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Previous thread: >>93568321

>What is Reflections?
Reflections is a fan set made by me to try and recapture the feel and power level of early Magic: the Gathering, with the intention of them being played along side cards from that era.

>Why are you doing this?
Primarily to get feedback and advice. A number of good advice was given in the previous thread.

I plan on going through Red and Green (gruul) this time around, and start multicolored cards maybe.

Also how do I upload images onto MPCFill?

Here's the red lord, with some awesome Conan the Barbarian flavor text. I did forget that Barbarian General is a 3K card, so if anyone has a suggestion, I'm all ears.
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This originally had the war drums effect written out. He was also originally a 3/3, but I figured that made him too strong.
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Believe it or not, a large number of red cards either tap creatures or keep them tapped down. Earthbind, Vertigo, Feint, Smoke, Mudslide, Magnetic Mountain just off the top of my head.

I wanted a combat effect to keep things tapped down in red, but wasn't sure how to go about it, until I saw this art while looking for a different piece.

You can play it after a disastrous attack, you can play it to get a free turn after an attack. In a multiplayer game, you can tap it to tap down two opponents cards. I feel there is a good versatility to it, and its situationally strong, but not universally strong.
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Early on, in color ways for red and black to get around circle of protections was a common task. Effects included making cards colorless, effects that happen if the creature attacks and isn't blocked instead of damage, but not until much later was there an effect that said damage couldn't be prevented.
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When I was setting up the number for the set, I was short two monored rares. This card was designed around the art, with no playtesting.

Here is a voltron-esque aura that gives a huge boost, but in return leaves you with one attacker.
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Another card that was deemed to powerful to be released at the time.

Blood of the Earth was designed for The Dark, and apparently when used along side Ball Lightning was a consistent winner.

Ball Lightning was such a compromised card, that Coal Golem exists in the set so every deck could theoretically run Ball Lightning. The Dark version was also asymmetrical.
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Powerful but boring common and uncommon creatures are important to any draft environment, this included.

Cloudscraper here fulfills that role perfectly for a mid drop uncommon. Combine him in white with banding for some great times.
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Yeah, this card probably doesn't work. Every color in this set has at least one rule breaking card though, and this is the red one.
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I enjoy damned if you do effects. I know they are often maligned by the community because "your opponent will always pick the more beneficial option."

Ideally, there is no option that is super beneficial to your opponent.

Plus, there is a good flavorful aspect to this one. Your opponent appeases the Dragon Lord with a tribute, so he fucks off.
Forgot image again.
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Needs something to make it not a worse Shivan dragon. Maybe something like each time an artifact is sacrificed put a +0/+1 counter on it as it gilds it's soft underbelly a la Smaug.
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It has to be a worse Shivan

The 1/1 with pro-red for 1. There are actually two 1/1 for 1 in red, both are dwarves. Originally this wasn't a dwarf, but being unable to find art for the other card, I turned it into one.

There was also a legendary dwarf lord that didn't make the cut.
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The other 1/1 for 1 Dwarf.
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The proverbial 'Earthquake' of the set. Stapling on can't be regenerated and exiled on it.

Theres a green pair with this as well, you'll see in time.
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I told someone in the last thread there were two cards that positively interacted with banding in red.

This is one. The concept is simple, one of your unblocked creatures turns around and flanks another creature. Its a good way to turn a positive block into a chump block.
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Originally there was a cycle of 1 drop instant or sorceries that removed a creature from the graveyard.

Only this and the white one remained. In this case, you get a ritual effect. Very powerful, but requires a little set up.
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Lore: The Remus Empire exists on the eastern half of the continent. It once could make claim to the entire continent, after a particularly bad century it lost most of its holdings. It survives mostly as a trade hub between the treacherous desert lands the Al'Tair and the Realm. It also acts as something of a land buffer for the barbarian tribes, which is the only reason the Realm hasn't decided to conquer them and get that important land route considerably cheaper.
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I like pingers, I like Goblins. Simply is
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Charles Knight art, that is all.
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The second creature is the set that can bring itself back from the yard. It's inspiration was Ashen Ghoul, but with a twist, as it checks instants and sorceries.
All of the art is far too samey for me that at a glance most of the cards look the same. There are few good unique ones, blessing of war is visually distinct and looks great.
Note that I'm not saying the art is bad or your taste is bad it's just that if I were to play with a bunch of these cards I'd have trouble distinguishing them at a glance.
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Lore: Kondek's life, from his birth, has been one of brutality.

