98,591->101,783/51,200

>Your level has increased!

Divinity: 2,530-> 2,605

Seems like the rate of divinity increase jumped up after hitting tenth level.

What do you want to do now?
>Spend influence
>Upgrade authorities (Free upgrades remaining: 6)
>Gain influence (Specify)
>Leave for the RV
>Sell 1x Ant Warriors, Myrmidon
should get us to 12
>check if Folly's Grasp has changed
+1, I really want to sell things until we hit twelve in order to enact >>6035822
+ implement >>6035822
afterwards using the free upgrades for
1x Thousand Faces, 2x Supernatural Speed, 2x Divine Armor, and 1x Battle Acuity

if it's in the cards I want to miracle Faces+Armor

I want to play a prank on Crimson Dove.
Tell her it was awesome how she cut out Isa's heart and ask her to do it on use.
Get a backup heart, disable out ability to feel pain there, allow her to tear through our chest easily, but then just completely reinforce the heart and connecting arteries and veins.
If she struggles to cut it out, caress her face and tell her "it's okay, just keep tryin". She may still succeed, but that's what the backup is for.

worth it
I don't want to give up Bane of Calydon unless we're picking up Divine Will. Out of the three new authorities proposed I think Cutting Malice is the most droppable.


Influence: 101,783-> 105.283/102,400

Level 11->12

Divinity: 2,605-> 2,680

Since it involves spending a lot of influence, we’ll go down things point by point regarding the proposed build changes:

>Respec: (1.200 for crystals)
A: Store Cackle (300) [Specify Replacement]
B: Store Bane of Calydon (600) [Specify Replacement]
C: Store To Mortals, A Scourge (300) [Specify Replacement]

>Levelup (84.900)
D: Touch of Madness 6 -> 8 (9600)
E: Assess Hamartia 6 -> 8 (9600)
F:Stealth 6 -> 8 (9600)
G: Supernatural Speed 4 -> 8 (12000)
H: Divine Armor 3 -> 8 (12400)
I: Battle Acuity 1 -> 8 (12700) <Note, Requires a respec>
J: Regeneration 4 -> 6 (2400)
K: Titanic Strength 3 -> 6 (2800)
L: Omen 4 -> 6 (2400)
M: Preservation Instinct 4 -> 6 (2400)
N: Weapon Training (Claws) 3 -> 6 (2800)
O: Lightbringer’s Spotlight 1 -> 6 (3100) <Note, Requires a respec>
P: Cutting Malice 1 -> 6 (3100) <Note, Requires a respec>
Q: Divine Servant: 1 -> 2 (10,000) <Or 3 for 30,000 total>
R: Strings of the Neurospaston 1 -> 2 (10,000) <Or 3 for 30,000 total>
S: Atë’s Playthings 1 -> 2 (10,000) <Or 3 for 30,000 total>

To vote, all you have to do is list all of the options you want. For example:

>A (Lightbringer’s Spotlight), D, E, J

All options with a majority support will be passed. Should you request more than you can afford, options with more votes, then options with lower costs will be prioritized
Because we have 6 free upgrades in the wings (which I assume only apply to authorities) can we assume that they will automatically be applied to the most expensive items?

Ah yes, regarding the ring:

Folly's Gasp (Omega->Chi)

>It is possible to provide a copy of any one->two non EX rated authority you possess at half of its current level (or their incarnation level, whichever is lower) to any person who you could manipulate with <Folly's Grasp>. However, doing so takes up one of the 4->5 slots for this relic

Those can be done after this process
>A (Lightbringer's Spotlight)
>C (Battle Acuity)
Fair point about not giving up the Boar as mental defense. Someday we'll get a more fitting authority for that I hope. Eventually we'll get Cutting Malice in there, it's too thematic to be ignored.

