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  • File :1222255572.png-(447 KB, 856x1592, onabsences.png)
    447 KB This Just Happened In A Game I'm DMing Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)07:26 No.2654786  
    Well, actually a few weeks ago and there wasn't a dragon, but hey.

    From now on, people who fail to show up or stick around and expect to play a large role in adventures will be played by sock puppets.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)07:54 No.2654890
    So it's a red dragon then?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)07:55 No.2654895
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)08:32 No.2655007

    And male, apparently.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)08:46 No.2655037

    Wouldn't that indicate prostate problems?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)08:52 No.2655052

    I can't decide if that's worse.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)08:56 No.2655061
    Player four is a fucking cunt.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)09:06 No.2655079
    How does that even work?

    bawwwwwwwwww i dont attend or pull my weight in the party how come it isnt focused on meeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)09:08 No.2655083
    ...Aren't you the guy that did the Final Destination one?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)09:09 No.2655086
    Your comics always make me smile.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)09:10 No.2655093
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)09:19 No.2655112
         File :1222262362.png-(460 KB, 475x1720, 9-houseruleslarge.png)
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    Well, to be fair, he showed up to a lot of early sessions and having to go halfway through isn't a crime. Plus, there was a second valid reason - he remade his character sheet and became a wizard (we used dwarf-assisted brain surgery as an excuse) and afterward it turned out to feel weird to play, in a character-derailed way.

    Still, when we're down to two players a lot of the time because the third player keeps missing sessions (he's gotten better), it's not like I have many options.

    Also, if I didn't rib someone these would be boring.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)09:30 No.2655142

    Do you have anymore comics?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)09:36 No.2655162
         File :1222263402.png-(48 KB, 322x242, orcs.png)
    48 KB

    Most of the older ones are at http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/epic/thisjusthappened/.

    And I need to sleep, so enjoy (maybe)!
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)09:52 No.2655215
    Heh, great.
    DM's a douche, though.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)10:16 No.2655314

    You're going to have to explain how the DM is the douche there.

    All I read is 'no being retarded while playing'.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)15:35 No.2657125

    The midget with the top hat fucking slays me.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)15:56 No.2657302

    Hi Ettin
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)18:24 No.2658454

    Well, some of those things are acceptable in moderation, I guess.

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