/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

May 2009
4471600Gods = Xom"So after checking out some ancient mythology, paying special attention to divine dickery, I came to conclusion that all gods are Xom. Discuss." And so they did.gods, mythology, dickery, Xom2009-05-05 3 
June 2009
4838727Creation MythsHomebrew Creation myths are sharedhomebrew, creation myths2009-06-11 0 
4847968Vampire loreA Mythfag presents itself to /tg/ explaining the origins of the vampire. Facts are awesome.vampires, myth, folklore2009-06-12 8 
November 2009
6784778Folklore monsters and heroesDiscussing which monsters and heroes from folklore and old stories could make good encounters in games. mythology, setting, idea, heroes2009-11-20 3 
February 2010
8144334mythics in the modern world, continuedthe earlier thread gets a sequel, and much is discussed, from the trials of dryad life to dealing with cold weather as a lizardfolk. Also, a minotaur and a scientist get into an arguement.monster, fluff, rp, myths2010-02-18 3 
8156923Face on Marsfa/tg/uys attempt to reimagine the planets as a pantheon based not on Roman myth, but SCIENCE! Result: celestial mythology suggestions mixed with scribbling reaction faces onto the surface of Mars.space, mythology, lulz2010-02-19 7 
8183218mythics in the modern world, part 3the series continues once more. job comments, relationship advice, and what mother's day presents you can give your adopted drow mother when you run out of enemy skulls to giftwrap. Includes special cameo by those racist assholes from the Order of the Silver Flame.monsters, fluff, rp, myths2010-02-20 3 
8185279mythics in the modern world, part 4Continued with molting advice for young lamias, a surprising moderate member of the Silver Flame, medusas and black dragon dorm problems.monsters, fluff, rp, myths2010-02-20 4 
8199393Mythics in the modern world, #5Featuring asshole dragon DMs, lycan rage and potentially rapist gnolls.monsters, fluff, rp, myths2010-02-21 1 
April 2010
9180661HadestownAnon introduces /tg/ to Hadestown, a folk opera that transposes Greek Mythology to Depression Era America. Other anons go on to expand the setting. Greek Myths, Musical, Opera, Setting, Depression2010-04-14 7 
May 2010
9961359Racism, specism, and cat-eating neighbors.Pseudo-RP fluff starts with a complaint about a Naga allegedly eating his neighbor's cat, and expands from there to more tales of Mythics in man's world.rp, mythics, modern life, collective game2010-05-21 0 
June 2010
10216464HEAVY MYTHRILThe Gods of Rock look down upon you - bring glory to their name! A new campaign setting.campaign setting, rock, heavy metal, heavy mythril, homebrew, fluff2010-06-02 23 
10266724HEAVY MYTHRIL - Part 2The Gods of Rock look down upon you - bring glory to their name! A new campaign setting. ...continues.campaign setting, rock, heavy metal, heavy mythril, homebrew, fluff2010-06-04 9 
October 2010
12558680Tall Tales from all over the worldPretty much what says the title. Mainly American ones.stories fluff ideas setting gods mythology2010-10-25 0 
12624523Characters who could take a level of BarbarianA thread about manliness goes horribly awry.Manly men, beards, meth, owls, Wasteland Warrior, alcohol, Norse mythology2010-10-31 2 
March 2011
14257347Mythical GunsA thread discussing mythical guns and their properties.guns, mythical, setting, weapons2011-03-16 1 
14298547Mythoshammer 40,000One inventive anon starts a discussion about what Warhammer 40k would be like if it was set in the Cthulhu Mythos. Hilarity ensues. Glaaki is cheesy.Lovecraft, Mythos2011-03-19 6 
August 2011
15797189The tale of the shepherd boyA truly epic myth of the God-Emperor.40K, Emperor, Dark Heresy, mythological2011-08-03 74 
September 2011
16421732WoodsQuestPapayawhip Spandexthrasher's first quest thread, which turned out to be pretty awesome. After hunting for some bunny rabits, we made an enemy out of Artemis, bro'd it up with Dionysus, rescued a nymph, and shenanigans!WoodsQuest, Collective Game, greek mythology, hunter2011-09-26 11 
16434154WoodsQuestOgg, our intrepid hunter now serves Dionysus as a chosen cleric! He's gotten smarter, better looking; he no longer hunts, tending a herd of nymphs and a vineyard instead. Ogg is now in Athens, attending an org-uh, a party.WoodsQuest, Collective Game, greek mythology, hunter2011-09-27 8 
16445256WoodsQuestThe third installment of WoodQuest, where we help Dio and Artemis battle Apollo, sleep with Artemis' cleric, then get home to find even more nymphs and the single most bitching pad in all of Greece. Also, destroy Apollo.WoodsQuest, Collective Game, greek mythology, hunter2011-09-28 6 
16456653WoodsQuestIn which we meet many of the gods to discuss plans to steal Persephonne back from Hades. In this task, we will receive help from an unlikely ally...WoodsQuest, Collective Game, greek mythology, hunter2011-09-29 5 
16468804WoodsQuestIn this episode of WoodsQuest, we decent down to Hades in order to save Persephonne. After crossing the river Styx and dealing with Charon, we finally arrive in the underworld to do battle with the mighty and powerful Cerberus.WoodsQuest, Collective Game, greek mythology, hunter2011-09-30 2 
November 2011
16908940GiantsWherin /tg/ discusses Giants of various myth and how to make them relevant again.Giants, myth, norse, celtic, russian, RPG,2011-11-11 30 
16930200/tg/ Meta Quest 22We send probe droids down to various places, and find a cornucopia of horror, from the Mountains of Madness to Silent Hill. We're able to rescue Heather Mason, but then people spill the beans on who we are, necessitating a memory wipe later.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, LotR, Barad-Dur, Ahzek Ahriman, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-13 12 
16932479/tg/ Meta Quest 23We prep a team of Data and some droids to escort Heather Mason back to Silent Hill. We learn by raiding newspaper offices around the globe that several different cults were at work, ranging from Mythos to d20 Modern, to bring about the end of the world. Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-13 16 
