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04/16/11(Sat)00:33 No.14608863 File1302928400.jpg-(55 KB, 500x500, chatroulette-trolling-best-job(...).jpg)
 Physical Augmentations Adrenal Boost, ignore 1 wound mod, High P302 EC Bioweave armor (light), Armor 2 / 3 Low P302 EC Bioweave armor (heavy), Armor 3 / 4, -20 touch on body, Moderate P302 EC Carapace armor, Armor 11/11 Moderate P303 EC Chamelion Skin, +20 Infiltration Low P303/304 EC Circadian Regulation, 2 hours of sleep per day min, Moderate P304 EC Claws, retractable weapon/tool 1d10+1 + (SOM / 10) AP -1 Low P304 EC Clean Metabolism, Clean body waste Moderate P304 EC Drug glands, tailored drug release drugs (p317EC) Low P304 EC Eelware, inflict shock damage with touch attack ( p 204EC) Low P304 EC Emotional Dampers, +30 Deception and impersonation tests, -10 other social skills Low P304 EC Endocrine Control, +20 against fear hunger and emotional manipulation, +20 deception, ignore 1 wound mod, High P304/305 EC Enhanced Pheromones, +10 to all social tests Low P305 EC Enhanced Respiration, hold breath for up to 30 min Low P305 EC Gills, breath underwater low P305 EC Grip Pads, +30 Climbing Low P305 EC Hibernation, Hibernate for up to 40 days, Low P035 EC Muscle Augmentation, +5 to SOM, High, P305 EC Nurachem lvl 1, +1 speed High, P305 EC Nurachem lvl 2, +2 speed for 1 hour, after for 1 hour -20 to all actions Expensive P305EC Poison gland, inflict poison damage with touch attack Low P305 EC Prehensile feet, can use feet to manipulate objects in 0 gravity, -1 movement Low P305 EC Prehensile tail, +10 Balance Low P305 EC Sex Switch, Change sex Moderate P305 EC Skin Pocket, +30 concealment small items, Trivial P305 EC Temperature Tolerance, no ill effects between -30C and +60C Low P305 EC Toxin Filters, immunity to toxins poisons Moderate P305/306 EC Vacuum Sealing, can survive short periods in total vacuum High P306 EC |