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Trismagistus 2E’s new playtest just dropped. Quick summary of the changes from the last one
>Nephalim buffed, flight now consumes one action point instead of two, allowing for melee maneuvers while flying! Still no ranged or casting tho (thank god)
>Mermfolk nerfed, can no longer control blood
>Mages no longer require planar channeling to use level 0 spells (kinda stupid from a lore standpoint IMO)
>Dragons are now immune to the Skeptic’s Atheism Aura
>Void walker, Ranger, and Crafter are here
>Pirate mysteriously removed without comment
>Orcs are now Mongolian
Procrastimancer still isn't finished but I think it's going to be fun.
I’m annoyed they promised that all the way back in first edition and it never came out. Hopefully we’ll finally get it, the effect delay mechanic sounds good.
I can't believe with the new splat book, there will finally be a game greater than D&D 5e
Of course they left Mooks untouched. When are they going to fix the mook? I know they errata'd in a speed bonus, but it makes no difference when the class is this MAD and there's so little core equipment support.
>Not playing the superior Goon
>Not playing an all Goon party for the flanking buffs
>Not RPing as a fantasy mob boss' ever loyal cadre of Goons Gooning it up
I bet you thought the Streets of Galdena Heights splat was "immersive breaking" when like 80% of the tech already existed in base Tris.
>Nephalim buffed
They need to kick the Christfag larper off of their design team, "muh sons of God" already invalidate most martials at my table and I can't even use them as a template because nobody gets damage penetration through Divine except - you fucking guessed it - Divine units, or the dogshit demonic units they brushed aside

Faggotry aside, golem buffs when?
I'm getting really tired of the convoluted mechanics in "Galactic Realms: Shadows of Eternity." This system is a nightmare for both players and game masters alike.
>absurd character creation process
>you even have to roll dice for your character's backstory, personality traits, and a ton of other shit that will never come up in gameplay.
>the system pretends to be use a traditional combat, with initiative order and shit, but because it want to be in it also has a has shitty real-time elements with a ticking clock mechanic that forces you to make decisions quickly.
>12 completely different schools of magic that are half baked at best. shadow magic is op, alchemy is unusable trash.
>massive rulebook with the most useless index system i have ever seen, while all the rules are hidden between dry as paint walls of text
>ai art everywhere
The issue is they were never intended to be part of the core options but Chris “Vultenator” Murphy loves them and they sell like hot cakes. So that stupid tie in with the Godsworn novels is everywhere now.
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I hope they didn’t nerf the War Boars, they were my favorite faction back in the day, not a lot of magic but they packed a punch if you managed to place them in ambush
>Orcs are now mongolian
Trismagistus Orcs have ALWAYS been mongolian. Seriously, how could any one mistake 1E orc characters like Warchief Chingghis for anything else apart from mongolian. Fucking "journalists" and youtubers theorycrafting the dumbest possible shit just gets on my nerves.
I can't believe they got away with so much hardcore loli hentai artwork
>all Goon party
Both mooks and goons suffer from aim and perception caps. I know, I know "muh team based game", but each of those classes are such trap options. Then you've got Lackey classes with their fucking d12 HD and better aim despite doing next to no damage. It's like the only way to have an effect with any of these classes is to use debuffs.
I wish I could convince my group to switch to classless systems like LUMPS, but all they do is laugh when I bring it up and wave spoons at me.
The dev team is Portuguese, age of consent is 14 there so shit gets freaky. That one splat from 1e gave the game a reputation 2e is probably gonna want to lean away from.
Palookas are just better Mooks now, man. It sucks.
There’s not even many practical differences between Palookas and Jabronis anymore either since Palookas get “Nyeah, that’s right!” at second level now.
Salami is FREE now, too, so they’re both basically just gonna Fuggedaboutit on the first round of every combat and barely even lose any other resources during the fight. Shit sucks!
Godsworn up until Planar Triage was tight, which is coincidentally when Dellotis took over writing. Yeah, they still have Rebelo on the cover, but that's literally just to sell based on her name. Dellotis has been the 'co-author' since Triage and its obvious who is just writing an outline to maintain an income and who is shoveling in all the rulebook-adherent crap.

Androsis getting inducted into the Vult (despite them being explicitly pure-blood humans and anti-half-breeds) and being given the title "Vultivator" should tell you exactly where those mandates are coming from. Murphy's Law strikes again.

If you, like me, were upset with Triage, Rebelo started her own series on the side called Purgafectum. It's Trismagistus with the serial numbers filed off, ignoring the soft reset, and keeping more in line with 1e's overall lore and tone. The main character is basically just Sereh after she fucked off from Triage (there's even a line where she talks about having "a different name and home plane, both of which no longer exist").
Rebelo was probably pushing back on the bullshit until Triage, saw the writing on the wall, and salvaged what she could.
It's also where her defintely-not-self-referenced pen illustrations went, and why everything after Triage is sterilized digital art slop.