16958743/tg/ Meta Quest 24Heather Mason and Douglas Cartland return to Silent Hill, backed by Data and the droids. They begin exploration when we find out that Silent Hill is not to be underestimated, as it starts mining Data for monsters, and creates steam-clockwork-Borg abominations. We quickly run from them, and begin to explore the Church of the Order.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-19 14 
16975328/tg/ Meta Quest 25We encounter a boss fight in the form of Data's guilt and regret over the death of his daughter. Douglas goes down, and we desperately try to keep him alive as Spike enters Silent Hill with extra equipment.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-21 15 
16994064/tg/ Meta Quest 26We save Douglas Cartland, and solve some more puzzles. As we're exploring, we meet Doug's son. His dead son. That he has regrets over. Cue boss-fight.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-23 13 
17019510/tg/ Meta Quest 27We proceed into the unexplored west wing of the chapel, and come upon a section out of Spike Spiegel's memories. We end up in a boss-fight against Corvus Head, and while Spike is tossed around and heavily injured, we are victorious.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-26 12 
17039688/tg/ Meta Quest 28We move to the final boss of the Silent Hill portion of this world, and attack its weak point for massive damage. Then we find out who's been pulling the strings of the various horrors.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-28 12 
17059442/tg/ Meta Quest 29We begin exploring the zombie outbreak in Pennsylvania. We find evidence of at least Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil, and quite possibly Return of the Living Dead zombies. We also find some survivors that tell us that Raccoon City has become the domain of some lich-king.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead 2011-11-30 12 
December 2011
17057731Fucked-Up FolkloreStories of creatures whose IRL tales are even more messed up than their /tg/ incarnationsmythology, stories, fucked up2011-12-01 8 
17087235/tg/ Meta Quest 30We begin the assault on Raccoon City. However, bad rolls constantly get our troops hammered, and we lose the BLU team respawn tech to magic dickery.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead2011-12-03 12 
17095963/tg/ Meta Quest 31The tg diceroller continues to have us over a barrel as we continue to lose members of our team. We finally decide enough is enough, and pull out our forces in order to drill a hole down to the lich. Who then promptly uses our weapons' energies to make his escape, leaving us to deal with Vampire-Wesker. Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead2011-12-04 12 
17109365/tg/ Meta Quest Planning ThreadIn which the Command Crew discusses plans and theories for the upcoming visit to Transylvania and what vampric horrors await there. Plus the usual chatter about who and what we should requisition nextCollective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-05 6 
17117963/tg/ Meta Quest 32We land with a small force in Transylvania, and begin chatting up the locals. Strahd and Dracula are at war, and signs point to their respective loves reincarnated in a single body.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-06 13 
17137538/tg/ Meta Quest 33We dress up two of the White Mages as Tatyana/Lisa, and start poking around town to try to bait Strahd and Dracula to go to open war with each other. While searching, one of our teams spots Tatyana/Lisa, but loses her. Then one of the decoys is kidnapped.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-08 12 
17161163/tg/ Meta Quest: Waiting on OP editionOP gets held up for a couple days and we fall back on plotting against the Counts, and mostly talking about what we want on our requisitions list.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-12 8 
17179943/tg/ Meta Quest 34Strahd summons Darius and the travelers from Londinium. We bullshit a story about Londinium and the Brittanica Empire, and the Emperor on his Golden Throne. Strahd seems to buy the story, and wants us to kill Dracula. Low rolls result in Strahd refusing to commit the majority of his forces, but he concedes to a diversionary attack as we infiltrate Castlevania.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-12 11 
17194517/tg/ Meta Quest 35We plan, and then execute, the breaching of Castlevania. Our preparation pays off, and we are able to infiltrate the castle, and face Dracula. It is a pitched battle, but with the strength of our Space Marines, the healing of our White Mages, the protections by our Abjurer and Psion, and 10 X-COM High Explosive charges, we defeat Dracula, and Lyla is promoted to Hero-rank.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-13 11 
17206876/tg/ Meta Quest 36We go along with the narrative, trying to catch Strahd backstabbing us in some way. When he finally offers us tainted wine, and we get confirmation of its curse, we open up a 12-pack of whoopass on Strahd and his cronies. They were not prepared to face the Knights Inductor, or battlemechs, or First Age weapons forged by Elves. Strahd goes down like a chump to the two White Mages, and we make off with his gold and a rack of his finest wines.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-14 14 
17239971/tg/ Meta Quest 38Our Probe Droid reaches the Japan Meteorological Agency offices and makes contact with some scientists. We learn that there are insurgent forces fighting against Griffith's reign, and that Guts appears to be among them. In Antarctica, our Probe Droid there distinguishes itself, and VP-99 is almost ready to become a Hero.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk2011-12-17 13 
17273710/tg/ Meta Quest 39More information is collected about the World Pillar in Antarctica, and we have confirmation that Persona 4 characters are part of the insurgents.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-20 11 
17284731/tg/ Meta Quest 40We begin setting up sniper positions in Tokyo as we make contact with the insurgent forces.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-21 10 
17296729/tg/ Meta Quest 41We successfully convince Guts to work with us, and prepare to shake up Griffith's world.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-22 11 
17306889/tg/ Meta Quest 42We begin the second battle of Tokyo, as magic and mutant flesh meets more magic and advanced technology.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-23 12 
