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10/26/09(Mon)12:39 No.6442981 File1256575161.jpg-(130 KB, 1096x555, Armbots-BulleteerWeb.jpg)
 >>6442698 A bit about infinity-It's SF skirmish game, and it's got some very nifty rules, that can put some people off however. It's all about ARO and FTF rolls, which means that a) every enemy model that sees your model acting can try and do something about it in reaction(most usually, try to blow your brains out). FtF means that if two models are directly influencing each other with their action and reaction(let's say, I am shooting your model B, and as a reaction, models A and B are shooting at me. Model A is not a target, so he just rolls normally, but me and model B are in direct opposition here, so we both roll at the same time, and whoever wins gets to do his action to the enemy, in a very simplified explaination). Due to this, the field is very dynamic, and changes quickly. Your entire army gets order pool that you can spend however you wish, one order allows one model to make 2 short skills or 1 long skill, and the list of avaliblie skills is extensive-shooting, moving, jumping, swimming, hacking, healing, exploding and so on. Game's very much biased towards shooting, close combat is in most cases a last-case option if you somehow managed to sneak close enough to the enemy or simply can't do anything else to the enemy. The army lists are offering little in way of limitations, as long as you have enough points, SWC points(models with special equipment cost SupportWeaponCost in addition to normal points) and AVA(each model can be taken as many times as his AVA allows, regardless of the weapon profile) you can take whatever you like, provided one model is the commander. |