>t. lorefag who never played a campaign

luv' me purgatos
luv' me cabalists
luv' me iconoclasts

'ate demons ('cept Sereh)
'ate godsworn
'ate vulters
(not racist just don' like em)

simple as
> missing the point this hard

You just can’t reason with War Boar players
I was warning people about this shit. Both Gawk and Looby advanced jobs are going to be ignored at this rate. The free salami is going to fuck Louts, too.
Rate my new list /tg/. Trying to use Schoolmistress and Russet Spindlewolf to counter the looming threat of the new Nephalim lists.
>Faction: The Legions of Whitsun
>Commander: The Schoolmistress.
>Commander (Caster) Spells: The Soul and the Number, Dark Follower, Frozen Thoughts, Blacksoul's Gnawing Mouth, Time Doesn't Exist
>Commander Strategems: Strategic Retreat, Caster Barrage, Flame Rain
>1x Russet Spindlewolf with Reserve Commander ability, Silk-Armor coat and Blackstone Spear
>Spindlewolf spells: Time Doesn't Exist, Spacetune Rift, Aura of Improbability
>2x Spindlewolf Elder with silver tailblade and muzzle knife
>4x Kraken Guardian with curse staves
>Kraken Guardian spells: Frozen Thoughts, Blacksoul's Gnawing Mouth, Time Doesn't Exist
>2x Shielder Turtle with anti-armor indigo cannon
>2x Shielder Turtle with flaying missile launcher
>10x Spindlewolf Spear Skirmisher (with poison spear and reinforced armor)
>10x Firerune Bird (with flamethrower)
>10x Rabbitfox Scout (with highwayman cloak)
Anon... this is an rpg discussion.
Fuck I thought this was the Trismagistus wargame thread sorry.
And wow what the fuck, are they finally admitting Orcs are Mongolian? When they spent like 10 years arguing that Shin wasn't Japan because the sakura blossoms were red and not pink?
>Dragon buff out of nowhere
who the fuck asked for this. has anyone looked at dragons and ever even thought the words "i wish this was immune to more shit"?
Definitely considering it if they don't bring back either pirates or an explanation as to why pirates suddenly sailed into the Bermuda Triangle.
>running rabbitfoxes outside of pauper
bro your loyal houndmen?
No. Trismagistus has been shit for literally a decade now, and will only get worse; but normies will continue to eat the corpo shit-slop and come on here to say stupid shit like the final two splats of 1E were "great" as if they were even "passable".

Like this clown, who would have known this was clearly the direction they were headed if he could read and taken a glance over at the Dusk of Dracaryth premade. Not even a deep read. A glance over.
>Mages no longer require planar channeling to use level 0 spells
Good. Don't get me wrong, I agree it kind of bends the fluff over backwards but mages really needed it. It sucked ass to try and use Shadestep or even fucking Spark and accidentally render the mage and everything in a 50ft radius helpless for three turns because you happenes to roll bad.
>"war boars are supposed to suck"
yeah yeah we've heard it a million times
war boars still best faction
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Ha, he realized what he was an illiterate normie and deleted his post. I guess even clowns who are surprised by nuTrismagistus can have some self awareness
>Like this clown
Ignore me man, I'm a retard. I somehow managed to interpert OP the exact opposite way to what he wrote. I just fucking love Dracaryth no scalie and guess was looking for any reason to flip out.
>Ignore me man, I'm a retard
It was brave of you to admit it. I forgive you.
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Look, I just can't help going monkey brain over the glorious sun dragon. I'm so fucking glad they fired Kablowski, I shudder to think what he would've done to Sun Flares if he was still with the company.
>The Kablowski interview talking about his vague plans for Sun Flares
You know what, as a certified Dragons hater, I agree. It really is for the best that he's gone.
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>mass replier
ok we can all agree that the hybrid shit is stupid but those novels introduced the objectively best iconoclast character in the entire franchise. you look me in the eye and tell me you don't like francesco the bold
I fucking hate Kablowski. His shit is always insufferable dragonwank. Holy shit I know they're cool and all but he ignores half of their stated weaknesses and has their enemies too retarded to use the other half. I will never not be mad how he made the Legions of Whitsun literally fucking forget that dragonblood was acidic and destroy their eggs trying to make dragon hybrids.
Their ENTIRE THING is trying to evolve themselves into greater forms using alchemy they, out of all people, should know that dragonblood was acidic and they DON'T DO DRAGON HYBRIDS. Because they think dragons are dependent on gods. This is basic shit.
Francesco is OK I just hate how he's always accompanied by his useless ass Astrologer brother who's just there to infodump the vague star lore nobody gives a fuck about and that never actually matters.
Seriously, when I read the words "Great Game" I just know it's going to be 10 pages of rambling about stars and constellations and DEEP COSMIC LORE and the Old Khan and the White Man and all those characters that have no models, nobody sees anywhere, do fuck all and yet we're expected to give a shit
>Do I need a command element?
>Nah, I'll just upgrade my Sun Dragon to an Ancient
>Do I need heavy infantry?
>Nah, I'll give my Ancient Sun Dragon Enchanted Barding
>Do I need artillery?
>Nah, I'll give my Armored Ancient Sun Dragon the Glory of Inner Flame
>Start battle
>Deploy one(1) peasant mob and the Glorious Armored Ancient Sun Dragon
>Beat off for 15 minutes while opponent deploys
>Charge dragon across the board, nova half the their army directly to hell
>Lose game on objective points
Based retard
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>Why do the Dragons do well in their own books
>The new Makhai centerpiece hero is an overpowered, undercosted mess that sucks at its actual job and is really just a beatstick
Gee, who could have guessed?
They don't do well, it's just that everyone ELSE has like single digit IQ in their books. Not a single dragon actually does anything smart or clever in any of those their enemies just trip over their own feet for no reason
Cut the peasant mob, give the dragon a rider.
make him a standard bearer
devious, but everyone at the table would know you're trolling
Playing a game like 'Tism Agistus to win is an exercise in futility. You have to play to make a point.
This mentality is exactly why Demons lists roll every tournament. People really expect to show up with a half-cooked War Boars list and not get their shit rocked.
Look at the fucking TIMELINE, the events of the book are why Hybs are KoS in the Claw and Fang trilogy you illiterate.
>Not a single dragon actually does anything smart or clever
Vorath the Red and half of the Godsworn legion. Do I need to say more?
Dragons mains will literally cite Vorath the Red as the pinnacle of Dragon intelligence, completely ignoring the fact that he's been defeated in literally every major lore appearance he has to date.
>main bad guy or threatening to usurp the main bad guy in every story he shows up in, so he always has to lose
c’mon man, if he ever got to win it would be the literal end of trismagistus. he has whatever the opposite of plot armor is and you know it
and he knows it too, going by the archon cycle books
Someone redpill me on Templars' Soul Engine trait and skill path. Everywhere I look people say its a trap option, but no one explains WHY its bad.