His birth was mired with a number of signs, his mother died during the birth, he had a clump of blood in his hand, and the moon was red and full at the time.

These all pointed to a fabled warrior who would conquer the world. Quickly the Chieftan of the tribe killed his father and adopted him as his own. Using this, he conquered the other barbarian tribes and nations, forming a diverse coalition of warriors under his name.

Kondek doesn't know any of this, and from a young age has charged into battle, killing many opponents.

Now a man, under his fathers lead, he looks to the west, to the soft civilizations of man, and sees only blood.
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No disrespect, and I'll admit red has a bit more of a universal look then the rest, but how is water colors, acrylic realism, and oils by any definition samey?
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Before I even had the lore down, I wanted the idea of a viking longship with islandwalk. I feel this represents their nature as sailors well, and gives some small enemy color hate.
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I wanted a red demon, a mono-red demon. Honestly I needed a second red legend, and I liked his art.

I don't really have anything written on this one other than that.
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The red pair to the blue Ocean Elemental. Believe it or not, red use to get lots of toughness pumping, though I haven't seen any since Earth Servant in M11.
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The 0 drop red spell was originally a 1/0 creature called 'suicidal kolbold', but overtime that changed. The logic initially was that it would help put a creature in your graveyard, could be used with cursed inheritance for a quick two cards on turn 2, and so forth. At one point it was changed to a goblin, when Barbarian General was "orc emperor" and powered up Orcs and Goblins.

I ultimately decided on a burn spell, but as someone who use to use Gutshot to great effect. I think even a 1 damage spell for free might be too strong, and I might make this a 1/0 elemental instead.
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Pollice Verso is latin for 'a turn thumb' or 'with a turned thumb'. which signifies the infamous thumbs down (historically it was actually a thumbs up) gesture.

Regeneration and damage prevention have historically been heels to red, and I wanted a one time card to basically deal with that. I also wanted the flavor to be 'yeah, you're screwed'
Anon I'm not saying the have the same art styles or the same types of paint. I'm saying they visually look the same. If I were to play with these cards and I sat across the table from another person playing with these cards, at a glance, it would be hard to tell the difference between what card is what without a more serious look. It's why I hate playing proxydecks with alt arts because it's usually just all the same looking cards that are hard to tell the difference between what is what.

Alot of the cards are just shades of grays, reds and browns, few are visually distinctive enough I'd be able to tell what the card was at a glance.
This card for example I could spot easily at play distance and know what it was instantly at a glance.
These cards are far too dark to tell anything I'd have to pick them up to know what it was.
Same with these cards.
That's fair. I definetly said red fell into a more universal style then the other colors, and as such, most of the cards aren't nearly as bright and colorful, and in the case of Bellum, Battle Fatigue. and Ragnarok. are even a bit messy.
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Ironically enough, here is Ragnarok, the red enchant world.

It makes the battlefield, well a battlefield.
All that being said anon, I applaud your autism and dedication to this. If this were a real set I'd have play it back in the day and I'd still be using some of the cards.
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Thanks anon. WotC wasn't releasing cards I like, so I had to make my own.

If you have any art suggestions, I won't say no.

Originally this was a marriage of Immolation and Bloodlust, however, when I made a legend that will come around soonish, I decided to change the ability to rampage 2.
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The blue color hate enchantment. Who doesn't love passive burn?
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This card originally had Hitler art in it.
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The only card people have asked me to remove from the set.

The claims are, besides its controversial topic, it's useless. I did steal this from a fan set named "Heatsnap" which I saw played at Gen Con 07 and later found online. The card, for its weird design, made a mental mark on me, and I gave that credit on the bottom of the card.
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Is this too strong?
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Chaos orb is one of the most popular card in old school, and you're not considered a true player until you own one.