>D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, Q, R, S
miracles being expensive as fuck
>A (Battle Acuity),
>B (Divine Will)
>C (Lightbringer’s Spotlight )
>D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, R
>buy Divine Will (800) 1->6 (3100)
If my count is right, and I didn't bother to check twice this time, that's 103,100 influence

I think we can't afford that

Maybe we can do one round of most common denominator and do a second round of voting when we have a clearer picture of the points left
You're right, we can only afford two miracle upgrades. A, C-O, QR = 102400

Please delete line item
From >>6036309
File: hold-it.gif (923 KB, 498x373)
923 KB
923 KB GIF
before we do some more influence spending, were there any shop updates?
Just sell/grind it, replace with (Lightbringer's Spotlight)
>C Swap (Battle Acuity)
The Dove countermeasure

>D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, Q, R
Yea drop playthings from the upgrade list
We should at least try it out before we drop 10k influence on it.
I'm actually not too sure we want to beef Divine Servant either

Actually I should just back >>6036320
Nobody ever wants to use Boar, just grind it too and replace with Divine Will

Still want to integrate Around Every Corner for infomaxxing and brain info overload training
Especially now that we have Strings which is tougher to clear than Whispers.
Imagine if we miracle'd Touch of Madness with Cutting Malice.

>Atë physical touch acquires the quality of her heart, becoming antithetical to life and reason
Sweet Atë, options, options everywhere.

>A (Battle Acuity),
>B (Divine Will)
>C (Lightbringer’s Spotlight )
> And all this stuff below
D: Touch of Madness 6 -> 8 (9600)
E: Assess Hamartia 6 -> 8 (9600)
F:Stealth 6 -> 8 (9600)
G: Supernatural Speed 4 -> 8 (12000)
H: Divine Armor 3 -> 8 (12400)
I: Battle Acuity 1 -> 8 (12700) <Note, Requires a respec>
J: Regeneration 4 -> 6 (2400)
K: Titanic Strength 3 -> 6 (2800)
L: Omen 4 -> 6 (2400)
M: Preservation Instinct 4 -> 6 (2400)
N: Weapon Training (Claws) 3 -> 6 (2800)
O: Lightbringer’s Spotlight 1 -> 6 (3100) <Note, Requires a respec>
R: Strings of the Neurospaston 1 -> 2 (10,000)
I have to wonder how quickly we could deport a small rural town into a divine realm as our worshipper slaves.
Level 11:


>Lesser Item Charger (100):

Contains 1,000 divinity that can be loaded into a relic or weapon of your choice

>Authority Crystal (Superior Grade): (2,000):

Can hold an authority of any level, including (EX)

>Drop of Distilled Chaos (4,000):

Consumable. When used, all results of less than <Super Rare> grade are increased to <Super Rare>.

>Authority Manufacturer (10,000):

You may place any epithet holder into this item. Upon doing so, any authority crystals placed into the item are converted to an authority of the same grade related to the epithet. Cannot be done with authorities available for purchase in the shop.


>Slumber (1) (5,000):

Puts you in a state of meditation in which you recover divinity and regenerate at a much faster rate

>Insomnia (1) (5,000):

Defers fatigue. Accumulated fatigue hits after the authority usage ends.

Level 12:

>Hecate’s Drop of Chaos: (2,000)

As <Purified Drop of Chaos>, but always provides an authority

>Fuser (2,500)

Allows you to combine the power and effects of two relics or weapons without a manufacturing authority


>Fabricate (1) 3,000:

Allows you to create materials. Larger atomic numbers and molecular complexity consume more divinity

>Meditate (1) 7,000:

Allows you to meditate. As you do, you slowly increase your maximum divinity pool

>Deity, Manifest (EX): 30,000

Creates an area around you in which your <Myth> holds dominion. The specific effects differ from incarnation to incarnation

It'll take me a while to sort out all of the new effect text for all these upgrades anyway, so if you guys want to buy some stuff from the shop, feel free to edit your votes
>Deity, Manifest (EX): 30,000
Ah fuck me, I kinda want to purchase Atë's Domain Expansion
It does look interesting, and since it's EX we could even Miracle it.

>Meditate (1) 7,000:
This is probably a useful long term investment if we actually settle into some downtime...we uh, might want to lay low for a while, I can only assume the Russian is somewhere reporting that there's a pair of crazy bitches on the loose. Given our greater understanding of Divinity we could probably learn the skill outside of the Authority.

>Fabricate (1) 3,000
Literally manifest gold, diamonds, other bullshit. I bet manipulate object, fabricate, and Divine Construct together can get silly, especially if a miracle is involved. Not our style though.

>Authority Manufacturer (10,000):
There's probably some wild stuff we can do with this...