Every fight I'm in, I'm lagging behind my allies. SE's mobility solves that.
Every other class has a way to generate and/or use Burn. SE gives me an actual use for Burn instead of only being able to vent it.
Templars can't heal liked dedicated casters, but they have their passive and lifesteal. SE proc -> do more on my turn -> suffer Burn damage (assuming i can't mitigate it) -> heal it back with Templar's passive seems like a braindead intended cycle.

What am I missing?
Soul Engine is a noob trap because all of its upgrades are complete dogshit compared to anything else you could be getting at those levels.
Roaring Furnace? Literally just Blazing Soul from the Exemplar line but without the damage buffs.
Zealous Acceleration? You could just be using the generic Fleet of Foot instead, freeing up an upgrade slot for something more useful.
Highest Glory is literally just generally okay if you’re in a Shadows heavy Arc, but it’s so overpriced to use that you might as well just invest in any of the niche options instead. Oh, and it’s useless if you’re not dealing with Shadows, it quickly loses its efficiency compared to standard actions.
Soul Engine is great for the early game, no one is denying that, but you’d better hope you’re allowed to respec by the time everybody else starts getting their class upgrades unlocked or you’ll become dead weight.
You’re playing a Templar, just manage it with Humble Prayer.
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A large amount of the player base like them though.
They're got sick aesthetic, they're competitive, their underlying themes are generally very impactful, and they've got some of the best lore and writing in the entire setting. Tod Murphey's "Flight of Flame" series was absolute kino Nobledark.
I get they're pretty over-represented (Branch-Wych fan myself), but you can kinda see how tbf.
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>Mages no longer require planar channeling to use level 0 spells
That makes no sense at all. Do reverse mages still need planar hollowing to cast level -0 spells? I've always liked how Trismegistus handles the +/- magic system. If they unbalance that, then what else will be broken?
They've announced plans to fold level -0 and 0 into one and spread some of the Nega spells that were in level -0 to level 1 and 2 imo
Sorry, -1 and -2. It's part of the new simplified gamestate project. They're also going to make the blood counter of blood mages go up and down by integers instead of decimals to make calculations easier, and voidlords are going to have the resources and reagents they consume on each spell "explained more clearly," somehow.
Huh. I the idea of not counting decimals, but it seems like using only integers would really cause some strange envelope breakpoints. I'll have to study it more closely in order to better tell if the developer stuck with the original "As above, so below" scaling.
Fucking hell. Nega-casting (and nega-levels in general) was one of the few genuinely original and identifiable parts of the system. The dual-sided character sheets were kino. Having my guy's Shadow LITERALLY be hidden when sitting around the table actually felt tense.

No other game system can match the 'oh fuck' feeling when you hear someone flip over their papers after a failed karma check.
They're still going to have nega-levels, they're just going to start at 1 and nega-casters are still going to have access to level 0 regular spells. It's a bit of a loss in flavor but negacasting will still be a thing.
Did they fix the Abyss mechanics yet?
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>start at 1
>positive integer value one
>negative levels

The One Above needs to bury the development team already. Who approves this shit?
I think I didn't communicate it well, sorry. There's going to be two scales. Regular spells go from 1 to 7 (and Epic) like always, and Nega-Spells will go from -1 to -7 (still no nega-Epics though it's in the official roadmap). Level 0 will be shared between sheets and you will have access to it regardless of your Karma (they've even started playtesting a weird sort of mage called the Palecaster, supposedly they get way more level 0 spells and have to combine and enhance them with keywords to get the job done) so it'll be a middle ground? Level 0 spells still get individual tags qualifying them as Negative or Positive for the purposes of spells like Counterspell (which will now be able to be cast as both +3 and -3, canceling respectively positive and negative spells: Polarity Reversal is a +X/-X and does the same but in inverted order, the positive canceling negative spells of the exact same level and so on), Hazel's Negative Energy Barrier or Hormund's Positive Drain Vortex, but they can be used by both sides anyway
Dungeons and Dragons is bad and nobody should play it.
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>Vorath the Red and half of the Godsworn legion
More like Voreth.
Okay, that makes sense. I thought the change was going to apply to a character's nega-levels as well, and start their shadow at 1 instead of being the inverse of their starting level.

>Counterspell will now be able to be cast as both +3 and -3
Overdue, imho. People have been asking for them to clear up the duplicate spells for years. Reversal solves all the problems that they tried to fix by making matching spells for both sides. Let pos and nega have their distinct identities back and let the caster tweak it.

>ever being touched again under Murphy's Law
Google BarnacleBuddy's New Path to Hell. It's jank but it's portuguese jank that's been around since 1.33e and infinitely better than anything than the design team will put out.
You can actually get pretty good as an alchemist but you have to 100% spec into it which means you SUCK during combat and just sit around twiddling your thumbs.