17316446/tg/ Meta Quest 43We defeated Griffith, only to realize that he was just a pawn. The true reality distortion anchor of Tokyo reveals itself. We begin heavily losing troops, and the Leopard dropship goes down.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-24 15 
17325929TG Quest: The Extended CutContinuation of discussion and planning from TG Quest thread #43 after it autosaged out. OP off on holiday until January 4th. Discussion of what to tell the Persona heroes and plans for the Antarctic showdown with Ebon Night.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-26 6 
17379345Artemis 11 (or 'Help me design Call of Cthulhu In Space')OP asks for help fleshing out his concept of a CoC setting in the far future, where humanity has colonised other planets and Earth has been quarantined due to the End Times. The Carter Family owns Silver Key Incorporated and produces gates for long-distance transference, mankind is getting ready to venture toward space and the centre of the universe, and more.Call of Cthulhu, space, Artemis 11, horror, setting, game ideas, Cthulhu, Lovecraft, Mythos2011-12-31 6 
January 2012
17391388Polar Setting discussionNanook and friends share legends, creatures, and pictures from Inuit and other cultures.Nanook, polar, Inuit, Sami, Yakut, Eskimo, mythology, monsters, reindeer2012-01-01 10 
17397134TG Quest: The Extended Cut -part 2Continuation of discussion and planning from TG Quest: The Extended Cut after it autosaged out. OP off on holiday until January 4th. More discussion, Mostly heroes and mechs this time.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2012-01-04 6 
17425874/tg/ Meta Quest 44We begin cleaning up after the battle against the Idea of Evil. While Cheryl continues her training, we have our Antarctica team attack the Greater Shoggoth in order to access the Old One research facility.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2012-01-05 11 
17429885/tg/ Meta Quest Planning Thread post-44The standard arguing of what to requisition and what is just stupid.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2012-01-05 6 
17446362/tg/ Meta Quest 45The Command Crew is contacted by Igor, agent of Philemon, a powerful entity from the Persona Canon. He offers the Command Crew a Contract, and after much debate, the vote narrowly has us accepting.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2012-01-07 10 
17450144/tg/ Meta Quest 46We open up one of the stasis chambers, only to fight a proto-Angel. We open the second stasis chamber, and find a shard of the World Pillar with Adam in fetus form inside. Translating the Elder Thing research reveals that they may have found the Lance of Longinus as well.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion2012-01-07 10 
17456343TG Meta Quest planning thread part BLARGHYet more debate over requisitions, and even a little over our current mission. MOST SHOCKING TWIST YET.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion2012-01-09 6 
17468187/tg/ Meta Quest 47As Cheryl interfaces with the World Pillar, Ebon Night takes exception to the Command Crew staying safe in orbit, and pulls them down to Antarctica for the final confrontation. Our calculations concerning our ability to defeat his defenses seem to have been...overly optimistic as we lose the entire White Mage Team.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion2012-01-09 10 
17471475/tg/ Meta Quest 48After the cataclysmic battle with Ebon Night and Cheryl initiating Second Impact, we awaken in the Kingdom of Zeal. However, it is revealed that this is only a semi-stable time echo, and we recruit the time ghost of Belthasar to aid us.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion, Chrono Trigger2012-01-09 11 
17481740/tg/ Meta Quest 49We find that Gaspar and Tosh are locked up with the Mammon Machine, and we execute a daring breaching of the chamber. Queen Zeal proves that she's one tough boss, then the Mammon Machine brings something through. Ebon Night wants a rematch, and the /tg dice seem to have bet against us as our troops drop like flies.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion, Chrono Trigger2012-01-10 11 
17485818/tg/ Meta Quest 50The crew of the TGS Oncoming Storm and their taskforce stand bloody and weary, but triumphant over Ebon Night and Queen Zeal. With their new allies, the three Gurus of Time, Life, and Reason, they refit the Blackbird into a trans-space ship and make their escape through the space-time rift eating the temporal echo of the Kingdom of Zeal.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion, Chrono Trigger2012-01-10 11 
February 2012
17888118That Guy stories from mythologyAncient mythology and some Shakespeare plays re-imagined as That Guy stories.mythology, funny, humor, Shakespeare, story, stories, That Guy2012-02-11 16 
18055443Christian Mythology in Fantasy Settings/tg/ once again proves it is the best board by having an intelligent discussion about various aspects of Judeo-Christian tradition and mythology.Angels, Fantasy, Religion, Christianity, mythology2012-02-22 24 
March 2012
18350298Middle Eastern MythOP creates a starter-kit for making Arabian Nights themed settings, based on mythology, folklore, and history.Arabian, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, mythology, folklore, world building2012-03-16 62 
18442709Vampire LoreOP posts information about Slavic vampire folklore and myth.vampires, vampire, myth, mythology, folklore2012-03-24 11 
April 2012
18913499African Based Setting DiscussionFa/tg/uys once again discuss elements of a campaign setting based off of traditional African mythology and history.African, myths, history, setting2012-04-30 6 
October 2012
21164535Grimoire QuestWe start a quest that seems to be originally a pick your choices picture. We switch characters three times before we come to a showdown between Leet, the main character for now, against three novice? wizards. It ends in shenanigans.Grimoire Quest, Collective Game, Pick Your Choice, Warlocks, Witches, Demons, Fae, Eldricth Horror, Mythical Creature, Magic2012-10-18 13 
November 2012
