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!!fzMkxxrtKt+ 06/14/11(Tue)01:48 No.15260950 File1308030504.jpg-(44 KB, 500x640, threadkiller_cat.jpg)
 Now, I'm still wearing that half-golem, which I had decided to keep. It was handy... but not nearly as handy as the completed golem would be.
We hear a moan, and behind us, the Paladin's brother is still alive... if only barely (hurr DM fiat). We consider killing him right there and then, though he offers us a way out of this mess.
He'll finish the suit, and we let him go.
The banging on the door is all it takes to convince us all that probably-going-to-be-betrayed is better than a slow, roasty death at the hands of fire giants. We agree, and he sets to work on the upper portion of this thing.
After a few hours, we're called up to the third floor. The suit is finished, and instead of a demon, there's a male elf lying on the ground, dying. Turns out that he's only doing this to save his sister, and his final act of good was enough to redeem him. Kinda cheesy, but I can deal with it.
I crawl into the thing again, and the DM tells us that since it's all shiny and new, it gets a 2 hour 'overcharge', meaning that it has 400" movement, 1,000 HP, a +30 BAB, and +40 damage. Shit's going down.
Roll my UMD, succeed. I race down to the first floor, and kick open the door. In fact, it was kicked so hard that they fly off their hinges and brain one of the fire giants, bisecting his skull.
What happens next can only be described as 'abject slaughter on a scale never seen before, and will never be seen again'. The only things left of the giants were some red stains on the ground, and a crumpled (but appropriately giant-sized) piece of parchment.
'They're going to the old wizard's encampment. You know what to do.'
So now it's clear that we won't find peace in this region til the Fire Giant general is dead... and there's no damn way that this is going to be resolved while we're level 7. |