And of course there's the one exploit they still haven't released errata for.
>Brew a weak strength buff potions with an effect duration of 1 hour
>Drink it
>Perform a blood letting ritual on yourself and drain yourself down to 1 ST. You only get the "real" essence of strength, not the stuff granted by the potion, however...
>RAW for the strength potion "the magical effect ends and they return to the strength they had before drinking the potion", which means you get your strength back after the ritual, when normally the loss is permanent.
>The strength from a blood-letting ritual gets you 10 strength boost potions which increase your strength by the amount drained for 1 minute.
>Drink one potion, wait 5 seconds, drink another
>1 minute after drinking the first potion, you return to your base strength. 5 seconds later, you return to your boosted strength. 5 seconds later, double boosted strength, 5 seconds later, triple boosted strength. And so on.
>Go through the whole blood letting ritual again
>Repeat until your strength is arbitrarily high
I don't know any GM that would allow this, however.
You can see the author's fingerprints all over Vorath's stories. If you have even a passing knowledge of WWII tactics and 14th century strategy you would realize that Vorath the Redarted actually just has the hand of god keeping him from facing the consequences of his own actions that WOULD occur if any of the races Vorath opposes where as smart as actual IRL humans. And I don't want to hear "oh, the people just don't know how to deal with air combat, they wouldn't have WWII tactics" even though the Gryphon riders exist and wizards clearly have anti-air in the tabletop. They would be forced to develop those same tactics, at which point Vorath is screwed because he has like one "brilliant" strategy per book that he milks for all it's worth. And then the strategy is something like "drop rocks on your enemies" or "don't tell people when you're going to attack". They don't even let him get defeated in a reasonable way. It's never that the other races band together and figure out how to counter his strategy, it's just that someone finds the sword of fuckwhatever or the stone of chucklenuts and Vorath is defeated. Yeah, I'd also be suspicious that the universe hates me if that kept happening.
Shut the up about WWII tactics. You bring up this point EVERY THREAD. People just want a nice fantasy story with dragons, they don't want to read about bomber tactics for 30 pages.
I want to read about bomber tactics for 30 pages.
It's more likely than you think
When are they going to actually deal with Guardian Angel lockdown? The buffs to soulshields and scattered prophecy are definitely options, but it really feels like every top table I see at tournies nowadays is a mirror match with Kalibastron vs Kalibastron using the divine arsenal to just stack all of their engage counters. Like my Forgotten Elders literally just get shut down by sequence chain 3/4 every single game.
It's not so much a dragon buff as it is a skeptic nerf. Fedoralord characters used to be hilarious but the class is slowly losing its flair. Trismagistus is starting to take itself too seriously.
It's always been real though.
Is the summoner’s catapult still as broken as ever? We have the house rule that catapult lackeys cannot be mind controlled to do anything but use the catapult, but for events that obviously doesn’t work.
>unironically using forgotten elders
you fucking deserve everything you get
It's worse and the bad editing has left room for abuse: the catapult is self-firing and reloading but no longer spawns with lackeys and must be manually aimed by the summoner. The catapult only has three shots and a weight is included implying it doesn't vanish after the last shot. In theory, it's probably meant to start the siege ahead of the siege crew and allow for manual operation after the third shot.
The kicker? It doesn't specify whether the catapult still fires if manually loaded with extra shots or whether it's self-propelled. I've already got a player planning to use summoned catapults as barricades and resources (metal and wood). He'd build his own fucking fort with the things if I'd let him.
Read something that isn't fantasy. Like an actual milhist book. You retard.
They want their heroes to not be completely retarded
Teyufalt’s design sucks. Why do they insist on using him as the guy for every procedural crafting type? Like, the hat on its own would be neat but the fucking calipers ruin it. And that’s all ignoring the garbage personality he has.
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Buddy invited me to fill in for a game after one of the players dropped due to life reasons. Party is on the border between Vakal and Surissasu
>Race: Human, Vakalnian (As god intended)
>Class: Soldier, Grenadier specialized
>Perks: Strong Arm, Volatile crafts, steady aim
The madman actually greenlit players being able to use and even craft shit out of Forbidden Armaments, so guess who is going to spend the next few months gassing the goblins with "pesticide", after all, it's not a real warcrime if we aren't officially at war
Yes I will have enough masks for everyone.
Yes, the face is a Tuvak Justicar.
No, I have no idea how he will react.
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Why the hell do runelords have a penalty on all of their runewriting checks? Like what is the lore reason for forgetting how to write?

Had a partymember who was supposed to disarm a maginuke by runewriting on it something harmless. Instead he turned everything in a 50 mile radius into fish people because of a typo. We spent the next 2 sessions trying to build another maginuke just to unfuck the situation.
Jackson's hatred of runelords is well documented and has been documented since '02
Just Look at Wind Whisperers, Jackson's personal favorite and pet project
Don't think I don't see the Grapht Offensive reference there, anon.

In all honesty, the gas is going to fall off pretty quick once you get past the border. Too many inherent resistances and high saves, or outright immunities. If you can handle a bit of heresy for the greater good, consider respec'ing into Thaumatillerist. RAW Grenadier payloads apply to Spiritual Bombardments, and since the markers are considered Thrown implements strong arm + steady applies to landing them.

Then get your hands on some of FA's crimson fauxsphur and do what a Justicar does best.