21523416If Lies To Children Were TrueThere's no sex, you can make boys with snips, snails and puppy-dog tails, and stepping on a crack will break your mother's back. More neat suggestions inside.game ideas, scary, creepy, humor, setting, worldbuilding, childhood, myths2012-11-11 18 
January 2013
22694047Lady Gaga Occult HomebrewWhat if pop stars were actually vessels for channeling the Great Old Ones?homebrew, gaga, cthulhu mythos2013-01-21 8 
22715392Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest 1We are Wyatt Brown, specialist in Applied Dimensional Mechanics and Summoning. We have been tasked to rebuild Team 108 after they disastrously went rogue. We go to grab the first member of the team, and land right in the middle of some Lovecraftian shit they've uncovered.Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Occult Intelligence, Lovecraft Mythos, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Weird Science2013-01-22 5 
22745010Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest 2Doc Brown assembles his team, performs SCIENCE!, interrogates a prisoner, and fights shoggoths beneath Grand Central Station.Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Occult Intelligence, Lovecraft Mythos, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Weird Science2013-01-23 5 
September 2013
27012068Christian mythologyA surprisingly civil discussion about the parts of the bible that could be used in a game.bible, christianity, mythology, old testament,2013-09-04 2 
November 2013
28566866African Myths and Legends (Fantasy)What started as a image dump becomes an in-depth discussion of African myth and legend.Africa, game ideas, myth, legend2013-11-30 5 
December 2013
29026431Kamen Rider Myth Quest 1The Hero's Arrival! Clash with the Crimson Crowned Coot!Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Myth Quest, Collective Game, The Gentry, Irish Mythology, Folklore2013-12-23 0 
March 2014
30617033Kamen Rider Myth Quest 3Library. Friend of a friend. Goblins!Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Myth Quest, Collective Game, The Gentry, Irish Mythology, Folklore2014-03-05 0 
31063278CoC Mythos scenarios and plothooksA collection of mostly original plothooks for Call of Cthulhu and Delta Green games. Also has Mister Trashbags, the baby shoggoth.CoC, Mythos, hooks, plothooks, shoggoth,2014-03-27 5 
May 2014
31959623Noneuropean settings: inuitworldA discussion of mythologies shifts to an Inuit inspired setting featuring demon whales and weather trollsworld building,mythology,Inuit,demon whale2014-05-07 0 
June 2014
32782045Free FenrirDiscussing the sophont rights violation behind Fenrir's imprisonmentnorse, fenrir, loki, gods, myth2014-06-15 3 
33071790werewolvesInfo and new takes on werewolveswerewolves, myth, folklore2014-06-30 2 
33080907Light/Dark dichotomyIts historical, and how to play with it. culture, light, darkness, myth, alignment2014-06-30 3 
July 2014
33199976Pre-Columbian Native American FantasyOP asks for help in devising a Native American themed setting for an upcoming game. /tg/ supplies helpful information.myth, folklore, history, world building, indian, native american, 2014-07-06 5 
September 2014
34907559/tg/ discusses Arthurian legendKing Arthur summation turns to religious theoryLegend, King Arthur, discussion, myth2014-09-16 3 
March 2015
38388096Tales from African MythologyA kind anon imparts his knowledge of African mythology. Slight xenophobia seepageAnansi's an idiot, african mythology, ashanti2015-03-02 15 
April 2015
39416605Mythology thread/tg/ shows off its love for mythology. Features hummingbirds and Purana Balls Z.mythology, indian mythology, greek mythology, native american mythology, native, native american, aztec, aztec mythology, 2015-04-20 3 
May 2015
40134590Halfblood Quest 1Alex goes on a field trip , ends up at a camp for demigods, wins a battle and finds out his dad is the god of swole, Hercules.Collective game, Demigod, Greek mythology, Camp Halfblood, Hercules 2015-05-24 10 
40180153Halfblood Quest 2Alex gets some cool new rings and fights for hot showersCollective game, Demigod, Greek mythology, Camp Halfblood, Hercules2015-05-26 6 
40280525Halfblood Quest 3We get a prophecy and go on a road trip with a couple friends. Someone pisses off Fortunate. Collective game, Demigod, Greek mythology, Camp Halfblood, Hercules 2015-05-31 4 
June 2015
40589034The Deep South of A Fantasy World/tg/ discusses the mythology of the Deep South and how to implement it in a fantasy game.Mythology, America, South, Deep South, Catfish, Fantasy2015-06-15 12 
40597146What would you put in a mythic japan setting? As title describes, ideas from japanese folklore that could be used in a setting.japan, fluff, myth, oc, setting2015-06-15 1 
July 2015
41154491Spirit Science!After stumbling upon a mad man's mythology on YouTube, /tg/ tries to match it to a settingSpirit Science, Crazy, YouTube, mythology, setting2015-07-12 5 
August 2015
41869623Legends and Monsters Quest 1The incarnations of various mythical figures fight it out. Legends and Monsters, Collective Game, gods, mythology2015-08-17 2 
42023138Ball Daggers and other Medieval CuriositiesTg discusses how the middle ages really were compared to how most know them. A lot of humor ensues including dragon cuckoldry, shit flinging in churches and perverted poems.history, Middle Ages, mythology, Christianity2015-08-23 15 
June 2016
47557272Ideas for an middle eastern adventureIn this thread Anons talk about the rich cultures and myths from the black sea region and how to homebrew them into a setting.culture, middle east, black sea, adventure ideas, brainstorming, mythology, religions2016-06-05 5 
209052Muse Quest #1A down-and-out man has a fateful encounter in a bar. The Quest to save the legendary figures, the Muses, has begun.The Red Lady, Quest, Mythology, Muse Quest, Muse, Tarot2016-06-05 1 
47642451The Sun Shines Over InnsmouthInnsmouth has a tourist problem. Later turns into discussing the ghost of Conan as an antagonist in Delta Green and general Bizarro Mythos.lovecraft, deep ones, Innsmouth, plot hooks, Bizarro Mythos, 2016-06-08 11 
47856948Origin stories for humanity and general mythology worldbuilding/tg/ invents new fantasy mythologies and discusses hybrids.humans, origin, pantheon, mythology, worldbuilding, deities, elf/dwarf hybrid,2016-06-20 4 
