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!!GzWmGH6V4eu 02/21/11(Mon)23:14 No.13991659 File1298348086.jpg-(740 KB, 2304x1728, smolny.jpg)
 >>13991422 At 9:05 a.m., Gunbunny is greeted by a black limousine with government plates. A heavy-set bearded man in the back introduces himself as Mr. Johnson and bids him get in. The limo drives around the city while Johnson explains the job, the limo's densiplast ballistic screens preventing them from both seeing out of the limo and from being seen in it.
Johnson explains that the Vory are in a somewhat tenuous position in Europe right now. They're fighting a war with the Alta Commissione for control of criminal activity on the continent, and, outside of Russia, they're losing. To make matters worse, relations between the Vory bosses in St. Petersburg and Moscow are not exactly warm. The St. Petersburg bosses are concerned with the St. Petersburg syndicates, not with helping the syndicates in Moscow or abroad. Naturally, this pisses off Andrei Petschukov, the head boss in Moscow, to no end. There is only one boss in St. Petersburg who will deal with Petschukov- Luka Jankevitch, who oversees the syndicates in Scandinavia and northern Britain. Luka has become a bit of a pariah amongst the St. Petersburg Vory because of this- he and the men under him have started dealing exclusively with Petschukov, much to the irritation of his fellow St. Petersburg Vory.
Still, the Johnson explains, Petschukov is not above trying to extend an olive branch to St. Petersburg. He's sending one of his lieutentants, Vasily Omarevich Moltin, into the city tonight to meet with the St. Petersburg bosses one by one over the weekend. Johnson's employers would like to make sure Moltin never makes those meetings. |