Keep smiting, brother. Grapht doesn't forgive, and we shan't forget.
Hold the fuck up, has no one proofread the new Engineer material for balance?
>Fully upgraded repeating ballista can fire five shots per round
Engis can fully upgrade an invention at character creation if they sacrifice their utility gadgets, and who cares about having utility gadgets when you can steamroll everything until like level 6?

Who authorized this?
What a shitty way to blow the lamest Crafter archetype. Thaumatillerists do the same thing at level three with better movement, fewer weaknesses (ballistae are weak to water AND fire FFS), and resource-independent magic damage types. The whole point of Engineer is to use your utility gadgets to create vehicles/golems (golem buffs never ever), you're better off burning your Eureka! on an ornithopter than a repeating ballista.
I'm just gonna say it. Sereh is grade A waifu material. Something about the penitent demon archetype just does it for me.
1, You can't fix her bro
2. Even if you could, she's not your waifu; she's Sieglinde's.
It's not about fixing her, it's about helping her fix herself.
>she's not your waifu; she's Sieglinde's
Fanon. Besides, Sieglinde hasn't shown up in anything since the Blood of Dracaryth novels. There's clearly an opening.
She's still wearing Glindy's ring in March of the Einherjar, the only opening is between your ears.
Barbato's trapped her in a fantasy dream world where she could live out her deepest desire, which was being Sieglinde's tradwife; down to the inexplicable Lesbian Alchemy Valkyrie/Chain Fiend children, is still official.
>corpo shit-slop
Are you unironically calling Trismagistus a corpo slop when it took 2 decades for us to get 2E? They'd have sucked that shit dry by now if that was the case. We'd be on 6E now and YOU would be here crying about how good even the stupid shit like Pirates not having nausea resistance was and how you miss Mermfolk Blood Control(which was objectively a shit mechanic which made no fucking lore reason, especially considering we already had the Blood Harvesters which did the exact same thing but better and it MADE SENSE, I'm glad to see it go away)
I think they're doing a great job, I mean, do you remember that abhorrent 1.5E they originally proposed? Seemed like a completely different game dude, THAT was corpo slop
>do you remember that abhorrent 1.5E they originally proposed?
i still get nightmares about those summoner rules, jesus christ
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>Dragons are now immune to the Skeptic’s Atheism Aura
Dragons now? What, are they going down the fucking list of races to make immune to this shit? There's no reason at all to play a Skeptic anymore, it's not like there's many viable builds for it and they're ALL reliant on Atheism Aura. Just take it out of the game already, this shit is depressing.
>Orcs are now Mongolian
>Fucking "journalists" and youtubers theorycrafting the dumbest possible shit just gets on my nerves.
They're are already SEETHING, something something about how Orcs should've been Nordic for some reason
The OG artwork for the Orc is literally a Horse Archer, how was this even a question
With ranger out now, what the fuck is even the point of playing barnacloid anymore outside of RP and lore? Reading through the ranger mondoknight spec skill list, practically everything is a strict upgrade to barnacloid class spec with the exception of smell the glove, which is basically a weasler's revenge sidegrade but +2 ATR vs. magic rather than physical enemies, although you could probably argue that if you multicast with make transient you're getting the same exact damage with a minimal increase in rune cost. Speaking of which!! every fucking mondoknight spell is CHEAPER than the barnacloid equivalent and a level lower, how the fuck do they rationalize this? My playgroup is already planning on sticking with 1E because this shit is unbelievable. Only guess i have is they're trying to rework barnacloid at final release, which'll be the final straw for me. i got into TMag BECAUSE of barnacloid. I still plan on playing the class, I love it, but i really don't want to be this outclassed every time i play the character with a new group with a ranger player...
>Yes I will have enough masks for everyone.
Friendly tip here: It won't be enough.
Gassing Goblins is fun and all until you realize the little shits have Metastasize now and are explicitely stated to choose to explode themselves if there's a way to fuck their agressors.
If your DM is letting you guys use Forbidden Armaments, then he's probably taking this into consideration because Metastasize originally comes from there. Good luck with the 10+ years of insta-kill SMOG in your kingdom though
I'm so literally tired of this game and it's woke shit.
Nepha how do you spend hours and hours making a 3+ hour long video >>93159514 and STILL have time to come here to bitch MORE about woke in Trismagistus 2E? Literally just go play the Titsmagistus hack dude, holy shit
>With ranger out now, what the fuck is even the point of playing barnacloid anymore outside of RP and lore?
You could do the classic Barnacloid+Skeptic respec at level 10 and just mow down everyone with Atheism Aura making your Barnacloid spells faster to cast on affected enemies and offsetting the cost comparison to Mondoknight spells, but they're slowly but surely killing Atheism Aura by making every other shitter race immune to it so yeah. It's all so tiresome dude
>Schizo poster thinks every one who dislikes wokegay chud hater 2e is nepha
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>Download 2e playtest pdf
>Look inside
>Racial enemy bonuses are actually increased
>about half of FA made core, including the totally-not-white-phosphorus Vakal sprays on anything with a skin shade darker than slightly tanned
>There was a justicar with blue hair (from a society known for marking their bodies to denote social status that has been around since the start of 1e playtests)
>"Yeah, Orcs are Mongolian if you haven't figured it out"
>Nerf to runebros
>Skeptics nerfed (again, lol)
>Rangers introduced (get fucked barnies)
>Deflection mechanics introduced for magic (Now glorious Surissasi bladesaints can cut even most powerful of heathen blessings)
>worstgirl is still trapped in the fuck dimension stop asking about her
>Goblin starting int dropped by an average of 4.5 across the board
I feel like people who are crying woke just saw the blue hair and started bleeding from their eyeballs in rage
>just mow down everyone with Atheism Aura
this was possible in 1e and 1.5e, but more and more shit keeps getting immunity to your atheism
even the fucking theist factions aren't affected by it anymore, look at dragons
>coomer defends his jerk off material despite its objective flaws.
Howdy-hi, folks. It's me, Jeff Costa! Letting you know now before the official release, we are never bringing back Pirates. Stop asking about it and buy the new Voidborne Souls sourcebook, releasing this fall!
>even the fucking theist factions aren't affected by it anymore, look at dragons
I still cannot believe Dragons are immune to this shit now, it makes absolutely no sense
They're either planning a full rework for Skeptic or just planning to quietly drop it like Pirate, but who the fuck even played with Pirates? Skeptic is way more popular. Either that or they'll just keep fucking Skeptics in the ass until release, if Nephalims get ANOTHER buff by way of an Atheism Aura immunity next this game is dead and the people responsible for it have given up
Literally nobody ever asked for Pirates Jeff, we never even had a ship system for it to be worth it. How about you release some actual content for Void Walkers to have something to do instead of releasing ANOTHER alternate origin for them you hack, Voidborne Souls having only 25 pages for $120 bucks is an insult
Why are you faggots pushing the playerbase to play VW so hard? Voidbros already have Voidlord, VW is DOA
>He doesn't remember barnie+pirate multiclass noobtrap players
I'm asking for Pirates. In fact, I'm asking for ship mechanics. I'm asking for AIRSHIP mechanics, too!
I fucking hate that even in this game unarmed is still underpower. It's a fucking fantasy game my fantasy is being a half-naked fucking retard that punch the shit out of people. Is that too much to ask for???
why does he start every single interview/video/q&a/etc like that
>racial bonuses
>Vakal Purity paints
It's funny to see them try to justify these things as 'inclusive' when it ends up being the most shallow things possible.