47922177Jewish folklore is terrifyingAn anon discovers how grim and dark Jewish folklore is. Jewish anons pitch in to make it worse.folklore, discussion, mythology, myth2016-06-24 13 
47925720LighthousesIn this thread, /tg/ brainstorms various mysterious and horrific happenings that can take place at a lonely, isolated lighthouse.lighthouse, mystery, horror, sci fi, cthulhu mythos2016-06-26 28 
47992137Creepy LighthousesLighthouse Brainstorming 2: Electric Boogaloo lighthouse, mystery, horror, mythos2016-06-28 6 
July 2016
48140768Creepy LighthousesLighthouse Brainstorming 3: Solitude's Revenge lighthouse, mystery, horror, mythos2016-07-11 5 
September 2016
49255099Delta Green generalAnon asks for some inspiration and plot hooks for Delta Green /tg/ deliversdelta green, lovecraft, cthulhu, mythos, cthulhu mythos2016-09-15 6 
49365194Mythos Tome ideasAnon asks /tg/ for ideas for mythos tomes and /tg/ deliverhorror, lovecraft, cthulhu, mythos, cthulhu mythos2016-09-16 3 
October 2016
49723017Releasing PrometheusShould modern humanity should try to rescue Prometheus from his eagle torture? Of course we should. The dude did us a huge solid.setting, ethics, heartwarming, debt, greek mythology, gods, titans, zeus, zeus is an asshole, prometheus, eagle, liver, chains, hfy,2016-10-11 7 
49998783Post-Apocalyptic Myths, Tall Tales and Urban LegendsSome time after the End, a group of weary scavengers gather around a campfire to share stories, tall tales and urban legends.Post Apocalyptic, stories, setting, worldbuilding, fallout, creepy, storytime, urban legends, tall tales, myths, lies,2016-10-29 22 
November 2016
50128118How would a setting based on slavic mythology work?OP asks what a campaign about Slavic mythology would be like.Mythology, Slavic Mythology2016-11-08 2 
50240157Original Races besides the traditional orcs/elves/dwarves comboOP asks /tg/ for their ideas for new player races. Interesting worldbuilding and in-setting mythology result.races, species, worldbuilding, monsters, setting, mythology, ghouls, neon nightmare,2016-11-18 8 
December 2016
50661608How would you set a high fantasy setting in the ruins of our world?Discussion and worldbuilding of a a post apocalyptic fantasy setting.Post Apocalyptic, setting, worldbuilding, mythology, Thundarr the Barbarian2016-12-15 3 
979788Monstergirl Legend Quest 1: REBIRTHA Legend is Reborn...as a Monster girl? Will they accept or deny their old destiny?Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2016-12-27 25 
January 2017
1005544Monstergirl Legend Quest 2:DragonMay Mcnarren, Now a dragon, begins her life as a monster girl in Tartarus city. Maybe the countryside's fresh air will calm her down a bit.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-01-03 21 
1029584Monstergirl Legend Quest 3:LegendMay adjusts to living with a roommate, Yvette the dryad.But a story for a legend is begging to be told.Will it be a peaceful tale?Not likelyCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-01-10 20 
1057919Monstergirl Legend Quest 4:BonesWhat can a cat do to a dragon? What can a whole gang of cats do to one? The fishbone gang steps up its efforts to make May show some respectCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-01-17 16 
1088921Monstergirl Legend Quest 5: Brawl1 Dragon and 1 minotauress vs a whole lot of cat girls and 1 Griffin. I like those odds, lets get this party started.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-01-25 17 
February 2017
1116893Monstergirl Legend Quest 6: ReputationWord spreads about May trashing the Fishbone gang. And she gets a lot of unwanted attention.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-02-01 16 
51541954The Greek Mythic Cycle: TheomachyOP asks "what if Apollo rebelled against Zeus as Zeus rebelled against Cronos, and Cronos rebelled against Ouranos?" Theomachy is whatGreek Gods, Olympus, Zeus, Apollo, Greece, Troy, Myths, Greek2017-02-04 6 
1143279Monstergirl Legend Quest 7: Lion's denThe Truth is revealed, and May Goes clubbing. Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-02-08 16 
51665650Chinese fantasy/mythologyChinese fa/tg/uy provides a detailed overview of chinese fantasy/mythology: wuxia, xianxia, chinese "face" and much more.chinese mythology, cultivator, xianxia, wuxia, jianghu, wulin2017-02-11 24 
1164471Monstergirl Legend Quest 8: MagicDo you believe in magic and fairytales? A witch seeks out May...or is it the otherway around?Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-02-15 16 
1193087Monstergirl Legend Quest 9: NidhoggrThe past is finally revealed and May's world is turned upside down.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-02-22 17 
March 2017
1219352Monstergirl Legend Quest 10:Confusion May starts to try to adjust to her new world of legends and her new relationship with YvetteCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-03-01 17 
51900239a lesser god takes the role of a greater god for a day/tg/ discusses theology and the spread of myths through cultures.theology, myths, pantheon, worldbuilding2017-03-07 6 
1247690Monstergirl Legend Quest 11: Day outMay has a day out. Wonder if its going to be nice or bloody.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-03-09 13 
1271186Monstergirl Legend Quest 12:AttackWho would attack a dragon? May is about to find outCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-03-15 15 
1315085Monstergirl Legend Quest 13: TyrantChanges aren't just skin deepCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-03-29 13 
April 2017
1342663Monstergirl Legend Quest 14: Bad PuckBad Luck rides on the wings of PuckCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-04-06 12 
52535995Implementing shinto in D&Dthread full of ideas, mechanics, adventure hooks, and comfy all about everyone's favorite weeaboo animism religionD&D, fantasy, fluff, touhou, catgirls, foxgirls, cute, comfy, not-trash-I-Promise, gods, mythology,2017-04-08 5 
1363269Monstergirl Legend Quest 15: Territory May discovers just how bad territorial disputes between dragons can beCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-04-13 12 
52728388Reverse Mythical Creatures/tg/ worldbuilds reverse versions of mythological monsters with hilarious results.worldbuilding, monsters, creatures, mythical,2017-04-21 9 