The influence on the culture it has can't be overstated. There are several traditions in the format (including tie breakers) that involve flipping a Chaos Orb.

I wanted one card in the set that included flipping a card, then I saw this art. It reminded me of Falling Star.

I decided the concept of a flip card that doesn't care where if lands, just how it lands, and used the idea of wishing upon a shooting star. If it continues to fly, everyone gets to make a wish. If it doesn't, well everything is taking damage.

I been told this could be changed with a simple coin flip effect, but that doesn't have the same feel to it.
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One of the things I wanted to experiment with the set and banding was ways to turn a band into a drawback.

Splash damage is one of the ways to do that. A strong 3 damage to the initial target, plus 2 damage to anything near it.
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So the early version of Time Walk stated "target player loses next turn".

Playtesters confused this for a 2 mana instant win. So the text was changed.

There was also a red Time Walk called "Star Burst", but that didn't make it to print.

Target player skipping a turn and gaining an extra turn are two different things, and I was inspired by it.

I did make it cost an additional mana though.
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Woops wrong card, that comment was meant for this.

Off color effects back in the day got a bump in rarity. Its why Timber Wolves is a rare in the coreset. Where as Benalish Hero is a common.

I wanted a red 1/1 bander, why, I'm honestly not sure, it just felt right. I always got a red vibe from most Greek heroes.
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People forget regeneration was also once part of red's color pie. Trolls, The Brute, and Eron all had regeneration, as expensive as some of them were.

A wall of clay would be relatively easy, if not somewhat expensive to remake, which is why I put it at 3. It also references Clay Statue and two regenerators above.
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I just realized Red has a bit more vanillas then white and blue. This wasn't intentional, but I guess it works out.
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This card was originally Anarchist. However, as I moved to naming cards different names, I changed this as well. Didn't bother changing the effect though.
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Starting with green, we have a beech wurm. A simple mid-range style creature that can be unblockable against blue.

Is this color pie breaking?
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Some how, the classic concept of a bridge troll never made it into a Magic card. There are trolls that are bridges, but none that simply live under them.

This forces a toll, in classic bridge troll style for passage, or alters the player.
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The 'saboteur' mechanic is described in Duelist #4. While Fallen Empires wasn't the first set to include the mechanic, it was the first set where it was feature prominently.

It is a mechanic I've always liked, but was eventually replaced with the much less nuanced ability that simply triggers when the creature deals damage to a player.
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The green lord definitely got screwed compared to the rest of them. With only 2 treefolk and four druids in the set.
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Holy shit I forgot his PT
I swear it was there, wtf.

He's a 2/2

Lore: Back in ancient times, so ancient accurate time scaling of when it happened is debated, and the Planeswalker simply known as The Creator still existed, mankind was united under a single king, and together they wiped (as far as they were concerned) the Elves into extinction.
this is dope anon, I will play this when it's done
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Thanks man! I will play with them too.
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There is one additional tribe that managed to get fleshed out, and get not one, but two tribal cards for support.

Being a big fan of Victorian and Gilded Age Aesthetics, I naturally included a few fairy cards. As mentioned on Fairie Trickster, they are a Blue/Green tribe with a slight emphasis on auras.

Here we have a lord that requires a little setting up.
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Also anon, don't forget to check out and save images from the 1st thread.

Solid numbered vanilla's are important, and naturally, heres one of two obligatory big green guys.
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The obligatory 1/1 for 1 with protection. I know gnome is a creature type, so I should probably make it just a gnome, or a fairy gnome as its type, but alas.
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Lore: According to legend the Green Knight roams The Realms, challenging knight errant and questing knights he deems worthy.

Its said that no righteous warrior can resist the call of his horn, and even a rumor of a sighting of him will bring knights from the even the farthest kingdoms to the area, hoping to find glory and fame.

Of course, no knight currently alive can prove they've ever actually faced him.
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Although there wasn't much that made it in, I wanted some die effects, for the benefit of cards that check graveyards, and cards that have you sacrifice as a cost.

This made it in, primarily because of how clean its design is.
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Traditionally white got small repeatable life gain, black got "drain" life gain, and green got big life gain.