>Orcs are mongols because horse archer
>nords never had horses or archers
Way to out yourself as a 2efag. Orcs were always meant to be viking-flavored, but that got abandoned because it was to 'eurocentric'. Go look at the 1e manual illustrations and tell me those are anything but nordic in design. While you're there look at the ORIGINAL orc racials, which included options for cold resistance and sailing bonuses.
This all because...

>nerf to runebros
see >>93157402 Jackson hates runes, and hates orcs since they were the original runelords (because runes had to be painted out of blood before magic could be artificially invested in them)

>blue hair justicar
So we're just going to conveniently ignore the totally out-of-place side shave, or that they made it look like the hair is naturally blue? Justicars were always described as having 'two-tone' hair, the cerulean dye and whatever their natural color was. It's supposed to be a dye that gets applied when they pray.
>goblin nerfs
all trash made to appeal to the lowest common trash

>worst girl
Since it's obvious all you've read is 2e trash, I can see why you have that wrong opinion.

>>93158701 has it right.

>simping for post-PT corpo corpse puppet sereh
The writers are clinging to the name because she's the only character they haven't managed to ruin, and they still tried to corrupt her through Sieglinde. Yeah, there's the whole 'dream world' as an excuse to somehow involve them, but that's because the current writers are too dumb to untangle the gordian knot that was Planar Triage without invalidating everything that led to 2e, and
They tried and failed to 'modernize' Sieglinde in BoD only to shove her into the dream memory hole when it didn't go over well, with the most overt and blatant pandering attempt to date.
Just go read Purgafectum.
>Go look at the 1e manual illustrations and tell me those are anything but nordic in design.
Oge-dhai Eaglesong is fucking yellow-skinned and squinty eyes with a cartoonishly long Fu-Manchu mustache. He is almost always portrayed as shooting an arrow backwards from horseback. The only exception to this is the image of Oge-dhai and Carmella Visuvian sharing a toast in the Rest and Recuperation section of the GM book. How on Earth is that supposed to be Nordic? If anything, they toned it down for 2e.
Well the party is a bit large, but if the DM allows it...
>Just go read Purgafectum.
I got to the part where she gets cornered Succubi taking the form of floating muscular blonde tomboys with no sense of personal boundsries and I'm not sure what point you think you're making here.
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Enough screaming about 2e or how much you want to fuck the fictional characters
Tell me what wiped your party last tpk
Not trying to argue against the Sereh-Linde ship here, that would be stupid, but Ave Hereticum established that high level fiends like Sereh are immune to the kind of subliminal mind reading that succubi rely on. Barbato and those succubi in Purgafectum basically had to guess what Sereh was into, they couldn't just automatically know it.
Of course, given her reaction both times, they were probably pretty accurate. King of Ruin implies she also had feelings for Jaime Lachlann at one point, but that's probably a moot point assuming he actually died at the end of KoR and isn't the Laughing Knight we see in March of the Einherjar. Which, we all know he's probably the Laughing Knight, but that's a plot thread still up in the air.
>which included options for cold resistance and sailing bonuses.
You know Mongolia is pretty cold place, right? The sailing bonuses are a good point, though.
crossroads spiders. seven of them. those things are such bullshit
Our party (one Mongoloid Skeptic, one VL, one engineer, and a Nega-mage) were ambushed by a group of Goblin Cynics. Since Skeptics are totally useless against mass cynicism, we were pretty much outnumbered 14 to 3. The engineer is the only one who rolled well, and he did a good job, but me and the other player just couldn't get a break. We got totally overrun.
8 month long campaign ended abruptly while exploring swamp-type dungeon after a horde of Leechmen led by a fucking Greater Fungal Myrmidon ambushed us.
Know how steppe grenadiers are usually kept out of melee due to mount control and risk of fumble? Our grenadier somehow got the GM to greenlight using a daemoniac horse (my character summoned some for an emergency exit and one was a critical success) which requires no mount checks in melee. Since a steppe grenadier's mount scales with him, he was able to give the daemoniac horse levels in minstrel savant and it became immune to sonic damage. Naturally, he focused on sonic grenades and both of them charged across the battlefield immune to their own heavy metal concert. The tpk came when the party wanted to use the daemoniac horse to pull a stagecoach carrying the party and bandits attacked. Not from the bandits. Friendly fire via the sonic grenades. The GM ruled that the steppe grenadier (and the party by extension) lost his immunities since he wasn't riding just merely driving (desert, heat risk), but only after he threw the grenades.
There was some IRL sonic damage after that ruling.
Are the splats for the Legions of Whitsun still completely broken
If you can't tell the difference between corporate mandated diversity pandering and a soldier suffering from ptsd forced on her by the very things she despises, wearing the face of her best friend, I can't help you.