>Store Cackle (300) [Battle Acuity]
>Store Bane of Calydon (1300) [Divine Will] (Purchase included)
>Store To Mortals, A Scourge (300) [Lightbringer’s Spotlight]

>Touch of Madness 6 -> 8 (9600)

It is possible to show illusions of anything you or the target can conceive of, even if the illusions are completely unrelated to a desire of theirs. Additionally, given a sufficient difference in level, you can permanently instill delusions and persistent hallucinations in an affected target

>Assess Hamartia 6 -> 8 (9600)

Provided a sufficient difference in level, it is possible to read the current thoughts of the target, as well as their preferences, dislikes, aspirations, and other information which might relate to their desires and faults

>Stealth 6 -> 8 (9600)

If you activate this authority quickly enough after being perceived, mortals and incarnations of lower levels will forget that they ever perceived you.

>Supernatural Speed 4 -> 8 (12000)

Max Usage: 5 divinity per second. It is possible to activate this skill on reflex. Slows your perception of time by 80% of the factor that speed is increased.

H: Divine Armor 3 -> 8 (12400)

Shields you from non-supernatural negative effects, including but not limited to temperature, radiation, toxins, and air pressure. The shape of the barrier can be extended beyond your person by up to 10 meters, however, increasing it as such will increase divinity consumption and lower protective efficiency.

When divinity based or kinetic or thermal energy based attacks are intercepted by this authority, some portion of the absorbed energy is recovered as divinity.

Maximum output: 10 divinity per second

Battle Acuity 1 -> 8 (12700)

Slows down your perception of time to at minimum one tenth of the real time speed. Using at maximum output for extended periods of time may cause damage to your brain and nervous system. Maximum output: 10 divinity per second.

Regeneration 4 -> 6 (2400)

The speed of regeneration is increased significantly. Additionally, so long as at least 85% of your cells remain alive, you can regenerate even if critical damage is done to vital structures.

Titanic Strength 3 -> 6 (2800)

The maximum strength you can exhibit is increased significantly. In addition, the additional strain and muscle fatigue caused by use of this authority is lessened

Omen 4 -> 6 (2400)

The premonitions you receive now also extend to both the immediate harm of the people around you, as well as circumstances that, while not necessarily lethal, could lead to long term incapacitation or incarceration

Preservation Instinct 4 -> 6 (2400)

This authority may activate as soon as a potential assailant merely intends to harm you, as opposed to once an attack is already underway, allowing you to evade strikes of speeds outside your capability to dodge

Weapon Training (Claws) 3 -> 6 (2800)

Your speed., strength, and endurance are all enhanced while wielding your weapon of choice. In addition, the effective level of authorities that are directly related to your weapon and items of your weapon type are increased by 1

Lightbringer’s Spotlight 1 -> 6 (3100)

The light takes on a cinematic character in line with the nature of your performance and can be freely manipulated by you for dramatic effect. It is possible to make the light imperceptible to mortals and lower level incarnations while maintaining its effect (though with the effective level reduced by 1). The light may be recorded, including when made invisible, and the recording will share the properties of the authority in person.

Strings of the Neurospaston 1 -> 2 (10,000)

The effect induced by this miracle in individuals who remain under the influence of this miracle can be freely altered, regardless of distance or knowledge of their location.

The matter of divine servant (Q) is tied and will require a tiebreaker.
If I’m one of the divine servant upgrade supporters I wish to retract my support

Also damn bro 3:30 am update
I am >>6036334 and >>6036309

I will also retract my vote for Q.

Damn, between Acuity and Supernatural Speed we're going to have a real bullet time effect. I can see it now-
>Basically stop time
>Assess Hamartia to read opponents intentions

Question- would the effective level boost from Weapon Training apply to Down to the Core or Cutting Malice?

>would the effective level boost from Weapon Training apply to Down to the Core or Cutting Malice?