Here's one such card to help with all those suicide effects from black and red.
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Early on in the sets life, I wanted green to feel more... druid?

There were several sacrifice effects, largely inspired by the Thelonite creatures of Fallen Empires and the historical druids.

Several effects requiring sacrificing a creature as a cost made it into green, including this one, allowing you to get an efficient 3/3 for 3 in land form.
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The other green Legend. He actually went through the most revisions, and at one point was a Candelabra of Tawnos with feet.
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Mana dorks are a crucial part of Magic. There were several 1 drop dorks initially, but I didn't want more then one.

I figured this one worked the best on a mechanical standpoint, both featuring as a tribal creature, and bridging blue and green. I figured it is still technically worse in a vacuum then Birds of Paradise.
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Lana is the proverbial sister of Dara Dreamscaper, which can be seen here. >>93582408

Where is Dara deals in deceit, changing the color of things, Lana does the opposite. Lana returns things to their true nature.

Other than a vague notion of them being sisters, I honestly have nothing written on these two. Isn't the players job to write the story through the game anyway?
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Bequethal is honestly a well designed card, that sadly didn't have the right environment for it to shine.

With the decision to not use any real world card names in the set, I decided to change this to last words, but the effect is the same
Bequeathal also inspired Skull Clamp, but the less about that, the better.
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Green lacked a strong hate card for both Blue and black.

So taking inspiration from Nature's Wrath I included them too this.

Mana Roots at the cheap cost of GG makes all black and blue spells cost 1 more of their respective color. It also makes any multicolored spell in those colors cost an additional 2.

It can also theoretically lock a color out of casting things if you combo it with Sleigh of Mind or Mind bend, if you are into that kind of stuff.
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There is only a few cards in the whole game that specifically allow you to black landwalk. The last one printed way back in the original Ravnica block.

I wanted the idea of a tracker who could catch anything.
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Wild Growth is a card I admit I enjoy very much. I decided to take it, but add a different color instead.

This card was entirely designed to use the art, but I do enjoy the way it works.
Hello anon

Note there's a regular thread about custom MtG cards (though has been down for the last couple of days and I couldn't find it even on the achieve)

Before we dive in, allow me to (anonymously) introduce myself:
>Been making custom MtG cards for at least 15 years
>Designed 6 MtG custom sets to completion
>Scheduled to draft my 6th custom set this Sunday

Also worth noting that my very fist set was based on the Odyssey block, so I'm also into the idea of reminiscing the good ol' days

At last, I do recommend PlaneSculptor, it's super easy to upload entire sets and share. For example, see below:

>What is Reflections?
First off, let's talk about your set in general

What are the mechanics?
What is the theme (other than old school feeling)?
What is the setting?
How many cards your set is planned to have?
Any particularity on the set skeleton?

>I did forget that Barbarian General
Having a defined setting (aka a world where the set takes place) is IMMENSIVELY helpful when naming cards

Creature Tribes are capital letters (yes, even back then)

Have you considering using wording from earlier eras? Aka "can't be blocked except by two or more creatures."

Won't this also affect your creatures?

Red likes messing up with blockers, so I think it would be fair enough to affect only blockers

Might as well throw in "life can't be gained"

But note this is pretty trashy card... 4 mana is way too much for a card that otherwise does nothing


Regardless of power level, this is completely out of red's slice of the colorpie

This is a shitty version of Final Fortune:
>It's conditional
>Costs twice as much (4 instead of 2)
>Doesn't give you a full turn
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Oh hey man, thanks. I been designing cards about that long as well, though I rarely finished any sets. The first custom sets I worked on were on EssentialMagic.com, and the mothership. The first place (before MSE existed) that I made cards was on Anycraze.com, which several times bumped legal horns with WotC over it, before removing the feature.

The Mechanics are an experimentation of abilities introduced within the first two years of the game. The whole premise started as 'what if a set was hastily made during the 95 drought, and had no influence from IA.

The setting, which has been talked about briefly in the thread is Arthurian Europe (with influences from the Matter of France, germanic folklore, English literature, and the Matter of Rome to a lesser extent.
In it, The Realms, twelve 'kingdoms' united by a semi-mythical figure has fallen into stagnation. When one morning, an enemy from lands unknown attack.