Building off of what >>93164663 said, it's pretty well established that Sereh wears her heart on her sleeve and isn't clandestine about her alliances. It's part of the reason she was kicked out of the hells in the first place. Sieglinde was (is) basically the only character who hasn't tried to betray her at some point, and succubi are shapeshifters and consummate liars. Them taking the face of the only person she truly trusts is a kick in the gut after being planarly isolated.

The whole scene is supposed to be a twisted reflection of the bath scene in A Scale Broken, and both scenes were ostensibly about establishing that Sereh can touch people without sucking their soul out or them going mindless.

Look, I'm not denying the SIGNIFICANT undertones that Rebelo adds in her writing, but it's always just subtext that doesn't overshadow the main point. And, if you read closely it's very one-sided.
Sereh suffers because her sisters go after anyone she shows the slightest interest in (sure Seiglinde is a paladin, but the fact that she hasn't been targeted directly kind of hints she's not actually in the Serehbowl).
Sieglinde suffers because being Sieglinde is suffering, and she's literally doomed to never be recognized for her deeds. I guess that extends to her feelings.

Not even a whole chapter of them stripping off each other's armor, tending to each other's wounds, oiling each other up with 11 secret herbs and spices, and washing each other's scars can bypass divine curses I hope they keep trying, you never know.
A single Eternal Torch.

technically it was a group of three but we trounced the first two (we're level +/-7). The last one just would. not. stay. down. Our GM does public rolls so we know it was legit, but damn their resurrection Burn scaling with the round number AND death count? We got toasted.

Orcish Drakerider (+), Suri' Cabbalist (-), and Galdenaus Gladiator 4/Runelord -2
>no burn mitigation
our burn mitigation is "fuck you you're dead"
So, we entered the mirror temple of zenith, it was full of ego-crawlers, phantomimes and the odd arch-recluse. Standard thing. Then we entered the main bridge, the one traditionally filled with mirror warriors (thus the name of the module). Except, our GM had the brilliant idea to make it a light bridge on top of the endless chasm.

For those of you who don’t know, mirror warriors are magical constructs, with the same exact abilities as the players but made of all 7 magics. And they cast every spell you do, except they don’t run out of anything. The standard way to defeat them is to cast an anti-magic field, since they have to cast one as well and weaken themselves.

Except, since light bridges are arcane magic constructs, when the warmonger launched his anti-magic spell and all the mirror warriors did the same, the bridge disappeared and we all fell to the endless chasm.

So lesson for the day? When on a light bridge, don’t fight more than 3 mirror warriors.
>Go look at the 1e manual illustrations and tell me those are anything but nordic in design
Show me a non-nordic design in 1e, Jorgensen put the Himemiya clan in Longboats with Junk rigging.
Don't you dare badmouth Jorgensen's kino art. Those longjunks are the pinnacle of SOVL.
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Destroying Angel. Had an Alchemist and Runelord in the party working together. The alchemist made bombs and the runelord "enhanced" them. This resulted in an extremely destructive combination. They ended up being so destructive they got a max level justicar sent on our asses who in turn dispensed justice by in essence calling for aid from heaven and getting a Destroying Angel on our asses for most of the campaign. All of this happened early in the campaign and the party tried to evade the Angel ever since. The GM thought it was a good idea because runelords would just write protective runes into the party members flesh and we would be essentially safe in perpertuity as long as the runelord reapplied those runes. After some games we forgot to reapply the rune on the alchemist, because he went to search for some rare herbs or something, and like a bitch seeking missle the Angel showed up and wiped out everyone except for the spare character of one of the PCs, who's first character died some time after the Justicar encounter.
>be DMing
>all my players choose Whitsun furshit races for their characters
>can't ban them because otherwise they just won't play and the group is otherwise really damn good
The worst part it's not even like anthros, they just picked actual fucking monster animals. One of them is a squid negacaster. What do I do?
clearly it didn't work
Anon, don't get me wrong, I love the Longjunks, especially the late 1e ones with the Liondog/Dragon heads; but even Jorgensen admits they're "a product of my own limitations."
yeah but if it hadn't of not worked it would've worked
He's got a point.
Is there any reason to take heavy handed ever since Walt dropped butchers?
For one less d8 you get
>Heal on kill
>increased crit chance
>increased crit damage
>Chance to panic nearby enemies on kill
>You don't tank your deflection rating
Sure the weapon restriction is annoying but anybody who would look at HH would probably be using something that qualifies for butchers anyways unless they are doing a memey club knockdown stagger build or some shit
That actually sounds based.