Yes to cutting malice, no to down to the core. Remember, the latter is an Art, unregulated by the system
>Battle Acuity + Thousand Faces + Regeneration
Why bother about our neurons getting damaged when can we literally grow multiple brains and regenerate

>Supernatural Speed + Battle Acuity
slows perception by 80%, and slows perception to a tenth.
Do they stack to a fiftieth?
does star of death work on strings of neurospaston if we use it to make someone cause death?
I agree that we should save upgrading divine servant for the future, but not too long into the future, for divine servant has extreme amount of potential if we ever need to go into hiding. Divine realm+folly's grasp+divine servant(or anyone we have subjugated, though a divine servant would be better) would allow us to basically be playing the puppet master while being in a whole different dimension
if we ever get the chance I think divine body would combo well with the supernatural speed plus battle acuity. Honestly speaking idk why we even keep battle acuity, it isn't that good, it just makes time slow down for us, would rather have omen or preservation instinct upgraded

It's 80 percent of the current speed buff. If your speed were to double, for example, you would see things move at 60% of their normal speed. So actually, considering that your current top speed is around 120 miles per hour, or 8x the running speed of a normal human, the absolute slowest you can make your brain see is around 100 times slower than the real world. Doing that would definitely fry your brain faster than you can currently regenerate it, but you can always make a spare
>Divine realm+folly's grasp+divine servant(or anyone we have subjugated, though a divine servant would be better) would allow us to basically be playing the puppet master while being in a whole different dimension
Which is probably something like what Isa did, now that I think about it.

>does star of death work on strings of neurospaston if we use it to make someone cause death?

Actually, it works on its composite authorities- meaning a maximum +12 total buff (at current level) if you affect both <Whispers> and <Guerilla Tactics> at the same time
>it isn't that good, it just makes time slow down for us
We need to try it out, but there's something to be said for having a reaction speed sufficient to activate any authority/ability at any time
maybe, although if he did he wouldn't have used divine servants(since as far as we know we are the only person to have discovered divine servant due to Philotes title) nor would he be able to do it as effectively as we can thanks to folly grasp
fair enough, an omen+battleacuity combo would be crazy.

there is this idea that I have had in my head for a while, a miracle combo between shapeshift and thousand faces would probably be extremely good since it would probably remove the human shape limitation and maybe even the mass limitation and could allow us to become something like Ultimate Kars from Jojo part 2 or an eldritch abomination
so would we have 53 if using neurospaston with all possible buffs or am I doing some miscalculations?

Pretty sure Thousand Faces is already at horrifying abomination status, only vaguely limited by human anatomy. We made a full green screen from our own skin. Still, I wouldn't mind combing it with maxed out regen and going full on "from a single cell"
>We made a full green screen from our own skin
Casually, at that. A certified Olympus Incarnation moment.
Rolled 68, 14, 45, 46, 56, 25, 68, 41, 97, 61, 81, 82, 59, 77, 11, 95, 11, 56, 71, 88, 92, 21, 19, 61, 12 = 1357 (25d100)

Rolling lots of dice. Reminder that:

0-50: common (this roll excludes duds), 51-70: uncommon, 71-80: rare, 81-90: super rare, 91-95: legendary, 96-100: mythic
Rolled 85, 83, 50, 81, 9, 37, 37, 19, 28, 87, 50, 32, 1, 80, 3, 18, 56, 11, 17, 30, 37, 88, 66, 8, 25 = 1038 (25d100)

And again
Rolled 51, 86, 32, 58, 58, 44, 47, 82, 86, 36 = 580 (10d100)


And one last time.

First are weapons, then relics, then authorities
>Mythic Weapon
Tried to count and classify

1 Mythic
2 Legendary
3 Super Rare
2 Rare
7 Uncommon
10 Common

SR: 5
R: 1
U: 2
C: 17

3 Super Rare
3 Uncommon
4 Common

I rolled in increments of 25 since that's the limit, but as stated >>6035720 there were 23 weapons and 37 relics (I forgot to roll authorities so I just did it with my percentile dice)

>Not selecting Q
>Items above <Legendary>
>All authority crystals

Influence: 105,283 -> 2,183/204,800

>Legendary Weapon x2
>Mythic Weapon x1

>Arms of Khaos (Legendary Weapon)

An amorphous metallic black liquid that takes the shape of any weapon (though not the ammunition). Another weapon of grade <Fable Omega> or lower may be placed within this one, imparting its abilities both active and passive onto the <Arms of Khaos> for as long as it remains stored. The <Arms of Khaos> can hold only one other weapon at a time

>Hunger of Charybdis (Legendary Trident) (0/10,000)

A nigh indestructible trident carved from the fangs of a fearsome sea monster. When held, the user can move and breathe freely in water and all accumulated physical and mental fatigue of the wielder will be converted into hunger instead. As the hunger increases, the strength and speed of the wielder will increase accordingly.