1378388Minor GodquestTelantes reminisces upon his origins, brings prosperity to Yatash, and visits a hermit in Urnodos.Collective Game, Gods, Mythology2017-04-21 12 
May 2017
1428143Monstergirl Legend Quest 16: KidBeing a little kid can feel like a curse. Especially when it is one! Can May break it?Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-05-04 10 
1451724Monstergirl Legend Quest 17: Two DragonsMay finally confronts Faith, who cursed her into being a little brat again. Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-05-12 8 
1500700Monstergirl Legend Quest 18:Hammer TimeMay's made a hammer worthy of legend, but is she worthy of it? Who cares its fucking awesome!Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-05-26 8 
1521345Monstergirl Legend Quest 19: Old ProblemsOld problems come under new faces. May's day might end up going bad.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-05-31 10 
June 2017
1563931Ancient greek Civ GameFive Great cities come into play and begin growing their power. The wise Oracle tells all and weaves legendGreek, Civ, Mythical, Collective game, Epic Thread, OracleofDephi2017-06-17 1 
53990655non-abrahamic monotheistic religion worldbuildingWorldbuilding and setting discussion about hypothetical monotheist religions derived from sources other than rehashed abrahamic mythology.worldbuilding, setting, religion, mythology, monotheistic, deity, god,2017-06-30 6 
July 2017
54084756Martian Myths and LegendsIn this thread, posters world-build a colonized Mars reminiscent of the old west and offer up myths and legends that "Dusters" might shareMars, Space, Sci-Fi, Myths, Legends, Urban Legends, World-Building, Brainstorming2017-07-03 11 
August 2017
54724370Fictitious Theology & Mythology Worldbuilding DiscussionWorldbuilding fictitious religions for use in games. theology, mythology, pantheon, deity, deities, worldbuilding, religions, philosophy,2017-08-06 2 
1751566Monstergirl Legend Quest 21:Knight nightModern day "knights". Or angry people who want to prove that normal humans are better than any kind of monster girl, by fighting them.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-08-08 7 
1804229Monstergirl Legend Quest 22: Beach fightMay's Beach party is interrupted by a glory seeking knightCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-08-24 7 
September 2017
1855293Monstergirl Legend Quest 23: DragonslayerMay has an "interesting" Day, as a few old grudges come a calling.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-09-10 10 
October 2017
1958872Monstergirl Legend Quest 24:Melee a troisMay's "Honorable" Duel with the "modern day" knight is interrupted by a legendary ThotCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-10-12 8 
55706379Folklore CreaturesVarious anons describe and discuss monsters from their local folklore, ghost stories, urban legends and cautionary tales.monsters, creatures, folklore, myth, urban legends, worldbuilding,2017-10-13 3 
November 2017
56149459Cthulhu Mythos Sans FrontièresAnons from around the globe post the most Lovecraftian locations from their countries.cthulhu mythos, lovecraft, call of cthulhu, countries, locations2017-11-01 10 
December 2017
2121658Monster Girl Legend Quest 25: FateFate makes itself known in nasty ways for May. But is it fate? or just bad dreams? Either ways its pissing her off Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2017-12-04 8 
January 2018
2206422Monster Girl Legend Quest 26: SistersMay spends some quality time with her older sister.Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2018-01-06 6 
February 2018
57923494Tale of the Promethean HeistersTheBlackScribe storytimes his favorite campaignhalo mythic, promethean heisters, theblackscribe, storytime2018-02-13 15 
2310591Monster Girl Legend Quest 27:DenyPuck is once again a thorn in may's side, but with an actual purpose this time? What's her problem anyways?Collective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2018-02-14 10 
April 2018
2421401Pokemon Myths and Legends #2We capture a Chiwip and fight a mysterious man!Pokemon, Pokemon Myths and Legends2018-04-02 16 
58901514modern mythologyA discussion of how post-apocalyptic religions might misinterpret the modern world.worldbuilding, mythology, religion, cultists, cult, future, post-apocalyptic, funny,2018-04-04 2 
2440615Pokemon Myths and Legends #3We search for Fevine who may or may not be dead!Pokemon, Pokemon Myths and Legends2018-04-10 11 
2465152Pokemon Myths and Legends #4We join Mariana and venture to Honeydrop!Pokemon, Pokemon Myths and Legends2018-04-20 8 
2492210Pokemon Myths and Legends #5We head to the gardens after our battle!Pokemon, Pokemon Myths and Legends2018-04-30 7 
June 2018
2640277Pokemon Myths and Legends #7We help out a girl find her bag and head off to Claribar.Pokemon, Pokemon Myths and Legends2018-06-23 7 
July 2018
2701418Pokemon Myths and Legends #8We arrive at the Claribar Pokemon Center, and hear of some strange things.Pokemon, Pokemon Myths and Legends2018-07-15 4 
2751344Monster Girl Legend Quest 29: KAIJU problemsSo turns out being big and living her dream isn't as easy as May thought it'd be. Ah well! no time to worry! time to be a STARCollective Game, Monstergirl Legend Quest, The headmaster, Monster girl, Monster girls, Modern fantasy, Legends, Myths2018-07-22 7 
August 2018
2744083Pokemon Myths and Legends #9We reunite with the Professor, talk about weird stuff, and check into a local inn.Pokemon, Pokemon Myths and Legends2018-08-01 3 
61434851creation myths of your setting/tg/ discusses and worldbuilds ideas for in-setting fictitious religions. worldbuilding, setting, pantheon, religion, gods, deities, creation myths, mythology,2018-08-19 2 
September 2018
2872878Pokemon Myths and Legends #10We sleep in an actual bed for once and start training!Pokemon, Pokemon Myths and Legends2018-09-20 3 
February 2019
3242775Pokemon Myths and Legends #11We reunite briefly with Jess and go back into Honeydrop.Pokemon, Pokemon Myths and Legends2019-02-21 3 
August 2019
3717085GenesisFortunaQM tries a bit of purple prose and is struck by QM bad luck in the form of an illness. An attempt at emulating Sumero-Akkadian epics.Sumer, Abzu, Collective Game, Cut Short, QM Curse, Mythic, Female Protagonist, Sorcery2019-08-09 1 