The set, as you can tell by the number of the bottom is 390 cards. Twenty of these cards are basic lands, so in reality, it's 350 cards.

Set skeleton? lol

I understand WotC printed a red card that looks like this, and even cantrips. Is that true?
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Thanks for the typo point out. Fixed.

I have considered that, and the first draft of the set is specifically worded like that. It actually came at the suggestion of a friend to modernize the text so the cards can be played with mixed company.

I had initially planned on these cards to be played exclusively with cards printed in the 4th edition era of the game and back, and they were worded and designed as such. I still have those files on my old laptop.

Yeah, it will. That was the point.
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This is an anti-white card hiding itself as not being one. It also does get around fog, damage redirecting, and even the legendary Maze of Ith. I'd hardly call it trash. Just niche.

Yes it is, and it's wonderful. However it would not be the only monored reanimator card in the game oddly enough.

Patina here was directly inspired by one of the Salty 7. See if you can guess which one.
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Nothing wrong with conditional cards anon. That makes them that much more memorable.
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This completes this cycle. What do ya'll think of it?
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Sometimes I worry I have to many sweepers in the set.
So the mpc question….reddit has a page called MPCPROXY. Check it out and someone should be able to give you instructions on how to do it. You should show your creation over there and possibly custommtg or whatever the subreddit is.
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The last card of the 0 cast cycle.
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I might lurm, but I'm not posting

There was also a card called "Restory Magic" in white, that worked like this, but returned an enchantment to your hand. This would fill out cards for the 4 permanent types, with Raise Dead and Reconstruction filling out Creatures and Artifacts respectively.
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Holy shit, get it together anon

Also double 5' dubs
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The second ante card matters in the set.

I wanted to push the ante mechanic to its limit in terms of design space. Is an Ancestral Recall worth giving away a card? Maybe you don't want to give away that card. Maybe its just a basic land?
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You know, this card doesn't exist. You think it would, but it doesn't.
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Another inspired by the art card. It's actually influenced from some card I use to run in Urza's Destiny that had a Keldon Barbarian receiving war paint in the art.

I can't remember its name now.
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Yeah I know its a strictly worse Crop Rotation.
Mark of Fury
>390 cards. Twenty of these cards are basic lands, so in reality, it's 350 cards
I strongly recommend against that

My first set had that (350 cards total, 330+20 basic lands), because I was following the 350+180+180 block structure (350 for first set on the block, 180 on the other two). And that was a TOTAL CLUSTER FUCK

If you want this set to ever be playable as a limited environment, you shouldn't make it bigger than 250. Otherwise, you run into problems such as:
>Some of your core commons might not show up at all
>Almost all of your rares won't ever see gameplay

Your first instinct might be to think "but anon, sets back then had ~330 cards!". Yes, they did. Yet WotC moved away from that for a reason... and I learned the reason the hard way. Making your set bigger won't add much to the oldschool feeling, but will completely undermine its limited potential

Also, one thing I can't emphasize enough: a smaller set will push you to design better cards. When you have as much as ~60 card slots per color, you are just throwing ideas left and right. But when your space is much more limited, you end up spending more time on each card, and you end up trying to make 2+ elements fitting into the same card slot (which ends up making very interesting cards)

See breakdown below (commons, uncommons, rares & mythics):
>Each color: 19, 13, 9, 3
>Artifact: 4, 4, 3
>Lands: 2, 6, 3
>Gold> 0, 5, 5, 1

>Set skeleton? lol
Check out WotC articles

Tbh, seeing two 1-drops 1/1 red commons was a bit of a red flag already. There are seldom reasons why you would want a set to have two versions of the essentially the same card

>even cantrips. Is that true?
Yes, WotC has moved land destruction away from being away of reducing your opponent's resources, and more into being a way to get rid of particularly annoying lands

I'm talking about power level there. Typically, conditional effects cost LESS, not twice as much
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But as you said, the set is based on the earliest years of Magic, and is supposed to be an experimental homage to that era of the game.

I'm aware of what a skeleton is, though it wasn't entirely random (until you get to multicolored) unfortunately.