I've seen a few green texts of players picking monster races like mimics and stuff, and having a blast. Then there was the legend of Sir Bearington.

As for what you do, I don't know. That would kind of throw any campaign you had in mind out the window. You could make them the "bad guys" and its their job to defend the _____ of the ____ causing the issues.
heavy handed is a little less swingy at times and stacks with more things, including butchers. honestly, your best bet is probably to stack them, but only if you plan on just being a beatstick. otherwise there's better stuff to be investing in, and you'll probably just take butchers

I know it's basically a meme at this point not to just blindly walk through doorless doorways but I'm our defense, my party and I thought it was just a really dark room on the other side. We walked in one by one since two of my party members were playing nephilim and couldn't fit through the door unless we entered single file.
Just pull out the racism spreadsheet from the book those races came with and use it instead of complaining.
>Seven crossroads spiders
Jesus, who fucked his wife?
Did they change the flaming fiddler? I tried rolling up one but for a subclass based around killing demons its nigh worthless. We are running Profane Galvania module btw, theres no excuse.
Flaming Fiddler was nerfed because the retarded wargame uses modified statblocks from the RPG and those impossibly fucking stupid devs think that if you nerf one you can't not nerf the other
I'm not kidding this is an actual thing Carl Blocks said in an interview

Anyway, I am still pissed about the nerf coming for the Masked Caster (three AP to use his iconic ability? And you didn't buff it to account for the extra AP cost!)
The real crime is them still pushing for Guise to be a combat ability at all. Quick Guise shouldn't be a feature that exists, flat out. The whole point of Masked Caster is having to balance two identities, and the inconvenience of being in the wrong one at the wrong time, even if the identities are functionally stronger.

Being able to swap them at the (literal) drop of a hat means Masked Caster gets to be A+ tier for the low cost of a single buffing round.
Is the aquatic adventure still COMING SOON™? You can't release a fucking archetype called Shark Eater and then give us no fucking sharks to eat
I thought they released a teaser under SRD with some aquatic creatures about a week back. There was a shark on the cover, I know that much, but I haven't checked out the actual contents.
I just took a look. There's a tiger shark but no great white or shark-man.
I'm still amazed that they were able to get away with publishing that. Sure they didn't literally call it the "racism spreadsheet" but still.
Jesus I can't believe they didn't fix the Blade Thrower's interaction with chronoturgist that let them create a functionally infinite turn. Either nobody tried it in playtest or they seriously think that an infinite turn is a good idea.
>Trismagistus playtesters picking anything outside of a generic Magister, Chevalier, Gunwright, and Denouncer party
You must be joking. They literally don’t care about balance beyond a handful of core classes, why do you think Jeff gets to insert or delete whichever ideas tickle his fancy?
Was it intended for summoned demon teamsters to be able to juggle trebuchets from one hex to another between commander actions? Just had a group of magisters and a siegemaester position a pair of trebuchets onto two summoned catapults each, apply Vroom-Vroom to the each set, and use Winnie-the-bago to bind both to a single demon teamster. Now, that's bad enough to have siege machines zooming around the battlefield like fucking motorcycles, but then they set up a second quartet of catapults in an adjacent hex to receive the two trebuchets and avoid actions-per-hex limit.

The worst part was the players making car noises.
>Main group is on haitus as the GM deals with burnout
>Find a pickup game online (Yes I know, but I wasn't in the right mind at the time)
>Denouncer literally ends all his proclamations by screaming racial slurs
>Actual slurs, not things like calling a goblin a glipper
>Somehow the first person to get kicked was the bladesaint who asked how much damage he would do if he threw a child at a Grim (the kid was an asshole and he was trying to buy some time)
Whose bright idea was it to put the wargame in the same thread as the RPG? Can't we make two separate generals for this?
At least none of the faggots that play the TCG have shown up yet.
Right, so I hate to be that guy who brings up Pelrisions Almighty Junk Drawer, but have you seen what they did to the official drop table?
>Removed Tome of Misfortune and Staff of Staves, leaving us with only three divine objects
>Added fucking fourteen different variants of poleaxe blades, which only scale with martial damage
>Zero mention of Whembly, Knacker of Knicks, so no more in-transit equipment repairs
This all reeks of Sanders sense of 'balance', when is he getting canned?
There's so much overlap that you can't really separate them. Like >>93186134
for example: starts with a simple pvp until one group decides to play the long game and go after the other's finances using cheap mobs of prisoners and slaves and then the GM has to pull out the warfare rulebook.
Sure, but people have been pointing out this combo for a few months now, all they would have to do is make chronoturgist only trigger once per round or make it so returning weapons don’t count for Blade Thrower’s abilities. I want off the infinite yo-yo of death.
>Being this offensively autistic in liter-mindedness
> Refusing to read the rules
They are druids who eat only the top predator of each food chain.
Yes, it's dumb, no that doesn't mean the underwater adventure is coming anytime soon anymore than the fix to Underworld adventurers being overleveled for Surface adventures is coming
A group of Bonesingers making my Orc Skulker's skull burst out his head (in hindsight, having a low Magic Mitigation build with a low Extrasenorial character was a brainlet move) and had the human skeptic party suffer death by their own tibias stabbing their hearts...

We were supposed to be friendly, but I fumbled the Diplomacy roll and it escalated

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