3728999Pokemon Myths and Legends #12The town is under attack!Pokemon, Pokemon Myths and Legends2019-08-21 1 
September 2019
3835431You are a DemigodSynchronos, the Son of Time begins his journey at the behest of the Fates, and only time will tell wherein it ends.Collective Game, Demigod, Mythology, Fantasy2019-09-28 6 
November 2019
3888990Mythic Solo QuestsIntroducing the Mythic RPG system to /qst/.Isekai, Mythic, RPG, Solo2019-11-17 1 
69591333South American BestiaryBrazilian anon provides great insight on mythological creatures of South America. bestiary, monster manual, fluff, worldbuilding, mythology2019-11-25 29 
December 2019
3917586Mythic RPG #3Terry robs elven cities; Dante fights SCP-811; William escapes an oasis of horror.Isekai, Mythic, RPG, Solo2019-12-01 0 
3947911Mythic RPG #4 (Kek's Familia)Shi's team travels to Devapura, the City of the Gods. Players slots are decided by a PvP battle; follows a party and dungeon exploration.Collective Game, Isekai, Mythic, RPG, Solo2019-12-16 0 
3981247Eternal Punishment (Mythic RPG) #1Chase introduces us to Tartarus, a mysterious underworld inspired by the Joker Quest, but he gives up after two days.Collective Game, Furry, Joker Quest, Mythic, RPG2019-12-26 4 
January 2020
3988301Grimdark Quest (Mythic RPG) #1Shi ascends to the role of QM and introduces us to a desert world where he's god-king. His style is absolutely hilarious, in a childish wayArt, Autism Jesus, Collective Game, FATAL, Isekai, Mythic, RPG, Troll2020-01-07 2 
3992422Isekai Quest (Mythic RPG) #5(Dream Xianxia) Mark and Chase explore a small Buddhist sect inside of a stable dreamscape.Buddhism, Collective Game, Dream, Isekai, Mythic, RPG, Xianxia2020-01-09 2 
4011268Isekai Quest (Mythic RPG) #6The continuation of Shi's grimdark thread. Nothing happens at all.Autism Jesus, Collective Game, FATAL, Isekai, Mythic, RPG, Slice of Life, Whining2020-01-20 1 
4042757Grimdark Quest (Mythic RPG) #2Shi resets his Grimdark Quest. He quits after only one day, beating Chase as premature quitter.Autism Jesus, Collective Game, FATAL, Isekai, Mythic, RPG2020-01-26 5 
April 2020
4181078Axis Stargate (Mythic RPG) #1A new setting. The thread was spammed to death and no one joined.Mythic, RPG, Stargate, Troll2020-04-12 5 
4187130Multiplayer Eldritch Island (Mythic RPG) #1A hybrid system of Multiplayer Eldritch Horror and Mythic RPG. The horrors find themselves on a desert island, with no memories.Eldritch, Lovecraft, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG2020-04-14 3 
4198405Multiplayer Eldritch Horror (Mythic RPG) #4The Bay12 forum Lovecraftian strategy game revisited with Mythic RPG. 4 players + 1 shared character.Eldritch, Lovecraft, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG, Strategy2020-04-23 0 
May 2020
4242533Multiplayer Eldritch Horror (Mythic RPG) #6This time, the setting is inspired by CthulhuTech. 1 player + 2 shared characters.Eldritch, CthulhuTech, Lovecraft, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG, Strategy, Troll2020-05-15 5 
4242683Multiplayer Eldritch Horror (Mythic RPG) #6This time, the setting is inspired by CthulhuTech. 1 player + 2 shared characters.Eldritch, CthulhuTech, Lovecraft, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG, Strategy, Troll2020-05-29 4 
June 2020
4271801Multiplayer Cthulhian Files (Mythic RPG) #1The players work for the Kek Foundation and investigate the disappearance of a livestreamer in the town of Pelzer, SC.Conspiracy, Horror, Lovecraft, Modern, Multiplayer, Mythic, Paranormal, RaHoWa, RPG2020-06-05 4 
4296865Multiplayer Cthulhian Files (Mythic RPG) #2The players continue to investigate the mysteries of Pelzer, but do not find new leads.Conspiracy, Horror, Lovecraft, Modern, Multiplayer, Mythic, Paranormal, RaHoWa, RPG2020-06-25 2 
July 2020
4325194Multiplayer Kek's Isekai (Mythic RPG) #7In an evil town, the party takes a quest to kill a succubus who runs a prostitution ring.Autism Jesus, Isekai, Lovecraft, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG, Weeb2020-07-19 1 
4362286Multiplayer Kek's Isekai (Mythic RPG) #8Continuation of the previous thread.Autism Jesus, Isekai, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG, Weeb2020-07-30 0 
August 2020
4383696WTF Isekai Zero Quest (Mythic RPG) #1The classical WTF Quest revisited with Mythic RPG and two new MC's. This is the first regular quest using Mythic.Collective, Mythic, Random, RPG, ShortTrip, What The Fuck, WTF, WTFQ2020-08-12 4 
4392420Christian Paladin Quest (Mythic RPG) #2Milena Ravensun is Isekai'd into a world where Jesus Christ is not known.Christian, Collective, Milena, Mythic, Paladin, RPG2020-08-13 0 
74365681Solo rpgA discussion about solo rpgs and their merits.Solo rpgs, Mythic GM Emulator, Oracles2020-08-20 0 
74513689Let's Roll an Incestuous PantheonIn the beginning, there was the Sun and the Moon, and they begat six sons and daughters. Some say everything from there was a mistake.worldbuilding, pantheon, deity, deities, god, goddesses, forge, myth, incest2020-08-24 14 
74520663Let's Roll an Incestuous Pantheon #2The Eldest brother of the Forge made himself known, the anvil to his younger brother's hammer, and did it again... and again... and again..worldbuilding, pantheon, deity, deities, god, goddesses, forge, myth, incest2020-08-25 8 
74540969Let's Roll an Incestuous Pantheon #3Demigods start being born and the Harvest Goddess starts proves how fertile her fields are.worldbuilding, pantheon, deity, deities, god, goddesses, forge, myth, incest2020-08-26 6 
September 2020
4415487WTF Isekai Zero Quest #2 (Mythic RPG)An interlude. The 2 MCs returned and a new one joined. Collective, Mythic, RPG, What The Fuck, WTF, WTFQ2020-09-01 3 
4416666Multiplayer Kek's Isekai (Mythic RPG) #9Exploration of Labyrinthia; the quest migrates to tgchan https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/975434.htmlDungeon, Isekai, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG, Succubus2020-09-07 3 
November 2020
4476703Mythology QuestAs a deity of light we explore a new world, meet new peoples, and have children with themMythology Quest2020-11-07 1 
March 2021
77845202British Folklore creatures and stories Looking for creatures and stories that would make for good encounters.Creatures, Folklore, Myths, Legends, Britain, Creatures, Monsters, Folklore2021-03-03 1 
May 2021
