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03/29/12(Thu)04:54 No.18499277 File: 1333011296.png-(64 KB, 462x608, Tribal Hoppa.png)
The cataclysmic events of the firestorm brought devastation to the more specialized Hoppa species. The nomadic Hoppa had been the underdog in the Hoppa family, it didn't have the numbers of the Tuft Hoppas, the size of the Great Hoppas and Big tuft Hoppas or the speed and fangs of the Flash Hoppas. But perhaps for this very reason, when the world collapsed around them, the Nomadic Hoppas were the ones to seize the day.
They had always been the smartest breed of Hoppas, and now when the resources were scarce, this ingenuity of them allowed them to recover their losses very swiftly.
Their social hierarchy developed even further, as definite societal roles started emerging for individuals. To compensate this growing complexity, their communication system also started using their bioluminicent patches. Partly because of this, their eyesight also developed further.
During this whole time, their brains had been slowly developing, but this catastrophe was the needed catalyst to boost them to a primitive sentience. Their tentacles developed for handling objects better. The forward facing ones developed gecko like paws at their ends, while the backward facing ones gained hard bumbs on their underside at their tips, to make them better at grabbing things.
The Tribal Hoppa lives in small moving communities, only settling down to raise their young. Although Hoppas are asexual, some Tribal Hoppas take a motherly role by guarding the young of the whole tribe, while the others either scavenge or hunt for food. |