The set layout is as follows:

Each color contains 44 cards. 17 commons, 12 uncommons, 14 rares, 1 "mythich rare". In addition there is 100 multicolored cards, 29 colorless nonland cards, and 43 lands, both basic and nonbasic.

I just realized I must have cut the 2/1 for 1 with the drawback. I guess I could get rid of the merchant for that, though I do like the merchant.

I miss cruel control strategies in Magic.

Also that card is a card that explores a design space that's never been touched before, that alone justifies its cost.
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Tir na Nog (correctly spelt Tír na nÓg) is Land of the Youth, is a realm of everlasting youth in Irish Mythology, an island paradise just across the ocean.

I've said in a previous post how much I actually enjoy graveyard order mattering, and wanted to experiment in that design space most of all.

This one, despite its name, replicates a wheel if you will of reincarnation, in the sense the graveyard goes back into the deck, albeit slowly, thus ending up in the possibility of being reborn again.

It can also be a niche yard hate card, and while mill isn't a huge theme in this set, would have done wonders to counter the much slower stone decks of the past.
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Soft removal is a hard thing to do. Green tapping things and keeping them tapped was always a fringe part of the color pie, but it was there.

I tried to make one symbolizing the creature going on a journey, with much better flavor than Alpha's Wanderlust.
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Green paired to this. Like Earthquake to Hurricane.
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The giant growth that interacts with banding. Or is it more along the lines of stampede and overrun?
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Inspired by both Maddening Winds and Wanderlust.
A sort of pair to Soul of the Sea. Its not a direct copy, but the influence is there.
That finishes off the green cards.

When going into multicolored, should I start with collector number, which will sort them by 2 colored combination, or should I go purely alphabetical (as they are saved in my folder?)

After multicolor comes Artifacts, nonbasics, then basics. I suspect we will have one more thread before I finish. I'll probably repost some fixed cards as well.
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Now we are onto Azorius.

I like changing colors of cards.
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All four seasons get a dance, and a legend revolving around them. Naturally, Winter is cold, and I wanted to show to full effect.
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I like the flavor implications on this one. Maybe I should make it tougher though?
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I really liked Licids. While they were a rules headache, it was as the kids would say, soulful. I wanted to include a proto-licid if you will, and it came to me when I saw this amazing piece of art.
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Probably overcosted, but fairly strong.
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The Winter Queen herself. She has a built in Winter Orb, and a partial Kismet effect. Perfect for the cruel control and stax player.
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When Theros came out, there was a card called Traveling Philosophers, that was simply a bear.

We all joked on how Plato was a wrestler and all that, but honestly, being Philosophers, they should have had some kind of ability.

This card's first ability burrows from those advisors in Kamigawa that would increase your handsize.

The second ability is a simple tap ability, a great mechanic all around I feel.
Hi, just came in to say you were really cool having made so many card and bothered PLAYING with them.
That's the kind of "tg gets shit done" I'm looking for
just leave already this isn't a place for shit lik eyou
"Above Infernal Horror" seems oddly confusing and go against actions like people looking through their graveyard.
Why not make it something like
>B: Return Infernal Horror from your graveyard to play. When Infernal horror enters the Battlefield this way, exile three instant or sorcery cards or sacrifice Infernal horror. Activate this ability only during your upkeep.
Also want to add that this looks like it took a lot of work and I think it does evoke that old magic feel quite well. If I saw >>93634910 among my cards from Legends I wouldn't think twice about it being real or not it blends right in.
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The mechanical color pie wasn't a thing until Mirage.
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If you need an example of above, look at Nether Shadow and Ashen Ghoul.

In Legacy you can still force your opponent to keep their graveyard in order by having a Phyrexian Furnace in your sideboard.

I have several years worth of magazines that suggest otherwise. I know better than to trust anything Nosewater writes.
Thanks man, that means a lot to me.

Hey, I'll probably upload this onto that Planescaper site when its finalized after the critique here. Feel free to print these and play with them too.
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Forgot my image.

I like the meta feel of this, the parameters of the game are the veil. As far as the game, and its pieces are concerned, that is reality.