4779637Multiplayer Kek's Isekai (Mythic RPG) #10The exploration of Labyrinthia continues. This time, AI Dungeon is used as co-QM tool.AI Dungeon, Dungeon, Isekai, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG, Succubus2021-05-09 1 
September 2021
81216566Jewish/mesopotamian Mysticism as a settingBronze Age Middle East worldbuilding with gnostic weirdnessMesopotamia, Judaism, mythology, world building2021-09-13 1 
January 2022
82716476origins of humanity in your settingFa/tg/uys share and discuss their original cosmologies.setting, worldbuilding, religion, mythology, cosmology, theology,2022-01-06 2 
May 2022
5239324Multiplayer Civ Quest (Mythic RPG)A civ game set in an infinite library, with humans, undead, insects, and African Americans.Civ, Civilization, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG, Strategy, Wux2022-05-11 3 
84463018Creatures from jewish mythology and folkloreAn ordinary low-effort thread is interrupted by mythology, the nature and confrontation of God, and analysis of Jewish identity.Law, Judaism, Jew, mythology, Torah, Kabbalah, egregore, rabbi2022-05-15 2 
5265138Song Of The Oath And WildPRELUDE The pathless forest whispers and beckons.fantasy, fairy tale, elf, sword, viking, adventure, wizard, poem, legend, myth, economics2022-05-19 2 
84620887Slavic Mythological CreaturesAnon shares a variety of creatures from Slavic myth.Slavic, Monsters, Folklore, Mythology2022-05-27 39 
June 2022
85052418The OobakiriAnon posts a species they invented and associated in-universe mythology and an alignment system involving cleansing your soul of impurity.worldbuilding, species, race, setting, mythology,2022-06-29 6 
October 2022
86174598What if the soviet union had developed a tabletop RPG culture?In an alternate timeline, Gycakovich and Arnesov invent D&D in the 1974 Soviet Union instead of the US.alternate history, soviet union, D&D, system, slavic mythology,2022-10-04 5 
December 2022
5441344A Dragon’s FlashA goblin’s journey to escape from the underworld and spend time in heaven after years of meaningless work. Goblin, Schizo QM, fantasy, based on mythology, horseriding, action2022-12-12 12 
5495063A Dragon's Flash epilogueEpilogue of the Xil, the Goblin horserider, and some background notes Goblin, Schizo QM, fantasy, Epilogue, based on mythology, horseriding2022-12-16 12 
January 2023
87315526Mesoamerican FantasyDiscussion about Mesoamerican mythology, how to use it properly in a game, etc. etc.Mesoamerican, native, mexico, fantasy, art, mythology, nahua, aztec2023-01-22 3 
April 2023
5593108Sira cannot run a brothel!A lazy brothel keeper finally decides to care about his business. Spinoff of Goblin Assassin.drawquest, renaissance fantasy, Schizo QM, swordfighting, SEA inspired mythology, brothel managment2023-04-04 29 
5610431Trojan War Quest #2Nik sails to Troy, but a single anon seems to derail the thread.Trojan War Quest, Homer, Troy, Ancient Greece, Homeric Myth2023-04-08 18 
5629008Sira can run a brothel!A brothel keeper gets involved in the darker schemes of his crime organization.drawquest, renaissance fantasy, Schizo QM, SEA inspired mythology, horror, brothel management2023-04-29 29 
May 2023
5663865Sira won’t be running a brothel!A brothel keeper confronts his past.drawquest, renaissance fantasy, Schizo QM, SEA inspired mythology, brothel management2023-05-14 31 
June 2023
5653429Draugr QuestA jarl's undead attendant gets a second chance at an adventurous life when he's called upon to collect a stolen ringFantasy, Norse mythology, undead, witchcraft, subterfuge, honor2023-06-17 1 
January 2024
5845826Olympus Incarnation Quest #1Due to a mysterious system, you have become the incarnation of a Greek divinityMythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game2024-01-04 18 
February 2024
5885101Olympus Incarnation Quest #2Atë faces off against law enforcement and infiltrates her pantheon of cliquey mean girl chaos goddessesMythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game2024-02-14 11 
March 2024
5928164Olympus Incarnation Quest #3Atë, accompanied by a few allies from her pantheon, travel to Austria to hunt down a prospective memberMythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game2024-03-27 10 
May 2024
5964183Olympus Incarnation Quest #4Atë takes control of the Czech mafia, then attends a mysterious auction by and for incarnations Mythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game2024-05-13 7 
June 2024
6004703Olympus Incarnation Quest #5Atë meets a new ally and sets out on the hunt for the mysterious Isa. Unexpectedly, however, she uncovers a horror beyond comprehension.Mythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game, Eldritch, Horror2024-06-17 10 
6015486Dark Investigation: Rabbinic Tunnels (Mythic RPG)Investigating the Chabad-Lubavitch tunnels to find missing children.Call of Cthulhu, Conspiracy, Google Street View, Horror, Modern, Mythic, Nyarlathotep, Paranormal, RPG, Wux2024-06-22 13 
July 2024
6037578Olympus Incarnation Quest #6Atë prepares for a confrontation with the formidable Heracles, a victim of her quest for power, by collecting new allies and abilitiesMythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game2024-07-31 6 
September 2024
6095219Petty Gods - The Pact of SolomonAnons create their own Gods and compete with each other for influence over mankindMultiplayer, Fantasy, Mythology, Historical2024-09-06 1 
6070163Olympus Incarnation Quest #7Atë faces off against ADAM, Heracles, and a revived Tisiphone. Mythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game2024-09-21 5 
November 2024
6107803Olympus Incarnation Quest #8Atë offers to solve some problems for her new Chinese ally, but a confrontation with the Uncrowned King ends in an unexpected outcomeMythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game, Eldritch, Horror2024-11-16 1 
6134429False God QuestYou are a god of nothing, It has been a very long time since you last heard a prayer. False God Quest, Mythology, OC setting, Fantasy, Adventure, Hexagons2024-11-27 5 
January 2025
6142153Olympus Incarnation Quest #9Stranded in a hostile plane, Atë tries to find a way homeMythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game, Eldritch, Horror2025-01-18 1 
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