-Bane of Fleets
You may manipulate nearby water in order to create whirlpools, tsunamis, or sharp bursts of highly pressurized water. Consumes divinity proportional to the scale of the effect

-Vacuum Suction
Creates a massive airflow that pulls enemies towards you. Consumes divinity proportional to the scale of the effect

>Sword of Damocles (Mythic Longsword) (0/50,000)

An ornately decorated longsword with a chain linking it to an iron bracelet. More effective against incarnations. Most effective against incarnations associated with law or government, or those who hold positions of public authority.

Consumes divinity to correct your swings, ensuring that they are sufficiently lethal. Attacks made while this ability is active may be blocked or parried, but not dodged. Divinity used is proportional to the degree of the corrections necessary

-Without Wielder (1,000)
The sword will automatically attack a designated target within a 50 foot radius, maintaining all benefits and authorities that would be applied if you were to wield it yourself

-Downfall (10,000)
Upon using this ability, designate a target. For the next hour, the effective level of all authorities which contribute to the use of the <Sword of Damocles> including those which increase strength, speed, and perception are doubled. May be used once per week.

Authority Crystals:

>A: Beautify (1)
Makes you as physically appealing as is possible based on your genetic code. Beauty is judged by the standards of the user

>B: Ghostly Constitution (3):
Allows you to temporarily become intangible, allowing you to pass through physical objects. However, this effect does not work on divine relics or weapons of grade <Rare> or greater. You do not need to breathe while in this state

>C: Green Thumb (3)
Substantially increases the rate of growth and produce quality of plants grown by you. Additionally, the soil quality is automatically restored to some extent in patches of farmland or garden you tend to

>D: Breath of Chione (2)
Allows you to release a gust of freezing wind from your mouth. Additionally, you gain a resistance to the cold

>E: Rage of Achilles (1)
Clouds your thoughts with rage, but increases the toughness of your body in proportion to the depths of your anger

>F: Blessing of Priapus (EX) [Dud]
Induces priapism and increases the size of your phallus by 12 inches. Has no effect on women

>G: Body of Zagreus (1)
Parts of your body which are removed are able to function as if they were still attached and can be reattached more easily for up to one hour, so long as they remain within a 10 foot radius of you

Select the letters of the crystals you’d like to keep. The rest will be sold
I'm sure we can find some use it for potential combat based minions
I am certain we could use this in a trade worth more than what we ggain forms selling, actually speaking of that how much would we gain from selling
has potential either for us in the future or a potential combat divine servant
So we can stick the <Sword of Damocles> into the <Arms of Khaos>, and have the <Arms of Khaos> take the form of claws? Nice.

>B, E, G
All potentially useful for a subordinate

Lmao, I'll vote to keep it

>how much would we gain from selling?

You don't know until you do it: EX rated authorities generally run in the 5 digit price range, but this is a dud so you aren't sure how valuable it's gonna be
>implying someone won't pay big bucks for a MAGNUM DONG
keeping the magnum dong is clearly a part of one of our many nefarious and evil plots

I was referring to the system in terms of divinity payout. In usd, EX rated authorities generally sell for tens to hundreds of millions to maybe even billions if the authority is potent enough
There is absolutely some guy out there who will sell Atë his soil for penis enlargement
I bet since the system is inhuman it is incapable of understanding the value of the MAGNUM DONG

wait it induces priapism, hopefully whoever buys it whenever we sell it on the auction remembers to also buy regeneration to counter the damage of the longer than 4 hours boner does
I did say I tried :(

>>Sword of Damocles (Mythic Longsword) (0/50,000)
Built to kill Ye Min

Grind everything but B&G

Influence: 2,183 -> 14,759/204,800

Also, new thread is live:

>Built to kill Ye Min
The Sword of Damocles, <Born of Vengeance, Born of Blood>, <Star of Death>, and some kind of offensive miracle bare minimum.

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