By going and actively grabbing a card outside of the game, you're piercing the proverbial veil.
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Early in the sets development there were a number of cards that specifically interacted with walls. I even wanted to include a cycle of Glyphs, and had briefly debated on drawing them myself (I'm a terrible artist).

Between a lack of availability of art, and a lack of room, only one a card that directly interacts with walls made it into the final set (>>93586620). This wouldn't be the first wall in the game to have this ability.

The second ability use to be relatively common, and was sometimes called the cloud ability, since a number of cards with cloud in its name had it.
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This ends the white/blue cards. I honestly couldn't have a set burrowing on European influences and not include some Winged Hussars in it.
It isn't about the art as a whole, but the art at a glance. The color pallet and framing are too similar to easily distinguish a large board.
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Actually you're admittedly right. I was looking for Eruption through the thumbnails to tag to tropical typhoon, and I couldn't find it until I clicked on the images too look for them.

How about the other colors?
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When I said the colors were unbalanced, I meant it. Only 5 dimir cards in the set.
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I've stated the influence Yugioh had on me from the start of this.

There were several cards (notably Nobleman of Crossout and Extermination) that would remove all copies of a certain card from both players decks.

I wanted to emulate this effect in a way. Originally this only hit legendary creatures, but I decided against it.
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I realized I never explained Islandhome.

For those of you who don't know, landhome is a mechanic where a creature couldn't attack the defending player controlled a land of the same type, and if at any time you didn't control a land of that type, you sacrificed it.

It was from a time when flavor first was the core concern of Magic, and it was a keyword ability for a total of 2 years (introduced in 5th edition, removed in Classic 6th).

So why is it featured here? Two reasons.
One: To save text on the card.
Two: While making this set, the design sheet for the mythical "Vortex of Chaos" set was released. The most famous things about this never released set was it contained the domain mechanic, it contained Barry's land, and some of the cards in it made it into Invasion block.

One card in this set that really tickled my fancy was a card that switched Landhome and Landwalk mechanics. So creatures with Islandwalk would now have Islandhome, and vise versa. This card didn't make it into the set however, leaving the Landhome mechanic as a remnant.
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The red dance combines two cards I enjoy very much. Mana Flare and Manabarbs.
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There are very few cards that skip the upkeep, for obvious reasons.
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I actually had hoped by design you cold pair this with Pitch, that way you can get a 4/3 flyer for 3 and a card.

Note it's a triggered ability, so it can be target with instant speed effects that target the graveyard.
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How have you all been enjoying the Kali-Yuga?
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I'm enjoying watching everything I love be destroyed.
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Here's the summer queen herself. She is just a combination of flare and barbs, just like her dance.
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A card idea stolen, and then heavily modified from the Mirage playtest sheet.
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This ends the Rakdos cards

Honestly this whole card looked better with "Attacking doesn't cause Takashi to tap"
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A weaker lobotomy effect wouldn't be as good as in limited so it's just grave removal for a single target.
I haven't thought about Lobotomy in years. What a great card it was once.
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I somehow forgot my favorite Rakdos card in the set, inspired by Jester's Cap.
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I like the aesthetic and effort you've put in anon, but these cards are all way too low power level to be interesting. And I don't mean typical old sets, these are all homelands/portal tier.
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It's funny that you say that anon. I'd put my set on the same power level as Mirage and Ice Age.

The Dance of Autu,m amd Spring would wind up with much simpler abilities then the first two.
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[Color] Knight was a cycle, and it feels awkward to include one that breaks the cycle. Even just making it GG would be enough, as increased P/T in exchange for the standard First Strike seems in line with the cycle. I don't think you were going for a continuation of the cycle intentionally, but it just comes off that way.
Protection from Knights would also be a funny way to handle that bit.
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Green Knight is a mythical figure in Arthurian Legends.
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Yes, but magic context matters too. If you don't want to make it GG, you could just as easily make the name "The Green Knight" and have it be legendary.
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Advice taken. The Green Knight it is. I thought I made him cost 1GG as well.
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Enchantment destruction is a big issue in OS, so can't have to much, right?
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There were several cards that worked like Maze of Ith at one point in the set.

This is the only survivor.
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This is disgustingly OP considering the rest of the set. Black Vise was banned in the day and that one is like 50% of what this does
Good shit OP
I might have a suggestion
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Black Vise was also asymmetrical and colorless. Though maybe I should increase the cost.
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Non-blue counter spells have a weird niche, but I always felt that niche should be explored more.
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The color pair to the The Jester.
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There use to be a common home/house rule where you could play all the lands in your hand on turn 1.

In my earliest days of Magic, it was a fun way to get to cast big things easy.

I wanted to replicate this in card form. This could really backfire on you (since they are coming into play tapped), depending on what your opponent is holding onto. It also is near useless in the late game.
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The original concept of Enchant Worlds (or World Enchantments) were they represented different planes. Though many of these wouldn't be explored on, The Abyss has been featured as background lore a few times.

This would go out the window with Homelands, as they were used to represent either a location (Koskun Falls), or a literal enchantment (Mystic Decree), before coming back as pocket planes in Mirage/Visions, before removing them entirely from the game.

I figured "why not have a spell that represents Planeswalking" and the rest is histroy.

I am aware Planechase is a thing, and admittedly, I love it.
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Alright, hear me out.
A custom set is a lot of work and it's honestly a shame it's never going to be used, realistically. Your project is very promising and I think people would actually like to play with these cards, but it's clearly impossible; you can't expect everyone to print the whole thing, and doing it yourself (maybe bringing it to your circle to test it with others) would be an interesting exercise but overall limited in scope.

But, here's the thing.
You're doing this digitally and sharing it through the internet; your set is rooted in early MTG design philosophy and is mechanically "simple", so to speak. So here's the idea: make it digitally playable.
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Ever heard of Forge?
It's an open source software that lets you play Magic. Every format, every set ever released, it's all there, with multiple AIs capable of playing with you. You can also play with other people through the internet. All the cards are scripted so it works like an actual videogame rather than a tabletop simulator without rule enforcement.

But the thing is, you can add your own cards. Sure it's a bit of a hassle to setup a whole set but it's not like you actually need to know how to code, you just need to create a database and import your pics. Still a tedious job but it doesn't look like you're adding special rules or particularly unusual effects, so it's all about finding the right pre-coded scripts and adding them to your cards. Needless to say, it's a lot of work and I'm not suggesting you'd need to do it all by yourself, maybe you can find someone to help you (possibly within the Forge community or this very board, dunno). But in the end, you'll have a fully playable digital version of your game.
You could test how it actually plays and refine it, and would run on every platform (Windows, Linux, Mac, Android). Then you could upload it wherever you'd like as a standalone fork (without the other MTG cards) and people would be able to download it as a 500mb software, playing it with IAs or against other players. Just imagine it, it would be so good.
I know I'm suggesting something very ambitious but so is creating a whole set from scratch, and again it's a shame if no one can actually enjoy it beyond looking at the cards.
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This is actually a very promising idea, and I heard of Cockatrice, but never forge.

Is there alot of old school players on Forge?
The final Season Queen, like all of them interacts with lands, however her first effect is a global Crucible of Worlds.

The second ability is intended to work just like Horn of Greed. Its the action of putting a land into play, not a land coming into play, that draws a card.
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Someone asked me if I was going to show any Franks last thread, well there are two Frank cards, and here is one. Inspired by the great St, Joan of Arc
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fixed. also wtf.
>Is there alot of old school players on Forge?
If you're talking about people playing old school MTG, I'd say yes. I remember Quest Mode being largely focused on cards from the first 5-10 years (it was inspired by the '97 PC game after all), but I saw they fully revamped it in the last 3 years or so, and I have yet to try the new version so I don't really know if it changed.
But yeah I think the appeal is (at least partially) getting to play older iterations of the game that are not available anymore through officially licensed software.

If you're talking about the community itself, also yes. It's been around for more than 15 years at this point. It's pretty small so don't expect devs to work on your set (it's already hard enough to keep up with new releases) but people started adding their own custom cards more than a decade ago, it should be doable with the right amount of effort
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Thank anon! I would like to subscribe to your news letter.
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With this, I end ally colored cards.
>>93662606 new thread

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